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By Amy Luther (

I. Introduction
"And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor ... "
-- Edgar Allen Poe, "The Raven"
IMHO, the were-ravens presented in the Players Guide could be made more attractive to players and GM's with some alternative
rules, presented here.

II. New Corax Crinos Form

In "Crinos," the Corax does not gain "phantom mass," as a Garou would, remaining about the same size as she does in Homid.
She may lose mass depending on her Homid weight (see below). Her body is radically reconfigured into a humanoid avian, fully
capable of flight. The body is completely feathered, except for the feet, and the Corax sprouts a tail. The arms stretch out into an
awesome 20' wingspan (for a 5' humanoid, 20' is a conservative length, but it can be changed if there's any complaint). Three
fingers and a thumb are located halfway down the wing, with the little finger extending past the hand to support the rest of the
wing. Her breastbone and rib cage extend into a bony keel to support the massive wing-muscles. Her legs become "backwardbending," with a double-jointed knee similar to that of a Garou Crinos, and the feet develop bony talons. Last, her head
becomes like that of a giant crow, with a powerful, foreshortened beak and eyes set frontally on the head for binocular vision.
A possible name for this form is Ravenna (rah-VEN-na or RAH-ven-na). The Ravenna generally weighs no more than one
hundred pounds, and typically less than eighty. She can walk upright and has limited manipulation abilities with her four
remaining fingers when her wings are folded. However, her manual dexterity is limited and operating equipment like guns or
hand-held weapons is difficult. In this form, all stats are as per those listed in the Players Guide:
Strength +1, Stamina +1, Dexterity +1, Perception +3 Appearance -2, Manipulation -2
Clawed hands and feet do Strength +1 damage, which is aggravated. The beak is a formidable weapon, and can do Strength
damage, also aggravated.

III. Combat Maneuvers

"At last the people were so hungry that they sent Raven out to look for dry land. At that time Raven was the most beautiful of
all birds. While looking for land, he found the body of a dead animal. Although he had never before eaten anything except
berries and willow leaves, he began to feast on the body of his animal brother. As punishment, he was changed into the bird
he was today. All the animals and birds hate him, and he must fight them for his food."
-- Dogrib myth
Three more special maneuvers have been developed to complement the Eye Pluck listed in the Players Guide:
Divebombing is an aerial attack in which the Corax swoops down on her opponent from above. With a roll of Dex + Athletics,
difficulty 8, the Corax can scream out of the sky, ram her foe for Strength damage, and get back into the air. A failed roll
indicates that the Corax has missed. A botch could mean that the Corax has hit the ground (splat) or simply slammed into the
target as though she'd rammed a brick wall (ouch). A success indicates that her opponent is hit--the damage is non-aggravated,
but the opponent must make a Dex + Athletics roll, diff 8, to stay on his feet. Failure indicates that he has been knocked to the
ground and must spend a turn getting back up. The Corax must prepare for this maneuver for a turn before she can roll, since
she must get up in the air to make the strike. If she is already in the air, this preparatory time is waived. If her altitude gain is
interrupted, she cannot perform the maneuver. The opponent may not Dodge this attack without a successful Wits + Alertness
roll, diff 8, and the Storyteller may waive this roll under certain combat conditions. The maneuver can be used in either Ravenna
or Corvid forms.
Flying Rake (no, it's not a gardening implement) is similar to the Garou Leaping Rake, but, again, is done from the air. The
Corax makes a Dex + Athletics roll, diff 3, and looks at the Leaping Chart. Since the attack is from the air, Leap distances are
doubled for the purposes of determining how far past the opponent the Corax will go. She rakes with her feet on a Dex + Brawl
roll, diff 8, and inflicts Strength +2 aggravated damage. The conditions to make and dodge this attack are the same as for a

Divebomb, above, since the Corax must be airborne to perform the maneuver. The Flying Rake can be used with a Claw attack,
but will only do Strength +1 damage. It can be used in either Ravenna or Corvid forms, but in Corvid the damage will be nonaggravated.
Clawed Kick is a ground-based maneuver. Like a regular kick, it is rolled with Dex + Brawl. Unlike a regular kick, it takes
advantage of the Corax's taloned feet and does aggravated damage at Strength +1. Difficulty is 7 rather than 6 since the claws
are involved. It can be used in Ravenna or Corvid form, but in Corvid the damage will be non-aggravated.

IV. Breed Notes

The Corax do not have any particular Breed Gifts because their reproductive practices are more mystical than physical; there is
nothing which differentiates a human-born Corax from a bird-born Corax, since they all undergo the same Birthing Rite and end
up with the same abilities. While there are separate origins (human or bird), there are no real breeds -- everybody's just a Corax.

V. Auspices
There are four Corax auspices, each corresponding to an equinox or a solstice, and thereby to one of the traditional four winds.
Corax born after a given date fall under that auspice, but are not as rigidly bound to them as the Garou are, for the Corax
recognize that the winds are fickle. Corax will ask each other, "What Wind do you fly on?" or, more simply, "What Wind are you?"
Regardless of auspice, Corax start with a Rage of 1. Auspice merely indicates a Corax's stereotyped personality and available
Gifts. However, some GMs may opt to have North Winds start with a rage of 2 or more, reflecting their warlike nature (see
A Corax can change her auspice at any point in her lifetime, and many do. There is no Rite of Renunciation involved, nor is there
any loss of Rank or Renown, but there are certain conditions which must be fulfilled. She must deny her auspice for at least a
season before making the transition, and must enter into the new auspice during its own season. This can be a brief wait (one
season) or a wait of up to a year (if changing from North Wind to West Wind, for instance). During this time she is said to be
Grounded and can learn no new auspice Gifts, nor can she gain any Rank or Renown. After her time of Grounding is up, she
must be accepted into her new auspice by at least four Corax of a higher rank than herself. The acceptance need not be formal
and no real rites are involved, but getting four agreeable elders together in the first place can be tough, since the Corax don't
group together very often and Gathers and Parliaments are hard to come by. This can mean a time of searching for a group of
elders, or a long wait for the next impromptu Gather. While Corax are generally solitary, they are still birds of a feather, and the
approval of at least a small group of their kind is required to change auspices.
A Corax who has successfully changed auspices retains her old Rank and Renown, but must go through the usual progression
of learning Gifts -- a Rank Five South Wind who becomes a North Wind cannot go off and immediately learn how to Crack the
Egg. She must learn Level One Gifts first, then Level Two, and so forth, and her progress is dictated by how much the other
North Winds are willing to teach her. She may learn the Rank One Gifts much faster than a young North Wind would, or she may
have trouble with the new concepts and never learn much at all.
Note that an auspice, once denied, can not be reclaimed without undergoing the same process of review and acceptance. A
Corax denying her South Wind status cannot drop back into her old auspice if the wait becomes too long, or the search too
difficult. If she wants to return to the South Wind, she has to contact her old auspice's elders (and probably do some fast talking).
Certain Corax are auspiceless, either because they could find no auspice which suited them, got tired of waiting for the goahead of the elders, were refused admission into the auspice they desired, or were refused admission into all auspices. It is
said that a Corax who is truly suited to an auspice and is refused admission into it may be initiated into the auspice by Raven
himself, and that the elders who scorned her will lose a huge amount of Wisdom. Storyteller discretion is advised. Corax who
don't merit the attention of Raven are stuck without an auspice. They are permanently Grounded and cannot advance in Rank or
gain Renown. In rare circumstances, they can learn non-auspice Gifts from other Groundlings, or steal auspice Gifts from the
unwary, but their position is one of stagnation. A Corax Grounded for a great length of time is on the bottom of the pecking order,
for the Corax say that still air supports no one.
Finally, while denying an auspice can be done at the player's discretion, being accepted into a new auspice is under the total
control of the Storyteller. Players should not be allowed to leapfrog between auspices in order to minimax their Gifts.

(A) Auspice Descriptions

East Wind
This is associated with the Spring Equinox, which occurs around March 21. It is the auspice of growth, fertility and new life, and
symbolizes rebirth, since the East Wind springs from the rising of the Sun. Corax born under this auspice are traditionally
healers and bards, celebrating and renewing life.

South Wind

This is the auspice of the Summer Solstice, occurring around June 22. It is the auspice of the Sun at noon, representing full
adulthood and responsibility. From the South Wind comes scorching desert fire and withering jungle heat. Corax born under this
auspice seek the truth under the all-seeing eye of Sun and traditionally lead in Corax Parliaments.

West Wind
The Fall Equinox occurs around September 23 and marks the auspice of the setting Sun. It is the auspice of dying, decay, and
of the wisdom that comes with age. Corax born under this auspice are mystics and searchers, great travelers in the Umbra, and
frequently become the elder voices of wisdom.

North Wind
The Winter Solstice marks the North Wind auspice and occurs around December 22. This is the auspice of the Night, when the
Sun is dead or greatly weakened. This wind penetrates to the bones. It is the auspice of war and death and starvation-induced
madness, but it is also the auspice of hibernation and the promise of new life. Corax born under this auspice are known as
Stormcrows (no connection to Grandfather Thunder), and are warriors and carrion crows, touched with a bit of madness and

VI. Gifts
"Raven seized the sun, which was just then setting, and the fire-stick that was used in kindling fires. When he reached his
kingdom, he gave his people the sun, and showed them how to make fire. Ever since, the earth has had light and heat, from
the sun and from fire."
-- Haida creation myth
Beginning Corax get one Corax Gift and two Auspice Gifts, for a total of three Level One Gifts.
Unmarked Gifts are taken straight from Werewolf. These and the Gifts marked with a cross (+, see below) may be dropped as I
think up new Gifts to replace them.
Gifts marked with a cross (+) are variations on Werewolf Gifts, modified to fit the Corax's outlook and society. The Corax can
use some Garou Gifts at a lower level, like Clarity or Cutting Wind. The reduced-level Gifts are taught by Raven, by Stormcrow
spirits, or by Wind spirits, all of which would logically have an affinity for the Corax. While the Garou get 2 Breed Gifts per level,
the Corax get 3 at each level for their single "breed."
[This may seem to favor the Corax, but the Garou have over 250 Gifts available (3 breeds, 13 tribes, and 5 auspices, even
counting Gifts used more than once, like Sense Wyrm). Since the Corax have neither breeds nor tribes, they're limited to 60
Gifts, 15 for being a Corax and 45 from their 4 auspices, and many are doubles of Garou Gifts anyway. Dropping a few Garou
Gifts a level or two will equalize this gap.]
Gifts marked with a single asterisk (*) are unique to the Corax. Gifts marked with a double asterisk (**) are original Gifts,
designed by the author for the Corax.

A) Gifts Listed by Species and Auspice

Corax Gifts
Level One Voice of the Mimic*, Enemy Ways*, Split Tongue**
Level Two Omens and Signs*, Tongues, Taking the Forgotten
Level Three Dark Truths+, Hear the Corpse Whisper*, Odin's Wisdom**
Level Four Airt Sense*, Gauntlet Runner*, Assimilation
Level Five Thieving Talons of the Magpie, Portents*, Invoke the Spirits of the Storm

East Wind Gifts: (healers, bards).

Level One Raven's Touch+, Babble, Ease Pain**
Level Two Speech of the Fool**, Fledgling's Promise**, Raven's Tongue**
Level Three Screech+, Message Glance, Merciful Blow
Level Four Solace**
Level Five [none yet]

South Wind Gifts: (judges, leaders)

Level One Persuasion, Candling+, Paralyzing Stare+

Level Two Staredown+, Truthtell**, Strength of One**

Level Three Scold**, Righteous Anger**
Level Four Take the True Form
Level Five Voice of Command**

West Wind Gifts: (mystics, elders)

Level One Ill Omens**, Spirit Speech, Sense the Unnatural+
Level Two Command the Spirit, Pulse of the Invisible, Clarity+
Level Three Mind Speech+, Raven's Eye+
Level Four Grasp the Beyond
Level Five The Malleable Spirit

North Wind/Stormcrow Gifts: (warriors, tricksters)

Level One Find the Fray**, Resist Pain, Cutting Wind+
Level Two Shadow of War**, Distractions, Molt**
Level Three Gaze of Corruption**, Blind**, Vital Strike**
Level Four Gloom+, Battle Frenzy+, Indomitable Will**
Level Five Madness, Crack the Egg**, The Thousand Forms

B) Gifts (Long Descriptions)

Gifts with no descriptions come straight out of Werewolf: The Apocalypse and the Players Guide. Most of the Gifts marked
"Corax" are taken verbatim from Players Guide to save you the cross-referencing. Gifts that begin, "Similar to ..." indicate that
the Gift has been altered slightly from its original form -- renamed, different skill system, or whatever. They are listed
alphabetically, by level, and the Aupsice they go with is given last.

Babble+ (Level One): Similar to the Red Talon Gift. The Corax can spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Occult, diff 7,
to make another lose the ability to read, write, or speak any language. The victim can resist with an Intelligence + Linguistics roll,
difficulty seven. The effect lasts for one scene. East Wind.

Candling+ (Level One): Similar to the Philodox Gift: Scent of the True Form. The Corax can tell when someone is a
supernatural being. She can automatically detect shapeshifters, can detect vampires and faeries with a Perception + Alertness
roll of difficulty 8, and can detect mages on a roll against difficulty 9. This is a visual sense, not an olfactory one, and the Corax
compare it to the practice of candling an egg to see what is inside. South Wind.

Cutting Wind+ (Level One): Similar to the Level Two Wendigo Gift. With a Willpower point, the Corax can summon a bitter
blast of wind, which she may direct at her foes. To direct the wind in combat, the Corax must roll Dexterity + Occult, diff 6.
Anyone hit by the wind loses two dice from all actions taken that turn, and has one fewer die on all actions for the next turn. The
wind lasts for the scene, and the range is calculated according to the modifiers for firearms; the medium range is 20 yards, with
difficulty increased by one at maximum range (40 yards) and "point-blank" range (1 yard or less) is at difficulty 4. The Corax can
use this wind to her own advantage with the same roll, adding +1 to the damage and increasing the range for special maneuvers
like divebombing and flying rakes; however, the difficulty for successfully pulling off these maneuvers is increased by one due to
the intensity of the wind. North Wind.

Enemy Ways* (Level One): This is a danger sense. The Corax, rolling Perception + Stealth, can know about enemies in the
vicinity, and get an idea of where they are and what they are doing based on the number of successes. Corax.

Paralyzing Stare+ (Level One): Similar to the Level Three Shadow Lord Gift. The Corax can direct a terrifying gaze at a target,
causing him to freeze in place. The Corax must concentrate for one turn, spend a Gnosis point, and roll Charisma + Intimidation,
difficulty of the target's Willpower. Each success freezes the target in place for one turn. The target is free to defend himself if
attacked, but otherwise can perform no action. The Corax must maintain eye contact to keep the target under the effects of this
Gift. South Wind.

Persuasion (Level One): As the Homid Gift. South Wind.

Raven's Touch (Level One): As the Theurge Gift: Mother's Touch. East Wind.
Resist Pain (Level One): As the Philodox Gift. Stormcrows.
Sense the Unnatural+ (Level One)+: Similar to the Lupus Gift. The Corax can sense any unnatural presence and determine its
appropriate strength and type. This detects wraiths, vampires, minions of the Wyrm, etc. The roll is Perception + Enigmas,
difficulty 8. The more successes, the more information detected. West Wind.

Spirit Speech (Level One): As the Theurge Gift. West Wind.

Voice of the Mimic* (Level One): This Gift allows the Corax to imitate any sound or voice she has heard. It requires a

Perception + Expression roll, difficulty based on the complexity of the sound. When combined with the Eidetic Memory merit,
whole conversations can be replayed with eerie exactness. Corax.

Clarity+ (Level Two): Similar to the Level Three Stargazer Gift. The Corax can see through fog, pitch blackness, and even
recognize illusions or invisibility with a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty 7). To penetrate illusions, the Corax must match or
beat the illusionist's number of successes. West Wind.

Distractions+ (Level Two): Similar to the Galliard Gift. The Corax can make annoying squawks, screeches, and beak-rattlings
to divert the attention of his opponent. He must roll Wits + Performance against a difficulty of the victim's Willpower. Each
success subtracts one from the target's Dice Pool for the next turn. North Wind.

Omens and Signs* (Level Two): Corax can find symbols and portents in their surroundings. The location of a particular object
or animal in relation to a place or time of day can tell the Corax something about a momentous occurrence. A Storyteller can be
very imaginative in describing the omen. The Corax must roll Wits + Occult. Corax.

Pulse of the Invisible (Level Two): As the Level Three Theurge Gift. West Wind.
Screech+ (Level Two): Similar to the Bastet Gift: Shriek. With a Stamina + Expression roll, difficulty 7, the Corax can emit a
piercing, grating screech which deafens those within 10 feet for one turn per level of success. Corax are fond of getting together
in a murder and using this Gift on an unwary foe. Each additional Corax joining in the Screech reduces the difficulty of their
collective rolls by one, down to a minimum of 2. East Wind.

Staredown+ (Level Two): Similar to the Homid Gift. By staring into the eyes of a target, the Corax can cause the target to flee
in terror. The Corax rolls Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the victim's Willpower. If the Corax overcomes the target's
Willpower, the target flees in fear for one turn per success. The eerieness of the Corax's gaze will cause even Garou to flee.
South Wind.

Taking the Forgotten (Level Two): As the Ragabash Gift. Corax.

Tongues (Level Two): As the Homid Gift. Corax.
Dark Truths (Level Three): This is in the Players Guide, but is very similar to the Uktena Gift: Secrets. Corax.
Hear the Corpse Whisper (Level Three): Corax.
Merciful Blow (Level Three): As the Stargazer Gift. East Wind.
Message Glance (Level Three): As the Silent Strider Gift. East Wind.
Mind Speech+ (Level Three): Similar to the Metis Gift. The Corax can mentally communicate with another being over great
distances. The Corax cannot read minds, but can use Social Abilities, such as Intimidation, from a distance, and must know the
person with whom she is attempting to communicate. The Roll is Manipulation + Empathy (diff 8). The Corax can transmit a
maximum of 10 miles per success. West Wind.

Raven's Eye+ (Level Three): As the Level Four Philodox Gift: Scent of Beyond. The Corax can bring all her senses to bear on
one spot (even an Umbral site) with which she is familiar, no matter how far away that spot is. She must roll Perception +
Enigmas, difficulty 8. If the spot is in the Umbra, the difficulty is either the Gauntlet rating or is set at 8, whichever is higher.

Airt Sense* (Level Four): The Corax can spend one Gnosis point and roll Perception + Occult to gain an understanding of the
ways of the Umbra, halving travel time through the spirit world. The difficulty is 6.

Assimilation (Level Four): As the Level Five Homid Gift. Corax.

Battle Frenzy+ (Level Four): This is somewhat similar to the Level Three Metis Gift: Awaken Beast. By observing a battlefield,
the Corax can induce a battle madness in the combatants. A chosen target can be made to Frenzy by spending a Gnosis point
and rolling Manipulation + Primal-Urge, difficulty of the victim's Willpower. If the Corax succeeds, the target immediately goes
into a Berserk Frenzy. This Gift can only be used on one target per scene, and the effects last for an entire scene. It is best done
from the air. North Wind.

Gauntlet Runner* (Level Four): A roll of Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) will reduce the Gauntlet in a certain area by one for every
two successes. The Corax must still step sideways as normal. Corax.

Gloom+ (Level Four): Similar to the Level Four Theurge Gift: Spirit Drain. The Corax can drain Willpower from an opponent
and use it to feed her own resolve. If the Corax succeeds in a resisted Willpower vs. Willpower roll, the opponent loses one
Willpower point per success for the rest of the scene. For every two points drained, the Corax gains a temporary Willpower
point. Any temporary points which exceed her Willpower maximum are lost at the end of the scene. North Wind.

Grasp the Beyond (Level Four): As the Theurge Gift. West Wind.
Take the True Form (Level Four): As the Philodox Gift. South Wind.
Portents* (Level Five): By spending two Gnosis points and rolling Intelligence + Enigmas, the Corax can see a future event
with clarity. Difficulty will vary according to the Storyteller's ruling. Though the future is mutable, the Corax will see the most likely
event, at the discretion of the Storyteller. Corax.

Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Level Five): As the Ragabash Gift. Corax.
Invoke the Spirits of the Storm (Level Five): As the Wendigo Gift. Corax.
Madness (Level Five): As the Metis Gift. Stormcrows.
The Malleable Spirit (Level Five): As the Theurge Gift. West Wind.

VII. Rites
Knowledge Rites
Weatherwise (Level One)
As the Crow Flies (Level One)
Rite of Memory Theft (Level Four)

Mystic Rites
Rite of the Fledgling (Level One)

VIII. Fetishes and Talens

"Who saw him die?
I, said the Magpie,
With my little eye,
I saw him die."
-- Who Killed Cock Robin? Children's Rhyme

Magpie Bag


By Darren Weston (

Author's note
The following is my personal use for the Silent Strider Tribe of the Garou. I have changed their history and nature to fit into the
campaign I am running. I thought that some of you out there on the internet might be interested in what I have done with them. My
campaign takes place in Seattle, Washington and is entitled - The Ending Times.
Now to get all of the legal stuff out of the way. Silent Striders, Garou, the Wyrm, all Werewolf Tribe names, Umbra, Kindred,
etc...are all copyrights owned by White Wolf and their use in the following article are not meant to be a challenge to the
trademarks or copyrights concerned. This is meant to be an addition to the World of Darkness created by White Wolf and
should be taken as only a personal view, not a challenge to what has been officially published.
There, I think that's all that needs to be said about that.
If there are any comments that you wish to address please E-mail me at:

The Beginning (paraphrased)

In the Beginning there was only Darkness (yes, that beginning). The One True Light looked upon the darkness and saw that it
could be enhanced. He created light, the earth, all of the plants and animals thereon and in the air and in the oceans (I'm not sure
of the actual order but you get the idea). The Light looked upon his creation and saw that it was good, then the Light created
Adam was born of the earth, and dwelled within the great garden that was Eden. In his time, Adam was in truth no better than the
animals that dwelled there with him -- he could learn, this was true, and he could adapt better than most. Adam grew bored with
the Garden and asked his creator for company that would be able to understand as he did. The Light created Lilith. She could
understand, she could adapt, but she was not a suitable mate for Adam. He complained she was not subservient enough; she
would not bow to him as she should. The Creator was not pleased with this turn of events and thus decided to punish both of
them. Lilith was sent out of Eden, never to return and in this did she bow to the Creators wishes. Adam was punished with lack of
company for some time; in this time he mourned his loss and came to realize that he should have viewed Lilith as an equal, not a
lesser being. He made his realizations known to the Creator and was again blessed with a companion. Her name was Eve.
Adam treated her as an equal in all things. They spent a great deal of time together, walking in the Garden, learning the ways of
the plants and animals, eating the fruits. They finally came to the tree at the center of the Garden from which the Creator had
forbidden them to partake.
Adam and Eve spent time watching the tree bare it's fruit, watching the animals shun the tree. When they questioned the Creator
as to why they could not partake of its obviously succulent fruit they were told: "The fruit this tree bares may look succulent and
may entice you, but in truth it will become bitter after a time and will cause you nothing but torment after you have taken it into
They contemplated this warning for some time. During this time the other fruits of the garden lost their flavor as they had been
eaten enough times that there was nothing new to partake of -- except the fruit of the tree at the center of the Garden. Thus, they
went to the tree in the dark of night and took the fruit from its branches and sat beneath the tree to eat.
The tree was the tree of creation and the fruit was knowledge. The fruit was indeed succulent and tasted as nothing they had
partaken of before. They went out into the Garden with their new perceptions and began to understand everything as the fruit
worked its way into their systems. After a time, however, they began to know things that frightened them and they were given to
understand a great many bitter secrets of what was to come.
The Creator looked down upon them and was aware of their disobedience. In his anger he banished them from the Garden for
all time. Eve was cast out, to bear only two children, one of whom would die horribly and the other whom would only ever kill,
never giving life. Adam was cast out, never to settle for long in any one place.
With the knowledge Adam had gained from the fruit he chose to travel in the form of the Wolf, a hardy and versatile animal to
which he felt a special fondness. Adam traveled the world, never staying long in any place, fathering children now and again
through the centuries -- all of whom bore his curse and some of his knowledge. All of his children may choose freely between the
form of man, wolf or a merging of the two -- similar to the Garou of Gaia.

The Silent Striders

Though they would appear to be Garou, the Silent Striders are not in fact members of that great race. They are the children of
Adam and his progeny. Blessed with all of the knowledge to be had, Adam was able to alter himself into the form of a Garou and

take many forms.

The Striders of today know of their historic past, though none ever speak of it. They are taught from birth to be watchers, waiting
for the time of the Renewal and the coming of the Chosen Ones. The Striders wait in the shadows of silence, allowing none to
learn of their existence or what it means. Those few Garou who have crossed the path of the Striders think them nothing more
than strange members of a long-lost Tribe and continue on their way, never learning what they really met.
The history of the Striders is oral, passed on from one to another over the course of time as they meet each other. These
meetings are few and far between, however and several Striders go their entire lives only ever meeting one other of their kind.
All meet the father in their time, even if it is only as their life fades from them. Long-for-Solace, Keeps-Bitter-Secrets, He-WhoKnows; all are names for the Adam. None speak his true name even among themselves.

The Silent Striders have few associations with the organizations of the other supernatural races other than to watch and keep
tabs on them. There are two individuals they are very close to, perhaps only due to their ancient ancestor.

The Hand of Mercy Orphanage: The Hand of Mercy Orphanage is housed in a small victorian-style manor on the outskirts of
rural Seattle. The building itself lies at the center of a 20-acre lot of untouched forest. It cares for children as does any other
orphanage, but with a slight difference. The Hand of Mercy is run by a splinter organaization of the Celestial Chorus, a group so
secretive that no other members of the Chorus know of it's true purpose. The Hand of Mercy has been in operation for over 100
years, and and every child who has been raised there have Awakened at some point in their life -- be it Mage, Werewolf,
Changeling, Demon Knight or Vampire. The children are never sought out by the sisters -- they are always brought to the
orphanage. They live their entire youth there as very few people even know of the orphanage's existence. Mother Evelyn, the
current Mother Superior, is the latest in a long line of Mothers who have cared for these children -- she knows the future of each
and every one of the children who comes through the doors of the Hand of Mercy -- she has seen those futures. Her name is not
truly Evelyn, but not even the other sisters know that. She is Adam's second wife, Eve -- having changed her name and
appearance over the years; she has run this orphanage knowing that the children she raised would be Awoken and play key rolls
in the history of the World.

Caine: Though not really an organization, Adam has kept in contact with his son, Caine, over the centuries. They do not have a
cordial relationship, but do not oppose each other. Caine knows of his father's knowledge and has made use of it from time to
time. He knows of the importance of a last bastion of defence against the coming Ending Times. He knows that his childer's
childer will rise from torpor soon and knows that only his Childer can stop them. It is for this reason alone that he is working with
Adam, searching for and finding those who will become his Childer -- to stand against the Antediluvians when the Ending Times

Special Abilities
Silent Striders learn gifts similar to those of the garou with one single exception - they are not taught by the spirits of the Umbra.
They are taught by other Striders or by Adam himself. They are also not constrained by the rank system that the garou have
adopted, all are considered equals and may be taught any gift. This gives them an edge I suppose, but in my campaign they are
only NPCs, watching and waiting in the shadows.

Silent Striders have been known to make allies of supernatural creatures to help them with important task that they dare not take
part in themselves. Corax have aided them in the past and are perhaps the only supernatural group which knows the truth about
the Striders -- as it would be impossible for them not to be curious. They also know the danger this knowledge would be in the
hands of others -- therefore they refuse to even hint at their knowledge of this ancient race. It is not uncommon for the Striders to
make use of couriers such as the bastet or the corax, or even certain trusted vampires. Having allies to help in the acquisition of
certain relics or fetishes for use in the Ending battles is often of prime concern to this group -- they fear for their own survival, as
they are the carriers of knowledge for the next age.

Gifts of Adam
Level 1 Gifts
Blur of the Milky Eye
Open Seal
Scent of Running Water
Spirit Speech
Scent of the True Form
Truth of Gaia

Beast Speech
Heightened Senses
Speed of Thought
Spirit Protector (similar to the BSD gift Bane Protector, only using spirits)
Lambent Flame

Level 2 Gifts
Scent of Sight
Sense the Unnatural
Blissful Ignorance
Sense of the Prey
Name the Spirit
Sight from Beyond
Strength of Purpose
True Fear
Messengers Fortitude
Alter Scent
Summon Talisman

Level 3 Gifts
Reshape Object
Eyes of the Cat
Mental Speech
Open Moon Bridge
Pulse of the Invisible
Weak Arm
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways
The Great Leap
Fly Feet
Long Running
Message Glance

Level 4 Gifts
Spirit Ward
Whelp Body
Grasp the Beyond
Scent of Beyond
Bridge Walker
Shadow by the Fire Light
Speed Beyond Thought
Body Shift
Fool's Luck
Touch of Death

Level 5 Gifts
Fabric of the Mind
Kiss of Helios
Gate to the Moon
Reach the Umbra
Spirit Vessel

Rite of the Opened Bridge
Rite of the Shrouded Glen
Gathering for the Departed
Rite of the Questing Stone
Rite of Talisman Dedication
Rite of Becoming

All of the gifts and rites above came from Werewolf: The Apocalypse (2nd ed), Werewolf Players Guide and Book of the Wyrm.

End Notes
I plan on having roughly 12 Silent Striders spread across the world in my campaign -- including Adam. As a whole they are
completely unknown by the other supernatural groups. Even the Arcanum has no knowledge of their existence since they go to
such great lengths to hide their true nature.
That's all I have done up so far, let me know what you think and pass along any other ideas you have.

By Randy D'Amore

Once, there were the White Howlers, a strong, pure tribe of noble Garou. Clean and pure, they fought the Wyrm. But the Wyrm
won. In the Wyrm's infinite corruption, the White Howlers became the Black Spiral Dancers -- powerful, deadly, and insanely loyal
to their master.
But the Wyrm was not satisfied with the disgusting beasts he had created. So, on thoughts that they believed their own, a pack
of the Black Spiral Dancers left their Tribe, never to be seen again.
The pack traveled across Europe, arriving deep in the in the land that would be France in years to come. In this realm, they
hunted, seeking power.
When they came across it, it was in the form of a vampire, a caitiff, and a Diabolist as well. The pack was quick and strong,
capturing the vampire and imprisoning him. The vampire, a weak willed fool, pleaded for his unlife. It was agreed that if he would
Embrace the entire pack, then he would be allowed to survive. Of course, the Black Spiral Dancers killed him -- after the
These abominations roamed the land for many centuries, becoming powerful and tainted beyond belief. They had also created a
small following.
Selecting and kidnapping young Black Spiral Dancers, of metis birth, the Pack had created a strong following of Abominations.
These Metis, having never known any better, all believed themselves to be serving the purpose of the Wyrm, which they were.
Their numbers where small, but powerful.
When the Inquisition raged across Europe, the Pack, having taken on the name of the Ankou, fled to Russia, moving deep into
the dark land.
What happened to them in that land is unknown, even to them. But when they emerged after the Inquisition, their numbers had
swelled dramatically. The original members of the pack, the founders of the Ankou, looked upon their Dark Tribe, seeing that the
powers of vampirism need be learned, they sought out the Sabbat.
The Sabbat, realizing the immense power this group held, quickly took them in as one of the Sabbat Clans.
The Ankou have been among the Sabbat for hundreds of years. In this time, they have learned complete mastery over their
Vampiric abilities, making them a very powerful group.
The Ankou decided that a city was needed, and planned an attack on London. The Veil and the Masquerade would be
shattered, the hideous clan would run through the streets, massacring the kine and kindred alike. In this, they would be able to
break their ties to the Sabbat, and serve the Wyrm more fully.
The force that the Ankou did not expect, was the resistance of Garou. Both the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers learned of
their plan, and went about stopping it. They attacked the Ankou en masse outside of London, far from where any kine eyes could
witness the battle. At the end of the battle, hundreds of Garou littered the burnt ground, their dead bodies reeking of Wyrm taint.
The Ankou had destroyed nearly 200 of Europes Garou. The Ankou themselves however, had also suffered greatly. With
nowhere near enough survivors left to conquer london, they returned to the Sabbat.
Within a few years, the Sabbat had carefully manipulated the Ankou, taking complete control of the Dark Tribe, and regulating
their use carefully.
Now that the Sabbat has control of them, they are used in only dire situations. Used to kill and to kill again, the Ankou are even
more warped than before.
The Ankou now sit and wait, hoping for a time when they will be powerful enough to take London, although New Orleans has also
fallen under their dreaded attentions.
Many Ankou have taken to studying the forbidden arts. Satanism and demon worship are important among the Ankou Theurges,
although this secret is kept carefully hidden.

Pit Bulls.

Some Ankou are attractive, but this is a rarity. Most are hideously ugly, with an average appearence of 1. Black mangy hair, and
yellow-red eyes are common in all forms. Their human forms are hairy and muscular while their Crinos form are huge (10'-11')
and powerful. They resemble dire wolves in Lupus form, only black and putrid.

Ankou are watched carefully by the packs they travel with, and are kept in the communal haven.

All are stolen metis from other Garou tribes, while once exclusively of Black Spiral Dancer stock, Glass Walkers and Bone
Gnawers are also a favorite to work the Change on.

Character creation
Physical are primary, with mental and social coming in close behind. Talents are primary, followed by skills and knowledges.

Potence, Fortitude, (Dark) Thamaturgy.

All Ankou have at least two derangements. They also have no starting point in appearance.

The Ankou are kept on a tight leash by the Sabbat. Only one Ankou may travel with a pack at any time, and then only with
Nomadic Packs. Of course, this is a bit ignored during crusades.
The Ankou also have a secret connection linking the Theurges and Philodoxes. Those who know of this link are all powerful
infernalists. Player characters should not be able to know about this link yet.

Preferred paths
Most Ankou either follow the path of Death and the Soul, or are Infernalists pretending to be on the Path of Death and the Soul.

Starting willpower

Starting backgrounds
1. No Resources, Past Life, Fetish, Contacts, or Retainers.

Common Wyrm Totems

Totems of power and cunning are highly respected.

By Colin Chapman ( (26 May 1996

In the time of the Great Exodus to the Pure Lands, many of the Ankuq joined the flight, battling in search of a new home, a place
free of the potential corruption of the Wyrm. The way was harsh and bitterly cold, claiming many lives as the Wyrmspawn bit at
their heels. Many times they almost failed; hope stretched to the breaking point, but they pressed onwards, determined to
survive. Beyond all hope, the exodus succeeded; they crossed the Bering Straight, fighting a valiant struggle and collapsing the
ice bridge, leaving the Wyrmspawn howling in frustration on the other side.
As celebration and mourning for the lost subsided, the Pure Ones migrated south to warmer lands, parting ways with the Ankuq
and leaving them free to settle the harsh northern lands of snow and ice. There they lived a hard but fulfilling existence until the
Wyrmbringers came...
Never a numerous people, The Ankuq and their Inuit kinfolk were nonetheless strongly protected by virtue of their harsh climate.
Few were the Wyrmcomers who wished to enter their domain, but enter they did. A peaceable people and tribe, the Ankuq and
their kin accepted the newcomers openly, only to find themselves and their culture under threat. Unlike the harsh warfare and
genocide of the more southern lands, their cultural erosion was much more subtle, and conflicts mercifully few. Survival was the
key concern for all living in their lands, and the Inuit began to accept the tools of the Weaver, temptation towards an easier life,
and over time many of the traditional ways passed from memory.
Slow for so many years, the Wyrm has made stronger moves into the teritory of the Ankuq in recent years, as the pristine
northlands have become subject to pollution and exploitation under the shadows of companies such as Pentex.
A small tribe, the Ankuq have begun forging stronger alliances with the Wendigo to fight these incursions. The Algonkuin
Wendigo call them the Eskimo (Eaters of Raw Flesh).
Ankuq garou are renowned as incrdeibly hardy and determined folk, possessed of quiet strength and determination, thriving in
lands that have destroyed many others. Respect and honour are their greatest values, and sharing gives meaning to their lives.
Being welcoming, smiling, enjoying humour, respectful, sensitive and giving, honest, patient, accepting others and overcoming
grief for the strength of others is to value life. Family and kinfolk are the foundation of this tribe, with children and cubs raised not
only by their immediate family, but by the extended family and community.

Tribal Totem
Bear (in his Polar aspect)

Initial Willpower

May not buy Resources or Contacts. May not purchase a Pure Breed higher than 3, due to their longstanding and extensive
breeding with Husky dogs. Must purchase at least 1 level of Past Life.

Beginning Gifts
Mother's Touch, Resist Pain

The stocky Ankuq average 5'3" in homid form, barrel-chested with broad faces and black hair. Some practise labret (lip
piercing). In lupus form they resemble large, stocky, powerful, Huskies with thick ruffled fur and curling tails.

The Ankuq are the warders of the cold northern wilds. They live deep in these harsh lands, among glaciers and along the coast.
They protect the Inuit people around the globe, including Alaska, Canada, Siberia, Greenland, and Labrador.

"Even here in these harsh lands, Gaia has provided beauty and life. Open your eyes and see."

The Ankuq are at one with their lands, hardy, determined and peaceful, yet capable of turning their home against their foes.

Level One
Mother's Touch (as the Theurge gift)
Resist Pain (as the Philodox gift, but includes the cold)

Level Two
Cutting Wind (as the Wendigo gift)
Strength of Purpose (as the Philodox gift)

Level Three
Chill of Early Frost (as the Wendigo gift)
Trackless Wastes (as the Red Talon gift)

Level Four
Attunement (as the Silent Strider gift)
Strength of Bear

Level Five
Gaia's Vengeance (as the Red Talons gift)
Survivor (as the Bone Gnawer gift)

Many of our people are born of the human breed, and they are true and gifted. A hardy and spiritual people they form most of our

The metis are present in our tribe, for the dark cold night often requires the warmth of a lover's embrace. Accept them without
prejudice for all are part of the community. Everyone in the community is responsible, and no blame can be set.

Our lupus kin are the hardy ice dogs called huskies. The lupus breed is quite strong among us, and our lupus kin work with us to
pull the sleds and provide food. Respect them for the survivors they are.

Bear, Ancestor and Stone are our mightiest friends. Show them great respect for all they can teach you. Narwhal is true, and has
much to offer; heed his advice.

The Litany

Two of our own laws flavour the Litany in our eyes.

No one may, without reason, avoid the struggle for food and clothing. He who does so is not allowed to starve; but he is
despised and looked down on by everybody.
The action of a member is the responsiblity of the entire group.
Garou shall not mate with Garou
This is not a prohibition against seeking the warmth of anothers embrace. Try to avoid breeding with other garou though, not for
the sake of yourselves, but for the hard life any metis born would suffer in our harsh lands. Respect metis, for, like all, they are of
Gaia, and their birth is not their nor anyones fault. The community holds responsibility as a whole.

Combat the Wyrm wherever it dwells and whenever it breeds.

Violence is wrong, and we desire for better ways, but blood must stain the snow if these lands are to remain clean. Destroy
without anger or hate, for such is the way of the Wyrm.

Respect the territory of another.

The lands were given to all, for all to share. Territory is an abomination.

Accept an honourable surrender.

Be merciful and respectful. Destroying a surrendering foe is craven.

Submit to those of higher station.

Your elders have lived a long and hard life, and they deserve respect for doing so. Respect for all is the strongest creed.

The first share of the kill for the greatest in station.

This law is foolish. The greatest share should always go to those of greatest need, or those who can put an item to the best use.
Possession is conditioned by actual use of property. As long as an item is being used it shall remain personal property. If not it
should be given to someone who will.

Ye shall not eat the glesh of humans.

Avoid this tainted practice when you can but know that in the harshest times, the flesh of the dead can give you needed life.

Respect for those beneath ye -- all are of Gaia.

Truth given form. Respect all, no matter station, creed, race or breed. If you do not respect the world how can it possibly respect

The Veil shall not be lifted.

Many of our kin are aware of our breed, as are many of the Inuit humans, but do not allow others to see for the power they could
bring to bear would spell our end.

Do not suffer they people to tend thy sickness.

No elder is truly a burden, and the community is our greatest strength. provide for them, and if they wish to die, let them die as
they see fit.

The leader may be challenged at any time during peace.

Leadership is based on wisdom, and community spirit. Those best suited to lead towards a certain goal do so at the behest of
the community.

The leader may not be challenged during wartime.

If war does break out, communication and comradeship take precedence over other concerns. If the leader is succeeding, live
things as they are. Do not attempt to take control of a mantle you can't fill any better. If you are better the leader will gladly step

Ye shall take no action that causes a caern to be violated.

This is the most inviolate rule of the litany. Caerns are the strongest links to Gaia, and violation is the greatest disresepct
possibly towards all life.

Ankuq and the Impergium

The Ankuq refused to initiate such a practice reviling it as destined to create more harm than good, and showing a fundamental
lack of respect for life. In addition they noted that their kin lived in accordance with Gaia so there was no need to cull them
anyway. Because the Ankuq had such strong relations with their kinfolk and Inuit culture, the Inuit are uniformly immune to the
Delerium and regard the Ankuq as great spirit friends and shamen.

Ankuq and the War of Rage

Being isolated and peaceful they refused to enter the War of Rage, and are disgusted that their garou cousins did so. They feel
great sorrow over the events that transpired and wish inter-Bete relations were better. Unfortunately most Bete don't distinguish
them from other garou.

* - This indicates a tribe that the Ankuq have had no real dealings with. Viewpoints have been provided to indicate what opinions

the tribes would most likely have if they did meet.

*Black Furies: Lack of respect for Woman has driven them into rage, but is it not hypocrisy to have no respect for Man?

I can't believe their women are happy with their roles as mothers and home-keepers!
-- Panope (Black Fury Theurge)

Bone Gnawers: They are symbolic of the lack of mutual respect and responsibility between tribes. Were all to recognise their
brothers they would all have homes. Judge them not by their downtrodden state for such is not their fault. Many have good hearts.

Their hearts are in the right place but I think I'll take this nice, warm, trashy ally over their frozen 'home' anyday!
-- Licks-the-Pavement (Bone Gnawer Galliard)

Children of Gaia: We have much in common with this warm-hearted tribe and they have helped many native people in their
struggle to regain lost heritage.

True garou. If only more were like them.

- Leaf Sunrise (Child of Gaia Galliard)
*Fianna: Their rageful passions should be directed against the Wyrm rather than each other. Still, at least they have warm souls.

They're alright (typical Fianna understatement)

-- Roth mac Morrigan (Fianna Ahroun)
*Get of Fenris: Like us they hail from a land of bitter cold. Unfortunately they have not let the ice cool their destructive rage.

Adept survivors at least

-- Thorvid Gullinbusti (Get Philodox)
*Glass Walkers: They have adapted to a climate others would deem inhospitable. Common ground. Sadly many seem to have

lost their vision of the true beauty of Gaia.

Thank Gaia for central heating!

-- Plants-the-Virus (Glasswalker Ragabash)

Red Talons: I weep for our misguided brothers. Cnce, they understood respect and beauty. Rage has made them blind for not
all humans have left the love of Gaia.

Their apes not too bad (grudging remark)

-- Rabbit Foot (Red Talon Theurge)

Shadow Lords: They believe respect is earned by trcikery and force. They are the antithesis of everything we stand for. Avoid
them and their ways.

'...Feign respect and smile...'

-- Borislav Kraken (Shadow Lord Philodox)

*Silent Striders: They have chosen a hrsh and lonely path, yet they seem at ease. Offer resoect and it may be reciprocated.

Snow and ice make unusual roads

-- Nubkhaes (Silent Strider Galliard)
*Silver Fangs: Respect is not hereditary.

Loyal subjects aren't they?

-- Benedict de Gosbeck (Silver Fang Ahroun)
*Stargazers: Wise but cryptic. Perhaps they understand respect better than we do?

As the snowflake falls in peace, they understand

--Tsunami (Stargazer Ahroun)

Uktena: Older Cousin has suffered greatly at the death of Middle Cousin, and treads a dangerous path. Help them return to the

Cousin has a vast and mysterious land with many mysteries awaiting us.
-- Dena Holds-the-Spirit (Uktena Theurge)

Wendigo: Younger Cousin rages at the newcomers. Perhaps this is justified but bloodshed does not heal or build. The Wyrm is
the real enemy.

We envy our Cousins calm but cannot understand it. They are good allies in these harsh northern lands
-- Red-Snow (Wendigo Philodox)
*Ehecatl: Knowledge and teaching are respectful arts.

They have open hearts and minds. The greatest merits of any pupil or teacher.
-- Xilacatzin (Ehecatl Philodox)
*Tlaloque: True healerrs with a great respect for all life.

Peaceful garou with strong souls.

-- Maria (Tlaloque Theurge)
*Wyld Runners: Determined messengers at ease with life.

It's a wonder they can prosper in such lands.

-- Tohui (Wyld Runner Philodox)
*Lazarites: Deep sorrow surrounds this tribe, and we understand. With respect they would have a home and love but other

tribes condemn them. Welcome these outcasts with open arms and show them the warmth they have been denied.

They actually respect metis?!... (starts to weep with joy)

-- Tears-His-Skin (Lazarite Ahroun)

Common Ankuq Fetishes

Tambourine Drum
Ulu (see Fang Dagger): This semi-circular slate knife acts as the Ankuq version of a Fang Dagger.
Plentiful Vessel


By Diane Keating (

The pack returns from a well-deserved night on their own. Happy to have gotten away from the caern, they indulged in an evening
of revelry and general good times, and came back in the small hours, drunk, revelled out and laughing, refreshed and ready for a
few hours of sleep, then resumption of caern duties.
But the Sept Warder wasn't there. Nobody was there -- living, anyway. The place looked like a bomb hit it, which is exactly what
As the pack chased around the caern, surveying the wreckage and trying not to look down when their feet stepped into a soft,
warm, slimy spot that went Squish, they found graffiti in both human scrawl and Garou -- yes, Garou, not Pictish -- glyphs. The
scrawl said, "APL was here," "APL is always watching," "Meat is Murder," "Never Again" and various obscenities. The glyphs
said, "You should be ashamed of yourselves."
The pack seer was the first to recover from the shock. She said, "You remember those guys that Strong-as-a-Tree and Eyes-ofthe-Pillar were talking about bringing up here to see about an alliance? Those guys who saved them from DNA and have been
sinking Endron ships off the coast?"
It made no sense. Why would a group of radical environmentalists, who called themselves the "Animal Protection League,"
suddenly turn their destructive judgement on a caern and its sept along with it?
The pack shuddered. It was said that these guys had enough firepower to have the human authorities scared enough to declare
them, collectively, on the top ten list of public enemies. They couldn't turn to authorities cannot hear about this...
But what could a pack of Fostern do against professional arsonists and snipers?

The Animal Protection League was a good idea gone awry. Moving clandestinely about the business of striking back at
environmental and animal atrocities, the APL began life as a raggle-taggle group of frustrated young radicals doing hit-and-run
raids on labs, poachers, businesses that dealt in the animal products trade and, very occasionally, politicians that sided with
these elements of society. While the individual members were sincere in their approach, and while their "leaders" were little
more than penny-ante thugs looking for a way up in the world, they nonetheless had the ways and means to pull shit off that the
bigger, more established and organized groups didn't dare whisper about, and became the unofficial cutting edge in the animal
liberation/"Green" movement.
Seeing a chance to nurture a little muscle to back up their demands for reform, a Coalition of environmental and animal rights
groups took the loose confederation under their wing, providing safehouses, legal counsel, training and materials. The APL
however, had more than its share of seriously deranged and unstable individuals under its banner and they put pressure on their
patrons to get them more sophisticated equipment and more and better supplies for their raids. C4 and SMGs don't come
cheap, and the Coalition was forced to pressure their membership for more money for a "special fund," which was laundered
through international banks.
With "better" materiel, the APL started becoming more vicious and pushed the envelope of their clandestine operation. One of
their raids actually killed several workers and one of their own, and the manhunt was on. Maintaining safehouses and paying for
ruthless lawyers to get their "hit squad" off, the Coalition's funds grew stretched beyond even their considerable means.
Then the Garou Nation stepped in.
Several more militant Septs offered sanctuary to the fugitives and even a few Garou joined the APL. One of these was a Ronin
called "Karen," a granite-eyed Theurge with flaming red hair.
"Karen" quickly rose to the top and took control of the APL's operations. Soon enough, APL was back on track with supernatural
might in addition to their cunning and ruthless tactics. Attacks were so sudden, swift and vicious that the APL didn't need
paranoia-inducing graffiti to get their message home: they didn't wield paranoia, they became the source of it.
The Urge Wyrms of Corruption and Greed had already rooted themselves in the Coalition and spread to the APL soon after they
were annexed, themselves already infected by the Urge Wyrms of Hate and Frustration. Seeing its brethren doing so well,
Foebok, the Urge Wyrm of Fear, decided to join them. Together, the Banes started whispering in the ears of the leaders of both
the Coalition and APL - including "Karen."
"The Bete are exploiting animals," they whispered. "You've seen it yourself -- Red Talons, Silver Fangs, Black Spiral Dancers,
Black Furies and Silent Striders are keeping whole wolf packs to themselves and driving them like cattle to impregnate by rape.
Just so they can stall the inevitable. The Garou Nation will die, there's nothing they can do about it. The Garou treat the wolves

like whores and gigolos in a brothel -- liberate the wolves -- at all costs."
Many Garou didn't join the Animal Protection League. Their reasons were their own but one unfailingly recurring reason was that
many of the more pacifist tribes and individuals had a dislike for the bombs that had become APL's stock and trade. They were
vindicated when reports came back that APL Garou were strafing and burning to the ground Lupus-held caerns and especially
ones that harboured breeding packs. There were also reports of APL Garou falling into Beast-of-War Frenzies during their
raids, again and again; more shocking still, the APL Garou were beginning to speak those frenzies in glowing and proud terms.
Reports on the local media of "secret wolf-breeding compounds," littered with out-of-context soundbites from interviews gleaned
from Sept members fueled the coffers of the "Wolf Liberation Project" of the Coalition and the APL. Many Garou were beginning
to be seduced by the proselytizing and if they didn't give lip service to the APL outright, they at least said, "Well, you can't argue
with success..." And the APL were quite successful...
Between sheer viciousness and the creeping seed of desperation, "Karen" and her band of outlaws found themselves tolerated
if not lauded. More Garou poured into the APL out of peer pressure, and their raids, philosophy and politics became more
vicious, festering in the soupy hate of the Beast-of-War.
Meanwhile rumours abounded surrounding "Karen." It was whispered that she was Ronin because she'd been a Lost Cub, and
that she was a Lost Cub because her tribe would not claim her. Emphasis on "would not."

Breed: Homid
Auspice: Theurge
Rank: 3 (among Ronin only)
Tribe: Ronin (Red Talons)
Nature: Bravo
Demeanour: Director
Attributes: STR 3/5/7/6/4, DEX 2/2/3/5/5. STA 3/5/6/6/6; CHA 4, MAN 3, APP 2/1/0/2/2; PER 2, INT 4, WITS 5
Abilities: Alertness 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Expression 5, Primal-Urge 4, Subterfuge 4; Animal Ken 5, Drive 3, Firearms 5,
Demolitions 3, Melee 4, Leadership 5, Stealth 3, Survival 4; Computer 4, Enigmas 2, Law 3, Medicine 2, Occult 3, Rituals 4,
Science 3

Backgrounds: Allies 5, Resources 3, Rites 3

Rage: 4
Gnosis: 7
Willpower: 5
Corruption: 4
Gifts: (!) Smell of Man, Persuasion, Eyes of the Hunter, Spirit Speech; (2) Jam Technology, Name the Spirit, Command Spirit,
Axis Mundi, Buffalo Run, Staredown,Vengeance of the Scorned; (3) Elude the Posse, Pulse of the Invisible, Disquiet, Exorcism.

Rites: Questing Stone, Talisman Dedication, Spirit Awakening, Summoning, Voice of the Jackal, Stone of Scorn. Rite of
Wounding, The Great Hunt, Breath of Gaia.

Fetishes: "Karen" will have any number of talens on her at all times. Her favoured talens for APL strikes are Slaggers, Popcorn,
pinon nuts charged with Vengeance of the Scorned, awakened C4, and other nasty "anti-personnel" type surprises.

Flaws: Hatred (of everyone in general), Intolerance (of biology), Phobia (3 pt.: Demophobia), Twisted Upbringing.
Merits: Time Sense, Daredevil, Berserker, Venus Midsky.

Roleplaying notes: "Karen" is a crusader in the first degree. She is ruthless, purposeful, intelligent and a master bully. Inside,
she is a very confused, cruel, hateful individual that any decent-minded, good-hearted person wouldn't hesitate to euthanize out
of general principles, but who has made herself "too important" to kill. She will not hesitate to cajole, shame, browbeat or
otherwise manipulate as many people as possible into doing as she says. She makes up for her outlaw status and borderlineWyrmy tactics by proselytizing and propaganda. Handle any opposition with a snide, cutting remark, a flippant platitude, a sharp

Quote: "I strike at you for the simple crime of existing. Even the most devout vegan slaughters billions of microorganisms every
day, and by displacement prevents the births of thousands upon thousands of macroorganisms. Gaia has abandoned every one
of us - it isn't rocket science to figure that out. And even though the old bitch has turned her back on us, doesn't mean we can't
make a difference with our own glorious, compassionate deaths! Onward -- for Gaia!"

Background: "Karen's" mother had been bitten by a Red Talon mtis with the Gift: Awaken the Beast. She'd always believed
herself to be a werewolf, and identified strongly with the tribe of the wolf that bit her. Somehow, unthinkable as it sounded, she
entered a Red Talon forest and managed to find a wolf to mate with.
"Karen's" father was the scapegoat of a Red Talon pack, desperately desirous to mate with one of the females who were

coming into season but daring not for fear of being ripped to shreds by the pack. When he came across the woman in a wolf
pelt, crawling about and flirting with him so fetchingly, he couldn't help himself -- and thus was conceived the first Homid Red
Talon in remembered history.
Far from the forest amongst the farmlands along the Vermont/New Hampshire border, the woman bore her girl-child and raised
her to be cunning and vicious. Old books on lycanthropy and woodcraft replaced the Bible that all her neighbours kept in their
houses. "Karen" also had to live with the day-to-day reality of farm life, which meant, more often than not, killing animals. The little
girl rebelled, as they will, and both she and her mother went vegan, living off their crops -- "Karen" by choice, her mother by force.
Raised away from other children, Karen's dominant instincts came to the fore early and she became quite anti-social. Things got
worse after her Firsting - she revelled in her "new" powers and took to bullying her mother even more. Finally, after learning from
an errant wolf spirit that the Red Talons had been her tribe and they sought the ultimate genocide of the human race, "Karen"
attacked her mother one last time with lethal intensity, and abandoned the farm of her upbringing for the forest.
The Talon pack she took up with instantly recognized her for what she was and called a Hunt. Somehow "Karen" eluded her
pursuers and was forced to become a Ronin. But she never gave up her bullying instincts, militaristic tendencies, and the Red
Talon imperative: Liberate Gaia. Genocide to Humanity.
The APL is just another step in that direction for her.
Outcasts and misfits have a rough life in general but it's even worse if you are viewed by your own people as an aberration.
"Karen's" tribe despises her even more than other tribes would despise a Pale One, for the simple act of her birth and
existence. Did she not surround herself with any number of other Garou, including not a few Get of Fenris and Wendigo, they'd
have surely hunted her down and slain her by now.
Raised alone with an insane mother, in an insular community, and told that she was a waste of skin by her own people, "Karen's"
hatred festered and boiled out a good deal of her heart - ideal conditions for the Wyrm to gain a foothold...
A very few daresome and vindictive Garou whisper of "Karen of the Ronin-ikthya" but never where she or her supporters and
followers would hear, for they are all infected with her madness.

By Timothy Toner ( (17 March 1994)

Here's the Wereboar, an idea I got less from AD&D "let's make weregoldfish!" mentality, and more from my first terrifying
moment when I confronted the Wyld. It is a creature that Rages through Stamina, instead of speed or strength (like the Garou
and the Gurahl). I hope you like their origin.

The mother looked down on all her children, still sticky and squirming from the Birth, and wondered at their power. They were to
be the protectors of her creation, but then again, weren't the humans supposed to do that?
Each had its own place, its own role. The Rokea would watch the waters, the Rats would watch the cities, the Cats would watch
the jungles, the Bears would watch the cold places. Each had its own place, and each respected the territory of the other.
And then there were the Garou, her special children. They would teach the humans to hunt, to respect Gaia in all the spiritual
ways, and to use their gifts productively. They were to be more human than all the other groups, to guide them along the right
ways, through empathy, and not pain.
Then the Corax, wisest of all Gaia's children, flew overhead, and as her reflection formed in the birthing pool, a single feather
floated down, and softly landed in the center. The circles of water formed a potent picture that enthralled Gaia, and took her
breath away.
The Corax, the high flyer, saw the future beyond the Horizon. It sent her an image of what it saw, captured in the feather. There, in
that other time, the Garou lashed out violently, first dividing against itself, then dividing against its charges, then dividing against
the other bete. Its insanity knew no bounds, and Gaia knew that if left unopposed, the Garou would wrap their strong jaws around
Gaia herself, crushing out the life.
The Garou were not to blame. They were too blind to their own sin, too knowledgeable in the workings of the world. There were
so many choices, so many roads to take, it would only make sense for some to take one path, and others to set out on their own.
But there was a taint in their soul that made this difference of opinion lethal.
Gaia wept strong, bitter tears. Her favorite children would doom them all, because of a madness at their core. Already it had
begun. In her name, to honor her, they were bringing down a mighty boar. Why would they think that the death of an animal would
please her?
The boar put up a valiant fight, but the day was not his. The speed Gaia had given the Garou allowed them to sport with the
creature, without fearing that the boar could do anything. The boar's suffering reached her ears, and in a sudden flash, she
reached down, and touched the boar.
Something happened. The creature stood on two legs, and slammed its full force into a wolf, snapping its spine. Gaia recoiled in
horror. Bete had never fought bete. What had happened?
The wolves, shocked and angered, transformed to Crinos, and let the Rage flow. The Birthing pool became thick with flowing
blood. When it finally cleared, four of the five Garou were dead. The transformed boar wore wretched wounds all over its body,
one arm dangling by strands of sinew. With primal fury still burning in its eyes, it reached down with its last good arm, and
strangled the life out of the last.
Gaia was numb. She had created a monster, a creature born of the pain of death, and not birth. It relished in that emotion. It
snapped its arm back into the socket, and did not wait for the flesh to regrow. She sensed that despite its hasty creation, it had a
near-human cunning, a plan, a purpose born into its existence.
What had entered this bloody dream into its soul? Gaia could not sense it. In many ways, its thoughts, dreams, even its
presence, was hidden from the Mother. She could only warn her children away from its hate. But would that be enough?
During the War of Rage, a terror stalked the night, killing and maiming, leaving whole packs dead in its wake. The corpses of the
dead did not fester with the rot of the Wyrm. Bete blamed Bete, unaware that the true foe walked among them, feeding off the
War, and growing stronger.
The most potent Theurges cast offerings to the fire, hoping for a sign from Gaia, but she was silent. The Garou took this to be a
sign of her tacit acceptance of the War, and that the murderer was a renegade Bete. The other Bete saw the night demon as her
avenger, since it struck down ten times as many Garou than it did the other shifters.
The creature, an Apres, but one of a pack of thousands, discovered its true purpose, hidden from its kind by a fearful Gaia. It

was the great leveller, the Bete who would watch over the others, and strike down the cruel and the capricious. Only a few of its
kind would ever manifest this level of intelligence in a given generation, but it would be enough.
It regarded its fellow Apres with a solemn sadness. Gaia had kept them stupid, lest their cunning wipe all Bete from the planet.
Still, they were there, the heart of the Wyld, waiting for the Bete reckless enough to cross their paths and attack. Their ignorance
was their strength. Apres would never turn on Apres. The Wyld flowed strongly within them. With thought came the Weaver, the
desire to bind and enslave spirits, to fashion toxic silver. With the Weaver came the Wyrm, poisoning the whole.
Gaia had a thought in that tragic moment of creation. The One that now guided their steps stole that thought, and instilled it into
the most potent Apres in times of crisis. Gaia could not destroy them, for the thought, though secret, was still valid.
And now the thought burned in the veins of this Apres, a Rage borne of Rage, a deep hatred of abused power. To stop the
suffering it would bring down the Wolf, the Bear, the Cat. And nothing...nothing could stop its wrath.
The Apres squinted through his glasses, regarding the moot happening in the valley below. They sang of victory in the war
against the Wyrm, against man. All but a few had forgotten the ancient purpose for their creation. It was not the job of the Apres
to remind them. It was his job to punish.
At his feet, the guard who had been sent to watch for intruders stirred at his feet. She was young, but fought with courage and
experience. With her klaive, she had wounded him many times. It mattered not; the Garou would never learn.
Within seconds, all his wounds had healed. He grabbed the klaive and hacked her squirming head off. With all his strength, he
tossed the head into the valley below. It probably wouldn't be seen by a single Garou, but it would be the only warning they would
They sang of Gaia's sorrow, of the Final Days upon them now. The Apres drew his silver sabre, and began his walk down.
Fools. They spoke of the Final Days long ago, during the War of Rage, during the Impergium. Whenever times became hard,
they spoke of the End, of a fate taken out of their hands. The Apres would survive these Final Days, as would the world.
But the Garou below would not.

By Steve Markley (

The Baku are a long dead race of Indian and African mystics who were killed by Garou, Simba and Ajaba during the War of
Rage. They were enigmatic and wise, and kept to themselves as they followed their own paths. They were impossibly strong, but
their downfall was their lack of mobility, refusal to rely on one another and because they were no good at hiding. None live today,
and all their secrets and their Gifts followed them to their graves.
The Baku were the rememberers of the Earth-Mother. This is not the same role as that of the Mokol, who is the Earth-Mother's
memory. The Baku were very insightful, and could see beyond space/time, into other cycles that existed before this one. Seem
complex? Read on, and I'm sure I will confuse you even more.
All things come in cycles; there have been countless incarnations of the Tellurian before this one -- alternate realities, if you will.
The universe dies, is reborn, dies again, and so on to infinity. The Baku have been there -- in some form or another -- since the
first incarnation of the Tellurian, and were given the responsibility of governing each cycle. They chose the races that would exist,
which ones that would ascend to greatness, regulated the balance of power in the world, and made sure each "death" of the
Tellurian was proper and orderly so another cycle would be born from it. Each new cycle is an experiment, so that the Baku can
try different things with each world, playing with the dynamics of each incarnation until they found one that is Balanced. By
peering into worlds past, the Baku could learn from the successes and mistakes made there and adjust their influence in this
world accordingly. The influence they had was small, but much like making ripples in the pond, they could achieve great things by
acting wisely. It was the goal of this race that the ultimate Balance be achieved, in which all things exist in total harmony.
So in this cycle, they chose the ascendancy of the Garou among the shifter children, a dynamic aspect, and set into motion plots
that would ensure the ascendacy of reason (the eventual birth of the Technocracy) and that the race of vampires, who wield a
unique form of static corruption, would gain much power over the mortals. The Baku are not perfect; they had made bad
decisions in worlds before this, but none that affected them so badly. Their insight had always been of other worlds long past,
and knowledge of the future wasn't one of their strong points. The Garou declared war on the other shifters, and attacked the
Baku as they did their other brothers. However, the Simba and the Ajaba were no better, fighting the elephant changers for
shrinking territory and to extort valuable and powerful Gifts. The Baku, a race that was always very small, died fairly quickly.
Toward the end the entire race had become warriors in the fight to survive, and deserted the paths of enlightenment and honor,
but it had not been enough to save them. They were to others an inconsequential race that was quickly forgotten among the
Casualties of the War of Rage.
Now here's the problem: if the Baku were right, they were responsible for governing the end of the world so that another could be
born from the current one's ashes. The Apacolypse draws nigh, and their secrets to ensuring the birth of another world is long
gone. This end of the world may be more tragic and painful than any other before, because it might well die forever, with no
cycles to ever come again. It shall truly be the end. Let's hope that they were wrong . . .

Baku Rank and Ways

Baku had an odd form of gaining rank and status. They had three areas in which they could advance, depending on the path they
choose to follow. Only the oldest and wisest excelled in all the paths, and these were called Bodhivistas (the vampires of the
Orient also use this title of esteem for their most enlightened.) Okay, pay very close attention here:
They had three separate Rank systems, and each Baku started out as rank one in any one Way. The Rank levels were acolyte
(1st), scholar (2nd) and elder (3rd.) The life paths they followed could be compared to Garou Auspices, and were the Way of
Knowledge (Theurge), the Way of Honor (Philodox) and the Way of Wrath (Ahroun). The Baku's title was determined by the rank
she held in each of the Ways. The title for the Way of Knowledge was Buddha, the title for the Way of Honor was Indri, and the
title for the Way of Wrath was Shiva. The Baku rose separately in each rank depending on the Renown she achieved. So a Baku
warrior might have been an acolyte Buddha, an Indri scholar and a Shiva elder.
Each Way had its own separate Gifts that the Baku could access once he had achieved the proper rank. In the above example,
the warrior could access Shiva Gifts of all three ranks, but could only access first and second level Indri Gifts and first rank
Buddha Gifts. For access to breed and general Gifts, use the highest rank of the Baku. Bohdivistas have access to all the Gifts
of the paths, plus forth and fift rank breed Gifts and their own awesome magics. These Gifts will be detailed later. Baku also
gained physical mutations based on their rank, becoming something bizarre and awesome to behold as they approached
divinity. These will be detailed later.
Rank was a very personal thing with Baku, much closer to the concept of mage Ascension than the politics of other changers.
The were-elephant achieved rank separately from other Baku; once he had achieved enough enlightenment in his Way, his mind
opened to learning Gifts from the spirits and other Baku. They took their Ways far too seriously to take shortcuts to power.

The Way of Knowledge

Those who focused on this path, called Buddhas, were thoughtful and comtemplative, and sought the secrets of this universe
and others. They held the most station, for they commanded the secrets of other realities. Most Buddhas did little but sit and
meditate, gaining glimpses into other cycles and giving guidelines to the Indri based on the understanding they achieved.
As they gained rank, they grew additional eyes on their foreheads to reflect their understanding. A Baku had an additional eye
for every rank she achieved (so a scholar would have two additional eyes.) These eyes exist in all forms but Homid and Hatii
(see Forms.) Each extra eye adds a die to visual Perception rolls and those Perception rolls involving supernatural awareness

The Way of Honor

Indri were given the important task of manipulating events and people in this cycle based on the wisdom gained by the Buddhas.
While the Buddhas were of other worlds, the Indri were solidly based in this reality and knew how to effect it and its inhabitants,
and thus were very important. As those who followed the Way of Honor had more to do with outsiders, they were the first to be
culled by the wolves and others.
Those who gained on the path of Honor sprouted additional trunks in their Crinos and Mali-fut forms, representing their
increased manipulation of fate. These trunks were used for a variety of tasks, and the more trunks the better. Highly dexterous
manipulation became possible, as well as a +1 Str bonus per extra trunk when lifting objects.

The Way of Wrath

Sometimes playing with the cycles is a dirty job, and this is where the Shiva came in. Named for the Indian God of destruction
(or perhaps his legends were based on followers of this Way!) these Baku were terrible sights to behold. Their way wasn't not
the most esteemed among their race, but was necessary and probably the easiest path to follow. They were the defenders of
their kind, and their failure during the War of Rage was a bitter one.
Those who followed the path of the warrior displayed massive tusks, and their most powerful members even sprouted a second
pair. At acolyte level, the tusks lengthen, doing an additional die of damage. At scholar level, the Baku sprouts another pair of
tusks, making it harder for opponents to dodge a tusk attack (the diff for a Tusk Gore is lowered to 5.) At the elder level, the
second pair or tusks lengthen, and the damage is further increased to +2 (for a total of Str +4.) These super-tusks only exist in
Crinos and Mali-fut forms.

Many Baku started on the daunting path toward gaining full mastery of all the Ways, but only a select few ever achieved that level
of enlightenment. These were the heroes of that race, the most balanced and wise of the race that was most balanced and wise.
Bodhivistas gain access to spirit magics that can summon elephant herds from the Umbra or reveal the secrets of other worlds
with ease. They also gained enormous control of mind and body, sensing the spirit world and effecting it with their bodies and
resisting the pull of Frenzy.
A Bodhivista gains the following benifits: she can learn Bodhivista Gifts, as well as fourth and fifth level breed Gifts; she grows an
additional trunk (for a total of five); Spirit Sight (as the Bastet Gift) becomes an innate abitity, requiring no Gnosis expenditure;
her tusks become capable of striking spirits or creatures on the other side of the Gauntlet if she spends one Gnosis (this effect
lasts for one scene); and the Bodhivista adds 2 to her rolls to resist Frenzy, making the final difficulty 9.

The Forms
I understand that these stat adjustments are probably immensely unbalancing. A Frenzying were-elephant warrior with a 12
Strength and ten Health Levels is a scary thing. But keep in mind that these are were-elephants, and are going to be much
stronger than even Gurahl. Besides, they are extinct, which cuts down on the potential for player-character abuse, so it doesn't
really matter that much.

Homid (man)
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: The Homid form of the Baku was always really big and rotund; petite or skinny baku were unheard of. Heights of
up to seven feet tall and weight upwards of 300 lbs were common place among them. They had an additional Bruised Health
Level in this form, giving them the Huge Size Merit for free (the Huge Size Merit cannot be taken again for a double-stack,
assuming someone talks their Storyteller into letting them play a Baku.)

Brahtarr (near-man)
Adjustments: Str +2, Sta +2, Man -2, App -2, +1 to soak rolls from hide

Adjustments: Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -3/ Inc
Description: A big, ugly humanoid between nine and ten feet tall, covered in thick hide. Its advantage is that it channels some of
the power and mass of the Baku's elephant heritage without sacrificicing agility. Its face is mostly human, though it's covered
with rough grey hide and devoid of hair except for a few tufts.

Crinos (half-elephant)
Adjustments: Str +5, Dex -2, Sta +3, Man -3, App 0, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: This is where it gets scary. Imagine an upright-standing elephant, say twenty feet tall on average, with humanlike
hands. Add in things like multiple trunks, tusks and eyes, and you have something that can probably kill with looks alone. This
form is very powerful, but is as slow as a rock. Think of the Indri the Indian god, and you have a good picture of what this form
looks like. Available attack forms for the Crinos include Tusk Gore, Throw, and things like punches and weapon attacks. Crinos
Baku with lots of trunks recalls the traditional portraits of Cthulhu; as the Baku are the ones standing at the ends of worlds, there
might be something to this . . .

Mali-fut (near-elephant)
Adjustments: Str +7, Dex -2, Sta +4, Man -4, App 0, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: A form that blends the Baku's supernatural heritage with the form of an elephant, the Mali-fut form is the most
commonly used form for combat. It possesses any extra trunks, eyes and tusks gained from rank and has about 30% more
mass than an ordinary elephant, much of it concentrated in the shoulders and limbs. Its legs are almost bear-like, giving the Baku
the ability to move its bulk quickly if necesary, equipped with large claws (which are used for gaining purchace rather than to
attack). Assuming one was around in modern times, a Baku in Mali-fut form could demolish tractor trailers with little effort.
Attacks include Tusk Gore, Trample and Throw. I considered calling this form the "helliphant", but that would be silly. :)

Hatii (elephant)
Adjustments: Str +5, Dex -1, Sta +3, Man -2, +2 soak
Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Inc
Description: An ordinary elephant, sans weird appendages and anything unusual. It was still a very intimidating form for
purposes of combat, assuming the Baku didn't want to violate the Veil. Attacks include Tusk Gore, Throw and Trample.

The Baku had only the human and elephant breeds, as they did not allow metis among them. They were very similar in outlook
and got along well, and there was no great difference between the breeds. Assume a starting Gnosis of 3 for both.

The Baku didn't divide themeselves into tribes. There were two species of elephant among them, the African and Indian
varieties. The African tended toward the Way of Wrath, while many of those in India were Buddhas.

Rage and Willpower

Baku as a whole were level-headed and calm, but had the potential to become enraged like their smaller cousins, especially
those who followed Shiva's path. Their Frenzy difficulties remained at a steady 7, and were not effected by the moon. Assume a
starting Rage of 4. They were a race of strong will; Willpower base of 5.

The Umbra
Baku were highly spiritual, and could naturally enter the Umbra through reflective surfaces or achieving deep meditation.

Diff 7, Str + 2 non-Agg, 2 actions
The Baku must be in Crinos, Mali-fut or Hatii form to perform this maneuver. He grabs his enemy in his trunk and tosses him to
the ground, possibly breaking bones and setting him up for a trample attack. An attack roll must be made to grab the target, and
then the Baku rolls a contested Str + Brawl against the victim's Dex + Dodge; if the Baku wins the contest the victim is thrown to
the ground for Str +2 non-Agg damage.

Diff 8, Str + 5 non-Agg, only action that turn
The Baku must be in elephant or near-elephant form to perform this maneuver, and this is the only action he can take that turn
(no die pool splitting, extra Rage actions, etc.) He runs toward his target and if lucky hits him, bowling him over and then
trampling him with his feet. Rarely has this failed to kill an opponent.

Tusk Gore
Diff 6*, Str +2* Agg, 1 action
In Hatii, Mali-fut or Crinos form, the Baku lunges his head forward and impales his enemy with his tusk. Those with especially
large Tusks can inflict more damage, and a second pair of tusks reduces the diff to 5 (see the Way of Wrath.)

Baku regenerated as do Garou and most other changers. They didn't have connections to the sun or moon, so they didn't take
Aggravated damage from gold or silver. However, they were mystically linked to the earth, and sharp stone damaged them
greviously when wielded against them. Why they didn't take Agg from stones when it wasn't wielded as a weapon (such as when
they walked on rocky ground) is open to question.

Breed Gifts: Use appropriate ones from Werewolf.
General Gifts
Level 1: Dowsing (as Bastet), Mother's Touch (as Theurge), Crafty Trunk
Level 2: Step Like the Mouse (as Stargazers: Surface Attunement), Sense Balance, Trumpet (as Bastet: Shriek)
Level 3: One With The Earth, Shatter (as metis Bastet: Fist of Cahlash), Meditative Mastery

Gifts of Knowledge
Level 1: Mnesis, See Beyond
Level 2: Clarity (as Stargazers), Visit the Grave
Level 3: Farsight (as Bastet), Open the Spirit Passage (as Theurge: Parting the Velvet Curtain)

Gifts of Honor
Level 1: Persuasion (as homid), See No Untruth (as Philodox: Scent of the True Form and Truth of Gaia, must speak with target)
Level 2: Form Like Clay, Command Respect (as Silver Fang: Awe)
Level 3: Wise Mind, Command (as Silver Fang)

Gifts of Wrath
Level 1: Resist Pain (as Philodox), Knock Down (as Ahroun: Falling Touch)
Level 2: Skin Like Stone (as Khan: Skin of Jade), Quake

Level 3: Unstoppable Charge, Shattering the Earth

Bodhivista Gifts
Break Worlds, Calling the Spirit Herd, Penetrating (as the fifth level Qualmi Gift: No Hidden Thing), Wisdom of All Worlds

Using Baku in a Chronicle

The Baku race is a tragic victim of the War of Rage, one that could have contributed to the world a great deal had they survived.
Because of their senseless death (ironically brought about by their own tinkering), all of reality may be in danger as this cycle
draws to a close and there are none to usher in the new one. Characters might unearth records of Baku culture or manage to
find accounts of their extinction during the War of Rage. A Storyteller running a Chronicle focusing on the Apacolypse could
increase the tension and mood of hopelessness by revealing that the Baku are no longer around to fulfill their purpose. Baku are
best used sparingly as a background information, rather than the focus of a Chronicle or allowing them as to be played as
If a Storyteller wants to allow them as PCs, then its her choice. But they are immensely powerful if played as war-machines,
which a player eventually will, though a hjistorical game or one focusing on the last of their kind struggling to survive is a possible

Stat Changes to the Bastet

By Ron Cusumano (

Author's Notes
I feel that the Bastet sourcebook was a great example of what a source book should be. It was filled with a fulfilling variety of new
character types painted within the type of compelling and expansive mythology that made White Wolf burn up the fantasy role
playing market. However, I feel that changes are desperately needed to the shapeshifting stats. I made these changes for three
reasons. First, there is no real reason to give every Bastet tribe their own shapechanging stats, thereby making the game
mechanics more complicated then they need to be. Second, the stat changes in the book were distributed in a way that did not
follow the type of tribes presented. For example, a Khan/weretiger (the main warriors of the Bastet) should not receive less
physical change bonuses then the Pumonca/werecougers. Third, the smaller cat tribe receive so few physical change bonuses,
that it isn't worth changing. Why should they be left out of the battle fest?
In the spirit of simplicity and equality, I made the stat changes for the Sokto, Crinos and Chatro forms the same. The stat
changes for the feline forms are different and based on the size of the cat. Lions, tigers and jaguars count as large cats.
Panthers/leopards and cougars count as medium cats. Lynxes and the cats that the Ceilian and Bubasti came from are small
cats. Cheetahs get their own stats. I also feel that the Ajaba should use the same shapeshifting stats as the Garou to play up
their alienation from the other Bastet and hyenas are very dog-like.

Sokto, Crinos and Chatro

Sokto Crinos Chatro
Manipulation -1
Appearance -1

Large Medium Small Cheetah
+2 +4
Manipulation -3

Minds Eye Theatre Bastet

By Daniel B. Utecht (

Author's notes
I have had several of my players ask to be Bastet, and since there were no rules for them, I decided to make my own. These
rules are now being play tested, and I will modify them on a regular basis. If you are thinking of using these or any of my other
rules additions, I would ask that you e-mail me so that I might inform you of updates and suggestions.
Bastet are the feline based lycanthropes. They see themselves as more graceful, sensual and patient than their cousins, the
Garou (who are uncouth, unclean, rude, and violent). Garou think that Bastet are arrogant, hedonistic sluts that do whatever they
damn well please.
Bastet are only stories to the local Garou, with the exception of the Bagheera. Qualmi will sometimes come down to visit during
the winter, but they have never been seen at any Florida sept, or even stopped by to make idle chat with the Garou.
For more information, you are invited to read The Werewolf Players Guide from the paper game, pages 153 - 160.

Character Creation
Bastet Totem
None. Cats have too much pride. They will pay respects to Gaia, Mother of all Cat-kind, but all Bastet must pay twice the normal
amounts for the Totem background.

Homid, Metis, and Feline

Same as Garou but no past lives. Add Pride, which is much like Kinfolk, but are usually feline and are much closer than normal
Please note that most Bastet do not induce the delirium in humans.

Initial Willpower

Initial Rage

4. No fetish

Tribal Advantage
Sages: Bagheera are the philosophers of the Bastet and are less likely to frenzy. They have a free retest on all frenzy checks.

Tribal Drawbacks
Scholastic: Bagheera must spend four experience point to buy rage.

Tribal Gifts
Basic: Truth of Gaia
Advanced: Wisdom of the Seer

Initial Willpower

Initial Rage

3. No resources, allies, or contacts

Tribal Advantage
Speed: All Balam get one free quick trait which cannot be bid unless it is their last trait, and then they never lose it.

Tribal Drawbacks
Country Folk: Balam can't regain gnosis while in the city (any place with a gauntlet rating higher than 6)

Tribal Gifts
Basic: Beastmind, Speed of Thought
Intermediate: Gnaw, Speed Beyond Thought

Initial Willpower

Initial Rage

2. No allies, contacts, or pride

Tribal Advantage
Magic Affinity: Bubasti gain an extra gnosis. Bubasti can learn to use Human Magic.

Tribal Drawbacks
Distrusted: Bubasti must risk two social traits when dealing with other Bastet, and three traits when dealing with other

Tribal Gifts
Basic: Sight from Beyond
Advanced: Totem Gift

Initial Willpower

Initial Rage

5 points, no limit

Tribal Advantage
Ferocious: Khan are stronger and can call for a free second test to do another level of bite damage in combat. This does not
require use of a rage point, but the Khan may opt to spend a rage to do a third level of damage if they so choose. Khans lose
ties on the free test. Khans are the only Bastet that induce the delirium in humans (Kinfolk from any origin are not affected).

Tribal Drawbacks
Intolerance to Humans: Khans hate humans, and have a short temper with them. All frenzy checks are at a two trait penalty,
and Khans become visibly up-tight when around large numbers of them. Imagine what claws on a chalk board would do to a

Khan, then add human stink.

Tribal Gifts
Basic: Inspiration
Intermediate: Stoking Fury's Furnace
Advanced: Resist Pain

Initial Willpower

Initial Rage

3. No Totem, Resources, or Allies

Tribal Advantage
Native American Affinity: Pumonca maintain close relations with their kinfolk, Native American, Dream Speakers, and

Tribal Drawbacks

Tribal Gifts

Gifts for all Bastet

Cat Feet, Razor Claws, Blur of the Milky Eye, Lick Wounds, Sense Wyrm, Taking the Forgotten, Night Terror, Shriek, Touch the

Eyes of the Cobra, Purr, Cat Fear, Call the Pride.

Fortuna, Spirit Claws, Spitfire, Atunement, Walking Between Worlds, Jump to the Moon.

Lick Wounds
Basic Gift
Same as the gift Mother's Touch, but can be used on yourself by spending two gnosis.

Night Terror
Basic Gift
Upon losing a Mental test, the victim will have serious nightmares.

Touch the Mind

Basic Gift
Similar to Metis gift, Mental Speech, but the Bastet can spend a gnosis to try to read the subjects surface thoughts. A dozen
words or one image can be read for every gnosis spent. This requires a mental test.

Intermediate Gift
By spending a will power point and purring, the Bastet can entrance the subject for a day. The subject will fawn over the Bastet
with care and affection. This requires a social test. If the subject is in contact with the Bastet, he must bid two traits to resist.
Upon winning the test, the Bastet can spend more will to extend the effect for another day per point. (Garou hate this)

Cat Fear
Intermediate Gift

Call the Pride

Intermediate Gift

Rules for different forms

The following traits are added to Bastet in different forms: Bagheera, Balam, Khan, Pumonca, and Simba
Glabro Crinos
Dextrous Dextrous Dextrous x2 Dextrous
Robust Robust Tireless
Brawny Quick x2 Quick x2 Quick
Healthy Healthy x2 Healthy
Bubasti and Qualmi:
Glabro Crinos Hispo
Dextrous Dextrous Dextrous x2 Dextrous
Robust Robust Tireless
Quick x2 Quick

Healthy Healthy
Glabro Crinos Hispo Feline
Dextrous Dextrous Dextrous Dextrous
Lithe x2 Lithe
Quick x2
Quick Quick x2 Quick x2
If playing straight by the rules from The Apocalypse , don't use the Hispo or Glabro forms or the extra health level. These are
used in my game Brevard Beastiary, just as the extra forms for Garou on my house rules page.
Please note that the three middle forms have an extra level added to the Bastet's health. This is a reflection of the ability to
withstand more damage in these forms before showing the effects. When shifting forms, normal damage is taken off of the new
levels first. Aggravated damage doesn't disappear when Bastet shifts forms. The total health level of aggravated damage
remains unchanged.
Bastet take aggravated damage from silver.

Rank Glory Wisdom Honor
Please note that in my game, my ranks one and two get the book's basic gifts, my ranks three and four get the book's
intermediate gifts, and only my rank five can get the book's advanced gifts.

