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Bringing Peace, Progress and

Prosperity to Sulu

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Whats Inside?


Camp Bud Datu, Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu

3 - EditorsNote

Editorial Board
Vice Chairman

Editorial Staff

4 - MessageofGov.AbdusakurTotohATanII
5- MessageofViceGov.AbdusakurMTan
6 MessageofCommander,WESTMINCOM
8 MessageofCommander,5ID
9- MessageofCommander,JTGS



11- CommandersCorner


Assistant Editor-in-Chief

16 - DeputyBrigadeCommandersCorner

Managing Ocer
17 - JourneyfromNorthtoSouth:AnExperienceinLogistic



Sgt Ramelito A Arnoco (FA) PA

PFC John Carlo B Bendanillo (Inf) PA
Layout Ar sts

PFC Mayden L Libo-on (EW) PA

18- ABackgrounderontheAbuSayyafGroup(ASG)

Produc on NCO

TSg Bernard M Navarro (Inf) PA

Cpl Oliver C Dayag (Inf) PA

21- 501stBrigadeJoinsSuluWeekofPeaceCelebration
22 - 501stBrigadespearheadsInter -agencyForuminSulu



For your comments or sugges ons,

please text, call or email us at:

23- ProyektongPangkabuhayanIpinakilalasaSulu


24- JTGSuluDistributesSolarPanelstoOPCONUnits



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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Editors Note
You do not stay in Sulu for a day or two and then talk as if you already know everything about it, declares Sulu patriarch and Vice Governor Abdukasur Tan.
Indeed it will take some time for anyone to know the tales of and
about people, especially in a culturally-rich and diverse place like Sulu.
Perhaps having this in mind, too, the leadership of the Department of
National Defense, through the Armed Forces of the Philippines, could not
look for a better man to lead its military offensives against the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in Sulu than COL ALAN R ARROJADO who has fought
some of the fiercest battles for the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
The remarkable accomplishments of the Joint Task Group Sulu only
three months into its activation with Colonel Arrojado at its helm are
proof that the AFP leadership did not err in choosing its commander for
the heavy tasks and challenges that are concomitant with the tall order
of finally crushing the ASG and other lawless elements in Sulu.
This maiden issue of the JTG Sulu Journal might not give justice to
the feats of the units under it, yet perhaps there is no accomplishment
greater than the opening up of each individual soldier, each battalion
and every unit under the JTG Sulu to the instruction and direction of a
warrior leader whose fame for his fierceness in battle precedes him.
We invite all of you to join us as we document and tell the world of
the noble and gallant individual and collective accounts and what
could only be future glorious endeavors and achievements of the Joint
Task Group Sulu.

AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the officers and men of the Joint Task Group Sulu for
exemplary services rendered in winning the Peace and in conjunction with the publication of their Joint
Task Group Sulu Journal.
I hope we all agree that there is no other substitute for peace, which preconditions the progress and
development of Sulu. As advocate of shared
responsibilities between the constituents, the Local
Government Units and the uniformed services towards this noble goal, we will continue to support the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, in general, in its endeavors leading to a brighter horizon for our people
in this part of the Republic.
We salute you!


Army Core Purpose: Serving the People, Securing the Land

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatu.
Congratulations to the Joint Task Group Sulu for the publication of their Joint Task Group Sulu Journal.

The Journal, I hope, will satisfy the right of the people to be duly informed of the activities of our braved men in
uniform and their various community services in furtherance of peace efforts. The people, too, will be accorded the
opportunity to better appreciate our soldiers in a different light than the usual pictures of combats and operations.

For Sulu, the Bayanihan Concept of the AFP in winning the peace is rendered more meaningful in the light of the
many unkind events in the past with the horrors of conflicts and destructions still residing in the hearts and minds of those
who have witnessed and experienced the episodes of that phase of our history.

Together, let us march along the path of peace towards a brighter horizon for Sulu.
Maraming salamat po!

Vice Governor

Army Core Purpose: Serving the People, Securing the Land

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Camp Basilio Navarro, Upper Calarian, Zamboanga City

On behalf of the Western Mindanao Command, I convey my warmest greetings to the
officers and enlisted personnel of Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS) in your three months of
serving the people and securing the province of Sulu.
This journal bespeaks of the unparalleled comradeship of the units under JTGS are
exhibiting as you perform joint and combined operations. Truly, this manifests your strong
commitment in contributing to the overall effort of our armed forces in winning a just and lasting
peace in this part of the nation. With this, you are all displaying of unwavering dedication to
duty which contributed greatly to the attainment of our mission.
May you further strengthen your commitment to the service of our nation and people with
the coming of this new year. Continue to take pride in the uniform that you wear and in the
patriotic duty that we perform as protectors of our sovereignty. Together with our fellow Tausugs
and other minority groups, let us work to attain a lasting peace not only for ourselves but for the
generations to come.
Thank you and Mabuhay!


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


NSRE, Bagong Calarian, Zamboanga City

Its is with great pride and honor that I convey my warm and proud greetings to all
members of the Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS) on this maiden issue of your journal.
I am the confident that you will always beat your best in the performance of your job
and continue to be a dependable arm of our organization. The pages bear your
perseverance as you try to convey to the readers not only your accomplishments for the
period but also your thoughts and aspirations. With these, I am very confident that we are
on the right track in endearing ourselves to the people of Sulu Province.
Keep up the good work. With the Internal Peace and Security Plan Bayanihan as your
guide, keep the Filipinos proud as they continue to depend upon your efforts in ensuring
lasting peace in the country.
Thank you and God bless us all.


AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


5TH Infantry (STAR) Division, Philippine Army

Camp Melchor F dela Cruz, Upi, Gamu, Isabela

Peace be with you all!
The 501 Valiant Brigade continues to display excellence and professionalism in its
journey for peace from Cordillera Autonomous Region to Sulu Province, and I take pride in
acknowledging its challenging contributions in keeping the units and personnel under it
attuned to one direction. The Brigades selfless services are among the strong factors that
had placed the command into a pedestal. These, among others, have in fact continually
propelled and motivated the Division to achieve and do more.
As the Division Commander, I would like to encourage the Valiants to be always
steadfast in their actions and to keep themselves abreast of any situation. The peculiar
challenges the command is facing brings about the need to make the troops acquire skills for
different kinds of circumstances. It is therefore a must that training of new abilities be given
priority. It is also my intent that Startroopers be able to inculcate the need to embrace the
transformation that will totally bring the Army into the next level of excellence. Every soldier
must internalize the Army Transformation Roadmap and how it will affect their daily lives as
an armed force for peace in this part of the country.
To the Valiants, keep up the good work. Continue to be empathetic, reliable and
pro-active soldiers for the people of Sulu. We have to nurture the peace we have already
started to experience. Let us work together as catalysts for harmony and defenders of


AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Joint Task Group Sulu
501ST Infantry (VALIANT) Brigade, 5ID, PA
Camp Bud Datu, Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu

I convey my warmest greetings to all readers of this maiden issue of the JOINT TASK
GROUP SULU JOURNAL, the official publication of the Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS).
This journal will be the portal of our efforts and accomplishments as we serve the people
and secure the areas of Sulu and will be a bridge to the communities and other stakeholders as
we strengthen our partnerships towards lasting peace and sustainable development in the
More than just defeating the enemy, the JTGS fulfills its constitutional mandate of serving
the people and state by winning the peace in support to the governments efforts to develop our
communities. In doing so, we will ensure that our efforts are transparent to the communities that
we are serving through this publication.
I encourage you to share your opinions, comments and even constructive criticisms so that
we can efficiently and effectively perform our duties and responsibilities. We are also inviting
you to articulate your ideas by sharing your articles in our next issues. Your contribution will help
other readers see how we strengthen our partnership and collaboration with other stakeholders.
As we ensure our unity and coordination with each others efforts, we will be able to achieve our
mission and contribute to attaining peace in this part of the country.
Again, let us join hands in making this journal a way to each others hearts and minds,
knowing that peace and development is anchored on open and transparent line of
communications with all stakeholders.
Thank you and God bless us all.


AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Camp Gen Teodolfu S Bau sta, Busbus, Jolo, Sulu

The Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS), a newly activated unit under the umbrella of the Joint
Task Force ZAMBASULTA is running full steam ahead towards bringing peace, progress and
prosperity to the province of Sulu since its activation on 01 October 2014.
The creation of this journal then becomes an opportunity for our troops to rekindle the
inner pride we, men-in-uniform, feel in serving the country as copies of this publication will be
distributed to our internal and external stakeholders.
My warmest congratulations to the journal staff who painstakingly yet enthusiastically came
up with the articles written herein, apt for a maiden issue of our quarterly journal.
Same respect complimented with a snappy salute to our men and women in the forefront
for courageously risking their lives as we serve and protect Sulu while others perform
non-traditional roles in many ways and capacities with the same objective to achieve lasting
peace and prosperity in our area of responsibility.
I therefore enjoin all fleet and marine units of the Naval Task Group Sulu to contribute
further in nation building in service to our flag and country specifically to this beautiful
island-province of Sulu.

P N(M)


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Commanders Corner


I received a text message on 12 December 2014 from a friend who relayed to me the sentiments of
some people from the Mindanao Mainland about the performance of the Joint Task Group (JTG) Sulu that is
under my command. Accordingly, the general sentiment was that people are not happy with the JTGs
manner of doing its job particularly in the area of intelligence which, they say, is rushed and inaccurate.
Some view the operational tempo as too fast, while others say that planning is half-baked. The message
sender also expressed the view of some sectors about the JTGs lack of time for rehearsals, of shifting targets, hasty executions, heavy expenditures on resources, dangerous and potential occasions for collateral
damage, and that no real CMO was taking place.
I thank the message sender for the comments, much as I welcome constructive criticisms from any
concerned citizen. It therefore becomes my obligation as the commander to explain the JTGs side. As a
rebuttal to these sentiments and observations, I want people to understand that the Army forces were
hastily moved from Luzon to Mindanao without the needed impediments and mission-essential equipment
for operations on the first week of October 2014, barely a month after the JTGs activation on 15 September
2014 as one of the operating units of Joint Task Force ZAMBASULTA, with the tall order not only to rescue
kidnap victims (KVs) but also to decimate the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) at least in the province.
On 30 September, only fifteen days after the JTGs activation, the Headquarters of the 501st Brigade
arrived in Sulu from North Luzon via a C-130 plane, followed by the 32nd Infantry Battalion and the 35th
Infantry Battalion. The 501st Brigade Headquarters personnel and about fifty percent of the two battalions
were all new to the area. Billeting them was a problem as the Marine forces had to make realignments to
transfer their

headquarters to be able to give way to the Army units.

On 18 October, the 14th Scout Ranger Company arrived in Sulu, followed by the First Scout
Ranger Battalion in two batches, on 29 October and 19 November, respectively. Two (2) Scout Ranger
Course Classes, 190 and 191, and a Special Operations Task Group arrived between late November and
Despite limited time, we made sure that the minds of the Army and Marine troops under our
command were conditioned and briefed about the operational environment. They had to be reminded to
work together as one AFP Team and had to be taught sensitivity towards the Tausug culture. More
importantly, I gave emphasis on respect for human rights during operations, especially since several
watchdog organizations are present in the province, such as the Human Rights Office, Karapatan, civil
societies and NGOs.

AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

For timely and accurate intelligence, I organized the Joint Intelligence Task Unit composed of the different
military intelligence units operating in the province who have proven that despite their diversity, they could work
together extremely and harmoniously well. It is, in fact, from their outputs that I have been basing my decisions in
planning the JTGs numerous law enforcement operations. This good collaboration between intelligence personnel
from the different units resulted in outputs that tremendously helped the JTG successfully accomplish its tasks.
Likewise, using as tactical initiative the shifting of operational forces, positive intelligence on the locations of the
kidnap victims and their abductors were drawn which caught the enemies off guard thereby

limiting enemy

With regard to the operational design, the JTG is currently conducting continued and sustained combat as
well as law enforcement operations in tandem with the Sulu Provincial Police Office. Mobile forces as well as static
elements are tasked to operate depending on the output of the Joint Intelligence Task Unit. Again, shifting of forces is
necessary hand in hand with fast operational tempo, both geared towards running after terrorists and

offering the

kidnap victims every opportunity to escape.

As the Island Commander, I take calculated risks at all times when planning for every major law
enforcement operation of the JTG, yet prepared for any untoward occurrence, such as human rights violations and the
likelihood of collateral damage, confident that my experience in the field, military


education and

self-development have fully prepared me for this assignment, especially given the very volatile situation in this part of
the country.
Even if this explanation may not totally eliminate speculations and even criticisms about the JTGs work,
our huge accomplishments particularly in rescuing kidnap victims and destroying several ASG members and their
encampments so far have surpassed expectations.
In short, we are doing things our way and are making tremendous headway.


AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014



I. Introduction/Background:
The year was in 1995 and as an Army captain instructor assigned in Officers Preparatory and Soldiers School,
Training and Doctrine Command, Philippine Army, I wrote a
position paper entitled Infantry: A Neglected AFPOS.
My purpose was to create awareness among infantry
soldiers about the low regard and treatment of the Infantry
Corps within the Army organization in terms of career
advancement, trainings and equipage. It was aimed further
for them to appreciate their sacrifices and their important
role in the overall accomplishments of the Army. It was a
wishful thinking that the Infantry Corps should have is own
Chief just like with the other corps of the Army.
As an initial positive result, the Army Command then
created the Office of the Army Chief Infantry (OACI) that
would be responsible for career advancement and training
development for the infantry members.
Unfortunately, it was soon deactivated just as it was
easily established and was replaced by the newly activated
Army Personnel Management Center. The irony of it all,
only the OACI was dissolved; while other Chiefs of Offices
from the Artillery, Engineers, Armor, Nurse, Dental Finance
and the like remained unaffected.
As years passed by, no significant changes happened
in the Infantry Corps. The way I see it, the Infantry Corps as
Armed Forces of the Philippines Occupational Specialty
(AFPOS) and as an organization is still neglected and
As a review on Army organization, generally, it is composed
of three (3) major groups or commands to wit: the combat or maneuver units, the combat support units and the combat service support units whose members are trained according to their respective military occupational specialties for them to perform well their respective roles and functions in the Army. The combat or maneuver units in our Army are the 10 Infantry Divisions, the Special Operations Command and the Mechanized Infantry Division. Their primary role is to close in with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to neutralize or capture him.
For the combat support units, they serve as force multipliers for the maneuver combat units. These are the Army
Artillery Regiment, Army Signal Regiment, Intelligence units and Engineering Brigades belong to this group.
On the other hand, the combat service support units provide the various services supports for the whole Army. These
units are the Army Support Command, the Army Finance Center, APMC, the chaplain, medical and similar offices of units.
Among the three groups, the Infantry Corps is the biggest organization within the Army; yet, it lacks significant
development much less needed immediate reforms in many aspects as military organization.
II. Observations and Suggestions:
Reestablish the Office of the Army Chief of


My foremost call for improvement in the Infantry Corps is the reestablishment and the designation of the Armys Chief of
Infantry. We need a senior Infantry officer who is visionary and credible to pioneer the professionalization of the corps. If I
may suggest, he should be the most senior officer or general who rose from Infantry career and had identity. Just like a
leaderless professional organization, its progress if there is any, is always slow or if not misdirected. With a responsible Chief
of Infantry, I believe necessary reforms can be fast tracked in terms of career, training, and equipage within the corps.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Reestablish the Army Infantry School

To professionalize its members, I strongly
recommend to Army leadership to reestablish the Army
School of Infantry. As I have long observed, the major
cause for the lack of professional expertise among infantry
soldiers is the absence of a dedicated training institution.
Infantry soldiers are always exposed to different training
standards like the Scout Ranger and Special Forces
training methodology. Our Army I should say is the only
Army in the world perhaps like security forces of East Timor
and Haiti that has no Infantry school. Despite our Armys
long existence and the corps biggest membership, our
Army overlooked the importance of a standard Infantry
I believe this is the biggest mistake or omission of
past Army leaders from the 50s to date that they failed to
appreciate the importance of an excellent Infantry training,
that a credible Army should have. You see, majority in the
Army admire very much the Scout Ranger, the Special
Forces, Intelligence Operatives, Engineers, Armor troops and the like because their soldiers perform well in their given tasks
or missions. This is so because their soldiers are trained in their
respective schools or training units. They have dedicated
instructors that set training standards for their corps members as well as develop their own relevant doctrines. As such, if we
want effective and efficient Infantry soldiers or units in the Army, we must establish an Infantry school immediately. We can do
this by re-designating the Combat Arms School into Infantry School and the Army Training Groups into Infantry Training
With an Infantry school, the corps can now develop and enforce Infantry training standards for its tactics, techniques,
procedures and Infantry skills. In fact, these Infantry TTPs are no longer given much emphasis in the basic and advance
training courses of Infantry soldiers. This is very evident in the field that Infantry soldiers could not execute basic field hand
signals, perform squad movement formations or fire and movement techniques or demonstrate bayonet fighting skill. It is
frustrating to know from Infantry units deployed nationwide that soldiers do not know these basic tactics. Thus, as my second
call for reforms, the Army should have an Infantry school that can standardize training and develop relevant fighting doctrines
for the Infantry.
Establish a Standard Infantry TO&E
As major component of the Army, I think it is now high time to establish a simple, affordable and doable standard
Infantry Table of Organization and Equipment. If we want to
have an effective and potent combat unit, the more it is
necessary to have a standard Infantry TOE as basis in
executing Infantry mission. Without it, it will always appear
blindly that infantry soldiers are being sent to the field with
lack resources needed to accomplish their mission. A basic
example and no longer in the Armys inventory is the
bayonet; consequently nobody in the Army especially
Infantry leaders value the bayonets importance. No longer
included in the soldiers combat clothing issues and
equipment, very few soldiers invested bayonets for their
personal field use.
Another observation is that young platoon leaders seldom
lead a full complement of an Infantry platoon. More often,
they are leading only two to three squads during combat
operations. With a standard TOE and reinforced by
commanders, Infantry units and soldiers can execute well
their tasks and mission in the field.


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Designate an Infantry Officer as member in Infantryrelated procurement of uniforms and equipment.

The biggest end users of Armys procurement are
the Infantry soldiers. It is but necessary to protect the
quality of Infantry supplies and equipment. Just like in
the previous decades, Army procurement and
acceptance committee members are mostly from the
QM and OS corps. As suggested then that an Infantry
officer be included as member, all of them disagreed
because according to them Army procurement is all
technical matters. Hence, as a result and experienced,
there were procurement of defective combat boots,
substandard uniforms and equipment that were issued
to field units. It is therefore mandatory to have an
Infantry representative in Infantry-related procurement
of supplies and equipment to assure the quality of these
III. Rallying Call To All Concerned Stakeholders:
To rally support for my call for improvement in the Infantry Corp, I encourage and enjoin every infantry soldier and
other stakeholders to express support to my suggestions and most especially elicit bright ideas from them. In this manner,
we will know the general view among Infantry soldiers if immediate reforms are needed in the Infantry Corps. With other
support and suggestions; hopefully, it will result to drastic changes that will eventually lead to the improvement of the Infantry
Corps and the Army as well.
I rally all those concerned stakeholders to contribute efforts for the realization of professionalizing the Philippine Army
Infantry Corps.
IV. Looking Forward for Changes:
As I have been in the active service long enough, being with the Infantry units, I observed that Infantry organization
has always been neglected and sidelined even until now. Nine years ago, while in an open forum on military professionalism
with DND officials at NOLCOM Headquarters, I suggested to a senior official that DND should direct the Army to establish an
Infantry School just like the Armor School for Mechanized Infantry Division. You know what was his answer being a cavalry
officer? He said The Army does not need to establish an Infantry School because it will only make the Army back to
Jurassic period!
Though long retired, I believed he had not experienced the hardships what infantry soldiers went through while
deployed in the field and the disparities of support of Infantry compared to other AFPOSes. Most likely he was always riding
inside tanks or armored vehicles in every assignments while in the service. His remark was devoid of concern for
improvement not only for the Infantry corps but to the Army in general. It only illustrated his myopic view on the role of
Infantry in the Army. I consider likewise such remarks as an insult to all infantry soldiers who sacrifice much compared to
other corps in the Army. As it is always said, Infantry soldiers are doing everything to accomplish their mission nationwide;
however, their leaders failed to give due attention for their improvement in terms of career development and raising training
standards. Following the Army Transformation Roadmap, my call for improvement for the Infantry Corps is the first step for
the Infantry Corps to reach that goal in 2028: A world class Army, Source of National Pride.
V. Conclusion:
Our Army of today will still be our Army of the future; hence, it is imperative for corps members to always seek ways to
make our organization better and dynamic. With my few remaining years in active service, it is my crusade to put the Infantry
Corps in its right perspectives. I have been wondering ever since why previous Army leaders failed to analyze the handicaps
in the Armys Infantry training equipage and career advancement. If nothing happens to my call for reforms, I think I chose
the wrong specialization and perhaps I will begin to campaign to encourage Infantry soldiers to join other Armys
specialization because I believe their members are better trained professionally.
So, my fellow infantrymen rotting in the field, always climbing and operating in jungles and mountains across the
country, have been facing death countless of times mostly staying away from their loved ones, and lest forgetting to fallen
comrades, come and join me in improving the Infantry Corps-The Cutting Edge of the Philippine Army!

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Deputy Brigade Commanders Corner

We are Partners
Hi there! This is your Deputy Commander, Colonel Bernardino S. Sun. I am the spare tire of the Commander who
happens to be my classmate in the Philippine Military Academy. So I take charge when the Commander says so. My
duties and responsibilities include the following:
1. Monitor the Brigades operational status; keep on the top of all brigade staff activities;
2. Chairman and responsible for the following Committees;
a. Anti-Illegal Logging Committee;
b. Human Rights (HR) Committee (we are mandated to abide by the provisions of HR and International
Humanitarian Law);
c. Disaster Risk Reduction Task Committee;
d. Grievances Committee;
e. Monitoring, Reporting and Responding System on Grace Childs Rights Violation in Armed Conflict
f. Housing Committee;
g. ENERCON Committee;
h. Gender & Awareness Development Committee;
i. Office of Ethical Standard and Public Accountability (OESPA) Committee;
Our program is essentially anchored on the principles of the AFPs Internal Peace and Security Plan which embodies
the Whole-of-Nation and People-centered Security Approach. Essentially, this means that you and I or WE shall join hands
in winning the Peace. This is how we shall do it:
1.10% - support to law enforcement operations (LEOs). The role of the Brigade is to support the apprehension of
those with warrants of arrest. Meanwhile, our operation is based on intelligence in order to have a focused military
operation. The goal is to reduce the capabilities of lawless elements so that they are no longer threats to the stability of the
area. Once reduced, your (you and the barangay) role now is to ensure the safety of the residents
2. 40% - intensified stakeholders engagement (ISE). The Brigade strives hard to reach out to the LGUs, NGOs,
CSOs and other entities for them to know our role here in Sulu Province. Our Brigade Commander makes it a point to
indoctrinate our personnel on the cultural sensitivities of the locals for the appropriate adjustment and that the personnel
shall be able to conduct themselves accordingly and shall be able to endear themselves to the locals.
3. 50% - support to development/socio-economic activities. This is an offshoot of the ISE. What we have learned
from other entities, we strive hard to attain with maximum introduction and collaboration of economic/livelihood
opportunities with you. There will be an exchange of technology which shall enhance our troops knowledge and skills.
The Brigade comprises of personnel coming from the different parts of the country categorized as Muslims, Lumads,
and Christians. Most of our soldiers are from the MNLF Integration Program of the government whom we call soldiers now.
Many of them are volunteering to be assigned here in Sulu to help our place become a haven of peace.
Ours may not be a perfect organization, but with your support we shall be trekking the right path. We encourage you
to support us and provide feedback through text messaging with this number: 09175661315 (Joint Task Group Sulu). We
cannot be strong everywhere but together we can project our goals and aspirations in the four corners of the Sulu
province. Inshallah!!


