02 Jlpt Kanji 日本語能力試験漢字

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JLPT Kanji

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test, or JLPT, is a standardized criterion-referenced test to

evaluate and certify the Japanese language proficiency of non-native speakers. It is held twice a year
in East Asia and once a year in other regions. The JLPT has five levels, with Level N5 being the most
basic and Level N1 the most difficult. The Japan Foundation estimates that approximately 150 hours
of study are necessary to pass the Level N5 exam and 900 hours of study are required to pass the
Level N1 test, although the figures may be significantly higher for native English speakers. In 2008,
the Japanese government announced a plan under consideration to use the JLPT to screen
applicants for long-term and permanent resident visas.
The JLPT Kanji are basically Jy Kanji divided into four levels of the JLPT. Each set consists of kanji
required to pass each level of the JLPT.

JLPT Level N5 Kanji (79 entries)

- - day; sun; Japan; counter for days

- . one; one radical (no.1)


- - person

year; counter for years

- . -. large; big


. . two; two radical (no.2)

book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things

. in; inside; middle; mean; center

. long; leader

. - . -. . . exit; leave; go out; come

out; put out; protrude

. . three

- time; hour

. . -. - -. - .

. going; journey
. . . see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible

month; moon

. . behind; back; later

- in front; before

. . . . . .
. . . . - . . . life;

genuine; birth
. five

interval; space

- - . -. .

-. . -. . . . . . above; up

. . four
- - gold
. nine
. -. -. . -. . enter; insert
. study; learning; science
. - . . tall; high; expensive
. . . circle; yen; round
- child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac
. . - outside
. . eight; eight radical (no. 12)
. . six
. . . . . -
. . . . below; down; descend; give; low; inferior
. . . . . come; due; next;
cause; become
spirit; mind; air; atmosphere; mood
. - - - little; small
. seven
. tale; talk
woman; female
noon; sign of the horse; 11AM-1PM; seventh sign of Chinese zodiac
. -. - write
. before; ahead; previous; future; precedence
- name; noted; distinguished; reputation
stream; river; river or 3-stroke river radical (no. 47)
- water
. half; middle; odd number; semi-; part male
west; Spain
exam; school; printing; proof; correction
. . word; speech; language
soil; earth; ground; Turkey
- tree; wood
. . hear; ask; listen
. . . . eat; food
- - what
ten thousand; 10,000
-. every
- . white

- heavens; sky; imperial

- - fire
. -. read
. . . rest; day off; retire; sleep
- - rain

JLPT Level N4 Kanji (166 entries)

. . . meeting; meet; party; association; interview; join
. same; agree; equal

. . matter; thing; fact; business; reason; possibly

. . . oneself

company; firm; office; association; shrine

. . . . . departure; discharge;

publish; emit; start from; disclose; counter for gunshots

someone; person

ground; earth

business; vocation; arts; performance

- - direction; person; alternative

. . - - new

location; place

employee; member; number; the one in charge

. -. .- . -. .-
-. -. -. stand up; rise; set up; erect
. . -. . . . open; unfold; unseal

- - - hand

power; strength; strong; strain; bear up; exert

. . question; ask; problem

. . . . -. -. .
substitute; change; convert; replace; period; age; counter for decades of ages, eras, etc.;

generation; charge; rate; fee

. . . . . .

-. . . . bright; light
. . move; motion; change; confusion; shift; shake

capital; 10**16

- - eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor

. . -. -. . . -.

. traffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.
. say

logic; arrangement; reason; justice; truth

body; substance; object; reality; counter for images

rice field; rice paddy

lord; chief; master; main thing; principal
topic; subject
idea; mind; heart; taste; thought; desire; care; liking
negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy
. . -. make; production; prepare; build
. utilize; business; service; use; employ
-. degrees; occurrence; time; counter for occurrences
. . . . . strong
public; prince; official; governmental
. -. . hold; have
- plains; field; rustic; civilian life
. by means of; because; in view of; compared with
. . . think
house; home; family; professional; expert; performer
generation; world; society; public
. . . many; frequent; much
. . . correct; justice; righteous; 10**40
. . . relax; cheap; low; quiet; rested; contented;
Inst.; institution; temple; mansion; school
- heart; mind; spirit; heart radical (no. 61)
. . teach; faith; doctrine
sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary
radical (no. 67)
beginning; former time; origin
. . . . .
heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold
. near; early; akin; tantamount
. . consider; think over
. . . . brushstroke; picture
sea; ocean
. . sell
. . know; wisdom
road-way; street; district; journey; course; moral; teachings
. . . gather; meet; congregate; swarm; flock
. . separate; branch off; diverge; fork; another; extra; specially
- thing; object; matter
. . -. -. use; send on a mission; order; messenger; envoy;
ambassador; cause
goods; refinement; dignity; article; counter for meal courses
. . plot; plan; scheme; measure
. .- death; die
private; I; me

. -. . commence; begin
morning; dynasty; regime; epoch; period; (North) Korea
. carry; luck; destiny; fate; lot; transport; progress; advance
. -. . . . end; finish
pedestal; a stand; counter for machines and vehicles
. . . . . wide; broad; spacious
. . -. dwell; reside; live; inhabit
- true; reality; Buddhist sect
. possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx
. . few; little
town; village; block; street
fee; materials
craft; construction; katakana e radical (no. 48)
. . -. . build
. . . . . . empty; sky;
void; vacant; vacuum
. . hurry; emergency; sudden; steep
. -. . -. -. . . .
. . -. . -. -. stop; halt
. escort; send
. -. . -. -. . -. . . -. cut; cutoff; be sharp
. . . . . .
. revolve; turn around; change
. polish; study of; sharpen
. . . leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear
. research; study
. . . music; comfort; ease
. . . . . rouse; wake up; get up
. - . -. . . don; arrive; wear;
counter for suits of clothing
store; shop
. -. ill; sick
. substance; quality; matter; temperament
. -. wait; depend on
. . test; try; attempt; experiment; ordeal
tribe; family
. - . . - early; fast
. . . -. reflect; reflection; projection
- . . parent; intimacy; relative; familiarity; dealer
. verification; effect; testing
England; English
. . doctor; medicine
. attend; doing; official; serve

. -. gone; past; quit; leave; elapse; eliminate; divorce

. flavor; taste
. . - . copy; be photographed; describe
- character; letter; word; section of village
. . solution; answer
night; evening
- sound; noise
. . . pour; irrigate; shed (tears); flow into; concentrate on; notes;
comment; annotate
. . . . homecoming; arrive at; lead to; result in
. - -. old
. song; sing
. buy
. - . . -.
. bad; vice; rascal; false; evil; wrong
. map; drawing; plan; unexpected; accidentally
room; apartment; chamber; greenhouse; cellar
. . walk; counter for steps
- - wind; air; style; manner
. . black
springtime; spring (season)
- . . . red
- . blue; green
building; mansion; large building; palace
roof; house; shop; dealer; seller
. run
. . learn
ocean; western style
trip; travel
clothing; admit; obey; discharge
. borrow; rent
. -. drink; smoke; take
. .- - lend
public chamber; hall
bird; chicken
meal; boiled rice
. exertion; endeavour; encourage; strive; make effort; diligent

daytime; noon
younger brother; faithful service to elders
- fish
elder brother; big brother
- dog
younger sister
elder sister
Sino-; China

JLPT Level N3 Kanji (367 entries)

politics; government
deliberation; consultation; debate; consideration
people; nation; subjects
. . . -. take along; lead; join; connect; party; gang;
. . . . . vis-a-vis;
opposite; even; equal; versus; anti-; compare
- section; bureau; dept; class; copy; part; portion; counter for copies of a newspaper or
. -. . - -. - . .
-. fit; suit; join; 0.1
market; city; town
inside; within; between; among; house; home
- inter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect;
phase; physiognomy
. . . determine; fix; establish; decide
. -. -. . -. .- -.
. . -times; round; game; revolve; counter for occurrences
. elect; select; choose; prefer
rice; USA; metre
. . reality; truth
- . connection; barrier; gateway;
involve; concerning
. -. . . decide; fix; agree upon; appoint
. . whole; entire; all; complete; fulfill
- . . . surface; table; chart;
. . . . war; battle; match
. . . sutra; longitude; pass thru;
expire; warp
. utmost; most; extreme
. . . present; existing; actual
. . . . tune; tone; meter; key (music);

writing style; prepare; exorcise; investigate

. . . . change; take the form of; influence; enchant;

delude; -ization
. . . . . . hit; right; appropriate;

. . . promise; approximately; shrink

neck; counter for songs and poems

method; law; rule; principle; model; system

sex; gender; nature

. need; main point; essence; pivot; key to

system; law; rule

. . . . reign; be at peace; calm down; subdue;

quell; govt; cure; heal; rule; conserve

. task; duties

. . -. turn into; become; get; grow; elapse; reach

period; time; date; term

. . .- -. take; fetch; take up

metropolis; capital

. . . . harmony; Japanese style;

peace; soften; Japan

mechanism; opportunity; occasion; machine; airplane

. - - even; flat; peace

. . add; addition; increase; join; include; Canada

. -. . accept; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch; receive

. . . continue; series; sequel

. . advance; proceed; progress; promote

. . .

number; strength; fate; law; figures

. scribe; account; narrative

. . - - -. -. first time;

. -. finger; point to; indicate; put into; play (chess); measure (ruler)

. authority; power; rights

. . . branch; support; sustain; branch radical (no. 65)

. . - . products; bear; give birth; yield; childbirth; native;

. . . . . . spot; point; mark;

speck; decimal point

. report; news; reward; retribution

. -. - . . -. . .

