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History in the New Curriculum

Date: Thursday 11th June 2015, 09:30 to 15:45

Venue: Kent College, Whitstable Rd, Canterbury, Kent CT2 9DT
Presenters :
Ian Coulson
Andrew Harmsworth
Marion Green

Ex KCC History Advisor

Teacher and Author
Education Officer, Canterbury Archaeological Trust

For the attention of Headteachers, History Coordinators and all Key Stage 2 teachers
Dear Colleague,
This conference is an opportunity for Key Stage 2 teachers to discuss the implementation of the new
requirements in the National Curriculum and will provide detailed teaching approaches for some of the new
The sessions, led by Ian Coulson, Andrew Harmsworth and Marion Green, will address issues arising from
the introduction of the new curriculum and examine active, enquiry-based approaches which can easily be
incorporated into your teaching programmes. They will also provide information about new resources, both
national and locally-based,for teaching the new primary history curriculum.
All delegates will receive a CD containing all the days materials and other resources for teaching History at
Key Stage 2.
Planning to attend? The price per delegate is 110 (100 for HA Members). This includes a buffet
lunch, refreshments and a CD of digital resources. Please complete the form below and send it, with a
cheque for 110 made payable to Historical Association Canterbury Branch, to :
Mike Gallagher, Treasurer, The Historical Association, Canterbury Branch, 50 The Hill, Littlebourne,
Canterbury, Kent CT3 1TA
The closing date for bookings is Friday 29th May 2015.
More information required? Contact : The Canterbury Branch of the Historical Association : or 01227 712479.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------HISTORY IN THE NEW CURRICULUM, Kent College, Thursday 11 June 2015
To book your place, please complete the form in BLOCK CAPITALS and return with your cheque to : Mike Gallagher, Treasurer, The Historical
Association, Canterbury Branch, 50 The Hill, Littlebourne, Canterbury, Kent CT3 1TA

Title : ............... Surname : .................................... Forename ...........................................

Contact no : ............................ Personal Email : .............................................................................
School name : ..............................................................................
School Address: .............................................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................................................ Postcode : .........
Special dietary requirements : .....................................................................................................................

History in the New Curriculum

Date: Thursday 11th June 2015, 09:30 to 15:45

Venue: Kent College, Canterbury
Aims: The day is an opportunity for teachers to:

Discuss the requirements of the new primary history curriculum

Examine active, enquiry-based approaches to teaching History at Key Stage 2
Find out about the resources for teaching the new History curriculum, including local


Arrival and coffee


Welcome and introduction


Session 1: The new primary history curriculum : progress report

This will be an opportunity for teachers to discuss the introduction of the new National Curriculum for History
and any issues which have arisen, including planning and assessment.
Session Leaders: Andrew Harmsworth and Ian Coulson




Session 2: Two Anglo-Saxon Mysteries

Investigating real historical mysteries can be a powerful way of engaging pupils with the subject and help
them to develop important skills like reaching their own conclusions based on evidence. Fully resourced
approaches for investigating two mysteries dating from the Saxon period will be provided.
Session leader : Andrew Harmsworth


Lunch Buffet lunch provided for all delegates.


Session 3: Teaching the Maya

Mayan Civilisation is one of the options for the new Non-European Study. This session will provide an
introduction to this remarkable civilization and provide some teaching approaches and resources for
developing your own scheme of work.
Session leader : Ian Coulson


Session 4: Teaching Prehistory through Archaeology

This session will provide an overview of the main periods of Prehistory and show how teachers have been
tackling the new requirement to teach Prehistory, drawing on real archaeological finds, replicas and digital
resources. It will include the discovery of the Dover Bronze Age Boat and what this tells us about people at
this time. There will be opportunity for teachers to see and handle loans resources.
Session leaders : Ian Coulson and Marion Green


Meet the Presenters

Ian Coulson is an historian and educational speaker who is recognised for promoting creative approaches
to the teaching of history in the classroom.
Ian was the ASK History Advisor for 23 years. He has written several successful school textbooks, four
books for the Public Records Office (The National Archives) and was instrumental in establishing the
Learning Curve website. He works locally with the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and is President of the
Kent Archaeological Society.

Andrew Harmsworth is known nationally for his contribution to the teaching of history. He has taught for
36 years as a Head of History, Advisory Teacher and Advanced Skills Teacher. He has written textbooks
on Elizabeth Is reign and the Civil War period as well as books for younger children, with Canterbury
Archaeological Trust, on Roman and Medieval Canterbury.

Marion Green is Education Officer for Canterbury Archaeological Trust. She works primarily with and for
teachers and pupils in Kent schools, often in association with other organisations and like-minded
individuals. The Trust has extensive Learning about the Past website materials and loans collections of
original archaeological and historical objects, quality replicas and models.

Comments on previous courses :

What a fantastic day !
Lots of fabulous new
ideas to use in the

"Inspiring day full of

practical ideas and

"Best course I have been

on for a number of years."

Feel more motivated and

confident to teach history
and want to get my
children doing and

Excellent strategies to
support history learning in
the class. Good advice and
support for subject

Fantastic practical ideas

that can be used in the
classroom straightaway!

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