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1. To report on the progress achieved in 2009 as per the approved Country Programme Action
Plan and Annual Work Plan.
2. To accompany the Annual Workplan Monitoring Tool as a narrative and provide an assessment
of progress made in achieving CP outputs, challenges faced and obstacles met.

Section 1: Outcome and Output indictors reporting

Please fill in the excel file to inform us about the progress that was made in 2009. If you don’t have
the information just write down Information not available. If for 2009 in your district you didn’t work
on this area just right down Not Applicable.

Section 2. Summary of 2009 Programme (max 2.5 page and KEEP IT SIMPLE and TO THE
Summarize the main constraining and facilitating factors affecting implementation and the
achievement of results. Identify key lessons learned in addressing constraints and taking advantage
of facilitating factors.

Output R101:

A. Results of programme in 2009.

1. Government response to achieve this output :

• Established and functioning RH and AIDS commission and CCS forum endorsement
by Bupati decree (SK).
• AIDS commission strategy planning and draft of RH commission and CCS forum is
• DHO and BKBPP of West Lombok already allocated local budget for contraceptive
and maternal health and HIV/AIDS programs.
• Established 6 schools (3 Senior high schools and 3 secondary schools) including
Nurul Hakim Islamic boarding school as pilot project for integration ARH issues to
local curricula. Increased knowledge for students in 3 Senior High schools and 3
Secondary schools on ARH, HIV/AIDS issues, cooperates among Puskesmas and
schools in Gunungsari, Kedir and Gerung sub districts.
• Preparing draft of local join decree letter ( SKB) among DHO, DIKNAS and
DEPANG about appointment 6 schools as pilot project for integration ARH issues to
local curricula.

2. Schools response for ARH activity :

Established 14 based information’s and counselling of ARH/PIK – KRR and 4 Pojok

remaja in Nurul Hakim and Darul Nadwah Islamic board schools.

3. Networking by others SKPD :

Conducted series coordination meeting among DHO, DiKNAS and DEPAG conducted
by DHO on December 2009.

4. UNFPA CP-7 support for strengthen RH, ARH issues :

• Draft of ARH curricula as guideline for teachers is available.

• Increased capacity Headmasters, Sociology, sport education, religion and Biology
teachers in 3 Secondary schools and 3 Senior high schools at 3 sub districts on RH,
ARH including STIs and HIV/AIDS issues.
• Increased capacity 6 staff DHO, BKBPP, Bappeda on Development of 5 years
forecasting for contraceptives.

(Additional information please see in excel file D annex 2).

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets.

• There is no special guideline on RH, ARH curricula from national and sub national for
integrated in local curricula.
• There is no local regulation from district government sectors related (DIKNAS, DHO,
BKBPP and Religion department), to strengthen ARH issues in schools.
• Lack of IEC media, book, leaflet, brochure related by ARH issues.
• Lack of local budget percentage support on RH, AIDS and CCS commission.
• In 2006 and 2008, local budget for contraceptive is not available.
• Lack of coordination between NGOs and District Health Office, so some activities related
by ARH issues is overlapping.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations

• Result of RH and AIDS commission coordination meeting that the strong commitment
from 6 Headmasters including 2 Islamic board schools which established based
Information and counselling of ARH (PIK - KRR) and 2 Pojok Remaja on RH, ARH, and
HIV/AIDS issues in their school and already mapping of ARH status curricula at 6
schools (draft of ARH local curricula status is available). Related that needed local
regulation together (SKB) among DIKNAS, Religion department (DEPAG), BKBPP
and DHO about appointment 6 schools as pilot project on ARH issues into local

• 3 Puskesmas (Gunungsari, Kediri and Gerung) in 3 sub district has networking with 6
schools to strengthen ARH and HIV/AIDS issues in the schools (PIK – KRR). Related
that needed IEC ARH and HIV/AIDS materials.
• The budget allocation for contraceptive method (ALKON) is not continuing per year, so
BKBPP have to advocacy to local government and legislative for get budget.

Output R105.

A. Results of programme in 2009.

1. Government and religious and BPA and KUA response to achieve this output :
• Established and functioning religious and community leader’s forum in West Lombok
District which collaborated on RH and Gender issues in their activities.
• Integrated on RH and GBV issues by BP4, KUA, and religious leaders event
(through Khotbah Jumat and Mejelis ta’lim, etc.) in 5 sub district.

2. UNFPA support for this output:

• Increased capacity decision maker (legislative and executive), including five political
parties on RH, ARH and GBV issues,
• Religious and Community leaders, marriage counsellors (BP4, KUA sub district
level), Family planning field staff, Couples married (CATIN) and Communities in 5
areas on RH, ARH and GBV issues.

(Additional information please see excel file in D annex 2).