. finish; come to an end; excusable; need not

. . . lively; resuscitation; being helped; living

meadow; original; primitive; field; plain; prairie; tundra; wilderness

. - together; both; neither; all; and; alike; with

. . gain; get; find; earn; acquire; can; may; able to; profit; advantage; benefit

. . . . . . .

unravel; notes; key; explanation; understanding; untie; undo; solve; answer; cancel; absolve; explain; minute
. . . . . . -. .

. mingle; mixing; association; coming & going

assets; resources; capital; funds; data; be conducive to; contribute to
. beforehand; previous; myself; I
. . -. . -. . . . .
- . yonder; facing; beyond; confront; defy; tend toward; approach
- occasion; side; edge; verge; dangerous; adventurous; indecent; time; when
. -. . . victory; win; prevail; excel
mask; face; features; surface
. revelation; tell; inform; announce
. . . . -. anti . judgement; signature; stamp; seal
. . acknowledge; witness; discern; recognize; appreciate; believe
. - nonplussed; three (in documents); going;
coming; visiting; visit; be defeated; die; be madly in love; participate; take part in
. profit; advantage; benefit
. - association; braid; plait; construct; assemble; unite; cooperate; grapple
faith; truth; fidelity; trust
. exist; outskirts; suburbs; located in
affair; case; matter; item
side; lean; oppose; regret
. . responsibility; duty; term; entrust to; appoint
. . .- -. . pull; tug; jerk; admit; install; quote; refer to
. request; want; wish for; require; demand
- place
. next; order; sequence
yesterday; previous
argument; discourse
bureaucrat; the government
. . . . increase; add; augment; gain; promote
. - . person in charge; connection; duty; concern
emotion; feeling; sensation
. feelings; emotion; passion; sympathy; circumstances; facts
. -. throw; discard; abandon; launch into; join; invest in; hurl; give up; sell at
a loss
. show; indicate; point out; express; display
. . . unusual; change; strange
. .- . strike; hit; knock; pound; dozen
. . -. . . .
straightaway; honesty; frankness; fix; repair
both; old Japanese coin; counter for carriages (e.g., in a train); two
style; ceremony; rite; function; method; system; form; expression
. . assurance; firm; tight; hard; solid; confirm; clear; evident
. . -. . -. . fruit; reward; carry out;
achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed
. contain; form; looks
. invariably; certain; inevitable

performance; act; play; render; stage

year-end; age; occasion; opportunity
. . contend; dispute; argue
discuss; talk
. ability; talent; skill; capacity
rank; grade; throne; crown; about; some
. -. placement; put; set; deposit; leave behind; keep; employ; pawn
. . . -. current; a sink; flow; forfeit
status; rank; capacity; character; case (law, grammar)
. doubt; distrust; be suspicious; question
. -. -. . . . . overdo;
exceed; go beyond; error
bureau; board; office; affair; conclusion; court lady; lady-in-waiting; her
. -. . . . . set free; release; fire;
shoot; emit; banish; liberate
- usual; ordinary; normal; regular
status quo; conditions; circumstances; form; appearance
ball; sphere
post; employment; work
. . . bestow; participate in; give; award; impart;
provide; cause; gift; godsend
. - submit; offer; present; serve (meal);
duty; war; campaign; drafted labor; office; service; role
. . posture; build; pretend
. . . . proportion; comparatively; divide; cut;
separate; split
. . expense; cost; spend; consume; waste
. -. -. . .- -. -. - . . . -. - -. - adhere; attach; refer to; append
. wherefore; a reason
. opinion; theory; explanation; rumor
. -. . . . -.
difficult; impossible; trouble; accident; defect
. . . tenderness; excel; surpass; actor; superiority;
husband; man
. . income; obtain; reap; pay; supply; store
. . . severance; decline; refuse; apologize; warn; dismiss;
prohibit; decision; judgement; cutting
. . . -. . . difference; differ
. . extinguish; blow out; turn off; neutralize; cancel
- - gods; mind; soul
. turn; number in a series
standard; measure
art; technique; skill; means; trick; resources; magic

. . . equip; provision; preparation

home; house; residence; our house; my husband
harm; injury
. distribute; spouse; exile; rationing
. admonish; commandment
. . . . bring up; grow up; raise; rear
seat; mat; occasion; place
. . . call on; visit; look up; offer sympathy
. -. . ride; power; multiplication; record; counter for
vehicles; board; mount; join
. . . . remainder; leftover; balance
. concept; think; idea; thought
- voice
wish; sense; idea; thought; feeling; desire; attention
. . . help; rescue; assist
. . . . . labor; thank
for; reward for; toil; trouble
. example; custom; usage; precedent
. . sort of thing; so; if so; in that case; well
. . -. limit; restrict; to best of ability
. chase; drive away; follow; pursue; meanwhile
. make a deal; selling; dealing in; merchant
leaf; plane; lobe; needle; blade; spear; counter for flat things; fragment; piece
. . . . -. transmit; go
along; walk along; follow; report; communicate; legend; tradition
. work; (kokuji)
- shape; form; style
scenery; view
. . . fall; drop; come down; village; hamlet
. . . . fond; pleasing; like something
. . . . . . retreat; withdraw; retire;
resign; repel; expel; reject
- head; counter for large animals
. . . defeat; negative; -; minus; bear; owe; assume a responsibility
. -. . transit; ford; ferry; cross; import; deliver; diameter; migrate
. . lose; error; fault; disadvantage; loss
. . distinction; difference; variation; discrepancy; margin; balance
end; close; tip; powder; posterity
. . - guard; protect; defend; obey
. - . . . .
young; if; perhaps; possibly; low number; immature
- species; kind; class; variety; seed
. beauty; beautiful
fate; command; decree; destiny; life; appoint
blessing; fortune; luck; wealth
. ambition; full moon; hope; desire; aspire to; expect
. un-; mistake; negative; injustice; non-

. . outlook; look; appearance; condition; view

guess; presume; surmise; judge; understand
grade; steps; stairs
sideways; side; horizontal; width; woof
. -. . . - deep; heighten; intensify;
. .- have the honor to; sign of the monkey; 3-5PM; ninth sign of
Chinese zodiac
Esq.; way; manner; situation; polite suffix
property; money; wealth; assets
. . discriminating; know; write
. call; call out to; invite
- accomplished; reach; arrive; attain
. -. . -. good; pleasing; skilled
climate; season; weather
- extent; degree; law; formula; distance; limits; amount
. . . full; fullness; enough; satisfy
. failure; defeat; reversal
price; cost; value
. stab; protruding; thrust; pierce; prick; collision; sudden
. ray; light
- path; route; road; distance
department; course; section
. -. . . volume; product (x*y); acreage; contents; pile up;
stack; load; amass
other; another; the others
- . dispose; manage; deal with; sentence; condemn; act; behave; place
. . plump; thick; big around
guest; visitor; customer; client
negate; no; noes; refuse; decline; deny
. expert; teacher; master; model; exemplar; army (incl. counter);
. . ascend; climb up
. . easy; ready to; simple; fortune-telling; divination
. - . . quick; fast
exist; suppose; be aware of; believe; feel
. . -. fly; skip (pages); scatter
. -. . kill; murder; butcher; slice off; split;
diminish; reduce; spoil
. nickname; number; item; title; pseudonym; name; call
simple; one; single; merely
. squat; seat; cushion; gathering; sit
. . . rend; rip; tear; break; destroy; defeat; frustrate
. -. exclude; division (x/3); remove; abolish; cancel; except
perfect; completion; end
. . . . . . descend; precipitate;

fall; surrender
. blame; condemn; censure
. . . . . . .
catch; capture
. . . dangerous; fear; uneasy
. . -. salary; wage; gift; allow; grant; bestow on
. -. . . . . suffering;
trial; worry; hardship; feel bitter; scowl
. welcome; meet; greet
park; garden; yard; farm
. . tool; utensil; means; possess; ingredients; counter for armor, suits,
sets of furniture
. . resign; word; term; expression
. . cause; factor; be associated with; depend on; be limited to
- horse
. . . . love; affection; favourite
. wealth; enrich; abundant
. he; that; the
. . un-; not yet; hitherto; still; even now; sign of the ram; 13PM; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac
. -. dance; flit; circle; wheel
. .- . . . deceased; the late; dying;
. . . . . . . .
cool; cold (beer, person); chill
. suitable; occasional; rare; qualified; capable
lady; woman; wife; bride
. -. . draw near; stop in; bring near; gather; collect; send; forward
-. . . -. . crowded; mixture; in bulk; included; (kokuji)
face; expression
. sort; kind; variety; class; genus
. . . . too much; myself; surplus; other; remainder
- king; rule; magnate
. -. . -. return; answer; fade; repay
wife; spouse
. . stature; height; back; behind; disobey; defy; go back
on; rebel
. heat; temperature; fever; mania; passion
. . inn; lodging; relay station; dwell; lodge; be pregnant; home;
medicine; chemical; enamel; gunpowder; benefit
. precipitous; inaccessible place; impregnable position; steep place; sharp eyes
. . . trust; request
. . . . memorize; learn; remember; awake; sober up
- ship; boat
route; way; road
. permit; approve

. -. . . . . slip out;

extract; pull out; pilfer; quote; remove; omit

. convenience

. . . . detain; fasten; halt;

guilt; sin; crime; fault; blame; offense

. toil; diligent; as much as possible

refined; ghost; fairy; energy; vitality; semen; excellence; purity; skill

. . -. . . scatter; disperse; spend;