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Journey from North to South: An Experience in


Logis c Interop-

By Major Elmar C Dalope (CE) PA

On January 15, 2014, the 501st Brigade, then headed by Brigadier General Roger Salvador, moved to Kiangan,
Ifugao, a remote mountainous area in the northern part of Luzon where the native Igorots dwell. The province was haven
to the Japanese Imperial Army in the mid 1940s during World War II given its vast mountainous areas which up to this day
are hard and tough to negotiate.
Originally, the brigade was situated at Tabuk, Kalinga for 20 years where a camp was logistically established in five
(5) hectares of land with the following amenities: concrete barracks for officers and enlisted personnel; Administrative
Office building; basketball, volleyball, badminton and tennis courts; firing range; Physical Fitness building; brigade-sized
mess hall; motor pool; and vehicle shed. The strategic movement to Kiangan, Ifugao is testament to the accomplishment
of the brigade particularly in providing its fair share in combating the CPP/NPA/NDF (CNN) thereby reducing a huge
number of insurgents within the region. The brigades numerous accomplishments paved the way to the realignment of
troops from Kalinga Province to Ifugao Province.
Logistical movement of personnel and equipment was a primary concern in the change of brigade headquarters. In
the estimated six-hour travel to Ifugao, vehicles had to move tactically in the middle of the night, negotiating stiff and
zigzag roads. Several Log Run schedules were held until finally, after two (2) months, all impediments were transported.
The new brigade headquarters was way far removed from the comfort to which the unit has been accustomed. The
lot where the brigade was situated was only less than a hectare, and the lone permanent structure that was erected
became the office for the triad operations of Admin, Logistics and Headquarters. The Commanders quarters and Officers
Mess Hall were spared a few square meters of floor area attached to the building. Officers were made to settle in
makeshift rooms made out of round logs and plywood, each of which was just enough to house two (2) staff officers. Light
and water provisions were unavailable for a time.
As the days passed, the personnel began to get a good grasp and understanding of what the battalions of the
heydays were, that is, absent the comforts and convenience of modern-day infrastructure and technology. But imminently,
with the clear and able leadership of Brigadier General Salvador and the perseverance of the officers and men of the
brigade, small but concrete steps were made to establish the unit. In fact, a month after the movement, with the brigades
meager resources, he was able to effect the construction of a water system and the installation and reconnection of an
electric power system. In three (3) months, a stone riprap and a building for repair of facilities were constructed in Kiangan,
Ifugao and an advance command post was built at Mangkayan, Benguet.
In mid-June 2014, the brigade started the construction of another Officers Quarters to complement the existing four
(4)-room Officers Quarters. Beside it, a Dental clinic was erected to cater not only to organic officers and personnel but
also to the populace living near the vicinity. The building consists of one (1) big room for the Deputy Commander and two
(2) rooms for staff officers.
In August 2014, the brigade received orders to move to Sulu. Preparations were made for movement and logistics
requirements, including the identification of supplies and armaments and their mobility to the new area of assignment.
Troops were made to retrain in marksmanship to make them recall and harness this fundamental skill. After a month
long-preparation, the first half of the troops was hauled on 28 September by a C-130 aircraft from Cauayan Airport in
Isabela Province to the Edwin Andrews Air Base in Zamboanga City, with Col Noel Clement as its newly-installed
commander who organized and led the movement. The troops were initially housed in a military camp in Malagutay,
Zamboanga City and after three (3) days were moved from Zamboanga City to Jolo, Sulu. In less than a month the main
bulk of personnel and equipment were finally transported to Sulu via Naval vessel.
It has been nearly a decade ago when I first saw Jolo, Sulu. As a young lieutenant the fascinating landscape, white
sand beaches and green vegetated islands amazed me no end. The place was far beautiful than the places I have been
before. The culture was also far more different than those of our previous assignments.
A new commander in the person of Col Alan R Arrojado came in, fit, seasoned, prepared and a veteran of Sulu. He is a
multi awarded combat officer who was responsible for the reactivation of the 35th Infantry Battalion in back 2002. Col
Arrojado, is a Sulu veteran who fought the MILF and ASG. His accomplishments are vivid and resonant, clearly the reason
why. I would venture to say he was chosen for the assignment.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Under his command of COL ARROJADO, our first logistical task was to help facilitate the movement of personnel
under the umbrella of the newly-created Joint Task Group Sulu. Tanks and Artillery pieces were moved one by one on
board naval assets to Sulu, a logistical movement far different from our usual movement of transport by land, commanding only vehicular assets of the brigade. In Task Group Sulu we were made to expand our logistics interoperability and
we were given the opportunity to utilize naval vessels and to use air assets. At the height of the campaign to seize the
ASG to free kidnap victims, the brigade personnel were tasked to transport troops in the battle ground, provide logistical support to the operating units and give their fare share in attaining the units goals. These once-in-a lifetime, experiences might be trivial to some but is a rare privilege to us to serve the country and protect our people.


militant Islamist group based in and around Sulu
and Basilan where for more than four decades
Moro groups have been engaged in an insurgency for
an independent province in the country. The name of the
group is derived from the Arabic, Abu (father of")
and Sayyaf ("swordsmith").
Since its inception in 1991, the group has carried
out bombings, kidnappings, assassinations and extortion
what they describe
fight for
an independent Islamic province in the Philippines. Abu
Iranian-style Islamic theocracy in the southern
Philippines. Abu Sayyaf forces in Basilan and
in Zamboanga Peninsula were, by June 2003,
believed to number less than 500, down from more than
1,000 a year earlier. They use mostly improvised
explosive devices, mortars and automatic rifles.
The group has been designated as a terrorist
organization by the United Nations, and by Australia,
Canada, the UAE, the United Kingdom and the United
States. In 2002, fighting the ASG became a mission of
Freedom and part of the Global War on Terrorism. The
CIA has deployed paramilitary officers from their elite
Special Activities Division to hunt down and kill or capture key terrorist leaders. Several hundred United States soldiers are also stationed in the area to mainly train local forces in counter terror and counter guerrilla operations, but as a status of forces agreement and under Philippine law are not
allowed to engage in direct combat.
Abu Sayyaf is also involved in criminal activities, including kidnapping, rape, child sexual assault, drive-by
shooting, extortion, and drug trafficking.
Most of the Abu Sayyaf victims have been Filipinos. However, non-Filipinos have also been taken hostage for
large ransom payment demands. Westerners, especially Americans, have been targeted for political and racial reasons.
In 1993, Abu Sayyaf kidnapped an American Bible translator in the southern Philippines. In 2000, Abu Sayyaf
captured an American Muslim visiting Jolo and demanded that the United States release Sheikh Omar Abdel
Rahman and Ramzi Yousef, who were jailed for their involvement in the World Trade Center bombing of 1993.
A spokesman for the Abu Sayyaf has stated that, "We have been trying hard to get an American
may think we are afraid of them." He added, "We want to fight the American people."

because they

British, Canadian, Australian, French, and German tourists have been kidnapped as well.
Reference: wikipedia


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

On 18 December 2014, President Benigno S. Aquino awarded the Distinguished Conduct Star to 1st
Lieutenant Dante Sprite Espiritu, 34, of Pagadian City, Executive Officer of the 1st Scout Ranger Company, 1st
Scout Ranger Battalion, which is now operationally a part of the Special Operations Task Group of the Joint Task
Group Sulu.
The award was given for Lieutenant Espiritus acts of courage and gallantry in action during an encounter
on 14 November 2014 with more or less 300 Abu Sayyaf Group bandits led by Radulan Sahiron in Bud
Bunga, Brgy Sinumaan, Talipao, Sulu.
Imbued with a deep sense of responsibility, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu led a 24-man recon element that was
tasked to locate the encampment of the enemy located deep in the forest. Through his superb tracking skills
and high level of combat discipline, he was able to approach as close as (5) meters from at least 10 armed
enemies. Sensing the need to engage, he directed his men to open fire, immediately inflicting casualties. Within
minutes, more and more enemies swarmed the position of his platoon, engaging his troops in a close and
bloody battle and pitting his small patrol against a numerically superior enemy.

Seeing that Private First Class Blanche was critically wounded, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu crawled towards
the injured soldier and carried him towards safer grounds. He further showed composure amidst the heavy
volley of fires and coordination with the TCP for reinforcement and indirect fires from the units mortar

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

To maintain command and control, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu dashed from one team to another in order to motivate
his leaders to press the fight and keep the integrity of the unit. As the heavy firefight dragged longer, he incurred
additional casualties from the high-explosive rounds that exploded around them. Seeing that his gunner Private First
Class Rendon was wounded and immobile, he assisted the soldier in repositioning to covered position to keep him
safe and secured. While giving orders, he kept on shooting at suicidal enemies who rose to assault his patrol, downing
them one by one.
Learning that the reinforcing team was heavily engaged a hundred meters away, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu decided
to allow able-bodies to extricate the two dead soldiers and the six (6) others who were wounded in the fight. He chose
to remain in his position with a handful of men to provide suppressive fire and allow safe evacuation of the casualties.
Blasting the enemy with mortar fire and throwing all hand-grenades that they collected, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu
successfully evacuated the casualties to a better position. While linking up with the Platoon of 1st Lieutenant Asistores,
he realized that there were three (3) injured soldiers who were overwhelmed by rampaging Abu Sayyaf fighters 50
meters away. Unmindful of his personal safety, he organized a team of soldiers to assault the enemy position and
recover the injured soldiers. He led the attack using small-arms fire and grenades, forcing the bandits to scamper
away with more casualties and allowing his team to recover the casualties and their firearms.
It was through 1st Lieutenant Espiritus excellent leadership under extreme pressure that his recon elements
were never subdued by the enemy. Instead, his team dealt an overwhelming blow to the bandit group which incurred
10 dead, including two (2) sub-leaders known as Asbang Hairullah and Juli Ekit, and the wounding of 18 others. By
this gallantry, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu distinguished himself in combat in keeping with the finest traditions of Filipino
In 2013, 1st Lieutenant Espiritu was also awarded a Gold Cross Medal by DND Secretary Voltaire Gazmin during
the 78th AFP Anniversary celebration and a few days before that another Gold Cross Medal by former Westmincom
Commander General Rey Ardo in Zamboanga City, both for acts of courage and gallantry in action in Basilan.


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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

501st Brigade Joins Sulu Week of Peace Celebra on

INDANAN, SULU 501st Infantry Brigade joins the
celebration of Sulu Week of Peace from 27 to 30 November
2014. The activity as another milestone and history of the
brigade collaborating stakeholders in the new area of
responsibility which is the province of Jolo. The brigade before,
was already been proven and its sustainment interms of
inter-agency collaborations earned a distinctive honor because
of numerous accomplishment in Luzon area hence, the brigade
will continuous to render his support in the new AOR.


As the main objective which aims to established good

rapport between the line agencies to the community and
encourage partnership with the stakeholders to support the
peace initiatives of the government, establish and enhance
active collaboration, and promote good image of the unit to the
community being a responsive partner in peace and security
initiatives in the area.
In consonance with the intent of the higher headquarters
to establish good rapport in the community as well as the
participation in a national and historical event in the area, the
brigade participated the weeklong activity celebration of Sulu
Week of Peace from 27 30 November 2014. The effort was
launched to show support to the peace initiatives of the
Provincial Government of Sulu, which envisions to established
a long and sustainable peace in the area.


As part of weeklong activity, the unit and its OPCON units

joint in the series of activities like; Civic Parade/Fun Walk
organized by the Sulu provincial Women Council (SPWC) in
line with the observance of 18th day campaign to end violence
against women in Sulu conducted on the first day on 27
December 2014 followed by support to clean-up drive for the
second day of 28 December, participated by the different
stakeholders from the different sectors jointly conducted
clean-up drive along the primary streets and market stalls of
Jolo-Sulu Public Market, on the 3rd day of 29 December that
was the Peace Forum held at Notre Dame Gym, Jolo, Sulu.
The said activity was launched being part of the culminating
activities for the Sulu Week of Peace celebration in the
province presided by the Hon Gov Abdusakur Tan II and other
heads of the different line agencies and the activity was
officially culminated on the 4th day of 30 December 2014.



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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

501st Brigade spearheads Inter-agency Forum in Sulu

The 501st Infantry Brigade spearheaded an
Inter-agencies Forum in the Province of Sulu on
07 December 2014 at the Sulu Area Coordinating Center
(SACC). This activity is in line with the AFPs mandate to
sustain its Intensified Stakeholders Engagement (ISE),
and continuous collaboration of effort within the new AOR
of the 501st Bde under the leadership of the newly installed
Brigade Commander Col Alan R Arrojado INF (GSC) PA.
This inter-agencies activity aims to strengthen coordination
between agencies and how these agencies support each
other in synchronizing efforts to attain a common goal
which is serving the people to attain peace and further
push development in the province.

During the forum, each and every line government

agency presented a briefing wherein they discussed their
missions and the capabilities which they can offer in case
they are needed by other agencies as well as the
problems they encounter requiring the help of other
Sulu Vice Governor Abdusakur Tan who present
during the forum ensured his support to the different
agencies as far as the welfare of the people of Sulu
Province is concerned.


As a commitment of support to peace and

development in the province, the heads of the different
agencies led by Vice Governor Abdusakur Tan affixed their
individual signatures at the covenant displayed at the
session hall of the SACC.
In support to President Aquinos security agenda for
a multi-sectoral approach to address peace and security
concerns, theValiant initiates programs and activities in its
new AOR thru the spirit of bayanihan to synchronize
efforts in the delivery of basic services and for sustainable
development in collaboration with the different agencies in
the province.

During the Signing of the Peace Covenant.


