Our School Broke Up For The Winter Vacations

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Our school broke up for the winter vacations. One day I went to Vandalur zoo with my friends.

The entry was by tickets. We went up several steps to purchase the tickets. Then we entered the

We walked up and down. A deep canal ran parallel to the footpath. Beyond the canal there were
small trees. The cages of the birds were hanging down the branches of the trees. Their multicoloured feathers gleamed into sunlight.

Next we saw a small water pond with many kinds of birds swimming in it. It was interesting to
see new birds in an enclosure. They twittered, chirped and whistled. They presented natures
voice. It was pleasing indeed to hear them. We saw many birds there - sparrows, nightingales
and owls of different colours set in the closed cage. The owls sat with closed eyes lost in
thoughts. We bade a silent farewell to those philosophers among birds and walked on.

We visited the tigers, lions and bears shut in cages. We saw some hippos and also a rhino. We
heared the loud roar of a lion. One tiger was in a fit of anger. The tiger was strong and
handsome. I was reminded of Blakes lines.

What immortal hand or eye dare frame the fearful symmetry?

Then we enjoyed a boat cruise. I enjoyed it most. We also saw many other fauna like crocodiles,
snakes, frogs, fish ad a hundred other creatures. They all felt at home in the zoo. Last of all we
saw different kinds of monkeys.

We passed many happy hours in the zoo. It was a pleasing experience for all of us.

A visit to a zoo is an interesting experience. Last Sunday I went to Delhi zoo with my father. We went
there by bus. Delhi zoo is near Purana Quila.
My father bought the tickets and we entered the gate. There were ponds on both the sides of the
road. Ducks were swimming in the ponds. We saw kangaroos, elephants, stags, deer and 'Neelgai'
etc. I saw a young kangaroo in his mother's skin pouch.
Then we came to the cages of birds. There were different kinds of birds. Peacocks were in large
numbers. Then we saw the tigers in their enclosures. We also saw monkeys, chimpanzees and apes.
Then we saw rhinos and giraffes. After going round the zoo, we came out and sat under a tree. We
had out food which we had carried with us. We returned home tired but very happy.
A Zoo is a place where animals are kept and maintained for a look by the common man. Here in a
Zoo, birds of different varieties are also maintained. The purpose of a zoo is to show us, common

people like varieties of animals and birds that exist the world over people who may never be able to
see these creatures get a simple chance to see them.
A visit to the zoo, increases general knowledge, and at the same time with an achievement, we also
get entertainment. A zoo is a place which children specially like to visit.
Last Sunday I visited Delhi zoo to see the animals and birds kept in this place. It is one of the largest
Zoos in the country. It covers a vast area of about 35 acres. It is situated near the old fort (purana
qila) and is a place of great attraction. It is always crowded by thousands of people and children
every day. It is a beautiful and natural place consisting of many kinds of trees.
Apart from plants, bushes and grassy grounds in the Zoo, there are many animals and birds, which
come from many countries of the world. There we saw beautiful birds with multi-coloured feathers.
There were pelicans, Siberian crane, peacocks, peahens, sparrows, Nightingales, Kingfishers, etc.
We saw the cranes, storks, ducks and swans swimming in the pond. Some birds were singing,
chirping and whistling. We were very amused to see various kinds of monkeys, gorillas and
baboons. I was very delighted to see my favourite animals, which included tigers, lions, leopard and
cheetah. There were also many elephants, giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus and crocodiles in the
The other attraction of the zoo was stags, deers, hares, antelopes and rabbits. The most entertaining
were the playful chimpanzees. They were showing various tricks and we all enjoyed their acrobatics.
It was a thrill to see lovely golden fishes swimming in the water.
We visited the entire huge expanse of the area covered by the zoo, and saw all the cages of animals
and birds but the best area I liked was the natural habitat created for the lion. He has a huge den like
home made in a deep cave in a huge rock. Near his home, there is an open space for the lion to
move about freely. Near his home there is also a huge pond filled with water for the lion to drink
The atmosphere created is just like the jungle we visualise to be where the lion is supposed to live.
This area gives us a very clear picture of what a jungle is, and we also find it very easy to
understand the living condition of a lion in the jungle. It teaches more than any book could, as, we
see the lion itself and the surroundings as they are.