- . . . quiet


. . rejoice; take pleasure in

. . . . floating; float; rise to surface

. . . discontinue; beyond; sever; cut off; abstain; interrupt; suppress

. . happiness; blessing; fortune

. .- .- . . push; stop; check; subdue; attach;

seize; weight; shove; press; seal; do in spite of

. -. . overthrow; fall;

collapse; drop; break down

. - etc.; and so forth; class (first); quality; equal; similar

. . old man; old age; grow old

. . bend; music; melody; composition; pleasure; injustice; fault;

curve; crooked; perverse; lean

. -. -. pay; clear out; prune; banish; dispose of
courtyard; garden; yard

junior; emptiness; vanity; futility; uselessness; ephemeral thing; gang; set;

party; people
. -. . . diligence; become employed;

. . . slow; late; back; later

. - . reside; to be; exist; live with

. . miscellaneous

. beckon; invite; summon; engage

. quandary; become distressed; annoyed

. . lack; gap; fail; yawning radical (no. 76)

. . . grow late; night watch; sit up late; of course;

renew; renovate; again; more and more; further

. . engrave; cut fine; chop; hash; mince; time; carving

. . approve; praise; title or inscription on picture; assist; agree with

. . . embrace; hug; hold in arms

. crime; sin; offense

. . . . . fear; dread; awe

breath; respiration; son; interest (on money)

. distant; far

. . re-; return; revert; resume; restore; go backwards

. - petition; request; vow; wish; hope

picture; drawing; painting; sketch

. -. -. . -. surpass; cross over; move to;
exceed; Vietnam
. . longing; covetousness; greed; passion; desire; craving
. . . . pain; hurt; damage; bruise
. . laugh
. . mutually; reciprocally; together
. . bundle; sheaf; ream; tie in bundles; govern;
manage; control
. . becoming; resemble; counterfeit; imitate; suitable
file; row; rank; tier; column
. . grope; search; look for
. . . . escape; flee; shirk; evade; set free
. . play
. astray; be perplexed; in doubt; lost; err; illusion
. . dream; vision; illusion
- mister; you; ruler; male name suffix
. . . . . closed; shut
thong; beginning; inception; end; cord; strap
. . -. . fold; break; fracture; bend; yield; submit
- - grass; weeds; herbs; pasture; write; draft
. . livelihood; make a living; spend time
- sake; alcohol
. . grieve; sad; deplore; regret
. . .- -. . clear up
. -. . -. -. . -. -.
. -. - hang; suspend; depend; arrive at; tax; pour
. arrival; proceed; reach; attain; result in
. . . . lie down; sleep; rest; bed; remain
. . . darkness; disappear; shade; informal; grow dark; be blinded
. . steal; rob; pilfer
. suck; imbibe; inhale; sip
sunshine; yang principle; positive; male; heaven; daytime
- - - honorable; manipulate; govern
. . tooth; cog
. forget
. blow; breathe; puff; emit; smoke
daughter; girl
. -. mistake; err; do wrong; mislead
. wash; inquire into; probe
. . accustomed; get used to; become experienced
salute; bow; ceremony; thanks; remuneration
window; pane
once upon a time; antiquity; old times
. poverty; poor

. . angry; be offended
ancestor; pioneer; founder
. swim
counter for cupfuls; wine glass; glass; toast
. -. . exhausted; tire; weary
all; everything
. . . chirp; cry; bark; sound; ring; echo; honk
abdomen; belly; stomach
. . smoke
. . sleep; die; sleepy
. . . . dreadful; be frightened; fearful
. place on the head; receive; top of head; top; summit; peak
box; chest; case; bin; railway car
nightfall; night
. cold
hair of the head
. . . busy; occupied;
genius; years old; cubic shaku
. . . shame; dishonor
accidentally; even number; couple; man & wife; same kind
. admirable; greatness; remarkable; conceited; famous; excellent
- . . how many; how much; how far; how long; some; several

JLPT Level N2 Kanji (367 entries)

party; faction; clique
co-; cooperation
. . general; whole; all; full; total
ward; district
jurisdiction; dominion; territory; fief; reign
. prefecture
. establishment; provision; prepare
. . reformation; change; modify; mend; renew; examine; inspect;
borough; urban prefecture; govt office; representative body; storehouse
. committee; entrust to; leave to; devote; discard
army; force; troops; war; battle
. group; association
each; every; either
leather; skin; reform; become serious
village; town

. forces; energy; military strength

. . dwindle; decrease; reduce; decline; curtail; get hungry
. again; twice; second time
tax; duty
. . occupation; camp; perform; build; conduct (business)
. compare; race; ratio; Philipines
. ward off; defend; protect; resist
. supplement; supply; make good; offset; compensate; assistant; learner
boundary; border; region
. guidance; leading; conduct; usher
vice-; assistant; aide; duplicate; copy
calculate; divining; number; abacus; probability
transport; send; be inferior
. mention; state; speak; relate
line; track
agriculture; farmers
state; province
. warrior; military; chivalry; arms
. elephant; pattern after; imitate; image; shape; sign (of the times)
range; region; limits; stage; level
forehead; tablet; plaque; framed picture; sum; amount; volume
. . Europe
. . shouldering; carry; raise; bear
. . . .
semi-; correspond to; proportionate to; conform; imitate
. prize; reward; praise
. . - environs; boundary; border; vicinity
. . -. create; make; structure; physique
. . . . incur; cover; veil; brood over; shelter; wear;
put on; be exposed (film); receiving
skill; art; craft; ability; feat; performance; vocation; arts
. . . lower; short; humble
restore; return to; revert; resume
. . shift; move; change; drift; catch (cold, fire); pass into
individual; counter for articles
gate; counter for cannons
chapter; lesson; section; department; division; counter for chapters (of a book)
brain; memory
. . . . . -. .
poles; settlement; conclusion; end; highest rank; electric poles; very; extremely; most; highly; 10**48
. . include; bear in mind; understand; cherish
. . storehouse; hide; own; have; possess
. quantity; measure; weight; amount; consider; estimate; surmise
- mould; type; model
. . condition; situation
needle; pin; staple; stinger
. specialty; exclusive; mainly; solely

. valley
history; chronicle
storey; stair; counter for storeys of a building
pipe; tube; wind instrument; drunken talk; control; jurisdiction
soldier; private; troops; army; warfare; strategy; tactics
. touch; contact; adjoin; piece together
. . . . dainty; get thin; taper; slender; narrow
. . merit; efficacy; efficiency; benefit
. . round; full (month); perfection; -ship; pills; make round; roll
up; curl up; seduce; explain away
gulf; bay; inlet
. . record
. . focus; government ministry; conserve
. old times; old things; old friend; former; ex bridge
. circumference; circuit; lap
lumber; log; timber; wood; materials; ingredients; talent
door; counter for houses; door radical (no. 63)
center; middle
. -. compilation; knit; plait; braid; twist; editing; completed poem; part of a
. search; look for; locate
. . transcend; super-; ultra . . . . row; and; besides; as well
as; line up; rank with; rival; equal
heal; cure
. pick; take; fetch; take up
forest; woods
. . . emulate; compete with; bid; sell at auction; bout;
contest; race
jammed in; shellfish; mediate; concern oneself with
- root; radical; head (pimple)
marketing; sell; trade
curriculum; continuation; passage of time
. . leader; commander; general;
admiral; or; and again; soon; from now on; just about
hanging scroll; width
carrier; carry; all
trade; exchange
lecture; club; association
grove; forest
. . attire; dress; pretend; disguise; profess
various; many; several; together
drama; play

navigate; sail; cruise; fly
- - newborn babe; child; young of animals
prohibition; ban; forbid
- . stamp; seal; mark; imprint; symbol; emblem; trademark;
evidence; souvenir; India
. . inverted; reverse; opposite; wicked
. -. . interchange; period; change; convert; replace; renew
. long time; old story
. short; brevity; fault; defect; weak point
oil; fat
. . outburst; rave; fret; force; violence; cruelty; outrage
wheel; ring; circle; link; loop; counter for wheels and flowers
. . fortune-telling; divining; forecasting; occupy; hold; have; get; take
. . plant
. . . pure; purify; cleanse; exorcise;
Manchu dynasty
double; twice; times; fold
. level; average
hundred million; 10**8
. . . . pressure; push; overwhelm;
oppress; dominate
. technique; art; craft; performance; acting; trick; stunt
signature; govt office; police station
. . . . expand; stretch; extend; lengthen; increase
. . halt; stopping
. bomb; burst open; pop; split
land; six
- - jewel; ball
waves; billows; Poland
. sash; belt; obi; zone; region
. . . . prolong; stretching
feathers; counter for birds, rabbits
. . . . harden; set; clot; curdle
. rule; follow; based on; model after
. . . . . riot; war;
disorder; disturb
. universal; wide(ly); generally; Prussia
. fathom; plan; scheme; measure
. bountiful; excellent; rich
. thick; heavy; rich; kind; cordial; brazen; shameless
. . . surround; besiege; store; paling; enclosure; encircle; preserve;
. . . graduate; soldier;
private; die

