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Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

It causes pain, swelling, and reduced motion

in your joints. It can occur in any joint, but usually it affects your hands, knees, hips or spine.
Osteoarthritis breaks down the cartilage in your joints. Cartilage is the slippery tissue that covers
the ends of bones in a joint. Healthy cartilage absorbs the shock of movement. When you lose
cartilage, your bones rub together. Over time, this rubbing can permanently damage the joint.
Risk factors for osteoarthritis include

Being overweight

Getting older

Injuring a joint

No single test can diagnose osteoarthritis. Most doctors use several methods, including medical
history, a physical exam, x-rays, or lab tests.
Treatments include exercise, medicines, and sometimes surgery.

What is osteoarthritis (OA)?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that affects the joints. In a normal joint, the ends of the bones
are covered by a layer of cartilage. Cartilage helps the joint move smoothly and cushions the
ends of the bones. In OA, the cartilage breaks down and becomes thin. This leaves the ends of
the bones unprotected, and the joint loses its ability to move smoothly. OA mainly affects people
over the age of 45, but it can develop in younger people. Osteoarthritis is different to
osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become fragile and brittle, causing
them to break more easily.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of OA vary from person to person. Your symptoms will also depend on which
joints are affected. OA tends to come on slowly, over months or even years. The most common
symptoms are pain and stiffness of the joints. These feelings are usually worst after resting or not
moving the joint for a while. These symptoms may affect your ability to do normal daily
activities, such as walking, climbing stairs and opening jars.

What causes it?

In many people there is no clear cause of OA. Research shows there are some things that may
put you at more risk of developing OA in certain joints, such as:

knees: being overweight, having a previous knee injury, jobs involving kneeling,
climbing and squatting

hips: being overweight, having a previous hip injury, jobs involving lifting heavy loads
(including farming)

hands: having a history of OA in the family.

How is it diagnosed?
Your doctor will diagnose OA from your symptoms and a physical examination. An x-ray may
show the narrowing and changes in the shape of your joint. However x-rays do not diagnose how
much trouble you will have. An x-ray that shows joint damage does not always mean you will
have a lot of pain or problems. On the other hand your joint may be very painful despite x-rays
being normal. Blood tests are only helpful to rule out other types of arthritis.

What will happen to me?

The impact of OA on your normal activities and lifestyle depends on which joints are affected.
However the outlook for most people with OA is very positive. For many people OA will be mild
and not cause major problems. OA of the hip and knee rarely causes severe disability but, when
it does, surgery to replace joints is often very effective.

Is there a cure for OA?

Currently there is no cure for OA. While there are treatments that can effectively control
symptoms, you should be wary of products or therapies that claim to cure OA.
Osteoarthritis continued...
Living with Osteoarthritis


What treatments are there for OA?

Treatments for OA vary depending on which joints are affected and the severity of
your condition. There is no way of predicting exactly which treatment will work best
for you. Each treatment has its own benefits and risks. Your doctor may need to trial
several different treatments before finding the one that is right for you.

In general terms, treatment usually includes:

simple pain relief, using medicines such as paracetamol

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

an exercise program designed to suit your needs

a weight loss program, if you are overweight

joint replacement surgery, if your symptoms are no longer controlled with

other therapies.

What can I do?

See your doctor for treatment and advice. Your doctor will help you get the right treatment to
manage your symptoms. See the Working with your healthcare team page.
Learn about OA and play an active role in your treatment. Not all information you read or
hear about is trustworthy so always talk to your doctor or healthcare team about treatments you
are thinking about trying. Self management courses aim to help you develop skills to be actively
involved in your healthcare. Click here for details of these courses.
Learn ways to manage pain. See the Dealing with pain page for more information.
Stay active. Exercise is strongly recommended for people with OA. It keeps your joints and
muscles healthy and flexible and prevents other health problems. You may find it useful to see a
physiotherapist or other health professional for advice.
Have a healthy diet. There is no diet that will cure OA, but a well-balanced diet will help you
reach and keep to a healthy weight.
Balance your life. Learn about gadgets that make daily tasks easier and how to balance rest and
Acknowledge your feelings and seek support. As there is currently no cure for OA, it is natural
to feel scared, frustrated, sad and sometimes angry. Be aware of these feelings and get help if
they start affecting your daily life.

