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Technical Assistance financed by

Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance

Trust Fund (EPTATF)


Management and Technical Assistance Support to

Moldova Flood Protection Project
Service contract No TA2011038 MD EST


Capacity Building Programme

via Guido Rossa 29/A - 35020 Ponte S.Nicol (Padova) ITALIA

Tel. +39 049 8961120 Fax +39 049 8961090 -

Jul 2014

General Information
This technical assistance operation is financed under the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust
Fund (EPTATF). The Fund was established in 2010 with a view to enhancing the quality and development
impact of the European Investment Banks Eastern Partnership operations through the financing of prefeasibility and feasibility studies, institutional and legal appraisals, environmental and social impact
assessments for potential investments, project management support and capacity building for the
promoters during the implementation of investment projects, as well as other upstream studies and
horizontal activities. It focuses on four priority sectors: energy, environment, transport and
telecommunications with climate change and urban development as cross-cutting issues.
The authors take full responsibility for the contents of this report. The opinions expressed do not
necessarily reflect the view of the Promoter(s) or the European Investment Bank.


Management and Technical Assistance Support to Moldova Flood

Protection Project


Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF)

Beneficiary Country
Contracting Authority
Commencement date
Period of Contract
Document title
File name

Republic of Moldova
Ministry of Environment of Republic of Moldova (MoEnv)
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Consortium: BETA Studio S.r.l (IT) HR Wallingford Ltd (UK)
Led and represented by: BETA Studio S.r.l (IT)
21st October, 2013
18 months
Service contract No TA2011038 MD EST
Capacity Building Programme

Document History

Jul 2014

First release

D. Ramsbottom / E. Frank / A.
Avanzi / D. Lumbroso / M. Coccato

D. Ramsbottom

S. Fattorelli







LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS _____________________________________________ 1
LIST OF TABLES ____________________________________________________ 3
INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________ 5
INTRODUCERE _____________________________________________________ 7

CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME __________________________________ 9




General objectives of the training


Overview of training


Training summary









Training audit



CONTENT OF THE TRAINING MODULES ______________________________ 13

ANNEXES _________________________________________________________ 15

List of abbreviations

Beta Studio srl


European Investment Bank


Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund


HR Wallingford ltd


Key Expert


Ministry of Environment of Republic of Moldova

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List of tables
Table 1.I Training modules.


Table 1.II Programme.


Table 1.III Team members who will undertake the training.


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The Republic of Moldova is prone to different kinds of natural hazards including drought, floods, severe
weather, earthquakes, and landslides. Heavy rains result in frequent floods, to which a great part of the
country's settled areas are exposed. The most recent severe floods occurred in 2010. Climate variability
and change is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters.
A large proportion of the flood risk in Moldova occurs on the floodplains of the two main rivers (the Prut
and the Dniester).

There are systems of flood defence dykes on these rivers and on some of the

tributaries. These provide flood protection but there is a concern about their condition. Flooding also
occurs on the tributaries and failure of dams is regarded as a serious potential cause of flooding, including
the risk of a cascade failure where several dams fail in series when a flood wave caused by the failure of
the first dam passes down a river valley and causes other dams to fail. Several studies have been carried
out in the past related to hydrology and flooding but there is the lack of a comprehensive study for flood
risk assessment for the whole country and for the identification of measures to reduce such risk.
In the framework of European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) the European Investment Bank, following a
request for support from Ministry of Environment further to the 2010 floods, decided to develop a
countrywide flood management Master Plan and an Investment Programme, funded by EPTATF (Eastern
Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund). In order to define this Investment Programme, BETA Studio
srl and HR Wallingford Ltd have been appointed to prepare the Management and TA Support to Moldova
Flood Protection Project. The main objectives of the TA are:
to identify flood risk areas;
to identify measures to reduce flood risk;
to develop a phased investment programme;
to strengthen the capacity of the Promoter.
This document constitutes the Capacity Building Programme that will be implemented in order to
strengthen the capacities of the Promoter and associated institutions to enable the Promoter to regularly
update the Master Plan results and to prepare detailed flood hazard and flood risk maps based on more
detailed hydraulic modelling.

