Solar Rebate App2009

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Alameda Municipal Power

Solar Photovoltaic Rebates

Rebate Amounts

Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) is offering $4.2 million in rebates over ten years in support of customers
that install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems that meet AMP’s engineering criteria for system
interconnection. The offering covers a total of 2,127 kilowatts (kW) of PV installation, as follows:

Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Max kW 150 162 174 187 201 215 232 250 268 288
Rebate ($ / Watt) $ 2.80 $ 2.60 $ 2.42 $ 2.25 $ 2.09 $ 1.95 $ 1.81 $ 1.68 $ 1.57 $ 1.46

Funds earmarked for future years may be allocated to customers in advance, although actual payments of such
funds will not be made until the future year when the funds are made available during the AMP budget process.
Unused funds from any year’s funding increment will remain available for future funding at that year’s rebate level.


Rebates will be made available to all residential and commercial customers on a first-come first-served basis, with
the proviso that all applications approved by AMP prior to January 1, 2008 will be considered to have been
approved on January 1, 2008 for the purposes of their placement in the rebate queue. Consistent with AMP’s Net
Energy Metering tariff (Rider NEM), the solar PV installation must not exceed a capacity of 1,000 kW, and the PV
installation must be sized to meet no more than 110% of the customer’s estimated load. One customer is defined
as the load being served by one meter.

System and Program Requirements

PV systems receiving rebates must comply with State established standards. As specified on the application form,
these standards include optimum orientation, tilt of solar panels, acceptable shade analysis results, certification of
equipment and installers, and system warranties. In addition, all program participants will be required: to undergo a
free AMP energy efficiency audit, to accept the terms and conditions contained in AMP’s Interconnection and
Purchase Agreement for Net Energy Metering, and to obtain necessary building permits from the City of Alameda.

Special Considerations

On behalf of all of its customer/ratepayers who are funding the rebate program, AMP will retain ownership of all
renewable energy credits (RECs) from the PV generation during the first 10 years of project operation. However,
the customer may purchase these RECs from AMP for a fixed $60 per megawatt hour (MWH) during the 10 year
period. The proceeds from the REC sales will be used to the benefit of all Alamedans under the guidance of the
Public Utilities Board (PUB) in such areas including, but not limited to: 1) energy efficiency programs for the
Alameda Unified School District, 2) to increase the PV rebate amounts beyond the $4.2M target, and 3) to enhance
AMP Green Portfolio. The PUB may also implement alternative payment methods that capture the $60/MWH REC
value for all Alamedans.

Commercial customers requesting rebates will be granted rebates at the available funding level(s), but the rebates
may be displaced to a future year’s lower funding level by residential customers requesting rebates prior to January
1st 2009. In addition, during 2009 and 2010, 20 kW per year will be reserved for residential applicants.

All rebate amounts will be effective for 180 days from the time stamped on the customer’s approved AMP
application. If a customer has not proceeded with the PV installation within 180 days of application approval, AMP
will assume the customer has abandoned the project, and the approved rebate amount will be made available to
other customers. The customer may reapply after the 180 days has expired.

AMP Solar Rebate Form 08182008 Page 1 of 6

Alameda Municipal Power
Process for Obtaining Solar PV Rebates
The following 7 steps take you through the process of obtaining a solar PV rebate from Alameda
Municipal Power .

1. Obtain solar PV rebate application and Interconnection and Purchase Agreement for Net Energy
Metering (IA) from Alameda Municipal Power at
a. Application -
b. Agreement -
Fill out the application and return it to Alameda Municipal Power– Solar Rebate Applications - with the
required attachments. Fill out two originals of the IA and return them with the solar PV rebate
application. Alameda Municipal Power will provide the customer an estimate of the level and timing of
the rebate amount based on the customer’s position in the rebate queue. General information on solar
costs and solar power production can be found at the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) website:

2. Schedule the required free energy audit with Alameda Municipal Power . (Call 510-748-3947)

3. Upon receiving application approval from Alameda Municipal Power , obtain a building permit from the
City of Alameda. It is recommended to get application approval from Alameda Municipal Power before
obtaining the building permit because changes to the design may be necessary to comply with Alameda
Municipal Power’s standards.

For info on AMP's Installation Requirements

For info on City of Alameda Building Permits

For info on new City of Alameda Fire Department Regulations

4. After receipt of the building permit, the customer should begin the installation process, which must begin
within 180 days of application approval to maintain the customer’s position in the rebate queue.