Learn about OA and your treatment options.

There are many things you can do to live well with OA.

Osteoarthritis facts

Osteoarthritis is a joint inflammation that results from cartilage degeneration.

Osteoarthritis can be caused by aging, heredity, and injury from trauma or


The most common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the affected joint(s)

after repetitive use.

There is no blood test for the diagnosis of osteoarthritis.

The goal of treatment in osteoarthritis is to reduce joint pain and

inflammation while improving and maintaining joint function.

What is osteoarthritis?
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Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis that features the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage
of one or more joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a "cushion" between the
bones of the joints. Among the over 100 different types of arthritis conditions, osteoarthritis is
the most common, affecting over 25 million people in the United States. Osteoarthritis occurs
more frequently as we age. Before age 45, osteoarthritis occurs more frequently in males. After
55 years of age, it occurs more frequently in females. In the United States, all races appear
equally affected. A higher incidence of osteoarthritis exists in the Japanese population, while
South-African blacks, East Indians, and Southern Chinese have lower rates. Osteoarthritis is
abbreviated as OA or referred to as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD).
Osteoarthritis commonly affects the hands, feet, spine, and large weight-bearing joints, such as
the hips and knees. Osteoarthritis usually has no known cause and is referred to as primary
osteoarthritis. When the cause of the osteoarthritis is known, the condition is referred to as
secondary osteoarthritis.

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Classification and external resources

MRI of osteoarthritis in the knee, with characteristic

narrowing of the joint space.
M15-M19, M47
MedlinePlus 000423
med/1682 orthoped/427 pmr/93
Osteoarthritis (OA) also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease or
osteoarthrosis, is a group of mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints,[1]
including articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Symptoms may include joint pain,
tenderness, stiffness, locking, and sometimes an effusion. A variety of causeshereditary,
developmental, metabolic, and mechanical deficitsmay initiate processes leading to loss of
cartilage. When bone surfaces become less well protected by cartilage, bone may be exposed and
damaged. As a result of decreased movement secondary to pain, regional muscles may atrophy,
and ligaments may become more lax.[2]
Treatment generally involves a combination of exercise, lifestyle modification, and analgesics. If
pain becomes debilitating, joint replacement surgery may be used to improve the quality of life.
OA is the most common form of arthritis,[2] and the leading cause of chronic disability in the
United States.[3] It affects about 8 million people in the United Kingdom and nearly 27 million
people in the United States.[4]


1 Signs and symptoms

2 Causes
o 2.1 Primary

o 2.2 Secondary

3 Pathophysiology

4 Diagnosis
o 4.1 Classification

5 Management
o 5.1 Lifestyle modification
o 5.2 Physical measures
o 5.3 Medication
o 5.4 Surgery
o 5.5 Alternative medicine

6 Epidemiology

7 Etymology

8 History

9 Research

10 References

11 External links

Signs and symptoms

Bouchard's nodes and Heberden's nodes may form in osteoarthritis

The main symptom is pain, causing loss of ability and often stiffness. "Pain" is generally
described as a sharp ache or a burning sensation in the associated muscles and tendons. OA can
cause a crackling noise (called "crepitus") when the affected joint is moved or touched and
people may experience muscle spasms and contractions in the tendons. Occasionally, the joints
may also be filled with fluid.[5] Some people report increased pain associated with cold
temperature, high humidity, and/or a drop in barometric pressure, but studies have had mixed
OA commonly affects the hands, feet, spine, and the large weight bearing joints, such as the hips
and knees, although in theory, any joint in the body can be affected. As OA progresses, the
affected joints appear larger, are stiff and painful, and usually feel better with gentle use but
worse with excessive or prolonged use, thus distinguishing it from rheumatoid arthritis.
In smaller joints, such as at the fingers, hard bony enlargements, called Heberden's nodes (on the
distal interphalangeal joints) and/or Bouchard's nodes (on the proximal interphalangeal joints),
may form, and though they are not necessarily painful, they do limit the movement of the fingers
significantly. OA at the toes leads to the formation of bunions, rendering them red or swollen.
Some people notice these physical changes before they experience any pain.
OA is the most common cause of a joint effusion of the knee.[7]