B. Constraints, obstacles and opportunities.

• Lack of Women proportion in parliament.

• Lack of experience and skills BKBPP staff on gender issue.
• Lack of IEC materials related by GBV and RH issues for BP4, KUA and religious

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

• Strong commitment from BP4 and KUA for strengthen RH and GBV issues in sub district
and village levels, needed coordination meeting for design action plan.
• For sustainability program on RH and Gender issues in West Lombok district, needed
grand strategy design to straighten IERH, GBV services in Puekesmas and District
hospital, Police, and community’s organization.

Output R301

A. Results of programme in 2009.

1. Government response to achieve this output :

• Established 14 PIK - ARH based in schools, Islamic board schools and one based in
• Supported IEC media on ARH (leaflet, brochure, flipchart) for PIK –ARH in Islamic board

2. UNFPA CP-7 support for this output :

• Increased capacity to 20 (family planning staff) PLKB and Midwife on IEC of RH and
GBV issues.
• Increased capacity communities (men, women and youth groups) at village and sub
village levels on RH and GBV issues by meeting and talk show in communities radio.
• 24 and 20 numbers talk show and jingles on RH and GBV issues.
• Increased skills PNPM community groups and PNPM mandiri consultant at 4 sub
districts about need assessment and develop proposal on RH and GBV issues to access
the PNPM budge.

3. Networking by other NGOs.

Collaborate by PNPM mandiri, ACCES international and Solidaritas perempuan Mataram

NGOs to facilitate PNPM community groups and cadre, which faciltated on RH and GBV
issues into MUSRENBANG in village and sub district level.

(Additional information please see excel file in D annex 2).

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets.

• Lack of experiences BKBPP staff on GBV issues, so this issue is not well known by
• Lack of coordination among Dinas Sosial, Family Planning and women
empowerment board, NGOs and others sectors related about RH and GBV problems
intervention in village and sub village levels.
• Lack of local budget to publish on RH, ARH, HIV/AIDS and GBV though local TV,
radio and newspaper.
• Lack of proportion of adolescent participants attended in meeting related on RH,
ARH and GBV.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

• Additional job women empowerment to Family planning board (BKB), so needed

capacity building on women empowerment including GBV issues for BKBPP
• Since many NGOs has working in RH and GBV issues, needed advocacy to
Government/ Bappeda for mapping their activities (where, what their do and when
project finish), so achievement of program in health sector and women
empowerment will be follow by Local Government.
• Increased awareness and knowledge of men, women, youth and vulnerable groups
in all levels on RH, ARH including HIV/AIDS and GBV by local media (radio and
newspaper). Related that needed also supporting of IEC material to strengthen

advocacy and increased networking with another counterpart ; NGOs, media,
religious and community leaders and Islamic board schools.
• Needed exit strategy for sustainability on RH, ARH and HIV/AIDS with an others
programs (PNPM mandiri, Access, GTZ, Global fund and others NGO related).
Output R205

A. Results of programme in 2009.

1. Government response to achieve this output :

• Number of Puskesmas that offering IERH and VCT satellite services are 15
Puskesmas, which 3 puskesmas as IERH and VCT satellite services.
• Provided special room at 3 IERH puskesmas on ARH and VCT services.
• Percentage of births attended by skilled health providers in 2009 are increased
(2008: 75 % and 2009: 87%)
• Proportion of Caesar-sections in 2009 is increased (2008 5% and 2009 15% )
• Contraceptive prevalence rate /CPR in 2009 are increased (2008: 63 %.2009: 68%)
• In 2009 youth visitors to 3 IERH puskesmas to get ARH information is increased,
which the number of friendly services offered, is 2.431. Number of STIs cases in is
14 cases and a VCT service is 4 persons.

2. UNFPA CP-7 support for this output.

• Strengthened IERH services in Puskesmas which 3 puskesmas was supported grant

IDR 10 million per puskesmas ( for laboratory and reagent) and IDR 10 million for
annual work plan of puskesmas.
• Increased capacity of15 staffs IERH puskesmas on R&R system, which IERH
recording and reporting system was established.
• 6 district facilitators is functioning who they were had strengthened IERH system and
RH team in 3 IERH Puskesmas and RSUD Gerung (Endorsed by Leader of West
Lombok Dinkes decree (SK).
• 9 counsellors of VCT already trained in West Kalimantan, who they were had
facilitated VCT services in 3 Puskesmas and networking with NTB province hospital
• District hospital of West Lombok has EMOC services, who 8 staffs increased
capacity on EMOC in Bandung.

3. Networking with other NGOs for strengthening IERH in 3 Puskesmas:

• Collaboration with GTZ SISKES NTB to strengthen IERH services and Puskesmas
management including ARH issues and reporting and recording system.
• Collaboration with EPOS /KfW Germany to strengthen on health services in
puskesmas essential equipment in 3 IERH puskesmas.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets.