5. Upon completion of the installation, send or deliver a copy of the signed-off building permit to Alameda
Municipal Power– Solar Rebate Applications. A visit to the customer site will be made by Alameda
Municipal Power staff to ensure that the installation has been constructed per the approved application.

6. Upon receipt of the signed-off building permit and verification of correct installation, Alameda Municipal
Power will sign the original IA.

7. Alameda Municipal Power will make a final determination of the rebate amount and timing of the rebate.
The rebate check and one original copy of the signed IA will be sent to the customer.

AMP Solar Rebate Form 08182008 Page 2 of 6

Alameda Municipal Power

Solar PV Rebate Application


1. AMP Customer Information: Provide required customer information including the street address where the
system will be installed, and the AMP account number for existing customers.

2. Installer Information: If the customer intends to install the system, check “AMP customer” box. If
installation is NOT by the AMP customer, fill out the required installer information. Provide the installer's
name, address, California license class (e.g. C-10, electrical or C-46, solar), and license number of the
installing contractor. A minimum 10 year warranty is required for all systems. Approved installers may be
found at:

3. System Owner Information: Provide System Owner information if different than AMP Customer. A system
owner different than AMP Customer must be registered with the CEC.

4. Generating System:
It may be useful for the customer to review the general discussion of system specifications and installation
guidelines at:

a. PV Modules: Enter the manufacturer's name, model number, watts per module, and quantity of
photovoltaic modules that your system will contain. Only modules that have been certified by a
nationally recognized testing laboratory as meeting the requirements of the Underwriters Laboratory (UL)
Standard 1703 are eligible. The California Energy Commission (CEC) maintains a list of certified modules
and their “PVUSA Test Conditions” (PTC) ratings on their website at:
Multiply the module quantity by the module PTC watts to get Total Module Output in watts PTC.
b. Inverters: Enter the manufacturer's name, model and inverter efficiency (at three-quarter's load) of the
inverter in your system. Inverters must be certified as meeting the requirements of UL 1741. A list of
certified inverters can be obtained from the CEC website at:
Check box if the inverter includes a meter.
Slope Flat 4:12 7:12 12:12 21:12
5. System Rated Output: Multiply the Total Module Output by the Direction Degrees 0 13 30 45 60
Inverter Efficiency; this is the total AC module output upon which S 180 0.89 0.97 1.00 0.97 0.89
the rebate will be based. Fill out the orientation and incline angles SSE, SSW 158, 203 0.89 0.97 0.99 0.96 N/A
for installation of the panels. Acceptable efficiency ranges to SE, SW 135, 225 0.89 0.96 0.96 0.93 N/A
receive the rebate are in table to the right (N/A denotes ESE, WSW 113, 248 0.89 0.92 0.91 N/A N/A
unacceptable combinations). Enter the estimated energy E, W 90, 270 0.89 N/A N/A N/A N/A
production and indicate the calculation methodology used to
determine the value in kilowatt-hours (e.g. Clean Power Estimator, PV Installer's Guide, CSI EPBB
Calculator, etc). This value should take into account shading derates.

6. Installed System Cost: Enter the total cost of the system, equipment and installation, before the rebate.
This is optional and for AMP research and PV costing studies.

7. Rebate Payee: Check the box indicating to whom AMP will pay the rebate. If not the customer, copies of
contracts with other parties must be provided.

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Alameda Municipal Power

Solar PV Rebate Application

8. Purchase of REC’s: Check the yes box if the customer wants to purchase the REC’s from AMP for a period
of ten years (see page 1).

9. Attachments: In addition to the completed application form, submit the following documents:

a. AMP Utility Bill (Existing customers only)

b. Copy of all contracts between customer and installer, system owner, and/or retailer.
c. Copy of Installer warranty
d. Shading Analysis (e.g. or site photos depicting no shading)
e. System PV drawing that will be submitted with City building permit application.
f. Two original signed copies of the Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering.

Upon receipt and approval of your application, you will have 180 days to begin the installation process.

