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Ms. Kailey Shields

Preschool 1 (Ages 2-3 years) Seasons (Spring in this case)

Common Core Standards:

Cognition and general knowledge:
Strand: Cognitive Skills
Topic: Memory
Pre-k (3-5 years)

Communicate about past events and anticipate what comes next during familiar routines and
experiences. With modeling and support remember and use information for a
variety of purposes. Recreate complex ideas, events/situations with personal adaptations.
Topic: Symbolic Thought
Demonstrate understanding that symbols carry meaning and use symbols to represent thinking
(e.g., drawings, construction or movement). Participate cooperatively in complex pretend play,
involving assigned roles and an overall plan.
Topic: Reasoning and Problem-Solving
Demonstrate ability to solve everyday problems based upon past experience. Solve problems by
planning and carrying out a sequence of actions.
Sub-Domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense
Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Count to 20 by ones with increasing accuracy. Identify and name numerals 1-9. Identify without
counting small quantities of up to 3 items. (Subtilize) Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence
when counting objects up to 10. Understand that the last number spoken tells the number of
objects counted. Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or
equal to the number of objects in another group up to 10.
Strand: Number Relationships and Operations

Topic: Patterning
Recognize, duplicate and extend simple patterns using attributes such as color, shape or size.
Create patterns.
Strand: Earth and Space Science
Topic: Explorations of the Natural World

With modeling and support, recognize familiar elements of the natural environment and
understand that these may change over time (e.g., soil, weather, sun and moon). With modeling
and support, develop understanding of the relationship between humans and nature; recognizing
the difference between helpful and harmful actions toward the natural environment.
Domain: Approaches towards learning
Strand: Creativity
Topic: Innovation and Invention
Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials. Use creative and flexible
thinking to solve problems. Engage in inventive social play.
Works Cited

Lesson Summary:
In this lesson my students will be learning about the season of spring, considering it is finally spring! We will
be doing some traditional learning, along with some learning that includes technology! We will start the lesson
off with a quick Go Animate video on the season of spring, this will be a funny, yet educational video for the
kids to better grasp this topic. Then we will read a book on spring, the book is called Its Spring! by
Samantha Berger. Instead of basic old coloring on paper, we will use the PAINT accessory on our computers
settings and the kids will be able to virtually paint a flower or spring type setting on the computer, with teacher
aid of course considering they are 2 and 3 years old. On all of the days during this week we will check our
spring time weather, by doing this we will go outside and Ill have the kids describe what the weather is like!
We will also use a cool app called, Kid Weather. This app is accessible on any Apple or Android device. We
will have IPads around the room so kids can look and see what the weather is. This is like the generic weather
app we have already on our iPhones, but its totally kid friendly! This app is super cool because it also tells the
kids what they should wear according to the forecast. We will use this app and go outside everyday so the
children can learn what spring time weather is likemostly rainy and wet! Even though most preschoolers do
not read yet, we will still do an online quiz together when the unit is over, just to see if they learned! Ill be
using Google Forms in Google Docs to produce an online quiz. Also, each day of the week during this lesson
we will learn 1 new vocab work pertaining to springtime! PBS Kids also has a great section on their website
where they have all types of games for young kids, even spring related games! Like the Curious George
Flower Garden game. The kids count and plant flowers. We would let this activity be one of the centers in the
classroom where the children can play on the computers or on the iPads. Kids at this age learn through play, so
I will be implementing online games a lot into my lesson. Another gaming website that can be used

Is on Primary Games website. This website has online matching games, puzzles, and all kinds of other
Estimated Duration:
For this lesson plan it will be broken up into smaller sessions throughout a 7 day week, considering young kids
lose interest in things so quickly (3 years= 3 minutes of their attention, 5 years= 5 minutes...etc.) We will talk
about the spring time weather however every day, because the weather changes daily! Each activity or lesson
will take close to an hour from beginning to end.
My approach to this lesson is to teach young kids about the season spring. The challenge to this is to keep them
interested long enough for them to grasp the concept of the lesson. I am going to let them do the talking, I will
ask them questions on what they already know about spring time. Kids learn best from others kids, so if one
child knows something that another does not It will be great if kids can enlighten each other.
Instructional Procedures:

Day 1: Introduction day!

Morning circle time: Starting at 9:30am-10am approx.
Todays springtime weather using our cool kid friendly weather application on our IPads!
Our Go Animate introduction video on spring! Well view this on our smart board.
Samantha Bergers Its Spring! Book
Discuss the topic, video and book! Ask MANY open ended questions.
Teach them the song,
Spring Is Here
(Sung To: Are You Sleeping)
I see robins,
I see bird's nests,
Butterflies too,
Flowers too.
Everything is growing,
The wind is gently blowing.
Spring is here, spring is here.
Vocabulary word of the day, spring.

Day 2: Bugs!

Morning circle time: 9:30am-10:00am

Todays weather using our cool app!
The book, Hungry hungry caterpillar
On the computers Paint accessory we will virtually paint our own bugs!
Discuss the book and ask them about all the bugs that they know of
The song, Flutter flutter butterfly
Vocab word of the day, bumblebee.
Day 3: Baby animals!
Morning circle time: 9:15am-10:00am
Todays weather using the app.
Read, Touch and feel baby animals book
Look at our class quiz let together on the smart board!
Discuss the book, ask open ended questions.
Teach/sing them the song, Old McDonald had a farm
Vocab word of the day, rabbit.
Day 4: Plants!
Morning circle time: 9:15am-10:00am
Todays weather!
Read Dr.Suesss book, Oh say you can see?
Look at the class quiz let on the smart board.
Discuss the book, and ask what plants they know of.
By using we will learn the flower song
Vocab word of the day, flower.
IPads- little writer, preschool memory match & learn, candy crush, and first words sampler

Considering I will be dealing with two and three year olds, giving out a generic paper/pencil test is silly. So
what I think will be great is if I create an online quiz and I read them the questions to see what they know. We
will does this type of assessment before and after the lesson to judge what they know and what theyve

Scoring Guidelines:
Again, since they are little kids and in a preschool setting, they will not be graded on anything. The
assessments that will be given are merely for teacher usage so we can measure their growth in
academics. So the assessments will be more of an observation is anything else.
I will sit the children down one on one and ask them questions that were on that pre assessment quiz. This
will not be a graded thing, itll be more of an observation of their growth in knowledge during this lesson from
beginning to end.
Questions I will ask will be:
What is spring?
What grows in spring?
What animals & or bugs are here for spring?
Scoring Guidelines:
No scoring, just an observation and a compare and contrast of their pre-assessment.
Differentiated Instructional Support
If a child happens to be doing better than another child in the lesson, we can allow them to play higher level
education games. Pretty much the books, song, crafts and free play (centers) will be the same for all of the

None, because will preschoolers it is hard to give them something that they cannot do because they cannot

Homework Options and Home Connections

In preschool you dont really have a set structured homework routine, so I am going to give the parents
homework to work on with their kids. The work will be the discuss spring with their kids, and ask them certain
vocab words we have worked on in the classroom.
Interdisciplinary Connections
The other content areas are math and reading/writing. Math because in our centers we have different
manipulatives for counting and reading/writhing because we will read books, play reading/phonics games and
do vocab! The initial content with be mainly science because we talk about weather, plants and animals/bugs.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Technology- IPad (5) MacBook (5) Smart Board (2)

For students
All materials will be provided by teacher!

Key Vocabulary
Baby Animals

Additional Notes

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