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Interaction between carotid baroregulation

and the pulsating heart: a mathematical model

Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems,
University of Bologna, I40136 Bologna, Italy
Ursino, Mauro. Interaction between carotid baroregulation and the pulsating heart: a mathematical model. Am. J.
Physiol. 275 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 44): H1733H1747, 1998.A
mathematical model of short-term arterial pressure control
by the carotid baroreceptors in pulsatile conditions is presented. The model includes an elastance variable description
of the left and right heart, the systemic (splanchnic and
extrasplanchnic) and pulmonary circulations, the afferent
carotid baroreceptor pathway, the sympathetic and vagal
efferent activities, and the action of several effector mechanisms. The latter mechanisms work, in response to sympathetic and vagal action, by modifying systemic peripheral
resistances, systemic venous unstressed volumes, heart period, and end-systolic elastances. The model is used to
simulate the interaction among the carotid baroreflex, the
pulsating heart, and the effector responses in different experiments. In all cases, there has been satisfactory agreement
between model and experimental results. Experimental data
on heart rate control can be explained fairly well by assuming
that the sympathetic-parasympathetic systems interact linearly on the heart period. The carotid baroreflex can significantly modulate the cardiac function curve. However, this
effect is masked in vivo by changes in arterial and atrial
pressures. During heart pacing, cardiac output increases
with frequency at moderate levels of heart rate and then fails
to increase further because of a reduction in stroke volume.
Shifting from nonpulsatile to pulsatile perfusion of the carotid sinuses decreases the overall baroreflex gain and significantly modifies operation of the carotid baroreflex. Finally, a
sensitivity analysis suggests that venous unstressed volume
control plays the major role in the early hemodynamic
response to acute hemorrhage, whereas systemic resistance
and heart rate controls are a little less important.
baroreflex; cardiac elastance; unstressed volume; atrial pacing


arterial pressure control in humans and mammals is carried out by a sophisticated

multi-input, multi-feedback system termed the baroreflex. The complex structure of the baroreflex, its function, and the role played by the different mechanisms
have been the subject of a multitude of experimental
studies in the past decades (for review, see Refs. 13 and
37). These studies provide quite a complete description
of the different components in both dynamic and static
conditions. Nevertheless, understanding the behavior
of the baroreflex system as a whole is still a hard
problem, which is yet to be completely resolved. The
main difficulties derive from the fact that the interac-

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tions among the components are strongly nonlinear in

nature; hence, the overall system response may be
largely different from the sum of the individual actions.
Mathematical modeling based on nonlinear system
theory may help our understanding of the cardiovascular system. Indeed, several such models of the baroreflex have been proposed in past years (3, 17, 35). In a
recent paper (47), Ursino et al. presented a model of
short-term carotid baroregulation that emphasizes the
role of active changes in venous capacity in maintaining cardiac output during volume perturbations.
Despite the existence of these models, many aspects
of short-term arterial pressure control are yet to be
modeled accurately. First, arterial pressure pulsatility
has a considerable effect on the carotid baroreflex.
Shifting from nonpulsatile to pulsatile perfusion of the
carotid sinuses modifies the frequency in the sinus
nerve (6) and alters baroreflex gain (1, 39). Second, the
carotid baroreflex can significantly modify the flowgenerating capacity of the heart, i.e., the Starling
relationship (15, 22). This effect is evidenced by experiments performed at constant systemic arterial pressure but in normal conditions is masked by simultaneous changes in preload and afterload. Third, the
splanchnic and extrasplanchnic circulations have different roles in the baroreflex control, causing volume
redistribution in response to hemodynamic perturbations (4).
The aim of this paper is to present the main aspects
of a new mathematical model of the baroreflex devoted
to the analysis of these problems. In particular, much
attention is focused on modeling the pulsating heart
and on its interaction with the carotid baroreflex
control system. Even though several models of the
heart as a pulsating pump have been formulated in
past years, I am not aware of any computer study that
elucidates the strict interaction among the pumping
heart, pressure pulsatility, and carotid baroreflex.
Simulations concern a time period of only 12 min
after hemodynamic perturbations. During this period,
in fact, fluid shift across the capillary wall and hormonal regulation have negligible effects on the regulatory response.
The present article is structured as follows. First, a
qualitative description of the model is presented and
parameter values are assigned. Subsequently, the model
is validated by simulating experimental results concerning the interaction among the heart, pressure pulsatility, and the carotid baroreflex in open-loop conditions.
Finally, the system is simulated in closed-loop conditions, to clarify the relative role of each mechanism in
the response to hemorrhage.

0363-6135/98 $5.00 Copyright r 1998 the American Physiological Society





The present model constitutes a generalization of the

mathematical model described in a previous paper (47). The
main improvements and new aspects are as follows. 1) The
heart is described as a pulsatile pump. To this end, the
activity of the ventricles is simulated by an elastance variable
model (38). 2) Because arterial pressure is pulsatile in
nature, a more accurate description of the aortic and pulmonary input impedances is required, valuable also in the
midfrequency range. For this reason, the new model discriminates between large arterial vessels and peripheral arterioles
and includes inertial terms in arteries. 3) The rate-dependent
component of the carotid baroreceptors is included, because it
plays a major role in the pulsatile regime. A distinction is
made between the afferent portion of the carotid baroreflex,
the efferent sympathetic and vagal pathways, and the effector
responses. 4) Reflex heart contractility control, which was
only implicit in the previous model, is explicitly considered in
the present model. 5) Heart rate is controlled by both the
sympathetic and the vagal activity. 6) The systemic vascular
bed is subdivided into the parallel arrangement of the splanchnic and extrasplanchnic circulations, which exhibit a different baroreflex response.
I describe here the main aspects of the heart, the vasculature, and the carotid baroreflex separately in qualitative
terms. All equations can be found in the APPENDIX.
Vascular Compartments
The vascular system includes eight compartments, as
shown in the hydraulic analog of Fig. 1. Five of these
compartments are used to reproduce the systemic circulation,
differentiating among the systemic arteries (subscript sa), the
splanchnic peripheral and venous circulations (subscripts sp
and sv, respectively), and the extrasplanchnic peripheral and
venous circulations (subscripts ep and ev, respectively). Similarly, the other three compartments mimic the arterial,
peripheral and venous pulmonary circulations (subscripts pa,
pp, and pv, respectively). Subscripts la, lv, ra, and rv indicate
the left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, and right ventricle, respectively. Each compartment includes a hydraulic
resistance (Rj ), which accounts for pressure energy losses in
the jth compartment, a compliance (Cj ), which describes the
amount of stressed blood volume stored at a given pressure,
and an unstressed volume (Vu,j ). For the sake of simplicity,
the inertial effects of blood have been included only in the
large artery compartments, in which blood acceleration is
Equations relating pressure and flow in all points of the
vascular system have been written by enforcing preservation
of mass at the capacities in Fig. 1 and equilibrium of forces at
the inertances (Lj ) and by assuming that the total amount of
blood initially contained in the vascular system is 5,300 ml.
The Heart as a Pump
The models for the right and the left heart are similar, with
different values of parameters. The atrium is described as a
linear capacity characterized by constant values of compliance and unstressed volume, i.e., the contractile activity of
the atrium is neglected. Blood passes from the atrium to the
ventricle through the atrioventricular valve, mimicked as the
series arrangement of an ideal unidirectional valve in series
with a constant resistance.
The contractile activity of the ventricle is described by
means of a Voigt viscoelastic model, i.e., the series arrangement of a time-varying elastance, which accounts for the

