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Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement

in Canada
Digital Community Net Neutrality
Strategy Television &

Robert A. Hackett & Steve Anderson


by Robert A. Hackett & Steve Anderson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5
Canada License. To view a copy of this license visit:


This research was assisted by a grant from the Necessary Knowledge for
a Democratic Public Sphere Program of the Social Science Research
Council with funds provided by the Ford Foundation.

The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the views of any organization, including,
World Association for Christian Communication,
the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University,
the Social Science Research Council,
or the Ford Foundation.

Robert A. Hackett (Simon Fraser University) and

Steve Anderson (, formerly Campaign for Democratic Media, CDM),

with contributions from

Philip Lee (World Association for Christian Communication), Tony Oliver (Simon Fraser Uni-
versity), David Skinner (York University), Amber Woodward (Simon Fraser University), Marissa
Lawrence (Langara College) and Jacqueline Cusack McDonald (

iv Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

Table of Contents
Introduction & Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Partner Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Methodology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

1 Background 1
The Canadian Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Current Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
An Emerging Media Reform Movement . . . . . . . 6
The Context of Scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 An Online Survey of NGOs 9

Organizational Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sector Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Participation in Media Campaigns . . . . . . . . . 11
Sources of Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Organizational Challenges and Priorities. . . . . . 12
Organizational Activities & Strategies . . . . . . . 13
Organization’s Main Achievements . . . . . . . . 14
Collaboration Between NGOs . . . . . . . . . . 14
Familiarity with Organizations and Concepts . . . . 15
NGOs as Part of a Social Movement? . . . . . . . 16
Perceptions of Mainstream Media. . . . . . . . . 16
Other Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Internet Use and Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Net Neutrality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Democracy and Media. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Table of Contents v

Media Dissatisfaction and Activism . . . . . . . . 21

3 Interviews with NGO Representatives 23

Organizational Goals and the Media. . . . . . . . 23
Goals and Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Achievements and Obstacles. . . . . . . . . . 24
Position in the Political Field . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Opponents and Allies . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
A Social Movement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Perceptions of the Media . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Democratic Media Activism, Anyone? . . . . . . . 30

4 The Toronto Workshop on Media Reform 32

5 Conclusions 33
Obstacles and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Springboards and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . 34

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Appendix .
I. Online Survey Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
II. Interview Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
III. Workshop Minutes . . . . . . . 51
IV. Organization Participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
vi Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

& Acknowledgements
What are the “building blocks” for an sociation for Christian Communication (WACC).
emergent coalition aiming to democra-
tize public communications in Canada?’s national coordinator, Steve
Anderson and Director of Operations, Jacqueline
That is the central question that this report Cusack McDonald took the lead role in arranging,
aims to address. The collaborative research sum- conducting and transcribing interviews, and in con-
marized here comprises an online pilot survey, in- ducting the online survey for this project. Jacque-
depth interviews, and a strategy workshop with line also formatted and designed this report with
key activists and organization leaders. The goal is the assistance of Marie Elliott on table graphics.
to identify issues, allies, resources and frames that
could facilitate campaigns and sustainable media Philip Lee from the World Association for
reform organizations, and to contribute to schol- Christian Communication coordinated the work-
arship on media reform activism that has emerged shop in Toronto, and provided a summary of
in liberal-democratic countries in the past ten years. that workshop, included as an appendix to this
report. Professor David Skinner from York
This is a collaborative project between Simon University contributed to the Canadian Con-
Fraser University communication professor Rob- text section. Tony Oliver and Amber Wood-
ert Hackett, and two NGOs (non-governmental ward from Simon Fraser University helped
organizations), formerly Campaign greatly to analyze and summarize the interviews.
for Democratic Media (CDM), and the World As-
Partner Organizations vii

Partner Organizations
Midway through this project, Campaign for Media Festival in Vancouver on October 24, 2009.
Democratic Media (CDM) changed its name Fresh Media Festival was a one-day forum to cel-
to ( The ebrate innovation and independent media and to
name change is partly credited to the prelimi- re-imagine journalism in the 21st century. Work-
nary results of this study. To avoid confusion, ing with organizations, media-minded people and
we shall henceforth use the name citizens, this event explored the intersections of
media, art and technology through workshops, is a diverse network of pub- panels, roundtables, live performances and a
lic interest organizations and people concerned hands-on, creative exhibition. The festival em-
about media reform and media policy formation braced all forms of media including social media
in Canada.’s predecessor CDM was and the importance of citizen powered journalism.
formed in 2007 with encouragement from people
at Free Press, the Media Democracy Coalition The World Association for Christian Com-
and other American media democracy groups. munication ( is an interna-
With active support from academics, unions and tional organization promoting communication
advocacy groups, mounted sev- for social change on the basis of solidarity, dig-
eral notable campaigns, linked existing media nity, equality, respect and human rights, and espe-
reform organizations and is well-positioned to cially the right to communicate. It operates glob-
amplify the public interest voice in policy-making. ally through its regional associations and through
its global headquarters, since 2006 located in To- has launched national cam- ronto, where WACC plans to create an interna-
paigns such as Stop the Big Media Takeover, tional Centre for Communication Rights. Its most, and Community Media Now! It active constituents include religious communica-
has taken on digital media issues, organized large tors, communities of faith (particularly the ecu-
media education events such as Media Democ- menical movement), communication academics,
racy Day and created a strong presence politically, and development and human rights nonprofits.
including staging a Net Neutrality Rally on Par-
liament Hill. In 2008, published a Most of WACC’s work is related to the de-
series of reports during the election season: “Me- mocratization of communication and the media
dia and Culture: Where do the parties stand” and for strengthening democratic processes; com-
“Fact vs. Fiction”, making both available online munication and peace building; gender equal-
as tools to inform citizens about important issues. ity in communications; the connections between
communication and poverty; and countering
In 2009, has expanded exist- stigma and discrimination associated with HIV
ing projects and launched new initiatives. In July, and AIDS, particularly among faith-based com- along with key Internet experts, munities. It tackles these through advocacy, edu-
presented a strong case for maintaining the open cation, training, networking, the creation and
Internet (Net Neutrality) in Canada at a historic sharing of knowledge and project partnerships.
CRTC hearing in Ottawa. It organized an Internet
Dance Party in Vancouver and several packed town WACC works to expand the communication
hall events across the country to engage citizens spaces of vulnerable and marginalised groups and
in discussions about the future of the Internet. to influence communication policy-making. It also
directly tackles communication poverty, believing
Most recently, hosted the Fresh
viii Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

that the relative silence of the voices of people What other groups or constituencies are
living in poverty in public communication pro- potential allies or beneficiaries of media re-
cesses is a key dimension of their powerlessness form? How does “the media piece” fit, if
and is closely correlated with the extreme inequal- at all, into the priorities and strategies of
ities that underlie human development deficits. other progressive groups that logically have
a stake in a more diverse, open media sys-
WACC’s work is currently organized under tem? How aware are such groups of the rel-
six programmes: Recognizing and Building Com- evance of the state of Canadian communi-
munication Rights; Media and Gender Justice; cation rights and media policy to their work?
HIV and Aids - Communication and Stigma;
Communication and Poverty; Communication The scope of this project is small and it must be
for Peace; and Communication for Ecumenism. considered exploratory rather than definitive. We
hope however, that our data and interpretations
The Necessary Knowledge for a Demo- will help to identify issues, allies, resources and
cratic Public Sphere program, of the So- frames that could give further traction to emerging
cial Science Research Council, with fund- media reform coalitions in Canada, the northern
ing from the Ford Foundation, provided a flank for progressive media struggles in the US.
collaborative research grant for this project.
In the sections that follow, we first briefly outline
Following up Hackett and Carroll’s (2006) re- the methodology employed. Then we sketch out
search on the politics of media activism, the proj- the political and academic context of the study, and
ect is informed by crucial questions such as these: of media policy activism in Canada. Subsequent
What groups have been directly active in sections summarize our findings from each of the
media and communications issues recently? three stages of research, and discuss some of their
What are their resources and main priori- implications. We conclude with reflections on the
ties? What do they see as current threats prospects for a media reform coalition in Canada.
and opportunities on the policy agenda?
Methodology ix

The research comprised three basic elements. and research ‘think tanks’. (These categories can
of course overlap. In analyzing the responses, re-
First a list was prepared of Canadian NGOs in spondents’ self-identification with a sector, rather
different issue sectors or movements that might be than our own initial categorization, was employed.)
expected to have a stake in media content or regu-
lation, regardless of whether they were currently Certain selectivity biases in this method must
active in media policy activism. We wanted to assess be acknowledged. Activists who chose not to
how important communications policy and media work through formal organizations would be ex-
access are to the leading advocates of social change cluded, as would groups that were not listed in the
in Canada, in the context of their main priorities, databases, for whatever reason. We also omitted
and whether they would consider joining cam- groups that do not operate in English, a decision
paigns or coalitions for democratic media reform. that would mainly exclude Quebec-based Fran-
cophone organizations. These selectivity biases
Next we prepared and distributed an online however, are consistent with’s own
questionnaire to currently and potentially al- coalition-building strategy of creating a network
lied NGOs. A list of potential respondents to of well-resourced NGOs in Anglophone Can-
the online survey was compiled, partly through ada, one that could work with parallel networks
personal contacts established by OpenMedia. or coalitions in the ‘distinct society’ of Quebec
ca, but mainly (in the apparent absence of an af- and/or expand to this territory in the future.
fordable and authoritative directory of Canadian
organizations) through several online databases.1 Using our master list, and subsequent to ap-
proval by Simon Fraser University’s Ethics Review
For each organization, we sought to identify Board, about 224 organizations were invited by
the individual responsible for media relations email to respond to our survey; ultimately, 57 of
or policy development. Our list was intended to them responded. (See Appendix I for the letter of
include NGOs in each of the following sixteen invitation.) Designed collaboratively by Hackett
categories: peace, environment, ethnicity, gender, and Anderson, the questionnaire focussed on the
religion, labour/trade union, independent media, priorities, resources, strategies, challenges, partner-
technology, arts and culture, civil and human rights, ships and achievements of each NGO, as well as
First Nations, professional/service, general politi- its use and perceptions of digital and news media.
cal and advocacy, foundations, charity/education, (See Appendix I for the full questionnaire.) The

1.  These included the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (
aspx), a list of national professional organizations; Charity Village (
asp), Canadian associations and affiliates, mostly non-profit; Sources (, a directory for jour-
nalists and researchers, of experts and media spokespeople; Canadian News Wire Group (
en/), circulating press releases and information from more than 10,000 sources across Canada, and thus useful
in locating Canadian groups who routinely use news media dissemination as an organizational tool; Steward-
ship Canada, Funders Directory (
me=geographicalFocus&value=Canada20%Wide), a directory of environmental organizations across Canada;
Canadian Peace Alliance (, a small directory of peace organizations;
and The Independent Media Arts Alliance (, a listing of IMAA
members, mostly locally based.
x Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

questionnaire was intended as an intervention and terview was summarized and the most relevant
not simply a positivistic social science method of portions transcribed in full. Student assistants
gathering ‘findings’ like pebbles on a beach. Some Tony Oliver and Amber Woodward at Simon
of the questions are intended to stimulate thought Fraser University then summarized the data.
and action, reflecting’s intention to
use this project as a springboard for mobilization. Thirdly, WACC arranged a workshop of 19 ac-
tivists, advocates, academics, trade unionists, and
The second branch of the research entailed independent media producers, including many
eighteen telephone and in-person interviews members of the national steering
with key individuals in Canadian advocacy groups, committee. Held on May 26, 2009, at WACC’s
selected by on the basis of their global headquarters in Toronto, the meeting dis-
potential for future involvement.2 Hackett and cussed current communications/media policy is-
Anderson designed a semi-standardized set of sues in Canada, current activities and campaigns of
questions, roughly parallel to those posed in, the initial results from the above-
the online survey, concerning the NGO’s man- mentioned online survey of NGOs, the work in
date, strategies, priorities, resources, achieve- this area done by workshop participants them-
ments, obstacles, opponents, allies, identifica- selves, and potential future strategies and cam-
tion with social movements, relations with and paigns. WACC provided minutes of this meeting,
perceptions of media, and involvement with which are attached to this report as Appendix II.
coalitions on communication policy. Each in-

2.  Chronologically, our interview respondents included John Urquhart, executive-director, Council of Cana-
dians, January 29, 2009; Bill Huzar, president, Consumers Council of Canada, Jan. 30; Ian Morrison, spokes-
person, Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, Jan. 30; David Robinson, associate executive director, Canadian As-
sociation of University Teachers, Feb. 1; Steve Staples, executive director, the Rideau Institute, January 19; Pat
Kerwin, treasurer, Doug Massey, executive assistant, Frank Saptel, vice-president, Douglas-Coldwell Founda-
tion, Jan. 19; Joanne Deer, director, public policy and communications, Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Radio &
Television Artists, Feb. 5; Alain Pineau, national director, Canadian Conference of the Arts, Feb. 18; Ian Boyko,
Campaigns and government relations co-ordinator, Canadian Federation of Students, Feb. 19; Charley Beres-
ford, executive director, Columbia Institute, Feb 26; Kevin Millsip, executive director, Check Your Head, March
20; David Beers, editor/founder, The Tyee (online newspaper), March 23; Irwin Oostindie, executive director,
W2 Community Media Arts Centre, April 3; George Doubt, national president, Telecommunications Workers
Union, April 3; Markus Stadelmann-Elder, media officer, Maytree Foundation, April 8; Alice Klein, editor/
CEO, NOW Magazine, April 16; Alain Cossette, communications director, Public Service Alliance of Canada,
April 21; Joel Solomon, Renewal, May 21.
Background 1

1 Background

The Canadian Context of Canada’s broadcasting policy review process

between 1985 and 1991 in seven issue areas,
Because the public interest elements historical- painted a mixed picture. Public consultation and
ly embedded in Canadian communications policy favourable public opinion can generate posi-
have been eroding in favour of private corporate in- tive outcomes for public interest groups in for-
terests, this project has responded to an urgent need mal policy. But sustained policy intervention by
to revitalize a media reform movement in Canada. public interest groups is costly, difficult and spo-
radic. By contrast, through their direct access to
In the 1930s, Canada was home to one of regulators and legislators industry groups can
the earliest and most successful communica- shape policy implementation and resource al-
tion reform movements in the mass-mediated location, incrementally subverting or constrain-
world – the Canadian Radio League. The League ing formally democratic policies (Raboy 1995).
spearheaded a campaign to create a public broad-
caster (now the Canadian Broadcasting Corpo- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ration or CBC) and was influential in histori-
cally less successful efforts to resist corporate Canadian communications
domination of the radio spectrum in the United
States (Peers 1968; McChesney 1999: 232-240). policy has long embodied elements
Partly due to such citizen activism, Canadian
of a democratic public sphere
communications policy has long embodied ele- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ments of a democratic public sphere, including
public regulation and elements of public owner-
ship in both broadcasting and telecommunica- The sheer organizational and economic
tions; the “common carrier” principle in tele- weight of Big Media and Big Telecom, their
communications; public access or “community” control over the dominant means of com-
broadcasting; Canadian content rules in broad- munication production and distribution,
casting; tax subsidies and incentives for cultural surely enhances that power, even if only by
and media production; support for aboriginal making alternative policies seem unrealistic.
peoples and minority language broadcasting; What about digital “new media”? A review of
public consultation processes in broadcasting the development of Canada’s digital communica-
and telecommunications policy-making; and sub- tion infrastructure between 1993 and 2000 con-
sidies for public interest interveners in telecom- cludes that three landmark enquiries were stacked
munications; and limits on foreign ownership with industry representatives, held few or no pub-
and (minimally) concentration and cross-media lic consultations, and thus favoured neoliberal
ownership. (See e.g. Raboy and Shtern et al, 2008). policy outcomes. Two further reports, by the Ca-
None of these policies fundamentally al- nadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications
tered the commercial and corporate domina- Commission (CRTC), had far more participatory
tion of Canadian media, however, and they are public consultations, but nevertheless generated
threatened by recent developments. An analysis outcomes not responsive to public input. The
2 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

