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comp gov intro+GB

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Countries that have a well es tablis hed

democratic g overnment and a hig h level of
economic development; of the s ix core
countries , Great Britain repres ents this
g roup

voting (AV)

A s ys tem of voting in which voters lis t the

candidates in order of preference. The
winner mus t obtain g reater than 50% of
votes . If no firs t-preference voters obtain
50%, the votes for the bottom candidate
are redis tributed according to the voters '
next preference

reg ime

reg ime where decis ions are made by

political elites without much input from
citizens ; the economy is tig htly controlled
by the elite; the leaders (elites ) have no
cons titutional res pons ibility to the public;
res triction of civil rig hts and liberties


MP's of a party who have no g overnmental

office or s it as rank-and-file oppos ition
members . Three opportunities to voice
their concerns : weekly caucus meeting s ,
committees , or private members bills

Beveridg e

Publis hed during WWII, it s ug g es ted a

s ocial ins urance prog ram that made all
citizens elig ible for health, unemployment,
pens ion, and other benefits .

leg is lature in

1. Hous e of Commons
2. Hous e of Lords


Big Society

Cameron's vis ion for GB-g overnment g ets

out of the way and allows private, g ras s rout org anizations to thrive


Blair, Tony

part of the Labour Party; promis ed to

create a "New Labour" Party and rule in a
"third way"; los t popularity when he
s upported U.S. Pres ident Bus h in the Iraqi
war and s ent in troops




10 .


Britis h
Broadcas ting

Broadcas ting network s et up by

Parliament. Ins tead of being directly
controlled by the g overnment, it was
s upported throug h licens ing fees . (U.S.
was public, res t of Europe was
g overnment controlled).

Britis h

Extreme rig ht party in Britain that formed

in 1982. It is ag ains t immig ration into the


part of the Labour party, s tepped up after

Tony Blair, had trouble s tepping out of
Blair's controvers ial s hadow


cons is t of ag encies that g enerally implement

g overnment policy; us ually part of the
executive branch of g overnment, s ize has
g enerally increas ed; includes : hierarchial
authority s tructure, tas k s pecialization,
extens ive rules , clear g oals , the merit
principle and impers onality

reg imes

the head of the g overnment exercis es

almos t complete control over the
bureaucracies ' activities ; they us ually are
headed by s omeone who s upports the
g overnment or throug h the patronag e
s ys tem


where s everal parties join forces and are

repres ented in different cabinet pos ts ;
occurs when minis ters are als o leaders of
the majority party or if the country has a
multi-party s ys tem with no clear majority


had the vis ion of "big s ociety"; part of the

cons ervative party; popular for his youth
and debating ability

16 .

caucus es

meeting s of people from the s ame area or

of like mind, the beg inning s of Britain's
political parties


caus ation

the idea that one variable caus es or

influences another

18 .

Centrifug al

Forces that tend to divide a country

19 .


An attitude that unifies people and enhances

s upport for a s tate

charis matic
leg itimacy

bas ed on the dynamic pers onality of an

individual leader or a s mall g roup;
notorious ly s hort-lived becaus e it us ually
does not s urvive its founder

checks and

allows power to be s hared between the

executive and leg is lative branch; part of a
pres idential s ys tem


a political culture in which citizens widely

s hare a belief in the leg itimacy of their
reg ime and a trus t in the g overnment;
therefore the citizens demons trate res traint
in their demands on the g overnment


civil liberties

bas ic human rig hts s uch as freedom of

belief, s peech, and as s embly

2 4.

civil s ociety

the way that citizens org anize and define

thems elves and their interes ts ; allows
citizens to lead private lives and mas s media
to operate independently from the
g overnment; voluntary org anizations
outs ide of the s tate that help people define
and advance their own interes ts

12 .

13 .


15 .


2 1.