Fig. 1. Hydraulic analog of cardiovascular system. P, pressures; R,

hydraulic resistances; C, compliances; L, inertances; F, flows; sa,
systemic arteries; sp, splanchnic peripheral circulation, sv, splanchnic venous circulation; ep, extrasplanchnic peripheral circulation, ev,
extrasplanchnic venous circulation; ra, right atrium; rv, right ventricle; pa, pulmonary arteries; pp, pulmonary peripheral circulation;
pv, pulmonary veins; la, left atrium; lv, left ventricle; ol and or, output
from left and right ventricle, respectively; Pmax,rv and Pmax,lv, ventricle
pressures in isometric conditions.

isometric pressure/volume function, and a time-varying resistance. This resistance mainly reflects the viscosity of the
ventricle and increases with the contractile activity of muscle
fibers (44). The elastance varies during the cardiac cycle as a
consequence of the contractile activity of the ventricle. At
diastole, when the muscle fibers are relaxed, the ventricle fills
through an exponential pressure/volume function (Fig. 2,
top), which reflects the elasticity both of the relaxed muscle
and of its external constraints (mainly the pericardium). In
contrast, in accordance with the work of Sagawa et al. (38), I
adopted a linear pressure/volume function at end systole
whose slope (usually called the end-systolic elastance) is
denoted by Emax. Shifting from the end-diastolic to the
end-systolic relationship is governed by a pulsating activation function w(t), with period T equal to the heart period. In
this work, I used a sine square expression for w(t), as proposed
by Piene (31). Moreover, heart period varies as a consequence
of the baroreflex control action (see Carotid Baroreflex)
whereas, according to data reported in Weissler et al. (49), I
assumed that the duration of systole decreases linearly with
the heart rate. Finally, blood flow leaving the ventricle
depends on the aortic valve opening and on the difference
between the isometric ventricle pressure and arterial pressure (afterload). The simulated time patterns of some hemodynamic quantities (systemic arterial pressure, left ventricle
pressure, cardiac output) are shown in the middle and bottom
panels of Fig. 2.


Fig. 2. Example of left ventricle pressure (Plv )/volume function

during a basal cardiac cycle (top). Dotted lines marked a and b
represent diastolic and end-systolic pressure/volume functions, respectively, in isometric conditions: I, filling phase; II, isometric contraction; III, ejection phase; IV, isometric relaxation. Middle: time
pattern of systemic arterial pressure (continuous line) and Plv
(dashed line). Bottom: time pattern of cardiac output (CO) from left

Carotid Baroreflex
When the operation of the carotid baroreflex is described, a
distinction is made among the afferent pathway (involving
the carotid baroreceptors and the sinus nerve), the efferent
sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways, and the action
of several distinct effectors; these represent the response to
sympathetic stimulation of the peripheral systemic resistances (both splanchnic and extrasplanchnic), of systemic
venous unstressed volumes (both splanchnic and extrasplanchnic), and of heart contractility (Emax, in both left
and right ventricles) and the response of heart period to both
sympathetic and vagal activities. A systemic venous compliance control mechanism included in a previous paper (47) has
not been explicitly considered here, because it plays a minor
role (42).
Afferent pathway. The dynamic relationship between intrasinus pressure and the activity of the sinus nerves is described according to experimental results reported in the
recent physiological literature (6, 24). Two main aspects
arising from these experiments are considered. First, the
relationship between intrasinus pressure and sinus nerve
activity in static conditions exhibits a sigmoidal shape with


upper saturation and lower threshold. This relationship is

observed in experiments in which the carotid sinuses are
loaded with a static pressure (6). Second, the carotid sinus
baroreceptors are sensitive not only to the intrasinus pressure mean value but also to its rate of change (6, 24). These
two properties have been reproduced by representing the
carotid baroreceptor plus the afferent pathway as a firstorder linear differential equation, with a static gain and a
rate-dependent gain, connected in series with a sigmoidal
static function.
Efferent sympathetic and parasympathetic (vagal) pathways. Increasing the frequency of spikes in the sinus nerve
results in a decrease in the frequency of the sympathetic
fibers and in an increase in vagal activity. These relationships
have been reproduced by using a monotonically decreasing
monoexponential static curve for the sympathetic efferent
activity (48) and a monotonically increasing exponential
curve, with upper saturation, for the vagal activity (21). A
possible pure delay introduced by processing in the central
neural system has been neglected, because it can be considered part of the dynamic response of the effectors.
Effector responses to sympathetic activity. All the effectors
in the model change in response to stimulation of sympathetic
nerves. The response of a generic effector to sympathetic
stimulation includes a pure delay, a monotonic logarithmic
static function, and a linear first-order dynamics with a real
time constant. The presence of pure delays in the responses is
largely documented in the physiological literature (10, 21, 33,
37); moreover, delays play a pivotal role in affecting the
stability margin of the overall system and might be involved
in the generation of Mayer waves (18). The use of logarithmic
relationships is justified because the effector static response
exhibits a rapid slope at low sympathetic frequencies and
then progressively flattens (20, 26). Of course, the static
function is monotonically increasing when the peripheral
systemic resistances and the end-systolic elastances are
considered but monotonically decreasing when heart period
and systemic venous unstressed volumes are considered.
Finally, the first-order dynamics simulates the time required
for the effector to progressively complete its action.
Effector response: Sympathovagal control of heart period.
Heart period in the model is affected not only by the sympathetic but also by the vagal activity. The response to vagal
stimulation also includes a pure delay, a monotonic static
function, and a first-order linear dynamics. However, according to data reported by Parker et al. (30) and Katona et al.
(21), I assumed that the static relationship is linear, i.e., heart
period increases proportionally to vagal stimulation. The
final heart period level is then computed by summing the
positive changes induced by the vagal stimulation, the negative changes induced by the sympathetic stimulation, and a
constant level representing heart period in the absence of
cardiac innervation. Hence, the two mechanisms interact
linearly in the heart period control. Of course, this is a crude
simplification of the real sympathetic-parasympathetic interaction. However, as shown in RESULTS, it provides an acceptable approximation of heart rate changes under a variety of
physiological conditions.

All parameters in the model have values taken from the

literature, suitably rescaled for a subject with a 70-kg body
Vascular System
Values for the compliances and inertances in large systemic and pulmonary arteries have been assigned according



