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Digital Marketing Trends 2015

Wearable Technology and
Augmented Reality
Reducing the gap between online and offline
(virtual) experiences are going to be a huge
jump not only for digital marketing, but for entire
internet too. The first possible Virtual
technological advancement which is supposed
to combine both online and offline is microlocation technology. It will revolutionize the
whole scenario resulting high penetration of
these technologies into commercial arena:
B2B marketer Prediction: According to Forester
by 2020, 1 sale out of 5 is going to be come
from wearable devices that are going to start
from 2015 itself.
In 2015 wearable technology will become
much popular that we will be able to see some
of its marketing application of technology. The
internet of things is going to completely change
the existing environment for marketers and they
will have to stay in touch with changing needs
of consumers.

Although it will make the smallest commercial

difference to most of the companies. Year
2015 is going to launch year of all these new
technologies. It will quite interesting to witness
the acceptance of market applications of
their apps

Apple Watch Apps

Google Glass
Facebook Oculus Rift

Employee Advocates will

humanize digital
marketing experiences
on behalf of their brands,
outperforming traditional
media investments. This
will require digital
marketers to once again
rethink and reshuffle the
budgeting decision deck.

-Susan Emerick

Manager, Enterprise
Social Strategy &
Programs, IBM

Presented by ADG

Digital Marketing Trends 2015

Hyper-Segmentation and Micro
Personalization has established it place as a
core aspect of every digital marketing
practices, but 2015 is year which is going to
introduce more complex algorithms to hyperpersonalize ads. Location Targeting and
Retargeting are going to pair up in a more
constructive way to accentuate a cohesive
customer experience that anticipates and well
respond to every need of customers.
Majority of Marketers utilize varied source of
web data such as Facebook and Twitter that
act as a valuable repository for vital stats about
their targeted audience. Seamless access to
their repository leads to successful execution of
marketing strategy enabling them to target
their niche. This is possible because of Efficient
Targeted advertising than ever.
Actually it is socially accepted that use of data
for online advertising almost 50% of consumer
opposed limited use of data for this purpose. No
doubt targeted ads considered twice effective
in comparison to non-targeted ones and one of
the study states that retargeted display ads
prompts 1000% more audience to search for a
product! It is clear that targeted strategies will
dynamically rise in 2015.

1000 %
A Retargeted display ad will
encourage 1000% more
people to search for a

2015 will be the year of

HUMAN for digital
marketers. Gone are the
days of corporate-speak
messaging and dull,
boring campaigns.
Instead, well begin to
see more marketers
incorporate humanspeak into their
messaging videos,
pictures, humor, and

-DJ Waldow

Digital Marketing,
Evangelist, Marketo

Presented by ADG

Digital Marketing Trends 2015

Marketing Analytics will boom

There is going to be flood of Marketing

Automation tools rapidly replacing old
Traditional CRM methodologies. Their intensive
use is predicted to shoot up by 52% by starting of
year 2015. Importance of marketing data is
expected to rise rapidly for majority of Marketing
and communication endeavors with its
acquisition much easier, faster and efficient.
Prospects for marketers are going to generate a
large number of customized detailed
information. This information is utilized by
companies of varied verticals with the help of
specialized software.
Marketing guys has been already using lots
of analytics tool to observe how customers
collaborate with their products and
services. This side of marketing is going to
rise steadily in 2015 and spending on
particular this section is going to rise by

$125 billion
The big data and analytics
market will reach $125
billion worldwide in 2015,
according to IDC.

