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1- The present Simple

1) Formation; the infinitive without (to), but we add "s" to the verb
if the subject is a 3rd person pronoun (He / She / It), a noun or a name
(Ahmad / Ayat / A car) replaced by 3rd person pronoun.

Φ We walk to school every morning.

Φ She (Asma'a) walks to school too.

  When the verb ends with (ss / sh / ch / x / o / z), it

takes ( es):

Φ I always cross the street carefully, but Ali crosses it carelessly.

ΦThe polar bear fishes skillfully despite the freezing water.
Φ She watches too much TV, so her eyesight is weak.
Φ A mechanic fixes cars, vans and trucks.
ΦHe goes home by bus.
Φ His pager usually buzzes during the prayer.

  When the verb ends with (Y) preceded by a

consonant, we omit the letter (Y) then add (ies):

Φ My son always carries his cell phone.

2) The Present Simple Tense expresses:-

 Solid Facts & Scientific Laws:

Φ The earth is round. It orbits the sun once every year (365 ¼).
Φ Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Φ It doesn't ever snow in Egypt.

 Habitual & Regular Actions:

Φ She always wears a veil.
Φ We often get up at dawn for prayer.
 It follows conjunctions of time such as when / until /
after / before and others with a future significance:

Φ I shall wait until you get back.

Φ After he does his homework, he'll go out with his friends.

3) Adverbs of frequency and expressions used usually

with this tense:

always / often / usually / scarcely = rarely = seldom / sometimes /

frequently / regularly / every + period of time (morning / day / month
etc…) / ever / never.

4) In interrogative form; we use (do / does) as a helping verb

with all verbs except To BE (am / is / are) which is inversed with the
subject. Make sure that all 1st person pronouns are changed into 2nd
person ones (I / We   you) and vice versa. The main verb returns to
the infinitive form.

I speak English well.

 Do you speak English well? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
 How good do you speak English?
 Islam is my religion.
 Is Islam your religion? Yes, it certainly is.
 What is your religion?

5) In negation; we use (do / does) followed by (not) with all verbs

except To BE and (never) is used for strong definitive negation.

Φ I don't like pizza.

Φ She doesn't eat meat as she's a vegetarian.
Φ We aren't fond of hockey.
Φ A Muslim never lies.


Formation; 2) the
Past Simple
conjugation of the verb (1
:(ending with (ed
Φ The dentist pulled out the decayed tooth ten minutes ago.
Φ We pushed the van again and again, but the engine was fully dead.
Φ She played volleyball when she was at preparatory school.

  If the verb ends with (e), it takes (d) only:

Φ His late father died two years ago.

Φ They moved into a new villa last year.
Φ Yesterday, you proved beyond all doubts he was a liar.

  When the verb ends with (Y) preceded by a

consonant, we omit the letter (Y) then add (ied):

Φ They hurried to reach the meeting this morning in time but in vain.
Φ My brother got married last June.
Φ We studied hard, so we passed the exam superbly.

  When the verb ends with a consonant preceded by

a vowel that makes it strongly-pronounced, we double
the last letter then add (ed):

Φ The spectators clapped warmly when the superstar stepped forward to

receive his gold medal.
Φ He committed murder, thus he was sentenced to death.
Φ The Inca controlled a huge empire despite having no writing.

  Irregular verbs' conjugations must be kept by


Φ Three Egyptians won the Nobel Prize for their outstanding

achievements in literature, science and the promotion of world peace.

Φ In the past, people thought that the Earth was flat.
Φ Once, he had a terrible car accident, but amazingly got out unhurt.

;The Past Simple Tense expresses (2

 Past Actions:

Φ We went to Luxor last winter.

Φ I had my breakfast an hour ago.
Φ Ayat helped me with my homework once or twice.

 Past Habits:

Φ He wrote his father once a month when he was working abroad.

Φ She played basketball when she was at secondary school.
Φ They hired all family members to dig for coal in Britain.

 Used to + infinitive  Past habits.

Φ She used to play in the streets in the past. (= played)

(= It was her habit, but she no longer does now.)
Φ She didn't use to wear the veil. (= wore)
(= It wasn't a habit of hers, however she does wear it now.)

 Past Facts:

Φ We crushed the Israeli myth in 1973 when we crossed the most

difficult water barrier ever been.
Φ People believed for centuries that the sun orbited the earth.
Φ Many people fell prey to Bird Flu all over the world.

