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(632-662 M / 12-41 Hijriyyah)

Education system in Islam as long as Khulafa Al-Rasyidin peroid (Abu Bakr, Umar,
Usman, and Ali bin Abi Thalib) was done independently, did not manage by the government,
except in the Umar bin Khattab caliph who added the curriculum inkuttab institutions. The
friends who were had knowledge of religious, their opened the education board. For example
in the Abu Bakr caliph, educational institutionskuttab achieved a meaningful level of
progress. The progressof this kuttab institution was happened when people had conquered the
Muslim areas and had established contacs with the developed nations. These education
institutions had became very important so that the scholars argued that the teaching of AlQuran is fardlu kifayah, if you have already taught, the others should not have to teach them.
According to Mahmud Yunus, when the students finished their educatipn inkuttab
levels of education, they continue to more high level which is in the mosque. In mosque,
there are twolevels; the secondary level and high level. The difference between those
educations is quality of teacher. At the secondary level, teachers have not reached the status
of scholars, while at the high level; teachers are scholars who have deep knowledge and
integrity of the piety and the devout that are recognized by the community.
In the secondary level of kuttab eucational institution, the method of teaching is done
one by one in the boarding scholl of Islamic (pesantren) tradition; this usual method is called
sorogan. While education in the high level of the mosque, were doing in halaqah which was
attended together by students. Education center as long as Khulafa al-Rasyidin period, was
not only in Medina, but also in other cities, such as Mecca and Medina (Hijaz), Bashrah and
Kufah (Iraq), Damsyik and Palestine (Syria), and Egypt (Qohirah). In the centre of this
region, Islamic education was grown rapidly.
Educational materuals that are taugh in the al-Khulafa al-Rasyidin before the Umar
ibn Khattab caliph (32 Hijriyyah / 644 M): for kuttab institution are :

Learn to read and write,

Read the Quran and memorize it,
Learn the specifics practical of Islam, such as how to wudhu, praying, fasting,etc.

When Umar ibn Khattab appointed as a caliph, he instructed the people of the city so that
children are taught :

Riding a camel,
To discharge the arrow,
To read and memorize thelyric-poetic and the simple maxim.

While the education materials on the secondary level and high level are consist:

Al-Quran and it meaning,

Learning hadist ant collect it, and
Fiqih (tasyri)

Sciences and philosophy that were considered at that time, had not been known so it edcation
did not exist. This is a reasonable thing, because remembering that building of their social
community was still in the development of insight to the Islam which were more focusing on
the understanding the Al-Quran and Hadist literally.

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