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3 3
4 1
1 Conversation
3 Grammar and Vocabulary

2 Reading Comprehension
4 Miscellaneous

( 100 )
1-50 2

1. - 13
2. 2B



O-NET 93 3 2557

O-Net 2014 (English) (100 points)

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Part 1: Conversation
Directions: Read the dialog and choose the best answer. (Questions 1-3)
At the clothes shop ( 1.2 .3/1)
Seller: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?
Customer: Good morning, I need some shirts.
Seller: Well, we have a lot of shirts here, you can choose. ____________________
Customer: Maybe, XL. Ah! This. Can I try it on?
Seller: Absolutely, the fitting rooms there.

1. You have to wear XL size.

2. How much is the shirt?
3. What rate do you want?
4. What size are you?

Situation: Peecha is buying lunch at school. ( 1.2 .3/3)

Peecha: Oh! No! I forgot my pocket.
Nipa: ______________________________
Peecha: Of course, thank you very much.

1. Can I borrow your money?

2. Would you like to borrow me?
3. May I loan you some?
4. Ill give you 100 baht but Ill charge you 10%.

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At the temple ( 1.2 .3/3)

Mena: (Phone call) Hello, Nancy. Ive just finished at temple, can you come and
pick me up?
Nancy: Sorry, Mena. I am still working at my office. I will finish in 10 minutes.
Mena: O.K.
Somchai: Would you like some help? Do you want me to take you home?
Mena: Thank you but Ill wait for my friend.

Mena says that because ______________________.

1. Somchai will kidnap her.
2. Somchai is very nice man.
3. Nancy will bring her home.
4. She wants Somchai to take her home.

Directions: Read the situations and choose the best answer. (Question 4-8)
Situation: Your old friends are planning to have a party tonight. They invite you to join
them but your father is feeling bad at home.
4. What will you say? ( 1.2 .3/3)
1. Sorry, I must not go with you.
2. Sorry, I have better friends to go with.
3. So sorry, I have to take care my father. He is sick.
4. Great! I will go. See you tonight!

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Situation: You are traveling in Hong Kong. You feel that you are getting lost. You dont
have any money because your pockets just been stolen.
5. What will you say? ( 1.2 .3/4)
1. How can I go to Thailand?
2. Give me some money, please.
3. Help! I dont have any money.
4. Can you please tell me the way to the Embassy of Thailand?
Situation: Adam usually gets up at 6 oclock and goes to the pool. He trains 5 hours a
day. He swims 80 kilometers a week.
6. What is the best saying or proverb? ( 1.2 .3/2)
1. No one is too old to learn.
2. Time files when we are having fun.
3. Practice makes perfect.
4. Acts better than saying.
Situation: You have to use a computer to search information for your homework but
your brother is playing games.
7. What will you say? ( 1.2 .3/2)
1. I want to use my computer. Go away!
2. Can I use my computer to do my homework, please?
3. Can I play some games?
4. Could you please search some information for me?

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Situation: Your classmate comes to visit your house and he breaks your window glass.
He apologizes you.
8. What will you say to him? ( 1.2 .3/5)
1. You cant do that!
2. Make yourself at home.
3. Dont worry about it.
4. What can I do for you?
Directions: Read the sign and choose the best answer. (Question 9-10)

9. What is not true according to this label? ( 1.1 .3/1)

1. Its very important to have grapefruit with this pill.
2. Take one tablet a day with a glass of grapefruit juice.
3. You should take one tablet a day with a glass of water. Eating grapefruit or
drinking grapefruit juice are not allowed.
4. This medicine will cure you if you avoid eating grapefruit. But you can drinking
grapefruit juice.

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10. This sign means ______________? ( 1.1 .3/1)

1. The floor is slippery.
2. There is High voltage power.
3. You have to wear a swimming suit.
4. This area is closed because the floor is poisonous.
Part 2: Reading Comprehension
Direction: Read the following passage and choose the best answer. (Questions 11-26)
Reading One (Questions 11-15)

Tom woke up one August morning in a hot day. He ran to the refrigerator to get a
cold drink, but it was broken and all the drinks were as hot as him. He walked over to
his electric fan and his television, but they werent working either. Finally he realized that
the electricity in his house was out. Later that, he went to the pool to cool off himself.
He dived right in! He swam for eight hours. He was so tired. His friend, Jeremy, bought
him an ice cream cone. He got a vanilla ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles. Even
though it was really hot day, he did have a lot of fun.

