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Located in Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago, Angostura Limited is the
manufacturer and distributor of an assorted collection of drinks which
include rum, distilled spirits, gins, wines and scotches, pre- mixed drinks
and sauces that is acclaimed by an adult oriented market. The company
announced that it incurred a billion-dollar loss in 2009 because of money
owed to it by its parent, CL Financial. Even so, the Angostura Group
managed an after-tax profit of $371 million in 2010.The marketing tools
employed by Angostura Ltd has led them to regain profitability in the local
market (see Appendix 1). The financial crisis that ravaged them in recent
years was not only the result of their parent company but also outside
influences that hampered on their performance (see Appendix 2).
1.1 Competitors Analysis
The two (2) primary local competitors in Trinidad and Tobago regarding the
distribution of alcohol are AS Bryden& Sons Limited and Alstons Marketing
Company Limited (AMCO). They have feverishly pursued in obtaining the
local target market with imported premium spirits that embodies recognition
Alstons Marketing Company Limited (AMCO)
Price is based on Product Line Pricing, Competitive Pricing and also
Premium Pricing because of the premium spirits they offer to their
consumers. Import tax and duties are major contributors in determining
final pricing. AMCOs main distributing center is located in Chaguanas,
Trinidad and Tobago. The company maintains Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG) and are physically distributed through their distribution
channels to its buyers. There are four (4) main trading divisions which are
Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics, Wines and Spirits, Food service and Cold
chain (see Appendix 3). Their main promotional strategies include
giveaways, discounts, free samples, buy one get one free techniques and
brand promotion.

Helpful Harmful
Strengths * Wide variety of consumer products including dry foods and cold
foods. * Worldwide recognition of brand named alcohol. * Owned by a local
conglomerate AnsaMcal. * High levels of promotional events and
giveaways. * Customer loyalty * Major distributor of one of the prime social
locations locally. ( * Massive salesforce that
accommodates approximately 3500 customers. ( *
Committed to Brand Management. * Warehousing area estimated to 53,
000 square feet which consist of specific facilitating equipment for
temperature sensitive products.( * Conduct business
through various channels such as Supermarkets, Groceries, Mini Marts,
Public & Private Hospitals, Medical Institutions, Pharmacies, Embassies,
Restaurants, NightClubs and Hotels. ( | Weaknesses *
Only supplies global products and brands, there are no local brands for
sale. * Import tax is an ongoing factor to the price of the product. * High
profile costs associated with premium brands. |
Opportunities * Venture into the local manufacturing industry to offer local
products to consumers. * Smaller distribution centres primarily for Port of
Spain. * Endeavour into a wider selection of world recognized branded
products. * Facilitate further sales through new distribution channels such
as online sales or an outlet at the airport. * Developing tourism sector. |
Threats * High levels of competition * Current implementations on alcohol
prices and taxes * High levels of imported items into the country. * There
are illegal industries selling alcohol cheaper. * Availability of substitute
products such as the de-criminalization of marijuana. * Swift changes in
taste and preference of consumers with increasing trends and seasonality. |
Source: Student (2014)
AS Bryden& Sons (Trinidad) Limited
The company possess similarities to AMCO. Pricing strategies also relate
to Competition Pricing, Premium Pricing and Product Line Pricing. There
are laws and regulations that hamper their final prices on spirits such as
taxes. The place of distribution is situated at San Juan, Trinidad and
Tobago. The Bryden Group encompasses activities in a broad spectrum of

