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Chapter6 Questions

The two most common kinds of questions are yes-no question which asking for an answer
yes (positive) or no (negative) and WH-questions.

How to form normal yes-no questions:

subject +


Examples: You are sleepy.

He studies biology. ->




> Are you sleepy? (Yes or No)

Does he study biology? (Yes or No)

EXERCISES: Change the following statements into questions:

1. Tom likes coffee.
2. You write the letter neatly.
3. He loves his wife.
4. The man is eating his luch.
5. The ship has arrived.
6. The children were sent home.
7. We should have finished it.
8. He will be waiting for us.
9. The families were in United Kingdom.
10. Marry likes swimming.
11. The car came late.
12. He can do it again.
13. It was quite late at night.
14. There are some more cakes?
15. We're coming tomorrow morning.

How to form negative yes-no questions.

To form negative yes-no questions, simply place the negative auxiliary (or negative be
form) in front of the subject:
negative cntraction + subject + .........

Example: Can't you come early?

Use a negative question when you thought the answer would be "Yes".
Examples: Don't you like coffee?
Didn't want to go early?
Haven't you read the letter?
Aren't you coming home tonight?

(I thought you did.)

(I thought you did.)
(I thought you had.)
(I thought you were.)

How to choose between some. someone. etc. and any. anyone. etc.
Normal yes-no questions do not contain words like some. Instead, they contain words
like any, anyone, and anything.
Someone phoned this evening.
I need some money.
We've learned to drive already.

Did anyone phone this evening?
Do you need any money?
Have you learned to drive yet?(GB)
Did you learn to drive yet? (US)

However, some yes-no questions contain some-words:

Did someone phone this morning?
("I was expecting a call.")
Do you need some money?
("It looks as if you have none.")
Have you learned to drive already? ("It looks as if you can drive.")
Forming yes-no questions with an auxiliary or be:

Tom is having his lunch.
The car has arrived.
They were sent home.
We should have complained.
He'll be waiting for us.


Is Tom having his lunch?
Has the car arrived?
Were they sent home?
Should we have complained?
Will he be waiting for us?

Forming yes-no questions with do:

Rabbits eat grass
Mary enjoys swimming.

Do rabbits eat grass?
Does Mary enjoy swimming?


W-H questions are also called information questions which use a question word:
where, when, why, who, whom, what, which, whose, and how.
The pattern of these questions are:

Question Word + Helping verb + Subject + Main verb + ........

1. Where does Tina live in Jakarta?
2. Where is Tina reading a novel?
3. When will you come to my house?
4. Whom did you see?
5. Why did she come late?
6. What did you eat last night?
7. Which book do you like best?
8. Whose bag is it?
9. How do you come here?
Questions asking Subject
When the question word (e.g. who, what) asks about the subject, then the question word
becomes the subject of the question/interrogative sentece.
1. Who came last night?
2. What made you angry?
3. Who met you yesterday?
EXERCISE: Make questions. Use who, where, why, when, or what time.
1. A: ............................................................................................................................
B: At 9.00 p.m.. Last nigt. (I came here last night).
2. A: .
B: In Bali. (I was born in Bali).
3. A: ............................................................................................................................
B: Because they came late. (The teacher was angry because they came late.




B : Next month. (They will go to London next month).
.A: ................................................................................................
B: My sister did. (My sister cooked that food).

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