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Republica Moldova este expus la diferite tipuri de hazarde naturale precum seceta, inundaiile,
temperaturi extreme, cutremure i alunecri de teren. Ploile abundente contribuie la apariia frecvent a
inundaiilor, la care o mare parte din arealele locuite sunt expuse. Cele mai recente inundaii s-au
manifestat n anul 2010. Schimbrile i variaiile climatice contribuie la creterea intensitii i frecvenei
dezastrelor naturale.
n Moldova, inundaiile se produc preponderent n luncile celor dou ruri principale (Prut i Nistru). De-a
lungul acestor ruri i a unor aflueni ale acestora exist sisteme de protecie mpotriva inundaiilor.
Acestea ofer protecie, dar o preocupare este condiiile n care acestea se afl. Inundaia se manifest i
pe afluenii acestora, ruperea barajelor reprezintnd o cauz potenial serioas de inundaii, inclusiv i
riscul de rupere n cascad unde cteva baraje cedeaz n serie cnd unda de inundaie cauzat de
ruperea primului baraj nainteaz n aval i cauzeaz ruperea altor baraje. Au fost realizate mai multe
studii n trecut cu referin la hidrologie i inundaii, dar s-a observat o lips a unui studiu complex cu
referin la evaluarea riscului la inundaii pentru ntreg teritoriul rii i pentru identificarea de msuri de a
reduce acest risc.
n cadrul Politicii Europene de Vecintate (PEV) Banca European de Investiii, n rezultatul solicitrilor
pentru suport din partea Ministerului Mediului ca urmare a efectelor inundaiilor din 2010, a decis s
elaboreze un Master Plan al managementului inundaiilor care s cuprind ntreg teritoriul rii i un
Program de Investiii finanate de Fondul Trust pentru Asisten Tehnic al Parteneriatului Estic (EPTATF).
n scopul definirii respectivului Program de Investiii, BETA Studio SRL i HR Wallingford Ltd au fost
desemnate pentru a pregti Proiectul Suport de Asisten Tehnic i Management n vederea Proteciei
mpotriva Inundaiilor a teritoriului Republicii Moldova. Principalele obiective ce in de Asistena Tehnic
-s identifice arealele cu risc la inundaii;
-s identifice msurile de reducere a riscului la inundaii;
-s elaboreze un program de investiii pe etape;
-s fortifice capacitile Promoter-lui.
Acest document reprezint Programul de fortificare a capacitilor care va fi implementat are drept scop
consolidarea capacitilor Promoter-lui i instituiilor asociate ceea ce i va permite Promoter-lui s
actualizeze regulat rezultatele Master Planului i s s pregteasc hrile detaliate de hazard i de risc la
inundaii bazate pe o modelare hidraulic mult mai detaliat.

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1. Capacity building programme

1.1 Background
The purpose of capacity building is to strengthen the capacities of the Promoter and associated institutions
to enable the Promoter to regularly update the master plan results and to prepare detailed flood hazard
and flood risk maps based on more detailed hydraulic modelling. This will support the implementation of
the Moldova Flood Protection Project.
In addition to training in the use of the modelling tools that will be provided to the Promoter as part of the
project, training will be provided in all aspects of integrated flood management to help improve
understanding and coordination between different government departments
A roundtable meeting was held in Chisinau on 3rd June 2014 with all the staff to be trained.


objectives of the training were discussed and the participants provided information on their background
knowledge and skills to assist with the development of the training programme. This document contains
the training programme.

