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The Integration and Deployment Services provided by the Through these services, customers can comfortably enjoy
Global Network Services (GNS) Group of Aviat Networks peace of mind, secure in the knowledge that their service
contain the essential rollout components of all turnkey or solutions are being properly managed and supported by
end-to-end solutions. competent experts with a proven track history of success
and repeat business.
For a simple one-hop deployment, or a complete TDM
backhaul or IP network solution, GNS can deliver
unsurpassed expertise and unequaled value to customers.
• Single point of ownership with experienced Program
MARKET LEADING EXPERIENCE AND Managers, Project Engineers, Field Engineers, and Field
EXPERTISE Supervisors to manage and control the entire deployment
Aviat Networks’ GNS has over 45 years of experience in the
service business. Customers have come to respect the • In-house experts to ensure deployment, regulatory and
depth of experience, the levels of technical competency, and engineering issues are dealt with expeditiously and
management expertise that GNS brings to the table. competently

Upon completion of all contracted services, the customer • State-of-the-art field test equipment for network
can be assured that the highest levels of quality, practices, commissioning and acceptance
materials and performance have been delivered.
• Regional offices and an extensive global network of service
Coupled with the experienced and well skilled resources partners in support of the GNS strategy for fostering “local
available for pre-deployment planning and design, GNS presence”
ensures that solutions not only satisfy expectations but are
also robust, flexible and innovative.


Along with total end-to-end solutions, the GNS services
portfolio ranges from the installation and commissioning of
a single hop of microwave radio through to expansive
network deployments involving site construction, system
integration, radio installation, turn-up, field integration,
configuration, commissioning and acceptance. Technologies
include radio backhaul and access applications, fiber and
associated ancillaries, WiMAX systems and complete Energy
and Surveillance packages.

GNS has considerable experience in piecing together fully

integrated solutions. We also have extensive experience in
organizing resources and supporting deployment on a global
basis using local in-house expertise complemented by our
expansive family of accredited service partners.

• Customer relations
SERVICE PORTFOLIO • Service Partner management
The basic building blocks that collectively make up • Budget Control
the core of Aviat Networks’ GNS Integration and • Resource management
Deployment service offerings are as follows: • Issue management, escalation and resolution
• Program & Project Management
• Systems Integration & Testing
Project Managers are responsible for the management of
• Factory Acceptance
one project or several smaller unconnected projects. On
• Equipment Warehousing & Staging
larger projects, they may be solely responsible for the
• Site Survey/Site Services
management of specific portions or phases of the project.
• Project Engineering
Project Managers are responsible for delivering the various
• Installation
service components associated with Integration and
• Field Integration and Turn-Up
Deployment, meeting, if not exceeding customer
• Commissioning and Acceptance Testing
expectations. These typically include the following:
• Radio Equipment Installation Audits
• WiMAX Integration and Deployment Services • Engineer and define the Integration and Deployment
specifications and Scopes of Work
-Compliance with Installation Standards
MANAGEMENT EXPERTISE -Protection System engineering
The GNS team focuses on understanding customer -Site construction engineering
requirements and priorities. Solutions based on the • Procurement, including
portfolio of traditional services are offered as well as -Antenna systems
custom-tailored solutions to meet specific requirements. -DC power and grounding systems
-Miscellaneous OEM equipment
There are two levels of management resources, each with -Subcontractor and/or Service Partner services
highly specific skills that can direct resources at the local, • Engineering support to complete the project or address
global and corporate levels. integration and deployment issues
• Engineering for commissioning and acceptance testing
• Interface with the Network Design and Engineering team
Program Managers are senior, experienced managers who
for solution optimization and issue resolution
can manage a portfolio of individual projects for a variety of
customers. For larger projects or projects that are
strategically important to a customer, a Program Manager
The GNS Integration and Deployment team specializes in a
may be specifically dedicated to just one project. The
variety of additional disciplines to collectively manage,
Program Managers exercise final approval for all
supervise and support the successful deployment of the
contractual deliverables; they can marshal resources on a
total end-to-end solution.
global and corporate basis to fulfill the requirements of
specific programs and customer needs, including:
• Project updates and milestone achievement Field supervisors are responsible for the on-site supervision
• Status monitoring and management of installation and construction activities
• Management of planning, design and project engineering provided by Service Partners.
• Contractual compliance
• Project Scheduling, including: Field engineers are responsible for the delivery of technical
-Cost Control and/or operational services on site in support of the
-Risk and issue management Installation, Integration, Commissioning and Acceptance
-Reporting and progress meetings specifications and/or requirements.