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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Proyektong Pangkabuhayan Ipinakilala sa

Ang Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas ay ang institusyon na may
mandantong sugpuin ang kalaban sa larangan ng digmaan. Sa
Probinsya ng Sulu na kilala na lugar na pinagkukutaan ng grupo ng Abu
Sayyaf, ang Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS) ay naatasang sugpuin ang
nasabing grupo sa lalong madaling panahon. Isang buwan pa lamang
mula nang umupo si Col Alan R Arrojado bilang Joint Task Group Sulu ay
kabi-kabila na ang naging accomplishment ng kasundaluhan sa
pagbuwag sa nasabing grupo.
Ngunit para kay Col Arrojado, ang military offensive ay hindi sapat
upang matigil ang kasamaan. Aninya, kailangan ding suriin ang ugat ng
problema ng lipunan. Naniniwala siya na ang kahirapan ng buhay ang isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit marami ang
nahihikayat na sumapi sa Abu Sayyaf. Dahil dito, ibinahagi ni Col Arrojado ang kanyang pagnanais na makatulong sa
mga taga Sulu sa pamamagitan ng mga Proyektong pangkabuhayan.
Ipinakilala ni Colonel Arrojado ang paggawa ng Bamboo furniture at pagtanim ng saging na lakatan at kawayan sa
mga pinuno ng Probinsya ng Sulu. Una nang iprinisinta ng JTGS Commander kay Cong. Tupay Loong ang nasabing
proyekto at agad naman itong pumasa sa kinatawan ng probinsya

ganun din kay Gov. Abdusakur Tan II.

Naglaan si Congressman Loong ng lugar ng pagbibinhi at pagpaparami

sa Patikul, Sulu. Samantala, nagpahanap naman ng bakanteng lupa ang
Gobernador upang

umpisahan ang pagpaparami ng lakatan at

kawayan. Nangako ang mga pinuno na kanilang ipamimigay sa mga

kababayan ang pangangalaga sa mga pananim upang makatulong na
maiangat ang antas ng kanilang pamumuhay. Nabanggit din ng Gobernador sa isang pagpupulong na mahal ng JTGS commander ang mga
taga Sulu kaya gusto nitong

makatulong sa kanila.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

JTG Sulu Distributes Solar Panels to OPCON Units

Among the issues and concerns of the OPCON units under JTG Sulu is the source of electricity especially in the
field. There are military detachments and camps in the far flung areas that have poor sources of power supply. Most of the
time, the sending of reports to higher units is interrupted because of intermittent power supply.
To address the situation, and to boost the morale of the troops, the JTG Sulu Commander, Col Alan R Arrojado,
represented by Lt Col Basilio P Dumlao, 501st Brigade Executive Officer, distributed 1 unit Solar Panel each OPCON
Units under JTG Sulu. The 2MBDE received its unit on 09 December 13, 2014, while the 35IB and 32IB received theirs
during their repective Christmas parties.

PENRO and ROTC Cadets join 501st Brigade Celebrate AFP Day Tree Plan ng

Camp Bud Datu,Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu-Troops from 501st Bde, CENRO personnel and
students of Naval ROTC Cadets of Notre Dameof Jolo Collegejoin hand in hand together with one
common goal on Saturday, December 20, 2014 at Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu.
A tree planting activity led by LTC BASILIO P DUMLAO, 501st
Bde Executive Officer, CENRO Officer Kadra D Annil and 39
students of 612th Naval ROTC Cadets,Notre Dame of Jolo
College headed by ENS Halim C Benson Jr (PN) planted 250
assorted non-fruit bearing trees and 30 assorted fruit-bearing
trees along Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu. As the activity
started CENRO Officer Kadra Annil demonstrated the proper planting of seedlings to the
participants.This activity is in line with the celebration of the 79TH AFP Anniversary. It is also
a mandated task of the AFP to protect the environment and to mitigate the effect of the
climate change in support to the Executive Order Nr 23 otherwise known as the National
Greening Program of the government. Last month, the
troops also rendered assistance to the provinces capital, Jolo by cleaning the main road
shoulders and canal de-clogging along market place.
LTC Dumlao said that this activity is timely because it is rainy season and the newly planted
seedlings will be able to grow at its own. The students after the tree planting activity had the
chance to see Camp Bud Datu officeswhile CMO Officer MAJ OLIVER C IKID presented a ten
(10) minutes information briefing with regards to the plans and programs of the AFP as part of
peace and development activity in line with IPSP Bayanihan and also watched the beautiful
scenic view of Jolo, thru Camp Bud Datu View Deck.This activity only shows that the AFP is
also the peoples partner in protecting our environment.


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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014



Before we, the Valiant troopers, first laid our feet in the
grounds of Camp Bud Datu, we stayed at the adjacent Camp Shaw
Martin, a former camp of the American troops which was
abandoned a long time ago. There was no electricity and water
system at that time. Now established in Camp Bud Datu, our
Brigade is ready to provide its services and more:
To give you a glimpse of what the Brigade can offer, check this
While others produce personalized mugs for fun or profit, we
produce ours primarily to offer something special to those whom we
meet and be partnered with as tokens or souvenirs.
We also print on plates, shirts, tumblers, caps and more. Our 6-in-1 machine produces personalized things quickly
and easily.
Aside from television, radios are said to be
one of the most influential sources of
communication. For the test broadcast of the
Valiant Radio Broadcast System, we are
encouraging everyone to tune in to Valiant FM 100
MHz. Soon, we will be launching informative and
entertaining programs for your listening pleasure.


Who says it is lonely here in Sulu? Try to visit our camp and enjoy our mobile sound
system. A combination of microphones, amplifiers, mixing consoles, equalizers,
compressors, and loudspeakers add beauty to the cinematic view which you can witness
over a cup of Starbucks coffee in Camp Bud Datu. Pop, jazz, acoustic, RnB, OPM or rock
music. Name it. We have it.
With these equipment, a soldier only shows how to work hard and play harder!
We are then encouraging everyone to visit our headquarters located in Camp Bud
Datu, Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu and experience a life that you do not normally
experience in a military Camp.
Kaya, tara na! Punta na! Mag-Camp Bud Datu na!

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


by Major Germelo A Calma (QMS) PA
The Joint Task Group 4 of the Joint Task Group Sulu
established its office on 01 October 2014 under the
The mission of this office is to provide logistical support
to all subordinate units in the hauling of personnel during the
conduct of Law Enforcement Operations (LEO) against
lawless elements and in the rescue of kidnap victims by the
Abu Sayyaf Group headed by Raddulan Sahiron in the
Municipalities of Patikul, Talipao, and Indanan in Sulu
Province, as well as in stakeholder engagements in the
The function of this office is to provide direction to all
subordinate units, to include the 501st Bde, 32IB, 35IB, SRBn,
SFCo, 14LACT and JSOG, in the utilization of assets before
and after LEO. It has supported the Joint Task Group Sulu
(JTGS) during its twenty (20) Law Enforcement Operations
covering the period 17 October to 23 December 2014 and in the rescue of kidnap victims.
It also facilitated the issuance of Petroleum Oil Lubricants (POL) to the JTGS, totalling one thousand (1,000) liters
of Auto Diesel Fuel (ADF) and two hundred fifty (250) liters of Extra Combustible System (XCS) for the 4th Quarter 2014 in
support to the operating troops in the conduct of Law Enforcement Operations in the Island Province of Sulu.
Although this Office has not been issued vehicles and other logistical supplies and equipment, it has contributed
hugely in the accomplishment of the JTGS mission under Joint Task Force ZAMBASULTA, Western Mindanao
Command, Armed Forces of the Philippines.


by Cpt Albert S Ramirez (MI) PA
Being prepared for the future does not guarantee total success. Trials require deliberate understanding to
overcome them. Even an expert or anyone who excels in something can do things that lead to their own downfall.
This is because everything happens for a purpose. These are in accordance to the plans of the Almighty.
Thus, trying to do everything without accomplishing even something is a total waste of time. We should always
accomplish things with passion and dedication, and even if we cannot accomplish everything in an organization, we can
contribute something for the common good.
A soldier who wears his camouflage should understand his job. Likewise, an officer will have to pass through
various trials and tests to become just like gold after it is tested through fire.
A soldier who serves the people and secures the land can help others start a new beginning in peace, progress
and prosperity. Hopefully, he can help do so in Sulu Province. Peace and development are inseparable, but with little
steps and hand in hand with the people of Sulu, the soldier will proudly wear his camouflage which symbolizes extreme
sacrifice to bring peace in the land.

Mabuhay ka, Sulu Province! Mabuhay ka, AFP! Mabuhay ka, Joint Task Group Sulu!


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Why is there a dental officer assigned in

Sulu? This is a common question raised by
some officers not only in the Technical
Administrative Service but also from the
major branches of service of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines.
I was assigned to the 501st Infantry (Valiant)
Brigade, 5th Infantry Division, Philippine
Army as the dental officer of the unit last
October 16, 2013 when it was still based in
Calanan, Tabuk, Kalinga where the Brigade
Dental Operating Team actively engaged
participated in the different medical and
dental missions and other health services
in the area. We have also been actively
visiting the soldiers in the field up to the
company level to ensure that they can also
avail of free dental services to which they
are entitled. We did not stop serving even after the brigade transferred headquarters to Baguinge,
Kiangan, Ifugao. We joined the health programs of the local government of Ifugao and actively involved
ourselves in the medical and dental missions even in the farthest localities in the area. There was a
time when we were almost ambushed in Abra but it did not
hinder the dental operating team from
serving the people.
When the Brigade Headquarters was ordered in October 2014 for deployment to Sulu. Without any
hesitation and despite the known risks, I volunteered to be
redeployed together with the organic
personnel of the 501 Brigade.
Only three months in Sulu, the Brigade Dental Operating Team had already established a good
rapport with the local government units and the Sulu populace. It has already participated in a medical
mission at Brgy Adjid, Indanan, Sulu with 38
beneficiaries. By the Lords grace and with the guidance
of our Brigade Commander, Col Alan R Arrojado, the Brigade Dental Operating Team is looking forward
to extending more dental services to the troops and to the people of Sulu.
Despite the risks that the Abu Sayyaf Group terrorists pose in the area, our Team has pledged to
put the people first before us. No matter where the brigade headquarters will be relocated in the future,
the 501st Brigade Dental Operating Team will always be ready to serve.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

Change of Command at 2nd Marine Brigade, 02

October 2014

COL ARROJADOs talk with men at Headquarters.

2nd Marine Brigade

Ceremonial Turn-Over of Food Stuff donated by


Attendance to Provincial Peace and Order Council

Meeting, 13 October 2014

October -December 2014

CJTGS attendance at conference of JTF ZAMBASULTA,

at Headquarters, Naval Forces, WESTMINCOM

Cultural Sensitivity Program

Courtesy Call on Sulu Vice Governor Abdusakur M


Conduct of Cultural Sensitivity at 35IB, 14 October



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CJTGS attendance at Organizational Dialogue with

Stakeholders, 09 October 2014.

Arrival honors for LTGEN GREGORIO PIO P.

CATAPANG AFP, CSAFP, 12 October 2014.

Courtesy Call on Sulu Governor Abdusakur Totoh

A Tan II

Visit to Provincial Director, PSSUPT ABRAHAM B


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

Courtesy Call of 1st Scout Ranger Battalion

Dialogue with Manager of Landbank of the Philippines, Jolo Branch

Courtesy Call on MSU Campus Director

Briefing at Ward Room, Headquarters, 2nd Marine


October -December 2014

Dialogue with Manager of Development Bank of the

Philippines, Jolo Branch

Courtesy Call of CJTGS on Jolo Mayor Atty Hussin

Iting Amin

An afternoon with members the Center for



Dialogue with members of the Center for


Courtesy Call at MSU Campus

CJTGS welcoming Vice Governor Tan

during the Inter-agencies Forum

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Briefing with Foreign Counterparts

CJTGS with the attendees to Inter-agencies



AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

Closing Ceremony of Observe Fire Procedure,

CJTGS serves as the Keynote Speaker

October -December 2014


Commander, ARESCOM

During the Information Briefing of CJTGS at

Provincial Capitol, Jolo, Sulu

Visit of OWWA ARMM members

Interview of ABS-CBN reporter

Nickee Butlangan

Christmas Mass officiated by

Father Ed Villanueva

CJTGS gives his message at 5o1st Brigades

Christmas Party

CJTGS giftgiving to stakeholders

Arrival honors for Commander, WESTMINCOM on 10

December 2014

Attendance to 2nd Special Regional Peace

and Development Council Meeting

Visit of Ms Veronica De Guzman, Project

Director, PWRCC


Talk with RD Noel Armilla,OIC PNP ARMM and

PD Ibrahim Orbita, Sulu PNP

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Visit of CDR ERLYN REYES, CO, PG-383

