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Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Assist Guide.

To ensure that you receive help and assistance
quickly when you need it, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
has developed the Rolls-Royce Assist system, an
emergency call function that provides a direct link
from your Rolls-Royce Ghost to an emergency
call centre (e.g. 999 in the UK, 112 in Europe etc).
Rolls-Royce Assist is offered free of charge for four years from
the date of first registration and is currently available for Ghost
models in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Kuwait, UAE and the
United Kingdom.

Manual Emergency Call

With this feature you can summon help by simply pressing
the emergency call button located within the roof light
consol, activating a call that is linked directly to the nearest
Emergency Service call centre. Once connected, you can
explain the situation and the Emergency Service call centre
can arrange for the necessary assistance to attend: Police,
Fire or Ambulance. Alternatively, you can request directions
to the nearest Police station or Hospital.

In the situation whereby a manual emergency call is

initiated, the following happens:
If the SOS button is pushed, a call will build up to the
responsible call centre (via the Pre-fit SIM card dialling
the local emergency number).
Should the SOS button be pressed in error, there
is a five second countdown warning message displayed
on the control display, allowing you to cancel the call.
After the call is established, the agent will ask the
occupant(s) of the vehicle what has happened. At the
same time an SMS containing the vehicle information
and current location will be automatically sent to the
same call centre. (Your vehicle location coordinates
will show on the control display.)
The agent then decides what service is dispatched:
Police, Fire or Ambulance.

1 Once the emergency call button is pressed you have five seconds to
cancel the call.
2. After an initial five seconds, the emergency number will be dialled.
3. The vehicle will then establish the call.
4. When the call is connected, the vehicles GPS data is sent and
displayed on screen.
5 Once assistance has been arranged, the call is ended by either the
Emergency Service call centre or driver/vehicle occupant.

6. Final GPS data is displayed at the end of the call.

Automatic Emergency Call

An automatic Emergency SOS call function gives you the
added reassurance that in extreme situations the crash or
airbag sensor will automatically activate an Emergency SOS
call alerting the nearest Emergency Service call centre of
your situation.

Once alerted, the Emergency Service call centre agent

will attempt to speak to the occupant(s) of the vehicle to
determine what assistance is required. If the agent receives
no response, then the Emergency Services will be dispatched
directly to your location to assist you and any passengers.
With either the manual or the automatic Emergency SOS call,
details of your vehicle and location will be sent directly to the
local Emergency Service centre, so that immediate action can
be taken and assistance dispatched without delay.


Operational Limitations.


Rolls-Royce Assist services are partly restricted in spatial terms

to the reception and transmission of the radio stations operated
by the relevant network operator. They may be adversely affected
by atmospheric conditions and topographical factors or obstacles
(e.g. bridges and buildings).

Ghost and Ghost EWB

built from April 2011


United Kingdom

Change of Owner
Rolls-Royce Assist can be transferred in the event of a change
of vehicle ownership.
To notify Rolls-Royce Motor Cars of a change of ownership
or change of address, please contact:
Customer Relations, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, The Drive,
Westhampnett, Chichester, West Sussex, UK PO18 0SH.
+44 (0) 1243 384300

Rolls-Royce Assist General Terms of Business.

Scope of Services, interruptions in service.
The Services are partly restricted in spatial terms to the reception and transmission of the radio stations operated by the relevant network operator.
They may be adversely affected by atmospheric conditions and topographical factors or obstacles (e.g. bridges and buildings). Interruptions in Service
may be caused by force majeure, or by technical and other measures, carried out in the systems of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, suppliers or network operators
in order to ensure proper operation or to improve the Services, e.g. maintenance, repairs, system-related updates, expansions. They may also result from
short-term capacity bottlenecks caused by loading peaks in the Services or by malfunction in areas where telecommunication assets of third-parties are
located. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will make every reasonable effort to reinstate the Services immediately or to assist with their reinstatement.
Obligations of the Customer.
The Customer must report faults in the Services immediately to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. The Customer must inform Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Customer
Relations immediately in writing of the sale, loss, theft, destruction or unauthorised third-party use of the telematic device assigned to him. In the event that
the car is sold, Services may be provided to the new owner of the vehicle on the basis of the agreed terms and conditions subject to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
being informed in writing of the details of the new user. In all other aforementioned cases, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will immediately block access authorisation
to the Services. The Customer shall bear the costs of any misuse of the Emergency Service.
The Customer will receive the Services free of charge for a four year period from the Commencement. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will inform the Customer
of the charges for use of Services (Charges) at least six weeks before the fourth anniversary of this Agreement. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars reserves the right
to amend the Charges upon giving not less than six weeks notice. If Rolls-Royce Motor Cars increases the charges, the customer may terminate this Agreement
upon giving not less than one months notice, with effect from the date on which the increase shall take effect.
Duration of Agreement.
The Agreement shall continue until terminated by either party with not less than one months prior written notice with effect from the next anniversary
of the Agreement. Either party is entitled to terminate the Agreement without notice for a material breach of the Agreement by the other party. This includes,
but is not limited to, the use of the Services by the Customer for illegal purposes, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars decision to stop providing the Services for any reason,
and the Customer and/or Rolls-Royce Motor Cars becoming bankrupt or insolvent, being in liquidation or administration or entering into an arrangement
with their creditors. Notice of termination must be given in writing and sent by first class post or facsimile and addressed to the Customer Relations,
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and in the case of the Customer to the residential address of the Customer.
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will only accept liability arising from a failure to observe and perform its obligations under this Agreement and/or liability attributable
to negligence limited to 40,000.00 per claim or series of claims arising from one incident. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is not liable for loss of profit, indirect or
consequential loss or damage. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is not liable for any inaccuracy in the data or information provided to the Customer as part of the
Services. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars does not warrant the timeliness of the transmission of any data or information provided to the Customer as part of the
Services. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars liability for death or personal injury shall remain unaffected by the aforementioned limitations of liability.
Operational limitations.
Interruptions in service may be caused by force majeure, or by technical and other measures, carried out in the systems of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, suppliers
or network operators in order to ensure proper operation or to improve the services, e.g. maintenance, repairs, system-related updates and expansions.
They may also result from short-term capacity bottlenecks caused by loading peaks in the service or by malfunction in areas where telecommunication
assets of third-parties are located. Feature not available on vehicles built prior to April 2011.
All illustrations are based upon current information available as at July 2011. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited reserves the right to make changes at any time
without notice. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited makes all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, however; there is no guarantee of accuracy.
No liability is assumed by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited. Additional information may be obtained from your Rolls-Royce Motor Cars authorised dealership/
workshop. Copyright Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 2011. Not to be reproduced or transmitted. The Rolls-Royce name and logo are registered
trademarks and are owned by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited.

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