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Sanders and Smith 1

Semester Project Proposal

Montague Sanders and Jeremy Smith
March 10, 2015

Our project is about the University of North Carolina at Charlotte logo possibly being changed
again due to several authoritative figures feeling that the current logo doesnt distinguish the University
enough from the City of Charlotte. The City of Charlotte is known as the Queen City so thats why one of
the previous logos was a crown. Well since then it has changed to norm the niner and a pick-axe.
Despite that specific change of the logo itself, the way norm the niner looked has changed from a lean
niner to a muscular niner. But even that change still couldnt distinguish the University from the city of
Charlotte. The constant change of the logos and the way they are has alumni, faculty, and students alike
all confused on what is truly the UNC- Charlotte logo. In the bookstore, there are shirts that have the
modern logo but also the old crown logo. There are shirts that say just Charlotte, shirts that say UNCC,
and shirts that say UNC-Charlotte. The Athletic teams had said that they didnt want to use the same
logo as the rest of the University so they sort of created their own unique logo. The university keep
changing its logo is confusing everyone on what to refer to the University as.
We plan to design the project around the University of North Carolina at Charlotte possibly changing
some things with the school logo to help it differentiate from the city of Charlotte. However, the process
in order to achieve that the level of differentiation that some people would like to see isnt an easy task.
There are a lot of legal behind the scenes paperwork and forms that must be filled out in order to
establish it as just the universities and no one elses. We also plan to look at other surrounding
universities and their logos. We plan to find out if their logos differentiate themselves from a major city
or if they just embraced the logo the city already had and just went with the flow. We plan to see how
sports teams play into how a logo is designed/made.

Sanders and Smith 2

Roles and Responsibilities: Jeremy will contact other universities to find out how they dealt with
distinguishing themselves from the city they were located in or if they just merged the city into their
daily lives. He also will be responsible for finding out how alumni and the community feels about the
changing of the logos. He will provide 12-13 slides with the information that he finds. Montague will find
out who and why do the authoritative figures want to change the logo and what it would take in order
to change the logo. He also will find out the effect that the change of the logo may have on the student
body and why are the colors so significant to the university and if they will change along with the logo.
Mar. 10th-Final proposal submitted
Mar. 17th- Have 5 slides ready to preview and discuss
Mar. 19th- Re-evaluate what will and wont be possibly to include in project
Mar. 24th-Start combining everything
Mar. 26th- Have 15 slides complete
Apr. 2nd- Have presentation finished and edit
Apr. 14th- Review commentary for presentation
Apr. 16th-Sumbit project

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