• Limited RH staff in puskesmas.
• Lack of facilities (room) in puskesmas to support IERH services.
• Lack of commitment from policy makers to budget support for contraceptive
• District hospital staff not yet trained on EMOC services.
C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

• DHO of West Lombok district already established 3 Puskesmas as IERH and VCT
satellite services on 2009, which they were had made, furrow of IERH, VCT and
GBV services and reporting and recording systems. Related that, needed decree
letter (SK) from Bupati or Head of DHO about appointment 3 Puskesmas and
District hospital as IERH VCT Satellite services and GBV referral.

• The facilities and Human resources on VCT services in Puskesmas is limited, so

they should to build a networking with Province hospital of NTB, RSJ ( Rumah sakit
jiwa) and Puskesmas VCT satellite Taliwang - Mataram

• The EMOC services have established in District hospital which EMOC training (time
and material in Bandung is lack, so needed capacity building on EMOC (continue) in

Output P101.

A. Results of programme in 2009:

1. Government response to achieve this output :

• Established and functioning Data based forum in West Lombok. (endorsement by Bupati
decree ( SK) no. 2136D/32/BAPPEDA/2009) updating on 1 December 2009).
• Provided West Lombok website for publish data population, RH and GBV issues. The
name of Lombok Barat website is :

2. UNFPA CP-7 support to this output :

• Increased planner and decision maker of SKPD on statistical indicator and data
utilization on Population RH and Gender.
• District figures on 2009 already published, 50 DDA hard copies and 100 soft copies
printed and already distribution to data base forum members (Government and NGO
related, Police) by BPS of West Lombok District on December 2009.
• DDA on 2009 has integrated to District government Website; www.
• 36 or 90 % of number of identified indicators incorporated in 2009 Statistical Yearbook,
which the target 40 numbers of identified indicators in 2009 Statistical Yearbook.
• The 54 planner identified who 30 planers have trained about data utilization on
population, RH, gender & development.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets.

Based line data about utilization on population, RH, gender in decision makers, and
parliamentarian is not available.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

50% planner and police makers has trained in 2009 and 80% in 2008 on utilization on
population, RH, gender, needed information about data utilization on population, RH,
gender in decision makers, and parliamentarian.

Output G101.

A. Results of programme in 2009:

1. Government response to achieve output G101.

• Local regulation ( Perda ) protection for labor (perlindungan tenaga kerja), visum free
charges for women victims, integrated GBV issues to related sectors work plans and
local budget, including RPJM 2009 – 2014 is available.

• There is agreement letter (SK) from Bupati about visum free charge for victims and
transport cost for GBV counselor (IDR 250.000/month), supported by local budget

• Supported local budget for trafficking draftings of Perda is available.

• Bupati has decided BKBPP and Aministrasi Kesra as a institution to responsible women
empowerment program.

• Established and functioned “one stop services” (referral system) based on Islamic board
school in 2 PONPES Nurul Hakim and Darul Nadwah (shelter), 2 Puskesmas and district
hospital as medical services and 2 Police sector at sub district and Police resort at
district as law-enforcement services.

• Special room for GBV service in Police (1 Resort and 2 sectors), 2 PONPES and 2
Puskesmas is available.

• GBV issues already integrated to related sectors work plan and RPJM of 2009 -2014

• Establishing P2TP2A and revitalization of Gender mainstreaming work groups (Pokja

PUG) and TP PKK of district and sub district levels by Administrasi Kesra and TP PKK of
district, including integrating GBV issues to POKJA I activities at sub district of TP PKK.

• Establishing 2 puskesmas, Police resort/PPA and 2 police sectors as GBV referral,

including special room for victims.

• Established drafting technical team (Team teknis Perda) as advocacy team of GBV
perda to executive and legislative.

2. UNFPA CP 7 supports to achieve output G101.

• Supported budget for established Perda of Women and child protection and
prevention, which the draft of perda it is available.
• Increased capacity SKPD related, legislative, Religious and community leaders,
Women organization, NGOs related on GBV issue.
• Supported budget for room renovation and furniture for GBV in 2 Puskesmas, 2
Police sectors and 2 Islamic board schools.

3. Islamic board schools achieve output G101.

• Established muslimah centre of Nurul hakim and Puan Amal hayati of Darul Nadwah
to support GBV issues based on Islamic board school.

• Integrated Domestic violence issues to Islamic board school activities. Furthers

more, PONPES Nurul hakim has activities for Religious pupils (Santri/santriwati) as
“extra curricula” that discussing GBV and ARH issues on every Friday. They
examine yellow book (kitab kuning) and link it to ARH and GBV issues.