Visit of MILF Deputy Front Commander on

17 December 2014

Visit of OPAPP and MNLF Representatives

BOC meeting with Customs Commissioner John P


COL ARROJADO endorsing Valiant mugs to


Visit of Mayor Leizel A Halun, Kalingalan Caluang,




Commander, FSRR, SOCOM, PA

With kidnap victim Michelle Panes on 24 December 2014

Bagging of bamboo seedlings

Youth caroling at Valiant Brigade on 18 December



Commander, JTF-ZAMBASULTA on 22 December

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


By: MSg Robert B Wanawan (Inf) PA
This report covers various administrative activities pertaining to Discipline, Morale and Welfare, and Training of Enlisted
Personnel (EP) undertaken by the Sergeant Major (SM) as Personal Staff of the Brigade Commander from 01 October to 18
December 2014. It tackles how challenges were acted upon; how informal trainings were conducted to continuously keep EPs
abreast; how Discipline, Law and Order (DLO) policies were implemented and enforced; and how Morale and Welfare issues
were addressed.
During the given period, minor issues and challenges were encountered and were properly probed and appropriately acted
upon thereby sustaining the smooth relationships among troops and eventually contributing to the units mission accomplishment.
On Challenges Encountered and Action Taken
The claim for mess cut by some personnel for the month of September after the withdrawal of the Subsistence Allowance
for the month of October was discussed with the Bde Ex-O who had to decide who between Maj Tiblan and Cpt Audencial should
be lodged with such responsibility. After again receiving a mess cut claim for 01-13 October, the Bde Ex-O eventually gave Cpt
Audencial the authority to settle claims starting 07 December 2014. At present, some EPs have yet to receive their mess cuts, but
it was acknowledged that the matter has to be resolved the soonest possible time. On another matter, the SM convened a
meeting with the Senior NCOs on 14 October 2014 to discuss an alleged mismanage ement of the Subsistence Allowance (SA).
After identifying the loophole, the SM voluntarily acted as temporary caretaker of the EPs SA. The solution was adopted and has
since been implemented after being been found effective.
On Training
Since the unit started focusing on Law Enforcement Operations in the last quarter of the year, the SM conducted informal
trainings through TI & E, group or individual mentoring, and spot corrections and reminders. Hence, troops were kept abreast of
the units needs and policies and SOPs.
On Discipline, Law and Order (DLO)
With regard to DLO Violation and Imposition of Sanctions, an Investigation Report on the complaint against Sgt Joel
Mamaspas for alleged Grave Threat and Gun Toting has been forwarded to OG1, 5ID, PA. The SM did not contest the findings
after having found the complaint in order. This actuation gives out the strong message that the units leadership will not hesitate in
enforcing law and order. Personnel who have become uncooperative and irresponsible were given greater responsibilities than
usual in order to instill discipline, thereby warning the troops that there is a very high price to pay for arrogance, pride and
incompetence. That way, even if concerned personnel may not change instantly or as expected, they may later learn to
cooperate. Should they fail to change for the better, the SM may advise them to think of other options that could make them more
The SM reminds that the DLO should not always be viewed in a negative light. In fact, in many instances during the
quarter under review when the units mission and activities required more manpower than what the unit could offer, thereby
necessitating EPs to work overtime under pressure, instead of reacting negatively, EPs calmly approached their SM for
clarification of issues and of their personal circumstances and welfare of EPs by attending to their legitimate individual as well as
collective concerns.
On Morale and Welfare
Foremost consideration in the morale and welfare of personnel is the efficient handling of their pay and allowances. Hence,
resolution of issues and concerns pertaining to SA were
immediately addressed, including the clearing of any notion that
the SM may be involved in
financial irregularities. Secondly, praising individual or team contribution or effort manifests the
importance given to each personnel in the accomplishment of the units mission. Thus, Awards and Decorations are promptly
endorsed and requested.
Issues and Concerns
Optional retirement as a matter of personal decision by and privilege of the retiring soldier shall not be misconstrued as a
failure of leadership or by any other negative connotation. In fact, some personnel had already signified their intention to retire
long before the Brigade was
transferred from Luzon to its present base at Indanan, Sulu.
Signing of unit clearance of retirees should be promptly attended to. Also, officers should
and welfare of EPs by attending to their legitimate individual as well as collective concerns.


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continue to boost the morale

AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Disagreement is normal, only when both ends of the parties meet. Like in a contract of sale, there is an offer to buy
by the buyer and an offer to sell by the seller. Counter offer on both sides is normal as their end states are different. But I
presume we all agree that once their offers and counter offers meet, the sale is perfected; hence, there is meeting of the
minds or their ends meet. Similarly, when two groups want peace among their groups, the peace maker offers some peace
measures and the other group also may offer some other proposals. Counter and counter-counter proposals may occur
during the negotiation. Usually, they should both settle down peacefully; because war is not sanctioned by law which
purpose is to set standard to regulate the relation of men. This could also be gleaned from the 10 Commandments of the
Catholic belief enshrined elsewhere in the Bible.
The Bible, under Christian belief, is considered as the word of God. In like manner, the Quran, as written by Azizan
Abdul Rasak in his book Introduction to Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, contains a direct revelation from God. Every
word of the Quran is regarded as being the direct utterance of the Almighty. The similarity, therefore, is the belief that the
Bible and the Quran are the words of God or the direct revelation from God which actually mean the same. Under this
precept, Christians and Muslims, being believers of the same commandment emanating from God, should only pursue
what is good or morally beautiful known as Husn and avoid what is Qush/Qubh or morally ugly in life. This is the path to be
pursued or the Shariah which is the name given to the totality of Gods commandments. Or simply a commandment from
God, basically enshrined in the Bible and the Quran.
Despite all these, oppositions, disagreements, and misunderstandings continue to exist that result in chaos or a
disturbance to peace. This may be because of the absolute truth of goodness and badness; or Husn and Qush/Qubh can
only be discovered from Divine revelation, which in todays New Testament generation seems impossible. Hence, a law is
necessary to regulate the relations of men in their daily lives. The general law of the land is the Constitution. In line with
law enforcement operations, the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides in Section 3, Article II, that The Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) is the protector of the people and the State. Hence, committing any violation against human rights, for
instance, is the acme of ignorance of the AFPs mandate. Every soldier and officer in the Army is presumed to know their
constitutional mandate. This is so because the military is trained and educated both on the rudiments of combat and their
basic rights as well as the rights of others whom they swore to protect.
Why, then, are there charges of Human Rights violations lodged in court against the military? Are they, therefore,
ignorant of their basic mandate? Let me lay a laymans perspective on this matter for everyone to ponder. To begin with,
the Philippine government has its peace initiative or peace agenda that may be announced by the President in any
manner. It may be announced during his speech after assumption of office or when addressing the Congress in its opening
session; or write it down as among the priority agenda of his administration. The Department of National Defense, through
the Secretary, will craft its peace measures to implement the Presidents agenda via a Campaign Plan. In turn, the AFP
through the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (CSAFP) will craft its campaign plan to be downloaded to
all the Major Service Commanders for their implementation. The Major Service Commanders will do the same process up
to the Division, Brigade, Battalion and Company Commanders, with all the elements in the squads are aware of such plan
through what the Army calls as Operation Plan/Order or OPLAN/OPORD. Let us, for instance, that while implementing
OPORD an encounter happened that resulted, say, in the killing of a lawless element. The question is, is the encounter
legitimate? the answer is a big YES; because there was a legal order emanating from a commander, in fact by no less than
the President as the Commander-In-chief of the AFP. But why do cases of human rights violations filed in courts? Are
there really Human Rights violations perpetrated by the Army?
It could happen that the case may have been filed by persons or group of persons with ill motives. Is this not a
violation of the commandments of God for bearing false witness against the AFP? Is it not a violation of the Quran for
being morally ugly or qush/qubh? Under the Rules of Court, one should come to court to court with clean hands. So,
this is also legally foul and unfair.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

The JOINT INTELLIGENCE TASK UNIT was activated on 15 September 2014 the same day that the Joint Task Group Sulu was activated. Its
primary role is to orchestrate all military intelligence units efforts within the Province of Sulu including that of other government intelligence
agencies. The unit was tasked to provide accurate and timely intelligence to support the mission of the JTGS.
The JITUs activation strengthened collaborative endeavors among intelligence units and provided opportunity in bridging intelligence gaps in
the targeting of threat groups in the area, particularly the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), lawless elements and other auxiliary threat groups which
are of special concern. The Chairman of the JITU provides direction and control over its members in intelligence collection efforts which are vital
to the law enforcement operations (LEOs) of the JTGS.
JITU conducted regular intelligence fusion and periodic status report workshops among its members in order to validate reports and updates of
the previous status of threat groups confronted in the area of operations.
JITU is being chaired by Major Nilo I Machete (INF) PA, Intelligence Officer of JTGS. The units efforts in the planning phase of the operations
significantly contributed to the successful law enforcement operations of the JTGS that resulted in favorable government-initiated encounters
against the dreaded ASG, discovery of enemy encampments and the rescue and release of kidnap victims during the 4th quarter of 2014.
The enemies plans, locations and activities were monitored by the intelligence operatives through their confidential
gathering was enhanced by the proper guidance and tasks allocation provided by the JITU, allowing the government
anticipate the plans, movements and activities as well as the location of the ASG, causing the latter to continuously evade
during armed engagements and denying them the opportunity to stage violence such as kidnapping activities outside the
their sustenance.

Recovered the 16 y/o KV Ibrahim Patarasa in Brgy Kajatian, Indanan, Sulu on

10 December 2014

agents. Intelligence
operating troops to
and incur casualties
Province of Sulu for

SULU, KHTB, Busbus, Jolo, Sulu on 11 December 2014

One of the significant efforts of the JITU as the silent warriors working behind the scenes and who are at the heart of every operation
during the 14 November 2014 encounter of the JTGS operating troops against the group of ASG Senior Leader Radullan SAHIRON at vicinity Bud Bunga, Talipao, Sulu that resulted in sixteen (16) fatalities and twenty-nine (29) wounded on the ASG side and the eventual neutralization of ASG sub-leader Sihata Maulam Asmad @Sihata Latip/Tatang/ Ka Tatang at Sitio Patong-Patong , Brgy Duyan Kaha, Parang, Sulu on 22 November 2014. On the other hand, ASG casualties increased when law enforcement operations (LEOs) was launched
against ASG
encampments in the municipalities of Indanan, Talipao and Patikul on 05 December 2014 that resulted in twelve
(12) fatalities and in the wounding of eight (8) ASG members. Paramount during this operation was the rescue of Dutch national Lorenzo Vinciguerra. All of these
significant occurrences were intelligence-driven operations where the JITU played an important role in providing needed
data for the planners of the JTGS prior to the execution of the LEOs.
While most of the intelligence operatives focused on gathering information on ASG in their traditional lairs in the hinterlands of the province,
they did not neglect to cover the town centers, particularly Jolo. On 101800 December 2014, pursuit law enforcement operation was conceived
at the reported location of the get-away vehicle used by the unidentified kidnappers after the escape and eventual rescue of kidnap victim (KV)
Ibrahim M. Patarasa, male, 16 years old and a student of Hadji Buto School of Arts and Trade, Brgy Asturias, Jolo, Sulu on 092200 December
2014. After a debriefing of the KV, all intelligence units under the JITU were tasked to continuously monitor all lairs of suspected ASGs
operating in urban centers as well as in neighboring municipalities. This situation resulted in the recovery/confiscation of sixteen (16) assorted
HPFAs, assorted ammunitions and magazines, bandoleers, camouflage uniforms and subversive documents inside the house (used as cache)
of Indanan-based ASG and MNLF members, particularly under ASG sub-leader Aldin Bagade @Sayning; MNLF SOG Field Commander Datu
Punjungan H Datu Sampigan and PO3 Baltazar Sawadi.


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Such breakthroughs have emboldened concerned civilian individuals to report criminal and other illegal activities, realizing
that the military forces are truly working for the benefit of the locals with their partners in bringing peace, progress and
prosperity. The Joint Intelligence Task Units have validated that concerned individuals have been for a decade finding ways to
discreetly ventilate their grievances and observations against the malpractices of their political leaders who collaborate with
criminal elements in illegal activities. On the other hand, the intelligence operatives felt minimal burden in gathering information
from concerned residents in the province with the help of Barangay Intelligence Nets (BINs). This scenario resulted in the
Interception of huge volumes of contraband (imported rice) loaded in ML/AYANG and the apprehension of four (4) ASG
members at Sitio Nangka, Brgy Bungkaong, Patikul, Sulu leading to the identity of several ASG members under Senior Leader
Radullan SAHIRON, sub-leaders Hatib Hajan SAWADJAAN and Hairula ASBANG on 17 December 2014.