AMP Solar Rebate Form 08182008 Page 4 of 6

Alameda Municipal Power

Solar PV Rebate Application

1. AMP Customer Information: (Physical Site of System Installation)

Installation Address:
Phone: Fax:
AMP Account #: Email:
2. Installer Information: AMP Customer Other Installer (Shown Below)
Company Name: Contact Name:
Phone : Email:
Contractor Class: License#: Expires: Installer Warranty
10yr Other_____
3. System Owner: (If not AMP Customer, Must be registered with CEC)
Company Name: Contact Name:
Phone: Fax: Email:
4. PV System Information:
Module Manufacturer Module Model # PTC Watts/Module Quantity

Total Module Output__________________________ Watts PTC (Quantity x PTC Watts/Module)

Inverter Manufacturer Inverter Model # Efficiency (from CEC) Quantity

Inverter includes performance meter? Yes No

5. System Rated Output:
System Rated Output: ____________ Watts AC (Total module output watts x inverter efficiency)
Orientation: (Between 90°E and 270°W) ______° Tilt/Incline (0° to 60°): ______°
Estimated Annual Energy Production:_________________kWh/year (Includes any shade derates)
Methodology Used:
6. Installed System Cost: (Optional)
Total Cost of system before AMP incentive $ ____________
7. Rebate Payee: (If not customer, copy of contracts with other parties must be provided)
Pay Rebate To:
AMP Customer Retailer Installer System Owner
8. Purchase of REC’s: (see page 1 for description of this option)
Yes No
9. Attachments: (Required)
AMP Utility Bill Contract w/Installer/System Owner/Retailer Copy of Warranty
Shading Analysis System Drawing Interconnection Agreement for Net Meterin

AMP Solar Rebate Form 08182008 Page 5 of 6

Alameda Municipal Power

Solar PV Rebate Application


Each of the Undersigned declares under penalty of perjury that:

1) Information provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
2) The PV system is intended to offset no more than the AMP Customer’s estimated load at
the site of the installation,
3) Site of the installation is located within Alameda Municipal Power’s service territory,
4) Customer’s intent is to operate the system at the listed site of installation for its useful life.

AMP Customer Signature: Date:

System Owner Signature : Date:

(If different from Customer)

Please mail or deliver your rebate application to:

Deliver Mail
Alameda Municipal Power Alameda Municipal Power
Solar Electric Rebate Program Solar Electric Rebate Program
2000 Grand Street P.O. Box H
Alameda, CA 94501 Alameda, CA 94501

For AMP use only:

Date Application Received: __________ Signed IA Attached: Yes / No

Energy Audit: Scheduled By ______________ Date ________

Application: Approved by __________________ Date _________

Copy of Signed-off Building Permit Received: Date _________ Reviewer _____________

Final Site Visit Made: Date _________ Reviewer _____________

Signed Interconnection Agreement: Date __________ Reviewer _____________

Approved Rebate Amount: $ ______________ Date Approved: ________

Approved By:_______

PV Rebate Check Issued/Mailed IA: Date _______________ Check No. _________

AMP Solar Rebate Form 08182008 Page 6 of 6

Subject: Solar Photovoltaic Systems Standard Standard Number
Approved By: Fire Chief David Kapler
Page 1 of 3
Refer To: Fire Marshal Michael Fisher Effective Date:
November 26, 2007
Policy Review Date: November 8, 2008 Revised Date:

Fire Prevention Standards

The Alameda Fire Department (AFD) has developed a standard of conditions to ensure
firefighter and public safety for all solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems. The AFD
appreciates the environmental friendly technologic advances these systems bring.
However, traditional firefighting techniques such as roof venting, water extinguishment
and fire overhaul will have to be modified to ensure human safety. Roofs that contain
solar arrays will be most difficult for firefighters to vent. Delayed roof venting may
increase the time factor in fire containment resulting in a greater extent of fire damage
overall. Additional roof loading by PV systems may also cause the roof integrity to be
compromised sooner during fire conditions. Conventional water extinguishment on roofs
with solar PV systems may not be an option for firefighters if the integrity of any portion
of the solar array is threatened, as the risk of accidental electrocution is greatly increased.
Fire overhaul will also be a challenge for firefighters, as broken panels or compromised
solar conduit will remain energized during daylight hours or when illuminated by lights.