1.2 General objectives of the training

The general objectives of the training are as follows:

Participants will gain an overview of the flood management process which is being implemented in the
Moldova Flood Protection Project


Participants will gain an overview of the software and hydraulic models to be handed over to the
Promoter as part of this project


Selected participants will learn to use the software to undertake flood hazard and flood risk


Selected participants will learn how to update the flood management Master Plan

1.3 Overview of training

It is proposed to divide the training into formal training and on-the-job training, as follows:
The purpose of the formal training will be to provide the theoretical background necessary for the use
of the hydrological and hydraulic models and the GIS application. In addition, training will be provided
on more general topics
Formal training will also be provided on the use of the GIS and the hydrological and hydraulic
modelling software
The purpose of the on-the-job training will be to train recipients in the use of tools by undertaking
practical exercises. This will include (but is not limited to) the hydraulic model, the procedures
implemented in the GIS system, adding new information to the hydraulic model, and assessing the
benefits and impacts of new flood management measures
The on-the-job training will be performed in parallel with the corresponding tasks of Component 1 of the
project (Tasks 2 to 7), so that the staff of the Promoter will be trained on real case studies arising from
this project. The benefit of this will be to provide more efficient and effective training and a greater
involvement of the Promoter in the project. This should also guarantee that better results will be achieved
because decisions can be based on the shared knowledge of the Promoters staff and the Consultants

At the end of the capacity building programme the staff of the Promoter should be able to use the flood
management tools in order to:
Undertake future flood hazard and flood risk assessments;
Regularly update the flood management system;
Develop more detailed flood risk assessments and flood management plans.
The Consultant will provide to the recipients all the necessary educational aids including user manuals and
the illustrative material used during the training sessions.

1.4 Training summary

The training is divided into five modules, which are listed in the Table 1.I below. Module 1 provides the
theoretical background to flood risk management and is divided into four separate topics (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and
1.4). Modules 2, 3 and 4 provide formal training in the use of the GIS and modelling tools that will be
handed over to the Promoter as part of the project. Module 5 consists of on-the-job training, where staff
of the Promoter will use the tools to undertake project activities.
Table 1.I Training modules.
Module N

Topic N



River basin management and hydrology overview


River hydraulics and structures


Flood management


Appraisal and planning

Data and GIS

Modelling and mapping part 1

Modelling and mapping part 2

On-the-job training

1.5 Programme
The programme is summarised in the Table 1.II below. The formal training is divided into four modules,
each of two days duration. The on-the-job training will begin after module 2, when the participants will
receive training in the use of GIS systems. Module 3 will introduce the hydrological and hydraulic models.
Module 4 will provide in-depth training on the practical use of the hydrological and hydraulic models.
It is intended to give participants tasks using the models during module 3. These tasks will be reviewed in
module 4 and give participants the opportunity to discuss their experiences of using the software and the
problems they encountered.
The dates for the programme are also shown in the Table 1.II.
confirmed. The dates for modules 2, 3 and 4 are to be agreed.
The content of the modules is listed in chapter 2.

The dates for module 1 have been

Table 1.II Programme.




Theoretical background (Topics 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4)

29/30 July 2014

Data and GIS

September 2014 (2 days)

Modelling and mapping part 1

September 2014 (2 days)

Modelling and mapping part 2

September / October 2014 (2 days)

Use of the modelling and GIS systems (on the job training)

End September 2014 to 13 February 2015

The training programme is to be completed by the end of February 2015 and the final capacity building
report will be submitted on 27th March 2015.

1.6 Participants
The participants who will take part on the training are listed in Annex 1 including name, organisation and
contact details.
The training will be provided by the team members listed in the Table 1.III below.
Table 1.III Team members who will undertake the training.


Team members

Module 1

River basin
management and

David Ramsbottom (KE 1)

Topic 1.1

Darren Lumbroso (KE 2)

Vitali Mutaf (Civil Protection and Emergency situations Service/ deputy chief)
Vitalie Dilan (local specialist)

Module 1
Topic 1.2

River hydraulics and


David Ramsbottom (KE 1)

Darren Lumbroso (KE 2)
Vitalie Dilan (local specialist)

Module 1

Flood management

Topic 1.3

David Ramsbottom (KE 1)

Darren Lumbroso (KE 2)
Vitali Mutaf (Civil Protection and Emergency situations Service/ deputy chief)
Vitalie Dilan (local specialist)