industries in Trinidad, but A.S Bryden itself is wholly focused on the

distribution of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and is grouped into
three sales teams specializing in Food & Grocery, Hardware & Housewares
and Premium Beverages (see Appendix 4) ably supported by a state- of
the- art warehousing and Distribution Centre. ( The
determinants of their sale is elevated through promotional strategies such
as coupons, shopping sprees, advertisements, free samples, giveaways
and brand promotion.
Figure 2: SWOT ANALYSIS (AS Bryden)
Strengths * A wide variety of products from hardware items to food and
premium beverages. * Well established regional company. * Recognized
brands locally and internationally. * Continuing promotional strategies. *
Distinguished customers are HiLoFood Stores and TruValu Supermarket. *
Sales are conducted via three warehouse distribution channels in North
and Central Trinidad. * Employed VAI (Vormittag Associated, Inc) which
introduced a software to improve its distribution techniques. | Weaknesses
* Supply mostly foreign products therefore are victims of high tax
legislations. * Little or no local brands. * High cost linked to premium
brands. * Issues encountered with warehouse distribution through delivery,
collection and shipping. ( |
Opportunities * To initiate new developments in the company by seeking
out the local manufacturing industry to promote and distribute local
products for sale. * Increase information security of alcohol to inform of
abuse and over- consumption. * Offer the option of purchasing products on
the worldwide web. * Growing tourism sector. | Threats * The publics fears
on the harmful effects of distilled spirits consumption is reflected in the
governments need to increase taxes and control especially on importation.
* There are illegitimate sales occurring in the market. * Great competition
amongst other distributors. * Proposed de-criminalization of illegal
substances such as marijuana is considered a substitute product of
alcohol. ( |
Source: Student (2014)
1.2 Industry Analysis

Angostura Ltd, a state-owned company since the collapse of CL Financial,

continues to command a 90 per cent share of the rum market in T&T.
(, 2013) The alcohol industry contributes to the countrys
revenue which in turn reflects in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In the
2013/ 2014 Budget, increased taxes on alcohol were one of the major
factors being addressed. According to the Newsday (2013) there was the
implementation of the Preventative Liquor Surcharge which stated that
the purchase of all alcoholic beverages be associated with an off- set cost
to alleviate the dangers of drinking abusive amounts of liquor. Increased
taxes did not hinder the sales at Angostura. According to Gerald Yetming
(2014) Angostura achieved an after tax profit of $275.7 million for the year
ended December 31, 2014, a growth of $76.6 m over the previous financial
Figure 3 shows how an industry is analyzed by Harvard Professor Michael
E. Porter (1979) using the Five Forces Model. It deduces the level of
competitive intensity and the situation of Angostura Limited within the local
alcohol industry.
Figure 3: Porters Five Forces Model of Angostura Limited.
Forces | Strength | Observations |
BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPIERS | Medium | * Competitive pressure
is relatively low however, switching costs are high. * Rising raw material
costs. * Molasses is being imported from Fiji and the Dominican Republic.
( |
THREAT OF SUBSITUTE PRODUCTS | Low | * The decriminalization of
marijuana. * Substitute products because of rising health fears of the
consumers. |
BARGAINING POWER OF CUSTOMERS | Medium to High | Buyers can
be placed into three categories:. 1.- Distributors/ wholesalers is essential in
the market channel for Angostura products for e.g. Stackhouse has two
prime locations in South Trinidad.- Wholesalers can influence market share
through marketing, and promotions. * 2.Retailers/ Restaurants: The prime
social location in Trinidad and Tobago, Ariapita Avenue is an economic

model and driving force in sales of Angostura products. ( * 3.

Consumers: One of the ultimate drivers for both the distributor and retailer
channel. * Creativity, experimentation with unusual flavours, trends are
what pushes users to purchase alcohol. * Taxes excised impacts the
affordability of the products. |
The competition is based on brand, quality, price and packaging. *
Competition is becoming greater. Companies like As Bryden, Amco and
Carib Brewery are all offering a variety of products with premium branding *
AMCOs sales are steadily increasing. * They supply globally recognized
products such as Grey Goose Vodka, Patron, Dewars Scotch Whiskey and
Courvoisier about three (3) times a week. ( |
THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS | Moderate | * New players can be lured by
high profit margins and may seek to enter the industry on a small scale. *
Existing and future implementations on government regulations ,
distribution channels and recognized existing brands that dominate the
market all create barriers to entry. |
Student (2014)
A Swot Analysis is a beneficial tool for decision making and
understanding dependencies between a company and its environment.
(Pahl.N.,Richter.A, ASwot Analysis,2007). The following tables demonstrate
short and long term strategies, its current position and the path in which the
company should follow for its new and existing products.
Figure 4: SWOT ANALYSIS (Angostura Limited)
Strengths * A wide variety of unique products that enables them to
distinguish itself in the market amongst its competitors. * A massive
complex consisting of 20 acres. * Advancements in technology regarding
the introduction of a new bottling plant that is capable of producing
approximately 36,000 bottles per hour. (, 2012) * Commands
a 90% share in the local rum market. * Brand leader simply because of its

