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11 Years of extensive experience in Java, J2EE and ADF based systems development,
which includes System Analysis, System Designing, Programming, Debugging, Defect fixing,
Testing, Application Performance Analysis and Deployment.
2 and half Years hands on experience in Oracle ADF 11g Architecture, JDeveloper,
Oracle ADF Development (ADF, ADF Faces, ADF Task Flows and Business
Components) with Web Services.
Extensive experience in all phases of SDLC & Agile Methodology.
Experience in writing Object Oriented Concepts, Analysis & Design, RUP (Class and
Sequence Diagrams) by using Rational Rose.
Experience in developing commercial web applications, Multi-lingual web apps, enterprise
applications and web services by using enterprise technologies, such as Java, J2EE, Spring,
JSF, Oracle ADF, Hibernate, EJB, JMS, JSP, Struts, Servlets, Beans, JMS, RMI, HTML,
JDBC, XML (XSL, XSLT, XPath), Web Service, SOA and AXIS.
Good knowledge in RDBMS concepts (Oracle 11g, MS SQL Server 2000 and DB2) and
strong SQL, PL/SQL query writing skills (by using TOAD & SQL Navigator tools) Stored
Procedures and Triggers.
Extensive experience in deploying, configuring, and administering J2EE Application Servers
like Web sphere7.0, Web Logic 10.1 and Apache Tomcat.
Good knowledge in developing Stand-alone admin applications by using Java/ AWT and JFC/
Swing components.
Strong experience in various IDEs such as JDeveloper 11g, Eclipse3.2, RAD7 and IntelliJ.
Expertise in source control tools like CVS, SVN, VSS and Clear Case.
Possess strong leadership, interpersonal and excellent analytical & problem solving skills.


11 Years


11+ Years


4 + Years

Oracle ADF Middleware

2.6 Years

RUP & UML Modeling

4+ Years

JSP & Struts

8 + Years


5+ Years

Hibernate (backend)

3+ Years


3+ Years

Oracle Database

8+ Years

Developing web services and frameworks

3 Years


Java2, Swing, J2SE, J2EE, EJB2.0, JMS, JDBC2.0, MVC Architecture,

Spring2.5, Hibernate3.0, SQL, PL/SQL, MQ Series, Web Service, SOAP,

Web-Technologies :
Application Servers:
Software Tools:
Operating Systems:
Design Patterns:

WSDL, ADF Business Components and Task Flows.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Servlets2.3, JSP1.2, JSF2.0, Oracle ADF
Faces, Struts2/1.1/, Tiles, XML, XPath, XSLT, XSL and AJAX.
Tomcat 5.0, BEA Web Logic10.3/8.1, Web Sphere 6.1/5.0, JBoss6.1.0
SDLC, OOAD, RUP and Agile Methodologies.
Oracle 10g/9i/8i, DB2.8.2, SQL Server 2000 and Sybase.
Rational Rose 2000, JDeveloper 11g, RAD7.0/6.1, IntelliJ4.0, Eclipse
IDE, Ant, Maven 2.0.9, JUnit3.7, Log4j, SAX, DOM, DTD, XML Schema.
Windows XP/2000/NT/95, DOS, AIX, UNIX.
VSS, CVS, Subversion, Clear Quest and Clear Case6.0.
GOF (Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory and Front Controller), J2EE
Design Patterns (Business Delegate, Session Faade and Service
Locator) and many more.

DOT (Department of Transportation) Washington, DC
ADF Developer

08/10 Till Date

Project: PHMSA Portal PHMSA Portal is newer portal design application as its baseline
infrastructure. PHMSAs goal is to improve the robustness of its baseline technical architecture
and add new components to address exiting and new use cases. The PHMSA Portal is dynamic
multi tab based ADF application. Technology we used for PHMSA Port is Oracle ADF Faces,
OAM, OIM based enterprise application on Oracle10g database.
Analyze the exiting requirements & exiting portal application.

Design, Implement and Test Oracle ADF applications using JDeveloper 11g.

Design & developed dynamic tabs using UI Shell Templates.

