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1. To report on the progress achieved in 2009 as per the approved Country Programme Action Plan and
Annual Work Plan.
2. To accompany the Annual Workplan Monitoring Tool as a narrative and provide an assessment of
progress made in achieving CP outputs, challenges faced and obstacles met.

Section 1: Outcome and Output indictors reporting

Please fill in the excel file to inform us about the progress that was made in 2009. If you don’t have the
information just write down Information not available. If for 2009 in your district you didn’t work on this
area just right down Not Applicable.

Section 2. Summary of 2009 Programme (max 2.5 page and KEEP IT SIMPLE and TO THE POINT)
Summarize the main constraining and facilitating factors affecting implementation and the achievement of
results. Identify key lessons learned in addressing constraints and taking advantage of facilitating factors.

Output R101
A. Results of programme in 2009
1. Changes SK Bupati Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pembentukan Komisi Kesehatan
Reproduksi become Peraturan Bupati No. 31 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pembentukan Komisi
Kesehatan Reproduksi Kabupaten Sin tang.
2. Results from several meetings held by the Forum, it was agreed that each relevant sector
in the membership of the Commission will be an inventory of Reproductive Health that
activities have been made in each sector is associated with an increase in Reproductive

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

1. Changes of SOPD (Satuan Organisasi Perangkat Daerah) at Februari 2009, required to do
refresher in the membership of the RH Commission
2. RH Commission is formed by Peratuaran Bupati Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 do not have a
plan of work and regular meeting agenda.
3. With the establishment of new formed RH Commision by Peraturan Bupati NO. 32
Tahun 2009, as pioneered over again in learning tasks and functions based on the roles of
each reproductive health committee membership.
4. There are currently no funds beyond the grant support UNFPA.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. Coordination and communication is more intensive in an effort to equate the perception
and purpose of each relevant sector, particularly for committee members who recently

2. If possible, take a kind of operational guidelines for the implementation of reproductive
health commission programs. remember, this new commission is formed again and yet
have a work plan.

Output R105

A. Results of programme in 2009

Have been carried out training for religious leaders and B4 respectively, on 24-26 June 2009,
18-19 June 2009. Training for religious leaders followed by 30 participants. 10 Female 20
male. Training for marriage counselor followed by 25 participants, 22 male and 3 female .
follow-up of this activity is the integration of gender and RH in religious event conducted in
8 districts selected (Dedai, Binjai Hulu, Tempunak, Sei. Tebelian, Na. Ketungau, Sintang,
Kelam Permai, Sepauk) as well as Facilitate the integration of RH and gender issues pre-
marrige counseling in 8 District selected (Sintang, Sepauk, Tempunak, Dedai, Pandan,
Mensiku, kelam Permai, Na. Ketungau).

B. Constraints, obstacles and opportunities

Delay the implementation of activities caused by delays in implementation in the province.
Since new activities could be implemented after the Provincial level of the same activities.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. Communication and intensive coordination between the program managers at district
and provincial governments, especially for activities related to each other.
2. Increased knowledge society on issues of reproductive health and gender, especially
adolescent through leaflets, billboards 2., and direct socialization.

Output R301

A. Results of programme in 2009

1. Airing radio talkshow on RH and Gender in SintangDistrict conducted by Radio Republik

Indonesia ( RRI ) Cabang Sintang start mei until Oktober 2009 and there 32 times Broadcast.
This activity was running well and there was no main constrain in achievement of target
2. Result of training on needs assessment and develop proposal on RH, FP and Gender related
issues for PNPM has been involving35 participants which was consists of 19 female and 16 male
(Sin tang District, Merakai, Dedai)

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

Still lack PNPM Mandiri allocation of funds that can be accessed by the program Gender and
Reproductive Health

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. Coordination and intensive communication between the program managers PNPM and
program Manager Gender and RH in the framework of the unification of perception.
2. To do advocacy for decision makers and decision makers and budget managers who deal
directly with PNPM in Sintang District.

Output R205
A. Results of programme in 2009

1. IERH Training For 5 Puskesmas has been conducted on 13-15 Oktober 2009. The participants are
from 5 Puskesmas in Sintang District and also followed by District Health Office Sintang District
( Sepauk, Nanga Mau, Emparu, Nanga Merakai, Nanga Ketungau).
2. FP & AMP Audit Medic district level has been conducted on 20 oktober 2009. through this
activity, is expected to increase the capacity of health personnel's ability to determine
appropriate interventions based on obstetric and perinatal cases encountered in the effort
to save the soul of the mother and baby clinic at least at the 5 selected.
B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

1. Change in position of decision makers in the health center often.

2. Parties in this health center is still standing and has not been able to involve the school in
Adolescent Reproductive Health promotion.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. IERH facilitator in desperate need of aid health center equipment, especially in
adolescent reproductive health assistance which aids in providing a sheet of education
through means of reproduction and reproductive system in young women and men.
2. Need a program involving schools in promoting adolescent reproductive health issues.