to previously reported data (3). Resistances in the systemic

and pulmonary arteries have been given to reproduce the
aortic and pulmonary input impedance in the midfrequency
range (29).
The parameters in the peripheral and venous compartments (hydraulic resistances, compliances, and unstressed
volumes) have been derived from a previous paper (47), in
which a detailed analysis can be found. A division between the
splanchnic and extrasplanchnic circulation has been carried
out assuming that normal blood flow in the splanchnic
circulation is as high as 1.6 l/min (36) (i.e., ,30% of cardiac
output) and using values of compliance and total blood
volume in the splanchnic circulations that agree with Donald
(9), Greenway and Lister (16), and Rothe (34). Moreover, I
assumed that both the splanchnic and the extrasplanchnic
circulations exhibit the same ratios between venous and
arterial quantities adopted previously for the whole systemic
circulation. Values for all parameters for the vascular system
under basal conditions are shown in Table 1.
Values for the compliances and unstressed volumes in the
left and right atria and the resistances of the atrioventricular
valves have been assigned to obtain time patterns of atrial
pressures and volumes in agreement with those reported
previously (29). Values for the parameters describing the enddiastolic pressure-volume relationship in the left ventricle
[(P0,lv ) and (kE,lv ); see Eq. 18 in APPENDIX] have been assigned
from data measured by Gaasch et al. (14) in human subjects.
The same parameters for the right heart (P0,rv and kE,rv ) have
been computed starting from Janicki and Weber (19).
Values for the parameters that mimic the viscosity of the
ventricles (kR,lv and kR,rv in Eqs. 16 and 27 in APPENDIX ) have
been drawn from experiments performed on dogs (5, 44) and
suitably rescaled to reflect that the canine ventricle volume is
only about one-third to one-fourth of that in human beings.
Values for the parameters describing the end-systolic pressure/volume function of the left ventricle (Emax,lv and Vu,lv, see
Eq. 18) have been derived from data measured in humans (2,
46). I am not aware of clinical data obtained in human
subjects concerning the same parameters (Emax,rv and Vu,rv )
of the right ventricle. Hence, I refer here to the data reported
in Janicki and Weber (19) and Maughan et al. (27) for the
dog. These data suggest the following ratios between parameters in the right and left ventricle: Emax,rv/Emax,lv 5 0.59;
Vu,rv/Vu,lv 5 2.45. The same ratios have also been deemed
valid for humans in basal conditions.

Table 1. Parameters characterizing the vascular

system in basal condition

Csa 5 0.28
Csp 5 2.05
Cep 5 1.67
Csv 5 61.11
Cev 5 50.0
Cpa 5 0.76
Cpp 5 5.80
Cpv 5 25.37

Volume, ml

Vu,sa 5 0
Vu,sp 5 274.4
Vu,ep 5 336.6
Vu,sv 5 1,121
Vu,ev 5 1,375
Vu,pa 5 0
Vu,pp 5 123
Vu,pv 5 120

mmHg s ml21

Rsa 5 0.06
Rsp 5 3.307
Rep 5 1.407
Rsv 5 0.038
Rev 5 0.016
Rpa 5 0.023
Rpp 5 0.0894
Rpv 5 0.0056

mmHg ml s22


5 0.22 1023

Lpa 5 0.18 1023

Total blood volume is 5,300 ml. C, compliance; Vu , unstressed

volume; R, hydraulic resistance; L, inertance. Subscripts: sa, systemic arterial; sp, splanchnic peripheral; ep, extrasplanchnic peripheral; sv, splanchnic venous; ev, extrasplanchnic venous; pa, pulmonary arterial; pp, pulmonary peripheral; pv, pulmonary venous.

Table 2. Parameters describing the right and left heart

Left Heart

Right Heart

Cla 5 19.23 ml/mmHg

Vu,la 5 25 ml
Rla 5 2.5 1023 mmHg s ml21
P0,lv 5 1.5 mmHg
kE,lv 5 0.014 ml21
Vu,lv 5 16.77 ml
Emax,lv 5 2.95 mmHg/ml
kR,lv 5 3.75 1024 s/ml

Cra 5 31.25 ml/mmHg

Vu,ra 5 25 ml
Rra 5 2.5 1023 mmHg s ml21
P0,rv 5 1.5 mmHg
kE,rv 5 0.011 ml21
Vu,rv 5 40.8
Emax,rv 5 1.75 mmHg/ml
kR,rv 5 1.4 1023 s/ml

Basal heart period (T ) is 0.833 s; ksys and Tsys,0 , which describe

duration of systole as function of heart rate, are 0.075 s2 and 0.5 s,
respectively. R, resistance of atrioventricular valve; kE and P0 ,
parameters describing end-diastolic pressure-volume function of
ventricle; Emax , slope of end-systolic relationship; kR , parameter
describing dependence of ventricle resistance on isometric pressure.
Subscripts: la, left atrium; ra, right atrium; lv, left ventricle; rv, right

The basal value of heart rate has been taken as high as 1.2
Hz (72 beats/min), which corresponds to a heart period of
0.833 s. The parameters that provide a value for the duration
of systole as a function of heart rate (Tsys,0 and ksys in Eq. 22,
APPENDIX ) have been taken from data reported in Weissler et
al. (49). Values for all parameters for the heart under basal
conditions are shown in Table 2.
Afferent Pathway
The parameters in the sigmoidal function are given according to data obtained by Chapleau and Abboud (6) in nonpulsatile conditions and assuming that the central point lies at 92
mmHg. The static and rate-dependent gains in the differential equation have been given according to data obtained by
Kubota et al. (24) via white noise stimulation of the carotid
baroreceptors and data obtained by Chapleau and Abboud (6)
through pulsatile perfusion of the carotid sinuses.
Efferent Sympathetic and Vagal Activities
Parameters describing the sympathetic efferent activity
have been given to simulate the percent decrease in the
frequency of the sympathetic renal nerve measured by Wang
et al. (48) in the dog in response to electrical stimulation of
the carotid sinus nerve. Parameters describing the vagal
response are difficult to obtain from experiments (21) because
the vagus carries not only efferent information but also
afferent information coming from the aortic and cardiopulmonary baroreceptors. Hence, parameters describing efferent
vagal activity have been given indirectly, to mimic the early
heart period response measured in humans through neck
chamber maneuvers (12, 13).
Parameters of the different effectors are considered separately below.
Contractility. The static contractility control parameters
have been based on data reported in Suga et al. (45), Sheriff et
al. (40), and Sagawa et al. (38). These data suggest that the
slope of the end-systolic pressure/volume function in the
vagotomized dog changes by ,33% of the basal level when
carotid sinus pressure is altered between 200 and 50 mmHg.
A similar percent change has also been assumed for elastance
control in the right ventricle. The dynamic parameters (pure
delay and time constant) have been set to approximately
reproduce the frequency dependence of the open-loop transfer



Table 3. Basal values of parameters for regulatory mechanisms

Parameter Values

Carotid sinus afferent pathway (Eqs. 3031)

Pn 5 92 mmHg
ka 5 11.758 mmHg

fmin 5 2.52 spikes/s

tz 5 6.37 s

fmax 5 47.78 spikes/s

tp 5 2.076 s

Sympathetic efferent pathway (Eq. 33)

fes,` 5 2.10 spikes/s

fes,0 5 16.11 spikes/s

fes,min 5 2.66 spikes/s

kes 5 0.0675 s

Vagal efferent pathway (Eq. 34)

fev,0 5 3.2 spikes/s

fev,` 5 6.3 spikes/s

fcs,0 5 25 spikes/s

kev 5 7.06 spikes/s

Effectors (Eqs. 3542)

GEmax,lv 5 0.475 mmHg ml21 n21
GEmax,rv 5 0.282 mmHg ml21 n21
GR,sp 5 0.695 mmHg s ml21 n21
GR,ep 5 0.53 mmHg s ml21 n21
GVu,sv 5 2265.4 ml/n
GVu,ev 5 2132.5 ml/n
GT,s 5 20.13 s/n
GT,v 5 0.09 s/n

tEmax,lv 5 8 s
tEmax,rv 5 8 s
tR,sp 5 6 s
tR,ep 5 6 s
tVu,sv 5 20 s
tVu,ev 5 20 s
tT,s 5 2 s
tT,v 5 1.5 s