. . . . .
. abbreviation; omission; outline; shorten; capture; plunder
. . . . . .
. . acquiesce; hear; listen to; be informed; receive
obey; order; turn; right; docility; occasion
boulder; rock; cliff
. . practice; gloss; train; drill; polish; refine
. . . lightly; trifling; unimportant
complete; finish
government office
. afflicted; disease; suffer from; be ill
stratum; social class; layer; story; floor
printing block; printing plate; edition; impression; label
orders; ancient laws; command; decree
angle; corner; square; horn; antlers
. . entwine; coil around; get caught in
. . -. . -. damage; loss;
disadvantage; hurt; injure
. recruit; campaign; gather (contributions); enlist; grow violent
back; amidst; in; reverse; inside; palm; sole; rear; lining; wrong side
Buddha; the dead; France
exploits; unreeling cocoons
. fabricate; build; construct
freight; goods; property
. -. . . . mix; blend; confuse
. rise up
pond; cistern; pool; reservoir
. . . . warm
- star; spot; dot; mark
. eternity; long; lengthy
. . renowned; publish; write; remarkable;
phenomenal; put on; don; wear; arrival; finish (race); counter for suits of clothing; literary work
document; records
warehouse; storehouse
publish; carve; engrave
statue; picture; image; figure; portrait
. . incense; smell; perfume
slope; incline; hill
bottom; sole; depth; bottom price; base; kind; sort
linen; cloth
Buddhist temple
eaves; roof; house; heaven
gigantic; big; large; great
. . quake; shake; tremble; quiver; shiver

hope; beg; request; pray; beseech; Greece; dilute (acid); rare; few; phenomenal
. . contact; touch; feel; hit; proclaim; announce; conflict
. reliant; depend on; consequently; therefore; due to
enroll; domiciliary register; membership
. . . . . . dirty;
pollute; disgrace; rape; defile
sheet of...; counter for flat thin objects or sheets
duplicate; double; compound; multiple
mail; stagecoach stop
go-between; relationship
. . -. . flourish; prosperity; honor; glory;
tag; paper money; counter for bonds; placard; bid
plank; board; plate; stage
skeleton; bone; remains; frame
. . . . . lean; incline; tilt;
trend; wane; sink; ruin; bias
. -. . deliver; reach; arrive; report; notify; forward
. . scroll; volume; book; part; roll up; wind up; tie; coil;
counter for texts (or book scrolls)
. . . burn; blaze; glow
tracks; mark; print; impression
. . wrap; pack up; cover; conceal
stop-over; reside in; resident
. . . . weak; frail
introduce; inherit; help
. employ; hire
. .- . exchange; spare; substitute; per . . deposit; custody; leave with; entrust to
. . .- -. . bake; burning
simplicity; brevity
badge; chapter; composition; poem; design
entrails; viscera; bowels
rhythm; law; regulation; gauge; control
. presents; send; give to; award to; confer on; presenting something
. . . illuminate; shine; compare; bashful
. - - . . . .- .
dilute; thin; weak (tea)
. . . flock; group; crowd; herd; swarm; cluster
second (1/60 minute)
. heart; interior
. . -. . . packed; close; pressed; reprove;
rebuke; blame
pair; set; comparison; counter for pairs
. . . thorn; pierce; stab; prick; sting; calling card
genuine; purity; innocence; net (profit)
the following; next

. cheerful; pleasant; agreeable; comfortable

- one-sided; leaf; sheet; right-side kata radical (no. 91)
. awe; respect; honor; revere
. . . trouble; worry; in pain; distress; illness
spring; fountain
pelt; skin; hide; leather; skin radical (no. 107)
. fishing; fishery
. - . . -. . laid waste; rough; rude;
. . savings; store; lay in; keep; wear mustache
. stiff; hard
. . . . . . bury; be filled
up; embedded
pillar; post; cylinder; support
. . ritual; offer prayers; celebrate; deify; enshrine; worship
sack; bag; pouch
writing brush; writing; painting brush; handwriting
. . . instruction; Japanese character reading;
explanation; read
. . bathe; be favored with; bask in
juvenile; child
treasure; wealth; valuables
seal; closing
- bosom; breast; chest; heart; feelings
. intelligent; wise; wisdom; cleverness
arm; ability; talent
. . portent; 10**12; trillion; sign; omen; symptoms
bed; counter for beds; floor; padding; tatami
fur; hair; feather; down
. . . . revered; valuable; precious; noble;
. celebrate; congratulate
. . . tender; weakness; gentleness;
- Mr.; hall; mansion; palace; temple; lord
. concentrated; thick; dark; undiluted
fluid; liquid; juice; sap; secretion
- garment; clothes; dressing
. . zero; spill; overflow; nothing; cipher
. infancy; childhood
baggage; shoulder-pole load; bear (a burden); shoulder (a gun); load; cargo; freight
. . overnight; put up at; ride at anchor; 3-day stay
- yellow

. . . . sweet; coax; pamper; be content; sugary

retainer; subject
. shallow; superficial; frivolous; wretched; shameful
. sweep; brush
- cloud
. dig; delve; excavate
. discard; throw away; abandon; resign; reject; sacrifice
. . soft
. . sink; be submerged; subside; be depressed; aloes
. . . . . frozen; congeal; refrigerate
milk; breasts
. . romance; in love; yearn for; miss; darling
. crimson; deep red
outskirts; suburbs; rural area
loins; hips; waist; low wainscoting
charcoal; coal
. jump; dance; leap; skip
tome; counter for books; volume
. courage; cheer up; be in high spirits; bravery; heroism
contraption; fetter; machine; instrument
vegetable; side dish; greens
. rare; curious; strange
egg; ovum; spawn; roe
. consume; eat; drink; smoke; receive (a blow)
. .- -. . dry; parch
insect; bug; temper
. -. - . printing; print; brush
hot water; bath; hot spring
. . . melt; dissolve; thaw
mineral; ore
tears; sympathy
equal; head; counter for small animals; roll of cloth
grandchild; descendants
. pointed; sharpness; edge; weapon; sharp; violent
bough; branch; twig; limb; counter for branches
. . . paint; plaster; daub; smear; coating
flats; counter for houses; eaves
poison; virus; venom; germ; harm; injury; spite
. shout; exclaim; yell
. . worship; adore; pray to
. icicle; ice; hail; freeze; congeal
. . . . drought; dry; dessicate; drink
up; heaven; emperor
rod; stick; cane; pole; club; line
. pray; wish
. pick up; gather; find; go on foot; ten

flour; powder; dust

sweat; perspire
. . . . damp; wet; moist
flower pot; bottle; vial; jar; jug; vat; urn
. - blossom; bloom
. seduce; call; send for; wear; put on; ride in; buy; eat; drink; catch (cold)
tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121)
vessels; counter for ships; fish; birds; arrows; one of a pair
fat; grease; tallow; lard; rosin; gum; tar
. . . steam; heat; sultry; foment; get musty
texture; skin; body; grain
. till; plow; cultivate
. . - . . dull; slow; foolish; blunt
mud; mire; adhere to; be attached to
corner; nook
- . lamp; a light; light; counter for lights
. . -. spicy; bitter; hot; acrid
. . grind; polish; scour; improve; brush (teeth)
barley; wheat
cylinder; pipe; tube; gun barrel; sleeve
nose; snout
grains; drop; counter for tiny particles
part of speech; words; poetry
stomach; paunch; crop; craw
. . tatami mat; counter for tatami mats; fold;
shut up; do away with
skin; body; grain; texture; disposition
desk; table
. . laundry; wash; pour on; rinse
pagoda; tower; steeple
ashes; puckery juice; cremate
. . seethe; boil; ferment; uproar; breed
candy; cakes; fruit
. cap; headgear
. . wither; die; dry up; be seasoned
. . . . . refreshing;
nice and cool
- - boat; ship
token; sign; mark; tally; charm
. . . . hate; detest
dish; a helping; plate
. agreement; consent; comply with

. parch; dry up
livestock; domestic fowl and animals
. . . . pinch; between
. cloudy weather; cloud up
. drip; drop
. pay respects; visit; ask; inquire; question; implore

JLPT Level N1 Kanji (1232 entries)

- family name; surname; clan

. . overall; relationship; ruling; governing

. protect; guarantee; keep; preserve; sustain; support

No.; residence

. . . tie; bind; contract; join; organize; do up hair; fasten

faction; group; party; clique; sect; school

plan; suggestion; draft; ponder; fear; proposition; idea; expectation; worry; table;

scheme; plan; policy; step; means

fundamentals; radical (chem); counter for machines; foundation

value; price

. propose; take along; carry in hand

. . . raise; plan; project; behavior; actions

- . . apply; answer; yes; OK; reply; accept

. . undertake; scheme; design; attempt; plan

. examination; investigate


. . swamp

. . tailor; judge; decision; cut out (pattern)

evidence; proof; certificate

abet; help; save

. alms; apply bandages; administer first-aid

well; well crib; town; community

. safeguard; protect

unfold; expand

. attitude; condition; figure; appearance; voice (of verbs)

. fresh; vivid; clear; brilliant; Korea

. inspection; regard as; see; look at

article; clause; item; stripe; streak

tree trunk

. single; alone; spontaneously; Germany

Shinto shrine; constellations; palace; princess

. ratio; rate; proportion; %; coefficient; factor

defense; protection

. -. -. lengthen; counter for bows & stringed instruments; stretch;

spread; put up (tent)

oversee; official; govt office; rule; administer

ring; circle; link; wheel
. . hearing; judge; trial
righteousness; justice; morality; honor; loyalty; meaning
. accusation; sue; complain of pain; appeal to
stocks; stump; shares; stock; counter for small plants
figure; form; shape
tower; tall building; palace
. masses; great numbers; multitude; populace
evaluate; criticism; comment
shadow; silhouette; phantom
pine tree
. beat; attack; defeat; conquer
assistant; help
nucleus; core; kernel
. . organize; arranging; tune; tone; meter; key (music)
. . dissolve; melt
made in...; manufacture
ballot; label; ticket; sign
. ford; ferry; port
. echo; sound; resound; ring; vibrate
. conjecture; infer; guess; suppose; support; push (for)
. . solicit; invite; ask
utensil; vessel; receptacle; implement; instrument; ability; container; tool; set
gentleman; samurai; samurai radical (no. 33)
. chastise; attack; defeat; destroy; conquer
. aggression; attack
promontory; cape; spit
coach; command; urge; lead; supervise
. . impart; instruct; grant; confer
. . sponsor; hold (a meeting); give (a dinner)
. . . reach out; exert; exercise; cause
constitution; law
. . detach; separation; disjoin; digress
. violent; get excited; enraged; chafe; incite
. pinch; pick; pluck; trim; clip; summarize
lineage; system
criticism; strike
son; counter for sons
. healthy; health; strength; persistence
alliance; oath
. . accompany; obey; submit to;
comply; follow; secondary; incidental; subordinate
. . discipline; conduct oneself well; study; master
regiment; party; company; squad
. . - -. weave; fabric
. . . broaden; extend; expand; enlarge

