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Draw Bar. o o . . . . . . . . . o. . . . . . o . . o o o., o o. . R-6
Frame Alignment. . . o . o . . . . . o . . o o o . o . . . o o . oR-2
Frame Dimensions.. . . . o o . . . . o . . o o o o . . o o . . . R-3
Front Axle Alignment. . . o . . . . o . o o . . o o . . . . . o R-S
Straightening Frame. o o . o . . . . . o . . . . . . o . . . . oR-4

R-1. GENERAL level. If a cement floor is available clean it so that

The frame is the structural center of the vehicle, chalk marks will appear underneath the frame to
for in addition to carrying the load, it provides and be checked. If a wooden floor, it is advisable to lay
maintains correct relationship between other units a sheet of paper underneath the vehicle and tack
to assur e their normal functioning. in place, dropping a pumb-bob from each point
Of rugged design, the frame is constructed of heavy indicated, marking the floor directly underneath
channel steel side rails and cross-memberso Brack- the point. Satisfactory checking depends upon the
ets and diagonal braces are used to maintain the accuracy of the marks in relation to the frame.
proper longitudinal position of the side rails rela- To reach the points shown that have be en marked,
tive to each other, and at the same time provide have vehicle carefully moved away from layout on
additional resistance to torsional strains. Fig. 298 the floor, and proceed as directed in the followingo
and 300 illustrate the subject models. paragraphs:
Vehicles which may have been in an accident of a. Check frame width at front and rear end, using
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any nature, which may result in a swayed or sprung corresponding marks on the floor. If widths cor-
frame, should always be carefully checked for prop- respond to specifications given below, draw center
er frame alignment, steering geometry, and axle line the fulllength of the vehicle, half-way between
alignment. marks indicating front and rear widths. If frame
width is not correct and the center line cannot be
R-2. Checking Frame Alignment laid out from checking points at the end of frame it
The most efficient and satisfactory method of can be drawn through intersections of any two pair
checking frame alignment is with a frame aligning of equal diagonals.
fixture which is equipped with bending tools for
straightening frame parts. In the absence of such a b. With the center Une properly laid out, measure
fixture, frame alignment may be determined by the distance from it to points opposite over the en-
using the "X" or diagonal method of checking from tire length of chassis. If frame is in proper align-
given points on each side rail. Fi;so 293 and 300 ment measurement should not vary.
illustrate this method of checking the frame. c. To locate the point at which the frame is sprung,
The most convenient way to make this check, par- measure the diagonals marked A-B, B-C, CoDo If
ticularly whm the body is on the chassis, is by the diagonals in each pair are within 7Sy [3,17 S
marking on the Roor all points from which measure- mmo], that part of the frame included between
ments should be taken. points of measurements may be considered as satis-
Select a space on the Roor which is comparatively factory' alignment. These diagonals should also in-


tersect at the center line. If the measurements do R-5. Front Axle Alignment
not agree within the above limits, it means that After it has been determined that the frame is prop-
correction wiIl have to be made between those erly aligned, the front axle alignment with the
points that are not equal. frame can be checked. The front axle is square
with the frame if the distance between the front
R-3. Frame Dimensions and rear axle is the same on both sides. The dis-
tance from the spring upper bushings to the front
Points for measuring frame alignment are shown axle on both sides should be equal.
in Fig. 298 and 300. The correct measurements for
each model are given in the table. Point A is at the
front of the frame. R-6. Draw Bar
A-B and C-D are the distances between spring Fig. 299, shows method of attachment and bracing
shackle bolt and spring pivot bolt frame centers of the Jeep draw bar. The braces and the reinforce-
measured on a line paraIlel with the frame center- ment instaIled in the frame rear cross-member
line. E and F show the shackle bolt centers in rela- channel provide even distribution of the stresses
tion (above or below) to the pivot bolt centers. when moving a heavy loado
The draw bar plate may be shifted to any one of
CJ-2A, CJ-3A, DJ-3A, CJ-3B nine positions for alignment on the draw bar and
A-B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44.31" [112.54 cm.] may be used with the offset up or down to change
C-D .48.48" [123.14 cm.] the height of attachment. Check the attaching
Width Front .297.4;"[74.3 cm.] bolts periodically to be sure they are tight at all
Width Rear .297.4;" [74.3 cm.] times.
"E" above.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .3~" [8.17 cm.]
"F" above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4%2" [10.56 cm.]
CJ-5, CJ-6
A-B .47.08" [119.58 cm.]
C-D. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52.37" [133.02 cm.]
Width Front .297.4;" [74.3 cm.] 1
Width Rear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297.4;" [74.3 cm.] !
"E" above.. . .. ... . " . " . .. . . .. .3~" [8.17 cm.]
"F" above. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .51" [1.30 cm.]

R-4. Straightening Frame

In case the bending or twisting of the frame is not
excessive, it may be straightened. This should be
done cold, as excessive heat applied to the frame
will weaken it. For this reason it is recommended
that badly damaged frame parts be replaced. FIG. 299-DRA W BAR MOUNTING

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Type - All Models Ladder with Steel Channel

Side Members
Number of
Vehicle Cross Members
Overall I Front
Length i Modulus

CJ-2A & CJ-3A.. 1222!-{Z"

! 29X"
I 29X" 1.493 in. cu.
[311,54 cm.] [74,3 cm.] [74,3 cm.]
C]-3B. . "" ........
4 Intermediate 1222!-{2" 29X" I 29X" I 1.493 in. cu.
Front Bumper Bar
[311,54 cm.) [74,3 cm.] I [74,3cm.]
C]-5.. . '"
Rear K-member 128Y(6" 29X" I 29X" 1.493 in. cu.
[326,23 cm.] [74,3 cm.] [74,3 cm.)
C]-6 . 148Y(6" 29X" 29X" 1.493 in. cu.
[377,03 cm.] [74,3 cm.] [74,3 cm.]
DJ-3A. ........... ........ 5 1222;{¡" 29X" 29X" 1.493 in. cu.
[311,54 cm.] [74,3 cm.] [74,3 cm.]


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