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Last edited 2/25/15

Beginning April 6, 2015, current GTC students can register for both Summer Semester and Fall
Semester in WebAdvisor. This FAQ has some important information that may help with this
new process and is the most accurate information as of 2/19/2015. Please check the student
handbook or with your advisor for further information.
What is Fast-Pass Registration (also known as Concurrent Registration)?
Current students will be able to register for both Summer and/or Fall Semesters beginning April
6, 2015.
Do you know the classes you need? Do you want to register early and get your preferred class
times? Do you want to know your fall schedule now? Do you want to avoid the crowds and rush
during peak registration times this summer? Registering for summer and fall classes in spring,
beginning April 6, will help you accomplish all of these goals.
Am I eligible for Fast-Pass Registration? Who is considered a current student?
If you enrolled in classes in the Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 Semester, then you are eligible for FastPass Registration. If you enrolled in the previous Summer Semester, then you may be eligible
for registration but may be required to apply for readmission to the college for Fall Semester. If
you currently have any restrictions, then they need to be resolved prior to registration.
When is payment due for summer 2015 and fall 2015?
Payment follows the schedule as published in the academic calendar. Please check the website
for tuition due dates and payment options. You can also direct your inquiries to the Business
Office located in the Admissions and Registration Center or Student Services at any satellite
campus if you have specific questions.
What if I begin GTC in the summer?
Degree seeking students beginning in the summer (and attending summer orientation) can
register for both Summer and Fall Semesters beginning April 10.

Last edited 2/25/15

How do I register for both semesters?
You can view classes for both summer and fall 2015 online beginning March 9, 2015. Schedule a
time to discuss with your advisor about the classes you need for each semester, and the prerequisites and co-requisites for your courses.
Beginning April 6 you can register for either Summer Semester or Fall Semester or for both.
However, if you are registering for Summer and Fall Semesters, then you must complete
summer registration first so that any applicable prerequisites and co-requisites required for
registration in fall courses are in place.
Your advisor will help if you have any questions.

What if I dont want to register for both semesters?

You do not have to register for both semesters. If you are a current GTC student then you can
register for either summer or fall, or both. You do not have to take summer classes in order to
register for fall 2015 beginning April 6.
Who should I call if I have trouble registering for two-semesters at once?
Contact your advisor for assistance. The name of your assigned advisor can be found in your
student profile in WebAdvisor.
If I register early for fall, are my classes guaranteed to run?
This change in registration will help the college better plan schedules for the Fall Semester and
should decrease cancelled classes; however, unforeseen circumstances can lead to a
cancellation. Continue to check your campus Gmail regularly for college updates.
What if my plans change and I need to reschedule some courses?
You follow the same protocol to add and/ or drop a class as outlined in the student handbook
and within the designated add/ drop period as noted on the academic calendar. Any changes
to your summer schedule may impact your eligibility for your fall courses and financial aid.
Make plans to adjust your fall schedule if necessary.

Can Early College students register for summer 2015 and fall 2015?
Early college students currently enrolled in college classes may be eligible for early registration
beginning April 6. Please see your high school guidance counselor for more details.
Can I register for a course in the fall which requires a prerequisite course that Im taking in
the summer?
You must first complete and save summer registration before registering for fall. Verify your
summer schedule in WebAdvisors Registration menu before registering for fall. Should you not
successfully complete a prerequisite course in the summer that is required for a fall course, you
will be dropped from fall courses for which you do not meet the prerequisite requirement.
Im on academic notice/alert/suspension. Can I register for fall classes in April?
If you currently have any restrictions, then they need to be resolved prior to registration.

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