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avail - use or benefit.

"he begged her to reconsider, but to no avail"

urge - a strong desire or impulse.
he urged her to come and stay with us
BEEHIVE - a box-like or dome-shaped structure in which bees are kept.
lay - put (something) down gently or carefully.
"she laid the baby in his cot"
reverberate - be repeated several times as an echo.
"her deep booming laugh reverberated around the room"
crouch - adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought
forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend oneself.
"we crouched down in the trench"
prostrate - throw oneself flat on the ground so as to be lying face downwards, e
specially in reverence or submission.
"she prostrated herself on the bare floor of the church"
condemn - sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death.
"the rebels had been condemned to death"
rebel - rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or l
"the Earl of Pembroke subsequently rebelled against Henry III"
anxious - feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with
an uncertain outcome.
"she was extremely anxious about her exams"
blunder - a stupid or careless mistake.
"she stopped, finally aware of the terrible blunder she had made"
futile - incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
"a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage"
strives - make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
"national movements were striving for independence"
thirst - a feeling of needing or wanting to drink something.
"they quenched their thirst with spring water"
dread - great fear
"the thought of returning to London filled her with dread"
engender - cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition).
"the issue engendered continuing controversy"
worn - very tired.
"his face looked worn and old"
compliance - the action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
"the ways in which the state maintains order and compliance"
quarrel1 - an angry argument or disagreement.

"he made the mistake of picking a quarrel with John"

luminous - giving off light; bright or shining.
"the luminous dial on his watch"
denounce - publicly declare to be wrong or evil.
"the Assembly denounced the use of violence"
strive - make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
"national movements were striving for independence"
persuade - induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
"it wasn't easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing"
indignation - anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatme
"the letter filled Lucy with indignation"
arise - (of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.
"new difficulties had arisen"
stench - a strong and very unpleasant smell.
"the stench of rotting fish"
betray - expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously
giving information to an enemy.
"a double agent who betrayed some 400 British and French agents to the Germans"
indulge - allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
"we indulged in a cream tea"
arouse - evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).
"something about the man aroused the guard's suspicions"
resentment - bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
"his resentment at being demoted"
agony - extreme physical or mental suffering.
"he crashed to the ground in agony"

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