Output P101

A. Results of programme in 2009

1. Refreshing/continuation training for data preparation based on data sources evaluation and
training on data utilization for planers and policy makers from related sectors has been conducted.
This activity is continuation from programme at 2008.
2. Data Base Forum has agreed to enter the data on gender issues, reproductive health and
population by using indicators that have been previously agreed in the DDA (Daerah
Dalam Angka ) Sintang District. There is 55 indicators, 35 indicators have been
presented in the 2009 DDA has been published early January 2010.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

1. Different understanding different between each sector of the indicators agreed upon
2. Of staff turnover from each SKPD that it needs to provide an understanding of the early

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. Need the agreement of each sector which indicators are necessary to do the changes
2. Year 2010 Population Census will be conducted, according to agreement, that the
indicators can not display in the DDA 2009 can be in the DDA 2010 include at least 95%.

Output G101
A. Results of programme in 2009
1. The three (3) service point ( Puskesmas, Polsek, PKK ) at 2 Subdistrict ( Dedai&Merakai) are
functioning in gives an integrated-minimum standard assistance to victims/survivors of GBV

2. In house training at 2 POLSEK and 2 PUSKESMAS has been Conducted : how to provide with
gender & victims perspective, code of Conduct, service mechanism, referral system and R&R
3. P2TP2A has been formed with SK Bupati and are in the process of submission of the budget
in the local budget Sintang district.
4. Already available power ready to provide assistance for victims of gender-based violence
both at district and subdistrict
5. Has been conducted counselling traning for PKK with consist participant from PKK Dedai, PKK
Merakai, PKK Kabupaten, PKM Dedai, and P2TP2A.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets

1. Not all staff can follow the training activities, especially in the police, given the shortage
of personnel in the police.
2. Still a lack of support from policy makers in the budget that can support the program
passes ( especially programme of P2TP2A)

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

1. Coordination and communication intensive for all components and related institutions in
improving komintmen in providing services and development programs.
2. Support media / promotional tools on gender issues to the public, in the form of leaflets,
billboards and posters
3. Advocacy and approaches to parliamentarians, policy makers, decision makers and local
officials to get Financial support from the local government for the program, women's
empowerment programs.

Section 3: Monitoring

Summarize what knowledge and insights you have gained from monitoring activities conducted in the course
of the year and assess how this knowledge was used to improve project performance (keep it short and to the

The program has been implemented in accordance with what has been stated in the AWP. It was felt
that , however, felt need specific guidance on each output is needed to not only to run the program
just to meet what is listed on the AWP and not against the target should be, but rather to support
project staff and implementers to better understand what what is generated by the program is
supposed to generate and how it would contribute tofor the the progress of the region. need to be
increased more sense to have programs for every related sector. approach and direct involvement of
decision makers. Such refresher/information sessions may be required for related policy and decision
makersparties, in the hope that if the Fund support Grants from UNFPA has ended, support from
local governments continue to support the programs initiated by UNFPA in the 7th CPflow for the
operation of the program.

There needs to be an activity that can mempertemuakan regional officials (Parliament, decision
makers, planners, policy makers) which was facilitated by the party really competent and influential
in presenting programs on population, Reproductive Health and gender issues in order to get full
support from local governments.


Section 4: Trainings and workshops all components:

1. How many people were trained for each output? (if not available just write down NA)
Indicator Planned to be Actually trained
Output trained
Male Female Total
Indicators 2, The number of men, 21 9 30
women and young people attended
activities promoting RH/FP
especially IERH and prevention of
R301 GBV 30
Indicators 2, The number of men, 16 19 35
women and young people attended
activities promoting RH/FP
especially IERH and prevention of
GBV 35
Indicators 3. At least 25 religious 20 10 30
leaders in each district and all
marriage councelors at sub-district
level received training on how to
communicate RH, FP and Gender
related issues to their followers
R105 and/or prospective couples 30
25 22 3 25
At least 3 Puskesmas in 9 selected 3 6 9
district province IERH services for
R205 respective puskesmas are identified 9

Indicator 4.1.c: Proportion of 15 10 25

identified planner and policy
makers in each District and
Province trained in utilizing
available data for sub - national
development plans ( Rencana
Strategis Daerah & Rencana Kerja
P101 Pemerintah Daerah ) 25
15 6 9 15
G101 Indicators 5.1.a The three (3) 15 9 6 15
service point(medical,
l assistance) in 18 priority sub
district (9 district/municipal) are
functioning in deliver an ingreted-
minimum standart assistance to

victims/survivors of GBV.
15 8 7 15
20 9 11 20
20 12 8 20

2. How many workshops/trainings/meetings were held in 2009

Workshops Coordination Total
Trainings meetings
R101 1 1
R301 1 1 2
R105 2 2
R205 1 1 2
P101 2 4 6
G101 3 3 6
Programme Management (such as 4 4
quarterly coordination meeting with
Bappeda and PPMs

SECTION 4. Financial implementation

Output Budget Expenses Rate
R101 21.325.000 21.325.000 100 %
R301 119.685.000 117.885.000 98 %
R105 65.180.000 65.180.000 100 %
R205 226.579.175 216.731.550 96 %
P101 95.965.000 95.965.000 100 %
G101 220.345.000 220.345.000 100 %
Total 749.079.175 737.431.550 98 %

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