By Adam Scott (

Most supernatural creatures claim a long and proud history. Not so the Blank Shifters, for their history starts put a few years ago
and their heritage is that of all werecreatures.
Blank Shifters are also called Were-Nothings by the few, very few, who know they exist. But, as with many such names, both are
completely the opposite of what the Blank Shifter is. A Blank Shifter is an extreme rarity of Gaia's chosen. While Garou have
either only or predominantly Garou genes in their shifting genes, and the same is true for any of the other were creatures, Blank
Shifters are those rare folks who have equal parts of all the genes of Gaia's Chosen. Animosity over memories of the War of
Rage, has insured this trait remains an extreme rarity.
However, kinfolk have served as conduits linking Gaia's chosen. Occasionally kinfolk, especially those unaware of their heritage,
mate with the kin of other shifting breeds. This results in no real oddity when the blood of two or even three shifters are involved,
but something special happens when the most rare events occurs, one born with the blood of all the changing breeds. The odds
of this ever occurring are astronomical, much less the chance all of those genes being awakened. But, Gaia laughs at the odds.
Whatever can happen likely will happen, usually not when you're prepared for it and especially when you don't even see it
Well, one particular lad of 13 years of age didn't see it coming. For the third time in as many days, after a lifetime of sleeping
soundly, he awoke after sleepwalking. Under a solar eclipse he had run through the woods, annoying a number of people, before
coming to his senses. He looked up and found a man and a woman staring down at him with the most curiosity and concern he'd
ever witnessed in two human beings. "Where am I?" he asked as he attempted to sit up.
The two remained silent, and studied him.
The boy looked up at the eclipse for less than a split second, then quickly down when he remembered that staring at an eclipse
wasn't a smart thing. "I wonder why there wasn't any mention of that coming up around school?"
The man looked up to the woman. "We must take him to her."
The woman nodded agreement.
"Her Who?" the boy asked.
"Your Mother," the woman answered.
"I don't know you, I'll get home on my own."
"You will know us," she said as she as the man picked the boy to his feet.
"You've never been home," continued the man.
Where common sense would tell most not to believe the man and woman, there was something about the two of them that he
believed. He trusted them for some reason. And, when they began to walk and pull him along, he offered little in the way of
They spoke briefly to him on the way to the home he had not yet been. He learned that they were not any two human beings; they
were Luna and Helios, the moon and the sun. They told him that he was only half flesh, and that he was half spirit in a way that
few can truly be. They told him that he was an oddity in a world where werewolves, magick users, vampires, and beings of magic
themselves could almost be considered a norm. There, the discusion had ended, because then, he was where he knew to be
home, and he had just looked upon his Mother.
"Hello, my child," said Gaia.
"Hello, mother," replied the boy with an ease that seemed to take everybody by surprise, not the least of all the boy himself.
"Look into my eyes, son." Gaia told him. "There is something I must show you."
The boy looked into the Green Mother's eyes and saw the joy of creation, and the sorrow of destruction. The boy stayed many
years staring into those eyes, though the time passed in but a second or two. The boy became a man and looked down. "I
"Do you understand all?" asked The Emerald Mother.
"I understand your joy at the children who hold true to your blessings and take happiness from them. I also understand your pain
at the children who see your blessings and try to hoard and defile them. I do not, however, understand what I am."

"You are everything."

"I am nothing."
"Is there a difference?"
"Not in this case."
"Then, what shall be done with you?"
"I shall be made use of. For, with your help and your blessing, there can be others."
"What use would you have, and how many others would you make."
"I would make 80 on the material Earth, and 20 in the spirit Earth. My use will not be as any other of your children, who are each
the best at something in specific. I am not best at anything. But, I am a connection to everything. And, there are those of your
spirits who need anything. They are the dead shifters who need to finish business, make amends, or simply protect in a more
direct manner. Where we cannot be warriors, watchers, or laughers better than any, we can assist those who were."
"You seek to be the patron of the dead?"
"And, why but 80 on the Material Earth and 20 in the spirit Earth."
"Not many will be needed, and too many will make it far too easy for the other changing breeds to know of my childrens
"You would hide your children from the others?"
"The War of Rage is not over. While the Changing Breeds do not continue to constantly kill each other, they do not trust. They
manipulate against each other. If my children were to be found out, they could be caught and made to serve a single changing
breed, or even a single tribe."
"What will they be to believe when they see their gone ancestors fighting battles or making plans?"
"Those few who find that much out will believe that the dead of their kind are coming back. That will be truth minus a detail or
"So be it."

The Blank Shifters really aren't blank. They are cluttered with the genetic and spiritual images of all the changing breeds. Due to
their diluted blood, they don't really have enough of any specific changing breed to take a Crinos form, or any form save that of
homid without help. They lack most of the abilities of Rage, having enough only to help them change shape.
This help is in the form of an Ancestor Spirit. Once a living werecreature that, for some reason or another, has returned, the
Ancestor Spirit melds with the blank shifter and uses his bady as its own. During this time the Ancestor can do whatever it has
come back to do. Though ultimate control of the body is still with its owner, an Ancestor Spirit who is willing to risk its reputation
among Blank Shifters can make a resisted Willpower roll to do something its host is not willing to.
An Ancestor Spirit's time in its host's body is always short; many of the dead need the Blank Shifter's help. The Ancester Spirit
requires secrecy; no living changing breed may know how they came back to life. In return, they grant their hosts a gift. Blank
Shifters are patrons of the dead among the changing breeds. It is thus from the dead that they learn their gifts. An Ancestor Spirit
may teach a Blank Shifter any gift it knew in life. Other spirits, though they often help Blank Shifters in their secrecy, will not teach
The Blank Shifters are careful to never reveal themselves to the other Changing Breeds. Certainly the Shadow Lords and Get of
Fenris would force a capture Blank Shifter to patron only the Ancestors of their own tribes. Less aggressive tribes, such as the
Children of Gaia and the Fianna are less likely to do so, but they are o more trusted with the knowledge of the Blank Shifters
than the worst of the Changing Breeds.

Beginning Gifts
Any Three Gifts of different catagories will do. Whether it comes from Breed, Auspice, Tribe, as long as all three gifts come from
completely different categories, it is fine. Note that a combination of three different Auspices or two different tribal gifts and a
breed gifts are not acceptable combinations because they don't represent completely different categories.

Beginning Willpower

Beginning Gnosis

Beginning Rage
No Rage save that of the Ancestor spirit currently being patronized.

All gifts are considered to be the proper gifts for the Blank Shifter. However, they may only be learned from Ancestor Spirits in
return for services rendered.

Rank and Renown

Though the Blank Shifters rarely congregate in groups of more than 2 or 3, rank is still a nessecary part of life. Rank is handled
not through other Blank Shifters, but through their Totem, The Boy. The Boy sends a gaffling to whom Blank Shifter explains why
he should gain permanent Renown or be allowed to take a test for earning the next level in Rank. The Renown traits are
Wisdom, Honor and Glory. These mainly are aspected to the specific Blank Shifter's choice in who, how and why for helping
Ancestor spirits with their duties.

The Blank Shifter's Totem is that of The Boy. The Boy was the first to awaken into being a Blank Shifter and now resides as a
spirit watching over his children and maintaining constant contact with them. All Blank Shifters have a connection to The Boy and
only Blank Shifters have that connection, or even know that there is a Totem called The Boy. The Boy either presents himself as
a prepubescent child with no features, or a prepubescent child with the features of all races of man.

What happens when somebody finds out about the Blank Shifters?
Usually, the first thing that happens is that the spirits are called in. The Blank Shifter that called the spirit must explain the
situation in detail, then must be prepared to pay the price in services, or pay the price in services and take a punishment to be
reminded of the need for secrecy. Then, the spirit will erase the memory of the Blank Shifter from the Were-Creature's mind.
If a Blank Shifter does not call upon the Spirits about a Shifter that knows, he must be prepared to take care of the problem
personally. Taking care of the problem personally either means using a gift in order to erase the memory, or just making sure
that this specific set of lips doesn't go flapping in whatever way necessary. Either way, The Boy keeps close watch on all the
Blank Shifters and does not take well to those who let slip the existence of the Blank Shifters to those who would use them to the
advantage of only one tribe, species or totem.
The rare moment indeed is when the Changing Breed is allowed to retain knowledge of the Blank Shifters. This is only done with
an exceedingly trustworthy individual with whom it is known that the secret will be kept to the grave and before that grave is
reached, is an ally to the Blank Shifter. For this to happen, a Blank Shifter must gain permision from The Boy to allow this
particular person this knowledge. This permision is not given lightly.

Why are the Blank Shifters so small in numbers?

The Blank Shifters number only 100 in all of the Tellurian right now. There are three reasons for this. The first reason being the
most obvious: while statistical anomolies happen, they would cease to be anonmolous where they to happen every day. In other
words, it's just too rare a moment to find a kinfolk with all the changing breeds in his heritage. The reason that the first Blank
Shifter is not the only one is that Gaia, with his help, gave a number of kinfolk with a good deal of diverse changing breed blood
in them a little genetic/spiritual nudge in the direction of the Blank Shifter. The reason no more than a hundred nudges were
given is that Gaia is facing the oncoming Apocapalypse and needs to reserve her energy for other things.

The second reason is that this allows them to more easily escape the notice of the other changing breeds and other
supernaturals. While the odd vision of a lost brother of battle killing the man who was about to stab you in the back is very likely
to start rumors, that's all they will be seen as. And, not every Blank Shifter will have been so noticed.
The third reason is that there really doesn't need to be that many Blank Shifters at the moment. Most Ancestor spirits influence
the living through reincarnation, past lives, and other manners in which spirits affect the shapeshifters. The Blank Shifters are
only needed, and therefore reserved for, by those Ancestors without any descendants. Even then, they only return in times of
absolute need and when a quick response is necessary. This does include dead tribes, such as the Bunyip in Australia, the
Croatan in North America, the Okuma of Asia, and even the long dead spirits of the White Howlers that wish to make up for the
crimes of their discusting descendants.

Where are the Blank Shifters?

The easy answer would is that they are scattered all around the world and the Umbra. Their distribution isn't as haphazard as
that; their placing has a specific symmetry to it.
Twenty of the Blank Shifters are spread throughout the Umbra, these twenty being the first generation of the Guide and Seeker
Camp. They are the ones who seek out Ancestor Spirits that have need of Blank Shifters and guide them to the appropriate
place to find one. While they do sometimes make themselves the patrons to these Ancestor Spirits, mainly they earn their Gifts
by guiding Ancestors to the right Blank Shifters.
North America, Australia and Asia each have twenty Blank Shifters attempting to revive extinct tribes that once lived there. The
North Americans are trying to bring back the Croatan, the Australians the Bunyip and the Asians the Okuma Gurahl. Though their
goals are lofty and most likely unattainable, they host the Ancestor Spirits of these lost tribes in the hopes of mating with kinfolk
and recreating their lines. Though their chances of success are slim, Gaia needs these warriors. The gentle Okuma, who were
teachers, nurturers and healers, will also be necessary in the Sixth Age to come.
The final twenty are stationed in the British Isles where they deal with the long dead Ancestors of the White Howlers. The White
Howler tribe, unfortunately, cannot be restored, because it never really vanished. The Blank Shifters here help the White Howlers
make up their debt to Gaia, but do not patron their spirits to breed a new generation of White Howlers. The Blank Shifters know
that the Black Spiral Dancers have to either be turned back to Gaia or completely destroyed before the White Howlers can
receive the slim second chance being afforded the Croatan, Bunyip, and Okuma.

On the War of Rage

Only knowing of the War of Rage as history, the Blank Shifters see themselves as somewhat detatched from it. However, no
matter how distant or far in the past they may seem, whether its the Holocaust, the Boston Strangler or the War of Rage, there
are some things can all be recognized as bad. The Blank Shifters also recognize that the War of Rage was both the reason that
they have become so necessary now and the reason that they have not arison until now. They realize that the War of Rage, while
far less horrific than it once was, still continues. Every Blank Shifter knows of the War of Rage, and knows that the fact that it isn't
over is the reason why all but those so honorable, knowledgeable, honest, and wise enough to know why the Blank Shifters must
remain secret and assisted may retain memory of their existence.

On the Impergium
This is yet another reason the Blank Shifters call upon for needing to remain secret. Being a breed that, by nature, consists only
of homids, they would not be trusted due to their coming completely from human cultures. However, aside from the threat that it
places upon them, the Blank Shifters are actually in favor of the Impergium's initial goals. The Blank Shifters believe the
Impergium's methods of random culling were less effective than simply teaching the humans to serve Gaia and to keep their
numbers from growing. Nevertheless, they do believe the Impergium should be renewed. Though they believe it was a mistake
the first time, they know the better option is no longer possible. So, they feel that the weak, the hopelessly ill, and those who pose
no more ability to carry on should be killed. This does not mean that they endorse the killing of any and all humans. That led to
the Veil, and the reason why education is no longer an option. They prefer a more stealthy approach, and rather than being a
direct threat to humanity, they wish to be a force that keeps humanity from being a threat to itself.

On the Veil
The Blank Shifters tend to see the Veil as an interesting little circular notion. The Veil, being the basic rule of keeping things
secret from the humans, makes the Veil necessary. If the Changing Breeds could have taken it upon themselves to have taught
the humans rather than inflicting upon them the Impergium, the Veil wouldn't be necessary. However, their power now so
depends on secrecy that they must divert effort from Gaia's cause to maintain it.

Black Fury: Good motivations, but most of the time they are only taking care of the symptoms. If you find one that is truly
attempting to fight the disease, you have found a great ally.

Bone Gnawers: They are unappreciated. The others should realize that without the low man, there wouldn't be anything keeping
the totem pole standing.

Children of Gaia: They have lofty goals, and like our own, theirs are quite possibly unattainable. But, hey, that shouldn't let either
one of us stop trying.

Fianna: They know when to fight and they know when to party. For that reason alone, we respect them, even though we
patronize their Ancestors least of all.

Get of Fenris: One of the best reasons that we don't want others to know we exist.
Glass Walkers: They either serve the Weaver or try to bring the Wyld to the city. Make sure you know which one is which.
Red Talons: They strive for the extinction of humanity, which is neither possible nor advisable. At any rate, we can't let them
know what we are, so the only other options is to not go near them.

Shadow Lords: The other best reason that we don't want others to know we exist.
Silent Striders: They know that time is short and that things must be done. If The Boy ever gives permision for a changing breed
to remember us, it will probably be given to a Silent Strider.

Silver Fangs: Either Kings because somebody died, or princes waiting for someone to die.
Stargazers: Wise people, but be careful, they are the most likely to find out our existence.
Uktena: One of the few tribes that truly wishes to help Gaia and doesn't use her as an excuse to kill lots of shit.
Wendigo: Ignorant but well meaning. I know this because I have been patron to them most of all.
Bunyip, Croatan, Okuma: A sad fate dealt to them, we are the second chance of the fallen; the fallen tribes are no exception.
White Howler: A sad fate made sadder by the fact that they grabbed for the cards, not knowing they grabbed corruption. For
now we cannot offer them a second chance. Perhaps some day.

Ananasi: Watch them carefully. They all have a dark side, but some still serve Gaia. Those who do deserve respect.
Bastet: A diverse group, some are the best reasons for us to remain secret, while some are the best chance for us to be able to
emerge from secrecy at some point.

Corax: Both the reason we have to be practically paranoid about our secrecy and the best chance for us to come out of hiding

Gurahl: It is a shame that we must repopulate them in Asia; those gentle ones of Gaia are to be treasured.
Mokole: The Memory of Gaia; where some would learn from the past, they choose to dwell upon it. A powerful people with a
long memory, but not much wisdom.

Nagah: One wonders if The Boy has given them the knowledge of our existence already. Be careful, but don't reject one of their
Ancestors with a quest they need you for. They are an honorable people with useful gifts.

Nuwisha: A fun people who make sure the changing breeds don't take life too seriously. Too bad we have to take life very
seriously, or else they would be perfect playmates.

Ratkin: Given a duty, not allowed to carry it out, now they just try to survive. Help them with that so they may someday be able to
come back to their duty, with or without the garou's consent.

Rokea: Savage and bloodthirsty, and good warriors because of it. If you ever join with one of their spirits, keep a good memory
of the events. It is quite an illuminating experience to feel those who swim in the darkest waters.

By Jason C Marshall (

Majestic and proud, the Boyar are one of the rarest of shapechangers alive today, with perhaps 4 or 6 of them worldwide. It is
thought that these strange creatures come from the same source as the Corax, but this is unknown nor is the rumour that they
rule the Corax substantiated.
To date, only four of these creatures have been documented by supernatural agencies. All four times the camera crew never
came back. It is hypothesised that the Boyar can travel into the umbra at will, much like the Garou step sideways.

It is believed that the first of the Boyar was created when an inquisitive Corax used the creation rites on the egg of an eagle. The
resulting hatching became the first of the new Boyar.
Nurtured by the Corax who created it, the Boyar grew to adulthood, learning the ways of the Corax. Soon, though, it became
apparent that the Boyar was developing new powerful abilities. Soon the Boyar over-shadowed the Corax, becoming something
else. The Corax mentor fled, fearing what it had created.
The Boyar wandered the world, not quite one with Raven's children and yet a part of his get. It was at this time that he was found
by a Jaggling of the Wind Incarna. The Jaggling, seeing something in the Boyar, led him to the Wind Incarna and there a bond
was formed.
The Boyar roamed the world, flying the winds of the north, south, east, and west in search of others of it's kind. He found none, so
he turned his Creation Rite upon new eggs of eagles.
During the War of Rage, the Boyar sheltered their progenitor/creators from the Garou's battles, but for a price. What this was, no
one knows, and the Corax will not say. It is known that soon after, Corax started treating any Boyar they met with respect and
deferment that one would only reserve for royalty.

The Boyar are similar to the Corax, in that they are very solitary creatures. When the Corax call their Gathers, the Boyar show as
well. Boyar treat glory and honour very highly, but also revere wisdom. Rank is treated the same way as the Corax and Garou.

The Umbra
The Boyar can travel between the Umbra & reality without the need for a reflective surface, a gift from the Wind Incarna. Boyar
often travel the Umbra, seeking knowledge and battle.

All Boyar have the Wind Incarna as a totem. The Incarna gifts them with the ability to traverse between the Umbra and reality
without need of a reflective surface.
All Boyar are of the Umbral Wind Aspect, plus one other determined by which ever wind was blowing at the time of their births.
Boyar do not pay the background cost for Umbral Wind, but they will pay for the wind under which auspice they are born.

The Boyar use a language similar to the Corax, though it is of a slightly different dialect. Any Corax will be able to understand a
Boyar, (with an intelligence+linguistics roll, needing 3 successes), and vice versa.

Most Boyar travel the skies of the world, occasionally crossing into the Umbra to fly its vast skies.

The Boyar breed as do the Corax. They use a creation rite to impregnate an egg of an eagle or a human child. Upon maturity,
the Boyar's nature comes into being.

Character Creation
Beginning Willpower: 4
Beginning Gnosis: 8
Beginning Rage: 2


Homid: Basic human body, no modifiers.
Crinos: Str. +2, Sta. +2, Dex. +2, App. -2, Man. -2, Per. +3, Diff. 6. Bizarre eagle headed body, with large wing\arms capable of
limited grasping with claw like hands. The feet are also claw-like. Clawed hands and feet do Str. +2 damage.

Eagle: Str. -1, Dex. +2, Man. -3, App. -3, Per. +5, Diff. 6.

None, though there have been rumours of a Golden Eagle type of Boyar.

The Boyar are creatures of the wind and thus follow auspices dedicated to the wind under which they were born.

North Wind ---- Lorekeepers:

These are the storytellers and teachers of the Boyar. As children of the North Wind, they receive Occult 2, Enigma 2 and
Instruction 1.

South Wind ---- Travellers:

Among the Boyar are those who were born under the ever moving South Wind. These Boyar function as the spys, scouts, and
observers of the Boyar. They receive the Gift: Eye of the Eagle from South Wind.

East Wind ---- Seers:

The children of the East Wind are the sorcerers and seers of the Boyar. As followers of East Wind they receive 3 extra Gnosis
points per story, and their Frenzy difficulties are at +1, making it harder for them to lose control.

West Wind ---- Watchers:

These Boyar are the leaders of the Boyar. They simply watch and render decisions. West Wind gifts them with Meditation 3 and
three extra Willpower points per story.

No Wind ---- Warriors:

Those Boyar who are born on a day of no wind become the warriors of their people. The warriors of no wind possess Brawl 2
and two extra health levels per story.

Also, No Wind use slightly different gifts than the others of their kind and learn a version of Kailindo specialized just for them.

Racial Abilities
Special Combat Maneuver: Eye Pluck
Learned from the Corax, the Boyar can also try an eye pluck in combat. This is a nine difficulty, and does Str. +3 damage. If five
successes are scored to hit, and at least two damage successes get past the soak, the victim's eye is torn out. This counts as
aggravated damage.

Special Combat Maneuver: Wing Buffet

This is a knockback attack perfected by the No Winds when in combat. A Wing Buffet does Str. +4 damaged but the damage is
stun only. A target that suffers five success is considered knocked off his feet.

Enemy Ways: (Level One) See Corax gift of the same name.
Mantle of Glory: (Level One)
Razor Claws: (Level One -- No Winds Only) See Ahroun Gift with same name.
Omens and Portents: (Level Two) See Corax gift with same name.
Speak with Wind Spirits: (Level Two) See Wendigo gift with same name.
Bitter Wind: (Level Two -- No Winds Only) See Wendigo gift called Cutting Wind.
Summon Stormcrows: (Level Three) See Shadow Lords gift with same name.
Dark Truths: (Level Three) See Corax gift with same name.
Whispering Wind: (Level Three -- No Winds Only) See Stargazers gift with same name.
Airt Sense: (Level Four) See Corax gift with same name.
Gauntlet Breaker: (Level Four)
Scream of Gaia: (Level Four -- No Wind Only) See Get of Fenris gift with same name.
Portents: (Level Five) See Corax gift with same name.
Regal Majesty: (Level Five)
Invoke the Spirits of the Storm: (Level Five -- No Wind Only) See Wendigo gift with same name.

By Honorah O'Neill (

The Bastet call them the Free People. What most of the Garou call them isn't repeatable in any company. Only a few Stargazers
and Ronin know what they call themselves now and they're not telling. When Garou are forced to discuss them they're referred to
as the Breakers.

"Cursed is everyone who placeth his hope in man."
- Saint Augustine
Way back when, the Breakers mated with red wolves and coyotes. They had a bond with the Nuwisha and with Garou who came
to the Pure Lands. They held the Eastern coast in the places where the other Garou refused to live. Even then they lived by the
streams and in the swamps. They lived in the same area as the Croatan but did not fight with them over territory. The Croatan
found the wetlands not at all to their liking so let the Nuwisha's eastern cousins live in peace. But then the War of Rage began
and the Garou's hands turned against their carefree cousins. The Wendigo, Uktena, and Croatan turned to getting rid of the
other Bete, not so badly as some of the other tribes, but still it happened. But the Free People, that was what they were called
then, did not turn on their cousins. They let them hide in their swamps and wetlands where the other garou hesitated to tread.
Soon the other Bete, the Bastet and the Nuwisha mostly, and some of the others went to hide among them. When at last the
other Garou came looking, the Free People said only that there was no one here but they and their brothers. And they showed to
them the other Bete who they had wisely cloaked in Gifts so that they appeared as Garou. But then the others said to them that
them must come and help find the other Bete so that they might be shown who was truly Gaia's chosen. And their little brothers
who lived in the swamp said no, why should they come kill their cousins? This made the other Garou furious and they tried to
make them go. But they just laughed and bounded across the mud and quicksand that their bigger brothers were too heavy to
cross. From that time until the War was ended the other Garou of the Pure Lands made the lives of the Free People as
unpleasant as possible, for being so insolent. Surely they could not be kin of the Garou, so they must be kin of the Nuwisha and
so would die. They killed their kin and would not speak to them when they came calling. Often they killed them as well, saying
they were not truly Garou. Meanwhile the other Bete who had hidden with them had to watch their kin killed and their hosts suffer
for the kindness. Many of these sought comfort within each others embrace. In this time many metis were born and this made the
other Garou even angrier at them. And so they kept needing more and more comforting as things grew worse and worse. In this
time was born the first of the Breakers as they are seen today. They were scrawny little Garou and barely resembled their Bastet
kin. But they had inherited one precious gift from their Bete parents and muddled heritage; they could have fertile metis. There
were only a few to start with and the other Garou killed them with the excuse that they were an affront against Gaia and all that
was Garou. They were right. The Breakers did not wish to be Garou anymore if this was how Garou acted. The Litany was slowly
torn apart by the ones who wished they could be something other than Garou. But they were of the kind that changed to wolves
so must be Garou. As the years went by the other Bete found the time to slink away to their old haunts where the other Garou no
longer thought they lived. But the Breakers grew stronger and started thinning out the harmful strains in their blood. They were
few in numbers, so as with the Bete, they were believed lost. However, there came to be certain areas that the Garou simply
avoided, for they never retuned from those places alive. By the time the Wyrmcomers came, the Breakers could hold their
swampy caerns against all comers. They looked distinctly odd, but not harmfully so, when they went out to greet their cousins
from across the sea. The other Garou who came from across the sea looked at them and saw Wyrm corruption in their
appearance. So they retreated to deep within their swamps and all who tried to follow never returned. When the Croatan fell, they
started to move into the places they had once been and found that the Wyrm, which they had never seen before, had run
rampant. It did not even direct its hatred and destruction; it just killed and defiled for the sake of doing so. In this they found
something to turn thousands of years of anger against. The Wyrm reminded them of an evil that had been done before the Wyrm
ever sang its song of madness into the listening ears of the people of the Pure Lands. What would the Garou do now that there
was something actively telling them to do evil? And so they lashed out at it. And it struck back destroying many of their homes
along with those destroyed by the invading Wyrmcomers. But they took heart from the stubbornness of their ancestors and
refused to be pushed back any farther. Their remaining Kinfolk were whittled down to nothing and their swamps surrounded but
they would give no more ground. They had the warriors to throw against the Wyrm so have faltered. Some of the wetlands have
been lost but none where the Breakers dwell. And now they are starting to reclaim their lands and the caerns lost by others,
much to the anger of the Wyrm. They breed almost exclusively among themselves now but it makes little difference. If all the
wolves and all the humans die by the time the Apocalypse comes, the Breakers know they will still be strong and waiting for the
Wyrm on the field of the final battle.

The Present Day

"It is almost impossible systematically to constitute a natural moral law. Nature has no principles. She furnishes us with no
reason to believe that human life is to be respected. Nature, in her indifference, makes no distinction between good and evil."
-- Anatole France

Obviously, the Breakers are called such for breaking the first and foremost tenant of the Litany. But it gets worse. Of the thirteen
tenants, they now only keep five of them. These are as follows:

Respect the Territory of Another

This is just common sense. Most of the Garou get very cranky if others mess about in their territory. Generally, Breakers either
"appear" and do their business as quickly as possible after they've been acknowledged. It is an extremely bad idea to intrude on
a Breaker's territory unannounced. This is a very good way to commit suicide.

Accept an Honorable Surrender

Most disputes are settled over chess rather than claws. Gaia needs every warrior, even that obnoxious one that just insulted your
mother. In the event that they do end up in a fight to the death, Breakers will try and disable an opponent first. Breakers will
generally walk away from a throated opponent and let him live, no matter how he has been wronged.

Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans

They taste bad and Gaia knows what kind of chemicals they've ingested. Also it reminds them to much of what happened to their

Respect For Those Beneath Ye -- All Are of Gaia

Mildly obvious. Kill the few allies or, at least, non-hostile folks, and you soon find you have many enemies. Considering the
Breakers social standings, they need all the friends they can get. Again, they do not wish to fall to the same madness that befell
the Garou of the Pure Lands during the Impergium.

Combat the Wyrm Wherever It Dwells and Wherever It Breeds

On this there is no compromise. Woe betide the Breaker who turns to the Wyrm, becoming a "Red Dog." Breakers have been
known to destroy entire Black Spiral Dancer Hives just to get at one Red Dog. Actually, most of their activities focus around
capturing Wyrm caerns, which they then perform their most sacred rite, Rite of the Triat, upon. This specialty has gained them
the undying enmity of the Dancers and the suspicion of the other tribes who can't believe that a Wyrm caern can be ever returned
to Gaia.

Siamese Cat

Philodox and Theurges rule the Breakers, as far as anyone can be said to rule them. Most often a master of strategy will be
nominally in charge. The individual generally does as he pleases, until such time as he needs help. Then, the Breakers can be
said to put forward the most unified of fronts. Breakers may walk alone, but help from other Breakers is seldom hard to find when
their crusade is a good one.

Breakers are most often found in wet areas, swamps, wet meadows, and the like. Most are found in North America's Eastern
portion where water is plentiful. Now, the Breakers have started to expand onto other continents, wherever swamps are to be
found. The swamps purify the waters that flow through them as the Breakers seek to purify the land from the taint of the Wyrm.
They love metaphors like that.

The Breakers most often protect the native people, including any other Bete, especially Bastet. Conservationist and naturalists
are also protected, since the Breakers recognize their worth. Even considerate hunters and fisherman are watched over. So
long as they take less than will harm the populations of their prey, the Breakers will guard them most fiercely. The inconsiderate
ones find themselves very quickly lost in the Breakers swampy homes, never to be seen again.

The Breakers have thinned out most of the deformities in their bloodlines, but it is still difficult to mistake a Breaker, in any form,
for anything but a Breaker. (though there have been cases where they are "accidently" mistaken for Black Spirals)

Lupus: The fur is a sandy red-brown color. The ears are relatively long and have tufts of fur at the tips. The tail has a kink in it
about 5" from the end. Except for the ears and tail, the Breakers most resemble large coyotes in this form.

Crinos: The Crinos only stands between 7 1/2 and 8 1/2 feet tall. The ears are longer than in lupus, but the tail and coloration
remain the same. The eyes betray their Bastet ancestry with almost vertical pupils. They also have a distinct tendency to glow in
low light.

Homid: Breakers typically have blond to reddish-brown hair in this form. It is generally worn long and loose to cover up their
pointed ears when dealing with humans. Breakers are rarely taller than 5'2" in this form. Their eyes are often copper, vibrant
green, or eerie yellow.

Glabro: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Appearance -1, Manipulation -1, Dexterity +1
Crinos: Strength +3, Dexterity +2, Stamina +3, Manipulation -2
Hispo: Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Stamina +3, Manipulation -3
Lupus: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Stamina +2, Manipulation -3

Blooded Breakers
"The family you come from isn't as important as important as the family you're going to have."
-- Ring Lardner
Breakers do occasionally breed outside their ranks so as to get "fresh blood". These Breakers are known as Blooded. Blooded
Breakers have the normal Breeds of Homid, Metis, and Lupus.

Homid: Breakers may breed with a human of any race or background. The child is typically stolen shortly after it was born if the
mother was human and is raised by its Breaker father or fostered to childless Breakers. The chances that the child is in fact a
Breaker are much higher than the normal Garou's chances of siring another Garou. Rather than a 1 in 10 chance, the chance is
1 in 5. Even if the child does not in fact become a Breaker, she is still educated in the ways of the Breakers and may continue to
live at the Sept. Some few of those who do not become Breakers manage to learn Gifts and may sometimes be part of a pack.
Those that do become Breakers start with Gnosis 2, due to their upbringing and passing familiarity with various spirits.
Generally, be they Breaker or merely Kin, they end up being over six feet tall and very muscular. They can go over Strength four.
Homid need only take two Derangements. They may take Homid Gifts as their normal Breed Gifts, but any other breeds Gifts
cost 7X level. This includes Breaker Breed Gifts.

Metis: Blooded Metis are almost always raised by their Breaker parent. It is very rare for them to be raised by their other parent.
Breakers are capable of producing Metis with Bastet, Nuwisha, Garou, or any warm blooded furry shapeshifter. The Blooded
Metis must take a Metis Deformity in addition to the regular Breaker Derangements. The Metis has a 50/50 chance of being
fertile. Metis start with Gnosis 3 and can go over Strength 4 as well. Metis are almost always at least six and a half feet tall or
taller in Homid. They can take Metis Gifts as Breed Gifts, but all other Breeds Gifts cost 7X level. This includes Breaker Breed
Gifts. As to the Crinos form, if the father is some Bete other than Nuwisha or Garou, the form stats are adjusted. The average is
taken between the two Bete (round up). They may not be raised or lowered by more than one point. Example: A Breaker mates
with a Swara. In Crinos, the Breaker has a +2 to Dexterity, the Swara a +4. The child gets +3 Dexterity. Additionally, the Breaker
has +3 Strength in Crinos, the Swara only +2. This average off to +2.5, so it's rounded up to +3.

Lupus: These are obviously the least common of the Blooded types. Breakers can only breed with wolves or coyotes to
produce this Breed. These cubs are usually allowed to run with wolf packs or roam as coyotes. Hence when they do Change,
they are sometimes claimed as Lost Cubs by other tribes or are found by Nuwisha. If the one who finds the cub after First
Change is familiar with the Breakers, the cub is generally returned. If not, the identity is easily mistaken. The chances for a
Blooded Lupus to be a Breaker are still higher than those of a normal Garou but lower than those of a Homid due to the mix of
species in Breaker bloodlines. The chances are 1 in 8 that the cub will be a Breaker. They start with Gnosis 5 and can go over
Strength 4. They do not receive the automatic starting dots in Primal Urge, Stealth, Enigmas, and Occult. Lupus Breakers need
only take one Derangement. They may take Lupus Breed Gifts but all other Breeds Gifts cost 7X level.

"Mankind owes to the child the best it can give."
-- U.N. Declaration

All of the Breakers Kin are Blooded Homids who did not change. They are almost always found at their caerns where they were
raised along with their brothers who did Change. Additionally, they do appear very similar to their Breaker kin, genrally having
the same complexion and coloring, but their ears only hint at being pointed rather than being obviously so. Their eyes tend to run
to green or light hazel, almost never to the feral yellow or copper more common in the full blooded Breakers. They also tend to
be rather taller than their Breaker kin, only slightly shorter than the average human. They do not need to take any of the Breaker
Derangments at all. The Breakers cherish their kin, lavishing attention on them, remembering how they lost their earlier kin. Kin
are often provided with lavish homes along the Bawn of the caern and serve as the first line of defense. Many an invading foe
has found that the Breakers kin are quite capable of holding off all comers. The Kin are perfectly welcome to actually live at the
caern, but tend to prefer to live on the edge of Breaker society instead so as to escape some of the hero worship of their full
blooded brothers. Given their druthers, the Breakers would hold their Kin as closely as possible, putting them on pedestals. Most
of the Kin can't stand living like that all the time, so at least spend part of their time unwinding in their own homes. This should not
be taken to mean that they aren't quite involved in everything that goes on at the local caern. They are held in great esteem and
are considered to be the equal of any Cliath, even if they have none of the Renown associated with the Rank. They can gain the
trappings of higher Rank, but it takes far more effort than it does for an actual Breaker. However, it is not unknown, or that
uncommon for that matter, to have Kin serving as part of a pack, even the Warder's personal pack of caern guardians. They can
learn Gifts equivelent to their Rank, and have far less restrictions on what sort of Gifts they may learn. They tend to have far more
of an interest in Rites however, and there are rumored to be some Kinfolk who actually know Level Five Rites. They also dabble
somewhat in human magic, but very rarely do they actually turn out to be Mages or psychics. They tend to settle more often for
Garou magic, such as it is. They have a rudimentary tie to the Auspices and can learn Gifts appropriate to the auspice they were
born under. However, they can learn the gifts of the auspice immediately proceeding or following theirs with just as much effort.
Thus while a Kinfolk may have been born under the Crescent Moon, it is no more difficult for him to learn Gifts of a Philodox or a
Ragabash than it is to learn the ones of a Theurge. They are even said to have a few Gifts that are known only to themselves. To
create a Kinfolk character, Attributes are distributed 6/5/3. Abilities as 12/8/5. They have a rudimentary connection with Luna
and so can learn of Rage. Only a Kinfolk born under the Full Moon actually starts with any Rage, and that is only 1. All other
auspices start with zero, though they may buy Rage with XP or Freebies. It can never go above four however, and they may not
be driven to frenzy. They also possess rudimentary Gnosis, which starts at 1. This cannot be raised above 5 however. They are
capable of stepping sideways, but the gauntlet is twice normal. If the difficulty goes above ten, they can not do so at all. They
start with 5 points in Backgrounds, but may not buy Past Life or Pure Breed. They may however take Resources; it is very
common to start with at least one point in this. They start with only two Gifts, one from Tribal, and one from auspice. They are
immune to silver, but do not possess the great regenerative abilities of Garou. They do however heal at twice normal human
speed. To gain power, XP costs are as follows.
Current X 2 (2 points for the initial dot)
Gnosis Current X 3
Willpower Current rating
Attributes Current X 4
Abilities Current X 2
4 X level for their own, 6 X level for other Tribes or breed Gifts (including Breaker Gifts)

Past Life
The Breakers are tied to their past, for mildly obvious reasons. The link to one's past lives is cherished and from day one,
Breaker children are taught about their great ancestors and by the age of ten or so, many can recite their lineage back several
generations. Their rites also insure a link to the past, many of them using their connection to their previous incarnations, and
through them their mother Gaia, to do incredible things that seem as if they belong in the age of legends. Rather than merely
doing the same thing they have in the past, they use this to provide a basis for new innovations. Many are the tales of the
Breaker who was guided to the discovery of a new Gift or Rite by the urging of one of his Past Lives to look deeper into himself
or the spirit world.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."
-- children's saying
Breakers are quite fond of human literature. Their first names are most often taken from great works of writing. Kipling is a
particular favorite of theirs. For their second name, the one other Garou generally call them by, they take a creative, or just plain
amusing, insult thrown at them at some point. Many have thanked a swearing Fianna for the name, much to the Fianna's
confusion. Vulgar or obscene phrases are just considered rude and are almost never used. Examples of Breaker names: Lungri
Threefangs, Raksha Banebreath. Breaker's second names may be changed during their lifetime and particularly wise or
courageous ones may take a tongue in cheek complement as a second name. Example: Master Akela Blindside (it doesn't
seem tongue in cheek at all until one knows that Master Akela acquired it due to "blindsiding" his opponents even though he's
completely blind himself.)

The End Times

"There is no medicine, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow."
-- O.S. Marden
As all Garou, the Breakers have heard the Prophesy of the Phoenix. The general concensus is that these are indeed the end
times and that the seventh sign is not far off. They make unceasing war on the Wyrm now, more frantically than ever. Much to the
consternation of the Wyrm, they have succeeded in retaking caerns that have fallen to the Wyrm and in some placed are actually
driving the Wyrm out of some of it's strongholds. They have the advantage of breeding true on their side, so have the resources
to throw themselves all out at the Wyrm. However, like many of the Garou tribes, they do not see the Apocalypse as the end of
everything. The Apocalypse is coming and the final battle to decide the fate of Gaia will be fought then. They fight the Wyrm now,
so as to take its measure now. They are rather sure they can win but only if they do not lose faith before the End. They base this
on something known as the Prophesy of the Dragon, a sort of postscript or addendum to the Phoenix Prophesy. This was
originally whispered out by a great Theurge who laying dying of Harano, and these last words lit her face with joy before she took
her last breath. Many consider them blasphemy, but the promise that all they have done was needed, gives them the strength to
go on.
"These are the last days, mine and yours and all the world's. Even now the heart-sickness chews away at us, driving us to
despair. The Final Days are upon us, and so we weep and all the world with us, the tears stinging out wounds. But I lay down to
die from shear weariness and despair I cannot rest easy for I hurt so badly that I can never sleep, now or ever again. And since
even oblivian is denied to me, I must be up and find a way to end my pain. I fall to battle against that which has caused me the
greatest pain, the Wyrm, and find in every poison filled blow I find a certain pleasure. Do I go mad in these end times, to have
found pleasure in my enemy? Nay, I have found my lover, that which has seduced me for so long. I have been locked in a dance
for so long that I have not seen who my partner was, nor even that I still danced. Only now in these end times, have my steps
grown skilled so that my dance is my own. The Wyrm rakes its palsied talons through my flesh, down to bone, and through all the
way to fall finally into Gaia, ripping great gouges into the earth. It is the caress of my lover, madness, for the world has grown
mad and diseased as have I and all my brothers and sisters. No more do I hold back, valuing my miserable life, but throw myself
into the dance looking my partner straight in the eye for the first time and see my own reflection. Its eyes burn with inner fire and
drive me to blindness, but I can see now with my inner eye. The smell of its fetid breath destroys my sense of smell, so that I can
only remember the scents of wet grass, the summer breeze, and a myriad of things now lost. The roar of its anger is as music to
me and I dance and this time I lead, not it. Around me I can see all my brothers and sisters, both earthly and unearthly, animal
and man and monster, locked into a dance of their own. The feel of its skin against mine is so vile that I can no longer feel with
anything but my soul. The dance is now mine, and the very earth trembles beneath us as heavy blows miss or connect as
dictated by my dance. The ground is ripped apart beneath us, reshaped by our dance. I know now what the final steps are and
drive my teeth into the heart of the Wyrm and rip it loose from its chest, my chest. The foul blood pours down my throat, but all I
can taste is clear water. It shudders beneath me and lies still and now I sit upon its remains seeing nothing, smelling nothing,
hearing nothing, feeling nothing, and only the taste of salty water in my mouth to assure me I still live. I throw my head up once last
time and the salty water runs down my throat. I know what these are now. They are the tears of Gaia. But they are not the tears of
grief because I shall die from my wounds, which even now I cannot feel, but surely know will kill me. They are tears of joy, for her
favored children have grown up and remade the world as she had always meant them too. But the world is too beautiful now for
adults to bear, and so I lay down my head in weariness, the tears running down my fur and covering me with warm saltiness.
Here I have died and here I am to be reborn again. I shall be my own child and live again in world so beautiful that only a child
could love it properly. And so I die that I might live."

Initial Willpower

5. No Allies or Pure Breed, must take at least one point in Past Life; may only take Breaker raised Blooded Homids as Kinfolk.

Breaker unless blooded.

Initial Rage
As other tribes, except for Ahroun which only starts with 4 Rage.

Initial Gnosis
4 (unless Blooded)

Breakers can automatically step sideways into the Umbra if the Gauntlet is less than 5. Characters start with an automatic dot in
Primal-Urge, Stealth, enigmas and Occult Galliard and Ahroun can learn each others Gifts at Level X4 Breakers do not suffer
gnosis loss from carrying silver and have a 1 in ten chance that they have inherited their Nuwisha cousin's immunity to
aggravated damage from silver. (decide randomly during character creation by rolling a ten sided die. If they get a ten, they get
the immunity). Frenzy rolls are at +1 Difficulty

Breakers lose two dice on all social rolls involving other Garou, so long as the other Garou know that the character is a Breaker
and knows what a Breaker is. Silver Fangs, Red Talons, Get of Fenris, Wendigo, and Uktena gain two dice on frenzy rolls
involving Breakers (regardless of whether or not they know the character is a Breaker. They just subconciously know) Normal
Breakers can have no more than 4 dots in Strength. Homid, Metis, and Lupus gifts can only be learned at Level X7 The Gauntlet
for stepping out of the Umbra is considered +2.

"Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world."
- R.D. Laing
Owing to their eclectic heritage, Breaker should have three or more Derangements. Many of these are physical, but some are
mental. Depending on what kind of critter was in the character's background, pick these accordingly. (ie a Breaker who had
mostly Khan in his background for "other blood" he would not take Spots, he would have Stripes.)

Annoying laughter: You have a very annoying high pitched whooping laugh. This tends to make you sound like you are either a
Black Spiral Dancer or are just completely and utterly insane.

Bobtail: Your tail is very short and affects your balance. +1 Difficulty on all rolls involving Dexterity while in forms with a tail.
Catnip reaction: You freak over catnip. You will end up in a drugged stupor if exposed to the stuff.
Extreamely Flexible: This doesn't consist of being just double jointed but also having excellent flex to your muscles. You can
often squeeze through impossibly small places or squirm loose from bonds. Of even more use is that due to the loose
connections, you are far less likely to overextend yourself and pull muscles or joints out of alignment. It also makes you
annoyingly hard to torture.

Featherweight: You weigh between half and three quarters of what a person the same size does. This occurs in all forms.
Hooked claws: You do an extra die of damage on a claw attack. You cannot make a second attack in a round in which you land
a claw hit however, as you must back your claws out of your target to avoid snapping them. If you should ever botch the attack roll
on a claw attack, you will still hit, but will rip all your claws out, doing a level of aggravated damage to yourself. You can also do
aggravated damage in Lupus.

Hyperactive: You can not sit still for very long. You also have an over-active metabolism and are always munching on

Light Sensitive: You are sensitive to light. You must wear eye protection when dealing with bright light or operate at +1 Difficulty
on all rolls.

Light Sleeper: You can sleep for no more than two or three hours at a time. You thus have trouble questing in the Dream Zone.
No Howl: You cannot howl, only roar or screech in the manner of a big cat.
Patchy coat: Your fur is of several different shades, lengths and textures. You look odd even in Homid form. You may however
receive a Bonus on rolls when attempting to camouflage yourself.

Polydactylism: In Crinos, Hispo, and Lupus you have extra fingers and toes. This may show up in Homid, but that is unusual.
("You have six fingers on your right hand. I know someone who's looking for you")

Purr: You can purr. This makes your voice especially appealing, but people may consider you smug.
Retractable claws: You can retract your claws in all forms. Or extend them in clawless forms. ie You can retract them in Lupus
or automatically pop them in Homid.

Sharp Teeth: Even in Homid form, you have a set of spectacular set of teeth, all of them quite sharp. However, you barely have
any molars at all, so have trouble eating anything that requires a great deal of chewing.

Slit pupils: You have slit pupils in all forms. You can see better in low light than normal, but look weird as hell.
Spots and stripes: You have spots or stripes or possibly both, in all forms.

Whiskers: You have short catlike whiskers in all forms. In Lupus you may be able to sense vibrations with them.

"Do you think it'll work?" "It would take a miracle."
-- Valerie and Miracle Max, The Princess Bride
Breakers have a great deal of knowledge about the Umbra. Their Gifts reflect this. It should be noted that unless blooded,
Breakers have only one breed, the Breaker. It is considered different than the Metis so has its own set of Gifts.

Breed gifts
Leap of the Kangaroo (level one) as the Lupus Gift
Sense Wyrm (level one) as the metis Gift
Spirit of the Fish (level two) as the Uktena Gift
Staredown (level two) as the homid gift
Eyes of the Cat (evel three) as the Metis Gift
Spirit Friend (level three) as the Children of Gaia Gift
Spirit ward (level four) as the Homid gift
Whelp Body (level four) as the Ragabash gift
Survivor (level five) as the Bonegnawer gift
Spirit Vessel (level five) as the Theurge gift

Tribal gifts
Surface Attunement (level one) as the Level Two stargazer gift
Find Water (level one) as the Lupus Gift
Cling (level one)
Disfigurement (level two) as the shadowlord gift
Inner Strength (level one) as the Stargazer Gift
Curse of Aeolus (level two) as the Black Fury gift
Scrying (level three) as the Uktena gift
Umbral Sight (level three) as the Theurge Gift
Nightmares (level three)
Grasp the Beyond (level four) as the Theurge gift
Sideways Attack (level four) as the Uktena gift
Wail of the Black Spiral (level four)
Gaia's Vengeance (level five) as the Red talon gift
Headgames (level five) as the Galliard gift
Realm Step (level six)

Kinfolk Gifts
The Breakers Kin have managed to learn a few special Gifts of their own, which they guard jealously. A full blooded Breaker with
the shapechanging gene may not learn these, even from a spirit teacher.
St. Elmo's Boon (level 1)

Sixth Sense (level 2)

Unholy Terror (level 3)
Luna's Wrath (level 4)
Brainwashing (level 5)

"Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed."
-- Irene Peter
Breakers have all the normal Rites of the Garou but they have few they share with other Bete and a few of their own.
Rite of the Healing Winds (level two) As the Gurahl Rite
Rite of the River-Portent (level two) As the Gurahl Rite
Water Truce (level three)
The Children's Rite (level three)
Rite of Running Water (level four)
Caern Concealment (level four) As the Nuwisha Rite
Rite of Hunger (level five)
Rite of the Triat (level five)
The Living Land (level five)

"The only question with wealth is what you do with it."
-- John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
The Breakers are most fond of fetishes and quite good at making them as well. Most of them possess at least one low level
fetish or at the very least a talen. When the Wyrm is as strong as it is now, you need all the help you can get and there is no
better help than the aid of a spirit. Note the aid part, Breakers almost never bind an unwilling spirit into a fetish, though the will do
so with Talens.
Cursed Weapon
Animal Track
Hollow Reed
Father's Fangs
Bow of the Eagles
Croatan's Forearm

Labyrinth Arrows
Red Acorns

"The notion of a the Trinity of Gods has enfeebled the belief in one God. A multiplication of beliefs acts as a division of belief,
and in proportion as anything is divided it is weakened."
-- Thomas Paine

The top comment is the view the Breakers have of that tribe or group. the one below that is that tribe's view of the Breakers.

Mages: Weirdos. Keep 'em away from from our caerns; we have few enough as is. If they wish to play somewhere else
however, there are a few things I would like to learn from these folk.

The what? All the Lupines look the same to me. 'Sides, they only come in two kinds, the ones that are at a safe distance, and
the ones that are at an unsafe distance from me.
Vampires: When things are dead they should stay quite properly dead. Well, within reason. So long as these things don't smell
too badly of the Wyrm, don't bother them. They don't really show up in the wilderness much anyway.

The what? You expect me to know about every little weird group of Lupines? I may be immortal, but I do not have that much
time on my hands that I can waste it on such trivial pieces of information.
Black Furies: Rather psychopathic, but can occasionally be reasoned with if you've just killed some nearby Wyrmspawn. 'Ware
their caerns, they're near as bad as we are about protecting them.

Weirdos and freaks. Their only redeeming value is that the respect the Wyld and brook no trouble from the Wyrm.
Bone Gnawers: They love looking down on us just because they can get away with it. You can cure 'em if you feed 'em though.
Good for a meal and a place to crash. Don't get caught drooling at their cats though.
Children of Gaia:They put up with us better than most. But then they put up with everyone.
They are... odd to say the least but they are not nearly as insane as some other tribes that shall go unnamed.
Fianna: Wise loremasters with razor sharp tongues. Many of our people took their second names from the rantings of a Fianna.
Odd as hell; they love a good joke or song, but they are rather physically vile. Won't go catching me doing any of that sort of
thing, no matter how desperate I was.
Get of Fenris: Psychopathic furballs with a permanent bad moods. Send 'em packing as soon as possible.
I have yet to see one of these Wyrm whelps fight honorably. They are even more disgusting than the Bone Gnawers.
Glass Walkers: They fight the Wyrm from within, for that they should be honored. However we are not pleased about the
intrusion of their cities into our wetlands.

Off the record, we like these guys. It gives the Get and Talons someone other than us to hate.
Red Talons: Mentally unbalanced and dying. I suspect they wouldn't know fine literature if they were hit over the head with it.
They are homids in all but name. It is disgusting.
Shadow Lords: This tribe of manipulative, black hearted scumbags make me sick! Check for Wyrm taint before dealing with

They are Wyrm ridden and hardheaded. They are practically impossible to control. We should get rid of them. Where one
resists others see an opportunity to rebel as well.
Silent Striders: Some of the wisest of the Garou. If the Wyrm is up to something, they'll know about it. Welcome them if they'll
accept your hospitality.

Eager to listen. They are most grateful for any information that we give them. They can be forgiven their sins for that trait
Silver Fangs: And they say our breeding practices are sick and counterproductive? Bite me.
Sick, disgusting. They are an affront to everything we hold dear. Send them packing back to Malfeas where they belong.
Stargazers: They recognize the need to walk alone but they seem to have lost their grip on the real world.
They walk alone on a hard path. They listen and seem to understand but still do not openly seek enlightenment.
Uktena: We see the need for them to keep the Great Banes slumbering, but we worry about them being constantly so close to
the Wyrm. Sometimes we wonder how long it is before they dance the Spiral.

They are sick and one of the first signs that the Wyrm was coming to the Pure Lands in earnest. We should have killed them
then, but it is too late now. We just wonder how long it is before they take that last step onto the Spiral.
Wendigo: They're like a cross between the Get and the Fangs. Psychopaths with a thing about pure breeding. And lots of bad
blood between us on top of it.

We should have killed these wyrm tainted upstarts when they were but cubs. Now they are here and will be dealt with as soon
as the Wyrmcomers have been gotten rid of.
Black Spiral Dancers: Don't even bring up those, those, @#$@$!! in my presence!
They're rather scary. They can be vicious as the Get but clever where we're concerned. It is most difficult to turn their rage
against them.
Nuwisha: Clever folk. Play nice with our little cousins; they have little to laugh about now.
They love games but take the Wyrm a bit too seriously.
Gurahl: No one's seen one of these guys since shortly after the war ended. Guess they just eventually faded away.
They were kind but they have started to grow as angry as their elder brothers, the true Garou.
Corax: Again like the Gurahl.
Haven't met one. From what I've heard they might be worth knowing.
Bastet: They gave us a great gift. Aid them whenever possible.
They are the only civilized Garou. If you must lair away from the Folk lair near the Free People.
Ratkin: Worth knowing but they don't trust us.
Bastet in Garou's clothing.
Mokole: Great guys. A little queer but they make great allies. If you live in a swamp with Mokole, you've got nothing to fear about
the other tribes invading.

Impetuous young mammals. But they know the worth of the wetlands. Let them be so long as they behave.
Rokea: Haven't met one.
Ananasi: Treat 'em as individuals. Some are wyrm tainted; some aren't. For those that are, may I suggest a flamethrower?
Be wary of them. They have an undying hatred of the servants of the wyrm.

Storyteller's Note
Due to their eclectic heritage, if someone tries to use Scent of the True Form on a Breaker, the Gift will give no clear answer,
rattling between the Breaker being any number of Bete, but never settling. Naturally Garou find this most unsettling.

Sample Characters
Raksha Banebreath
Breed: Breaker
Auspice: Ahroun
Nature: Lone Wolf
Demeaner: Bravo
Strength: 4 Charisma: 2 Perception: 4
Dexterity: 4 Manipulation: 4 Intelligence: 3
Stamina: 4 Appearance: 2 Wits: 3
Alertness: 3
Athletics: 2
Brawl: 4
Dodge: 2
Expression: 2
Intimidation: 2

Drive: 2
Enigmas: 2
Firearms: 2 Investigation 1
Melee: 3
Law: 2
Leadership: 1 Linguistic: 1 (Spanish)
Stealth: 3
Occult: 2
Survival: 2
Rituals: 2

Priaml Urge: 3
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 2

Wyrm Lore: 3

Gifts: (level 1) Razor Claws, Surface Attunement, Razor Claws, Balance (level 2) Call of the Wyrm, True Fear, Spirit of the Fray
(level 3) Silver Claws, Combat Healing, Nightmares
Rituals: (level 1) Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of the questing Stone (level 3) Rite of the Fetish, The Hunt,
The great Hunt, The Children's Rite
Backgrounds: Fetish 4, Contacts 1
Rage 7, Gnosis 5, Willpower 6
Glory 7, Honor 5, Wisdom 3
Fetish: Cursed Klaive
Derangemnets: Patchy Coat, Now Howl, Light Sleeper, Whiskers, Hooked Claws
Merits and Flaws: Territorial (3 Flaw), Mars Rising (6 Merit)
Image: In homid Raksha looks nearly inhuman. She only stands 4' 7" Her eyes are are a feral copper and glow slightly in low
light. Her hair is in several differnet shades, but is cropped close to the head, showing off her pointed ears. The short set of
whiskers don't help either. She looks like some sort of feline demon. In Crinos, the fur is again several differnet colors and
several differnet lengths, making her look rather mangy. Her eyes most definitely glow copper and the slit pupils are weird. The
whiskers jut out like a demented mustache. And her calws are these great heavy looking curved wicked looking things. She
stands at roughly 7' 8" in Crinos.
Roelplaying: Raksha prowls the bawn of her caern, Blasted Swamp, and clears out any snooping individuals, be they people or
Garou. She is very territorial about the whole area and if someone ventures in unwelcomed, they get one warning to leave. If they
don't comply immediately, they die. She prefers to walk alone, but will occasionally travel to the Sept next door, Black watch and
make her presence known, just to shake up the natives. She is greatly amused by people's reaction, and will often play with them
a little bit, rather like a cat with a mouse. She has a sort of understated and sly humor, which most people don't realize.
History: Raksha has lived at Blasted Swamp for all her life and so feels a great deal of loyalty to it. She is somewhat wary of the
local Garou, for she remembers that they were were nearly always fighting with her Sept when she was a child. There has been a
truce declared for the moment and the Garou have backed off for now. They see more sense in having Blasted Swamp guarding
their normal border than in fighting with them. Still, Raksha does not trust this calm and does not like the whispering she has
heard from the locals. But until such time comes as they betray her Sept again, she will be content to wait.

Sara "Two-Mules" Stevenson

Breed: Blooded Kinfolk
Auspice: Ragabash
Nature: Reveller
Demeaner: Director
Strength: 2 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 4 Intelligence 2
Stamina 3 Appearance 3 Wits 4
Alertness 2 Drive 3
Bureaucracy 3
Empathy 3 Etiquette 2 Enigmas 1
Expression 3 Leadership 3 Investigation 2
Streetwise 1
Law 3
Subterfuge 2
Politics 4
Rituals 1
Science 2
Gifts: (level 1) Blur of the Milky Eye, Find Water, Spirit Speech (level 2) Sixth Sense
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 3
Merits: Political Ties (3), Jupiter Midsky (4)
Glory 0, Honor 3, Wisdom 4

Rank: 2
Image: A woman of slight build, Sarah stands about 5'5". She has clear grey eyes and auburn hair, and a bit of a "I know
something you don't know" look to her. The slightly pointed ears give a rather mischievous cast to her features. She usually
dresses fairly casually in a a blouse and slacks, giving off the impression of someone respectable.
Roleplaying Notes: Sarah tends to meddle in politics, both human and Garou. She can often talk people around to her point of
view. There is a certain sense of being manipulated to many of her actions, but in a rather "it's for your own good" sort of way.
She tries to make people do as she wants first by persuasion and then thumps them a few times about the head if they try to be
stubborn. She is stubborn herself, but does not abide stubborness in others when it goes counter to her wishes. Some have
commented that she'd make a very good vampire. Her response: "Thank you. I shall keep that under advisement."
History: Sarah was kidnapped as a baby by her Breaker father, Steven Leadfoot. He raised her himself and they were quite the
pair. He was mildly disappointed that she did not inherit the gene, but most amused by her skills. She was taught the ways of the
Breaker by him and inherited his love of human toys. He was a great fan of fast cars and fast women, which she of course did
not approve of. Partially to annoy him, she has cultivated a respectable appearance, but often surprises those her know her by
being quite disreputable on occasion. She dearly loves her father, who is most often absent, but when they get together, look out
world! She enjoys her own sort of mischief and meddles in human politics. The local Board of Selectman has come to dread
seeing her walk in brandishing a map and a pile of old deeds. When she actually wants something done in the political scene,
she can generally pull it off. The rest of the time, it's a game. And the rules of the game were meant to be broken.

By Jacob Williamson (

Title: Li'l People & Co

To: Nytaki Gladwulf
Author: Zinfandel
Time: 3:22:03 AM
Date: 03/12/94
Re: Fairy Tales and so forth
Silly Nytaki. Fairies don't exist -- and I don't care what the MacDrunkenbuggers say. Take a look at the
streets. With all the blood in the gutters, why'd the Fae hang around? They're all safe in the Arcadian
Gates. But I'm a professional. I hounded old Shakespeare for a month before he passed the attached tidbits on
to me.
Zinfandel the Red

Once upon a time...

Gaia, the Weaver and the Wyrm worked to create a world of magic. Gaia and her father, the Wyld, channeled life and energy
into a hungry void. The Weaver brought order to the flood of power, for only in order and pattern could Gaia's children find
homes. The Wyrm performed his one task, unravelling order and stagnating creation, that neither order nor creation could
overwhelm the other. With the world a Balance was formed.
Over millennia the Balance held and the lands of Gaia were filled with wonders. Beings of purest energy, elementals spun from
crystalline fire and molten earth, shown with the light of the sun. The silvery stars lit the night sky as brightly as when Luna herself,
whole and perfect, watched from her impossibly high perch. Joy was so bred into every soul that even an infant snatched from
life by an unseen hand was celebrated. If the child had spent but a day in Gaia's perfect world, it would have felt more of the wild
love of Life than could be held in a century of unceasing gaiety. And through the light of Gaia's creation the fairies danced.
Even as the Weaver's delicate sanity evaporated, even as she trapped Gaia and the Wyrm in her patternless web, the fairies
stayed with their mother, dancing, singing, and giving Gaia what little joy and comfort they could. When the Wyrm's talons
gouged into the world and into Gaia, her little children looked down the paths before them, and fled to the Umbra, fearing their
own deaths.
Though the "little people" left the Realm, they did not vanish completely. In the years of Balance, the fairies found a kindred spirit
in the people of the Garou -- warriors, yes, but warriors who could dance with the Fey in the Umbra and on Gaia's Realm. Long
after their disappearance, fairy blood could be found in creatures born of both Fey and Garou. From these roots, the tribe of the
Ban Saide trace their history. Generations of Garou were born into this tribe, a tribe of mystics that rivalled the Uktena in their
understanding of the worlds beyond the Umbra's silver veil. But as the tribe began to grow, its powers faded. The Fey blood
became dilute. More than two hundred years after the fairies' departure to Arcadia, their legacy left with them.
Now, no trace of the Saide remain. Though the Fianna occasionally sport a cub born of fairy stock, such a cub will never find a
mentor to help him develop the gifts of the Ban Saide. In the years of the approaching Apocalypse, when allies with the Saide's
legendary strength would be invaluable, they may be found only in stories and children's fables.
As a tribe, the word that would have best summed up the Saide would have been "enthusiastic." Saide theurges were intent on
probing the Umbra, neglecting all else -- even their own bodies -- in their pursuit of the secrets held by the Spirit Realm. Saide
ragabash were feared for their elaborate schemes, and the Get of Fenris would seek out Saide ahroun for a relaxing brawl.
While the Saide were counted amongst the tribes of the Garou, they lived each moment to its fullest.
Never a big tribe, the largest Saide moots held no more than fifteen or twenty adult Garou. While a moot progressed these
numbers dwindled further as the attendents, one by one, stepped into the Umbra. Ban Saide moots often held an element of
"survival of the fittest," as those Garou who couldn't join the Umbral gathering were left out of the important decisions and the
Revel. Beyond that, the Saide were very democratic; each Garou being roughly equal to her sister. In a crisis situation,
command was thrust upon the Saide with the highest Gnosis. Otherwise, the Saide recognized no leaders.

Tribal Totem
The Saide adknowledge no single totem -- rather, each individual or pack would choose a Fey guardian who performed much
the same role as a totem spirit.

Initial Willpower

3 background points must be spent on Familiar, Fetish or Purebreed. Saide could not have the Resources background.

Beginning Gifts
Lapse, Lightfoot

Most Garou in Lupus form radiate a cold, cruel aura, a halo of harsh reality befitting Gaia's most efficient predator. A Saide in
Lupus would shine with barely perceived light, an almost invisible glow which only lessened the darkness around them. Many
Saide ahroun used their glow to good effect as a lure for "intelligent" prey. In human form, the Saide were a beautiful people, tall
and slender with the hint of a point on their ears.

Legends of the Saide can be found in Great Britain and Ireland. A very few Saide myths are told in the New World, where the
tribe was known as the Manitau.

While the Saide watched over the people of their homeland, England, they were also fierce guardians of dreamers, people who
could find it in their hearts to believe in fairy tales.

"We are the children of the great light, Mother Gaia. Our lives glorify our Mother, every movement is our Mother acting
through us. How can we do wrong?"
-- Laike Sees-the-light-Dimly, Ban Saide Philodox

"The better to see you with, my dear."

Greymoth, Ban Saide Ahroun

Tribe Gifts
In the unlikely event that a Garou can find a spirit teacher, she could conceivably learn the Gifts of the Ban Saide. Some Naturespirits exist that remember their dead tricks, though they are often intoxicated by the Wyld and difficult to reason with. Fairies are
unpredictable and have been known to trade dead Gifts for quests, tasks, and strange alms such as a Garou's tail...but they, too,
treasure their secrets.
Lapse (level 1)
Lightfoot (level 1)
Haunt (level 2)
Lare Call (Level 2)
Looking Glass Curse (Level 2)
Fey Circle (level 3)
Gift of Tongues (level 3)

Titania's Glory (level 3)

Seeming (level 4)
The Silver Passage (level 4)
The Silver Veil (level 4)
Faerie Blood (Level 4) As per the Fianna gift of the same name.
Gloaming (level 5)

Titania (Totem of Respect)
Lares (minor elemental spirits)

Minds Eye Theatre Black Spiral Dancers

By Daniel B. Utecht (

New and Revised Gifts

Basic Gifts
Resist Toxin
Same as the Fianna gift

Wyrm Hide
By using this gift, Garou can add two "tough" traits to their physical stats, and call for one retest of a physical challenge in which
they take damage. It costs one gnosis to use and lasts for one scene.

Sense Wyld
Same as the Metis gift, except that this detects normal garou, wyld spirits, and gangrel that would not have any wyrm taint.

Call of the Wyrm

Same as the Galliard gift.

Sense Wyrm
Same as the Metis gift.

Intermediate Gifts
Bane Protector
This gift allows a Garou to summon nearby banes and command them to assist. The Dancer must spend a gnosis, and if the
bane is unwilling to aid, it may be compelled to do so if defeated in a social challenge. The banes summoned will never allow
themselves to be placed in great danger.

Mordred's Touch
This Black Spiral gift is used to heal damage during combat. One level of damage is transferred to another person using this
gift. A hit must be scored before activating this gift. Such a hit may be with claws or teeth, and damage is taken from the attack
as normal. For regular damage, a simple test is needed. If the test is won or tied, the damage level is transferred. If the wounds
are aggravated, a gnosis trait must be expended. If the test is won, that damage transferred is taken as aggravated, if tied the
damage taken is normal and if the test is lost, no damage is transferred.

Howl of the Banshee

Same as the Fianna Gift.

Foaming Fury
The saliva of a Garou using this gift is poisonous, and any being taking damage from a bite must make a frenzy check. It costs
one gnosis to use and lasts for one hour.

Advanced Gifts
Crawling Poison
This gift corrupts the blood of the Dancer, making it toxic. When another creature is infected by this toxin through a bite or claw, it
slows down the healing process to one tenth its normal rate. This lasts until a rite of cleansing is performed and at least one day
has passed.

Mask the Wyrm

With this gift, Black Spiral Dancers may hide its corruption from all creation. By spending a gnosis, the garou can disguise its
scent as either wyld or weaver. Those using Sense Wyrm upon winning their first test have to complete a mental test against the

The New Bunyip

By Noe More (

The Bunyip were destroyed during the colonization of Australia. But through the modern advances in cloning their wolf kin have
been brought back and along with them the tribe. However, they are no longer the proud tribe of the past, but a hateful Weavertainted version of it.

City Father

Initial Willpower

Players have 3 points, none of which may be Caern, Pure Breed, Kin Folk, or Fetish. They start with 2 in Past Lives and have
access to the Cybernetics Background.

Beginning Gifts
Leap of the Kangaroo, Control Simple Machine, Fatal Flaw

Wolf Form
Tasmanian wolf

Loners, they usually run alone, doing deeds for the Weaver, looking for Garou to kill.

Sydney, New York, Atlanta, and Edinburgh are the only cities they are in so far.

Special Rules
There are no homid members, only Metis and Lupus. Their tribal weakness is same as the Glass Walkers. All gifts -- Breed,
Auspice, and Tribe -- are taught to them by a servants of the Weaver.

"The warriors of the Wyld destroyed us, but the Weaver brought us back. Do not think we will forget that."

Tribe Gifts
Level One: Leap of the Kangaroo, Control Simple Machine, Fatal Flaw, City Stealth (Same as Camouflage for the City), Walk
the Web

Level Two: Alter Scent, Coil of the Serpent, Cold Voice of Reason, Curse of Hatred, Halt the Cowards Flight, Mimic
Level Three: Ancestral Recall, Control Complex Machines, Curse of Corruption, Guilt Trip, The Great Leap
Level Four: Body Wrack, Clone (Same as Doppelganger), Phone Travel, Tech Speak, Virtual Umbra
Level Five: Obedience, Riot, Summon Net Spider

Kindred: The Vamps have their uses. I even heard that they help create us.
"Isn't that the tribe that the weres killed off?"
Magi: The what?
"That sounds interesting. Wonder how they did that?"
Fae: Ah, the Shining Folk. So few, so doomed.
"They're fun, but they lie more than a Pooka in the White House."
Black Furies: Bitches.
"Aren't they dead?"
Bone Gnawers: Some of the few tolerable garou. Sad that they let themselves be put in such a place by the others though.
"They're nice, but damn do they sure hold a grudge."
Children of Gaia: Peace is what they preach. Too bad they did not try to stop our destruction. They will die like the rest.
"It is so sad that we could not save them."
Fianna: Damn drunken Irish.
"Aren't they dead?"
Get of Fenris: DIE!
Glass Walkers: The other tribe of the weaver. Some of our few allies.
"Weird. Real weird. But do not let them know that."
Red Talons: DIE!
Wendigo: They should understand how we fell but they do not.
"I thought we were tied up with ourselves."
Other Tribes: They will be punished for their atrocities.
Gurahl: Bears. They're gone, yet another reason for the Garou to perish.
"Aren't they dead?"

By Tony Frisco (

The Bunyip were thought to be destroyed during the colonization of Australia. Contrary to what the Wyrm and other Garou think
the Bunyip were not completely wiped out, their numbers only drastically reduced. There is probably less than 250 on the Earth,
but that is a high estimate and there is most likely even less than that.
Where did the surviving Bunyip go you ask. A majority of them joined other tribes. Many hide in the deepest wilderness,
cowering from anything even remotely resembling the Wrym. A select few have re-embraced their tribe and continue the fight
against the Wrym. These brave souls have relearned the magic of the Dreamtime and the old secrets of their tribe.
The Bunyip have a hatred of the Wyrm that few tribes, including the mighty Get of Fenris, can match. It is not hard to see why this
is the case, near extinction kind of does that to a species. They are also very sympathetic toward Gaia's plight, as they know
firsthand the horror of near extinction. When they are not fighting the Wyrm, they are trying to save the dying forests and protect
the endangered species. As this is the case, they can be rather single-minded.
The Bunyip are kindred spirits with the Wendigos. The Bunyip and Wendigos work well together due to their similar mind set
and past. This being because they both have suffered the same atrocities from the homids and relatively fight the same fight for
Gaia's survival. In fact, many of the Bunyip that reached the Americans joined the Native American tribes including the

the Jackrabbit

Initial Willpower

Players have 3 background points, and may spend them on any backgrounds except for Allies, Contacts, Kinfolk, and Mentor.

Beginning Gifts
Leap of the Kangaroo, Sense Wyrm

Wolf Form
A smallish cross between a Tasmanian wolf and a dingo.

They are usually loners, but will join a pack that they implicitly trust. They do not have meetings with other Bunyip, since there is
so few of them and this might give the Wyrm a opportunity to wipe out the rest of the tribe.

The Australian Outback and other secluded areas. Some live in the North Woods with the Wendigos.

The Bunyip protect the Aborigines, the oppressed, and endangered species.

Do you think those of Gaia are so easily destroyed?

Tribe Gifts
Leap of the Kangaroo (Level One): As the Lupus power.
Sense Wyrm (Level One): As the Metis power.
Blissful Ignorance (Level Two): As the Ragabash power.
Guidance of Gaia (Level Two)
Marsupial Pouch (Level Three)
The Great Leap (Level Three): As the Silent Striders power.
Burrow (Level Four)
Summon Lesser Dreamtime Servants (Level Four)
Summon Greater Dreamtime Servants (Level Five)
Enter Dreamtime (Level Five)
Read about Dreamtime Gafflings and Jagglings

By Steven Markley ( Also see Rokea Revisited

The Card Sharks have embraced the ways of gambling as the path to enlightenment. Despite the moniker, they excel at any kind
of game involving chance. They hang out in casinos, smokey hideouts and booking rings. The Syndicate, Giovanni and Glass
Walkers know of the Card Sharks, but don't know what to make of these weird Rokea who frequent their establishments. Card
Sharks gain +2 dice when gambling, but are prone to Frenzy if cheated. They do, however, know when to hold them, and also
when to fold them . . .


Open That Damned Cage! (Level 1)
Pool Shark (Level 1)
Sense Wyllie (Level 1)
Song of the Dramatically Damned (Level 1)
Gift of Jabberjaw (Level 2)

Charlie the Tuna
Ariel the Little Mermaid

By Dave Kahn (

In the time before there were tribes, a great seer foresaw the splitting of the Garou. He saw that in the far future the Weaver and
the Wyrm would each have a tribe loyal to them. He saw that the Wyld would be threatened by the other two parts of the Triat.
Realizing the damage Gaia would suffer as a result of the attack on the Wyld by the other two, he gathered as many Garou as he
could and set out to insure that the Wyld was protected.
The Garou traveled to the deepest parts of the Umbra. Once there they offered themselves to the Wyldling spirits there,
abandoning the protections afforded them by their powerful rites. The Wyld accepted their sacrifice, and, when they returned to
Gaia they were....different. Their battle forms now reflected the appearance of their favored totem, Cerberus, the three headed
The Cerberus settled in the lands surrounding the Aegean Sea, near where the Black Furies dwelled. The two tribes developed
a deep bond due to their shared commitment to the Wyld. The two tribes consider each other almost one and the same. The
Cerberus also developed a strong friendship with the savage Red Talons, due to their love of the deep wilds.
True to their ties to the Wyld, the Cerberus are an eccentric tribe. They have a few consistencies within the attitudes of their
people: a strong code of honor, an equally strong dislike of technology, and a deep love of the wilderness areas of the physical
world. All Cerberus are sworn to the guardianship of Gaia and the Wyld as part of their rite of passage.
In modern times, the bulk of the tribe has taken to spending their time combating the Wyrm in the Umbra. On Earth, the Cerberus
are most commonly found near the Mediterranean Sea at hidden caerns or among their cousins. Many also reside in remote
wilderness areas. The tribe favors the lupus breed and has many wolf kinfolk around the world (compared to most tribes). The
tribe has few human kin; most homid Cerberus are lost pups (hard to mistake as a member of another tribe) or grow up in small
The Wyrm is the primary target of the tribe's offensive push. While they see the Weaver as a threat to Gaia and the Wyld, the
Glass Walkers do some to blunt its destructiveness. The Wyrm is slowed by no one, man or wolf. Only the Garou.

Tribal Totem

Initial Willpower

May not buy Allies, Contacts or Resources.

Beginning Gifts
Heightened Senses, Sense Wyrm

Over the years, the Cerberus have intermixed with people from all areas of the world. The grand majority, however, hail from the
countries along the northeastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, largely Greece. It is the Crinos and Hispo forms of a
Cerberus which draw the most attention. In these forms, they are broad shouldered with three wolf heads, just like their totem.
Each head can bite, turn, speak, glare, etc. seemingly on its own. The lupus form appears as a normal wolf. Their coats are grey
or black.
Territory/Protectorate: In some remote parts of the world, the Cerberus still assist Black Fury and Red Talon packs with
preserving the remaining natural and Wyld areas of the world. The Cerberus' main protectorate, though, is the ever-shifting

tracks of the Umbra.

"Your actions are a threat to the Wyld and to Gaia. That threat shall now end."

The gifts of the Cerberus assist the tribe in their dealings with the spirit world and to defend Gaia and the Wyld from those who
would see them harmed.

Level One
Heightened Senses (as the Lupus gift)
Sense Wyrm (as the Metis gift)

Level Two
Sense the Unnatural (as the Lupus gift)
Tap the Wyld

Level Three
Hell's Breath
Spirit Friend (as the Children of Gaia gift)

Level Four
Immovable Guardian (as the Get of Fenris gift: Hero's Stand)

Level Five
Reach The Umbra (as the Silent Strider gift)
Wyld Warp (as the Black Fury gift)

Two heads are better than one, and three . . .. A Cerberus has three heads in both the Crinos and the Hispo form. This provides
some unique advantages which require some attention.
A Cerberus can still only perform one action per turn unless she spends Rage, like any other Garou. That out of the way, a
Cerberus can operate each head separately for simple actions such as speaking, staring, etc. If in doubt as to what constitutes
"one action", ask yourself if the character could perform the act without the benefit of multiple heads. If not, it's not a simple
A Cerberus should not receive any sort of bonus to a roll for his extra heads. Appropriate uses include: scanning more area at
once or holding on to a guy with one set of fangs while chatting with your packmates.

Maneuver: Multiple Bite

The Cerberus makes a bite attack with more than one head. The difficulty is 5 + 1 per additional head. The bite does an extra
die of damage per additional head.


Our "apes" give us more warriors and an understanding of our enemy. Sadly, some have difficulty abandoning the Weaver's

Our packs are smaller and it is rare for our tribe to discover a homid born pup. We are a small tribe; necessity demands we
welcome all our warriors to the battle. And their actions prove them worthy members of the tribe.

Our wolf-born are the heart of the tribe. They most easily adapt to our way of life in the deep wilds and dark Umbral pathways.

Garou Shall Not Mate with Garou
We need all our warriors these days.

Combat the Wyrm Whereever It Dwells and Whenever It Breeds

Let not one who hunts your father or your mother live. Worm or bug.

Respect the Territory of Another

Greet your cousin's properly when you visit their lands. Remember, not all live on lands that are theirs.

Accept an Honorable Surrender

Accept an honorable surrender. It is a rare event to find one.

Submission to Those of Higher Station

Those above you have fought, bled and earned their place. Respect their wisdom and skill. When you have done as much, then
you may speak.

The First Share of the Kill for the Greatest in Station

It is a sign of respect to your elders. One with honor will not hoard what you have bled for.

Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans

Don't prey on your own kin. Leave such an act for the Wyrms beneath your feet.

Respect for Those Beneath Ye -- All Are of Gaia

Respect all those of Gaia. If they also serve one of the two hunting her, respectfully rip out their throats.

The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted

Don't tell your secrets to the one hunting you.

Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness

If you have nothing to offer, have the honor to free the rest of the pack so they may hunt without hindrance. Few have nothing to
offer these days.

The Leader May Be Challenged at Any Time during Peace

Peace is when you are not on the hunt.

The Leader May Not Be Challenged During Wartime

Don't fight with your packmates when going tooth and claw with worms or bugs.

Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated


The Aegis
The members of this camp have taken Cerberus' role as a guardian as their motto. They are surprisingly knowledgeable of
fortifications and ways to hold an area against attack. The are experts at ambushes and man-traps. Most of the tribe's homids
belong to this camp.

The Raging Storm

A common phrase amongst the Garou is, "Gaia's most powerful cleansing force is the Raging Storm." The Crinos is one of the
most powerful physical forces on the planet and these Cerberus use it to full effect. Members of the Raging Storm often make
the Get of Fenris seem timid. They insist on the destruction of any threat to Gaia or the Wyld and they use ruthless brute force to
accomplish this goal.

Travelers of the Styx

This camp spends near all of its time in the Umbra. They are constantly exploring and traveling the moonpaths and spritways.
Many assaults on Umbral domains originating in Malfeas are defeated by packs "stepping off the Sytx." More Cerberus belong
to this camp than either of the others. Travelers of the Styx have strong ties to the Nuwisha. Many Garou interested in the secrets
of the Umbra seek out the Travelers.

On the Impergium
The Cerberus were in favor of the Impergium. They saw it as a necessary act to keep the Weaver in check. In modern times,
they point to the devastation of the environment by human actions, by technology, as reasons it should never have ended.
However, the tribe refuses to hunt human, as the Red Talons still do, because their code of honor demands they respect the
decision of the ages old moot.

On the War of Rage

The Cerberus realize that all of the shifter-kin are part of the natural order and Gaia's plan. They opposed the War of Rage and
regret the results.

Black Furies: Honor and respect our cousins. They are wise and rage justly.
"Honorable, brave and fair to their women, a tribe I am proud to call our cousins."
-- Pandora (Black Fury Philodox)

Bone Gnawers: A once respectable tribe, now content to wallow in Weaver rot. Occasionally, one will earn your respect.
"I've been trying to forget the last of those I met."
-- Kaleidoscope (Bone Gnawer Theurge) as he takes a slug of Popov

Children of Gaia: Not every tribe is built for combat. The Children are wise, respect that. But keep your eyes wide for they miss
many threats in their trust.

"Dedicated Garou; too bad they are unwilling to change their views."

-- Rainbow Dreams (Child of Gaia Philodox)

Fianna: True warriors and wonderful moon dancers. It is sad that they are so fond of the Weaver's lures.
"Damn BLOODY hell!!! Now if they'd learn to relax."
-- Laughs At Wyrm (Fianna Ragabash) after seeing a Get of Fenris say "Hi" to a Cerberus

Get of Fenris: Arrogant pups, full of rage and stupidity. If you're feeling kind, teach them a lesson. If you're not, introduce him to
your cousin and let her.

"Crazy wild monsters that bow to the Furies. Worthless!!"

-- Karl Mountain-Shaker (Get of Fenris Ahroun)

Glass Walkers: Weaver-spawn!!

"All we need, someone who supports the Talons. Wonderful!!"
-- Datastream (Glass Walker Philodox)

Red Talons: One of the few tribes left who truly appreciate the Wyld. These warriors are true friends and Garou.
"The Wyld's chosen pack. They see what others won't"
- Red Claw (Red Talon Ahroun)

Shadow Lords: Lie. Cheat. Deal with bugs. Deal with worms. Let me think, I may come up with a good quality.
"Fortunately, these savage lunatics are rare."
-- Heart Of Darkness (Shadow Lord Philodox)

Silent Striders: A wise and well traveled people.

"The best of guides when exploring the Umbral pathways."
-- Elsibet Tanarov (Silent Strider Theurge)

Silver Fangs: Once upon a time they were a great tribe. Once in a long while you can find one who still is.
"Not very good at following orders, but great to have on your side in a pinch."
-- Rust Proof (Silver Fang Ragabash)

Stargazers: Why are all the great tribes scarce?

"They have explored deeply into the mysteries of the Wyld, but they have abandoned much in doing so."
-- Watches The River (Stargazer Theurge)

Uktena: Wise and knowledgeable of our home, but they come too close to the Wyrm in their quest for secrets.
"They know so much of the umbra, if only we could get them to share it all with us."
-- Heart Of Stone (Uktena Philodox)

Wendigo: Take a couple of Wendigo when you visit the Get of Fenris.
"They still regard us as the true masters of our lands. We could use more of them at the great moots."
-- Fang Death (Wendigo Ragabash)

Bastet: The felines were wronged long ago. They deserve better than they received. If you meet one treat her with respect.
"Excellent sources of information about the spirit world. And they had little to do with the War of Rage."
-- Screams In Night (Pumonca)

Corax: I haven't made up my mind on the ravens. They can be useful in tracking down Wyrmspawn.
"Just stay on their good side. You should hear what this ratkin told me about them..."
-- Poe (Corax)

Gurahl: It is said that the teachers are not found easily anymore.

"Few of the wolf tribes are as respectful and eager to learn as these. If only there were more."
-- Gared (Gurahl Galliard)

Mokole: Never met one.

-- unnamed mokole

Nuwisha: Gaia's answer to stress. I love these guys. And only they appreciate the Umbra like us.
"I love these guys. You'd be surprised at how many Black Spiral Dancers they...discourage for us."
-- Shrooms (Nuwisha)

Ratkin: I already had lunch, thanks though.

"One of these guys tried to EAT me!!"
-- Grubby No Tails (Ratkin)

Rokea: The who?

"Who the?!?"
-- Gnasher (Rokea)

Ananasi: Now here is something bad, made worse. Weaver-spawn corupted by the Wyrm. We should make their life more

"Would someone explain what we ever did to piss these...things off?"

-- Sherry (Ananasi)

Merits and Flaws

Hellhound Kinfolk
(1 point merit)
This merit may only be taken by a character with the background: kinfolk. It allows some of the characters lupus kinfolk to be
hellhounds, possessing fiery breath (as per the gift: hell's breath). No more than ten such hounds may be taken, regardless of the
total number of kinfolk.

Dual Minded
(3 point merit)
Most Cerberus, despite having many heads, can only perform one task at a time. Just as any other character. This merit allows
the Cerberus to use each head for a different task. For example, he could peek through the Gauntlet into the umbra with one
head, and, sniff out a trail with another, while the last keeps watch in the physical world.

Common Merits & Flaws

Code of Honor, Higher Purpose, Berserker, Dual Nature, Vengeance, Untameable, Daredevil, Illiterate, Uneducated, Animal
Magnetism, Huge Size, Any Past Life Merit or Flaw, Physically Impressive, Natural Weapons, Breeding Pack, Ward Pack

Code of Honor
While every Cerberus as his own views and quirks of personality, without exception all members of the tribe are intensely
honorable. There may be variations as to the code followed, but, some traits are common to all.
Cerberus always keep their word (although their ragabash have a knack for twisting it like a pretzel and still doing what they said

they would do, to the letter).

Cerberus show respect to those with wisdom and those who are themselves honorable.
A Cerberus who violates his honor is deeply troubled and does not function at his best until he rights his error. In game terms, the
storyteller should feel free to add one to the difficulty for almost every roll the poor fool must make.