CRTC did not dare oppose the Canadian govern- prise a “sea change” in media structure (Skinner
ment’s overall neoliberal model and, as a result, 2008: 42; Skinner, Gasher, and Compton 2005).
the development, deployment and exploitation
of information and communication technolo-
gies was largely given over to powerful corporate Current Issues
actors (Barney 2005: 106-107; Barney 2004: 67). While there have been a number of key issues for
Across media sectors, a series of mergers and media reform building in Canada over the last few
acquisitions since 1998 has aggregated over half years, since Fall 2008, the recession has both exacer-
of all Canadian media revenues in the hands of bated those concerns as well as opened up new ones.
three firms (Winseck 2008: 31). Under the banner In the face of falling advertising revenues
of convergence and large payments on the debts incurred in es-
and international calating concentration of ownership of the last
competitiveness, decade, Canada’s big media corporations have
such media con- made major cuts to the newspapers and local tele-
centration has met vision. The Canadian Media Guild estimates that
with regulatory ap- some 3,000 media workers were laid off between
proval. The prin- January and April of 2009 alone. At newspapers,
ciple of Canadian layoffs and budget cuts lead to centralizing pro-
ownership is being duction and narrowing specialized and local cov-
reconsidered by erage. In terms of local television, there is some
Stephen Harper’s question as to how profitable these stations might
federal Conserva- actually be, but with national and regional adver-
tive government tising revenues plunging, the networks are looking
and has been erod- for a number of regulatory concessions. These in-
ed by regulatory clude: collecting a fee for carriage of their signals
decisions allowing from cable and satellite distributors; reductions in
increasing Ameri- the amount of local programming these stations
can minority own- are required to produce; and rollbacks on the
ership of Canadian percentage of programming the networks are re-
media companies (Moll and Shade 2008). Regula- quired to purchase from independent producers.
tory and funding support for the CBC has been
whittled down. Community broadcasting, though For their part, the regulators would like to see
recognized as one of three pillars of the broad- the networks spend less money on purchasing
casting system, continues to struggle with minimal foreign (U.S.) programming, which recently hit
resources. The CRTC is considering de-regulating an all time high and outstrips their expenditure
the cable, satellite, and telephone companies that on Canadian programs. While attempting to work
control television distribution (CRTC 2007). Pro- these issues out, the CRTC is expected to grant
posed federal copyright legislation (currently with- these stations one-year license renewals instead of
drawn) threatened to restrict users’ rights of “fair the usual seven. Meanwhile, the House of Com-
dealing”. In the crucial field of new digital media, mons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage
the issue of web-based Canadian media content has been holding similar hearings, asking ques-
remains unresolved, and escalating violations of tions about the different pressures on local broad-
the principle of “net neutrality” threaten to create casting and exploring suggestions as to how the
an increasingly tiered Internet (Anderson 2008). federal government might address the situation.
As in the U.S., such developments potentially com- In the face of these cutbacks, finding ways
Background 3

to support innovative local and national pub- port or subsidies for new media broadcasting, it is
lic interest journalism should be at the top of not clear what effect the new definition will have
the reform agenda. Rather than yield to the de- on independent, community, public and private
mands of the large private media corporations, media that broadcast online. Media reformers will
efforts should be placed on developing new in- want to ensure that independent, community and
dependent mandate-driven or not for profit public media outlets are included in any future pro-
community media outlets and building support grams created to support new media broadcasting.
for increased resources for the CBC in this area.
The new media ruling marks another occa-
As the impacts of the recession on local sion where the CRTC has refused to deal with
media occupy headlines, a number of impor- Canada’s prevailing “digital divides” based on
tant longer standing issues continue to work geography (rural, remote, inner-city), ability
their way through the system. These include: (cognitive, physical), class, age, gender, and eth-
Canada’s digital strategy; net neutral- nicity. However, perhaps the most significant as-
ity, and community television broadcasting. pect of the CRTC’s new media ruling is its call
for a “national digital strategy”. While the
In February 2009, the CRTC held hearings on CRTC’s ruling on new media essentially delays
whether to roll back their 1999 decision to exempt and sidesteps many of the key issues raised at
the Internet from regulation. While some Inter- the hearing, it also sets the stage for a high pro-
net applications, like Voice over Internet Protocol file debate over Canada’s national digital strategy.
(VOIP) are now regulated, the vast majority of
what passes across the Web, including broadcast- With pressure building, in June 2009 Industry
ing, is not. Some of the questions that were under minister Tony Clement hosted a Digital Economy
consideration: What is “new media” (read Inter- Conference to discuss the possibility of a national
net) broadcasting? What might be its impact on the digital strategy. In 2010, the policy-making process
Canadian broadcasting system? What regulatory concerning Canada’s digital strategy promises to
measures and/or incentives are needed to boost be a crucial and highly contested space to raise the
Canadian broadcast programming on the Internet? above issues and much more. Chairman of the
National Film Board Tom Perlmutter, captured
On June 4, 2009, the CRTC decided to “continue the essence of the issue in a recent interview say-
to exempt new media broadcasting services from ing “a digital strategy has to look at how we posi-
its regulation and monitor trends as they evolve” tion ourselves into the future, how we position
(CRTC 2009). The ruling also indicates that for ourselves so that we’re able to deal with all of the
the time being, the CRTC will not create the much things that have to do with the technology, with
debated “New Media Broadcast Levy”, which innovation, with productivity, with education,
would subsidize Canadian new media content and with issues around the digital divide between the
potentially Internet access, through a small levy have-nots and the haves” (Perlmutter, 2009: 1).
on the revenue of big Internet service providers.
Calls for a digital strategy will likely become
Under the previous definition of “broadcast more vociferous considering Canada has fallen
program,” websites might be seen as a form of behind many European and Asian countries in
broadcasting, but only if they do not consist “pre- terms of Internet access, speed, and cost, mov-
dominantly of alphanumeric text.” The CRTC’s ing Canada from 2nd to 10th place within the
new media ruling did expand the definition of 30 OECD countries (OECD, 2008). Canada’s
new media broadcasting undertakings to encom- broadband connection speeds have also fallen
pass all Internet-based and mobile point-to-point below the OECD average, and now rank 27th
broadcasting services. In lieu of regulatory sup- in terms of cost versus speed (OECD, 2008).
4 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

According to OECD, for countries to remain developed countries surveyed. Despite Canada’s
internationally competitive, “Governments need wireless market’s profitability, the OECD found
to promote competition and give consumers that Canada has the third-highest wireless rates
more choices. They should encourage new net- among developed countries and Canada is falling
works, particularly upgrades to fibre-optic lines” behind on usage, ranking last for cell phone users
(OECD, 2008). In the 2009 Federal budget, the per capita. In 2008, the CBC’s iPhone index com-
Conservative gov- pilation compared
ernment pledged costs of the iPhone
to commit $225 in 21 countries and
million over the found that the device
next three years was most expensive
for broadband to in Canada and Italy.
unserved com-
munities (Depart- Canadians face
ment of Finance high prices, poor
Canada, 2009). service and highly
By contrast, Aus- constricted choice;
tralia, which has a a reality that most
similar geograph- Canadians are, in
ic breakdown to fact, aware of. More
Canada, is re- than half of re-
portedly commit- spondents (53%) in
ting AU$4.7 bil- a 2009 Angus Reid
lion to a similar initiative (LeMay, 2007). Not Public Opinion
only is the Conservative’s commitment rela- poll reported that they believe Canada is one of
tively weak, it also does little to get Canadi- the most expensive countries in which to use a
ans hooked up to next generation networks. cell phone (Angus Reid, 2009). If this public
opinion can be harnessed to an intervention in
Mobile Internet and phone access promises the government spectrum auction, taking place
to be another important aspect of the digital sometime in the next two years, Canada’s wire-
strategy debate, and should be high on Canada’s less market could take a 180º turn. The dismal
media reform agenda. Mobile devices promise to state of the wireless market, coupled with highly
comprise an increasingly important point of ac- critical public sentiment, suggests wireless could
cess to the Internet as well as traditional phone be a fruitful subject for a media reform cam-
services. New policy in the public interest con- paign - a campaign potentially connected to new
cerning wireless access to the Internet is perhaps policies focused on Canada’s digital strategy.
the most promising opportunity to close the
digital divide since the invention of the Internet. Net neutrality is another urgent matter requir-
ing policy attention. At the 5th Canadian Telecom-
The Canadian cell phone market is highly con- munications Forum, representatives from both
centrated with more than 95 per cent belonging to Bell Canada and Telus indicated an interest in pro-
Rogers Communications Inc., Bell Canada Inc. and viding a priority access fast lane to the Internet for
Telus Corp., notably the most profitable wireless those content providers who can afford extra fees.
services in the developed world (Nowak, 2008). A However, on October 22, 2009 the CRTC issued
report by Merrill Lynch found that the Canadian new rules that are intended to prevent Internet Ser-
wireless market was the most profitable of 23 vice Providers from discriminating against certain
Background 5

types of traffic and content. Furthermore, both a competitive advantage rather than a commu-
the New Democratic Party and the Liberals now nity resource. The result is that fewer than 10%
have official policies supporting Net Neutrality. of Canadians can access a “community chan-
nel” to express themselves or make a program.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . In 2010 the CRTC will review the communi-
ty television sector and will collect citizen input
It is imperative to maintain though Consultation 2009-661. The Canadian
pressure on the CRTC and elected Association of Community Television Users and
officials to ensure that Internet Stations (CACTUS) proposes that the money al-
ready spent on community channels as a license
traffic is treated equally requirement ($116,000,000 in 2008), be liberated
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . to an independent production fund whereby com-
munities could apply to run these channels them-
selves. The production fund could support com-
These are huge milestones in the effort to munity media centres that would provide training,
keep Canada’s Internet open, but at the mo- equipment for sound recording, television pro-
ment, several ISPs continue discriminatory traf- duction, web design, broadband streaming, and
fic throttling practices. The CRTC guidelines put share resources with other community organiza-
the onus on the consumer to file a complaint and tions that specialize in communications, such as
to prove that ISPs are “unjustly” throttling traf- community newspapers, libraries, and theatres.
fic. Furthermore, while political support for Net Helping develop a broad vision for community
Neutrality has grown rapidly, there is still no in- broadcasting and working to ensure that adequate
dication that a Net Neutrality law is imminent. sources of funding are available to support that vi-
Consequently, it is imperative to maintain pres- sion are key projects for reform. There is also po-
sure on the CRTC and elected officials to ensure tential to integrate efforts to support community
that Internet traffic is treated equally. In 2010, Net broadcasting into a larger initiative to re-imagine
Neutrality supporters will need to push the CRTC and re-invent journalism in the face of journal-
to enforce its own traffic management guidelines ism cut backs and increasing media concentration.
by either submitting a formal traffic manage-
ment compliant or convince Industry Minister Two other seemingly less immediate concerns
Tony Clement to mandate regular compliance are also worth noting, the first being the switch to
audits of ISP traffic management practices. digital television. With the deadline for switching
in Canada scheduled for August 31, 2011, private
Community broadcasting is also on the broadcasters are already looking for ways to avoid
policy agenda in the near future. While framed what they perceive to be the costly conversion of
in Section 3 of the 1991 Broadcasting Act their over-the-air (OTA) broadcast transmitters.
as one of the key elements of the Canadian But while, for the most part, they would like to see
broadcasting system, community broadcasting the elimination of this service, the conversion to
has not been very well supported in Canada. digital promises to free up space in the radio spec-
With private local broadcasting in crisis, there trum and opens up the possibility of increasing
is room for a much expanded role for both ra- the number of OTA signals, and thereby diver-
dio and television community broadcasting. sity within the system. While the cost of conver-
In 1997, community channels became op- sion presents particular challenges to community
tional. Cable companies have since “professional- and not-for-profit broadcasters, finding ways to
ized” the now optional channels to make them meet those challenges and exploit possible oppor-
6 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

tunities is another important project for reform quality and quantity of Canadian programming.
Several smaller under-funded organizations lob-
The second concern is a possible merging by on telecommunications issues and copyright
of Telecommunications and Broadcasting from a consumer-rights perspective, and several
Acts. Given ongoing convergence at both the unions have developed detailed policy propos-
technological and corporate levels, industry and als and collaborated with other organizations
government officials have hinted at the possibil- on policy-oriented campaigns (e.g. Communica-
ity. While such a merger would raise a number of tions, Energy & Paperworkers Union 2004). In
public interest issues, perhaps the biggest concern 1996, a “common front” called the Campaign for
is what would happen to the cultural objectives Press and Broadcasting Freedom (named after a
now contained in Section 3 of the Broadcasting long-standing British media reform organiza-
Act. Those objectives set out the public interest tion) campaigned against press concentration in
in broadcasting and are the product of decades the wake of Conrad Black’s takeover of South-
of struggle. Any discussions of new legisla- am newspapers. At the local level, media activ-
tion should be closely monitored in this regard. ists have organized an annual Media Democracy
Day since 2001, in Vancouver and other cities.
Other progressive advocacy groups and networks
An Emerging Media Reform not centrally concerned with communications
policy have often supported media reform.
Movement A recent entrant to Canadian media reform is
one of the partners to the present project – the
It is not difficult to see the broader democratic World Association for Christian Communica-
values that are at stake in the above-mentioned tion, an ecumenical group which has promoted
developments: access to, and diversity of, citi- communication rights internationally for several
zen-relevant information; community-building, decades. In 2006 WACC transferred its global
at both local and national levels; domestic con- headquarters from the U.K. to Toronto, where it
trol over Canada’s communication policies and is seeking Canadian partners for media reform,
institutions, as a prerequisite for citizen partici- and developing a global web portal as a clearing-
pation in policy-making; universal access to the house for information on communication rights.
key means of public communication, as a basis
for equality and participation in society, cul- These groups have worked in relative isolation
ture and politics; accountability of media in- from each other, however, and policy processes
stitutions to publics and to policy goals. These tend to treat them as (at best) individual stakehold-
values, all highly relevant to democratic gover- ers rather than representatives of the larger public
nance and citizenship, are at risk of further ero- interest (Skinner 2004). But increasingly they are
sion in current policy developments, particularly looking to collaborative models like the Media &
with a federal government arguably more com- Democracy Coalition in the U.S. With encourage-
mitted to neoliberalism than any in the past. ment from experienced people at Free Press, the
Media Democracy Coalition and other American
Fortunately, there are signs of resistance. Que- media democracy groups, and a nation-wide net-
bec has a long history of support for participa- work of Canadian organizations and individuals,
tory, community and movement-oriented French the other NGO involved in this project, Open-
language media (e.g. Raboy 1984). In Anglophone, was formed in Summer 2007 to seek
Canada, an advocacy group called Friends of Ca- common ground for specific campaigns. With ac-
nadian Broadcasting has worked since 1985 to de- tive support from academics, unions and advoca-
fend public interest principles and to promote the
Background 7

cy groups, such as the 60,000-member Council of tions; and fragmented identities and weaker sense
Canadians, has already mounted of pan-Canadian nationalism, associated with
several notable campaigns, linked existing media strong regionalism, cultural and linguistic dual-
reform organizations, and is well positioned to ism, and Quebec’s “distinct society”. Diversity
amplify the public interest voice in policy-making. as a policy goal in Canada hinges around linguis-
tic, regional and political/ideological axes as well
as race and ethnicity (Beaty and Sullivan 2006).

The Context of Scholarship That said, while the current report is intended
to shed light on the terrain for media reform in
Many readers of this report will be familiar with Canada, we also intend to make a modest con-
some of the recently burgeoning academic litera- tribution to the more general literature. Social
ture, both case studies and theoretical overviews, movement theory (SMT) forms one intellectual
on media reform as a social movement in the US, backdrop for this proposed project. There are
and at the transnational level (e.g. Dichter 2005; several major traditions in SMT, from Smelser’s
Klinenberg 2004; Klinenberg 2007; McChesney classic but now unfashionable structural func-
2004; McChesney & Hackett 2005; McChesney, tionalism, to Melucci’s (e.g. 1996) emphasis on
Newman & Scott 2005; Opel 2004; Thomas 2006; “new” social movements’ challenges to the alleg-
Napoli 2007). There is also now a substantial lit- edly state-centered “old” left, Foucault’s radical
erature on alternative/citizens’/radical media as pluralism, and neo-Gramscian hegemony theory
another fundamental (and we would argue, com- (cf. Carroll, 1997; Hackett & Carroll 2006). We are
plementary) route to media democratization and not wedded at the outset to any particular SMT
social transformation (e.g. Couldry & Curran 2003; tradition, but given our concerns with the mobi-
Downing et al 2000; Hanke 2005; Rodriguez 2001). lization, framing, political opportunities, alliance
structure and sustainability of media reform, our
Little in this area has been published on the survey and interview questions are inspired par-
Canadian context, however. There is a growing ticularly by the Resource Mobilization tradition.
critical literature on Canadian media policy, con- This model suggests that successful movements
tent and structures (e.g. Babe 1990; Beaty and Sul- need to find ways to reduce the costs of mobili-
livan 2006; Edge 2007; Hackett and Gruneau et zation, to identify opportunities within the politi-
al 2000; Moll and Shade 2008; Skinner, Gasher cal environment, and to provide collective action
and Compton 2005; Raboy 1990; Winter 2007), frames that identify shared grievances, villains,
but little of it focuses on policies or strategies for allies, and remedies (e.g. Klandermans 2001).
building a more democratic media system. And
we cannot simply extrapolate from the U.S. lit- As background, our work has also been in-
erature, given some important differences in the formed by Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory (e.g.
landscape for media reform. Compared to the 1993). A field is an institutional social universe
U.S., Canada has a more strongly institutionalized with its own relatively autonomous logics, and re-
political Left, labour movement, and social demo- sources for which agents compete; yet it is situated
cratic element in the political culture; a stronger within a broader “field of power,” notably com-
though beleaguered public service broadcaster; prising state and capital (Benson & Neveu 2005).
historical though contested support for “cul- Some pioneering work has applied field theory in
tural sovereignty” vis-à-vis the powerful pull of mapping the stakeholders and trajectories of me-
American media industries; a much higher degree dia activism itself (Hanke 2005; Klinenberg 2005).
of media concentration; a weaker libertarian tra- Hackett and Carroll (2006) considered the impact
dition; far fewer philanthropic funding founda- on media activism of communications institutions
8 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

as a field with distinct characteristics – notably, po- always mindful of the actual and potential links.
rous boundaries, a high capacity to intrude upon
other fields, and vulnerability to influence from In particular, we wanted to address a theoreti-
political and economic fields. Is this perspective cally and politically vital question: Is media reform
consistent with the evidence offered in this study? best framed as part of other movements – per-
haps as a “movement nexus” (Hackett & Carroll
If media democratization comprises a field, 2006: 199) – or rather, as “a distinctive indepen-
what is its scope? Scholars have drawn a distinc- dent identity” (Napoli 2007:51)? If the latter,
tion between grassroots then a strategy of appeal-
activism, and policy- ing to the instrumental
oriented national-level communicative needs of
advocacy (e.g. Mueller, other movements may
Kuerbis & Page 2004; be less successful than
Napoli 2007). Others a more “universalizing”
have categorized dif- appeal to democratic
ferent forms of media and humanistic values
activism on the basis (solidarity, dignity, equal-
of their origins, lo- ity, community, racial,
cus of activity, tactics, social and ecological jus-
ideological perspec- tice). Such a framing/al-
tives, and/or object liance strategy suggests,
of change (e.g. Hackett & Carroll 2006: 54-57; in turn, an especially critical role – viz., consci-
Opel 2004). This project focuses on media re- entizing constituencies for media justice – for
form (defined by its intention to achieve institu- progressive communities of faith, like WACC,
tional change of existing media) as a subset of the that nurture ethical values (Powers 2005).
larger field of media democratization. Specifical-
ly, we focus on policy-oriented advocacy groups, In the next two sections, we offer evi-
not the entire media democracy movement, but dence from our survey and interviews
that may help to address these questions.
An Online Survey of NGOs 9