4. Networking among SKPD related, NGOs, Mataram University to achieve

output G101.

• Collaborate with LBH Apik and YKSSI NGOs, Government (bagian hukum) and
Mataram univercity, as technical team and resource persons to establish two drafting
of local regulation for women and child protection and prevention and human

• Established 4 community centers (collaborate by Solidaritas Perempuan Mataram

NGO) as GBV based and reproductive health information for women and child.

B. Constraints and obstacles faced in trying to achieving the annual targets :

• Lack of local budget ( APBD ) support to Gender activities, because district separate
policy (pemekaran kabupaten) between West Lombok and North Lombok district, which
Government West Lombok have to share budget IDR 20 billions to North Lombok
district until 2009 – 2012.

• The people in Lombok has consider divorce and re-marriage as a norm,it is not a big
deal and definitely not a gender based violence case. Community or culture of Lombok
perceptions on GBV issues is habitual issues, so “Marriage divorce (Kawin Cerai) ” is
“not problem” .

• Lack of quality of human resources of women at village level.

C. Lessons learned and recommendations.

• 2 GBV Drafting’s of Perda (Trafficking and women and child violence protection and
preventive) is available, which in 2010 this Perda is passed.

• Government West Lombok has provided 2 Puskesmas, 2 Police sectors and 2 Islamic
Board Schools as 3 points services of GBV ( Health, Law and physic social services),
related that needed local join decree (SKB) between West Lombok government and
Police resort ( Polres) about appointment Puskesmas and Police sector as GBV
services ( Referral systems).

Section 3: Monitoring

Summarize what knowledge and insights you have gained from monitoring activities
conducted in the course of the year and assess how this knowledge was used to improve
project performance (keep it short and to the point).

Bappeda and Counterpart (BKBPP) have not experience on Gender (GBV issues), so they have not
much support this issue. For sustainability program of Gender (GBV), needed training on
management GBV issues including technical of GBV conflict mapping until monitoring and
evaluation systems).



Section 4: Trainings and workshops all components:

1. How many people were trained for each output? (if not available just write down NA)
Indicator Planned to be Actually trained
Output trained
Male Female Total

The number of men, Attended 35 19 16 35

women and young participants are: 4
people attended SKPD and 5 PNPM,
activities promoting 4 FP field staff, 4
RH/FP especially Midwife consultants
IERH and and 12 PNPM target
R301 prevention of GBV groups.


At least 3 Attended 6 2 4 6
Puskesmas in 9 participant: 2 DHO
selected districts staff and 4
R205 provide IERH Puskesmas staff
services and VCT Attended by 15 7 8 15
services for participants from 3
respective IERH Puskesmas
puskesmas are staffs is: Female: 8
identified. persons and male: 7
Attended by 9 5 4 9
participants from 3
Puskesmas VCT
satellite is: Female:
4 persons and male:
5 persons.
Updates on the 1 7 8
status 24/7 EMOC Attended by 8
of district hospitals participants from
are made District hospital is:
available bi- Female: 7 persons
annually and male: 1 person.

Proportion of 18 12 30
identified planners
and policy makers in
each district and
province trained
utilizing available
data for sub-national
development plans
(rencana Strategis Attended by 30
Daerah & Rencana participants; 18
Kerja Pemerintah Persons male and
P101 Daerah) 12 Persons female)

The three (3) Attended by 60 31 29 60

service points participants from 2
(medical, law- Puskesmas;
enforcement, Female; 29 persons
shelter/psycho- and male 31
G101 social assistance) in persons.
18 priority sub Attended by 40 37 3 40
districts (9 participants for 2
districts/municipal) Polsek; female: 3
are functioning in persons and male
deliver an 27 persons.
integrated–minimum Attended by 25 18 7 25
standard assistance participants from
to victims/survivors PONPES and

of GBV Ponpes networking
(male: 18 persons
and female: 7

2. How many workshops/trainings/meetings were held in 2009

Workshops Coordination Total
Trainings meetings
R101 1 0 1 2

R301 1 1 2 4

R105 3 0 9 12

R205 1 4 15 20

P101 1 1 4 6

G101 3 3 14 20
Programme Management (such 0 2 2
as quarterly coordination
meeting with Bappeda and
PPMs 0

SECTION 4. Financial implementation

Output Budget Expenses Implementation Rate

R101 46.275.000 46.275.000 100,00%

R301 115.245.000 111.045.000 96,36%
R105 218.375.400 217.875.400 99,77%
R205 263.394.200 263.394.200 100,00%
P101 77.155.000 77.155.000 100,00%
G101 208.421.000 207.716.800 99,66%
Total 928.865.600 923.461.400 99,42%


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