Other totems: Pegasus, Griffin, Owl, The Medusae, Old Wolf of the Woods, Raven, Winter Wolf and Sphinx.

Stalker: A Lupus Ragabash of the Raging Storm. The Stalker delights in silently tracking down and ambushing any foe, worm or

Umbral Walker: A Metis Theurge of the Travelers of the Styx. The Umbral Walker is a master at charting paths through the spirit
world and an expert at dealing with the spirits found there. Disfigurement: no claws

Claw of Justice: A Metis Philodox of the Travelers of the Styx. The Claw of Justice represents the warriors commonly found in
the Travelers. Plucked from his mother's dying body after a Dancer attack, the Claw of Justice shall never let anyone else suffer
such a loss.

Voice of Truth: A Homid Galliard of the Aegis. The Voice of Truth is a listener and an empath. People feel comfortable talking
to her and she has a knack for helping them reach an understanding with themselves.

Hound of Hell: A Lupus Ahroun of the Raging Storm. The Hound of Hell is the most fearsome, savage aspect of the Cerberus.
He is often found leading his pack into battle against the Wyrm, wearing the hispo.

By Mutt (

The Black Spirals were getting closer and Brennin was starting to tire. Finally, he could no longer run & collapsed to the ground.
His vision blurred, Brennin could make out the three black, mangy shapes of the Spirals surrounding him. He was done for, or so
he thought. Just as Brennin felt the breath of one of his would-be killers on his neck, an eery yipping sound erupted from all
around. His vision still impaired, Brennin could barely make out the reddish-orange shapes of six or seven creatures as big as a
crinos doing battle with the Black Spiral Dancers. It was then he passed out from exhaustion.
When he awoke, all he could find were the mangled bodies of the Spirals, reddish-orange and black tufts of fur, and odd canine
footprints in the dirt. Brennin couldn't figure out who or what his saviors were, but he was forever grateful.
The Children of A-O are a tribe of werefoxes that sparsely populate Great Britain. Unlike their Asian cousins, the Kitsune, the
Children of A-O are dedicated to both the Wyld and the Weaver, rather than the Balancer Wyrm. Ever since the War of Rage,
they have been in hiding, but recently, they have made themselves more visible to their Garou kin.

The Beginning
In the beginning of linear time, when the Wyrm went mad and the Gauntlet violently separated the spiritual realms and the
physical universe, Gaia created several beings, including the first fox , A-O, to help balance the Weaver and Wyld, which was
formerly the Wyrm's task.
Now, A-O wasn't any normal fox by any stretch. She (It) was hermaphroditic and could (Don't ask me how) breed with herself.
Her only two offspring were male and female, aptly named A and O. A and O were no more normal than their mother/father. They
both had the abilities to wear the form of Rage and transform into humans like their Garou kin. Unfortunately, they were also
cursed with the same genetic flaw that prevented the Garou to mate with one another, as A and O discovered later on in their
lives. As for A-O, when A and O were old enough to fend for themselves, she curled up in her den and went in a deep sleep.
Some say she still lies dormant to this very day, only to awaken on the day of the Apocalypse.

A and O
When their mother/father went into dormancy, A and O went their separate ways and bred with the humans and foxes and
populated the world with other werefoxes and Kinfolk. Soon, they became a great tribe called the Children of A-O. Despite this,
A and O longed to be with each other. About ten or fifteen years after their initial departure, their paths crossed again and they
lived together and decided to have a child. The consequences of such an incestuous union was unbeknownst to them.

After the birth of O-Fessken, their Metis daughter, A and O solemnly promised never to breed with eachother again and didn't
forbid the Children of A-O to breed with one another, but instead strongly encouraged them find a human or fox mate.
Despite O-Fessken's odd colored fur and absence of a tail, she was loved very much by her parents. How the other werefoxes
got along with her was a completely different story. They taunted, looked down upon, and even caused bodily harm to poor OFessken.
When O-Fessken grew old enough to fend for herself, she went away with her Faerie friend, Greta (Whom later became her
lover) to Tyr-Na-Nogth (Arcadia), occasionally returning to the physical world to visit her parents. On one such trip, she returned
to her parents' den to find them gone. Out of nowhere, a bright-golden foxlike being appeared before her and led her to their
mangled bodies. The being was a Jaggling of the Incarna Totem of Fox, which had the responsibility of leading the next of kin to
the bodies of the recently dead foxes so the necessary rites could be performed. The spirit told O-Fessken the circumstances of
her parents' death.
It turned out that a pack of Garou was roaming the countryside seeking out any non-Garou shapeshifters and murdering them. A
and O were their first victims. After performing the funerary rites, O-Fessken made it her obligation to track down this pack of
murderers and make them pay dearly.

The War of Rage

After failing to get the support of her brothers and sisters, O-Fessken set out to avenge her parents' death with only faithful Greta
by her side. Together, they tracked down the pack and killed all but one. O-Fessken tied the wolf to a tree and held her klaive to
his throat.
"Why did you murder my parents, demon?" she asked.
"It was an order from King Wyrmfoe himself that we rid the world of the other Bete. The Fianna refused to do this, so me and the
other White Howlers took over the responsibility of carrying out our king's order for this region!!" the wolf managed to sputter out.
With that, O-Fessken slit his throat.
After learning that the slaughter of the Bete was a widespread thing, O-Fessken dedicated her life to putting an end to it. For
many years, she and Greta traveled the world seeking out and destroying the packs Garou that supported the War of Rage and
befriending the ones who protested it. Her cowardly brothers and sisters sat idly by and remained hidden from the War of Rage
instead of fighting for their right to live.
Finally, after a confrontation with a pack of Silver Fangs, O-Fessken was mortally injured and left for dead. As she lay dying in
Greta's arms, the Fox Spirit appeared and took O-Fessken's soul to Summer Country where she still resides today with her
beloved parents. The spirit instructed Greta to seek out the other Children of A-O and tell them the tale of O-Fessken's great
sacrifice. She did accordingly. From then on, O-Fessken became a saint to the Children of A-O. This inspired them to fight for
their right to live and profoundly affected the way they treated their Metis cubs. As for Greta, she returned to Tyr-Na-Nogth, where
she died, some say, out of sorrow for her lost lover.
The War of Rage lasted for tens of thousands of years, but with the help of such Garou tribes as the Fianna, Black Furies,
Stargazers, Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers, and Children of Gaia, the Children of A-O managed to survive until this very day.

Today's Children of A-O

After the War of Rage, the Children of A-O went into hiding and became all but forgotten to the Garou tribes that aided them. The
tribe that remembers them most are the Fianna because they both had close ties to the Fae and shared the same Celtic blood.
The Black Spiral Dancers also remember them to some degree as the creatures they drove into extinction during their days as
the White Howlers.
In recent years, the Children of A-O have been making themselves visible to the Garou and often helping them out, especially
when it came to matters of destroying Black spirals, whom the Children of A-O hate with a passion for the deaths of A and O.
They also sabotage the foxhunts that are popular among the British aristocracy.
They also have a deep kinship with the Seelie Faeries that call themselves Pooka (Greta, was a Pooka) and often aid clan of
vampires called the Malkavians.

The Children of A-O are mostly found in England, Scotland, and Ireland, although a few individuals live in other parts of Europe,
Africa, Australia, and the United States. There is only one known Den in America located near Santa Fe, New Mexico.

The Fox Totem

The Incarna Totem of Fox is a Totem of Wisdom that resides in the Umbral realm of Summer Country. He watches over all of the
Children of A-O and formerly the Kitsune before they turned to the Balancer Wyrm. He doesn't ask much of his children, except
that they prevent humans from hunting foxes. He is also partial to art, particularily music. He asks all Galliards that follow him to
play music or do whatever they do best in his honor at least once every month. Failure to do so will result in the loss of Gnosis at
a rate of one point per day until they make up for it. He grants all of his children the Gifts, Scent of Running Water and
Fox has several fox Jagglings under his command that seek out and lead the next of kin of recently deceased foxes to the body
of the departed so they can perform the proper rites. They also lead the souls of the departed to Summer Country where they
spend the rest of eternity. They are said to appear as bright golden foxes with a small flame burning above their head.


The appearance is that of a normal human being. Does not regenerate damage as fast as any other form.

Stats Change: None

Shift Difficulty: 4

The character grows an extra 50% body weight in muscle and about 3 or 4 inches in height. Their fangs and claws grow sharper,
their ears become that of a fox, and a fox's tail sprouts out from their bum. All in all, they resemble a musclebound Pooka Faerie
with claws.

Stats Change: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Appearance -1

Shift Difficulty: 5

Character grows an extra 1/3 in height and 100% body weight in muscle. The body becomes covered in fur, the head becomes
that of a fox, a tail grows for balance, fangs and claws are more visible, and feet become digitigrade. The Crinos form of a
werefox is more streamlined & slender than that of other Bete. Human speech is difficult and requires a Willpower point unless
the character is a Metis, but speaking in the fox language is possible, albeit a bit more crudely compared to that of the Vulpus

Stats Change: Strength +4, Stamina +3, Dexterity +1, Manipulation -2, Appearance 0
Shift Difficulty: 4 (2 for Metis)

The Hispo form is that of a huge, hulking fox that is about the size of a small lion. The bite does an additional die of damage. It is
mostly built for speed and can maintain a speed of 100 kph for nearly an hour. All human speech is impossible.

Stats Change: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Appearance 1

Shift Difficulty: 5
Vulpus: The change from Hispo to Vulpus is mostly weight dispersion. It is that of your garden variety red fox. Like Homid,
regenerative abilities aren't as fast as that of other forms.

Stats Change: None

Shift Difficulty: 4

The Children of A-O's Auspices are based upon the Garou Auspices since the Incarna, Phoebe, was a trusted friend of A-O.

Ragabash (New Moon)

A Ragabash Child of A-O is a born trickster that defies tradition and authority at every turn. They are the most likely to befriend
Faeries and Malkavians.

Initial Rage: 1
Beginning Gifts: Blur of the Milky Eye, Open Seal, Fox Paws

Theurge (Crescent Moon)

Theurges are the mystics and seers. Usually the eldest Theurge of a Den is leader of that particular Den. They are also known
for their lack of a sense of humor.

Initial Rage: 2
Beginning Gifts: Mother's Touch, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech

Philodox (Half moon)

Philodoxes are mostly mediators and advisors. They are the most respected among the werefox community, aside from
Theurges and Galliards.

Initial Rage: 3
Beginning Gifts: Resist Pain, Scent of True Form, Truth of Gaia

Galliard (Gibbous moon)

Galliards are among the Fox Totem's most beloved. It is even said that O'Fessken was born under a Gibbous Moon. They are
the artists, bards, and lorekeepers for the Children of A-O.

Initial Rage: 4
Beginning Gifts: Beast Speech, Call of the Wyld, Mindspeak

Ahroun (Full Moon)

The Ahrouns are the warriors among the Children of A-O. They make the best use of their Rage in combat and are efficient
fighters. Despite all that, they aren't known for their social graces and even tempers.

Initial Rage: 5
Beginning Gifts: Razor Claws, Inspiration, The Falling Touch

About 2/3 of today's Children of A-O are homid. They keep their Kinfolk close by and almost exclusively breed with them.

Few Children of A-O these days breed with foxes anymore. Most of them have succumbed to the charms of the human world, but
others still have a bond with the Wyld so strong, they live in the woods with their vulpine Kinfolk.

In the days of O-Fessken's youth, Metis were looked upon with scorn and contempt. But after O'Fessken gave her life for the
good of her people, Metis were treated with respect, even moreso than regular members of the tribe. As a matter of fact, most
Children of A-O breed amongst themselves at least once in their lifetime to ensure the existence of their kind in this generation.

Tribal Structure
The Children of A-O don't have Septs and Caerns as the Garou know them. Instead, they live in various family-structured Dens. It
is usually the eldest Theurge of the family that runs things. A Den can range from anything to a hole in the ground to a luxurious
three-story mansion. The Dens are based around a common Caern from where they all draw their Gnosis.
When a Child of A-O comes of age and shows signs of the First Change, the elder of the Den ritually adds the prefix A or O to

the cub's name. A for males, O for females. The younger Homid Children of A-O recently have been casting off their prefixes,
saying it takes away their individuality.

Once every new moon, all werefoxes and Kinfolk from the surrounding Dens have a midnight meeting in the center of their
mutual Caern. This usually is routine parliamentary procedure dealing with matters affecting the caern, followed by anything
ranging from an organized social gathering to a wild party.

Every first new moon of the year, all the Children of A-O in Great Britain meet at midnight at Stonehenge. The meeting starts off
as the Galliards retell the story of O-Fessken followed by a chorus of yipping and barking to honor her. Afterwards, the moot is
called to order and a committee of elders is chosen to represent the different caerns vote on issues affecting the tribe as a
whole and a prayer is held in honor of Gaia. After the moot is adjourned, the Children of A-O disperse and usually hold their own
parties or whatnot.

Recently, the teenage Children of A-O have been holding their own moots complete with loud music, mosh pits, and various
hallucinogens. The elders look down upon this, but don't do anything to stop it since it isn't doing any harm.

Funerary Rite
After a fox Jaggling leads the departed's next of kin to the body, it leaves them to perform the last rites. This usually consists of
scrawling symbols in the dirt and reading them aloud in the fox tongue. This transforms the body to Vulpus form (If it isn't
already). This comes in handy if the deceased is a Metis. The body is then left to decompose and complete the final link in cycle
of death and life. It is said that the deceased will become a Wraith in the afterlife if the rite isn't performed within a specific
amount of time. There's no proof to back this up, though.

Rite of Rememberance: The next night after the performance of the Funerary Rite, the family and closest friends of the
deceased (Including Kinfolk) gather in a circle around a bonfire and pass around a wodden doll representing the departed. The
one holding the doll regales the circle with stories of the good times with the departed. This goes on until everybody has had
their turn and the last one with the doll leads the group in a prayer. With that, she throws the doll into the fire and leads the group
in a chorus of yipping and barking until they all run out of breath. The ashes from the fire are kept in an urn in the Den of the
deceaced. This rite is performed to let the soul of the departed know she will never be forgotten.

Rite of Reclamation: If a Child of A-O becomes too selfish or arrogant, the eldest Theurge of the Den will send her into the
Umbra on a quest . She won't be able to reenter the physical world until she has finished the task or at least learned humility.
Usually, this quest involves finding a lost fetish or gaining wisdom from a spiritual entity. It also involves a great deal of soul
searching and sorting through a bunch of cathardic crap. When this is all said and done, she usually comes back a better
person. She also celebrates her return by indulging in the pleasures of the flesh. Needless to say, this rite is usually one of the
causes of Metis birth. Some Children of A-O willingly have this rite done on themselves if they think it is necessary.

Rite of Power Through Blood

By performing some sort of special incantation and drinking all the blood from a fellow werecreature, the recipient will gain all the
gifts and powers the victim posesses. This rite has been forbidden since the days of A and O because the performer of the rite
ends up Wyrm tainted. Exactly how this rite is performed has been well forgotten over the millenia. The Malkavians thinks this is
more of a Thaumatugic spell than a rite and was originally taught by a vampire, most likely a Tremere.

Rite of the New Season

Vulpus, rather than Homid, Children of A-O measure their lives in seasons, rather than years. On the first night of the new
season, Vulpus (and a few Homid who are invited) from neighboring Dens meet in the center of their respective caern. When all
are gathered there, the Theurges lead the crowd in a prayer. Afterwards, they all shift to Crinos and run around in the woods until
morning comes or they pass out from exhaustion. This usually replenishes all the Gnosis of the individuals involved in this rite. It
is said that the next season will not come if this rite isn't performed. Most modern Children of A-O find this laughable, but still do
this rite out of tradition and the sheer fun of running around in Crinos.

Rite of Slumber
If a Child of A-O is mortally wounded, she can be put in a deep slumber similar to that of vampiric Torpor with this rite. Over a
period of time the wounds heal and she will only awaken in times of dire need or on the day of the Apocalypse. The Fianna
werewolves have a similar rite.

Children of A-O have the same Auspice and Breed gifts as the Garou. These gifts are exclusive to the Children of A-O.

Amore (Level 1)
Fox Paws (Level 3)
Peaceful Melody (Level 4)
Visit Tyr-Na-Nogth (Level 5)
Faerie Allies (Level 5)

Bone of Wrath
Darts of the True Form
Tattoo Weapon
Void Pack

Tribal Weaknesses
Weaver Affinity: Most Children of A-O live in the city among the humans and therefore have a tie to the Weaver. Some cannot
regain Gnosis in the wild.

Wyld Affinity: The minority of the Children of A-O live in the woods among the foxes and therefore have a tie to the Wyld. Some
cannot regain Gnosis in the city.

Merits ands Flaws

Sexual Overdrive
(1pt Psychological Flaw)
Most of the time you're horny as a hatrack. This can be very bad for (Non sexual) interaction with members of the
opposite sex (Or in some cases, the same sex), since most of them can sense you undressing them with your eyes
and it makes them feel very uncomfortable. All social rolls are a +1 difficulty. It is also easier to contract a social
disease or even become the parent of a Metis pup. It is also very easy to be lured by enticing enemies.


(2pt Physical Flaw)

You incite the Delerium as would a Garou rather than other Bete.

Oozes Inspiration
(2pt Aptitude Merit)
You bring inspiration to everybody you come in contact with. It's even to the point where people come from all
around just to meet you and be inspired. All social rolls are a -2 difficulty.

Garou: "These chaps aren't so bad anymore since they changed their ways (To some degree), but try to deal with
the more liberal minded tribes as often as you can. All the others eye the Bete with mistrust. As for the Black Spiral
Dancers, I say kill every single one of those bastards! They should suffer for the deaths of A and O. The fact that
they're tainted is even more of a reason to slay them on sight.
Other Bete: We have no problem with the other Bete. We leave them alone and they leave us alone. The Kitsune
werefoxes really bother me, though. I never met one meself, but I hear tell that they worship the Balancer Wyrm of
old and have nine tails. Gimme the willies, they do.
Faeries: They have been our cherished friends and allies since the days of Greta and O-Fessken, especially the Kith
that call themselves the Pooka of the Seelie Court. They tend to think the Bete are lost Fae and I wouldn't be all that
surprised if we actually were. They are kind enough to allow you to stay in Tyr-Na-Nogth for as long as you like, but I
advise you to put up with their practical jokes, or you have just overstayed your welcome. My advice is to prank
them back when they're on your own turf.
Vampires: Not all of these dead-but-not-dead creatures are Wyrm tainted, like the Garou say they are. Admittedly
their immortality seems unnatural, though. We tend to subscribe to the Fae's theory of Caine becoming a vampire by
being fused with an Unseelie Redcap. One clan in particular has the ability to see past objective reality, into the way
things really are. They call themselves the Malkavians. We occasionally aid them in their quest to break through
what the Fae call the Wall of Sleep, the calcified boundary of reality.
Magi: Don't get me started on these wankers. They're like children who found their pop's revolver in their parents'
bedroom closet. They'll end up shooting themselves or somebody else sooner or later. They can't comprehend
about half of the stuff they're dealing with. They claim to be 'shaping reality', but most of the time they don't know
what the hell they're doing. You wanna know the secret to Paradox? The power Magi use wasn't meant for them and
Paradox is Gaia's way of punishing 'em for using it. I also don't appreciate the way steal power from our Caerns and
the Caerns of Garou. They can always ask us if they needed some, you know.
Wraiths: Don't let these spooks freak you out. Remember, the next time you run across one, she might be one of us
that didn't have the Funerary Rite performed to her in time when she died. Do whatever you can to help her get to
Summer Country if that be the case.
Barney: Get that polyester prat off the air!



The Children of the Wind are a tribe more in name than anything else. They are the few that were lost, forgotten or missed, the
children of the most tenuous lineage, or those who disappeared before the change. They are few, but as the other tribes get
smaller and their bloodlines spread and intermingle, it is becoming far more difficult to keep watch over all the children. They are
the newest tribe of the Garou, for it is only recently that they achieved tribe status, much to the annoyance of many. It is however
necessary to call them a tribe as that is how the Garou think. Without a tribe there is nothing to say what another Garou is like;
they need the idea of a tribe so that they can understand one another. So as the numbers of tribeless Garou increased it was
decided to gather them together into a tribe to give them an identity. Of course, they are not like other tribes; they are each
completely different but by having a tribe name other Garou can deal with them far better. Others still mistrust the Children of the
Wind as they are a strange and varied tribe.

The Tribe
They do not have the same kind of social structure as the other tribes. Respect for your elders is not mandatory; in fact you can
refuse to acknowledge them completely. However they will only help those who show themselves worthy. No commands are ever
given, but requests are sometime made, with a reward of some kind as incentive (even if it's just a favour owed). This manifests
itself in game terms as renown and can be handled exactly the same as with the other tribes.
They have one of the most difficult Rites of Passage of any of the tribes, for they must survive alone. The cubs have no mentor to
prepare them or pack to stand at their sides; they do not know what is happening to them or what is to come. Only those who
come to understand and control their powers can claim themselves Children of the Wind. Those who repress them or give way
to them entirely have not earned any tribal name.
Homid Children of the Wind are most likely to go mad from trying to control the beast within them, or be considered mad by
those around them. In either event they are often committed. Worse are those who escape human justice and stalk the streets
killing and destroying as the beast warps their minds.
Those who escape these fates still have to live with the beast within them. Lupine Children of the Wind are often driven from their
pack once they begin to change, for they are different and frightening. For them is the solitude of the wilderness with all its
dangers. For them, madness means death as does any failure.
There are Metis Children of the Wind, though they are somewhat different from the others. They were not lost or forgotten but ran
or were pushed away from their own tribe for the shame that they caused. They are few, which is good, for they are often bitter
and unhappy creatures. Those who can, will often conceal their deformities and claim to be lupine or homid. Those who cannot
will often just avoid all contact if they can.

History of the Tribe

Those who survive and come to terms with themselves and their powers will go on with their lives as best they can. It is only when
they meet others of their kind that they realise that there are more like them. By this time though most tribes are unwilling to
accept them as few can fit the ideals of any one tribe. Those who do are welcomed, trained in the ways of the tribe and then
must pass the rite of passage, like any other cub.
The majority cannot come to terms with the closeness and the restrictions of the tribes. They have brought themselves up, they
have looked after themselves and taught themselves and they need nothing more. These are the Children of the Wind. The name
was given them as, like the wind, no one knows where they came from or where they are going.
These Garou know about living outside society, but when you discover you are living outside two of them, things become
complex. In the beginning, many of "the outsiders" were killed by other Garou for violation of The Litany, of which, of course, they
new nothing. Few Garou will give knowledge to those of a different tribe, let alone those with no tribe at all. They cannot be
trusted because without a tribe, who knows how they will use the information.
In time, though, individuals learned bits and pieces: about the Garou, about spirits and about the Wyrm. Eventually, they met
others and started to share information. It was not quick and it was not the easiest way to learn but learn they did. Not in the way
of the tribes, with mentors and pupils, but by discussion and exchange of information among equals. As their numbers increased
the amount of information increased and they managed to find some gifts. Few know who initially taught these gifts, but once a
few knew them they began to spread amongst those considered worthy. In the end the wisest of them created or discovered new
gifts and rites. This was the first sign that these outsiders were worthy of any respect by the garou in general. Eventually there
were so many tribeless Garou that showed their worth that a grand moot was called. After a great deal of discussion and much
heated argument it was decided that they should create a new tribe to describe and classify these outsiders. And so the
Children of the Wind became a tribe.

Character Creation

Totem: The Wind. For the wind is fickle and ever changing. It can be good and kind like a breeze on a hot day or violent and
destructive like the tornado. It travels the world and sees all things, yet who can tell what it thinks of these things.

Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: 6. All except pure breed. Fetish costs double.
Beginning Gifts: Taste of Fresh Meat, Mothers Touch
NOTE: Only 1 gift can be chosen free, not 1 from each list as is usual. Others can be bought with freebie points like normal.

Wolf Form: This could be any from at all.

Organisation: There is no formal organisation, and no official hierarchy. However factions have been created by elders with
power and influence to pass on. These factions have their own hierarchies and possibly rules. When a Garou wishes to learn
they must go to one of the elders who can teach them. This may involve swearing loyalty to the elder in some way. Some of these
are good and some are not.

Habitat: As varied as everything else about the tribe.

Protectorate: It all depends, but they often have an affinity with society's outcasts and the lonely.(strangely enough)
Quote: "Don't worry about me."
Freebie points: 22 This goes to help buy another Gift.

Mothers Touch (Level One): As the Theurge power.
Taste of Fresh Meat (Level One)
Sense Totem (Level Two)
Dance of the Harlequin (Level Two)
Clarity (Level Three): As the Stargazer Power.
Speak With Wind Spirits (Level Three): As the Wendigo power. (level two).
Eyes of the Breeze (Level Four)
Phantom (Level Four): As Fianna power.
The Thousand Forms (Level Five): As the Black Furies power.
Wisdom of the Wind (Level Five)

Born of the Moon (Level Two)
View Wind totem.

By Stephen K. Robinson
"Remember, bats are only rats with wings..."
-- Catwoman, Batman Returns

At the time when Gaia sat all of her children in a great circle before her and she gave them their job, Raven spoke and said:
"Great Mother, we are very happy with the job you have given us, but we are creatures of the day, for we grow weary from our
work and must sleep. We cannot watch your skies in both the night and the day."
Gaia thought about this for a while and said: "I hear you my child and understand your struggle. I shall have to find one of your
brethren to watch over my night sky. For I understand that you are not a creature of Luna, you rise with Helios and sleep with him
too." Turning to the circle, she said: "Which one of you, my children is willing to watch my skies under Luna?"
There arose great concert among the children for they could not figure out who could possibly carry this burden. Then from the
back, a rather diminutive voice spoke and said: "Mother, may I serve you in this role?"
All turned to look and were surprised to see Bat. Wolf, in his usual arrogance, simply laughed at Bat, but Bat was completely
serious and frowned at Wolf saying: "Why do you laugh at me cousin?"
Laughing, "You could not seriously hope to protect mother. Look at you. You are small and weak. You have no power. How could
you seriously hope to defeat any of Gaia's enemies...?"
Bat interrupted: "Ahhhh...that is where you are mistaken cousin. I have the night and the sky. You are bound to the land, while we
are free to roam the heavens. I know the secrets the night holds and that is your weakness."
These statements enraged Wolf and he stomped off into the forest. Gaia looked at bat and smiled saying: "Okay my child...the
night sky is yours. Guard it well, because the Wyrm is more active under Luna's madness. Be careful. I give you my power. I have
faith in you..."

Of all of the other bete, the Chiroptera have the most strained relationships with the Garou. However, they were probably the
least affected by the War of Rage. The Garou see them as creatures of the Wyrm because of their resemblance to vampires
using Protean. Also, because of this fact Gangrel respect the chiroptera and are more likely to have a good relationship with
them. Thus, the difficulty on all dealings with a Gangrel vampire are -2 and it costs half the points to buy a gangrel ally. They also
get a bum wrap, because the totem Bat is a wyrm totem. (I found this out after I started writing this. Needless to say, I was not a
happy camper!) Chiroptera are creatures of the night...plain and simple. Though sunlight does not physically hurt Chiroptera,
they are very lethargic and disoriented during the day and all difficulties go up by 3 during daylight hours. Chiroptra take no
totems, simply because they feel that they don't need it. In homid form, they are usually thin, lanky humans, with a rather high
pitched voice (even males) and fair eyesight. It is not uncommen that in homid form Chiroptera need glasses. Since, bats are
found all over the world, they are associated with no particular nationality. Also, like the Gurahl, their Bat form takes on the
appearance of the bats indigenous to where they are from. (e.g. A Chiroptera from Brazil may resemble a flying fox...etc.) There
are not really any official tribes, but bats of the same species tend to stick together. However, there is one group that stands out
from the rest.

The Sanguine Society As the title suggests, this is a group entirely made of vampire bats. I haven't exactly figured out what I
want to do with this yet, but when I do I will post it. Any suggestions? I kind of think I may go with a kind of wannabe abominations
type thing, but I am not sure.

Being that the Chiroptera have a very strong connection to Gaia, they are privy to most of the Garou gifts, but they do have a few
of their own.

Wail of the Banshee (Level 3)

I have yet to think of any others, but plan to be writing some more, so let me know if any one has some suggestions.

Homid: They tend to be rather short in stature and with thin frames and builds. Most have rather high piched voices. It is almost
impossible to find a Chiroptera bass. They usually do not have good eye sight. Most wear glasses or contacts.
No trait adjustments

Crinos: In this form, the Chiroptera basically turns into a giant man-bat. (To get a better idea of what this might look like look for
an episode of Batman: the Animated Series, where there is a man bat floating around.) They cannot talk in this form. They can
only emit series of high pitched shrieks. They grow large wings long ears. They can fly in this form, but must check their strength
to see if they can hold themselves in the air.
Strength: +2
Dexterity: +3
Stamina: +4
Apearance: 0
Manipulation: -3
Intimidation: +2

Bat Form: (Sorry, haven't thought of a name yet!) In this form, they look like large versions of the types of bats from from what
ever part of the world they are from.
Strength: -1
Dexterity: +2
Stamina: +3
Manipulation: -3
-4 to all perception difficulties

By J.D. Pilling (
"I'm talking darkest night,
in a shoddy simulation of paradise . . .."
-- Machines of Loving Grace

Author's Notes
Related material for this species can be found in the Book of the Wyrm, the Corax Sourcebook, the Bastet Sourcebook, and, of
course, the other rule books related to the Werewolf: The Apocalypse. I would also like to acknowledge the fine work done by
Jay Turner on the Chiropterix and Stephen Robinson on the Chiroptera which this is not meant to replace. In my own campaign,
the Chiropter are extinct, but were encountered by a pack during a past-lives adventure in which the characters relived part of
the War of Rage.

Long before the Black Spiral Dancers were formed from the corrupted bodies of the White Howlers, others danced the
darkened tunnels beneath the surface of the earth. It was these changers who helped initiate the War of Rage. It was these
changers who helped spread terror among the humans. Terror and distrust were their specialties and the darkness their home.
Though now they are mostly forgotten as creatures of the past, the Chiropter still squeak in the dark and await the day when they
can emerge from their caves, belfries, and darkened jungles to return terror to those who live in the light.
Chiropter were originally creations of the Wyrm of Balance, designed to check the growth of Weaver spirits long before banes or
fomori raised their ugly heads. Although the Garou were assigned as warders of man and self-appointed "Guardians of Gaia,"
the Chiropter stalked the insects of the world to curb the Weaver's might. When the Weaver achieved consciousness and
entrapped the Wyrm, driving it insane, many Chiropter went likewise. Chiropter began to spread disease and to feed from all
creatures, man included.
The insane Chiropter began attacks on the Garou and other defenders of Gaia. They sought depraved allies in the nascent
Kindred to help in their struggle against the Garou. Their actions helped provoke the War of Rage as they were able to disguise
some of their killings as the actions of other bete. The Garou reprisals against all bete was more than any of the Chiropter had
anticipated which almost led to their being extinguished. Their ability to fly helped them escape from certain extinction following
the War of Rage.
Following the War of Rage, the few remaining Chiropter went into hiding. Some hid beneath the earth in deep caves, others in
the cities of man, and yet others in the high trees of the thickest jungles where not even the Garou could reach. Here they have
remained. Their anger at their forced exile and virtual imprisonment has weighed heavily upon them.
Not all the Chiropter entered into the madness that the Wyrm fell victim to. These Chiropter are sworn to their duty as servants of
the Wyrm of Balance, and helped to warn the other changers of the actions of their dark brothers and also of the coming of the
War of Rage. Due to their efforts, numerous bete were able to go into hiding from the assaults of the raging Garou, and have
thus survived to this day, although the cost to the benevolent Chiropter was considerable. The surviving Chiropter of Balance
were forced to flee Europe due to the efforts of the Garou as well as their insane brethren. However, no bete will ever forgive the
actions of the dark Chiropter of Corruption, who led Garou to the homes of numerous changers, which has led to suffering by all
Chiropter have long been associated with other night creatures, particularly the Kindred. Images of flying bat/men helped inspire
Tzimisce masters of Vicissitude into developing a flying form. Likewise, early Kindred masters of Protean learned to not only
mimic the wolves of the forest, the form of their natural enemies the Garou, but also the bat form of the Chiropter.
Chiropter are also associated with, and often mistaken for, Black Spiral Dancers, although very pathetic looking BSDs.
Chiropter's Totem Spirit, Bat, helped instruct many of the first Black Spiral Dancers, and is still a totem spirit among the BSDs.
Bat taught to the BSDs the gifts of Ears of the Bat and Patagia to insure the safety of his Children. Chiropter were instrumental
in the corruption of the White Howlers. However, today, few Black Spiral Dancers have encountered Chiropter, and consider
them creatures of legend.
Although many Western countries have developed a fear of bats, several Asian countries see them as symbols of good luck,
happiness, and long life. These areas were most heavily populated by those Chiropter who did not follow the Wyrm into
madness. They consume large numbers of insects that would otherwise damage crops and they provide excellent fertilizer in the
form of their guano. Others help pollinate plants and spread seeds.


Rage affects Chiropter in the same way it affects the Garou, although the thralls of the Wyrm that the Chiropter experience are
often longer lasting and more depraved than even the lowest of the Black Spiral Dancers. Rage is also spent and regained in
the same manner as Garou. Chiropter do not regain Rage when confronted by the horrors and crimes done against Gaia, but
they do gain Rage when their colonies and homes are disturbed even if done so non-violently. Woe be to the traveling salesman
who disturbs a Chiropter tenement. Some Chiropter suffer from rabies, making them even more susceptible to frenzy. When fox
frenzying, Chiropter often easily become confused and flutter or dash about causing yet more confusion to those around them.

Quick Silver (Mercury)

Due to their origins connected to the Wyrm, silver does not affect Chiropter in the same manner it does the other changing
breeds. Instead, they suffer from any type of exposure to mercury, commonly referred to as quicksilver. This toxic substance (a
Wyrm mockery of the pureness of silver) is liquid at room temperature and is a poisonous carcinogen to most creatures, but is
exceptionally deadly to Chiropter. Like silver for most changing breeds, Chiropter may only soak attacks by quicksilver in their
breed form with the exception of the metis. Exposure to mercury burns Chiropter, causing an aggravated wound for each round
of exposure. Because mercury can be absorbed through the skin, Chiropter exposed suffer additional aggravated wounds even
after they are exposed (one wound per turn for the number of turns of exposure). For example, if a Chiropter were shot by a
mercury-laced bullet (highly illegal) and suffered two Health Levels, he would suffer an additional aggravated wound on the
following round due to exposure. Mercury poisoning quickly kills any Chiropter involved if they do not quickly revert to their breed
form, although they then lose the advantage of their natural regenerative abilities. Chiropter who carry quicksilver suffer the same
Gnosis penalties that Garou face when carrying silver. Chiropter have learned the hard way to avoid old thermometers and many
must be wary of consuming fish, which can contain mercury in varying degrees.

Chiropter have the same regenerative abilities as the Garou. Regeneration only works when in non-breed form (except for the
metis) in the same manner that it does for Garou. Chiropter recover aggravated wounds at the same rate as Garou. This is
essential to Chiropter because they no longer have the gifts needed to heal others. Chiropter that are injured beyond normal
healing methods are often put out of their misery according to Chiropter Litany.

Umbra and the Spirits

For Chiropter, the Umbra is referred to as the Beyond. It is what lies beyond the Gauntlet, and few Chiropter can make the
journey across. Only Rank 5 Chiropter can actually pierce the Gauntlet after acquiring the proper gift. Even then, they face the
same difficulties as Garou as well as rejection by most spirits.
Chiropter are out of favor with most spirits, due to numerous betrayals by Chiropters of Corruption, and find communication with
spirits difficult at best. Chiropter often must learn their gifts from other Chiropter, Black Spiral Dancers or from the few spirits that
will communicate with them (often at a high price). Chiropter are aware of spirits and banes; most are simply out of tune with
them. As tools of terror and consumption, Chiropter are also feared by spirits for what they represent. In addition, Banes resent
Chiropter because they cannot possess them.
To protect the interests of its tools, the Wyrm of Balance granted the Chiropter immunity to spirit possession. This was done
before the insanity that led to the Wyrm's corruption. This makes them unique, but hated by the various banes who would gladly
ride them into psychotic bliss. This does not mean Chiropter are immune to balefire, radiation or Wyrm elementals. They suffer
alongside everyone else. Nor does this immunity protect them from domination or other forms of control. Only possession is
protected against.
There are some spirits that will associate with Chiropter (again at a high price). These spirits include those related to their
totem, the Bat, as well as spirits of Rage, Revenge, Night, Darkness, Shadows, Stealth, Caves and some sinister Tree Spirits.
Although no Shadow Lord would admit to it, Chiropter are also conversant with Grandfather Thunder and his Stormcrows. In
exchange for secrets from beneath the earth, the Chiropter have received instruction in several gifts from Grandfather Thunder
and all judges pay him some homage.

Aside from their high Rage, which dramatically increases the problem of the Curse and the risks of frenzy, Chiropter are highly
social. Normal family groups are cast aside and replaced by colonies. Parents are still recognized by scent, although numerous
groups will share the same living space. Whatever shelter is present quickly becomes littered with the refuse of the colony. Many
Chiropter live quite contentedly in the slums of industrial society. Enterprising Chiropter find use for the refuse, although most just
let it remain. A dominant figure, usually the largest member present, decides most actions for the colony, although all respond
quickly to changes in the surroundings.
Chiropter were once common throughout the world especially in the mountains of Eastern Europe, the jungles of Africa, Asia,
Indonesia, and South America. Their kinfolk have traveled throughout the world and can be found almost everywhere save the

Arctic. They most often make their homes in caves, trees, belfries, ruins and run-down tenements.
The Chiropter of Europe have suffered heavily from warfare. Hunts by the Inquisition, coupled with random attacks by Tremere
who mistake them for Tzimisce and Gangrel as well as attacks by Garou have brought their numbers to under a score. These
Chiropter also tend to be the most Wyrm-tainted which has made it difficult for them to hide. Ironically, the two World Wars did
much to open up living space across Europe as the numerous burned out buildings provided excellent nests for colonies.

Chiropter have selected mates from the various types of bats: from the flying foxes of Africa, Asia, and the jungles of the
Indonesian islands to the vampire bats of Central and South America. Chiropter breed freely with all types of bats, but do not
develop unique traits through these crossings. The Bat totem prevents his children from being isolated genetically so that they
can continue their survival even if forced to flee and seek other mates. Most bats mate usually just once a year, at varying
seasons. Matings produce one offspring usually, although as many as four offspring can be produced. Nursing colonies are
often formed to care for the young. Many of these colonies are exclusively female while the males live alone. Although bats are
quite numerous, Chiropters and their bat kinfolk are even more scarce than Garou. Chiropter are outnumbered by their Kinfolk
by about 20 to 1. Because Chiropter blood has become thin due to exclusive breeding with bats, the same ratio is kept in
offspring. Chiropter are beginning to understand the danger that the exclusive breeding with bats is having on their species and
more thieves are kidnapping humans to breed with. The few terrified individuals who escape such encounters seldom retain
their sanity. There are few metis produced because Chiropter tend to view each others as potential rivals rather than potential
mates. No scorn is placed on the metis because they are less of a rival for potential mates. The biggest obstacle for the metis is
survival, as Chiropter afford them no special treatment. They must learn to overcome their handicaps if they are to survive.

Chiropter Character Creation

Choose Concept, Breed, Auspice, Nature, Demeanor, Attributes (7/5/3), and Abilities (13/9/5). All Chiropter receive 5
Background points, though none may purchase Purebreed or Past Lives. Chiropter find it harder to learn Rites (see the Rites
section at the end for details). Chiropter are chosen by Bat regardless of Totem points invested. Bat worries for the survival of
his children and grants them an extra die with any Intimidation, Stealth, or Survival roll. In addition, all difficulties involving flight
and sonar rolls are reduced by two. All Chiropter may choose three Level One Gifts from Breed, Auspice or General in any
combination. All Chiropter begin with an initial Willpower of 3. Rage is determined by auspice and Gnosis by breed. All
Chiropter begin at Rank 1 and may allot 3 points of Renown as they choose. All Chiropter begin with 15 freebie points. All
Chiropter have the weakness of radiating Wyrm aura, regardless of whether they serve the Wyrm of Balance or the Wyrm of

"Don't place faith in human beings. Human beings are unreliable things."
-- Machines of Loving Grace
There are three breeds of Chiropter determined by their parentage. Most Chiropter are Vespertim (roughly 80%). Homids
account for only 15%, and Metis make up the remaining few.

Offspring of a Chiropter and human mating, as with Garou Homids.

Nicknames: Ground Walkers

Restricted Ability: Flight
Initial Gnosis: 1
Gifts: as per Garou Homid Gifts.
Sterile offspring created by the mating of two Chiropter. All begin with a Metis deformity. They are not shunned if they can survive
the handicap of their deformity.

Nicknames: Crips
Bonus Ability: Flight 1
Initial Gnosis: 2

Beginning Gifts: Create Element, Resist Toxin.

Offspring of a Chiropter and bat mating. They resemble large specimens of their bat species. Like lupus Garou, they cannot
understand human speech without taking Linguistics (through freebie points).

Nicknames: Winged Rodents

Restricted Abilities: Computer, Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Law, Linguistics, Medicine, Politics, Science
Bonus Ability: Flight 2
Initial Gnosis: 3
Beginning Gifts: Beast Speech, Heightened Senses.
New Talent
Flight: All Chiropter are capable of flight in the appropriate form, but only those who develop the talent of flight are prepared for
the aerial coordination required during combat and other complex maneuvers. This talent reflects the Chiropter's skill in takeoffs, landings, picking up objects in mid-flight, sudden changes in direction and emergency actions.

Chiropter maintain three forms, having over the millennia lost the ability to assume any shape between these. The difficulty to
change any shape is 7. Regardless of form, Chiropter have high metabolisms and seldom much body fat, unless preparing for a
winter's hibernation. In both Crinos and Vespertim form, Chiropter are able to fly at a rate of four meters for each dot of their
Dexterity each turn.

No Modifiers
This form tends to be dark-haired and pale regardless of heritage. Body hair is prominent, even on females. Most rest during the
day, being active at dusk, during the night and at dawn. Many suffer vision problems, but are not overly hampered by them.

Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +2, Man -3, App 0, Per -1, Flight, Incite full Delirium
Although not as large as most Crinos Garou, this hideous man-bat form is a creature of terror and invokes full Delirium in
humans. Chiropter also preyed on humans during the Impergium, and humans maintain a latent memory of this. Body mass
increases by 100-300%. Although the ears become noticeably larger and pointed, senses are hampered in this form as many of
the adaptations from the Vespertim and Homid forms are in transition stages and not highly accurate. The arms extend, ending
in claw-like hands with fully functional wings capable of flight. Despite the increased muscle mass, this form is not well suited for
long distance flight, as the muscles quickly tire. When not used for flight, the wings can be used for gliding as the Gift: Patagia.
The feet also develop sharpened claws capable of extremely strong grips. Awkward development of the legs reduce movement,
other than flying, by half. Hair covers the entire body. The jaw extends and razor-sharp teeth develop. Speech, other than high
pitched squeaks and bark-like sounds, becomes difficult, although Chiropter make use of their own unique bat language which
can be spoken and understood in Crinos or Vespertim form. Depending on their gifts, Crinos Chiropter may develop other
The clawed hands and feet of this form do Strength +2 damage (aggravated). The bite of this form does Strength +1 damage
(also aggravated).

Dex +3, Sta +1, Man -3, -1 Per difficulties, Flight
This form is that of an extremely large bat. Fur covers the majority of the body. The ears become even more prominent and help
offset sensory changes. Not all bats are blind, or even have poor vision, but all have refined their senses to augment normal
perception or help compensate for existing flaws resulting in reduced Perception difficulties. The claw-like hands of the Crinos
form retract and are incorporated into the wings where they aid in flying. The thumb still exists and can be used as a weak claw.
The shortened hind legs are ill-suited for running and all movement, other than flying, is reduced to a quarter of Homid foot
speed. The appearance of the Vespertim also reflects the gifts they receive.

This form is primarily for flight, long trips, and nightly hunting. The clawed thumbs can be used for a Strength -1 normal damage
attack, while the clawed feet and bite of this form can be used to inflict a Strength +0 aggravated damage attack.

The Auspices of the Chiropter do not signify the phase of the moon under which a Chiropter was born. Instead, they determine
the role they are to serve in their community. They are assigned as needed by the colony and are held for life, unless later
renounced, requiring the appropriate rite. Chiropter only maintain three Auspices: Thieves, Judges and Warriors. No Chiropter
likes to recall its past and few develop lasting relationships with spirits, including banes. All Chiropter have been cursed with
anger. This makes the Curse and frenzy even more prominent than in the lives of the Garou.

Thieves steal food, clothing and other supplies as well as mates for the colonies. Because they are essential to colony survival,
thieves are the most numerous of the Auspices, making up roughly 60% of a colony.

Initial Rage: 2
Gifts: Gifts are identical to Ragabash Gifts, although they may not take Open Moon Bridge or Luna's Blessing, but may replace
them with Pulse of the Invisible and Gnaw respectively.

What is recalled of Chiropter heritage is done so by judges who mediate disputes by the corrupted version of the Litany
possessed by the Chiropter. Because of their specialized Gifts and unusual training, judges are the rarest of the Chiropter and
make up only about 10% of a colony.

Initial Rage: 4
Gifts: Smell Fear, Tell Lies.
Warriors serve as the protectors and vindicators for the colonies. They do little to inspire the colonies, but react quickly to any
dangers. They are expected to sacrifice themselves for the colony if need be. Many are rabid and prone to frenzy. Warriors
make up about 30% of a colony.

Initial Rage: 6
Gifts: Gifts are identical to Ahroun Gifts, although Resist Pain replaces Inspiration, Rend Reality (Level Five Black Spiral Dancer
Ahroun Gift) replaces Kiss of Helios, and Feral Lobotomy replaces Strength of Will.

Merits and Flaws

Appropriate Merits include: Bad Taste, Berserker, Daredevil, Untamable
Restricted Merits include: Ancestor Ally, Fair Glabro, Natural Channel.
Appropriate Flaws include: Bad Sight, Blind, Mark of the Predator, Rabies.
Restricted Flaws include: Foe from the Past, Insane Past Life, Moon Bound, Sign of the Wolf, Slip Sideways, Territorial, Wolf

Banned Transformation - Garlic (1 pt Supernatural Flaw) As Banned Transformation - Wolfsbane for Garou. This may be the
source of the Vampire myth.

Flightless (7 pt Physical Flaw) Through defect of birth, injury or some other mishap, the Chiropter has lost the ability to fly. This
severely hampers movement in Crinos and Vespertim forms. Metis may take this as their metis deformity, but only receive 4
points for the flaw then.

Poor Flyer (3 pt Physical Flaw) Through defect of birth, slight injury or some other mishap, the Chiropter's wings have become
misshapen or torn, making it difficult to fly. Speed during flight is halved and all difficulties while flying are increased by two
(effectively offsetting the bonus given by Bat). Metis may take this as their metis deformity.

Possessable (3 pt Supernatural Flaw) With this flaw, the Chiropter has somehow lost the Gift granted by the Wyrm of Balance.
Banes and other spirits will take notice of this and will often attempt to possess the unfortunate, if only for the pleasure of the
unique experience.

Rabies (3 pt Psychological/Physical Flaw) The Chiropter is victim to frequent burning sensations from the virus which they seem
unable to be rid of. Whenever a frenzy check is called for, the difficulty is two less than normal (making it easier to frenzy) as the
pain drives the Chiropter into mad fits in which it may lash out against everything around. The virus does not appear to kill the
Chiropter due to their regenerative ability, although frequent frenzies may bring about an early death.

"My moral standing is lying down."
-- Nine Inch Nails
Chiropter enjoy Renown in much the same way that Garou do. However, only the few spirits that they deal with, Black Spiral
Dancers and other Chiropter recognize their Renown.

Ferocity: Ferocity is the measure of respect a Chiropter receives as a result of its fighting prowess. Even judges and thieves
like to acquire Ferocity Renown because it often determines whether an individual will back down from a challenge, allowing the
Chiropter to get its own way. The high Rage values of the Chiropter often undermines this and frenzies often erupt when a
Chiropter refuses to back down.

Duty: Chiropter have little regard for how a job gets done, as long as it does get done. They live by the code that the end
justifies the means. Little exists as a moral code to prevent this after centuries of near destruction. Duty Renown measures how
well a given Chiropter is at handling a task. A Chiropter with a high Duty score will be looked upon more favorably by the
community than individuals with higher Rank, but lower Duty score. However, the fact that higher rank Chiropter assign tasks,
means that the tasks they do not like (or are afraid to try) fall upon those of lower rank. Young Chiropter receive the most
laborious and dangerous jobs.

Cunning: Cunning is highly respected among the Chiropter. It is the alternative for those not blessed with the physical abilities
of others. Cunning has allowed the Chiropter to survive. Cunning is gained when a Chiropter overcomes an obstacle, foe, or
task in an unprecedented or ingenious method. Respect is often shown for those with high Cunning because when and how they
might next act is not known. Even the mightiest warrior has weaknesses that those with cunning can exploit.

Chiropter of all Auspices raise in rank by acquiring Renown. How and what type of Renown are not important, only survival and
duty. However a Chiropter can manage to gain Renown measures their success, and Rank.
Rank Title
Total Renown
Fillea 3
Juven 8
Puban 13
Majjan 18
Vallidan 23

"We have sucked the fruit of disease and found that it tasted sweet like meat gone bad."
-- Machines of Loving Grace
Few Chiropter survive to reach some of the higher ranks. Over the years, Chiropter have forgotten or lost some of their Rank 5
Gifts and none remember a Rank 6 Gift. This does not prevent Chiropter from learning Rank 5 Gifts; it simply makes it more

Metis Gifts
Metis represent an unusual portion of Chiropter society. Their primary concern is with survival and their initial gifts reflect this.
Later they develop a greater understanding of their own anger as well as their place in the cosmos. They are more in tune with
the spirit world and some are able to feel some empathy with spirits. They also learn to communicate with other pests as a result
of not quite fitting into either bat or human society. It is speculated that they develop these traits as a result of their own loneliness
and handicaps.
Create Element (Level One) - As the Level One Metis
Gift. Resist Toxin (Level One) - As the Level One Fianna Gift.
Curse of Hatred (Level Two) - As the Level Two Metis Gift Spirit

Speech (Level Two) - As the Level One Theurge Gift.

Adaptation (Level Three) - Ss the Level Three Silent Strider Gift.
Foaming Fury (Level Three) - As the Level Three Black Spiral Dancer Gift.
Infest (Level Four) - As the Level Four Bone Gnawer Gift.
Scent of Beyond (Level Four) - As the Level Four Philodox Gift.
Shadow Pack (Level Five) - As the Level Five Shadow Lord Gift.

Vespertim Gifts
Vespertim are most in touch with their bat brethren. From lifelong training, their senses are even more refined than other
Heightened Senses (Level One) - As the Level One Lupus Gift.
Beast Speech (Level One) - As the Level One Galliard Gift.
King of the Beasts (Level Two) - As the Level Two Philodox Gift. This gift is often used on other bats, small vermin, and other
subterranean dwellers.
Sense the Unnatural (Level Two) - As the Level Two Lupus Gift.
Guano Fire (Level Three)
Tail of the Monkey (Level Three) - As the Level Three Lupus Gift. Vespertim with this gift develop a tail that extends beyond the
membrane that normally connects the feet to the tail. This tail can be used in both Crinos and Vespertim forms. Free-tailed bats
are found throughout the world.
Beast Life (Level Four) - As the Level Four Lupus Gift.
Venom (Level Four) - As the Level Four Lupus Gift.
Shadow Pack (Level Five) - As the Level Five Shadow Lord Gift.

Judge Gifts
"Tell-tale stories and blatant lies, You've got to trade your conscious for an alibi."
-- A Split Second
Judges are less concerned with justice and truth and more concerned with maintaining peace in the volatile Chiropter colonies.
Peace is established through coercion, intimidation, and force of will. Because of this, few Chiropter trust the judges and do not
acknowledge them as true leaders. Judges are accommodated because they do not like being the center of attention, and
would rather hold power from behind the scenes. They also fear others may learn of their weaknesses and exploit them.
Smell Fear (Level One) - As the Level One Black Spiral Dance Gift.
Tell Lies (Level One)
Glib Tongue (Level Two) - As the Level Two Fianna Gift.
Icy Chill of Despair (Level Two) - As the Level Two Shadow Lord Gift.
True Fear (Level Three) - As the Level Two Ahroun Gift.
Paralyzing Stare (Level Three) - As the Level Three Shadow Lord Gift.
Roll Over (Level Four) - As the Level Four Philodox Gift.
Strength of the Dominator (Level Four) - As the Level Four Shadow Lord Gift.
Madness (Level Five) - As the Level Five Metis Gift. Spirit Drain (Level Five) - As the Level Four Theurge Gift.

General Gifts
"Invisible and silent, we're circling overland."
- Front 242

All Chiropter have access to certain gifts common to their ancestry. As servants of the Wyrm of Balance, they maintain ties to
some Wyrm creatures. Years of near extinction which forced Chiropter to hide in the dark have refined their senses and ability to
Ears of the Bat (Level One) - As the Level Two Black Spiral Dancers Gift.
Roost of the Bat (Level One) - As the Level One Bastet Gift: Treeclimber, although the Chiropter may do this with their feet (Look
mom, no hands). They may also hang from their feet (whether from a wall or from the ceiling) indefinitely, even while sleeping.
Chiropter often make use of this gift to rest after flying or while waiting in ambush.
Sense Wyrm (Level One) - As the Level One Metis Gift.
Shroud (Level One) - As the Level One Uktena Gift.
Eyes of the Cat (Level Two) - As the Level Three Metis Gift, although their eyes glow an eerie red color.
Scent of Sight (Level Two) - As the Level Two Lupus Gift.
Sense of the Prey (Level Two) - As the Level Two Ragabash Gift.
Allies Below (Level Three) - As the Level Three Black Spiral Dancers Gift.
Invisibility (Level Three) - As the Level Three Uktena Gift.
Mental Speech (Level Three) - As the Level Three Metis Gift.
Doppleganger (Level Four) - As the Level Four Glass Walker Gift.
Wither Limb (Level Four) - As the Level Four Metis Gift.
Enter the Beyond (Level Five) - As the Level Four Bastet Gift: Walking Between Worlds.

Chiropter Rites
"The flesh that dreams are made of doesn't last. This is when we turn to sanctimonious rituals."
-- A Split Second
Chiropter maintain many of the rites Garou do, but have no use for the Caern or Accord rites. Chiropter caerns have long since
been seized by Black Spiral Dancers, various Mages and the Garou. Even if Chiropter were able to seize a caern, they have
forgotten the rituals necessary to maintain it. Instead, they disguise themselves As Black Spiral Dancers and make use of the
various Hives. Others make use of their impressive stealth abilities to sneak into others' caerns. Accord rituals have been
abandoned because Chiropter of all camps are not inclined toward forgiveness. The only Accord rite kept is that of
Renunciation, performed when a Chiropter becomes frustrated with his duty to the colony. The most commonly practiced rituals
are those of Punishment, Renown, and Mystic rites for the few Chiropter able to deal with the spirits. Due to the hostility they
experience from most spirits, all related Garou rituals are considered to be one rank higher for the purposes of learning and
performing. Minor rites become Level One rites and no Chiropter can learn a Level Five rite without some extreme aid or
blessing. The only unique Chiropter ritual is the Rite of Silent Rage.

By The Saint of Killers (

"Oh fuck. I'm dead."
-- Top Dollar, The Crow.
Life was predictable for Gerald, which was why his death had come as so much of a shock to him. Driving down I-35, humming
along to that snappy new Shaniah Twain song, the last thing he would have expected was the semi that lost control on the icy
road and sideswiped him. Gerald had never really bought into the expect the unexpected' routine, so he barely had enough
time to bleat some mindless profanity before he was dead.
A few seconds of eternity.
"Heh. It's the little things that get you down, but it's the big-ass trucks that turn you into paste, right?"
Someone was speaking to him. This someone was hidden, rather conveniently, behind an area of extremely bright light that
seemed to cover all of Gerald's field of view.
"Pardon me?"
"It's a bit too late for that now."
"Am I blind?"
"No. You're just dead. These things are, however, easily confused."
"Pardon me?"
The bright light faded, leaving Gerald with nothing to look at but a rather dreary stretch of highway and a large, black bird. Birds,
due to their beaks, cannot smile. Still, Gerald was pretty sure this one was grinning.
"Dead." said the bird.
Gerald considered this for some time before finally saying, "That's not terribly convenient, is it?"
The bird ruffled its feathers. It was going to be one of those days.

Genesis Rewritten
The corax are mysterious, and their cousins are no different. Ask a crow the same question twice and you'll get two different
answers. Still, there are some rather popular answers to certain questions. To the question of where the cioara come from, there
are several answers, all depending on who you ask and how you ask it.
A standard answer could be like this: "In the beginning, where so many stories start, God created the Heavens and the Earth.
God created lots of other things too. One of God's most famous creations during the exciting times of the Creation were people.
Adam and Eve then decided to do a bit of creating on their own. Soon there were two more people, Cain and Abel. "Most of us
know how the story of Caine and Abel goes. When Abel's blood fed the soil and God had rebuked and banished Caine, several
animals were called to help guide Abel to Heaven. The wolf was too busy eating, the cat too busy preening, and the raven too
busy watching the wolf eat and the cat preen. The crow, then, got the job. We've had it ever since."
A more spiritual version holds that when the first Silver Fang died to protect Gaia, the White Crow was sent to bring him back
from the Shadowlands at Gaia's request. The journey darkened the feathers of the White Crow, but she carried out Gaia's
request. Gaia then gave to White Crow and all her kin the duty of making sure that all of Her children were safe in their passage
to the Shadowlands.

For years the cioara did naught but escort the dead from the land of the living to the land of the dead. It was the coming of
Charon and his obsessive need for control that changed the duty of the crows. At first there was a bitter rivalry between the
factions of Ferrymen and cioara, though in time they came to accept and tolerate the presence of the other.
The cioara avoided most of the entanglements of the War of Rage, escaping into the Shadowlands when possible, pretending
to be a happy corax when not. It was during this time of refuge in the Shadowlands that the function of the cioara changed from

simple guides into the champions of the dead that they turned into. As Oblivion grew, they began to understand the importance
of their duties in the Shadowlands. As Stygia grew, it became evident that the easy peace between the two was soon to come to
an impasse.
Charon's obsession soon bloomed into madness and in his mind the cioara were not simple helpers of the dead, nor were they
the bulwarks against Oblivion that they strived to be. The cioara were competitors bent on ruining his perfect nation. War was
declared between Stygia and the cioara, and the results were so bad that the crows to this day say that they would have been
better off facing the garou.
It took years before the cioara understood that they simply could not defeat the forces at Charon's command. Going into hiding,
Charon was soon convinced that the crows had either left the Shadowlands, or had all been slaughtered. He was not far from
Operating in the dark, the ciora rescued infants from reaping and battled against the encroachment of Oblivion. The
disappearance of Charon had little effect on their work, and to this day the Heirarchy denies their existence. Some cioara have
cults of heretics that surround them as they preach the ways to transcendance, while others remain lone crows, fighting an
always losing battle against Oblivion. Every cioara has his or her own methods of helping the dead, but every cioara helps.

lls: Rank. They are as follows: dik, azutn, hrom, fnk and rgi.
Allat: The others of the Changing Breed.
Elutu: The name given to wraiths who have given themselves to Oblivion.
Fene: A popular, though unkind, name used for the Shadowlands.
Holl: Friendly name for a corax.
Paha vaim: The Wyrm. Also used for malfean spectres.
Prca: The duties chosen by a cioara when she becomes dik.
Stt: A wraith's shadow.
Teleds: Oblivion.

Unlike the corax, the cioara heavily count on each other for support. Many of their rites require multiple werecrows in one place
at once, and they are not terribly threatening physically. There is no true organization, though there is a Cioaran leader who is
called the Rook. The Rook is always the eldest of the Cioara, and he lords over a counsel of the twenty eldest Cioara, with four
elder Corax sitting amongst them. This counsel is called the Parliament, and is always the final say of any Cioara activity. Other
than the Rook and his Parliament, all Cioara are equal, the only deciding factor being Rank and experience with the dead.

The Cioara cannot step through the Gauntlet into the Umbra. Despite their spiritual ties to that which lies beyond the velvet
curtain, it is not within their power to do so. Cioara can, however, reach through the Shroud and enter the Shadowlands. They do
so in the same way as any other shifter reaches. A gnosis roll is made against the local Shroud, with three successes required
for instantaneous delivery to the other side.

It would be inefficient to tell all of the different Heretic movements formed and lead by Cioara, but there are some that stand out.

The Marauders: These Cioara are always at least second rank, as the elders of the group say that someone soft and young
shouldn't yet die. The Marauders train themselves to be warriors of incredible magnitude, pushing their physical and spiritual
abilities to the brink. And then they have their first mission. Their purpose? They gather into groups and raid Sprectre Labyrinths.
If a Marauder survives his first mission, he is promoted to lead the next attack. This is not a large group, and many Cioara see
them all as suicidal loonies. This is, of course, because they are.

Cioara have no totem as such. Helios is noted among the cioara with both respect (as the Shadowlands has no sun) and with
fear. (And not for no reason, one legend of the cioara origin tells of the crow who was set to watch over Helios' wife, Coronis, but
failed to prevent her from running away with a faerie prince. Helios killed her and the crow, burning the body of his wife and
smothering the ashes over the white feathers of the crow's corpse. The whole bit seems a bit hard on the crow and the wife,
since it never really tells what Helios did to the elf.)

The cioara communicate in the same language of chirps and warbles as the corax.

The Cioara live wherever there are dead. That's everywhere. Most major Necropoli have at least one cioara there to find the
newly dead, to stave off Oblivion and to advise both Heretics and Renegades. It is interesting to note that the Cioara have a
certain peace with the Queen of the Dark Kingdom of Ivory, but go to all lengths to avoid the Dark Kingdom of Jade.

The Cioara have the same breeding restrictions as the corax, and due to these requirements, there is no such thing as a cioara

Character Creation
Beginning rage and willpower are determined by prca. All cioara start with a gnosis of 5. Three gifts are chosen from the
cioara's starting lls, two from the general section and one from the proper prca.

Homid: This is the human body. Cioara in homid form tend to be pale and gaunt., even when they are not in the Shadowlands.
Basic stats, as in Werewolf.

Crinos: Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +1, App 0, Man -2, Per +3: Diff 6 Like the Corax, the Cioara disdain their Crinos form. The will use
it only when they must, as it does incite Delerium, and prefer Homid when dealing with the dead. The clawed hands and feet of
the Cioara do Str+1 aggravated damage. In this form jumping distance is double that stated in Werewolf: The Apocalypse.

Corone: Str -1, Dex +1, Man -3, Per +4: Diff 6 The favoured form of all cioara. Not only is it fine for stealthy bits, it is also
instantly recognizable to other cioara. The lack of other birds in the Shadowlands just makes them stand out. Their beaks, in this
form, do Str+1 damage, and they can fly at twice running speed.

When a cioara becomes a dik, she chooses that which is her calling in life. The way that she will, in general, serve the restless
dead. They function much in the same was as an auspice, not an archtype indicative of who they must be, but a guideline as to
how they may act, and what talents come naturally to them.

Sein: The sein are the most blatant of all cioara. They are the warriors, bulwarks against Oblivion. When there are spectres to
be fought, Hierarchs to fend off or Renegades that get too rowdy, the sein are there to maintain control. (Rage 4, Willpower 2.)

Vezet: The vezet are those who remain steadfast in the original cioara duty, protection of enfants. They find the recently
deceased before reapers can, remove their cauls and take them to safety. Or at least they try to. (Rage 3, Willpower 3.)

Tanr: - Charismatic preachers, heretic cult leaders, pastors, yogis and more. They espouse the doctrine of Transcendance,
attempting to lead wraiths away from the dangerous path of Oblivion. (Rage 2, Willpower 4)

Srol: Healers and castigators. They work directly to heal the Oblivion in a wraith's soul. They often go head-to-head against a
wraith's Shadow, cleansing the taint from the inside. (Rage 1, Willpower 5.)

Someday I will write some. Really.

Minds Eye Theatre Corax

By Daniel B. Utecht (

Character Creation
Bird spirits (most often Raven)

Homid and Corvid

Initial Willpower

Initial Gnosis
Three for Homid, Four for Corvid

Only two background points that can be spent on any background except pure-breed.

Homid corax can learn almost any homid Garou gift, and Corvid corax can learn almost any lupus Garou gift.

Basic: Voice of the Mimic, Enemy Ways, Tongues

Intermediate: Dark Truths, Hear the Corpse Whisper, Air Sense
Advanced: Gauntlet Runner, Thieving Talons of the Magpie, Portents

Voice of the Mimic

Basic Gift
Corax can duplicate any sound or voice she has heard with a successful Static Mental Challenge (difficulty determined by ST
based on sound to be reproduced).

Enemy Ways
Basic Gift
With a Successful Static Mental test, The Corax can determine number of enemies in the area, and their general position. On a
tie, only number is determined.


Basic Gift
Spend a Willpower point and do a static Mental test with a difficulty based on rarity of language. If successful, user can read and
write that language for one evening.

Dark Truths
Intermediate Gift
Allows the Corax to discover a deep-dark secret of someone else. Spend a point of Gnosis, and conduct a Mental Challenge.
On a tie or win, the Corax discovers a psychological secret of another (includes Beast Traits and Derangements).

Hear the Corpse Whisper

Intermediate Gift
On spending a Gnosis and performing a successful (win or tie) Static mental challenge, the Corax may speak with and hear a
recently (no more than 24 hours) dead body. The corpse's willingness to talk is based on the degree of success.

Airt Sense
Intermediate Gift
By spending a Gnosis point and winning or tying a static mental test, the Corax may halve travel time in the Umbra.

Gauntlet Runner
Advanced Gift
Corax may make a Static Mental test against the Gauntlet in an area. A win decreases the Gauntlet by three, and a tie
decreases the Gauntlet by two. The gauntlet will return to normal after the Corax passes through. Anyone wishing to make use of
the weakened gauntlet must be lead by the caster.

Thieving Talons of the Magpie

Advanced Gift
Because the Corax are uncanny mimics, thieves, and spies, they have a gift that can take advantage of all three talents. The gift
is taught by a magpie spirit, and lets the Corax steal the powers of another creature and use them as if the power were its own.
The Corax must have seen the target use the power and then win a mental challenge. Upon winning, the Corax can use the
ability for one minute per gnosis spent. The target can be any shape-shifter, vampire, mage, mummy, changeling, etc. The target
can not use the power until the Corax is finished with it. This gift is sometimes taught to the most deserving Ragabash Garou.

Advanced Gift
By spending two Gnosis and conducting a Static mental test, the Corax can see future event with clarity. Though the future is
mutable, the Corax will see the most likely event. Storyteller discretion is advised.

Corax can learn most Garou rites, at STs discretion. The rite of the Fetish egg will not work on the egg of two Corax, (there are
no Metis Corax).

Rules for Different Forms

The following traits are added to Corax in different forms:

Corvid Raven
Stalwart Weak
Alert x2 Alert x2
Attentive Attentive x2
Bestial x2 Bestial x2
Heath levels Healthy

If playing straight by the rules from The Apocalypse, don't use the extra health level. These are used in my game Brevard
Beastiary, just as the extra forms for Garou on my house rules page.
Please note that the middle form has an extra level added to the Corax health. This is a reflection of the ability to withstand more
damage in this form before showing the effects. When shifting forms, normal damage is taken off of the new levels first.
Aggravated damage doesn't disappear when Corax shifts forms. The total health level of aggravated damage remains
Corax do not take aggravated damage from silver, nor do they normally enter frenzy, though gifts and supernatural effects can
cause frenzies in them.

Rank Glory Honor Wisdom
Please note that in my game, my rank one gets the basic gifts for breed and corax gifts Rank two can learn almost any basic
werewolf gifts at five xp. Rank three can learn intermediate breed and corax gifts. Rank four can learn almost any intermediate
werewolf gifts at ten xp. Only my rank five can get the advanced gifts.

By J.D. Simmons (

The term "Corps" is not an anagram or anything symbolic. It is simply the name this group has chosen. The Corps, as it is, is a
loose and militant confederation of minor Bete who were almost exterminated in the War of Rage or those that came into being
recently. They are composed of the Lepori, Stankers, Tojo, Troika, the Chiropterans, and Chatoje'. These are some of the
rarest, and weakest of shapechangers, so they were forced to team up for survival. It is important to note that the Ratkin are not
a part of the Corps, despite the Corps' large number of rodent members.
This group is based on survival of the fittest, which they are not. They feel that life is only worth living if you can live free of worry.
They band together under one banner, pledging to protect all who are weaker than they, and destroy those who would abuse
their power. In truth, really they are just a big shapechanger gang. They are vicious, feral, small and potent. They use guns, drugs,
and melee weapons like their will be no tomorrow.
They possess no Wyrm taint per se, but many do end up turning to the Wyrm under his Beast of War. Very few respect anything
that isn't brute strength or aesthetic beauty, and most will flaunt their powers over normal humans, or Garou. Many a Trooper (a
generic term for any member of the Corps) has had his ass kicked for not watching his mouth, but that was his own damn fault.
The Corps is the cockiest, cruelest, most profane, and most arrogant of Gaia's children. In all the violence and evil, however, they
still remember Gaia, and are often found killing the Wyrm in its many places of convenience. They are Gaia's, and they are not
purposefully evil, but they took hint from the War of Rage and decided to leave the fighting to the Garou. Some don't work in this
way and instead covertly continue the fight against the Wyrm, but most simply use their power for more materialistic things.

The Forms
The Corps, in general, possess only three forms: Homid, Crinos, and Sciurus. The names are sometimes different, and some
possess more than three forms, but these are the exception.
Homid: The base Human form, often lean, muscular and attractive. The Corps comes in all races, shapes and sizes. They are
often either very artistic, of very homicidal. Many have to be rescued from asylums, before undergoing the first change.
Crinos: Garou often laugh at this form. It isn't very big, and usually not very frightening, but it has its advantages.
Sciurus: This is the form of a small, usually rodent creature. These all are usually large for their species, but that doesn't mean
they aren't still pretty small in general.

(lep 'or i)
The Lepori are a group of were-rabbits/bunnies/hares. They are known for their remarkable speed and loyalty, though not their
fighting prowess. They once heard the name of a tribe of Garou known as the Bunyip, and were so enchanted by its likeness to
the word bunny, that they changed and adopted it as their own in the form of Bunnyipp. Now that the Bunyip are gone and dead,
many Garou find themselves hating the Bunnyipp for mocking the long line of honor of the Bunyip. Soon after, the Lepori
reversed the name back.
The Bunnyipp are the most common of the Corps, as they breed so rapidly that even with the ten percent chance of a child
carrying the gene for being a Bunnyipp, there are still surprisingly many of them. The Bunnyipp are one of the races that actually
survived the War of Rage. Originally, they were Gaia's messengers, and at that time they were known as the Leporidae. After
the War they were replaced by the Silent Striders.
Crinos Sciurus
Normal Stats Str +2 Str -1
Dex +4 Dex +3
Sta +1 Sta +1
App -1 Man -2
Per +1 -2 dif. on Per rolls
Dif: 6
Dif: 6 Dif: 6


Just as there are Ratkin that guard the people of the cities, and regulate them, the Mousekin did so for those of the country. In the
beginning, the Mousekin were simply Ratkin who bred with mice and preferred to stay clean. However, even before the War of
Rage they were targeted for extermination. The Garou saw them as a useless redundancy, though in older times the job of
country regulation was much different than that of city regulation. So the Garou got representatives of Ratkin to agree to take
over for the Mousekin then went and destroyed all the Mousekin they could find. The last of the Mousekin were exterminated in
the War of Rage. However, recently a small pack of Ratkin that were isolated for some time again became Mousekin. In order to
keep from being annihilated, the Mousekin eagerly joined the Corps, and have developed into the heroes they are today.
Mousekin are those of the Corps who most reject technology, and often opt for Medieval weaponry instead. Many prefer a rather
swashbuckling look, with their swords at their sides, though others prefer a rogue look of the medieval role-playing games that
Black Dog puts out. All Mousekin are adventurous, and enjoy questing about. They like the Fae above other Supernatural races,
and have been known to quest for Arcadia alongside Sidhe. Many carry Glamour drenched treasures, and other magic items
that allow them to fight or romance more effectively.
Crinos Sciurus
Normal Stats Dex +5 Str -2
Sta +2 Dex +4
App -1 Man -2
Per +1 -2 dif. on Per rolls
Dif: 6
Dif: 6 Dif: 6

The Stankers are one of the newer races of the Corps. No one can account for their transition into the world of Bete. Frankly, the
Stankers are, gulp, were-skunks. They are socially outcast, and are often manic-depressive. At heart most are deeply romantic,
or very comedic, but most cannot stand social gatherings. Those who can adapt to Corps society function as Galliards telling
what few stories the Corps has of importance.
The Stankers are the most devout in their duties; they hope that through steadfast work they can gain true acceptance.
In their Crinos and Sciurus forms, Stankers have additional natural weaponry: stink glands. The system for this is the same as
"Gift of the Skunk" on page 126 of the WW:tA, but all Stankers automatically have it after their first change, or from birth for
Sciurus born.
Normal Stats Str +1
Str -1
Dex +2
Dex +3
Sta +2
Sta +1
App 0
Man -2
Per +1
-2 dif. on Per rolls
Natural weaponry Natural weaponry
Dif: 6
Dif: 6
Dif: 6

(to' yo)
The Tojo are one of the more militant groups of the Corps. They are the moles and appropriate to their race, many serve as
infiltrators and spies. The Tojo are mostly Asian, though exactly why is unknown, and many additionally practice martial arts. Not
to say all Tojo are ninjas, but many are and not all are Asian, but most are. Those who do not practice martial arts are often
computer technicians, giving them easier access to hacking Pentex files.
The Tojo's answer to most problems is to destroy it, whether by using computers to frame the culprit or other hacker plans, or to
simply assassinate the target. They always get their man. It should be noted, however, that the Tojo were one of Gaia's Bete at
one time, but then deviated from the others due War of Rage. Originally, immediately after the turning of the White Howlers, the
Tojo were used to keep tabs on Spiral Dancer underground (literally) activities. At this time there were many Tojo of both
European and Asian descent. However, the Garou thought that the Tojo were too close to the Spiral Dancers in method, and
exterminated as they saw fit. For this reason most Tojo are Asian.
A note on their crinos form: it is huge. The Tojo's body mass doubles, sometimes triples, though mostly in muscle, not in height.
The Tojo's fingers become long hardened blades which can only be flexed at the base of the finger, ideal for waving, fighting,
etc, not for gripping. The Tojo's claw/fingers inflict Str+3 aggravated damage and due to their strength and configuration can be
used for several new attacks, but not for some old ones.
These new combat maneuvers have been listed with damage as used by a Tojo; their claws are already taken into account so
the damage listed is the total amount of dice rolled. For example a normal swipe does the normal Str+3; a light jab does -2 to
that because of its precision and speed, so it only does Str+1. The new maneuvers are:

Light jab: A weak stabbing motion meant to hit fast, not hard. A good fighter often uses several of these in rapid
succession (i.e., splits her dice pool due to low difficulty) Damage Str +1, Diff 5
Strong jab: Like a light jab, but meant to impale, certain very strong Tojo have been known to do just that, and then take it
another step further.... Str +5 Diff 7
The Blender: This disgusting often fatal maneuver is used only on those that a Tojo is set upon killing. In truth "the
blender" is a combination of tricky maneuvers that when pulled off correctly leave an enemy with their intestines all over. It
requires a great deal of both strength and acrobatics/tumbling and a good deal of flexibility, as well. It can be executed in
many different manners, but here is a sample: Guido is sick and tired of this damn Black Spiral that's been following him
around like a little lost puppy. After a few rounds of indecisive combat and non-stop mockery from the BSD, Guido
decides now the bastard dies. He quickly sweeps the Spiral, knocking him to the ground, then channels his Rage and
drives his claws into the Spiral's intestines, he lifts himself into the air in a hand stand, his claws still in the beast's belly,
and spreads his legs into the splits. He twists, using both his strength and inertia, spinning in the Spiral's gut. Splat.
Another common method is to lift the opponent into the air (having first driven your claws into their guts) and with them lifted
above your head, spinning yourself on the ground. Str+5 (impaling jab), Dex + Ath diff 6 ( to lift yourself) or Str diff modified
by opponent (to lift them), finally Str +4 for the Spinning. Very few creatures have walked away from this maneuver.
Normal Stats Str +4
Str -2
Dex +1
Dex +2
Sta +3
Man -2
App 0
+2 dif on sight rolls
Per -1
Claws inflict +3 damage
Dif: 6
Dif: 6
Dif: 6

(troy' ka)
Tojo may be the most militant of the Corps, but the Troika are the most vicious, and the most deadly. Troika are badgers, and
they are as large as your average Garou and as mean as your average bully, but they often back their threats up. Troika are
generally of one of two dispositions: 1) everything sucks, and everything must die or 2) everything is sacred and anything that
tries to disrupt the balance of nature must die. Either way, you don't want to be on their badside, and not to place sexist
stereotypes, but in general males possess the first outlook and females, the second. Troika, whichever disposition they prefer,
are very protective and make good packmates, and better babysitters or bodyguards. As tough as they act, however, many
Troika possess a heart of gold and are often very good with children. Breaking the tough exterior will show you a friend for life,
however more likely you'll just be confused.
Crinos Sciurus
Normal Stats Str +3 Dex +2
Dex +2 Sta +1
Sta +4 Man -2
App 0
Dif: 6
Dif: 6 Dif: 6

(ka yo' tay)
Whoo the comic relief! These guys are only in the Corps because the had such a fit when the Corps initially said "no." Since
then, they are the two that are most pushed around and laughed about. The story of the Chajote, or were-Chihuahua, is as such
there were several components: a regular, female Chihauhau, a pack of Spanish Garou, a couple bottles of whiskey, a powerful
aphrodisiac called "American Pig Dog-Homie G," and a really good lubricant. I know, I know that is the most disgusting thing
you've ever heard, but how do you think the Chihuahua felt? Point is, of the resulting litter of puppies, three were born Garou,
very, very confusing. It's the same way the Bone Gnawers like to mate with street dogs, but smaller. Two of these Garou puppies
underwent their first change and came to the U.S. via a mail order dog service, don't ask, and the third underwent his change in
Me-hico. Later he also came to America, and got a job with Taco Bell, but that is another, equally disturbing and humorous tale.
The two puppies ended up in Hollywood, where they met a plethora of other Chihuahuas and the Corp. After a lot of bitching (no
pun intended) and whining, they managed to join the Corps and Lorita has just given birth to an annoying, loud, mean litter of
puppies, and three or four show signs of being born true. So soon there will be another set of Chajote to join the ranks of the
Due to the pure Garou blood that started these chihuahuas they possess all the strength of the Garou, and the Auspices, and the
Gifts, though it would be hard to convince spirits to teach them. Their Crinos forms are disturbing to look at: they are tall, ugly
(those huge eyes are just not a turn on). They've got these huge claws, nasty teeth, and pencil thin necks. They are actually

shorter in their Crinos forms than Homid, as they have to grow down to Rodens, and there's only so much their Supernatural
nature can do.
Crinos Hispo Rodens
Normal stats As per WW:tA Str +4 Str +3 Str -2
Dex +1 Dex +2 Dex +2
Sta +1 App 0 Man -2
App 0
Diff 6
Diff 7
Diff 6 Diff 7 Diff 6

(kir 'op tear ans)
I have borrowed the name used by "Genma the Gurahl Panda" but the rest is different. As he presented it, they are a separate
race of Bete. As I present it, they are a deviation of nature.
Long ago, when the Howlers were still pure, when Scotland still was populated by dire wolves, when things were still in balance,
and when the Howlers worshipped the great totem of Bat, there came to be a strange Sept of Garou. In these days Bat was still
pure, as were his chosen among the Garou, and there was one Sept in particular that he patronized, the Sept of the Night
Watchers. This Sept of both White Howlers and Fianna held only to Bat. They performed as he would like, and through this they
became the eyes and warriors of the night. They worshipped Bat so long, that soon their children that were born true finished
their first Transformations with his aspects. These new get had patagia and the ears of the Bat in their Crinos forms, and in their
Glabro and Hispo to an extent, but neither was visible in their Homid or Lupus. After a few more generations, these Bat-Garou
no longer had a Lupus, but instead possessed a Rodens like form, that of a large bat.
Then the White Howlers fell and these Garou and their kin went into hiding amongst the Fianna, or roamed as Ronin, and a few
survived, though most died. When the Black Spirals rose and Bat, driven mad by his chosen's betrayal, went unto the Wyrm with
them, there rose amongst the Spiral Dancers an elite Pack, which, like the Sept of the Night Watchers, were naturally gifted by
Bat. These twisted freaks rose to stations of great power amongst the Black Spirals, but for some reason their progeny never
possessed the gifts of Bat from birth. They could learn these gifts as any other Garou, but they weren't gifted specially. Some say
that though Bat followed the Howlers, he did not do so willingly, and this was his only defiance.
Those Garou and kin who did survive mated with Fianna, twisting their blood together, so as to become of that tribe, and they
were excepted for the Howlers and Fianna had been brothers before. So, though in smaller numbers, Bat's true children
continue to be born in Gaia's grace today, but they are bastards and many see them as Black Spirals and do not even bother to
check to see if they are Wyrm-corrupted. Amongst the Black Spirals, after several generations of inbreeding, finally again Bat's
true children began to surface, Bat was now so corrupted he had forgotten why he had never bestowed these gifts upon his
Bastards before now.
So now upon both sides of this great war, there has risen a race divided, a race of Garou who now call themselves bats, and a
race without a spirit guide. The Gaia driven Chiropterans are at a disadvantage; they have no totem, except those that they
borrow of the other tribes, and the Chiropterans of the Wyrm are supported by their Totem and their Tribe. Gaia's are hunted by
both Black Spiral and Garou, and only through hard work can hope to gain any form of safety or renown. However, there is
reason for hope: it is said that Gaia has approached the most powerful of these Garou and offered them a job befitting of their
talents. They are offered to be the true masters of the Night. Gaia asks them to be her eyes and claws when all others choose to
sleep, but this would put them alone against all the Wyrm's minions of the night, including the Chiropterans own twisted brethren.
To escape certain doom, some have joined the Corps; these often gain large amounts of respect within the Corps, but very little
outside it.
The Wyrm closes in, the Garou turn their backs, it is every Chiropteran for themselves, which side shall you choose?
Homid: Unchanged, Patagia only apparent in Crinos to Sciurus
Glabro: Larger, furrier, ears get bigger, very small patagia, don't effect anything, but look strange
Crinos: As per Werewolf, but with Patagia (suitable for Flight or Gliding) and large bat ears or Chiropterans with mastery over
their bodies (Sta + Primal Urge, diff 8) can have arms and fully working, separate bat wings growing from their backs. However,
these wings are only good for gliding. Hispo: A very big, bipedal, hunched over figure. It is like a wolf bat; it walks on its hind
legs, ripping at anything near it with its huge clawed wing arms.
Sciurus: A large bat
Crinos-Sciurus forms are all capable of flight and sonar. Sonar works as per "Ears of the Bat" found in a couple Werewolf
books. In Crinos and Hispo forms the Chiropterans have hands at the ends of their arms, even though they have the Patagia.
Crinos Hispo Rodens
Normal stats As per WW:tA Str +3 Str +3 Dex +5
Dex +3 Dex +4 Man -2
Sta +2 Sta +1

Diff 6

Diff 7

App 0 App 0
Man -3 Man -3
Diff 6 Diff 7 Diff 6


By Jack Skoda (
Forward: My group likes to play cross-over with the Vampire and Werewolf games, but we never could come up with a good reason
for the two to co-operate toward a common goal. Even if the reqards of co-operation where enough to cause the two to get along, at
the end of the game there was always 'the battle' where thing broke down. Playing BSD's never worked out either. I set up this lost
tribe to be a non-ecowarrior werewolf...
The Children of the Night are a splinter group of garou. They have lost their connection to mainstream garou society and Gaia. The
origin of this lost tribe is shrouded in mystery. Some members say that their ancestors were the recipients of a terrible gypsy curse.
According to some stories the tribe originated in Slovenia, near the city of Bratislava. Scholars within the tribe have traced back
bloodlines to this region, the earliest known Child appearing around the beginning of the renaissance. A certain story is told to the
young and is known as 'the legend'. The legend suggests that the Children of the Night are the product of a vampire's medical
experiments on wolves. This tribe has no contact with any other tribe. Other garou view them as minions of the wyrm or disgraced
ronin. The children's association with vampires helps facilitate the stereotype placed on them by the other tribes. Meetings between
children of the night and other tribes almost always end in bloodshed. Werewolves that are not of the tribe are called 'demon wolves'.
The Children shun all contact with any of the other tribes. Even Black Spiral Dancers don't associate with children, mostly out of
jealousy and mistrust. This tribe has no knowledge of the Litany or other Garou ways; they are complete outsiders.
On the other hand, children of the night have no trouble interacting with vampire society, especially with Tremere. The Tremere and the
Children have always seemed to get along as far back as either side can remeber. This odd alliance adds credibility to the 'the
Legend'. The friendships are not limited to the Tremere clan and Children of the Night interact well with virtually all the other clans. The
one exception is the Gangrel. Children of the Night are suspicious of Gangrel, especially those gangrel that associate with demon
wolves. Children of the Night have even been know to run in Sabbat packs.
Taking no side in the ecological and spiritual war that the other tribes fight leaves the Children of the Night without the ability to enter
the Umbra. They gain no spiritual insights and have no Gnosis. All Children of the Night are born homid. The wolf side of their
existence is unwanted and seen as a disease. Many cannot control their change or do not retain their memories between forms.
Between all these disadvantages and the fact that all other werewolves are out to get them, the Children of the Night do have some
advantanges. They do have longer life spans than normal mortals and get all of the physical benefits as do other tribes. The can
associate freely with vampires and often do. They can learn the secrets of Thaumaturgy, if they find a willing teacher. The long term
exposure to vampires has given the Children of the Night an immunity to blood-bonds. It is also not uncommon for children to have
hightened psionic abilities.