Design and developed portal application with dynamic tabs using ADF task flows (BTF and
UBTF), ADF Tree, train stops, regions, templates and fragments.
Responsible for developed, invoking and implemented validations on JSF backing beans.
Developed ADF Model components (entity objects, view objects, application modules, bindings
and data controls).
Responsible for integrating field operation application to portal project.
Responsible for building and debugging portal application using ADF 11g.
Responsible for building, debugging and tuning portal application using ADF 11g.
Responsible for integration and deploying portal app on Web Logic App server.
Environment: Java6.0, ADF Faces, ADF Task Flows, ADF Business Components, Web
Service, JDeveloper11g (, Oracle11g, Web Logic10.1 on Win7.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Alexandria, VA
Senior Java Developer

03/13 07/2013

Project: EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) application is Java,
J2EE based enterprise application, which is developed based on agile development approach.
The EDGAR system has developed various SEC forms like MA, MA-I, MA-W, Form 13-F and TA.
EDGAR is an internal application for SEC. The EDGAR external application can access anybody
from public and the EDGAR Internal application can access only within SEC. Technology we used
for EDGAR is JSP, Managed Beans, Spring, Hibernate based web application on SQL Server
as database.

Understanding business requirements, design and developed prototypes and implemented
the business requirements.
Design and developed multiple web (UI) pages using JSF, JSP and HTML.
Responsible for developed, invoking and implemented validations on JSF backing beans.
Responsible for implementing new enhancements and fixing defects using Java, JSP, JSF,
spring and Hibernate.
Responsible for implementing DAOs in data layer.
Supporting and resolving EDGAR sweep defects and User interaction.
Responsible for unit testing using JUnit (writing Junit tests for data layer & business layer).
Environment: Java6.0, JSF2.0, Spring, Hibernate, XML, XSD, Eclipse, MS SQL Server,Windows7.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Alexandria, VA
Oracle ADF Developer

05/11 02/2013

Project: TCR (Tips, Complaints and Referrals) application is Oracle ADF based questionnaire
(Question-Answer) based enterprise J2EE application, which is developed based on agile
development approach. The TCR system facilitates to file a tips or investor compliant on their
investments across USA. The TCR system consists into External & Internal applications. The
TCR external application can access anybody from public and the TCR Internal application can
access only within SEC. Technology we used for TCR is Oracle ADF Faces, Managed Beans,
SOA, Web Service based web application on Oracle11g database.
Understanding TCR Internal & External application functionality.
Worked as single point of contact for TCR application like TCR production support, User
requests. Reassignments in BPW, TCR-IRIS migration, implementing new enhancements in
TCR, Deployment in Dev, Test & Stage.
Design and developed user interface components using ADF Rich Faces.
Providing role based provide authentication and authorization services using ADF Security
Developed UI fragments, templates and bounded task flows using Jdeveloper 11g.
Developed, implemented validations and interacting services in managed beans.
Developed Web Services to be invoked from managed beans and interacting to data layer.
Responsible for developed ADF Data Controls from Web Services and Java Components.
Responsible for writing JUnit Test scripts for testing in business layer & data layer.
Responsible for writing SQL Scripts and BPM Scripts. Managing BPM work flow process and
verifying and reassign work item in BPW.
Responsible for implementing DAOs in data layer.
Supporting and resolving TCR Production issues and User interaction.
Responsible for IRIS-TCR migration support in Dev, Test, Stage and Prod Servers.
Environment: Java6.0, Oracle Fusion Middleware11G (Oracle ADF Faces, ADF Task Flows,
BPM, UCM, Web Logic10.1.3), Web Center, Web Services, JDeveloper11g (, Ice
Faces, JBoss6.1.0, Oracle11g on WinXP, Linux.
DOT (Department of Transportation) Herndon, VA
ADF Developer

06/10 04/2011

Project: IT Modernization Special Permit Sub System (SPSS) IT Modernization is Oracle

ADF based enterprise web enabled J2EE application, which is developed based on agile
development approach. The Special Permit Sub-system provides the functionality needed to
support the PHMSA Office of Hazardous Materials Special Permit Program. The Special Permit