Claus e 4

The controvers ial claus e in the Labour

Party manifes to that called for
nationalization of all Britis h indus try. This
claus e was eliminated by Party leader Tony
Blair as part of his realig nment to "New
Labour" during the early 1990's .


Cleg g , Nick

the Liberal Democratic leader; criticized

the Labour g overnment for its eros ion of
individual civil liberties

2 7.




3 1.



3 4.



g overnment

When two or more parties join tog ether to

form a majority in a national leg is lature.
This form of g overnment is quite common
in the multiparty s ys tems of Europe.

code law

law bas ed on a comprehens ive s ys tem of

written rules of law divided into
commercial, civil, and criminal codes ;
practiced in China, Mexico, and Rus s ia

cleavag es

when every dis pute alig ns the s ame g roups

ag ains t each other; can be very explos ive

cons ens us

Cros s -party Britis h s upport for the welfare

s tate that las ted until the late 1970s .

res pons ibility

in a parliamentary s ys tem, the concept that

all cabinet members ag ree on policy
decis ions and that all will be res pons ible
for the res ults


where the g overnment owns almos t all

indus trial enterpris es and retail s ale
outlets ; examples include the U.S.S.R. and
China; include s ocialis t principles of
centralized planning , quota s etting , and
s tate owners hip; fading ; owners hip of
property is res tricted, all indus try is run by
the g overnment, competition and profits

common law

law bas ed on tradition, pas t practices , and

leg al precedents s et by the courts throug h
interpretations of s tatutes , leg al leg is lation,
and pas t ruling s ; practiced in Great Britain

communis m

a theory developed in the 19th century by

Karl Marx, where the communis t party
controls everything ; no clas s es /cas tes


an es s ential requirement for a democracy;

elections that are reg ular, free, and fair

s ys tems

s ys tem that s preads the power among

many s ub-units (s uch as s tates ) and has a
weak central g overnment

Confederation of
Bus ines s
Indus tries

the UK's leading bus ines s

org anization, s peaking for s ome
240,000 bus ines s es ; incorporated by
the Royal charter; mis s ion is to
promote the conditions in which
bus ines s es of all s izes and s ectors in
the UK can compete and pros per for
the benefit of all

Cons ervative

a political party in Great Britain which

developed from the Tories in the
1830s , One of the two major parties in
the UK, it is g enerally more rig ht wing ,
and more towards free-markets and
the upper clas s es ,advocates a mixed
economy and encourag es property
owning ; s lig htly rig ht, ag ains t minimum
wag e and welfare, want g ood relations
with other european countries (*think
David Cameron)

"Cons titution of
the Crown"

the "cons titution" of Britain that evolved

over time
compos ed of:
1. important documents
2. common law
3. tradition/cus toms

40 .


means a reg ime us es to g et s upport

from citizens


corporatis m

an arrang ement in which g overnment

officials interact with people/g roups
outs ide the g overnment before they s et
policy; two types : s tate, where the s tate
determines which g roups are broug ht
in, and s ocietal (or neo-) where interes t
g roups take the lead and dominate the
s tate

42 .


exis ts when a chang e in one variable

coincides with a chang e in the other

43 .

cos mopolitanis m

The ideolog y that all human ethnic

g roups belong to a s ing le community
bas ed on a s hared morality.

cros s cutting
cleavag es

divide s ociety into many potential

g roups that may conflict on one is s ue
but cooperate on another; thes e tend to
keep s ocial conflict to more moderate

heterog eneity

Cultures and ethnic g roups are mixed

within a reg ion


a s ys tem that keeps track of the all the

democracies in the world

3 7.




45 .

46 .


48 .

49 .


5 1.



5 4.