An ever-expanding mix of
devices and channels is
creating even greater
pressures for digital teams to
quantify their efforts, but the
technology is here and the
market demand for talented
analysts & data-savvy
marketers has been in place
long enough that 2015 is the
year digital measurement
finally comes of age

-Adam Singer
Analytics Advocate,

Use of marketing automation
will increase conversion rates
by 50% in 2015
Dependence on Marketing Automation Tools
B2B businesses in Technological Industry have leaded the
competition in use of Marketing Automation Tools. But many
businesses are struggling to integrate their existing system
integrate their existing system into Automation enterprise solutions.
According to a study by Aberdeen Group, Use of marketing
automation will increase conversion rates by 50%

Presented by ADG

Digital Marketing Trends 2015

Omni-Channel Advertising
What is Omni channel advertising?
The term Omni-channel may be a marketing
buzzword, but it refers to a significant shift:
marketers now need to provide a seamless
experience, regardless of channel or device.
Consumers can now engage with a company in a
physical store, on an online website or mobile app,
through a catalog, or through social media. They
can access products and services by calling a
company on the phone, by using an app on their
mobile smartphone, or with a tablet, a laptop, or a
desktop computer. Each piece of the consumers
experience should be consistent and

The Omni-Channel Approach borrows substantial

things from a number of Disciplines such as MultiChannel Marketing (that promotes basic need of
maintaining a well balanced media mix);
Customer Experience Management (which elicits
the rising importance of convenience, options and
ease of access across various transactional touch
points) and last Integrated Marketing
Communications (that stresses on the need of
coordination between content and timing of
messaging across varied channels). In fact OmniChannel comprises three aspects:

Our industry is always coming

up with new words
integrated ads, or
whateverbut omnichannel is
the right way to look at the
future. It encompasses
everything weve been
working towards

Senior Executive

Global Advertising

As an Emerging Actionable Concept, it is wholly

designed for backing Strategic Business objectives of
enterprises more than just daily tactical needful of marketer
(instead it elevates job role of a marketer by clouting his
stand at the interchange of customer insight, transactional
touch points and media). Similarly the important requisite is
transformation of media infrastructure and marketing
(appropriate business processes, supporting toolset and
incentive structure is required)

This has been made possible recently, through the

development of data, technology resources and media
which ultimately allows holistic deep insights into consumer
segments and

Its final mission is Optimized lifetime value of

customer relationships with the help of informed
engagement which is very distinct from a tactical need of
any particular media channel.

Presented by ADG

Digital Marketing Trends 2015

Paid Ads Amplification
It is undergoing from this year and it will
continue to happen in 2015 too, this year will be
year of paid amplification. With content
marketing consistently reaching new horizon
every year the success definition leading
towards higher consumption of quality content.
This will lead towards new ad testing, AB testing,
math calculations and optimization as content
distribution is as essential as content production.
With substantial changes in worlds largest social
networking site Facebook. There are concrete
chances of change in social media marketing
budgets for many brands and enterprises
striving in competition.
Its not a secret yet that Facebook post organic
reach id diminishing day-by-day and becoming
a critical problem for Enterprises who are
dependent on this for marketing endeavors. This
is considerate decline in amount of reach which
significantly raised Filtered Feed Problem.
Facebook will continue limiting the numbers of
post that fans of page actually see on their
news feed. Chances of promoted content
seem to be dynamically increasing this year. This
increase in need will arrive with hiked pricing.

According to an Ad Week article

earlier this year, 2014 Q1 Facebook
ad pricing was up 10% over 2013
Q4 pricing. This trend is likely to
continue into 2015 as organic post
reach continues to fall.

2015 will continue a trend that

has caught steam this year,
which is mixing paid media
with owned media to
accelerate content
distribution. The best native
advertising helps build an
audience into a long-term
business asset, and thats a
goal worth spending on in
conjunction with owned
content creation.

-Brian Clark
CEO, Copyblogger Media

Presented by ADG

ADG is an award winning digital
media outfit that specializes in
formulating digital lead gen
strategy and conversion led
plans for a large chunk of blue
chip accounts.
The company specializes in
Social Media Marketing,
Measurement, Monitoring and
Listening, Conversion Driven
Media Planning & Buying, CRM
centric analysis, Multimedia and
Creatives, Performance driven
Mobile Marketing, Analytics
Google Analytics Conversion
Optimization Auditing
Reporting, Direct Marketing
coupled with Teletouch.|@adgonlinesol|Contact

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