Damage from mechanical stress with insufficient self repair by joints is believed to be the
primary cause of osteoarthritis.[8] Sources of this stress may include: misalignments of bones
caused by congenital or pathogenic causes; mechanical injury; excess body weight; loss of
strength in the muscles supporting a joint; and impairment of peripheral nerves, leading to
sudden or uncoordinated movements.[8] However exercise, including running in the absence of
injury, has not been found to increase the risk.[9] Nor has cracking one's knuckles been found to
play a role.[10]


Primary osteoarthritis of the left knee. Note the osteophytes, narrowing of the joint space
(arrow), and increased subchondral bone density (arrow).
A number of studies have shown that there is a greater prevalence of the disease among siblings
and especially identical twins, indicating a hereditary basis.[11] Although a single factor is not
generally sufficient to cause the disease, about half of the variation in susceptibility has been
assigned to genetic factors.[12]
As early human ancestors evolved into bipeds, changes occurred in the pelvis, hip joint and spine
which increased the risk of osteoarthritis.[13] Additionally genetic variations that increase the risk
were likely not selected against because usually problems only occur after reproductive success.

The development of OA is correlated with a history of previous joint injury and with obesity,
especially with respect to knees.[15] Since the correlation with obesity has been observed not only
for knees but also for non-weight bearing joints and the loss of body fat is more closely related to
symptom relief than the loss of body weight, it has been suggested that there may be a metabolic
link to body fat as opposed to just mechanical loading.[16]
Changes in sex hormone levels may play a role in the development of OA as it is more prevalent
among post-menopausal women than among men of the same age.[17][18] A study of mice found
natural female hormones to be protective while injections of the male hormone
dihydrotestosterone reduced protection.[19]

This type of OA is caused by other factors but the resulting pathology is the same as for primary


Congenital disorders of joints


Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease

Inflammatory diseases (such as Perthes' disease), (Lyme disease), and all chronic forms
of arthritis (e.g. costochondritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis). In gout, uric acid crystals
cause the cartilage to degenerate at a faster pace.

Injury to joints or ligaments (such as the ACL), as a result of an accident or orthopedic


Ligamentous deterioration or instability may be a factor.

Marfan syndrome


Septic arthritis (infection of a joint)

Primary OA is a chronic degenerative disorder related to but not caused by aging, as there are
people well into their nineties who have no clinical or functional signs of the disease. As a person
ages, the water content of the cartilage decreases[20][better source needed] as a result of a reduced
proteoglycan content, thus causing the cartilage to be less resilient. The water content of healthy
cartilage is finely balanced by compressive force driving water out & swelling pressure drawing
water in.[21] Collagen fibres exert the compressive force, whereas the Gibbs-Donnan effect &
cartilage proteoglycans create osmotic pressure which tends to draw water in.[21] However during
onset of OA there is an increase in cartilage water content.[22][23][24][25][26] This increase occurs
because whilst there is an overall loss of proteoglycans,[23][27] it is outweighed by a loss of
collagen.[21][27] Without the protective effects of the proteoglycans, the collagen fibers of the
cartilage can become susceptible to degradation and thus exacerbate the degeneration.
Inflammation of the surrounding joint capsule can also occur, though often mild (compared to
what occurs in rheumatoid arthritis). This can happen as breakdown products from the cartilage
are released into the synovial space, and the cells lining the joint attempt to remove them. New
bone outgrowths, called "spurs" or osteophytes, can form on the margins of the joints, possibly in
an attempt to improve the congruence of the articular cartilage surfaces. These bone changes,
together with the inflammation, can be both painful and debilitating.