5 7.



cons olidation

creates a s table political s ys tem that is

s upported by all parts of the s ociety;
democracy penetrates all political parties ,
the judiciary and the bureaucracy

corporatis m

interes t articulation is ins titutionalized

throug h recog nition by the s tate, new
g roups can only form if the s tate allows it;
org anizations develop ins titutionalized and
leg ally binding links with s tate ag encies ,
acting on behalf of the s tate, g roups and
individuals los e their freedoms

Unionis t

led by protes tant clerg ymen, The

Protes tant Party in Northern Ireland that is
for keeping Northern Ireland in the UK


the trans fer of powers and res pons ibilities

from the federal g overnment to the s tates


when individuals have immediate s ay over

many decis ions that the g overnment makes ;
more rare than indirect

dis tinct
cleavag e

when a minority and majority tend to

perceive s eparation

g lobalization

intens ifies international trade, tying

markets , producers , and labor tog ether in
increas ing ly extens ive and intens ive new
ways ; integ rates capital and financial
markets around the world s o that banking ,
credit, s tocks , and foreig n direct
inves tments are increas ing ly interrelated

6 1.



6 4.



the proces s of limiting the power of the

s tate over private property and market

s ys tems

the rules that decide how votes are cas t,

counted, and trans lated into s eats in a
leg is lature


data bas ed on factual s tatements and

s tatis tics

The Eng lis h

Bill of Rig hts

a s et of rig hts g uaranteed to all Eng lis h

men. Ens ures Parliaments power over the
monarchs .

Euros keptics

People oppos ed to the UK's members hip in

the EU and the expans ion of the EU's

s ys tem



6 7.



70 .


firs t-pas tthe-pos t


the winner does not need a majority to win,

mus t s imply g et more votes than anyone
els e

"firs t-pas tthe-pos t"

voting s ys tem

The "firs t pas t the pos t" voting s ys tem is

the election proces s for repres entatives in
the Hous e of Commons ; it means winner
take all. Therefore, the candidate who
receives the mos t votes is elected and
there is no need for a majority nor an
element of proportional repres entation.

foreig n direct
inves tment

purchas e of as s ets in a country by a

foreig n firm; a part of economic
g lobalization

frag mentation

divis ions bas ed on ethnic or cultural


F reedom
Hous e
rating s

an org anization that s tudies democracies

around the world and ranks countries from
1 to 7 on a freedom s cale, 1 being the mos t
free and 7 being the leas t free

Gini Index

a mathematical formula that meas ures the

amount of economic inequality in a s ociety

the Glorious

The Eng lis h Parliament drove out an

abs olute monarch and replaced him with
two cons titutional monarch's William and
Mary (es tablis hed cons titutional monarchy
by s ig ning bill of rig hts )

GNP per

divides the GNP by the population of the


Good F riday
Ag reement

when Britain ag reed to g ive Northern

Ireland a reg ional g overnment in which all
parties would be repres ented on a
proportional bas is ; paved the way for
Protes tant and Roman Catholic
communities to s hare political power in
Northern Ireland

g overnment

the leaders hip and ins titutions that make

policy decis ions for a country

"g overnment"

(1653)- This cons titution g ave Cromwell

the title "Lord Protector" and made him the
head of a newly (freely) elected Parliament
and the adminis trative Council of State.

g radualis m

the belief in or the policy of advancing

toward a g oal by g radual, often s low
s tag es ; this proces s helps explain the
trans ition in policy making power from the
King to Parliament

Gros s
Domes tic

all the g oods and s ervices produced by a

country's economy in a g iven year,
excluding income citizens earned outs ide
the country

divides the power between the central

g overnment and s ub-units ; reg ional bodies
have s ig nificant powers , s uch as taxation,
lawmaking and keeping order
72 .

73 .


75 .

76 .

