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As we all are human beings we usually focus more on negative things rather than on
positive things. This is one of the major reasons of us being pessimists, if we rather focus on
positive things it would give us hope and will change our outlook of the world vigorously. Two
boys who were paradoxical to each other one was an optimist and the other one was a pessimist,
ones name was Ramiz who was an optimist and the other ones name was Umer who was a
pessimist both were real close buddies and were true well-wishers of each other. Both went to the
same college and graduated from there with good grades.
They both dreamt of pursuing an engineering degree from NED UNIVERSITY of Karachi
they both were preparing for the aptitude test and Umer said to Ramiz that I dont think that I
would be able to clear the test. Ramiz told Umer that he is being a pessimist as both of them
have graduated from the same college and both got an A-grade, surely we both will clear the test
with ease IN SHA ALLAH. Then the day came when the aptitude test was scheduled to be
conducted Ramiz was pretty much confident as he was prepared for the test abundantly. Whereas
Umer despite being prepared was not very much confident.
Umer said to Ramiz as they arrived at the test center (i.e the place where the test was to be
conducted) I am nervous, will I be able to clear the test or not? Ramiz replied dont worry
have confidence in yourself you will clear the test IN SHA ALLAH. A month later the results of
the aptitude test were displayed on the website of the university, both of them cleared the test but
Ramiz secured more marks than Umer. This incident caused, Umer to think that despite they both
prepared for the test together and they both put up an equal amount of effort in preparing for the
test, even then Ramiz secured more marks than him. After thinking deeply into the matter he
came to know that he was being a pessimist always emphasizing more on the negative outcomes
rather than the positive outcomes. After a few months when their first semester began Umer
started thinking more positively about things which changed his way of looking at things
examination of first semester started. After the exams both met with each other and had a
conversation which lasted not more than five minutes. Ramiz said to Umer my exams went
disastrous there was enormous pressure of studies that I wasnt able to handle how did your
exams went. Umer replied my exams went well now I am not a pessimist anymore and I
wasnt nervous during exams this time either, I hope I am going to get good grades this time
around IN SHA ALLAH. When the results were displayed Umer topped the first semester
examination. Ramiz was very happy for his friend he went to Umer and said It is rightly said
that hope overshadows pessimism you have proved it correct I am really happy for you.

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