Topic 1.4

Module 1

Appraisal and

Vitalie Dilan (local specialist)

Massimo Coccato (KE 3)

Module 2

Data and GIS

Oleksiy Ishchuk (Key Expert 4)

Fabio Vangelista (Senior GIS specialist - BS)
Vitalie Dilan (Senior GIS specialist local specialist)

Module 3
Module 4
Module 5

Modelling and
mapping part 1

Alain Weisgerber (Senior hydraulic modeller HR)

Modelling and
mapping part 2

Alain Weisgerber (Senior hydraulic modeller - HR)

On-the-job training

Members of the hydrological and hydraulic modelling team (BS + HR)

Vitalie Dilan (local specialist)

Vitalie Dilan (local specialist)

1.7 Training audit

An audit of training activities and evaluation of the results of the training will be carried out at the end of
each main session of training. This will permit changes to be made in the training methodology if the
results are not considered to be satisfactory. This will also facilitate monitoring of the results against the

objectives and identify where the quality of the training can be improved.
The audit will be undertaken by distributing a questionnaire to the recipients at the end of each main
session so that they can give a score (from 0 to 10) on the effectiveness of the trainer and the section of
training (including presentation of the objectives, clarity, ability to stimulate interest, availability with
regard to recipient, effectiveness of teaching methods, interaction with recipients, increase in knowledge
of the recipients and increase in the professional skills of the recipients). Assessment of the progress of
the recipients will be made by asking them to undertake supervised exercises based on the training

2. Content of the training modules

The description of the training modules are as follows.

Module 1 - Topic 1.1


River basin management and hydrology

To provide an overview of managing floods within a river basin;
To introduce flood hydrology including purpose, data and outputs;
To undertake a simple hydrological analysis in order to estimate flood flows.


Principles of river basin flood management including catchment hydrology, flood hazard and flood risk.
Introduction to international practice including the Floods Directive and transboundary rivers.
Illustrations from rivers in Moldova.
Principles of flood hydrology, types and sources of data, methods of analysis and application of outputs.
Data for flood hydrology; analysis of data; application of flow estimation methods; derivation of flood
flows. Introduction to recent floods in Moldova.

Form of training and


Presentation and practical exercises - 4 hours

29 July 2014: 08:30 to 12:30 hours
Technical University of Moldova (TUM) room 10-104, bul. Dacia 41, MD-2060 Chisinau

Module 1 - Topic 1.2


River hydraulics and structures

To undertake a simple hydraulic analysis in order to estimate flood levels and extents;
To explain the functions of dams and reservoirs and their impacts on river basins;
To introduce environmental issues in rivers and floodplains;
To provide an overview of flood defences and control structures, and their impacts on river hydraulics.


River hydraulics; flow resistance and conveyance; application of Mannings equation; river and
floodplain flow; impacts of structures; sediment processes.
Different types of dams; methods of operation; operating rules; impacts on river flows including floods;
condition of dams; dam failure; reservoir sedimentation.
Natural rivers; impacts of interventions; requirements for environmental management; techniques for
river and floodplain restoration and improvement.
Description of flood defences and control structures in Moldova; impacts on river hydraulics; condition
of defences and probability of failure.

Form of training and


Presentation and practical exercises - 4 hours

29 July 2014: 13:30 to 17:30 hours
Technical University of Moldova (TUM) room 10-104, bul. Dacia 41, MD-2060 Chisinau

Module 1 - Topic 1.3


Flood management
To introduce flood hazard, and modelling and mapping of flood hazard;
To describe the assessment of flood risk;
To provide an overview of the flood management process;
To describe flood management measures (structural and non-structural).


Types of flood hazard; estimation of flood hazard including modelling; methods used in the TA project;
flood mapping; impacts of climate change.
Impacts of flooding; definition of flood risk; methods of calculation; flood risk mapping.
River basin flood hazard and flood risk; objectives of flood management; flood management strategies
and measures; selection of measures.
Measures (structural and non-structural); features; design considerations; examples in Moldova and
elsewhere; institutional requirements. Anti-flood measures in Moldova.