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11. What is the main idea of this passage? ( 1.1 .3/4)

1. The electricity in his house was out.
2. His friend bought him an ice cream cone.
3. He woke up one August morning in a hot day.
4. It was really hot day but he have a lot of fun.
12. What is the best topic of this passage? ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. Power outage day
2. A hot and funny day
3. A funny day with Jeremy.
4. A terrible day.
13. What does it on line 2 refers to? ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. drink.
2. electric fan.
3. television
4. refrigerator
14. Which is not true according to this passage? ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. Jeremy bought him a vanilla ice cream cone.
2. His refrigerator was really broken.
3. He swam in the pool to cool off himself.
4. His electric appliances were good.

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15. How was the narrator feeling after that day? ( 1.3 .3/2)
1. uncomfortable
2. fun
3. tried
4. cool
Reading Two (Questions 16-18)
Typhoons usually sweep through Taiwan but most people who live on the island
today havent seen anything like Morakot. It hit the island on August 8, 2009 bringing
nearly 9 feet of rain and the islands worst flood in over 50 years. It was the deadliest
natural disaster to hit the island since 1999 when a 7.3 earthquake struck. The storm
dumped a years worth of rain on the island in three days that killed at least 136 people
and nearly 400 were missing as well as widespread damage. This typhoon had also
become a political storm. While the storm was hitting Taiwan, the president, Ma Yingjeou, was shown on the evening news attending a baseball game with cheerful pink
shirt. That made people angry with him.
16. What is the name of the Typhoon which hit Taiwan on August 8, 2009?
( 1.1 .3/4)
1. Ma Ying-jeou
2. Morakot
3. Taiwan
4. Political storm

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17. The word nearly is closest in meaning to __________. ( 1.2 .3/4)

1. almost
2. dump
3. many
4. few
18. Which is not true according to the passage? ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. Ma Ying-jeou is the name of Typhoon which hit Taiwan.
2. The typhoon killed 400 people and nearly 136 were missing.
3. The deadliest typhoon which hit the Taiwan name, Morakot.
4. Taiwan had had the worst flood for 50 years.
Reading Three (Questions 19-21)
(Paragraph 1) In a daring daylight operation, armed robbers carried out one of the
worlds biggest robberies on Monday, stealing more than $ 37 million (1 .2 billion baht)
from a Zurich post office, authorities said.
(Paragraph 2) The five robbers foiled a string of security precautions to carry out
the hold up at the post office near the Fraumuenster church in the heart of Zurichs old
town. Driving a delivery van with stolen post office license plates and decals, the robbers
showed false identification papers to get past a security gate and enter the inner
courtyard of the post office at 10:37 a.m., law enforcement officials said.
(Paragraph 3) Using handguns to hold postal workers at bay, the robbers grabbed
several containers of cash from a loading dock. No one was hurt and the robbers quickly
disappeared in Zurich streets, police said.
(Paragraph 4) Investigators said the robbers probably had elaborated inside
information on security procedures.

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19. The robber had done all EXCEPT ______________. ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. disappear
2. stealing 3.7 million US Dollar
3. killing people
4. stealing post office license plates and decals
20. Which paragraph does say that robbers were very cautious? ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. Paragraph 1
2. Paragraph 2
3. Paragraph 3
4. Paragraph 4
21. The post office which was robbed is in __________? ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. America
2. Fraumuenster
3. Zurich
4. Netherland

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Reading Four (Questions 22-24)

Savannah and Charlotte worked hard every days to prepare for their picnic in the
end of this summer. Savannah grew tomatoes and green peppers in her garden. Charlotte
lived on a farm and she had been growing corn, lettuce, and apples since the spring.
A week before the picnic both girls harvested and packed their vegetables. They
decided that all of their hard work deserved a reward. They charged others for their
vegetables. Savannah charged five baht for one tomato or green pepper. Charlotte
charged five baht for a head of lettuce, three baht for an ear of corn, and three baht for
an apple.
22. Savannah grew ________. ( 1.1 .3/4)
1. tomatoes
2. corn
3. lettuce
4. apples
23. If you want to go to the picnic and purchase 1 tomato, 1 pepper, 2 ears of corn, and
4 grapes from the girls, how much would they cost? ( 3.1 .3/1)
1. 27 baht
2. 28 baht
3. 29 baht
4. 30 baht

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24. Charlotte lived in _________. ( 1.1 .3/4)

1. Mattydale
2. a farm
3. a circus
4. a grocery
Reading Five (Questions 25)
- Have salary
- Work
- Control themselves

- Have to ask for money from parents
- Study
- Be controlled by parents

25. The above table ______________________. ( 1.2 .3/4)

1. shows how adult is better than child.
2. points out why adult and child are different.
3. says the similarities and differences between adult and child.
4. shows how to be good adult and child.

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Reading Six (Questions 26)

Students' English Final Exam Score






Students' English Final Exam Score

26. From the bar graph, ________________________. ( 1.2 .3/4)

1. Sally has the best score.
2. Sallys score is lower than Somchai.
3. If the passing mark is 50, three students fail the exam.
4. The gap between Adams and Sunisas score is 20.

