The Stages of Life Explained Perfectly

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The stages of life explained perfectly. Which stage are you in?

Don't let your age control your life; let your life control your age. Life is but a school where
you learn to remember what your soul already knows...


"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order.

2.It is impossible to sneeze with your eye open,I dare u.

To say that it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open isn't entirely correct.
The process that produces a sneeze affects many parts of the body, especially
the muscles of the face and abdomen. Part of that sneezing process affects
the muscles that control the eyelids, and your eyes close as a reflex when you

You can, however, fight this reflex in much the same way that you can fight
the gag reflex when you try escargot for the first time: If you know what's
coming, you can prepare yourself for it. Certainly, if you feel a sneeze coming,
you can physically force your eyes to stay open when you sneeze (and no,
your eyes won't pop out), and people have said that they've been able to train
themselves to keep their eyes open, but both of these involve going against
what the body does naturally.
As for sneezing in the car, the time it takes to sneeze (and therefore the time
that your eyes are closed) is very short, certainly not any longer than the time
it takes to blink or to look in the rearview mirror or to check the speedometer
and none of those things are illegal.

The worrisome part about sneezing while driving isn't that your eyes close,
but that when you sneeze, many of your muscles suddenly tense and then
relax, including your arm muscles, which could jerk the steering wheel in a
surprising way. Be extra careful if you feel a sneeze coming on while you're
3.To produce a single pound of honey, a single bee would have to visit 2 million flowers.

4.There are no natural occurring food in blu colour,even blueberries are purple.
5.Elephant is the mammal that cannot jump.
6.A ducks quack doesnt produce echo,why.
The actual reason for the myth is that a quack is a quiet and fading sound which produces
faint echoes

7.It is impossible to lick your elbow

8.A shrimp's heart is in it's head.
9.Rats and horses can't vomit.

(1) Rats have a powerful barrier between the stomach and

the esophagus. They don't have the esophageal muscle
strength to overcome and open this barrier by force, which
is necessary for vomiting. (2) Vomiting requires that the two
muscles of the diaphragm contract independently, but rats
give no evidence of being able to dissociate the activity of
these two muscles. (3) Rats don't have the complex neural
connections within the brain stem and between brain stem
and viscera that coordinate the many muscles involved in
10.Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
11. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
Lipstick contains wax, oils, antioxidants and emollients.[29] Wax provides the structure to the
solid lipstick. Lipsticks may be made from several waxes such
as beeswax, ozokerite and candelilla wax. The high melting Carnauba wax is a key ingredient
in terms of strengthening the lipstick. Various oils and fats are also used in lipsticks, such
as olive oil, mineral oil,cocoa butter, lanolin, and petrolatum. More than 50% of lipsticks made
in the United States contain pig fat or castor oil, which gives them a shiny appearance.

12. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

13.A crocodile can't move its tongue and cannot chew. Its digestive juices are so strong that
it can digest a steel nail.
14.A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water.
If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty.
If it's reduced by 10%, you'll die.
15.Hot water is heavier than cold.
a)If we look to what Einstein uncovered where mass is proportional to energy we can see that as
we heat the cold water to a higher temperature giving the water a higher thermal energy this
would give us a larger mass in theory and in experimentation. But you would need a very precise
measuring system because the difference in mass would be extremely small compared to the
overall weight. So yes, it makes sense that hot water is heavier than cold water but in
normal/every day practices it's not very practical to even consider it or take it into consideration.
b)Liquid water is most dense at 4 C. so your statement "Hot water is heavier than cold water." if
you mean a certain volume of water is true only from 0 C to 4 C. This is also true, W = density x
volume x g, where density x volume = mass So you can state either of the following:( increasing
temperature above 4 C ) and neglecting the very tiny energy increase as per Antiphon 1. I start
with a container of volume V containing water. Increasing the temperature will decrease the
density of the water. Therefor, as I increase the temperature of the water, the water will expand and
less mass of water will fill the volume V, due to the density decrease, and the water in volume V
will now weigh less than before the temperature increase. 2. I start with a container of volume V
containing water. Increasing the temperature will decrease the density of the water. Therefor, as I
increase the temperature of the water, the water will expand and I need a larger volume V2>V to
contain the water, which has the same mass and thus the same weight as before the temperature

16.If you went out into space, you would explode before you suffocated because there's no
air pressure.
17.Sloths take two weeks to digest their food.
18.Guinea pigs and rabbits can't sweat.
19.The porpoise is second to man as the most intelligent animal on the planet.

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