Volunteer, Because It Only Takes One Person To Make A Difference

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Bayli Rossman

ENG 114
Rough Draft

Volunteer, Because it Only Takes One Person to Make a

Find time. Make Time. Give Time! The Big Buddy program is a one
on one mentoring program designed to keep at risk youth out of trouble in
school, and off the street, while providing a responsible, adult role model for
them to look up to. At risk children are defined by either: poor academic
performance, school suspensions, trouble

with the law, or

poor role models at home (Home).

There are not enough volunteers in the

Big Buddy

Program at the Cape Fear Volunteer

Center, for the amount of at risk
children in Wilmington, North Carolina.
The center needs more responsible

mentors to

volunteer their free time to help out the kids in need right in their own
community. The goal for my research is to find a way to allow for more
volunteers at the Cape Fear Volunteer Center (Home). I want to inform my
audience of the possibilities and some of the great opportunities that come
with volunteering, while convincing them that they may be just what these
children need.
Who are Little Buddies?

The Buddy program defines a Little Buddy as a child:

Who comes from both two and one parent homes.

Who is a minorities or majorities.

Who is just looking for companionship and guidance.

Who are Big Buddies?

The Buddy Program also defines a Big Buddy as anyone:

Who is caring.

Who is responsible.

Who is an inspirational role model.

Who wants to help out their community.

The Youth Not involved:

Research shows that there are negative effects on the youth who are
not part of any after school activity. Because there are more at risk
children, than volunteers it leaves the unmatched children continue to get
into more trouble at school and in the community. Many of the children are of
families with a single parent who works full time. This gives children a lot of
alone time either at home alone or on the streets with the wrong crowd. It
gives them more time to get into trouble, such as becoming associated with
a gang or violence. Children are left in a vulnerable place and they are in
need of additional support because of a growing difference between upper
and lower class especially in the Wilmington area. (Home)

The graph above shows the

times where most juvenile crime
occurs; the crime rates seem to
double if not triple around three
oclock, which is when most
children are released from school.
Many young teens see drinking,
smoking, drug use or violent
crime as the only thing to do in their neighborhood, and as soon as the
school bell rings many students are on the streets until parents are home
from work (Efford).
The Youth that are involved:
Being a Little Buddy gives children what they need most: an adult
figure who listens to them, and allows them to be themselves, have fun, and
engage them in healthy activities. The Big Buddy is required to make a
yearlong commitment. With that commitment they will take at least two
hours every week to spend time with their little buddy (Cape Fear Volunteer
Center). During my interview with Kayla Belk she shared that she has taken
her little buddies to play laser tag, put-put, out to the movies, bowling or
even just to get a pizza. She has also helped them with homework
assignments and study for tests. The Big Buddy Program offers positive
social behavior, academic success and positive adult leadership. Offering
them a one on one mentor who will help them to stay out of legal trouble,

school suspensions, and decreasing high school dropout rates here in the
Wilmington area (Cape Fear Volunteer Center).
The effects on the Volunteer

They get the opportunity to help out youth in

able to influence a younger member of society,
keep the youth out of trouble and finishing high

need. They are

and hopefully

They help them to interact with other little

buddies at events and give them opportunities
that they may never have without them (Cape
Fear Volunteer Center). Kayla was able to share
some of the great effects the program has had
on her. Being a Big Buddy also allows you to
release your inner child and to look at the world from a childs point of view.
Sometimes these children may surprise you. Many of them have gone
through things in life that I have yet to and I am 20 years old. They also give
you a different perspective on life. During the interview she said, I thought I
was here to inspire them, and it turns out that they have inspired me (Belk).
Work Cited
About The Buddy Program-The Buddy Program. The Buddy Program N.p.,
2013 Web. 11
April 2015.
Belk, Kayla. Personal Interview. 12 April 2015

Cape Fear Volunteer Center. Cape Fear Volunteer Center. N.p., 2015 Web.
08 April 2015
Cherrix, Amy. "Huge Difference for Kids: Big Buddy Program always Looking
for More
Volunteers." Morning Star: 6D. Apr 06 2003.ProQuest. Web. 31 March
2015 .
Efford, Michael. "Committee on Ways and Means." Committee on Ways and Means,
Subcommittee on Human Resources, 4-11-02 Testimony. N.p., 11 Apr. 2002. Web.
11 Apr. 2015.

"Home." Big Buddy. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

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