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Section IV: School Library Media Center Facilities

Learning Climate
Warren Road Media Center encourages students to be enthusiastic, interactive readers
and researchers that meet their learning goals through direct instruction with students,
collaboration with teachers, and a comprehensive media program that includes the use of a
variety of materials including technological, print, and non-print resources. Materials and
resources are available to students to make their media center time productive. Overall, the
learning climate is positively driven to help each student meet their learning needs.
Furnishings and Regions of Media Center
Furnishings in WRESs media center include one sofa, one loveseat, three rectangular
tables that each seat eight, two round tables that each seat four, a story time area that
features tiered seating, as well as a teacher/student computer work station with four
computers located in a secluded area in media center. Entering the media center from the
main hallway, directly to the left, the Promethean board hangs on the wall parallel to the 3
rectangular tables. The round tables are located to the right of the rectangular tables. From
the main entrance, the teacher work area is in a room directly behind the check out counter
and the media production room is on the left side of the main entrance in a room that is
directly behind where the Promethean board is located. The middle of the media center
contains five bookcases that extend the length of the media center. The far right houses the
easy section, the middle includes the series section, and the far left holds juvenile fiction and
one row of non-fiction collection. The middle section, our most popular and heavily trafficked
area has the widest aisle, which allows easy access. On the far left side of the media center,
the bookcases that surround the story time area, contain the rest of the non-fiction collection.
Virtual and Technological Elements
Wireless access for the entire school was installed in December 2014. Full wireless
access is now available throughout the entire school. Prior to this school year, wireless
connectivity was only available in the media center. Web filtering allows safe surfing for
students when conducting online research or browsing the Internet and blocks access to
potentially inappropriate sites. The Technological resources available to Warren Road
students both at home and at school: Study Island, First in Math, Renaissance Place Home
Connect, Vmathlive, and Galileo. Follett shelf logins will be available to students in the fall of
2015 which will give students access to ebooks/textbooks both at home and at school.
Work/Production Area
The Teacher workroom at Warren Road is located in a room directly behind the circulation
desk. The workroom features use of copiers, pencil sharpeners, poster maker, laminator, roll
butcher paper, hole punches, scissors, and erasers. Students are not typically allowed
access in the workroom except for use of the pencil sharpener. The circulation desk is
located on the right side of media center between the Teacher workroom and the easy fiction
section. Directly to the left of the main entrance, in a side room, is where our computer
console, media production room, and storage facility are located. Acoustically speaking, the
media center, media production room, and teacher workroom are relatively quiet. However,
lighting is very dim in all rooms. Natural light from the wall of windows on the far side helps
brighten it. Another trouble spot is temperature control because it is either too warm or too
cool, really no in between.

Accessibility of the media center facility for special needs populations, once in the media
center, is adequate for the handicapped. However, all entrance doors are quite heavy and
cumbersome to open for someone in a wheelchair. Once in the media center, easy access
can be found in all areas. Consideration should be given as far as equipment for the visual
or hearing impaired, as these are not available.
Analysis of Facility
Four computers are dedicated for teacher and student use, this workstation is
teacher/student computer workstation is perfectly suited for four computers. Also, the story
time area is on the opposite end of the media center from the computer workstation area so
this works well because it gives teachers and students a place to work quietly while stories
are shared in the story time area. However, in order to move forward in the 21 st century
media center, furnishings with more living room comfort need to be considered. A Netbook
cart is available but it can only function through a power strip since the batteries are unable to
hold a charge. Since funding is unavailable to replace the batteries, in order to use them they
must be plugged into a power source which means access can only be gained when situated
close to the interior walls of the media center. That typically means a non-attractive but
functional power strip placed in center of the table is required to power the netbooks. Ideally,
it would be nice for students to check-out the netbook and retreat to one of the more living
room comfort areas of the media center. Additionally, wireless connectivity would make this
One barrier that we are faced with is lack of funding, specifically for technology. We are
not a Title 1 school so we do not have the technological resources that many of our
neighboring schools have.
Our library media center is not only conducive to learning in a safe environment but also a
magnet to students. For the most part, students are engaged in learning or experimenting
with different kinds of devices such as Ipads, desktops, netbooks, or Promethean board.
Once there, students are reluctant to return to class. Currently, an augmented classroom
meets in the small media center conference room. In the fall of 2015, this space will be
vacant, as the augmented position has been eliminated for the 2015-2016 school year. This
will allow teachers/students an additional place to work in small groups or serve as a testing
area free from traffic or noise.
About seven years ago, an artist painted an animal themed mural throughout the media
center. It is very inviting and kid-friendly. However, modern furnishings are lacking and a
need for an updated look is wanted. While this setting is very inviting, it also promotes a
positive learning climate. Continual interaction with students and teachers along with
encouraging words, ideas, and collaboration are witnessed daily in the media center at
WRES. Warren Road Media Center offers adequate seating for individuals and small groups.
However, optimally, it best functions if limited to one scheduled class and 8-10 students from
additional classrooms.
Section IV
Kayla Jackson, Laura Mobley, and Sarah West

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