The following conditions will apply to all roof and ground mounted solar PV

1. There will be a minimum of 36” of walking space around the perimeter of solar
arrays installed on roofs.
2. Ground mounted solar arrays will be erected in areas clear of combustible
vegetation. A minimum vegetation clearance or mowed perimeter of 10’ shall be
3. All solar conduits, interior or exterior, will be permanently labeled with fade
resistant material as follows: “CAUTION Solar PV Wiring May Remain
Energized After Disconnection During Daylight Hours.” (See attached signage
4. Battery storage in enclosed rooms to be mounted a minimum of 24” above floor.
If contained within cabinet, a permanent placard is to be posted.
5. Permanent placard installed on exterior and interior of main electrical panel
stating: “CAUTION Solar PV System Installed. When Power Disconnected,
Solar Panels And Wiring May Remain Energized During Daylight Hours.”
6. All disconnects shall be accessible to fire department and located together when
7. A separate emergency disconnect on roof to disconnect solar panels from interior
and exterior wiring running to inverter. This disconnect must be permanently
labeled, in fade resistant material, “Emergency Disconnect.”
8. The maximum length or width shall not exceed 100 feet.

I have read the above safety concerns involved in the installation of a solar PV system and
understand the conditions set forth above.

Signed by Date

Print Name

Two forms of signage are required for solar PV systems. Permanently

affixed labels should have a white background with reflective red lettering.
Printed material should resist fading. Size of lettering should be equal to the
example below.

1. Exterior /Interior Conduit Signage:

To be installed every 20’. For vertical conduit, a minimum of one label

to be affixed at eye level.

Solar PV Wiring May Remain Energized
After Disconnection During Daylight Hours.

2. Exterior/Interior of Electrical Panel Signage:

Solar PV System Installed. When Power Disconnected,
Solar Panels And Wiring In Conduit To Inverter May
Remain Energized During Daylight Hours.
Alameda Municipal Power
Solar Rebate Program Checklist
Date Responsible
Solar Rebate Checklist Notes
Completed Party
1 Energy Audit - Scheduled by Customer Customer Schedule Energy Audit by calling Alameda Municipal Power (510-748-3947)
2 Energy Audit - Completed by Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) AMP After site Energy Audit, AMP will provide a report to the customer
Customer to complete Solar Application & sign 2 original interconnection agreements, and must send all
3 Solar Rebate Application & Interconnection Agreements Customer completed documents to AMP. Missing documents or failure to submit completed documents will cause
processing delays.
A confirmation letter will be sent to the customer by AMP once all documents have been successfully
4 Solar Rebate Application Notification Notice AMP
completed by the applicant and 2 original Interconnection Agreements signed by the system owner
Solar Customer
Customer or Solar Contractor must apply for a Building Permit with the City Building Department. (This
5 City of Alameda Building Permit or
can occur at the same time as Step 3).
Solar Contractor
Customer's or Solar Contractor's submitted construction plans are reviewed by City departments. If
6 Solar PV Plan Check Process - by AMP, AFD, & Building Dept. Fire Department
changes are required to the submitted design, plans are returned to the applicant for re-submittal.
Building Department
Customer or Solar Contactor will be issued a permit from City Building Department once all City inter-
7 Permit Issued Building Department
departmental Plan Check Reviews have been approved
Call AMP Engineering Supervisor @ (510) 748-3996 for solar module inspections once they arrive at the
8 Panel Inspection (on site, pre-installation) Solar Contractor
site and prior to installation. Inspection Card must be made available for AMP Sign-Off
Solar PV System must be installed and ready for final electrical inspection within 180 days from Step 4--
9 Construction of Solar PV System begins Solar Contractor
as noted on the "Solar Rebate Application Notification Notice".
Solar Contractor completes Solar PV System and calls City Permits Office at (510) 747-6830 for
10 Final-Electrical Inspection - Scheduled by Customer Applicant
inspections by Building Department
After Final-Electrical has passed inspection and signed-of by the City Building Department, a Service
11 Final-Electrical Sign-off - (Electric Service Order Issued to AMP) Building Department
Order is sent to AMP by the Building Inspector to initiate the Utility interconnection inspections
Solar Contractor must be present to conduct Solar PV System tests. Solar Contractor must call AMP
Engineering at (510) 748-3996. AMP
AMP Final Site Visit - Scheduled by Customer or Contractor
12 (Interconnection Inspection & "EG" Meter Installation)
AMP Electric Meter Shop will install the Solar PV performance (EG) meter once all equipment has been
installed per approved plans, AMP standards, and field tested. (THIS IS THE ANNUAL NET-METERING
AMP performs document checks and signs 2 original copies of the Interconnection Agreement--
13 Solar PV Document Checks AMP
previously signed by the cutomer.
Payment to the customer, solar company, or system owner as specified by the Solar Rebate Application,
14 Rebate Check AMP will depend on the Finance “cut-off dates” and “check issue dates” schedule. This can vary from 5-10
working days. Payment is sent the same day the check is generated.

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