Totem: None. The Children of the Night have lost touch with Garou theology and fall back into normal mainstream religions. A great
many of them are devout Christians, mostly Catholic or Russian Orthodox. A trend that seems to have started recently is a movement
toward Pagan or Satanic religions; some of the outposts have been taken over by these ideals and they are not safe places for
humans or Children non-believers.

Wolf Form: Children are ususally average sized wolves with black coats and golden or red eyes. The non-human forms often look
unkept, matted, or dirty. This stems from the self-loathing that some Children feel toward themselves.

Meetings and Moots: Children of the Night dont have moots. They don't need them. Most packs are in constant contact with each
other. Pack to pack communications occurs only in the face of an emergency. Most packs also have a 'safe haven' which is a friend in
an outpost who will take them in if their pack is in danger.

Habitat: These Garou, without the guidance of Gaia, have nearly all migrated into the cities. A few outposts exist in remote locations,
mostly in the north-eastern United States. These outposts are usually small isolated New England towns where the entire population is
Children of the Night and their kinfolk. Those that do move to the city form small packs and usually move all into the same
neighborhood. They are less motivated by wealth than the Glass Walkers and usually fit into the white collar middle classes. Most
cities have a close-knit pack of children all living within a few blocks of each other. The packs have very little to do with the outside
world, the name of thier game is survival.

Protectorate: Themselves and their loved ones. This may seem a little self serving but Children of the Night only protect their own
families, the brood the run with, and the causes they believe in.

Quote: "It is our lot in this world to live with a terrible disease. We seek the company of fellow monsters and band together against
those that would destroy us. We watch the normal world go by and only interfere when it suits us. Leave us to our secrets, friends, and
families and we shall leave you alive, maybe."

The Legend: The legend serves as a history of the tribe. Here is a brief synopsis of the story: a young couple that defies their parents
orders and runs off to be together. They happen on a castle and are turned to wolves by the castle's owner. The castle's lord is
rumored to get his power from the devil. The pair is forced to serve as guards. The wolves mate and produce human offspring. These
children are taken in by the castle's owner and also turned to wolves and called Children of the Night. The inhabitants of a nearby
village rise up against the lord and his demonic ways, killing him and setting the wolves free. The Children of the Night seek to join the
villagers and are cast out, they turn to the forests only to be run out of them by fierce wolves and ghosts. Alone the family bands
together and finds a secret valley, well away from men and wolf and there they build a village for themselves.

GURPS Mechanics

Children of the Night are based out of the Werewolf, Vampire, Bestiary, and Psionics supplements.

Garou package (W:tA pg 45) [228]

No Step Sideways [-60]
No Enemy:Wyrm [+80]
Enemy:All Garou [-40]
Extened Life Span / 1 level [+25]

Children of the Night package [233]

Cannot take the advantages: Past Lives; Extra Gnosis; Pure Breed; Totem Spirit; any Garou Gifts.
Children of the Night get 100 point to put toward psionics or magery (thaumaturgy) powers and skills. These point would have normally
gone toward Gnosis-related advantages and garou gifts.
Some good disadvantages are triggered change (Auspice moon); uncontrollable change; amnesiatic change.

New Disadvantages:
Triggered Change: (auspice moon) -48. A Garou with this affliction changes form during her auspice moon. The garou always
changes into the same form. The change occurs at sunset and the character returns to homid form at sunrise. For example: Taralyn is
a ragabash with the triggered change disadvantage, on the first evening of the new moon, at sunset she changes to crinos. At sunrise
she will regain her human form. She can't change at will and cant select other forms.
Amnesiatic Change: -15. A garou with this disadvantage does not retain the memories of the other forms.

By Peloquin (

Damn. The very minute Jim had stopped the car to take a leak he'd been surrounded by Spirals. And they didn't look friendly.
Especially when they entered Crinos...
"Nhrr, little Glassswalkuhrr. you sshhhould've stayed at hrroome..."
This was it. He was going to die. All because he was afraid of flying, and refused to go to Chicago by train.
Something rustled in the bushes.
All eyes turned in the direction of the sound.
And a little porcupine waddled into the clearing.
"Hrruh? Whhrat the hell...?"
The Spiral leader kicked at the little animal, but as he did the spines on the little creatures back shimmered briefly, becoming
pure silver. The Spiral howled and hopped around on one foot, clutching the smoking pierce wounds where some thin spines
were still attached. And then things got really weird.
The porcupine grew, rapidly forming some sort of Crinos form, about six feet tall, his spines thickening and lengthening into 3 ft
long spearlike spikes, and his body rippling with sinewy muscle. He grinned at the wounded leader, and then whirled around in a
pirouet, sending twenty or so spikes of silver into the already injured beast over a distance of ten feet. The Spiral gave a gurgle,
a spike buried in his throat, and then slumped forward, as dead as a dodo. With that done the...porcupine (?) turned towards the
other Spirals. And spoke, in a surprisingly clear human voice.
"I know what yer thinkin'...did he fire all his spikes, or maybe just a few? So I guess you have to ask yourself a I feel
lucky today? Well? Do ya, punks!?!"
The remaining Spirals stared at each other for about a second before screaming and running off into the woods.
The porcupine shrank into a short human with a wild hairstyle, clutching his sides laughing. "Oh, man, that was okay?"
Jim nodded, still stunned.
"Yeah, well, some of my brothers are waiting for them in the woods, and we'll finally get rid of that owe me one, pal. I'll
look you up the next time I'm in Detroit...the name is Silverspike. Don't you forget it.
He took up a small mirror from his camouflage clothes, and in the blink of an eye he was gone.
Jim drove non-stop to the Chicago conference, because this was too big a news than a plain budget report.


They never tell their tale to anyone outside the tribe. But according to them, Gaia created them to be invisible scouts and secret
police, to root out the Wyrm where they knew they could get away with it. "Let the others worry about their visible power in the
human world, and we'll take care of their country cousins." But as time has passed, they have realized that the Wyrm's real
power lies with the humans, and therefore they are now coming to the cities. Well. They have been there all along, but only to
check out the situation. They are scouts, after all.

They only have three forms: Homid, Crinos and Cristata. In Crinos form they only increase a few inches in size, but their other
advantages make up for that totally. In Cristata form they are just plain little porcupines, cute and harmless...not! Homid form is
usually pretty short; they're never above six feet in height, and may not take the Merit Huge Size. They also gain an additional dot

to put in any Social of your choice; as they are pretty cute li'l buggers. Now, they have the same Auspices as the Garou, but they
also have an annoying tendency to never treat any situation totally seriously, and they love their own sense of humor.

Spines do damage Attackers strength +3. Claws and teeth as usual.
Dex +0
Forms Str Sta Cha Man App
Homid +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Crinos +2 +5 +3 -1 -1 -1
Cristata -all +1 -2 -1 -1 +1

Well, they can't have Spines of the Porcupine, because they already have it by nature, but they do have two of their own:
Spears of the Porcupine (Level 2)
Spines of Silver (Level 3)

Other traits
They have a special Brawl maneuver, Lightning Blast, in which they do the above mentioned pirouet and fire their spines, the
damage of the spines is increased +2. You need Brawl 5 to use this maneuver. Roll Athletics +Dexterity diff:6.

Garou: Well, we've kept out of the way of the sourpusses for eons, and we'll run circles around them in the cities. Heh. Talk
about chasing their tails...

"Never heard of such a thing. What were they called?"

Kindred: Ooooh, spooky, honestly. Isn't it hard to talk wiff dose tiff?
"The what? Oh, come on, I'm not completely stupid you know."
Faery: Now these guys have the right idea: Fight, party, drink and make more of your own kind...pity they've become so serious

"Oh, them...they're almost as bad as the Pooka..."

Mages: Abracadabra, hocus pocus, and hey presto, I just got myself killed!
"Yeah, right, and I'm Ronald Reagan..."

The name is Pine...Porcu Pine... (breaks into laughter and writes down the joke)

By Shane Duffy ( (7 December 1995)

Past of the Croagal

The Croagal are a tribe of ancient Garou once known only to the Croatan and Wendigo, though the latter tribe did not believe
they existed. They are closely related to the Croatan, sometimes even sharing kinfolk. Unfortunately, when the Croatan
disappeared, so did the secret of the Croagal. The Wendigo thought them to be merely stories passed through the generations.
Theirs were tales of triumph and wits (and not to mention savagery) -- the perfect Wendigo. But these stories were false; the
tribe is very mystical, and also seems to be related to the Uktena, thus possessing many of the same gifts. Their own gifts,
dealing with the sea and healing the wounded are also very powerful. Their tribal totem, Galapagos turtle, represents wisdom
and long life. They are also very dedicated followers of the litany and settle leadership challenges by wits rather than brawn, like
the Ehecatl (a tribe created on the internet).
Most of what they knew of the other tribes came through the Croatan people. They heard of the war of the Amazon, the coming of
the European tribes, and so fourth. When the Croatan disappeared, the Croagal moved to the Galapagos islands and were
never found by the other tribes until this day.

Present day Croagal

The present has forced many changes in the Croagal way of life. They are amazed about how much the world has changed
around them, but they are very open minded and have adjusted rather quickly. They are also surprised by how much the world is
Wyrm tainted.
The Croagal came out of hiding only when Pentex came to the Islands. Unable to hide, they made themselves known to Garou
society. The Wendigo, shocked to find their ancient tales were true, expected Super Garou, but discovered the Crougal
preferred to debate to fisticuffs. One embittered Wendigo Ahroun said, "The only reason why we are letting them live is because
they are of Gaia and more of Luna than any other tribe. And because the Croatan respected them, so shall we."
They are almost entirely of Homid and Lupus, but have few metis because of their strict observance of the Litany. They are wise
and mysterious but are not driven by the Uktena's need to know all the world's secrets. They get along with most of the tribes
(except the obvious, Shadow Lords, Red Talons, etc). They haven't been around for too long, though so the other tribes aren't
getting too close.

Possible future of the Croagal

The Croagal believe they should take the place of the Silver Fangs as the leaders of Garou society. Unlike the Shadow Lords,
however, they will not take it by force; they have the patience to wait.

Beginning Willpower
5 (due to surviving on their own, thus overriding any other willpower score)

Restrictions on Backgrounds
Resources: They may only have 3 dots in resources because they haven't been around enough to build fortunes.

Restrictions in Talents And Knowledge

They may only have 3 dots in these because, again, they haven't been around long enough to know about them.(you also have to
pay double for each.): Repair, Fire arms, Computers, Demolition, Law, Wyrm Lore, Linguistics. For the same reason, they also
cannot take the Jack of All Trades merit.

The Croagal are very devoted to the skills they know and get a free dot in each of these categories: Medicine, Enigmas, Melee,

Occult, Wood lore, Archery, and Hypnotism.

Also, due to their closeness to Gaia, the Croagal get the merit Metamorph.

Wolf Form
When they are in lupus form, they are very small but agile. They mostly have a white and black coat, but are known to have a
golden tint to the white.

They are like any other tribe in organization, with the 5 ranks, elders, and so fourth. Their moots are very organized, usually
catching up with the latest gossip and playing intense games of chess and the newly introduced games of Magic the Gathering.

The equation of life; Eternity
-- Ho Nee Yeath Taw No Row

New Auspice
This new auspice was given to the Croagal tribe as a gift from Luna because of their closeness and love to her. This new
auspice is called Newau. This is a Auspice of great mystery, Wisdom, Intellect, and Power. Croagal of this Auspice get an extra
gift only through the Auspice. There are no other advantages for other Croagal with other Auspices. This Auspice shares its
phase with the Galliards.

Initial Rage: 3

Black Furies: Their hatred of men only shows their disrespect for themselves.
-- Amrou, Galliard Croagal

Bone Gnawers: They should be more taken care of by the Glasswalkers; after all, they are Garou and are of Gaia!
-- Nee Naw, Philidox Croagal

Children of Gaia: Their hearts are in the right place; their rage is not!
-- Kithkin, Newau Croagal

Fianna: Let the drunken bastards be; enough said.

-- Pontiac, Ahroun Croagal

Get of Fenris: They need to take a chill pill, although their hatred of the Wyrm should never die!
-- Weesha, Ragabash Croagal.

Glasswalkers: People should realize the accomplishments that they have made, and not criticize what they do not know.
-- Waywalk, Philodox Croagal

Red Talons: They need to turn their Rage to the Wyrm and away from the homids.
-- Wind in his Hair, Theurge Croagal

Shadowlords: They need to wait for their turn at leadership....after the Croagal!
-- Howerhage, Ahroun Croagal

Silent Striders: Their past is strange and mysterious, like us.

-- Dowwetal, Newau Croagal

Silver Fangs: They have been leaders for too long; make way for the Croagal!
-- Squatting Dog, Ahroun Croagal

Stargazers: They need to get their heads out of the clouds, open their eyes, and realize what the world is really like.
-- Travis Bethke, Theurge Croagal

Uktena: We thank them for most of our gifts, but they are still loons.
-- Jared Domenget, Ragabash Croagal

Wendigo: We are sorry we are not what they expected, but they are going to have to deal with it.
-- Jon R.H. Krall, Ahroun Croagal

Ehecatl: They are intelligent, but their noses are too high in the air to speak to them.
-- Ron Stout, Newau Croagal

Moon Circle Dancers: They truly know nothing of the sea; we are the true owners
--Stacey Tollackson, Ragabash Croagal

Level one:
Sense Magic: As the Uktena gift
Shroud: as the Uktena Gift
Mother's Touch: As the Theurge gift

Level two:
Distractions: As the Galliard gift
Spirit of the Bird: As the Uktena gift
Spirit of the Fish: As the Uktena gift
Gifts beyond 2nd level are the same as Uktena and Galliards.

View the Rite of Long Life.

By Jeff Dailey (
Filled with an Evil Motion
Let us make Monsters
That they may go out and do battle
Against these sons of Iniquity
The murderous offspring who have destroyed
A God.
HUBUR arose, She who fashioneth all things,
And possessor of Magick like unto Our Master.
She added matchless weapons to the arsenals of the Ancient Ones,
She bore Monster Spirits
Sharp of Tooth and Fang,
She filled their bodies with venom for blood
Roaring dragons she has clothed with Terror
Has crowned them with Halos, making them as Gods,
So that he who beholds them shall perish
And, that, with their bodies reared up
None might turn them back.
She summoned the Viper, the Dragon, and the Winged Bull,
The Great Lion, the Mad-Dog, and the Scorpion-Man.
Mighty Rabid Demons, Feathered Serpents, the Horse-Man,
Bearing weapons that spare not
Fearless in Battle,
Charmed with the spells of ancient sorcery,
...withal Eleven of this kind she brought forth
With KINGU as Leader of the Minions.
Our Master
Fearing defeat, summoned his Son
Summoned his Son
The Son of Magick
Told him the Secret Name
The Secret Number
The Secret Shape
Whereby he might do battle
With the Ancient Horde
And be Victorious.
Brightest Star among the Stars
Strongest God among the Gods
Son of Magick and the Sword
Child of Wisdom and the Word
Knower of the Secret Name
Knower of the Secret Number
KNower of the Secret Shape
He armed himself with the Disc of Power
In chariots of Fire he went forth
With shouting Voice he called the Spell
With Blazing Flame he filled his Body
Dragons, Vipers, all fell down
Lions , Horse-Men, all were slain
The mighty creatures of HUBUR were slain
The Spells, the Charms, the Sorcery were broken.
Naught but TIAMAT remained.
The great serpent, the Enormous Worm
The snake with iron teeth

The snake with sharpened claw

the snake with Eyes of Death.
She lunged at MARDUK
With a roar
With a curse
She lunged.
MARDUK struck with the Disc of Power
Blinded TIAMAT's Eyes of Death
The Monster heaved and raised its back
Struck forth in all directions
Spitting ancient words of Power
Screamed the ancient incantations
MARDUK struck again and blew
An Evil Wind into her body
Which filled the raging, wicked Serpent
MARDUK struck between her jaws.
The Charmed arrow of ENKI's Magick
MARDUK struck again and severed
The head of TIAMAT from its body.
And all was silent.
-- From The Necronomicon

And Today
Kiley kicked, and screamed, but couldn't manage to make any noise. It was like some bizarre dream. But she new this was real.
All too real. The cult. The chants. They had all been leads to this moment. This.... Where was she. What was the purpose of all of
this. She felt something warm oozing across her face. She saw a glint of light, and something that looked like.... "Oh my god,"
she thought. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach....And it all went black.
"Where...where am I?" she managed to mumble out as she regained consciousness. Her stomach hurt like nothing she had ever
felt before, and her body resonated with an energy she couldn't exactly place her finger on. Adrenaline? No. But it was
Shadowy figures danced around her, and she could feel a cool (breeze?) across her cheek. But it all seemed so alien. So
"Am I dead?", She asked herself. And was startled to be greeted by an answer this time.
"No, my child," the Voice called back to her in a sweet voice that Kiley couldn't recognize, but seemed like it had been with her
for all of her life.
"You are not dead. Nor do you have anything to fear of Death ever again." The Voice soothed Kiley. And she relaxed.
"Who are you?", Kiley asked, no longer afraid. She could feel the soft caress of the (water, it's definitely water) against her body
now, and it gave her strength.
"I am you," the Voice comforted back. "I am many things. You may call me Tiamat."
And at this, Kiley gasped. Not a gasp of fear. But a gasp all the same. And she realized. She heard voices. Voices of her own,
and voices of so many others. Voices of her legacy. And in that moment, she knew. She new like all of us will come to know. She
knows the legacy. She knows Our Way. In depths of Cutha, outside the grand gates of R'yleh, she knew. And KUTULU hisses
his pleasure.

It is the long night. The waters are black, black like the heart, and twice as cold. But the darkness holds many wonders, and what
are we, if not a wonder ourselves, we the wanderers of R'lyeh, of the lost city. We are as we have been since time immemorial,
and shall be long after time is naught but a distant memory. Let Neptune and Triton battle for the fate of the waves, for their
waters are not our waters. Theirs are the waters of blue, and green. Ours is the black, the waters of Cutha. Call us damned, if
you must. We are the lords of the damned. Black is all encompassing. It was here in the beginning. It is all that shall be left. And
our time is near.
They call us the Children of dead gods. Our Lords are not dead, but sleeping. They call us dark beings intent upon the corruption
of all.We are all that and more. Living in the darkest depths of the oceans and seas, we have our own ways. Our ways have their
prices, but they come with awesome powers. Living in the icy depths of Cutha, our secrets are hidden well from man. In the
sacred Labyrinths of R'lyeh we hold our Rites, sacrifices to The Dark Queen Tiamat, the Unholy General, Kingu or to Lord

KUTULU himself. But they are our ways. Our secrets. Learn them at your own peril....

The Cthulhi are a race very removed form Humanity. With such in mind, it is easy to understand how they could develop new
terms separate from ours. Here is a list of some of those terms.

Attunement: A Cthulhi's spiritual ties to its ruling Deity.

Channels: The sacred powers of the Cthulhi.
Cthla: The Squid/Man form available to the Cthulhi, used mainly for war in Cutha (see forms).
Cthulhus: A follower of KUTULU with shape-shifting abilities. Plural: Cthulhi. Also the Man-Squid demon form available to ones
of this race (see Forms).

Cutha: Literally, the Abyss. Used to refer to anything beneath the ocean surface.
Cuthos: The squid, or octopus form available to the Cthulhi (see forms).
Fathyr: The leader of one of the mortal cults that the Cthulhi take their members from.
Meretrix: Literally, "whore." One of those who have turned from KUTULU's grace to embrace the light. Plural: meretrices.
R'Lyeh: The stronghold of the Cthulhi. A huge ocean floor city, believed to have been sunk during the Great Battle. Many believe
that KUTULUS rests beneath the city.

Waxechtli: The Horrid form, used mostly for travel in Cutha (see forms).

The Cthulhi possess great power, yes. But such power always comes at a price. The price they pay is their immortal souls. For
the beings That so easily grant such power will take no less. These are the Lords of the Cthulhi. From the darkness of Queen
Tiamat, to the shining ray of hope offered by Lord Marduk, and his Meretrices.

Tiamat, Dark Queen of Death

One of the Elder Ones, Tiamat fought Marduk for the fate of the world along with Kingu, and lost. She fell, and the earth was built
on top of her dreaming body. Although it isn't believed that she is awakened yet, those who follow her path feel their powers
growing, and say it surely is a sign of the return of Tiamat. When she materializes, it is in the form of a large green dragon.
Tiamat is usually followed by the female members of the Cthulhi, but can also be followed by males who have a strong feminine

Kingu, Master of the Demonic Hordes

Absu, the male counterpart of Tiamat, fought along side her in the Great Battle, but was among the first to fall. Mankind was
made from his blood, and they still feel his pull today. While some say that Kingu is close to awakening, some say the violent
nature of man proves that he has never truly been asleep, and has just been biding his time. He appears as a giant snake or
serpent to those who call him, and is usually followed by the male Cthulhi, it is not uncommon for the occasional female to be
among his get.

Marduk, Strongest Among the Gods

Absu, Son of Enkil, the first of the Elder Gods. Champion for what the masses believe to be good, the Warriors of Humanly
Virtue turn from KUTULU and his childer in favor of the light and power that Marduk offers. When he takes form for his Get,
Marduk appears in the visage of a great and noble red dragon.

Inanna, Queen of Passion, Love and War

Inanna, the goddess of Venus, and Queen of War, had gone down to the depths of the Abyss for her love, and was staked by
Tiamat. After her resurrection, she has upheld to stand along side Marduk, and now, the lovers of humanity come to her beck
and call, to stand against KUTULU's get, in the never ending war. When she manifests, (and she does far more often than any of
the other Elder Ones), she always appears as a beautiful woman, who's vision feels a heart with love, to the exclusion of all other

Everybody likes to believe they are at the top of the food chain, my childe. Every one from the smallest bacteria to the powerful

leeches of Manhattan. Our enemies believe this as well, and some of them...a bare few, have the might to back this claim up.

Garou: They have big teeth, and long strong arms. But their minds are weak. Look to the ones referred to as Black Spiral
Dancers, and grin. You see the future of the whole race of Were Bitches before you.

Corax The Ravens understand, and even appreciate death. They hold great secrets, but none as wondrous as ours. If any find
out even one of our secrets, put the beast down. Then, quothe the Raven, "Never more."

Bastet Pretty kitties. Watch them, admire them. Then kill them quickly. They would gladly do the same to you.
Rokea They are imbeciles who should have died out with the dinosaurs.
Ananasi They are like us, whether they will admit it our not.
And Others Yes, we know their are others out there...they are all the same. Little lap dogs, bowing to the will of Marduk and his
ilk. We will destroy them all.

Like most shifters, the Cthulhi command a vast array of forms. Unlike the rest of the shifters, the Cthulhi's forms are not a
progression from man to squid, but instead a host of various cross breeds. Although the two base forms are available to them,
and used often, to avoid unwanted attention. The host of forms commanded by the Cthulhi are as such: (note: all forms are at a
difficulty of six to shift, and you roll Stamina + Primal Urge)

Homid: Your average looking human 9Basic human stats).

Cthla: head becomes large, and bulbous. Eyes grow together, looking like one large segmented eye. Oily black skin, with a
large slit on their chests, that can emit a black bilish ink. Two legs, two arms, with suckers on the palms (rimmed with teeth), six
tentacles (three on back, three on chest) circle by where the shoulders are. Fingers grow thin and tentacly themselves. (Str: +4,
Dex (in water): +3, Sta: +2, Per (in water): +2, Per (out of water): -1, Delerium +2 diff)

Cthulhus: A muscular humanoid, with a head resembling a squid, and having tentacles running down its chest. Gains a good
amount of strength, and height. Gains scales, and long slithery fingers. Its eyes match the color of its face, and appear to be
large and bulbous. Arms grow long and ape-like, legs grow wider, but do not increase in length. Feet become webbed,
resembling a frogs. (Str: +5, Dex: -2, Sta: +3, Per: +2, Delerium +3 diff.)

Waxechtli: From waist down becomes like an Octopus, oily skin, and eight tentacles, rimmed with suckers. Upper body
remains vaguely humanoidish. Skin becomes oily and thicker. Arms become long and rubbery, not having any joints. Hands
become large, and small round mouths form on the palms, and webbing between large clawed fingers. Mouth on face grows
large, and fang-rimmed. Eyes disappear, and all searching is done by sonar. Mouths on hands can squirt bilish black ink. Lower
tentacles can be brought together to resemble merman tail. Although it is possible to move about on land in this form, it is not the
easiest to work with. ( Str: +3, Dex (in water): +4, Dex (out of water): 1, Sta: +4, Per: 3)

Cuthos: Basic squid, or octopus, whichever it wants (all stats at 2).

Channels are a Cthulus' greatest power; the ability to take a portion of their ruling god and channel it through their bodies. Every
time a Cthulus uses a Channel, mark off a point of permanent Willpower. Although this isn't a permanent loss, while they are
letting such unholy, (or righteous) forces course through their bodies, they have a difficult time doing things for themselves. All
Permanent Willpower points lost in this way will be regained at the end of the scene, and after the the Channel goes out of effect.
The channels are broken into subdivisions of powers, with one only one level of a division being available per Circle attained.
Only certain Channels are available to certain Cthulhi, as some are taught by Tiamat, Absu, Inanna, or Marduk, although the
ones taught by KUTULU are available to anyone. The others can be learned, but only if you can find a willing teacher. Even the
"rogue" Cthuli, the get of Inanna and Marduk, will know some KUTULU channels, but are at a +1 x current level cost to gain them,
as KUTULU is not as willing to help them. All channels are divided into Body, Voice, and Spirit.

Each level gives one more effect that can be added to any of the forms. Each one costs the usual Willpower, plus an Attunement
point per the highest Circle evoked. For example, if they were to use Claws of the Damned, it would take one point of
Attunement. But if they were to use Faces of Agony and Wings, it would only cost five points.
Circle Name
Claws of

The hands grow even larger than usual, and large barbed claws extend from the fingers, making the effective


reach of the Cthulhi greater (+1 on related rolls), and doing +2 aggravated damage in combat.
Large bat wings grow, enabling the Cthulhus flight when above water, at Stamina x10 miles per hour.
Large chunks of bone stick out of the flesh, giving additional armor. Treat this as one extra Stamina level for
Formations soaking, plus one for every Attunement point spent beyond the base cost.
Large spikes protrude from the shoulders, elbows, back, and any other damn place the cthulhi wants them to
be. The spikes do 3 dice of aggravated damage when grappling.
Faces of Many screaming faces protrude from the Cthulhus' body, from under the flesh, each capable of using any
Voice Channel that the Cthulhus knows, or doing biting damage in close combat.

Circle Name
Voice of
Cry of


The Cthulhus' voice becomes sweet, and hypnotic, giving one auto-success for all manipulation rolls.

To invoke this power, the Cthulhus must scream at the top of his or her lungs. Then roll Stamina + Intimidation
against a difficulty equal to the Victim's Willpower. Each success equals a turn that the victim spends writhing in
fear, unable to take any actions.
Hypnotic The Cthulhus talks in a low, chant, repeating what he or she wants done. After the command is made, rolls
Chant Manipulation + Leadership, (difficulty is the Target's Willpower). The more successes scored make it a much
more thoroughly obeyed command.
Call of The Cthulhus can whip a crowd into a frenzied mob, and direct it at one victim for awhile. Roll Charisma +
Leadership (diff 8). Each Success equals two people that can be directed for the scene.
Call of The Cthulhus can emit an ear splitting scream, breaking all windows in the vicinity, and doing severe damage to
Cthulhu living creatures. Roll Stamina + music or performance. Each success equals the damage dice pool. Three or
more successes will shatter all the glass in the vicinity. 4 or more will do structural damage to buildings.

Circle Name
Armor of This will allow the Cthulhus to channel the protective energies through its body, creating an aura shield. Roll
Darkness Stamina while this Channel is in effect (diff 7). Each success equals an extra level of Stamina used for soaking
Markings This allows the Cthulhi to place their hands on a subject's head, and push a mark into the subject's soul. Roll
Intelligence + Occult. Diff, 6. Each success takes away from the victim's Appearance Dice pool for the day.
Although the points won't be actually lost, others will react to him as if they had been.
HellFire The Cthulhus can engulf its body in a dark purple flame that remains lit under water. It also has the ability to
control how much of its body is engulfed, and throw flames. To invoke this power, spend an Attunement point
for each Die of damage you want it to be worth. The fire can be thrown with a Dex + Firearms roll. In Cutha, the
fire will turn to steam, but will stay condensed around the body.
Imprison The Cthulhus can imprison someone in an impenetrable bubble that rests In R'lyeh. Spend an Attunement
point, and do a resisted temporary Willpower roll. Success sends the Victim to the bottom of Cutha's floor, in
the Labyrinths of R'lyeh. Failure means the victim is immune to the power. A botch sends the Cthulhus to
R'lyeh, with a loss of a permanent point of Willpower.
Stormfire The Cthulhus can blanket an area in HellFire that falls from the sky. To do so, spend two Attunement points,
and roll Temporary Willpower (difficulty of the local area's Gauntlet). The number of Successes equals the
damage done to the surrounding area, as determined by the ST.

Circle Name
Rigor Mortis The Cthulhi can pull their skin as tight against the bones as possible, making it easier to slip through narrow
openings, and giving intimidation bonuses. Just spend an Attunement point for this power to take effect.
Each Attunement point spent gives a +1 bonus to all intimidation rolls.
The Cthulhus must activate Rigor Mortis for this to work. The user shuts down all of its nerves, and no longer
suffers from wound penalties. It will now suffer +2 difficulties on all Awareness/Perception rolls, though. This
Channel is activated by spending a Willpower point.
The Childe of Tiamat can melt flesh away, leaving only bones, or dislocate (remove) body parts, controlling
them from a distance. Spend a Willpower point for each body part to be removed, or for each section of
flesh to be melted away. The body part is controlled like it is still apart of the body, but now has one dot in
each physical Attribute, and three health levels. The act of removing flesh is usually only used in rituals.
Gravedigger The Cthulhus can sink in the ground, traveling through the dirt like a worm. Spend two Attunement points to
sink into the ground. To travel, a perception roll must be made (diff 6) to get where you wish to go.


If the Cthulhus is taken below Incapacitated, she can sink into the ground, and rest until healed. Heals at half
speed. This costs all of your remaining Willpower, which can't be regained until awakening.

Circle Name
The Cthulhus can talk to recently deceased beings. Spend a Willpower point to use. The spirit must not have
Speech left the body more than a day before this Channel is used.
Command The Cthulhus can now demand a task from a spirit. Spirit Speech must be invoked, and then a Manipulation +
Intimidation roll must be made, diff 7.
Summon The Cthulhus can now summon spirits of those how have been dead for longer than a day, or those who have
never even lived. Spend a Willpower point, and roll Charisma + Intimidation (diff is the local Gauntlet rating).
The number of success determine how quickly a Spirit will show up. Although you do not need to know what
kind of spirit you are summoning, it is less hazardous if you do.
The Cthulhi can now force a spirit to remain in an object, creating a fetish, or just a spiritual prison. The soul
can now also be pulled out of living beings this way. To bind a spirit, roll Strength + Occult, Difficulty 7. To pull
out someone's soul, roll Strength + Occult, Difficulty the victim's Stamina + 3. Each success subtracts one
from the victim's permanent Willpower rating.
Legions Tiamat's childe can now raise bodies from the dead. Roll Charisma + Leadership (difficulty the local Gauntlet
rating +3). The number of successes equal the number of Zombies that will come to aid the Cthulhus for the

Circle Name

Objects in the Cthulhus' presence will start to stop working, break down, and decay. Spend an Attunement
point to make this power work, and roll Willpower (diff 7).
Corrupt The victim of this power will start to act less human, gaining homicidal tendencies, and acting on them. Roll a
resisted Willpower roll, each success taking one away from the victim's Charisma.
This Channel will kill all lower organic matter (trees and such) within a given area. A Cthulhus can corrupt a
Caern this way. Roll Manipulation + Occult, and spend an Attunement point (diff the local gauntlet plus caern
rating, if applicable). Each success will cover a 5x5 ft area with blight.
Wither life This channel will speed up a subject's aging process greatly. Roll Manipulation + Medicine (diff the victim's
Stamina + 4). Each Success adds ten years to a subject's life, and takes one point from each of the Physical
Pestilence The Cthulhus can send a minor plague, killing a portion or all of a crowd. Roll Wits + Medicine (diff 8) and
spend an Attunement point. Each success is worth two damage to all subjects in the given area, and this can
not be soaked.

Circle Name

The Chulhus can take the form of a Giant Viper, gaining all the benefits there of. This costs one Attunement
The Cthulhus can take the form of a Giant spider, gaining all the benefits there of. This costs one Attunement
The Cthulhus can now take the form of a swarm of beings of the above shapes, (but not giant). This costs one
Attunement point, and each creature only has two Health levels.
Demonic The Chulhus can take the form of a swarm of half-man sized imps, each with four health levels, and suffering
no wound penalties. Any KUTULU channel can be used by the Imps. This costs two Attunement points.
Gluttonous Can form together with other Cthulhi. No more than one without this power can be included for every three with
it. This costs three Attunement points.

Circle Name
The Cthulhus can communicate with animals by spending an Attunement point, and looking in the animals
Distemper He can now induce a rabid frenzy in an animal, by rolling Willpower, at difficulty 7. Each success makes the
animal go crazy for two turns. The animal will attack the closest thing to him, not including the Cthulhi who
used this Channel.
The Cthulhus can now direct swarms of Vermin or pests. He must roll manipulation + Animal Ken; each
Control success directs the swarm for two turns.
The Cthulhus can induce a frenzy in a swarm, making them attack people they run across. To do so, you must


use Swarm Control, and spend two Attunement points.

The Cthulhus can induce a crowd into a frenzied mob, creating a riot. Roll Charisma + Empathy, diff 7. Each
success adds ten people to the riot, for one scene.

Circle Name
Will o'

By spending an Attunement point, the Cthulhus can conjure up multiple balls of light that dance around, and can
attack if directed. The wisps cost one point per one summoned, and will hit a target if told to, doing one die of
aggravated damage.
The Cthulhus can summon three or fewer shadow beings that can attack if directed. The shadow beings have
two health levels each, and physical stats are all at 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3. They can't be destroyed by turning on
the light, but can be killed with fire, or ordinary weapons. Their touch is icy cold, and will do aggravated
damage in combat. To summon, it costs one Attunement point per shadow slave.
The Cthulhus can now summon up to ten Minor Demons who will attack on command. They have the same
stats as the shadow slaves, and are summoned in the same way, on a one for one basis.


Lord of
Tentacles The Cthulhus can summon long Tentacles made of hard dark water, that will stay solid, and will attack his foes.
of Cutha Arms summoned under water are invisible, but just as solid. The arms cost one Attunement point, and a
successful roll most be made, (Manipulation + Occult, diff 7). Each success summons a ten foot long arm, with
strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 1, and 5 health levels (no wound penalties). The tentacles
have small suckers that can latch onto a subject when he's held, and will do one aggravated damage per turn.
Besides that, tentacle attacks are not aggravated .
Summon The Cthulhus may call forth a giant squid, large enough to devour a whale, and direct it to do one task. This
Kracken costs 3 Attunement points, and 2 Willpower points. After that, a Manipulation + Animal Ken roll must be made,
(diff 7), to see if the Kracken will obey the command. (Kracken's stats Str 5, Dex 3, Stam 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 1,
health levels (ok, ok, ok, bruised, bruised, hurt -1, injured -2, crippled -2, mauled -5, Incapacitated)

Circle Name Description
Scales The Meretrix can cover his or her body with large scales, adding one Stamina for each Attunement point spent.
Horns The Meretrix can now spend two Attunement points, and grows large horns on his or her forehead, doing +4
damage to head butts, and related attacks.
Wings As the KUTULU Body Channel of the same name. If both are learned, two pairs of wings can be formed,
doubling dexterity while in the air.
Aura of The Meretrix can emit a strong light from its body, which will do 3 d10 damages to Undead creatures
Purity (aggravated ), and can light up any dark space for up to 20 meters. This power costs 1 Attunement point per turn
Dragon By spending a WIllpower Point, and three Attunement points, the Meretrix can become a huge red dragon, and
Body gains all benefits there of. Breathing fire does 5 d10 damage, and takes Dex + Firearms to aim.

Circle Name Description
War Marduk was known for his warrior nature. As such, his childer have learned to emulate his war cry. Each Circle
Cry attained in this power allows the Cthulhi to take one die from the pools of their enemies. This is automatic, and
nothing needs to be spent.

Circle Name
The one using this power automatically knows the weakest point in a foe, giving him an autosuccess in all
Weakness attack and damage rolls. This power costs an Attunement point per turn used.
By spending 2 Attunement points, the Meretrix can call out a Number, as yet unknown to man. Upon hearing
this Number, an intelligence roll must be made (difficulty 5). Each non-success reduces the targets
Number Perception for a day, as the mind is forced to realize how little of reality it comprehends.
The Disc The Meretrix can form a large flaming disc, and hurl it at opponents. The disc is worth one damage for each
of Power Attunement point spent, and is aggravated. It is thrown like any other weapon.
By spending 2 Attunement points, the Meretrix can call out the secret name of the True God. All within hearing
distance of this must make a Perception roll (diff 7). Each success takes away one permanent Willpower
The Meretrix can inscribe a shape on any surface, and makes a Willpower roll (diff 7). Those who witness it
must make a Perception + Occult roll, diff 8. Each success takes gives the viewer a Derangement, that lasts
for however many weeks as the caster had successes.

The one who uses the Body of Inanna, is one who commands presence. For each Circle attained, you may add that many points
to your Appearance rating, by spending an Attunement point. This effect lasts for an hour.

Circle Name

By rolling Appearance + Empathy (diff the victim's Willpower), the Meretrix can ask a simple one word
command from someone, that must be obeyed immediately.
The caster can now make a Charisma + Leadership roll (diff 8). Each success gives an autosuccess to a
follower's next action. This creates a pool, which is allotted how ever the caster sees fit.
Mesmerize The caster can now use Seducer's Beckon to make a target carry out much more elaborate commands.
Love Me The Meretrix can utter a small plea (and make an Appearance + Empathy roll (diff the targets Willpower))
whenever in danger. Success means that the attacker will not harm the caster for that many turns.
Voice of As long as the Meretrix remains speaking, no one will act against her. To do anything less than servile, they
must make a Willpower roll (diff 9). Each success makes it possible to act rude or hostile for one turn.

There are no spirit Channels known as of yet, although some rumors have surfaced of beings claiming to have them.

Character Creation
Step One: Character Concept
This is the defining traits of your character. Who he is, and who he wants to be. Choose a name, a ruling Deity, a Nature and a
Demeanor. (For info on Natures and Demeanors, see Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The
Ascension and Wraith: The Oblivion). All of these (with the exception of name) should help reflect the concept idea you have for
this character.

Step Two: Select Attributes

Prioritize the three Attribute categories, (Strength, Social, and Mental), into Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Your Primary
Attribute category will give you 7 dots to distribute among the three Traits listed. Secondary will give you five points, and your
Tertiary will leave you with only three dots to distribute among the Traits listed below the category. You are given one free dot in
each Attribute.

Step Three: Select Abilities

Now prioritize the three Ability categories (Talents, Skills, and Knowledges) into Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. The Primary
Ability category is now allowed 13 dots to distribute among the Traits listed, the secondary is allowed 9 dots, and the Tertiary is
allowed 5. (Note: Unlike attributes, the abilities do not give one free dot in each Trait.)

Step Four: Select Advantages

This is the stuff that makes your Cthulhi unique. The Traits listed here are:

Attunement: How powerful your tie is to your ruling Deity. Your base Attunement rating is equal to your Favor score, (see the
Backgrounds section), but can be increased later through the use of Freebie points, to a max of 10.

Channels: The powers offered to you from your Lord, for dedicated service. You will begin the game with one KUTULU

Circle: Your Rank and standing in Cthulhi Society. It goes from 0, (where you start), to 5, (the masters of Cutha and R'lyeh). It is
divided into Temporary Circle and Permanent Circle ratings. Both are divided into three sections, Body, Voice, and Spirit (See
the Circles section for more information on the separate Circle meanings). The Temporary Circle ratings will all be numbers
from one to ten, and will start differently according to your ruling Deity. They start as follows:
Tiamat: 1 Body, 1 Voice, 1 Spirit
Absu: 2 Body, 1 Spirit
Marduk: 2 Spirit, 1 Body

Inanna: 3 Body

Backgrounds: Allies, money, or respect from your peers that you have earned along your way. You begin the game with 5
background points.

Willpower: Your Mental Strength. How well you can control yourself. You start with 5 points, but can raise them with Freebies

Step Five: Distribute Freebie points

You are now given 15 freebie points to distribute however you see fit. The costs of items are as follows:
Backgrounds: 1
Second Channel: 10
Note: The second Channel can only be one from the ruling Deity, and you must have at least 1 pt of Favor to get it.

This area is to show some of the backgrounds specific to Cthulhi Characters. Any of the other Backgrounds listed in Werewolf:
The Apocalypse will work also, except Fetish, Totem, and Pure Breed.

This determines how your ruling Deity smiles upon you. It is also the base rating for your Attunement pool.
At least someone down there realizes that you exist.
** Your Deity will appear to you in dreams to tell you to stop if you are screwing up royally.
*** You have managed to gain a favor or two from your Deity...for a price.
**** When in need of help, your Deity will at least hear your problem.
***** Your Deity keeps close eyes on you at all times, and will talk to you if needed.

This determines your rank in your cult before the change. While it won't allow you to start at a higher circle, it will earn you a bit
more respect.

(Apostle) You had been a brainwashed goob for years before the change.
(Accepted Member) You were on good terms with the "Fathyr," and maybe he even molested you from time to time to
show his pleasure with you.
*** (Involved Member) When the temple was in trouble from any source, you were always they first to help defend it.
**** (Fathyr's Helper) You were constantly on the platform, or on the alter, and may have even known some of the Cult's dark
secrets back then.
***** (KUTULU's childe) You were widely accepted in the Temple's ways, and always new what was really going on behind the
satin curtains. You are said to have part of HIS soul in your being.

How much experience, and when it is awarded is covered in the White Wolf core books, but mostly is subject to the whim of the
Storyteller. The easiest system is just to give the players between one and five points, depending on how well they role-play, and
how much they get accomplished. This should be done between each session, and can be subject to any changes the ST
wishes to make.
As for purchasing new abilities, that is what this here is for. The costs for everything is as listed below.
New Ability

Current Rating

Current Rating x 2
Current Rating x 4
Ruling Deity's Channel Circle x 7
Other Channel
Circle x 9
Current Rating x 10
Note: KUTULU Channels are considered a ruling deity's channel for all Cthulhi (including meretrix characters). Learning a
Channel that is not of your ruling deity, though, is difficult, as these are secrets that are guarded carefully. If a Storyteller does
allow you to learn one that is not of your Deity, it should be a long and difficult process.

Circle Explanations
The Circle is the ranking of a character in Cthulhi society. The characters should start out with a circle ranking of 0, and will work
it up in game play.
THe circles start out at 0, (outer circle), and progress to 5, (inner circle).
The character's circle traits are broken down into two separate parts, permanent and temporary. The Temporary rating, is
broken into three separate categories, as well: Body, Voice, and Spirit.
The Body category is a measurement of the physical strength that the Cthulhus shows. It shows the acts that the Cthulhus has
accomplished in battle, scars received, and enemies destroyed.
Voice is the measurement of a Cthulhus' cunning, and wits. Gaining renown in this circle takes corrupting enemies, outsmarting
foes, (or friends), or any other actions that show how witty and manipulative you can be.
Spirit is the measurement of your connection and reverence of your Deity, as well as your understanding and wisdom. Settling
disputes between allies without killing one or the other, as well as holding rites to honor your Deities will earn you Spirit ratings.
As you do things that your Deities would deem worthy of temporary Circle points, your Storyteller will mark them down.
Remember that each Deity will have different demands for gaining points in each Circle. How that works will be up to the ST's
whim. Once your character has reached ten points in each of the three Temporary Circle categories, you may mark off a
permanent Circle dot. How many permanent Circle dots you have will equal your Circle rating. After you mark down your
permanent rating, erase all from your temporary circle rating, and start again.

By Jason C Marshall (

Among the twisted and deformed metis of the Black Spiral Dancers tribe is a small sub-tribe known simply as the Dark Wings.
These Garou are all of the Metis breed with one thing in common, Patagia gifted to them by their Totem, Bat. Though small, the
Dark Wings are a useful pawn of the Wyrm in its battle to destroy and corrupt.

The Dark Wings came into being in the later part of 1932, when a small group of Patagia gifted Black Spirals began to work
together in Los Angeles. After several successful sorties, they formed their own sub-tribe within the Black Spirals, taking those
who had been gifted with metis and Patagia over all else.
Most Dark Wings live in New York, working with the Black Dawn and Black Spiral tribes and the Spiral clan in an effort to wrest
control of the city from the Sabbat, while pretending to work for them.

Dark Wings organize themselves in the exact same way as the Black Spiral Dancers.

The Bat.

Most Dark Wings live on rooftops, creating caerns of lesser strength there in order to facilitate their flying escapades.

Same as Black Spiral Dancers.

Character Creation
Same as Black Spiral Dancers.

Metis only.

Same as Black Spiral Dancers.

Same as Black Spiral Dancers, though many are Ragabashes.

Racial Abilities
All members are able to glide with their Patagia. This costs no Willpower or Gnosis. The Dark Wing can actually fly if it expends
a Gnosis point for every five minutes it wish to fly properly.

All Dark Wings get Patagia automatically.

By Kristopher W. Gruner (

The Shadows of the Past...

"Before all others, we were. Before the tribes, we were. Let the Silver Fangs strut and say, 'We were first, we are first.' Let the
Fianna sing of their ancient roots. The darkness is ours, and the shadows of the past are no different."
In the time before tribes, there was the Sept of Shadow's Watchers. Hidden on the island of Crete, this was a sept of mediators,
philosophers, and stoic warriors. They refused to participate in the Impergium. They made their island a neutral safe-haven
whenever the War of Rage erupted. They would take no sides in the internescine feuds of their fellow Garou.
Instead, they learned from their spirits and Kinfolk alike, and taught these friends in kind. Their hidden influence fostered the
development of Minoan civilization. They fought only when forced, to defend themselves and those who could not defend
themselves. But they fought with as much courage as any other Garou. In time, over the millenia, they became their own tribe, not
through purposeful effort, but through the reality of Garou politics.
Many other Garou despised them for their stances, and the reality of politics came terribly close to destroying them. In their
darkest hour, the Garou leadership turned them away.
The Wyrm trembled and spat fiery destruction upon the Minoan civilization. Even today, mankind remembers this cataclysm as
the legend of Atlantis, the reality of which is just now being rediscovered by humanity of large. Everything the Watchers had
worked so hard for was torn asunder in not much more than a human lifetime. Garou and Kin alike were scattered on the four
winds, forced to seek asylum among the tribes and septs willing to secretly defy the Silver Fangs.
Today, the Dark Watchers reside all over the world, watching, waiting, and doing what they can. They will take any honorable and
good being as an ally. They are touched with cynicism and bitterness, but still strive to reunite the Garou and all the Changing
Breeds; they still point the way to the true enemies of all Gaia's defenders.
The consensus among the Tribe's members is that they have remained hidden for long enough. They must reenter the light, and
bring their brethren the knowledge of the past and future they hold. The time of the Apocalypse may be close at hand, and so the
time for reunification is here.
Wars are won and lost before the first blow is landed, or so the Watchers believe. It is best to understand your enemy and best
him in all ways possible before he even knows that he is at war with you. Cut off his resources, weaken his alliances, sap his
resolve, all from the shadows, and he will crumble when the time for fighting comes. Most importantly, never fight his fight, make
him fight yours.

Tribal Totem

Initial Willpower

No Pure Breed, must buy at least one dot in Mentor

Beginning Gifts
Eyes of the Cat, Sense Wyrm, Shadowplay

The Lupus form of the Watchers is small, for wolves, with large, cocked ears and mottled coats of black and grey, with touches
of tan, russet, and white. Their eyes are always red in Lupus, Hispo, and Crinos. Homid Watchers may come from any stock, as

they have placed more emphasis on practical matters, such as ability, than "purity."

"The past of our people weighs heavy on our future. We have made enemies of those we need most for far too long. This
must end now, or we are all doomed."

Dark Watchers do not enter the Umbra as other Garou, with reflective surfaces. Instead, they use the edge between light and
dark found along a shadow. Even the slightest of lighting differences will do. Piercing the Gauntlet is in all other ways the same
as for other Garou.
Also, Dark Watchers must have at least one dot in History and one dot in Law for every Rank. They may not obtain a new Rank
until they possess the required abilities. Dark Watchers of the Lupus breed are not assumed to be illiterate, even if they do not
have any dots in linguistics.

Why do You Forsake Me, My Brothers?

Black Furies: Certain Black Fury Septs were among the first to defy the Garou leaders and give refuge to Dark Watchers and
their Kin. The Furies remembered the Minoan contribution to the culture of their Greek charges, and the exalted place of women
in the lost civilization.

Bone Gnawers: The Watchers were always generous with their Gnawer brethren, and the Caerns of some Gnawers are now
secretly stopovers for wandering Dark Watchers. The poor Garou welcome the gifts and information the wanderers bring, and
the wanderers are grateful for the access to Caerns.

Children of Gaia: Many would expect two tribes that seem to have such similar views to be closer. But the two are split by their
motives and ideology. The Watchers consider the Children to be naive and a touch self-righteous. The Children hold that all evil
comes from the Wyrm, and all good comes from Gaia; the Watchers know better. But they still have more respect for what the
Children have done to fight the Wyrm than any other tribe.

Fianna: The Fianna have mixed feelings about the Watchers. Both tribes have a love of history. But the Fianna are passionate,
and the Watchers seem reserved and cold. Additionally, some Fianna loathe the Watchers as cowards.

Get of Fenris: These tribes loathe each other like few tribes do. The Get despise the Watchers as cowards, and the Watchers
hate the Get as the barbaric, murderous hitmen of the Silver Fangs and the tribe most anxious to destroy the Watchers.

Glass Walkers: Some Glass Walkers do business with Watchers. Other than that the Walkers have little contact with or opinion
of Shadow's Tribe, other than disdain for the betrayal.

Red Talons: One of the tribes that took the most pleasure in the mandate to turn the Watchers away, the Red Talons have
always despised the Watchers for fostering human civilization. The Watchers respect the survival skills of the Talons, and little

Shadow Lords: The Shadow Lords have, predictably, played both sides since the beginning. While publicly supporting the
Silver Fangs and persecuting the Watchers, the Lords have secretly done everything they could to use the Watchers against the
Fangs. But this becomes harder with each passing season as distrust becomes outright disdain on the part of the Watchers.

Silent Striders: Of all the tribes, the Dark Watchers have the most in common with the Striders. Both have lost their homelands
and both were forced to scatter across the globe. But the Watchers have long since given up hope for their home: there is no
more Minoan civilization. Still, Striders and Watchers are almost always on good terms.

Silver Fangs: Dark Watchers despise the Garou leaders, almost without exception. They were betrayed and nearly destroyed.
They would like nothing more than to see the Fangs deposed, but not by the Shadow Lords. The Silver Fangs do not even
officially recognize that the Watchers exist, or were ever a tribe to begin with. An inbred combination of pride and shame.

Stargazers: Considering the small numbers of both tribes, the Gazers and Watchers have considerable contact. Both are
introspective and intellectual. The Watchers, however, are much more pragmatic and much less mystical. They see past the
differences, however.

Uktena: The Uktena have received unexpected aid from the Watchers time and time again, and their gratitude shows when the
two tribes meet.

Wendigo: The Watchers did not aid the Wyrmcomers. This is enough for the Wendigo to not hate them. But the warrior tribe is
leery of the Watchers seeming reluctance to make war.

The Whole of the Law...

Garou Shall Not Mate with Garou
"This really should read 'Garou shall not make babies with Garou.' The only reason for this law is that Garou 'relations' produce
Metis. Most other tribes believe the deformities to be evidence of Gaia's displeasure. But travel to the realm of Pangea, Gaia in
a purer state, and Metis deformities and sterility disappear. So why are Metis marked this way?"

Combat the Wyrm Wherever it Dwells and Whenever it Breeds

"The Children of Gaia are closer on this one than any other tribe. The Wyrm must be destroyed by eliminating its breeding
grounds and insulating man against its temptations."

Respect the Territory of Another

"That's very easy for Garou with vast territories to say."

Accept an Honorable Surrender

"We can spare no one, now more than ever. Garou killing Garou gets us nowhere. If the surrender is honorable, it must be
accepted. But many Garou have no honor..."

Submit to Those of Higher Station

"If those of higher station are deserving, then follow them. If not, pretend to follow until the time is right. If you don't do the deed,
another may."

The First Share of the Kill for the Highest in Station

"This law is archaic and foul. The first share goes to the Garou that did the killing, and the rest to those in need. This prevents
hoarding; our packs and septs are families, not petty monarchies."

Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans

"Do I really need to go further? Man tastes not like chicken. And these days he tastes like shit, or so the Talons say. Of course,
only a Talon would be qualified to make the comparison..."

Respect for Those Beneath You -- All Are of Gaia

"You expect those above you to treat you well; expect no less of yourself."

The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted

"There should be no Veil to lift. The Impergium was a fool's errand. But humanity at large would destroy us, so be careful from
whom you lift the Delirium."

Do No Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness

"In other words, if you're old, fuck you! Those of many seasons have much to offer in wisdom that more than earns the resources
they consume. This law is foolish."

The Leader May Be Challenged at Any Time during Peace, The Leader May Not Be Challenged during Wartime
"If you're in a fight, save your problems with the guy in charge for later. The last thing you need is to be fighting each other. But
don't put up with ineptitude at any level, let alone at the top."

Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to be Violated

"We have few enough Caerns to ourselves as it is. The greatest crime is to endanger them. And it is as great a crime to repay
the generosity of a Sept by harming their Caern after they've let you use it."

The breeding practices of the Dark Watchers differ from those of most Garou. It is traditional for Watchers to reproduce with
Kinfolk of the opposite breed at least once in their lives. As a result, very few Homids are more than two or three generations
removed from a Lupus ancestor, and vice versa.
There are several benefits to this tradition. First, the animosity between the breeds seen in other tribes is almost non-existent.
Second, Watcher Lupus are much more comfortable with human society and technology, and Watcher Homids are much more
in touch with the Wyld.

Dark Watchers keep meticulous records and check every known birth of a potential Garou, both from their own matings and
those of Kinfolk. With the help of various spirits and rites, they go to great lengths to track the bloodlines and identify future

Early Life as a Garou among the Dark Watchers

The Watchers make every effort to contact their young Garou just before the First Change and break the hard truth to them as
gently as possible. Even if they can't, they take great care to make this trying time as easy as possible, unlike most other tribes.
Dark Watcher pups are given extensive training in essential subjects, especially those in which they are lacking. Homid pups
often require survival training, and Lupus pups usually need familiarization with technology and human society. They are also
educated in Garou history, politics, and traditions.
Only after the pups are ready are they subjected to the Rite of Passage. Dark Watcher Rites of Passage are always challenging
and rigorous, but never intentionally lethal.

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend...

The Dark Watchers are unlike any of the other Garou in their relationships with other beings. While they attempt to judge each on
her own merits, they are too pragmatic to deny the general natures of other groups.

Kinfolk: Perhaps only the Children of Gaia are more open and egalitarian with their Kinfolk. The Watchers reveal as much as
possible to trustworthy Kinfolk. Human and wolf Kin interact much more frequently and are on much better terms than those of
other tribes; they do whatever they can to protect each other.

Spirits: Unlike other Garou, the Watchers relate to spirits on the basis of friendship and partnership, not worship or entrapment.
Watcher Theurges almost never bind unwilling spirits, and even when they do, it is always into Talens.

Vampires: The Watcher view on Vampires is best summed up in their own words. "Our Garou brethren are wrong about the
Vampires. Do not fail to befriend the noble among them, or destroy the evil. And the majority are quite evil. But the Children of
Caine are not the children of the Wyrm. Their evil is their own, and perhaps this truth is too much for our brothers."

Mages: The dark Watchers have little use for most Mages, viewing them as self-absorbed and self-righteous.

Dark Watcher Gifts

The gifts of this tribe reflect their nature as observers, survivors, and shadow warriors.

Level One
Eyes of the Cat: As the Level Three Metis Gift. (W:TA)
Sense Wyrm: As the Level One Metis Gift. (W:TA)
Level Two
Pure Identity: As the Level Two Shadowlord Gift (Shadowlord Tribebook)
Sense of Prey: As the Level Two Ragabash Gift. (W:TA)
Level Three
Clarity: As the Level Three Stargazer Gift. (W:TA)
Night Terrors: As the Level Three Bastet Gift. (W:PG)
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways: As the Level Three Philodox Gift. (W:TA)
Level Four
Attunement: As the Level Four Bone Gnawer Gift, but it is usable in any environment. (W:TA)

Mindblock: As the Level Four Silver Fang Gift. (W:TA)

Shadow Walk
Level Five
Shadowpack: As the Level Five Shadow Lord Gift. (W:TA)
Survivor: As the Level Five Bone Gnawer Gift. (W:TA)


By D. Stairs (
The Denier are the results of genetic experimentation by the Progenitors, a Convention of the Technocracy. They are shapechanging
crossbreeds, melds of spirit, mind and body, forming a new whole. Only 28 of them exists, the only survivors of the purge the
Technocracy ordered after their experiments were complete.

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Forms: They inherit their fathers' Strength, Stamina and Manipulation and their mothers' Dexterity and Appearance adjustments.
Corax-Nuwisha use the most advantageous.

Abilities: 13/9/5 (Knowledges are always tertiary)

Backgrounds: They receive an automatic point of Past Life (tied to their parents), but no other points. They may purchase more
with freebies, however.

Gnosis: 4 (They must spend double experience to increase)

Rage: Based on Auspice
Auspice: Roll one die: 1-2 Ragabash, 3-4 Galliard, 5-6 Ahroun, 7-8 Philodox, 9-10 Theurge. Even non-Garou crosses use the
werewolf auspices.

Gifts: 3 (Gifts cost double experience points unless with a Pack or Sept)
Renown: 4 (Ronins and Loners earn Renown at 1/3 the rate. Those belong to a pack earn it at 1/2 the rate. Those who belong a
Sept earn it at the full rate. The additional point can be placed in whatever category the player wants)

Willpower: As the father's breed or tribe.

Go by the father's aspect for Gift selection, Willpower rating and disadvantages. Go by the mother for Rite selection and
advantages. If either aspect is Gurahl (bear), and the "parent" was an Ursine bear of the following types, they get the listed
Grizzly: +2 Rage/Str, +1 Sta, -2 Dex.
Kodiak: +1 Str/Dex/Rage, -1 Int/Sta.
Polar: +2 Sta, +1 Dex/Per, -1 Rage/Str.
Also if either aspect is Bear (regardless of Homid or ursine) then they spend Rage in the way the Bears do. Also if either parent
is Mokol, then they get Archid form characteristics. Also this will mean the Archid form will dominate their mixed form.

Additional Advantages
They are immune to the werecreature's bane metals (silver and gold) as if had the 1st edition 7 point merit of Solver Tolerance.
Those who use magic, gifts, disciplines and similar powers directly against the Denier add +2 to their difficulties.

Additional Disadvantages
They always show up as being tainted by the Wyrm, unless they spend 6 months in Erebus. They also cannot heal naturally, and
must use a gift or Fetish. This penalty goes away if they are cleansed of Wyrm taint, however. They have a Metis disfigurement
and a Derangement that has something to do with mages.

By Bejeir D. Brooks (

Aye, there, how are you doing my Brothers, Sisters, Cousins and Kin? Whoa, there now if you be kind enough to sit down
Brother Sub-Zero, for I've heard of your exploits and wouldn't want to disturb Lisa's kits. Now if you'll all be so kind as to ignore
the eyes I'll tell you of our wayward Kin...
In the beginning, as you all know, there was nothingness, not nothingness like Man now believes but as things once were.
Nothing had a name and nothing really cared and that's the way things should be. All were one as one were all; then something
Now, I've been told that the Weaver gained consciousness and started spinning uncontrollably, catching the Wyrm in her Web.
This in turn drove the Wyrm insane causing him to devour -- funny thing words... I mean listen to me; here I am speaking of the
Weaver and the Wyrm as male and female when we all know they are both and neither just two strands of the triple helix which
man calls DNA and I call Gaia's will. Yeah...
Gaia had children, her protectors, each with their job to do as given by Luna our mother and I suppose Kraken in some states.
Shh! Aetna calm yourself and sheathe your klaive; not all Rokea are...well they have their laws and we have ours... But this is
about the Weaver. You see the ol' Lass needed soldiers and they were her chosen breed. Not like the Ananan for they are of her
Blood; her children, the Deragos were and will always remain her Chosen. They were not given to the Wyrm, for they would not
go. Malfeas had nothing they wanted. But they were touched all the same. With little tendrils of Corruption, Balance if you will.
They were subverted worse than any Howler by a Pit, but not as bad as the Bunyip.
The Deragos as far as I can tell are a race of shifters that have forsaken man and yet dwell on him night and day. Not that they
eat of man like the Rokea or the Mokole (How can we even expect them to abide by that law?). They live on his fringes. They
have forsaken man in that they have not a Homid form. They are likened to the Leeches in that they can learn new shapes and
start with but one. Unfortunately the Deragi is better suited to this benighted than any of our present races, for while our territory
diminishes and is destroyed by the hand of Man the Deragos's is increased. The only Children of the Flux that have a wider
territory are the Ratkin, for I've never seen a land free of rats and their kin.
But the Deragos lives on the fringes of the farmland that which man needs to survives, and while they cannot subsist in toxic
lands as the Spirals, one of their learned forms can.

Possible Breed Forms Table

Base Forms Str Dex
Health Levels Notes
Believed Gifts Shift Difficulty
+2 +1/ +3 water +1/ +3 water 6/8 water
Water Related 6
+2 +4
+2 +2
+3 +2
Gazelle (fm) +2 +5
Speed Related 6
Stag (m)
+3 +4
Reindeer +2 +3
+2 +1
-4Per Diff. in Open land (few trees) Silver Fang

Known Mythic Forms

Known Mythic Forms Table
Base Forms

Str Dex





+0 +1
+7 +2



-1 Diff. to all
+4 0/+3 Flight +3

Giant Stag
Irish Deer (Giant

+6 +3
+4 +2/ +5


Bite does Aggravated -2 Diff. with




Gore does Aggravated



w/ +2 dice on attack
Gore does Aggravated
Gore does Aggravated



Can hit 2 close opponents w/ same

Possible Breed Forms

The cost of all breed forms is equal to four times the rank of the Deragi in experience on top of any other costs.
All Deragi Gazelles are females, whether or not they are born into deragoity through gazelle-dam or not. A male moose, will be a
female Gazelle. Gazelles can burn rage equal to their stamina into dexterity for extra speed (works for initiative too).
All Deragi Stags are males, same as with the Gazelle. None are too sure as to why this is but it has something to do with the fact
that they abandoned Stag. Unfortunately for them, they take aggravated damage whenever a bright light is shined in their eyes
(over 93W). They also have their Wits temporarily dropped to zero when this happens unless a willpower roll is made with every
success equaling a point of Wits saved. As a side effect of having their Wits nullified, they automatically get the initiative in any
round that they have the light in their eyes; treat them as if they had just burned 5 gnosis into Spirit of the Fray.
The Caribou are the most serene of all of the Deragi forms and Deragos in this form gain 2 points of willpower until they change
out of it. These points can exceed their regular amount making 12 a possible number, just not very likely. Fortunately for them
they burn rage equal to their stamina into their stamina for soaking cold based damage but are immune to sunburns and heat
stroke. Caribou Deragos are carnivores..which is why there are rarely too many of them born into and surviving in a herd of
Caribou since they are usually found out by the rest of the herd and trampled to death before they get too far along in life.
Reindeer are one of the most ferocious breed forms in that the Deragi is able to burn rage for extra actions in this form. many a
Polar Gurahl has been brought down by sled team of frothily muzzled Deragosian reindeer. These mighty beasts burn rage into
either their strengths or their stamina equal to their stamina and soak as Caribou.
Giraffe Deragos are the creme de la creme of Deragi society. This is the absolutely hardest form to master in that they have to
live five centuries before they can learn this form if they aren't born into it...
Elk and Antelope Deragos are able to learn vampire disciplines. The Elk can learn disciplines that begin with letters between A
and K, while the Antelope are restricted to those between L and Y not counting the letter Q. Neither can learn Thaumaturgical

Known Mythic Forms

Hybsil have an antelope base and a pixie top (like a centaur). Thus they are able to use the gifts of humans and use the powers
of Changelings. They are also three feet tall. This form requires the Frankensteinic surgery of 15 Kinfolk from different tribes and
bete as well as a number of experience points equal to the number of permanent dots on the character sheet.
Leucrotta has an appearance of such beauty that Samedi and Nosferatu take them to parties so that they look cute. The body is
that a stag; its tail is lion-like and its legs end in cloven hooves. This beast has the head of a badger and instead of teeth has
sharp, jagged bony ridges. They have a special backwards kick with both hooves which does aggravated damage but is halved.
This form is immune to toxic and bio-hazardous materials and may burn rage into anything while within toxic or bio-hazardous
materials. Unfortunately they regain rage at one-fourth the usual rate while in such an environment. The cost of this form is the
consumption of three pounds of radioactive waste, the eye teeth of seven Salubri, ritual combat with a badger, a lion, a goat and
a number of experience points equal to the number of permanent dots on the character sheet. (Note: the badgers head, the lions
tail and the hooves of the goat are used in the creation of the new form, so each looks uniquely disgusting, especially if they
were killed by trampling.)
Peryton is a creature with the head of a deer and the body of an eagle. The upper body and head are usually blue-black, the
horns are jet black while the wing and back feathers are a dark green. The chest of the male is a light to a medium blue and that
of the female is drab. The Peryton form is the enemy of all Corax. Additionally it can only regain or burn rage while it is eating
and digesting the heart of an enemy which takes about 30 minutes for every 100 pounds of the foe. This form is immune to
anything but magic weaponry (this does not include claws). If this form is struck when it doesn't have a heart in its stomach or
mouth it will spontaneously combust. This form can burn rage into any attack and for every point of damage it inflicts it regains a
point of health which can exceed its listed form amount. The cost of this form is the dried out husks of 347 fleas which have been
eating off of rabid eagles plus a number of experience points equal to the number of permanent dots on the character sheet.
Giant Stag form is just that a giant stag; it has all the commentary of the regular Stag except it's a eunuch. The meat from a giant
stag tastes really really really good by the way and Stag himself will throw a party with Grain's guaranteed appearance if anyone
kills a Giant Stag. The cost of this form is three cubic yards of ear wax, no experience needed. This form can learn vampiric
disciplines starting with the letters Q or Z.
The Irish Deer is a throwback from the Pleistocene era and has all the commentary of a moose, but its cost is the broken livers
of 23 alcoholics, a corpse which died from a fermentation process and the gonads of 57 shellfish or 1 alligator/Crocodile. These
items are strewn aimlessly about a patch of good fertile land and a half-quart of bog-gas is expelled onto the land which is then
turned into swampland and of course a number of experience points equal to the number of permanent dots on the character
sheet is required. This form can learn thaumatugical rituals.

Deragos are Ranked according to the number of forms they have mastered. But the Giraffe knowledge is always given
precedence and a Giraffe-Borne can always claim leadership.

Changing Forms
Deragos don't change form like the rest of Bete. They are always at the most two changes away or three successes from any
other form, and often only one shape away. The following chart displays how this occurs:
Peryton PossibleBreed Forms Giant Stag Leucrotta Irish Deer Hybsil

Deragos do not die of "natural causes", only tooth and claw or blade may kill them. Additionally, Blueberry Yogurt has been
found to kill them on contact.

Deragos have no superlative healing rates except were noted. If they are struck and then left for dead, they are then able to arise
the next morning completely healed; they also have no susceptibility to silver.

Deragos gain rage as easily as garou, but they are affected by too many successes on the rage rolls differently than most other
Bete. Since they don't have the same breed types as other Bete they frenzy according to the type of form they are currently in.
Non Antlered forms attack and attack and attack every shrub, bus, tree and garden in your path. None shall resist the anger in
your hooves!
Peryton, Hybsil or Leucrotta are affected as Metis by the Wyrm.
Antlered Forms are subjected to the Thrall of the Antelope, which is a form of the Caribou Effect except that hooves may be
Yes, that is correct in that the Leucrotta can choose which path to take. If more than 7 Deragos fall to the Thrall of the Wyrm then
they will begin to stampede.

The Moon
Luna only affects Deragos for getting rage, except they can only regain rage during the twilight hours of the day. They therefore
do not have auspices except where noted, most notably the peryton and Giraffe forms.

Special Combat maneuvers

Treat antlers as claws for attacking and damage.
I A D Notes
-1 +2 Str. roll Diff 7 or knockdown
Moved at least 10 yds. -2 -3 +4 as above Diff. 8
If not using WoD:Combat: Diff 7, Str +2 or Str +4 if moving (Freak Legion pg. 31)


Rite of Null Time

The Caribou Effect (Level 2)
Wearing the Leech Shirt (Level 3)
Bambi's Mother (Level 4)
Rumble in the Tundra (Level 5)

Merits and Flaws

Strict Vegetarian
(2 pt. Flaw)
The Durago can only gain sustenance from Vegetables which is really bad for caribou forms if they don't learn another form
quickly. Roll +1 to the difficulty of all Deragi social situations w/ a deragi that knows your secret.

Mark of the Sheep

(3 pt. Flaw)
No one takes you seriously; no one believes in you; everyone picks on you, bullies and attacks you first. On the up side the hairs
you shed can be sold as a high quality wool.

Restricted Form (3 pt. Flaw)

Any single Deragi form is prohibited to you; this can be chosen multiple times. Gain 1 point of permanent glory.

Extra Form
(7 pt. Merit)
As above except no points of glory and you get an extra form instead of losing one.

Bummer of a Birthmark, Hal

(5-7 pt. Flaw)
For some reason you have a birthmark on your chest that cannot be covered up in any way (it literally eats through inanimate
objects though not weapons). It is in the shape of the Black Spiral in Malfeas. The BSD think your cool, but that glowing
emanation from your chest makes you an easy target. (-2 to the difficulty number)
With the 6 pt. version the Birthmark can be seen from behind you.
With the 7 pt. version the mark can be seen through the Chrysler building. (-4 to the difficulty number)

By Steven Markley (
(Disclaimer: This race has nothing to do with overplayed fast food commercials.)

The Diablo are the shifting race of the Wyllie. For those of you unfamiliar with the Wyllie, it is a largely unknown but powerful
entity in the world of Darkness. The Wyld is chaos and creation, the Weaver controls stasis and order, the Wyrm serves entropy
and death, and the Wyllie is the manifestation of pure inanity. It has a lot of influence, because of the sheer number of inane
things in the World of Darkness.
But back to the Diablo. Chihuahuas are tiny little things, underestimated and overlooked. But they possess enough anger and
fierceness for ten wolves, and this is why the Wyllie wanted them as his chosen race. Also, a werechihuahua is a pretty silly
concept, and as they grow in number and power they spread the power of inanity throughout the Tellurian. This strengthens the
The Diablo run around in packs and attempt to rip the supernatural and mundane beings they encounter to shreds. They have no
agenda, other than to kill, murder, destroy and slay (in that order.) If they are in an altruistic mood, they will only maim, mutilate
and hurt their victims. This is why there are so few eyewitness accounts of them. Those who are fortunate to survive an encounter
with them assume the Diablo are something else: metis, Bone Gnawer runts, deformed Black Spiral Dancers, crack-addicted
Ratkin, 1000-year old Nosferatu ghouls, renegade animal fomori or the results of bad acid trips. The strange Delirium effect they
produce is said to effect even "Awakened" beings, such as other changers, vampires, mages and the like. This is because
unless someone is truly enlightened -- worships and serves the Wyllie -- their minds can't comprehend the glory that is the
But don't assume that because you are Wyllie-corrupted you are safe from the Diablo. They hate all things, each other and even
the Wyllie itself who adores them so; only the degree of loathing varies. For example, their enemy races are the Sprouts
(Awakened mage asparagus with Arete and Spheres) and the Heliosians (solar-powered vampires.) They are devoted servants
of the Wyllie as well, and have no idea why the Diablo have declared war on them in particular. But the Wyllie in his wisdom
created them this way for a reason.
Inane, yes? That's the point.

Character Creation
Attribute and Ability determination as in Werewolf (7/5/3, 13/9/5). Diablo have an initial Willpower of 1. Gnosis as per breed; for
Rage see below. Diablo have no Background points, but can use Freebies to take the following Backgrounds only: Fetish,
Resources and Kinfolk. You have 15 Freebie points to fool around with, and the costs are the same as in Werewolf.

Homids (Homidsexuals): Gnosis 1
Most Diablo are born from humans (not that you'd know it by the way they act.)

Metis (Bastards): Gnosis 2

Diablo treat their metis with utter contempt, just like they treat homid and canine Diablo and everyone else. Almost all Diablo
metis have the Metis Deformity: Hairless. Go figure.

Canine (Leghumpers) : Gnosis 3

Are known for their tendencies to soil carpets, run around and bark, chase cars and to attempt to have sex with nearly anyone or
anything. And when they shift to canine form, they really let loose!

Homid: (human, for better or worse)
Str +0, Sta +0, Man -0, Wit -0.
Most Diablo have a tendency to be thin and sickly looking in this form, but some are fairly plump. All are high-strung and full of

nervous energy.

Hasbro: (near-man)
Dex +1, Sta +2, App -2, Man -2
Imagine Don Knotts with prominent canine teeth and eyes full of hate. The Hasbro form is emaciated-looking, bug-eyed and
doesn't get laid much.

Skinos: (The optimist sees this form as half-dog, the pessimist sees this form as half-man)
Str +2, Dex +3, Sta +3, App 0, Man 0
Str +1 Bite, diff 5; Str +2 Claws, diff 6; Str -5 lick, diff 9
A Crinos Chihuahua-type thing, it resembles a nasty Ratkin/Black Spiral Dancer cross on steroids. It isn't bigger than a normal
human, but is damned scary nonetheless.

Pisspo: (near-doggy)
Str +2, Dex +4, Sta +3, Man 0, App 0
Str +2 Bite, diff 5; Str -2 leg-hump, diff 8
A German Shepherd-sized Chihuahua. If you see this, run. Immediately.

Canine: (doggy)
Str -1, Dex +5, Man 0
Str +1 Bite, diff 5; Cha -3 growl, difficulty 10
A regular Chihuahua, which is, if you think about it, scary enough in its own right.

1. Starting Rage is equal to the results of a d10 roll. Ignore any result under 5 and roll again.
2. The Rage maximum of a Diablo is equal to 10 plus his Rank, so Rage ratings can be (and often are) above 10. Most Elder
Diablo can do little but stay in a dark corner somewhere, curl into a shaking mass of fur and bleed from the gums.
3. Rage is current x 0.5, rounded down, to raise.
4. If Diablo know anything, they know Rage and how to apply it. On top of ignoring wound penalties and its other applications, they
can use Rage either to gain extra actions (standard) or to get extra Strength dice (like Gurahl). They can use both aspects in the
same turn, if they want to. Diablo can spend as many Rage points as they want in a single turn.
5. Diablo regain a point of Rage whenever something pisses them off. This includes, but is not limited to: insults, the sight of a cat,
getting hit in combat, getting swung at in combat, missing an opponent in combat, hitting an opponent and not instantly killing
him, pain of any sort, discussions on controversial issues (religion, politics, sports, recipes), not getting laid, having to pee badly,
confusion, and having to deal with another living thing. Diablo in Frenzy automatically recover Rage at a rate of one per turn.

Rage roll difficulties to determine Frenzy fluctuate randomly, as Diablo care jack about the moon, stars or anything else. At
any time a Rage roll must be made, roll 1d10 and reroll any result of 1 or 10: the result is the difficulty for that particular
check. A new difficulty is determined this way everytime a Rage roll must be made. Feel free to add bonuses to the
difficulty if the werechihuahua is having a good day (rarely), or lower the difficulty if he's having a bad day (which is most of
the time.) To further complicate matters, many Diablo have the Short Fuse Flaw, which is a sort of badge of honor among
their kind, and the difficulty is automatically penalized by one if he is Skinos form.
As with most other changers, four or more successes on the Rage Roll indicates a shift to Skinos form and Frenzy,
although some Diablo think this is too conservative and meditate to achieve the two successes equal Frenzy trait of the
Whenever six or more successes are rolled on the Rage roll, the Diablo enters the magnum opus of their existence, the
Thrall of Extreme Pissiness: the Diablo will tear everything in sight to shreds (furniture, cars, people, Garou) and bark a lot.

Rank and Renown

The Diablo have their own system for recognizing accomplishment among their fellows, though it should come as no
surprise that it follows a different value system than that of the Garou. The Renown categories are:

Piss 'n Vinegar: Kicking ass and taking names, not taking crap off anyone, and generally being saucy are ways to gain
this type of Renown.

Cojones: Pronounced ka-hoe-nays. Balls. Guts. Bravery to the point of utter stupidity. Activities like jumping on a
Methuselah on a dare, or playing chicken with a semi gets you lots of Cojones. Much of this Renown is awarded posthumously.

Bitterness: The more callous, spiteful and hateful you become, the more Bitterness Renown you gain. Doing things such
as spitting on a wheelchair-bound child or gnawing off a bag lady's face while in Homid form will get you this type of
For simplicity's sake, Rank is determined by total Renown. Use the Ragabash table (Like someone will actually use this or

Rank Titles
Rank 1: Rat on Crack
Rank 2: Shaking Fury
Rank 3: Living Chain Saw
Rank 4: Hate Given Flesh
Rank 5: Hellhound

The Diablo have no Auspices. They used to have an Ahroun-like aspect among them, but they were kicked around by the
other Diablo and eventually died out.

The Diablo have three tribes: the Bourgeois, the Scrappers and the Land Piranha.

Bourgeois: The Bourgeois (pronounce buzh-wah) are the rare Diablo who are either canines content to be kept and
coddled as house pets, or rich homid socialites who like to associate with the upper class. They are as high strung as any
other Diablo, though they often keep themselves doped on Valium and other anti-anxiety medications. They are as close
to outcasts among their kind as Diablo can get, but make no mistake, when riled, they can throw down with the best of
them. Many a party has been eaten by a Diablo hostess who had red wine spilled on her light teal carpet.

Scrappers: The Scrappers make up the bulk of the Diablo, and are the stereotypical werechihuahua. They live just about
anywhere they want, but are most common in the American Southwest. A group of Hell's Angels Diablo had established a
caern of Rage called the Mosh Pit south of Los Vegas one time, but they drained it completely dry within a few weeks.
There have been no reports of Diablo caern-building before or since.

Land Piranha: There are -- honest to God -- packs of feral chihuahuas running around in the wilds of Mexico. They are
considered threats because a pack of several dozen dogs will swarm livestock and devour them, and will do the same to
lone unarmed people if the rumors are true. The Land Piranhas are a Tribe of Diablo that breeds with these vicious things,
and are mean and dangerous even by Diablo standards. This tribe is the Diablo's answer to the Red Talons.

Non-Wyllie-corrupted individuals (even supernaturals) who witness a WereChihuahua in Skinos form suffer from a peculiar
version of the Delirium. A Diablo's Delirium doesn't rise from fear, but works on the principle that the werechihuahua
offends the sense of the victims' sense of what should and should not be. Willpower isn't used as per normal Delirium, but
the victim's Inanity rating is used instead. What's an Inanity rating, you ask? You figure it out and then tell me, maybe I'll use
your idea.
Inanity Effect
The target simply can't accept the Diablo on any level, and therefore can't see him at all. The Diablo is invisible for
all intents and purposes. This can be a deadly delusion if the Diablo is Frenzying, which is the case more often



than not.
The viewer still can't accept the Diablo's existence or perceive it clearly, but knows it is seeing something that is
very, very wrong. Many will often immediately seek to rectify this offense to their understanding of the universe by
throwing themselves in front of buses or jumping off of bridges.
As 2, but the response is reduced to any combination of screaming, gibbering insanely or weeping.
The witness can perceive the Diablo, but tries to rationalize it away. A mortal might try to convince himself its a
man in a costume, while a mage would try to write it off as a weird Garou of some sort.
The witness sees the werechihuahua, and knows this thing is an aberration to all that is logical and right. Most will
demand justification for the creature's existence from the Diablo ("How can you be? How!?") or even attack it if the
witness is something violent and stupid like a Sabbat vampire or your average Garou.
As 5, but the witness is rational enough to talk calmly (most Diablo aren't, however.)
The witness perceives some underlying, bizarre wisdom governing the Diablo...
The witness can perceive the Wyllie, the manifestation of Inanity, if he is educated by the Diablo or one of its
servants (though the werechihuahuas aren't patient teachers.)
The viewer sees the beauty of the Diablo and the Wyllie.
The witness by now is devoted to serving the Wyllie, knowingly or not....

Damage and Healing

Diablo heal as Garou do. They take no special damage from silver, but suffer Aggravating damage from hostile
vegetables, receiving or showing affection, or from staying still too long.

Diablo get one Gift from Breed and two Gifts from Diablo. Use the Breed Gifts of Garou for Diablo. Assume any Gift that
allows the Diablo to directly kill or injure another living thing to be a Diblo Gift: Might of Thor, Coup de Grace, Fatal Flaw,
Combat Healing and Foaming Fury. Any Gifts that does not directly cause physical damage, especially healing Gifts, can
never be learned.

New Gifts
Bane of the Road Cattle (level 1)
Foaming (level 1)
Bowing Up (level 2)
Vibrating Eyes of Maddening Hatred (level 2)
Abyssmal Ball of Phlegm (level 3)
Jalapeno Breath (level 3)
Bad Dog (level 4)
Nip (level 4)
My Bark is Worse than my Bite (level 5)
Shake, Rattle and Rage (level 5)

Rites and Rituals

Rite of Not Running Around Naked In Human Form (Level 1) (As the Rite of Talisman Dedication.)
Rite of Death (Level 1) (This is used to call a bunch of Diablo together for the purpose of killing something.)
No other Rites are known to be used by the Diablo.