. happenstance; especially; intentionally; reason; cause;

circumstances; the late; therefore; consequently
. . . -. . shake; wave; wag; swing
. . . valve; petal; braid; speech;
dialect; discrimination; dispose of; distinguish
. . concerning; settle; take position; depart; study; per
. uncommon; queerness; strangeness; wonderful; curious; unusual
. offering; counter for drinks; present; offer
. . . stern; strictness; severity;
fiber; tie; rope
seacoast; beach; seashore
. bequeath; leave behind; reserve
bases; fort; rampart; walls; base(ball)
home country; country; Japan
elementary; principle; naked; uncovered
. -. -. . . dispatch; despatch; send; give;
donate; do; undertake
. confront; resist; defy; oppose
imitation; copy; mock
- masculine; male; hero; leader; superiority; excellence
. benefit; gain; profit; advantage
. . tense; solid; hard; reliable; tight
signpost; seal; mark; stamp; imprint; symbol; emblem; trademark;
evidence; souvenir; target
. proclaim; say; announce
shining; bright
. . abolish; obsolete; cessation; discarding; abandon
Italy; that one
creek; inlet; bay
colleague; official; companion
good luck; joy; congratulations
. . . boom; prosper; copulate
. look to; face; meet; confront; attend; call on
. . step; trample; carry through; appraise; evade payment
. . . demolition; break; destroy
bond; loan; debt
. . entertain; revive; retrieve; interest; pleasure
source; origin
ceremony; rule; affair; case; a matter
. . . genesis; wound; injury; hurt;
start; originate
. hinder; hurt; harm
. - inherit; succeed; patch; graft (tree)
muscle; sinew; tendon; fiber; plot; plan; descent
. . fight; war

. interment; bury; shelve

. . evade; avoid; avert; ward off; shirk; shun

. director; official; govt office; rule; administer

ease; peace

. . . . virtuous; good; goodness

apprehend; chase

. urge; force; imminent; spur on

. beguile; delusion; perplexity

. -. . crumble; die; demolish; level

chronicle; account; narrative; history; annals; geologic period

. . listen; headstrong; naughty; careful inquiry

. . undress; removing; escape from; get rid of; be left out; take off

class; rank; grade

Dr.; command; esteem; win acclaim; Ph.D.; exposition; fair

. . . -. -. tighten; tie; shut; lock; fasten

. salvation; save; help; rescue; reclaim

. tenacious; take hold; grasp; take to heart

tassel; tuft; fringe; bunch; lock (hair); segment (orange); house; room

remove; withdraw; disarm; dismantle; reject; exclude

. . . plane; sharpen; whittle; pare

. secrecy; density (pop); minuteness; carefulness

. set aside; give up; suspend; discontinue; lay aside; except

. intention; plan; resolve; aspire; motive; hopes;

. . ride; board; get on; place; spread; 10**44

camp; battle array; ranks; position

.- - ego; I; selfish; our; oneself

. . . . do; change; make; benefit;

welfare; be of use; reach to; try; practice; cost; serve as; good; advantage; as a result of
. repress; well; now; in the first place; push; shove; press; seal; do in spite of

curtain; bunting; act of play

. -. - . . -. . -. dye;

color; paint; stain; print

Nara; what?

. . wound; hurt; injure; impair; pain; injury; cut; gash; scar;

weak point
. choose; select; elect; prefer

. excel; excellence; beauty; surpass

indications; sign; omen; symptom; collect; seek; refer to; question

. -. . . . . .

bullet; twang; flip; snap

. reparation; make up for; recompense; redeem

achievement; merits; success; honor; credit

. foothold; based on; follow; therefore

. . . secret; conceal

. repel; refuse; reject; decline

punish; penalty; sentence; punishment

- hillock; mound

. doth; do; send; forward; cause; exert; incur; engage

. winding; reel; spin; turn (pages); look up; refer to

tail; end; counter for fish; lower slope of mountain

. . sketch; compose; write; draw; paint

small bell; buzzer

tray; shallow bowl; platter; tub; board; phonograph record

paragraph; nape of neck; clause; item; term (expression)

miss; mourning

. consort; accompany; bring with; companion

. foster; bring up; rear; develop; nurture

. . suspend; hang; 10%; install; depend; consult

boulevard; street; town

. pledge; promise; vow

. put up (a notice); put up; hoist; display; hang out; publish; describe

. leap; dance; skip

. abandon; throw away; discard; resign; reject; sacrifice

residence; mansion

. . . . . shrink; contract;

shrivel; wrinkle; reduce

. send back; return

belong; genus; subordinate official; affiliated

. . prudence; thought; concern; consider; deliberate; fear

frame; framework; spindle; spool; bounding-box; (kokuji)

. . favor; blessing; grace; kindness

dew; tears; expose; Russia

. open sea; offing; rise high into sky

. . . . slacken; loosen; relax; lessen; be moderate;

- node; season; period; occasion; verse; clause; stanza;

honor; joint; knuckle; knob; knot; tune; melody

demand; request; need

. . . shoot; shine into; onto; archery

subscription; buy

. brandish; wave; wag; swing; shake

. . allot; fill

. tribute; support; finance


. . . instead; on the contrary; rather

- edge; origin; end; point; border; verge; cape

fare; fee; hire; rent; wages; charge

. seize; get; find; earn; acquire; can; may; able to

county; district

. join; get together; unite; collective

penetrate; clear; pierce; strike home; sit up (all night)

. . . . precious; value; prize; esteem; honor

. collide; brunt; highway; opposition (astronomy); thrust; pierce; stab; prick

. . . . char; hurry; impatient; irritate; burn;

scorch; singe
. rob; take by force; snatch away; dispossess; plunder; usurp
. disaster; calamity; woe; curse; evil
bay; creek; inlet; gulf; beach; seacoast
chop; divide; tear; analyze
. defer; turnover; transfer; convey
. . . . . . .
appellation; praise; admire; name; title; fame
. -. . settlement; obtain;
reap; pay; supply; store
timber; trees; wood; establish; set up
. challenge; contend for; make love to
. . entice; lead; tempt; invite; ask; call for; seduce; allure
. -. . . . distract; be
mistaken for; go astray; divert
. climax; arrive; proceed; reach; attain; result in
religion; sect; denomination; main point; origin; essence
. stimulate; urge; press; demand; incite
. . humility; be careful; discrete; prudent
. . withdraw; draw in; hold back; refrain from; be moderate
wisdom; intellect; reason
. grip; hold; mould sushi; bribe
mid-air; air; space; sky; memorization; interval of time
sagacious; genius; excellence
coin; .01 yen; money
. . astringent; hesitate; reluctant; have diarrhea
gun; arms
. maneuver; manipulate; operate; steer; chastity; virginity;
. . portable; carry (in hand); armed with; bring along
. checkup; seeing; diagnose; examine
. . . consign; requesting; entrusting with; pretend; hint
. . -. snapshot; take pictures
nativity; be born; declension; lie; be arbitrary
. encroach; invade; raid; trespass; violate
. fasten; tie up; arrest; constrict
. apologize; thank; refuse
. . drive; run; gallop; advance; inspire; impel
. . . . . transparent; permeate; filter; penetrate
haven; port; harbor; ferry
wall; lining (stomach); fence
- rice plant
- sham; temporary; interim; assumed (name); informal
. . -. split; rend; tear
cleverness; agile; alert
just so; this; right; justice

repudiate; exclude; expel; reject

abundant; rich; fertile
. -. strict; hard; solid; tough; tight; reliable
translate; reason; circumstance; case
turf; lawn
hawser; class (genus); rope; cord; cable
code; ceremony; law; rule
congratulations; joy
. . . . handle; entertain; thresh; strip
. look back; review; examine oneself; turn around
. vast; broad; wide
. watch over; see
sue; accuse
. commandment
welfare; happiness
. . reputation; praise; honor; glory
. delight; joy
. play music; speak to a ruler; complete
. persuade; recommend; advise; encourage; offer
. . boisterous; make noise; clamor; disturb; excite
clique; lineage; pedigree; faction; clan
armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace
. straw rope; cord
home town; village; native place; district
. . . . . . . .
swing; shake; sway; rock; tremble; vibrate
. . excuse; dismissal
. previously; already; long ago
. recommend; mat; advise; encourage; offer
. neighboring
splendor; flower; petal; shine; luster; ostentatious; showy; gay; gorgeous
pattern; example; model
. . . . . conceal; hide; cover
benevolence; virtue; goodness; commanding respect
. . . philosophy; clear
cedar; cryptomeria
. . explanation
gentle; peace; depravity
. . . intimidate; dignity; majesty; menace; threaten
. overpowering; great; powerful; excelling; Australia
. stagnate; be delayed; overdue; arrears
. delicate; minuteness; insignificance
hump; high; noble; prosperity
symptoms; illness
. temporarily; a while; moment; long time