An Online Survey of NGOs

We will now summarize some of the emergent inequalities within the sector may well contribute
to different organizational cultures, and differ-
ent levels of commitment to the existing field of
Organizational Size state-recognized, politically legitimized advocacy.
That said, a cross-tabulation of organizational
Compared to some of their US counterparts, budget size with past and likely future participation
the NGOs that responded are mainly modest in in media/communication campaigns or coalitions
size, though there is a wide distribution. The medi- (Q21, 26) revealed a striking contrast. Groups
an category of membership size is 500-999. Seven- with budgets under $250,000 were much more
teen of 57 NGOs had under 500 members, 18 had likely to participate than their wealthier counter-
over 1,000; 14 are not membership-based. None parts. In the past five years, twelve (57.1%) of the
had more than 100,000 signed-up members. (Q4/5) 21 smaller groups confirmed their participation in
Interestingly, this picture does not change such campaigns, compared to just six (28.6%) of
much when the NGOs identified the number of the 21 larger groups. Similarly, asked to estimate
people on their main contact email list (Q5/6). the likelihood of future engagement on a scale
This suggests that the groups make little dis- from 1 (very unlikely) to 5 (very likely), the small-
tinction between “membership” and inclusion er groups averaged a score of 4.19, compared to
on an email list, and/or that the groups do not 3.11 for organizations with budgets of $250,000
communicate regularly with publics or potential or more.3 This finding suggests two points. First,
supporters beyond their formal membership. from a methodological viewpoint, organizations
Indeed, at least one major organization told us with smaller budgets and presumably fewer staff
informally that it emails action alerts only to a may have been more likely to respond to our
minority of its own members, expressing an un- survey if they already had an existing interest in
willingness to add to their supporters’ inbox clut- media and communications issues. Second, stra-
ter.’s experience corresponds to tegically, it would be important for a Canadian
that of other groups: NGOs regard their email media reform coalition not to overlook the po-
list as a hard-earned resource, and a kind of trust. tential for support from and collaboration with
a variety of small but dedicated organizations.
In terms of annual revenues, the median is
about $250,000 (Q6/7). Thirteen have budgets of
over $1 million, ten have $250,000 to 999,999, ten
have $100,00 to 249,999, and fourteen have less
than $100,000, including nine with under $25,000. Sector Participation
One can surmise two points. First, few organiza- Of the 224 organizations that were invited to
tions appear to have surplus funds available for participate in our survey, 57 did so – a response
campaigns unrelated to their primary mandates, rate of 25.4%. In terms of self-identified “main
and some cannot afford paid staff at all. Second, area of focus,” (Q3/4) the NGO’s were distribut-

3.   The response “don’t know” was tabulated as 3, the middle point on the scale.
10 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

ed as follows: Media, 14; Arts/culture, 8; Labour/ are those accustomed to supporting research (po-
union, 6; General political advocacy, 6; Research litical advocacy and research/policy institutes),
institute/think tank, 4; Religion, 4; Gender issues, but others have a fairly clear stake in communi-
3; Professional association/service organization, cations policy – independent media, arts/culture,
3; Civil and human rights, 3; Foundations, 2; Envi- and arguably gender: in struggles for women’s
ronment, 1; First Nations, 1; Other, 9; Unstated, 2. equality, in particular, media representations loom
No respondents situated their groups in the peace, large. There is an ongoing tradition of feminist
ethnic, technology, or charity/education sectors. activism around media issues – e.g. Canada’s Me-
diaWatch took a lead role in coordinating the first
This is a small sample, and the results must Global Media Monitoring Project (1995) pro-
be taken as suggestive rather than definitive. moted by WACC, a project that takes a content
Nevertheless, the proportion of organiza- analysis “snapshot” of women’s representation
tions within each NGO sector that chose to in news media every five years. (Now that Me-
complete our survey, shown in Table 1, could diaWatch’s funding has declined, that coordinat-
be taken as a rough indication of the poten- ing role has since been assumed by WACC.) The
tial for future engagement in media reform. participation of faith-based groups, perhaps en-
couraged by WACC’s sponsorship of the proj-
TABLE 1: ect, is encouraging. This suggests an often over-
looked constituency for media reform – perhaps
Type of Group # Asked % Responding on the basis of “universal” human rights and
Political/advocacy groups 10 60.0 ethical values, as well as by religious denomina-
Think tanks, research institutes 7 57.1 tions’ more immediate need to find new ways to
Professional/service 7 42.9 reinvigorate communities of faith in a cultural
Independent media 37 37.8 climate of declining intermediate organizations
Arts/culture 23 34.8
(like community churches) and the rise of mass-
Gender 9 33.3
Religion 13 30.8
mediated syncretic belief systems (Hoover 1994).
Civil & human rights 12 25.0 By contrast, the minimal participation of
Labour/unions 25 24.0 peace and environmental groups is disappoint-
Foundations 18 11.1 ing, but is consistent with impressionistic evi-
First Nations 10 10.0 dence. With some notable exceptions, groups
Environment 15 6.7 in this sector tend not to theorize or prioritize
Ethnic 13 --- the connection between dominant media, on
Peace 11 --- the one hand, and consumerism and militarism
Technology 7 ---
in the culture, on the other. It is also likely that
Charity/education 7 ---
Other/did not identify sector n/a (n=11)
some NGOs in these sectors feel that they have
won some respect and space in the media, which
TOTAL/AVERAGE 224 25.4% they do not want to jeopardize through cam-
paigns perceived as hostile to corporate media.
Implications: The low participation of ethnic/vis-
ible minorities may reflect a preference to
Some of the ‘high’ responders to the survey

4. Particular caution must be taken in interpreting this table. Not only are the Ns small, but the two columns
are not strictly compatible. The N s are unavoidably based on our own sectoral categorization of the groups
that we contacted, whereas the proportion responding used the respondents’ own self-categorization.
An Online Survey of NGOs 11

work through their own media and communi- TABLE 3.

ties, rather than to engage with social change LIKELIHOOD OF FUTURE PARTICIPATION IN
organizations perceived as white-dominated. MEDIA CAMPAIGNS
Charities also did not participate. This may be Group Focus Average Response # of Responses
an untapped potential. Consider Britain’s Public (Sector)
Voice media reform coalition, one that has taken
on the defence of public broadcasting in particu- Civil & Human rights 4.76 3
Labour/union 4.50 4
lar. Its constituencies include charity groups that
Media 4.45 11
need media access for visibility and public ser-
Political/advocacy 3.83 6
vice messages (Hackett and Carroll 2006: 120).
Arts/culture 3.75 8
Research/think tanks 3.67 3
PARTICIPATION IN MEDIA Service associations 3.50 2
CAMPAIGNS Gender 3.00 3
A cross-tabulation of self-identified sec- Religion 3.00 3
tor (Q3) with past and likely future engagement Foundations 3.00 2
with media campaigns (Q21, 26) broadly cor- Environment 3.00 2
roborates the above ranking of sectoral partici- First Nations 3.00 1
pation, with a few exceptions. While the sample
is small, the following ranking of groups that Total 47
had affirmed their engagement in campaigns
or coalitions in the past five years is suggestive: Table 3 shows the average score (from 1 to
5) from each sector, on the likelihood of fu-
TABLE 2. ture participation. Tables 2 and 3 confirm the
PARTICIPATION IN MEDIA CAMPAIGNS IN importance of independent media and arts/
PAST FIVE YEARS culture groups for media reform coalitions, but
Group Focus (Sector) % YES # of Responses they also suggest that trade unions and human
rights advocates are “high percentage” pros-
Labour/union 80.0 5 pects. The above results also raise questions
Arts/culture 75.0 8 concerning framing and messaging. Would dif-
Media 66.7 12
Political advocacy 66.7 6 ferent wording or framing be more appealing to
Civil/human rights 66.7 3 the groups who reported that they would be un-
Professional/service associations 50.0 2 likely to participate in media reform campaigns?
Research/think tanks 33.3 3
Gender ---- 3
Religion ---- 3
Foundations ---- 2 SOURCES OF FUNDING
First Nations ---- 1
Asked to rate the importance of various sources
Average/Total 54.2 48 of funding (Q7/8), Table 4 below shows the percent-
age of NGOs that rated each as “very important”5:

5. Percentages and frequencies reported in these tables are often not additive; they may total well over 100%,
as multiple responses were permitted.
12 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada


% RATED ‘VERY IMPORTANT’ How does “the media piece” fit into the man-
date of Canadian NGOs? We can extrapolate from
40.0 Government grants/contracts what they tell us about their current challenges
35.2 Individual membership and priorities. Forty-six of the organizations iden-
34.7 Individual donations tified their top two priorities for the next three
30.6 Foundations/philanthropy
years. Our categorization of their open-ended
responses suggests the following breakdown:
18.8 Grants or contracts from Business
18.0 Products and services, provided by our TABLE 5.
11.5 Membership dues from
affiliated organizations 12 – Improve funding, revenues; become sustainable, to be able to
6.4 Grants or contracts from Labour Unions pay staff
12 – Change government policy with respect to communications,
media or arts and culture issues
Implications: 11 – Better representation of our members’ interests; bring
benefits to our members and/or the whole sector, e.g.
While comparative data would be useful improved incomes, better collective agreements, more
to interpret these results, the survey does sug- professional autonomy
gest the importance of government in sustain- 10 – Improve and/or increase the production and/or circulation of
ing NGOs in Canada, with potential influence our own media (this includes NGOs that are themselves
on NGO agendas. The pursuit of government media organizations)
funding may be part of the reason for the cur- 7 – Strengthen the organization; revitalize the staff and
rent apparent conservatism of the environmental leadership; avoid burnout
6 – Improve the group’s visibility, media coverage, marketing
movement, but it also gives these NGOs a vest- 6 – Undertake advocacy; Promote government policy change
ed interest in intervening in government policy. (in non-media issues)
On the other hand, 36% said government fund- 5 – Undertake public education on media and communication
issues; improve the climate of opinion and awareness; shift
ing was “not important” at all, once again suggesting
the private sector and/or general culture in line with
a bifurcation between elite/state-oriented and op- our positions
positional/independent or small marginal groups. 3 – Improve member services; educate our members; get
Many organizations have succeeded in build- them involved
3 - Undertake public education on issues other than media and
ing a base of support from individuals. Support communication; improve the climate of opinion and
from foundations is important, but probably awareness; “become a thought leader”; shift the private sector
less so than in the US. Overall, the importance and/or general culture in line with our positions
of external sources other than products/ser- 3 – Undertake research; publish studies
vices marketed by the NGO itself, implies a
high degree of financial vulnerability and a good
deal of effort absorbed by fund-raising, con- Before media reformers leap with excitement
tract-chasing, and/or membership servicing. at the prominence of public awareness and policy
advocacy in the communications and cultural field,
we should note that all 12 such responses arose
from NGOs already engaging in media produc-
tion, media education or advocacy, or representing
An Online Survey of NGOs 13

producers and workers in arts, culture and media Financial vulnerability is one theme that emerges
sectors. Arguably, however, access to the public fo- from this identification of NGO priorities and
rum is relevant, at least indirectly, to the priorities challenges. When sources of potential funding
of non-media NGOs, as they pursue funding, or- were mentioned in connection with fund-raising,
ganization-building, public visibility and advocacy. government support, grants, foundations and en-
dowments were the most frequently mentioned,
That impression is reinforced when we more so than market-based or commodified rev-
consider the 48 responses to an open-ended enue streams. These are NGOs, after all, not busi-
question about the major challenges or ob- nesses. The exception would be some of the media
stacles faced by each NGO (Q11). These organizations, such as magazines whose readership
can be categorized into the following themes: reach is both a political goal and a revenue source.
A second theme, albeit one primed by the sur-
CHALLENGES/OBSTACLES FACING NGO’S vey’s framing, is the awareness and relevance of
26 – Lack of funding, exacerbated by economic recession media. Several groups outside the media field noted
16 – Lack of other resources: personnel, volunteers, staff; media factors as problems, such as advertising costs
technology; member apathy, turnover; internal or audience fragmentation. As noted elsewhere,
organizational challenges media profile usually enhances recognition and
10 – Changes in the mediascape; communications policy, support from funders, publics and policy makers.
regulation. These included comments on the
fragmentation of media audiences, the cost of TV adver
tising, and decline of traditional media audiences, making
it more difficult to reach large publics; the problem of ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES/
the web economically hurting print publications. But STRATEGIES (Q9/10)
they also included more radical critiques of the media’s Respondents were asked how often their
political economy: weak enforcement of CRTC regula
NGO engaged in each of 13 listed activi-
tions, cable company control over community TV
funding, the few sources of production, and “political
ties, in pursuit of their goals. Table 7 below
tendency to lean toward market forces in determining film
shows the average rating for each activity (from
and TV programming”. 1 = never, to 4 = often), and the proportion
9 – Lack of influence with government; government of respondents listing each activity as ‘often’.
indifference or lack of support Implications:
7 – Lack of visibility, public awareness, or credit for our work;
public apathy, misunderstanding; negative stereotyping, NGOs in these sectors expend considerable re-
public misperception (without specific mention of media) sources on organizational self-maintenance, and
7 – Poor media representation or coverage – e.g. “media- on reaching the public through media that are
perpetuated stereotypes of the role of unions in today’s relatively self-controlled and have relatively low
society”; “difficult to build strong media presence”; “Media: distribution costs (websites and reports). In some
very few informed specialists in our field, constant repeti cases, the responding NGO is itself an indepen-
tion of errors, and poor public knowledge;” “Media seem dent, community or “alternative” media orga-
difficult to get to know and hard to contact”
nization. Less energy is expended on direct en-
5 – Opposing or hostile groups
gagement with the political/legal system, or with
trying to gain access to the dominant media (e.g.
Individual respondents also noted the difficul- by sponsoring media-oriented events or develop-
ty of representing diversity within their own sec- ing relationships with journalists), apart from the
tor, unfavourable demographic changes amongst low-cost activity of issuing news releases. While a
supporters, and general systemic obstacles. few groups that we surveyed may have ideologi-
14 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