ACCREDITED SERVICE PARTNERS Factory Acceptance Testing is often a requirement for new
Aviat Networks maintains a global family of Service Partners customers whose interests include equipment performance
that can be contracted to provide the necessary resources as well as the evaluation of the overall production process
for the timely delivery of deployment services. Aviat including inventory management, manufacturing and quality
Networks has adopted a formal accreditation process to assurance.
ensure that Service partners utilize business and operations
processes, and have the experience and technical EQUIPMENT WAREHOUSING AND STAGING
competencies commensurate with satisfying, in not The deployment phase of a turn-key contract can be more
exceeding, customer expectations. efficiently managed given the opportunity to provide local
warehousing and staging for all the equipment involved in
SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND TESTING the solution. Locally purchased materials can be
The primary objective of System Integration and Testing is to consolidated with the equipment and then shipped to site as
build and configure the system as it will be installed in the required to meet the rollout schedule. This provides
field. It goes well beyond an end-to-end solution “proof of assurance that everything required for the installation will
concept”, accommodating sub-system interfacing, be on site for the team as required to meet the deployment
configuration and testing. The team can confidently go to schedule. This capability is best provided in a central or
site with a “plug and play” mind set. Depending on the regional warehousing facility.
extent of the network or system, practicalities will dictate
A degree of local integration and testing can also be
whether or not the complete system can be built or whether
accommodated as can equipment configuration and
it needs to be broken into manageable sections. The basic
performance screening prior to shipment to site.
elements include the following:

• Rack construction SITE SURVEYS

• Equipment fit-out Prior to any site construction or equipment installation
• Rack wiring activity, GNS will conduct a Site Survey with the following
• Sub-system interfacing objectives firmly in mind:
• Overall system inter-connection
• Verify location and identify any environmental issues
• Equipment turn-up & configuration
• Identify out of the ordinary access conditions, security
• Sub-system testing
issues and protocol process requirements
• System wide testing as per agreed to protocols
• Assessment of real estate and AC primary power
• Site and network build-out documentation
restrictions and/or additional requirements
• Documented configuration and test data
• Detailed site infra-structure survey (shelter space, rack
• Site by site tear-down, packaging and shipment
requirements, DC power requirements, cable entryway
port availability, adequate cooling capacity, etc.)
The whole process is managed
• Recommended equipment placements, cable routes, DC
under strict compliance with
power connection points, etc.
Aviat Networks’ TL9000 Quality
• Assessment of Grounding and Protection System
Assurance processes.
• Tower loading and structural analysis
• Identification of any non-compliant equipment installation
A series of agreed to tests, typically modeled on the
and/or site construction practices
assembly line final test protocols, are performed in the
• Identification of any remedial or supplementary work
factory in the presence of the customer. A reduced level of
required to complete deployment or bring existing
system integration can be accommodated up to the point of
practices into compliance with the standards
individual sub-systems but stops short of the inter-
• Identification of any Health and Safety issues
connection of different sub-systems and more expansive
system testing.



Site Services can range from simple upgrades or expansions Before any installation or site construction work can begin, a
to existing infra-structure all the way through to complete detailed work package must be assembled for use by the
“Greenfield” or roof top site construction. on-site contractors and GNS Field Supervision personnel.
The package typically includes the following:
GNS attributes its success to adopting a strategy to utilize
the services of experienced in-house management and • Detailed Bill of Materials
engineering personnel, ” local” expertise well versed in • Procurement plan for additional materials
regional conditions and requirements, seasoned field • Detailed Scope(s) of Work
supervisors and finally, formally accredited construction • Site layout drawings
partners. • Indoor and outdoor equipment placement details
• DC Power circuit breaker and connection details
The key elements of the GNS Site Services offering include
• Grounding connection points
the following:
• Cable routing requirements
• Program Management • Grounding and Lightening Protection details
• Project Engineering • Additional work requirements to allow the site build or
• Site selection installation program to proceed
• Site acquisition or lease negotiation • Additional work requirements to correct non-compliances
• Warehousing and logistics
• Geotechnical studies INSTALLATION
• Site engineering GNS believes that deployment challenges are best
• Site preparation – site clearing, excavation, access, etc. addressed on site by seasoned Field Supervisors with broad
• Civil works – foundation preparation, concreting, fencing, experience in the details of construction, installation, power
roads, etc. and grounding, compliance to construction and installation
• Grounding and Lightening Protection systems standards, and the ability to manage contractors and service
• Tower construction partners. GNS has a preference for utilizing local Field
• Shelter construction Supervisors who are familiar with local regulations and
• Plant installation understand what’s involved in achieving consistent
• AC Primary Power provisioning compliance.
• Secondary Power Systems
The key elements involved in installing any communications
• Site Security and Environmental Monitoring
equipment are as follows:
These elements can be chosen in various combinations, as
• Installation of shelter or external cabinet equipment and
required, to satisfy the scope of a customer’s Site Service
any associated mounting structures
• Connection of equipment to DC power and ground points
• Installation of antennas and associated mounting
structures and environmental protection systems
• Installation of IF cables and/or waveguides
• Installation of waveguide pressurization equipment
• Installation of outdoor equipment
• Installation of OEM support systems (DC Power, Alarm
Concentrators, Multiplexers, Routers, Switches, etc.)
• Coarse alignment of antennas
• Installation of Grounding and Lightning Protection systems
• Compliance to Installation Standards
• Sub-system inter-connection
• Interface to customer’s equipment
• Plant and Equipment alarms and controls