3) Adverbs of frequency, time references and

expressions used usually with this tense:

Yesterday / last + period of time / once / one day / ago / in the past /
yesteryear / in ancient (old) times = former times = days gone by = the
olden days.

4) In interrogative form; we use (did) as a helping verb with all

verbs except To BE (was / were) which is inversed with the subject.
Make sure that all 1st person pronouns are changed into 2nd person ones
(I / We  you) and vice versa. The main verb returns to the infinitive
An Israeli sniper assassinated Muhammad Al Dorrah deliberately
with cold blood before press cameras.
Did an Israeli sniper assassinate Muhammad Al Dorrah deliberately
with cold blood before the press cameras?
Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
 What did a cowardly Israeli sniper do before press cameras?
I went to Jeddah last weekend.
 Did you go to Jeddah last weekend?
Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
 When did you go to Jeddah?

5) In negation; we use (did) followed by (not) with all verbs except

To BE and (never) is used for strong definitive negation.

Φ I didn't win the cup last season.

Φ He didn't go to the pharmacist's to get the medicine prescribed.
Φ The twins never slept a wink all night.
Φ I wasn't home when you dropped by.


3) The Future Simple


1) Formation; (will / shall + infinitive)

Φ We shall arrive tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.
Φ I shall come to the meeting in a couple of minutes.
Φ He will certainly pass the driving test next Friday.

2) The Future Simple Tense expresses:

 A Future Fact:

Φ My kid will be ten years old next July.

Φ Ali's father will retire next month. (= will reach retirement age.)
Φ We shall join the army at the age of eighteen.
 Future Prediction:

Φ People will live on Mars in the future.

Φ Al Ahly will beat Al Hilal 3 to nil next final.
Φ I shall be married in ten years time.

 Quick & Abrupt Decisions:

Φ I'll buy Al Ahram newspaper to read on my way to work.

Φ Wait for me! I'll come with you.
Φ We shall take this man to hospital because he's bleeding badly.

 Promises and Threats:

Φ I'll attend the symposium = seminar. Be quite sure of that.

Φ If you get a high score, I'll let you choose your reward.
Φ Those who try escaping will be shot without any warnings.
Φ You'd better turn down the radio or I'll beat you up!
Φ Virtuous students will be generously rewarded, yet the badly behaved
ones will be severely punished.

 Future Arrangements:

Φ I'll see you on Monday afternoon.

Φ The party will start at 7 o'clock sharp. Be there!
Φ They'll wait for us before the art gallery.

3) Time references and expressions used usually with

this tense:

Tomorrow / next + period of time / in the future / soon = in a little while

= shortly / in a few minutes / hope / believe / think / know / suppose =
trust = assume = presume / conjecture = surmise / expect / doubt / be
afraid (that).

  Conjunctions of time While = just as / when /

after / before / till = until / as soon as / if are never
followed by the future tenses, but the present tenses
are used with future significance:

Φ When he comes tomorrow, I'll meet him.

Φ After he has done his homework, he'll go out with his peers.
Φ I won't leave until she's returned (returns) home.

4) In interrogative form; (will / shall) are inversed with the


 They will win the league competition this season.

 Will they win the league competition this season?
Yes, they will. No, they won't.
 What will they win this season?

5) In negation; we use (will/shall) followed by (not) and we usually

use the abbreviated form (won't / shan't).

Φ I'm afraid; Ahmad won't come as he's in a serious condition.

Φ You shan't have it. It's mine. (Indicates prohibition)
Φ I shan't despair of rectifying his behaviour.


4) The Present Progressive


1) Formation; (am / is / are + present participle)

Φ I am reading a novel at the moment.

Φ She is cooking lunch now.
Φ They are holding a summit conference at the present time.

  If the verb ends with "e", we omit it, and then add

Φ We are writing our home assignment now.

Φ Look! He's moving his fingers well. It's more likely to be a sprain.
Φ Hurry up! I'm taking the groceries home.

  When the verb ends with a consonant preceded by

a vowel that makes it strongly-pronounced, we double
the last letter then add (ing):
4) The Present Continuous Tense: ‫زمن المضارع المستمر‬
Φ They're swimming across the Nile.
Φ Look! He is running like a stallion.
Φ What a pity! That merciless kid is hitting the donkey ruthlessly.