TABLE 7. least one comment in each of the following (post-

HOW NGO’S PURSUE THEIR GOALS coded) categories (the total is thus non-additive).
Self-controlled Media Average Rating % Often TABLE 8.
Produce websites/blogs 3.78 80.0 HOW NGO’S IDENTIFIED THEIR
Publish reports 3.56 67.3 MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS
Direct mail 2.83 34.5
Produce videos 2.51 15.1 22 – Policy-oriented campaign or legal victories
Paid ads 1.90 7.3 14 – Research, public awareness, education, outreach,
changing public discourse, political culture
Access to Dominant Media
13 – Internal strengthening of the organization
News releases 3.18 43.6 10 – Benefits to community, members
Other ways to get media attention 3.00 24.5
9 – Gaining recognition from policy-makers, a seat at
Engagement With Formal Policy System the table
Lobby government 2.62 34.5 6 – Partnerships, networking
Court challenges 1.66 9.3 5 – Combination, e.g. growing the organization
through providing a service, expanding circulation.
Other Organizational Maintenance
Build membership 3.31 51.9
Fund-raise 2.61 30.9 Access to public communication is clearly rel-
evant and useful with respect to most of these
Confrontational Tactics goals, particularly public campaigns, outreach,
Demonstrations, rallies 2.26 14.5 and (in some circumstances) gaining a seat at
Other direct action 1.90 1.4 the table. Almost certainly, however, NGOs
typically pursue such access through their own
cal antipathy toward engaging with the established media, and/or conventional media relations
political or media system, it is likely that the re- strategies, rather than the more indirect strat-
verse is the case. Many NGOs would undoubtedly egy of reforming media structures and policies.
welcome a seat at the policy-making table or space
in the dominant media, but are limited by shortage
of resources (time, staff, money): NGOs are hard- COLLABORATION BETWEEN NGOs
pressed to mount and sustain ongoing public and (Q12/13, 13/14)
political campaigns. Notably, only a small minori-
ty of the groups engage in confrontational tactics, The shortage of resources by individual
such as demonstrations. Even though such tactics NGOs reinforces the advisability of collabora-
may be economically inexpensive, the political tion in mounting campaigns. Fortunately, the
costs and benefits may be deemed unfavourable. organizational culture in Canada seems favour-
able to coalitions. Asked how often their NGO
engages in collaborative projects or campaigns
ORGANIZATION’S MAIN with other organizations (a 5-point scale from
ACHIEVEMENTS (Q10/11) Never to Constantly), only 13% of our re-
spondents say they “never” or “seldom” do
Fifty-one respondents offered thoughts on their so; 55.5% say they do so often or constantly.
group’s main accomplishments or achievements
in the previous five years. This was an open-ended With what organizations do our respondents
question that allowed multiple responses. Table 8 most frequently partner? Are there any organiza-
shows the number of respondents who entered at tions engaging in frequent partnerships with other
NGOs and thereby acting as a potential hub for
An Online Survey of NGOs 15

networks of progressive activism? Hackett and with people, groups and concepts related to the
Carroll (2006, chap. 11) suggested that media ac- environment and media reform (Q14/15). To
tivism itself might perform the role of articulating what extent are Canadian NGOs already famil-
a shared grievance for progressive social move- iar with the media reform movement in Canada?
ments and providing an arena for them to come
together, at least in the US. Media activism, they TABLE 9.
suggested, might constitute a “movement-nexus” FAMILIARITY WITH SELECTED
rather than a movement in itself. In Canada, how- POLITCAL ENTITIES
ever, a similar role might be played by a progres-
sive political party, such as the social democratic Entity Avg. Score % Familiar/V. FMLR
New Democratic Party (NDP), or by trade unions, David Suzuki 4.59 96.3
which are proportionately larger than in the US. CanWest Global 4.42 92.4
But such appears not to be the case. Our re- Global climate change 4.07 89.0
spondents identified a total of 56 organizations as Open source software 3.83 83.4
Friends of
partners in the previous three years. Surprisingly,
Canadian Broadcasting 3.46 73.1
only three groups are mentioned more than once 3.25 69.0
– the National Anti-Poverty Organization (twice), Net neutrality 3.23 60.3
the Vancouver-based Independent Community Communication rights 3.15 58.5
Television (twice), and (Campaign Media Democracy Day 2.87 51.0
for Democratic Media) or its annual Media De- 2.69 50.0
mocracy Day (5) – a finding which must be im- Robert W. McChesney 2.50 42.6
mediately qualified by’s role in se- Free Press (US organization) 2.49 39.2
lecting the respondent list. Speculatively (since we Canadian Inst for Public
did not ask this question specifically), there may Interest Media* 1.85 26.1
well be networks or organizations that progres-
sive NGOs frequently turn to for information or ÀFWLWLRXV
advice in forming coalitions, such as the Canadian
Centre for Policy Alternatives (mentioned once Comments:
as an organizational partner), or the Council of
Canadians, the largest progressive umbrella group The fact that over a quarter of respondents
in the country. Neither the Council, nor the NDP, declared themselves familiar with a fictitious
were mentioned by respondents as an active part- organization, the Canadian Institute for Pub-
ner. The survey does not reveal an organization that lic Interest Media, cautions us not to take the
acts as an active hub for collaborative campaigns. scores at face value; perhaps respondents are
likely to over-report their own knowledge and
accomplishments. Nevertheless, the last-place
ranking of this fictitious entity reinforces the
FAMILIARITY WITH ORGANIZATIONS validity of our survey instrument and the useful-
AND CONCEPTS ness of the findings for comparative purposes.
Even if neither media activism, nor any other Generally, environmental entities outweigh me-
sector, appears to constitute an organizational dia democracy. Compare Suzuki and McChesney,
hub for progressive advocacy in Canada, the ex- or global climate change and communication rights.
tent of familiarity with media reform issues is en- That is hardly surprising, when one considers the
couraging. We used a Likkert scale (1 to 5 points) relative salience and perceived urgency of the two
for respondents to self-report their familiarity issue-fields in public, policy and media agendas.
16 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

But it is encouraging that at least half of re- TABLE 10.

spondents are familiar with the key (non-fic- RESPONDENTS’ SELF-IDENTIFIED
titious) Canadian media democracy entities – MOVEMENT MEMBERSHIP
more so than with their US counterparts (Free
Press and its co-founder, the well-published
author and professor, Robert McChesney). 15 – Media reform, media democracy, media education,
media justice, media liberation, freedom of expression
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting and rabble. 13 – Social justice, anti-poverty, progressive
ca appear to have gained substantial recognition. 4 – Environmental
Two implications arise. First, the brand 4 – Aboriginal/indigenous people’s rights
name of US media reform organizations may 3 – Gender
3 – Labour
not carry much weight as a means to attract 2 – Civil liberties, human rights
the support of Canadian NGOs that are not 2 – Immigrants
already part of the media reform movement. 2 – Fair government
1 – Consumer rights
Second, there is room for growth. As oth-
er NGOs and publics become more aware
of media democracy concepts, campaigns spondents identify could all be considered
and organizations, perhaps such aware- progressive. But it is not obvious that in Cana-
ness can be translated into increased support. da, arguably in contrast to the US, media re-
form functions as a nexus between them.


Most of the respondents consider their ad-
vocacy work to be part of one or more social The importance of media was considerably
movements: 66% said Yes, and a further 24.5% recognized, often combined with participants’
Sometimes. This finding has positive implica- dissatisfaction regarding coverage of their own
tions for mobilization (as a “movement” im- NGO’s and issues: 84.6% agreed that the qual-
plies a long-term, sustained effort at social ity and diversity of Canadian journalism affects
change), and for collaboration (as a movement their organization’s work (Q19). Thirty-six re-
is broader than a single organization). For pur- spondents offered supplementary comments.
poses of framing campaigns and identifying al- Many of these reiterated complaints about su-
lies, it is important to know what movements the perficial, biased or sensational coverage; lack of
NGOs identify. Of 57 respondents, 32 identified quality or diversity; over-dependence on official
one or more movements, as shown in Table 10. or corporate sources rather than the grassroots.
A few complained about reporters themselves:
Implications: they were not “well-schooled” in relevant is-
Encouragingly, media democracy is (increas- sues, were more concerned to be TV anchors
ingly?) recognized as a movement in its own than investigative reporters, were members of a
right – though different ways of labelling it per- dominant culture without sensitivity to gender
sist. Finding a common or “umbrella” frame re- or minority issues. More frequently, respondents
mains a challenge, as experienced media reform recognized that “traditional media” are very “re-
activists are well aware (e.g., O Siochrú 2005). source stretched”, and specialized reporters are
too few. A few mentioned media concentration
The other movements with which our re- or conflicts of interest arising from ownership.
An Online Survey of NGOs 17

An NGO advocating artists’ right to access copy- dia have quite deliberately dropped, such as unions
righted material argued that “Mainstream media and women’s rights”; “The poor quality, lack of
are stakeholders in the legislation to which we are diversity and lame insight provide constant inspi-
opposed, therefore mainstream media coverage is ration for my work and provide a context to show
skewed to favour entertainment industry desires.” what media could be like.” [Politics, Re-Spun]
A few respondents more explicitly ex- When asked their view of coverage of their
plained the relevance of media, both posi- own organization and its issues, 22% said they
tive and negative, to their own work: were very dissatisfied, 40% somewhat dissatisfied,
and only 26% being moderately or very satisfied
(Q17). Twenty-nine of the respondents made
* “Diversity of journalism gives us op- more detailed comments about mainstream media:
portunity to pitch different story angles mainly negative (15), while 4 were unqualifiedly
for the same issue e.g. a business angle, a positive, 5 mixed, and 5 other. Table 11 summa-
First Nations angle, science, environment rizes the main critical/negative themes (Q17b):
etc.” Yet “the decline of newspapers is
disconcerting for our organization’s TABLE 11.
present model of communication and NGO’S CRITICISMS OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA
advocacy.” [An environmental NGO]
* “If Canadians don’t know their artists, it 13 - Media ignore our organization or issues, or don’t pay
makes it much harder to advocate on their enough attention
behalf, and to get public support.” [Cana- 4 - Media lack resources; decline of specialized or beat
dian Artists’ Representation (CARFAC)] 3 – Media concentration or corporate ownership
* “Many of our members are on the fring- 3 – Hostile framing, bias or selectivity
es and require knowledgeable and careful 2 – Media’s lack of knowledge, interest or understanding
journalism to bring these practices and 2 – We ourselves could make more effort if we wanted
better coverage
innovations to light. Smaller orgs gain 1 – Media are too elite-oriented in their sourcing
when the quality and timing of the report- 1 – Alternative media are also inadequate
age is favourable.” [An arts organization]
* “We have to work harder (for no pay) Implications:
to disseminate information that counters There is no single focus to the respondents’
the mainstream media spin, contribut- discontent with dominant media. For framing a
ing to frustration & risk of burnout.” campaign around democracy and journalism, the
[Edmonton Small Press Association] themes of lack of resources, and the decline of lo-
cal journalism, are likely to resonate more readily
than hostile bias or framing. It is difficult to escape
NGOs that produce journalism themselves had the accusation that bias is subjective, in the eye of
a distinct take. For the Professional Writers Asso- the beholder; it could be divisive, in that potential
ciation of Canada, quality and diversity in journal- coalition partners could perceive bias differently;
ism “allow our members to earn a living, improve and it could be construed by journalists as an attack
their craft, and take pride in the work.” For some on their own professional integrity – particularly
of the independent media, the very deficiencies in the absence of extensive documentation by an
of corporate media are an opportunity: “Straight ongoing media analysis institute. Canada has no covers many areas that mainstream me- counterpart to the progressive US media watch-
18 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

dog, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). dependent media suggests that an initiative that
combined the two might be fruitful if a common
The themes of corporate control and me- frame or grievance can be found. A campaign
dia concentration could be linked more readily that puts forth a positive vision for indepen-
to cutbacks and resource shortages, rather than dent and public media as a partial solution to the
anti-labour, conservative, or pro-corporate bias. cutbacks in traditional media, may be attractive
This does not mean that media reformers should to a broad constituency of NGOs and citizens.
ignore the analysis of the political economy of
corporate media, in fact, it is a crucial intellectual
underpinning for public interest policy regard-
ing the crisis of journalism and the democratic Internet Use and Access
development of new media (McChesney 2007). There was even more unanimity with regard
to the Internet: 88% said the Internet is very
important to their work (Q24); 80% agree that
OTHER MEDIA it is very important that all Canadians have ac-
There is some sentiment that CBC cover- cess to it (Q26). For both questions, 0% of the
age is better (44%) than other media; 8% felt respondents indicated that these issues are “not
CBC was worse, and 26% the same. This sug- at all important”, and every respondent agreed
gests there is some ground for advocacy in that Internet access for Canadians and for their
favour of public service broadcasting, a con- own work is at least moderately important.
stituency that has been effectively mobi- Comments pertaining to the importance of
lized by Friends of Canadian Broadcasting. the Internet to respondents’ work suggest that
Independent media also received a vote of the Internet is viewed as important for very tan-
confidence. 51% said that independent me- gible and instrumental reasons. Common com-
dia have been quite or very helpful to their ments to this question include the importance of
work; and 37.3% sometimes helpful (Q23). the Internet for: Research, public access, mobili-
zation, outreach, education, advocacy, collabora-
As per table 12, of the 57 respon- tion, building community, and networking. For
dents, 30 made one or more additional example, one respondent wrote, “This is how
comments about alternative/indie media. we distribute reports, gather research and in-
teract with the public.” Many of the comments
TABLE 12. were also highly emphatic. One comment read,
NGO’S COMMENTS ON ALTERNATIVE MEDIA “Critical! As a national organization the Internet
is a key means of communication / collabora-
27 - Generally positive comments tion / organization.” Another respondent simply
4 – Alternative media suffer from lack of resources stated, “It is our oxygen”. Such comments sug-
3 – Alternative media are limited in their reach, or credibility
gest that an initiative that tapped into these feel-
with decision-makers
3 – Our group prefers to focus on mainstream media
ings could generate a lot of energy from NGOs.
2 – We place little effort on alternative media In terms of the broader issue of access to
1 – We focus on inter-personal/small group communication the Internet in Canada, comments were gener-
1 – Alternative media lack knowledge or interest in our issues ally more social and abstract. Common themes
include the importance of Internet access for
Implications: equality, citizenship and democracy. For exam-
High levels of support for both public and in- ple, one comment read, “ability to play a role in
An Online Survey of NGOs 19

production of Canadian culture should not be are aware that high bandwidth uses of the In-
determined by technological, financial and geo- ternet that they rely on like video, are more un-
graphic barriers”. Another respondent wrote, der threat than lower bandwidth activities com-
“It’s now a crucial medium for communica- mon to NGOs, such as web posts and email.
tion; effective citizenship depends on access.”
Participant responses to Q24 in relation to
Q26, reveals a positive correlation between the DEMOCRACY AND MEDIA
importance of the Internet to the organizations How do the NGOs rate Canada’s mainstream
work, and the likelihood of their joining a media media’s performance of their role in a democratic
reform campaign. While it is only a small sample, society? Over half (55%) rated Canadian media’s
those who rated the importance of the Internet to democratic performance as poor or very poor,
their work as less than “very important”, more of- though 45.1% rated media as average or better
ten reported a lower likelihood of joining a media (Q20). Most of the 24 respondents who offered
reform campaign. The same correlation is evident additional comments were critical. Several themes
between the few who did not rate Internet access stand out and resonate with the potential agenda
as “very important” (Q26). Of the 9 respondents for media reform. First, 13 respondents pointed
who did not think Internet access was very im- to aspects of corporate control, media concen-
portant, the average rating concerning their likeli- tration, and/or state policy. Biased or inadequate
ness of joining a future media reform campaign, coverage was the second most frequent critique
was a full point (3.10) lower than those who did (mentioned by 10). In some cases, but certainly
think access was very important (4.13). In sum, not all, such bias linked to corporate control,
those who see the Internet as important to their but others linked to resource constraints (the
work or as important in general, were more likely third most common theme of critics), or to cul-
to be interested in campaigning for media reform. tural power differentials. (There are echoes here
of the debate between political economy and
cultural studies traditions in media scholarship.)
Net Neutrality These quotes illustrate the varying positions:
A full 98% agreed that Net throttling would
negatively affect their work (Q25). Most com- * “News coverage lacks quality analysis,
ments cited the potential effect on outreach ac- political context and diversity of voic-
tivities and the potential financial impact on their es outside of a dominant, white, heter-
organizations. One comment that captured these onormative and middle-class points of
sentiments well reads, “Censorship and two- view” [Canadian Association of Com-
tiered pricing is detrimental to any organization munity Television Users and Stations]
with limited resources (time, money etc.).” An-
other comment read, “Access to our work would * “Mainstream media in Canada are cor-
be more difficult or we would have to pay more porations therefore their responsibilities
money for faster service...either one is not ideal.” are to their profits not the truth. Coverage
of issues such as the environment, copy-
Judging from the comments, media organi- right, Israel/Palestine, gay marriage, hand-
zations seemed relatively more concerned about guns, etc. is all editorialized to benefit the
Net Neutrality relative to non-media organiza- interests of the corporation, not the pub-
tions. Media organizations are probably more lic at large.” [Appropriation Art Coalition]
concerned with Net Neutrality because they
* “It is not the fault of the journalists. They
20 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

are stretched beyond belief as they are and “minority” ownership; less concentra-
now having to provide content that can be tion; restriction or regulation of monopo-
used in multiple media formats at the same lies; broadcast licences for non-corporate
time…Over the past 15 years, convergence entities; ceilings on foreign ownership and
between traditional media…and the tele- ownership in a single market; net neutrality;
com/broadcasting industry has resulted legislated separation between content pro-
in a substantial narrowing of viewpoints viders and distributors; more local control.
and stories…” [Telecommunities Canada]
Better journalism and content (17);
* “The concentration of corporate me- greater diversity in storytelling and pro-
dia ownership, particularly in Vancouver, duction strategies; less sensation, celebrity
undermines the ability of a free press to and car crashes; more investigation, origi-
contribute to democratic discourse. And nal programming and newsgathering; more
even without such concentrated ownership, analysis or positive news; less “bias”, more
too many of the largest media owners are self-reflection and education; better cover-
staunch neoliberals passing themselves off age of marginalized peoples and countries.
as objective and neutral.” [Politics, Re-Spun]
Regulatory and financial support for
independent and community media
(11): e.g. a cap on copyright tariffs for
These themes suggest somewhat divergent em- non-profit media; radio frequencies re-
phases for media reform: reduce market concen- served for community use; mandatory
tration; replace corporate ownership with public free carriage of alternative media content
or community ownership; subsidize journalism; on other platforms; ISP levies; commu-
and/or change the cultural background and as- nity channel levy, controlled by indepen-
sumptions of journalists and their publics. These dent community production groups (i.e.
approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive, not cable companies); discounted postal
however. Interestingly, and possibly in contrast rates. Only two mentioned people be-
to their American counterparts, Canadian NGOs ing and doing their own media, without
do not appear to put much faith in market forces reference to some form of state support.
and greater competition as an antidote to concen-
trated corporate control. Indeed, Media Action Better funding and public resourc-
explicitly rejects this approach: Media corpora- es for public service media (9), par-
tions’ “concern with market forces, competition, ticularly public broadcasting/CBC, but
creating an ostensible landscape of innovation, also “real journalism internet sites”.
often leaves the public interest by the wayside
while creating inferior and boring products.” Improve media personnel (2): me-
dia training for youth; better ethnic,
A parallel range of views is evident when re- cultural and gender representation.
spondents addressed specifically how they would
like to see the media changed. Thirty-nine re- Other regulatory measures (2).
spondents offered their thoughts, sometimes in Miscellaneous other measures (4): labour-
detail. They can be categorized into these themes: funded progressive news outlet; more
respect for writers and their rights; and
(from a denominational publication)
Structural changes in media (18 respon- “boycott information on the internet!”
dents): broadcast licensing; more diverse
An Online Survey of NGOs 21

