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1. To report on the progress achieved in 2009 as per the approved Country Programme Action Plan and
Annual Work Plan.
2. To accompany the Annual Workplan Monitoring Tool as a narrative and provide an assessment of
progress made in achieving CP outputs, challenges faced and obstacles met.

Section 1: Outcome and Output indictors reporting

Please fill in the excel file to inform us about the progress that was made in 2009. If you don’t have the
information just write down Information not available. If for 2009 in your district you didn’t work on this
area just right down Not Applicable.

Section 2. Summary of 2009 Programme (max 2.5 page and KEEP IT SIMPLE and TO THE POINT)
Summarize the main constraining and facilitating factors affecting implementation and the achievement of
results. Identify key lessons learned in addressing constraints and taking advantage of facilitating factors.

Output R101
A. Results of programme in 2009 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on
achievements (so don’t summarize all activities just mention how the progress has been achieved)
1. Endorsed Strategic Planning (Renstrada) and Local Action Plan (Rencana Aksi Daerah/RAD)
on Prevention of HIV-AIDS.
2. Endorsed Renstrada and RAD on Reproductive Health and ARH.
3. Endoresed Guidelines on integration 0f ARH into Local Curricula

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets (you can mention here big
issues such as lack of time, lack of commitment from politicians and policy makers unclear targets,
not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more technical support, etc)

Lack of reference in developing Guideleine on ARH. However, the constrain can be countered by
using Draft on National ARH Guidelines and other literature related to RH.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

Any National guidelines related to UNFPA Mandates (RH, gender and others issues) shouled be
developed before province and districts asked to adopt or develop the guidelines.

Output R105
A. Results of programme in 2009 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on
achievements (so don’t summarize all activities just mention how the progress has been achieved)
1. Socialized/informed Local Regulation (Perda) on Prevention of HIV-AIDS to new elected
provincial parliamentarians (Anggota baru DPRD Provinsi).

2. Socialized/informed Local Regulation (Perda) on Trafficking to new elected provincial
3. Dveloped and endorsed Local Regulation (Perda) on Protection of Women and Choldren
(Perda No 2 th 2009)
4. Informed RH, and gender issues to Community and Religious Leaders.

B. Constraints, obstacles and opportunities (such as supportive environment from legislatures) faced in
trying to achieving the annual targets (you can mention here big issues such as lack of time, unclear
targets, not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more technical support,
Most of new elected parliamentarians have not understood and awared about RH and gender
issues. This condition leads to difficulties in order to inform RH and gender issues. Therefore, in
the begining, it alsobecome an obstacle in developing any regulation related to RH and gender

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

It need more advocacies to the new pariamentarians on RH and gender issues as well as other
issues related to UNFPA Mandates.

Output R301
A. Results of programme in 2009 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on
achievements (so don’t summarize all activities just mention how the progress has been achieved)

Increased awareness of community on RH and gender issues. This is shown by many questions
related to RH and gender issues during the radio talk show and airing Radio Drama Series and
PSA regarding with RH and Gender issues which were conducted by BKKBN.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets (you can mention here big
issues such as lack of time, lack of commitment from politicians and policy makers unclear targets,
not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more technical support, etc)

1. There are two government agencies those are related to activities under outputs R301, i.e
BPPKB and BKKBN. This condition sometiemes makes a difficulty to define weather an
activity is under responsibility of BPPKB or BKKBN.

2. Change of staff at BKKBN lead to delaying implementation of activities under output R301.
This condition occured because staff who is usually responsible for oraginzing UNFPA’s
activities at BKKBN was changed. The new staff was not familier to organize the UNFPA’s

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. It needs a special discussion between BPPKB and BKKBN to define which activity is under
responsibility of BKKBN and which activity is under responsibility BPPKB.
2. It is difficult to measure number of audiences who have been listening PSA or any airing
programme related to RH and gender issues and to find out the impact of this IEC programme
exactly. It needs a rapid survey to solve this problem.

Output R205
A. Results of programme in 2009 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on
achievements (so don’t summarize all activities just mention how the progress has been achieved)

1. Improved IERH Services at Puskesmas and CEONC at district hospital.
2. Improve capacity of District and Puskesmas VCT laboratorium staff.
3. Improved knowledge of Puskesmas staff on Gender Issues
4. Improved skill of Puskesmas Staff on how to use DMT.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets (you can mention here big
issues such as lack of time, lack of commitment from politicians and policy makers unclear targets,
not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more technical support, etc)

Staff of Dinkes who is responsible to organized UNFPA Programme was changed. As the new staff
has not known anything about UNFPA programme, there were some activities under output R205,
which were organized by Dinkes, were delayed.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

Facing such problem above, PPCU ask implementing partner to send the new staf to be “trained “
at PPCU office on how to organize UNFPA activities.

Output P101
A. Results of programme in 2009 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on
achievements (so don’t summarize all activities just mention how the progress has been achieved)

1. Developed and distributed NTB in Figures (books and CD Rom) that involeve disaggregated
data on population, RH and gender.
2. Functioned Data Base Forum.
3. Trained SKPDs Planners on utilization of disaggregated data on population, RH and gender in
kdeveloping Local Development Planning (Rencana Pembangunan Daerah).

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets (you can mention here big
issues such as lack of time, lack of commitment from politicians and policy makers unclear targets,
not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more technical support, etc)

Some government offices (SKPD) submitted data to BPS lately, therefore NTB in figure (DDA)
could not be published earlier.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

Data Base Forum should more active to ask SKPD to submit sectoral data in order to develope
NTB in figure.

Output G101
A. Results of programme in 2009 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on Results
of programme in 2008 (please refer to Progress Towards Target file and elaborate on achievements
(so don’t summarize all activities just mention how the progress has been achieved)

1. Strengthened Network for GBV prevention & management services for province & districts,
including Reporting and Recording System.
2. Increased knowledge and awareness of SKPDs planners on Gender Responsive Budgetting.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets (you can mention here big
issues such as lack of time, lack of commitment from politicians and policy makers unclear targets,
not enough IEC material available, better trainers needed, need for more technical support, etc)

As a new government agency, “Badan Pemeberdayaan Perempuan dan KB (BPPKB)” has not had
clear organization strucure and function. Therefore, there is no definitive staff who is responsible
for organiziing UNFPA activities under outputs G101.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

BPPKB should define a special staff to organize any UNFPA activity under outputs G101.

Section 3: Monitoring

Summarize what knowledge and insights you have gained from monitoring activities conducted in the course
of the year and assess how this knowledge was used to improve project performance (keep it short and to the

Section 4: Trainings and workshops all components:

1. How many people were trained for each output? (if not available just write down NA)
Indicator Planned to be Actually trained
Output trained
Male Female Total






2. How many workshops/trainings/meetings were held in 2009

Workshops Coordination Total
Trainings meetings





Programme Management (such as
quarterly coordination meeting with
Bappeda and PPMs

SECTION 4. Financial implementation

Output Budget Expenses Rate

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