There are few (silly and sick) totems that will have Diablo as followers. The only totem spirits that appeal to Diablo, and will
accept them, are the following.
The Devil

Fetishes and Talens

The Rolled-up Newspaper of Doom
Vegetable's Bane
Jumping Bean
Fleshbiter: This dagger is popular among those of the thief class. It is +1 to hit, and does 1d4+1 damage to all creatures
but evil priests, in which case it is +2 to hit and does 2d4+2 damage. Its Speed Factor is 1. It gives the wielder +10% on
his chances to Move Silently and Hide in Shadows when attempting a Backstab. Any non-thief who touches this weapon
takes 1d6 hp of shock damage. 500 XP

Opinions on the Diablo are rare, as anyone who sees one mistakes it for some other kind of freak. They have definite
opinions on the other creatures they share the world with, however.

"Stereotypes? Sony, Magnavox are good. Emerson's a cheap piece of shit, falls apart."
Humans (including Diablo Kinfolk): Hate.
Garou (all tribes): Hate. Upstarts.
Bastet: Hate! Always hide in trees.
Rokea: Hate, but we will let them live 'cause they don't invade our territory and they think like us.
Other Bete: Hate.
Vampires: Hate. Taste funny.
Mages: Hate.
Wraiths: Hate. Can't bite them.
Changelings: Hate, but they make good chewtoys.

By Shawn Arbuckle (

The Doomed Ones are a tribe of Black Spiral Dancer formed by a female named ShadowBlight. When ShadowBlight was
young, she yearned for power. She attempted many times to seize controle of the labyrinth she called home with the other Black
Spiral Dancers. Each of her attempts failed; when she grew older she set her mind on forming a tribe she could lead. She let a
cub, who had not yet danced the black spiral, escape. Using this as an excuse, she led a large hunting party of a 20 or so after
the cub. Once she was far enough away from the labyrinth she stopped the hunting party and told them, "I am ShadowBlight and I
shall now be you leader. We are going to form a new tribe; you can join me or you can die." ShadowBlight had proved her
powers many time and all the BSDs with her gladly joined.
They decided to call themselves, The Doomed Ones, for they believed they were doomed. For a time they used caves to lair in,
but then they found New York. The abandoned subway tunnels and sewers were perfect for them. Under the cover of darkness,
they snuck into the city and into the subways tunnels through an un-used subway station. Here, deep under the streets of N.Y.C.,
they founded a caern of the Wyrm.

Recent History
The Doomed One's will kidnap sleepers from the streets at night and drag them down to their lairs, for breeding purposes or
creating fomori. They prefer to take kinfolk whenever possible. The Garou of New York have lost many Kinfolk but as of yet they
are unaware of who could be taking them.
The Doomed ones will also, on occasion, work with Pentex. In return, they are given weapons and free passage into their tunnels
through the basements of some Pentex buildings.

The Doomed Ones have chosen no totem for their Caern.

Initial Willpower

A Doomed One may not pick Resources.

Beginning Gifts
Sense Gaia, Ears of the Bat, Patagia

Same as other Black Spiral Dancers.

Sewers and Tunnels under N.Y.


"We are the Doomed Ones. Take a good look, for we are what you are going to become."

By Jason C. Marshall ( and Abe Dashiell ( (19 January 1995)

In the far past, the celestine Insect went before Gaia and asked for children of its own to assist the Triat. In response it was gifted
with the Doryli, the Mantidae and the Ananasi.
The Doryli were given unto the Wyrm to act as custodians for the reality that the Wyrm would destroyed and decay in order to
mantain the balance between itself and the others of the Triat. The Doryli went about their work with the same zeal that their
progenitor creature did its work with. Methodical and never stopping, the Doryli were the work horses of the Wyrm.
When the Triat fragmented, the Wyld swept into the areas of the Wyrm, seeking to absorb the dead places and bring a new
uncontrolled life to them. It was in one of these dead areas that the Wyld came across the Doryli. In a fit of anger, the Wyld took
the Doryli from the Wyrm.
The Wyld kept the Doryli hidden, teaching them the ways of the Wyld and taming the Wyrm within them.
When Insect called out to its grandchildren, for their aide in the coming Apocalypse, Ant, the Doryli Father Totem, travelled to it.
Ant refused to help, siting that it was happy with the Wyld and that Insect's predictions were mistaken. Ant returned and
summoned its children. All Doryli would stay with the Wyld. The Wyld had saved them from the Wyrm's corruption in the
beginning and so they would stay, protect, and serve the Wyld.
In the late 1920s, the Doryli decided to expand into the world, to see if the Weaver was as powerful as the Wyld had said. 3
Doryli left the Wyld enclave, travelling into the world in order to find a place for their people.
Rejection, fear, and destruction seemed to loom at every turn until a lone Ronin of the Children of Gaia, lost and without much left
to his life, discovered them.
The Ronin had been kicked out of his tribe and pack for the crime of loving another Garou. Choosing exile, he wandered the
world until at last he came across a small town where he built a cottage and began to live the life of a hermit. It was upon this
house that the 3 Doryli stumbled, hungry, cold and frightened. Intrigued by the strange creatures, he took them in and nursed
them back to health.
Months passed, as the Ronin taught them knowledge of the world and what lived where, gifts to help them and ways to defend
The Doryli thanked the Ronin and returned to their home.
Years later, as the Ronin lay dying, he suddenly found himself being cared for by dozens of Doryli, who had come to repay his
kindness to them by seeing him through his last days.
With their ministrations and help, he died in peace and without pain, under the full moon. Many Doryli say that Gaia herself came
down and took the Ronin by hand and led him to his final resting place.
Today, the Doryli use the cabin as a staging point/nest. From here they perform missions for the Wyld, protecting their lands and
people and standing vigil over the grave of the Ronin, the first creature to show kindness to them.

The Doryli revolve around a hive/nest type community. One single female acts as a queen, advised by male drones, and served
by sexless soldiers and workers.

Ant, a Totem of Respect.

Small rural areas. Anywhere the Wyld is.

Character Creation
Initial Rage: 2 (Soldiers: 3)
Intitial Willpower: 4

Doryli perceive Auspice differently than the Garou. They have four Auspices instead of five: the workers, the soldiers, the drones
and the queens. With the exception of the soldiers, as they gain more respect in the eyes of the Wyld, Ant, and their tribe (i.e.
gain rank), their Auspices change.
At rank one, Doryli are either workers or soldiers. Whether a Doryli becomes a worker or a soldier depends on how it is fed in
larval form. Those Doryli larvae chosen to become warriors are fed a special jelly which triggers their development into soldiers.
Similarly, homid breed Doryli who are fed this substance before their first pupation become soldiers as well. Those destined to
become workers never partake of the jelly.
The workers perform menial labor but are extremely vital to the function of the Hive -- if something needs to get done, they do it.
Soldiers are actually specialized workers, but they don't concern themselves with menial tasks; their only purposes are to defend
the hive and destroy their enemies. For both workers and soldier, gender is unimportant; they take no part in reproduction so are
sterile and sexless. They may display some signs of gender (especially homid breed Doryli) in human form, however.
When workers reach Rank 4, they shapechange into larval form (a feat possible only two other times during their lives), then
promptly enter pupation. In this state, the Doryli undergoes a transformation; in a few days when it emerges, it has become a
drone. Drones look similar to workers in Dorylus and Crinos forms, but are slightly larger and have wings. Also, to fulfill their
roles as mates, they develop gender, becoming male. They are the advisors and mates of the queens performing many of the
same functions as elder garou.
When a drone reaches rank 5, it again enters larval form and pupates. Security at the hive triples and all Doryli in the field are
called back to protect the royal pupa. For several weeks, the hive will remain on high alert, until the pupa opens and a new queen
emerges. Her crinos and especially her dorylus forms will be massive, even larger than the soldiers, though she is far less
mobile. In homid form she looks like a normal human woman, but at least in the eyes of the Doryli (though not necessarily to
anyone else!) she is breathtakingly beautiful. Soon, the new queen leaves the hive, taking some of the workers, warriors and
drones with her and establishing her own nest.
It is rumored that there may be rank 6 and above "Over-Queens," but this has yet to be substantiated.
The soldiers never become drones or queens. They are pure warrior and want nothing to do with the irksome tasks of day to day
maintenance of the hive. They maintain their own militaristic hierarchy, separate from the workers and answerable to the queen
alone, never to the drones. Typically, there is only one Rank 5 soldier in a hive and in matters of war, its word is law. At all other
times, it defers to the queen
Non soldier Doryli gain rank via the following renown chart.

Rank Honor Glory Wisdom





Soldier Doryli gain renown and rank as the Ahroun auspice.

Dorylus: Dorylus breed Doryli are the children of a queen (whether or not she is Homid or Dorylus), beginning its life as a
senseless larva. It only becomes a true Doryli when it emerges from its pupa. Queens are the only Doryli capable of giving birth,
though she may be impregnated by drones or even humans. She is incapable of the incredible reproductive rates of normal
ants, she does her best to produce enough offspring to sustain the hive.
Nickname: Stilts.
Initial Gnosis: 3

Homids: Homids are born when drones leave the nest and mate with humans. During their first change, they transform into giant
larvae that immediately enter pupation. When they emerge, they are changed, their sex virtually non-existent. The homids are
then collected by Doryli and taken to a Hive. There are not many homid Doryli, and before the Doryli emerged from the Wyld,
they did not exist.
Nickname: Two-legs.

Nickname: Two-legs.
Initial Gnosis: 2

Homid: Basic stats. Doryli tend to have dark skin and eyes. Even in this form, their movements are insect-like.
Crinos: Workers and drones are humanoid ants about 8 feet tall, with the drones having wings. Soldiers stand nine feet tall and
have immense mandibles. Queens, also winged, are bloated and massive, standing a full ten feet tall.
Str Sta Dex App Man Per
+5 +3 +0 0 -3 +1
Worker/Drone +3 +3 +2 0 -3 +1
+4 +3 +1 0 -3 +1

Dorylus: Drones and workers in this form are immense, seven feet long ants; the drones having wings. Again, the soldiers are
larger, usually eight feet long, and with large mandibles. The Dorylus isn't any less physically impressive than the Crinos; its just
built like an ant rather than a biped and is their preferred form while in the hive. The Dorylus isn't quite as strong but being able to
scramble around on all six legs, it is very agile. The queen, in ant form, is even larger than she is in Crinos, a full 12 feet, but she
is too bulky to move around much. Whatever her breed, she always gives birth in this form.
Str Sta Dex App Man Per
+5 +4 -1 0 -4 +2
Worker/Drone +2 +3 +3 0 -4 +2
+3 +3 +2 0 -4 +2

Racial Abilities
360 degree 'vision': Available only in ant and ant-man forms. This isn't vision so much as "smell." Ants don't see as well as
many insects, but their antenna perform many of the same functions. They are sort of smell and vibration receptors, and are as
good as 360 degree vision in most cases. This power can be blocked by overwhelming odor or powerful vibration.

Flight: Drones and Queens are capable of limited flight in either Doryli or Crinos forms, though the Queen has a hard time of it
in ant form (-2 to rolls for maneuvers and flying at half normal speed)

Mandibles: The powerful mandibles of dorylus or crinos soldiers do str+4 in aggravated damage. The mandibles of workers,
drones and queens are smaller and only do str+3 damage, though they are capable of more precise cuts than the soldiers'.

The Doryli shift like the Garou.

Call of the Wyld: (Level 1) ---- As the Galliard gift.
Mother's Touch: (Level 1) ---- As the Children of Gaia gift.
Coup de Grace: (Level 2) ---- As the Black Fury gift.
Calm: (Level 2) ---- As the Children of Gaia gift.
Mental Speech: (Level 2) ---- As the Metis gift.
Fly Feet: (Level 3) ---- As the Ragabash gift.
Spirit Friend: (Level 3) ---- As Children of Gaia gift.
Infest: (Level 4) ---- As the Bone Gnawer gift.
Unicorn's Grace: (Level 4) ---- As Children of Gaia gift.
Reach the Umbra: (Level 5) ---- As the Silent Strider gift.
Halo of the Sun: (Level 5) ---- As the Children of Gaia gift.

By JW McCormack (

"No one ever scorned me like you did, boy. I been searchin' way too hard not to take my time watchin' you sweat. Ain't no
pleasure in it. Ain't what's right. But it's sure as hell how this thing has to end."
-- The Saint of Killers, Preacher # 23
Many are the dirges sung for the Croatan, who sacrificed themselves to destroy the Eater-of-Souls, but nearly no living Garou
care to remember the tribe called the Dust Riders. Born into a heritage of disgrace, they wander the savage west, the
descendents of those Croatan who refused the call to sacrifice. Searching for redemption, they shun packs, travelling alone,
strangers in a strange land. The savage west is less than forgiving of their cowardice however, and their totem, Turtle, deserted
them to the harsh desert winds long ago. Fortunately though, the "tribe" displays an uncanny knack for survival, living among
outlaws and outcasts, taking jobs as bounty hunters, or living in Spanish missions, praying for Gaia's mercy.
Despite their reputation as cowards, the Dust Riders, or Strangers to Gaia, as some call them, have learned their lesson and
are not likely to back down from a fight. Of all their forms they prefer the Homid, the natural state of their majority, since they no
longer believe themselves Garou. They have, in many ways, forsaken the Wyld for the Weaver, preferring six-shooters and
Bowie knives to claws and teeth. Most tribes shun them, considering them worthless Ronin, but none of their enemies are so
great as those Pure Ones who remember their sin. The Uktena whisper curses to their name and the Wendigo hunt them without
mercy, considering them worse than even the European tribes. Indeed, the Strangers seem to belong nowhere, unwanted
among the white man and hunted by the natives and their kinfolk, who consider them Wyrm-tainted. This is partly a result of
recent developments within the tribe.
While the lessons of Turtle have been long forgotten by the Dust Riders, rumors have surfaced of a mysterious totem called
Salamander, who has welcomed the Strangers and who teaches them survival in the harsh climate. Already, many Dust Riders
eager to belong somewhere have embraced Salamander. This strange totem is completely unknown to other Garou, who wryly
note that those Dust Riders who follow Salamander readily register to the gift Sense Wyrm. Based on this evidence, it would
appear that the totem is a fraud and a servant of the Wyrm, but the scorned Dust Riders defend Salamander's name with a
fervor that would startle a Get of Fenris.

The Dust Riders thoroughly disappear by the close of the nineteenth century, recalled only by those Galliards who remember
their treachery and their pain. Some whisper that they were all betrayed by Salamander and led like lambs to the slaughter or
were all hunted down by the Wendigo, while other maintain that they still lurk in the deserts of New Mexico. Still others tell tales of
seeing them at large among the servants of the Wyrm, horribly changed. Whatever their destiny may be, they remain a reminder
to those who would refuse Gaia's summons.

Tribal Totem

Initial Willpower

Dust Riders may not buy Resources or Contacts and their only kinfolk tend to be ragtag scoundrels and outlaws. Nor may they
have any contacts or allies among the Garou.

Beginning gifts
Jam Gun, Sense the Sinner

In their wolf forms, the Dust Riders are usually gray or brown coats and are medium in size. Their human stock is, oddly enough,
largely made up of half-white, half-Indian males, but still includes many full-blooded native Americans.

None. They wander from town to town, leaving little or no traces.

If they can be considered to have any, it is those outcasts who society shuns: lepers, immigrants, "half-breeds", homosexuals,
and the occasional sociopath.

"Now I may have done some things I ain't too proud of, white man, and I reckon you 'ave too. But if yer gonna insult me, it
may be that we're better off settlin' this outside. You catch my drift?"

Dust Riders Tribe Gifts

"Sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't."
-- Old Lodge Skins, Little Big Man
Sense the Sinner (Level 1)
Jam Gun (Level 1) -- As the Homid gift.
Fool the Mind's Eye (Level 2)
Magic Bullet (Level 2)
Man With No Name (Level 2) -- As the Ragabash gift.
Dust Storm (Level 2) -- As the Wendigo Gift.
Lizard Crawl (Level 3)
Sky Running (Level 3) - As the Wendigo Gift, but leaves a trail of dust rather than flame.
Say Hello to my Little Friend (Level 4) Call the Four Brothers (Level 4) -- As the Uktena Gift.
Shane! (Level 5)
Dry Rot (Level 5)

By Alejandro Melchor

These Garou were originally Wendigos that were attracted to the south, where they communed with Quetzalcoatl and made him
their Totem, renouncing the Wendigo.
This change was not a very radical one in terms of Gifts, as Quetzalcoatl, under the name Ehecatl, was Lord of the Winds as
well. What changed was their outlook and their view of the world.
Quetzalcoatl commanded the Ehecatl to aid the Mage Tradition that served him: the Sons of the Winged Serpent. The goal of
such an alliance was to bring knowledge and civilization; not in the sense of the deranged Weaver, but one that achieved a
balance of the Triat.
Thus, the Ehecatl became teachers and spiritual guides, as well as guardians of knowledge, very different from their Wendigo
Their domain came to an end when the Nahual (werejaguars) and the Nightspawn, the Bete and Mage servants of Tezcatlipoca,
used sorcery to bring down Quetzalcoatl's reign. For this, the Ehecatl are the bitter enemies of the Nahual, and will attack them
on sight.
Many Balam (original werejaguars) have been confused with their cousins and massacred, which gained the Ehecatl the
Balam's eternal emnity.
At their best, the Ehecatl are kind teachers who seek the enlightenment of the disposesed; at their worst, they are savage and
overzealous guardians of knowledge, some of them believing themselves to be the intellectual superiors of the Homids.
They have adapted to city life when there is no other alternative; those who brave the city are seen with respect, as they lengthen
the reach of Quetzalcoatl into the Weaver and Wyrm twistedness.

Character Creation
Totem: Quetzalcoatl
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 3.
Wolf form: They look like the Wyld Runners, but the light of knowledge is too clear in their eyes and will unsettle any homid they

Organization: Normal packs; the Litany is thoroughly enforced by the elders. All disputes and duels (including the leadership
challenge) are resolved by a test of wits, rather than brawn. Chess is a favorite of some.

Habitat: Most of Mexico less the southern jungles and the northern deserts. Small towns are preferred and they act often as rural

Protectorate: Knowledge in every guise. They teach wherever is needed ant to whomever requires it.
Quote: "No joy is greater than the light of Truth, by preading the Light Gaia will shine against all darkness".

Black Furies: They come from the home of wisdom, yet they didn't bring it with them.
"Too much reading is bad for the eyes and it softens the claws."
-- Hippolita, Black Fury Ahroun

Bone Gnawers: If they were willing, we would teach them much. Pity.
"Okay, so there have been five suns. You can't eat them, what's the use?"
-- Pedro, Bone Gnawer Ragabash

Children of Gaia: Wise in their ways, but they are too empyrical; they should have more knowledge.
"They are too proud of their knowledge, but knowledge is not enough to help; actions are needed too."
-- Eva, Children of Gaia Galliard.

Fianna: Their legends bear an uncanny resemblance to our own, we must share all we know.
"They tell fine tales; they can't howl a decent tune though."
-- Ciaran, Fianna Galliard

Glass Walkers: They follow the path of the science that harms Gaia, should they reconsider, we are here.
"What a bunch of smartasses."
-- Miguel, Glass Walker Philodox.

Get of Fenris: Raging maniacs, theirs is the fault of the loss of much knowledge.
"You can't hide behind a book, and my claws are way mightier than their pens."
-- Jurgan, Get of Fenris Ahroun.

Red Talons: The Homids by themselves have amassed great knowledge; they are our kin and should not be butchered.
"Teach the Apes to respect the Mother, then we talk."
-- Torn Ear, Red Talon Philodox

Shadow Lords: The shadow of ignorance. Enough said.

"Knowledge is a very dangerous tool that should be controlled, as they."
-- Gonzalo, Shadow Lord Ragabash.

Silent Striders: Good people who know much, they should teach it.
"They are remarkable teachers, but they force their students to go to them instead of the other way around."
-- Kahleb, Silent Strider Theurge

Silver Fangs: Amazing how a lineage that long can know so little.
"Upstart pseudoscientists, they don't know everything."
-- Corin, Silver Fang Philodox

Stargazers: Knowledge from inside is as good or better than the one from outside, we hope to learn from them
"A fine and fulfilling task, that of a teacher."
-- Singing Star, Stargazer Galliard

Uktena: They hide what they know as if they owned their knowledge, but knowledge belongs to all and to none.
"Those idiots are revealing everything!"
-- Claw-that-Runs, Uktena Theurge

Wendigo: Our distant kin is deaf to the secrets of the wind; they only hear it's roar.
"The wind is not only the soft whisper of words; it's also the strength of the hurricane."
-- Cutterwind, Wendigo Ahroun

Wyld Runners: Good fighters, good guides. Their only fault is that they don't teach all they know
"Wise men pursuing a great goal: knowing and teaching."
-- Tohui, Wyld Runner Philodox

Tlaloque: Their knowledge is that of the earth and life, they use it with good measure.
"Too much theory, too little practice; but someone has to keep records."

-- Maria, Tlaloque Theurge

Nahual: Stealers of knowledge and corrupters of light! Death to them all!

"Pitiful dogs, they know too much to actually know what to do."
-- Patricio, Nahual

Kindred: They dwell in shadows not only of the physical. Think twice before teaching them anything.
"Subversive walking carpets."
-- Michelle, 9th.Gen. Ventrue

"They hold many secrets, it would be good to know them."

-- Julian, 7th.Gen. Tremere.

"Knowledge is the seed of revolution, teach away."

-- Josefa, 10th.Gen Brujah.

"Use them and dispose of them, the wimps."

"Navajas", 7th Gen. Huitzilopochtli.

Mages: Ascension. That's a fine concept if they only agreed on the means.
"They don't know shit of computers, what's the fuss then?"
-- Martin, Virtual Adept

"Knowledge is only for the ones prepared, they should not give it so freely."
-- Don Luis, Dreamspeaker

"I agree with the Uktena; the idiots are revealing everything!"
-- Matias, Order of Hermes

Call the Breeze (Level 1): As the Wendigo Gift.
Mindspeak (Level 1): As the Galliard Gift.
Cutting Wind (Level 2): As the Wendigo Gift.
Speak with the Wind Spirits (Level 2): As the Wendigo Gift.
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level 3): As the Philodox Gift.
Sky Running (Level 3): As the Wendigo Gift.
Words of the Teacher (Level 4)
Fangs of the Winged Serpent (Level 4)
Wisdom of the Seer (Level 5): As the Stargazer Gift, but the Ehecatl listens at the winds instead of looking at the stars.
Spin of the Calendar (Level 5)
View Quetzalcoatl totem.

By Peloquin (
Erinaceus europaeus (Erinaceidae)
"Only well-fed hedgehogs survive the winter."
-- Old Erinaceus saying

During the days, old Parkhurst Zoo was a place of joy, where families took their afternoon strolls, where vendors sold their
popcorn and hot-dogs, where children stood gawking at the strange animals in the cages.
God damn Wyrm-infested garbage, thought Slays-The-Wyrm, Red Talon Theurge. They steal the animals from their rightful
homes, destroy their original habitats, and then they stick them in cages to stare at the noble beasts they are destroying. It was
time for him and the WyrmHater pack to set the beasts free. He motioned for Dreams-Of-Death and Stormclaw, the two Ahrouns
of the pack, to move ahead of the rest to secure the area.
Silence. Then roars of surprised fury, (Stormclaw?) tearing sounds, whimpers, and silence again. And then hysteric giggling,
mad, evil, bubbling laughter. Black Spirals.
"A trap! Spread out and engage!"
The others spread out, as Slays-The-Wyrm entered Crinos and sharpened his claws on the asphalt. More than twenty of the
black-furred, grotesque beasts jumped out of the shadows, all in Crinos, all laughing like insane hyenas, greenish froth around
their jaws. Slays-the-Wyrm grinned. This was more like it... He slashed what seemed like the leader over the chest, tearing out
several ribs in the process, and followed up with a backhand slap over the monster's face. And grunted when the Spiral leader
just grinned, and caught his slap in mid-air, twisting around his arm and tearing it off. Everything went black.
He woke up, slowly. He could feel that his right front paw was bleeding still, he must have reverted into his true wolf form. He also
felt that he was tied with strong cable. If he tried Crinos with this on he'd slice his own arms off. Damn. He turned his head. Four
dead, it seemed, and Dances-Around-Danger didn't look so good either. They shouldn't have brought along the young Galliard
in the first place; he was too inexperienced for this kind of thing. The Spirals were jumping and skipping around the burning
corpses of his dead packmates in some sort of perverted parody of a Ghost Dance.
A rustling in the bushes.
And a small, thin voice, sounding as if it came from somewhere below him. "'Scuse me, comin' through, comin' through, pardon,
pardon, out of the way, oh yeah? Hey, if it weren't for me bein' busy I'd eat you right now. Same to you, matey! Ah, finally
here...sometimes I hate my short little leggies, you walk some awfully slow when you're only a foot, what seems to be
the trouble Mr. Wolfie?"
He stared at the ground. He couldn't see properly; the bonfire cast shadows confusing his senses, but he though he could
distinguish something...small? "Is anyone there?"
The thin little voice again. "What, besides me? Not that I can see, mind you, I can only see about one inch above the ground, so I
wouldn't take my word for it. Well, it seems they've tied you up with strong metal stringy things, right. If you hold on there for a
He could feel the cable heating up right by his left paw, and then the stench of molten metal and burned fur touched his nostrils.
He was free! "Thanks, whoever you are!" But as he tried to get up, his body failed him, the bloodloss had been severe, and he
fell back to the ground. The little voice could be heard by his right side, but as he lay with his face down, he still couldn't see what
was talking. "Oh dear, oh dear, trying to charge off with a missing arm, we can't have that now can we. Hold on a sec' Mr. Wolfy;
I'll have you nice and comfy before you can say 'growl growl'"
Slowly, but surely, he felt his bloody stump warming up, and started to grow, healing back to it's original shape, and he
felt his strength returning with the arm. He was back in business. And the little voice was heard again.
"Now, I can heal your friends in a while; only I gots to make sure those nasty black furred ones don't go and spoil me work, so I'll
help you take care of them. Hold on, I'm almost finished. Ah, good, now let's go, how do you yanks say it, 'prod some buttock?'
No, wait, it's 'Lick some ass!' But what donkeys have to do with it I have no idea..."
Slays the Wyrm grunted, and then entered Crinos, and with a chilling howl of rage he leapt into the midst of the dancing Spirals.
They looked surprised at first, but then they began grinning, when they noticed he was alone. He wasn't. One of the Spirals
suddenly howled in surprise, as he grabbed his left buttock, and with an even more surprised grin he fell to the ground, stone
dead. Another clutched at his throat, and fell, grinning, to the ground next to his brother.
Slays-The-Wyrm didn't wait for the Spirals to recover. He swiped off the head of the leader with one blow, and followed the move

by grabbing the next one's legs, and yanking, causing the creature to break his own back by sheer force of inertia. The next
received a fist through his chest, and his fourth victim got quite a nasty surprise as his leader's head was tossed in his arms,
followed by a kick that crushed his own head. Slays-The-Wyrm looked about himself, and noticed that on the ground lay the
grinning corpses of the five other Spirals, and he noticed that they had begun to rot already. The stench was quite ghastly.
"There now, that was a whole lot better, wasn't it, mr Wolfy?" The voice again.
Look, little one, I'm very grateful for your help and all, but what in the name of Gaia are you?"
A reproachful sigh was heard from feet level, and he bent down to see -- a little hedgehog, looking at him with twinkly little brown
eyes. "So quickly you wolfies forget. We're the Erinaceus, the old cleaners, the watch-all, see-all assistants of Gaia. You people
nearly destroyed us, you know? Lucky thing we hedgepiggies don't hold a grudge, otherwise I might've pricked your botty with
me fur. Hi hi hi, now that would be fun. Now get out of me way so's I can help your friends."
Slays-The-Wyrm stepped out of the way, still in shock, and watched in amazement as the little hedgehog waddled over to his
imprisoned friends and melted away their bonds, then healing their injuries as quickly as anything, even removing an old battlescar on old Graysnout's chest.
"Now, I can't stays here any longer, I was really just here to free one of me friends from the Children's Zoo a bit away. I'd better
join her before she gets worried. Bye bye, wolfies; maybe we'll meet again.
And the little ball of thorns blurred into a short, young man in a tweed coat, jeans, boots, and a t-shirt with the text "Save the
hedgehogs-British Wildlife Preservation Fund" on it. He dragged a hand through his already slicked back hair, and then walked
off into the shadows.
Slays-the Wyrm told the story about how the great WyrmHater pack was saved by a little ball of thorns to all his kin, and to all
those of the other tribes who would listen. Many Red Talons said that he had gone soft, that his conviction about killing humans
had been tricked away from him, and many of them turned their backs on him. But Slays-the-Wyrm changed his name into
"Open-Eyes", and the exploits of this strange Red Talon diplomat were acknowledged in many a camp, and the stories of him
grew in number, how Open-Eyes had settled peace between a pack of Silver Fangs and a group, or "pride" as they called it, of
Bastet defending their land, on how he had managed to bring a Mokole to peacetalks with the Louisiana Garou, how he had
managed to convince a Rokea maneater to leave the shores of New England alone.
But to his children, he told the story of how the little hedgehog had come visiting him a few years later, and how they had talked
about the sins of the fathers, and how they should never, ever, be so prejudiced as not to listen to others opinions.
And when he died, in September 1994, two hundred men and women no one could recognize showed up at his funeral, and
sang a strange, sad song that sounded vaguely Celtic, and finished by bowing to the dead diplomat's corpse. And then they all
vanished into thin air, leaving only a few white roses on the litter.

"HEDGEHOG: insect-eating animal covered with spines, that rolls itself up into a ball to defend itself."
-- The Advanced Learner's Dictionary Of Current English, Second Edition
Once upon a time, Gaia held a little race dearer to her heart than any other. These were the hedgehogs, one of her very first
mammals, who had crawled around in the bushes when the dinosaurs walked the earth. They functioned as her bards, her little
helpers, with many a strange power, and a calm, patient sense of humor. But naturally, this was too good to continue.
The Garou, who in their pride had attacked the other bete, were severely jealous of these calm little creatures, and began
slandering them among themselves. The hedgehogs ate carrion, and insects, and naturally, this was a sign of Wyrm-taint, and
not the sign of a healthy eco-system. And one day a few young Garou who had had their ears stuffed with lies of the evil Wyrmhedgehogs were out scouting to see if the Bastet their pack had been following for months were anywhere near, and happened
upon a little hedgehog. They started toying with it, the little one used his first line of defense and rolled into a spiny ball, upon
which the young Garou pricked their paws, and they got angry at the insolence, and slew the helpless little one. But the
hedgehog was not alone. It's mate, an Erinaceus, watched helplessly as the thoughtless wolves killed his mate, and used one of
his more harmful gifts, to send a few spines into the killers, killing them instantly. And the Garou had a new enemy to slay in the
War of Rage.
Strangely enough, the Little Ones survived the great war, and hid away. Now they hid themselves in leafpiles and bushes, in
abandoned rabbitholes and the likes, instead of walking proud in the free as before. And they licked their wounds, and told their
tales of betrayal. But the Erinaceus were, and still are, a calm, patient lot, and never hold long grudges, although they were still
wary of the Garou. And now, for the past hundred centuries or so, they have begun attempts to rejoin mortal and bete society. It
isn't easy. Modern society holds many a danger if you're barely one to one and a half foot long. But they are coming back.

The Erinaceus Society, Breeds, Culture and Kin

"Us hedgepiggies don't hold with that fancy stuff. My granny used to say, no one ever used fancy foreign sauces on a hedge

-- Redlaw, The Books of Magic

The hedgehogs have a very close connection with most ancient European peoples. They were there before the White Howlers,
and watched how the noble Howlers were corrupted by the Wyrm. Some say they could have helped, but the Erinaceus simply
say "Why would they have listened to us?"
The closest bonds they have with any ethnic group is with the original natives of the British isles, and nowadays, with northern
European peoples of all kinds. Mostly, they're of British or Scandinavian descent, but they have kinfolk in almost evry European
land. In the late 1700's, they started moving to the New World, where they soon bonded with the Nuwisha, and with many a
northern tribe. Nowadays, they move around in the entire Western world, although they tend to stay in one place once they've
found a home they like. The Erinaceus are very rural in their mentality, they tend to dislike major cities, but they have no problems
with suburbs, towns or villages, as long as there isn't too much commotion.
There are three breeds of the Erinaceus, Homid, Metis and Erinus. The Metis of the Erinaceus do not have the same flaw as
other breed Metis. They are not born in Crinos form, and they do not revert to Crinos when Incapacitated. Instead they have the
flaw of never being able to enter Homid form, but instead must be content with the Glabro (Cidae) form of the Erinaceus.
In spite of what many may think, the Erinaceus are not related to the Cristata. They have similarities, yes, but the Erinaceus are a
far older shapeshifter tribe than the mainly American porcupines, and the only thing they seem to have in common is the
contagious charm, and the tendency not to take Garou seriously.

Character Creation
Erinaceus are very short of stature; they never exceed 160 cm in height. They may never hold the Huge Size flaw, but they do
have the benefit of their charms. When creating an Erinaceus character you receive two extra dots to put in Charisma and/or
Appearance. Also, they tend to be very calm, and patient. They also have an inborn immunity to poisons, toxins and general
venoms, if they are natural. Otherwise it's the same system as for Garou.

The Erinaceus have five forms: Homid, Cidae, Crinos, Migro and Erinus.

Homid: no change.
Cidae: Appearance +1, Charisma +1, Stamina +3.
Crinos: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Stamina +5, Appearance 0, Charisma +0, Manipulation +0.
Migro: Strength -1, Dexterity -1, Stamina -1, Appearance +0, Charisma +1, Manipulation +0.
Erinus: Strength 0, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1, Appearance +1, Charisma +1, Manipulation +0.

The three breeds of the Erinaceus are all equally highly revered among the hedgehogs, as there aren't all that many of them left.
When a new Erinaceus is born, everyone celebrates.
Claws and teeth do +1 Aggravated Damage.

Homid: Gnosis 3
Metis: Gnosis 5
Erinus: Gnosis 7
The same as Garou, although they have different names for them.

Ahroun: Spiker (Rage 4)

Galliard: Singer (Rage 3)
Philodox: Speaker (Rage 2)
Ragabash: Joker (Rage 1)
Theurge: Maker (Rage 2)

The Others

"Spines protect adults from all but determined predators, but many young are eaten by foxes, tawny owls, the odd crow and
Garou: Big blokes. A bit aggressive.
Bastet: We don't like cats. They push us on our backs and eat us.
"I prefer them with some fava beans and a nice, chilled Chianti..."
Gurahl: Nice ones. They respect us.
"Mhrr...yes, they are good let me go back to sleep..."
Corax: Hmph. They're not crows. But they still eat our young. Killers.
Mokole: Never met one. Still, I suppose they're no worse than most crocodiles.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you're blockin' my sun..."
Kitsune: Foxes! Hate them, hate them, hate them!
"Yum, yum, yum."
Ratkin: Rats. I don't like rats.
"Hedgehogs. So what?"
Cristata: What do they mean, are we the same? Of course we're not! I don't call the Garou rats, do I? They're porcupines, we're
hedgehogs, it's as easy as that!

"No, we're not the same. The little ones are nice, but they ain't no family of ours."
Others: Vampires I don't like. Faeries I've nothing against. Ghosts don't bother me. Mages, well, we gots no caerns, do we?
Hmmm, what else is there? Oh, there's the old ones, the ones who live on roofs and turn into stone by day. There's the ones who
stay underground and turn into torches in the sun. There's those who live below the underground and are really mean, and then
there's the weirdos who never die, both kinds. I don't fraternize with any of'em.

"'Scuse me, is this your caern? Only I saw some big, blackfurred bullies on their way here, I hope they're not friends of yours?"

Erinaceus Gifts
Level One
Hedgehog Song
Dance of the Hedgepiggies

Level Two
Breaking the Bonds
Poison Spines
Hands of Man

By Sara Lanford (
"Even if the other Garou think es a good idea, I still say es a sad, sad day when ol' lady Gaia es needin' a defender that's better off
as fried chicken...."
-- Greytooth, Ragabash Bone Gnawer

Authors note
These werecreatures have been play-tested in several different pack types and my troupe has found that they can be very
versatile and fit in very well. I hope that you can have as much fun with them as we have.

This breed of Bete is fairly new, with only about one hundred known members. They were discovered in 1991 when a young girl
that had been adopted by a Silent Strider Kinfolk was awakened by her mother on her thirteenth birthday. Instead of finding her
daughter, the woman found a large barn owl. It came as quite a shock, but the Silent Striders welcomed the child into the ranks
of Gaia's chosen, and have tried to find and help any new Falieas as much as they can.
The other Werewolf tribes know of the Falieas, but most refuse to acknowledge them as anything more than a new, but useless,
oddity. The other Werebeasts have accepted the new creatures into their ranks, and the Corax have a particular interest in them.

Right now, there are no distinct tribes among the Falieas. The particular kind of owl they are depends on their Auspice.

Right now, there is little to no organization in this line of bete, seeing as owls are solitary creatures. Sometimes, they travel in
groups, since there is safety in numbers, but this is an uncommon and short lived partnership. Falieas lucky enough to have gifts
get them from other breeds of shapeshifters, such as the Garou or the Corax.

Any decently large wooded area that would normally be suitable for an owl. In cities, suburbs fit them perfectly well.

Character creation
The Falieas have the same number of points as the Garou for their Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds, and Freebie points. They
can choose three gifts, (1 Auspice, 1 Breed, and 1 General). Choose Breed and Auspice (There are no metis). Choose later
gifts at ST's discretion. I suggest Corax gifts or appropriate Garou gifts, ones having to do with speed, endurance and silence. I
chose these gifts from the Werewolf sourcebook and the Werewolf first edition Players Guide.

Background Restriction
No Pure Breed, No Resources


Breed Starting Gnosis

Homid 2
Falieas 4

Ralie (Theurge): These Falieas resemble barn owls in their bird forms.
Initial Rage: 2
Starting Gifts: Open Seal, Spirit Speech, Scent of Running Water

Neiera (Galliard): These falieas resemble spotted owls in their bird forms.
Initial Rage: 3
Starting Gifts: Haunting Call, Omens and Signs, Tongues

Diedre (Ahroun): These falieas resemble great horned owls in their bird forms.
Initial Rage: 4
Starting Gifts: Wrath (As the level three Mokol gift Dragon's Breath), Clear the Mind, Razor Claws

General Gifts
Silence, Sense Wyrm, Truth of Gaia

Crinos Morgiea Falieas
No Change Dex +2 Sta +1 Str +2 Str+1 Str -1
App +1
Dex +1 Dex +3 Dex +4
Diff: 5
Sta +3 Sta +3 Sta +2
App 0 Man -4 Man -4
Man -3 Per +3 Per +4
Per +3 Diff: 6 Diff: 6
Diff: 6


By Adam Solis ( (5 June 1996)


The Furies are the result of the continued use of Garou ghouls by the Fallen Angel clan. With but a few generations, the Furies
were born. Anybody who cares to point out that Metis are not fertile should take a look at Rage Across Australia, the Black
Spiral Dancer pack included in that book included two parents who were Metis! If one still does not like the idea of fertile Metis
should consider the possibilities of Thaumaturgy. Both the paths of Runes and the college of passion could certainly allow a
Metis to breed.

Serpentis, Visceratika, and Sanguinus. Furies of different affiliations can also use "semi-clan" disciplines depending upon their

CyberFuries: These furies serve the Silicon Angels. Their semiclan discipline is Technica. Vicissitude or Rank can be chosen
as the second semiclan discipline.

NightFuries: These furies serve the Shadow Angels. Their semiclan disciplines are Obtenebration and Nihilitics.
AquaFuries: These Furies serve the enigmatic Sea Angels. Their semiclan discipline is Aquam. AquaFuries can also choose
between Vicissitude and Rank as the second semiclan discipline.

The Basics: These Furies serve the regular clan and/or the Antitribu. Their semiclan disciplines are Rank and Vicissitude.

Furies start out with a blood pool of 50/6. That reflects the higher blood pool of all Garou as well as the fact that it is the Fallen
Angel Phoenix, an Antediluvian or better, who originally donated blood to the Furies. Like all Revenants, Furies increase their
blood pool by 1 for every century they have lived.

First of all, since all Furies are Metis, they all possess at least 1 Metis Deformity. Furies also have the wings caused by learning
Visceratika, and Furies are incapable of turning off Serpentis 1- the Serpent's Gaze. Of course, Furies are fully subject to the
derangements from learning Vicissitude. Furies are all considered Ronin, if not Wyrm tainted, by other Garou because of their
appearance and Kindred ties. Finally, Furies are a part of the same Sanguinus network as all Fallen Angels, so if they
misbehave the Clan will know about it.

Furies can be of any tribe, although certain tribes are more likely to affiliate with certain bloodlines than most.

Antitribu: Darkwolves, PaleWolves, NightWolves, Bone Gnawers, Wendigo, Uktena, Ymir's Sweat, and Children of Gaia.
CyberFuries: Predominantly Glass Walkers.
NightFuries: Silent Striders, Ghoti
AquaFuries: Croagal, Moon Circle Dancers

Any, but Neurosis, Albino, serpent's tongue, and hypersensitivity are the most common choices.

Furies have renown, but their renown is only acknowledged by themselves and the Fallen Angels. Rank is however a discipline
for the Furies, just as it is with the Warriors of Gaia bloodline. Therefore the limitations on gift learning do not depend upon
renown, much like the Rokea. All Furies have one dot in Rank, but they must improve Rank at nonclan discipline or Caitiff (if
Rank is chosen as a semiclan discipline) costs.

Character Creation
Much like Abominations, Furies have humanity/enlightenment and sabbat virtues. Preferred paths are Death and the Soul;
Harmony; Inner Focus; and Power and Inner Voice. Of course, many Furies keep the Ego path. Just as with Abominations, the
humanity/enlightenment of a Fury initially equals Gnosis or according to their virtues, whichever is higher.

Not limited, there are Furies of every auspice.

Furies have access to the Cat o' Nine tails fetish. Its abilities are dependent apon the rating it is purchased. The cat o' nine tails
acts as Ward against creatures according to its rating. The handle is cosidered a different piece so that they are not subject to
their own weapons.

Ghouls and lupines
Ghouls, lupines, and kindred
Ghouls, lupines, kindred, and spirits
All of the above, plus it acts as a Rotscreck ward against all of the above. Therefore those creatures that can frenzy will
most likely run away at the first blow.

Fury names are usually a combination of an Angel name and a name apropriate to the Fury's tribe. One example might be "Uriel
Slays the Wyrm".

By Tim Layne (

Long ago, when Gaia created the animals, there was a great dissension. There were some totems that would graciously lead
Gaia's chosen wolf, chiefly Falcon, Fenris, and Unicorn. There were some however, who would not lead the wolf, and instead
chose to lead their Earthly counterparts: Coyote, Bear, Raven, Turtle, and many others. So it was that the War of Rage occurred,
decimating the children of Bear, Raven, Coyote, and others. Turtle, wise and hardy, fared better than the others, and lived on.
However, his freedom was not without a price. He was hunted by Gryphon, Fenris, and Weasel for many years. Knowing not
what else to do, he turned to the Wyrm. The Wrym spoke to him, telling him many things that pleased Turtle's ears. "Come," the
Wyrm said. "I have a place for you within myself. You are tough, and clever. You shall help me survive." Turtle agreed, with much
trepidation however. With that, the Wyrm gave Turtle's children the gift of changing flesh.
For a century and more, Turtle lived under the guidance of the Wyrm, and survived by his toughness, wits, and the powers the
Wyrm had given him. From a distance the Wereturtles, who called themselves the Gaalodi, watched the Garou, and what they
did. Soon, they approached them, and, prepared for violence, asked of Gaia. The Garou asked who they were, and so they
answered. The Garou were astounded, as mother Gaia had not told them of the Gaalodi. They did not fight. They spoke
together, and taught the Wereturtles about Gaia, the Triat, and their mission. They were astounded that the Garou would want to
destroy their father, and they asked. They learned that the Wyrm stood for corruption, and that all the "Favors" they had done for
him were for ill. They then knew they had been tricked. A very curious, and very wise Theurge went into the Umbra that night, and
sought out an avatar of Gaia. She asked it a simple question. "Mother Gaia, why do these Wyrm creatures not know what they
do, and why?" The Avatar returned soon after departing. "Turtle went to the Wyrm with fear. The Wyrm used that anxiety of
Turtle's, and made his noble children do these acts in the name of Goodness." The Theurge returned, and told of what he had
found. The Garou took the Gaalodi in then and reintroduced them to Gaia. She accepted them willingly, and lovingly, along with
Turtle, as he had broken free of the Wyrm's grip. Soon, the Gaalodi say, their Manipulator will see what it is like to see his
entrails strewn across the Umbra.

"I can make it, I know I can.
You broke the boy in me
But you won't break the man!"
-- John Parr, St. Elmo's fire
The Gaalodi, one time servitors of the Wyrm, are now faithful warriors of Gaia. They still aren't trusted within the shapeshifter's
group mentality, much the way the Ananasi aren't either. Their vision is clear however, and they know what must be done. To
accomplish this, Gaia has given them some gifts, to replace the fell powers of the Wyrm. However good they might be, Gaia has
realized that the Wyrm made them too powerful; he thought they were too set in their ways to use them against him. Some Garou
viewing the Gaalodi using these powers might do one of three things. #1. Use Sense Wyrm to determine WTF is going on. #2.
Attack the Gaalodi outright (Get of Fenris and Red Talons are notorious for this) or #3. Realize what it is they are. They share the
same breeds and Auspices that the Garou have, and they also share the same ranking system. So, the only gifts that are
different are the breed gifts.
Breath Everlasting (Level One)
Ageless Wisdom (Level One)
Aqueous (Level Two)
Arrow Poison (Level Two)
Movement of the Quick Mind (Level Three)
Timeless (Level Three)
The Flow (Level Three)
Shell of Iron (Level Four)
Communal of Hydros (Level Four)
Balesludge (Level Five)
Vision. (Level Five)

The Forms
"So seek the wolf in thyself
Shape Shift. Nose to the wind
Shape Shift. Feeling I've been
Move Swift. All senses clean
Earth's gift
Back to the meaning of life"
Metallica, "Of wolf and man"

Homid: Normal human being; no adjustments.

Glabro: The near-turtle. Strength +2, Dexterity -1, Stamina +3 Manipulation -1, Appearance -1 In this form, the hair on the body
disappears, and the hair on the head shortens as the follicles recall it. The Gaalodi grows about 3 inches, but adds almost 100
pounds to the body weight. The beginnings of a shell are formed, but they are soft and smooth, like a sea turtle's.

Crinos: The Turtle-Man. Strength +4, Dexterity -2, Stamina +6, Manipulation & Appearance 0 In this form, an additional 3 inches
are added on, but so is an additional 300 plus pounds. The shell is defined now, and the Gaalodi can draw itself into it, granting
a +4 to the soak roll.

Hispo: The big turtle. Strength +2, Stamina +4. This is exactly the same as a large Land turtle, much like those seen in the
Galapagos islands. There are rumors of a different breed of Gaalodi who's Hispo form is that of a large sea turtle, but they have
yet to be seen.

Terrapd: The turtle Strength -1, Dexterity -2, Stamina +2. Your basic medium sized turtle.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one, and they all stink.
-- Common Adage.

Garou: Perhaps the first of the shifters, these wolves paved the way for the rest.
Mokole: Our kin. Too bad they hate the Garou and other Bete so much. We might actually get along.
Gurahl: Large, quiet, strong. I'm nice to 'em, and that's why my head's still attached to my shoulders.
Bastet: Something of an enigma to us. We are entirely different beings, but we have yet to go to war against each other.
Corax: Poly wanna gift of precognition? Oh yeah, they already got it.
Rokea: We may swim alongside of them, but still, we are diametrically opposed.
Ananasi: In the way of the past, they are as much our kin as the Mokole and we followed their example.
Wyld: Rapid fluctuations make intersting converstaion pieces, and all the other Shifters seem to like it.
Weaver: Yeah, I heard some Red Talon say our shells were of the Weaver, then he tried to kill me. Poor puppy.
Wyrm: Don't get me started.
Vampires: Does it really taste like chicken?
Magi: Interesting fellows, albeit an odd lot.
Wraiths: Wow, a real skeleton in the closet, cool!
Faeries: They give us hope for a new world. Might wanna go to Arcadia someday myself.

By Andrew Cram (
Those who believe the White Howlers were destroyed by the black spiral dancers are wrong. A few (less than 20) of these noble
Garou still exist.
The story of the howlers is irrevocably linked with that of there corrupted siblings the Black Spiral Dancers - when the Scottish tribe
was taken by the Wyrm a few Garou and Kinfolk were elsewere, mainly scatteered accross the Roman empire as slaves. It is from
these brave souls that the modern howlers decend.
The Black Spirals still hunt for there former families, forcing any howlers they catch to dance the spiral, interestingly in the past 200
years not one howler has been successfully corrupted.

Totem: Lion
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 3 background points spent freely.
Beginning Gifts: Sense Wyrm, Shroud, Razor Claws.
Wolf Form: Huge blue-white wolves of perfect proportions, almost all have blue eyes regardless of their homid eye-tone.
Organization: Simply Put, none. With so few members of the tribe it is pointless to maintain a rigid system. All are held equally and
given as much aid as possible although the young defer to the will and experience of the old.

Habitat: The Howlers are found anywhere, usually near a Black Spiral Hive were they frequently attempt covert extraction raids on
young, uncorrupted pups.

Protectorate: Once long ago they were the protectors of Scotland. They still sometimes aid those of Scots decent - now however
there protectorate centres around the Black Spiral Pups who they attempt to rescue from corruption. They also protect those who
suffer due to the intolerance of others.

Quote: "I will save the lost members of my family even if I must face the wyrm itself in single combat."

Sense Wyrm (Level One): Same as Metis Gift
Shroud (Level One): Same as Uktena Gift
Razor Claws (Level One): Same as Ahroun Gift
Howl of the Banshee (Level Two): Same as Fianna Gift
Shriek (Level Two): Same as the Bastet Gift
Luna's Armor (Level Two): Same as Children of Gaia Gift
Faerie Kin (Level Three): Same as Fianna Gift
Venom Blood (Level Three): Same as Get of Fenris Gift
The Great Leap (Level Three): Same as Silent Strider Gift
Spitfire (Level Four): Same as Bastet Gift
Doppelganger (Level four): Same as Glass Walker Gift
Jumping to the Moon (Level Five): Same as Bastet Gift
The Dance Reversed (Level Five)

By Emil G. Signs (a138@Lehigh.EDU)

In Belfast, in times before all memory, a small pack of Garou saw the madness of the Wyrm, and entered the Umbra to find it.
They found Malfeas in a very early stage of 'development,' and saw the Wyrm, struggling to release itself from the Pattern Web.
They began to understand why the Wyrm had gone mad -- it was not able to work its will.
The pack traveled to the heart of the Pattern Web, and found the Weaver busy inventing Geomids and other bizarre creations.
They asked her why she has imprisioned the Wyrm. She could not answer, and they barely escaped without being woven into
the Web.
As their last hope, they traveled to the Flux Realm, and followed the trail of the Wyld. They found him, sullenly trying to build
against the contraints of the Weaver. They questioned him about the Weaver's madness and the Wyrms imprisonment, but he
could not reply.
The pack decided that the Triat had failed. Creation, Pattern, and Balance were most certainly primordial forces, but perhaps,
the pack thought, they were not the three meant to rule the universe. The pack gathered more Garou who believed as they did,
and began searching the Tellurian for the three Incarna who were to become the next Triat.
Eventually, they settled on Gaia, Mortuus, and Ambria, the manifestations of Life, Death, and what lies Beyond, respectively.
Each member of the tiny tribe chose one of these spirits to follow.
Those who follow Gaia usually run with other Garou packs, fighting the Wyrm and Weaver, in hopes that they will be able to
topple the Weaver's ironfisted control of reality. The other two camps are more reclusive, striving to empower their Totem spirits.

Gaia, Mortuus, or Ambria

Initial Willpower

Initial Backgrounds
3 (can't buy fetishes; one free in Familiar of their Totem)

Wolf Form
Gaians: Grey wolf -- the stereotypical wolf
Mortuuans: Matte black fur, blood-red eyes, and a long bushy tail
Ambrians: Silvery fur with sky blue eyes and a pearly glow

The Ghoti are a very close-knit tribe. While there is no direct organization, they are quite respectful, to those of higher and lower
Rank. Renown is gained not only for destroying Wyrm minions, but also Wyld and Weaver minions. Also, Renown is gained by
promoting others to accept Gaia, Mortuus, and Ambria as the new Triat.

Everywhere (most are Homid, so city life is prevalent)


"You sit and bemoan the Wyrm's doings in this Realm -- how can your mind be so one-sided? The Weaver drove the Wyrm mad,
and the Wyld didn't give a damn. Balance is dead, Method is mad, and Creation has gone home. Look at things, and learn!"

Beginning Gifts
Gaians: Mother's Touch, Beast Speech, Resist Toxin
Mortuuans: Resist Pain, Fatal Flaw, True Fear
Ambrians: Inspiration, Spirit Speech, Sense the Unnatural
View Gaia totem.
View Mortuus totem.
View Ambria totem.

By Peloquin (

"The name's Logan. I'm the best at what I do. But what I do ain't pretty."
-- Wolverine
The forest's of the Umbra in our parts of the world were lush and green, full of joyous spirits, and not a trace of Wyrm-taint
We of the Ghulo thrived, and in the comfort of our huge lands, we grew proud and fat.
Then the wolves came.
Changers like us, but far more savage in their ways.
They saw our lands, dined at our camps, and then they said "This land by right belongs to the Garou."
And they begun slaughtering us.
We of the Ghulo are solitary creatures, and even though our prowess in battle can defeat the mightiest Garou Ahroun, we are
almost helpless alone against whole packs of the Garou.
We fell.
Those of us who survived heard tales of how the usurper wolves had done the same to the other tribes, to the cats, the ravens,
the lizards, the bears, the spiders, the thorned ones, the plant-eaters, even the rats. Stories of how some of them had turned
towards their brethren to fight for our sake, and how they had finally worked a truce, of sorts.
The years passed.
The wolves forgot how cruel and petty they had been, and soon began saying that we had been the ones in the wrong, that they
were the rightful owners of all lands, and how the Bete had failed because of this. Soon they sent smug-faced envoys, Garou with
the opinion "we defeated them so soundly they have to fight for us".
And we sent them home in pieces. Because we never forgot.
Now we walk among them, learning their ways, seeing how their own folly has betrayed them in the end, as they find that they are
losing their battle against the Corruptor, losing because the ones who might have helped them are dead and gone.
Not all gone, though.
We still hate them.
But we have to fight the Wyrm.
Even if it means joining the foul, pea-brained wolves.

"I'll wait the signs to come.
I'll find a way.
I will wait the time to come.
I'll find a way home."
-- Enya, Exile
Once...well, no, the Ghulon never were numerous. But once there were a whole lot more of them. And then the War of Rage
came, and nearly wiped them out.
It took a long time for them to heal, and an even longer time to swallow their pride enough to stop killing every Garou they got
their hands on. But when they finally did calm down they realized that the Garou would never defeat the Wyrm single-handed,
even if they thought so.
So they have started finding their ways into the cities.

Culture and Kinfolk

The Ghulon have their closest ties to North America, and more often, the Northern Hemisphere areas of Scandinavia and what
was previously the USSR. Their Kin are often of the Lapish or Northern Indian tribes, sometimes even of Mongol heritage. But as
they have increased in numbers, their Gulo (wolverine) Kin have dwindled, hunted by ignorant and all too knowing humans.
These days, if one meets a Ghulon, there is a 99% chance it is Homid.

Character Creation
The usual 7/5/3, 13/9/5, 5 Backgrounds.

Rage: 5
Base Willpower: 5

The Ghulon have three Breeds, Homid, Metis and Gulo.

Homid Gnosis: 3
Metis Gnosis: 4
Gulo Gnosis: 5

All forms except Homid gets +3 dice on all Perception rolls.

Homid: No change
Morid (Glabro): Str:+2, Dex:1, Sta:3, Man:-2, App:-2.
Crinos: Str:+4, Dex:+1, Sta:+5, Man:0, App:0.
Rukh (Hispo): Str:+3, Dex:+2, Sta:+5, Man:0, App:O.
Gulo: Str:+1, Dex:+2, Sta:+3, Man:-, App:-.
The Morid form of a Ghulon is the form of the half-apeman, where the human traits are rapidly disappearing, already the body
turns hairier, the ears grow slightly pointed, and the eyes become a yellowish color. The brow becomes more prominent, and the
hair on the head grows rougher and has a tendency to fall back to the shoulders. The facial hair increases, and the Ghulons
speech becomes rougher and more guttural.
The Crinos form is the half-man, half-wolverine shape many a lone Garou has learned to fear. Now the Ghulon grows several
feet, and even if it doesn't gain the huge size of a Garou in Crinos, the foot-long claws ond their hands more than compensate for
it, not to mention the seemingly endless reservoir of sheer determination. Once a Ghulon has gotten a grip with his teeth, he
does not let go until you or he is dead.
The Rukh shape is an almost wolflike form, but the brown-and-black fur tells it apart from their Lupine "cousins". The very shape
of a Ghulon in Rukh form is enough to cause a Black Spiral Dancer to turn tail and run.
And finally, the Gulo form. This is the average wolverine, with stumpy legs, excellent climbing capabilities and a temper to match
any Garou Ahroun.
Now, the claws of the Ghulon do a substantial amount more damage than a Garou's. Basically, since the claws grow in
proportion to the hands/paws, the claws become footlong instead of inch-long, and slightly jagged. They do +4 Aggravated

The Ghulon value solitude above anything. In fact, that is their main Renown trait, Solitude, which determines how many victories
or services to Gaia without any outside help. Unfortunately, this was also their downfall in the War of Rage, as even the most
pumped Ghulon cannot alone defeat a whole pack of werewolves.

Tribal weakness
Ghulon have a severe temper; they need to roll against Frenzy every once in a while. Every time they fail they grow a little more
bestial in their manners.

Garou: Snivelling weasels. They should be severely spanked and then clawed across the nose.
"The Ghulon? Weren't they some kind of were-badgers or something like that?"
Bastet: They understand Solitude. We respect them for that. Even if we have to teach the occasional young Puma kit the lesson
that appearances deceive...

"Ah, yes, interesting, aren't they?"

Kitsune: Werefoxes? Never met one.
"Never met one..."
Corax: The ravens. We co-operate occasionally.
"They're handy as hired muscle."
Nuwisha: Most amusing. If the Garou would just sit down and think about the pranks and tricks played on them by the children of
Coyote, they might just learn something...

"They understand most of our jokes..."

Gurahl: The mighty healers of old. Damned Garou. Another sin on their conscience.
"Huuurrr, yyees, I know what they are..."
Rokea: I don't like water.
"They never come into the waves. And good riddance to them, too..."
Cristata: The porcupines. They're...nice, I guess...
"The wolverines...well...they can fight?"
Erinaceus: Hedgehogs? Bwahahahaaa!
"Wolverines? Like in the comic books? Only more of them? Cool!"
Gaalodi: The Turtles do not bother us, we do not bother them. "We don't bother them, they don't bother us..."

So you're really impressed by that Get's claws? Huh...check these out...*snikt*

The Gifts of the Ghulon are often very simply named, and very physical in their powers. It is not until the Ghulon reach the later
parts of their lives they calm down and concentrate on the metaphysiocal side of the Shifter abilities. The Ghulon get one Breed
gift, (As the main WW:tA books), one Auspice gift, and one Tribal Gift.

Level One

Level Two


Gurahl Tribes
By Kevin Whisenhunt (

I find the Gurahl very interesting, but I feel that White Wolf severely under-did the race by ignoring the various different species of
bears which span across the globe. Much as the Bastet, they can be put into various tribes by what type of bear they are and
what area they live in. This documentation provides alternate rules for playing were-bears, opening to a more realistic and
enlightening aspect.

The Tribes

Species: Alaskan Brown, Kodiak
Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: 3, no Resources
Beginning Renown: 3 Honor
Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Per Diff
Glabro +4 +3 +0 -2 -1 +0 7
Crinos +6 +4 -1 0 -2 -1 6
Hispo +5 +5 -2 N/A -2 +0 7
Ursine +3 +3 -1 N/A -3 +0 6

Description: The Bruin are the giant brown bears of Alaska, Kodiak and the Afognak islands, among the largest and strongest
of all Gurahl. They prefer the cold, snowy environments, and mingle often with the Thala. They prefer a solitary lifestyle; however
they band together more often than most Gurahl. For the most part, they disregard mankind, holding a slight grudge for the
hunting of their kin. They neither help nor hinder man for the most part, unless they are in dire distress and appear nonthreatening.

Thala: Strong and Wise; we gladly call these our brothers.
Ursus: Our smaller versions? They are all right in my book.
Eurac: Don't concern me none; let them mingle with the Apes. I care not.
Selena: I think I recall hearing something about them, makes no never mind to me.
Ailu: Who?
Trema: Oh yes, I've heard the fairy stories too.
Melur: Ummm, they where weak; they died. Thats all I know.
Hela: Hehe, thats cute. Tell me another story.

Species: Polar Bears
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 3, no Resources
Beginning Renown: 3 Wisdom

Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Per Diff
Glabro +3 +4 +0 -2 -1 +0 7
Crinos +5 +5 -1 0 -2 -1 6
Hispo +4 +6 -2 N/A -2 +0 7
Ursine +2 +4 -1 N/A -3 +0 6

Description: The Thala are the great Polar bears of Alaska and the Arctic areas of North America. They are slightly smaller
than the Bruin, being likewise of lesser strength, but this they make up for in bulk, in the form of healthy fat. They swim very well
and enjoy the freezing cold atmospheres of their homeland. These are perhaps the most reclusive of all Gurahl and hunt humans
the most often. They despise the humans, for the killing their kin for skins and will often kill any humans in their lands that appear

Bruin: Our comrades? They are equal to us, thus good warriors and thinkers.
Ursus: Oh, the little Bruin of the temperate lands. They are okay from what I hear.
Eurac: Tiny little buggers; they are corrupted by the workings of mankind.
Selena: I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.
Ailu: Hum, can't say I recall anything about them.
Trema: They are mere fairy tails, of no consequence to me.
Melur: Don't waste my time with such nonsense.
Hela: I don't have time for your foolish tails.

Species: Grizzly
Initial Willpower: 6
Backgrounds: 3, no Resources
Beginning Renown: 3 Succor
Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Per Diff
Glabro +3 +3 +0 -2 -1 +0 7
Crinos +5 +4 -1 0 -2 -1 6
Hispo +4 +5 -2 N/A -2 +0 7
Ursine +2 +3 -1 N/A -3 +0 6

Description: The Ursus are the most typical of the Gurahl found in the Werewolf Players Guide. Refer to it for the nature of this

Bruin: Our big brothers in the North? They are great warriors, a bit pushy though.
Thala: The great white man-eaters. I despise their lack of respect for man.
Eurac: Our little friends are more noble than many think, just a bit confused.
Selena: They live too far away for me to care much about.
Ailu: Of yes, I have heard some of them. They seem very noble, but primitive.
Trema: Wow, most don't believe in them around here. They do exist however.
Melur: Yes, I know of them. It is sad, a great loss to Gurahl kind.
Hela: I've heard of them but I'm not sure if they ever existed or not.

Species: American Black
Initial Willpower: 6
Backgrounds: 4, no Restrictions
Beginning Renown: 3 Honor
Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Per Diff
Glabro +2 +3 +0 -2 -1 +0 7
Crinos +4 +4 -1 0 -2 -1 6
Hispo +3 +5 -2 N/A -2 +0 7
Ursine +1 +3 -1 N/A -3 +0 6

Description: The Euarc are very much like the Ursus in their ways and behaviors; however are the most prone to join the human
society. More than all Gurahl, they mingle in human affairs, being somewhat of the "Glass Walkers" of the were-bears.

Bruin: They're just big and mean Ursus up in the cold-lands. They are okay, but to bossy for me.
Thala: Oh, you mean those big white crusaders. Silly primitives, don't concern me much.
Ursus: Our dear brothers; we look to them for guidance and motivation.
Selena: I know little of them; not enough to form a real opinion.
Ailu: Ummm, are there any of them left? I know not.
Trema: I've heard ours brothers mention them, but I doubt their existence.
Melur: A classic case of not keeping up with the times. Too bad for them.
Hela: Please, I doubt their was ever such a thing.

Species: Asiatic, Himalayan Black, Japanese Black
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 3, no Resources
Beginning Renown: 4 Honor
Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Per Diff
Glabro +2 +3 +0 -2 -1 +0 7
Crinos +4 +4 -1 0 -2 -1 6
Hispo +3 +5 -2 N/A -2 +0 7
Ursine +1 +3 -1 N/A -3 +0 6

Description: The Selena are the among the most secretive and violent of Gurahl, as they see humanity as nothing more than an
easy food source. Although the Asiatic and Himalayan were-bears prefer a different terrain than the Japanese bears, they are
considered one in the same tribe as they are like in build and attitude. One odd trait of note in this tribe, is their fondness for
building "nests" of branches and twigs in trees.

Bruin: The big brown braggarts across the sea. I honor their ferocity, but that's all.
Thala: I like their warrior prowess, and we feel the same about humans....mosty.
Ursus: Those brown ape-lovers? I don't care much for them.

Eurac: They're just apes in bear clothing. I spit on them... ptew...

Ailu: Those cowardly bamboo eaters are a pathetic excuse for Gurahl.
Trema: I don't trust them one little bit; they can die for all I care.
Melur: Pathetic little worms. The Ailu shall soon meet the same fate.
Hela: Those weak little miscreants are dead; why bother me about them.

Species: Panda
Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: 3, no Resources or Contacts
Beginning Renown: 3 Wisdom
Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Per Diff
Glabro +2 +4 +0 -2 -1 +0 7
Crinos +4 +5 -1 0 -2 -1 6
Hispo +3 +6 -2 N/A -2 +0 7
Ursine +1 +2 -1 N/A -3 +0 6

Description: The Ailu are the secretive and peaceful were-pandas of China. Although there is debate in human zoology whether
or not they are actually bears, Gaia saw them as nothing less and created them along with all the other Gurahl. More than all
things, these were-bears just want to be left alone, to tend to their own lives. They rarely meet under any circumstances and don't
care one way or the other about humans.

Bruin: Oh yes, the wise warriors of the Arctic lands. I admire them.
Thala: The savage brutes, I see no need for their senseless violence.
Ursus: I adore their wisdom, but don't understand their love of men.
Eurac: They are confused and lost in the man's world; I pity them.
Selena: They are bloodthirsty savages; I understand not their hatred of us.
Trema: They leave me be. I mingle not in their affairs. It works well that way.
Melur: I grieve for our lost brothers; it is sad to lose our own.
Hela: I never had any love of them, but still I morn their death.

Species: Spectacled
Initial Willpower: 7
Backgrounds: 3, no Resources or Contacts
Beginning Renown: 1 in all fields.
Form Adjustments
Form Str Sta Dex App Man Diff
Glabro +2 +2 +0 -2 -1 7
Crinos +4 +3 -1 0 -2 6
Hispo +3 +4 -2 N/A -2 7
Ursine +1 +2 -1 N/A -2 6

Description: The Trema are the rarest of all Gurahl, thought to be extinct in fact to most were-bears. It is unknown as to why they
are dying out, perhaps because they breed so little. Among all Gurahl, they are the most agile and have the highest aptitudes for

magics. They have somehow picked up the name "Fairy Bears" for this reason, as well as their ability to slip into the Umbra
easier than most were-bears (Diff -2).

Bruin: I have heard of them, blunt warriors, very absent of mind.
Thala: I don't believe I've ever heard of them before. Tell me more.
Ursus: Oh yes, they are wiser than the others, but that says little.
Eurac: I care nothing for them, but do agree with their curiosity of the apes.
Selena: Vile bullies. Aggressiveness and stupidity are a deadly mix. I'll keep my distance.
Ailu: Strong willed, great conversationalists. If you can ever get them to talk.
Melur: Most think they're all gone, but I think a few lost cubs remain.
Hela: I believe them all dead to this world, but with their magics, who knows.

Species: Sloth
Description: The Melur were extremely weak and pacifist, thus they did not last long in the world. They are an extinct race, much
in the way of the Bunyip and Croatan of the Garou.

Species: Sun
Description: This tiny and frail tribe of were-sunbears is sadly, like the Melur, extinct. They simply could not compete with the
other predators of their environments. In their time, they had an aptitude for magics even greater than the Trema and slipping
into the Umbra was so easy for them, they did so without worry of hazard.

By Adam Solis (

No one is quite sure where these enigmatic Bete came from. Some whisper that they are the result of a joint Bubasti and
Faustus experiment. Others swear that Nahual and Diabolos had a hand in their creation. No matter how they came about, these
creatures are a hybrid of Bastet and Daemon. They have the shapeshifting, regeneration, and Rage of Bastet but they have Vim
and Boons instead of Gifts. Their cat form and Boons are no help in determining their origins for they are unique in those areas.

Corruption, Arms of Ordinance, and Metamorph

Hellcats can transform into their Crinos form automatically without a roll or action no matter what their breed. Also, they can do
the same into their homid form at the cost of 1 Vim. They have most of the powers of Daemon: they can superheat themselves to
do aggravated damage with unarmed attacks through heat, they even reform in their Den Realm if killed anywhere else, and they
do not age outside of their Den Realm.

None, other than what common sense would prohibit. Den Realm is all but universal.

As mentioned earlier, Hellcats can transform into Crinos without a roll or action and can transform into homid form at the cost of I
Str Sta Dex App Man Diff.
Glabro +2 +2 +2 -2 -2 7
Crinos +5 +5 +5 0 0 6
Hispo +4 +5 +5 +0 0 7
Feline +2 +4 +5 +0 0 6

Whatever cat they transform into has no earthly counterpart. Some believe their cat from comes from some kind of umbrood

Campaign Roles
Hellcats are usually demon hunters, although they make terrifying bountyhunters. Hellcats are well aware of the differences
between true and perceived evil. Therefore they will never blindly attack a creature; it must prove itself worthy of the Hunt before
the Hellcats will begin.

Original Concept By Adam Solis (
Revision and Expansion By Brom Evangelon (
[Note: This work is not the product of both named above]

Author's Notes
"Hellcats" is a revised form of the previous "Hellcats." It was created with W:tA, and Frank Torkel's "Daemon" Supplement (3rd
Edition, The new author has tried to refine the original Bastet/Daemon hybrid, and explain it

No mortal or supernatural has yet known where and how exactly the Hellcats were birthed. The whisperings may lead to words of
the Faustus and Bubasti, others of the Daemons may claim it was in part the secretive Diabolos, instead of the Faustus. What
happened to produce these bte was certainly interbreeding between a specific Daemon Ilk, a Bastet Tribe, and eventually
Umbrood species of felines. One would think the Bubasti would lead themselves to interbreeding with the Daemons, and most
likely did as a result of having lost their feline kin. The Diabolos, however, started the exchange in their act of reaching the
tendrils of control further across the Umbra while some other ilks concern themselves fully with the Quash.

Attributes: 9/4/3
Abilities: 20/15/10

Arms of Ordnance, Metamorph

With the body of a shifter, and the powers of a Daemon, these creatures are horribly effective in battle. A Hellcat may cause her
skin to superheat, as with Daemons. This alone projects three dice of damage for every turn of skin contact with another being.
This power does aggravated damage to kindred, and gives another die to normal physical attacks.
Hellcats, again like Daemons, hold the immunity to any kind of flame: be it the fires of Hell, or a bonfire on earth. And as their
darker counterparts, they are pleased at the feel of the magickal fires of Hell.
Any Hellcat has a True Form, just like a Daemon. The True Form is Crinos, and any character may shift to that form with no cost
or roll, just like as if they were metis. To shift to homid, only one Vim is needed to be spent, as usual for Daemons. The other
three forms are shifted to as normal for changing breeds. Finally, the physical traits that are added with achieving a higher Dark
Seed are shown visibly in only the True Form, but are active within all other forms without physical representation.
Hellcats have the regeneration of changing breeds, but only hold a weakness to True Faith attacks, like Daemons.
The Hellcats have retained the Rage of their Bastet relatives. But, unlike Bastet, they can apply Rage to fuel extra actions. As a
result, they are also more likely to Rage than Bastet, having not the addition to the raging difficulty. They regain Rage as other
shifters do.
Just like Daemons, Hellcats do not die when killed out of Hell and some umbral realms. The first successful Hellcats in Hell built
a public lair where any Hellcat who has not reached the level one Rank of Infernal Ranking will reform, after becoming
incorporeal where they were slain. The Ritual for creating a Daemon's own Lair is detailed in the Daemon supplement.

There are no specific backgrounds for Hellcats.

As mentioned, Hellcats can transform into Crinos without a roll or action and can shift to homid at the cost of I Vim. These
statistics are quite generous, that is because they show the raw power that has been forged with the communion.
Str Sta Dex App Man Diff.
Sokto +2 +2 +2 -2 -2 7
Crinos +5 +5 +5 0 0 6
Chatro +4 +5 +5 +0 0 7
Feline +2 +4 +5 +0 0 6

There are no homid breed Hellcats; they simply do not exist. One is either born as an umbrood feline, or in their true form. They
are usually born in Hell, but it is not uncommon for a feline Hellcat to be born in a different umbral realm. The first change is often
done earlier than earth born Bastet: always within the first twelve years. Although that isn't much time to a Daemon.

The Hellcat mind is not unlike any other Bastet mind. They do what they want, when they want. With their feline charisma, wit,
and/or sensuality, some can often can make very efficient purchasers of souls. Like Daemons, they respect very few other
creatures in the WoD, save themselves, some Bastet, and Succubae.
This strange bte is also revered in a manner of speaking for the massive size they can assume in their true form. A newly
changed Hellcat has a chance of besting a Daemon of a rank higher than their own. This has dissolved the calling of such
creatures as Imps, which is the name for those Daemons who have not reached a title of Infernal Ranking. Rather, they are given
a name derived from Bastet: Watua. Understood roughly as "children".

New Boon: Disseminatus

Within the twentieth century, some world-traveling Hellcats recovered various small pieces of the Necronomicon, and pieced
together a boon which they hold to their Ilk with all force needed. Disseminatus controls molecular dispersion: the ability to
literally make the target shatter or freeze solid. A rather volatile boon.
Level Aggravated dice
All rolls are Wits + Primal Urge, difficulty 5 + level used (6 for one, 7 for two, and so on. Every success allows one cubic foot for
the damage dice to be applied on. The area effected is determined by a Perception + Alertness roll, difficulty based on sight. All
effects require roughly one action of concentration. Hellcats may spend Rage on a one for one basis for auto success on


By Diane Keating-Sciacca (

A Silent Strider camp for Werewolf: The Apocalypse

You've been afraid for far too long
I've been a rage in my song
I feel a rose in my rage
I feel a rose
I feel a rose
I feel a rose...
-- Dead Can Dance, Desert Song.
While the Dispossessed deal with the Silent Striders' exile from Kemi in a fatalistic way, there is a faction within the tribe that
doesn't want to take it sitting down either, but has no taste for misleading the world and committing spiritual suicide. This faction
is called the Hounds of Abydos and they prefer a more confrontational approach. Made up primarily of Ahrouns who took the
diaspora badly, this camp has fallen back on the time-honoured Egyptian tradition of vengeance and have become hunters of
the Setites who drove them from their homeland and seek the tribe's extinction to this day. Taking their name from the epic battle
waged between Heru and Set on the plains of Abydos in the form of wolves, they are as vengeful and savage as the battle which
gave the camp rise.
Members of the Hounds of Abydos camp are almost to a wolf Full Moons, but the Striders are nothing if not egalitarian: they'll
accept anyone who desires vengeance. Theurges with a sense for war and revenge are the second biggest demographic within
the camp. The Hounds' often meet in windswept, lonely places and conduct impassioned rites of chanting, blood, fire dances,
and sparring. Favoured activities include a riff on the Pakiv Darane, with the camp members trading tales of the fight, reports of
vengeance gained and swearing solidarity to each other. Once thought to have risen from the pack of a powerful Ahroun, this
camp isn't very large but it's growing, as more and more Striders register discontent with their present situation.
Characters can join the camp simply by attending one of their moots, and formally taking an oath of vengeance. Camp Theurges
often contact the camp's patron totem, Heru Behdety and ask him to send a Jaggling to witness the testimonial. The camp takes
its mission seriously and the character should have an excellent reason for wanting revenge to gain their patronage (i.e., it must
be something serious such as someone killing a mate and/or Kinfolk, desecration of a caern, driving you from your home, giving
Kinfolk the Embrace, betrayal to enemies, continual harassment, attempts on your life -- you can't swear revenge if someone
spits on your foot or insults your Honour). The Hounds of Abydos are a court of last resort.
If the Hounds judge your cause for vengeance to be a sound one, you can count on a network of spies, assassins, warriors, safe
houses, contacts and allies that only a Silent Strider could dig up to help you in your quest for redress. The character should be
prepared for an ugly scene should it come to fruit: the Hounds, as mentioned before, take their mission seriously -- when they get
behind someone, they are there unto the death.
At present the camp is working up resources to reclaim and reopen their ancient caern, the Temple of Abydos in Egypt.

Often, when a Strider joins the Hounds and swears vengeance against someone, she will take a new name that has something
to do with "Wolf" ("Unsh" or "Unshet" for females) or one of the various Kemite wolf-deities (Ap-Uautu, Khenti-Amentiu, Ienpu
and Heru Behdety) until her quest is fulfilled. Examples: "Unshet Ienpu," "Khent Unsh," "Unsh Behdet" "Ap-Uautu Unshet Maat."
It is whispered that the Hounds of Abydos have tentative alliances with the Children of Osiris and Gangrel Vampire clans.

The Hound Bays

"Heru Behdety! Lord of the Plain! Hear our call - a call for vengeance!
"Heru Behdety! Wolf-headed One! Thou avenged thy father Asar! Help us throw down the Corrupter!
"Heru Behdety! Prince of Abdua! You watered the plains with your blood and the blood of thine enemy, Set! Hear our call!
"Heru Behdety! Whose fur is dark and spiked with blood! Lend us thy might, thy Rage, thy light! Help us aid this brother who
comes to us, and strengthen us as we turn at bay to meet the foe!
"Heru Behdety! Thou art Maat-kheru! Embrace us in thy Fire!


View Heru Behdety totem

By J.D. Simmons (

For as long as there have been humans, there have been were-men: those men who could become men. They dwelt amongst
humanity, undetected, wielding incredible powers beyond the scope of a mere man. The Humaine were created by Gaia, but
were the ones who turned man to the Weaver; they grew from simple apes to superior lifeforms, dominating lesser men. They
eagerly participated in the Impergium, so their hideous Homidi form inflicts full Delirium. They were left alone during the War of
Rage, the other humans thinking they were just too stupid, and would kill themselves off.
They thrived alongside the Glass Walkers, however, and proved their intelligence by contributing many very important inventions.
Since then, they live amongst us, undetectable by normal means, using us in their schemes and breeding with us like livestock.

There are three breeds of Humainx (the plural form of Humaine, pronounced Hu Mane z):
Homid: Those Humainx which are born of humans. 45% of the Humaine are Homid. Beginning Gnosis: 1
Metis: Those Humainx born of two Humainx parents; they are freaks, but remain fertile, and all possess the Metis Deformity of
Human Face, as found on page 86 of W:tA. Beginning Gnosis 3.
Homid: The other large breed group within the Humainx, these are Humaine born of two parents of the other part of a Humaine,
the human. Approximately 100% of all Humainx are born Homid. Beginning Gnosis 5.

The Humaine possess all the same auspices as the Garou, and use the same beginning Rage scores.

Homid: This form is identical to a normal human. Dif 6, No Stat Changes
Glabro: The near human. Slight size increase. Dif 7, Str+1, Sta+1
Homidi: The hulking war form of the Humaine. This form accesses all the power of both Humans and Humans. Dif 6, Str+2,
Dex+2, Sta+2, App+2.
Sokto: This hideous throwback to the days of the cave man insights a full Delirium. Slight size increase. Dif 7, Str+2, Sta+1, App
0, Man -2.
Homid: This form is identical to a normal human. Dif 6, No Stat Changes.

All Humaine have the ability to change their sex with a simple Sta + Primal Urge roll dif 7. There are no form modifiers; you are
simply of the opposite sex.