Implications: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Encouragingly, there is widespread support for Encouragingly, there is wide-
using the instrumentality of the state to achieve
democratic reform of media. Perhaps not sur- spread support for using the instru-
prisingly from a sample of institutionalized ad- mentality of the state to achieve
vocacy groups, many of them seeking to influ-
ence government policy, there is little evidence democratic reform of media.
of hardcore libertarian or anarchist/autonomist . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sentiment. At the same time, a careful reading
teases out issues that could be divisive for media
reform coalitions, such as copyright (free access (2); we are a charity and thus have to be “careful
vs. revenues for creators) and the relative empha- about political agitation” (1); and from the Metis
sis on public subsidies and political support for National Council, understandably in light of his-
mainstream journalism, for public service me- torical experience, “The Metis Nation must have a
dia, and for independent or community media. full and meaningful role in directing any campaign.”
Does dissatisfaction with the performance of
MEDIA DISSATISFACTION AND mainstream media help lead NGOs to engage in
ACTIVISM campaigns to improve the media? Yes, but not uni-
formly. Respondents who had participated in media
What conditions are likely to induce NGOs campaigns during the past 5 years were somewhat
to participate in media reform campaigns? less satisfied with media coverage of their group
The small scale of this project permits and its issues (averaging 2.1 on a 5 point scale), than
only limited bivariate analysis, but we were respondents who had not (2.53 average score).
able to explore the hypothesis that dissatisfac- Similarly, media campaign participants rated
tion with mainstream media is likely to corre- Canadian media’s democratic performance lower
late with greater involvement in media activism. (2.04 average) than did non-participants (2.65).
Our sample is fairly evenly divided between With respect to the likelihood of future par-
participants and non-participants. Of those sur- ticipation in media reform campaigns, there is
veyed, 50% have previously engaged in cam- a nearly linear relationship with dissatisfaction
paigns or joined coalitions that aimed to influence with media’s democratic performance. Those
the media or change communication policy, in the least likely to participate gave the media’s dem-
past 5 years; 40.4% have not (Q21). (See Tables 2 ocratic performance an average score of 4 (out
and 3 above, for a breakdown by NGO sector.) of 5); rather unlikely, 3.25; possibly, 2.125; rather
Respondents are equally divided on the likeli- likely, 2.0; and very likely, 2.18. There is a small
hood of their participation in future such cam- group of respondents who rank Canadian me-
paigns: 50% said it is rather or very likely; 38% dia as quite good, but who nevertheless are
said possibly or don’t know; 12% rather or very quite likely to participate in future campaigns.
unlikely (Q27). Thirteen respondents offered fur- There is also a relationship (though not so
ther comments, mostly explaining reasons for reti- strong) between future likely participation, and
cence: Such campaigns are not within our mandate dissatisfaction with media coverage of respon-
(5 respondents); it would depend on the content dent’s own NGO: 48.4% of those dissatis-
of the campaign (3); our resources are too limited fied with media are “very likely” to participate,
22 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

compared to 30.8% of those who are satisfied. These very preliminary findings indicate that
those groups that are least impressed with Canadi-
Finally, Table 13 shows the aver- an mainstream media’s democratic performance –
age evaluation of the media’s democrat- unions, civil and human rights, political advocacy,
ic performance by each NGO sector (Q3). independent media, and arts and culture groups
– are also those most likely to engage in media
TABLE 13. and communications activism (Tables 2 and 3).
DEMOCRATIC PERFORMANCE BY SECTOR This study does not fully address an impor-
Type of Group Average Score # tant avenue for future research: the potential for
participation in more targeted issue based cam-
Religious groups 3.67 3
paigns or alternative frames. Considering the
Professional/ nearly unanimous support for Internet access
service association 3.50 2 and Net Neutrality, would a higher percentage
Foundation 3.00 2 of respondents report interest in participating
Environment 3.00 1 in a campaign focused on these specific issues?
Research/think tank 2.33 3 What about a campaign to re-imagine journal-
Gender 2.33 3 ism? Or an initiative to “open up” our media
Media 2.27 11
Arts & Culture 2.25 8
system rather than to “democratize” it (play-
Political/advocacy 2.17 6 ing on the popularity of Internet access issues)?
First Nations 2.00 1 The survey results suggest that inviting NGOs
Labour/Union 1.60 5 to participate in these specific issues/frames
Civil and human rights 1.33 3 would lead to more interest and engagement.
Interviews with NGO Reps 23

3 Interviews with NGO

Given its small scale, the survey was supple-
mented by a set of personal interviews as a means
dia and media activism are integral components.
of triangulation. Twenty respondents from 18 Goals and Strategies
NGOs (independent media, foundations, trade The goals of the organizations we interviewed
unions, and progressive advocacy organizations, as are as diverse as their personnel, but they can be
identified in footnote 2 above) were interviewed on roughly grouped into several categories. First,
16 themes broadly paralleling the survey questions. there are groups (mainly trade unions) that direct-
The respondents’ comments broadly corrob- ly provide services to a well-defined, occupation-
orate the survey. The responses are categorized ally-based membership. They typically conduct
into four over-arching themes: the relevance of or assist with collective bargaining; and they have
media to organizational goals and activities; the relatively large budgets based on membership
organization’s self-placement on the political dues, budgets that can cross-subsidize public ad-
landscape, in relation to allies, opponents, and vocacy, political lobbying, professionalized media
social movements; perceptions of the media; and relations and research, and large-scale internal
media reform campaigns as a political option [for communication. Such organizations include the
a list of interview questions, see Appendix II]. Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), the
Telecommunications Workers Union (TWU), the
Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Radio & Televi-
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND THE sion Artists (ACTRA), the Canadian Association
MEDIA of University Teachers (CAUT, a confederation
of mainly unionized local faculty associations),
The respondents collectively combine a wealth and the Canadian Students Federation (CFS).
of experience in community service, journalism,
arts, social movement organizations, and public A second layer comprises smaller, focused
policy advocacy (Question #1). Encouragingly, groups that engage in capacity-building on behalf
several respondents currently employed in non- of other organizations and causes: Renewal, the
media SMOs had previous experience working Maytree and Douglas-Coldwell Foundations; the
with independent media (the Rideau Institute) W2 Community Media Arts Centre in Vancouver;
and/or with communications policy advocacy (an the Columbia Institute (CI), which fosters individual
associate executive-director with the Canadian and organizational leadership for sustainable com-
Association of University Teachers had been in- munities; and Check Your Head (CYH), a Vancou-
volved with the Campaign for Press and Broad- ver-based youth-driven organization that educates
casting Freedom, campaigning against press young people on global and social justice issues.
concentration in the 1990s). We certainly cannot A third layer comprises membership-based
conclude that media activism constitutes a foun- organizations that focus on advocacy for social
tainhead for other forms of activism; but it does sectors and progressive causes. These include
speak to a density of experience, expertise and po- the Council of Canadians (COC), Canada’s larg-
tential for networking in Canada’s public interest est citizens’ group, with about 70 chapters across
advocacy community, of which independent me- the country, working for “progressive change for
24 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

grassroots democracy and against corporate or of membership service, policy influence and re-
elite political determination [of] the kind of coun- search (Questions 2 and 2b). Thus, considerable
try and culture we live in”; the Consumers Council effort is invested in both internal communication
of Canada (CCC); Friends of Canadian Broadcast- (particularly in the large membership-based or-
ing (FCB), which promotes quality and quantity ganizations), and in outreach via media relations.
of Canadian programming throughout the audio-
visual system, with a particular interest in the vi- The “asymmetrical dependency” of social
tality and independence of public broadcasting; movement organizations (SMOs) on media ac-
the Canadian Conference of the Arts (CCA), pro- cess is well noted in social movement research.
viding research and consultations on public poli- At stake for SMOs are the purposes of mobiliz-
cies affecting the arts and Canadian cultural in- ing constituencies, validating their existence as
stitutions and industries; and the Rideau Institute politically important collective actors, and enlarg-
(RI), which focuses on foreign and defence policy. ing the scope of conflict with the intent of fa-
vourably shifting the balance of forces (Gamson
Each of the above three clusters includes orga- and Wolfsfeld 1993). These considerations could
nizations in the fields of media, arts and culture, as induce SMOs either to avoid media reform co-
well as several with broader or contiguous focuses. alitions (if, for example, they perceive success in
In addition, we interviewed two independent me- obtaining access within the existing media system)
dia outlets: the weekly Toronto magazine NOW, or to join them (if frustration with lack of access
and the online Vancouver newspaper The Tyee. constitutes a “shared grievance” for otherwise di-
verse groups). It is worth considering the potential
In size, these groups range from those with sev- for Internet access and openness (Net Neutrality)
eral staff members and budgets as low as $180,000, to be attractive to both groups that put energy into
to those with 40 staff and budgets of $5 million “getting the word out”, as well as SMO’s who use
or more (COC). Some are not membership-based the Internet to mobilize constituencies. It is no-
or have memberships of a few hundred; the larg- table that all of our respondents expressed inter-
est have memberships (COC) or contributors est and concern for Internet access and openness.
(FCB) of fifty to sixty thousand (Question 3).
Achievements and Obstacles
Apart from the capacity-building groups, and
excluding the two organizations that are them- Perceptions of organizational achievements,
selves media outlets, some of the groups (TWU, disappointments, obstacles and threats (Ques-
FCB, CCC, ACTRA, RI) engage in the “insider” tions 4, 5 and 6) provide further clues to the po-
strategy of direct interaction with policymakers tential for media reform coalitions. A common
or regulators. Public pressure on government theme was pride in the sheer survival of their or-
through the media may complement political lob- ganizations, notwithstanding a difficult financial
bying, but in some cases, it may alienate policymak- and political climate; some, such as CAUT and
ers. The available interview data does not permit TWU, had seen significant expansion. Recogni-
a clear judgement on the balance between insider tion by mainstream media, when it was achieved,
and outsider strategies, and the relative depen- was taken as a hallmark of success. For instance,
dence of the NGOs on internal media, access to the Rideau Institute stated that “we are now posi-
“mainstream” media, or “insider” lobbying. But it tioned as a credible voice for progressive foreign
is notable that most of our respondents mention policy views…We are solicited by media, get ac-
public communication, “getting the message out,” cess to A list programs; both formal and informal
political lobbying, and/or shaping public opinion access.” The centerpiece of achievement for most
as amongst their top current priorities, and as groups was their campaign work, and especially
integral to the achievement of their other goals, specific policy successes that they may have en-
Interviews with NGO Reps 25

joyed. Some of these victories were essentially de- did mention media coverage as obstacles. Inter-
fensive in nature, as the hegemony of neoliberal- estingly, one organization cited concerns with the
ism has not allowed much space for progressives campus press’s perceived tendency to make news
to set the political agenda in the past two decades. rather than report it, and with what it regards as a
For instance, The RI played “a key role” in pre- “hyper critical” and unaccountable blogosphere.
venting foreign takeover of the space division of Most respondents, however, focused on the dom-
the MDA corporation; the FCB helped defeat op- inant media. The Douglas/Coldwell Foundation
position to a CRTC licence being awarded to CBC noted that Canadian media are biased in favour
NewsWorld several decades ago. Some respon- of the centre-right, and “have not been favour-
dents found silver linings (such as informing the able to social democracy”. The PSAC laments
public, or showcasing the organization) in cam- that it receives less media coverage than it would
paigns that had not achieved their policy objectives. like, though notes that “we get a fair shake”. The
COC, which has actively supported media reform,
Conversely, in identifying their major disap- sees the main obstacles as vested political parties
pointments (Question 5), government policy also and corporate media that serve a minority cor-
loomed large. The COC felt that government porate interest over the majority public interest.
needed to adopt trade policies that serve people
and communities rather than corporations. The
RI expressed disappointment with inability to
turn public opinion into government policy on POSITION IN THE POLITICAL FIELD
the Afghanistan war in which Canada has been Opponents and Allies
heavily involved. FCB would like to be on the
winning side of CRTC decisions more often. Who do the NGOs identify as their main op-
ACTRA was frustrated with the lack of updated ponents and allies (Questions #7 and #8)? The
copyright legislation. Several were disappointed answers to these questions offer evidence regard-
over lack of funding or interest from both gov- ing the potential for successful media reform cam-
ernment and other non-profits. Some of the la- paigns. When specific policy goals are pursued,
bour-oriented groups felt there had been setbacks such campaigns usually require both collabora-
in contract negotiations and collective bargaining. tions between groups that cannot achieve victories
on their own, as well as the strategic identification
In identifying the obstacles to achieving their of opponents that constitute a shared grievance as
goals, at least 10 of the respondents mentioned a basis for movement mobilization. For instance,
funding, sustainability or revenues, a concern par- the use of media mogul Conrad Black as a symbol
ticularly acute during the current economic reces- of the evils of media concentration, helped the
sion. FCB, while it is relatively well-funded amongst Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom
citizens’ groups in Canada, contrasted its budget assemble a broad “common front” in the 1990s
with the billion-dollar companies that are often its – though in policy terms, the campaign failed to
opponents. Other obstacles mentioned included reverse the expansion of Black’s media empire.
competition with other NGOs, division amongst
public interest community, and opposition or lack The most common opponent identified was
of support from government. Several mentioned the Conservative federal government of Prime
the impact of the post-9/11 political climate and Minister Stephen Harper. Some respondents ex-
the government’s strategic use of the Afghanistan panded that category to most recent Canadian
war, in demobilizing the progressive movement. prime ministers (FCB), the “political establish-
ment” (CAUT), or “anyone who feels that free
While no non-media NGOs mentioned com- markets should determine public policy” (COC).
munications policy, several non-media respondents Several trade unions indicated oppositional re-
26 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

lationships vis-à-vis the employers with whom fied the FCB as a close partner; the FCB recip-
they collectively bargain. Capacity-building rocated, and also identified the Communications,
groups, not directly engaged in policy struggles, Energy and Paperworkers union, as well as the
were less likely to identify specific opponents. Council of Canadians, the CCPA, OpenMedia.
ca on certain issues, and organizations represent-
Corporate media were identified as an oppo- ing sectors involved in media and cultural pro-
nent mainly by groups already based in the media duction. Some organizations (W2, the Columbia
field. FCB mentioned Izzy Asper (the late head Institute, Rideau Institute) mentioned supportive
of CanWest Global), the Rogers and Shaw cable relationships with individual journalists or corpo-
companies, and several CBC presidents. The Tyee rate media outlets. Of the two independent media
noted a “little dust-up” with CanWest Global, one outlets interviewed, NOW asserted the impor-
of Canada’s largest media corporations, which has tance of (organizational and editorial) indepen-
been known to intimidate critics with lawsuits. dence, but indicated a positive relationship with
“Tyee was a threat to CanWest”, its editor stated. the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression,
NOW fingered “the deep pockets of the Toronto and its membership in the Association of Alter-
Star,” publisher of a rival weekly paper. ACTRA native News Weeklies. The Tyee acknowledged
identified private broadcasters (presumably due to the labour movement, Media Democracy Day,
their reluctance to finance and support Canadian the CCPA, and other media that use Tyee writers.
productions), and in relation to collective bar-
gaining, producers (who Overall, several patterns
could also be allies in po- emerge with respect to alli-
litical lobbying). Amongst ances:
non-media groups, CAUT
identified right-wing me- 1. The closest entity to
dia critics, but only as a common opponent is
secondary opponents. the Harper government;