powerful products such as Angostura Aromatic Bitters. * Multiple

distribution channels available to customers including the opening of a
retail shop named Solerain 2014. (, 2014) * Continuous
training and development for employees by means of positivity and
ensuring safety. (, 2014) * Angostura Limited are firm on
Health, Safety and the Environment via Water Conservation, Energy
Conservation, Waste Management Systems and Heath and Safety. *
Continuous events annually such as assistance to senior citizens, kids
camp- educating them about culture and art, embracing projects for
community development and the sponsorship of Trinidad and Tobagos
national instrument the steel pan in the LaventilleSteelband Festival.
(, 2014) * Customer Loyalty in the local market. *
Geographic coverage of approximately 164 markets globally. * Holds
significant honour and service to the Queen of England in providing
Aromatic Bitters. | Weaknesses * The cost of production is generally high
and requires more energy. * It is a state owned enterprise and is plagued
by political interference and control. * The work attitude by employees are
generally negative because they view its potential as none of their
business therefore, the result can be dishonesty and laziness. * The
removal of the local sugar industry results in high raw material costs
because sugar now has to be imported to manufacture its alcohol products.
Opportunities * New product developments and innovation such as reengineering of their products. * Further investments into markets globally. *
Providing a wider range of distribution channels. * Using the growing
tourism sector to seek out foreign customers in buying local products. *
Continuous increasing disposable incomes by consumers will increase
sales. * Targeting the young generation and using the products to
supplement trending factors through signature events and promotional
strategies. * Provide a forum that will educate and inform the public the
information necessary on alcohol and what measures can be taken so it
can be indulged in a safe and secure manner. | Threats * High degree of
competition because of foreign products that carries significant brand
recognition such as Johnny Walker Black and Bacardi. * Taxes affect the
price of the products. * Continuous awareness by the public to practice safe

and healthy lifestyles. * Climatic changes in countries where raw materials

are being imported such as molasses from Fiji.Student (2014) |
Figure 4: SWOT ANALYSIS (Angostura Ltd)
Strengths * Brand recognition within the local market. * Existing distribution
and sales networks. * Modern technology to reproduce high specifications
and required quantities for manufacturing and distribution over a one (1)
year period. * Prototypes of the new product will be test marketed to
potential customers through mediums such as samples. * A system of
properly conducted market research dedicated to the new product. *
Product development based on new innovations in both concept and
design. * The target market of Angostura already has faith in their existing
products and a new product into the market will be based on the companys
reputation which is already highly established. * The new product will fill an
unaddressed consumer need. * A strong supply chain to deliver the new
products in a quick and timely fashion. * High consumer satisfaction with
products. * Maintain Unique Selling Propositions ( USP) such as
Angosturas Aromatic Bitters. Acquires a Competitive Edge through its
products because it cannot be copied by other rivals. | Weaknesses * A
new product means it is not recognized by the market and essentially there
is no established target audience. * Unknown whether profitability is likely
or unlikely. * Dependent on the importation of certain raw materials to
facilitate production. * A state owned company and many employees falter
on what is required because the company is not a private enterprise. |
Opportunities * Extend distribution channels to facilitate sales of the new
product via the worldwide web and media outlets such as advertisements in
electronic games, commercial text messages etc. * Initiate campaign briefs
to educate the public of drinking responsibly. * Appeal to the young
generation and establish their loyalty to the product through events and
giveaways. * Drive recruitment and increased penetration within the tertiary
student community. * Launch the new product within student outlets such
as events held on university campuses. * This new trending image and
taste will regenerate interest in the younger generation who may have
moved on to other preferences and tastes. * Build credibility and emotional