Diagnosis is made with reasonable certainty based on history and clinical examination.[28][29] Xrays may confirm the diagnosis. The typical changes seen on X-ray include: joint space
narrowing, subchondral sclerosis (increased bone formation around the joint), subchondral cyst
formation, and osteophytes.[30] Plain films may not correlate with the findings on physical
examination or with the degree of pain.[31] Usually other imaging techniques are not necessary to
clinically diagnose OA.
In 1990, the American College of Rheumatology, using data from a multi-center study,
developed a set of criteria for the diagnosis of hand OA based on hard tissue enlargement and
swelling of certain joints.[32] These criteria were found to be 92% sensitive and 98% specific for
hand OA versus other entities such as rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthropathies.[33]
Related pathologies whose names may be confused with OA include pseudo-arthrosis. This is
derived from the Greek words pseudo, meaning "false", and arthrosis, meaning "joint."
Radiographic diagnosis results in diagnosis of a fracture within a joint, which is not to be
confused with OA which is a degenerative pathology affecting a high incidence of distal
phalangeal joints of female patients. A polished ivory-like appearance may also develop on the
bones of the affected joints, reflecting a change called eburnation.[34]

Damaged cartilage from sows. (a) cartilage erosion (b)cartilage ulceration (c)cartilage
repair (d)osteophyte (bone spur) formation.

Histopathology of osteoarthrosis of a knee joint in an elderly female.

Histopathology of osteoarthrosis of a knee joint in an elderly female.

Severe osteoarthritis and osteopenia of the carpal joint and 1st carpometacarpel joint.

OA can be classified into either primary or secondary depending on whether or not there is an
identifiable underlying cause.
Both primary generalized nodal OA and erosive OA (EOA, also called inflammatory OA) are
sub-sets of primary OA. EOA is a much less common, and more aggressive inflammatory form
of OA which often affects the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand and has characteristic
articular erosive changes on x-ray.[35]

Lifestyle modification (such as weight loss and exercise) and analgesics are the mainstay of
treatment. Acetaminophen ( also known as paracetamol) is recommended first line with NSAIDs
being used as add on therapy only if pain relief is not sufficient.[36] This is due to the relative
greater safety of acetaminophen.[36]

Lifestyle modification
For overweight people, weight loss may be an important factor. Patient education has been
shown to be helpful in the self-management of arthritis. It decreases pain, improves function,
reduces stiffness and fatigue, and reduces medical usage.[37] Patient education can provide on
average 20% more pain relief when compared to NSAIDs alone in patients with hip OA.[37]

Physical measures
Moderate exercise is beneficial with respect to pain and function in those with osteoathritis of the
knee and possibly hip.[38] While some evidence supports certain physical therapies evidence for a
combined program is limited.[39] There is not enough evidence to determine the effectiveness of
massage therapy.[40]
The use of orthoses (which include splints, braces or insoles) have been studied. Lateral wedge
insoles do not appear to be useful in osteoarthritis of the knee.[41][42] Knee braces may be useful.[43]

The evidence for manual therapy is inconclusive.[44] Functional, gait, and balance training has
been recommended to address impairments of position sense, balance, and strength in individuals
with lower extremity arthritis as these can contribute to higher falls in older individuals.[45]

The analgesic acetaminophen is the first line treatment for OA.[36][46] For mild to moderate
symptoms effectiveness is similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), though
for more severe symptoms NSAIDs may be more effective.[36] NSAIDs such as naproxen while
more effective in severe cases are associated with greater side effects such as gastrointestinal
bleeding.[36] Another class of NSAIDs, COX-2 selective inhibitors (such as celecoxib) are equally
effective to NSAIDs with lower rates of adverse gastrointestinal effects but higher rates of
cardiovascular disease such as myocardial infarction.[47] They are also much more expensive.
Oral steroids are not recommended in the treatment of OA because of their modest benefit and
high rate of adverse effects.[citation needed]
There are several NSAIDs available for topical use including diclofenac. They have fewer
systemic side-effects and at least some therapeutic effect.[48] A Cochrane review concluded that
opioid analgesics such as morphine and fentanyl reduce pain, but this benefit is outweighed by
frequent adverse events and thus they should not routinely be used.[49] Topical capsaicin is
controversial with some reviews finding benefit[50][51] and others not.[48]
Injection of glucocorticoids (such as hydrocortisone) leads to short term pain relief that may last
between a few weeks and a few months.[52] Joint injections of hyaluronic acid have not been
found to lead to significant improvement.[48][53] Hyaluronic acid injects have been associated with
significant harm.[53] Nevertheless another study about hyaluronic acid injections says efficacy on
pain and function, and no adverse effect when compared to saline injections.[54]