They start with one breed gift, one auspice gift, and one Glass Walker or Ananasi Gift. In addition they have these gifts available
to them: Cooking, Mother's Touch, Smell of Man, Blissful Ignorance, Gift of the Skunk, Riot and any other's that seem sufficiently

By Mr Badger (

Skippy the Bush Kangarou: It's never below the belt Down Under
The fields of maize stretched as far as the eye could see, normal eyes that is. Eyes that are presently still in residence on the
front side of Handel's head have been scientifically (and supernaturally) recorded as being able to see so much further the
initial comparison is a faint mockery of a type that would barely raise a smirk or a chuckle. The fields were very large, by
Mortal observation standards, let us settle for that at least. Those who have done any small amount of technical drawing are
familiar with the vanishing point idea. This was how an observer felt standing there staring down the endless rows of maize.
The rows all seemed to meet in the distance, at a single point. One could imagine the vastness of the universe thinking of
such a sight, a vision of how insignificant one is in the great scheme of things. Or one could just get over it and do something
useful that does not involve being all arty farty sensitive in the middle of a bloody field.
Especially not in this particular field as smoke started to twist its way up from the middle of the field. Starting off as a gentle
stream of opacity in the early evenings sky the smoke gathered strength like a raging torrent of water that started off as a
trickle. Soon the flicker became a pillar of smoke lit by the raging fires that gave it birth. The fire spread like, well wild fire,
amongst the dry crop and soon a majority of the maize was engulfed in cleansing fire. Before any action could be taken to
hinder its travel the fire claimed the field as its own. The crop was devastated, wiped from the face of the Earth as if it had
never existed. Standing nearby on top of a hill a small group smiled as this was exactly what they desired. The blaze may
eventually be correctly attributed to arson, that is inconsequential to the act. The crop was destroyed and that was that
mattered. At the head of the group was a tall man with a large mane of red hair down his back, gathered together at the back
of his shoulders in a clasp resembling boxing gloves. Turning to his Pack the man smiled with a grin far too toothy to be
anything other than s toothpaste advertisement or something that would look appropriate in a shark's mouth on a Ocean life
television program. The teeth were blunt rather than sharp but the sheer number of them made up for any deficiency. "We
run," said the man.
One by one the group changed. From standing as men and women on two feet their forms melted into those better supported
on all fours. Mouths elongated into a snouts. Hands and feet fused together into paws. Ears became pointed while be
positioned more towards the top of the head than to the sides. Slick red and/or black fur grew to cover bodies no longer
clothed. Running into the scrub at the side of the well scorched field the Pack left at a swift trot. At the Pack's lead was the
original speaker. The fighter for justice and nature in a land twisted and evil. A man who fought against the blight and
darkness falling across the lands in ever increasing waves. The Dingo at the head of the Pack was none other than Skippy,
the Bush Kangarou.
The name Skippy was never mentioned lightly. Even those who are unaware of the Supernatural battles occurring around
them each night were aware of the man known as Skippy. This outlaw was a 90's version Ned Kelly. This one man and gang
had caused more heartache and destruction than any other since the shameful night of "Hagbutt got slightly annoyed at
someone in public" spectacle of the early 80's. Fire, death and much urinating were his trade mark. What the public was not
aware of was the foes attacked by Skippy and his gang each night were all owned and operated by the one and the same
Mega Corporation, Phorex.
Phorex were a gigantic organization structure formed out of one really bad brewing company. I'm not saying this beer tasted
in any way or form undesirable for human consumption. What I am saying is that the USEPA once mistook a shipment of this
so called 'beer' as seaborne nuclear waste. This 'beer' is so awful to consume many a person has burst into flame rather than
let the fetid liquid reach the lower end of their tormented throats. This 'beer' has as much to do with 'an enjoyable beverage'
as Clinton has with 'chastity.' This 'beer' holds the definition of liquid in only the very loosest terms. Any looser and it would
achieve escape velocity and with any luck fall into the sun. This 'beer' is world renowned for having a name that could only be
an Australian's attempt to spell 'beer.' This 'beer' sterilizes household pets by just being driven past in a delivery van. The
'beer' was been proven to turn back the passage of time as entire lineages of Mortals have had their family line eradicated
from history because one foolish member decided 'just one couldn't hurt.' This wasn't 'beer,' but the Wyrm embodied with
little bubbles and a malt taste. Phorex just sort of grew from there into the Bane filled horror story we know it today. Skippy, the
Bush Kangarou, was dedicated to its downfall.
Skippy greeted the Pack as they returned to their base camp in a way, that gave me as an author, a disgustingly easy way to
introduce a few of the characters without any fussy or bother. Skippy himself appeared to be a Dingo (it's a dog) of great
stature. Skippy was born under a certain phase of the moon that like all Kangarou identified his nature towards others. Skippy
was a A-hoon, born under the Full (Hoon) Moon. He liked old rusty cars, liked very loud music playing through a shite stereo
in that before mentioned rusty car (a stereo that was worth three to four times the value of the car itself,) like wearing black tshirts with Heavy Metal Bands emblazoned upon them and liked to wear a suitable well worn black jersey that had so many
holes in it to qualify as a multitude of golf courses as well as a hand full of Women's Boarding houses. A-Hoons are violent
and prone to anger. The A-Hoons are the warriors of the Kangarou race.
Skippy was also born of a most renowned Tribe of Kangarou. Tales are told of these leaders amongst men, Dingo and those
things with teeth that could open bottles if the rest of us if it didn't mean spraying drool everywhere. I blame the parents,

should never have gotten together if they'd known the kid would turn out like that. Damn ugly thing, must have been a very
difficult birth to squeeze the head like that. Not only do Kangarou have Auspices of the Moon they also belong to Bloodlines,
known as Tribes. Skippy was a member of the Silver Hangs, known as such as they have cojones of steel! Huge ones, the
size of bowling balls. Men amongst men or women amongst men who could still beat nine tenths of crap out of you while
flossing their teeth with the remaining tenth afterwards. We won't go into what women do amongst women, who the hell can tell
except it no doubt involves going to the bathroom together in a group of giggling harpies.
The next to arrive was Steve. Steve was smaller than Skippy and panted with an excess of breath that condensed and fell to
the ground in a puddle when ever he was stationary. Rather than run in a direct path Steve ran in a lope that could only be
considered evasive action so violent in its horizontal direction it could only be against field artillery or orbital bombardment of
very large and sharp fast moving rocks. Steve was born under the Phase of the Moon that made him a Dribbly-Hard. DribblyHards are the ones who remember the old ways. To do that they remain perpetually drunk and start to tell the same stories as
always about how they remember it happening in the old days. This annoys the tits off the younger Kangarou. Which is just as
well considering how many tits we have at the best of times and how few it takes to go missing to be noticed, that they
regenerate. "Mate, mate, mate, mate," drooled Steve. "You're my mate, I know you mate. Yeah, mate." Steve wasn't much a
conversationalist really.
Steve's Tribe was one of the more Modern ones. His tribe was one that had embraced the Modern Age of Humanity and
used that fact as a tool to survive and prosper. The Tribe was known as the Fast Talkers and as such were the ones most in
tune with the world of the Mortals. The Fast Talkers were the premier bullshit artists of the Kangarou (which says a lot really
about their skills.) The Fast Talkers were a Tribe to be reckoned with, being a Dribbly-Hard as well made Steve a very potent
weapon in the Pack. Skippy just wished Steve would shut the hell up now and again. To stop pissing on anything sitting still
would be an advantage as well.
Alphonse was the third Kangarou to reach the camp. Alphonse was one of the Pack which could only be considered 'dodgy'
and that was before you even met him. It's referred to in the masculine but the jury is still out examining the evidence. Really
can't be too sure about it. Alphonse was of a Tribe not generally tolerated unless they were gifted at their duties. Alphonse
was a Git of Finesse. The Git of Finesse Tribe were renowned for their skills at camouflage. "No darling! You'd look far better
in green with puce stripes!" They were renowned as decoys, as other Tribes would do damn near anything to beat the living
crap out of a Git. Understandable really, who can blame them. The Gits were also attributed with a fierce temper. Without
much provocation a Git would explode in a Rage of Hissy Fitting with finely manicure fingers nails flailing wildly at all comers.
The battle cry of "You Bitch!" can cause a shiver down the spine of the most battle hardened Kangarou.
The next Pack member to arrive walked straight into Skippy before stopping. Rubbing her eyes with a well practiced motion
the Kangarou reformed into human shape. Better to rub your eyes with actually hands rather than paws. Saves you falling on
your chin into the dirt if you forgot to sit on your haunches. This Pack member belonged to a Tribe held within the Pack as the
Law Keepers. This Tribe went by the name of Where'd-he-go? The 'Where'd-he-go?' were born with an abstract lack of
perception and common sense skills most people take for granted amongst Mortal and Kangarou society. The 'Where'd-hego?' were famous law Keepers as since they hardly ever noticed anything without prompting they remembered every single
thing they were told. As such the 'Where'd-he-go?' make the most excellent gossipers. Think of the 'Where'd-he-go?' as
Handel crossed with Mr Badger but with more hair than both of them put together (and being Australian as neither of them
actually are).
The last of the pack members to be introduced at this time was known as Claudia. Claudia was one of the females in the
Pack, not the only one but the only other one I'll introduce at this exact moment. Get off my back, if you want more you write it
and I'll lean back and scratch myself while drinking a beer with a sneer. Claudia was the sort of Dingo that made you look and
think of Lassie movies, in a way you never have or should never have you sick degenerate you. Claudia was so beautiful as
to transcend the barrier of species and make you reach for the lubricant and the leather collar with a smile on your face that
could not be considered healthy. I bet you do that all the time don't you? I bet you do that when you watch "Curious George"
cartoons! You sick bunch of . . . ! You disgust me. Anyways, past what you bunch of depraved, hormone-ridden wretches think
all the time Claudia was quite attractive. Claudia was a member of a Tribe who were so physically attractive as to cause
excitement in the opposite sex (rather than the same sex like poor deviant Alphonse) from a distance measured in Light
Years at the very least. Claudia was from a Tribe known as the Children of Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. As that was what people said
when they saw her, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Skippy looked at his Pack and smiled a smile of someone who'd done bad without being caught. No one was saying "bad
dog" to this Kangarou with a rolled up newspaper in their hands. Skippy bowed his head at his Pack at a job well done. At his
signal all those who had not reformed into human shape did so. Human shape was the most desirable as it had thumbs.
Thumbs were great things, so helpful when doing things like taking off bottle tops or can lids. Thumbs were marvellous,
people should have more thumbs. Well no I suppose, any more than the requisite pair of thumbs (one on each hand) and
people try to murder you. Just as well really, you freak of nature you.
Skippy remembered the teaching of his Elders. Those who educated him in the ways of the Kangarou from an early age.
Skippy doesn't remember his original parents, one who was Kangarou and one who probably walked into the wrong dark alley
or worked on the docks. All Skippy could remember was his Fosters Parents. Fosters Parents were the Kangfolk who bought
up a Kangarou with the memories of the times before the Wyrm. Before Phorex wreaked its pestilence across the lands.
Fosters Parents remembered before then when beer was beer and not 'beer.' Beer when it tasted nice and didn't taste like a
u-bend scraping from the dirtiest toilet in Melbourne. Great mental image that eh? Fosters Parents were those who
remembered the old times and wished them again. A time before Phorex arrived, a time before they lost the America's Cup.

A time before they lost the Cricket to New Zealand.

Skippy looked to the silent Pack (except for Steve who was nattering away to himself as always, sitting in the wet spot.) "We
have dealt the Wyrm a mighty blow, and burnt a whole lot of shite down while we were at it!" Shouted Skippy. "Phorex has
been hit hard by our acts of vengeance!" Skippy the outlaw Kangarou beat his tail against the ground as he spoke. Yes, he
has a tail even in Human form. Being the person who finds Lassie sexually exciting who are you to say what is right and what
is wrong?
That's it, I'm ending the story now just to spite you. If I find it in my heart to excuse you I may write more later on . . . .

The Kangarou
Some beings exist by sheer rumor alone and here I bring you the rumors relating too one particular race of beings. They are the
Antipodean native Werewolf and are known to others as well as themselves as the Kangarou.
The history of the Kangarou is a secret and not oft told story of hardship and adversity. Here for the first time I shall relate to you
their history as spoken by their Loremasters, known amongst the Kangarou as the Kellihards. The Kellihard who spoke this tale
originally was named in accordance with tradition with the surname of the first Kellihard, known as Ned to his friends. The
Kellihards are considered to be the Loremasters yet the lore they preach may often not be the same as that considered the
abject truth. All the same the Kellihards are entertaining all the time which can not be said of the truth. As with all things belief is a
powerful force and it's not the type just caused by bad yogurt and unfortunate electric light sword waving.

The first Kangarou

A jolly swagman left his billabong under that strangely named tree and journeyed in search of sustenance. True sustenance and
Gaia (also known as Sheila) was pleased at what she saw as Sheila wished the best for all her creations but only those with the
will to search would be just rewarded. The swagman sought sustenance for many a moment and many an hour but then as if
gifted by Sheila herself he came upon paradise. He knew it as paradise from the name boldly plated above the welcoming door
and the swagman did find the local pub. Again Sheila was pleased and her bounty did over flow in many ways more than the
ordinary number of a man's limbs and thus too many to be counted unaided. For the swagman had sought and now found the
most treasured of Sheila's bounty and that bounty is still known to this day in its unfortunate rarity as a frosty refreshing beverage.
The beverage was indeed frosty and thus refreshing and yea was the swagman blessed by Sheila and all her generosity. The
swagman took not just one but indeed more than one frosty refreshing beverage and both he and Sheila were more pleased
with each others achievements not that by this time could the swagman even spell the word achievement let alone even say it
without bodily danger of swallowing one's tongue which we all know is no where near as pleasant as swallowing someone else's
After an evening of much refreshing and very many frosty beverages numbering almost a score but not quite a score as the
barmaid refused to offer her phone number in case of later certain drunken harassment. By evenings end the swagman was
feeling so mightily refreshed from Sheila's bounty he found the floor deceptively flat in places and indeed desired a place to kip
away his magnificent refreshment. This desire for shelter was reinforced by the insidious endeavors of the Wyrm who offered the
swagman a not so frosty and ever so much the opposite of refreshing shot of tequila. The swagman felt the coils of the Wyrm
strangle his insides with all their yucky bits and thus did the swagman empty his stomach contents across the before mentioned
barmaid. Hastily all of Sheila's creatures did expel the swagman to shelter nearby in case his mental fortitude did lapse much
more and let the Wyrm enter unguarded. The floor here in the offered shelter was unstable and did spin wildly with no rhyme nor
reason much like modern poetry. The swagman clutched the floor with trepidation and looked for comfort in the night.
Sheila took pity on her creation and thus offered companionship to the swagman, forgiving all his previous actions like a good
woman should. Her beauty could only be explained by the holy words "oh mate!" Her loveliness is forever spoken by the promise
of a full moon and the glistening moisture slipping slowly down the sides of a frosty refreshing beverage. Lips tasting of the
richest nectar and eyes so clear and brown as to see a man's soul like rice paper before the light. The swagman took comfort in
the arms of beauty and after did slumber like a noisy corpse made equally of hair and foul odors.
The next morning the swagman awoke and felt the evil vapors of the Wyrm pounding through what remained of his brain. He
remembered little of the previous night except the sweet embrace of a cool frosty beverage and then the sweeter embrace of a
good woman. Feeling a weight upon his other arm the swagman did look to one side first with affection and then with eyes the
size of hubcaps from a most marketable product of the Ford production lines, number of cylinders immaterial. The dreams of
many nipples were not fantasy but indeed reality for the swagman had found comfort in the arms, sorry to be accurate make that
paws, of a dog. This was no ordinary dog but a dog gifted by Sheila to star in a movie with Meryl Streep. A native of the
Australian shores known as a dingo. The swagman did say many words and few were to Sheila's liking.
The swagman was shocked and dismayed, dismayed and shocked in equal but ever increasing amounts. "Oh what have I
done?" Cried the Swagman towards Sheila and Sheila did reply, "not bad but your foreplay has a lot to be desired. Take my
good creature as your wife as she is yours and yours alone." The swagman made a face that was not to Sheila's liking. "Bugger
off, what will me mates think?" Replied the Swagman and thus was the final word spoken as all that remained of the Swagman
was a life-sized hole in the air and the sound of rapidly departing feet. Sheila was displeased, not with her creature but with the
swagman for his coward-like behavior. From this time forth, did Sheila decide, the union of Dingo and man would be fertile and
fruitful and not at all futile. There would be an accounting and man would forever more feel the touch of fear when that word was

used again.
Time did pass and the dingo did labor. In her labor she did give birth under the watchful eyes of Sheila to the first Kangarou. It
was called Bruce which is sort of unfortunate as it was a girl.

Now that you are aware of the history of the Kangarou you may now learn more of their secrets. This race of shape shifters
possess many forms like their far better publicized brothers living elsewhere. There are five forms, ranging from true man (or as
close a proximity that they can manage) to true dingo. Each form offers different advantages and disadvantages. Feel free to
view these forms below.
The true man form is known as the Hogan and he is a mighty animal. Not all that clever but what do you really expect when it
comes down to it. Hogans look the same as any other Mortal man except for the desire to carry a very large and undoubtably
sharp knife (the Romans used to call something that size a siege weapon) on their hip. Headware is desired and this generally
takes the form of a stockman's hat called something unspellable in English. ((-2 Int, +1 Cha, +1 Wits))
The near man form is known as the Crochunter. The Crochunter is a fierce beast with features close to Mortal yet slightly
disturbing to view unaided by a frosty refreshing beverage. Crochunters are slow to anger yet strong and resilient. ((+1Str, -1 Int,
+2 Stam))
The beast form is known as the Bloke. Blokes are wild beasts and prone to violent anger. The Bloke form causes a mental
condition amongst Mortals known as the Debeerium. The Debeerium allows the Bloke to commit any action what so ever and
any witnesses will dismiss the action as allowable as the Bloke was probably "drunk at the time." Blokes are easily two and a
half metres tall with a girth quite large as well. Insanely strong but also supernaturally intelligent. No wise man attempts to combat
a Bloke if they wish to see another sunset. ((-2 Cha, +3 Str, +3 Stam, -1 App, -2 Per, +2 Wits))
The near dingo form is known as the Lassie for the unfortunate reason you're probably already well aware of. Larger than a
dingo yet not overly large so as to cause unwanted interest. The Lassie form appears to be almost entirely dog like except the
paws are more capable of acting as hands and the eyes with the dog's head are far too intelligent to be passed off as belonging
to a dog. Lassies are fine examples of animals and are prized for their looks and intelligence. ((+2 Dex -1, Manip, +1 Stam +1,
+1 App as it's cute, +2 Per))
The dingo form is known as a dingo. What else did you expect? It's a dog, bit on the scrawny side but otherwise just a dog. A
scavenger and pack animal. Often blamed for stealing babies out of the tents of camping idiots. Whether the dingos are guilty of
such an action is immaterial as the people targeted would be better off not breeding anyway. It's a shame those guilty didn't just
eat the parents as well and thus make the world a better place by far.

Like their bigger cousins the Kangarou find their natures dependent on the phase of the moon they are born under. I have only
encountered a few of their number so can not say for certain what others lurk in the shadows as they've forgotten where last they
saw their pants.
Those born under the full moon, or "that time of the month Sheila" are known as a-Hoons. A-Hoons are easily picked out of the
Kangarou people. They are nearly always blond, either naturally or through dyes. The hair is short on front and sides yet long
down the back in an unkempt flow. Black t-shirts are the norm, usually emblazoned with the faded remains of a Heavy Metal
band either in logo or in picture. A-Hoons are rage incarnate. They live for confrontation and violence, Either physical personally
or through the use of a motor vehicle. Vehicles seem to be chosen for age and decrepitness. No sign of rust is enough. As if
daring the powers of the Wyrm the a-Hoons look towards corrosion as an almost totem like figure. A-Hoons are rude, unkempt
and unruly. They are warriors first most and warriors second, third and even for the fourth helping along the way. A-Hoons believe
in speed, aggression and then fast aggression going really fast. A-Hoons have an inner language within their own. Words are
superimposed in replacement or enhancement of others. Women are known as handbrakes, for example "I couldn't come to the
pub tonight as the handbrake was stuck on all night." Failing in a task is known as "spitting the dummy." Ending a task is known
as "pulling the pin." The a-Hoons are respected within the Kangarou but not often invited around to meet the parents.
As mentioned before the Loremasters are known as Kellihards after the first of their kind. They are born under the gibbous moon
or as it is more better known as "the nearly tipsy Sheila." The Kellihards do not just gather information but instead actively seek it
out where many think there is known. The unofficial name for the Kellihards is "bullshit artists." This name comes about due to
the fickle and often completely absent nature of the truth within the lore gathered. Still, when the party is in full swing there are few
others eagerly sought out as the Kellihards. Amusing, eloquent and just plain fun. Kellihards can take any form and come in any
color. Rather than aspire to any uniform it is a state of behavior that tells the Kellihards from any other. Even so the Kellihards
have a most serious side to their nature when it comes to the performance of their duties within the breed.
The judges are known as the Filler-of-Docs. The Filler-of-Docs enforce rule by an iron fist -- or more popular is a fist wrapped
around a broken bottle and used with great purpose. Within the breed the Filler-of-Docs accept nothing other than absolute
peace. They'll kill to get it as well, which sort of makes them the sort of people to avoid if at all possible or at least to walk softly
around when you can't. Filler-of-Docs can be best recognized by their foot wear. As a badge of office each judge wears the
ancestral pair of heavy "kicker" boots. The Filler-of-Docs are the motivators of the breed. They point out direction and purpose,

then make very good use of their kicker boots to make sure everyone is moving. A good arse kicking does wonders for
motivation within a pack. Or at least fills in time while you look for a better one.
There is a fourth kind, hidden amongst the others. They are born amongst the new and crescent moons (known as the "she's
gone mate" and "don't worry, another one will come along with bigger tits" Sheila). They are known as Commentators as they
view the world's glory and speak of it. The Commentators are tolerated even though they seldom produce anything of material
gain to the Kangarou species. The reason for this is that the Commentators, through speech and action, illustrate flaws within the
culture and by bringing attention to these flaws they may perhaps be healed before any great harm takes place. While the
commentators sometimes possess more wisdom and truth than the Kellihard they are nowhere near as exciting to listen to. A
great Commentator can hold a crowd in awe but anything less and the boys just feel a little let down. Great Commentators have
brought to the Kangarou such pearls of wisdom as: "That was bound to happen as it's been bubbling under all evening," "It was
a game of two halves," "Never before have I seen such a display of decisive decision making," "This is the first time I've seen
such action since the last time it happened." Rather than complaint the Commentators bring laughter and acceptance.

A Kangarou may be from any of three breeds. In each case but the last only one parent was a Kangarou while the other was
Mortal man/woman or dingo. There are those who were born Hogan and thus spent the beginning of their lives hidden under a
Mortal guise. There are those born dingo who began life as a pup. Finally there are those born from two Kangarou parents and
they are known as the Mates.
Mates are not shunned as are the Garou equivalent and instead are a readily accepted members of Kangarou society. Mates
suffer from many deformities representing their warped parentage. The most notable deformity is the complete inability to
reason; people want them to just bugger off and bother someone else. Mates are identified from the usage of their breed name
often in conversation. "How's it going, mate? Mate! You should have seen me last night, mate; it was a cracker mate kind of day
mate. Know what I mean, mate?" Unlike the Garou variety, Mates are unfortunately very fertile and seem to breed like the
proverbial rabbit on Viagra. They're everywhere and represent the majority of Kangarou numbers.

The Kangarou follow the spirit world with great eagerness. Just wave a bottle of vodka past their noses and you'll know all about
what I refer to and no mistake. Certain powerful spirits are more favored over others. The following represents a brief selection:

Kangaroo: A totem of courage and war. Ever seen a pissed off kangaroo? They'll rip you apart rather than look at you and that's
more often than not. The Kangaroo represents identity as well as authority. The origins of the kangaroo totem seem to have
been found within a single case of very poor spelling in the distant past. Followers of the kangaroo totem must always have
pockets in their clothing else they lose the trust of the spirit. It is said that even the Garou follow the kangaroo totem in some

Koala: A totem of peace. The koala totem calls for its children to lay down the weapons of war and aggression and instead just
sit still in a tree somewhere and watch the world go by below their feet. Koala often use chemical means to provoke inner peace
and enlightenment. Few a-Hoons follow koala but there are some. Looking forth into the spirit world often means the children of
the koala lose touch with the material world, even if they are material girls. As such they may appear to move in a different time
stream than the observer. Slower, more paced and far more relaxed. Followers of the koala totem must remain peaceful at all
times and never frenzy else lose all credibility.

Mum (spelt "mom" in less educated countries): A totem of wisdom. Every Bloke has a mum and that person is the greatest
celestial body there ever was or will be. A Bloke's Mum is the wisest person there is and her advice is followed to the letter. Mum
is often confused with the greater power that is Sheila, but they are two different figures entirely. Sheila gives her blessings to all
her creations while Mum knows that her sweety is the best there is. Followers of Mum must accept all gifts without complaint or
else suffer the wrath of Mum.

Kiwi: A totem of courage. When you're an oversized flightless bird which is preyed upon by damn near everything that breathes
and yet night after night you wander around the wilderness you've either got two enormous steel bollocks just bursting with
courage or you're a bloody maniac. Kiwi teaches his followers how not to be able to fly and how to run like buggery. Followers of
Kiwi must always remain on solid ground else nothing at all will happen to them.

Within the lands they roam the Kangarou fight one organization with tooth and nail without relent. This organization is known as
Phorex. Phorex are less a minion of the Wyrm, as a bad idea which was left to fester far too long. Originally a brewing company,
Phorex expanded both vertically and horizontally till it was a power to be recognized both nationally and internationally. Phorex
holds within its quiver a multitude of powers both Mortal and supernatural. Never certain whether Phorex is a creation solely of
the Wyrm or Weaver, the Kangarou fight ever on, else they'd need something else to do on weekends and they've been at it so
long now just what would they do? If fighting Phorex was good enough for their dad, and their grandad, and their great-grandad
and so on just who are you to say otherwise? Someone looking for a fight obviously.

Their first major product and still their most famous is Phorex beer. While beer in name only it still beats a majority of more
internationally well-known brands. With many uses other than as a frosty hardly refreshing beverage; such as a weed killer, paint
stripper, sterilizer (of people mostly which could only be considered a good thing considering the people who drink it), solvent.
Phorex beer is unto real beer in the same way teenagers are to life's wisdom. Basically not at all and never will be.

The most famous Kangarou is Skippy the Bush Kangarou. A hero of the people and an all round good Bloke really. Skippy and
his pack of followers have driven a wedge into the powers of Phorex within the Antipodean islands. Seen as the last hope for his
breed, Skippy is still cursed by an unfortunate children's television show and breakfast food marketing.

By Chris Gunning (

So pup you had your first run in with a leech. Humph, those scars look pretty deep. They got you good... Yes, I know it was
"they." Few leeches have the courage to face a Garou by themselves. They invariably gang up on one of our kind. You got
out of it better than most. Do not looked so surprised, though the Furies nor the Get will not admit it, we Lords know better. The
leeches are very dangerous and have killed many of our kind, from every one of the tribes. The Talons may proclaim to be
the greatest leech hunters, but if you are feeling lucky ask one how many of their kin has died at the fangs of a leech. They
will not be so proud of it then. In fact, it would be best to run at that time.
Ahhh, I catch myself rambling. Now to bigger and better things. I see your humiliation and moreover, I see the anger seething
inside of you. You want revenge against those abominations. Well, keep that rage bottled up for just a bit longer and let me
summon some of my friends in a group called the koomu-in. They will be sympathetic to your plight... and your need.

The Koomu-in (pronounced koo moo een) is a multi-tribal camp of vampire hunters. The Koomu-in has existed for over 300
years in Japan. originally the Koomu-in was a camp of Hakken Shadow Lords who had run into the "Pale Ones." The Vampires
were consolidating control within a number of the cities in Japan. Before this time the leech threat was fairly minor. Leeches
were a small group and vastly over powered by the local Garou. After initial contact with European powers and European
kindred the local kindred started moving to take control of many of the instituions of the Shogunates. The Hakken were too
involved with other matters to divert their attention to the slow and steady usurption of their power. By the time time matters were
seen for what they were, the "Pale Ones" had garnered enough power to be more than a match for the Hakken. The war had
been lost and the hakken had not known they were even fighting a battle. Vampire propagation began to rise and soon the
leeches were everywhere, firmly entrenched in the cities.
At this time a small contingent of the Hakken who had lost something to the Vampires banded together for the simple cause of
revenge. The leech gaijin had shown that they refused to fight honorably, instead attacking from the shadows and in
disproprtionate numbers. They fought like cowards and the Garou who sought revenge vowed that the leeches had given up their
right to be treated by Bushido. The gathered Garou did not want to disgrace the Hakken as a whole and so instead disavowed
themselves from the Hakken. They gathered together and formed the Koomu-in, the servants of the public.
Initially they were declared Ronin by their hakken brethren. Yet, soon the hakken saw the need for the Koomu-in and the service
they were providing. Though they did not treat their quarry honorably they still continued to show proper piety and respect to other
garou and the world as a whole. The Hakken turned the other way on the doings of the Koomu-in.
The Koomu-in remained a very small camp up until about 100 years ago. With the easier access to transportation and
communication, and an increased attention the Japanese were paying to the world, a few Garou, most notably Stargazers and
Children of Gaia, became aware of the Koomu-in. With awareness came sympathy and soon thereafter the first nonShadowLord was allowed into the ranks of the Koomu-in.
After WWII the Koomu-in became more and more diverse. The US occupation led to better relations with the Garou of the US
and in 1951 the first Koomu-in uchi (home) was created in San Francisco. The Koomu-in has since spread to other cities. Uchis
exist in Dallas, London, Beijing, Morocco, and Tel Aviv.

Current Practices
The Koomu-in has begun taking on a more metropolitan outlook lately. With the new Uichis the Koomu-in, though still small, has
become more effective in their attacks and in gathering information on their foes. Currently a number of tribes are represented in
the Koomu-in, beyond the ShadowLords. Though there is some commonality to all Koomu-in. The Koomu-in will not accept
those Garou blinded by their anger, nor will the Koomu-in accept a Garou who cannot prove he has lost something dear to him to
the leeches. A delicate balance must be struck. On one side are anger and rage. On the other side are contemplation and
The Koomu-in have recently begun to utilize more of their time to gaining more and more information on their foes. The easy
access to communications, and the relative numbers of leeches is making this job that much easier. Each member of the
Koomu-in is expected to hold a good base of knowledge on the Vampires. Their physiology and mentality are of extreme
importance. As is a knowledge of Kindred politics. Each memeber is also expected to have a specialization, be it the Camarilla,
the Giovanni, or blood magic. This specialization helps keep the information flowing as each member gains more and more
information on their specialization. This specialization also helps cut down on the vast sea of knowldge that the leeches

To enter the Koomu-in one must petition a Uichi. The uichi spends a year reviewing the applicant and her cause against the
leeches. Any number of tests are preformed by the Uichi, most without the applicants knowledge. As a final test the Uichi has a
Koomu-in go through all the steps of a hunt. If she is successful and goes through the correct process, then the applicant
becomes a Koomu-in.
Incidentally, no Garou less than Rank 2 is allowed into the Koomu-in. They are seen as too impetuous for addmittance. Also,
Philodox are rarely accepted. In the Koomu-in there is no need to discuss or mediate. There is to be no truce, no cease fire, only

The Attack
The Koomu-in is a group that takes its job very seriously. Planning and the utilization of all available resources is expected when
a Koomu-in goes on a hunt. A Koomu-in is also expected to bring along at least another Garou on the hunt; usually this garou is
another Koomu-in. It is not uncommon for whole packs to follow a Koomu-in on a hunt. The Koomu-in know the leeches are very
cautious and are not easy to just randomly kill. Instead months of preparation is done. The prey leech is investigated. Things like
nightly habits, resting place during the day, allies, enemies, disciplines, and anything else pertinet in gained. Meathods for the
attack include using the Umbra and mystical Rites, in fact anything that will help and put the prey off balance. The plan of attack
is then proposed to the eldest Koomu-in in the Uichi (called the Senpai) and if it is approved (or as is often the case, modified
then approved)the attack begins. The hunter is expected to kill or be killed. The Koomu-in is expected to be a remorseless

Koomu-in stereotypes
Shadow Lords: They are what the Koomu-in began with, and what it is today. Numerous Bringers of Light and Hakken fill our
ranks and bring final death to those deserving. They know the value of surprise, of the shadows, of bringing all to bear. The
Shadow Lords have led, and will always lead the Koomu-in. Any other tribe would not be the ruthless leaders, as well as rational
warriors the Koomu-in needs.

Children of Gaia: Many are too caring to be Koomu-in. There is however, a significant minority that sees all humanity as their
ward, and will not tolerate the Wyrm, in the guise of a leech, hurt humanity. It is these warriors who seek to protect that make
some of the most effective Koomu-in. They know anger, yet their tribal teechings have shown them how to manipulate that anger,
and it is that manipulation that separates a Koomu-in from a regular Garou.

Stargazers: They more than any other tribe knows the balance the Koomu-in seeks. They have taught us much in these few
years, and have killed many of our opponents with more than just fang and claw. I am thankful for their mentorship and insights. I
only wish more sought out the Koomu-in's ranks.

Silent Striders: A few Harbringers and Bitter Hexers are part of the Koomu-in. They are a great boon as we seek more and
more information on the leeches. It is interesting how they seek our aid to eliminate the Setites from their homeland. I, for one,
am all too willing to aid a Strider Koomu-in in their quest.

Bone Gnawers: The Gnawers are another boon to our information networks. They have an ability to gain information that no
one else can come across. If only they achieved the balance easier, Buddha knows there are many that have cause against the
leeches. If you ever run across their ronin, their 'Hood, watch him carefully. There may be a Koomu-in there hidden behind all that

Get of Fenris and Red Talons: They can only rarely find the balance. I have never met one that would serve well in the Koomuin.

Black Furies: They are too diverse of a lot to group together. Many can find the balance and have cause. Take them

Silver Fangs: Their egos and rivalry with the Lords too often gets in the way of the duty of a Koomu-in. Still, many a Silver Fang
fleeing Russia has begun the road as an applicant. Few passed.

Uktena: They rarely seek the Koomu-in. I would gladly accept one, for they hold knowledge that I have never heard even rumors

Wendigo: Their anger can often be directed. I know of a few Wendigo who serve the Koomu-in well. You must be careful,
though. They harbor a hatred deeper than yours and mine, and so must be monitored constantly.

Fianna: They are another diverse lot. They have little control in many matters and so would not serve the Koomu-in well. There
are exceptions though.

Glass Walkers: They walk a dark path shoulder to shoulder with the leeches. There are those within the tribe who stalk the
vampires on their own turf, and some of them have sought the Koomu-in. Their expertise was readily accepted.

A Koomu-in Lectures
Your plan is well thought through, there will be some modifacation however. Still, the plan is innovative. I approve, and with your
permission I will assign those who will aid your hunt.

By J.D. Simmons (

Once, when humanity was young, and had just begun creating cities, a young man sat outside his hut and watched a squirrel. It
ran all along the limbs of the tree, then ran down off the tree and started to sneak up on the hut next to the man's own hut. He
watched the squirrel run into the hut, and he crept up and went to a place where he could better watch the strange creature. He
knew his neighbor was quite a grump, so this was bound to be interesting, no matter who got the best of who. He watched as his
neighbor slept soundly on the floor, and the squirrel sneaked past him, and hopped up onto the table and began rooting through
a jar of pecans. These particular pecans were very special, imported from far away, and his neighbor (a great, fat, lazy, mean
man) had traded quite a bit for them and would not be happy if any were stolen.
The squirrel stuffed several into its mouth, its cheeks bulging out, and began to scamper away. As if by magic, however, as soon
as the squirrel leapt to the floor, the man awakened, somehow knowing of the distress of some of his pecans. With superhuman
speed he chased after the squirrel, but the squirrel, faster still, safely jumped up its tree and set the pecans inside its den. The
neighbor was enraged, and the man wondered as to what he would do now. In response the neighbor began to grow, his face
becoming more lupine, his limbs getting longer and stronger. His fat belly was surrounded by muscle and instead became a
mere small pot belly, so much was the effect of the change. The man looked on in horror as the monstrosity which he had thought
his neighbor, revealed itself to be one of the beasts that constantly attacked the village, one of the creatures that had taken his
own sick son from him a year past. The man grew angered at the deception of this creature, and watched as it began to climb
up after the squirrel. The squirrel ran higher and higher, until there was no higher and the wolf was getting closer.
The squirrel desperately leapt from the tree, but there was nothing to leap to and it fell. When it landed there was a brutal
cracking noise and the squirrel did not move. The young man ran up to the fallen squirrel and scooped it into his hands, and the
neighbor/wolf leapt down next to him. The man felt rage and grief fill his heart, and he closed his eyes and a single tear issued
forth. The tear ran the length of his face, then dropped. It fell to his hands were the squirrel had been, but the squirrel was no
longer there. He looked around and saw the squirrel was nowhere to be seen, and the neighbor/wolf was now just a neighbor.
The neighbor placed a heavy hand on the man's shoulder. "The squirrel has given you a great gift. Come with me now."
The man was confused, what gift? And why had the neighbor's disposition changed so suddenly? But still he stood and walked
with the neighbor, and the neighbor told him of Gaia's shapeshifters, of their jobs, and of the Impergium now imposed on the
humans. Then he told him that for some reason Gaia had turned him and the squirrel into one being, a shapeshifter. The man
didn't know what to say. There was nothing to say; he just let it all soak in. The neighbor continued, "but I am still puzzled as to
why Gaia has created a new shapeshifter. What is your purpose? Could it be you are Gaia's thief? Or perhaps something else.
We shall find out."
The neighbor took the man through his first change, and there stood the man, now very strangely half-man and half-squirrel, and
the Crinos form was nearly as large as the Garou's own. When tested he found the young man possessed Rage and Gnosis,
and could step sideways like a Garou, even though many could not. The Squirrel thing felt uneasy when the man drew forth a
silver blade, so the Garou assumed that the Squirrel was susceptible to silver as a Garou.
"Come, what is your name neighbor?"
"I am known as Lachna, Lachna the bard."
The Garou slapped himself on the forehead. "Of course, you are my own neighbor; I knew your name, and your occupation. It's
just in this new light you seem different. So from this point on, your people shall be the Lachna as well, and I assume that
perhaps Gaia's job for you is that of her entertainer. Obviously, that is why you were chosen to receive this gift."
So the Garou took Lachna before his Sept and let all behold Gaia's latest creation, and word was spread by moon bridge to all
that Gaia had given them a new sibling. And the Lachna joined the rest of the shifters in Gaia's newest command, and the
Impergium continued onwards.

The Garou was wrong, the Lachna are much more than entertainers. The Lachna's Crinos form is as impressive as a Garou's,
so that insinuates there must be some combat for these strange creatures. Indeed Gaia's plan was to make up for the Ratkin's
soon coming exclusion. Indeed, Gaia knew of the War of Rage beforehand, but needed something the Garou would not suspect
as an enemy. So Gaia chose a creature that lived with only one of her tribes, the old world Glass Walkers, and turned them into
her city spies and her entertainers. In many ways the Lachna are like old super-spies. By day they are simple entertainers,
tossing their jokes for all to enjoy, like any old Ragabash. By night, they glean all the secrets the Corax refuse to try to get
because the sun is gone down. All the while seeming unimposing and weak.
The Lachna are as much tricksters as the Corax and Nuwisha, but also keep their minds firmly rooted in reality. They run about
wildly, then strike out, immobilizing and decimating and making it look like the Garou's fault or at least their doing. Many Lachna

are Galliards of their Septs, and many are Ragabash, and some are Ahroun. But no matter what position they fill, they all bear
traits of all three jobs.

The Lachna possess five forms, just as the Garou, and they are well built for combat.

Homid: Indistinguishable from a normal human, and they can come in any shape or size or race, because squirrels all dwell in
the cities. The only restriction is to the type of person who could be born in a city. Stats: no change.

Glabro: This form gets taller, and grows a one foot tail. The arms get beefier, and the fingers grow short claws. The ears get a
bit longer, and the teeth begin to recess into the gums, except the front two. The Lachna slurs his speech in this form. Stats: Str
+1, Dex +2, Sta +2, App-2, Man-2 dif 7.

Crinos: The Crinos form has long been the source of argument among the tribes. You see, a squirrel and a rat are about the
same size, but the Crinos form of a Lachna is much larger than that of a Ratkin. In this form, the Lachna stands at least 7', but
has been as tall as 9'. The body is well-muscled, with a very long , fluffy tail. They possess long wicked claws, and resemble a
Garou's Crinos form, but with a tail. Also their heads are like a squirrels, with large ears and two prominent teeth. Despite the
silliness of this, it is actually quite a noble sight. The language of this form is like a clicking, as the voice gets higher in pitch. In
this form, simple words are possible Stats: Str +3, Dex +4, Sta +3, App 0, Man -4 dif 6, Full Delirium, Claw Str +2 aggravated,
Bite Str +2 aggravated.

Hispo: As large as a wolf, and as vicious. This form resembles the Rodents of Unusual Size from The Princess Bride. For
anyone unfamiliar with that movie, it is a rodent the size of a wolf, but this one is faster (not than a wolf, than a RoUS) and has a
long squirrel tail. Stats: Str +0, Dex +3, Sta +2, App 0, Man -2 dif 7.

Sciurus: This is the basic squirrel. Stats: Str -1, Dex +4, Sta +3, dif 7.
Special stuff: In Crinos, Hispo and Sciurus, the Lachna makes all jumping rolls at -2 difficulty.

Homid: A human, usually born in the city, but occasionally Lachna are born in the country. 70% of all Lachna are Homid
Beginning Gnosis: 2

Metis: The Metis of the Lachna are born free of deformity. They are fully capable, reproductively speaking, and are usually
healthy. Only 5% of all Lachna are Metis, because usually the creatures born of such unions are not shapeshifters. They are
instead simply Homid or Sciurus Beginning Gnosis: 3.

Sciurus: 20% of all Lachna are squirrel born. There is no particular reason for this; it's just that most prefer living as humans, so
many more interesting things to do. Even Sciurus born of both Flying Squirrel parents don't begin with Patagia. It must be
purchased as a gift. There isn't a shortage of squirrels; it's just many Lachna simply prefer humans. There is much more to the
experience. Beginning Gnosis: 4

Like Garou, the Lachna follow Auspices. Though they aren't bound to any particular one, they usually stick to one. Lachna only
follow three Auspices: Ragabash, Galliard, and Ahroun and get starting Rage as per W:tA.

Lachna begin with three gifts: a breed gift, an Auspice gift, and a Lachna gift. For Breed and Auspice use Werewolf, and the
Lupus gifts basically work for Sciurus, but some changes, or optionally Sciurus can have two Lachna gifts.

Level One
Big Jump: As Leap of the Kangaroo<./p>
Tree Climber: As the Bastet General Gift.
Wanderer's Boon: As the Pumonca gift.

Level Two
Puffy Tail

Mouth Full o' Teeth

Lotsa Nuts
Patagia: As the Black Spiral Dancer gift, but is taught by a squirrel or flying squirrel spirit. Also, when a Lachna has it, it is only
obvious in Crinos, Hispo and Sciurus, not in Homid or Glabro.

Level Three
Death from Above
Tail of Death

Level Four
Body Barbs
Pigeon Lady

Level Five
By this time the Lachna have become so enthralled with their Auspices that they no longer care for their race. Their Auspices are
their lives.


The Lartans are a tribe of Nuwisha (were-coyotes introduced in the Werewolf Players Guide) born to Gaia, claimed by the
Wyrm, and retaken by the Wyld. They take their name from the scientific word for Coyote, or Canis latrans. However, due to the
corruption of time on a language, they now call themselves the Lartans. The Lartans are divided into 5 sub-cultures. Tribe is not
the word to use, for belonging to one of the five does not determine gifts, only willpower and how one is expected to act. The
creation of the 5 cultures was dependent of the time of learning, when the lartans silently posed as various garou tribes for
protections. Those who turned to the cities, and posed as Glasswalkers or Bonegnawers, are known as the Acropoli. The
Acropoli are the not the most powerful of the Lartans, but the only ones who are organized enough to lead them. Other cultures
include: Carrionus (from the Red Talons), the Cotol (from the Uktena), the Cogs (Childeren of Gaia), and the rare Ennio (the few
Lartans who posed as vampires and learned their secrets).

Character Creation
Lartans start with the basic stats that a garou does. 7/5/3 for attributes, 13/9/5 for abilities, and 5 backgrounds. However,
Lartans are limited in their backgrounds, for they cannot take Past Life, Pure Breed, Rites, and Totems. When choosing Breed,
it is important to remember that their are no Metis Lartans, thanks to the time they served under the Wyrm. Any Lartan born to
two Lartan parents, has a 50% chance of dying at birth, 30% chance of being born identical to a Cannidea (Lartans born to
coyotes), and a 20% chance of being born as a Homid. Auspices are also restricted. Any Lartan born under a Philodox or
Galliard moon, dies at birth, another gift from the Wyrm. Gifts are chosen the same, one for breed, one for auspice, and one
from the Lartan gift list (see below). However, all Lartans get an additional gift, Shadows of Disguse. Choose renown from
auspice, gnosis and rage from breed. Willpower is based on culture. Acropoli get 4, as do Cogs. All other cultures have
willpower of three. Then allocate the 15 freebie points.

The Lartans have the standard forms, Homid, Glabro, Crinos, Hispo, and Canis (full coyote)
Form Str Dex Sta Man App Diff Notes
Glabro +1 +1
-1 7
Crinos +3 +3 +2 -1 0 6
Hispo +2 +3 +1 -2
7 +1 bite damage
Canis +1 + 2 +1 -3
It is also important to mention that a Lartan usally dies of old age around 35. No one knows why this is happening, but it is, and
the Lartans have to make the best of their lives while they last.

When the Lartans first turned to the Wyrm, they forgot all the gifts they new of before. Again, when the escaped the Wyrm, they
lost all of its gifts. When the Time of Learning was over, the Lartan elders decided on one large list of gifts that should be tought
to all new Lartans.
The gift list goes as follows:
1) Control Simple Machines (as Glasswalker 1 gift)
2) Beast Mind (as Red Talon 2 gift)
3) Dazzle (as Childeren of Gaia 3 gift)
4) Call Elemental (as Uktena 4 gift)
5) Riot (as Bonegnawer 5 gift)
Note the size of the list. The reason for ita short size is when the Time of Learning ended, Lartans from the Cotol and the Ennio
brought back valuable powers: Hedge Magic, Thaumaturgy, and Chimestry. One level of one of the Hege magics described in
Year of the Hunter: Inquisition counts as a rank one gift, a level two magic counts as a rank two gift etc. The same applies to

Thaumaturgy. Each kind of Hedge magic is a gift. For example, a lartan may have the following gifts: (1) Control Simple
Machines, Thaumaturgy, and Via Medicammi. (2) Beast Mind, Thaumaturgy, and Via Ignitus. Lartans can learn any of the
Theurgy described in Year of the Hunter: Inqusition except for Via Genoruim. Also, Lartans may learn Thaumaturgy Rituals, but
not Paths. Rituals work as Rites, and are practiced as such. Magic is an interesting gift, but it is not what Gaia had in mind for
her children. For this reason, every attempt at Magic of any kind, whether it succeeds or fails, whether it be of rank one or five, it
costs 1 gnosis. When a lartan loses all Gnosis, it can no longer be regained and must use Willpower instead. When both
Willpower and Gnosis are gone, the lartan transforms into a Coy-hound, the Wyrm's most power attempt to reclaim its lost
children. The Lartan has no hope for redemption, and lives only to kill. Note all Chimestry powers count as gifts, not Magic Gifts.
They know another gift that is not mentioned above. It is a gift which all Lartans receive. They are born with this gift, for it was
implanted in their brains by the combined efforts of the totems of the Coyote, the Chameleon, and the Cockroach, all working for
the survival of the Lartans. This gift is Shadow of Disguise. At the cost of one willpower or one Rage, the Lartans alters the
appearance of his Chrinos, Hispo, and Canis (same as Lupis) form just so that it appears as a Crinos, Hispo, or Lupis of a
garou tribe. This power is not unlimited as a Willpower or Rage point must be spent on every transformation. Also, this gift only
works for one tribe. The Lartan must choose what tribe the first time the Lartan uses this power. A Lartan may, for example, be
parading around as a Red Talon using this gift, but, when entering the city, may not use this gift to change into a Bonegnawer.

Lartans may not practice Standard rites -- that ability was taken away during their time with the Wyrm. They can, however,
perform Thaumaturgical Rituals in a Rite's place. They can also practice Minor Rites.

A long time ago, the Lartans were no different from the Nuwisha. They were tricksters and gaurded the Umbra. But, during the
War of Rage, the werecoyotes underwent a deep schism. Some Nuwisha wanted to hide, while others wanted to fight back.
Those who wanted to fight turned to the Wyrm for power and protection. Those Nuwisha Called themselves the Latrans to show
their separation from the Nuwisha. And so they fought. Eventually, the Wyrm saw that the Latans were losing, so it pulled them
back to the underground, where it fed on them and gave them powers. Power had a price, but the Latrans understood this too
late. They organized themselves secretly, and planned a revolt. The Wyrm was too busy battling the Garou to notice the Latran
slowly moving away. The Wyrm saw his childeren leaving, and sent its other minions after them. Again, the Latrans looked
towards extinction. They called a grand moot and asked among themselves what to do. The Latrans looked at themselves and
wondered how they could have let themselves become this. They prayed to their traditional totem the coyote, and also prayed to
the cockroach, totem of survival. The two totems listened, and saw the Latrans predicament. Together, with the help of
Chameleon, they gave the Latrans the power of Shadow of Disguise, and told them to hide among the garou until they had
gathered enough strength to again make their way in the world. This was called the Time of Learning. At around the end of the
nineteenth century, the Latrans called another grand moot. Somewhere in the Cascade Mountains, the group of about a
thousand Latrans met and shared stories. They found that only 4 garou tribes had been infltrated, and the Latrans who came
from the city went about classifying them. They also found that no one called themselves Latrans anymore, but Lartans. After two
years of living in that valley, the Lartans separated, and went their own way in the world. The veil still protected them from
humans, and they no longer needed to hide from the Garou. Just the same, few Garou know of the Lartans, and there are plenty
of Lartans out there who wish things to stay that way.

Nickname: City Folk
Description: These were the Lartans who fled to the concrete jungles for safety, and hid among the Garou residing there. They
enjoy the Bonegnawer's freedom of life. They are not particully fond of the Glasswalkers, who they consider too orderly and
lawful. They have discovered something, however, that the Glasswalkers mastered and the Lartans adored: computers. Lartans
love Computers, their graphics, their games, and they especally enjoy hacking. Unfortunatly, some Acropoli have been around
Glasswalkers too much, and have lost their chaotic life style. It was these Lartans who became the leaders of the Lartans during
the second Grand Moot, for no one else was organized enough to do it. It was these Acropoli who named the Acropoli, the
Cogs, and the other cultures, because no one esle cared enough what their names were.

Willpower: 4
Territory: Any rural area populated with humans.
Quote: "Humans are fascinating creatures, you know. One time I was..." (looks at Rolex) "Oh, I have to go meet my CPU for

lunch. Fax me, and we will talk."

Nickname: Bloody Marys
Description: Some Lartans still thought it was best to hide among warriors just before the Time of Learning. Those Lartans fled
to the Red Talons. The Carrionus of today are not human exterminationalists, but are very warlike and flee the cities. Their bite is
worse then their bark, and they do not miss a chance to show it. They are scavengers when it comes to food, and, unlike the Red
Talons, they do not eat everything they kill. They are rather wasteful in this regard.

Willpower: 3
Territory: As far away from civilization as possible. Deep mountains and forests. The Carrionus still reside in the valley of the
second Grand Moot, guarding it from Wyrm and Human.

Quote: "Go away."

Nickname: Weirdoes
Description: Unable to satisfy their curiosity of magic, some Lartans fled to the Uktena during the Time of Learning. The Cotol
are like the Uktena in almost every aspect of personality; they are sarcastic and mysterious.

Willpower: 3
Territory: Unlike the Uktena, who the prefer deep forests of the southern US, the Cotol still roam the desert as solitary creatures.
A lone coyote howl is the trademark of the American Deep West, but the howl of a Cotol Lartan is sure to send shivers up an
cowboy's spine.

Quote: "Ahh, hear that? That is the sound of my brethren. AWWOOOOOOO!! Ahh, I feel better now. Do me a favor would you?
Turn your back and count to thirty -- I have to leave for a while..."

Nickname: Peace Puppies
Description: Needing a chance to feel secure and comfortable, quite a few Lartans fled to the peace loving Childeren of Gaia.
They abhor battle, and distrust the magic that has been replaced as their new gifts. It is true that the name does not suggest the
peace and loving personality of a Cog or Childeren of Gaia, and many Cogs resent it. However, the elders of the second Grand
Moot got bored and couldn't think of a better name, so they took the initials of Childeren of Gaia, and there you go! The Cogs of
today still haven't forgiven the Acropoli for it.
The Lartans are still tricksters at the heart, and for some reason, the peaceloving Cogs are some of the best pranksters of the

Willpower: 3
Territory: Anywhere the Childeren of Gaia are. The Cogs are more of a group of Wannabe's than anything else, and follow the
Childeren of Gaia wherever they go.

Quote: "Shouldn't you savor the life that Gaia gave you rather than end it? Is it better to drown in blood than light a match under
someones shoe or put a bucket of cold water over a door? I think not"

Nickname: Leeches
Description: It started as a joke rather than a way of survival, but still the Lartans who attempted to be kindred did a pretty good
job of surviving. The Ennio had an easiest time posing as Gangrel, and had the most fun as Malkavians and Ravnos. It was only
the Tremere from whom they learned powers. The Ennio have no common personality as the other cultures do, for there are
cultures within cultures of the Ennio, one for each clan of vampires.

Willpower: 4

Territory: Anywhere people are.

Quote: Depends on who and what you ask.

Misguided and Lost Puppies who Have Lost their Way and their Tails
There was one problem with posing as other tribes, sometimes a Lartan never finds out he is a lartan. There are a few around,
using the Shadow of Disguise unknowingly. When these "tailess people" as some Lartans call them are found, they are
generally left alone. Though it is a sad case, most Lartans do not care enough to let the lost puppy know of his true heritage.

This is what happens when a Lartan practices a little too much magic. The Wyrm is still angry about losing the Lartans, so he
passed this curse onto them. Coy-hounds resemble a large coyote, vaguely. They have the body of a normal coyote (albeit nine
feet long), complete with head, tail, and arms. You do not normally find wings with a twelve foot wingspan on the shoulders of a
coyote, though. Nor do you find human hands with eagle talons on the end of a coyotes legs, nor a small head in proportion to
the body, with a mouth half the size of the head. The mouth, being filled with dagger point teeth, and dripping raw magical
energy, usually is blood stained, covered with the life liquid of countless creatures, both sentient and animal. Coy-hounds
represent the Wyrm's last attempt to reclaim the Lartans, and is a quite effective try at that. They exist only to kill other things.
They are protected by the veil, but are stuck in the form that is described above. Attributes: Str 4+ Dex 4+ stam 3 Char 0 manip
0 apperance 0 int 0 percep 5 wits 1+ abilities: brawl 7 dodge 5 primal-urge 2 stealth 1 rage: 10, will 0 gnosis 0 powers: Shadow
of Disguise, Aggravated dmg from all atacks, invoke rage in Lartans, gifts: (usally) Thaumaturgy 2+, Via Ignitus 3+, Via
Genorium 1+

By Brian Campbell (

The Lazarites are a Tribe composed almost solely of Metis. They have no true home, but instead wander across the world.
Usually, their pilgrimage will be restricted to one continent.
The arrival of a pack of Lazarites is usually announced by the Howl of Shame. This dissonant, fearful cry is analogous to a leper
crying "Unclean!" A rituals or occult roll can be used to identify it. (The different packs of Lazarites have a form of heraldry for
distinguishing the howls of their own packs.) If a pack of the Thirteen Tribes has been chosen by the Lazarites for investigation,
they had best beware. If their Metis have not been treated fairly, conflict between packs will ensue.
Because this tribe cannot bear children, part of the reason for the pilgrimage is to find new members. Metis who are treated with
excessive disgrace or who cannot fit into their pack will be recruited. The Lazarites are cast-offs of all other Tribes. There are
also a few members who are not of the Metis breed.
Just as the Red Talons have had the philosophy of their Tribe shaped by their Lupus origins, the Metis origin of most Lazarites
has affected their view of the world. Most Metis of the other tribes can cope; they've gone beyond self-pity. For most Lazarites,
though, their harsh upbringings at the hands of uncaring kin have given them a dark, bitter outlook on existence. Only a wise few
use their self-recrimination as a path toward self-awareness.
Within any Lazarite pack is a small elite called The Enlightened. These are members who have passed beyond the despair of
ostracism and deformity. They are beacons of hope and inspiration, and often leaders in a pack. There are many within the pack
who will never reach this level of recognition within the Tribe, choosing instead to wallow in self-loathing and misery.
The outlook of the Lazarites has had a distinctive effect on all five Auspices:

Lazarite Ragabash
You will never find a more demented, darker, sicker sense of humor in any other Garou. They are truly gifted at the "art" of selfmockery. This Auspice considers sarcasm a Gift from Gaia. In a more traditional tribe, a bard or Ragabash will find humor in the
notables of a pack, but present this parody to alleviate tension. A Lazarite can use humor like a scalpel, both providing insight
and humiliating his victims. For these Garou, though the new moon might look new to others, it's black to them.

"Dead puppies? You wanna hear a few hundred dead puppy jokes? Hey, of course, I've heard them all. You find out about
these things when you're a living abortion..."
The Enlightened of this Auspice have moved beyond this. Presenting humility beforehand, they can make others more
comfortable in the presense of Metis. Bringing laughter to others is a way to alleviate one's own pain.

Lazarite Theurge
By confronting their own despair, they are prepared to handle the most hideous manifestations of the occult. After confronting the
horror within, they are prepared to face anything.

"You call that a Bane? I've seen things worse than that in my own pack! Let's rip it apart..."
The Enlightened of this Auspice have a different focus. They are masters of healing and empathy. Gaia is a force of life, and the
Enlightened Theurges can alleviate the suffering of those who've been struck hardest by their curse.

Lazarite Philodox
A Philodox, it's been said, is like a half-moon, half in darkness and half in light. Within this Tribe, a Philodox has an
understanding of darkness. She can sometimes best understand the motivations of the Wyrm. With this partial sympathy toward
"evil," she can even stand before a Pentex board meeting and get them to compromise. She will also give caution before other
maddened Garou charge headlong into destroying the Wyrm. This is one reason members of this Auspice cannot be accepted
in other Tribes. A Lazarite is also fully aware of what it means to be shut out.

"You think the Fomori are that different from you, Lupus? Look what you're doing to the Metis of your own Tribe! You
sanctimonious bastard...."

The Enlightened Philodox understands the forces of the Dark well enough to explain to them the viewpoints of Life. She can
draw the Wyrm-tainted back to the path of Gaia. After all, many Metis were once considered by their own path to be not worth

Lazarite Galliard
an artist with a truly unique vision has difficulty being accepted. The members of this group have found a way to express what
most others will not even acknowledge. The pain and loneliness of being an outcast of Garou society, a second-class pack
member, or part of the disenfranchised is given form in a work of Lazarite art. What no one else will talk about, a Galliard can
show. They flaunt in their work all that is taboo.

"Don't turn away! It's the Truth! Right there! Look hard, because that's what's really happening within you!"
The Enlightened of the Lazari do not use a confrontational approach. They can coax the emotions of sympathy and tolerance
from their audience. The Tribes must realize that the Metis bear the "punishment" for what others have done.

Lazarite Ahroun
Violence is shocking, brutal, and ugly. So are you as a Lazarite Ahroun. A human scientist once said that depression is violence
directed inward. These Garou take all the pain and direct it outward. They inflict all the hurt they feel and use it as a weapon.
Rage is sometimes their only friend.

"You can't stand to look at me? Then I'll rip out your Wyrm-tainted eyes!!"
The Enlightened have found peace through strength and the perfection of their martial art. The mastery of skill brings about the
mastery of one's self.

Notable Lazarites

Heals-the-Heart, Lazarite Theurge: This Enlightened Garou was the founder of the first Lazarite Tribe. Those of other breeds
refused her ministrations, so she began working to heal the suffering, both mental and physical, of the other Metis of her Tribe.
Soon she convinced five other Metis to leave with her. They travelled at night to protect their Theurge: her mark was albinism.
Together they sought others rejected by their own families. Empathy and Medicine are her highest skills, and she possesses
several unique healing Gifts given to her by Gaia.

Walker-of-Seven-Hells, Lazarite Theurge: Walker's journey among the Lazarites took an unexpected turn when he led a
group of Ahroun into the cabin of a lone Mage. The magus was a master of demonology and fled by creating a portal to the very
depths of Hell. Walker instructed his apprentice Theurge to take all the notes he could and go back to the pack for help. Closely
followed by three Lazarite Ahroun, he charged into the hellfire. Destroying every Satanic entity in their path, Walker and his
followers eventually fought their way back to the realm of Gaia by way of the Umbra. The mage was never found. Now, however,
with the help of his Lazarite pack and the aid of the Magi's tomes, Walker leads campaigns to save the Umbra from the forces of
the Underworld.
His skin is a bright pink, since the few patches of fur he possessed have long since been singed by fire and brimstone. Mage
Lore, Demon Lore, Occultism, and Survival (Umbra) are his highest skills.

Claws-in-Darkness, Lazarite Ahroun: His parent's sins left this warrior with a brand of shame in a world where only the fittest
survive: Claws was born without eyes. Two deep pits sink into his face. Growing up in the Get of Fenris Tribe, he was forced to
participate in the rites and rituals of all who are born beneath the full moon. Through countless training sessions, he was throated
and beaten. A disgrace to a Tribe that could not bear to remember the incest of his parents, he was ostracized.
In the wilderness, Claws had to learn or die. He became a master of tracking and survival, and, over the years, he fell upon the
techniques of blind fighting. At the age of twenty, he met the Lazarites.
Within his pack, he has taught others these skills. A leader of Ronin, he cares nothing for the deformity of their bodies, trusting
instead to the skill of their claws. Whether fighting in the tunnels of the Ratkin or the sewers of the Vampire's cities, Claws has an
edge to his technique, and the backing of one of the most impressive squads of Ahroun.

Using the Lazarites

The Lazarites can be used in any number of encounters with your pack. If a Metis in your group is feeling out of place, a meeting
with this group can help to focus his character.

Any pack, Tribe, or Moot is fair game for a wandering pack of Lazarites.
Playing them as PC's takes a lot of work. It can be an intense catalyst to acting. Feeling the pain of an outcast is magnified in a
Lazarite. It's a chance to push your emotions to extremes and can be a challenge to a good roleplayer.
There is room for everyone in Gaia's plan. The Lazarites play their part as well as any tribe.

By Mike Showel

The air smelled of freshly baked carrot cake, and apple pie. Ryan ran by the kitchen window to get a quick peek. If she was gone
he planned to sneak in and grab a slice for his backpacking trip. Mrs Kimbel wasn't the type to just let you have her cake for free;
at least that's what Ryan heard. Some of the boys at school said she was the type to make a guy pimp himself before she'd give
him anything, but still, her cake was the best in the county. Ryan peeped into the window, and with relieved anticipation saw his
chance. He jumped the bushes and snuck his way to the door. If she wasn't in the kitchen and she wasn't in the house. Rumor
had it that she even slept in the kitchen, but in the country, rumors travel pretty fast. He ran through the door and sprinted in a
mad dash for the kitchen. Empty. He gave the two dishes a quick glance, then impulsively, he grabbed the entire carrot cake,
and dashed back for the door. Mrs. Kimbel was there, with an odd smile that he'd never seen before. She smelled funny, dirty,
maybe even a little bit tainted with something. She didn't even sound right when she spoke."Stay a while boy," her soothing
voice dulled into his mind. He felt his ears tingling and his head began pulsing with a headache. It was too dark outside for
anyone of his friends to be around here, and she was grinning like the rumors were true. Ryan pondered what it would be like,
sex with an old woman, and then being murdered by her old man. Frantically, he dashed past her and made for the rendezvous
spot the other night campers designated. "Come back!" he heard her call. It was her voice this time, for sure, but the pain in his
head grew stronger. Too strong for him to listen as his body wanted him to stop. He found himself running even faster. He
glanced over his shoulders and saw that she was there, but with horns, horrible, glowing red eyes and sharp claws. Ryan
stumbled over a branch and fell, but she was still far away, or so he thought. When he got up she was in front of him and had him
by the throat before he even knew what was happening. He felt the air rushing from in lungs. This is when the dream got weird.
He felt himself get really fuzzy, and then watched as snow white fur covered his arms and body. Two huge ears fell in front of his
face as she held him. He then saw razor-like claws spring from his. . . paws! He began slashing at her and she responded by
thrusting her fist into his stomach. As he crumpled to the ground, he sank his teeth into her shoulder, ripping through her chest
and back. When he looked up, her red eyes had dulled; then the upper half of her body fell off.
This is when Ryan woke up. His bedroom was so soothing and invitingly dark. It was quiet and peaceful. Then he smelled carrot
cake. He looked down at his hands and saw creamy icing and a red splatter of . . . blood?

To most, the werebunny is nothing more than a ludicrous myth, a comical tale told by Ragabashes. But the werebunnies are real,
though they are neither human nor rabbit, but rather are an ancient race of shape shifters known as the leapus. They are very
much like the garou and other bete and though they may appear human, they are something greater. Also, like the garou, they
may shift between five forms: the homid, the glabro, the crinos, the hispo and the bunny.
Str Sta Dex App Man Diff
Homid +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 7
Glabro +2 +3 +0 +0 -2 6
Crinos +3 +4 +2 0 -4 7
Hispo +2 +4 +3 0 -4 6
Bunny 1 +0 +3 +0 -4 6
In homid, they appear human, except that no leapus has ever been taller than five foot eight and they all have slightly buck teeth.
Unlike other shifters, even homid born leapus can regenerate in human form, though only at the rate of one health level every ten
In Glabro, they appear to be slightly bunnified humans. They are covered in a light down of fuzz, and have a small bushy tail. They
grow small claws, and their bucked teeth grow to four inches long and are extremely sharp. In this form they have gained around
120%-220% of their body weight in homid. They are very muscular, especially the legs.
The Crinos or raging bunny man,is a huge and ludicrous spectacle. The Leapus gains 75% in height. In other words, a 5 foot 8
homid becomes a 9 foot ten inch crinos werebunny. They also have yet another 120% to 220% weight added on to what they got
in the Glabro stage. They have the head of a really huge rabbit, and they have long walrus-like tusks a foot long. They have claws
on their big bunny paws, and they have very massive muscular legs. They have huge feet as well. Their feet are proportionately
three times as large as normal feet at that size, and they look of course like bunny feet. In this form, they can no longer speak
human, but they can communicate to all rodents easily (this is the same for the hispo and Bunny form.)
Hispo are the really big versions of the bunnies they become in their final shifting phase. This big bunny weighs as much as the
crinos form and is able to move three times asfast as the normal bunny (keeping in mind that the hispo Leapus is more or less a
giant rodent, and rodents tend to be pretty damn fast in the first place. A normal sized bunny could easily outrun a human, so
imagine three times that speed.)

Finally there is the Bunny form. This is the only form in which the 1st level gift Rabid Bite can be used. The Leapus basically
shrinks from the hispo form, and takes on the normal attributes of a normal bunny. His claws do no aggravated, or any other kind
of damage, and his bite does a point of aggravated damage, only if three successes were made on attack considering it a good
bite, as they are quite small in the normal bunny form. They weigh equal to a normal bunny of the type they resemble.
Unlike other Lycanthropes, Leapus cannot do partial transformations. All Leapus take aggravated damage from silver, and the
claw and bites of other supernatural creatures. They are as susceptible to fire as any other Lycanthrope. Leapus also have very
astute senses. It is same as for werewolves, but their hearing is twice as sensitive.
Leapus, for better or worse, do not invoke the Delerium in any form. However, when they go into Crinos, those who seem them
find them to be so ludicrous that after the fact, they don't believe they really saw it. Even supernatural creatures must make a
willpower check or be affected (only a difficulty of 2 though) This is because even the garou know very little about them and those
who do think that people will say they are crazy if they tell anyone.
When a Leapus frenzies, it is for different reasons than the predatorial bete. First and foremost, any extreme reason to be afraid
is a good reason and chance to frenzy. The second chance comes from the viewing of a clutch member killed, or beaten near
death. There is no save from frenzying in this case, it's automatic.
There are three breeds of were bunny: the homid, the metis and the bunny. The homid, which are the ones born in human form
with a human parent. Leapus metis are atypical though and actually have a +1 bonus to appearance and are fully accepted in
werebunny society. Leapus born have little access to any kind of human education and tend to be even more ignorant than
Lupus garou.
They have no litany, or much organization beyond the clutch. Leapus abide by the common rules of maintaining the Veil lest the
other bete mistake them for prey. The leaders are normally the parents of the entire clutch so challenges are very rare. Clutches
vary greatly in size, from three to as many as a rumored four hundred members on a California carrot farm. Clutches are
normally in tune with their lapine natures and tend to live mostly underground in dug out tunnels.

There are currently four known family lines of Leapus: The Koolugh, The Nikunti, Jaquilles and the Jones's. The Jones's tribe was
once a clutch but largely in thanks to a healthy dose of luck about 600 years ago, grew into a tribe. There were once dozens of
tribes, but then they were hunted down and killed by garou and humans. Now the Leapus seem to remember little of there past,
focusing on the present instead.

The Koolugh are the African descendants of an ancient race of Leapus. They are information givers, and finders, though each
for his own price unless it's personal. They have the capability to quickly grasp knowledge and soak up important information
like a sponge. They are the most mystical of the leapus and undergo their first transformations when they are very young. Most
Koolugh are Metis, with less than 2% being homid or bunny. Though originating in Africa, they have dispersed to the other
continents in search of items that were looted from their lands by the humans and other lycanthropes. As a tribe, they have
embraced the Information Age, seeking to gain as much knowledge as possible.

Totem: Pigeon
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: Cannot purchase Allies
Gifts: Speed of Thought, Rabid rabbit.
Physical: The majority of the Koolugh are of African descent, though in the past years that has been becoming less the case. In
humanoid form, they are the frailest looking of the four tribes. In the bunny form they are very attractive rabbits, being exotic and
pure in color. A number have even had black fur with bluish-purple highlights. In Crinos form they have the largest ears of all the
tribes, standing one third higher than normal. Their fur is in little twists and curls, and many of the Koolugh have pierced the lower
lobes of their crinos form ears as a sign of respect and power to the original line of Koolugh.

Territory: Because they move around a lot, Koolugh don't maintain a territory beyond their current burrow.
Quote: Granted it was we who leapt into the unknown first without looking, but do not dare mistake us for fools.

The Nikunti is a Native American tribe that has never left the continent. They are nearly all Metis, with the other forms making up
less than 1% of their numbers. Those homids and bunnies who are born are treated much in the way that Metis are among the
garou and are often put out. To the Nikunti, only Metis, who exist as leapus their entire lives are pure enough to be considered
true werebunnies.

They are the most aggressive and pride themselves as being a great line of warrior. For millennia, they have fought the Wyrm
and the Weaver, whom they hate equally, for their lives, homes and food sources. They scorn the use of technology, unless it can
be used to defeat either of their foes.

Totem: Great Rabbit

Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: They must take at least a level in Contacts
Beginning Gifts: Nikunti can either have Razor Teeth, Sense Wyrm, or they can have Camouflage, (a successful gnosis roll
difficulty 4 for their fur to match the background.)

Physical: The Nikunti are mostly Native American, though the very few homids created and allowed to live can be of any
background. The Nikunti are very muscular and look angry most of the time. Their eyebrows are always connected above the
nose in homid. In Crinos form, they have claws that protrude four and a half inches, the strongest and sharpest of all the
werebunny tribes. In Rabbit form, the Nikunti are dark brown in the summer, light brown during the fall, snow white in the winter,
and black in the spring.

Territory: The Nikunti are very stable people. They find one place, and stick to it, which is partially why so few have left the
continent. They are extremely protective of their lands and any intruder who dares desecrate their tribal lands sends them into a
murderous frenzy.

Quote: Enjoy the days you and your Wyrm infest our lands, for when we catch you, you will live no more.

The Jones
The Jones are the most interesting histories of all the tribes. The youngest tribe, its existence is based on a long string of pure
luck. 600 years ago, a human woman miraculously birthed twins, a boy and a girl, both of whom were homid Nikunti. Their first
lucky break was that they were not discovered by their tribe until years later, when they were spotted battling a Black Spiral
Dancer. The elders of the Nikunti sent a hunting party to grab the twins, but by then, the pair had gone into hiding. It turned out
that both twins were highly precognative and had foreseen the action of the Nikunti. Though born mute, the twins were able to
communicate with each other. They prepared an elaborate series of lethal traps that killed many of the hunters. When they finally
were captured, the furious Nikunti put them in deep holes, leaving them with no food or water for one day for each hunter killed.
For 32 days, they were left in their holes, but because of their ability to communicate mentally, maintained constant contact with
one another. In desperation, they found inspiration and devised a way of peeking into the Umbra and luring physical beings to
them. Though draining at first, they managed to sustain themselves. They further developed their powers and soon found a way
to peak into a section of the Umbra far away, fade out past the Umbra and into a place they later called the "Meti Nexus." The
Meti Nexus was a breach of reality, a place that paradoxically, didn't exist, yet they managed to step sideways into it. When the
Nikunti elders came to release them from their prisons, to their surprise, the captives had vanished.
Years later, there were reports of homid Leapus with shifting fur like the Nikunti. It turned out that the twins, in an effort to protect
themselves, began their own family, producing forty-seven offspring. The vengeful Nikunti tried to hunt the twins down, but when
they got close, the twins merely pointed at them, closed their eyes and the hunters would find themselves back with their tribe.
So, the elders sent the hunters out again, but this time, only the pelts of the hunters returned. The warning had an affect on the
Nikunti and they called off their war against the twins and their kin.
Now, the twins' tribe, known simply as the Jones, are mysterious and feared. They cannot speak to tell their secrets to their
enemies and they do not let many of th eother know that all in the tribe can mind speak. There are as many of them as the
Nikunti, if nnot more, though their numbers are not increasing aht the rater they once were. The Jones and the Nikunti have not
forgotten past wounds and hate each other passionately.
The Jones cannot enter the Umbra as do the other tribes. Instead, they travel through the Meti Nexus. From there, they can enter
the Umbra, though the Gauntlet between the Nexus and the Umbra is 8. Normally, they avoid the Umbra, because the Nexus is
completely free of the Weaver's influence. They can use the Meti Nexus to essentially teleport to any place their clairvoyant gaze
shows them. This actually uses the Umbra as a focal point and though they don't actually use the Umbra, Umbral beings can
sense the Jones's passage.
All Members of the Jones tribe are of the homid breed. They can be of anynationality, but they are all unable to have offspring of
Metis or rabbit; in those forms they are sterile. All are mute as well, so almost all are taught sign language by their parents.
During their First Change, their ability to use Mind Speech appears. They resemble the Nikunti in their other forms though their
claws are not as sharp.
They are only beings known to be able to survive in the Meti Nexus for longer than an hour. Though they may settle down for a
while, they are wanderers by nature. Unlike the Nikunti, they are not particularly bothered by the Weaver, though they hate the
Wyrm with as much passion as they do the Nikunti. When they do settle down, they are very protective of their homes, much as
the Nikunti protect their lands. The only territory they claim is the Meti Nexus, which is largely undisputed because they are the
only ones who can survive there for long.

Tribal totem: Chimera

Initial Willpower: 5
Beginning Gifts: Sense Nikunti, Clairvoyance level one
Quote: The last guy who made our elder angry is floating in the depths of space as we speak.

Said to be the first Leapus tribe, the Jaquille are also the most unusual. They always have a crazed look about them and avoid
civilization whenever possible. When they do enter a city, they are usually wearing nothing but a loin cloth and carrying a silver
bow and arrow, hunting something powerful. They are not impressed by mechanical devises and will not use them. They are
even more intent than the Nikunti of destroying the influence of the Weaver and the Wyrm. They use guerrilla tactics to annihilate
machinery and the like to stop pollution. They live mainly in the forests and jungles and are very widespread. There is at least
one clutch in every country.

Tribal Totem: Diana Initial

Willpower: 4
Background: They cannot pick allies, or contacts.
Beginning gifts: Rabid Bite.
Physical: The Jaquilles are highly variable, though they all have a shade of grey fur.
Territory: The world. They consider the entire world their domain, and protect all that they can from the Wyrm.
Quote: Mukni Loeitiki Numpuki eikt (Don't ask what this says; the one who gave me this quote didn't know English, or any other
language I've ever heard.

Character Creation
Use the Werewolf: The Apocalypse sourcebook for the attributes,abilities, and gifts. Here however you will find a further
definition of the gifts given. Rabid Bite

Razor Teeth
Sense Nikunti: This ability is always on is the way that all Jones tribe Leapus can smell the Nikunti.

Jones Clairvoyance and the Midi Nexus

The Jones tribe uses the Medi Nexus to teleport and pull things to them. Before they can actually do this however, they must use
their Clairvoyance ability to visualize the Object or destination. Any member of the Jones has the ability to travel through a reality
disjunction within the Meti Nexus. This causes a quake in the Umbral section used as the focal point. With a Gnosis roll of
difficulty 5, they can travel anywhere they can see with Clairvoyance. One success is all that is needed. They can also pull
people, objects or anything hey are strong enough to carry through the Umbra or the real world into the Nexus. Thus, it is
possible for a tribesman to reach through and spiritually yank whatever it sees in the Umbra or real world into the Nexus and just
leave it there for an an hour and have it destroyed. Victims feel as though they are being ripped apart; garou and kindred
immediately frenzy. Normal humans suffer less agony, but instead feel steadily weaker until they are drained of their lives. To pull
people or things into the Meti Nexus requires a Gnosis roll (difficulty of 7) and the expenditure of a Gnosis point.
The Meti Nexus is a vivid and magnificent place to behold. It is all smooth urfaces and even has odd forms of vegetation. It can
best be compared to a large meadow with beautiful, indestructible flowers. Nothing burns in the Nexus and the airs smells of
strawberries (which rubs off on the Jones, which is a trait the Nikunti have used to the fullest). The Jones can maniuplat things
within the Meti Nexus, causing trees to grow or produce swellings in the ground. Violent use of this power is not possible,
however, for violence of any kind is impossible. It is believed that the spirit of the Twins guards the Nexus and they will expel any
tribesman who tries to commit a violent act. The one exception to this rule is treatment of the Nikunti. Tribesmen are expected to
either expel or trap a Nikunti within the Nexus (which will quickly lead to its death).
The Meti Nexus extends beyond the earth and some Jones have made life time spanning pilgrimages within the Meti Nexus to
Mars and other fantastic places.


By Red Raptor (



The Legion of the Malformed are a small clan of metis abomination that have broken their blood bonds and become their own
small(40 are know to exist) but powerful clan. They come from all tribes. Originally created by a very bored and demented
Malkavian, they have since refined their blood. All malfeans are driven to insanity by the embrace. 50% of all Malfeans are
infants or young in size.


There is 1 8th Generation Malfean. All others range from 9th to 13th. All Malfeans take a metis disfigurement and a
derangement at creation. 13th generation Malfeans start with normal Willpower and blood along with the following: 2 Rage, 3
Gnosis. They gain the same traits as werewolves for Crinos form.

Malfeans take aggravated damage from silver and sunlight. They receive a -1 to all rolls while exposed to bright light, (i.e., the full
All Malfeans start with 2 Beast Traits. Malfeans gain a automatic Beast Trait every time they frenzy.


Malfeans get 1 metis gift and 1 of the following gifts from Wyrmhound depending on auspice:

Ahroun: First Bite: As Spirit of the Fray, but must be a biting attack.
Galliard: Howl of Death
Philodox: Armor of Blood
Theurge: Luna's Vitae
Ragabash: Smell of Vengeance

Malfeans consider all other kindred disciplines weak and will not under any circumstances learn them. They will also not teach
Malformus to others.

Malfeans will not Diablerize or feed from kindred outside of their clan as they do not want to weaken their blood my mixing it with
All Malfeans are Wyrm-tainted and will smell of Wyrm to other Garou. Other Abominations will not associate with Malfeans.
Malfeans do not frenzy from consuming werewolf blood.

Rite of the Fractured Soul

By SlpStck (

"It's just a bunny!"
-- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Before time was recorded, Gaia gave her children duties to perform. Bear was her healer. Alligator was her memory. Cat was
her eyes. Wolf was her immune system. Crow and Coyote, her laughter. When she was done, she looked at her children, and
said, "This is Good. All is how it should be."
"But Mother, what about me?" came a small voice from behind her. She turned around to see Rabbit.
"I have nothing for you to do, my child," Gaia said, her voice full of regret.
"Then what is to keep Bear, Cat, Alligator, Wolf, and Coyote from eating my children? What is to keep Crow from laughing at
them?" Rabbit asked.
"What would you do then?"
"Allow me to assist Brother Wolf in his fight against your enimies. But where he attacks them to their faces, give my children the
duty to attack their leaders from a distance. Let my children destroy the Wyrm's hierarchy!" Rabbit said, his voice rising to a
"You would do this? You would give up all that you are for me?"
"For you, Mother, I would do this, and more!"

Str Dex Sta App Man
Homid -- -- -- -- -Glabro +1 +2 -- -1 -1
Crinos +3 +5 +2 -4 -3
Hispo +2 +4 +1 -2 -4
Lepus -1 +4 +1 +3 -5

In Homid form, the Lepus are, for the most part, tall and thin. In Glabro, they gain a 25% weight increase, but no change in height.
The Crinos form of the Lepus increases in weight by another 50%, and induces an effect similar to the Delirium, which they call
the "Kutaz Shitt" (see below). If you can imagine a cross between a dire wolf and a jackalope, then you have a good idea of the
Hispo form Lepus, minus the horns of course. Lepus form is, of course, a rabbit.

Kutaz Shitt chart

Willpower Reaction Example
1-3 Complete Awe "He's so cute!" "Watch out for that train, honey!"
4-6 Intrigue "Is that a giant, bipedal rabbit over there?"
7-8 Anger "Toss me Big Bertha, Leroy! Some kinda dude's got a gun and a rabbit suit on!"
9-10 No Reaction/Blas "What the hell do you want, son!"

The lepus can use any gifts taught by a rabbit-spirit, Ahroun gifts, or any that deal with leaping/jumping.

Level 1: Be vewy, vewy quiet! - Silence of Death (Quietus)

Level 3: Shadow Meld - Obfuscate

Level 5: Eye of Fudd

Stepping Sideways
The Lepus do not need a mirror to step into the Umbra. To step sideways, all the Lepus must do is dig a small hole,
approximately 3' wide, 2' deep, and "jump in." Most modern day Lepus refer to this as "Pulling a Bugs!"

Assamites: Oh my God! It's a Wererabbit! <thud>
All other Vampires: Who?
Red Talons and The Get: The Rabbits help us from afar? How could prey be of any..." <sound of gun fire>
Most other Garou: Beware!
All other WoD inhabitants: Wererabbits? What do they do? Hop you to death?

Gifts of the Lost Tribes

By Alan G. Provance (

Author's Notes
I know that this is a bit of a blow to all the Werewolf purists out there (I mean, even White Wolf themselves asked for Storytellers
not to include this kind of element) However, I have found that my players have always preferred the games geared towards
fantasy; whether that be Vampire: The Dark Ages or Palladium games. So, I took my Werewolf campaign and turned the clock a
few hundred years back, BSed history a little bit, and subtly altered the nature of all the supernaturals, the Universe, and the
Garou especially. (Not a difficult task when you consider how much free time I have at work). So, anyway, in my new Werewolf
gaming environ, all the tribes are still left, the Technocracy isn't as all-powerful as it is today (which is why there will be no mage
PC's -- Paradox was the only thing that slowed some of them down) and the Inquisition is the main concern of most
supernaturals, as it is the primary instrument of the Wyrm. So, with these new cool tribes back in existence, I had to come up with
some stats for 'em. Assigning Willpower is easy (or perhaps just very arbitrary) and Backgrounds are too, the White Howler
totem is even already assigned. So, now I'll get on to the purpose of this essay: the Gifts.

Level One
Tree Spirit's Gift
Gaia's Eye

Level Two
Mother's Touch: As the Theurge Gift.
Leap of the Kangaroo: As the Lupus Gift.

Level Three
Trackless Wastes: As the Lupus Gift.
Rainbow Serpent

Level Four
Adaptation: As the Silent Strider Gift.
Strange Seasons
Bones of Silver

Level Five
Southern Stars
Strange Blood

Level One
Sense the Wyrm: As the Ragabash Gift.
Voice of Reason

Persuasion: As Homid Gift.

Level Two
Sense the True Form: As the Philodox Gift.
Turtle's Breath

Level Three
Weak Arm: As the Philodox Gift.
Heart of Fury: As the Ahroun Gift.
Merciful Blow: As the Stargazer Gift.

Level Four
Gift of the Turtle
Spirit Communion: As the Stargazer Gift Preternatural Awareness.

Level Five
Purity of Spirit
Ancestral Memory

White Howlers
Level One
Razor Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.
Howl of Fury

Level Two
Spirit of the Fray: As the Ahroun Gift.

Level Three
Silver Claws: As the Ahroun Gift.
Essence of the Hunt

Level Four
Hero's Stand: As the Get of Fenris Gift.
Spirit of Courtship

Level Five
Coup de Grace
Lion's Roar

By Alex Rudnick (

The Creation of the Lotoris...

There was a time when Arcadia was much closer to Earth than it is today. Faeries came and went as they pleased, more
frequently than now, often making friends among the beings spiritually powerful enough to get their attention. They came and
hung out with certain Garou, mingled with Nuwisha, and even interacted with some human mages. Eventually, they learned how
the Nuwisha and Garou changed, what made these bete tick. Eventually, they decided to try their hand at what Gaia and Luna
had been doing all along; they created a new race. They looked across the Earth to find a race suitable to be the basis for their
new one, and after a long and interesting rummage, they found the raccoons. In a great ritual which took a huge amount of time
and was done generally because they got bored, a new race was created. A race that would not only be cool like raccoons, but
would be able to pass as humans, well, sort of, anyway. The faeries gave their Wereraccoons pointy ears so that everybody
would know who made them.
Soon, the Lotoris, as they came to call themselves, got pretty independent and went off in search of stuff to do, and shiny things
to collect.

The Forms
Lotoris change pretty much along the same track of forms as the other wereanimals.

Homid: A Lotoris in Homid form looks like a fairly normal human, except he tends to be more slim than average, with pointy
ears. Hey, come to think of it, that would make them look like a Changeling, now wouldn't it?
Stats as in normal, difficulty 6

Glabro: The Lotoris glabro looks more human than a Garou glabro. They get much stronger, about 5 inches taller, and the skin
around their eyes darkens a bit to form a semblance of a raccoon mask. Also, their ear-points round out a bit.
+1 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +1 Stamina, difficulty 7

Crinos: This is one of the oddest looking things that you will ever see. A Lotoris in Crinos form is about seven and a half feet tall,
with a well defined raccoon mask, a long, ringed tail, powerful muscles, and a raccoon-like snout and round ears like those of a
raccoon on top of the head. Note that since Lotoris didn't show up until well after the Impergium, humans don't have any sort of
instinctual fear about them, but don't you try to tell me that you wouldn't get concerned if you saw a 7 1/2 foot raccoon/man.
Talking is limited to growling, a bit of human speech, and speaking to raccoons and Lotoris.
+2 Strength, +3 Dexterity, +2 Stamina, Appearance -2, Difficulty 6

Hispo: A Hispo form-Lotoris takes the form of a large raccoon, with more vicious teeth and claws than proportionally probable.
In this form, a Lotoris is about four feet long, and gets seriously dangerous in combat. In Hispo, a Lotoris can only talk to
raccoons and to other Lotoris.
+1 Strength, +3 Dexterity, +1 Stamina, Difficulty 7

Procyon: This is the equivalent of the lupus form in Garou. The Lotoris becomes just like a normal raccoon. This is the form that
they are least likely to be noticed as supernatural, as it's the only one that is shared by a normal animal. In this form, they cannot
talk, except to raccoons and other Lotoris.
-2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, -1 Stamina

The wereraccoons have a remarkably unstructured culture. Each individual does darned well whatever she feels like, and they
rarely travel in groups. They are of Gaia, sort of, and feel the need to defend their foster Mother, which sometimes leads them to
ally themselves with other wereraces, humans, and whoever else they feel like. Also, they lean more towards the Wyld than the
Weaver, but they find nothing wrong with modern technology, as it has its uses for them. In many respects they are similar to the
Nuwisha. Activities that they enjoy are collecting shiny items, exploring situations/places, huge-scale practical jokes, word
games, and climbing trees and other climbable things. They are rather plentiful, just as their raccoon kinfolk, and You would just
as soon find one in the middle of a city as in a forest. Many of them have travelled to Arcadia permanently, just for fun and
because they like faeries.