Sub-system uses a wizard to allow applicants to create requests for the DOT PHMSA Office to
grant Special Permits. Technology we used for SPSS is Oracle ADF Faces, SOA, Web Service
based web application on Oracle10g database.
Design, Implement and Test Oracle ADF applications using JDeveloper 11g
Design and developed SPSS wizard components using ADF task flows (BTF and UBTF), train
stops, regions, templates and fragments.
Design and developed multiple fragments using ADF Rich Faces, Facets and HTML.
Responsible for developed, invoking and implemented validations on JSF backing beans.
Developed ADF Model components (creation, configuration, and tuning of entity objects, view
objects, application modules, bindings and data controls).
Exposed generic web service interfaces (JPA/EJB3 Services).
Responsible for building, debugging and tuning SPSS application using ADF 11g.
Responsible for continuous integration and deploying SPSS app on Web Logic App server.
Environment: Java6.0, ADF Faces, ADF Task Flows, ADF Business Components, Web
Service, SOAP, SOA, WSDL, JDeveloper11g (, Oracle11g, Web Logic10.1 on WinXP.
FBFS (Farm Bureau Financial Group) Des Moines, IA
Senior J2EE Developer

07/09 05/10

Project: Producer Incentive and Commission (PIC) PIC is JSF based distributed web
enabled J2EE application, which is developed on test driven development approach, utilizing pair
programming and continuous integration techniques. Due to the limitations of exiting system,
FBFS want to completely rewriting in distributed web based application from existing Mainframe
COBOL based system and also implementing the new enhancements. Agency Services, Sale
Services, and Accounting staff in supporting the Farm Bureau Agency are going to use this
application for their business needs. As part of a team, there are 8+ members delivering a
JSF/Spring/Hibernate based web application on DB2 database.
Direct interaction with the users to discuss business requirements and defects and
developing prototypes and implementing the business requirements.
Design and developed multiple web (UI) pages using JSF, JSP and HTML.
Responsible for developed, invoking and implemented validations on JSF backing beans.
Responsible for implementing new enhancements and fixing defects using Java, JSP, JSF,
spring and Hibernate.
Responsible for unit testing using JUnit (writing Junit tests for data layer & business layer).
Responsible for designed and built new SOAP web service interface implemented in Java
using Apache SOAP & Axis.
Responsible for working on the project build scripts using ANT set up under Hudson.
Developed a number of Selenium (a black box web testing tool) scripts for functional testing.
Responsible for continuous integration and automatic deploying PIC application on Web
Sphere Application server.
Environment: Java 1.4 and 6.0, JSF, CSS, Spring2.5, Hibernate3.0, Web Service, SOAP,
SOA, WSDL, XSD, XML, DB2, Clear Case, Cruise Control, Hudson, Eclipse 3.3, Apache Tomcat
5.5, Web Sphere, RAD7.0 and Ant on WinXP.
Yellow Book USA, Cedar Rapids, IA
01/09 06/09
Sr. J2EE Developer - Consultant
Project: Media Pro Media Pro is an online sales tool for yellow Book. Yellow book is a leading
national yellow pages and online local search company that connects buyers with sellers. Media
Pro is a company initiative to provide Sales the tools needed to electronically submit advertising
agreements to publishing. It will also help support new sales features on the tablet (notebook)

