A Visit Newsletter September 2006

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Unless otherwise noted, all events are at
St Camillus Catholic Center for Pastoral Care
1911 Zonal Ave, Los Angeles CA 90033
September 17, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

HIV/AIDS Specialization Training
had a very enriching
RSVP by Sep.10. 323-225-4461 x221
experience this summer at St.
September 17, 4:00 p.m.
Pax Christi Mass for Peace and Justice Camillus Pastoral Care Center. For a
Discussion on The Ground Truth day and a half I accompanied several of detail from A Visit
www.thegroundtruth.net by John August Swanson
the chaplains on their hospital rounds. It
September 25, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Protest and Civil Disobedience was a powerful testament to our Catholic
Hollywood Military Recruiting Office faith community that Catholic men and teenager from a nearby Catholic high
National Action: Declaration for Peace
213-489-1900, join Fr. Chris Ponnet
women have taken on the ministry to be school. She felt a bond with the chaplain
September 30, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
present to those dying and suffering and recalling the time she baptized a young
Dead Man Walking: The Journey their families at Los Angeles County/ person her age, a TB patient who died a
Continues, with Sr. Helen Prejean
University of Southern California Medical few weeks later. This 80 year old now
St. Joseph Center, Orange CA
714-744-3175, $50 with lunch Center and the surrounding hospitals. One expressed a desire to minister again on
Because we have been sent into the world September 30, 7:00 p.m.
ICUJP Concert Fundraiser
of the most powerful visible messages in Sundays to those in county hospital.
as a "people for life," our proclamation must also become a genuine celebration of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church
joining in the chaplains' visits was they Though the chaplains' styles were as
gospel of life... Los Angeles CA, 626-683-9004 acted as Christ's presence. Often their different as are their backgrounds, their
www.icujp.org words were few, but their presence was sense of being present and their ability to
For this to happen, we need first of all to foster, in ourselves and in others, a
October 7, 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. powerful, as they smiled and listened to listen to patients was consistent. A
contemplative outlook. Such an outlook arises from faith in the God of life, who has Conference on Consistent Life Ethics
patients' and their family young mother, who delivered her baby
(Please see enclosed flier for details.)
created every individual as a "wonder" (cf. Ps 139:14). It is the outlook of those who 323-225 4461 x221 or email members' stories, sorrows in the middle of the night, had not
cponnet@stcamillus.ftml.net or
see life in its deeper meaning, who grasp its utter gratuitousness, its beauty and its www.circlesofhope.org
and joys. It was as if Christ yet seen him because there were
invitation to freedom and responsibility. was listening. complications. In the early
October 7, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Bob Hurd and Friends in Concert Certainly the chaplains morning a young chaplain
It is the outlook of those who do not presume to take possession of reality but (Please see enclosed flier for details.) offered prayers and prayer heard the mother's anxiety as
instead accept it as a gift, discovering in all things the reflection of the Creator and Sacred Heart Chapel, Loyola Marymount
aids, but their presence she listened and comforted
seeing in every person his living image (cf. Gn 1:27; Ps 8:5). This outlook does not give October 15, 10:00 a.m. and listening was the most her. The chaplain made the lead
in to discouragement when confronted by those who are sick, suffering, outcast or at AIDS Walk Los Angeles powerful aspect of a visit. The nurse aware of the mother's stress
Join us or sponsor one of our walkers
death's door. Instead, in all these situations it feels challenged to find meaning, and www.aidswalkla.org (Team 0519)
depth of comfort patients visibly and the nurse was able to respond with
Catholic Archdiocese Gold Team experienced did not make these casual comforting information.
precisely in these circumstances it is open to perceiving in the face of every person a gathering at 9:00 a.m.
visits. The 80 year old, unexpectedly in the Another chaplain traveled to the nearby
call to encounter, dialogue and solidarity. October 15, 4:00 p.m.
hospital on her 80th birthday, found great county, locked mental health facility,
Pax Christi Mass for Peace and Justice
It is time for all of us to adopt this outlook, and with deep religious awe to The AIDS Pandemic—A Call for Universal joy in relating her story of visiting county accomplished an almost unbelievable
Health Care
rediscover the ability to revere and honor every person. hospital patients many years ago as a (Continued on page 3)

