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The Virtues and

Virtuous Actions of
the Sacred Month of
By Hazrat Allama Mufti Ata ul
Mustafa Aazmi Amjadi Qibla
* Chief Mufti Amjadi Darul Ifta
* Manager & Rector Darul Uloom
Saadiq ul Islam, Karachi
Translated through the Blessings of
Ghaus ul Waqt Huzoor Mufti e Azam Hind
Radi Allahu anhu
By a humble servant of Allah
Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori

Allahs Name (we) Begin With, The Compassionate, Most Merciful

1. It is reported from Ummul Momineen Aisha Siddiqa radi Allahu anha
that Rajab is a very sacred month. In this month Almighty Allah exalts the
good deeds by many folds, so if one kept a single fast in this month, it is as
though he has fasted for the entire year, and for the one who fasts seven
fasts (in this month), all seven doors of Hell will be closed unto him, and
for the one who keeps eight fasts (in this month), then all eight doors of
Jannat (Paradise) will be opened unto him, and the one who keeps ten
fasts (in this month) will receive whatever he asks for from Almighty
Allah: and for the one who keeps fifteen fasts (in this month), then from
the skies a caller will announce, All your past sins have been forgiven,
Now continue to perform (virtuous) deeds. [Baihaqi Shabul Imaan]
2. Hazrat Anas bin Maalik radi Allahu anhu says, There is a mansion
(Palace) in Jannat, and only those who keep the fasts of Rajab shall enter
into it. There is a river in Jannat named Rajab, and its water is whiter than
milk and sweeter than honey. Allah will bless the one who fasts in Rajab
to drink from this river. [Ibn Asaakir, Targheeb]
3. It is reported from Hazrat Jaabir radi Allahu anhu that, One who spends
a night of Rajab standing (in Salaah) and then fasts during the day, then
Allah will feed him from the fruits of Jannat, and dress him in the Robes of
Jannat, and grant him the Pure Drink of Jannat.
4. Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu anhu reported that Rasoolullah Sall Allahu
alaihi wa Sallam spoke about the Salaah Al Raghaib. Salaat Al Raghaib is
to perform on the eve of the first Friday of Rajab, between Maghrib and
Esha twelve Rakaats of Salaah with six Salaams (i.e. one will turn Salaam
after every two Rakaats). In every Rakaat after Surah Faateha, one will

recite three times Surah Al Qadr and twelve times Surah Ikhlaas (Qul
HuwAllah). Then on completion of the Salaah:

Recite 70 times
Allahumma Salle Ala Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi Wa
Ala Aalihi

He will then perform a Sajdah and in the Sajdah he will recite 70

Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaaikati War Rooh

He will then raise his head from Sajdah and recite 70 times,
Rabbigh Fir War ham Wa Tajaawazu Amma Talamu Innaka
Antal Aazul Akram

Then again he should go into Sajdah and read the same Dua 70
times, i.e.
Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaaikati War Rooh

Then still whilst in the state of Sajdah, one should mention his
needs, and Almighty Allah will not reject what he has asked.
[Jaami ul Usool]

5. One who recites on any day (in Rajab) two Rakaats in this manner, that
after Surah Faateha he recites in the first Rakaat Ayatul Kursi 100 times

and in the second Rakaat after Surah Faateha he recites Surah Ikhlaas 100
times, then he will be blessed with being a Jannati before death (i.e. he
will die as a Jannati).
6. Hazrat Anas radi Allahu anhu reported that, a person who on the first
night of Rajab performs twenty Rakaats of Nafil after Maghrib will pass
over Pul Siraat like a flash of lightning. [Ma Thabata minas Sunnah]
7. On the eve of the 27th Rajab perform 12 Rakaats in sets of two and
thereafter recite this Dua 100 times,
SubhaanAllahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha IllAllahu WAllahu
Thereafter recite Dua e Istighfaar 100 times, then 100 times Durood
Shareef, and ask whatever is your need, and it will be fulfilled. Allah will
bless you with good deeds of 100 years and will forgive your sins of 100
years. [Ma Thabata minas Sunnah]
Note of Caution:
Those who perform Ishraaq, Tahajjud, Awwabeen, Salaatut Tasbeeh and
other Nawafil on Big days and Big nights, must take note that if they are
responsible for any Qaza Salaahs, then performing these Nafils etc will
not afford them any real benefit.
They should perform the intended Rakaats as Qaza Salaah (and in sha
Allah they will receive the rewards of those blessings as well). It is
mentioned in Fatawa Alamgiri etc that, To perform ones Qaza Salaah is
more important than performing Nafils etc. [Alamgiri Vol.1 Pg.125]

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