Lotoris, being very disorganized, have no ordered list of the gifts that they know. They can, if they feel so inclined, find someone
to teach them a gift that they wish to know. Most often, they learn gifts that are used by Nuwisha, Ragabash, and Lupus, but they
are not constrained. A beginning Lotoris character gets to choose 4 level 1 gifts, subject to Storyteller approval. Most of the time,
a Lotoris wouldn't have access to Get of Fenris or Ahroun gifts, nor would they really want them.

Other Stuff
The wereraccoons can step sideways, and often do. The Umbra is a place that they find very interesting. They (mostly) have no
Rage, but if one of them spent enough time with some Garau, it might wear off on him. Generally, they are playful in nature, and
don't care much about what others think, so their renown is in order of importance: Humor, Wisdom, and Glory. They are
perfectly capable of making their own fetishes, and can use other people's fetishes if they can get a hold of them. They most
often follow Totems of Cunning, such as Raccoon (weird, huh?) or different forms of the Trickster. In addition, Lotoris have no
problems with silver, but iron gives them the same effect as a Garou with the gift Faerie Blood. They effectively always have the
Faerie Blood gift activated.

Character Generation Info

Beginning Gnosis: 3 for Homids, 4 for Metis, 5 for Lotorids (born as raccoons)
Rage: 0, but hey can use experience or freebie points to raise it
Beginning Renown: 2 in Humor, 1 in either Glory or Wisdom
Backgrounds: No pure breed

What they Think About Other Tribes/Races

Bastet: These guys are just so vain, it gets really annoying. Wanna see something funny? If you think you might get in a scrap
with one of them, make sure you've got a super-soaker full of Ketchup and Water. Sure-fire way to get a diversion. I'd rather hang
with Nuwisha or Corax any day.

Black Furies: The Furies really need to calm down; they have no sense of humor, but they do know about the Wyld.
Bone Gnawers: Gnawers are our chums, for the most part. They know so much about the city, it gets scary. They'll help you out
if you need help, and they know how to have fun.

Children of Gaia: They are way too nice. There's gotta be something that they aren't showing us. Let's find out what that is.
Corax: These guys can be great fun. They like investigating things almost as much as we do. Also, if you need to make a deal
with Garou, they've got connections with them.

Fianna: They know how to have fun. The Fianna are our favorite Garou, partly because they're cool, partly because of our mutual

Get of Fenris: Just stay away from them -- unless you've got a good way to play a trick on them. The humor will be wasted on
these guys, though. Way too serious.

Glass Walkers: Another good bunch of Garou. If you play your cards right, they can hook you up with just about anybody. Their
humor is often right there in their names, especially those funny computer/native names.

Nuwisha: Nuwisha are bunches of fun. Just great wereanimals. Help them out with their pranks, which are hilarious, and they'll
be nice to you. They can really kick butt in the Umbra, too.

Red Talons: These wolfies rule the wilderness, paws down. They aren't too much fun, but they're good at what they do. Leave
'em alone, unless of course you've got something entertaining to do to them.

Shadow Lords: Aiiiieeeee! If you see a Shadow Lord, run and scream... or, better yet, do something really humbling to him.
They have about the least humor of the Garou, and all they want is to dominate. I don't think they could handle it if they were in
control, though.

Silent Striders: They seem nice enough, and from travelling around so much, they probably know quite a bit of interesting

Silver Fangs: The Fangs are the ones who pull all the strings in the Garou. Sometimes, the ones who aren't inbred-all-to-heck
and psycho will be more or less reasonable. They're traditional, establishment-type sods. Bleah.

Stargazers: Very strange. They don't think we're funny, and they spend too much time thinking about philosophical doohickies,
but I'll be boring if they don't kick butt.

Uktena: Almost as good as our Nuwisha chums in the Umbra, they know a bunch about spirits and magic and whatnot. Freaky
stuff goes on around them, so watch your ringed little tail.

Wendigo: Really weird. It's generally best to keep away from them. The spirits that they know are scarier than you want to think
about. They're good with survival, though.

"Hee hee hee... wait until he finds out sort of spirit was in that klaive!"

Wereotters for the World of Darkness
By Mitchell Kelly ( (18 July 1995)

The Great Mother sat down at the edge of the river. All of her Children were gathered before her in a great half-circle. The
Mother spoke to them of the Balance, and of the tasks that each of them would have. In turn, She told each one what their
protectorate would be. She pointed to the edge of the great river, that ran as far as could be seen in both directions.
"Thus far, and no farther." So spoke the Great Mother to her Wolf Children.
"You shall guard the land: the forests, the mountains and the plains. You shall guard the Balance between the two-legged and the
four-legged on the land."
She pointed again, this time out, far away to where all her children knew the Great Ocean to be.
"The guardianship of the ocean shall belong to others: where the seas are warm, there shall the Rokea guard the Balance, and
where the seas are cold, there the Selkies will guard the Balance."
One among the Wolf Children spoke. He was the greatest of them, with silver fur, a regal bearing -- and insufferable conceit.
"Who then shall guard the balance on the rivers, and in the lakes? If we are denied the task, who among your Children is fit for
this duty? Not the Rokea, not the Selkies, for you have already spoken of them. Who shall it be? The Bastet, who hate the water?
The Guhrahl, who think too long before they act? The Corax, perhaps? None of these seem fit."
The Mother was silent a moment, and then she spoke: "Where the water is warm, there shall dwell the eldest of my Children, the
great Mokole. They have dwelt there since before the Garou were even imagined. They have guarded the Balance for as long as
there has been a Balance."
The haughty Garou was displeased. To his eye, the Mokole were the embodiment of the Wyrm. Worse than this, the Mother
spoke of them as her 'eldest Children', and her words burnt like acid in the heart of the Garou.
"But Mother," said the Garou "Still you do not speak of the cool waters. If we, the most faithful of your Children, cannot bear this
burden for you, who shall?"
Then the Mother spoke again. "The youngest of my Children shall guard the cool rivers and lakes. To them is given the Balance
in the fresh water. They will aid you, and be your allies. And since you will not stay always on the land, it is given to them to not
stay for ever in the water. Yet they shall not challenge your rule of the land, and neither shall you challenge them for the rule of the
water. You shall live as allies, you Garou and Lutran."
Now the Garou saw the Lutran for the first time. And where the Garou was tall, the Lutran was short. Where the Garou was swift
and graceful, the Lutran seemed ungainly on land. Worst, where the Garou was proud, the Lutran was humble. "Who is this
Child?" cried the Garou, his voice full of scorn. "Surely my Mother does not think to leave her waters in the defence of one so
The Mother waited again before speaking. "As I have spoken so shall it be. Yet I see even now the pride in your heart. I see
there will be strife between you. So shall it be. Yet in a time to come, I foresee that you shall call in your despair to the Lutran.
Then shall you remember your harsh words."
The Mother looked at all her Children, gathered at her feet, and she was proud. Then She rose up and left them. Each of her
Children now went about their task, proud of their Mother's faith in them. All except the Garou. The Garou went to their work
grudgingly, feeling that the Mother had demeaned them. They looked long at their Brothers and Sisters before they went about
their task. The Lutran watched the rivers, lakes and sea margins in the North of the world, seeing that man took no more fish than
he needed, and did not foul the waters in his deeds. The Lutran did not hunt men. They would kill occasionally, if a man fell to evil
deeds, and they guarded against and hunted the monsters that came up at times from the great caverns beneath the deep
lakes. They had a compact with the folk who lived by the rivers and lakes. These people took little, left the Lutran and their Kinfolk
to themselves, and respected the world that the Mother had made. The Garou saw this, and when a great gathering of the
Changing Breeds was held, they said that the Lutran did nothing useful in the war against the Wyrm. The Lutran replied that the
Wyrm stayed away from the clean rivers and lakes. The people who lived there were pure and vigilant, and the Wyrm did not
threaten them. The Garou claimed that in the hearts of the Lutran was only cowardice. The Lutran left the gathering, angry and
Soon the War of Rage began. Although brave and resolute, the rare Lutran were no match for the numbers and ferocity of the
Garou. Nearly all were killed, except a few who hid themselves away. Then the Garou looked up, and saw that their rule was
unchallenged, and they thought it was good. Then the people of the lakes and rivers forgot their compact, and took as many fish
as they could, uncaring of the future. The Garou could not stop them. Then the people of the lakes and rivers dammed the flows,
or drained the lakes. The Garou could not stop them. At last the people of the lakes and rivers, with none to guide them, fouled

the waters with the poisons of the Wyrm, unknowing of their crimes. Gaia cried out, the rivers that are her veins afire with pain.
And the Garou could not stop them, nor do anything to heal their Mother's hurt. Then the word was heard: "Would that we had not
killed the Lutran, that our Mother's veins might be free of pain!" And the Wyrm laughed.
"The Story of the Lutran and the Garou", as told by Thorfinn Stormrider, Lutran Lorekeeper.

Stories of shapechanging otters are by no means uncommon in the myths and legends of Northern Europe. The reason for this
half-buried memory is the Lutran. The Lutran are one of the smallest families among the Changing Breeds. They watched the
rivers and lakes, taught the people how to fish and trap, and how to use the waters of the earth without abusing them. The Lutran
had no part in the Impergium. They only killed out of necessity, and that rarely. The Garou believed them weak, and killed nearly
all of them in the War of Rage. A few Lutran and a few of their Kinfolk survived, in the British Isles, Scandinavia and northern
Russia. Here, they hid themselves away from the Garou, but they never stopped trying to continue the work their Mother had
given them.
The Lutran are a gleeful people: they like nothing more than to sing and play. They were close to the Ceilican tribe of the Bastet,
both geographically and in their attitudes. The near-destruction of the Ceilican by the Garou is a crime that the Lutran cannot
forgive, even more than their own woes.
The otter population, although much reduced by the actions of gamekeepers and pollution, is rallying. The Lutran's human kinfolk
have been vociferous in their lobbying, and the action of one of them, Philip Ware, in creating the Otter Trust, has ensured their

Organisation and Character Generation

There are three Breeds: Homid (Landchild, Gnosis 2), Metis (Homechild, Gnosis 4) and Mustai (Waterchild, Gnosis 5). The
Lutran have managed to keep their breed balance fairly even: about 40% are Mustai, and just over 55% are Homid. The
remaining few are Metis. The Lutran do not hold their Metis brethren in any kind of contempt, and nor do they especially feel
sorry for them. The Lutran try to avoid one another when they are in heat, but inevitably accidents happen. The Metis are called
Homechildren since their home is among Lutran culture, and they understand it best. Indeed, many of the greatest Waterdruids
among the Lutran have been Metis. The Landchild and Waterchild each regard the other as being amusingly limited: the Mustai
think Homids clumsy and inept in the wild, while the Homid consider the Mustai to be little more than yokels.
The Lutran are not, and never have been, killing machines like the Garou. They were more like the Guhrahl in their outlook and
actions: they taught the humans they found how to live in harmony with nature: how to use the waters, but not abuse them. Most of
the battles fought by the Lutran were against the great water-monsters that the Wyrm breeds in the dark caverns at the bottom of
lakes. When necessary, the Lutran can be deadly foes. Anyone who has seen a wolverine, or knows how a badger's jaws can
crush a dog's skull would be in no doubt that the Lutran can defend themselves and Gaia if necessary.
There are few "lost pups" among the Lutran. They maintain close links with their human and otter kinfolk, and those who have
bred true are closely watched from an early age. This watching often grows to include some rather vague "teaching" about the
Lutran. This is chiefly of use to the Homids, who find it easier to integrate themselves into Lutran society than do many
Changers. This is reflected in their higher Gnosis.
There are only four Auspices in the Lutran: Ragabash (Darkswimmer, Rage 1) Theurge (Spiritdiver, Rage 2), Philodox / Galliard
combination sometimes referred to as a "Waterdruid" (Riverspeaker, Rage 3) and Ahroun (Waterfang, Rage 4). The Bards
among the Lutran have always been not only the preservers of the Traditions, but also the interpreters of them.
There are no Tribes as such within the Lutran: they tend to live as small family groups, who often have their own traditions, but all
consider themselves to be part of one great family.
The Lutran has four forms:

Homid: No change in stats. All Lutrans have glossy dark hair, and tend to have large, luminous eyes.
Crinos: Protected by the Veil, this form is upright, with a thick coat of glossy brown hair and a tail. The Crinos adds a foot of
height and 40% to the weight of the Homid form. The Crinos has webbed fingers and toes, and can swim at twice the homid
speed. Its claws and fangs do aggravated damage.
Stat alterations: STR +2, STA+3, DEX+3, PER+1, MAN-3 APP-2. Difficulty 7.
Claw damage STR+2, Bite STR+1, Both aggravated

Hispo: Even more than the Crinos, a combat form. The Hispo is a quadraped like a huge wolverine, massively strong and
immune to all but the heaviest of blows. It is less aquatic than the Lutran, but can swim at human jogging pace. Its claws are
smaller than the Crinos' but its bite is more powerful. Driven by the huge jaw and neck muscles, the teeth of the Hispo can
shatter bones easily. A favourite combat manoeuvre is to grab and hold on, gradually grinding through an opponent's limb. This
is not a Jaw Lock, although the rules for escaping it are the same. The Lutran employing this is out to destroy an opponent, and
usually does not let go until the opponent, or the Lutran, is dead.
Stat alterations: STR +3, STA+3, DEX+2, PER+1, MAN-3. Difficulty 6.

Claw damage STR+1, Bite STR+2, Both aggravated.

Mustai: In this form, the Lutran is in its element. The Lutran is a large (six foot long) otter. It can swim quickly (at the same speed
it can run), dive for extended periods (up to ten minutes) and has fabulous underwater co-ordination and manoeuvrability (reduce
the difficulty for any underwater manoeuvre by one).
Stat alterations: STR -1, STA+3, DEX+2, PER+2, MAN-3. Difficulty 6.
Bite damage STR+1, aggravated. Claws do not do aggravated damage in this form.

Willpower: Starting Willpower is 4.

Backgrounds: Lutran get three Background points. They cannot buy Resources or Contacts.
Rage: The Lutran are less full of Rage than the Garou, and are less easy to arouse. They need an extra success on a Rage roll
to Frenzy. The Lutran can spend Rage up to its Wits score per round. However, it can only gain a single extra action. Any
remaining Rage points spent appear in the form of automatic successes on any Strength or Stamina roll.

Rank: the Lutran are less preoccupied with rank than the Garou. Wisdom is the most prized quality among the Lutran, followed
by Honour. Glory comes a poor third. As the Lutran say, any fool can kill something. What takes real strength is to teach one who
errs the error of his ways, and what gives real pride is to watch the one whom you guided grow in the light of Gaia.

Lutran and The Umbra: The Lutran do not use reflective surfaces to Step Sideways; they enter the Umbra through a body of
water. It needs to be large enough to immerse the whole of the Lutran's body: a large bucket in Lutran form, a barrel or bathful in

Gifts: The Homid, Metis and Mustai Breeds use the Homid, Metis and Lupus Gifts respectively. Auspice Gifts are as per the
Garou, except for the Riverspeaker, which uses the following Gifts.
Rank 1: Truth of Gaia, Scent of the True Form, Beastspeech, Mindspeak.
Rank 2: Call to Duty, King of the Beasts, Distractions, Dreamspeak.
Rank 3: Weak Arm, Wisdom of the Ancient Ways, Song of Rage.
Rank 4: Scent of Beyond, Bridgewalker, Shadows by the Firelight.
Rank 5: Geas, Fabric of the Mind.
The Lutran's own Gifts are as follows.
Rank 1: Heightened Senses, (as Homid 1) Shroud (as Uktena 1).
Rank 2: Howl of the Banshee (as Fianna 2), Spirit of the Fish (as Uktena 2), Otter's Eye (new gift).
Rank 3: Faerie Kin (as Fianna 3), Voice of the Answerer (new gift), Watertracks (new Gift).
Rank 4: Phantasm (as Fianna 4), Flashflood (new Gift).
Rank 5: Gaia's Vengeance (as Red Talon 5) Call Manannan (new Gift).

Rites: The Lutran use most common Rites. They are however somewhat selective in those they use. They have no Rite of
Renunciation, or Winter Wolf. They use no punishment Rites except Rite of Ostracism and Stone of Scorn. When they use the
Rite of Binding, they will not coerce a Spirit into being bound. They will only bind a willing spirit, and usually reward it well for its
help. The Lutran have no Rite of Wounding, considering it crass and ignorant, but have a similar Rite for when a young Lutran
first shows great Wisdom, calling this the Rite of the Awakened Mind.
Two unique Rites are the Rite of Favour, and the Holy Holt.

Totems: The Lutran generally ally themselves with one of two Totems: Otter (naturally) and Manannan Mac Lir.
The Lutran maintain good relations with the Corax. Many of these Changers make their homes in Scotland, Ireland and on the
Isle of Man, and both watch over these places, protecting them as well as they can. The Lutran of northern Russia are friendly
with the Guhrahl of that area: both sides seek out the other to keep abreast of matters in the area. Both groups are considering a
more active role in fighting the polluters of the area, and in teaching the humans to respect their land. While this is a noble
sentiment, it may be too late. Both sides are also aware that something very odd is going on in Russia. Rumours of the
destruction of Garou Caerns have reached both groups, and the Guhrahl feel it may be time to investigate. The Lutran are wary
of approaching the Garou, but some are beginning to feel the risks justify such action.
As a general rule, the Lutran avoid Garou. They still remember the War of Rage, and have no desire to get involved with the
people who nearly exterminated them. The only time when there is any contact is when a single Garou makes a nuisance of
itself. At this point several Lutran will band together, and tear it to pieces, hiding the body so that it is never found. Of the other
Changing Breeds, few are now even aware that the Lutran still exist. Most would be relatively well-disposed toward the Lutran if
they did meet them. The Kindred do not know of the Lutran. A few unusual Gangrel or Ravnos may have heard of or even met
one, but they remain quiet about what they know. The Mages of Scotland and Ireland, especially the Verbena, once had good
relations with the Lutran. Most of the Mages have forgotten that the Lutran even exist, but the Sept of Manannan's Caern on the
Isle of Man have a kind of Pact with the Mannin Chantry, to come to each other's aid and to work together to defend the Island's
mystical places from any threats. This combination is powerful and dangerous, as marauding Mages and Garou have learned to
their cost. As far as any other inhabitants of the World of Darkness go, on being asked about the Lutran, they answer: "the

Lutran Fetishes: The Lutran keep few Fetishes, preferring to create Talens or use Rites of Spirit Awakening. Two notable
exceptions are The Answerer and the Daghda Harp.

By Ryan Silverman (

The Macala are an offshoot of the Bunyip who had left Australia long before the European invasion occured. They were upset
with the goverment of their island so they loaded up boats and selected a bunch of humans and Tasmanian Wolves, and left. A
Nuwisha who had snuck his way into the group caused their boat to travel through the Umbra; he then took them to a great ocean
where they found an Island, much like Australia, but smaller. They established a society where their garou and kinfolk
counterparts lived in peace. They worked side-by-side honoring Gaia, and as beautiful as their world was, they decided that the
Wyrm must have been destroyed. They were wrong.
Their optimistic society exeprienced a cataclysmic crash when one of their youth found barrels of industrial waste that had
floated upon their shores.
Saddened by the decay of the state of the world, the Elders sent out much of the younger garou and the Ahrouns and asked
them to do their best to make the world right again.
Now they have returned to make their old dream true again.

Tribal Home
The Macala hail from an island they call "Mokona." However, all player characters must start after they have left Mokona, and will
not return unless the ST deems it so. Mokona is a Utopian paradise, untouched entirely by the Wyrm.
Macalas away from Mokona use their shapeshifting abilities to pretend to be members of other tribes.

The Macala have learned a bizarre talent: all of their 5 forms can be be altered at will. However, stats cannot be changed so a
Macala with an Appearence score of 1 cannot turn into an supermodel. Well he can, but everyone will still find him repulsive.
Likewise, a clumsy or weak Macala cannot turn into Ahh-Nold and whoop a$$. He would still would have trouble fighting in a

Lupus: A Tasmanian Wolf; it cannot alter its appearence until its first change.
Homid: They look like tropical island natives and also cannot alter their appearances until the change.
Metis: Born Crinos and can shift and alter its appearance. They have the same flaws as in Werewolf: The Apocolypse 2nd
editon and The Werewolf Players Guide.

Tribal Totem

Tribal Gifts
Level One
Snakes Skin: Same as Nuwisha Gift.
Leap of the Kangaroo: Same as the Lupus gift.
Level Two

Sense Gaia
Clap of Thunder: Same as the Shadow lords gift.
Level Three
Mokona's Serenity
Mokona's Shadow
Level Four
Bridge Walker: Same as the Galliard gift.
Fabric of the Mind: The peaceful world of Mokona has allowed the Macala's dreams to become strong. Using this he can use
the level 5 Galliard gift at level 4.

Level Five
Skill of Others
Level Six
Once a Macala reaches Rank 6, he must return to Mokona and take his place as the leader. Only one Macala a generation may
achieve this and that one receives Kagaroo's Blessing, the same as Coyote's Blessing to the Nuwisha.

By Jason C Marshall ( (19 January 1996)

In the distant past, the celestine, Insect, went to Gaia and was gifted with three bete of its own: the Doryli, the Ananasi, and the
Mantidae. The Mantidae are the children of Mantis and the grandchildren of Insect.
In the past they were created as the Agents of the Wyld, solitary hunter-killers who would destroy that which threatened the Wyld.
In the past they were a happy people, carrying out their tasks and living quietly in lone places, occasionally meeting to discuss
When the Triat fragmented, the Mantidae found themselves suddenly at war, a war that they were losing. The Wyrm was
destroying them and the Weaver was invading them. The Mantidae, at first, sought to control the expansion of the Weaver,
joining the Garou in their 'culling' of man. But soon the Garou turned upon them and they found themselves under attack from the
very people they'd called friends.
The Mantidae fought with honor as the Garou attempted to destroy them but to no avail. Soon they realised that they were
doomed if they continued their fight. So the Mantidae retreated deep into the Wyld Realms. Here they waited, carrying out
missions for the Wyld and making small efforts of revenge against the Garou.
It was during the early 1500s when Mantis appeared to its children with a message from Insect.

The war would begin again.

Those that had hurt them would pay.
Insect needed them.
The Mantidae left the Wyld, returning to the bosom of their grandfather.
The Garou's first indication that they had gained both an enemy and ally in their fight against the Wyrm was the destruction of a
hive in the lower Florida Everglades, and then the subsequent deaths of the Garou in a caern nearby. The only clue as to who the
killers was the strange footprints and a definite alien smell of the place.
Mantidae were careful in their beginning operations against the Wyrm. Almost no clue was ever left for them to be identified.
Over the course of the next hundred or so years, dozens of Mantidae struck out at the Wyrm, destroying its agents and anyone
who stood in there way. The Garou finally managed to locate evidence of what was committing the destruction, when a Glass
Walker observed a Mantidae leaving a gutted Wyrm-hole.
The Glass Walker fled into the Umbra, confident that it was safe. This was his first mistake, as the Mantidae effortlessly walked
across the gauntlet after him. He ran, heading for the cyber-realm, then his home caern.
The Mantidae followed, and when the Glass Walker entered the Cyber-Realm he slowed, for now he knew he was safe. The
creature that followed was of the Wyld and this was of the Weaver and his home, not its. Here he would discover what the
creature was and why it was destroying the Wyrm-holes.
When the Mantidae first entered the Cyber-Realm it stopped and shifted to homid. This act worried the Glass Walker. Was it
possible that this was some strange bete? The Glass Walker watched and waited.
The Mantidae looked about and walked over a pattern-spider.
"Cousin, I seek your aide."
The pattern-spider stopped its work and turned to the Mantidae.
The Glass Walker watched dumbfounded as the pattern-spider called to its brethren and then placed itself and its gathered
brethren's abilities at the creatures disposal.
The Mantidae pointed to the Cyber-Realm.
"Find him, my cousins. Find the Garou and show him to me."
The Glass Walker ran. This was beyond his capabilities to deal with. If the pattern-spiders were relaying visuals to this creature,
here he was undone, for the pattern-spiders were everywhere.
The caern was disrupted as the Glass Walker stumbled into the bawn and into the arms of his fellow Garou. He tried to tell them
of the creature he'd met and the power it had possessed, when the moon bridge cracked open and the Mantidae entered.
It regarded the gathered Garou with a cold, alien stare.
"Know this, Garou. We of Mantis remember your betrayal and as the servants of Insect we act now as his judges. Do not cross

those of Insect, Garou. This is your only warning."

The Mantidae split the moon bridge stone asunder and then stepped back into the umbra.
The Garou sent out messengers as fast a possible.

The Mantidae are loners, rarely coming together except when needed for Mantis and Insect's duties.

Mantis, a Totem of Respect.

Usually in secluded places or if in a place of the Weaver, they will have apartments on the top of buildings with easy access to
the umbra and sky.

Character Creation
Initial Rage: 3
Initial Gnosis: 3

Auspices and Breeds

The Mantidae have no Auspices or Breeds.
The Mantidae are created through a mystical rite enacted by Mantis upon the eggs of the preying mantis. This rite is similar to
that used by the Corax.

Homid: Basic stats. All Mantidae are pale skinned with green tinged skin and eyes that are green within green. Movement tends
to be smooth and mantis-like.

Crinos: Str. +2, Sta. +2, Dex. +5, Cha. -3, App. 0, Man. -3, Per. +1. A humanoid mantis, some 8ft in height. Think the Tri-kreen
from AD&D.

Mantis: Str. +1, Sta. +2, Dex. +4, Cha. -3, App. 0, Man. -3, Per. +2. A massive Preying Mantis, some 6ft in height.

Racial Abilities
300 degree vision. In Crinos and Mantis form only.
Flight, limited. In Mantis form only.
Claws. Str. +4 damage, aggravated. In Crinos and Mantis form only.

The Mantidae shift like the Garou.


Balance (Level 1) ---- As the Stargazers gift.

Sense Wyrm (Level 1) ---- As Metis gift.
Sense Target (Level 1) ---- This is similar to the Lupus gift Sense Prey, but refers to the Mantidae's intended target of
destruction as dictated by Insect.

Coup de Grace (Level 2) ---- As the Black Fury gift.

Blissful Ignorance (Level 2) ---- As the Ragabash gift.
Song of the Predator (Level 2) ---- As the Get of Fenris gift, Snarl of the Predator.
Fly Feet (Level 3) ---- As the Ragabash gift.
Catfeet (Level 3) ---- As the Lupus gift.
Combat Healing (Level 3) --- As the Ahourn gift.
Visceral Agony (Level 3) --- As the Black Furies gift.
Open Wounds (Level 4) ---- As the Shadow Lords gift.
Take the True Form (Level 4) ---- As the Philodox gift.
Venom (Level 4) ---- As the Lupus gift.
Reach the Umbra (Level 5) ---- As the Silent Strider gift.
Circular Attack (Level 5) ---- As the Stargazer gift.
Summon Spirit Form (Level 5)

By Steven Markley (

Gaia looked down on the earth, and pitied the sheep, for no other creature had been so subjugated and bent to the yoke of
mankind and the Weaver. But most abominably, they had been violated by men and Garou for ages. Not only by the Black Spiral
Dancers, but the Garou children that were supposed to defend her -- notably the Fianna -- would grab the wooled hindquarters of
sheep and pleasure themselves with impunity. She asked the most esteemed and wise totems for advice.
Coyote spoke.
And Gaia listened.
And the Garou have a new breed of creatures to contend with now, the spawn of their own perversions, the McLeoud

The McLeoud, a race of bete named for the first member of their race, are sheep changers brought about by forbidden Garou
mating practices. Somehow, the last few generations of werewolves have been able to produce viable offspring with sheep.
(Don't ask me how this is possible; if you are creative enough you'll come up with a canonical explanation.) Thus, all weresheep
come from Garou-sheep mating, and McLeoud can't produce children with one another. The offspring aren't partially wolf, and
have no wolf-like features -- they are full sheep/human hybrids (again--don't ask how). As a final mockery, metis become fertile
when breeding with sheep, so they can produce McLeoud.
McLeoud are fairly uncommon, but there are a lot more than there should be. Garou are Gaia's warriors, Bastet are her eyes,
Rokea her fish eaters -- and the McLeoud are there to humiliate and embarass the Garou. Won't the Corax and Nuwisha have
fun with this one....

Obligatory Tastelessness
The difference between Mick Jagger and a Scottish sheepherder: Mick Jagger says, "Hey, you, get off of my cloud!" The
sheepherder says, "Hey, McCleoud, get off of my ewe!"
Q: Why do Scotsmen wear kilts?
A: Sheep can hear a zipper at 50 yards.

General Information
All McCleoud have the following traits:
All weresheep Intimidation die pools are halved. Come on, who's scared of a sheep? They produce a strange Delirium effect in
Wooli (Crinos) form that pacifies people as they "ooh" and "ah" at the cute sheep-thing. Those with low Willpower will run up to
the McCleoud, giggling, and try to hug him.
If you run up to a McLeoud and yell "Boo!!!," or otherwise scare or startle her, she must make a Willpower roll vs., 5 not to fall
down in fright, muscles locked body unmoving, for 1 turn.
All McLeoud add 1 to their soak pools in Wooli, Flufii and Mutton forms against all but blunt damage, 'cause all that wool pads
If you try to force sex on a McLeoud, he will enter Frenzy immediately, gaining a +3 bonus to all combat die pools (attack,
damage) and recovering all Rage up to the maximum each turn until he exits Frenzy. Gaia created these things to teach you a
lesson, not for you to make the same mistake twice, you perverted jackass....

Breeds and Tribes

All McLeoud are of the muttonus breed -- produced from sheep (Gnosis 3). The McCleoud also have no tribal divisions -- there
aren't enough of them -- but they consider each other kindred spirits. They will often resemble their fathers: Fianna-descended

McCleoud serve as the majority/default form of the weresheep; Black Spiral spawn will have greenish glowing wool and
deformed features, and the few that have been produced by Silver Fangs and Children of Gaia have silver and rainbow-hued
wool, respectively. Despite their origins, they are all of the same "flock."

Weresheep have equivalents to auspices, determined by the circumstances of their conception. This is the main thing that sets
them apart from one another.

Black Sheep (conceived in darkness)

Willpower 3, Rage 4
These dark souls are the offspring of those sheep visited in the dead of night, under no moon. The darkness is their element and
their ally, and they perform their duties without light. They can call on the Gifts of the Ragabash, and gain a +1 to all rolls involving
Stealth and darkness.

Ramses (children of Sodom)

Willpower 3, Rage 5
These rare weresheep result from the sodomy of a male sheep. The sheep undergoes a magical transformation, magically
growing a womb in which grows a McLeoud, and he magically gives birth to the weresheep with no harm done to himself (like I
said before, it's all magic, man). The Ramses rage at the violation of mommydaddy, and have ram's horns (diff 6, Str +2 agg) in
all forms but Homid; the horns will do Str +3 in Flufii. They possess access to Ahroun Gifts.

Sky Facing (spawn of the cliff-shagged)

Willpower 4, Rage 2
These weresheep are mystics and seers, having their sights set on the horizon but their feet firmly on the ground, knowing not to
step too far -- as did their parents as they were banged on the edges of cliffs, pushing back from an earthward plummet. They
use Theurge Gifts, and they have access to Gifts that allow balance or flight at a cost of x3.

The Spawn of Many (children of the gang-banged)

Willpower 4, Rage 4
From their parents being sexed up by not one but a whole pack of Garou, the Spawn of Many somehow learn how to relate to
others (*shrug*). They gain a +1 to Social die pools and use Philidox Gifts

Slickers (those not sired under the open sky)

Willpower 4, Rage 3
These McLeouds' parents were either given the seed while in a barn or some enclosed structure, or a city environment. Thus,
they are closer to the Weaver than the rest of their kin, and can call upon its powers to help them do just whatever in the hell the
Slickers like to do. They can use Glass Walker Gifts, and gain the Steel Wool Gift at no charge.

The Forms
Homid (man)
No adjustments
A normal human, often plump with rounded and soft features.

Curli (near-man)
Sta +1, App -1
A humanlike form, more chubby than Homid, with stark white curly hair. They gain the hooves of a sheep, so they look a bit like
weird satyrs.

Wooli (half-sheep)
Str +2, Dex +1, Sta +3, App -1, Man -2
Imagine a cross between Lambchop and Hulk Hogan: an upright-standing sheep, about the mass of the human form, with layers
of thick wool. A real baa-a-a-a-a-adass. It can, by some miracle of nature, cause Aggravated damage equal to Str -1 with a bite.

Flufii (near-sheep)
Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +3, App -3, Man -3
This form is that of the dreaded prehistoric sheep, which hunted man and feasted on the plants that mankind gathered and
carried around with them. This form possesses diff 6, Str +2 agg ram's horns. For the sake of political correctness we'll say
female weresheep have them too.

Mutton (sheep)
Dex +2, Sta +1
A sheep. With large, sultry, brown eyes, soft and warm wool, and come- hither bleeting....
(Hold on, I'll be right back.)

Okay, I'm back. No shifting freak of nature would be complete without Gifts, those neat magical powers powergamers love and
collect like mad.
Steel Wool (Level 1)
Gift of the Tailor (Level 2)
Aura of Shame (Level 3)
Fence Leaper (Level 4)
Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (Level 5)

Mind's Eye Theatre Mokol (version 2)

By Gregg Paterson (

(This borrows some basic concepts from Daniel B. Utecht's MET Mokol rules. I thought they were a good start but didn't do the
Mokol justice) It has been updated due to the release of Werewolf Players Guide 2nd edition)
Just as the Garou are werewolves, the Mokol are were-lizards. For the most part, Mokol are were-alligators, but there are
were-snakes, were-kimono dragons and the rest of the lizard family. The Mokol are the said to be the oldest of the shifters. In
the grand scheme of things it is said that the bete each have their role in Gaia. The Bastet were the eyes, the Nuwisha were the
humor, and the Mokol were the memory. It must also be said that the Mokol are not connected to Luna; they worship the sun
instead (See aspects).
The Garou and Mokol have never gotten along very well. Some literal-minded Garou even see the Mokol as the embodiment
of the Wyrm. During the War of Rage, the Mokol were hunted to near extinction. Even after it's ending the Garou (particularly the
ahrouns) and the Mokol never made amends. After the war, the Mokol went into seclusion. Their population is concentrated in
a few places throughout the world; the Congo and the Louisiana Bayous are the most prominent of these. As for the mokole's
relation to the rest of the bete and the WoD, it varies. The Bastet and Gurahl have the most cordial relationship with the Mokol;
the Corax and Nuwisha hardly are ever met, and the Anasasi avoid the Mokol. As for the Rokea, confrontations are rare but are
the things of legends. And of the other residents of the WoD, The Mokol will kill vampires without much provocation due to their
connection with the Wyrm, and they do not openly converse with mages or changelings. For more information on the Mokol
refer to The Werewolf Players Guide, pages 165-171, and The Werewolf Players Guide 2nd edition, pages 158-163.

Character Creation
Use the Laws of the Wild Character Creation process but substitute the following with their Garou Equivalent. Point cost and
points available to spend are identical to Garou. If anything is missing, assume it to be the same as Garou.

Homid and Suchid (no Metis)

Similar to Auspice, see the Aspects Section

3 pts in Any + Mnesis (See below)

Initial Willpower
See Aspects below.

Initial Gnosis

Initial Rage
2 for Homid, 4 for Suchid

Same as Garou


See below

Most rites of the Garou and other bete. Especially those pertaining to the sun.

Dragon (Identical to table-top rules)

As the Garou have Past Life, the Mokol have Mnesis. The difference is that past life is a connection to the past lives of the
Garou, Mnesis is a genetic connection to all the memories of all the Mokol. Mnesis can be used in the same manner as Past
Life, but may also be used for gathering information as well. If a Mokol knew it, so can you. The only limitation is that the Mokol
cannot see the birth of the flux baby or the extinction of the Dinosaur kings.
Traits Length of Memories
You remember up to about a century ago.
You can remember about one thousand years ago.
You recall up to about twelve thousand years ago, when the Garou still practiced the Impergium.
Your memory stretches back to ancient time when mammals first appeared (60 Million years ago).
You can remember all the way back to the he Dawn of Time, when the first dinosaurs walked.

The Rising Sun - Strike
Initial Willpower: 2
Advantage: For the first challenge in a scene, Strikes can add two Energetic or Alert traits to their total.
Gifts: Ahroun and other combat-oriented gifts.
Basic Gift: Bellow
Speciality Gift: Hot Icor
The Noonday Sun - Shadowless
Initial Willpower: 1
Advantage: Any creature related to, living in or associated with the dark must bid an extra trait in attacks against the
Shadowless. This includes vampiric disciplines and any minion of the Wyrm.

Gifts: Philodox gifts

Basic Gift: Truth of Olodumare
Specialty Gift: Clear Mind
The Setting Sun - Ward
Initial Willpower: 1
Advantage: Wards get a free Resilient, Dignified, or Determined when defending against a challenge, retreating, or following.
Gift: Child of Gaia gift
Basic Gift: Resist Pain
Specialty Gift: Armor of the Tortoise gift

The Shrouded Sun - Concealed

Initial Willpower: 2
Advantage: The Concealed gain an extra Nimble or Clever trait when hiding themselves or anything else.
Gifts: Theurge and Uktena
Basic Gift: Shroud
Specialty Gifts: Become Log and Walking Between Worlds
The Midnight Sun - The Shining
Initial Willpower: 3
Advantages: Those who shine gain up to three extra Willpower traits when in a hopeless, damned or doomed situation
(Storyteller's discretion).

Gifts: Ragabash and Galliard

Basic Gift: Lambient Flame
Specialty Gift: Sleep of the Dragon
The Decorated Sun - Followed
Initial Willpower: 1
Advantage: The Followed get one free Diplomatic trait for every other level of rank they achieve. They never lose these traits.
Gifts: Silver Fang and Shadow Lord
Basic Gift: Persuasion
Specialty Gift: Talk
Solar Eclipse - Crowned
Initial Willpower: 3
Advantage: The Crowned ones gain one additional dot to be placed in any area that they wish.
Gifts: Philodox, Shadow Lord and Silver Fang
Basic Gift: Aura of Confidence
Specialty Gift: Tame Sunbeam and Rule

The Umbra
The Mokol suffer from a lack of connection to the Umbra. Without the Gift Walk Between Worlds, or the Rite: Rending the
Gauntlet. The Mokol cannot get into the Umbra.

Each aspect's specialties can be bought by a member of that aspect when they are one rank below the necessary prerequisite.
Aspects that have a basic gift as a specialty gain that gift upon the first change. Though they do belong to the particular aspects,
the aspect gifts may be bought by other aspects as if they were of another tribe (See Apocalypse). All the gifts below are
available to all Mokol for normal cost.
Starting Mokol may choose two basic gifts as their starting gifts, one from the list below and one from their aspect. Don't forget
that you get basic specialty gifts as well.
In addition to these Mokol and commonly used Garou gifts, Mokol&ecaute; have access to a wide variety of other Garou gifts.
In general, Mokol have no problem learning the Garou basic and intermediate gifts, but may have a problem learning
advanced. If there is any question about whether a gift can be learned, consult your Storyteller.

Basic Gifts
Armor of the Tortoise: This gift gives the user two additional Resilient traits in both their Archid and Suchid forms
Aura of Confidence: As the Garou gift
Become Log: For all intents and purposes, treat this gift as Blissful Ignorance.
Bellow: When using this gift, the Mokol issues out a tremendous roar. All who hear it must make a social challenge with the
gift's user. If the victim wins, nothing happens. If he loses, he must flee as if affected by the Delirium. If a tie happens and the
victim has fewer social traits than the Mokol, he flees as if he lost. To activate this gift it costs one Rage or Gnosis to activate,
and Rage or Willpower traits may be spent to boost the user's social trait total.

Clap of Thunder: As the Garou gift

Falling Touch: As the Garou gift
Lambient Flame: As the Garou gift
Razor Claws: As the Garou gift
Resist Pain: As the Garou gift
Scent of Sweet Nectar: As the Garou gift
Sense Moon: The Mokol can smell a child of the moon. The Mokol enters a mental challenge with the target. After bidding an
appropriate mental trait, the test is made. If the target wins (either by throwing the winning symbol or having more mental traits on
a tie), the trait is lost and no one is the wiser. If the Mokol wins (One a tie were they have ore traits or a wining throw), And the
target is a Bete ruled by Moon (Bastet, Garou, and the rest) the Mokol knows what they are. The Mokol may then continue the
challenge (but this time so traits are risked) to find out more. If the result is the targets favor the challenge ends. If the Mokol
wins it can gain an approximation of the rank and abilities of the bete.

Sense Wyrm: As the Garou gift

Shroud: As the Garou gift
Talk: This gift gives the Mokol the ability to speak its Homid or Suchid tongue in its Archid form. The voice will sound exactly
like the user's Homid or Suchid. This gift is considered constant once it has been learned.

Truth of Olodumare: Same as Truth of Gaia.

Intermediate Gifts
Clear Mind: The Mokol with this power has the gift to increase his mental prowess for a time. With the expenditure of a
Willpower trait, the Mokol can double his mental traits for one scene.

Dragon's Breath: With this gift the Mokol can call upon the power of the Dragon King with this gift to roast his enemies. It
gains the power to fire a burst of flame from the mouth that is as hot as a chemical fire. It costs one Rage to activate and sends
up to a three feet wide spray in Homid or Suchid form, or five feet wide if in Archid. The length of the spray is four ft. in Homid
and Suchid and eight ft. in Archid. All those caught in that area must make a physical challenge versus the Mokol to dodge. If it
does hit, it does two Aggravated damage as if it were a bonfire, though with the expenditure of additional Rage points it can be
increase on a 1 Rage for 1 Agg. ratio.

Eyes of the Cobra: As the Garou Gift

Hot Icor: The Mokol now gains a pool of energy that may be used to add to the its physical traits it combat (or any other
situation). The pool's size is determined by the number of Stamina-related traits + 5 (Stamina bonuses from shifting forms don't
apply). This pool can be spent like a vampire blood pool to only boost traits, not heal wounds. It can be replenished with Rage
and only Rage on a one for one ratio.

Sense Gold: Same as sense Silver but with gold. The gift sense silver may still be learned, but separately.
Silver Claws: As the Garou gift
Tame Sunbeam: The Mokol are to the sun as the Garou are to the moon. Because of this, the sun grants his children the
power to tame the sun. A Mokol with this gift may cause the light to shine at any time, even when it is highly improbable or
altogether impossible. The Mokol must risk the mental traits and then perform a mental test. A Gnosis trait is then spent (if the
mental test is failed, lose only the mental traits) and the effect will last a scene (it can be extended on a 1 Gnosis = 1 scene
ratio). If an 1 extra trait is risked the below effects may be used at night (the sunlight is reflected off the moon). It should be noted
the sun will find a way to shine in nearly every place (though additional traits may be needed in certain circumstances). Only
areas absolutely cut off from the sun are safe.

Traits Effect
Illuminate a dark area with sunlight
Rays of sunshine can pierce clouds and shine on a person or place (kindred hate this)
Clouds, water, and glass do not affect sunlight in the area. It is treated as if there were a clear sky
Concentrates sunshine to light fires or bring heat in the cold
Call the sun (the sun will rise and shine at night); only functions at night so no extra trait is needed

Walk Between Worlds: With this gift, the Mokol gains the ability to enter the Umbra. The Mokol may now enter in the same
way as the Garou.

Advanced Gifts
Attunement: As the Bone Gnawer gift
Dream Semblance: Simply put, this is the once in a lifetime ability to become a true tragon. Consult the Storyteller for true
dragon stats, but they should be mighty nasty.

Infest: Same as the Bone Gnawer gift

Rule: Same as the Shadow Lord Gift, Obedience
Serenity: As the Bone Gnawer gift
Sleep of the Dragons: This gift lets the Mokol enter a state of hibernation in which he will not age. The mokel will remain in
this state until a predetermined situation or time (example: Sleep until thirteen moons have past or until the city needs me again).
The Mokol will sleep through anything and needs neither food nor air. If the sleeping Mokol is damaged, it will wake up
immediately. In addition, while in the slumber, all Gnosis is restored.

As stated above, the Mokol can learn most Garou rites, at the Storytellers discretion.

Rules for different forms

The following traits are added to Mokol in different forms:
Tough x3 Tough x2
Brawny x3 Brawny x2 Tireless
Resilient x2
Bestial x2 Bestial x2
Health Levels Healthy x2 Healthy

Because of the nature of the Mokol, they are blessed with an additional health level in Suchid and two in Archid. This is a
representation of the fact that Alligators are bigger and tougher that wolves. When they lose one of these health levels to
damage, it comes off these health levels first. So even though in Archid a Mokol can take two extra health levels of damage
when it shifts to Homid those level don't show -- they don't go away either.

Archid Form
Mokol can take the appearance of either a dinosaur or a dragon while in Archid form and that appearance is determined at the
first change. It should be noted that the first change of a Mokol is a bit different then that of a Garou. One night during their
adolescence they dream of the past and they form their Archid from what they see. The Mokol get to buy certain attribute
depending on Gnosis. They get one of the following for every Gnosis point they have. As the Gnosis increases, the Archid form
will become more like the ancestors.
All Mokol have two characteristics automatically: Bite attack (+2 traits, 1 agg) Claw attack (+2 traits, 1 agg)
Armor (Ankylosaurus): +2 Tough trait (+3 for 2 Gnosis)
Back sail (Dimetrodon): +1 Resilient trait for rear attacks only
Binocular vision (Trodden): Two Perception traits when appropriate.

*Color change (Chameleon): Additional trait in Hiding

Constricting coils (Boa): +3 physical traits while grappling

Deep lungs (Mosasaur): Hold breath up to one hour.
Feathers (Longisquama): Lose the Bestial x2
Fins (Monsaurus): Doubles swimming speed
Fur (Sordes): Resilient to cold weather and attacks
Grasping Hands: Normal manual dexterity in Archid
Hollow bones: +2 Quick traits, but gain the negative trait Fragile. With wings, may stay aloft for two hours
Horn (Triceratops): +3 traits for head butt attack
*Huge Size (Apatosaurus): Extra health level and +1 Tireless trait. Additional two body traits on body slam and overbear attacks

Long neck (Diplodocus): Perception bonuses, dependent on situation.

Long teeth (T-Rex): +3 traits to bite attack
Poison sacs (snake): Injects Poison on Bite (Stamina related traits as agg damage in addition to bite damage)
Royal crest (Parasaurolohus): +1 Expression trait
Spitter (Dilophosaur): Spit poison one yard per point of Rage. Requires Poison sacs.
Spikes on tail (Stegosaurus): +3 traits on tail attacks
Terrible claws (Deinocheirus): +4 traits and +1 damage on claw attacks
Throat sacs (Chuckalla): +1 Commanding and +1 Expressive traits
Upright walking (Goanna)
Water snorkel (Brachiosaurus)
Wings: (2 gnosis) Flight (speed is commonly twice the speed of a lupus running)
*May be taken more than once.

There are a few stipulations to Mokol renown. Strikes must have half their renown in Glory, Concealed must have half their
renown in Wisdom, and Followed must have half their renown in Honor. Other than that, Renown can be put anywhere.

Bonus of Rank
Rank Renown Gifts
Max Trait Willpower, Rage, Gnosis Archid Bonuses
Basic and Intermediate specialty
1 Strength Retest
Gain the Bomb
Intermediate and Advanced specialty Intermediate 16
+1 Health level
Advanced 18
Win all physical ties
Any and All
Any and All 20
+1 damage

Note: Due to the fact that the Mokol have a connection to the sun rather than the moon, Mokol do not take aggravated
damage from silver. Rather their connection to the sun makes them susceptible to gold. It causes the same damage as silver
does to Garou. This weakness is not nearly as well known as the Garou's silver weakness. Almost no one knows his weakness
but the Mokol and the Corax.

Garou: Once they betrayed us. Old wounds heal slowly. They call us the image of the Wyrm yet they slay Gaia's children without
reason; does that not make them of the Wyrm? It must be said that not all are evil but do not trust them.

Bastet: The children of Luna are not all our enemies. Long have the Bastet been our allies and our friends. Honor them, they
may be trusted with our secrets.

Gurahl: They have suffered nearly as much a we. Help hem if you can; they are honorable and may be trusted.
Corax: They too are chosen by the sun. Though their ways differ from ours, they are worth of the sun's respect and so to do we.
Nuwisha: Yes, we know them quite well. Their tricks have taught have taught the races wisdom, including ourselves, but that
doesn't mean we like it.

Ananasi: They to have suffered greatly from the hands of the Garou, but they are strange. We remember that they have served
all the Triat members and know that there are good and evil in them all. Trust them only if they prove themselves.

Ratkin: We remember the Ratkin as they were. Once they were proud and plentiful, but they too fell at the hands of the Garou.
Watch out for them. Their fall has made them bitter. Help them if you can yet do not trust them.

Vampires: Yes we remember Caine and his children. Trust them not, they are of the Wyrm, A violation of Gaia. Rectify this
violation when ever possible. But beware, they are plentiful and potent.

Mages: The will workers, we know them. Watch them closely; they know much, yet don't share. Be wary of their magick; it can do

Changelings: When the dragon kings retreated to Arcadia our destinies became intertwined. They are a strange breed, but
there is knowledge in that strangeness. Listen to them; they can add to the memories.

Wraiths: We do know the wraiths. Though they hide in the shadows, we know them. Don't trust them.
Humans: Munch, munch, munch. Burp! Need I say more.


The culture of the minotaur (aka werebulls) is centered on the individual. Bulls considered all werecreatures equal except those
affiliated with the Wyrm and a company called Trilengths Food Testers. The minotaur find that ranking someone by their
accomplishments is pure stupidity and all werecreatures deserve a chance to be respected. The minotaur judge each other by a
special gift that all minotaurs have, this gift is given to the werebull in their version of a rite of passage, which is similar to the
garou's. The gift is called Seeing of Minotraz, and it may be used at the players will. It allows the minotaur to sense how good a
another minotaur is. If the minotaur stole from society then he would be consider low in "honor". If he ran from a equal fight then
he would be low in Glory. If he made a bad choice and knew it was a bad choice then he would be low in wisdom. This applies
for everything the werebulls do, and other werebulls know this. They don't know exactly what was done wrong but they know
some thing was done wrong.
Minotaur have kinfolk as do garou and all follow the Bull totem. They form septs they call Herds, but typically do not have access
to Caerns.

Like most shifters, werebulls loathe the Wyrm and their strong belief in individuality influences how they fight it. Minotaurs prefer
stalking single prey and killing the wyrm's minions individually, unlike the garou's philosophy of killing chunks of the Wyrm.
TriLength is a company that captures animals from the wild for use by the Wyrm. Think of them as an evil, undercover FDA.
TriLength is the werebulls worst enemy as it hunts down strange creatures sighted and give them to the Wyrm.

The Veil that protects the minotaur is powerful, though flawed. It is impossible to penetrate by normal mortals (changers, kinfolk
and other supernaturals are excluded of course), regardless of Willpower. In fact, the Delerium is so strong that most completely
forget they even knew the minotaur. Unfortunately, those who are tainted by the Wyrm are not affected by the Veil at all. Minotaur
incite Delerium in all forms except Homid and Bovine.

Minotaur have four breeds: Homid, Bovine, Grather and Slate. The first two forms are similar to the Garou Homid and Lupus
form, respectively. Grather and Slate are two kinds of Metis. Grather have the minotaur form as their natural form while Slate
have the Satyr form as their breed form.

Horn-length is the equivalent to Auspice among the minotaur and literally is based off the length of a minotaur's horns. Minotaur
with very long horns are warriors (Ahroun). Those with moderately long horns are known as tricksters or scouts (Ragabash).
Minotaur with medium length horns are called Sorcerers (Theurges). Those with moderately short horns are known as Guards or
Friends and fulfill a role similar to Philodox and serve as the protectors of minotaur society. Finally, minotaur with very short
horns are entertainers (Galliard) and it is their job to stave off the minotaur's answer to Harano that they call Melancholy.

There are three tribes of Minotaur: the Steel Horns, the Long Horns and the Horns of Heritage. The Steel Horns are the most
militant and are devoted to the destruction of Trilength. The Long Horns consist mostly of Scouts and Warriors and have the
closest relation with other creatures, particularly garou. the Horns of Heritage are a very traditional and spiritual tribe known for
their power of storyteller. The Horns of Heritage are rarely found away from Crete.

Starting Willpower

Minotaur cannot initially have the Contacts or Rites background.

Homid: In this form, werebulls seem human though typically they are very sturdily built.
Satyr: In this form, they look much like the creatures of Greek myth except they have much longer horns and have a small bovine
muzzle and tail. In this form, the minotaur is about a foot taller. Attribute adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Stamina, -2 Manipulation,
Appearance 0

Minotaur: The form for which the werebulls are named looks similar to the Minotaur of legend. It can be as tall as 10'. Attribute
adjustments are: Strength +5, Dexterity +1, Stamina +2, Appearance 0, Manipulation 0

Bovine: In Bovine form, werebulls appear as large, heavily muscled cattle. They more closely resemble their wild ancestors than
any breed of domesticated cattle, however.

Black Furies: Because of their common Greek origins, Black Furies and Minotaur share a close relationship.
Bone Gnawers: The minotaur believe the Gnawers have been put down too much and deserve better than they are getting.
Children of Gaia: Minotaur don't socialize with them much. Though they consider them to be nice, gentle creatures, they also
think them weak.

Fianna: Fianna and minotaur keep their distance from one another. They don't share any strong dislike, but don't feel
comfortable around each other.

Get of Fenris: The minotaur agree with many other tribes in the belief that the Get are all just a bunch of warlike berserkers who
shouldn't even be spoken to. Get Ahroun and Minotaur warriors in particular don't get along.

Glass Walker: The minotaur believe the Walkers to be the most powerful tribe and respect them a great deal.
Red Talons: Because of their opposed roles of predator and prey, minotaur despise the Red Talons.
Shadow Lords: Minotaur don't socialize with the Shadow Lords for they feel they fear their corruptive powers.
Silent Striders: The minotaur see the Striders as an ally, perhaps because of their similar beliefs on the nature of the individual.
Silver Fangs: They are seen as inbreeders that could be fifty times a better tribe if they weren't so much into blood, kin, royalty,

Stargazers: They relate well with the StarGazers as they share their sense of Curiosity and Insight.
Uktena: The minotaur speak with the Uktena a lot, but find them to be too obsessed with secrets.
Wendigo: As they are often behind the deaths of contractors, ranchers and others who would take their land, the minotaur feel
that without them, the Wendigo would be long dead.

Minds Eye Theatre Mokol (version 1)

Minds Eye Theatre Mokol (version 1)

By Daniel B. Utecht (

A special animosity exists between the Garou and the Mokol. The Garou believe the Mokol are the very image of the wyrm,
and almost totally destroyed the giant lizards during the war of rage. For more information, you are invited to read The Werewolf
Players Guide by White Wolf Game Studios, pages 165-171.

Character Creation


Initial Willpower
See Aspects

Initial Gnosis

Initial Rage
Two for Homid, four for Suchid

Fetish, Totem and Mnesis

Mnesis: This differs from the past life background in that past life grants you the wisdom of you ancestors. Mnesis is memory
contained in the genes.
1. One hundred years ago
2. One thousand years ago
3. Twelve thousand years ago, when the garou still practiced the Impergium.
4. Ancient time when mammals first appeared.
5. The Dawn of Time, when the first dinosaurs walked.

The Rising Sun - Strike: Two willpower. For the first challenge in a scene, Strikes can add two energetic or Alert traits to their

total. Strikes specialty is the Hot Ichor gift.

The Noonday Sun - Shadowless: One willpower. Any creature related to, living in or associated with the dark must bid an
extra trait in attacks against the Shadowless. This includes vampiric disciplines and any minion of the wyrm. Shadowless
specialty is the Clear Mind gift

The Setting Sun - Ward: One willpower. Wards get a free resilient, dignified, or determined when defending against a
challenge, retreating, or following. Wards specialty is the Armor of the Tortoise gift.

The Shrouded Sun - Concealed: Two willpower. The Concealed gain an extra nimble or clever trait when hiding themselves
or anything else. Those born in the early evening have Become Log and Walking Between Worlds as their gifts.

The Midnight Sun - The Shining: Three willpower. Those that shine gain up to three extra willpower traits when in a hopeless,
damned or doomed situation (storytellers discretion) Shiners get the Sleep of the Dragon as a specialty.

The Decorated Sun - Followed: One willpower. The Followed get one free Diplomatic trait for every other level of rank they
achieve. They never lose these traits. The Followed have the gift Talk as their specialty.

Solar Eclipse - Crowned: Three willpower. During the day, the Crowned get an imaginary trait added to their total during
challenges. Crowned get Tame Sunbeam and Rule as specialty gifts.

Razor Claws
Resist Pain
Clap of Thunder
Become Log
Armor of the Tortoise

Tame Sunbeam
Dragons Breath
Clear Mind
Eyes of the Cobra<

Hot Ichor
Walk Between Worlds
Sleep of the Dragons

Basic Gift
The Mokol use this to let out a deafening roar that terrifies all who hear it. All in hearing distance must make a social test. Upon
losing, they must flee as if affected by the Delirium. If they tie and have less traits than the Mokol, they flee. If they lose, they
must make a fox frenzy check and flee. This gift costs one rage or gnosis to enact, and the Mokol can spend rage or will power
traits to add to his social trait total.

Basic Gift

This gift allows a Mokol in archid form to communicate with other Mokol. This also allows anyone in archid form to
communicate in a human language. There is no cost to this gift.

Razor Claws
Resist Pain
Clap of Thunder
Basic Gifts
These are identical to the Garou gifts

Become Log
Basic Gift
This is identical to the Ragabash gift Blissful Ignorance, but the Mokol must be in water at the time.

Armor of the Tortoise

Basic Gifts
This gift adds two resilient traits to the archid and Suchid forms.

Tame Sunbeam
Intermediate Gift
The Mokol can summon sunshine for one scene by using this gift. It costs a variable amount of mental traits to use. If five extra
mental traits are risked, the gift may be used at night. The Mokol must risk the mental traits and then perform a mental test.
1 trait Illuminate a dark area with sunlight
2 traits Rays of sunshine can pierce clouds and shine on a person or place (kindred hate this)
3 traits Clouds, water, and glass do not affect sunlight in the area. It is treated as if there were a clear sky
4 traits Concentrates sunshine to light fires or bring heat in the cold

Dragons Breath
Intermediate Gift
The Mokol can call down the wrath of the Dragon King with this gift. A burst of flame issues from the mouth three feet wide if in
homid or suchid form, or five feet wide if in archid. The flame is three feet long, but can be made one foot longer per extra rage
spent. All those in the affected area must make a physical challenge versus a mental (similar to firearms). The fire causes two
wound levels.

Clear Mind
Intermediate Gift
The Mokol can spend a willpower trait to double his mental traits for one scene.

Eyes of the Cobra

Intermediate Gift
Same as the Garou Gift

Hot Ichor
Advanced Gift
The Mokol can now spend rage points to add physical traits to their total for one scene.

Advanced Gift
Same as the Bone Gnawer gift.

Advanced Gift
Same as the Shadow Lord Gift, Obedience

Walk Between Worlds

Advanced Gift
This gift brings forth the memory of how to step into the umbra. Once learned, the Mokol can enter and exit the umbra the same
as the Garou do.

Sleep of the Dragons

Advanced Gift
This is used to enter a state of hibernation until a set period of time or a specific event takes place. No aging take place while in
this state.

Mokol can learn most Garou rites, at the Storytellers' discretion.

Rules for different forms

The following traits are added to Mokol in different forms:



Tough x3 Tough x2
Brawny x2 Brawny
Resilient Tireless

Bestial x2 Bestial x2
Heath levels Healthy x2 Healthy
Please note that the middle form has an extra level added to the Mokol health. This is a reflection of the ability to withstand
more damage in this form before showing the effects. When shifting forms, normal damage is taken off of the new levels first.
Aggravated damage doesn't disappear when the Mokol shifts forms. The total health level of aggravated damage remains
Mokol can take the appearance of either a dinosaur or a dragon while in Archid form, and that appearance is determined at
the first change. The Mokol get to buy certain attribute depending on gnosis. As the gnosis increases, the archid form will
become more like the ancestors.

Armor -- +1 Resilient trait

Bipedal walking
Constricting coils -- +2 physical traits while grappling
Feathers -- +1 Beguiling trait
Fins -- doubles swimming speed
Fur -- Resiliant to cold weather and attacks
Horn -- +2 traits for head butt attack
Huge Size -- extra health level -- 1 tireless trait
Long neck
Long teeth -- +2 traits to bite attack
Poison sacs -- bite causes aggravated damage
Spikes on tail -- +2 traits on tail attacks
Terrible claws -- +2 traits on claw attacks
Throat sacs -- +1 Commanding trait
Upright walking
Water snorkel
Wings (2 gnosis) -- gliding flight only
Wings and Feathers combined reduce the archid form by one tough and one brawny trait, but permit full flight.
Mokol do not take aggravated damage from silver.
Rank Renown Gifts
Basic-Intermediate specialty
Intermediate-Advanced specialty
Strikes must have half their renown in Glory
Concealed must have half their renown in Wisdom
Followed must have half their renown in Honor
Aspects that have a basic gift as a specialty gain that gift upon the first change.


By Beth Bartley

Over a thousand years ago, the Moon Circle Dancers were a tribe of Garou who above all loved life. They fought the Wyrm when
it came to them or when their aid was asked, but their primary purpose was aiding the Wyld, and though sometimes this involved
fighting the Wyrm, more often for them it involved tending nature and more often still simply spreading joy. They were probably
the most joyous of the tribes, and loved tales and songs and above all dancing. They had no particular enmities among the
tribes, though Uktena and Moon Dancers tended to keep at a distance by mutual consent. They were closest to the Children of
Gaia and the Fianna; indeed, the first permanent mixed packs were Fianna and Moon Dancers. They were not entirely taken
seriously and their lack of respect was second only to the Bone Gnawers', but they were loved.
In years of old, The Moon Dancers were the sole seagoing tribe; they all travelled by sea when needed, but the Moon Dancers
were known to voluntarily live on boats for years on end. This is not to say they spent their lives on the ocean; the forest and
plains were more central even to that tribe of Garou. But they did truly love the sea, and it was a rare Moon Dancer that did not
spend years travelling on it.
The Moon Dancers also loved exploring and simple adventure, and in the end this was their downfall. The Wyrm corrupted them
through offers of new dances and new lands to travel beneath the ground. Not all of the tribe accepted the Wyrm's offer; in fact,
most did not. But virtually all considered it, and those who did not were imprisoned while the rest thought. Then before all were
done and the decision could go against the Wyrm, the corrupted by deceit killed the uncorrupted -- and those few who were
corrupted but yet not corrupted enough to kill their bethren. Then they slew their Kinfolk, so that nothing of the tribe remained, and
fled the vengeance of the other tribes to the new lands the Wyrm had promised.
For whatever reason -- whether Gaia's dire need, the Wyrm pressing its advantage, fate fulfilling itself, the totem making a final
attempt at regaining its children of Gaia before Gaia is destroyed, or simple coincidence - a few lost cubs of the tribe have been
found. In our campaign, a pack of Garou received permission from the Chicago Camarilla to establish a pack in Chicago in
return for helping defend it against an assault of the Sabbat aided by the Black Spiral Dancers. Shortly after the war, Fiona (a
Theurge of Fianna) and Peter (a Glass Walker Galliard) were singing in a park, and a shy nineteen-year-old wandered by. They
invited her closer and spoke briefly with her, introducing themselves (her name was Laurie). Fiona recognized her as Garou, and
called Ferik (Bone Gnasher Ragabash; almost unparalled at sneaking) to tell him to follow Laurie home. Meanwhile, Peter
spoke with her; the conversation turned to dreams, and both Laurie's race and her tribe quickly became evident. Once Laurie
was found, the Glass Walkers turned to researching her distant relatives to see if there were other lost cubs among them.

The Dolphin

Initial Willpower
Old 3; New 5

4, which may be be spent on any but Pure Breed. However, there are conditions on many of the others. A Moon Dancer with
Past Life will have memories of both Moon Circle Dancers and Black Spiral Dancers, and will probably be sorely confused.
Fetishes, Rites, and Totem can only be taken if they make sense within the campaign. Mentor may certainly be taken, but the
Mentor will be watching the Moon Dancer closely. (There are no conditions on Allies, Resources, Contacts, or Kinfolk. GMs
should consider charging a lower price for Past Life and Mentor.)

Beginning Gifts
Sense Wyrm (Metis). This does not come particularly naturally to Moon Dancers, but virtually all uncles will insist that the Moon
Dancer learn Sense Wyrm as soon as possible, for protection both from the Wyrm's attacks to corrupt and the Black Spiral
Dancers' attacks to kill.

Wolf Form
The ancient Moon Dancer form was a small, incredibly graceful white wolf with a mother-of-pearl sheen to its fur; it is no
coincidence that this type of wolf is unknown today. Homid Moon Dancers will have this wolf form. Lupus Moon Dancers may
have any wolf form, with a slight pearl shimmer in their fur like a very thin coating of silver. The tribe has just been rediscovered
and there are no Metis Moon Dancers known. (They are expected to have the wolf-shape of the less-classic parent and the
coloring of the more classic parent.)

Before the destruction, Moon Dancer packs tended to have a clear leader and several clear subordinates in ranked order who
led when the leader was absent -- but rank played a minimal role in anything other than chain-of-command. Now there are no
packs of Moon Dancers, or even mixed packs dominated by Moon Dancers, both because there are so few Moon Dancers and
because they realize this would prompt paranoia from the other Garou. When modern Moon Dancers are in contact with each
other, they tend to provide emotional support for the loneliness of not fully fitting in even among the Garou, tips on where to find
the most acceptance, and the like.

In olden times, the seacoast and the sea were theirs, and they wandered what forests they chose in return for letting all Garou
wander their coasts and sea. Now, they live with whatever pack (preferably mixed and tolerant ones) will take them in; for fear of
the Black Spiral Dancer's attacks and their own selves, no Moon Dancers has yet lived alone. Most are suspicious of Moon
Dancers, remembering the fate of the previous tribe. However, some will take in Moon Dancers because of that suspicion. Get
of Fenris, Red Talons, and Black Furies might well take a Moon Dancer as Black Spiral Dancer bait. Fianna might be induced
to take them out of the combination of BSD bait and for memories of the past alliance between the two tribes.

In ancient times, the sea. Now, while there are too few Moon Dancers to have a full protectorate, individual Moon Dancers tend
to be most interested in combating Black Spiral Dancers and the Wyrm's corruption of people.

If the GM wants to use only playtested Gifts, here are the Gifts in Werewolf which fit the Moon Circle Dancers best; choose from
them as you find appropriate.
Heightened Senses (Lupus One), Mindspeak (Galliard One), Persuasion (Homid One), Spirit Speech (Theurge One), Glib
Tongue (Fianna Two), Sound of Sight (as Lupus Two Scent of Sight, but through hearing rather than scent), Dazzle (Children of
Gaia Three), Speak With the Sea Spirits (as Wendigo Two Speak with the Wind Spirits, but against a difficulty of 6 and with
water spirits), Spirit of the Fish (Uktena Two), Eyes of the Cat (Metis Three), Attunement (as Bone Gnawer, but this version only
functions on the seacoast, in water, on the water surface, or on small islands), Phantasm (Fianna Four), Shadows by the Fire
Light (Galliard Four), Speed Beyond Thought (Silent Striders Four), Fabric of the Mind (Galliard Five)

Persuasion (Level One): As the Homid power.
Sense Wyrm (Level One): As the Metis power. This Gift does not come any more naturally to Moon Dancers than to most
Garou; their uncles insist they learn it anyway.

Speed of the Sea (Level Two):

Speak With the Sea Spirits (Level Two): As the Wendigo Gift Speak with the Wind Spirits, but with water spirits and the
difficulty is only 6.

Spirit of the Fish (Level Two): As the Uktena power.

Dazzle (Level Three): As the Children of Gaia power.
Attunement (Level Four) : As the Bone Gnawer power, but this version only functions on the seacoast, in water, on the water
surface, or on small islands.

View Totem of the Dolphin.

By C. Spence Roberts (

Author's Notes
Thank you for reading the M'orsi, a personal creation of C. Spence Roberts, AKA Rahjah. Thanks to my Dark Brother Cahlash
(Joel, wrote Vetruvis, it's badass), Nala (Valeta, MyStress), GridWraith (Dave, wrote Assassins Handbook, it rocks), Kaeti,
Shaun, Patters (For Bleeding a Milkshakey substance), GOD (For Not Existing), B.J. Zanzibar (For Having a Cool Page, I wrote
the Delicti Supplement in Vampire Bloodlines, check it out <Shameless plug>), Shawn (Fo being a G.), Kris, James (Crystal
Pepsi is Gone Man!), Homer (For Writing the Oddesy, and choking Bart), My D&D book, AND WHITE WOLF FOR MAKING
THE World of Darkness games! Check me and the gang out on #V-City_of_Darkness some time on 6667 on
IRC. Roleplaying in it's true form. Thank you, and Good night. OBIE HAS FALLEN! PREPARE FOR ARMAGEDDON!

The M`orsi are close cousins of the Rokea. All rays are different. There are over 300 different Species, but the tribes are not as
many, and are made up of the general categories of Rays. The M`orsi are Luna's chosen, the children of the sea, whose tides
she controls. Below are the four (three believed by most) tribes of the M`orsi; there are believed to be many more tribes, but they
are yet to reveal themselves. Here are the Tribes:

Descended from the Deadly Stingrays, their tails are thin and whippy, and has a venomous stinger set at the end of the tail. The
sting of the Casus does 2 aggravated damage every 2 rounds.

Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 3 Points, no Resources, Allies, or Contacts.
Habitat: The Carribean
Tribal Gifts: Tail of the Monkey(same as the Level 3 Lupus gift), Venomous sting (Same as the Level 4 Lupus gift), Shriek
(Same as the Level 2 Bastet Gift)

Descended from the Atlantic torpedo, or Electric ray, these M'orsi are smaller than most, but do not underestamate them. This
has brought the tragic end of many. Their touch bears the shock of lightning. In Comas form, their touch does 2 points of
electrical shock, 3 in Paene and Dimidum.

Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 3 points, no Resources
Habitat: The Atlantic Ocean
Tribal Gifts: Speed of Thought, Speed Beyond Thought (as the Silent Strider gifts), Thunder's Shock

Not thought to be M'orsi by some closeminded Casus, but really are an adapted member of the species. These M'orsi are
descended from the Sawfish. They are the Stargazers of the M`orsi. They are on good terms with all Theurges, Stargazers
particularly. Their long snout has two rows of razor sharp teeth, and does Str+1 aggravated damage in Comas, Str+2 agg in
Paene, and Str+4 agg in Dimidum form; it counts as a Melee weapon. Initial Rage: 3

Initial Willpower: 2

Backgrounds: 3 points, No Resources or Contacts

Habitat: Pacific Ocean
Tribal Gifts: Invisibility (as the Uktena Gift), Sight from Beyond (as the Theurge gift), Rend the Gauntlet

Thought to be extinct long ago, these creatures that time forgot, are well over 2 tons, with a wingspan over 20 feet in Comas
form. These M'orsi descended from the Devilfish, the Atlantic Manta. In homid form, Ingeni are always over 7 feet tall. Their
Dimidum form increases height by 250%, and Body Mass is Nearly Tripled, in pure muscle. The Ingeni are very rare, and once
were the rulers of the M'orsi, but the humans hunted them to extinction. It is whispered that the Casus helped the humans to hunt
the Ingeni, for the Casus were power hungry, and believed themselves to the be rightful rulers, which they are . . . for now. Only a
couple dozen Ingeni exist, Storyteller discretion is advised.

Initial Rage: 5
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 5 points, no Allies
Habitat: Deep Water, The Black Sea
Tribal Gifts: Heart of Fury (as the Ahroun gift), Gluttony (As the Bone Gnawer gift), Wings of Ingenon

M'orsi do not have Auspices, but rather Thalassinus, the tide they were born during.

Deprimo (Low Tide, The Seer)

Renown: 2 Wisdom, 2 Honor, 1 Glory
Gifts: Mother's Touch, Sense Wyrm, Spirit Speech (As the Theuge Gifts)
Medius (Middle Tide, The Judge)
Renown: 6 in any Order
Gifts: Truth of Gaia, Resist Pain, Scent of the True Form (As the Philodox Gifts)
(High Tide, The Warrior)

Renown: 1 Wisdom, 3 Honor, 3 Glory

Gifts: Coral Talons, Inspiration, The Falling Touch (As the Ahroun Gifts)

Initial Gnosis: 1
Gifts: Scent of Man, Persuasion
Initial Gnosis: 3
Gifts: Create Element, Sense Wyrm

Initial Gnosis: 5
Gifts: Heightened Senses, Leap of the Manta

Compleo: Str+1, Dex+1, Sta+2, App-1, Man-1; Diff 7 (Gills on sides of torso)
Dimidum: Str+3, Dex+2, Sta+3, App 0, Man-3; Diff 6
Paene: Str+2, Sta+3, Dex+3, Man-3; Diff 7
Comus: Str+1, Sta+2, Dex+3, Man-3; Diff 6
Compleo: Str+1, Sta+1, Dex+2, App-1, Man-1; Diff 7 (Gills on sides of torso)
Dimidum: Str+2, Sta+3, Dex+4, App 0, Man-3; Diff 6
Paene: Str+2, Sta+3, Dex+3, Man-3; Diff 7
Comus: Str+1, Sta+2, Dex+4, Man-3;Diff 6

Compleo: Dex+1, App+1, Per+1; Diff 7 (Gills on sides of torso)
Dimidum: Str+1, Sta+1, Dex+3, App-2, Per+1; Diff 6
Paene: Sta+1, Dex+4, App-1, Per+1; Diff 7
Comus: Str-1, Dex+4, Per+2; Diff 6
Compleo: Str+2, Dex+1, Sta+2, App-1, Man-1; Diff 7 (Gills on sides of torso)
Dimidum: Str+4, Sta+4, Dex+1, All Social Attributes Zero, +4 Intimidation
Paene: Str+2, Sta+3, Dex+3, Man-3; Diff 7
Comus: Str+4, Sta+3, All Social Attributes Zero, +4 Intimidation

Breed Gifts
Smell of Man (Level 1)
Persuasion (Level 1)
Jam Technology (Level 2)
Staredown (Level 2)
Reshape Object (Level 3)
Tongues (Level 3)
Body Shift (Level 4)
Monkey's Uncle (Level 4)
Black Friday (Level 5)
Deny the Hungry (Level 5)

Create Element (Level 1)
Sense Wyrm (Level 1)
Grovel (Level 2)
Catfish's Whiskers (Level 2)
Fist of the Tsunami (Level 3) Same as the Level 3 Bastet gift, Fist of Cahlash.
Landshark (Level 3)
Rain of Manna (Level 4)
Body Shift (Level 4)
Moon Sense (Level 5)
Wrath of Nala (Level 5)
Heightened Senses (Level 1)
Leap of the Manta (Level 1) Same as Leap of the Kangeroo
Spirit of the Fish (Level 2)
Sense of the Prey (Level 2)
Kraken's Fear (Level 3) Same as Cat Fear
Backbite (Level 3)
Sting of the Dragonfish (Level 4)
Tail of the Ixitxachitl (Level 4)
Soothe/Summon Storm (Level 5)
Withering Stare (Level 5)

Tribal Gifts
Tail of the Monkey (Level 1)
Venomous Sting (Level 1)
Shriek (Level 1)
Gift of the Blowfish (Level 2)
Wings of Ingenon (Level 2)
Combat Healing (Level 3)
Poseidon's Bearing (Level 3) As the level 3 Silver Fangs Gift
Strange Rain (Level 4)
Ocean's Vengeance (Level 4) As the Balam Level 4 gift "Jungle's Vengeance" but has to do with water and creatures of the

Command the Multitude (Level 5)

Call to Battle (Level 5)
Speed of Thought (Level 1)
Speed beyond Thought (Level 1)
Thunder's Shock (Level 1) As the Level 3 Pumonca Gift "Thunderbolt." This gift allows the Perculus to gain the help of their
Tribal totem, Grandfather Thunder.
Coral Talons (Level 2) As the gift "Razor Claws"
Clearwater Passage (Level 2) As the Level 3 Swara Gift, but since the M'orsi are creatures of the sea, the difficulty is 6.
Wrath of Charybdis (Level 3)
Song of the Siren (Level 3)
Poseidon's Rage (Level 4) Same as Bacchantes' Rage
Feet of the Octopus (Level 4) Same as Fly Feet
Scylla's Might (Level 5)
Redeem the Waste (Level 5)

Invisibility (Level 1)

Sight from Beyond (Level 1)

Rend the Gauntlet (Level 1)
Talk with the Spirits (Level 2) Same as Spirit Speech
Drop of Sea (Level 2)
Surveillance Camera (Level 3)
Squid's Ink (Level 3) Same as the Uktena gift Shroud
Rockfish's Prank (Level 4) Same as the Bastet gift, Cheshire Prank
Magma's Bricks (Level 4)
Future Warning (Level 5)
Water's Vision (Level 5)
Invoke the Spirits of the Storm (Level 5)
Heart of Fury (Level 1)
Gluttony (Level 1)
Wings of Ingenon (Level 1)
Coral Talons (Level 2) Same as Razor Claws
True Fear (Level 2)
Leap of the Manta (Level 2) Same as Leap of the Kangeroo
Rallying Challenge (Level 3)
Fist of the Tsunami (Level 3)
Riptide (Level 4)
Scylla's Might (Level 4)
Spitfire (Level 5) Same as the Bastet Common Gift, but the M'orsi spits molten magma, and it causes 2 levels of aggravated

Call to Battle (Level 5)

Thousand-Thunder Strike (Level 5)

Mother's Touch (Level 1)
Sense Wyrm (Level 1)
Spirit Speech (Level 1)
Command Spirit (Level 2)
Name the Spirit (Level 2)
Sight from Beyond (Level 2)
Exorcism (Level 3)
Pulse of the Invisible (Level 3)
Grasp the Beyond (Level 4)
Spirit Drain (Level 4)
Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level 4)
Feral Lobotomy (Level 5)
The Malleable Spirit (Level 5)
Truth of Gaia (Level 1)
Resist Pain (Level 1)
Scent of the True Form (Level 1)
Call to Duty (Level 2)
King of the Beasts (Level 2)
Strength of Purpose (Level 2)
Weak Arm (Level 3)
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level 3)
Roll Over (Level 4)
Scent of Beyond (Level 4)
Geas (Level 5)
Wall of Granite (Level 5)

Coral Talons (Level 1)

Inspiration (Level 1)
The Falling Touch (Level 1)
Sense Silver (Level 2)
Spirit of the Fray (Level 2)
True Fear (Level 2)
Heart of Fury (Level 3)
Silver Talons (Level 3) Same as Silver Claws
Clenched Jaw (Level 4)
Stoking Fury's Furnace (Level 4)
Kiss of Helios (Level 5)
Strength of Will (Level 5)


By B. Miller (

Author's note
This were-species is the twisted creation of B. Miller. Give credit were credit is due. It took me nearly 3 hours of heavy drinking
and looking at Internet pornography to come up with all of this, let alone type it. I will take any and all comments, nude self
portraits, hate mail, questions, or requests at Thank yous go out to my fresh homies on the
midwestside, mommie, and Jesus Crist, our lord and savior....

Mulers were the result of an incident between a drunk were-donkey and an equally drunk were-horse. About 9 months down the
line a muler was born. These beasts are only produced in this manner (thank God or whoever).

Mulers in homid form tend to be fairly pudgy and short. In Manbi, they gain hooves and grow hair in funny places. In Didit, they
stand about 3 inches taller than in Homid. They stand like a normal man but look just like a big dumb mule. For no explainable
reason, in their Muko form they look like a beatiful stallion, more marvelous than any horse in the world. This changes when they
hit Mule form. They look like a normal mule, only uglier. They also are quite stupid in all forms. There was one case of an
intelligent one but it got hit by a truck driven by another, much stupider member of his race.

Str Sta App Int
Manbi (Glabro) +1 +1 -2 -1
Didit (Crinos) +2 +3 0 1
Muko (Hispo) +2 +2 5 1
Mule (Lupus) +1 +2 -2 1

None. If you were a spirit, would you want to associate yourself with a bunch of morons?

None. Would you want these guys running around with some power. Sorry, I prefer my world safe.

War of Rage
They were left alone during the War of Rage. The 13 tribes just thought that they would eventually die off on their own.

They only have one breed, Metis.

They don't have an auspice. Instead they go by what the mother was.

Horesk: Mother was a were-horse.

Donesk: Mother was a were-donkey.

Horesk: 3 Rage
Doresk: 1 Rage

With their low intelligence, these poor fools failed to hop on the Gnosis band wagon. Poor, poor fools.

These Bete all start with 3 Willpower points and they do not go above 6.

Role-playing tips
1. Drink a whole hell of alot of beer before the game.
2. Beat your head in with a blunt object until you suffer brain damage.
3. Grow up in a redneck hillbilly town.
4. Don't.