loyalty; fidelity; faithfulness

godown; warehouse; storehouse; cellar; treasury
lad; boy (ancient)
liver; pluck; nerve; chutzpah
. yell; cry; scream
. -. run alongside; follow along; run along; lie along
exquisite; strange; queer; mystery; miracle; excellent; delicate; charming
. chant; recite; call upon; yell
. Africa; flatter; fawn upon; corner; nook; recess
cord; rope
sincerity; admonish; warn; prohibit; truth; fidelity
. . attack; advance on; succeed to; pile; heap
. sociable; kind; courteous; hospitable; cordial
haiku; actor
design; pattern; build; nature; handle; crank; grip; knob; shaft
. . wonder; be surprised; frightened; amazed
hemp; flax
. . wide expanse; abundance; vigorous
. dose; medicine; drug
rapids; current; torrent; shallows; shoal
. gist; proceed to; tend; become
. . collapse; fall into; cave in; fall (castle); slide into
. . . . purification; Buddhist
food; room; worship; avoid; alike
. . pierce; 8 1/3lbs; penetrate; brace
hermit; wizard; cent
. . consolation; amusement; seduce; cheer; make sport of; comfort;
. preface; beginning; order; precedence; occasion; chance; incidentally
decameron; 10-day period; season (for specific products)
. -. concurrently; and
holy; saint; sage; master; priest
. delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert
. . . instant; namely; as is; conform; agree; adapt
. cottage; inn; hut; house; mansion
. . falsehood; lie; deceive; pretend; counterfeit; forgery
. contrast; compare
hegemony; supremacy; leadership; champion
. . detailed; full; minute; accurate; well-informed
resist; reach; touch
. . . threaten; coerce
. overgrown; grow thick; be luxuriant
national flag; banner; standard
. long-distance; spur; fetlock

. gracious; elegant; graceful; refined

. . decorate; ornament; adorn; embellish
netting; network
dragon; imperial
poem; poetry
. . luxuriant; thick; overgrown; frequency; complexity; trouble
wing; plane; flank
- lagoon
. enemy; foe; opponent
fascination; charm; bewitch
. . dislike; detest; hate
. . . adjusted; alike; equal;
similar variety of
. -. spread; pave; sit; promulgate
hug; embrace; possess; protect; lead
. sphere; circle; radius; range
. acid; bitterness; sour; tart
. . . destroy; ruin; overthrow; perish
. penalty; punishment
cornerstone; foundation stone
. -. . . . . rot; decay; sour
skids; leg; undercarriage
tide; salt water; opportunity
. -. -. -. -. -. . .
. exhaust; use up; run out of; deplete; befriend; serve
me; I (male)
. . slippery; slide; slip; flunk
orphan; alone
inflammation; flame; blaze
compensation; indemnify
phrase; clause; sentence; passage; paragraph; counter for haiku
stubborn; foolish; firmly
. chain; irons; connection
. coloring; paint; makeup
. . . chafe; rub; polish; grind; scrape
. . encourage; be diligent; inspire
vertical; length; height; self-indulgent; wayward
. radiance; shine; sparkle; gleam; twinkle
. amass; keeping a concubine; phonograph
axis; pivot; stem; stalk; counter for book scrolls
. . patrol; go around; circumference
. earnings; work; earn money
. . wink; blink; twinkle
cannon; gun

. erupt; spout; emit; flush out

. boast; be proud; pride; triumphantly

. . . . auspicious; happiness; blessedness; good

omen; good fortune

animal sacrifice; offering

regularity; salary; order

sovereign; the emperor; god; creator

. wide; large

. . tempt; seduce; instigate; promote

. thwart; separate from; prevent; obstruct; deter; impede

peaceful; calm; peace; easy; Thailand

. bribe; board; supply; finance

slap; strike; hit; beat; tell; speak

ditch; moat; canal


. . . strangle; constrict; wring

- . affinity; relation;

connection; edge; border; verge; brink

solely; only; merely; simply

. . swell; get fat; thick

dart; arrow

. -proof; enduring

cram school; private school

. . . leak; escape; time

. jubilation; congratulate; rejoice; be happy

fierce; rave; rush; become furious; wildness; strength

. perfume; balmy; favorable; fragrant

. . . penal; chastise; punish; discipline

sabre; sword; blade; clock hand

patent; clear

chess piece; Japanese chess; shogi

street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves

or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign

constancy; always

. -. . hoist; fry in deep fat

. risk; face; defy; dare; damage; assume (a name)

of; this

ethics; companion

. exhibit; state; relate; explain

recollection; think; remember

. . . . . submerge; conceal; hide; lower

(voice); hush
pear tree

humanity; virtue; benevolence; charity; man; kernel

. overcome; kindly; skillfully

point; peak; mountain

. outline; condition; approximation; generally

. arrest; seize; concerned; adhere to; despite

grave; tomb

. . silence; become silent; stop speaking; leave as is

. . . ought; by all

means; necessarily
. partial; side; left-side radical; inclining; biased

atmosphere; fog

. interview; treat; entertain; receive; deal with

. consult with

. . . cramped; narrow; contract; tight

eminent; table; desk; high

tortoise; turtle

provisions; food; bread

register; record book

hearth; furnace; kiln; reactor

breed; care for; shepherd; feed; pasture

particularly; especially; exceptionally

. . augment; increase; multiply; raise


- comrade; fellow; people; companions

hole; aperture; slit; cave; den

. . . strange; strangeness; curiosity

ridicule; laziness

crane; stork

. . conspire; cheat; impose on; plan; devise;

scheme; have in mind; deceive

. . . . warmth

prosperous; bright; clear

clap; beat (music)

. . melodious; clear; bright; serene; cheerful

. . . tolerant; leniency; generosity; relax; feel at home; be at

ease; broadminded
. . . capsize; cover; shade; mantle; be ruined

placenta; sac; sheath

. cry; weep; moan

. . isolate; alternate; distance; separate; gulf

. . clean; purify; cleanse; exorcise; Manchu Dynasty

. . drown; sink; hide; fall into; disappear; die

spare time; rest; leisure; time; leave of absence


upright; chastity; constancy; righteousness

. peaceful

. specimen; take warning from; learn from

. domesticate; raise; keep; feed

. shade; yin; negative; sex organs; secret; shadow

inscription; signature (of artisan)

. . follow; though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all; obey;

submit to; comply; at the mercy of (the waves)

. ardent; violent; vehement; furious; severe; extreme
. inquire; fathom; look for
draft; copy; manuscript; straw
rust-colored; red; red lead; pills
. . disclose; open; say
to be (classical)
hill; knoll
- ridgepole; ridge
lot; earth; soil
. . cartoon; involuntarily; in spite of oneself; corrupt
mysterious; occultness
. sticky; glutinous; greasy; persevere
. enlightenment; perceive; discern; realize; understand
shop; store
. . pregnancy
. mellow; ripen; mature; acquire skill
rising sun; morning sun
grace; kindness; goodness; favor; mercy; blessing; benefit
. . inflation; advancing; going
. . . journey; travel; chase away; let go; going; before;
- beans; pea; midget
. . consummate; accomplish; attain; commit (suicide)
. . . lunatic; insane; crazy; confuse
branch off; fork in road; scene; arena; theater
highness; steps (of throne)
horizontal; woof; left & right; latitude
. cultivate; foster
. decline; wane; weaken
rowboat; small boat
. . yield; bend; flinch; submit
diameter; path; method
. thin; faint; pale; fleeting
- pluck; pull; extract; excel
expose; open
courts; imperial court; government office
brocade; fine dress; honors
quasi-; semi-; associate
. sultry; hot; summer heat
seashore; beach
. exhort; urge; encourage
. . immersed; soak; dip; steep; moisten; wet; dunk
. . surplus; besides
gall bladder; courage; pluck; nerve
slender; fine; thin kimono
pony; horse; colt

. . void; emptiness; unpreparedness; crack; fissure; untruth

spirits; soul
notebook; account book; album; curtain; veil; net; tent
. . . repent; regret
. rebuke; admonish; charge; warn; persuade
. . . wretched; disaster; cruelty; harsh
. tyrannize; oppress
. . flip; turn over; wave; flutter; change (mind)
. . crash; fall (down)
marsh; lake; bog; swamp; pond
. . set; lay a foundation; install; equip; squat down; sit down
. . . . fertilizer; get fat; fertile; manure; pamper
. gradually; slowly; deliberately; gently
board; load (a vehicle); ride
shield; escutcheon; pretext
vein; pulse; hope
waterfall; rapids; cascade
rut; wheel; track; model; way of doing
bag; bale; sack; counter for bags
. disturb; prevent; hamper; obstruct
. . -. . . grate; rub; scratch; scrape; chafe;
. villa; inn; cottage; feudal manor
consent; assent; agreement
thunder; lightning bolt
. drift; float (on liquid)
. . . . .
. . pocket; feelings; heart; yearn; miss someone; become attached to; bosom; breast
intuition; perception
plantation; planting
kidnap; falsify
burdensome; pack horse; horse load; send by horse
. . . . annexed; accompany; marry; suit; meet; satisfy;
attach; append; garnish; imitate
crown; best; peerless
. diagonal; slanting; oblique
mirror; speculum; barrel-head; round rice-cake offering
. . wise; fast learner
wandering; waves; billows
. Asia; rank next; come after; -ous
. perusal; see
. lie; falsehood; deceive; pretend
podium; stage; rostrum; terrace
meritorious deed; merit
witch; demon; evil spirit

