Rolling Ball Lab

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Julia Hopkins #106

December 1, 2014
Title: Velocity/Acceleration Roll'em
Lab partners: Kevin Sheppard
Purpose/problem/objective(s): To explore the relationship of velocity and acceleration for a ball
rolling down an incline plane. To calculate the velocity of the ball rolling along the floor and
describe its motion. To describe the motion of the ball as it rolls down the incline.
Background information: n/a
Diagram/Sketch/Image of lab set up:

Materials and methods:

Materials: metal ball bearing, basket, masking tape, triangle ruler, meter stick, iPad
Method: We recorded the metal ball rolling down the ramp as seen in figure 1. We then viewed
the video in frames to see where the metal ball crossed the tape as seen in figure 2. Next, we
created a table of points and plotted those onto a graph.
Data and observations:
Distance (m) +- 0.05

Time (seconds)

Angle (degrees)



















Mass of ball = 167 grams = 16710^-3 kilograms

1.) v = d/t
v = 0.5/0.297
velocity of ball = 1.7 m/s
2.) a = v/t
a = 1.6401/1.339
acceleration of ball down ramp = 1.225 m/s/s
3.) KE = 1/2mv^2
KE = 1/2(3)(2.634129)
KE = 3.951J

Analysis of data/graphs:

L1. The speed of the marble decreases as it travels for longer distances along the floor because
friction causes it to slow down.
L2. We drew the best-fit line for our data because it wasn't linear. Some times increased faster
than others, so we had to use the line that fit most of the points.
L3. The ball went faster down the ramp because it was at an incline. When it started traveling on
the floor, it started slowing down because of friction and because the floor was flatter than the
ramp was.
L4. Yes, I do feel like the data we collected is what you would expect for a ball traveling in a
straight line along the floor because as the ball travels, it slows down a little to where it would
eventually stop.
L5. Yes, the acceleration of the ball is constant down the ramp.
L6. The acceleration came close to what we calculated.
S1. Our data was close to what we expected values. As time went on, we expected the ball to
slow down, and it did. Also, the balls speed increased when it went down the ramp like we
expected it to.
S2. Yes our results supported our hypothesis because we were able to describe the velocity,
acceleration, and motion of the ball.
S3. Some problems we faced during the experiment were that the floor wasn't level, which
caused the ball to curve instead of going straight.
S4. Some further experiments we could test to clear up discrepancies could be to test the
experiment somewhere else in the school, like a different hallway or floor.
S5. A new hypothesis could be to test a different type of metal ball that weighs the same, and we
could see if we get the same answers as we did with the first ball.
When we did this lab, we found out that the ball will accelerated down a ramp, and then it
slows down when it travels across the floor. Sooner or later, the friction would have caused the
ball to stop completely. When the ball was traveling across the floor, it's deceleration was at a
pretty constant rate of 1.623m/s. There were a few things that caused it to be a little off, such as
the floor not being even, but other than that, there were no discrepancies. The ball's acceleration
was also at a constant rate.
We had trouble trying to figure out the times at which the ball passed the pieces of tape,
however we got it as close as it could get. Next time, we could use an app that is easier to see the

video in slow motion. Also we should find a flatter surface so the ball doesn't curve. Other than
that, the lab was very easy and fun to do.

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