If disability is significant and more conservative management is ineffective, joint replacement
surgery or resurfacing may be recommended. Evidence supports joint replacement for both knees
and hips.[55] For the knee it improves both pain and functioning.[56] Arthroscopic surgical
intervention for OA of the knee however has been found to be no better than placebo at relieving

Alternative medicine
Dietary supplements
Many dietary supplements are sold as treatments for OA and some of them have been found to
be effective. Phytodolor,[50] SAMe,[58] and SKI 306X (a Chinese herbal mixture)[51] may be
effective in improving pain, and there is some evidence to support the use of cat's claw as an
anti-inflammatory.[59] There is tentative evidence to support avocado/soybean unsaponifiables,[51]
Boswellia serrata extracts (frankincense),[61][62] MSM[50] and rose hip.[50]

The effectiveness of glucosamine is controversial.[63][64] Most recent reviews found it to be equal

to[65][66] or only slight better than placebo.[67][68] A difference may exist between glucosamine
sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride, with glucosamine sulfate showing a benefit and
glucosamine hydrochloride not.[69] The Osteoarthritis Research Society International
recommends that glucosamine be discontinued if no effect is observed after six months[70] and the
National Institute of Clinical Excellence no longer recommends its use.[2] Despite the difficulty in
determining the efficacy of glucosamine, it remains a viable treatment option.[71]
There is little evidence supporting benefits for some supplements, including: the Ayurvedic
herbal preparations with brand names Articulin F and Eazmov, collagen, devils claw, Duhuo
Jisheng Wan (a Chinese herbal preparation), fish liver oil, ginger, the herbal preparation Gitadyl,
glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, the brand-name product Reumalax, stinging
nettle, turmeric, vitamins A, C, and E in combination, vitamin E alone, vitamin K and willow
bark. There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation about the safety and efficacy of
these treatments.[50][59] Chondroitin is not recommended as a treatment for OA.[72]
Manual therapies
While acupuncture leads to a statistically significant improvement in pain relief, this
improvement is small and may be of questionable clinical significance. Waiting list-controlled
trials for peripheral joint osteoarthritis do show clinically relevant benefits, but these may be due
to placebo effects.[73] Acupuncture does not seem to produce long-term benefits.[74] While
electrostimulation techniques such as TENS have been used for twenty years to treat
osteoarthritis in the knee, there is no conclusive evidence to show that it reduces pain or


Disability-adjusted life year for OA per 100,000 inhabitants in 2004.[76]

no data
Globally approximately 250 million people have osteoarthritis of the knee (3.6% of the
population).[77] OA affects nearly 27 million people in the United States, accounting for 25% of
visits to primary care physicians, and half of all NSAID prescriptions. It is estimated that 80% of

the population have radiographic evidence of OA by age 65, although only 60% of those will
have symptoms.[78] In the United States, hospitalizations for OA increased from 322,000 in 1993
to 735,000 in 2006.[79]
Globally OA causes moderate to severe disability in 43.4 million people as of 2004.[80]
In the United States, there were approximately 964,000 hospitalizations for osteoarthritis in
2011, a rate of 31 stays per 10,000 population.[81] With an aggregate cost of $14.8 billion, it was
the second-most expensive condition seen in U.S. hospital stays in 2011. By payer, it was the
second-most costly condition billed to Medicare and private insurance.[82]

OA is derived from the Greek word part osteo-, meaning "of the bone", combined with arthritis:
arthr-, meaning "joint", and -itis, the meaning of which has come to be associated with
inflammation. The -itis of OA could be considered misleading as inflammation is not a
conspicuous feature. Some clinicians refer to this condition as osteoarthosis to signify the lack of
inflammatory response.

Evidence for OA found in the fossil record is studied by paleopathologists, specialists in ancient
disease and injury. OA has been reported in fossils of the large carnivorous dinosaur Allosaurus

There are ongoing efforts to determine if there are agents that modify outcomes in OA.
Sprifermin is one candidate drug. There is also tentative evidence that strontium ranelate may
decrease degeneration in OA and improve outcomes.[84][85]



Nursing Diagnosis (Postoperative)

Acute pain, related to surgical incision
Risk for infection, related to disruption in skin integrity
Impaired physical mobility, related to activity and weightbearing
Risk for ineffective tissue perfusion, right leg, related to vascular
disruption and edema.
Exepected Outcomes
Maintain an adequate level of comfort postoperatively as demonstrated by :
The ability to move easily within restrictions.
Compliance with instructions to cough and breathe deeply.
Verbal expressions of comfort.