Gros s National
Product (GNP)

like GDP, but als o includes income

citizens earned outs ide the country

head of
g overnment

a role that deals with the everyday tas ks

of running the g overnment and us ually
directs the activities of other members
of the executive branch

head of s tate


a role that s ymbolizes the power and

nature of the reg ime and its people, both
nationally and internationally, and may or
may not have any real policy-making
members of the Hous e of Lords
appointed by the monarch and whos e
title automatically pas s es down to their
s ons .


home rule

s elf-g overnment in local matters by a

city or county that is part of a national
g overnment

78 .

hung parliament

a parliament in which no s ing le party has

majority control in the Hous e of

79 .

hypothes is

a s peculative s tatement about the

relations hip between two or more
factors known as variables


countries that have democratic

procedures in place but have s ig nificant
res trictions on them


8 1.

indications of

competitive elections , civil liberties , rule

of law, neutrality of the judiciary, open
civil s ociety, civilian control of the


democracy with elected officials

repres enting the people


informal politics

takes into cons ideration not only the

ways that politicians operate outs ide
their formal powers , but als o the impact
that beliefs , values , and actions of
ordinary citizens have on policy-making .

8 4.


a vote on a policy that is initiated by the


ins titutions ,
ins titutionalized

s table, long las ting org anizations that

help to turn political ideas into policy


ins ularity

the s tate of being is olated or detached

8 7.

integ ration

a proces s that encourag es s tates to

pool their s overeig nty in order to g ain
political, economic, and s ocial clout;
binds s tates tog ether with common
policies and s hared rules



interes t
g roup
pluralis m

a pattern in which autonomous g roups

compete with each other and with
g overnment for influence over s tate

Iris h

a militant org anization of Iris h nationalis ts

who us ed terroris m and g uerilla warfare in
an effort to drive Britis h forces from
Northern Ireland and achieve a united
independent Ireland


"Iron Lady"

Marg aret Thatcher, the ex-PM of Eng land

in the 1980's . Known to be very toug h,
decis ive, and efficient. Executed bus ines s like tactics . Cut taxes , s mall g overnment,
trickle down economy.

9 1.

Keynes ianis m

the belief the g overnment mus t manag e the

economy by s pending more money when in
a reces s ion and cutting s pending when
there is inflation


Labour Party

britis h political party founded in 1900 with

the help of trade unions to repres ent the
interes ts of the urban working clas s ;
s lig htly left, in favor of taxes and welfare
s tate, free market policies , appeals to
middle clas s (*think Tony Blair)


law lords

five members of the Hous e of Lords who

s erve as Britain's hig hes t court of appeals


leg itimate democracies ; includes civil

liberties , rule of law, neutrality of the
judiciary, open civil s ociety, civilian control
of the military


aka LibDems . in the 1983 and 1987

elections , the Liberals and Social
Democrats formed an alliance (formally
merg ed in 1989), es tablis hing the Liberal
Democratic Party.
Goal - to es tablis h a s trong party in
between labour (left) and cons ervative
(rig ht).
campaig ned for proportional
repres entation (to g ive them a better
chance of g etting s eats ) and for a US s tyle
Bill of Rig hts


liberalis m

an economic theory advocating free

competition and a s elf-reg ulating market
and the g old s tandard

9 7.

life peers

Dis ting uis hed members of the s ociety who

are g iven lifetime appointments to the
Hous e of Lords



9 4.




10 0 .

10 1.

10 2 .

g overnment

In this type of g overnment everyone,

including all authority fig ures , mus t obey
laws . Cons titutions , s tatements of rig hts ,
or other laws define the limits of thos e in
power s o they cannot take advantag e of
the elected, appointed, or inherited
pos itions .

linkag e
ins titutions

g roups that connect the g overnment to its

citizens s uch as political parties , interes t
g roups , and media

oppos ition"

a role that the party out of power plays ,

hig hlig hting its objections to policies and
priorities of the g overnment in power

Mag na Carta

This document, s ig ned by King J ohn of

Endland in 1215, is the corners tone of
Eng lis h jus tice and law. It declared that the
king and g overnment were bound by the
s ame laws as other citizens of Eng land. It
contained the antecedents of the ideas of
due proces s and the rig ht to a fair and
s peedy trial that are included in the
protection offered by the U.S. Bill of
Rig hts


two types : mixed economy that allows for

s ig nificant control from the central
g overnment and a pure market economy,
that does not; in a market economy,
owners hip of property is allowed, mos t
indus try is run/owned by private
indus try/s hareholders , competition and
profits prevalent

10 3 .


the s tate's re-creation of a market in which

property, labor, g oods , and s ervices can
all function in a competitive environment to
determine their value

10 4.