Following are photos of prominent ASG personalities and newly-identified ones by apprehended ASG elements , as affirmed
by rescued/released kidnap victims and validated by members of the JITU:


ADDRESS: Patikul, Sulu


ADDRESS: Brgy Pansul, Patikul,

NAME: Khalid

POSITION: Sub-Leader



ADDRESS: Patikul, Sulu

POSITION: Sub-Leader

ADDRESS: Unknown

REMARKS: Former Army Integree Officer

CRIMINAL CASE: Kidnapping & Illegal Detention Murder

NAME: Hatib Hajan


NAME: Jamiri Jaong Jawhari

ADDRESS: Unknown

NAME: Amlon Abdun ABTAHI


POSITION: Sub-Leader

ADDRESS: Unknown


POSITION: Sub-Leader


POSITION: Sub-Leader

ADDRESS: Motorpool, Bangkal, Patikul

REMARKS: Formed a new grp w/ WOA-TMI

NAME: Basaron AROK




ADDRESS: Unknown

ADDRESS: Bud Bunga, Talipao, Sulu

ADDRESS: Liang, Patikul

ADDRESS: Tanum, Patikul, Sulu

POSITION: Sub-Leader REMARKS: Formed

a new grp w/ WOA-TMI

POSITION: Sub-Leader

POSITION: Sub-leader (Lucky 9)

POSITION: Mbr-Sawadjaan Grp


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ADDRESS: Unknown


AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal


ADDRESS: Tanum, Patikul, Sulu
POSITION: Mbr-Sawadjaan Grp

October -December 2014






ADDRESS: Tanum, Patikul, Sulu

ADDRESS: Patikul, Sulu

ADDRESS: Unknown

POSITION: Mbr-Sawadjaan Grp

POSITION: Mbr-Sawadjaan Grp



NAME: Ustadz Yasser

ADDRESS: Unknown


NAME: Hairullah ASBANG

ADDRESS: Unknown

ADDRESS: Unknown

POSITION: Sub-Leader

POSITION: Sub-Leader


POSITION: Sub-Leader

ADDRESS: Patikul, Sulu

POSITION: Mbr-Sawadjaan Grp


NAME: Mohammad SAID

ADDESS: Unknown

ADDRESS: Talipao

POSITION: Sub-leader




NAME: Alden Bagadi ASIRI



ADDRESS: Indanan

ADDRESS: Langpas, Indanan

ADDRESS: Indanan, Sulu

POSITION: Sub-Leader

POSITION: Sub-Leader

REMARKS: Cousin of Albader


NAME: Absar Halil Saraman



ADDRESS: Zamboanga City

POSITION: Mbr fm ZC under Marzan AJIJUL.


ADDRESS: Unknown


ADDRESS: Zamboanga City

POSITION: Sub-Leader
CASE: Kidnapping & Serious

POSITION: Mbr fm ZCunder Marzan AJIJUL



ADDRESS: Indanan

ADDRESS: Patikul

POSITION: Sub-leader

POSITION: Sub-Leader

REMARKS: Companion of Raden ABU in

actual kidnapping of the ICRC worker


NAME: Abu Aswad

ADDRESS: Unknown

ADDRESS: Unknown



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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

NAME: Abujamil Mujahideen


October -December 2014


NAME: Ainie

ADDRESS: Unknown




ADDRESS: Unknown

ADDRESS: Unknown

ADDRESS: Zamboanga City



POSITION: Mbr under Marzan



ADDRESS: Unknown



ADDRESS: Unknown
POSITION: Leader (Basilan

NAME: @Edimar


ADDRESS: Zamboanga City

POSITION: Mbr under Marzan

On the other hand, following personalities were identified based on the revelations of apprehended ASG member Jumul
PULA @JUMLI and rescued/released kidnap victim Michelle Panes:

NAME: Munjimar Sawadjaan

ADDRESS: Patikul
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp
REMARKS: Son of Asman

NAME: Mojapir Sawadjaan

ADDRESS: Patikul
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp
REMARKS: Brother of Hatib

NAME: Madmar Sawadjaan

ADDRESS: Patikul
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp
REMARKS: Son of Asman

ADDRESS: Sandah, Patikul
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

ADDRESS: Patikul
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

ADDRESS: So. Katitap,
Danag, Patikul
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan


NAME: Bebe Taula

ADDRESS:Kaunayan, Patikul

ADDRESS: Kantitap, Patikul

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

NAME: Al Taula
ADDRESS: Danag, Patikul

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ADDRESS: So Katitap, Danag,
POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp


AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

NAME: Walid Abon

ADDRESS: Patikul

NAME: Amlon Abdong

NAME: Ibno Said

NAME: Asman Sawadjaan

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

ADDRESS: So Kantitap, Danag,


ADDRESS: Talipao

ADDRESS: Patikul

POSITION: Mbr, Ama Maas

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

REMARKS: Son of @AMA Maas

REMARKS: Brother of Hatib

NAME: Maumar Askam

ADDRESS: Unknown
POSITION: Mbr, Ama Maas
REMARKS: Son-in-law of @AMA


REMARKS: Son-in-law of Hatib

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

NAME: Enjemar Mangkabung

ADDRESS: Taglibi, Patikul


POSITION: Mbr, Hairulla Asbang


ADDRESS: Unknown
POSITION: Mbr, Hairulla Asbang

ADDRESS: Unknown
POSITION: Mbr, Radullan Grp

NAME: Jul Husim



ADDRESS: Km 20, Pansul, Patikul


ADDRESS: Unknown

POSITION: Mbr, Radullan Grp

ADDRESS: Patikul

POSITION: Mbr, Radullan Grp

POSITION: Mbr, Radullan Grp

REMARKS: Grandson of Radulan




ADDRESS: Unknown


ADDRESS: Taglibi, Patikul

POSITION: Mbr, Sawadjaan Grp

POSITION: Mbr, Asbang Grp

POSITION: Mbr, Radullan Grp

ADDRESS: Unknown
POSITION: Mbr, Radullan Grp

REMARKS: Son-in-law of Hatib

Relatedly, the recovery of a 60mm mortar at Sitio Mangal-Mangal, Brgy Punjungan,

Kalinggalang Caluang, Sulu by Major Machete and TSg Cartin on 24 December 2014
was also part of the relentless efforts of the JITU thru the employments of both SIGINT
and HUMINT at the established TCP while law enforcement operations (LEOs) was
conducted in the area.

Recovered Mortar during Law

Enforcement Operations at Brgy Pitogo,
Kalingalan Caluang, Sulu on 24 December 2014


Lastly, JITU will continue its efforts to fully cover the threat groups and to determine the
identity of their influential connections to support LEOs while counter actions and
measures should be identified beforehand to protect all those involved in the sting
operations being conducted by the JTGS.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Morale: A Commanders Dilemma

by MSg Robert B Wanawan (Inf) PA
Many officers and EPs alike have the wrong notion that any statement of the Sergeant Major is merely an
articulation of the personal position and thoughts of the units Commanding Officer (CO). In reality, a Sergeant
Major has both innate and developed attributes that influence his personal dealings particularly with his CO,
affirming the contention of a philosopher that knowledge comes from experience, experimental inference and
Personally, I have been a Battalion Sergeant Major (Bn Sgt Maj) for more than six (6) years to eight (8)
Battalion Commanders, and a Brigade Sergeant Major (Bde Sgt Maj) to three (3) Brigade Commanders in a span
of four (4) months. In short, I have served many commanders and my work experience is replete with anecdotes
of the many types of leaders. One commander said he need not talk to me as long as I am doing things right.
Another commander who was very particular in accomplishing duties first before anything else once addressed
me as First Sergeant when, upon his

judgment, I failed to perform the role of a Sergeant Major. Some

commanders seldom give specific instructions, so that I had to constantly keep in touch with the Ex-O. Some
commanders require that I communicate with them at least once a day. Even if leadership styles vary, I do not
perceive this as a problem because as a Sergeant Major, I was trained to possess the sensitivity and
analytical ability to deduce the commanders mindset and help him avoid developing a dilemma within himself.
Where, then, does the dilemma of a Sergeant Major lie, and how does it emerge? This dilemma emanates
from the

action of some confused personnel and emerges usually during critical situations, typical examples of

which are as

follows: when one is unaware of his/her acts and does things in a Patsamba or reckless way

without foresight of its

outcome or

repercussion; when caught unprepared by situations, such as the units

movement from Luzon to Mindanao; and when a units mission, activity or task requires manpower more than
what is available. Being unmindful of the


circumstances creates disorder not only between

and among personnel but also in the systems and processes of the unit itself. Hence, it becomes the Sgt Majs
dilemma to find the best way of assuaging the anticipated negativism of Enlisted Personnel (EP) using a subtle
It is when the dilemma is addressed that the troop rears to contribute to unit mission, making the Sergeant

likewise reinvigorated. It also helps lessen the commanders administrative burden, allowing him to have

more time to

focus on his operational undertakings. Only when the dilemma is properly addressed can the unit

claim its share of

honorable service to the nation.

My personal and work challenges are far from over, especially as I consider my present assignment in Sulu
as one, if not the pinnacle, of the entirety of my experience as a Sergeant Major. I am very enthusiastic and inspired by the display of leadership of my current Brigade Commander, Col Alan A Arrojado INF (GSC) PA especially for not yielding or giving in to outside pressures, thereby further boosting the morale of troops.

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

First Sergeants Corner

By MSg Alejandro Vallecera (OS) PA

One of the most challenging positions in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is that of the First
Sergeant. It

requires knowledge, expertise and guts to lead his fellow non-commissioned officers in the

unit. It is a fact that all people have their individual uniqueness and characteristics. And we, soldiers, are
not excluded from this. We came from different tribes, have different beliefs, customs and traditions.

It is the First Sergeants duty to elaborate and disseminate all the instructions and orders for the
development and betterment of the unit. He is more like the mother because he is the disciplinarian in the
unit, maintaining a good relationship between Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers.

When I was chosen to be the Acting First

Sergeant during the absence of our First
Sergeant, I experienced all the hardships that he
encountered even in a short period of time.
Waking up early in the morning to call for a
formation, designating personnel on their tasks,
supervising them in maintaining the cleanliness of
the camp surroundings and complying all orders
given by our officers are only some of the First
Sergeants many responsibilities.

In a short period of time, I was able to practice

my leadership and I am very thankful for being
given the chance to guide and to ensure that the
task is done well. Having a good working relationship among the troops finishes the work quickly. I
learned that in order to have a better output, all personnel must work as a team.

With this experience, I want to extend my gratitude to our First Sergeant, TSg Margarito B Navarro, for
recommending me be the Acting First Sergeant during his absence. Now, I can proudly say that I once
became the First Sergeant of the Valiant Troopers!


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


Mindanao Week of Peace

With the intent to intensify its Bayanihan efforts and to assist all
government sectors in Sulu, the 32nd Infantry (DAREDEVIL)
Battalion, in collaboration with the local government unit and
other stakeholders of Sulu Province, celebrated the Mindanao
Week For Peace last 27-30 November 2014 held at Jolo town

Members of Sulu Provincial Women Council (SPWC) pose for a souvenir

photo prior to the launching of Fun Walk during the Mindanao Week of
Peace celebration on 27 November 2014.

During the activity, the unit participated in the Fun Walk organized
by the Sulu Provincial Womens Council (SPWC) in line with the
observance of the 18-day campaign to end violence against
women. The activity was launched as part of the series of
activities to commemorate the celebration of Mindanao Week of
Captain Muammar A. Sali, Battalion S1 of the 32nd IB, together
with one (1) Platoon, personnel of 501Bde, 35IB, 14LACT,
2MBde, PNP, and other stakeholders from different sectors jointly
cleared the primary streets and market stalls of the Jolo Public
The activity highlighted the collaboration of all sectors in the area
and showed that amidst the diversity, all sectors in Sulu can work
together in harmony with a common goal.

Daredevil troopers participate in Cleanliness Drive along Jolo Public Market

Captain Israel O Galorio also attended the Peace Forum held at

Notre Dame Gym, Jolo, Sulu. The activity was launched as part of
the culminating activities of the Mindanao Week of Peace
celebration in the province.
Present during the activity as panel members were Colonel
Arrojado, Commander, JTG Sulu; Colonel Sun, DBC of 501st Inf
Bde; Colonel Casem, DBC of 2nd Marine Bde; PSSUPT Nantes,
Deputy PD of PPO in Sulu; Mayor Husein Amin of Jolo, Sulu, Sulu
Vice Governor Abdusakur Tan; Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan II;
and various CSOs in the province.

CPT GALORIO, Bn S3/S7, 32IB attendees to Peace Forum held at Notre

Dame Gym, Jolo, Sulu

Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan II expressed his sincere gratitude

to the 32nd Infantry (DAREDEVIL) Battalion for its unrelenting
effort to assist the people of Sulu. Meanwhile, he also expressed
his warm appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all the
stakeholders for the realization of the activity.

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

32IB launches Childrens Day in Panglima Es no

by Cpt Israel O Galorio (INF) PA
The 32nd Infantry (Daredevil) Battalion 1ID, PA, in
collaboration with the barangay officials and teaching
staff of Tiptipon Elementary School, Brgy Tiptipon, Sulu,
launched the Childrens Day on 13 November 2014 at
Brgy Hall, Panglima Estino Municipality which benefitted
200 children.