2) The Present Progressive Tense expresses:

  Present Progressive Actions that are taking place

at the time of speaking or around it:

Φ Listen! Someone is ringing the doorbell.

Φ He's still struggling for his life.
Φ At present, all Arabs are dreaming of restoring our glory.

  Pre-arranged Future Situations:

Φ My spouse is leaving for Saudi Arabia next September.

Φ My sibling is getting married on August 7th.
Φ They are spending their honeymoon in Europe.

  (Be going to + infinitive) expresses Intention,

decision or a probable forthcoming future action:

Φ He's going to attend a medical conference in Rome next March.

Φ I'm going to visit my grandfather on my way back home.
Φ We are going to wait for their call.

3) Time references and expressions used usually with

this tense:

Now = just now, right now / at this moment = at this point in time
/ at present = at the present time = for the time being / currently =

Static Verbs are not conjugated in the progressive


Verbs of Senses
see / hear / smell / taste / feel

Thinking Verbs
realize / know / understand / mean / suppose
/ recall / recollect / remember / forget /
trust / believe / mind/ recognize.

Verbs of Emotion
want / need / desire / refuse / forgive / wish /
care / love / hate / like / dislike / detest /
scorn / loathe / despise / concern / worry /
trouble / bother etc… 9
Possession Verbs & Modals
own = possess = retain = have owe /
belong / will / must / should etc.

Other Verbs
seem / signify = mean / contain / consist /
concern / matter / cost / weigh / expect /
gather = understand / notice = perceive

4) In interrogative form; (am / is / are) are inversed with the


 I am watching an exquisite movie now.

 Are you watching a movie now? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
 What are you doing now?

5) In negation; we put (not) between the auxiliary verb and the

present participle:

Φ She isn't doing her homework at this instant.

Φ They aren't fixing the van now.
Φ I'm not having my lunch at the moment.


5) The Past Progressive


1) Formation: (was / were + present participle)

Φ I was playing football all yesterday afternoon.
Φ We were performing the noon prayer when the pager buzzed.
Φ They were watching the gorilla's cage when it snatched the banana.
Φ The children were swimming in the pool when Ali drowned.
Φ The chest fell onto his toes while he was moving it.

2) The Past Progressive Tense expresses:

  A past action that started and ended, but it lasted

for some time.

Φ We were playing chess all yesterday evening.

Φ He was working in the garden yesterday.
Φ She was preparing for the banquet all morning.

  A continuous past action interrupted or stopped

and terminated by another past action.
Φ They were watching TV when their daddy came back home.
Φ While he was playing soccer, he slipped and broke his leg.
Φ Her hand got burnt just as she was cooking lunch.
Φ The electrician was shocked when he was fixing our refrigerator.

  Two synchronized past actions.

Φ While I was playing computer games, she was studying hard.

Φ They were working hard as he was slackening on purpose to hamper
their sincere efforts.

3) Time references and expressions used usually with

this tense:

all yesterday evening / all year long / at eight pm last Friday / when / as
= just as = at the same time as = while = whilst

4) In interrogative form; (am / is / are) are inversed with the

 I was playing a wonderful game of chess at that time last Tuesday.

Were you playing chess then? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
 What were you doing then?

5) In negation; we put (not) between the auxiliary verb and the

present participle:

Φ He was not giving a concert at the Opera last Thursday.

Φ They weren't doing their best to win so they lost beyond doubt.
Φ I was not having my lunch at that time yesterday with Yara.

6) The Future Progressive

1) Formation: (was / were + present participle)

Φ We shall be spending our next summer vacation in Hurghada.

Φ I shall be driving back home in less than an hour.
Φ He will certainly be taking his driving test at 8 am next Monday.

2) The Future Progressive Tense expresses:

  A Continuous Future Action that will be in

progress at a time in the future.

Φ You'll recognize him when you see him. He'll be wearing a blue suit.
Φ At 8:30, I'll be watching the match.
Φ This time next month, we'll be sitting on the beach.

  Premeditated = Planned Future Action.

Φ I'll be going to the city center later. Can I get you anything?
Φ "Will you be using your car this evening?" "No, you can take it."
Φ "Will you be passing the post office when you go out?" "Yes! Why?"

  A Future Action that will be in progress when

another future action occurs.

Φ I'll be waiting for you when you come this evening.

Φ He'll be doing his homework by the time Ali goes to collect him.