Miliband, Ed

Pres ent leader of Labour

10 5 .

military rule

when the military directly intervenes in the

politics of an uns table g overnment to s olve
the current problems ; us ually involves a
coup d'etat; often res tricts civil rig hts and
liberties , keep political parties from
forming and elections from taking place;
can g o in many different directions :
democracy, authoritarian, or another

10 6 .

10 7.

10 8 .

"mis ery

unofficial s tatis tic that is the s um of

monthly inflation and the unemployment


an economy that allows for s ig nificant

control from the central g overnment


an economic s ys tem that combines private

and s tate enterpris es

s ys tem

combines firs t-pas t-the-pos t and

proportional repres entation election
s ys tem

dis tricts

electoral s ys tem in which more than one

leg is lative s eat is contes ted in each dis trict

multinationalis m

multiple national identities - Britain's

boundaries include Eng land, Scotland,
Wales , Northern Ireland which have been
different nations in the pas t but are united
under one g overnment today; different
dialects of the Eng lis h lang uag e and
relig ious differences caus e conflict

112 .


a g roup of people that are bound tog ether

by a common political identity

113 .

nationalis m

the s ens e of belong ing and identity that

dis ting uis hes one nation from another

neocoporatis m

interes t g roups take the lead and

s ometimes dominate the s tate; des cribes
what often happens in Britis h s ys tem of
interes t g roup pluralis m

neoliberalis m

Free nationalized indus tries form

g overnment, reg ulations , reg ardles s of
s ocial cons quences .


non-g overnment org anization

nobles s e
oblig e

the oblig ation of thos e of hig h rank to be

honorable and g enerous (often us ed

ques tions

is s ues (ques tions ) that require value

judg ments

119 .


an org anization of countries formed in

1961 to ag ree on a common policy for the
production and s ale of petroleum

12 0 .

Oxbridg e

a combination of the univers ities Oxford

and Cambridg e, where nearly half of all
parliament members earn hig her

s ys tem

where citizens vote for leg is lative

repres entatives , which in turn s elect the
leaders of the executive branch

12 2 .

party s ys tem

the nature of relations hips among an array

of political parties operating in a particular

12 3 .

patronag e

s ys tem in which political s upporters

receive jobs in return for their as s is tance
in g etting the pres ident elected; political

10 9 .

110 .



115 .

116 .

118 .

12 1.

s ys tem

s ys tem in which leaders provide reciprocal

favors and s ervices to their s upporters ;
s ys tem in which the s tate provides s pecific
benefits or favors to a s ing le pers on or
s mall g roup in return for public s upport

12 5 .

Plaid Cymru

Party in Wales

12 6 .

plebis cite

12 7.

12 4.

12 8 .

12 9 .

13 0 .

13 1.

13 2 .

13 3 .

13 4.

13 5 .

13 6 .

pres idential
s ys tem

where citizens vote for leg is lative

repres entatives as well as for executive
branch leaders and the two branches
function with s eparation of powers

13 8 .

primary s ector

ag ricultural s ector-s mall in pos t modern

s ociety

a variation of a referendum; a ballot to

cons ult public opinion in a nonbinding way

13 9 .


the trans fer of s tate-owned property to

private owners hip

pluralis m

a s ituation in which power is s plit among

many g roups that compete for the chance
to influence the g overnment's decis ionmaking

140 .