connections through sponsorship with consumers through sports and

music. | Threats * Any further increases in raw material costs will affect
Angostura Limiteds company margins. * Climatic changes can affect the
availability of raw materials and hinder production. * Increasing health and
awareness may hinder sales because rum is not as healthy as other
beverages such as wine. * Economic recessions can hinder sales and the
amount of disposable income allowed per consumer. * High levels of
competition in the market because of the increasing level of imported
products available to consumers. * Potential negative impacts of
government regulation such as the newly implemented liquor surcharge in
the 2013/2014 Budget. |
Student (2014)
2.0 New Product
2.1 Overview
Angostura Limited has been smugly looking on at the ease to which
imported alcoholic beverages are gracefully capturing the local market. The
globalization effect of branded alcoholic drinks is creating the impact it
wants through continuous developments in marketing technology designed
to embed the brand in the lives and minds of the target markets. (Aaker,
1996). A revolution has been brought about to capture the minds of the
younger generations ages 18-30. The predominant notion is that social
influences and trends are drivers to all social acceptability. The idea was
derived through trends in image and music hereafter, a product was
brought to light.
Angostura Limited is pleased to introduce its new product, The Selfie Mix.
It will seek in incorporating existing products offered by Angostura such as
White Oak and Lemon Lime and Bitters. The bottle is exclusively designed
to hold both contents separately however, when poured it mixes on its own.
It follows trends in the name proposed (Selfie) and consumers in Trinidad
and Tobago are well acquainted with White Oak Rum and the non-alcoholic
beverage Lemon, Lime and Bitters. Angostura Limited has captured
different market segments with its existing products and this new product

will follow suit. In that, the new product will be incorporated into the existing
2.2 Marketing Objectives
As customary with any business, objectives are necessary to lead the
business to any success.
Short- Term Objectives
In January 2015, Angostura Limited will introduce a new trending product
that will penetrate the existing market. Designed to acquire at least 50% of
the target market and to increase the overall net sales of the company, the
trending image and flavoured extension is a form of product development.
The image and given name are parented by trending factors. It will
contribute to Angosturas goal of becoming the most profitable rum
company in the Caribbean.
Long- Term Objectives
Angostura Limiteds objectives from 2015 to 2018 are to increase profits by
20 million, market share by 10% and make improvements to its existing
distribution channels. It can be achieved through market penetration and
innovation. Estimated growth forecast is based on current growth in the
local market and its human resource.
2.3 Marketing Strategies
Igor Ansoff designed the Ansoff Matrix to help organizations and
management stimulate growth with their new and existing products, in new
and existing markets. The matrix proposes four options. Risks are
associated in each strategy being employed.
Figure 5: Ansoff Matrix Source: (
The marketing strategy in the short -run for the new product will be Product
Development according to Ansoffs matrix which signifies a new product in
an existing market. It will seek in creating product awareness and trial for
customers. A basic product associated with cost plus pricing incorporating

innovative features to stimulate acceptance socially. A selective distribution

network will be channelled to reach the target market. High levels of sales
promotion strategies will be employed to facilitate product awareness
among early consumers and other distributors. For a new product, profits
maybe negative in the first year, sales can be low, customers are the
innovators and competitors are few.
The existing products offered by Angostura Limited will be strategized into
the market through Market Penetration meaning existing products in an
existing market. The strategies include product improvements through rebranding, re-packaging and will create new interests in stagnated products.
Price adjustments will generate sales volume, increased promotion will
further the effect of market penetration and more distribution networks will
channel consumers to access Angosturas products quicker and easier.
2.4 Future Marketing Strategies
Angostura Limited seeks in incorporating marketing strategies of the
present into the future through brand awareness, implementation of new
technology, efficient human resources, communication, innovative
packaging and positioning within the local market. The company intends to
be proactive rather than reactive in their marketing strategies. The purpose
is to stimulate further brand awareness of the existing products and
stimulate recognition of the new product which in turn will increase demand
and sales. Short and Long term strategies are developed into the Marketing
Mix which is a combination of essential elements that charters the activities
of the overall business.
2.5 Short Term Marketing Mix
New Product
Figure 6: Prototype of The Selfie Mix (