DEmax,lv 5 2 s
DEmax,rv 5 2 s
DR,sp 5 2 s
DR,ep 5 2 s
DVu,sv 5 5 s
DVu,ev 5 5 s
DT,s 5 2 s
DT,v 5 0.2 s

Emaxlv,0 5 2.392 mmHg/ml

Emaxrv,0 5 1.412 mmHg/ml
Rsp,0 5 2.49 mmHg s ml21
Rep,0 5 0.78 mmHg s ml21
Vusv,0 5 1435.4 ml
Vuev,0 5 1537 ml
T0 5 0.58 s

G, mechanism strength; f, frequency; t, time constant; D, time delay; n, spikes/s (neural efferent rate). Subscript 0 indicates parameter in
absence of innervation (i.e., when vagal and sympathetic activities are zero). Heart period control includes both sympathetic (subscript s) and
vagal (subscript v) dependence.

function from carotid sinus pressure to end-systolic elastance

estimated by Kubota et al. (23).
Resistance. The gain factors in the static logarithmic relationship have been given according to data reported in
Shoukas and Brunner (42) and Potts et al. (32). These authors
indicate that total systemic resistance in vagotomized animals increases by ,200210% when carotid sinus pressure is
lowered from 200 to 50 mmHg. However, resistance control
seems to be a little weaker in the splanchnic than in the
extrasplanchnic circulation (4, 8). Various data suggest that
the increase in the splanchnic resistance over the whole
baroreceptor sensitivity range is only 70% (4, 20, 34). Finally,
the time constants of the resistance control have been given
the same values used in a previous work (Ref. 47, in which
references can be found), and the pure delay was taken from
previously reported data (10).
Unstressed volume. The gain factors in the static logarithmic relationship have been given so that the total reflex
change in venous unstressed volume is approximately as
great as 15 ml/kg (4143). Moreover, I assumed that the
venous unstressed volume control is much stronger in the
splanchnic than in the extrasplanchnic circulation. In fact,
experiments performed at constant flow and constant venous
pressure suggest that activation of the carotid baroreflex can
actively reduce splanchnic venous unstressed volume by 10
ml/kg, which is two-thirds of the total reflex response (4, 9).
The remaining portion is ascribed to the extrasplanchnic
circulation. According to various authors, the time constants
and pure delays of the unstressed volume control are higher
than in the resistance control (33 and 43).
Heart period. Parameters that characterize the static effect
of vagal and sympathetic activity on heart period have been
given to simulate experimental data reported by Levy and
Zieske (26). These authors measured heart rate changes in
the dog, using different combinations of vagal and sympathetic stimulation. Values for the time constants and pure
delays have been given considering that the vagus control is
extremely rapid (a few tenths of a second, i.e., it occurs on a
beat-by-beat basis), whereas the sympathetic control is characterized by slower dynamics (a few seconds) (21). Values for

all parameters concerning the baroreflex control are shown in

Table 3.

Numerical integration of differential equations was

performed using the fifth-order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg
method with adjustable step length with the software
package SIMNON (SIMNON/PCW for Microsoft Windows, version 2.01, SSPA Maritime Consulting,
Goteborg, Sweden) devoted to the simulation of ordinary differential equations.1 Throughout the simulations, the integration and memorization steps were as
low as 0.01 s and the error tolerance was set at 1 31026.
Although the model is pulsatile in nature, in Figs. 39
only the mean value of the hemodynamic quantities is
shown. The mean values were computed from the
pulsating quantities by storing a 20-s tracing in stationary conditions (i.e., after the dynamic response to a
perturbation has exhausted) and then automatically
selecting an integer number of heart periods. The time
average of these waveforms was computed using the
trapezoidal integration method.
Afferent Pathway
The top panel of Fig. 3 shows the static sigmoidal
characteristic of the carotid baroreceptors and the
effect of shifting from nonpulsatile to pulsatile loading
in the model and in the experiments by Chapleau and
Abboud (6). When the carotid sinuses are loaded with a
sinusoidal pulsating pressure, the relationship linking
1 All simulation programs, written according to the software
package SIMNON, are available, free of charge, by writing to the
author. These programs can be used with SIMNON/PCW version 2.0
or higher.



intrasinus pressure to the activity of the sinus nerve is

converted from sigmoidal to quasilinear in the central
pressure range and exhibits lower sensitivity with
greater pulsation amplitude. Furthermore, the modulus and phase of the linear first-order dynamics from
carotid sinus pressure to sinus nerve activity are shown
in the middle and bottom panels of Fig. 3. Modulus and
phase increase with frequency in the midfrequency
range, suggesting a derivative nature. Similar patterns
were observed by Kubota et al. (24) in the dog, using the
white noise stimulation technique (see Figs. 1C and 2C
in Ref. 24).
Sympathovagal Control of Heart Period
A detailed description of the heart rate changes
induced by different combinations of vagal and sympathetic stimulation was achieved by Levy and Zieske
(26) in the dog (Fig. 4, top). These authors observed
that, at high levels of vagal activity, sympathetic stimu-

Fig. 4. Effect of combined sympathetic and vagal stimulation, at

different frequencies, on heart rate (HR). Top: experimental results
by Levy and Zieske (26). Bottom: model simulation results.

lation has only a minor effect on heart rate. In contrast,

at high levels of sympathetic activity, vagal stimulation
exerts a maximal control on heart rate. Hence, the
authors suggested the existence of a significant nonlinear sympathetic-parasympathetic interaction. As
shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 4, however, I was able
to reproduce these experimental data quite well with
the present model, assuming a simple linear sympathetic-parasympathetic interaction in the control of
heart period. Hence, the suggestion is that the nonlinear effects visible in the data can be ascribed merely to
the hyperbolic relationship linking heart rate to heart
period (i.e., HR 5 1/T). Nonlinear sympathetic-parasympathetic interactions probably occur at different
levels in the neural system; however, their inclusion is
not necessary to account for the data by Levy and
Zieske (26).
Effect of Carotid Baroreflex on Starling Curve
Fig. 3. Main characteristics of afferent pathway from carotid sinus
pressure to sinus nerve frequency. Top: static sigmoidal carotid
baroreceptor function (continuous line) compared with data measured by Chapleau and Abboud (6) in dog with static perfusion of
carotid sinuses (s). Effect of a sinusoidal pulsation at carotid sinuses
(frequency 1.5 Hz) with different amplitude is also shown (dot-dashed
line, 20 mmHg peak to peak; dashed line, 40 mmHg peak to peak;
dotted line, 60 mmHg peak to peak) and compared with experimental
data obtained by Chapleau and Abboud using 3050 mmHg peak-topeak sinusoidal pressure (*). Middle and bottom: normalized modulus and phase of baroreceptor transfer function in frequency domain.

