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MAE 4263

(25 points)
Problem 1 (5 points)
A house in Medford, Oregon with NLC = 11,800 Btu/F-day and SSF = 9%. Please determine the
auxiliary energy (Btu) required for the house in January. The weather data for Medford, Oregon
for January are: (N=31 days, Daily vertical insolation = 565 Btu/ft2, Heating degree-days = 880
Problem 2 (5 points) *
Choose a building on OSU campus that includes passive solar features. Include a photo of the
building and discuss these features and their impact on the energy savings for the building.
Problem 3 (5 points) *
Suggest changes you could make at your house to incorporate passive solar design elements.

This assignment is related to MAE program outcome (h): an ability to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a societal context.

Problem 4 (5 points)
A 100 MW vapor dominated steam power plant uses saturated steam from a geothermal well
with a shut-off pressure of (400 psia). Steam enters the turbine at (80 psia) and condenses at (2
psia). The turbine isentropic efficiency is 0.82, and the turbine-generator combined mechanical
and electrical efficiency is 0.90. The cooling-tower cooling water exit temperature is (70 oF).
Reinjection occurs prior to the cooling tower. Ignore pump work. Please calculate the necessary
steam flow (lbm/h), the cooling water flow (lbm/h), the plant efficiency, and plant heat rate

This assignment is related to MAE program outcome (a): An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science,
and engineering appropriate to the mechanical and aerospace engineering disciplines.

Problem 5 (5 points)
A geothermal power plant utilizes 10 kg/s pressurized hot ground water at 147oC as the heat
source for an organic Rankine cycle. An evaporator consisting of a vertical shell-and-tube heat
exchanger with one shell pass and one tube pass (can be assumed as counterflow heat exchanger)
transfer heat between the groundwater and the counterflowing organic fluid. The organic fluid
enters the shell side as a subcooled liquid at 27 oC and exits the evaporator as a saturated vapor
(quality = 1.0) and temperature = Tsat = 122 oC. Within the evaporator, heat transfer occurs
between liquid ground water and the organic fluid in Stage A with UA = 900 W/m2.K, and
between liquid ground water and boiling organic fluid in Stage B with UB = 1200 W/m2.K. The
organic fluid flow rate is 5.2 kg/s. The specific heat of liquid organic fluid is 1300 J/kg.K and its
latent heat of vaporization is 110 kJ/kg. Please determine the required evaporator heat transfer
surface area for each section (A and B).

This assignment is related to MAE program outcome (c): An ability to design a system, component or process to
meet desired needs.

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