Daredevil troopers poses for a souvenir photo along with the participants, parents
and teaching staff of Tiptipon Elementary School during celebration of Childrens
Day at Brgy Tiptipon, Panglima Estino, Sulu on 13 November 2014.

Captain Israel O Galorio, Operations Officer of the 32nd

IB, stated in his short speech during the program that
followed that children are the most significant sector of
society being the future leaders of the country. Children
play a vital role in building a strong, peaceful, and
progressive community. The 32IB has the pleasure of
being part of this activity as it addresses the needs of
the children for self-determination, enhancement of their
inter-personal skills and factual information that are
relevant to their development as valuable members of
our society, he added.
The activity aimed to prepare the children to cope with
the challenges of life, encourage them to be active
members of society and have a positive outlook in life
during their transition period from adolescence to young
adulthood. The activity not only aimed to provide
vital information and skills to the children participants
but also to build within them a stronger character that
will help them handle peer pressure and bad influences
so that they will make the right choices life.

During the activitys culmination, Barangay Chairperson

Rowena Ammar of Brgy Tiptipon, Panglima Estino,
Sulu, expressed her earnest gratitude to the AFP for
helping in the realization of Childrens Day. She also
thanked the children participants for their effort and time
Cpl Ronnie Halasan, CMO NCO of 32IB distributes toys as prizes to the participants in attending the said activity. She expressed optimism
of Pakiring dance contest
that peace and prosperity of the barangay would continue which will contribute to the development and progress of the area because of the knowledge, skills, and character
acquired by the children during similar activities.


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October -December 2014

Daredevils Christmas Party

Christmas is merry and bright at the Home of the
Daredevils, as the 32nd Infantry (DAREDEVIL)
Battalion, 1ID, PA celebrated the Daredevils Christmas
Party last 13 December 2014 at Camp Bud Datu, Brgy
Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu Province.


32IB delivers his
Christmas message during the Daredevil Christmas
Party held at H32IB, Camp Bud Datu, Brgy Tagbak, Indanan, Sulu on 13
December 2014.

Daredevil personnel assists the dependents of 32IB prior to start the

parlor games ICOW the Daredevil Christmas Party .

The party was preceded by a series of parlor games

participated in by personnel of the unit and their
dependents. A raffle bonanza was held where the
following items were given away to almost ninety (90)
winners: Five (5) packs US jungle bags with frame,
seven (7) days ration, ten (10) cell phones, fifteen (15)
power banks, ten (10) hydration bags, Fifteen (15)
Athletic Sets, Fifteen (15) Flashlights, Fifteen (15)
Hunting knives, Fifteen (15) hummocks and other
minor prizes. Likewise, toys and thousands of pesos
worth of cash gifts were distributed to the children of
the troopers.
During the program, Lt Col Gregorio S Nieveras INF
(GSC) PA, Commanding Officer of 32IB, expressed his
warmest greetings to his officers, men and their
dependents. Likewise, he extended his deepest
gratitude and sincerest thanks to those who supported
the unit in making the Daredevil Christmas Party a
remarkable event. Further, he expressed his ardent
wish for peace, unity and prosperity not only to the
Daredevil Troopers but to all the Tausug soldiers as
The event was attended by the local chief executives

of the Municipalities of Talipao, and Indanan.

A Fellowship Night was held on the same day with lots of dancing, singing and film viewing for the
Daredevil troopers and families.

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


Leadership through sincere, humble

and God-fearing service
by Lt Col Marces T Gayat INF (GSC) PA

When I assumed command of the 35th Infantry (Makamandag)

Battalion on 17 May 2014 in Lanao del Norte, I strongly
emphasized to all Makamandag troopers the value of sincere,
humble and God-fearing service because I truly believe that as
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, our
mission is to serve and serving is our ultimate purpose. With this
strong desire for SERVICE, it is through this word that I outline
the values in my command philosophy which translates
into Selfless service, Empowerment,

Respect, Vision,

Integrity, Caring and Fairness, and Education and training.

Indeed, for almost (5) months while I was in command of the
35IB in Lanao del Norte, the unit was able to deliver the kind of
service the people of the province expected of us. With the right
values instilled in every Makamandag trooper, the 35IB was able
to successfully harness the support of its stakeholders towards the realization of the AFPs Internal Peace and Security
Plan Bayanihan of the AFP particularly in intensifying law and order in the province that greatly contributed to its continuing development and prosperity.
While the 35IB was comfortably enjoying in performance of its role as peace builder and in helping Lanao del Norte
in its development efforts for about 6 years since 2008, a new challenge of the service came to each and every
Makamandag trooper. On 11 October 2014, the 35IB had to move and be redeployed from Lanao del Norte to Sulu to
perform basically the same role of winning the peace in the province but with a higher level of security threat situation.
With this kind of situation, what is challenging to me as a commander is how to motivate my men to take risks and
face greater challenges. Thus, before we pulled out of our former area of responsibility, I told my men to become selfless
and to offer their wholeheart service and dedication to duty. As soldiers with strong desire to service, each of us has to
obey, to follow without question and to give our utmost and selfless service and sacrifices. I made them realize that we
exist in this world not for our ownselves but for others whom we are bound to serve. I made them believe that moving to
Sulu is for a greater purpose, greater than what we were expected to do and deliver in the province of Lanao del Norte.
Now as we assume the new AOR, the Makamandag Troopers shall continue to offer our selfless service with
sincerity, humility and fear of God to truly serve the Province of Sulu. The 35IB shall remain steadfast in our dedication to
serve the people of Sulu and shall continue to be reliable partners of the Sulu local government in order for us to achieve
together the long-desired unity, genuine peace and prosperity in the province.


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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

From Lanao to Sulu

By Cpt Bard Caesar P Mazo (INF) PA
In January 2008, the 35th Infantry
(Makamandag) Battalion moved from Sulu
to Lanao del Norte, a few months before the
tragic Kolambugan Siege happened on
August 18, 2008.

Under the leadership of Ltc Marces T

Gayat INF (GSC) PA, the unit was deployed
back to Jolo, Sulu on 01 October 1, 2014 and
is presently occupying ATO Complex, Brgy
Liang, Patikul, Sulu as temporary command
post operational control of the Joint Task
Group Sulu (JTGS).
The officers and enlisted personnel of the
unit have kept up with the bravery that it is known for, true to the zeal of
Makamandag. With sacrifice and expertise,
they are immensely contributing to the overall accomplishments both CMO and LEOs in support to the mission of JTGS
under the command of its former commander, Col Alan R Arrojado INF (GSC) PA, who was prime mover of the Makamandag Battalion.

35IB Spearheads Recovery of Loose Firearms

The 35th Infantry (Makamandag) Battalion
intensified its Law Enforcement Operations hand in
hand with the Philippine National Police to totally
eradicate loose firearms in order to achieve and
maintain peace within the Province of Sulu.
Recently, the Makamandag Troopers, led by
Ltc Marces T Gayat INF (GSC) PA, Battalion
Commander, recovered 16 assorted high-powered
and low-powered firearms along with assorted
documents during its mobile patrol at the National
Highway, Brgy Manggis, Indanan, Sulu when it
noticed a group of civilians carrying high-powered
firearms. This prompted them to apprehend and
later confiscate said firearms.
Upon investigation, it was discovered that the firearms did not have legal documents. Thereafter, the troops
searched the entire vicinity upon the request of the local government unit of Indanan, Sulu.
Col Alan R Arrojado, Commander of Joint Task Group Sulu, congratulated the Makamandag Troopers for its
accomplishment in support to the overall mission of the Task Group. Meanwhile, the recovered assorted firearms and
other items were properly turned over and are now under the custody of the PNP for proper disposition and further

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


Rising Up to the Challenge

by Lt Col Eugenio C. Boquio INF (GSC) PA
When exigency of the service calls, only one reply is
expected of us rangers - Yes, Sir! Such was the 1st
Scout Ranger

Battalion (1SRB) which has been

operating in the Visayas for quite a long time when it

was called upon to support the

military offensive in

Zamboanga City when it was attacked by the Rogue

Moro National Liberation Front elements (RMEs) in
September 2013. As part of the main effort under the
Joint Special Operations Task Force (JSOTF) Vector,
the Scout Rangers proved their adaptability to any situation by instantly transforming themselves from jungle
fighters into close quarter urban warriors. The rest is
Recently, while hunting the New People's Army rebels in the islands of Samar, the Battalion was recently called upon and
redeployed to the islands of Sulu on October 29, 2014 to help AFP forces in the area quell the dreaded Abu Sayyaf Group
(ASG) and rescue the kidnap victims.
Since then, the Battalion which is now at the helm of a Basilan warrior, has been placed under the operational control of the
newly-created Joint Task Group Sulu, WESTMINCOM, AFP under the stewardship of a Sulu warrior who also commands the
501st Infantry Brigade, 5ID, PA. Hence, after a week of familiarizing with the current situation, the Battalion was sent to search
and destroy two sub-groups of the terrorist ASG, while the main group under Radullan Sahiron was allotted to the JSOG forces
together with the 14th Scout Ranger Company. Despite the absence of enemy contact due to operational security lapses, the
ASG was dislodged from their established encampments bringing along with them their kidnap victims.
After a few days, the 1st Scout Ranger Battalion was again sent to search and destroy the terrorist ASG. On November 14,
2014, while the 1SRB Command Group and the 1st Scout Ranger Company (about 80-man strong) was on temporary patrol
base operation, its recon platoon was able to close in on the ASG main group to as near as five meters and made contact with
the elusive enemy. The remaining two platoons of 1SRC engaged the enemy on their front while on their way to reinforce. The
Command Group (Section minus) which was just 200 meters south of the initial place of enemy contact, was also under fire
from the maneuvering ASG. After two hours and 30 minutes of intense firefight, five of our Scout

Rangers paid the ultimate

sacrifice while 28 of them were wounded in action, most of them hit by a barrage of enemy M203 grenade launcher fires. A
number of our firearms was also recovered by the enemy. On the other hand, of the more than 300-strong terrorist ASG, 15
were killed in action and 29 wounded in action. No ASG body count was recorded because they managed to bring along their
casualties along as they withdrew from the battleground.


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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Truly, it was a sad moment for the Battalion to

have incurred significant losses in both
equipment and personnel. Nonetheless, the
morale of the troops remain high despite their
losses knowing that these are only part and
parcel of their sworn duty to

protect the

people and the State in order to attain a just

and lasting peace in the Province of Sulu.
The Battalion realized that while such losses
are inevitably part of accepting the challenge,
it could have been avoided had we come fully
prepared for the battle.
Although the outcome of the battle proved
that the 1st Scout Ranger Battalion is a formidable force to reckon with despite the overwhelming odds favorable to the
enemy, many lessons can be derived from what transpired.
For one, recon elements must not engage the enemy unless it is a recon-in-force (at least two platoons). Had the
recon elements become patient and waited for the remaining troops to arrive, the outcome would be different and more
favorable to the Battalion.
Information relayed to the Commanders radio operator recon elements, no matter how trivial, must be relayed to the
Commander. Trivial as it may seem, it still compounds to the other information already received by the Commander on the
ground. Thus, it plays a very significant part in the decision making process of the Commander.
Another lesson learned is that succession of command down to the team level must be observed. This is to avoid
disintegration of command especially during intense situation that calls for who's in-charge now.
Also, crew-served weapons like mortars must be able to provide the necessary shock effect when and where they
are most needed. Hence, they must not be placed up front in order to maximize their use and effect.
Lastly, even the lowest level of command must have radio communications for prompt updating of their status especially during close combat situations.
In summary, rising up to the challenge is a must-do action to this Commander after having been in the forefront of
close quarter urban combat during the September 2013 Zamboanga City Crisis and lately after its initial test of strength in
the Province of Sulu. These two important battles that are merely a year apart offered many lessons which must be
learned to continue rising up to the challenge and meeting the high expectations of both the military and civilian

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

Being tasked as the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) of

the AFP, the 1ST Scout Ranger Unbeatable Battalion,
First Scout Ranger Regiment, Special Operations
Command, was once again called to address the
threat against the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and other
lawless groups in the Province of Sulu. To meet its
assigned task, the 1SRB prepared accordingly to be
able to rise up to the challenge.

On the logistics side, the unit requested for additional

armaments and logistical supplies in order to
address the units transition from small unit CNN type
of operation to a large unit SPSG type of operation.
The unit received additional armaments like Sniper
Rifles and Crew-Served Weapons to beef up its
firepower capabilities. The unit also received
additional supplies like Kevlar Helmets for force
protection and Combat Lifesaver (CLS) Kit.
Motorpool personnel conducting repair to organic vehicles

On maintenance, the unit conducts lateral coordination with the 9FSSU to be able to maintain serviceability of
The unit was able to conduct repairs of its organic vehicles and maintain their mobility.