The Selfie Mix by Angostura Limited is a tangible product packaged in a

glass bottle. It possesses features in which two liquids can be stored
separately in one glass bottle but when poured both liquids flow coordinately to create your very own classy cocktail. The width of the centre
partition as shown in the prototype figure above would be augmented to
hold Angosturas Lemon Lime and Bitters incorporating a fluorescent green
brilliance. The outer layer in the bottle holds Angosturas White Oak, a clear
substance which would accentuate the intensity of the liquid at the centre.
The height of the bottle is estimated around 23 inches and can hold both
contents at exactly one (1) litre. The alcohol content is 40%. The title of the
product The Selfie Mix is placed three inches from the top. The
companys renowned name Angostura Limited is placed three inches
above the base. The list of ingredients required to make the mixture is
placed on the inside of the glass along with a warning of over-consumption.
Brand Recognition of the company will assist in the new products
awareness. It addresses the needs of the new generation between 18-30
because of its familiar taste, innovative features and trending factors.
The price of the product is based on Target Return Pricing, Promotional
Pricing, Value Pricing, Penetration Pricing and Product Line Pricing.
( Multiple variables are considered by Angostura in
determining the final price of the product. The company considers the
willingness by the targeted audience to pay, pricing policies, manufacturing
costs, discounts and other concessions. The estimated price for the new
product per bottle is 200 TTD.
Acquiring the new product would be convenient at the Angosturas main
distribution centre in Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago. It is a direct channel
in which the product is made accessible in the right quantities to
consumers. Intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers and agents are

indirect channels involved to facilitate exchange efficiency and eradicate

quantity discrepancies.
Elements of the Communication Mix include Advertising, Sales Promotions,
Personal Selling and Public Relations are being employed by Angostura
Limited to launch the new product into the existing market to the targeted
Advertising will create awareness of the product and Angostura plans to
associate the new drink with a local celebrity. Print and broadcast
advertisements will be implemented such as billboards, posters and
banners. The use of mass media will be used to promote The Selfie Mix
through television advertisements and radio broadcasts.
Sales Promotion techniques offering samples at events, premiums and gifts
associated with the product such as key holders, caps and t-shirts.
With the use of public relations, promoting the product will surface a
favourable image through planned activities such as the CEO giving a
speech at a press conference to promote the new product or the
sponsorship of the Trinidad and Tobagos cricket team.
To complete the equation of an effective sales process for the new product,
Angostura initiates a proposition from end to end service support through
Electronic Points of Sale (EPOS), Internet marketing, technological process
quality of manufacturing goods, direct and indirect activities. Customers
can acquire the new product through order placement via telephone,
correspondence or visiting the factory. Upon delivery of the products,
current payment methods are considered such as Certified/ Company

Cheque, Cash, Debit Card and Credit Card. Angostura Limited administers
all aspects of the process of physical delivery of exchange traded
Angostura Limited sees the people of its organization as essential in its
service provision of the new product. It follows Hertzbergs Two Factor
Theory (Motivation- Hygiene Theory) which encourages motivation of the
workforce and seeks to eliminate employee dissatisfaction. Current
employees will receive further training in interpersonal skills, service
knowledge and aptitude based on the new product and overall
performance. New recruits will have extensive experience which will enable
a competitive advantage. Sales personnel will receive extra benefits,
recognition, achievement awards in accordance with how much of the new
product is sold, new and improved uniforms and advanced equipment to
facilitate communication and convenient services.
The new product would be displayed at the factory outlet in addition to,
factory and wholesalers outlets. Customers make judgements about the
organization based on its physical evidence. Angostura Limited is located
on a 20 acre complex and includes a state of the art rum distillery,
administration offices, a museum, an art gallery, wine and spirits retail
outlet, dining room and hospitality suites ( The
property welcomes all consumers respectively with great notice of the new
product being available at Angostura both on the exterior and the interior
using proper signage, lighting equipment, creative colours and extensive
2.6 Long- Term (Marketing Mix)
Existing Products