. repay; reward; retribution

purple; violet
dawn; daybreak
family crest; figures
. . wholesale
. stirred up; be invigorated; flourish
column; handrail; blank; space
. . . deviate; idleness; leisure; miss the mark; evade; elude;
parry; diverge
horizon; shore
. clear (the land); open; break up (land)
prison; jail
esteem; furthermore; still; yet
. -. carve; engrave; chisel
. calm; quiet; moderation
. appear; existing
. . . adroit; skilled; ingenuity
halberd; arms; festival float
hedge; fence; wall
. deceit; cheat; delude
. . .- angling; fish; catch; allure; ensnare
bush clover
. solemn; quietly; softly
. foolish; folly; absurdity; stupid
. applaud; praise; esteem; happy; auspicious
. . encounter; meet; party; association; interview; join
. . erect; frame; mount; support; shelf; construct
- ghost; devil
commoner; all; bastard
immature; young
nourishing; more & more; be luxuriant; planting; turbidity
phantasm; vision; dream; illusion; apparition
. - . . boil; cook
- princess
. vow; swear; pledge
grasp; faggot; bunch; counter for bundles
. tread; step on; trample; practice; carry through
display; offer; present; send; exhibit
. . . alienate; rough; neglect; shun; sparse
. . . . face-up; look up; depend;
seek; respect; rever; drink; take
sturdy; strength
. rapidly
subjugate; attack the rebellious; collect taxes
. . smash; break; crush; familiar; popular

. . noh chanting
. . . marry into; bride
self-effacing; humble oneself; condescend; be modest
empress; queen; after; behind; back; later
. . sigh; lament; moan; grieve
germ; fungus; bacteria
sickle; scythe; trick
. nest; rookery; hive; cobweb; den
. repeatedly; recur
harp; koto
squad; corps; unit; group
- shelf; ledge; rack; mount; mantle; trellis
. undefiled; pure; clean; righteous; gallant
. cruel; severe; atrocious; unjust
superintend; manager; rule
corridor; hall; tower
. . . loneliness; quietly; mellow;
mature; death of a priest
sign of the dragon; 7-9AM; fifth sign of Chinese zodiac; shin dragon radical
(no. 161)
. be hazy; grow dim; blurred
. . prostrated; bend down; bow; cover; lay (pipes)
vulgar; customs; manners; worldliness; mundane things
vague; obscure; desert; wide
. wicked; injustice; wrong
sparkle; clear; crystal
black ink; India ink; ink stick; Mexico
. . tranquilize; ancient peace-preservation centers
den; cave; excavation
. footgear; shoes; boots; put on (the feet)
. inferiority; be inferior to; be worse
. assault; hit; beat; thrash
with child; pregnancy
. . . observance; offer; present; dedicate
. . . . melancholy; grieve; lament; be anxious; sad;
crude; simple; plain; docile
pavilion; restaurant; mansion; arbor; cottage; vaudeville; music hall; stage name
. pure
. . suspicious; mystery; apparition
. pigeon; dove
. . drunk; feel sick; poisoned; elated; spellbound
. . pity; be sparing of; frugal; stingy; regret
harvest; reap
excellent; beautiful; good; pleasing; skilled

. . . wet; be watered; profit by; receive benefits; favor;

charm; steep
. lament; grieve over
. . destitution; scarce; limited
above-stated; the said; that specific
. proceed; get; become; tend
Japanese Judas-tree; cinnamon tree
marrow; pith
tiger; drunkard
basin; lantern festival; tray
. advance
ear; ear (grain); head; crest (wave)
robust; manhood; prosperity
dike; bank; embankment
. hungry; starve
. - bystander; side; besides; while; nearby; 3rd
accumulate; involvement; trouble; tie up; continually
. stupid; foolish
conveyor; carry; transport
. . . healing; cure; quench (thirst); wreak
measurement; foot/10
enclosure; quarters; fortification; red-light district
villain; evil; bad luck; disaster
. . spit; vomit; belch; confess; tell (lies)
banquet; feast; party
V.I.P.; guest
captive; barbarian; low epithet for the enemy
pottery; porcelain
bell; gong; chimes
. remorse; regret; be sorry
magnet; porcelain
. .
all the more; increasingly
descendants; elder brother; insect
. - coarse; rough; rugged
revise; correct; decide
bud; sprout; spear; germ

. industry; kindliness
equestrian; riding on horses; counter for equestrians
. rather; preferably; peaceful; quiet; tranquility
sequential; fellow
. . endure; bear; put up with; conceal; secrete; spy; sneak
. . neglect; laziness
. likeness; like; such as; as if; better; best; equal
dormitory; hostel; villa; tea pavillion
. help
pearl; gem; jewel
. . . . . congeal; freeze; stiff; be
absorbed in
- seedling; sapling; shoot
animal; beast
. . . pathetic; grief; sorrow; pathos; pity; sympathize
. . -. hop; leap up; spring; jerk; prance; buck; splash; sputter; snap
artisan; workman; carpenter
. . . -. . droop; suspend; hang; slouch
snake; serpent; hard drinker
. . -. lucidity; be clear; clear; clarify; settle; strain; look grave
. sew; stitch; embroider
Buddhist priest; monk
. stare; watch; look at; see; scrutinize
. . span; request
. give; do something for
. . . mediocre
. . recess; rest; relax; repose
beautiful woman; princess
gutter; ditch; sewer; drain; 10**32
. respect; reverent
. reap; cut; clip; trim; prune
drowsy; sleep; die
confused; mix; be in disorder
chief; count; earl; uncle; Brazil
bamboo grass; (kokuji)
cereals; grain
mausoleum; imperial tomb
fog; mist
soul; spirit
abuse; evil; vice; breakage
queen; princess
liner; ship
. starve; hungry; thirst
. . . . hard up; destitute; suffer;

perplexed; cornered
manipulate; rule; administer; conduct; palm of hand
. . lovely; beautiful; graceful; resplendent
design; figured cloth; twill
. -. . . stinking; ill-smelling; suspicious looking;
odor; savor; fragrance; be fragrant; stink; glow; be bright
. . ecstasy; joy; rapture
. blade; sword; edge
. truss; arrest; bind; tie; restrain
calendar; almanac
. . best regards; good
blind; blind man; ignoramus
chic; style; purity; essence; pith; cream; elite; choice
. embarrass; humiliate; shame
. strong
control; wedge
bowstring; chord; hypotenuse
. harvest; ripen
plug up; obstruct
. -. cook; boil
deluge; flood; vast
. . . vicarious; surrogate; act in addition to
. . . sated; tired of; bored; satiate
superfluous; uselessness
peach tree
. . -. hunt; raid; gather
vermilion; cinnabar; scarlet; red; bloody
whirlpool; eddy; vortex
sire; good belt; gentleman
hinge; pivot; door
tombstone; monument
. forge; discipline; train
sword; saber; knife
drum; beat; rouse; muster
naked; nude; uncovered; partially clothed
furthermore; still; yet
clod; lump; chunk; clot; mass
rotation; go around
bow; bow (archery, violin)
cash; bad habit; humble prefix; gift; Shinto offerings of cloth; rope; cut paper
fan; folding fan
intestines; guts; bowels; viscera
vat; tub; tank
. mercy

. . . fell; strike; attack; punish

. a good horse; speed; a fast person
. . -. - pickling; soak; moisten; steep
. twist; ask; investigate; verify
clear; help
tomb; mound
two-mat area; 36 sq ft
dark blue; navy
recreation; pleasure
tongue; reed; clapper
gauze; thin silk; Rome
gorge; ravine
stipend; salary
rin; 1/10sen; 1/10bu
summit; peak
square jewel; corner; angle; edge
. brew; cause
. . condolences; mourning; funeral
- the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5)
- soup; juice; broth; sap; gravy; pus
. everywhere; times; widely; generally
equilibrium; measuring rod; scale
. send forth fragrance; fragrant; be scented; smoke (tobacco)
. game-hunting; shooting; game; bag
goodwill; article; section; friendship; collusion
. review; inspection; revision
hoarse; scold
. . . daring; brave; bold; sad; tragic; pitiful
womb; uterus
. aroused; resent; be indignant; anger
pork; pig
. intercept; interrupt; obstruct
front door; title page; front page
pardon; forgiveness
. . stealth; steal; secret; private; hushed
bubbles; foam; suds; froth
- congratulations
- .- or again; furthermore; on the other hand
rue; be sad; sigh; lament
. spinning

. . regret; bear a grudge; resentment; malice; hatred

obese; fat
. aid; help; assist
. . . frolic; play; sport
5; 5-man squad; file; line
. . . mourning; abhor; detestable; death anniversary
. . voiced; uncleanness; wrong; nigori; impurity
. run; bustle
Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68)
orchid; Holland
swift; fast
. resemblance
bowl; rice tub; pot; crown
. decay; rot; remain in seclusion
husk; nut shell
. receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch
Manchu dynasty; name given to naturalized foreigners
miscanthus reed
clan; enclosure
. help
mediator; go-between
. Zen; silent meditation
. . entrust; request; send a message
trunk; torso; hull (ship); hub of wheel
transfer; alternation
. . insert; put in; graft; wear (sword)
storm; tempest
. oak; mallet
obeisance; follow; accompany; attend on
musical score; music; note; staff; table; genealogy
cultural progress; perfume
permanence; distant; long time; leisure
. graceful; gentle; pure
. daybreak; dawn; in the event
. greatness; excellence
camphor tree
flute; clarinet; pipe; whistle; bagpipe; piccolo
sound of jewels
guy; slave; manservant; fellow
lock; fetters; shackles
. . soar; fly

