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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Office ofthe Deputy Chief of Stat, 3/677 4400 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20310-0400 APR 22 2065 DAMO-CI MEMORANDUM THRU G-3, US Army Europe, BG John H. Hort, Unit 29351, APO AE 09014-9351 FOR Commander, 2d Cavalry Regiment, Unit 28082, APO AE 09112 SUBJECT: Operational Needs Statement (ONS) for Increased Lethality for the 2d Cavalry Regiment (2CR), US Army Europe (USAREUR) (HQDA ONS 15-20590) 1. Reference Memorandum, HQ , 2CR, AECR-CO, 30 March 2015, subject: Operational Needs Statement (ONS) for Increased Lethality for the 2d Cavalry Regiment (2CR), US Army Europe (USAREUR). 2. HQDA, G-3/5/7 has reviewed subject ONS and validates the high priority need for improved or upgraded lethality of organic direct fire weapons to support dismounted infantry when engaging like units, or those supported by light-armored vehicles. 3. HQDA, G-3/6/7 will immediately request by separate memorandum that the Army Acauisition Executive assign this requirement for approximately eighty-one (81) Stryker ICVs with increased lethality to a Program Manager (PM) for execution. The PM will provide a planning backbrief to the May 2015 AR2B GOSC. The plan should include an examination of the feasibility of using a 30mm weapon and will identify any technical, training, employment, safety or other issues that need to be addressed prior to fielding a capability to 2CR. Resourcing prioritization will follow the AR2B GOSC approval. 4. HQDA will task TRADOC separate memorandum to conduct a broader assessment to refine concepts for operational employment, identify potential application options of the capability across the broader Stryker force and recommend changes to any DOTMLPF areas that are affected by this upgrade. The 2CR operational conops will inform this assessment. 5. The HQDA, G-3/5/7 point of contact for this action is Mr. Kendall Linson, DAMO-CIF, commercial (703) 614-3796 and email (C4 fl PETER B. BECHTEL Director, Capabilities Integration, Prioritization and Analysis DAMO-Cl SUBJECT: Operational Needs Statement (ONS) for Increased Lethality for the 2d Cavalry Regiment (2CR), US Army Europe (USAREUR) (HQDA ONS 15-20590) CF: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (SAAL-ZS/SAAL-SFP) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 (DAMO-TR/FM) Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8 (DAPR-FD) Commander, TRADOG, ATTN: ARCIC, Fort Eustis, VA

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