The Starling curve of the heart was evaluated by

giving right atrial pressure different constant values
ranging between 1 and 10 mmHg and computing the
corresponding values of cardiac output at equilibrium.
Evaluation of the Starling curve was then repeated at
different intrasinus pressure levels. During all these
simulations, systemic arterial pressure was maintained at a constant nonpulsating value (92 mmHg). As
a consequence, in this preparation only mechanisms
working on heart rate and contractility are functioning



in open-loop conditions, whereas mechanisms working

on resistance (afterload) and unstressed volume (preload) are excluded. This allows the effect of the baroreflex on the Starling curve to be quantified. The simulated dependence of the Starling curve on carotid sinus
pressure is shown in the top panel of Fig. 5. As is clear
from this figure, reducing carotid sinus pressure causes
a significant increase in the flow generation capacity of
the heart (in accordance with Refs. 15 and 22). To
permit more direct comparison between the model and
experimental data, I computed the average percent
changes of cardiac output at each intrasinus pressure
level. The bottom panel of Fig. 5 shows that there is a
rather good quantitative agreement between the model
and experimental data, suggesting that the carotid
baroreflex mechanisms acting on the heart are adequately simulated.
Artificial Heart Pacing
Several authors speculated that the relationship
relating cardiac output to heart rate can be used to
characterize the interaction of the heart with the rest of
the circulation (see Ref. 28 for review). To simulate the
effect of artificial heart pacing on cardiac output, the

Fig. 6. Effect of heart pacing on CO (top) and stroke volume (SV;

middle). In these simulations feedback loop controlling heart period
was broken, and HR was used as an external input. Bottom:
normalized curve dSV/dHR vs. HR compared with data obtained by
Melbin et al. (28) in dog.

Fig. 5. Effect of carotid baroreflex on Starling curve. Top: CO vs. right

atrial pressure relationship simulated at constant afterload [systemic arterial pressure (SAP) 5 92 mmHg] at different levels of
carotid sinus pressure (62, 82, 87, 92, 102, and 122 mmHg). Bottom:
corresponding average percent changes in CO compared with experimental results by Kostiuk et al. (22) in dog with intact vagus.

feedback loop relating carotid sinus pressure to heart

period was cut in the model and heart period was given
different values ranging between 30 and 200 beats/min.
In this experimental setting all baroreflex regulatory
mechanisms are working in closed-loop conditions,
with the exception only of the heart rate control. This
preparation permits quantification of the heart ratecardiac output relationship. The top panel of Fig. 6
shows that cardiac output increases with heart rate at
the lower heart rate levels and then levels out. At
physiological frequencies, cardiac output seems to increase moderately with frequency. The failure of car-



diac output to further increase at high values of heart

rate is a consequence of a decline in ventricular filling,
which causes a reduction in end-diastolic volume and
hence also in stroke volume (SV) (Fig. 6, middle).
The bottom panel of Fig. 6 compares the normalized
dSV/dHR vs. HR relationship in the model with that
reported in Melbin et al. (Fig. 2 in Ref. 28). Because
stroke volume is different in humans and dogs, the two
curves were normalized to the value at 80 beats/min.
The agreement between the model and the experiments
by Melbin et al. is good.

[i.e., assuming vagal frequency ( fev ) 5 0 in the model]

to permit better comparison with experimental data in
vagotomized animals. In fact, experimental data obtained with the vagus intact cannot be directly compared with model results because of the antagonistic
action of the aortic arch. Volume shifts in the splanchnic and extrasplanchnic circulations have been computed by maintaining constant venous pressures and
flows, as in the experiment by Brunner et al. (4).

Carotid Baroreflex in Open-Loop

Nonpulsatile Conditions

To analyze the role of intrasinus pressure pulsatility

on the carotid baroreflex control, pressure at the carotid sinuses was given a sinusoidal pulsatile pattern
with various combinations of mean level, amplitude,
and frequency of pulsations. The effect of pulsatility on
the overall open-loop baroreflex response (mean systemic arterial pressure vs. mean intrasinus pressure) is
summarized in Fig. 8 and compared with the experimental results by Schmidt et al. (39). All these figures were
obtained using a frequency of 2 Hz. Varying frequency
in the range of 14 Hz had little effect on the results.
As is clear from the figure, a pulsating pressure at
the carotid sinuses decreases the sensitivity of the

To simulate the carotid baroreflex response in openloop conditions, carotid sinus pressure in the model was
given different constant values ranging between 40 and
150 mmHg and the pattern of the main hemodynamic
quantities was computed at equilibrium.
Figure 7 shows blood volume changes in the splanchnic and extrasplanchnic circulations, heart period, systemic resistance, cardiac output, and mean systemic
arterial pressure. In the latter cases, simulations have
been repeated by eliminating the effect of the vagus

Fig. 7. Summary of carotid baroreflex responses in open-loop conditions with static

loading of carotid sinuses. Continuous thick
lines are model simulation results. Top 2
panels show blood volume changes in
splanchnic (left) and extrasplanchnic
(right) vascular beds, evaluated at constant flow and constant venous pressure;
experimental data are means 6 SD computed from Fig. 9 in Brunner et al. (4).
Middle left: comparison of model heart
period changes with those measured by
Eckberg and Sleight (12, 13) in humans,
using neck chamber. Middle right: normalized total sytemic resistance in model and
in experiments on vagotomized animals (1,
8, 32, 42). Bottom panels: patterns of mean
SAP and CO. To permit better comparison
with experimental data (7, 32, 39) in the
last 2 cases, simulations have been repeated in vagotomized conditions (dashed
thick lines).

Effect of Intrasinus Pressure Pulsatility



Fig. 8. Effect of pressure-pulse amplitude

at carotid sinuses on overall open-loop
characteristic of baroreflex. During these
simulations (A), a sinusoidal pulsating
pressure (frequency 2 Hz) with different
peak-to-peak amplitudes (0, 20, 30, and 40
mmHg) was superimposed at different carotid sinus pressure mean levels. Pulsating pressure depresses carotid baroreflex
gain. By way of comparison, results by
Schmidt et al. (39) are shown (B).

carotid baroreflex and moves the region of maximum

gain toward lower arterial pressure values. Moreover,
the pulsatility effect depends significantly on the intrasinus pressure mean level. The effect of pulsatility is
quite negligible when mean intrasinus pressure lies in
the central linear range. In contrast, pulsatility has the
maximum effect when the mean pressure level is located in the nonlinear region of the static characteristic.

pointed out. Single experimental results acquire greater

meaning if they are inserted into a more general
theoretical vision, in which they are related with other
data and can be used to confirm, modify, or contradict
previous established knowledge. In this way, the present model aspires to represent the carotid baroreflex as
the combination of several distinct parts, each with its
own characteristics, that interact nonlinearly and whose

Acute Hemorrhage
To test model behavior in closed-loop conditions, I
simulated the effect of an acute blood volume loss
(210% of total) performed in 5 s, with all mechanisms
working in closed-loop condition. The percent changes
in mean systemic arterial pressure, cardiac output,
total systemic resistance, and heart rate have been
computed after 80 s from the perturbation. The simulation results, shown in the top panel of Fig. 9, are
compared with the results obtained by Kumada et al.
(25) in the intact dog. The agreement is quite satisfactory. It is worth noting that frequency increases less in
the model than in the experimental data. This discrepancy might be imputed to the effect of the aortic arch
baroregulation or chemoreceptors.
A sensitivity analysis of the role of the different
effectors after acute hemorrhage is presented in the
bottom panel of Fig. 9. In this analysis, the strength of
each mechanism has been individually lowered down to
zero, whereas the remaining mechanisms are working
normally. The results suggest that control of venous
unstressed volume plays the major role in maintaining
cardiac output and systemic arterial pressure in the
early phase after hemorrhage, whereas the systemic resistance and heart rate controls are a little less important.
Finally, the control of cardiac elastance seems to play a
minor role in the response to hemorrhage.

