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Resolution: 18K

General assembly third committee

sponsors: Palestine, Iraq, Russian federation, Portugal
Signatories: Switzerland, Peru, Cambodia, Iceland, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, sudan,
Ukraine , cameroon,Belarus , Saudi Arabia , Norway , Lebanon , chile, Bhutan ,
bosnia , combodia , sudan ,
Rwanda , Qatar , Poland ,dprk, central African republic,USA,eritria,Netherlands,
ukkraine, germany, mexico,finland,congo, sri lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Italy cuba
Bolivia france guinea Myanmar Bulgaria
Acknowledging the provisions contained in the international covenant on civil and
political rights (ICCPR), the international covenant on economic social and cultural
rights (ICESCR),international labour organization (ILO) and the united nations
declaration of human rights (UNHDR),
Keeping in mind resolutions A/RES/62/156, A/RES/62/270, A/RES/63/225,
1 Endorses the rights of legal and illegal immigrants to be as follows:
a) Equality and dignity before the law (following UNHDR articles 1 and 7, ICCPR
article 26),
b) Right to liberty and security (following UNHDR article 12, ICCPR article 9-1),
c) Right to freedom of opinion and expression (following UNHDR article 19, ICCPR
article 19-2),
d) Right to due process and fair deportation proceedings (ICCPR article 13);
2 Recommends the setting up of a subcommittee with due representation
according to regional and geographical proportionality:
a)The subcommittee is to comprise of experts and high ranking government
officials elected by country groups like the African union, ECOWAS etc:
The countries of these groups are to determine the representatives to the
subcommittee themselves
This committee will issue a report to the GA3 annually
The purpose of setting up this committee is to ensure proper data collection
essential for making
b)The committee is to carry out the following functions:
Demographics of influx of immigrants both legal and illegal best
determined by border security
forces of the said country
Exploring the clauses for the said immigration
Varied issues of discrimination on the basis of sex , religion , nationality
Creating employment opportunities for immigrants using culturally
competent screening tools , communication tools, skill assessment and

integration of working ability

new standard recruitment procedures based on merit , equal
opportunities and fair criteria as adjudged by international labor
organization charter article 138 and 182;

3 desiring better employment opportunities for immigrants suggests the setting up

of and admission into existing training centers for skill development and job
placements, thus closing the gap between the demand and supply for skilled and
unskilled workers and laborers;
4 Considering the exploitation by employees and the economic instability of
immigrants encourage countries to adopt laws which would implement minimum
working standards for immigrants along with equal and fair wages also any
employer employing immigrants would be held liable for his ethical and just
5 notes that the steps mentioned in articles 3 and 4 will be efficient to prevent
immigrants from taking to a life of crime;
6 reaffirming that the immigrants should be tried to the fullest extent of domestic
laws if he is found guilty of committing a crime;
7 Calls upon all Latin American countries to promote justice and law enforcement
reform , as well as free market reform throughout Latin America to foster healthier
economies and thus weaken the incentive to migrate illegally in search of high
paying jobs which are criminal in nature;
8 Encourages countries to establish special vocational training for immigrants along
with raising awareness of their inherit rights mentioned in the clause regarding
basic rights of immigrants;
9 expresses its appreciation of the American system of issuing U visas and T visas
according to the violence against women act (VAWA);
10 Further resolves principles similar to the act mentioned in clause 9 to be
implemented on an international level to ensure rights to women and children
immigrants, the principles being as follows:
a) To qualify for an A visa a woman or child must have suffered substantial
physical or mental abuse as a result of being the victim of certain criminal

The criminal activities include rape, torture, trafficking, incest, domestic

violence, sexual assault, abusive sexual contact, prostitution, sexual exploitation,
female genital mutilation, being held hostage, peonage, involuntary servitude,
slave trade, kidnapping, abduction, unlawful criminal restraint, false imprisonment,
blackmail, extortion, manslaughter, murder, felonious assault, witness tampering,
obstruction of justice, perjury, or attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit any
of these crimes,


Must possess information concerning the criminal activity,


Must obtain a certification from a law-enforcement official, prosecutor, judge,

DHS, or other federal or state authorities investigating or prosecuting the criminal


Must be admissible under immigration law, or must qualify for a waiver of

f) To qualify for a B visa, a woman or a child has to be a victim of a severe form of
trafficking in
Persons or physically present in the United States on account of trafficking;
11 expresses its hope that countries can build a relationship of mutual trust
regarding external border control policy;
12 calls upon countries to start training programs to strengthen border security and
armed forces to curtail movement of illegal immigrants from one country to
13 Considers the fact that 432 billion dollars are sent by immigrants from their
new homes to their host countries which increases the inflow of foreign exchange
and is benficial to both countries along with the fact that there are 232 million
immigrant workers in the world today
And their contribution in the form of remittances exceeds the amount spent in
international aid by almost three times where 135 billion dollors are shared by
countries in terms of international aid;
14 further reminds the countries that 42% of the gdp of countries like Somalia and
tujhisktan comes from such forgien aid;
15 reafferming its primary responsibility under article 6 of UN declaration of human
rights and to sustain non discrimantion of immigrants infront of law of any state;
16 reccomends participation of socio cultural mediators in the embassy of each
member nation so that social and linguistic proximity is promised to every
individuals specially amongst the one subjected to legal actions; and proximity
between public administration and individuals immigrants citizens;
17 Further requests the public authorities inc harge of external borders to keep
regular checks and surveillance in confrimity with the current rules,in an effort to
stop people from crossing borders illegally;
18 Considers the building of a system through which intelligence information
regarding a person who has crossed the border can be exchanged;
19 Requests To come up with laws regarding equal job opportunities to
immigrants(as to the host population)in host countries sans any
discrimination of any sort, which in turn allows the host country too to make
full and efficient utilization of the high-skilled and low-skilled labor of
immigrants, respectively ;
20 Calls upon the making of laws for the anticipation of logistics and support the
requirements for the understanding of the threats linked to security;

21 Calls uopn the creation of a simple and straightforward process that

measures prospective, rather than retrospective, eligibility;
22 Further requests the state governments to work in collaboration with NGOs in
an effort to spread awareness amongst the people in potential illegal
immigration states about the consequences of illegal immigration;
23 Recommeds the creation of laws to recognize the educational and technical
qualifications of immigrants and provide job opportunities to them based on
their qualification so that they are efficiently utilized and justice is done to
their ability;
24 Further requests the governments to take strict actions against any terrorist
activities that might occur in their state with an idea to prevent forced
immigration in future;
25 Recommends the formulation of anti-criminal laws relating to immigration to
curb practices like Illicit human and drug trafficking, racial or ethnic crimes
etc. which deny the immigrants of all their priviledges in the host country;
26 Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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