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Part 3: Grammar and Vocabulary

Directions: Choose the best answer. (Questions 27-38)
Passage One (Questions 27-31) ( 1.1 .3/4)
Bicycles are very popular today in many countries. Many people _____(27)____
bicycles for exercise. This is one of the reason why bicycles ______(28)_______ popular.
Another reason is money. Bicycles are not too _______(29)______ to buy. They do not
need gas to make them go. They are also easy and cheap to fix. In cities, many people
like bicycles better _____(30)_____ cars.

With a bicycle, they never have to

_______(31)______ in traffic. They also do not have to find a place to park. And finally,
bicycles do not cause any pollution!

1. ridden
2. riding
3. ride
4. rides


1. is
2. was
3. are
4. were


1. cheap
2. expensive
3. big
4. strong

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1. to
2. than
3. for
4. over


1. pass
2. go near
3. wait
4. ride

Passage Two (Questions 32-38) ( 1.1 .3/4)

We are not as well informed about climate change as we may think we are. Most
people have heard about the ___32___ of global warming but relatively few people
could reliably tell you accurate ___33___ and figures relating to this phenomenon. Scare
stories appear in the media on an almost ___34___ basis, complete with graphs, statistics
and predictions of how the world is going to change. But although we have all read and
understand this numerical data, remembering it is ___35___ Matter.
___36___ the actual rise in global temperature over the last century, for example.
When asked in a survey how much the world has warmed during the ___37___ of the
twentieth century, fifty one percent of people though that a ten degree rise ___38___
right compared with an actual figure of 0.6 degree.

1. question

2. issue

3. fact

4. story

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1. facts

2. data

3. statements

4. truth

1. daylong

2. day-to-day

3. daily

4. daytime

1. another

2. each

3. one

4. that

1. See

2. Notice

3. Observe

4. Take

1. all

2. total

3. complete

4. whole

1. heard

2. listened

3. sounded

4. spoke

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Part 4: Miscellaneous
Directions: Choose the correct answer which has the same meaning as the given
sentence. (Questions 39-44)
39. The only thing I forgot to put in my case was the camera. ( 1.2 .3/1)
1. I didnt forget to put the camera in my case.
2. The only thing in my case was the camera.
3. I put everything in my case including the camera.
4. I put everything in my case except the camera.
40. The police allege that Simpson killed his wife and her lover last year.
( 1.3 .3/1)
1. Simson was killed by police.
2. Simpsons wife and her lover were alive.
3. The police is going to jail Simpson.
4. Simpson was a suspect in this case.
41. You cannot go into that restaurant without a shirt and a necktie.
( 1.1 .3/1)
1. Its preferable to wear a shirt and a necktie while you are going into that
2. Unless you wear a shirt and a necktie, you cannot go into that restaurant.
3. If you want to go into that restaurant you have to wear a special shirt and
4. When you wear only a shirt, you can go into that restaurant.

O-NET 93 3 2557

42. The horse has made a greater contribution to civilization than any other animal.
( 1.2 .3/5)
1. No animal has played a larger role in man's social development than the
2. Without horses, it is somewhat doubtful that civilization would ever have
3. Since the dawn of history, man has been exploiting the horse to a great
4. Civilizations flourished thanks to many animals that helped man, one of which
was the horse.
43. I'm not so wide-awake as to start work in the morning until I've had my first cup of
coffee. ( 1.2 .3/1)
1. It's only after I drink my first morning coffee that I feel sufficiently alert to start
2. The only work I'd like to do in the early morning is to make myself a cup of
3. I have to work without drinking a few cups of coffee, I find it really difficult to
concentrate on anything.
4. A few cups of coffee in the morning just before I start work help me feel
better and work more efficiently.

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44. Of the fifteen students, Tawan is the most diligent boy. ( 1.2 .3/4)
1. The other students are more diligent than Tawan.
2. The other students are diligent as Tawan.
3. Tawan is more diligent than other students.
4. Tawan is more diligent than only one student.
Error Recognition
Direction: Choose the answer which is grammatically incorrect. (Question 45-50)
45. After a (1) few minutes, I (2) look up and (3) saw that it (4) was getting dark.
( 1.2 .3/1)
46. I (1) saw the blind man (2) crossed the busy road (3) without (4) any help.
( 1.2 .3/5)
47. The dog (1) wagged (2) it's tail when it (3) saw me (4) approaching.
( 1.2 .3/1)
48. She (1) crossed the road without (2) looking and was (3) knock down (4) by a car.
( 1.2 .3/1)
49. If I was (1) him, I (2) will (3) do it (4) better.
( 1.2 .3/4)
50. (1) Would you (2) mind (3) go with me to (4) the hospital?
( 1.2 .3/3)

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