The artwork by John August Swanson appears

Pope John Paul II, on the value and inviolability of human life by gracious permission of the artist. Often their words were few, but their presence was powerful, as they smiled and listened to
St. Camillus Center is very grateful for John’s
The Gospel of Life, 1995 continuous generous support of our ministries.
patients' and their family members' stories, sorrows and joys. It was as if Christ was listening.
CONSISTENT LIFE ETHIC At the muezzin call to prayer

OF ST. CAMILLUS: Kneeling faithful throng the square.
veryone knows there is darkness in our hat was the theme for the 19th National Catholic AIDS
lives, in our world. Violence of all kinds While in Peshawar’s lofty height Network’s annual conference held at Loyola University in
threatens life: in our homes, in our cities, in SR. ESTELLE KROGER, CSJ, An old priest chants of Buddha’s might. Chicago. Think about that, it's quite a challenge.
nations near and far. "Violence has many MS. LETICIA DELGADO, In a monastery's weeds Once again this diverse community of all ages that
faces: oppression of the poor, deprivation of FR. TONY DIAZ, CFM, gathered at this conference was blessed with daily mass,
An old Franciscan tells his beads.
basic human rights, economic exploitation, SR. THERESA HAN, OSF, morning plenary sessions, many afternoon workshops from
And to a synagogue there came
sexual exploitation and pornography, neglect FR. BOB JONES, CM, 'Coping with Grief' to 'Medical Updates', evening gatherings
or abuse of the aged and the helpless, and SR. MARY JEAN FERRY, BVM
A Jew to praise Yahweh's name. and of course mealtimes to share stories, get acquainted with
innumerable other acts of inhumanity. MR. RENE VALLE The one great God looked down and smiled new people or renew old acquaintances.
Abortion in particular blunts a sense of the And counted each his loving child. The setting at Lakeshore Loyola University was beautiful
sacredness of human life." and calming. Squirrels and rabbits were abundant scurrying
MR. MARK MCGANN, For Turk and Brahman, Christian and Jew
We see this passage from the U.S. bishops' around the campus. It definitely was a time to take a deep
FR. CHRIS PONNET Had reached Him through the God they knew.
1983 pastoral letter on peace exemplified breath and focus on the theme, a time to refresh our soul as
almost every day in the headlines. Many of us NOT SHOWN IN PHOTO: we attended the prayer services and workshops, a time to
have directly encountered some form of SR. ANGELA PACHECO, CSJ, DEATH PENALTY NEWS grow in our understanding of people living with HIV/AIDS, a
violence in our own lives. Many more of us SR. MARTHA VEGA, SSS time to explore the courage, compassion and love that exudes
suffer with families and friends who have. A blue ribbon commission studying reform of California's from all those gathered from the four corners of the earth, a
How can we respond to this violence and criminal justice system recommended Tuesday that the state time to realize we truly are ONE BODY.
death? center of both issues. Cardinal Bernardin told ICUJP Statement adopt a law mandating electronic recording of all jailhouse Fr. Chris Ponnet and Renee Stampolis attended this
on Universal Health Care interrogations.
A moral vision that holds together these an audience in Portland, Oregon: "When conference on behalf of the Archdiocese. of Los Angeles’
Released 16 August 2006
many different issues and offers not only human life is considered 'cheap' or easily If an officer fails to make an audiotape, the law should Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry. The National Catholic AIDS
We consider adequate
direction for action but also energy and hope expendable in one area, eventually nothing is health care to be a basic right of require that the jury be instructed to view the defendant's Network remains the only national organization devoted
is the consistent ethic of life. The late Cardinal held as sacred and all lives are in jeopardy." every person. We also recognize statement with caution, the California Commission on the Fair exclusively to helping the Catholic Church respond in an
Joseph Bernardin articulated this perspective Along with his consistent linking of that this crisis disproportionately Administration of Justice said. informed and compassionate manner to the challenges
in the early 1980's, and it has become a distinct life issues, Cardinal Bernardin affects those most vulnerable in The commission also urged California law enforcement presented by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
our society.
centerpiece of the U.S. Catholic bishops' moral acknowledged that no individual or group agencies to videotape all custodial interrogations of felony