3) Time references and expressions used usually with

this tense:

Tomorrow / next + period of time / in the future / soon = in a little while

= shortly / in a few minutes / hope / believe / think / know / suppose =
trust = assume = presume / conjecture = surmise = guess / expect / doubt
/ be afraid (that).

4) In interrogative form; (will / shall) are inversed with the


 They will be organizing the next World Football Cup.

 Will they be organizing the next World Football Cup?
Yes, they will. No, they won't.
 What will they be organizing?

5) In negation; we use (will/shall) followed by (not) and we usually

use the abbreviated form (won't / shan't).

Φ I won't be doing anything tonight. What about going out?


7) The Present Perfect


1) Formation: { have / has + past participle}

Φ The doorbell has just rung.

Φ They've already won the league.
Φ We've never been to Hawaii.
2) The Present Perfect Tense expresses:

  An action has instantly completed itself with "just"

(or earlier than expected with "already").

Φ "Would you like something to eat, Ahmad?"

"No, thanks. I've just had my lunch."
Φ "Don't forget to post the letter, will you?"
"I've already posted it."

  An action that happened (or never took place)

before the present time, but still has an effect on it.

Φ Oh dear, I've forgotten his cell phone number. (I can't recall now.)
Φ Have you washed your hands, Abu Bakr? (Are they clean now?)
Φ The government has built lots of schools recently.
  When we inform someone about what we have
recently done.

Φ Ow! I've scalded myself.

Φ Do you know about Ashraf? He's gone to Canada.

  An action that began in the past, and continues to

the present time.

Φ She has gone to live with her family after being divorced.
Φ My father has worked in that firm for over twenty years.
Φ I've excellently passed my driving test and got my license.

3) Adverbs and expressions used usually with this

Just = instantly = Only this minute / already / recently = lately / up till

now = so far = up to now = hitherto = thus far / ever / never / yet / after
a superlative / This (It) is the first time etc / This evening, week, term
etc. / since / for.

Φ Hello, have you just arrived? (= A short time ago)

Φ Have you ever eaten caviar?
No, I've never eaten it. / I haven't eaten it yet
Φ What a boring film! It's the most monotonous film I've ever seen.
= I've never seen such a dreary film.
Φ This is the first time he has ever driven a car
= He has never driven a car.
Φ I've drunk three cans of diet coke today.
(Perhaps, I'll have more before today finishes.)
Φ Everything is going fine. We haven't had any problems so far.
Φ He has been ill in the past few years, hasn't he?
Φ I haven't seen Huda lately. Have you?
Φ We haven't met since we were children. (= since our infancy)
Φ I have studied English since primary one.
Φ My brother hasn't smoked for months. May Allah strengthen him!

For seven years (the whole


Since For
8 o'clock / A few moments /
1998 / Monday / ages / ten
Christmas / 12 minutes / three
July / hours / two days /
lunchtime / four weeks / five
summer / last months / seven
year / we were years / a long
children. time / a short

‫( على فاعل‬have / has) ‫( عند تكوين السؤال في زمن المضارع التام نقدم الفعل المساعد‬4
.‫الجملة مع تغيير ضمائر المتكلم إلى المخاطب و العكس صحيح‬

4) In interrogative form; (have / has) are inversed with the


 Ahmad and Omar have known each other since they were at school.
 Have Ahmad and Omar known each other since they were at school?
Yes, they have. No, they haven't.
 How long = Since when have they known each other?

5) In negation; we use (have/has) followed by (not / never) and we

usually use the abbreviated form (haven't / hasn't).

Φ She has never been to France.

Φ She hasn't been to France yet.


8) The Past Perfect


1) Formation: {had + past participle}

Φ By noon, we had already finished shopping.

Φ The neighbors had successfully extinguished the fire before the arrival
of the firefighters.
Φ Soon after his wife had passed away, he remarried.

2) The Past Perfect Tense expresses:

  An action that was completed before some time in

the past.

Φ By 3500 BC, the ancient Egyptians had built the pyramids.

Φ Until yesterday, I had never heard about it.
Φ The thief simply walked in. Someone had forgotten to lock the door.

  An action that was completed before another

action in the past with the following conjunctions.

Φ After she had finished lunch, her spouse returned home.