The model presented in this paper represents an

effort to integrate the various known mechanisms of
the carotid baroreflex, often considered separately, into
a comprehensive theoretical setting. I feel that this
kind of synthesis is urgently needed, because the large
quantities of data accumulated in recent years run the
risk of being insufficiently exploited if the mutual
relationships and reciprocal associations are not clearly

Fig. 9. Top: percent changes in mean value of main hemodynamic

quantities [SAP, CO, peripheral systemic resistance (R), HR] caused
by acute hemorrhage (210% of total blood volume). Simulation
results (model) were evaluated at 80 s after hemorrhage and compared with results obtained by Kumada et al. (25) in intact dog
(exper). Bottom: sensitivity analysis of role of the 4 effectors. Strength
of mechanisms working on different effectors [R, end-systolic elastance (Emax ), venous unstressed volume, and HR] was individually
reduced to zero, still preserving same initial basal condition. Percent
changes in SAP, CO, R, and HR after acute hemorrhage (210% of
total blood volume) were then reevaluated and compared with intact



final integration provides the complex kind of regulation experienced in vivo.

An important aspect of the model is the distinction
among the different functional parts of the carotid
baroreflex, i.e., the afferent pathway including the
carotid baroreceptors and sinus nerves, the central
neural processing system, and the peripheral effectors.
This distinction may enable improved understanding of
the possible role of each part in baroregulation and of
the consequences of their pathological changes. Moreover, this distinction makes it simpler to refine the
model in future work including new aspects not considered here (e.g., the cardiopulmonary and aortic baroafferents).
A new feature of the present model, which distinguishes it from most baroregulation models developed
previously, is the characterization of the heart as a
pulsatile pump. This choice permits the baroreflex to be
studied in its natural working condition, when the
carotid pressoreceptors are rhythmically loaded and
unloaded by the pulsating sphygmic wave.
Despite the unavoidable limitations involved in modeling a complex physiological system, the model is able
to reproduce several aspects of carotid baroreflex control rather well. In the following, I analyze the main
perturbations simulated in this work separately and
critically comment on the corresponding results.
Sympathovagal Balance
The model assumes the common viewpoint for heart
rate control, i.e., heart rate is increased by activation of
the sympathetic system during hypotension and decreased by vagal activation during hypertension. Moreover, the two mechanisms superimpose their actions in
the central pressure range.
In this model the sympathetic and parasympathetic
mechanisms interact linearly in the regulation of heart
period. Of course, this is a simplification of the reality,
because nonlinearities in the sympathetic-parasympathetic interaction probably occur at different neural
levels. However, with this assumption the model allows
good reproduction of the experimental findings by Levy
and Zieske (26), who observed significant nonlinearities when measuring heart rate as a function of sympathetic and parasympathetic neural activities. Indeed,
the present simulations suggest that the significant
nonlinearities in the experimental curves are not a
consequence of a facilitatory-inhibitory interaction but
depend on the hyperbolic nonlinear relationship that
holds between heart period (T) and heart rate (HR, 5
1/T). Vagus stimulation moves the working point to a
different position on the hyperbolic relationship, characterized by a much smaller slope (dHR/dT). The small
slope, in turn, explains the small effect that sympathetic stimulation has on heart rate at high levels of
vagal activity.
Changes in Cardiac Function Curve
The simulation results confirm experimental data
(15, 22) according to which the carotid baroreflex can

significantly affect the cardiac function curve. The

model ascribes baroreflex action on the Starling relationship to the combined action of mechanisms working on
heart rate and Emax.
The results in Fig. 5 were obtained by using constant
afterload and preload. In contrast, simulations performed in more physiological conditions, in which mean
systemic arterial pressure and atrial pressure are free
to vary, show that changes in the pumping ability of the
heart may be almost completely masked in vivo by
alterations in afterload and, especially, in preload. The
effects of changes in preload are evident from the
simulation results on atrial pacing and hemorrhage
discussed below.
Cardiac Output With Heart Rate Changes
Changes in heart rate have been used in many
studies to analyze the relationships of the heart with
the rest of the circulatory system (i.e., with preload and
afterload). Various authors observed that heart pacing
may cause controversial effects on cardiac output;
increasing heart rate causes only a moderate increase
in cardiac output at physiological levels of heart rate,
whereas at high heart rate levels, cardiac output
remains unchanged or may even decrease (see Ref. 28).
The results of the present simulation confirm the
existence of a different pattern of cardiac output vs.
heart rate, depending on ventricular filling and stroke
volume. When heart rate lies in the range of 6090
beats/min, its variations have only a moderate impact
on cardiac output (a 30% increase in heart rate causing
only 15% increase in cardiac output). When heart rate
is .110 beats/min, its changes have less effect on
cardiac output.
The moderate effect of heart rate changes on cardiac
output visible in Fig. 6 can be ascribed to a decrease in
end-diastolic pressure, consequent both on baroreflex
control (which causes an increase in venous unstressed
volume during heart rate increase) and passive volume
redistribution. Of course, these effects were not present
in the simulations of Fig. 5, which were performed at
constant systemic arterial pressure and constant preload. An important physiological consequence of the
results in Fig. 6 is that mechanisms working on heart
rate may have a different role in cardiovascular control,
depending on the initial heart rate and the availability
of venous return. We may expect that, in conditions of
poor venous return and/or increased heart rate (such as
in vagotomized subjects, in which heart rate is increased far above normal), the reflex mechanisms
working on heart period may play a scanty role. In
contrast, these mechanisms may have greater importance during bradycardia and/or in conditions characterized by high mean filling pressure.
Recently, Melbin et al. (28) suggested that the relationship linking the dSV/dHR function to HR can be
used to predict the cardiac output response to a variety
of different perturbations and is thus a useful expression for cardiac function. I tested the ability of the
model to predict the dSV/dHR function observed by
Melbin et al. during atrial pacing. The good agreement


obtained in this case suggests that the model may find

application, in future studies, in simulating the effect of
other perturbations that modify stroke volume (e.g.,
volume loading or unloading, increase in venous resistance, etc.) to investigate the possible clinical meaning
of the dSV/dHR function.
Pressure Pulsatility and Carotid Baroreflex
The results obtained by the present model support
the observations of several authors, according to whom
shifting from nonpulsatile to pulsatile perfusion of the
carotid sinuses at low pressure reduces the mean value
of the main hemodynamic quantities and attenuates
the baroreflex gain (1, 39). This model result, however,
depends crucially on the intrasinus pressure mean
value on which pulsations are superimposed. In the
present model, the depressive effect of pulsatility can
be seen only if mean intrasinus pressure lies below the
central point of the static sigmoidal baroreceptor function, a little above the threshold. However, according to
the results of Chapleau and Abboud (6), our simulations indicate that pressure pulsatility applied above
the central point of the static curve causes a reduction
in the activity of the sinus nerve (Fig. 3); hence, in this
condition pulsatility might have a hypertensive effect
(Fig. 8).
Acute Hemorrhage
The model is able to reproduce the hemodynamic
response to acute hemorrhage fairly well by using the
basal values of the parameters. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis reveals that control of venous unstressed
volume plays the major role in protecting the cardiovascular system in the early phase after acute blood losses.
If the unstressed volume control in the model is depressed, we can observe a serious reduction in mean
systemic arterial pressure and cardiac output after
hemorrhage (Fig. 9). Control of peripheral systemic
resistance and heart rate also plays a certain role, but
this seems a little less important than the role played
by venous unstressed volume.
This result can be justified by examining the relationships among hemodynamic quantities shown in Fig. 9.
The main hemodynamic perturbation induced by hemorrhage is a fall in mean systemic filling pressure,
which causes a fall in venous return, end-diastolic
pressure, and cardiac output. It thus makes sense that
this perturbation should be primarily counteracted by
venous constriction, which restores mean filling pressure toward more physiological levels without affecting
the arteriolar circulation to peripheral organs. This
idea is confirmed by the experimental results of Greene
and Shoukas (15), who observed that activation of the
carotid sinus baroreflex causes large changes in the
zero flow intercept of the venous return curve (i.e., in
mean circulatory filling pressure) and by Drees and
Rothe (11), who measured relevant active changes in
mean circulatory filling pressure after hemorrhage in
the dog. The reason for the smaller role of systemic
resistance regulation after hemorrhage is that, when