The tangible products offered by Angostura Limited will be re-launched

using new styles to increase ease of the product for consumers and
storage benefits. With the resources available at their factory, they can
create whatever bottle designs for manufacture. New labelling designs to
make the products wisely interesting with the use of images like the
butterfly placed on top right hand corner to symbolize the connection
between the sugar cane harvest and butterflies. New packaging of the
existing products into an existing market will stimulate market penetration.
Angostura itself has a distinct name locally and maintains an advantage
over competitors because of its light and dark rums. Angostura establishes
an identity for its distinguishable products through brand equity. Brand
equity for the company means that their recognition is stimulated by
positive effects due to customers responses to their products locally.
In setting prices for their products, Angostura must weigh several options.
The methods used are Cost- plus Pricing, Target- Return Pricing, ValueBased Pricing and Psychological Pricing.
The local market is highly sensitive because of increasing competition.
Price must be sensitized to meet the requirements of the market. Rivals set
a benchmark price for Angostura and for the long term the strategy are to
implement penetration pricing for certain products in order to establish swift
acceptance and to achieve higher volumes of sales. All products maintain a
product life cycle and for the next three years the demand curve will be
monitored for its products and pricing policies can be subject to reevaluation. Factors that contribute to the final price are its resources which
can be hindered like the importation of herbs and spices, molasses and
sugar can all be subject to varied effects through climate change,
government regulations etc. Prices for their products range from hundreds
of dollars to thousands of dollars.

The main distribution centre is at Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago. This is

the primary location in which all Angosturas finished products can be
accessed. The distribution channels available to customers to facilitate
future sales are done via direct and indirect distribution channels. The
company chooses direct distribution through its manufacturing company
and a retail outlet in the compound. They also possess ownership of
another retail outlet and restaurant at Port of Spain. The website accommodates enquiries and pricing for products on the
Internet. Indirect Distribution is used and will be further improved in the
number of intermediaries to pass on additional costs and to reduce the
quantities and bulk for customers.
The intent of promoting the existing products is to simply establish a
communication level to its target audience. For the next three years, certain
activities will be entertained to encourage market penetration.
The company intends to spend millions on advertising because of high
competition and intense global brand recognition of other alcoholic drinks
available by rivals. Improvements in television advertising by drifting away
from sex appeal and instead bringing to the target audience a reflection of
the history of it and the countrys culture. Radio broadcasts are cheaper
and would also be improved to make ads more memorable. Advertising
strategies extends to further improvements in magazines ads, newspaper
ads, cinema ads and billboards. Company vehicles will all signal the
companys brand name and some of its existing branded products. The
internet will stimulate sales virtually but requires improvements to its
information on products because it can be seen around the world.
Sales Promotion
Angostura will encourage new and existing customers to purchase
products with continuous implementation of sales promotions. A lottery will
be implemented to encourage sales in order to win a brand new Mercedes
Benz. Displays and demonstrations will be modified to encourage people to

buy different products. Free samples and giveaways and price reductions
and sales will be employed to boost sales at off- season periods.
Public Relations
The company intends on sponsoring charitable organizations and football
matches to raise awareness of the company.
Customer Service
Keeping old customers is essential and less expensive to retain therefore it
is necessary to improve customer service in Angostura. Good customer
service will provide information and advice on products, delivering goods,
providing credit facilities and providing product information. This will
increase the value of the all the products.
Angostura intends to improve procedures and policies in place to extend its
reach to customers and its products. Understanding of the shape, form and
product improvements that the business will undertake is all considered by
customers. Electronic Points of Sale (EPOS), Internet marketing,
technological process quality of manufacturing goods, direct and indirect
activities are all proposed for the next three years. Customers can make
purchases through order placement via telephone, correspondence or
visiting the factory. Upon delivery of the products, current payment methods
are considered such as Certified/ Company Cheque, Cash, Debit Card and
Credit Card.
Angostura is addressing its workforce and the need to have the right
people to support its products. Excellent customer service personnel will
be employed and current employees will be trained if they require
adjustments in work tactics. This will clearly meet expectations, such as
increased work hours and average response time which is key to
maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction

Customers make judgements about the organization based on its physical

evidence. Angostura Limited is located on a 20 acre complex and includes
a state of the art rum distillery, administration offices, a museum, an art
gallery, wine and spirits retail outlet, dining room and hospitality suites
( The property welcomes all consumers respectively
with great notice of the variety of products offered at Angostura both on the
exterior and the interior using proper signage, its ambience and spatial
layout. Further improvements are required in corporate branding through
new signs, symbols and artefacts of the business.
ACTIVITIES | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Advertising | 2,000,000 | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
Equipment | 500,000 | 100,000 | 300,000 |
Uniforms | 10,000 | 10,000 | 10,000 |
Promotion | 1,000,000 | 500,000 | 500,000 |
Sponsorship | 200,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 |
Events | 1,000,000 | 500,000 | 500,000 |
Training | 200,000 | | 200,000 |
Raw Materials | 5,000,000 | 5,000,000 | 5,000,000 |
Mercedes Benz | | | 500,000 |
Local Celebrity | 500,000 | | |
TOTAL | 10,410,000 | 7,210,000 | 8,110,000 |
Figure 6: Angosturas Forecasted Budget