As for allies, responses 2. Corporate media

varied considerably. Re- are not universally per-
spondents seemed most ceived as opponents;
likely to identify groups 3. There are support-
with compatible objectives ive relationships with-
but that were not direct in the media and cul-
rivals for the same fund- tural sectors, and public
ing or membership “ter- interest groups more broadly;
ritory”. For example, CAUT identified its coun-
terpart organization in Quebec, trade unions in 4. The organizations most likely to be men-
the post-secondary education sector, and civil tioned more than once are the Council of
liberties groups. The COC identified other pro- Canadians and the CCPA, but there is no sin-
gressive groups with distinct mandates, such as gle nexus or hub for progressive activism. It
the Sierra Club, the Canadian Centre for Policy has been suggested that media activism itself
Alternatives, Greenpeace and the David Suzuki could constitute such a nexus for counter-
Foundation. The RI counted political allies in dif- hegemonic movements (Hackett and Carroll
ferent parties – social liberals and “homeless red 2006, Chap. 11). Amongst our respondents,
Tories” as well as “of course New Democrats”. it is only a relatively small and local group,
Within the arts and media sector, ACTRA identi- the youth-oriented Check Your Head that
sees itself in this light, and speaks to the need
Interviews with NGO Reps 27

for this kind of creatively eclectic approach: of a progressive social movement. Anti-pov-
erty, consumer protection, environmental, and
“Some people frame what’s happening public service causes also all received mention.
globally as a movement of movements
because there is so much happening By contrast with our online survey – and this
around social change…We have the ca- may be the most important difference between
pacity to tap into all of those (other move- the two data sets – none of the interview respon-
ments)…We’ve had sort of a bumblebee dents used the label “media democracy” or “me-
approach, going into different orchards dia reform”. The independent media and com-
and taking different bits of nectar from munications policy groups would be the most
different kinds of freedom flowers and likely sector to adopt such a frame. But they do
then taking them with us in our work, not explicitly do so. The independent newspaper
so they land somewhere else…Groups NOW provides an upbeat but relatively apolitical
who have approached us to do work with conceptualization: “We are part of all of the peo-
them and bring what we do…probably ple working to change the consciousness and how
wouldn’t if we were the Canadian Youth we live in this country, for a more just and sus-
Peace movement, or whatever. It’s be- tainable, and more pro-happiness consciousness:
cause of this nexus that I think we’ve less commercial, more happy.” The Tyee sees its
been quite successful at instilling that.” goal as “rounding out the civic conversation”.
The FCB respondent was reluctant to define a
A Social Movement? movement orientation for his nonpartisan orga-
Most groups do situate their work in relation to nization, but was willing to define core values as
one or another broader social movement (Ques- the promotion of democracy and patriotism (as
tion #9). Though there is variation on how that distinct from narrow nationalism) in broadcast-
movement is identified, the responses do indicate ing, as well as the link between media and democ-
an expansiveness of vision beyond the immediate racy. W2 sees itself at the hub of a movement to
priorities or specific issues of particular groups. build community communication infrastructure.
The union-oriented organizations consider them-
selves part of a broader labour movement, with
some additions: CAUT also situates itself as part PERCEPTIONS OF THE MEDIA
of a civil liberties and human rights movement,
deriving particularly from its core value of aca- Almost all the respondents described cover-
demic freedom. TWU also sees itself as part of age in the ‘mainstream’ media as important or
a broader social democratic movement (which is even essential (Question #10). The exceptions
the raison-d’être of the Douglas-Coldwell Foun- were the DCF, which felt that “dominant Cana-
dation). ACTRA extols a mission to promote rec- dian media [had] not been favourable” to social
ognition of the importance of culture in Canada. democracy, and NOW, which was ignored by its
larger commercial rivals. Otherwise, respondents
Several respondents situated themselves as shared the CCC’s view that “If you want to in-
part of a loosely defined “progressive” move- fluence public opinion then you have to have ac-
ment. The COC related this movement to the cess to the media.” NGOs use mainstream media
World Social Forums, and indicated that a pro- to shape public opinion and agendas, to influ-
gressive movement can be “all things to all ence decision-makers, and to communicate with
people, depending on where you are coming their own members. Many of them have dedi-
from.” The Rideau Institute defines its vision as cated communications and media relations staff.
broader than just a peace movement, but as part
What are the implications for mobilizing a
28 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

media reform movement? It is debatable whether we get our voice heard,” implying that the respon-
the media’s democratic deficit constitutes a shared sibility for positive coverage lies at least partly with
grievance for the NGOs we interviewed. As with the NGOs themselves. The CCC lamented that the
the survey, most of them indicated that they had media are “crisis driven,” so that CCC is accessed
relatively positive relationships with media, not routinely, but only in response to breaking sto-
even if they did not always receive their preferred ries. The Maytree Foundation worries that layoffs
level of coverage (Question #11). ACTRA ap- and funding cuts in the news outlets may jeopar-
peared to be most confident with its coverage dize its currently strong relationship with media.
in mainstream media; it is able to use celebrities
amongst its membership to garner media atten- Some respondents noted the growing impor-
tion. Rather than treat “the media” as a homo- tance of new media and social networking tools
geneous category, many respondents offered to their work; CYH commented on their still un-
insightful distinctions between different outlets tapped potential for social movements in Canada.
and types of media, along such axes as region, Respondents were fairly evenly divided in their
editorial ideology, and the presence of special- perceptions of the CBC (Question #12). Only
ized journalists. Several respondents noted the CYH, Maytree and the Tyee reported a positive
need to build relationships with specific reporters relationship without qualification; Maytree ad-
rather than just media outlets per se. That quite ditionally noted CBC’s assistance in launching
pragmatic position may vitiate the potential for a the Diverse City Voices Program. FCB, CFS and
systemic critique of the media as an institution. PSAC also felt that CBC is somewhat different
There were, however, some challenges cited from other media, though their responses are qual-
in dealing with the media. ified. FCB feels that while CBC gives them a “fair
shake,” CBC executives resist giving the Friends
* The RI noted important regional differenc- coverage for fear that it would be perceived as
es in the press. While its current relationships “self-dealing”. About a third of the respondents
with media in Ottawa are positive, previous opined that CBC was no better or worse than
working experience in Vancouver showed other media outlets. Several praised the French-
the media to be “bitter and partisan” as well language CBC service in comparison to English-
as “more conservative, parochial, provincial language networks. Two organizations, the CCC
[and] very difficult to work with.” and COC, felt they actually had a difficult relation-
ship with CBC, although COC noted that CBC
* CAUT felt that provincial jurisdiction over radio, as a “more intellectual enterprise,” has been
its issue area, post-secondary education, much more responsive than its television services.
minimized the level of coverage in national
media, apart from the Globe & Mail’s full- Independent, community and alternative
time reporter on university issues. media drew more nearly unanimous endorsement
from the NGOs, at least in principle (Questions
* The COC described its relationship as #13, 13b). Many respondents identified specific
sometimes good, sometimes not. The Conrad independent media outlets that had been helpful
Black era in Canada’s press, the late 1990s, in their work, particularly the online journal rab-
were “very dark days” due to his intervention-, the Tyee, campus radio stations, the urban
ist editorial approach, right-wing views, and weekly Georgia Straight in Vancouver, and vari-
corporate ties that shaped public discourse. ous blogs and citizen journalism sites. Less com-
The respondents also varied in their diagnosis mon but still utilized, were the weekly Courier in
of problems in the media. The TWU sees a chal- Vancouver, Walrus magazine, the Association of
lenge in “managing the message and making sure Alternate Newsweeklies, and Canadian University
Interviews with NGO Reps 29

Press. Several respondents (CFS, CAUT, ACTRA, Not surprisingly then, our respondents were
FCB) offered a qualifier: alternative and commu- unanimously and resoundingly emphatic that
nity media did not necessarily help to reach their “net throttling” and a two-tiered internet would
target audience or broader publics as efficiently as negatively affect their work (Question 14b). Main-
mainstream media. On the other hand, they and taining net neutrality is considered essential. As
most other the RI sum-
NGOs do re- marized,
turn calls and “We rely
conduct in- on open ac-
terviews with cess media,”
independent and added,
media. Some “We need to
respondents make sure
also pointed that access
out that in- is an impor-
dependent tant part of
media could the Internet,
help NGOs even the
connect with r ural/ur-
constituen- ban divide,
cies, par- which I still
ticularly the think is a
young, who p r o b l e m .”
do not see CAUT felt
th em sel ves that throt-
reflected in mainstream media; that independent tling would limit its distribution capacity and its
media can act as a “catalyst” and popularizer on presence on the Internet, and cited existing issues
behalf of the entire public interest community, and with Google searches. Net throttling is an “expres-
can sometimes bring stories to the attention of the sion of corporate control” of the medium, said the
dominant media. Indeed, the COC’s awareness of COC, one that is contrary to the interest of users.
mainstream media’s limitations have “increasingly The COC sees a role for government regulation
led us to seek alternative ways of expressing our of the Internet to constrain corporate interests
concerns,” and to make a two-year commitment and safeguard it as “a medium for free speech”.
“to work with and support as a progres-
sive grassroots expression of popular democracy.” Throttling is already affecting the Internet; the
TWU cited an incident during a labour dispute
What about the Internet (Question #14)? in which Telus shut down a key communications
While some of the trade unions indicated they website run by the union. Beyond such direct cen-
were only beginning to utilize the Internet to its sorship, ACTRA worries about the implications
potential, most respondents felt it was a critical of cross-ownership between broadcasters and In-
or even essential part of the work they do. Ease ternet service provision, so that Bell is “able to
of information distribution, communication with fast track broadcasting that’s coming over CTV.
members and stakeholders, and the importance ca, for example.” The Tyee stated bluntly, “It’s a
of an Internet presence for the organization, were life or death issue for us, no question.” Others put
cited as key rationales. The RI also cited fund- it in broader perspective. “If you have to pay for
raising, lobbying and research as important uses. knowledge,” stated the CI, “some people are go-
30 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

ing to be disadvantaged. It’s the antithesis of de- pressed. The Rideau Institute acknowledged
mocracy.” Friends agree: “It’s an important sort of that “the more [media] players there are, the
wholesale issue affecting the future of democracy.” greater impact we’re able to have…Changing
the nature of media itself is important.” But
Importantly though, while the Internet and lo- “it’s not the only factor influencing the diversi-
cally responsive alternative media were identified as ty of voices in the media;” more importantly in
means whereby dominant mainstream media could the RI’s view, NGOs themselves could be more
be circumvented, most respondents expressed the effective in their media relations techniques.
wish for improved access and diversity in the latter.
But have NGOs translated their concerns into
active engagement in media or
DEMOCRATIC MEDIA communication reform cam-
ACTIVISM, ANYONE? paigns? Would they likely do so in
the future (Questions #16, 16b)?
Given the specific con- Most of the respondents who
cerns expressed above, do addressed these questions (the
the NGOs feel that a more response rate was lower, perhaps
diverse, representative, acces- for logistical reasons) could recall
sible and democratic system some level of past involvement
of public communication which, not surprisingly, was more
would help achieve their goals likely to occur on issues of great-
(Question #15)? In principle, est direct relevance to their man-
the respondents agree. CAUT dates, expertise or membership.
sees itself, inter alia, as part For some, public engagement
of a larger communication with media and communications
rights movement: “Having policy issues was relatively tan-
public channels of commu- gential. For instance, the RI had
nication is absolutely essen- secondary involvement on copy-
tial for the advancement of right issues through consumer
knowledge, but also the pro- groups with which it had worked.
tection of basic rights.” The More directly, the RI publicly
COC concurs: “It would fur- raised the issue of potential con-
ther more progressive demo- flict of interest, on the part of
cratic values and concerns.” particular journalists who had ac-
“It would make our job a lot cepted generous cash prizes from
easier if there was freer access defence lobby organizations.
to what is now controlled by A higher level of engagement
the very few” stated the CCC. was manifested by the Council
The Columbia Institute identi- of Canadians, which has actively
fied specific policy goals: “limiting foreign owner- supported the,
ship to protect [and] ensure local content, secur- and The COC was a bulwark of the
ing long-term funding for community and public CPBF’s campaign against media concentration in
broadcasting, and ensuring a broad range of easily the 1990s, when it also worked with NewsWatch
[accessible] media in communities large and small.” Canada to monitor newspaper content before and
At the same time, realistic caveats were ex- after Conrad Black’s takeovers. The TWU devel-
Interviews with NGO Reps 31

oped a campaign of public awareness on the export in Vancouver and other cities. ACTRA noted col-
of telecommunications jobs to the Philippines. laboration with Friends of Canadian Broadcast-
ing and the CEP union. The Consumers Council
The Tyee indicated a distinctive role for in- of Canada has worked in conjunction with “con-
dependent media outlets in relation to media re- sumer friends,” Quebec groups, and the Public
form, and that is to give publicity to issues and Interest Advocacy Centre, which (in the words
debates around communication and democracy of its website undertakes legal and re-
- a role not likely to be performed by the cor- search services on behalf of consumers in the
porate press. “I don’t see us as a movement or- areas of telecommunications, energy, privacy, the
ganization,” said its editor, “more as an honest information highway, electronic commerce, finan-
broker of these conversations and these facts.” cial services, broadcasting, and competition law.
There is little evidence of communications What about future participation in communica-
activism in international arenas beyond the level tions policy campaigns? Of those few NGOs that
of national policy. One exception was CAUT’s addressed this question, the response was gener-
“very active” participation in the International ally positive. ACTRA said “foreign ownership of
Network for Cultural Diversity, an effort to push broadcast media is always on our radar.” The CI
back against the encroachment of trade agree- referred to the importance of alternative and lo-
ments that were increasingly defining broadcast- cal media in promoting dialogue on the climate
ing, the internet, and communications and cul- change issue, which is at a pivotal moment given
tural industries generally, as a tradable commodity. “the economic meltdown and the opportunity for
On the other hand, there is encouraging evi- remaking things right now.” The CAUT referenced
dence of shared issues and indeed direct collabo- the need for strong public and publicly account-
ration within our small sample of respondents. able channels of communication, and indicated
Shared issues included copyright reform, an issue plans to work with students and others for a coali-
mentioned by several respondents (CAUT, RI, tion on copyright that could go beyond defending
CFS, ACTRA). Several supported the SaveOur- the educational exemption for fair dealing, to chal- campaign on net neutrality,, and/ lenge restrictive copyright regimes more generally.
or the annual local Media Democracy Day held
32 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

4 The Toronto Workshop on

Media Reform
As a third branch of this research project,
WACC and co-organized a work-
be closely involved in ongoing political debates
in Ottawa, such as the hearings by the House
shop at WACC’s global offices in Toronto on of Commons’ Heritage Committee. Participants
May 26, 2009. Participants reviewed the find- were concerned that media reform issues might
ings of the survey summarized above, in the be paid lip-service in reports, but not taken up by
context of ongoing happenings in Canada that politicians. They identified a trend of moving away
confront the emerging politically progressive from using public airwaves for public services to-
coalition aiming to democratize public com- ward corporate and private interests and swap-
munication. The workshop was held against a ping the capacity and clarity of digital technology
background of a growing media reform move- for content and quality. There was also consensus
ment in the U.S.A. and expectations raised by on the need for a campaign to address the cri-
the newly inaugurated Obama Administration. sis in journalism, particularly local journalism.
Participants were given an outline of the main Participants agreed on the need to be well in-
issues facing media reform in Canada, including formed and well organized. needs
support for local broadcasting and journalism, in- to become a strong network of people and orga-
creased resources for the Canadian Broadcasting nizations working for media democracy and capa-
Corporation (CBC), and support for mandate- ble of intervening in media policy battles. Open-
driven and non-profit local media. Participants should push for more support for public
added more: How to ensure that Canadians have and community media; tighter controls over public
genuine choice? How to create more space for Ca- funding for media; and policy interventions such
nadians to find Canadian content? In this regard, as those impacting on Net Neutrality. OpenMe-
participants agreed that new media broadcasting already has toolkits aimed at encouraging
needs regulatory back-up to support Canadian citizens to organize their own events to debate the
diversity. Issues of privacy, libel, environmental future of the Internet, and is working on drawing
issues related to dependence on ICTs, Net Neu- up a Declaration of 21st Century Media in support
trality, how to support amateur media production, of public service media and citizen participation.
and who controls the media were highlighted.
The full minutes of the workshop are activists agreed on the need to included in Appendix II of this report.
Conclusions 33

5 Conclusions
This study has offered a snapshot of the
political landscape for media reform in Anglo-
of Free Press as a flagship organization for the
US media reform movement (see e.g. McChesney
Canada. To repeat, its small scale makes it ex- 2004; Nichols and McChesney 2005, Chap. 6). By
ploratory rather than definitive. But the similar- contrast, Canada offers no obvious comparable
ity of results from two quite separate samples catalysts for progressive media politics. Indeed,
(the online survey and the interviews), informed the most visible media villain, Conrad Black, the
by the authors’ own experiences in the move- press mogul who inspired an oppositional cam-
ment, lend us confidence in its accuracy. The paign in the 1990s, has since been humbled and
research enables us to summarize the obstacles disgraced through the mechanisms of the system
and challenges, as well as resources and spring- itself. If there is a shared grievance for Canada’s
boards, for an ongoing media reform movement. progressives, it is more likely to be the federal
Obstacles and Challenges Conservative government of Stephen Harper.