the heart is partially empty, increasing afterload causes

a secondary fall in cardiac output (Fig. 9), which results
in only minor benefits on mean systemic arterial pressure. Indeed, we can expect that baroreflex control of
systemic resistance plays a major role in response to
other hemodynamic perturbations (such as metabolic
vasodilation, hypoxia, hypercapnia, and thermal
stresses) that primarily affect the cardiac afterload
with only secondary changes in preload. Moreover, the
baroreflex control of vascular resistance may also become important in the middle period after hemorrhage,
by increasing vascular refilling through a reduction in
capillary pressure.
Furthermore, the present simulations confirm the
observations by others (4, 9, 16), according to whom the
splanchnic circulation is responsible for a significant
portion of the blood volume shift during baroreflex
activation. The model ascribes this behavior mainly to
the existence of a stronger venous unstressed volume
control in the splanchnic circulation than in the extrasplanchnic circulation. Volume redistribution from
arteriolar vasoconstriction (Jager-Krogh phenomenon)
appears scarcely important in the model, because the
increase in resistance caused by the carotid baroreflex
is smaller in the splanchnic than in the extrasplanchnic
vessels (4, 8).
Finally, it is important to point out the main limitations and simplifications of the present model, which
may be improved in future. A first limitation concerns
the absence of local autoregulation mechanisms in the
control of peripheral systemic resistance. We can expect that in conditions in which cardiac output and
mean systemic arterial pressure decrease significantly
(e.g., after acute hemorrhage), the vasoconstrictory
action of the carotid baroreflex is counteracted by
peripheral vasodilation in the organs (like the brain,
heart, and muscles) with a higher metabolic rate.
A second possible shortcoming concerns the dependence of heart contractility on the carotid baroreflex
and on other hemodynamic influences. In this study, I
took a traditional viewpoint (38) and assumed that the
carotid baroreflex acts, through sympathetic activation, only on the slope of the end-systolic pressure/
volume function. The results of some experiments,
however, cast doubt on this simplification, indicating
that vagal stimulation and changes in systemic input
impedance might also significantly influence the slope
and x-axis intercept of the left ventricle end-systolic
relationship. Furthermore, the present model neglects
the effect of changes in coronary perfusion on the
end-systolic pressure/volume function. These effects,
however, may become important if coronary artery
pressure is reduced below the autoregulation limit (38).
A further limitation concerns the absence of vagal
afferents in the model, especially cardiopulmonary
baroreceptors. Their role, however, might be significant
in humans in response to some perturbations such as
nonhypotensive hemorrhage or mild lower body negative pressure. Moreover, inclusion of vagal baroafferents may be worthwhile to reproduce paradoxical re-



sponses of the cardiovascular system such as the

vasovagal syncope (13).
Perhaps the most far-reaching simplification in the
present model concerns the description of the central
neural processing system, which was simply mimicked
by means of monotonic exponential functions linking
activity in the afferent and efferent neural pathways.
Increasing evidence has accumulated in recent years
on the functional role that the central mechanisms may
play in the carotid baroreflex response. This aspect will
require new modeling efforts in future years, perhaps
using modern neural network computation techniques.

Conservation of Mass at Extrasplanchnic Venous Circulation

(Cev )


where Vrv and Vlv are the volumes contained in the right and
left ventricles, respectively (see The Heart as a Pump), and Vu
is the total unstressed volume, equal to the sum of the
unstressed volumes in the different compartments, i.e.

The Vascular System

Equations relating pressures and volumes in the different
points of the vascular bed can be written by imposing
conservation of mass at all compliances of Fig. 1 and balance
of forces in the large arteries. Pj is intravascular pressure in
the jth compartment, Vu,j is the corresponding unstressed
volume (defined as the volume at zero pressure), Fj is blood
flow, and Cj, Lj, and Rj are compliances, inertances, and
hydraulic resistances, respectively. Finally, Fo,r and Fo,l are
cardiac output from the left and right ventricle, respectively.





Psv 5




Pev 2 Pra



[Vt 2 Csa Psa 2 (Csp 1 Cep)Psp 2 Cev Pev 2 Cra Pra

2 Vrv 2 Cpa Ppa 2 Cpp Ppp 2 Cpv Ppv 2 Cla Pla 2 Vlv 2 Vu]

Vu 5 1 Vu,sa 1 Vu,sp 1 Vu,ep 1 Vu,sv 1 Vu,ev 1 Vu,ra

1 Vu,pa 1 Vu,pp 1Vu,pv 1 Vu,la



Vt may change during simulation as a consequence of

transfusion or hemorrhage. A further differential equation
can thus be written


(Fo,r 2 Fpa)

Psp 2 Pev

Finally, pressure in the splanchnic venous circulation is

computed by assuming that the total amount of blood volume
contained in the circulatory system (Vt ) is known. Hence


Conservation of Mass at Pulmonary Arteries (Cpa )



Vt(0) 5 Vt,0

5 I(t)


where Vt,0 is the amount of blood volume initially contained in

the circulation, and I(t) is the blood injection rate (if positive)
or the withdrawal rate (if negative).

Balance of Forces at Pulmonary Arteries (Lpa )


The Heart as a Pump


(Ppa 2 Ppp 2 Rpa Fpa)


Conservation of Mass at Pulmonary Peripheral Circulation

(Cpp )






Conservation of Mass at Pulmonary Veins (Cpv )


1 Ppp 2 Ppv



Ppv 2 Pla


Conservation of Mass at Systemic Arteries (Csa )





(Fo,l 2 Fsa)


Csp 1 Cep


Psp 2 Psv

Ppv 2 Pla

2 Fi,l


if Pla # Plv

Fi,l 5 Pla 2 Plv



(Psa 2 Psp 2 Rsa Fsa)



where the first term in brackets is venous return and Fi,l

denotes blood flow entering the left ventricle. This term
depends on the opening of the atrioventricular valve. Hence



Conservation of Mass at Peripheral Systemic Circulation (Csp

and Cep )

if Pla . Plv


Vlv is computed by applying conservation of mass

Balance of Forces at Systemic Arteries (Lsa )



Ppp 2 Ppv

Pla can be computed by applying conservation of mass.