Form of training and


Presentation and practical exercises - 4 hours

30 July 2014: 08:30 to 12:30 hours
Technical University of Moldova (TUM) room 10-104, bul. Dacia 41, MD-2060 Chisinau

Module 1 - Topic 1.4


Appraisal and planning

To describe the process of appraisal and selection of preferred options;
To describe investment planning and implementation of flood management measures.


Methods of appraisal; options; costs; benefits; preferred options.

Prioritisation of measures; costs and timescales; investment programme; steps to implementation.

Form of training and


Presentation and practical exercise - 4 hours

30 July 2014: 13:30 to 17:30 hours
Technical University of Moldova (TUM) room 10-104, bul. Dacia 41, MD-2060 Chisinau

Module 2

Data and GIS


To understand types and forms of data for flood management;

To provide hands-on training in Arc-GIS.


Data types, sources and formats; use of data for flood management; analysis techniques; quality
Use of Arc-GIS for viewing and manipulating data including topography, cartography, spatial reference
systems and spatial analysis; quality control.
Importing results into the existing Moldova geodatabase.

Form of training and

Staff to be involved

Short presentations and practical exercises 12 hours over 2 days

Modellers who will use the River Management and Modelling System and those who will be involved
with data management

Module 3

Modelling and mapping part 1 initial training


To provide initial training in hydraulic modelling.

Form of training and
Staff to be involved

Training course in basic hydraulic modelling including a programme of work for each participant, to be
supported by the in-country project team.
Practical training using InfoWorks ICM 15 hours
Modellers who will use the River Management and Modelling System

Module 4

Modelling and mapping part 2 - Detailed training


To provide advanced training in hydraulic modelling.

Form of training and
Staff to be involved

Training course in hydraulic modelling including feedback on the work carried out since Topic 6.
Practical training using InfoWorks ICM 15 hours
Modellers who will use the River Management and Modelling System

Module 5

On-the-job training


To use the models and GIS for project planning and implementation.

Form of training and
Staff to be involved

Uses of the models and GIS for river management and monitoring; procedures; quality management.
Programme of work for each participant, to be supported by the in-country project team.
On-the-job training with support from the Consultant team
Modellers who will use the River Management and Modelling System

Annex 1

List of participants



Contact data

Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry


Vitali MUTAF



Constantin GSC

Senior specialist in the Water Resources

Management Department

Evghenia ba

Specialist in the Water Resources Management



+373 22210373

Superior consultant of Land Improvements and Land

Fund Department

Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service

+373 79604283

Deputy chief of the Civil Protection department

Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service

Specialist database management Service

Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service

+373 79604283

Specialist database management Service

Apele Moldovei State Agency

Apele Moldovei State Agency

+373 22280928
+373 22280928

State Geological Agency of Republic of Moldova


+373 22751824

Senior specialist in the Department of Subsoil Use

+373 69745412
+373 22773622

Valeriu CAZAC

State Hydrometeorological Service

+373 69191014

Chief of the Hydrology Department
+373 22773518

Valentina CERE

State Hydrometeorological Service

+373 69114303

Chief of the Hydrology Forecasting Division
+373 22773518



State Hydrometeorological Service

+373 69817303

Chief of the Hydrography and Cadastre Division

State Hydrometeorological Service







Coordinating engineer, Hydrology Forecasting

State Hydrometeorological Service


+373 22773530

Junior scientific researcher in the GIS and Research


Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of

Ecology and Geography

+373 68473729

Junior scientific researcher hydrologist


+373 22773518

State Enterprise Basin Water Management Authority

of Moldova
Associated Professor of Technical University of

+373 79521871






State Enterprise Basin Water Management Authority
of Moldova
Head of Project Management and international
cooperation Department
State Enterprise Basin Water Management Authority
of Moldova
Engineer of system in informatics



Local team member of the Project



Local team member of the Project

Contact data

+373 22281160

+373 60648447
+373 69308516
+373 069630106

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