Overall, Canada is clearly not a volcano of Corporate influence over media institutions
media discontent waiting to erupt. As a set of and policies is more likely to be perceived as a
stakeholders most likely to support democratic problem by those NGOs already in the media and
media reform, the NGOs we surveyed reported cultural fields. Our data show, however, that they
positive relationships with at least some segments have no single diagnosis or prescription for me-
of the existing dominant media. Their invest- dia’s shortcomings (Table 21). Support for CBC is
ment in gaining access to dominant media, and widespread, but qualified in some quarters by the
to an even greater extent in building and using perception that CBC differs little from other dom-
their own media (Table 7), likely limits their will- inant media. Support for independent, alternative
ingness to devote scarce resources to challenging media, though also widespread, was mitigated by
and changing the structure of the media system. the reluctance of many NGOs to focus on me-
dia perceived to have limited audience reach or
The corporate media do not appear to consti- credibility with policy-makers. Some of the other
tute a perceived threat or a shared grievance to the communications issues that concern NGOs fairly
same extent as in the US. There, a decade of state directly (copyright, the crisis of journalism) bring
repression of citizen-run low-power FM radio, the into play conflicting interests and prescriptions.
virtual disappearance of local radio in the wake of
the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the FCC’s ef- Some potential beneficiaries of a more demo-
forts to further raise the ceiling on media concen- cratic media system have proven difficult to at-
tration, the arrogance of former FCC chairman tract to media reform campaigns. These include
Michael Powell, the rabidly reactionary politics of peace and environmental groups, charities (which
Fox television, the domination of talk radio by are constrained by tax rules limiting their involve-
right-wing gas-bags, and the perceived collusion ment in advocacy), and journalists in mainstream
of the US media as a whole in the Bush admin- media. These absences are evident in the response
istration’s decision to invade Iraq – all helped to to our survey. Other “gaps” in the building blocks
galvanize a remarkable upsurge of media activism for a media reform movement are less obvious.
in the past decade, and the dramatic emergence One is the territorial tension, manifested in a lack
34 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

of direct collaboration on spe-

cific campaigns, between two
of the leading national unions
representing media workers;
the Canadian Media Guild,
and the CEP union. Another
is the paucity of policy-rele-
vant research conducted by
communications scholars or
other academics, and with no-
table exceptions, their general
disengagement from formal
regulatory and policy process-
es, such as CRTC hearings
(Abramson et al 2008; Savage
2008). A vibrant media reform
movement would need an ac-
tive “brains trust,” and for-
tunately, has in issues related to the media and communication
taken some initial steps to develop one, including as they begin to recognize the centrality of this to
the Toronto workshop summarized in this report. everything else that’s going on in their lives,” ar-
Structurally, the field of progressive civil so- gues Canadian media scholar Marc Raboy (quoted
ciety activism in Canada is fragmented, arguably in Hackett and Carroll 2006: 147). Most NGOs
bifurcated between larger state- and economy-ori- are well aware of the importance to their primary
ented organizations, and smaller marginal groups. work of access to, and representation in, media.
At both levels, NGOs perceive sustainability, There is a certain level of awareness of media de-
and financial and other resource shortages, as mocracy concepts (Table 9), and a considerable
their biggest challenges (Table 6). They are hard- though uneven level of dissatisfaction with me-
pressed to mount campaigns beyond their prima- dia’s democratic performance, dissatisfaction that
ry mandates. Their financial precariousness may can sometimes be converted into remedial action.
make them vulnerable to agendas set by funders, (Note though, that satisfaction with media perfor-
of which government is particularly prominent mance does not preclude communications activ-
(Table 4). Moreover, it is difficult to identify a ism; there can be other motives, such as engaging
hub or nexus for civil society activism in Canada. in defensive struggles to maintain a valued service
like the CBC.) There is solid evidence of past en-
Springboards and Resources gagement with media coalitions or campaigns by
While at first sight dispiriting, the above many groups, and of intended future engagement.
summary of challenges is intended to provide Ideologically, most of our 75 respondents
a basis for developing realistic strategies. And have a vision broader than their own organiza-
our study contains many positive recommenda- tion’s immediate goals. Social justice and human
tions for a Canadian media reform movement. rights are common themes, but many (mainly in
At the broadest level, the “mediatisation” of the online survey) identified themselves with an
contemporary politics and culture suggests that emerging and distinct media democracy move-
“more people are going to want to get involved ment. Scepticism towards market forces, com-
petition, and the profit motive – the neoliberal
Conclusions 35

‘solutions’ to communication shortfalls – is wide- cific, identifiable and publicly accessible ven-
spread. Conversely, there is considerable sup- ues and time-frames, such as CRTC hearings.
port for a positive role for the state in shaping
a democratic communication environment – par- * Net Neutrality is perceived as win-
ticularly, regulatory and financial support for in- nable, particularly given US President
dependent, community and public service media, Obama’s endorsement of this principle.
notwithstanding qualifications in some quarters.
More strikingly, there is overwhelming recog- At the same, given the scope and consequences
nition of the importance of the Internet to the of the media’s democratic deficit and of the cur-
NGOs’ work, and unanimous endorsement of rent policy agenda, Canada’s nascent media reform
the principle of Net Neutrality as a regulatory un- movement cannot confine itself to a single-issue
derpinning for equitable and affordable access to focus. In that respect, the diversity of perspectives
the Internet. That finding suggests that OpenMe- and priorities evident in our respondents’ views of’s particular emphasis on the SaveOurNet. media issues is a resource. It should be possible to
ca campaign, and its recent change of name to find partners for campaigns on a range of issues., has a pragmatic as well as prin- The data confirm that independent media, arts
cipled grounding. Why does Net Neutrality reso- and culture groups, and trade unions, particularly
nate relatively highly? As a means of building co- those representing media and cultural workers, are
alitions and attracting funding, Net Neutrality has
several advantages, compared to other vital issues
with which and other media re-
formers have engaged (such as media ownership) :6

* There are a large number of stakehold-

ers who would be negatively affected
by the loss of Net Neutrality, includ-
ing many (such as small businesses, and
young people as heavy users of digital
media) that are not amongst the ‘usual
suspects’ of public interest coalitions.
core advocates for democratic communications.
* Net throttling and multi-tiered service Some of these groups are small, but there is a
constitute an immediate threat to the daily plethora of them, and the research suggests a wel-
work of most NGOs, as it jeopardizes con- come culture of collaboration that can help offset
trol over their own means of publication organizational fragmentation. Additionally, the re-
to their own members and broader publics. search reveals potential partners for media reform
* As a regulatory issue, it is discussed in spe- outside the media/arts sectors, especially human

6.  By comparison, “diversity of media ownership” is a less pressing goal for most NGOs, particularly if they
feel satisfied with current news media access and/or control over their own media. Compared to Net Neutral-
ity, media diversity may be more difficult to define concretely, its benefits are less obvious, there is no single
venue or process by which it can be ‘won’; it may not seem realistically achievable in the short term; and its
open advocacy, to the extent that it challenges media corporations, may have negative repercussions for an
NGO’s standing in the newsroom.
36 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

approach of a positive frame less

dangerous to their charity status.
NGOs may also find such a frame
less hazardous to their media con-
tacts and journalists would surely
find such a campaign more inviting.
Key factors limiting the forma-
tion of a media reform movement
may be the lack of a unified progres-
sive social movement in Canada, as
well as the disinclination to date of
existing progressive organizations to
recognize and act upon the relevance
of communications structures and
rights groups, and broadly-focused progressive policies to their own primary mandates. These
advocacy organizations. Campaign-framing, and considerations suggest strategic consequences.
coalition-building, of course go hand in hand. First, one key task for a media reform movement
For instance, although it is not easy to simplify (O is to “conscientize” existing progressive SMOs to
Siochrú 2005) and is not yet very familiar to many the relevance of media issues, and Internet access
activists, the frame of “communication rights” and Net Neutrality seem to constitute an espe-
may be suitable for attracting human rights activ- cially promising entry point. A key task for media
ists to media reform campaigns. It is encouraging reformers is to build larger and tighter coalitions
that WACC is creating a global clearinghouse for and networks. Civil society groups will likely better
communication rights information in Toronto. understand the stake they have in media and tele-
Future research and activism will undoubtedly communications policy if more of these organi-
disclose new partners, beyond the NGO sector: zations are consistently actively engaged in media
for example, currently municipal governments in policy reform, and indeed in building the media
the Vancouver area are allying with community reform movement. Media reform organizations
groups to wrest control of community television should consider some kind of expansive institu-
away from monopolistic cable companies that tional structure, such as an association or network
are reducing coverage of city council meetings. that can facilitate communication and engagement
The shared values of media openness, access with a broad and diverse array of organizations.
and innovation (defined not only in technologi- Secondly, our findings starkly raise the ques-
cal but also social and political terms) may offer tion of framing. It may well be that the concepts
a route to popularize support for at least some of “media reform” or “media democracy” fail
dimensions of media reform. Indeed, the com- to resonate with many of the constituencies that
ments unequivocally supportive of equitable ac- would need to mobilize if a more democratic
cess to the Internet, from both our survey and public sphere is to be achieved in Canada. Me-
interviews, suggest that an alternative strategy dia reformers need to consider whether a unify-
to coalesce NGOs around this issue and related ing master frame is possible and necessary, and/
frames could be productive. It may also be the or whether different “subframes” or “thematic
case that a journalism campaign with a positive frames” should be adopted for different cam-
frame might be more inviting to peace, environ- paigns and constituencies (O Siochrú 2005). Our
mental groups, charities and journalists in main- data suggest encouragingly that most respondents
stream media. Charities might find the soft lined
Conclusions 37

do regard themselves as part of a broader move-

ment, which can be categorized rather broadly
as progressive. However, they do not coalesce
around a specific political ideology, issue or or-
ganization, and it may be that communication
values, rather than a specific political ideology,
will more effectively coalesce organizations for
democratic change in media.7 Responses to this
study suggest that values such as openness, acces-
sibility, participation, choice, diversity and inno-
vation may resonate well with NGOs in Canada.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
media” frame, however, does have advantages.
Responses to this study suggest It connotes a recognition of the growing im-
that values such as openness, ac- portance of digital media, as distinct from con-
cessibility, participation, choice, ventional mass media. It could appeal to constitu-
encies beyond “progressive” SMOs. In particular,
diversity and innovation may reso- it could appeal to a younger generation of activists
nate well with NGOs in Canada. and new media users, and could bring those work-
ing on media reform closer to related and bur-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . geoning communities that are focused on Open
Source Software, Open Data, Open Web, Open
Thus, the frame of “open media” suggests it- Content, Open Education, Open Government
self as productive, at least as a thematic frame, and many more. At the very least, “open media”
and possibly even as a master frame. However, should take its place alongside other longstand-
such a frame is itself not without risks. It would ing media change frames, such as communication
take work to avoid, first, diverting it to the neo- rights, media democratization, free press, and me-
liberal themes of further “opening” Canadian dia justice (Hackett and Carroll 2006, Chap. 4).
media to unregulated market forces. And second, Current strategies and frames for me-
narrowing the media change agenda to the liber- dia reform will likely persist and should not
tarian project of removing blockages to access be dismissed, but as this study suggests, it
at the expense of considering other dimensions is worth exploring new strategies as well.
of a genuinely democratic public communication
system, including equality, justice, dignity, solidar-
ity, responsibility and accountability. The “open

7.  Re-imagining journalism in the 21st century, given the marked social and technological changes in to-
day’s “information societies”, is one avenue to explore. A model with considerable potential is that of “peace
journalism”, which tries to illuminate structural and cultural violence as it affects the lives of ordinary people.
Framing conflicts in terms of several parties pursuing many goals, it makes visible peace initiatives and poten-
tial solutions and it equips people to distinguish between self-interested positions and real objectives. Similar
principles could be applied to media reform, highlighting democratic deficits, ensuring a diversity of voices and
opinions, providing greater access to information and knowledge, and encouraging community involvement in
media ownership and control.
38 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

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42 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

Online Survey Questionnaire
Revitalizing a media reform movement in Canada:

Welcome! You have been asked to participate in this study, entitled ‘Revitalizing a media reform
movement in Canada: Survey and workshop.’ The objective of this study is to survey organizations
and activists on their views regarding the role of media in achieving social change in Canada. We
would like to learn more about your organization and the type of work in which you are involved. We
also want to know if you believe that a better media system in Canada would improve the prospects
for social change, how you feel we can improve these media systems, and if you would be interested
in supporting media reform campaigns.
This project is a collaborative effort between the Campaign for Democratic Media (CDM -, professor Robert Hackett at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver,
and the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC – an international organization
concerned with communication rights for all This study has been made
possible through funding from the Social Science Research Council’s Necessary Knowledge for a
Democratic Public Sphere program. In addition to this survey, we shall be conducting interviews
and a workshop. The results will be published and made available on the collaborating organizations’
websites and/or elsewhere online by the end of the year.
We need to add a word on confidentiality. Please consider any written comments you make in this
survey to be on the record. If we quote you in the final report, we will identify you only by organiza-
tional affiliation, not by name. However, if you grant us permission (at the end of this survey), your
name and organization will be listed in an appendix to the published report, which may also be post-
ed on the website of the Social Science Research Council ( or elsewhere unless
otherwise requested by you in the space provided below. While the overall survey results may be used
in subsequent studies, your individual comments (beyond what is published in the final report of this
report) will not be used unless you authorize us to do so.
While we would appreciate your answering every question below, you are not obliged to do so.
The researchers have not sought permission from your employer or any other agency regarding your
participation in this survey. This questionnaire is made available through,
which is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy program; for its terms of use and privacy policy, please
see Through this online application, the re-
sults of this survey will be stored on a server located in Portland, OR and according to the US Patriot
Act may be searched by the law enforcement agencies.
Entering the survey indicates that you understand the purpose of this research and accept the
above conditions regarding confidentiality. To enter click the “Next” button at the bottom of this
Copies of the results of this study upon its completion may be obtained by contacting the princi-
pal investigator:
Online Survey Questionnaire 43

Professor Robert Hackett

c/o School of Communication
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive,
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
V5A 1S6

Phone: 778.782.3863

Any complaints about the study may be brought to:

Dr. Hal Weinberg, Director

Office of Research Ethics
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive,
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
V5A 1S6

Phone: 778.782.6593

Entering the survey indicates that you understand the purpose of this research and accept the above
conditions regarding confidentiality.

The current state of Canada’s media system is quite dismal and filled with uncertainty. Public confi-
dence in media is quickly dwindling as we fall victim to the backwind of government policies that fa-
vour big media companies. Journalism in Canada is crumbling as a result of media concentration, the
general economic slowdown, and lack of access to credit. Journalists are being laid off with nowhere
to go. And while the current transition from analog to digital media and increased utilization of wire-
less spectrum create new possibilities, big telecom companies are trying to become the gatekeepers
of the Internet, and a potentially large segment of our population is at risk of being left out of the
national conversation.

1. Organization Information:
• Name of the organization or group you represent
• Your title

2. Please describe, in a few sentences or less, the main goals and objectives of your organization
44 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

3. Please check off one category that best describes your organization’s main area of focus.
• Environment
• Peace
• Ethnic
• Gender issues
• Religion
• labour/union
• Media
• Technology
• Arts/culture
-- Civil & Human rights
-- First Nations
-- Professional associations/service organizations
-- Political/advocacy
-- Foundation
-- Charity/education
-- Research/think tank
-- Other (please specify)

4. Please estimate how many signed-up members your organization has:

• under 50
• 50-99
• 100-499
• 500-999
• 1,000-4,999
• 5,000-9,999
• 10,000-49,999
• 50,000-99,999
• over 100,000
• don’t know
• not applicable (e.g. this organization is not membership based)

5. Regardless of whether they are signed-up members, how many people are on your organization’s
main contact email list?
• don’t know
• under 50
• 50-99
• 100-499
• 500-999
• 1,000-4,999
• 5,000-9,999
• 10,000-49,999
• 50,000-99,999
• over 100,000
• not applicable (e.g. this organization does not use an email list)
Online Survey Questionnaire 45

6. Please estimate your organization’s annual revenues:

• don’t know
• under $1,000
• $1,000-4,999
• $5,000-9,999
• $10,000-24,999
• $25,000-99,999
• $100,000-249,999
• $250,000-999,999
• $1-5 million
• $5-25 million
• over $25 million

7. Please rate the importance of the following sources of funding for your organization from 1 to 5
(1=Not important; 3 = Somewhat important; 5 = very important; N/A or don’t know)
a. individual membership dues
b. membership dues from affiliated organizations
c. individual donations
d. government grants or contracts
e. grants or contracts from labour unions
f. grants or contracts from for-profit businesses
g. foundations and philanthropies
h. products or services (including publications, consulting) provided by our organization for a
i. Other (please specify)

8. What are your organization’s top two priorities for the next 3 years? [Please list]
9. In pursuing its goals, how often does your organization carry out the following: (1. Never 2.
Seldom; 3. Sometimes; 4. Often Don’t know N/A
a. publish reports and other educational materials, etc.
b. produce videos
c. produce website updates/blogs
d. issue news releases to the media
e. utilize other means of attracting media attention
f. use paid advertising
g. lobby government officials, industry, politicians, parties
h. court challenges/legal cases
i. engage in rallies, demonstrations, protests
j. use other forms of direct action or creative confrontation (sit-ins, boycotts, civil disobedi-
k. fund-raise
l. send direct mail to supporters
m. build and mobilize a membership base or network of supporters
n. Other (please specify)
46 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

10. What would you characterize as the major accomplishments/achievements of your organization
in the past 5 years?

11. What are some of the major challenges or obstacles that your organization faces in achieving its

12. How often does your organization engage in collaborative projects or campaigns with other
• Never
• Seldom
• Occasionally
• Often
• Constantly

13. Please list up to five of those organizations with which you have collaborated or partnered in the
past 3 years.

14. How familiar are you with each of the following concepts, organizations, or people? Rate from 1
(never heard of it) to 5 (very familiar). [3 = Familiar]
• Global climate change
• Canadian Institute for Public Interest Media
• Net neutrality
• Open source software
• Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
• David Suzuki
• Media Democracy Day
• CanWest Global
• Free Press (US organization)
• Robert W. McChesney
• Communication rights, or the right to communicate

15. Do you consider your advocacy work to be part of a social movement?

• Yes
• Sometimes
• No
• Don’t know
If so, which one(s)?