when democratic procedures are in

place but have s ig nificant res trictions on

s ys tem

Sing le-member plurality election s ys tem

(one member per dis trict who only has to
g et more votes than anyone els e, not a

repres entation

electoral s ys tem in which voters cas t

their ballots for a party rather than for a
candidate and the percentag e of votes a
party receives determines how many
s eats the party will g ain in the leg is lature


thos e who hold political power; leaders

who have a dis proportionate s hare of
policy-making power

142 .

purchas e
power parity

a fig ure like GNP, except it takes into

cons ideration what people can buy us ing
their income in the local economy


s tructures of a political s ys tem that carry

out the work of g overning

143 .

quang os

g lobalization

a counter-trend to the org anization of

political power by s tates and it complicates
that ability of s tates to maintain s overeig nty
s ince it binds them to international
org anizations that take res pons ibility for
tas ks that national g overnments normally
conduct; breaks down the dis tinction
between international relations and
domes tic politics

quas i autonomous nong overnmental

org anizations , or policy advis ory boards
appointed by the g overnment.


Ques tion Time

a period during a parliamentary s es s ion

when members of Parliament may as k
ques tions of the minis ters

rational-leg al
leg itimacy

bas ed on a s ys tem of well-es tablis hed

laws and procedures ; hig hly
ins titutionalized that carry over throug h
g enerations of individual leaders ; often
bas ed on the acceptance of the rule of
law that s upers edes the actions and
s tatements of individual rulers , law can
be code or common

recruitment of

ways to s elect and identify people for

future leaders hip pos itions

13 7.


145 .


when a s tate prog res s es from procedural

democracy to s ubs tantive democracy
throug h democratic cons olidation

rig hts

the promotion of equality

146 .

"politics of
protes t"

The tendency to dis ag ree openly and

s ometimes violently with the g overnment,
have become increas ing ly acceptable.



a national ballot, called by for the

g overnment, that allows the public to
make direct decis ions about policy its elf

Pos tindus trialis m

The s hift during the las t half century from

an economy bas ed primarily on indus try
and manufacturing to one in which the
majority of people are employed in the
s ervice (tertiary) s ector, which produces
the bulk of profits .

148 .


a type of chang e that does not advocate

the over-throw of bas ic ins titutions ,
ins tead wants to chang e s ome of the
methods leaders us e to reach their g oals

149 .

reg ime

the rules that a s tate s ets and follows in

exerting its power

15 0 .


involves a major revis ion or an overthrow

of the exis ting ins titutions ; us ually
impacts more than one area of life

revolution of
ris ing

a period of relative improvement in the

s tandard of living that precedes a cris is
that leads a country to political dis content

pos tmodernis m

s et of values accompanying
indus trialization. Secularis m, reas oning ,
materialis m, technolog y, bureaucracy, and
individual freedoms (rather than collective
equality) emphas ized

15 1.

15 2 .

rule of law

provides for equal treatment of citizens

and due proces s

15 3 .

s afe dis tricts

dis tricts in which incumbents win by

marg ins of 55% or more

Hunting ton's
"clas h of
civilizations "

Hunting ton arg ues that one of the mos t

important and dang erous future conflicts
will be clas hes of different civilizations or
cultures around the world

Scottis h

political party in Scotland

s econdary
s ector

indus trial s ector

s emipres idential
s ys tem

where a prime minis ter coexis ts with a

pres ident who is directly elected by the
people and who holds a s ig nificant deg ree
of power

s eparation of

occurs between branches to ens ure that

power is s hared and that one branch does
not come to dominate the others

"s hadow

s its on oppos ition s ide facing the cabinet


s ing lemember
dis tricts

an electoral s ys tem where the candidates

compete for a s ing le repres entative's s eat

Sinn F ein

political arm of the IRA in Northern


s ocial

how the mix of s ocial clas s es , ethnic

g roups , racial g roups , relig ions , and
lang uag es s eparate people from one
another within a nation

s ocial
cleavag es

within a nation, divis ions between relig ion,

ethnic g roups , race, s ocial and economic
clas s es

s ocialis m

s hares the value of equality with

communis m but is als o influenced by the
liberal value of freedom; accept and
promote private owners hip and free
market principles ; believe that the s tate has
a s trong role to play in reg ulating the
economy and providing benefits tot he
public in order to ens ure s ome meas ure of
equality; s trong er in Europe than the
United States

15 4.