based products being rolled out to their 4000 sales force users. Yellow book offers your business
affordable, reliable marketing tools that can reach your local customers in three different ways like
print advertising, search engine advertising, and advertising on and web reach.
Media pro is JSF based distributed web enabled J2EE applications, which are developed Agile,
scrum and test driven development approach. As part of a team, there are 15 development team
members delivering a JAVA/ JSF/EJB/ ORACLE and Sybase databases.
Responsible for Analyze the system, design, and implementation of a project.
Participating every day scrum team meetings, and direct interaction with the users to discuss
business requirements.
Execute all the software development activities contained in each sprint.
Responsible for fixing defects and developing prototypes and implementing the business
requirements and testing the defects.
Design and developed multiple web (UI) pages using JSF, JSP and XHTML.
Developed, invoking and implemented validations on JSF backing beans.
Implementing business logic using JAVA, JSF coding / development with EJB.
Responsible for the creation and execution of the Unit Test cases.
Responsible for deploying Media Pro application ear file on JBOSS Application server.
Environment: Java 6.0, JSF, XHTML, AJAX, CSS, EJB3, Oracle 10g, Quantum, Sybase,
Sybase Central, Clear Case, JBOSS 5.0, JBoss JBPM, Eclipse 3.3, Ant on WinXP.
05/08 12/08
Sr. J2EE Consultant
Project: Commercial Policy Change Request Form (CPCR) - Commercial Policy Change
Request Form was the conversion of the existing Non-ICP Commercial Change Request Form
from its current Lotus Notes platform to a J2EE web application platform accessible via Agent
Center. This system was implemented based on MVC architecture; the presentation layer has
been implemented using HTML, JSP and Struts. Business layer has been implemented using
Spring Service components and data layer has been implemented using Hibernate and DB2.
Understood the Insurance business functionality and business process of the CPCR.
Responsible for developed UML (Use cases realization models, Class & Sequence diagrams)
models using Rational Rose.
Responsible for MVC design and implementing the J2EE framework.
Designed and developed user interface (UI) components using HTML, JSP and Struts.
Responsible for implemented client - server communication using AJAX
Implemented design patterns and Server side development - Factory and Service Locater
patterns, and the business logic using Spring Service components.
Responsible for design, develop, specifying object/relational-mapping and testing the data
layer components using Hibernate.
Responsible for Integration testing and debugged the application & writing JUnit test cases.
Responsible for deploying the successful build and working with integration tools like Cruise
Control and Hudson.
Environment: Java, Servlets, JSP2.0, Struts 1.2, Tag Libraries, XML, XSL, XSD, CSS, AJAX,
JavaScript, Spring1.2, Hibernate3, Web Services, SOA, XML, WSDL, Cruise Control, Hudson,
DB2, Web Sphere, RAD6.1, Maven, UML, Rational Rose, Clear Case, JUnit on WinXP.
Wells Fargo & Co., DES MOINES, IA
Web Developer Consultant

04/07 04/08

Project: AOW (AppTaker on the Web) - AOW is a web based comprehensive centralized home
loan origination system that handles the retail mortgage business for Wells Fargo and Joint
Venture businesses. As part of loan process, AOW interacts with almost 15 web services to

perform Credit, Decision, Appraisal, Upload and other tasks using the https protocol. AOW is the
portal application containing 18 portlets based on JSR168 specification. The entire AOW built on
using Java/J2EE/Spring/Hibernate/Axis Web Services/Oracle10g.
Responsible for understanding the mortgage business functionality of the AOW application.
Re design and developed exiting workflow processes using Spring Service framework.
Design and develop user interface (UI) screens using HTML, JSP, and Struts.
Implementing business validations in Struts Form Bean & implementing business logic using
spring service components.
Responsible for fixing defects and testing AOW application.
Implemented DAOs for certain services for database access.
Wrote Oracle Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL.
Re design and developed exiting workflow processes using Spring Service framework.
Design and develop Hibernate components, mapping files based on the requirements.
Responsible to create, develop and implement SOAP & Axis based web service
Responsible for writing JUnit test cases to test business layer and data layer.
Performed Unit and Integration testing and debugging the AOW application.
Environment: JAVA6.0, J2EE (JSP, Servelets, JDBC), Struts2, Spring2.5, Hibernate3, Axis, Web
Service, SOA, WSAD, XML, SOAP, XSD, Ajax, Portlets, JSR168, JavaScript, JUnit, Maven,
Oracle10g, Web Sphere6.1, RAD6, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Vignette Database MS SQL Server
2000 8.0 and Tomcat 5.0 and Fortify on Win XP.
04/05 03/07
Sr.J2EE Developer - Consultant
Project: IRIS Platform (Inventory Reporting Information System) IRIS platform is a new
Web-enabled version of the Inventory Reporting Information System for GSA. GSA is currently
using VB based system to support their business needs. The proposed system is implemented
using N-Tier, MVC architecture, Struts based J2EE system that runs on Tomcat application
server using Oracle database.
As a team member, participated in analyzing the functional requirements and understanding
the Business process.
Designed and developed web (UI) pages using JSP, Servlets, and Struts for generating
HTML content using the information returned from the respective Beans.
Responsible for configure struts, developed struts actions, struts form beans, springs and
hibernate framework and develop custom tags.
Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data
representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with a SQL-based schema.
Wrote PL/SQL scripts & stored procedures for database queries.
Created stored procedures, database triggers and database tables required using Oracle.
Responsible for developed new axis web services in Java using Apache SOAP & Axis.
Responsible for unit testing persistence later and service later using JUnit.
Deployed all the components on Web Sphere Application Server.
Environment: Java, HTML, J2EE (JSP2.0, Servlets, JMS, JNDI), CSS, JavaScript, Struts 1.1,
Spring 1.2, Hibernate3, Web Service, SOAP, SOA, Ant, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle10g, JUnit, Tomcat
5.0, Clear Case6.0, RAD6 and Web Sphere6.1, VSS, Clear Quest, My Eclipse on WinXP.
AMC (Ameriquest Mortgage Company), INC.
07/04 03/05
Sr.J2EE Developer
Project: LOS (Loan Origination System) is a Mortgage Loan Origination System, for AMC.
AMC operates in the sub-prime mortgage sector. LOS is an N-Tier, MVC architecture, Struts