Senate Bill 840 would
teaching. Pope John Paul II has affirmed can pursue all issues. Still, while concentrating establish a single-payer health
suspects, but did not recommend making it a requirement Join us for AIDS Walk Los Angeles on October 15, 2006.
similar themes in his 1995 encyclical The on one issue, he insisted in another address, insurance system, saving millions only because the cost would be prohibitive, said Gerald F.
Gospel of Life. the individual or group must not be seen "as of dollars now spent on Uelmen, a Santa Clara University law professor who is the
insensitive to or even opposed to other moral paperwork. It is estimated that commission's executive director.
A Moral Framework claims on the overall spectrum of life." The roughly 30% of each health care ....."The research suggests that false confessions are often
dollar goes for processing. This
What is the consistent ethic of life? It is a consistent ethic of life rules out contradictory extracted from the most vulnerable suspects," including juve-
would be cut substantially by a
comprehensive ethical system that links moral positions about the unique value of single-payer system.
niles, the mentally disabled and the mentally ill, the report
together many different issues by focusing human life—and it would be contradictory, for Senate Bill 840, now stated. However, the commission cautioned that "even fully
attention on the basic value of life. In his example, to be against abortion but for capital awaiting passage in the competent and rational persons may be victimized by coer-
attempts to defend life, Cardinal Bernardin first punishment or to work against poverty but Assembly, would automatically cive interrogation techniques."
cover every California resident
joined the topics of abortion and nuclear war. support euthanasia. The commission cited June testimony from two wrong-
with health services: preventive,
He quickly expanded his understanding of a This linkage of all life issues is, of course, fully convicted men: Christopher Ochoa, who was tried in
primary, hospital, emergency, (Continued from page 1) Walking with the Chaplains
consistent ethic of life to include many issues the very heart of the consistent ethic of life. dental, vision, prescription drugs, Austin, Texas, and Harold Hall, who was tried in Los Angeles.
listening task. A young man was agitated and needed to talk.
from all of life. Already in the first of a series of This linking challenges us to pull together and durable medical equipment. Each man said he doubted he would have been convicted if
He wanted to talk about a film he envisions making. The
talks, this one at Fordham University, Cardinal things that we might have kept apart in the Senate Bill 840 would his interrogation had been recorded and a judge and jury had
chaplain successfully had him identify and discuss the life
Bernardin stated: "The spectrum of life cuts past. Often our convictions seem to cluster provide fair reimbursement to all been able to see the coercive techniques used against him.
providers, giving an incentive to experiences that were troubling him to the degree that
across the issues of genetics, abortion, capital around 'conservative' or 'liberal' viewpoints—as (October 10, 2006 is the 4th Annual World Day Against the
provide services by those covered. authorities had placed him in a locked facility for evaluation.
punishment, modern warfare and the care of in the above examples. But the consistent Death Penalty, see http://www.worldcoalition.org/.)
Due to meager reimbursement Lastly, a chaplain stood next to a dying man and his
the terminally ill." ethic of life cuts across such divisions, calling schedules, many providers estranged family members, encouraged them in prayer and
Cardinal Bernardin also acknowledged us to respect the life in the womb, the life of a currently turn away patients
listened to the family story. Reconciliation occurred while the
that issues are distinct and different. Capital criminal, the life on welfare, the life of the covered by public plans.
Therefore, ICUJP is urging chaplain stood with them. How powerful is God! Our
punishment, for example, is not the same as dying.
every Californian to contact their EVERY MONTH, 4:00 P.M., FOR A chaplains are God's arms, legs, ears and mouth. May the
abortion. Nevertheless, the issues are linked. (Excerpt from: Catholic Update, A Consistent
Assembly representative to solicit chaplains with our help continue to serve in such miraculous
The valuing and defense of life are at the Life Ethic, St. Anthony Publications.) his or her vote for this legislation. MASS FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE ways.

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