Psp 2 Pev


5 Fi,l 2 Fo,l


where Fo,l is cardiac output from the left ventricle. Cardiac

output, in turn, depends on the opening of the aortic valve,
assumed to be ideal

if Pmax,lv # Psa

Fo,l 5 Pmax,lv 2 Psa


if Pmax,lv . Psa


where Pmax,lv is the isometric left ventricle pressure. The

viscous resistance of the left ventricle (Rlv ) is assumed to be



proportional to the isometric pressure (44), and so it increases

significantly during contraction. We can thus write
Rlv 5 kR,lv Pmax,lv

Plv 5 Pmax,lv 2 Rlv Fo,l


0 # w(t) # 1

0 # u # Tsys /T


where T is the heart period, Tsys is the duration of systole, and

u is a dimensionless variable, ranging between 0 and 1, that
represents the fraction of cardiac cycle. The value u 5 0 is
conventionally assumed as the beginning of systole. An
expression for u(t) has been obtained, as a function of T, by
means of an integrate and fire model, i.e.
u(t) 5 frac

e T(t) dt 1 u(t )





u(t) 5 frac(j)


Finally, Tsys decreases linearly with heart rate (49), i.e.

Tsys 5 Tsys,0 2 ksys


where Tsys,0 and ksys are constant parameters.

Equations similar to Eqs. 1222 can also be written for the
right heart, with different parameters.
Conservation of Mass at Right Atrium


Psv 2 Pra


Pev 2 Pra

2 Fi,r



Cardiac Output From Right Ventricle

if Pmax,rv # Ppa


if Pmax,rv . Ppa


Viscous Resistance of Right Ventricle

Rrv 5 kR,rv Pmax,rv


Instantaneous Right Ventricle Pressure

Prv 5 Pmax,rv 2 Rrv Fo,r


Isometric Pressure in Right Ventricle

Pmax,rv(t) 5 w(t) Emax,rv (Vrv 2 Vu,rv) 1 [1 2 w(t)]
0 # w(t) # 1


The same expression for w(t) (Eqs. 1922) holds for both the
right and left ventricles.
Carotid Baroreflex Control System
Afferent pathway. According to experimental results (6) the
afferent baroreflex pathway is described as the series arrangement of a linear derivative first-order dynamic block and a
sigmoidal static characteristic


where the function fractional part [frac( )] resets the variable u(t) to zero as soon as it reaches the value 11. Equation
20 is equivalent to the use of an additional state variable; in

5 Fi,r 2 Fo,r

P0,rv (ekE,rv Vrv 2 1)

Tsys /T # u # 1



where Emax,lv is the ventricle elastance at the instant of

maximum contraction, Vu,lv is the corresponding ventricle
unstressed volume (i.e., the x-axis intercept of the endsystolic pressure/volume function), and P0,lv and kE,lv are
constant parameters that characterize the monoexponential
pressure/volume function at diastole. Finally, w(t) is the
ventricle activation function [with w(t) 5 1 at maximum
contraction, w(t) 5 0 at complete relaxation]. I adopted the
simple expression used by Piene (31), i.e., a squared half-sine


Conservation of Mass at Right Ventricle

Fo,r 5 Pmax,rv 2 Ppa

1 [1 2 w(t)] P0,lv (ekE,lv Vlv 2 1)]


if Pra . Prv



Pmax,lv(t) 5 w(t) Emax,lv (Vlv 2 Vu,lv)


Fi,r 5 Pra 2 Prv


According to Sagawa et al. (38), I assumed that the

isometric pressure/volume function is exponential at diastole,
when the ventricle is relaxed, and linear at end systole, when
the ventricle is maximally contracted. Hence

w(t) 5

if Pra # Prv


where kR,lv is a constant parameter.

The instantaneous left ventricle pressure can be obtained
as the difference between the isometric pressure and viscous
losses. One can thus write

p T(t)

Blood Flow Entering Right Ventricle


5 Pcs 1 tz


fcs 5 fmin 1 fmax exp





1 1 exp





where tp and tz are the time constants for the real pole and the
real zero in the linear dynamic block (usually with tz/tp . 1),
Pcs is the carotid sinus pressure, P is the output variable of
the linear dynamic block (having the dimension of a pressure), fcs is the frequency of spikes in the afferent fibers, fmax
and fmin are the upper and lower saturation of the frequency
discharge, Pn is the value of intrasinus pressure at the central
point of the sigmoidal functional, and ka is a parameter with
the dimension of pressure, related to the slope of the static
function at the central point. By denoting with Gb the
maximum baroreceptor gain, i.e., the gain at the central
point, the following expression holds
Gb 5


P5 P

ka 5

fmax 2 fmin
4 ? Gb


In closed-loop conditions, carotid sinus pressure is equal to

systemic arterial pressure, i.e., Pcs 5 Psa. In contrast, Pcs is
considered a model input during open-loop simulations.



Efferent sympathetic pathway. The negative monotonic

function that relates the activity in the afferent and efferent
neural pathways has been given an exponential trend (48).
Hence, we have

where the meaning of symbols is the same as in Eqs. 35 and

36. In particular, T0 denotes heart period in the absence of
cardiac innervation.

fes 5 fes,` 1 (fes,0 2 fes,`) e2kes fcs

Address for reprint requests: M. Ursino, Dipartimento di

Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Viale Risorgimento 2, I40136,
Bologna, Italy.


where fes is the frequency of spikes in the efferent sympathetic nerves and kes, fes0, and fes` are constants (with fes0 .
fes` ).
Efferent vagal pathway. The efferent vagal activity increases monotonically with the activity in the sinus nerve
until an upper saturation is reached. Hence, the following
sigmoidal equation has been used

fev 5 fev,0 1 fev,` exp

fcs 2 fcs,0

fcs 2 fcs,0



24931 1 exp 1



where fev is the frequency of spikes in the efferent vagal fibers,

kev, fev,0 and fev,` are constant parameters (with fev,` . fev,0 ),
and fcs,0 is the central value in Eq. 31.
Regulation effectors. The response of the resistances, unstressed volumes, and cardiac elastances to the sympathetic
drive includes a pure latency, a monotonic logarithmic static
function, and a low-pass first-order dynamics. Hence, the
following equations hold
su(t) 5

Gu ln [ fes(t 2 Du) 2 fes,min 1 1]

if fes $ fes,min

if fes , fes,min


(t) 5


(2Du(t) 1 su(t)

u(t) 5 Du(t) 1 u0


where u denotes the generic controlled parameter, su is the

output of the static characteristic, tu and Du are the time
constants and pure latency, respectively, of the mechanism,
fes,min is the minimum sympathetic stimulation (Eqs. 3133),
and Du is the parameter change caused by sympathetic
stimulation. Finally, Gu is a constant gain factor, positive for
mechanisms working on Emax,rv, Emax,lv, Rsp, and Rep but
negative for Vu,sv and Vu,ev.
The response of the heart period includes a balance between the vagal and sympathetic activities. The heart period
changes induced by sympathetic stimulation (DTs ) are obtained through equations analogous to Eqs. 35 and 36. The
response to vagal activity differs from the others because
heart period increases linearly with the efferent frequency in
the vagus (30). Finally, the heart period level is obtained by
assuming a linear interaction between the sympathetic and
parasympathetic responses. Hence
sT,s(t) 5

GT,s ln [fes(t 2 DT,s) 2 fes,min 1 1] if fes $ fes,min

if fes , fes,min



[2DTs(t) 1 sT,s(t)]

sT,v(t) 5 GT,v fev(t 2 DT,v)



[2DTv(t) 1 sT,v(t)]

T 5 DTs 1 DTv 1 T0



Received 9 March 1998; accepted in final form 12 June 1998.

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