On logistical operational support, the unit was able to coordinate with the 501ST Infantry (Valiant) Brigade and with the Naval
Forces Western Mindanao (NAVFORWEM) to facilitate the transport of the units petroleum requirements from Zamboanga
City to Jolo, Sulu.

On facilities, the unit was able to construct structures for storage of unit supplies and barracks for its personnel.

Newly-constructed personnel barracks


Construction of multi-purpose hall

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

by 1LT Alvin P Abella (FA) PA Battery Ex-O
PFC Marjon S Absalon (FA) PA Asst, Admin NCO

One of the major concerns of the 8th Field Artillery

Battalion is its operational responsiveness in support
to maneuver units to provide destruction, neutralization,
and suppression fires to the enemy with artillery
cannon fires. Most importantly, it is concerned with
location of the battalion as well as its firing batteries to
ensure that they can support the whole AOR of 501st
Brigade, 5th Infantry Division, especially during the last
quarter of 2014 as it moved from Basilan to Jolo.

The relocation of Alpha Battery, 8FAB, with the

leadership and supervision of Lt Col Cabansay, Bn
Cmdr, 8FAB, AAR, PA, and Cpt Allan C Rayos, Bttry
Cmdr, contributed to the series of fire missions during





against the ASG that resulted in the rescue of Swiss

kidnap victim Lorenzo Vinciguerra, with nine (9) ASG
members confirmed dead after artillery bombardment in
Talipao and Patikul.








artilleryman of A battery, 8FAB because of constant







conducted as a routine to ensure that every member is

capable and equipped with skills necessary to perform his duties, and to have an overall result as a unit that can attain
the desired outcome of the operation.

Aside from trainings, this unit also conducts activities to boost the morale of troops like boodle fights, friendly basketball
games, and socials. It also processes leaves, passes and R&R. Cpt Allan C Rayos, Battery Commander, also gives out
awards and recognition to acknowledge the performance of his troops.

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


TOS Jolo: Soaring in Support of JTG Sulu
by Cpt Gemar S Tangcalagan PAF

Airpower is inherently the fastest moving aspect of a

modern military force. Its speed is defined by the
product of light structures and sheer amount of
horsepower air machines are made with. These
machines soar through the sky unbridled by terrestrial
obstacles and boundaries. This, in fact, is what makes
airpower fast: the capability of airmen to
terrain and sea, in traveling from point A to point B. This
quickness of travel enables the swift enactment of
mission objectives by military forces.
At the province of Sulu, the Tactical Operations
Squadron Jolo (TOS Jolo) is the AFPs local
implementer of airpower. This relatively new unit was
activated on 16 January 2013 as replacement of the
Tactical Operations Group 9 which was relocated from
Jolo to Pagadian City. It operates under the Tactical
Operations Group SULTAW (TOG SULTAW), one of the
TOGs of the3rd Air Division of the PAF. During the
activation of the Joint Task Group Sulu (JTG Sulu)
on September of 2014, TOS Jolo was immediately placed
under its operational control. This effectively
solidified the role of TOS Jolo as a major component in the AFPs mission in the province of Sulu; hence, its mission to plan, facilitate and supervise all military air operations.
The core of TOS Jolos mission is to ensure that all aircraft and aircrew are provided the necessary information,
supervision, support and security for successful air missions. It is reflected on the personnel roles and facilities
within the unit. The Squadron itself has, at present, a squadron commander and 28 EPs who provide the
administrative, operational and logistical requirements to conduct air operations. There are additional PAF
personnel attached with the squadron that provide weather analysis and briefing, aerodrome security, and forward
air control to PAF air assets.
PAF air assets and aircrew are the prime enablers of airpower against insurgency and terrorism in the Province of
Sulu. Aside from air combat missions, PAF aircrew also conduct various air missions that complement the efforts
of AFP units in the area. They are employed with the supervision of the TOS Jolo in accordance to operational
requirements of the Joint Task Group Sulu.
The UH-1H utility helicopter may be considered one of the two primary work horses (work birds, if you will) among
the PAF air assets performing air missions in Sulu. The aircrew of the206th Tactical Helicopter Squadron, most
commonly referred to as the Hornets (the call sign for day UH-1H flights), performs many utility and
combat-related missions. These missions range from Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC), Troop Insertion/
Extrication, Resupply, Air Recon, Aerial Photography and Heli lift. It is notable to mention that it is not included in
the doctrine of the 205th Tactical Helicopter Wing to perform Close Air Support. But due to the nature of their
missions in providing air transport to combat troops, the Hornets provide limited CAS especially before, during
and after insertion/extrication in combat zones. Moreover, the aircraft and some specialized pilots are night
vision-capable. The Vampires take over the night flying duties by performing CASEVAC and other emergency
flights. In some instances, the Vampires even perform strafing runs against enemy positions. These missions
provided glimpses on how the incoming night-capable attack helicopters of the PAF will exert relentless pressure
against the enemy during night as well as daytime.


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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

The other work birds of the JTG Sulu are the light attack helicopters, the MD520MG of the 20th Attack Squadron.
These are the main combat aircraft at the disposal of the TOS Jolo. During the last quarter of 2014, the Firebirds
performed various combat and support missions. The MD520MGs armaments of rapid-firing 50cal MG and High
Explosive Rockets provided precise Close Air Support and Air Strikes against ASG positions. These birds have been
proven valuable to the mission planning of the JTG Sulu as they have performed various critical air-to ground strikes in the
Patikul area and provided CAS to ground troops engaged against ASG elements in Talipao.
In the last quarter of the year 2014 since the activation of JTG Sulu, a total of more than 331 flying hours were logged
through the combined efforts of the pilots and crew of the 206th Tactical Helicopter Squadron and the 20th Attack
The ever reliable C-130 heavy-lift aircraft served a very instrumental role of rapidly bolstering the war fighting
capability of the JTG Sulu. The last 3 months of 2014 saw the massive relocation of different AFP units from different parts
of the country to Sulu Province. At a span of 1 day on 19 October 2014, the 500-strong members and equipment of the
35th IB and 32nd IB were airlifted to Jolo City. And about a month later, the 1st Scout Ranger Battalion and other combat
units were attached to the JTG Sulu, steadily increasing the military forces for sustained operations in the area.
Other air assets have also provided air support to the JTG Sulu, albeit to a lesser degree. On occasion, the Nomad
N22 light-lift aircraft and Fokker F-27 aircraft transported key personnel and logistical requirements to the area. Moreover,
the SF-260TP fixed wing attack aircraft performed precision bombing over the skies of Indanan, Sulu on 06 December
To be truly an effective force in joint operations, PAF aircraft must have real-time coordination with ground units. For
this purpose, the men of the 721st Combat Air Controller are always embedded in the operating units of the PA and PMC.
These men make sure that there is a clear line of communication between the pilots providing air support and the tactical
ground commander.
No war was ever won solely by airpower.r. This maxim holds true in the Philippine military setting. The Tactical
Operations Squadron and various flying and support units will always be a part of the joint effort to liberate the Province of
Sulu from banditry and insurgency in order to elevate the socio-economic condition of the area. We will provide the
swiftness and responsiveness of airpower to magnify the consolidated efforts of the Joint Task Group Sulu.

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


The Joint Task Group Sulu (JTGS), thru the 2nd Marine Brigade based in
Sulu, turned over 200 packages of assorted goods to the Provincial
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Center (PDRRMC) headed by
Director Fadzlur Rahman A. Abdulla, AlHaj early morning of 16 Nov 2014.
The said relief goods were intended for 35 families of Internally Displaced
Persons (IDPs) who were affected by the law enforcement operation of
JTGS against the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) at Sitio Bud Bunga,
Barangay Bagsak, Talipao, Sulu.

The said distribution of goods is the AFPs support to the community

after evacuating to a safer area to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

Also present during the turn over of goods was Mr. Alkisar U. Alih,
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Center (MDRRMC)
official of Talipao, Sulu.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines, through the Joint Task Group Sulu, provided assistance in transporting 3,000
Mahogany Seedlings on board Philippine Navy Vessel AT 291 which arrived Sulu early morning of November 11, 2014
from Zamboanga City.

Sulu Provincial Environmental and Natural Resources Officer (PENRO) Kadra Anni who requested the transportation
assistance said that the seedlings will be distributed and planted in different municipalities of Sulu. This program is in
consonance with the objective of the National Greening Program of the government to plant 1.5 billion trees in the entire
country before the end of 2016 as per Executive Order No. 26, series of 2011, dated February 24, 2011.

The AFP is working in partnership with the Sulu Provincial Government, line agencies and other stakeholders to
deliver services to the community to attain peace and development in the province.


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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014


The 2nd Marine Brigade under Col

Maximo J Ballesteros PN(M)

GSC culminated its 3-day seminar on Youth Awareness for Peace

and Security (YAPS) Cl 01-14 on November 14, 2014 at
Headquarters, 2nd Marine Brigade, Camp General Teodulfo S
Bautista, Busbus, Jolo, Sulu with Col Alan R Arrojado INF (GSC) PA,
Commander Joint Task Group Sulu, as guest of honor and keynote










representatives from different municipalities of the Povince of Sulu

composed of five leaders of Out of School Youth (OSY) organizations, five incumbent leaders In School Youth (ISY) and 16 civilian
potential leaders.

The activity aimed to enhance the knowledge of the youth about

local governance, make them aware of the importance of peace and
security as an integral part of development, and empower them as
agents of change in their

respective communities. To said these

goals, the 2nd Marine Brigade has tapped the assistance of Enhancing Governance, Accountability and Engagement (ENGAGE), the
Mindanao Youth Development (MYD), Department of


(DOT), Junior Chamber International (JCI) and the Sulu Provincial

Police Office (PPO).

After the seminar, the participants had a team building activity and at
the same time conducted site survey for

future mangrove tree

planting at Brgy Bangas, Panglima Tahil, Sulu onboard a Philippine

Navy Vessel. The YAPS is the first of its kind program initiated by the
2nd Marine Brigade as part of the people-centric approach of the
AFPs Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP) Bayanihan.
Because of its success, the 2nd Marine Brigade envisions to program
the said seminar as an annual activity in partnership with the different
stakeholders in the province.

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JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

On 14 November 2014, the Marine Battalion Landing Team (MBLT)-9,

led by Lt Col Einstein B Calaoa Jr PN (M), together with Col Maximo J
Ballesteros PN (M) (GSC), Commanding Officer of 2MBDE and Sulu
Governor Abdusakur Totoh A. Tan II, conducted a turnover ceremony
of Text2 Teach Program Equipment to school principals and teachers
from various elementary schools of Jolo, Indanan and Southern Patikul
Municipalities at the 2nd Marine Brigade, Barangay Bus-bus, Jolo, Sulu.

Hon. Abdusakur Totoh A Tan II, Provincial Governor of Sulu

shakes hand with Hja. Rugaiya B Ibba, School Principal of Salih
Yusah Elementary School as representtive of DepEd during turnover of text2teach project equipment together with COL MAXIMO J

The continues engagement with the Teachers, Community and

Students in order to strengthen the relations of Armed Forces of the
Philippines and the local community plays a vital role in the overall
accomplishment of the units mission. The activity has gained the
popular support of the community which is deemed advantageous over
the enemy/threat
groups in area of

The active participation of other institutions showed great

inter-agency collaboration which strengthens the link between the
government units, other agencies in the area both local and national
and private sectors for a common goal of serving the community
especially in terms of education.
The text2 teach program consisted of Toshiba LED TV sets, AVRs,
speakers, mobile phones and cabinets.
Governor Tan delivered an inspirational message as Guest of Honor
during the ceremony.

Personnel of MBLT-9 delivering the equipment to the 20 schools

in Jolo, Indanan and Patikul area.


The 2nd Marine Brigade conducted Mangrove Tree Planting in Bangas
Island, Panglima Tahil, Sulu, one of the potential tourist islands in the province on
November 27, 2014. This activity is part of the post celebration of 64th Marine
Birthday of the 2MBDE. The whole day event was participated by different AFP
units and invited stakeholders from Local Government Units (LGUs), Non
Government Organizations (NGOs) and other Law Enforcement Agencies in the
This activity is in support of the
implementation of the
Greening Program of the province
which is in consonance with Executive Order No. 26 series of 2011 dated February 24, 2011, a government program that aims to plant 1.5 billion trees
nationwide before the end of 2016.
The AFP and the Provincial Government of Sulu are working closely
harmoniously for the preservation and conservation of the natural resources
and deliver basic services to the community to attain peace and prosperity in
the province.

AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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AFP Vision 2028: A world - class armed forces , source of national pride

JTG SULU Journal

October -December 2014

AFP Core Values: Honor, Service, Patriotism

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