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Nigeria Comp Gov

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s ocieties

A g overnment's res pons ibility to its

population, us ually by periodic popular
elections , trans parent fis cal practices ,
and by parliament's having the power to
dis mis s the g overnment by pas s ing a
motion of no confidence. In a political
s ys tem characterized by accountability,
the major actions taken by g overnment
mus t be known and unders tood by the
Literally "headles s " s ocieties . A number
of traditional Nig erian s ocieties , s uch as
the Ig bo in the precolonial period,
lacked executive rulers hip as we have
come to conceive of it. Ins tead, the
villag es and clans were g overned by
committee or cons ens us

After the
pres idential
election of 2011,
protes ts
erupted in the
north bas ed on
the belief that

the informal rule of alternating

pres idents from the north and s outh had
been violated

All of the
following were
reforms initiated
by the INEC
before the
elections of 2011

International obs ervers for the firs t time

Authoritarianis m

A s ys tem of rule in which power depends

not on popular leg itimacy but on the
coercive force of the political authorities .
Hence, there are few pers onal and
g roup freedoms . It is als o characterized
by near abs olute power in the executive
branch and few, if any, leg is lative and
judicial controls

Between 1966
and 1999, all
Nig erian
pres idents
except for
one were

Military dictators


Civil s ociety

The s pace occupied by voluntary

as s ociations outs ide the s tate, for example,
profes s ional as s ociations (lawyers ,
doctors , teachers ), trade unions , s tudent
and women's g roups , relig ious bodies , and
other voluntary as s ociation g roups

10 .

Clientelis m

An informal as pect of policymaking in which

a powerful patron (for example, a
traditional local bos s , g overnment ag ency,
or dominant party) offers res ources s uch
as land, contracts , protection, or jobs in
return for the s upport and s ervices (s uch
as labor or votes ) of lower-s tatus and les s
powerful clients ; corruption, preferential
treatment, and inequality are characteris tic
of clientelis t politics

of Nig eria's
s mall number
of indus tries
in a few major
cities can be
bes t
explained by

ethnic politics , whereby political decis ions

override entrepreneurial preferences

The country's
leg itimacy
cris is is
g rounded in


Devolution of
power from
the central
g overnment
to local
g overnment
is a policy
us ed by both
China and
Nig eria to

les s en ethnic tens ions




A g overnment in which one or a few

rulers has abs olute power, thus , a
dictators hip

Balance of

An indicator of international flow of funds

that s hows the exces s or deficit in total
payments of all kinds between or among
countries . Included in the calculation are
exports and imports , g rants , and
international debt payments

12 .

13 .


15 .

16 .


18 .

19 .


2 1.


During the 17th century,

Nig eria's g eog raphical
location in the big ht of
Africa left its people
s us ceptible to

The Atlantic s lave trade

Economic Community of
Wes t African States

The Wes t African reg ional

org anization, including 15
member countries from Cape
Verde in the wes t to Nig eria
and Nig er in the eas t

The "federal character"

of Nig eria often weakens
the s tate s ince

The bureaucracy is bloated

by duplication, s ince all
ethnicities mus t be
repres ented

Hig h levels of corruption

are s trong ly correlated
to a political s ys tem's low
level of

Trans parency

In both Rus s ia's civil war

in Chechnya and
Nig eria's Biafran Civil
War, the conflicts were
bas ed on

Ethnic differences

In China, Mexico, and

Nig eria, the low CPI
s cores are almos t
certainly impacted by a
his tory of

Patron-clientelis m

In comparis on to citizens
in other countries ,
Nig erian citizens
experience the

Lowes t PPP (buying power of


In comparis on to national
elections in 2003 and
2007, elections in
Nig eria in 2011

were les s corrupt

In contras t to the
electoral s ys tem in
Rus s ia and Mexico, the
electoral s ys tem in
Nig eria does not make
us e of

