Script Scene 1

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Scene 1
Maudy is a new intake student of University Utara Malaysia. On the first day of registration, she saw
many students but no one is her friend because she is the only one from her high school who get
offered from this university. She is feeling lonely and desperate.
During the week of orientation, she cries silently in the night but no one knows because she has no
roommate so she can't share her feeling with other. She doesn't want her family to worry about her,
so she didn't tell her mother that she is facing these situations.
One day of the orientation week, she took a bus lonely to the campus, walked around the campus to
discover where were those lecture halls located. She used to ask a student around her, Wen, where is
it, but Wen gave her an not accurate location. In the end, she was getting lost in the campus and so
she back to the hostel desperately.
She did nothing in her room. She was lost in thought although she was listening to the music. She is
not a talkative people. She spent much of her time in reading and studying. Most of the time, she is
eating alone.
One-week past. She felt nervous when go to class because she scared she might lost in the campus
but finally she found it by herself. There is nobody that she used to know. So she sits at the corner of
the class.
Scene 2
After the class, she back to the hostel. She felt surprised and happy because her roommate came! At
first, her roommate faced back to her because she was keeping the rack when she turned ahead to
Maudy. Both of them were shocked at the moment, she was Mizah! They were primary school
friend. They hugged each other. Maudy choked with sob for a moment and finally she had the first
sincere smile along the days she was alone.
Mizah is a cheerful people. She always makes some jokes and makes Maudy laughs out loud.
Besides, she is also good at the sense of direction. she got a map from the website and accompanied
Maudy to discover where are all the buildings located.
When she doesn't have class but Maudy have, she will follow Maudy's back to ensure that Maudy
can go to class alone with a correct location. Time after time, Maudy was able to go to the lecture
hall by herself. Sometimes, they will have meals together after class and study together too.
Scene 3
Mizah is a friendly people. She has a lot of friends. She will introduce her friends to Maudy so that
Maudy can get to know more people and be happier during the study. One day, Mizah met her high
school's best friend, Mei, when they were having dinner. Mizah introduces Mei to Maudy.
Mizah treats Maudy better than treats Mei. Sometimes, when Mizah is chatting with Maudy, the
existence of Mei becomes very low in Mizah's eyes. Mei feels jealous to Maudy. She shares with her
roommate, Wong, that Mizah was cold and detached toward her.
Wong suggested Mei to say something bad and untruth about Maudy in front of Mizah to make the
friendship between Mizah and Maudy worsen. Wong accompanied Mei to find Mizah. Wong lied
Mizah that she was Maudy's high school and she told Mizah that Maudy was not as weak as Mizah

saw, Maudy was just acting weak in front of Mizah. Mizah thought what Wong said was real and
started to ignore Maudy.
Maudy felt upset because Mizah doesn't talk with her for a few days. One day, Wen saw Maudy
again, but she looked sad. She came toward Maudy and apologized to her first because she gave her
a wrong direction in earlier. Then Wen was asking why Maudy was looking upset. Maudy told her
the whys and wherefores.
When Wen knew all about it, she went to tell Mizah the truth because Wen was Mizah's friend too.
When Mizah knew she was wrong, she apologized to Maudy. Wen accompanied Mizah to look for
Mei to get an apology from her to Maudy, but Mei doesn't want to then she ran away. From that time,
Mei never appears in front of them already.
Scene 4
Then, Mizah encouraged Maudy to join more activities to know more friends so that she can become
more sociable and independence. Maudy joined activities and met Wen there. Both of them shared
their past experience when in the high school to each other and participated many events held in
university together.
Maudy shared what she has done with Wen during the activity when she backed to the hostel. Maudy
shared her happiness in the activity with Mizah. Mizah praised her that she has become more and
more cheerful and independence. Mizah was feeling proud of her.
From that time, they became a very close and best friend until the end of the semester until the
graduation. On the graduation, Maudy, Mizah and Wen met Mei and Wong. Mei and Wong
apologized to Maudy and Mizah, they felt sorry for them about the case. They forgave them and
lastly they took a photo with full of smiles.

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