The other area of the zoo that I liked was the setting made for the monkeys of different kinds and
sizes and colours. Some are black and skin colour while others are just plain skin colour. I do
wonder why most of the children visiting the zoo were crowding at this area. It appeared as though
the monkey was a high attraction for all of them. I also liked the area very much, and we had a lot of
fun in this place. It was such fun seeing all size monkeys jumping from tree to tree with such ease.
Huge and very fat monkeys were seen jumping with as much ease as the small and thin ones. How
they ate the mustard and fruits thrown to them by the children was the most interesting sight to
After seeing the zoo, we felt tired and hungry. We sat under a tree and ate our tiffin. After sometimes,
we returned to our school. We thanked our teacher for such an enjoyable trip we leant many things
about the animals. I saw some animals for the first time, which I had seen earlier only in pictures.
My visit to the zoo was great fun and with it. It was also very educative and informative. A zoo helps
us to learn so much without visiting the natural habitats of animals and birds.



(a) What is the name of the zoo you visited?

(b) When did you visit it?
(c) Who were with you?
(d) What kinds of birds and animals did you see there?
(e) Could you gather any experience about the life-styles of
the birds and animals?
The name of the zoo I visited is the national zoo. It is
situated at Mirpur. A zoo is an interesting place to people
of all ages. But it is a fascinating place particularly for
children and young. I had a desire to visit the National zoo
at Mirpur in Dhaka. So, few days ago, I made a plan to visit

the zoo. On the fixed day, I along with some of my friends

went to the zoo by rickshaw. After reaching there, I bought
five tickets and entered the zoo. I was amazed to see the
collection of birds and animals. First, we went near to the
cage of the Royal Bengal Tiger. The arrogant and royal
movement of the tiger made us spellbound. Then we went
near to the cage of monkeys. Their peculiar attitude
amused everybody. One by one, we went near to the cage
of lions, deer, zebras, asses, bear, snakes, elephants etc.
We also went near to the cage of peacocks, ostrich,
dhanesh etc. I learned many things about the life-style and
food habits of different kinds of birds and animals. I
stayed there about three hours. The experience that I have
gathered through visiting the zoo will remain ever fresh in
my mind.
(a) What is milk?
(b) To whom is it necessary?
(c) What is the importance of it?
(d) How many things are prepared from it?
(e) What should we do to improve our cows and goats?
Milk is a nutritious food. It is essential for our body. It
contains about all kinds of vitamins. The color of milk is
white. It is liquid substance. It is crying need for babies
because after their born, they cannot eat other food
without it. Grown up people also drink it because it is
necessary for human body. We get a lot of vitamins from
it. One can also take it with other foods. It gives us health
and vigor. There are many things, which are prepared
from it. Most of the sweetmeats are prepared from it.

Cream, butter, ghee and curd are obtained from milk. Milk
can be got from different animals. Nevertheless, the milk
of cows is the best.Many people think that the milk of cows
is the best for the babies. But, their idea is not right at all.
Because, it is not better from mother's milk. Since cows
and goats give us milk, we should take various steps to
improve them. The benefits of balanced diet for keeping
good health beggars description. It is said that keeping
good health is quietly impossible without maintaining
balanced diet. In fact, a balanced diet is a combination of
different kinds of food items of definite colors and levels.
The foods that contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamins and minerals are called balanced diet.
Carbohydrates, fats, proteins are considered as major
nutrients items these are very essential for our health.
These items provide our body with energy to perform
different kinds of functions. Beating of heart, activity of
muscles and brain are worthy of them.
We know that good health means sound body. The body
that is free from all sorts of diseases is called good health.
We can keep good health to follow some rules and
regulations. Eating balanced diet is one of the ways of
keeping good health. Besides, eating vegetables, drinking
pure water and eating balanced diet are the prerequisite of
keeping good health. I am a student and I always try to
take balanced diet. Because, I know that health is wealth
and health is the root of all happiness. Balance diet is
essential for keeping good health. If people do not take

balanced diet, they often suffer from various diseases.

Therefore, I always try to have balanced diet. The
importance of keeping good health cannot be described in
There is a proverb that a sound mind depends on a sound
body. A healthy man is really lucky because he/she can do
his/her duties properly and become successful in life.
There is no alternative to balanced diet for keeping good
health. Therefore, we should take balanced diet to lead
healthy, wealthy comfortable and diseases free life.

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