16. Consider the coverage of your organization and its issues in mainstream Canadian media (major
press, radio and broadcasting outlets). Please rate your level of satisfaction, from 1 (very dissatis-
fied) to 5 (very satisfied). [3 = Satisfied]
Online Survey Questionnaire 47

17. How does coverage of your organization and its issues in the CBC, compare with coverage in
other mainstream media? Please rate CBC’s coverage from 1 (much worse than other mainstream
media) to 5 (much better than other mainstream media). [1 = much worse; 3 = the same; 5 =
much better; don’t know; N/A]

18. Does the quality and diversity of journalism in Canada affect your work?
• Yes
• No
If so, in what ways?

19. In your view, how well are Canada’s mainstream media performing their role in a democratic
society? Rate them from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent). [3=average]
Additional comments

20. How, if at all, would you like to see the media changed?

21. In the past 5 years, has your organization engaged in campaigns or joined coalitions that aimed to
influence the media or change communication policy/regulation?
• Yes
• No
• Don’t know
• Not application
If yes please explain.

22. Have independent, community, and alternative media ever been helpful to the work of your
organization? Rate them from 1 (never helpful) to 5 (very helpful). [3 = sometimes helpful; Don’t
know; N/A]
Please explain.

23. How important is use of the Internet to the work of your organization? Rate from 1 (not at all
important), to 5 (very important). [3 = Somewhat important; Don’t know; N/A]

24. Would your work be negatively affected is large Internet Service Providers could develop a two-
tiered service, where those with the most money could use a priority fast lane, and everyone else
had to use a slow lane? This would also mean ISPs could limit which services or applications that
are available to your and your organization.
• Yes
• No
Please explain
48 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

25. In your view, how important is it that all Canadians have affordable access to the Internet? Rate
from 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important). [3= Medium importance]

26. Would you or your organization be likely to participate in future campaigns to change the media
and communications policy? Rate from 1 (very unlikely) to 5 (very likely). [3 = Possibly; Don’t
know; N/A]

27. Basic Information

• Name
• Address
• Address2
• City/town
• State
• ZIP/postal code
• Email address
• Phone number

28. May we publish your name and/or organization in a list intended as a resource for other re-
searchers and activists? (Note: We would not include email addresses in such a publication.)
• Yes, you may list both my name and organization
• You may list my name only
• You may list my organization only
• I choose not to have either my name or organization published.

Thank you for contributing to our study. Learn more about media issues in Canada at:
Interview Questions 49

Interview Questions
The semi-structured interview schedule comprised the following questions:
1. Please provide a brief synopsis of your biography as a participant in advocacy work and the non-
profit/NGO sector.

2. What are your organization’s core goals or mandate, and the strategies used to achieve them?

2b. What is the main issue or priority on which you are working now, and in the near future? What is
currently at the top of your organization’s agenda?

3. What resources (staff, networks, communication outreach, funding, membership, etc.) does your
organization have to pursue its goals – and where do you generate them from (membership,
donations, foundations, grants, etc?)

4. What would you say have been your organization’s main achievements?

5. What have been your organization’s main disappointments (things you would have liked to
achieve, but have not been able to)?

6. What are the main obstacles in the way of your organization achieving its goals and which is the
greatest current threat?

7. Who would you identify as your organization’s main opponents?

8. Who would you identify as your organization’s most important and consistent partners/allies in
the past 5 years?

9. Does the organization see itself as part of a broader social movement? If so, which one(s)?

10. How important to the organization’s success is its representation within/access to ‘mainstream’
Canadian media?

11. How would you characterize the organization’s relationship with the media and has the media
generally been helpful, a hindrance, or irrelevant?

12. How about CBC? Has its performance or your relationship with it, been different from other
50 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

13. How about independent, community, alternative media? Have they been important or helpful in
your organization’s work?

13b. If the independent media sector was more popular or powerful, would that help your organiza-
tion pursue its goals?

14. How important is access to/use of the internet?

14b. How would it affect your organization’s work if telecom companies could limit which services
and applications have online access (net throttling), or if the Internet was turned into a two-
tiered medium where those with the most money could buy access to a priority fast lane, and
everyone else had to use a slow lane? Would these developments impact your work?

15. Would a more diverse, representative, accessible and democratic system of public communica-
tion help your organization achieve its goals?

16. Have you personally or your organization ever supported campaigns or organizations on media
or communications issues?

16b. Can you imagine circumstances where you would do so in the near future? What would they be? Workshop 51

III Workshop Minutes
Workshop: Tuesday 26 May 2009

Venue: WACC Global Headquarters

308 Main Street
Toronto, ON. M4C 4X7

Leslie Regan Shade (Concordia University); Keith Knight (Anglican Church of Canada); Bev Mur-
phy (Anglican Church of Canada); David Skinner (York University); Karen Wirsig (Canadian Media
Guild); Robert A. Hackett (Simon Fraser University); Steve Anderson (National Coordinator Open-; Philip Savage (McMaster University); Jacqui McDonald (; Trish Hennessy
(Policy Alternatives); Anita Krajnc (Progressive Aesthetics); Dan O’Brien (ACTRA); Matt Adams
(; Paul de Silva (Canada One TV); Michael Lithgow (Simon Fraser University), Arnold
Amber (Communication Workers of America) Brent Patterson (The Council of Canadians); Randy
Naylor (General Secretary, WACC); Philip Lee (Deputy Director of Programs, WACC).

1. Introductions
The workshop was opened by Randy Naylor, General Secretary of WACC, who highlighted WACC’s
long-standing involvement in communication rights and media reform ranging from the New World
Information and Communication Order (NWICO) to the Campaign for Communication Rights in
the Information Society (CRIS) to involvement in the World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS). He thanked the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) for their generous financial support
of the survey through a Small Collaborative Grant.

Participants introduced themselves and the work of their different organizations.

2. Current communications/media policy issues in Canada

Professor David Skinner presented an outline of the main issues facing media reform, including
emerging topics such as supporting local television and journalism, increased resources for CBC,
supporting mandate driven and non-profit local media; ongoing issues such as Internet (new media)
broadcasting, Net Neutrality, community broadcasting, and the switch to digital television. There is
also a watching brief on issues such as possible erosion of Canadian ownership regulations and the
possible merger of the telecommunications and broadcasting acts.
Participants raised other issues: How to ensure that there is Canadian choice – that Canadians have
options? How to create more space for Canadians to find Canadian content? In this regard, new me-
dia broadcasting ‘needs regulatory formation to support Canadian diversity’. ‘Important to look back
at what happened in 1990s: consolidation led to losses of investigative reporting and the subsequent
52 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

impact on informing Canadians and voter apathy regarding political questions.’ There is a ‘real issue
to be addressed around the de-professionalization of journalism – apparent abundance of choice but
no real diversity at local level.’

Other comments included: User-generated media are very professional and we should beware making
an artificial divide. What are the resources available and impact on long-term sustainability? Much go-
ing on re new wireless communication. Copyright bill is an issue, plus privacy issues, libel issues, and
environmental issues relating to dependence on ICTs. How to support amateur media production?
Who controls the media? Big media are still very powerful in shaping messages.

• It was generally agreed that and others need to be closely involved in ongoing
hearings in Ottawa, such as the Heritage Hearings. Depressing that they do not appear to be
interested in media reform issues which might be paid lip-service in reports but not taken up
by politicians. Viewers are left out of the equation.
• Moving away from use of public airwaves for public services to corporate and private inter-
ests with no explanation of what is going on.
• Swapping volume and clarity of digital technology for content and quality.
• Threat to local stations: if you have no way to reach a local audience, why have a local sta-
• Is there any opportunity under fee for carriage to support local cultural initiatives? Vast
potential in local programming and finding ways to fund it given the interests of local com-
munities and audiences.
• Problem of stranglehold of cable companies on decision-making at CRTC and in other
areas of media policy-making. Need to return to issue of public right to communication and
to public understanding of what is actually going on in media ownership and control.
• Problem of changing thinking patterns and getting messages across especially using poten-
tial of new media; finding space for public service issues such as genuine community/local
media production that has its own resources and strategies.

3. Current campaigns and activities of

Steve Anderson, National Coordinator, spoke of the need to be well informed and
well organized. is a network working for media democracy and intervening in media
policy battles. Broad tactics are needed: from public forums and social media to policy intervention.
Media ownership and concentration; support for public media; keeping online communications open
and accessible. Pushing for more support for public and community media; tighter controls over
public funding for media; policy interventions such as Net Neutrality. is currently
working on:

• ‘Open Internet Town Halls’ encouraging public hearings

• Designing an Internet Town Hall Tool-kit aimed at encouraging citizens to organize their
own events to talk about the future of the Internet,
• A reinventing journalism/local media campaign Workshop 53

• Declaration of 21st Century Media

• A media democracy day – one-day public forum on media issues.

Proposal to link work to upcoming renewal of broadcasting licenses. Also to look at
model of Channel 4 (United Kingdom) and SBS (Australia) for problems and lessons learned.

Participants agreed that alternative programming service is to provide an alternative public broadcast-
ing service not, as it has been interpreted, to offer minority ethnic language services.

Need to take an international perspective and look at trade agreements and limitations on state subsi-
dies (EU model is currently facing these challenges).

Need for participants to do more groundwork, introduce themselves to politicians,

to find common ground. Politicians also need to know and to connect with what is happening in the

4. Overview of the survey and interviews of social movement organizations in Canada

(about 75), funded by Social Science Research Council; their views/orientation to demo-
cratic media [see Appendix 1]

Professor Robert A. Hackett (Simon Fraser University) summarised the results to date of one of the
three components of the research – the online survey of advocacy groups in Canada (implied rather
than definitive results regarding how to frame issues and to build alliances). He noted that gender and
religion are two constituencies that could be better used and remarked on the low responses from
peace, ethnic, technology and charitable organizations where more work needs to be done.
Hackett pointed to the importance of government funding to NGOs, which may lead to a certain
amount of conservatism. The significance of external funding emphasises the vulnerability of NGO
work and need for financial independence. He highlighted general familiarity with the Canadian me-
dia reform movement as opposed to US equivalents.
Difficulty of identifying nexus for progressive organizations regarding media reform issues.
Absence of quality journalism and decline in local journalism - media’s lack of resources – could be a
framing point for campaigning.
Is there a link between dissatisfaction with mainstream media and engagement in media activism? By
and large, yes, but not uniformly.
Need for a concise platform rather than a broad listing of concerns. Internet is clearly very important
(open access) to citizenship, democracy, equality, and Net throttling would place limits on distribution
of content, mobilization, and have an impact of financing.
The dissemination plan for the research includes a written report for SSRC; publication on web sites
(, WACC, CCR). It was proposed that Op-eds in select publications be pursued. Ask
groups to write 1,000 words on specific issues related to Canadian media reform (Trish Hennessy of
54 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

Policy Alternatives volunteered to help).

5. What work are participants doing in this area?

CMG Free TV Campaign. Problem of urban/rural divide. Need to maintain local presence after over-
the-air transmitters are shut down. Need for maximum publicity about what is going on and its likely

CWA survey and awareness campaign re chain selling of media enterprises (e.g. newspapers) resulting in
loss of local identity, loss of local jobs, and editorial dependence on outsiders.

Problem of finding a sustainable base for advocacy of media reform issues.

Problem of mandatory carriage and transponder space: no space set aside in Canada for not-for-
profits, only for provincial over-the-air broadcasters and provincial educational broadcasters. There
may be more space than is apparent and the technology is changing. Therefore, advocating for man-
datory access is worth campaigning for.

ACTRA working on issues affecting drama, prime time, copyright, Canadian content, and arguing for
guarantees. ISPs should have to contribute to producing Canadian content. Against Net throttling,
but there should also be dedicated spaces.

Canada One TV campaigning for a coalition dedicated to a not-for-profit national broadcasting

reflecting cultural diversity – need for provision in Broadcasting Act for a model that includes local
production that tells local stories.

Three further opportunities: Peace journalism movement as a way of reframing journalism theory
and practice; global climate justice – communication for social change leading to just and sustainable
societies; the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP).

6. Where to from here?

6.1 Activities

• campaign
• Saving journalism (esp. local journalism) and tying it to local broadcasting
• Comparative research on models adopted by other countries
• Annual event – Media Democracy Day based on issues
• Save local programming (news, drama, etc.)
• Local voices/Canadian connections
• Re-establish connections: making the issues important
• Making global connections: media, social justice, poverty (interconnectivity)
• Networking among other language minority groups in Canada (comment that if you want Workshop 55

to reach out, you need talking points/message/’story’ + vocabulary/glossary of terms and

• Develop grassroots activism among community centres, schools, university campuses, etc.
• Media literacy movement (esp. in schools)
• Associations of librarians
• Fund-raising to support activities
• Tap into dissatisfactions among young people
• Reimagining (rather than reinventing) the media: What do you want the media to be?
• How to bring the issues of media reform back into the academy to do research or studies in
order to shore up the movement?
• Toolkits on media reform issues (a series of actions related to topics)
• Touchstone questions that resonate (e.g. freedom of the press in the USA) - in Canada space
to tell our own stories?
• Support local media; think organic media; ‘Think global, buy local’ (media).
• Zoom/zap/view/watch/listen/read/text local. ‘Better be local’.

6.2 Strategising
6.2.1 Campaign: Need criteria for evaluating a campaign that is sustainable; resonates with publics; has
clear goals and benchmarks for success; venues for intervention; long-term capacity building. Need
for focus groups to determine framework for action.

Focus/constituencies/goals/venues: Using rhetoric of (re)connecting to ‘local’. Online campaign

aimed at heads of big media organizations and at media practitioners to gain broader attention (a
public statement masquerading as a letter to…) ‘You guys control what we see/read/listen to… and
here’s what people are thinking about that…’ Useful to insert notion of people being in control of
their own media. ‘If you are not in control, who is?’

Concrete support for local media (including community broadcasting)/Net neutrality/developing a

new model for public service media.

Short survey among those on e-mail list for campaign theme. Need to make sure e-mail list is repre-
sentative of diversity in Canada. Then draft a campaign plan for approval to be launched on Media
Democracy Day 2009.

Demographics suggest that there is a large segment of the population disconnecting from main-
stream media and going to, or seeking, alternative media to see themselves reflected. Need a con-
scious strategy to reach out to them. Tap into existing organizations in diverse communities to get
them on side.

Young people may not understand that there is a problem to be addressed. This aspect needs to be
built into any campaign – focusing on media content in general, what it might mean to have their
ideas and perspectives represented in media.
56 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

6.2.2 Event: Hold an event to bring together a broader range of people from throughout the country
(e.g. a conference). One possibility ‘Global journalism/local community media’, two days building on
issues at York University in March 2010.

Annual Congress of Social Sciences & Humanities conferences (Canadian Communication Associa-
tion) at Carleton in 2009 looking at activist collaborations. Take to Concordia next year in May?
Organization Participants 57

Organization Participants
IV **Thirteen organizations asked not to be identified. The following is
a list of those who agreed to have their name published.

The North-South Institute
Appropriation Art
National Campus and Community Radio Association
Canadian Council of Muslim Women
Briarpatch Magazine
Women’s Executive Network
Cinema Politica
Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic
C.M.E.S. Community Media Education
Concordia University
Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations
Telecommunities Canada
Canadian Artists’ Representation (CARFAC)
Women in Film & Television
Public Interest Advocacy Centre
British Columbia Government and Service Employees’ Union
First Nations Education Council
Citizens for Public Justice
Canadian Federation of University Women
Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC)
Professional Association of Canadian Theatres
Media Education Project
Corporate Knights
Vancouver Alliance for Arts and Culture
Maytree Foundation
BC Teachers’ Federation
Vancouver Foundation
Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA)
Professional Writers Association of Canada Can
Association of Cultural Executives
Politics, Re-Spun
Presbyterian Record
Association of Chinese Canadians for Equality and Solidarity Society (ACCESS)
Aujourd’hui Credo
58 Revitalizing a Media Reform Movement in Canada

Christian Science Committee on Publication

Media Action Média
The Media Justice Project (University of Windsor)
Canadian Media Guild
World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) (formerly known as Campaign for Democratic Media)

Consumers Council of Canada
The Council of Canadians
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting
Canadian Association of University Teachers
Rideau Institute
Douglas-Coldwell Foundation
Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Radio & Television Artists (ACTRA)
Canadian Conference of the Arts
Canadian Federation of Students
Columbia Institute
Check Your Head
The Tyee
W2 Community Media Arts Centre
Telecommunications Workers Union
Maytree Foundation
NOW Magazine
Public Service Alliance of Canada


by Robert A. Hackett & Steve Anderson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5
Canada License. To view a copy of this license visit:

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