Remain free of adverse consequences of immobility such as pneumonia, pressure areas, thromboembolism,
or contracture.
Remain free of infection.
Maintain adequate perfusion of affected leg.
Remain free of injury postoperatively.
Nursing Intervention
Assess pain at least hourly during first 24 to 48 hours postoperatively, and as needed thereafter.
Instruct in the use of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and monitor its effectiveness.
Help change position at least every 2 hours; encourage the use of the overhead trapeze to shift positions
Maintain sequential compression device and antiembolic stocking as ordered; remove for 1 hour daily.
Encourage the use of the incentive spirometer hourly for first 24 hours, then at least every 2 hours while
Assist out of bed three times a day after the first 24 hours.
Maintain abduction of the right hip with pillows.
Perform passive ROM exercises of unaffected extremities every shift.
Encourage frequent quadriceps-setting exercises and plantar and dorsiflexion of feet.
Assess the surgical site frequently; report signs of excess bleeding or inflammation.
Monitor temperature every 4 hours.
Assess pulses, color, movement, and sensation of right foot hourly for the first 24 hours, then every 2 hours
for 24 hours, then every 4 hours.

1. Administer anti-inflammatory medication and other drugs as ordered.]

2. Provide emotional support and reassurance to help the patient cope with limited mobility.
3. Encourage the patient to perform as much self-care as his immobility and pain allow.
4. To help promote sleep, adjust pain medications to allow for maximum rest.
5. Help the patient identify techniques and activities that promote rest and relaxation.
6. For joints in hand, provide hot soaks and paraffin dips to relieve pain as ordered.
7. Check crutches, cane, braces, or walker for proper fit.
8. Assess the patients pain patterns.
9. Watch for skin irritation caused by prolonged use of assistive devices.
10. Instruct the patient to plan for adequate rest during the day.
11. Instruct the patient to take medications exactly as prescribed.
Pain Acute / Chronic related to distention of tissue by the accumulation of fluid /
inflammatory process, Liquor joints.
Expected Outcomes :

Showing pain is reduced or controlled

Looks relaxed, to rest, sleep and participate in activities based on ability.

Following the therapy program.

Using the skills of relaxation and entertainment activity in the pain control

Nursing Intervention :

Assess pain; note the location and intensity of pain (scale 0-10). Write down
the factors that accelerate and signs of non-verbal pain.

Give the hard mattress, small pillow. Elevate bed when a client needs to rest /

Help the client take a comfortable position when sleeping or sitting in a chair.
Depth of bed rest as indicated.

Monitor the use of a pillow.

Help clients to frequently change positions.

Help the client to a warm bath at the time of waking.

Help the client to a warm compress on the sore joints several times a day.

Monitor temperature compress.

Give a massage.Encourage the use of stress management techniques such as
progressive relaxation bio-feedback therapeutic touch, visualization, self
hypnosis guidelines imagination, and breath control.Engage in activities of
entertainment that is suitable for individual situations.

Give the drug before activity / exercise that is planned as directed.

Assist clients with physical therapy.

2. Impaired Physical Mobility related to skeletal deformities, pain, discomfort,

decreased muscle strength.
Expected Outcomes :
Maintain or improve strength and function of the compensation part of the body

Demonstrating techniques / behaviors that allow doing activities.

Nursing Intervention

Monitor the level of inflammation / pain in joints

Maintain bed rest / sit if necessary

Schedule of activities to provide a rest period of continuous and

uninterrupted nighttime sleep.

Assist clients with range of motion active / passive and resistive exercise and
isometric if possible.

Slide to maintain an upright position and sitting height, standing, and


Provide a safe environment, for example, raise the chair / toilet, use a high
grip and tub and toilet, the use of mobility aids / wheelchairs rescue.

Collaboration physical therapist / occupational and specialist vasional.

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