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-----Original Message----From: Robert Brownell

Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 9:20 AM

Subject: SF 167
Hi Chris and everyone
SF 167 was passed earlier this week in the Senate and it may be coming to the House. The bill was
writte y To y Bisig a o, the dru k ele ted y what has to e worlds ost e arrassed o stitue y.
The content of the bill isn't all that terrible, in my view, but the motivation for it is not good
government; it's all about getting even. And Senator Boozehound's target is a fellow Democrat: John
Mauro, a Polk County Supervisor. One individual in one county in Iowa. That's the motivation behind
this legislation.
It's a bad way to write law, for one thing. But maybe just as importantly, the odious personality that is
Tony Bisignano should not have a hand in any bill which ends up in the code of Iowa.
In any event, during the Senate debate, Brad Zaun and Dave Johnson attached a brilliant amendment to
Tony's bill that would abolish County Compensation Boards. This passed the Senate. Senator Gronstal
then "deferred" SF167. Much to Senator Bisignano's chagrin.
Apparently the current thinking in Senator Bisignano's mind is to now move the amended bill to the
house with the "certainty" that the amendment eliminating Compensation Boards will be stripped out,
leaving him with a "clean bill."

It is time for elected officials to stand up, front and center, and vote directly on their compensation. Just
like cities have to do. I have no problem with that, I'm not ashamed of what I make and I work hard to
earn every cent of it. Why we'd cooperate with the local Democrats to give them this cover would be
beyond my comprehension. Particularly now that we might be this close to victory.
So, whatever you do, don't agree to strip that piece out. We've never had a better chance to rid
ourselves of this crony relationship.
The other beautiful part of all this is the acrimony being generated between the Polk County Democrats
and the Senate Democratic caucus. It's a wonderful thing to watch. I am confident in speculating, based
on what I see and hear, if Senator McCoy runs for Congress, the Polk Democrats will throw ZERO
financial or practical support behind the Democrat senate candidate in SW DSM and WDM. All we have
to do is put forth a credible candidate and we can rid ourselves of a Democrat majority in the Iowa
Senate. In my view, the amendment abolishing Compensation Boards is part of that strategy, now.

The most exquisite part of all this would be that Tony will have helped us pave the way for a majority in
the Iowa Se ate y alie ati g the Polk Cou ty De o ratsall e ause of his perso al issues. A d he has
no ability to raise more than about $100, so he's no help to Mike. Between the eight Democrat office
holders in Polk County, they're probably sitting on large war-chests. None of which may be used to
defend that open Senate seat.
I don't know if Senator Gronstal is poorly advised enough to forward this bill to the House or not. Mike's
pretty sharp, so we'll see. But, I'm in hopes he does. 1) because I want to see Compensation Boards
eliminated. That's one of my long time goals. and 2) because it'll continue to inflame the county
Democrats. That's good for us in 2016 with respect to taking the Senate; something that desperately
needs to happen.

Robert Brownell

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