3.1 3X3 MATRIX

| Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Sales | 20,000,000 | 15,000,000 | 15,000,000 |
Cost of Sales | 10,410,000 | 7,210,000 | 8,110,000 |
Profit | 9,590,000 | 7,790,000 | 6,890,000 |
Figure 6: Angosturas Estimated Profits (3x3 Matrix)
Activity | YEAR 1Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 | YEAR 2Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 | YEAR 3Q1 Q2 Q3
Q4 |
Advertising | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equipment | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Uniforms | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Promotion | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sponsorship | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Events | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Training | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mercedes Benz/ Lottery Competition | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Local Celebrity | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Figure 7: Angosturas Time Schedule of upcoming activities for the next
three years.
4.0 Monitoring and Control

The process of monitoring and control involves a virtuous system designed

to provide forecasts and feedback of the current plan. Angostura plans on
achieving its set goals in the next three years by proper monitoring and
control. Control has a few divisions which are :
* Annual Plan Control: Requires management to examine the current
planned results and ensuring that it is achieved.
* Profitability Control: involves the marketing manager to examine where
the company is making or losing its money and offer ways to make
* Efficiency Control: entails line and staff management to determine the
efficiency and the impact of the sales force, advertising, sales promotions
and distribution.
* Strategic Control: involves top management and its auditor to determine if
the company is pursuing its opportunities efficiently and effectively.
Management will consider frequent meetings to discuss competition, sales
reports, and the forecast as compared to the actual report, expenses,
profits and research done on the current market. The prime responsibility of
management is to examine all planned results and its path to achievement
or to re-evaluate and make improvements quickly.
-------------------------------------------[ 2 ]. Competition pricing is setting a price in comparison with its
competitors. It has three categories which are to price higher, price lower or
price the same. Product Line Pricing is the placement of pricing to different
products within the same product range at various price points. Premium
Pricing is when the price is set high to reflect the exclusiveness of the
products available. ( ,The Marketing Mix, n.d.)
[ 3 ]. Brand Promotion is integral in the Marketing Mix because it is
designed to inform, remind, persuade and influence the customers to make

(, What is Brand

Promotion?, 2014)
[ 4 ]. Hi Lo Food Stores is one of the leading supermarket chains in Trinidad
and Tobago and a subsidiary of the Neal and Massey Group of Companies.
TruValu Supermarket also assumes position as one of the leading
supermarket chains in Trinidad and Tobago and is owned by CL Financial.
[ 5 ]. VAI (Vormittag Associated, Inc) highly skilled and knowledgeable
software providers that provide current technological tools. Company
executives realized that adding a flexible enterprise software system,
coupled with extensive functionality and easily customizable capabilities,
was a sure fire way to expand operations, increase staff productivity and
obtain a large return on investment (ROI). (, AS Bryden, n.d.)
[ 6 ]. Water Conservation - To reduce water consumption by water
conservation activities. Such activities include: leak maintenance program,
awareness signs to remind employees to turn off pipes properly after use
and recycling of processed water.
Energy Conservation - To reduce overall energy consumption through
efficient energy usage by: turning off computers and lights at the end of the
work shift, implementation of automatic start up and shut off times for air
conditioning systems.
Solid Waste Management - To recycle waste material generated through
reuse and sale. Solid waste management efforts include recycling of paper,
recycling of ingredients bags and drums, resale of scrap metal, glass and
carton recycling, repairs of pallets.
Health & Safety - To improve health and safety through the implementation
of effective Emergency Response Training.
(, Angostura, 2014)
[ 7 ]. Cost plus pricing means setting the price at the production cost plus
a certain profit margin.

Target Return Pricing means setting the price to achieve a target return on
Value-based pricing means basing the price on the effective value to the
customer relative to alternative products.
Psychological Pricing is basing the price considering factors such as
signals of product quality, popular price points and what the customer
perceives to be fair.(

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