implemented Rules based J2EE system. Its a web based application system to provide a
scalable and extensible J2EE solution consisting of various platform components automating and
integrating the end-to-end mortgage loan origination process.
As a Tech lead understood the Business, Business Flow, Design, and Development and
Testing for Closing and Funding, credit card Module.
Implemented Design patterns using Java- Business Delegate, Session Faade, DAO, Value
Object, Proxy Pattern and Service Locater patterns.
Created several custom tags for JSP for maximum re-usability of user interface components.
Participated in several design sessions in order to create common development strategies
Designed and developed several HTML, JSPs web pages for UI layer.
Extensively worked on ILOG JRules engine, which integrate, with J2EE application.
Design implements the server side (Business and persistent) logic using EJB.
Developed SOAP web service interface implemented in Java using SOAP & Axis.
Assign the work to my team members, tracking status and reporting to my Manager.
Wrote Oracle SQL queries and Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL.
Responsible for code reviews, integrated all the modules on web sphere application Server.
Implemented JUnit Frame work for the entire application.
Environment: Java, J2EE(JSP2.0, Servlets, EJB2.0, JMS, Servlets, JDBC), CSS,Struts1.1,
J2EE Design Patterns, ILOG JRules 4.0/4.5, XML, XSL, XSD, SOA, XML Beans, Web Services,
SOAP, Ant, Oracle 10g, JUnit, Web Sphere5.1, WSAD, VSS on Win2000
DL (Deutsche Leasing), Germany
09/03 06/04
Sr.J2EE Developer
Project: Unified Contract System (UCS): DL was using a mainframe-based system to support
their business needs. Due to limitations on system performance and support to maintain various
systems, The UCS is MVC architecture and Swing implemented J2EE system that runs within a
Web Sphere application server in Oracle 9i database.
Responsible for creating design documents for AMS module.
Assigned the programs to team members, onsite coordination for clarifications conducted
review meetings and reported daily status to project leader.
Implemented design patterns - Business Delegate, Singleton, Session Faade, Decorator,
Flow Controller, DAO, Value Object and Service Locater patterns.
Responsible for designing Swing UI components.
Developed and deployed business components on Web Sphere Application Server.
Responsible for writing Oracle Stored Procedures using SQL/PLSQL.
Environment: JAVA, Swing, J2EE(EJB2.0, JMS, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI), J2EE Patterns, JUnit,
Ant, Web Sphere5.1, WSAD, Win 2000, Oracle9i and Site minder
TUI, Ltd. (UK)
09/02 08/03
Sr. Java Developer
Project: Etail: TUI is one of the biggest tour operator in U.K. Etail is TUI's multi-channel selling
system. The Etail2.1 is implemented using MVC architecture, Struts based J2EE system that
runs on Web logic application server using Oracle database.
Responsible for understanding the business functionality of the system.
Prepared Use case and Level 2 diagrams using Rational Rose.
Developed and deployed business components (EJB, JSP, Servlets and Struts) in Web
Sphere Application Server. Utilized XSLT apply template for generating final message.
Environment: JAVA, J2EE(EJB2.0, JSP1.2, JMS, Servlets, JDBC), CSS, J2EE Patterns, Struts,
JavaScript, MQ-Series5.1, JUnit, Ant, Web logic 7, IntelliJ IDE, Oracle 9i and VSS on Win 2000

MCA (Master of Computer Applications)

from Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India.

BS (Bachelors in Science - Mathematics) from Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India.

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