Examen Inglés Selctividad

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Examen de ingls Selectividad


Shopping addiction is not a totally new phenomenon. It was first identified in a German
psychiatric text in 1915. But no one is surprised that the consumer society is an ideal setting
for its development. Buying has never been so easy. If credit cards are not enough of a
temptation, nowadays you can even buy from the comfort of your own home, through the
Internet or television.
The health services of some Spanish regional governments have created specific units to treat
those affected by this addiction. Some psychiatrists are even of the opinion that this condition
is a major social illness.
Illness or not, it is a real problem for those who suffer from it, because compulsive buyers
lack control over their shopping habits, they go out window shopping and come back with
lots of bags full of unnecessary items. The buyer normally suffers from affective or personal
problems, such as anxiety, depression or loneliness, and uses shopping as compensation for
their problems. It is as if in order to be somebody they need to buy.
As happens with other addictions, those affected do not recognize their situation until they
and their families find themselves in difficulties, in this case in financial difficulties.
Associations similar to alcoholics anonymous are beginning to operate in Spain to help tackle
this disease. They do group therapy and teach the shopaholics to control their buying
impulses. Its not surprising to discover that these associations have been functioning in the
USA, the paradise of consumer culture, for some decades.
a) Add True or False, quoting the relevant information from the text. (3 p.)
1. The Spanish Health Ministry has created special units to treat shop addicts.
2. Buying in excess is a consequence of other problems.
2. Shop addicts behave just like other addicts
b) Answer the following questions in your own words (Do not copy from the text). (2 p.)
1. Why does the author of the text say that buying has never been so easy?
2. How can compulsive buyers get help?
c) Complete the following sentences. Both sentences should have the same meaning (2 p.)
1. Dr Elliot said: It seems to be a disease of affluence.
Dr Eliot...
2. Irresistible impulses motivate compulsive shopping.
Compulsive ...
3. I had the time to go to the hypermarket so I didn't use shopping systems on the Internet.
4. The disorder in question has an alarming impact on its victims. It has received little medical
d) Write a composition with the following title (80 to 120 words). (3 p.)
What advice would you give to a friend who was more concerned with having material things
than "being him/herself"?

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