Φ I'd already finished my work before they came to pick me up.
Φ By the time Ayat reached home, her dad had bought her a pink
Φ The cop didn't let go of me till he had seen all my papers.
Φ They flew to Egypt as soon as they had completed all their exams.
Φ No sooner had she seen the accident than she fainted.
Φ He had no sooner received his daughter's school report than his
face lit up with joy and satisfaction.
Φ Hardly had the starlet partaken in the movie when he seized both
fame and glory.

3) The same as the Past Simple in addition to the

mentioned-above conjunctions.

4) In interrogative form; (had) is inversed with the subject.

 He had caught ten fishes by midday.

 Had he caught ten fishes by midday?
Yes, they had. No, they hadn't.
 How many fishes had he caught?

5) In negation; we use (had) followed by (not / never) and we
usually use the abbreviated form (hadn't).

Φ I hadn't liked him at all before I met him abroad where I realized how
thoughtful and helpful he really is.


9) The Future Perfect


1) Formation: {shall / will have + past participle}

Φ We shall have received a reply by this time tomorrow.

Φ By next financial year, they will have built five new hospitals.
Φ In a few years' time, my sister will have finished Medicine School.

2) The Future Perfect Tense expresses:

  An action that will be completed before a definite

time in the future.

Φ I shall have read this novel by next Friday.

Φ My father will have got that post by next July.
Φ In a month, they will have got married.

  An action that will be completed before another

action in the future (with the time conjunctions). The
present Perfect is usually used to replace it with
these connectors.

Φ Before my brother inaugurates a clinic, he'll have finished Medicine

Φ We shall have served dinner when it is 7 sharp, so don't be late.

3) The same time references and expressions of the
Future Simple Tense in addition to the time

Tomorrow / next + period of time / in the future / soon = in a little while

= shortly / in a few minutes / by this time next week, month etc. / by the
time / when / before.

4) In interrogative form; (will / shall) is inversed with the


 The government will have renewed our utilities' network by 2013.

 Will the government have renewed our utilities' network by 2013?
Yes, they will. No, they won't.
 When Will the government have renewed our utilities' network?

5) In negation; we use (will/shall) followed by (not) and we usually

use the abbreviated form (won't / shan't).

Φ He will not = won't certainly have completed his work by six thirty this
Φ We shall never have paid Hajj expenses unless we come to KSA.

10) The Present Perfect Continuous


1) Formation: (have / has + been + present participle)

Φ I've been waiting for your return since nine o'clock.

Φ Ayat has been working on her graduation project for months.

2) The Present Perfect Continuous Tense expresses:

  A relatively long action started in the past and has
just stopped or finished recently.

Φ You're out of breath! Have you been running?

Φ I've been talking to Mr. Ahmad about your debts and he thinks….
Φ Look at his torn clothes and the bruise on his face. He has been
quarrelling again despite my warnings.

  An action that began in the past too, and

continues to the present time.

Φ It has been raining for two hours.

Φ Mona hasn't been feeling well recently.
Φ They have been surfing the net since 5 pm.

  With (How long / for / since) to express an action

that has been repetitively happening till the present

Φ How long have you been wearing glasses?

Φ He has been doing Karate since he was eight.
Φ They've been wasting their precious time before TV for ages.

  The difference between the Present Perfect and

the Present Perfect Progressive:

  The former is used for a complete action, but the

latter for an incomplete one that is still in progress.
.‫ففي الول الحدث توقف لنه قد اكتمل أما في الثاني فإن الحدث لم يكتمل بعد وما زال مستمرا‬
Φ The ceiling was white. Now, it's light blue. He has painted it.
Φ The car's engine is going fine now. Faisal has repaired it.
Φ Gasser's clothes are covered in paint. He has been painting his flat.
Φ You have been smoking greedily recently. You'd better quit.

‫( و‬always) ‫ يستخدم المضارع التام للتعبير عن أحداث تبقى لفترة طويلة خاصة مع كلمة‬ 
.‫لكن المضارع التام المستمر يعبر عن أحداث تستغرق وقتا أقصر‬
Φ My father has always worked hard.
Φ Egypt has always been fecund.
Φ Sarah has been living in New York since January.
‫ عادة ما تأتي الفعال التي يدل معناها علي حدث مستمر في صيغة المضارع التام المستمر‬ 
((.live / wait / stay / work / read / travel / sleep / study etc
:‫أما الفعال التي تدل على قصر الوقت فتأتي في صيغة المضارع التام مثل‬
(start, stop, buy, sell )

.‫وهناك أفعال ل تأتي في صيغة التستمرار مثل المثلة التي ذكرت في زمن المضارع المستمر‬

: ‫( الكلمات الدالة على المضارع التام المستمر هي نفس دلئل المضارع التام بالضافة إلى‬3
all this morning / all this week / all day / all this year / since = ever since
= from the time when / for.
.‫( عند تكوين السؤال يتم تقديم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل‬4
 Aala has been achieving professional successes all her life long.
 Has Aala been achieving professional successes all her life long?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn't.
 How long has she been achieving professional successes?