Proportional repres entation

Indirect rule

A term us ed to des cribe the Britis h s tyle

of colonialis m in Nig eria and India in
which local traditional rulers and political
s tructures were us ed to help s upport the
colonial g overning s tructure

F inancial
Ins titutions
(IF Is )

This term g enerally refers to the

International Bank for Recons truction
and Development (the World Bank) and
the International Monetary Fund (the
IMF), but can als o include other
international lending ins titutions

Interventionis t

An interventionis t s tate acts vig orous ly to

s hape the performance of major s ectors
of the economy

In which of the
following ways
did the Britis h
influences in
Nig eria during
the 19th
century that
ag ains t

The Britis h s treng thened the authority of

traditional chiefs , allowing the loos ening
of their res pons ibility to the people

Iran and
Nig eria differ
in g overnment
s tructure in

Iran is unitary; Nig eria is federal


J ihad

Literally "s trug g le." Althoug h often us ed

to mean armed s trug g le ag ains t
unbelievers , it can als o mean to fig ht
ag ains t s ociopolitical corruption or a
s piritual s trug g le for s elf-improvement


Leg itimacy

A belief by powerful g roups and the

broad citizenry that a s tate exercis es
rig htful authority. In the contemporary
world, a s tate is s aid to pos s es s
leg itimacy when it enjoys cons ent of the
g overned, which us ually involves
democratic procedures and the attempt
to achieve a s atis factory level of
development and equitable dis tribution of
res ources

Like Iran,
Nig eria has
one of the
lowes t rates in
the world of

Female repres entation in the leg is lature


2 4.



2 7.


3 1.



3 4.



3 7.



40 .

The main g oal of

s tructural adjus tment
prog rams for Nig eria
has been to

Reduce Nig eria's

dependence on oil

Mexican political culture

differs from Nig erian
political culture becaus e

Mexicans have a s trong s ens e

of national identity, while
Nig erians identify more
s trong ly with their individual
ethnic g roup

The "national ques tion"

dilemma is whether or
not Nig eria s hould

Stay tog ether as a nation

Nig eria and China both


the dominance of a s ing le

political party

The Nig erian

g overnment has
s ubs idized the cos t of
fuel heavily, as has the
g overnment in


Nig erians who res pond

to the rentier s tate with
"rent-s eeking " behavior

compete throug h political

connections for the
g overnment's larg es s e

Nig eria's
democratization proces s
is bes t des cribed as a

proces s interrupted by
frequent military intervention

One of the mos t

important s ocial
cleavag es in Nig eria is

Ethnicity; the political

boundaries of s tates do not
always coincide with
boundaries of nations

Paras tatals

State-owned indus tries or bus ines s es .

Sometimes the g overnment will own and
manag e the company outrig ht, or only own
a majority s hare of its s tock but allow
members of the private s ector to run it

Paras tatals in
Nig eria are
that are

Owned by the s tate and des ig nated to

provide commercial and s ocial welfare
s ervices

A policy us ed
by the
g overnments
of China and
Nig eria to
les s en ethnic
tens ions is to

Allow national g overnment exemptions and

quotas for ethnic minorities

parties in
Nig eria are

org anized around pers onalities and

powerful individuals

45 .

Prebendalis m

Patterns of political behavior that res t on

the jus tification that official s tate offices
s hould be utilized for the pers onal benefit
of officeholders as well as of their s upport
g roup or clients

46 .


Selling s tate-owned as s ets to private

owners and inves tors , intended to
g enerate revenue, reduce was teful s tate
s pending , and improve efficiency

A reg ime
chang e
occurred in
Nig eria when

the election of 1999 replaced General

Abubakar with Olus eg un Obas anjo


Economic g ains that do not compens ate

thos e who produced them and do not
contribute to productivity, typically
as s ociated with g overnment earning s that
do not g et channeled back into either
inves tments or policies that benefit the
public g ood. Purs uit of economic rents (or
"rent-s eeking ") is profit s eeking that takes
the form of nonproductive economic

makes it
difficult for a
pres idential
candidate to
win who is

A purely reg ional favorite


Is lamic law derived mos tly from the Qur'an

and the examples s et by the Prophet
Muhammad in the Sunnah


42 .

