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Theme Creation and Design Theme

1. Go to Admin Panel -

2. Login with Username and Password
a. Username : admin
b. Password : admin
3. In Left side Click Control Management and then select Theme Management
4. In Right side click Add New button, then fill the fields like below:
a. Theme Name - What you like (For example : greentheme)
b. Theme Description - What you like
c. Theme image - Put the image of theme you need to add for
show in Theme Selection Page
d. Status - Select active to activate the New Theme
5. After Creating theme in Admin side, Login the FTP (For example
Filezilla) and Download the greentheme folder(placed in
public_html/theme) to local server.
6. Check the folder named with greentheme in local server (Text given for
Theme name in Theme Management) in the below path:
a. Path - /public_html/theme/greentheme/css/general.css (CSS to
edit for Newly added theme)
b. Path - /public_html/theme/default/templates/buildpagesList.tpl
(For change or edit html in Build page)

c. Path - /public_html/theme/default/templates/sourceNew.tpl (For

change or edit html in Subdomain page)

Note : Dont Change the Class name and ID name. Put

new class names for your needs.(Dont use ID)
Header Section :
<!-- Header (Logo and Navigation) Section for Newly Created Theme starts -->
<!-- Change the newlyCreateTheme text to New Theme Name without space in the next
line (elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme')-->
{elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme'}
<!-- Header (Logo and Navigation) Section for Newly Created Theme ends -->

Banner Section :

<!-- Banner Section for Newly Created Theme starts -->

<!-- Change the newlyCreateTheme text to New Theme Name without space in the next
line (elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme')-->
{elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme'}
<!-- Banner Section for Newly Created Theme ends -->

Footer Section :
<!-- Footer Section for Newly Created Theme starts -->
<!-- Change the newlyCreateTheme text to New Theme Name without space in the next
line (elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme')-->
{elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme'}
<!-- Footer Section for Newly Created Theme ends -->

Just copy and paste the Banner section and Navigation section
changes done in BuildpageList.tpl in SourceNew.tpl
<!-- Header Navigation Section for Newly Created Theme starts -->
<!-- Change the newlyCreateTheme text to New Theme Name without space in the next
line (elseif $smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme')-->
{elseif $themename.0.theme_name|lower eq 'newlyCreateTheme'}
<!-- Header Navigation Section for Newly Created Theme ends -->

Just copy and paste from {elseif

$smarty.session.themename eq 'newlyCreateTheme'}
line to before {else} line. Then change the
newlyCreateTheme to New Theme Name and make the
changes in that.

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