‫( بين الفعل المساعد و التصريف الثالث من الفعل‬never ‫ أو‬not) ‫( عند النفي نضع كلمة‬5
Φ I haven't been doing well recently due to being overloaded with work.
Φ She hasn't been to France yet.

11) The Past Perfect Continuous Tense: ‫زمن الماضي التام المستمر‬

(had + been + ‫ فعل‬+ ing) 1) ‫يتكون الماضي التام المستمر من‬:

Φ He finally came at six o'clock. I had been waiting for him since four

Φ When Adham got home, his clothes were still wet because he had
been playing soccer.
:‫( يستخدم الماضي التام المستمر للتعبير عن‬2
‫ يؤكد على المدة التي اتستغرقها حدث كان مستمرا فى الماضي قبل وقت محدد أوحال وقوع‬
.‫حدث آخرفى الماضي‬
Φ The cops had been searching for the thief for years before they caught
him red -handed.
Φ The patient had been waiting in the emergency room for almost an
hour before a doctor eventually treated him.
.‫ قد يعبر عن حدث في الماضي اتستمر لفترة طويلة قبل وقوع آخر‬
Φ Her eyes were red because she had been crying.
Φ They were dead tired since they had been roaming aimlessly for ages.
‫ يستخدم الماضي التام المستمر للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرا حين وقوع آخر ولكن الماضي‬ 
.‫التام المستمر يعبر عن حدث كان قد توقف فعل قبل الخر‬
Φ When I looked out of the window, it was raining. (Rain was still
falling at the time I looked out of the window.)
Φ When I looked out of the window, it had been raining. (It wasn't
raining the moment I looked. Rain had already stopped.)

.‫( عند تكوين السؤال يتم تقديم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل‬4
 I had been staying up a lot, thus I had such dark circles around my
 Had you been staying up a lot?
Yes, I had. No, I hadn't.
 What had you been doing wrong lately?

.‫( بعد الفعل المساعد‬never ‫ أو‬not) ‫( عند النفي نضع كلمة‬5

Φ She hadn't been sleeping well lately due to chronic insomnia.
Φ They had never been cooperating sincerely with us, so we didn't give
them a hand.

12) The Future Perfect Continuous Tense: ‫زمن المستقبل التام المستمر‬

(shall / will have + been + ‫ فعل‬+ ing) 1) ‫يتكون المستقبل التام المستمر من‬:
Φ By the time you come, I will have been studying for two hours.
Φ On your return, she will have been waiting for forty five minutes.
:‫( يستخدم المستقبل التام المستمر للتعبير عن‬2
‫ يؤكد على المدة التي تسيستغرقها حدث ما فى المستقبل قبل وقت محدد أوحال وقوع حدث‬
.‫آخرفى المستقبل‬
Φ I will go to bed at 10 PM. He will return home at midnight. At
midnight, I'll be sleeping. I'll have been sleeping for two hours by the
time he gets home.
.‫ قد يكون لكل من المستقبل التام و المستقبل التام المستمر نفس المعنى أو الدللة‬ 
Φ When my father retires next June, he will have taught English for
thirty years.
Φ When my father retires next June, he will have been teaching English
for thirty years.

.‫( عند تكوين السؤال يتم تقديم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل‬4
 I will have been wearing glasses for over twenty years by next May.
Will you have been wearing glasses for over twenty years by next May?
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
 How long will you have been wearing glasses by next May?

.‫( بعد الفعل المساعد‬never ‫ أو‬not) ‫( عند النفي نضع كلمة‬5

Φ We won't have been exerting our utmost effort unless we vanquish
that hockey team once and for all.


Be glorified! We have
no knowledge saving

that which thou hast
taught us. Lo! Thou,
only Thou, art the
Knower, the Wise.


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