. . transition; move; change

. bungling; clumsy; unskillful
. waiter; samurai; wait upon; serve
shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule
mountain peak; mountain pass; climax; crest; (kokuji)
. fervent; kind; cordial; serious; deliberate
. beginning
. thirst; dry up; parch
uncle; youth
- feminine; female
. pass through; go smoothly
. . . . withstand; endure; support; resist
. confer; relate; narrate; describe
vinegar; sour; acid; tart
versify; singing; recital
. relay; in turn; sending
peak; summit
. . tremendously; very; great; exceedingly
. high; boasting
. adore; respect; revere; worship
lacquer; varnish; seven
headland; cape; spit; promontory
. mannerism; habit; vice; trait; fault; kink
. . pleasure; happy; rejoice
sign of the tiger; 3-5AM; third sign of Chinese zodiac
reef; sunken rock
. from; possessive particle; whereupon;
continent; sandbar; island; country
barracks; police station; camp
birch; dark red
twig; ornamental evergreen
matrimony; marry
. rock; crag; boulder
. . mimic; aim (a gun) at; nominate; imitate
fence; wall; (kokuji)
. . . intimate; friendly; harmonious
barbarian; foreign
. . . . seclude; confine to a room; deep;
profound; secluded; faint; dark; tranquil; calm
. . high; steep
cadet; friend
. . recitation; poem; song; composing
. . . lowly; base; vile; vulgar
. . scorn; despise; make light of; contempt

. casting; mint
rub; paint; erase
military officer; jailer; old man; rank
Zelkova tree
. slave; servant; prisoner; criminal; follower
calamity; misfortune; evil; curse
dairy products; whey; broth; fruit juice
stalk; stem
commander; leading troops; governor
. . departed; die
vapor; steam
. polish
. hide; shelter; shield
collar; neck; lapel
lightning-bug; firefly
widow; minority; few
precious stone; gem; lapis lazuli
commonplace; ordinary; employment
companion; friend
pit; hole
burglar; rebel; traitor; robber
. squeeze
paddy ridge; levee
. songs with samisen
cavity; hole; slit; very; great; exceedingly
mandarin orange
. . . gargle; rinse mouth
spine; backbone
torture; beat
lass; girl; Miss; daughter
. garden; farm; park
. woods; grove
mountain stream; valley
venerable old man
bargain; reason; charge; suspicion; point; account; purity; honest; low price; cheap; rested;
contented; peaceful
. discreet; reverently; humbly
. boil; ferment; seethe; uproar; breed
. . take pleasure in; rejoice
kiln; oven; furnace

. praise; extol
. ugly; unclean; shame; bad looking
measuring box; 1.8 liter
martyrdom; follow by resigning
. . . . anxiety; trouble; worry;
pain; ill; annoy; nuisance; irksome
. happiness; blessed; good fortune; auspicious
censure; criminal investigation
. . . degenerate; descend to; lapse into
tariff; crop tax; borrowing
angle; edge; corner; power; majesty
scaffold; cleat; frame; jetty; bolt (door)
. Yamato; ancient Japan
bridegroom; son-in-law
. pining; yearn for; love dearly; adore
beautiful; patterned
.- . quit; stop; leave; withdraw; go
. rectify; straighten; correct; reform; cure; control; pretend; falsify
so-and-so; one; a certain; that person
. captured; criminal; arrest; catch
charging ahead of others
large bird; wild goose; large; great; powerful;
ooze; flow; soak in; penetrate; secrete
. . at; in; on; as for
strong and brave
steadily; gradually advancing; finally; barely
unlucky; misfortune; bad luck; disaster
seaweed; duckweed
. fief; allowance; pension; grant; happiness
chief; beginning
legitimate wife; direct descent (non-bastard)
. high; far
. menacing; dignity; majesty; threaten
sign of the snake or serpent; 9-11AM; sixth sign of Chinese zodiac
convex; beetle brow; uneven
. stretch
rhyme; elegance; tone
nitrate; saltpeter
. imperial order

coffin; casket
male mythical bird
. fragrant; balmy; favourable
. . distress; grieve; lament; be anxious
watchtower; lookout; high building
. . refined; gentle
. correct; save; assist
. respect; revere; long for
fuel; firewood; kindling
brown; woollen kimono
. . . grant; gift; boon; results
steep; craggy; rugged
. . rule
. darning; repair; mend; trim; tidy up; adjust
plug; bolt; cork; bung; stopper
freshwater trout; smelt
hazelnut; filbert
. . concave; hollow; sunken
. . . . glossy; luster; glaze;
polish; charm; colorful; captivating
. all
vine; ivy
. tempering; refine; drill; train; polish
strand; beach; shore
inmost; heart; mind; inside
pursue; drive away; chase; accomplish; attain; commit
. reject; retreat; recede; withdraw; repel; repulse
rare; phenomenal; dilute (acid)
lotus; Mt Fuji
imperial edict
swamp; shore
chick; squab; duckling; doll
. . consider; reflect; think
. help; assist
. shine; sparkle; gleam; twinkle
blackened eyebrows
. . kindness; moisten
. yearn after; long for; aspire to; admire; adore
wee hours; evening; early night
. delusion; unnecessarily; without authority; reckless
. sincere; kind; considerate
. . dried meat

. for the first time; not until

. bar-tending; serving sake; the host; draw (water); ladle; scoop; pump


. . glad; pleased; rejoice

. blue; pale

. shine; light

. distribute; disseminate; partition; understand

only; free; in addition

limb; arms & legs

cedar; sandlewood; spindle tree

victory song


mimeograph; copy

catalpa tree

sign of the ox or cow; 1-3AM; second sign of Chinese zodiac

heir; succeed

. . grant; answer

eventide; tide; salt water; opportunity

kimono design

conjunction (astronomy); first day of month; north

nursing; attending; entertainer

furrow; 30 tsubo; ridge; rib

extract; selection; summary; copy; spread thin

. . refreshing; bracing; resonant; sweet; clear

. dark; black; many

lazy; laziness


. . . be clear; serene; cold; skilful

. . . show symptoms of; sprout; bud; malt

. . flourishing; successful; beautiful;

I; one

. recollect; remember

lapis lazuli

. license; sincerity; permit

marquis; lord; daimyo

. sow (seeds)


arc; arch; bow

. far off; distant; long ago

type of morning glory; rose of Sharon; althea

sparkle of jewelry; crystal

. . affixed; attach; refer to; append

spotted; mottled; patterned; small tiger

sign of the hare or rabbit; 5-7AM; fourth sign of Chinese zodiac; east

. however; but

figured cloth; beautiful


madder; red dye; Turkey red

. endure; keep (rain)out; stave off; tide over; defy; slight; surpass

. . white; clear

sparkling water

burr; ball

old woman; grandma; wet nurse

scarlet; cardinal

sea bream; red snapper

. . wise

. village; rural community; right village radical (no. 163)

. emulate; imitate

blue; green

. . peck; pick up

good crops; prosperity; 10**28

west; bird; sign of the bird; 5-7PM; tenth sign of Chinese zodiac; sake radical (no. 164)
serving our elders

. frugal; economy; thrifty



also; again

. consult with

. dice; form; appearance; take; coloring

gauze; gossamer

levy; ode; prose; poem; tribute; installment

pupil of the eye

beautiful black jewel; nine

. II; two; second

weight; plumb bob; sinker

. . . tedious

. . happiness; luck

pox; smallpox

a reed instrument

. strong; just; righteous; peace-loving

Buddhist surplice

. . alike; truth

you; thou; second person


the Pleiades

pig iron

smiling; reed used to cover tatami


. large; great; eminent

. . soothe; calm; pacify

. deep and broad

. late; quiet; sets (sun)

deed; skill

majestic plural; imperial we

. . . edify; way; path
thread; silk cloth
. moreover; also; furthermore
. end; finish
morning; early
officer; an official
. . . . brilliant
I; you; (kokuji)
. . eulogy
counters for things
jewel; tinkling of jewelry
Chinese parasol tree; phoenix tree
how; what; alas; question mark; ?
water route; shipping channel
monme; 3.75 grams; (kokuji)
neck; collar; lapel
. lull; calm; (kokuji)
treetops; twig
third class; 3rd; 3rd calendar sign
. sudden; quick; sound of the wind
ladle; one tenth of a go; dip
. excuse; tolerate; forgive
butterbur; bog rhubarb
ancestral offering receptacle; coral
abide by; follow; obey; learn
burn; bonfire
. . . . . .
. expectation; consideration; uneasiness; fear; anxiety; concern
. . urge to eat
audience; audience (with king)
axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)
. . be aggravated; grow worse; grow bulky; swell
. . press; print; affix a seal; stamp
a coarse camlet
. shine
friendship; intimacy
. melting; smelting
bookmark; guidebook
ground-breaking; open up farmland

. strong
. daybreak; dawn; morning
type of deciduous tree; grey starling
. intelligence; imperial
. pongee (a knotted silk cloth)
descendent; issue; offspring
. cold; strict; severe
sign of the hog; 9-11PM; twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac
baron; peerage; court rank
. . . dilate; distend; bulge; fill out; swell
Chinese unicorn; genius; giraffe; bright; shining
. . . luxury; select
beautiful as a jewel
. polish
question mark
coconut tree
string; cord; samisen music
. . help
glassy; lapis lazuli
star; god of literature
model; molding
. . . rise
straight grain; spindle tree; (kokuji)
. . . . . .
. bright; sunny; prosperous; merry
the violet
. fact; reality; understand; appreciate
towering in a row
. . excessive; overflow; spread out
. victory; fast

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