43 .


One reas on that a

parliamentary-s tyle
g overnment failed in
Nig eria was that it was
difficult to

Identify a majority party

One s imilarity between

the political cultures of
Rus s ia and Nig eria is
that both are
characterized by

Extens ive cultural

heterog eneity


48 .

49 .


5 1.


A s pecial
requirement for
pres idential
elections in
Nig eria is that a
s ucces s ful
candidate mus t

Receive at leas t 25% of all the votes

cas t in 2/3 of the s tates

adjus tment
prog ram (SAP)

Prog rams es tablis hed by the World

Bank intended to alter and reform the
economic s tructures of hig hly
indebted Third World countries and
as a condition for receiving
international loans . SAPs often involve
the neces s ity for privatization, trade
liberalization, and fis cal res traint,
which typically requires the
dis mantling of s ocial welfare s ys tems


The tendency for

an ethnic g roup to
s ee its elf as a
dis tinct nation
with a rig ht to
autonomy or
independence is

Ethnonationalis m

The two Nig erian

pres idents mos t
res pons ible for
ins titutionalization
of corruption
among the
political elite were

Ibrahim Babang ida and Sani Abacha


Unfinis hed s tate

A s tate characterized by ins tabilities

and uncertainties that may render it
s us ceptible to collaps e as a coherent


Warrant chiefs

Leaders employed by the Britis h

colonial reg ime in Nig eria. A s ys tem
in which "chiefs " were s elected by the
Britis h to overs ee certain leg al
matters and as s is t the colonial
enterpris e in g overnance and law
enforcement in local areas




6 1.



6 4.
5 4.

5 7.

What is an
comparis on of the
development of
party s ys tems in
Nig eria and
Mexico during the
20th century?


Whereas Mexico's one-party s ys tem

contributed to political s tability,
Nig eria's extreme factionalis m made
it impos s ible to develop a coherent
party s ys tem


6 7.



When Goodluck J onathan

replaced Umaru Yar'Adua as
pres ident in 2010, it was the
firs t time in Nig eria s ince
independence that a

Man with a non-military

backg round replaced
another man with a nonmilitary backg round

Which 2 countries are rentier

s tates ?

Iran, Nig eria

Which countries have formal

federalis t s tructures ?

Nig eria, Rus s ia, Mexico

Which Nig erian ins titution is

the mos t truly national in

The military

Which of the following

accurately compares the
policymaking power of the
leg is latures in Iran and
Nig eria?

The leg is lature in Iran

g enerally has more
policymaking power than
does the Nig erian
leg is lature

Which of the following is an

accurate comparis on of rules
for pres idential elections in
both Rus s ia and Nig eria?

In both countries , if a
pres idential candidate
does not receive 50% of
the vote or more, a
s econd ballot election
mus t take place

Which of the following is an

accurate comparis on of the
us e of s haria in Iran and
Nig eria?

Sharia is an important
s ource of leg al authority
for all courts in Iran; in
Nig eria s haria is applied
in courts only in the north

Which of the following is a

s imilarity in literacy rates in
Iran and Nig eria?

Both countries have larg e

g aps between the literacy
rates for men and women

Which of the following pairs

of countries us e only the
s ing le-member plurality
s ys tem to elect the lower
hous es of their leg is lature?

Britain and Nig eria

Which of the following was

the mos t important ins titution
that held Nig eria tog ether as
a country in the years
following independence in

The military

Which party has g enerally

dominated elections in
Nig eria in recent years ?

The People's Democratic


Which was the mos t

important reas on that
Nig eria eventually s ettled on
a federalis t, not a unitary,
political s ys tem in 1979?

It was an attempt to
mollify ethnic tens ions

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