15 5 .

15 6 .

15 7.

15 8 .

15 9 .

16 0 .

16 1.

16 2 .

16 3 .

16 4.

16 5 .

16 6 .

16 7.

s olidarity

complete unity in a g roup or org anization

16 8 .

s overeig nty

the ability to carry out actions or policies

within their borders independently from
interference either from the ins ide or the
outs ide

Speaker of the
Hous e

the leader of the majority party who

s erves as the pres iding officer

s tate

territory in which a g overnment controls

what happens ins ide the border

s tate
corporatis m

corporatis m where the s tate determines

which g roups are broug ht in

s ubs tantive

a type of liberal democracy where

citizens have acces s to multiple s ources
of information

s ucces s ion

the proces s that determines the

procedure for replacing leaders when
they res ig n, die or are no long er effective

s upernational
org anizations

org anizations multi-nation org anizations

s uch as NAFTA and the EU

175 .


civilian bureaucrats

176 .

Thatcheris m

A cons ervative, capitalis t backlas h led by

Prime Minis ter Marg aret Thatcher. She
privatized bus ines s and indus try, cut
back on s ocial welfare prog rams ,
s treng thened national defens e, g ot toug h
with labor unions , and returned to market
force controls on the economy.

"third wave"
of democracy

beg an in the 1970s ; characterized by the

defeat of dictatorial or totalitarian rulers
in South America, Eas tern Europe, and
s ome parts of Africa

the third way

A centris t alternative to the old labour

party on the left and the Cons ervative
Party on the rig ht.

Three Trends

1. Democratization
2. Movement toward a market economy
3. Revival of ethnic or cultural politics


a comparing model that includes three

"worlds ", the U.S. and its allies , the
U.S.S.R. and its allies , and third world

18 1.


Cons ervatives

18 2 .

totalitarianis m

s imilar to communis m, more neg ative

connotation; almos t always us ed to
des cribe a particularly repres s ive, often
detes ted, reg ime; total control of all
as pects of citizens ' lives

Trade Union
Cong res s

a coalition of unions , g overnment often

cons ulted them on important decis ions

16 9 .

170 .


s ocial

the org anized collective activities that aim

to bring about or res is t fundamental
chang e in an exis ting g roup or s ociety

s ocietal
corporatis m
(neocorporatis m)

corporatis m when interes t g roups take the

lead and dominate the s tate

172 .

173 .



178 .

179 .

18 0 .

18 3 .

leaders hip

family inheritance- queens , king s , etc.

leg itimacy

res ts upon the belief that tradition s hould determine who s hould rule and how; often involves important myths and
leg ends , rituals and ceremonies help reinforce; bas is of mos t monarchies ; can als o be bas ed on relig ion

"trans mis s ion


interes t g roups that have been ag ents to extend the party's influence beyond its own members hip to s hape the
views of its citizens

tyranny of the

the tendency in democracies to allow majority rule to neg lect the rig hts and liberties of minorities


want to g et rid of EU

g overnment

Decis ions made by central g overnment

s ys tems

a political s ys tem that concentrates all policy-making powers in one central g eog raphic place and the central
g overnment is res pons ible for mos t policy areas

"vote of no

a vote s howing that a majority does not s upport the policy of a leader or g overning body. If majority vote, the PM
(and majority party) has to res ig n/relinquis h s tatus

19 2 .

welfare s tate

including National Health Service, provide public benefits , s uch as education, health care, and trans portation.
(Labour Party in favor and Cons ervative Party ag ains t)

19 3 .

Whig s


18 4.

18 5 .

18 6 .

18 7.

18 8 .

18 9 .

19 0 .

19 1.

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