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Identify any limiting stage in the voyage

List maximum permitted draft for each stage in voyage.
Select point where lightest draft is required (the limiting point).
Calculate back and calculate forward from limiting point to ensure no other
limits are met.
Calculate maximum cargo which can be carried at limiting point.
Devise loading distribution
Decide how many holds are to be loaded.
Share the total cargo between the holds.
Place fuel, fresh water and other weights in the positions intended for
departure from the loading port.
Calculate the ship's draft and trim on departure and ensure that they are
Calculate the ship's stability characteristics on departure and ensure that
they are acceptable.
Calculate the shear forces and bending moments on departure and ensure
that they are not excessive.
Check that the tonnage allotted to each hold is not greater than the
classification society permits.
Check that the hold tanktop loadings are not excessive.
If the ship is to be block loaded ensure that the loadings for individual holds
remain within the
special block loading limits set by the classification society and request limits
if none has been
Work through the voyage and the proposed discharge, repeating the checks
upon draft, trim,
stability and longitudinal stress for every stage.
If any results are unacceptable move cargo or other weights and recalculate.
Check the results for errors.
Prepare loading/deballasting and discharging / ballasting plans.
For the plan use a suitable form, such as The Nautical Institute's Cargo
Operations Control Form.
Take note of the features of the berth, including least depth of water, least
airdraft, number of loaders, distance loaders can travel.
Plan for two or more pours into each hold.
Commence loading amidships/aft to maintain a stern trim.
Load alternatively aft, then forward, then aft, etc.
Load the end holds midway through the loading.
Discharge ballast from holds, then double bottoms, then topside tanks, and
finally peak tanks.
Discharge ballast from part of ship where cargo is being loaded.
For each stage of the loading, match the time required for loading
with the time required for Plan to complete deballasting well before
completion of loading.
Observe any Class rules for loading/discharging.
Throughout loading keep ship in condition to put to sea in emergency, if

Plan suitable trimming pours.

Plan the discharge in the same manner and with the same objectives as the
Ensure that the ship complies with requirements for stability and for
longitudinal stress at every
stage throughout the loading and discharge.
Inform owners/charterers as soon as possible if calculations show that the
proposed cargo cannot be loaded, carried and discharged with safety.

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