FIELD INTEGRATION AND TURN-UP The Acceptance Testing phase is the final check against
GNS ensures that the Field Engineers involved in Field overall system performance objectives and provides a
Integration, Turn-Up and Commissioning are specialists in means to ensure that all functionality objectives are met or
their own right and well trained on the equipment being exceeded. Acceptance Testing follows an agreed to protocol
deployed. Further, they are experienced in the challenges of and typically involves the following activities:
integrating multi-vendor ancillary equipment. This facet of
• System level equipment performance measurements
Integration and Deployment Services will often differ from
• Systems level functionality checks
one solution to the next; however, the major tasks involved
• Long term stability
typically include the following:
• Reliability
• Power-on checks • Review of any outstanding work
• Interconnection of different equipment families
Subject to the successful completion of the Acceptance
• Installation, configuration and integration of software
Tests, an Acceptance Certificate will be signed off by both
parties and the system formally handed over to the
• Configuration of the individual pieces of installed
• Fine antenna alignment adjustments
• Local NMS DCN inter-connection and device configuration
• Performance checks
• Clearing of alarms
• Pre-commissioning checks


The Commissioning and Acceptance phase of any
Integration and Deployment program is a critical step in the
hand off of the system to the customer. In addition to
checking compliance against Installation and Construction
Standards, a suite of rigorous tests are performed to ensure
that sub-systems perform to specification and interface and
operate correctly with each other. GNS uses highly
experienced Field Engineers to manage, supervise and
participate in Commissioning and Acceptance activities.

Commissioning typically involves the following activities:

• Inventory checks
• Compliance to Installation Standards
• Review and documentation of configuration parameters
• Measurement of key performance parameters
• Cable VSWR measurements as required
• BER tests as appropriate GNS has, as one of its foundations for quality, a set of
• Individual circuit testing Installation Standards that customers, contractors, and
• IP network tests service partners are expected to follow. This set of
• Alarm reporting and remote control activation standards is closely allied to similar standards used across
• Verification of overall sub-system performance and the industry on a global basis.
compatibility with other sub-systems and local equipment
Radio Equipment Installation Audits can be conducted on a
network wide basis or for a representative sample of sites.


An assessment is made of the quality, standards of WIMAX INTEGRATION AND DEPLOYMENT

workmanship, materials and consistent compliance to fixed SERVICES
practices, as defined in the Aviat Networks Installation In support of the deployment of WiMAX solutions, GNS
Standards. It also allows GNS to identify contractors and draws on its existing global network of offices and service
service partners whose performance is consistently below partners to provide deployment resources, technical support
standard or non-compliant. It provides an insight into and engineering expertise.
additional training requirements and can go as far as clearly
Regional expertise is also used for testing and integration.
identifying service partners who should not continue as
WiMAX Forum-certified network engineers are used
accredited partners.
exclusively for system provisioning and optimization.
Evaluations are based on a defined set of steps designed to Experienced Program Managers are selected to ensure
collect site parameters and inventory data, evaluate successful turnkey deployments on time and on budget.
compliance to installation standards and measure specific
The typical service elements involved in deploying a WiMAX
performance and protection affecting parameters.
solution are as follows:
At the conclusion of the audit program, the following
• Program and Project Management
deliverables are provided:
• Site Services (construction)
• Report with detailed findings, recommendations and • Factory Acceptance
requirements for remedial activity • System Integration
• Recommendations for improving network reliability from • Indoor Equipment Installation
an installation perspective • Antenna Installation and Alignment
• Identification of training requirements for service • ODU Equipment Installation
providers • Indoor-Outdoor Cabling
• Identification of training requirements for the deployment • Installation of Grounding and Lightening Protection
management team Systems
• Practices and deficiencies that could affect warranty • Turn-Up and Configuration
coverage • Backhaul Network Integration
• Evaluation of contractor and service partner performance • Integration into the Network Management System
• System Testing and Commissioning
• WiMAX System Provisioning and Customization
• RF Coverage Drive Testing
• Coverage Optimization
• Acceptance and Hand-off

For additional information, contact your local Aviat Networks
representative, or

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