By Timothy Toner ( (3 Dec 93)

As pack animals go, the Bone Gnawers are a fairly standard bunch. They believe strongly that the only way to survive in the
asphalt jungle is to stay united against adversity. The city is a grim place, and often it is just enough to survive a bitter winter
From such circumstances, one could not expect a blossoming of philosophy, especially when those who practice it daily struggle
to survive. However, a strange group has recently risen out of the masses of Gnawers that call the cities home. Somewhat
secretive, they spend their lives uniting the tribes that inhabit the city, mediating differences, and going head on against the
Machine and its tools.
One would assume that this would be the role of Elders. However, a little over a hundred and fifty years ago, when the world was
deep within the Industrial Revolution, a few Gnawers realized that much of the established territories had been disrupted by the
flow of Garou to more prosperous city centers. These groups, now thriving, pushed to expand their borders, often at the expense
of other, smaller Gnawer packs.
From those young Gnawers who did not appreciate being told who to fight by greedy Elders arose a group of idealist Gnawers
who were convinced that mediation and mutual concession could lead to strength. However, in the repressed clime of Victorian
England, it was dangerous in the city to speak one's mind, especially around other Garou who would be travelling in the city on
less than savory missions.
For the idealists to succeed, it became necessary to hide in plain sight, to speak a language like none other, a language only
they understood.
And so they mumbled. It seemed to be a combination of English and Garou, and to the average listener, it made no sense.
Linguists tried to study their speech pattern, and only came up with vague notions that they were speaking something between
Cockney and Welsh. To the Homids, they were merely members of the Lowest classes, and thus beneath note. These groups
came to be known as "Mumblers," a name that has stuck to this day.
Now the Mumblers were neither pacifists nor aggressive in nature. They merely felt that mutual concession and elaborate
systems of alliances could mediate any problem. They read Greek Philosophy, and in very many ways emulated the Greek CityState system. To many, they were a boon, since they could travel virtually anywhere unmolested. Further, the more hostile Garou
would pass them by as harmlessly insane, after a chorus of unintelligent babbling.
Under their mediation, great conflicts were avoided, and time and again, they proved their value to the Gnawers, and the Garou
in general. As the first group grew old, they passed up positions of honor in their Tribes, instead preferring to remain free of the
alliances they themselves helped create. The Mumblers then sought out other younger idealists, and taught them their unique
language and beliefs.
Many older Garou, seeing the Mumblers come to create treaties that they seemed to have no personal stake in, feared that the
Mumblers had some grand ulterior motive, and indeed they did. The Elders revealed to their successors that they sought to end
the constant warfare that plagued their people. With the rise of cities, and the destruction of forests to feed the factories, their old
existence was dying off. It was necessary them to create a home for their kind here in the cities, a safe haven where strife did not
exist. By keeping a low profile, perhaps it was possible to coexist with Homids and the occasional vampires.
Open warfare, however, would jeopardize everything. Thus, an environment of peace had to flourish before the Garou could learn
to have a more open mind toward other groups. It was the job, then, of the Mumblers to act as spies and diplomats, to suck up
and to stare down, and always to remain objective.
And to a limited degree, it worked. The next generation of Mumblers were sent out to other boom cities, to try to mediate the
growing strife that surrounded some cities, as the Wylds quickly vanished.
However, what worked well in England did not work in America. The established Gnawers, always receptive to the arrival of
Mumblers around the fire, now regarded their English cousins with disdain. They were just another one of the wave of
immigrants that were crowding them out of their homes.
Despondent and cut off from the homeland, these expatriates decided to do the Gnawer thing, and make the best of a bad
situation. They integrated themselves into Garou society, and continued to try to act as ambassadors. However, whereas in
Europe, Kindred were more willing to live with Garou, the American Kindred maintained their cities mercilessly. Some tried their
best to make alliances with Kindred, but were immediately rejected by their Garou cousins.
It was decided by the largest enclave of Mumblers in America to go underground, to conceal their secrets, and to wait a full
generation without any attempt to mediate. They would continue to seek out idealists, and teach them the language and
customs, so that their dream would not die.
Going underground, however, had an unexpected effect. So often concerned with decorum and getting the job done, the

Mumblers were now allowed to exercise their true love: aesthetic pleasures. Under the pretext of "recruitment," they actively
sought out the best and the brightest in the nation, and discussed the finer aspects of life.
However, their low birth and lower standard of living would forever keep them from entering positions of influence. They
remained on the periphery, watching and discussing, never acting. The Mumblers allowed the generation to pass, and another,
and another.
An opportunity finally arose during the Great Depression. Gnawers fled to cities with ready work, and ran into pre-established
packs barely getting by. Many accepted employment with organized crime to keep food in their bellies. Open warfare seemed
ready to spill out at any moment, with more Garou pouring in daily.
The Mumblers came forth, and offered their support. Initially rebuffed, they found some groups so desperate for relief that they
would trust anyone. They did their best, following the lessons of past masters. However, they found that the Mumble wasn't
working as it once did. People still couldn't understand it, but they actually seemed to be responding to it. By doing it with a
certain idea in mind, the Mumblers found that they could convey the idea without speaking it. It, of course, made their job much
Then the Second Great Schism manifested in the Mumbler ranks. The first was one of geographical distance; the second of
ideological difference. Some wanted to continue to act as Ambassadors to the city and suburban Garou, serving as liaisons that
did not care about alliances and past hatreds.
The second group, however, wanted to explore the nature of their new found powers. The babble, once significant only to them,
now was taking on a physicality that was influencing others. It seemed to act subconsciously, driven by internal forces. The
Mumbler mission had always be an altruistic one. Why had this power sprung from that belief?
To this day, the two groups act, united by history and language, separate in mission and goals. The Diplomats strive to create a
safe haven within the city. They are the first on the scene in times of intertribal turmoil, and they are always seen lurking in the
shadows, talking to some Kindred about current politics amongst the undead, and how they can turn it to their advantage.
The Nothings (Pronounced "Know Things") seek to understand the precise nature of reality, as they plumb the depth of a power
few understand. They trace their roots to the first acts of the Weaver, giving language to humanity. As philosophers, they believe
in the Doctrine of the Thing, a method of looking at reality as an entity that can be transmuted through adding or subtracting the
words and syllables that describe it. They have used this belief to tap into the basic essence of Gaia, to master powerful,
frightening Gifts.
It would seem both groups have moved far from the original aims of the Bone Gnawers. However, both are reactions to the
survival urge found ingrained in the Gnawer tribe. The Diplomats see the city as a social entity that must be survived on a social
level. The Nothings see reality itself as a entity to be harvested and refined through subtle manipulations. The abstract nature of
the Gift makes it inaccessible to most Garou, so the Nothings must actively seek to serve all, to make the world a more
survivable place, for those too weak or tired to fight.
The rest of Garou society are a tad confused by the Mumblers. They see the two as one organization, somehow working
together. As Bone Gnawers, they are universally reviled as being weak, and the obsequious nature of the Diplomats do not
improve that image. Further, the Nothings wander the cities, seeking answers and solutions, and acting almost as enigmatic as
the Shadow Lords. Finally, the babble that they speak when amongst other mumblers is genuinely annoying, causing few to
tolerate Mumblers for long periods of time. Still, the good that they do to Garou society in mediating disputes is unrivalled, and
the amount of secret threats met and defeated by the Nothings are uncountable.

The Doctrine of Thing

Few Gnawers are loquacious enough to talk about personal philosophy. One aspect that has percolated down between meals
and meetings spent bundling around the fire, however, is the doctrine of the Thing. Oddly, the closest parallel to the Thing is the
Zen Buddhist concept of Mind / No Mind, which has about as much to do with Gnawers as Gnawers have to do with taking
regular baths.
Part of the doctrine seems to have comes from a desire to conceal intent, even from other Garou (which makes the standard
system of growls impractical), started by a mysterious group of Gnawers called the Mumblers. These Gnawers have found a way
of thinking about an object so carefully, that all actions, activities, and words expressed reflect that entity. Thus, if they want to tell
a bud that an area is dangerous, but cannot voice their concern directly because of other listeners, they can give this indication,
and convey the message.
This was all very well for covertly exchanging information by literally talking about everything except the topic, but as Gnawers
became more adept at applying the doctrine, they found that they could influence the way listeners thought about the topic.
Further refinement of the Doctrine seemed to allow the speaker to change the very nature of the object she was speaking about.
The final application, No Thing, is said to be able to actually talk an item out of existence!
Although the Mumblers began the Doctrine of Thing, anyone taught their special language can not only communicate the Babble,
the name for their cant of disparate words and syllables, but can tap into the hidden potential of the Cant.

Thing (Level one)
Some Thing (Level two)
Any Thing (Level three)
Nothing (Level four)
No Thing (Level five)

By Mike Showel ( (24 April 1996)

Gabriel walked to the bow of his yacht and studies the rock formations that would interfere with his smooth sailing. Taking the
yacht out on a little excursion didn't seem like such a great idea anymore. He hadn't planned on taking enough fuel, or others to
help. One of the flaws of being spoiled rich and young and foolish. He hit the rocks, unable to turn in time, and the yacht began
taking on water. It was then when he noticed the most beautiful creature his eyes ever had befallen upon. She was magnificant.
A Mermaid, he was sure. Her hair was scarlet red and long past her waist. He was so entranced with her that he sunk along with
the boat. It was then that he felt hands gently pulling him above the water, and towards the rocks. He was stranded with no other
land in sight.
She grew legs and stood naked upon the rocks over him with a conkshell raised to her lips. She blew it twice in two short bursts
and then within a minute arose a huge whale, the greatest he'd ever seen, larger even than the ones in picture books. It was
close to two hundred feet long and it had massive teeth. It appeared, in every other way, as a blue whale, but it was so big! It
balanced the Yacht on its back and came close to the rocks. The beautiful red head pointed towards the whale and Gabriel
faithfuly climbed upon its back. A spout of steam shot forth forty feet into the air as the whale took to the sea. He watched the
mermaid grow back her tail while diving into the water, and he was sure he was in love. She swam up close to the Whale and
sprung out of the water like a flying fish, landing behind high on the whales back.
"What is your name." She spoke. Her voice was full of hypnotic glory. He couldn't avoid thinking about her. He wanted to be with
her forever. She smiled at him and he found that he could no longer gaze at her without feeling sleapy, but he couldn't help it As
he fell into slumber he whispered, "My name is Gabriel."
He awoke on the shore of a private beach on the California shore. His yacht wasjust where he remembered crashing it, right on
the shore, near him. He checked to see if his wife was okay. He panicked when he couldn't find her, then he noticed a lock of
scarlet red hair from underneath a plank of wood. He heaved it aside swiftly, and Gabriel took his wife in his arms. It was strange
how he couldn't remember being with her before this point, but he was sure she was his wife. They both wore wedding rings, and
he at least knew her name. It was Alexis, his wife.

Out of all the species of shapeshifting children of Gaia, the Musculus, or the were whale, was one of the few that was not touched
nor harmed by the Garou. They had a simple reason for this fact. First of all, the garou don't live in the oceans, and second, the
garou aren't foolish enough to take on something large enough to swallow an entire pack and still be hungry for more. They are
the dominant shapeshifters of the oceans, even the were sharks pay them respect for with but a single bite they could devour the
shark in hispo, whole. Gaia created the Musculus as her final strong card of the Bete tribes. If the others were losing ground and
dire times were to arise, then the Musculus were to announce themselves as the cavalry and add a second wind to the battle.
That time is at hand now as the oceans cry out for mercy from the polution. Gaia had given them the signal to strike back, and
may the humans forever more fear the oceans.
Almost all Musculus are whale, not homid. This is simply because the majority of humans choose to live on land, as if they could
live by sea anyway. They are affected by silver in the same way that the garou are, but have different health levels for their
different forms. In Crinos form they have three extra health levels due to their immense size. In Hispo form they have an added
ten health levels, and in whale form an extra six. These extra levels are bruised, and only when they are gone do the other levels
take place. In effect great size gives extra body mass and thus more ability to take damage.
In some forms, the Musculus has a thick rubbery skin, which must burn away first before the Musculus can begin to take damage
from fire. Homid and Glabro take normal fire damage. Crinos has a two three inch thick skin which will soak 7 points of fire
damage before the living skin and flesh underneath can take aggravated damage. The Hispo form has 6 inch thick skin which
will soak 13 points of fire damage before the living flesh and skin beneath can take aggravated damage. The Whale form has a
4 inch thick skin that will soak 9 points of fire damage before the living skin and flesh beneath take aggravated damage. For the
later two, this means very little sense as they can not be burned while sumberged in water as water doesn't burn. The rating is
given for incidents then that caue water to burn such as a spilled oil tanker set a fire, and if the Musculus swims beneath the
suface of the water the fire goes out. None of these adjustments count for phosphorous guns which blast through the blubbery
Str Sta Dex App Man Diff.
Homid +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 6
Glabro +2 +2 +0 +1 +1 7
Crinos +7 +6 +4 0 0 6
Hispo +18 +13 +4 0 0 7
Whale +12 +10 +3 0 0 6

In homid form almost all the females have red hair, and almost all the males are dark haired. They have full heads of hair, that
never grows grey in old age, but the rest of their body, such as arms legs, etcetera are smooth, firm, and hairless, thus the head
is the only part of their body with hair. In human form, they do not regenerate, but may carry silver items without harm. In all other
forms, they can hold their breath under water at deep depths for a minute per stamina point they have, plus 3.
In Glabro, they change into a form similar to the mythological mermaid. They are half whale half person. At the waist the change
takes the start of a V shape, pointing downward. A few inches below the waste and it is completely whale. They have the tail
portion of a whale, meaning the tail fin and small dorsal fin near the back. They also firm up even more and become more
attractive. In this form they take on a special type of delirium. All attracted to the gender of the Musculus are hypnotised by its
form with a sort of awe. It resembles love at first sight, however when the Glabro has left their sight, they forget the entire event.
While the glabro is in their sight, they will do whatever they can without hurting themselves to make the glabro attracted to them.
The Glabro is where the mythological mermaid, and merman come from, and why there are so many rumors of underwater cities
of merpeople. This rumor isn't completely true as the musculus can't breath water. They add 50% body weight.
Crinos is the form that cause the garou not to mess with a Musculus on land. In this form the body takes on a massiveness unlike
any other shapeshifter. They are smooth, and bulky. They have a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and they stand 40 feet tall. They
have no claws, and the rest of their body is smooth as well. They are totally hairless, and have a hide of thick blubber which
provides an armor rating of 2 for soaking purpouses. Their feet have no toes, though are proportioned properly for walking. Their
weight increases to 60 tons an they are terrible to battle. They do not do aggravated damage when they punch, but their bites do
four points of damage, plus strength (all aggravated). If this sounds a little far fetched, think about it first. A mouth of a forty foot
man-whale has just bitten down on little ole you. How much damage do you think you're going to take, one health level? I think
not. This form has a blow hole at the top of its head, and can spout steam ten feet up in the air. It can also attempt a ground
stomp. This does no aggravated damage, but it does strength plus 1 point of damage, plus damage for being squished by 40
tons of weight. This is up to the storyteller to give; be creative, but be somewhat realistic. The only speech they can muster in this
form is their whale language. To humans and other creatures it simply sounds like a whales call. Delerium is as caused by a
garou. Sonar can be used in this form.
In Hispo, the Musculus now weighs 300 tons and is around 280 feet long. It has a huge mouth of rowed teeth that go back in four
rows. It's blow hole shoots steam up to sixty feet with enough pressure to rip the skin off a normal person. They have super
rubbery hides that has an armor rating of three for soaking purposes. This form can only move in water. It essentially looks like a
giant blue whale. Fighting sea monsters is the primary need for this form, and they normally don't take it other wise, unless they
feel a need. This form can use sonar. It can capsize huge aircraft carriers as a bluewhale, only with more finesse. It's bite is itss
only aggravated damage attack, though it can ram for forty point of damage plus strength, tail slap for ten points of damage plus
strength, and belly flop for incapacitation, or boat destruction. It's bite does thirty points of aggravated damage plus strength, and
it chews before swallowing most of the time. This form is a terror to all other sea going creatures, and all other creatures will flee
in fear. Boaters who have seen this form has dubbed it a sea monster, or floating island. Those who have gotten too close to
escape, have never returned a report.
In whale form the musculus becomes a normal blue whale. It has a small row of teeth however rather than the normal blue whale
80 to 100 furrows that filter food from water. It is 106 feet long at adult, and it is the natural form of those Musculus born in the
water as whales, and it weighs 150 tons. It can spout steam 20 feet in the air. Its bite does four plus strength aggravated
damage. (Yes the teeth are small for its size.) It can ram for 15 points of damage plus strength, and tail slap for 5points of
damage plus strength. It has a natural armor rating of 3 due to its thick tough rubbery hide. Babies born as whales are 52 feet
long at 7 months of age, and are born after a year of gestation. (Use this for the Simo's Leviathon form as well.) Keep in mind
that a normal blue whale such as this already weighs more than the heaviest dinosaur. Sonar can be used in this form.
Musculous can not do partial transformations, and if they could they wouldn't want to, because of the aspect ratio thing.
Musculus can learn the level 4 gift leviathan. The Musculus have no auspices, and they are each unique in their mannerisms with
no signs governing their personality archetypes. All gifts are available to them, as they have no auspices, and the like and are
very versatile. They have 3 initial rage points and an initial gnosis of 2 if homid born, and 6 if whale born. Their Metis have an
inital gnosis of 4, and they are monstrous to behold.
All Musculus have the Kojin Kyu-ho (from Caerns) in Glabro. Musculus enter the Umbra instantly, by force. They roll a gnosis and
enter. If they succeed once they enter instantly. If they fail or botch they don't enter, or they get stuck. They have one main flaw;
they can not enact the rite of dedication, nor can it be succesfully enacted upon them, thus when ever they change, they lose their
clothing unless they remove it.
The Musculus are an arrogant race, with good reason. They know their might. They also have a lot of knowledge as the oceans
were never a divider for them; the entire world has always been theirs ro walk as like the other Bete. They have met some of the
were dinosuars in the Amazon, and have found them to be the only other race who can match them in size and power, and thus
they respect them as equals. The musculous have no taboos about nudity as the majority are not homid and Whales don't wear
clothes. This also may be in part with their inability to dedicate clothing. They enjoy music however and it is a common trait. A
few learn songs of the human voice and use it to lure humans near whom have been targeted for devouring for committing
crimes against the ocean, for devouring.
Musculus do not much care if the veil is broken, and if not for the delerium, they would be known by the humans. In fact many
have spread legends about sea monstaers, which do exist to get the humans to stay out of the water.
Each Musculus is an indvidual who likes to find her own way. They may live in group communities in the hearts of the oceans, but
when on land they tend to go their own ways. There is no fear of harm from the mundane world to them as they know they could
go crinos and slay any opponent they would face. Many Musculus have heard about the existence of an outspreading population
of vampires. They had thought it less severe than the garou, and don't see the harm in the little beasts. As far as they are

conscerned, the vampires are fulfiling an ecological niche in the Gaia's plan. The vampires are preying on the humans. The
humans are destroying Gaia. Who do you think they like better? They think the Garou animosity towards them is ridiculous, as
the vampires perform a service of removing humans. This is not to say that the Musculus are genocidal towards humans, as
humans fill an ecological niche as well, but they feel that there are too many humans and the humans are making too much
waste. It's really starting to piss them off. . .
They are travelers by their very natures, as you can't claim a piece of ocean as your own. Thus being the case they usually opt to
learn many languages across the world to aid their travels. All Musculus automatically frenzy if they encouter whalers, in the
oceans as well as on lands. There is no roll, and it cannot be prevented. The whaler simply must die for his/her crimes against
the Bete tribes, and the whales of the world.
The Musculus view the wyrm as a neutral force as it always was. They find that humans and the Weaver are the ones causing
Gaia the most harm. They see the handy work of the Weavers constructs everywhere. The Weaver's technology pollutes, the
Weaver causes the Wyrm to rage, the Weaver and the humans plot to kill Gaia. This view is partially the reason that they view
the Vampires as part of Gaias plan. The vampires are only bad when they have been corrupted by the Wyrm, and leave their
duties of feeding off of humans to destroy Gaia. They don't blame the Wyrm's corruption on the Wyrm, but on the Weaver, and
though the Wyrm must be fought, it must be spared until the Weaver is dead and the Wyrm can again act as it once was
supposed to. They are particularly angry at the Garou glasswalkers who not only work with the Weaver, but blame it all on the
Wyrm. The Glasswalkers have sold their souls and must be made to see the light.
As with the other shape shifters the Musculus are powerful. They may even be more powerful than most, but they have their
weaknesses as well. For instance their inability to do aggravated damage other than by biting, which is really hard when your
mouth is soo high up in the air. They can't hold anything meant for human sized hands because their hands are just too big. They
can't use two of their forms on land; they can be slain by slver as any other shapeshifter of Gaia. Remember these weaknesses
for Musculus charecters.
They are not fond of thge Avian shapeshifters such as the corax, and the Boyar. They are not fond of the garou in general for
their transactions against their brethren shapeshifting races whom they drove into hiding, and killed off. The garou even kill
themselves, something that denotes just how little respect they have for themselves.
Resources cannot be taken as a background. Neither can alliess, contacts, or past life. They may each have any totem they
want. There should never be more than one Musculus in a role playing group. Musculus are very fond of mages. They admire a
mage's use of magic to accomplish tasks rather than using the Weaver constructs like other humans. They do not like the
Technocracy however for its foolish use of the Weaver when it already has magic to use.

By Alejandro Melchor (

Enter the Nahual

Soft steps sound against the well washed floor of the Museo del Templo Mayor, in downtown Mexico City. The night was tinted
violet by clouds that promise rain.
"Are you sure of what we are doing?" whispered Pedro, the Bone Gnawer who had agreed to guide the foreign Garou into the
bowels of the museum.
"Of course I do," answered Listens-at-the-Winds, leading her pack of four other werewolves, plus Pedro, to steal a fetish most
precious: the Moon herself.
Listens checked her pack one last time. Jazz, the Glass Walker of the group, was clad as if he was starring in "Mission:
impossible." As much as she disliked him, he had played the vital role of getting the pack free rides to Mexico and disabling the
museum's security system. Eagledancer, her fellow Uktena, eyed her closely, always looking for a chance to relieve her of the
burden of leadership. Marion and Sally, the Black Furies, were wary of their surroundings; since their arrival in Mexico City, they
had claimed that the entire city reeked of the Wyrm and the Weaver.
"I feel the stone," said Eagledancer, "it's just ahead".
"Of course it's just ahead, gringo estupido", Pedro rebuked, "As I told you, it's right at the front of the building; we just entered
from the back".
Listens could only hide her smile at the mongrel's humiliating comment. Eagledancer was not happy though.
"There She is!" Marion ran ahead to gaze at the enormous round stone.
"Yup. That's Coyolxhauqui, Rattles on Her Face", commented Jazz.
Listens-at-the-Winds was not listening; she was content on just feeling the raw power coming from the stone; it was clearly
Luna's Fetish. And it was hers to claim.
"You can't take her, Garou", a strange voice boomed in the darkened halls of the museum.
"What...? Who dares...?" Eagledancer was prompt to draw his gun; though he was not Ahroun, Listens knew he had enough
rage to try to take a Nexus Crawler by himself.
From the shadows emerged a towering silhouette, a Crinos surely, thought Listens, for no homid could achieve the height and
build of the figure coming towards them. The stranger was covered by a yellowish fur with black spots and stripes, his head that
of a feline.
"Werejaguar! A Balam!" cried Listens at her pack.
"It's of the Wyrm!" shouted Sally.
"Ay, guey!" Pedro cowered behind Listens, "that's no Balam, sister, that's a Nahual! I'm outta here!"
"Balam or Nahual; it's the same to me", growled Eagledancer as he changed his shape to that of the feared man-wolf. "I'll spit
your innards, pussycat!"
The werejaguar stood impassive as the werewolf charged, then simply jumped over his enemy with feline grace and speed as
its shape disappeared only to reappear landing directly in front of the Black Furies.
"Die, Wyrmspawn!"
But the Nahual was quicker; before either Sally or Marion could attack, they were swept back by an intangible force.
"Sientan el poder de Yaolli Ehecatl!", it shouted.
"What did he say?", Listens asked the Bone Gnawer, who shook violently.
"He's calling the Night Wind! Your friends are lost! Lemme go!"
The grip on the mongrel was lost as Listens watched her packmates writhe in pain on the floor, shouting and howling.
Eagledancer had taken his portable mirror from his pack, and was staring at it intently.
"You coward!" shouted listens as she began to call upon the Earth Lords to help her carry the stone while the jaguar was

"The spirit realm is closed to you, cub", hissed the Nahual just as Eagledancer began his transference to the Umbra, "instead
you'll see your heart's true reflection".
"Nooooo!", cried the Uktena as he grabbed at his face, eyes wide with horror, tearing fur and flesh with his claws, "it can't be!,
that's not me!"
A silent curse crossed Listens' lips; the stone was loose and in her telekinetic grasp; she hoped she had time to escape.
A shot echoed in the halls, Jazz was blasting at the werejaguar with a shotgun he had retrieved from his backpack.
The pellets tore into the creature's shoulder, flinging it back and making it lose it's balance.
"Good work, Jazz! Keep him down while I take the stone to safety!" Escape was a more likely word, but Listens-at-the-Wind felt
her obligation to her Tribe and had every intention of abandoning the Glass Walker.
"Stupid dogs!" the werejaguar was up again, and dodged with ease the shotgun's burst.
"Oh, shit", cursed Listens, she now knew that only by working together with Jazz they had a hope of defeating the creature. She
commanded the spirits to drop the stone on the Nahual.
But the spirits weakened their grasp as a loud roar came from the werejaguar's throat. Listens could barely hear the whispers of
similar roars in her mind's ears and her Theurge gifts allowed her to feel the coming of a horde of hostile spirits...
"As Tezcatlipoca was cast down from the skies", said the Nahual in deep tones, "in anger and revenge He sent a thousand
jaguars to devour all that was. Thus was the end of the First Sun."
The roars were clear now, even Jazz could hear them. Listens tried to exorcise them before they gained in strength, but she lost
her concentration as she felt thousands of claws slash her flesh. She could hardly hear the Glass Walker's screams amidst the
storm of feline roars and her own anguished howls.
When it all ended, she was barely alive. She felt the night's breeze caress her skin. She was outside. She dared rise, her whole
body ached. She saw the bodies of her packmates: Jazz was in a poor condition, the Furies were unconscious, but alive;
Eagledancer was shivering, hugging himself and rocking back and forth. She heard steps. She could see the hem of a security
In front of her was a man, bronze skinned and somber faced. An owl was perched on his shoulder. She knew he was the
"Coyolxhauqui was brought down from the heavens by Huitzilopochtli's might, as was my Lord by Quetzalcoatl. When She fell
she broke and was left at the foot of the Temple. That is her place". The Nahual's voice was chilly, carrying with it pieces of
contempt, pride and condescension. "But She is indeed powerful, and rules in hiding, letting everyone believe She had fallen.
The night is Her place. This domain is Her place. This is our domain. Don't ever come back".
He left and disappeared into the shadows. She collapsed. When she heard more footsteps she was hurting too much too rise.

"Aqui estan," it was Pedro, the Bone Gnawer, he had brought another man with him.
"Es un milagro que esten vivos," she heard the other answer as she felt the stranger's hand over her. The wounds began to
"Don't worry, guera," the Bone Gnawer said, "Bernardo here is a Tlaloque; best healers around".
"Don't move, please", Bernardo hushed her, "I've seen the wounds from this particular Nahual gift before, they heal slowly".
"What are you?"
"A Garou like you, from the Tlaloque tribe. Your friend there was subject to the Smoking Mirror; his mind must be healed. The
Ehecatl tribe know of that Gift too well."
"Tlalokae? Aehecatl? What the hell is going on?"
"They are tribes that live only in Mexico", answered Pedro, "You Garou gringos are too self-concerned to notice they are here."
"But I thought only Balam and Bone Gnawers..."
"The Gnawers and the Glass Walkers stay in the cities; the Balam keep to the southern jungles. There's a whole lot more of
Mexico out there," Bernardo added, "and that includes the Nahual. Come on, it will dawn soon."
Listen-at-the Winds helped the Mexican Garou carry her packmates to safety; she dared a glance back at the museum. Through
the glass front she could feel the Coyolxhauqui stone back at its place.
She thought she heard the faintest of roars.

Mysterious, cunning, deadly. The Nahual are a breed of werejaguars that separated from it's kin the Balam and embraced the
Dark Paths. They were careful to erase all trace of their existence; only the Mexican supernaturals know of them, and mostly from
hearsay. not even the Arcanum or the mighty Technocracy hold records on them, thinking the Balam the only werejaguars
It's not known when they turned from Gaia, but it must have been very early in history, as they engineered the downfall of Ce Acatl
Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl from his throne, thus gaining the eternal emnity of the Ehecatl Garou. The Nahual obey Tezcatlipoca, god
of evil and mischief, patron of sorcerers, thieves and merchants. Brother of Quetzalcoatl, he is Yaolli Ehecatl, the Night Wind.
Many Garou who learn of them feel an instant hatred for the traitors of Gaia, and will call them servants of the Wyrm. But that's far
from the truth. They serve the Darkness, not the dark corruption of the Wyrm but the dark side of Gaia, or Coatlicue, as they call
her, as Tezcatlipoca is her son. However, their dealings with dark things have given them a feel around them that can be picked
up with Sense Wyrm; they sense like Wyrm, but in a strange way and not completely.
Scheming is almost second nature to them; they have shrugged off the prejudices of the Bete regarding civilization, and have
entrenched themselves in positions of power ever since the Aztec Empire.
As many Garou have found out, the Nahual are formidable enemies, mainly because they prefer to attack with sorcery and plots
rather than with fangs and claws. The curiosity of all Bastet is ever present in the Nahual, who hunger for the secrets of magic
even more than the Uktena, and they have achieved results that shock many and outrage even more.
The ultimate goal of the Nahual is domination. The first step is to recover Mexico from the Technocracy and the Sabbat, and to
subjugate Garou, Mage and Kindred alike. Sometimes Garou are admitted in their trust, but they must overcome a gruesome
Rite of Passage that will pit the Garou against her inner darkness and glimpse the face of Tezcatlipoca.
Their rise in power has been slow but steady: in the Aztec Empire they created the Jaguar Knights and took over education of
the common populace. They worked along with Clan Huitzilopochtli, but planned to betray and destroy them in the long run. The
Conquest halted their plans as they had to adapt to the new society. It was from this time that they came in contact with the
European Kindred and Magi, and learned from each what they could.
Later in history, they backed up many reformist movements so as to never let anyone have a firm hold over Mexican politics,
influencing through their Pride or directly themselves.
One of the mysteries surrounding these Bastet is the fact that Nahuals of high rank practice the vampiric disciplines of
Thaumaturgy and Necromancy. Garou Philodoxes assure that they obtained that dark knowledge from dealing with the Wyrm,
but rumor says that they have captured and tortured vampires who knew those disciplines and extracted the knowledge from
them. Any Tremere will corroborate the rumor along with an oath to exterminate the Nahual.
Sphere Magick is barred to them, much to their chagrin, but they have found a way to go head to head with any mage, be it
Tradition, Technocracy, Marauder or Nephandi. Benefitting from the magical forces that struggle naturally in Mexico, the Nahual
have forced Paradox Spirits into fetishes, ready to release them when a Mage throws magicks at them.

Nahuals have a totem-like patron animal, called nahual (their namesake), see explanations below.

Homid (monkeychild): Gnosis 2
Metis (halfbreed): Gnosis 4
Oncas (wildcat): Gnosis 6

Str. Dex. Sta. App. Man. Diff.
Human +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 6
Glabro +1 +1 +2 -1 -1 7
Crinos +3 +3 +3 0
-3 6
Hispo +2 +3 +3 +0 -3 7
Oncas: +1 +3 +2 +0 -3 6

Initial Rage

Initial Willpower

4, but can't spend them on Totem (they don't need one), Pure Breed (they don't care for it) or Past Life. Note that unlike the
Balam, they can have Resources, Allies and Contacts; they have influence. They must spend at least 1 point in Nahual (see

Same as Kinfolk. Nahuals control their Pride with an iron fist; they teach their Pride about the dark secrets, but with a death
penalty to those who reveal them. Should a Homid Nahual be born to one of the Pride, it's immediately taken to be educated by
the Nahual elders and the parent of the child awarded with great honor. They follow both paternal and maternal lines, and the
Prides' spouse must be kept ignorant of the Pride's origin.

Den Realm
The Nahual have Den Realms as the other Bastet, but they have no control over the Gauntlet; it's the same as the surrounding
area. This is because they can step sideways outside their Den Realm with the aid of a mirror. For this reason the Den Realms
will be located on caerns or places of high Wyld energies.

Mentor 4 and 5 allow the Nahual to buy 1 point in either Thaumaturgy or Necromancy at the cost of 5 freebie points.

A new background available only to Nahuals or other Bete raised by the Nahual. This background measures the rating of the
werejaguar's personal nahual, explained later.

Jaguar form
There is something really spooky around their jaguar shape.

A theocracy; the Archpriests are Nahual who know Necromancy, Thaumaturgy and very often hedge magic. The Priests restrict
to either one of these paths. The Knights practice the normal gifts. The Pride is the lower caste.

Central and south Mexico, and a few northern cities like Monterrey, but it's grossly uncommon.


The night and its dwellers, homid hedge sorcerers, and whatever else strikes their fancy.

"Let your darkness touch the greater Dark; power lies where the eyes cannot see".

All Garou: Ignorant, primitive, self-righteous fools.
Black Furies: Pitiful feminists.
"Death to the Wyrmspawns!"
-- Hippolita, Black Fury Ahroun

Bone Gnawers: You must be joking.

"I'm outta here."
-- Pedro, Bone Gnawer Ragabash

Children of Gaia: Misled do-gooders.

"Evil creatures."
-- Eva, Children of Gaia Galliard

Fianna: Ignorant and pompous.

"Come and get it, kitty."
-- Ciaran, Fianna Galliard

Glass Walkers: They may have a clue, but still they are Weaver-fascinated idiots.
"I don't mess with them."
-- Miguel, Glass Walker Philodox

Get of Fenris: Barbarians.

"You are dead meat!"
-- Jurgan, Get of Fenris Ahroun

Red Talons: Primitive savages.

"Traitors! Die!"
-- Torn Ear, Red Talon Philodox

Shadow Lords: Egomaniac amateur powermongers.

"They too will fall under our might."
Gonzalo, Shadow Lord Ragabash

Silent Striders: Too afraid to stay in one place

"Dark things."
-- Kahleb, Silent Strider Theurge

Silver Fangs: Brain dead and the most self-righteous.

"They are a blemish on Gaia; death to them all."
-- Corin, Silver Fang Philodox

Stargazers: Too afraid to touch the darkness they see.

"I wonder..."
-- Singing Star, Stargazer Galliard

Uktena: Most likely to talk to us; still they are neophytes in the Secrets.
"I want what they know."
-- Claw-that-Runs, Uktena Theurge

Wendigo: Racist extremists; rejects of August Derleth.

"They must die!"
-- Cutterwind, Wendigo Ahroun

Mexican Tribes: see each tribe's stereotypes.

Kindred: Useful toys of the Dark. A power to be reckoned, though.
-- Michelle, 9th.Gen. Ventrue

"Upstart thieves!"
-- Julian, 7th.Gen. Tremere

"Come to the Dark Side, Luke...mmph! Ha, ha, ha!"

-- Mario, 8th.Gen Malkavian.

"Powerful allies, worthy enemies."

"Navajas". 7th Gen. Huitzilopochtli

Mages: We can admit envy; that pitiful homids should master Reality itself. . .
"I really don't want to know."
-- Martin, Virtual Adept

"A Darkness so dark it might actually shed some light."

-- Don Luis, Dreamspeaker

"Minions of the Nephandi, no doubt."

-- Matias, Order of Hermes

In addition to Beastmind, Trackless Waste and Gaia's Vengeance (all Red Talon Gifts, as stated in WPG), the Nahual have
learned several Gifts from many Tribes and have Necromancy, Thaumaturgy and Hedge Magic available as Gifts. No one really
knows the extent of their knowledge, but they have displayed use of Theurge and Ragabash gifts, Uktena, Wendigo, and
Stargazer as well as Wyld Runner gifts. They have learned Gifts of their own, which are:

Curse of the Rabbit (Level 2)

The Smoking Mirror (Level 3)
Summon the Night Wind (Level 3)
Gift of the Nahual (Level 4)
Curse of the First Sun (Level 5)

Fetishes and Talens

Left Arm of a Dead Woman.

The Black Tear
Paradox Talens

Bind Paradox
Gift of Blood
Travel to Mictlan
Rite of Bonding
Rite of the Smoking Mirror
Rite of the End of the First World

On Thaumaturgy, Necromancy and Hedge Magic

The Nahual can only learn these disciplines if he a) has a powerful Mentor that teaches him (as mentioned in Backgrounds) b)
achieves Rank Four, in which Thaumaturgy and Necromancy are availables as Gifts. The disciplines must be purchased with
experience as New Gifts (Level Four) for the first point, and as if they were Gnosis for the next ones, taking four as the base
point (e.g. the second point is purchased as if it was a fifth point; the third as if it was the sixth, etc.). In any case, the Nahual's
ranking in either of these disciplines cannot excede her Renown Rank.
Nahual power the disciplines with their Gnosis, rather than with blood, although experiments on the use of extracted vampire
blood are underway.
Hedge Magic is purchased as a Gift and is available at Rank 1.

Nahual animals
At birth, Nahual are bonded with an animal, a nahual, that holds special influence on the child throughout his life. Very similar to
the Garou Totems, the animals inpose bans and bestow special grants to their bondling, but they are too numerous to list here;
take the Garou Totems and adapt them or make your own.
Unlike the Totems, the nahuals are real animals, existing in the real world. The animals are special in their own way, as they are
infused with a strong spirit force coming from the Wyld and the Nahual's own soul. The animal can travel to the Umbra and has
the standard Charms of a normal dweller spirit. By using the Gift of the Nahual, the werejaguar can enter or shapechange into his
A great advantage is that the nahual, whether it's present or not, aids the bondling by granting her strength in whatever the nahual
is strong. This translates in game mechanics as providing a Dice Pool according to the nahual's nature. This number of dice in
this Pool is set as the Nahual Background rating; a rating of 4 will put four dice in the Nahual Pool. The Nahual Pool is used
similar to the dice pools in Shadowrun II, but is restricted depending on the animal. A coyote nahual's pool is used to aid in rolls
that involve Wits and Dexterity, a hawk nahual's in Perception; an owl nahual's in Gnosis, a wolverine in Rage, etc. Be creative.
The Pool only refreshes at the beginning of a new day.
A major disadvantage of the nahual bond is that damage to either bondling is suffered by the other as aggravated damage. That
is why Nahuals keep their nahuals very well protected and a secret to even her fellows; you kill the animal and you kill the
werejaguar. The animal has the same health levels as the Nahual; regardless of size or species.

By Todd Weaver (

Prelude: Midnight Massacre

Marko left the nightclub satisfied that his latest business deal had been a great sucess; the shrewd anarchs stood no chance
against the cunning business sense of a Giovanni; within a few weeks those silver 9mm rounds will be his and he'd deal with this
pesky Garou problem once and for all. He passed the bum on the street with little thought and climbed into the limo his clan had
brought to pick him up, the plans for conquest hazing his mind for a brief moment, but just long enough that he didn't notice the
distant wolf howl echoing in the night.
The car sped down the streets towards his well secured haven when a traffic light abruptly turned red causing the driver to come
to a screeching halt. Marko sat impatiently reading the documents drawn up for the purchasing of his wolf killing amunition when
gunfire ripped through the drivers half of the limo tearing his ghoul driver into a thin red paste in seconds; similar sounds echoed
outside of the car and the sound of his bodygaurds screaming became painfully obvious.
Marko drew his 9mm and peered out of the window slowly to try and get a look at his attackers when the deep heavy sound of a
wolf growling came to his ears. Marko caught a brief glimpse of a massive blur of greyish brown fur before his car was lifted off
the ground and hurled savagely through the air.
"Good job Ulrik, that should slow the leech down a bit." Street-sweeper, the Glass walker turned to face the panting form of the
massive Get that had pitched Marko's limo a good 30 yards down the road into an allyway. He knew that Ulrik would have to rest
after what that Might of Thor gift had done to him so he nodded briefly to Ulrik who nodded in response and faded into the
Umbra. Sweeper turned to the shadows where the rest of his pack was concealed and made a few small hand gestures; only the
faintest ripple of light revealed the passing of the hidden garou and Sweeper smiled grimly at how well things were going. Don
Marko had made his last deal...
Marko quickly hauled himself from the mangled wreck and put some distance between himself and the twisted metal hulk.
Moving swiftly down the street he returned to the site of the attack to view his losses, what he saw was enough to terrify even a
veteran of his years. All 12 of his compoanions lay strewn about over the street; some had been torn limb from limb after being
incapacitated with an odd looking blade-shaped wodden stake; others had been set ablaze. Upon closer inspection of the
burning kindred he saw that the fire originated from the bullet holes on their bodies; he'd seen incendiary rounds before but
never ones that continued to burn after they'd struck!
"Well Marko, it seems you've finaly bitten off more then you can chew." Marko spun about abruptly to face the source of the voice
and found himself face to face with what he figured to be the source of the attack. He found himself facing a man all dressed in
black leather, a .357 magnum in one hand and a long slender rod in the other. "I don't know who you are," Marko spoke slow and
steady to the figure, "but you don't have the faintest idea what you're dealing with." With that Marko drew his gun and fired 6
quick rounds into the black-clad figure who promptly hit the street bleeding profusely. Suddenly Marko felt a searing pain lance
through both legs and a shadowy form streaked past him ripping his hamstrings with a ragged blade, as Marko hit the ground
crying out in surprise, he saw the black-clad figure rise. Bullets fell from the wounds making soft pinging sounds on the street as
the holes closed in a chest that was rapidly expanding. As quickly as the man had recovered from the attack he had become a
massive 10 foot Garou! Marko quickly looked around and saw 5 more Crinos forms walk from the shadows, blood dripping from
the Klaive one carried.
"Greetings.....from the.....Night Rangers" Growled the man in black as he brought his handgun to bare.
Marko never even had a chance to scream...

The Night Rangers are a special camp that spans all the Garou tribes. The Rangers are a camp dedicated to the control and/or
elimination of the Kindred threat. Working in secrecy, the Rangers deal with any problems caused by the kindred. Mostly
clashing with Sabbat and Anarchs, the Rangers also occasionally act as police and peacekeepers in citis were the garou and
Camarilla are both in large supply.
All Tribes are involved in the Night Rangers in one way or another. Members always keep their membership a secret as it would
not only put themselves in danger, but the entire garou population of an area should he be discovered. The tribal involvement is
as follows:

Glass Walkers: The most prominant tribe in the Rangers, the Glass walkers battle the kindred threat with high technology and
street smarts second only to the Bone Gnawers.

Bone Gnawers: This tribe is mostly used as scouts and spies, locating the Kindred on the streets and relaying that info to the
rest of the pack. Some have also learned the arts of explosives and rig car-bombs for key threats.

Black Furies and Get of Fenris: The heavy hitters of the Rangers, these tribes are often recruited as shock troops using thier
powerful gifts to deal with Potence and Fortitude powered Kindred. The Get also possess the knowledge of forging the Rangers'
special Fire Blades.

Red Talons: This tribe is not very active in the Rangers, but the occasional Talon joins to deal with wilderness bound Kindred,
mostly renegade Gangrel.

Children of Gaia: Few CoGs join the Rangers; many seek more peaceful solutions to the problem than what the Rangers most
often use. But a few will join to act as mediators and negotiators for the more peaceful packs in the Rangers.

Silver Fangs: The Silver Fangs often claim that the Rangers are below their interest and tend to pay these packs little mind, but
some young adventure seeking Silver Fangs join the Rangers for the thrill and experience of clashing with the Kindred.

Utkena and Wendigo: Rare in city-dwelling packs, these tribes will often join with the more wilderness bound Rangers to deal
with threats similar to the Red Talons.

Silent Striders: This tribe often has freelance memebers; they wander from area to area where rumors of kindred troubles are
common and join a pack just long enough to solve these problems before heading out again.

Shadow Lords: Due to the nature of the Lords they are not often in the Rangers unless they see some profit for themselves in it.
But they often tip off Ranger packs to the location of rival Kindred or in some cases Camarilla business competitors. Needless
to say should the Rangers discover they are being used the Lord is in deep trouble.

Fetishes and Talens of the Rangers

The Rangers use alot of custom fetishs and Talons in their work, here are a few of them.

Fire Blades
Starburst Rounds
Sunlight Flares

Minds Eye Theatre Nuwisha

By Daniel B. Utecht (

Character Creation

Trickster spirits (most often coyote)

Same as Garou with the same starting gnosis.

Initial Willpower

Only two background points that can be spent on any background except pure-breed.

Tribal Advantage
Umbra Knowledge: The gauntlet is halved for Nuwisha. They can avoid getting lost in the Umbra by winning a simple test.
Nuwisha do not take aggravated damage from silver.

Tribal Drawbacks
Notoriety: Nuwisha are seen by the Garou as having given up fighting for Gaia, and thus have to bid two traits in social
challenges when dealing with Garou. Nuwisha don't have any rage.

Nuwisha can learn any Ragabash gift. Garou breed gifts are available to Nuwisha at the storytellers' or spirit keepers'

Basic: Rabbit Run, Spirit Speech

Intermediate: Sheep's Clothing, Blisters
Advanced: Trickster's Skin, Hidey Hole

Rabbit Run
Basic Gift
Same as the gift Speed of Thought

Spirit Speech

Basic Gift
Same as the Theurge gift

Sheep's Clothing
Intermediate Gift
This gift allows a Nuwisha to change his appearance, aura and scent into that of another shape shifter. This way they can still
have use of caerns that they do not wish to occupy. Use of this gift requires a gnosis trait and lasts for an entire scene. A Mental
test must be performed against a difficulty of five traits for Homid form, nine for Crinos or wolf, and sixteen for bear, feline, gator
etc. If successful, all senses (even supernatural) cannot tell the difference. If ties are lost, Gifts and Disciplines can tell the

Intermediate Gift
This gift inflicts painful blisters on the target, causing loss of fur and hair. The Nuwisha must first make contact with the target
(physical challenge). A gnosis challenge is then made. If the Nuwisha wins, the target is inflicted with the blisters for as many
days as the Nuwisha has gnosis, minus the target's gnosis, minimum one day. The target gets the negative social traits of ugly
and monstrous for the duration. This is one of the few gifts that does not take any gnosis to use.

Trickster's Skin
Advanced Gift
Probably the most dangerous gift in the right hands, Trickster's Skin swaps the appearance of the Nuwisha with that of the
target. The unimaginative would use this after playing a big prank on a couple of stuck up Garou. Instantly the target gets bashed
for a prank he didn't commit. This will make the target even more willing to pound the Nuwisha (sadly, most Garou lack higher
social brain functions like humour).
To use this from a distance, the Nuwisha spends a gnosis and must win a simple test. This can be role played by having the
"Nuwisha" stand where the target was and have the target stand next to him and tell him what to do and say. If this gift is used
while in contact, the Nuwisha wins ties for the simple test.

Hidey Hole
Advanced Gift
This gift creates a small pocket haven or stash hole. They are almost undetectable; only those with heightened senses have a
chance of finding one, and then win ties for the simple test only if they have seen the hole before. To use this, the Nuwisha must
spend a gnosis permanently and win a mental test against the area's gauntlet rating. Subterfuge can be used to retest.

Rules for different forms

The following traits are added to Nuwisha in different forms:


Manabozho Sendeh

Dextrous Dextrous
Robust Robust
Brawny Quick x2
Healthy Healthyx2


Dextrous x2 Dextrous
Quick x2 Quick

If playing straight by the rules from The Apocalypse, don't use the Tsitu or Sendeh forms or the extra health levels. These are
used in my game Brevard Beastiary, just as the extra forms for Garou on my house rules page.
Please note that the three middle forms have an extra level or two added to the Nuwisha's health. This is a reflection of the ability
to withstand more damage in these forms before showing the effects. When shifting forms, normal damage is taken off of the
new levels first. Aggravated damage doesn't disappear when Nuwisha shifts forms. The total health level of aggravated damage

remains unchanged.
Nuwisha do not take aggravated damage from silver, nor do they normally enter frenzy, though gifts and supernatural effects can
cause frenzies in them.

Glory Wisdom Humor
Rank 1 1
Rank 2 2
Rank 3 3
Rank 4 5
Rank 5 7
Please note that in my game, my rank one gets the basic gifts for breed, nuwisha gifts and ragabash. Rank two can learn almost
any basic werewolf gifts at five xp. Rank three can learn intermediate breed, nuwisha and ragabash gifts. Rank four can learn
almost any intermediate werewolf gifts at ten xp. Only my rank five can get the advanced gifts.

By StarGazer (

The Balam claim to be more than what they truly are. Oh, fierce warriors they may truly be, but they have ursurped the honor of
our tribe.
Your eyes widen, kit. You do not believe me? Listen then, and learn; it was not the jaguars who ended the First Sun, nor were the
basis of the so-called 'jaguar warriors'...but we. Is not the day-sign for the first age 4 Ocelotl, our own tribal name? Make no
mistake, kit, we were the first.
Our ways are the true ancient ways, those of teacher, healer--yes, and trickster too. We may be small, but or wit's aren't dull. We
can't always fight as well as some Bastet, to be sure, but always value your ability to think over brute strength -- it's the stronger
of the two.
Do the Balam own the rainforest? Far from it -- little do the jaguars know how we watch all with the jungle. Let the brutes tear
about after dogs and Asuras -- while we make strikes at the heart of the blight.
What? You ask if we keep to the rainforest like our brute cousins? Of course not. How can Asuras, Tezcalipoca, the Dark One,
be stopped if we are not there to stop it? Travel about, kit; there is always more to do and learn. Being too insular means death
by stagnation. One last thing I will tell you: don't be afraid to take chances. While the Balam shunned the Spaniards, we looked
for the good among the evil, and their blood strengthened our tribe. In their hatred the Balam grow inbred and perhaps no little bit
insane. Remember, the world is yours to play in; learn a little, maybe heal a little -- and never, never forget how to laugh.

Tribal Background
The Ocelotl consider themselves first among the jungle cats, the Balam being merely foolish upstart cousins. Unlike their jaguar
relatives, the ocelots -- while attacked just as savagely during the Spanish Conquest -- learned to adapt, going so far as to take
promising Spaniards as mates, thus expanding the bloodlines of the tribe. A clever, agile breed, the Ocelotl make their homes
and Den-Realms in the canopies of the rainforest, and from there they watch the Amazon War -- and occasionally put a paw in
themselves. Freely admitting their shortcomings as warriors, they fight with wits and guile, in quick precise feints which leave all
concerned -- Garou, Asuras, and even Balam -- scratching their heads in frustrated confusion. And the Ocelotl laugh all the while.
For the Ocelotl, laughter is an important thing. It makes the hard times easier, and the easy times more entertaining. In the same
vein, they remember that sometimes healing is as important -- or even more important -- than killing.
The ocelots pride themselves on their heritage as well, looking beyond the warrior Azteca and Tolteca to the eariler cultures,
such as that of Teotihuacan. And so they claim Qutzalcoatl as their sire instead of Tezcalipoca. Quetzalcoatl taught them to heal,
to dance and to laugh, they say, and in return for the great jest (a serpent, a feathered serpent -- paradox enough -- creating
felines!) they gave him his ocelot-skin cap as a symbol of the tie between them. The Ocelotl look to the past, but also to the
future. And whereever it takes them, they intend to enjoy it.

Tribal Home
The Ocelotl share their tribal grounds with the Balam, with one notable difference; while the jaguars have the ground, the ocelots
stick to the trees. Often an elaborate network of nests and walkways is created amongst the thick foliage, almost undetectable
from above or below.
Their Den-Realms tend to follow this arboreal pattern as well; their Umbral presence is an eerie mixture of rainforest canopy and
Mesoamerican architecture -- and the Ocelotl prefer their homes to be as mazelike as possible. One of the most deeply hidden
tribal secrets is the existence of Ocelotl Tona, similar to the ancestral Balam Den-Realms; these lush pockets of forest and
spiritual power are guarded diligently.
Many Ocelotl have left the forest for the city, and have even spread to many other parts of the globe. In civilized places the
ocelots tend to live in towers and skyscrapers, the taller the better -- the love of the heights can never be totally forgotten.

Culture and Kinfolk

Ocelotl culture is a bizarre mix of the ancient and the modern. While happily embracing their ancient history, even continuing the
art of featherworking (treat as a specialty of the Jeweler skill), the ocelots just as eagerly embrace modern trends, especially
those in music and entertainment. Many Ocelotl think the Eighties pop scene was the pinnacle of civilization.

Their human Kinfolk are a widely varied lot; while many of not most are of central American or Hispanic blood, any and all races
can and are found as Ocelotl Kinfolk, as a direct result of Ocelotl wanderings and curiosity.
The Ocelotl, although a rare tribe, have one clear advantage over their Balam cousins -- their feline Kinfolk. Unlike the Balam,
whose jaguar Kin are fading fast, the Ocelotl mate with ocelots, margays, Goeffroy's cats, and other small spotted cats of the
rainforest. While many of these cats are also threatened, they give the Ocelotl a stronger Kin-base to lean upon.

Ocelotl have very little real organization: at best, a code of colors, marks, and scents inform them of another's presence and
activities in an area. However, once a year a tribal taighairm is called, so that all Ocelotl may spread the secrets and information
they have gained during the past twelve months. Unlike most Bastet, the ocelots enjoy such social gatherings (which often turn
into mad revels).

Secrets Sought
Like the Balam, the Ocelotl quest for their Mesoamerican heritage. However, they reach beyond to earlier cultures than the
jaguar's warrior nations. In addition, Ocelotl take great pleasure in ferreting out the weaknesses of others, and most of all gaining
in spirit and magical lore.

Bar an ocelot from the freedom of the wind, and he will wither and die in madness.
Wipe out an Ocelotl's tracks behind him, and he will be disoriented for days.
Butterfly's wings, powdered in an ocelot's food, wil deal him damage as sure as silver.

An Ocelotl may be of any racial type, but certain characteristics tend to be present regardless: Ocelotl are short and rather
slender, though they have sleek musclature nonetheless. They are usually very graceful, and tend towards mottled hair (rather
like a strange dye-job). They prefer to wear rather eclectic clothing; many seem to be 'eighties-throwbacks'.
In feline form they are small, lithe and compact. Their fur color runs from tawny to deep gold or gold-brown, always spangled with
black rosettes, spots, and blotches. In general they resemble any or all of the small spotted cats of the rainforest.

Ocelotl Character Generation

Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 4
Beginning Gifts: Treeclimber, Twigdance, Hide From Prying Eyes

Form Statistics
Sokto Crinos Chatro Feline
Str+0 Str+1 Str+0 Str-1
Dex+3 Dex+4 Dex+5 Dex+5
Sta+1 Sta+2 Sta+2 Sta+0
Man+0 Man+0 Man-2 Man-2
App+1 App-2 App-2 ---

Rage is fine in it's time, but laughter and wisdom are the greater path. Use them.

Bagheera: Now these are fine cats. More power to them.
Balam: Foolish, cantankerous louts who lost their true heritage long ago. Poor fools.
Bubasti: Dark cats indeed; too close to the edge. They should beware, lest they step too far.
Ceilican: Ah, there was a fine tribe! ...Or should I say is? Not all of us are blind, you know -- and we appreciate the jest.
Khan: They may have 'honour', but they're as uptight as our jaguar cousins.
Pumonca: For all their wandering, they seem to have little to show for it.
Qualmi: Their riddles are great fun -- and of fine substance..usually.
Simba: Black kings, these tainted creatures should be humbled, and right quick. Time to rub their faces in their deeds.
Swara: Why do they run? Foolish kittens, life's too full to spend it fleeing.
Uncia: What a minute, aren't they a myth or something?

False Speech (1)
Hide From Prying Eyes (1)
Treeclimber (1): As the level 1 common Gift of the same name. Most if not all Ocelotl learn this Gift first.
Twigdance (1): As the level 2 Khan Gift Ricepaper Walk. Ocelotl generally use this Gift for navigating wires, thin limbs, etc.
Fluttering Spy (2)
Itz Darts (2)
Soothing Touch (2)
Call Coatl (3)
Touch Of The Tree-Frog (3): As the level 3 Balam Gift.
Vision Cloud (3): As the level 4 Balam Gift.
Skin Of Itzcoatl (4)
Windwalk (4)
Banish The Moon's Bane (5)
Dance Of The Breeze (5)
Defy Mictlan (6)


By Jessica M. McGeary
Questions exist as to whether this tribe can really be called Garou as they are largely based off Lycaon pictus, the African wild dog.
Garou convert from other tribes, though, especially anti-extermination Red Talons and the occasional lost/renegade Silent Strider.

Founder: Female Philodox, of Glass Walkers (or whatever their names were in the beginning). She was young during the end of the
Impergium and grew disgusted with human behavior after it ended. She joined Red Talons for a time, but couldn't deal with the "kill
'em all" ideology. She went to learn from the Silent Striders for a time, and then vanished. It turns out she went south and found the wild
dogs (btw, there are those who believe Lycaon pictus belongs in the same genus as the wolf). Several other Garou came with her.
The People of Law came from this.
Converts aside, the lupus form looks like the African wild dog - round ears, splotched, spotted coat, 30 in. tall at shoulder, four toes on
each foot. Most homid members look like Bushmen, though lots of em are Black. The People of Law are a lot stricter about the Litany
and such matters than are the modern Garou. They do not have metis members. Metises are mostly born to converts; if this happens,
the metises are driven from the tribe and pronounced anathema, and the parents are killed, but quickly and mercifully. Should a metis
child be born to native People, all three are killed - the child mercifully, and the parents are torn to pieces by the pack. Guilt is
determined by Philodox inquisitors according to strict ritual procedure. Metis young produced by rape are subjected to a ritual which
renders them a normal wolf or wild dog (though still deformed and sterile), without the power of the Change, forever. The mother is put
through a process of healing and cleansing, involving a lot of rituals for the purpose, and is absolved of all guilt. The male is torn to
pieces by the pack. The People of Law do not have knowledge of the Rite of Gaia's Vengeful Teeth. If they did, they would consider it
horrific and refuse to learn it or use it.
Metis young produced by Black Spiral rape, which has only happened twice in the tribe's history (and then to members travelling far
from the tribe's territory) are killed. Erm, that is, Black Spiral rape has only happened twice, but both times it produced young. The
mother spends a year or more in the process of healing and purification, and both have Renounced and launched wars of revenge
against the Spiral Hive whose member was responsible. Both times they have destroyed all the Spirals therein (their packmates
assisted them, of course). The Pathstones were taken from the Pits guarded by these Hives, and the area purged of the Wyrm's taint.
The Striders have discovered one of these, but what happened to it, they do not know.
Sorry, my mistake. Metis children of rape are killed, too; this is not so much because of the Litany or other laws, but because their
deformities would place too much of a burden on those beings to whom they were given. However, the tribe does have a ritual by
which a metis can be deprived of the Change and made a normal forever - either a normal wolf/wild dog, or a human. Normal only in
the sense that they cannot change shape. The rite in question is mostly performed when a Black Spiral or something of that sort is
captured. I'll go try and write it up at the end of this thingy.

Council of Wyrm's Advocates: Philodoxen are the strongest auspice within the tribe, naturally, but the auspice immediately
following them in power is, oddly enough (or not) the Ragabashes. Ragabash elders choose from all the tribe's Ragabashes to form
the Council of Wyrm's Advocates (institution existed from Long Ago, but the name came from a Strider passing through from the
north). The Council exists to test laws to destruction prior to implementing them, and to occasionally give old laws a pounding from hell
to see if they still need to stand. Galliards come slightly below Ragabashes in power, as they come in quite handy for remembering
precedents and old lore long tucked away and suchlike. Ahrouns make great enforcers and prosecuting attorneys (actually, its mostly
the other way around - converts and homids who are prosecutors tend to be Ahrouns). Theurges serve the standard mystical functions
and do a lot of the healing and psychological stuff.
Converts tend to be anti-extermination Red Talons who wandered into Africa. The occasional Silent Strider comes to join them.
Native-born homid tribe members who are not Bushmen or Black are usually of Middle Eastern descent. The occasional bit of nonLycaon blood that crops up (high Pure Breed members have a chance of going to Lycaon or going to Lupus, but not both- those with
Lupus forms are throwbacks) manifests as the form of the Arabian wolf or the Iberian wolf (from tribe members who went north, bred to
Arabs, and had descendants who joined the Moorish conquests).
Interesting note: converts who are Lupus Garou, for the most part, tend to mate with humans, as they aren't used to the cues and signs
from L. pictus. Homid converts often wind up bowing to necessity and mating with the wild dogs, as the majority of humans in the
People's protectorate find most homid converts to look revolting. This is also often the force that causes the creation of metis young,
but you saw what happens to them.

Totem: Halakha (Heb. word for Divine Law, but it's her name).
Protectorate: The People of Law mostly look after the Bushmen, these days, as well as some of the other native populations in
southern Africa. They also guard the Lycaon pictus population fiercely.
Initial willpower: 5
Initial backgrounds: 2 (no Contacts or Resources) Characters w/Pure Breed 5 must roll 1d10. On a 10, their final form is not Lycaon
but Lupus. Roll again; 9 or higher means that the form resembles an Iberian wolf. Lower, and it's the Arabian wolf.
Only the Garou who have joined them know of the Peoples existence. They conceal themselves from the others - indeed, if they had
not begun receiving Red Talon and Silent Strider members, they would have continued to believe, as they had been doing for ages,
that the other Garou were extinct. Prior to 1850 or so, none of them had left Africa. Some Garou had come to Africa with the British
conquests, but the People had no contact with these, save for a few who were killed by Wyrm beasts the People were trying to

A pack of fifteen People (eight Lycaon, one Lupus; eight female, seven male) is headed north to Yugoslavia, at the request of
Halakha. They will not be discovered until they reach the area, and then it will be by either local Shadow Lords or by one of the three
Garou with the UN forces in the area (two Fianna, one Black Fury). This will happen after thirty or forty soldiers who commit rape as
part of the war are torn to pieces by wild dogs, or shot by the Ragabashes. There are three Ragabashes in the pack, two male, one
female. These remain in Homid form while the others change to Lycaon/Lupus form; they deal with the men who fear the dogs and
shoot at anything with four legs, mostly by shooting them, but some by slitting their throats. The ones killed by the Ragabashes are not
touched by claw or fang, but left for the others to find. Human women who have not yet been subject to rape, as well as many who
have, have taken to making friends with area dogs. A few brave women have also made overtures towards local wolves (one of which
is a Rank 3 Shadow Lord lupus), as they've heard of a wolf in the dog-pack as well.
Long long long long ago, the People of Law made contact with the Bunyip. Seventeen Bunyip fled to them over Moon Bridges before
the Bunyip were killed off; these seventeen pulled up the Bridges behind them, utterly frustrating the Wyrm agents who could no longer
track them. These joined the People - their life governed by the Dreamtime Laws made it easier for them to fit into the tribe. Children
of the People tribe who are born Garou have a one-in-a-million chance of being born Bunyip. Bear in mind that the chances of an
alligator being hatched white but not albino are one in a million, but recently a clutch of 25 alligators in Louisiana hatched out
seventeen white young. I'd say that as a result of the weird things accompanying the incipient Apocalypse, there's a higher chance of
Bunyip young being produced. No need to worry about Pure Breed levels for them, but they would most likely have high scores (a 4 or
5 would go with being Bunyip, but you wouldn't have to roll for it with that level Pure Breed).
The Ragabash council is the Council of Wyrm's Advocates because the idea of the Council came from a Strider convert who knew of
the Catholic Church's procedure relating to canonization. Since they didn't believe in the Devil as such, they changed the name. The
People see nothing wrong with arguing the Wyrm's cause when testing a law, whether proposed or established, and the Ragabashes
especially feel it is their sacred duty to test things against the Wyrm's force- not only laws, but often cubs as well. The People's Rites of
Passage would horrify other tribes of Garou; their Theurges invoke Wyrm spirits or creatures and hold them or bind them, then test the
cubs against the most appropriate sort of spirit. Those not destroyed or killed by the cubs are banished back to Malfeas.
Ragabash: Tester of the Law<
Theurge: Interpreter of the Law
Philodox: Giver of the Law
Galliard: Holder of the Law
Ahroun: Enforcer of the Law
or something like that.
Trials are conducted by the People in a manner somewhat different from other Garou. Its considered terribly rude for someone to flee
trial, but when it happens, they are hunted down by Ahroun-Ragabash teams. Once the trial begins, the law relevant to the situation is
recited by the Philodoxes, and the crime for which the trial is conducted is spelled out. The one being tried may not speak for himself
or herself, but neither may the one who brings the accusation speak. Either a Ragabash or a Galliard - accused's choice- Speaks for
the defense, and either a Galliard or an Ahroun for the accuser. (Galliard v. Galliard makes for spectacular trials. Scopes monkey trial
scale.) (On rare occasions, Theurges will be employed to Speak for one or both sides.) A Galliard not Speaking for either side recalls
events and trials similar to the one being conducted, though not always judicial precedent. Both sides Speak, and may question the
other side or independent witnesses if they wish. It is the neutral Galliard's sacred duty to speak or sing forth any piece of lore or
history they remember that they believe relevant to the case at hand - no matter when they are reminded during the trial. Three
Philodoxes pass the final judgment; they must be unanimous in their decision. The judgment is then presented to a group of Theurges,
I'm not sure how many. Either three or five. If these Theurges believe unanimously that the judgment before them is wrong or unjust,
they say so, and the trial is ended and passed to the Council of Wyrm's Advocates, from which there is no appeal. (If not all the
Theurges agree, but at least one thinks it unjust, the case is retried, with different principals for everything except accuser, accused,
and Theurges.) This happens extremely rarely, though; a trial before the Wyrm's Advocates is a terrible thing, invoking magic and
spirits, more frightening than a Shadow Lord Grand Inquisition. You see, if this happens, all those involved in the trial- accused,
accuser, Speakers, neutral Galliard, judges, Theurges, everyone - is put to the Council's scrutiny, and this is not something any of
them wish to have happen.
Hrm. Howabout this. Three Theurges. If one thinks injustice done, the case is retried; if two, the Speakers are changed, or sometimes
exchanged; if three, we go to the Wyrm's advocates. Also, the Philodoxes give judgment, but the Theurges do the sentencing. The
neutral Galliard must give the recitation of the facts of the case as presented by the accuser prior to the trial.
The People of Law are, technically, more Wyrm than anything else - but the original Wyrm, the bringer of harmony, the balancer,
destroyer of excess. To tell the truth, they are some of the most balanced Garou - if they can accurately be termed Garou. Once they
meet the other Garou on a large scale, both sides will have to figure out for themselves whether the People can truly be called Garou.
They are strong in the Weaver - their laws, their Code, etc. - in the Wyld - for their sacred spaces and environment are some of the
best protected, and they hold life and liberty and change more dear than most Garou - and in the Wyrm as it once was, for they will
sacrifice themselves if need be to keep balance between excessive order and excessive chaos. Damn straight they hold the Philodox
auspice in highest place. Their outlook and behavior dates from their origins - Silent Striders, creators and invocators of mystery;
Glass Walkers, preservers of order; and Red Talons, destroyers of excess and ill. A number of Garou who were born in the Indian
populations in South Africa are quite comfortable with their philosophy & have joined them.
Moots, of course, are held on the half moon; occasional moots come at the time of African festivals or on the new moon, and naturally
resemble these festivals. They live anywhere Cape hunting dogs are found, and roam the Kalahari with the Bushmen. Some of the
People are the only preservers of Southern Bushman blood left after the British and Dutch killed them.
Currently the People's highest leader is a middle-aged Philodox of Bushman blood, educated by White humans. His birth name was

something I can't type 'cos I don't have the symbols for all the different clicks, but his marvelous understanding and establishment of
human law, the Litany, and the Code in its entirety prompted others to encourage him to take a new name at the Change. His name is
Some of the Ragabash Gifts are restricted severely in their usages by the Code. Whelp Body may not be used unless the Ragabash
is attacked first, or fighting a Wyrm minion. Thieving Talons of the Magpie I'm not sure about. Violation is a secret that has been
allowed to be lost - the original Ragabashes who accompanied Halakha south did not teach it to the cubs they mentored, though they
taught of the power's existence and warned that its use would be grounds for a trial. In its place, the metis power Totem Gift is taught;
the whole tribe may be taught that ability, which came to them through a Ragabash who had had a Metis mentor.
Hm. Perhaps, perhaps, one Ragabash on the Council of Wyrm's Advocates may be privy to the secret of Violation, and only teaches
the power to his/her successor before he/she dies. Allows for punishment of criminals without using Gaia's Vengeful Teeth.

Camouflage (Level One): As the Wendigo power.
Sense Wyrm (Level One): As the Metis power.
Find Water (Level One): As the Lupus power, but available to Homids as well without extra cost. Bushmen do sip-soaks and
suchlike, you see.

Dust Devil (Level Two)

Messenger's Fortitude (Level Two): As the Silent Strider power.
Distractions (Level Two): As the Galliard power. Used only by Lycaon or Lupus tribe members, and the yips, yelps and howls
involve the birdlike chirps and yaps the wild dogs make.

Lions Might (Level Three)

Adaptation (Level Three): As the Silent Strider power.
Attunement (Level Four): As the Silent Strider power.
Savannah Scourge (Level Four)
Solitary Company (Level Four)
Totem Gift (Level Five): As the Metis power.
Gaia's Vengeance (Level Five): As the Red Talon power.
Gate of the Moon (Level Five): As the Silent Strider power.
All right. Here's another special Rite, developed by some curious Theurges and Galliards aeons ago, not long after the initial Pack
reached the southlands.

Arousal Ceremony (Level two)
Rite of Divestiture (Level five)

By Peloquin (
"I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again."
-- Bart Simpson

Let me tell ya, kid, ain't nothin' t'be 'shamed of, bein' a magpie. We's may not be the purdiest birds in the world, but hey, we look
better than the ravens, an' that's somfin' at least. Now, I know you're mighty curious 'bout how an' where we came from, an' kid;
this may not be good t'hear, but iff'n youse is gon' take yer place in our society, the more ya know, the better you're off. First of
all, I'm gonna tell youse about the war the wolves made against the other skinchangers.
We done'em wrong.
No, y'idiot, not the wolves, the other changers! See, back in the old days, when there weren't no war, we was the big fools and
jesters of the European Garou an' their courts. But we were also the advisors of the Silver Fangs.
Back in the old days, we purdy much did what we felt like, not botherin' with the laws of the apes, no offense, kid, stealin' what we
wanted, an' lyin' through our teeth whenever we gots ourselves caught. Unfortunately, one of the lies found a bit too fertile ground.
It seems as if the Fangies was goin' crazy already back then, all that inbreedin', y'know, an' when one day one of us claimed that
a Raven had stolen the local Silver Fang king's sceptre, he listened too well. An' bein' mad, he sent out a whole damn pogrom
against the village where the local ravens had their place.
Of course, this didn't sit all that well with the ravens, so they fought back. And the Fangs went nuts. Sure, you could say we
overestimate our own importance, but lemme tell ya this, only a few years later, the first War of Rage began. Okay, now as for
where we came from, I'll tell ya later on.


"I was not lying. I said things that later on seemed to be untrue."
-- Richard Nixon, discussing Watergate
Back in the Dreamtime, before the Sundering of Umbra and real world, when the skinchangers were new to the world, and the
humans were a strange curiosity, it so happened that the bird known as Magpie was flying through the air above a river. This
was from before magpies got their present colour, and all magpies were white.
Now, being a magpie, he was constantly scanning the ground for shiny, bright objects to adorn his nest with, but this being the
Dreamtime, before the humans had really gotten started with their handiworks, there wasn't all that much to find.
And then he saw it. Down in the water, a huge, round piece of silver beckoned to him. Now, Magpie may have been one of the
smartest birds around, but he still couldn't help himself when it came to shiny objects, so he swooped down, snagged the big
piece of silver and took it to his nest, where he sat admiring it for hours on end.
Later that day, Luna herself came walking through the forest, seemingly looking for something. Magpie noticed this, and realized
that he had stolen Luna's moondisk, the disk that she wore every night when she walked across the skies. He got real scared,
and hid the moondisk as far down in his nest as he could.
As Luna approached, she noticed him trembling in his nest, and became suspicious. "Hello there, Magpie, what are you
hiding?" she asked.
Magpie burred himself up, vainly trying to hide the glow of Luna's moondisk, and gave her his most innocent look. "Hiding? Why,
I'm not hiding anything! I'm just sitting here, trembling because it's so cold out here in the woods! But what are you looking for?"
Luna realized that the little white bird was lying, so she just smiled at him. "Now, now, Magpie, I know you've stolen my moondisk;
why don't you just give it back and I'll forget all about this!"
Magpie pretended to grow indignant, so he shook his head, hid the moondisk in his beak, and flew off. And Luna followed.
Magpie flew as fast as he could, looking for a good hiding place, and came upon a small tent, where a human sat outside. He

landed near the human, and pretended he was hurt.

"Heeelp! Oh, someone please help me!"
The human felt sorry for the bird, and walked over to him. "What's wrong little bird?"
"Oh, a madwoman is hunting me; she wants to kill me, and she has already hurt my wing, see?" He hobbled around a bit, to
show what he meant. The human got angry, picked up magpie and placed him in his tent.
After a while, Luna came by. "Hello, manchild, have you seen a little white bird around here?"
Magpie whispered to the human from his safe place in the tent. "That's her! That's the madwoman!"
The human picked up his spear and stood in front of his tent. "I will not let you hurt the bird! He has done nothing to you!"
Luna just gawked at the man in disbelief. And then she laughed, so hard the ground trembled. "Is that what he told you? That little
thief has stolen my moondisk, and I've been trying to get it back! Come here, both of you, and I'll let you know what I think of
thieves and their accomplices." Reluctantly, Magpie came out of the tent, handing the disk over. "Now, I can't let you steal and
get away with it, but you have made me laugh, and that is worth something, at least. So I'm giving you this gift: From this day on,
this man, and some of his descendants, shall be skinchangers, and have the ability to change into magpies! But for stealing my
disk, you will from hereon be hurt by pure silver, just like most of the other skinchangers! And you, Magpie: from this day on, half
your feathers will be black, to show all who recognizes it that you walk the line between lies and truth, but will never cross into
And that's how the Pica tribe got made, and how the magpies got their black and white shroud. What? You think Luna was cruel
to that man? Hah, shows what you know.

Cultural background
Most Pica are European, but like the birds themselves, the weremagpies cannot be hoarded in with a particular ethnic group.
Indeed, if you were to take five Pica, it is likely that one would be East European, one would be Scandinavian, one would be of
Mediterranean descent, one would be Western European, and one would be from some country anywhere else in the world.
One could think the Pica are a split tribe, but instead, they happen to be the most closely knit together tribe of all Changing
Breeds. They are also a most conscientious tribe; when most European Werebeasts joined in the war on both sides, the Pica
spent most of their time saving what they could. The exploits of Silverbeak Voder, the German Resistance leader who ran an
entire underground railroad for Jewish refugees are but one of the many tales one could tell of the Pica tribe's deeds.

The Pica are usually slightly dark; it is very rare to come across a fairhaired, blue-eyed Pica, but they are not nonexistent. They
also tend to have bad taste in jewelery, not going for the quality, but instead for the gaudiest, flashiest pieces of cheap garnets
and trinkets. And they wear them in public, too.

Tribal Weakness
All Pica has the flaw Cleptomaniac; they must make a Willpower roll (diff: 8) every time they happen to be in the proximity of
some shiny, easily stolen object.

Beginning Willpower

Beginning Rage

Beginning Gnosis
Homid: 3

Pica: 6

Unlike any other shapeshifter, the Pica has no Crinos form. As amazing as it might sound, they only make do with a Homid, a
Glabro (Avians), a Hispo (Avius) and a bird form (Pica). In Avians form, the Pica gains a slightly pointed nose, and his hair
becomes a shock of black and white, some of it feathers, running down his back. His eyes turn black, and his fingers grow
longer, almost clawlike. In bird forms, beak and claws do aggravated damage.
In Avius form, the Pica is a huge magpie, almost as big as a raven, with the beautiful white and black feathershroud. Beak:
Str+3. Claws: Str+2
In Pica, well, the little magpie becomes a highly intelligent looking magpie. Beak: Str+1. Claws: Str:+1
Since the Ritual of Spawning, the Rite that creates new Pica is so similar to the Corax Creation rite, there are no Metis.
Form Difficulty Adjustments
Homid 5
Avians 6
Str +1, Dex +3, Sta +1, Man -1, Appearance -1
Avius 6
Str -1, Dex +3, Sta -1, Man -1
Pica 5
Str -2, Dex +4, Sta -1, Man -1

All Pica may step sideways, and since the Umbra is such a shiny, lovely place to the Pica, they are at a -1 difficulty at all times.
Rites are, in most cases, almost identical to Corax and Garou rites.

Kindred: Oh, they have so many shining baubles to steal, jewelery, money, Princedoms.
"Oh, the Magpies are harmless."
Magi: They shine to us. If we could, we would steal them.
"Keep away from the grubby little thieves."
Fae: Ah, the Shining Folk. So few, so doomed.
"They're fun, but they lie more than a Pooka in the White House."
Black Furies: They don't want the women to equal; they want them to be superior. They're just as stupid as the Get sometimes.
"If I get my hands on that thieving little fetishsnatcher, I'll . . ."
Bone Gnawers: The true nobility of the Garou. They've understood something the others haven't. Humility.
"They're nice, and they always keep an extra chair for dinner if you're hungry."
Children of Gaia: Peaceful Garou, now there's a contradiction in terms, a bit hypocritical, but nicer than most of them, I

". . .And then, (sob) he stole my unique Rainmaker fetish.(sob)"

Fianna: They're a bit too cozy with the ravens for our taste.
"Hah! Them wee magpies tried t'steal me fam'ly recipe fer ale, but after I tweaked their beaks a little, they left . . . and then I
noticed they'd stolen me purse while I tweaked 'em."
Get of Fenris: Avoid them. They're loonies. Racist loonies.
Glass Walkers: Hmmm. . . I mean, we think the Weaver looks all bright and shiny too, but we don't ally with it.
"Weird. Real weird. And don't let them near the silverware. Or your carkeys. Or your safe. Or your . . ."

Red Talons: As loonie as the Get. Loonier, if that's possible.

"Pfsht.They should consider getting rid of their disgusting little monkeykin."
Shadow Lords: Creepy guys. No sense of humor. If you steal anything theirs, you might find your own friends suddenly trying to
kill you.

"We have our ways of keeping them away."

Silent Striders: Nice, but have you noticed all them ghosts following them around?
"Strange little thieves. Still, they probably serve some purpose of Gaia."
Silver Fangs: How the hell can you be king of a tribal society? That's like being the President of a kingdom, totally useless!
Nice name, though . . . silver.

"Don't let them in the door. And even if you do, they'll probably steal your keys and get in anyhow . . . damn birds."
Stargazers: Oh, the stars are shiny and twinkly . . . but you can't steal them, so why bother staring at them?
"Odd little birds."
Uktena: They're a bit too curious about unpleasant things for our taste, but they got neat things to steal.
"The thieves. Yes, isn't it interesting that they might be the most moral Shapeshifters of all?"
Wendigo: Big bullies, only a slight bit less loonier than the Get.
"Thieves, but they don't come to our lands, so we don't hunt them."
Corax: Ravens. We're not on speaking terms.
"Oh, the magpies . . . useless thieves."
Bastet: The cats are cats, and cats eat birds, if you catch my drift?
"They have an unwholesome interest in our Trinkets and secrets."
Nuwisha: Fun-ny! They understand us better than most!
"Hey, if Gaia had no purpose for thieves, they wouldn't exist, right?"
Mokole: Crocodiles . . . alligators . . .shiny shoes . . . shiny bags . . . shiny belts.
"Hors d'ouevres. I pick my teeth with their beaks."
Ananasi: Spiders. And people say we're weird.
"Magpies. And people say we're weird."
Rokea: Never met one.
". . ."
Gurahl: Bears. They're gone now. Damn Garou.
"Magpies . . . Somehow, that conjures up memories of a city in the mediterranean, sinking for a magpie's folly."
Others: Oh, there are some other's I've heard of, but we like the hedgehogs best. They don't try to eat us.

"Say, that's a real nice watch you got . . . can I see?"

A Pica gains three Gifts at character creation: one Breed Gift, as per the rulebooks, one Ragabash Gift, and one Tribal Gift. The
Gifts of the Pica are, not surprisingly, almost exclusively aimed at stealing, lying and cheating.

Level One
Level Two
Lying Teeth
Taking the Forgotten: As the Ragabash Gift.
Level Three
Borrowing: (Thieving Talons of the Magpie) As some non-Corax and non-Ragabash may have suspected, this Gift was once
stolen from the Magpies, and is a mere Level 3 with them. Note that non-Pica may not learn this Gift at Level 3, they have to
learn the Level 5 Gift as is normal. Also, the Gift itself is rarely used, the Magpies do not like to reveal their true potential.

Silence: As the Ragabash Gift

Level Four
Wings of a Magpie
Level Five
Mind Stealing
Level Six
This Rank is rarely reached by the reckless, thieving Pica, but those who have reached it are feared because of the Gift they
teach each other when reaching it.

Stealing the Moon

By Richard Scott ( (1 December 1995)

"Well I'm as old as the hills
and young as the day
Nobody sees things in quite the same way"
-- Midnight Oil, Feeding Frenzy
Phoenix rose.
Gaia wept.
Luna woke.
Gaia's lament, the War of Rage. "Who will defend me?" she cried.
"Mother, I know not."
Phoenix watched.
"There must be, daughter, or I am lost."
"Mother, I am sorely weakened with the deaths of the changing breed."
Phoenix stirred.
"Luna you must try."
"Mother, there may be one. The last, but I had feared to try."
"Daughter, save me."
Phoenix spread his wings.
Luna sped through the night sky. West, ever west.
Phoenix flew.
Luna called the East Wind to her. "I have a task for you."
East Wind bowed to Luna, and sped through the night.
Phoenix watched.
Luna shone.
"Here are Gaia's Pongida, flaming Phoenix. The last of the Changing Breed."
Phoenix saw the wind.
The East Wind came, bringing another.
"Go, Wind, call your brothers and sister. Let them bring their gifts again."
East Wind bowed, and left.
"You, Phoenix, you must give a gift too."
Fiery Phoenix, bathing all in his glow.
And the Pongida were strong.
The Winds blew.
The Pongida knew the Rite-Gifts.
Gaia saw, and was glad. She blessed them with the Way of Gaia.
Phoenix took wing.

Luna showed her many faces to the Pongida.

Ahroun, Galliard, Philodox, Theurge, Ragabash. All of the Pongida.
Then formed the tribes of the Pongida.
Beringa. Peaceful mountain defender, rarest of them all.
Gora. Strength of the Last breed.
Graua. Scouts of the plains, the hidden.
Troglo. Swift and clever, the many.
Two other tribes came, as the East Wind blew.
Sumpygma. Warrior-mystics.
Borpygma. The hermits and philosophers, the thinkers.
Luna shone.
Luna spoke.
"You are the last of Gaia's defenders, my Pongida. Others have strayed, and lost the way. You must not. Beware the Garou. Help
the Changing Breed."
Luna dimmed.
"I am tired, my children, I must sleep. Go. Save our mother."
Again, the East Wind came. The Pygma were gone.
Luna slept.
Still, Phoenix watched.

The mist of light

from which they take their grace
Hides what they are.
-- Richard Monckton Milnes
"These are the last days. May Gaia have mercy on us." - Prophecy of the Phoenix.

The Pongida are the last of the Changing Breed, created in response to the War of Rage. In Africa and Asia the Garou went not,
or went warily, so the Pongida helped save many of the hidden Changing Breed, unknown to the Garou. Mostly legends and old
tales abound. Luna created them as they were most like man, hoping they could understand and guide the humans more than
any others of the Bete.

Common Parlance
Gorillai: Term that means the Gora, Graua, and Beringa
Pygma: Word for the Borpygma and Sumpygma

The Cities
"So you cut all the tall trees down
You poisoned the sky and the sea
You've taken what's good from the ground
But you left precious little for me"
-- Midnight Oil, River Runs Red

The Troglo are the Pongida most comfortable with cities, although others can be found there. However, as more and more forest
is cut down, and becomes more urban, and the rapaciousness of increased subsistence farming continues, this will change.
There are very few of the Gorillai left at all, and they are rarely seen.

The Wilderness
Found mostly in the places of their creation, the Pongida have begun to range throughout the world, and hence have more
interaction with others, including the Garou. Stories of the White Gorilla, and Congorilla have surfaced in modern times.

"Don't want to be a member of a species that's deceasing"
-- Midnight Oil, Pictures
The mountain gorilla, from whence Beringa kinfolk come, is extinct. The lowlands gorillas of both varieties number in the
thousands. A similar case with the orangutan. There are still over a hundred thousand of the chimpanzees alive, so they are the
most plentiful of the Pongida, particularly in the Simus breed. Very few Simus Gorillai or Pygma are now born.

The Present Day

The state of the Pongida is bad, directly linked to the fate of the wild apes. Few Beringa remain at all; it seems their hope is
linked to their human kinfolk. The Graua and Gora fare little better, but some of their simian kinfolk survive in captivity and in the
wild, although their free brethren will all be dead soon. Gorilla parts, used for fetishes in Africa, are highly prized. In Rwanda and
Zaire, starving farmers poach them to eat or sell. The fate of the Pygma is similar, and their numbers are around the same. The
Troglo are far more numerous than any of the others, although they too will be cut down as their habitat decreases and the
human population grows. Perhaps they may number in the low hundreds.
More Pongida of all breeds are forced into the world of man, in the strange, alien environment of the cities. The Wyrm, of course,
is not unaware of this. Does salvation lie with the homids, sadly?
Unlikely. The Pongida, like the Garou and others of the Bete, are dying.

Other Lycanthropes
"Who'd like to change the world
Who wants to shoot the curl"
-- Midnight Oil, One Country
The Pongida never participated in the Impergium as such, and often see the Garou as the enemy, and misunderstandings
abound. There are rumours of other Bete, unknown to the Garou, and the Pongida may well have allies with the Ophidi and the
Raptora, others of the Bete existing where they live, and mostly unknown to the Garou. The War of Rage largely passed them by,
only claiming a few of their numbers.

Pongida Society
"Tarzan wasn't a ladies man
He'd just come along and scoop 'em up under his arm"
-- Crash Test Dummies, Superman's Song
Pongida are an affectionate bunch as a whole, and like to live in families, around Nests, much like the Garou packs and Caerns.
The non-African Pongida, the Pygma (their own term for the two tribes, Borpygma and Sumpygma) tend to be a lot more
solitary, however, which perhaps has not helped them. Becoming Pongida is easier than Garou; there is no harsh rite of
passage, but children are taken at around the same age from human society. (Of course leaving their families like this gives rise
to the ape-man stories, and the raped-by-apes stories). The Pongida used to fight over breeding rights for ape families, too, but
no longer, as the numbers are not there. More often ape and human lives are coming together. Lost young Pongida are found on
occasion, mostly in Africa.

Homid: These Pongida grew up in human society, with all the problems that entailed with their Pongida nature. They can talk

Homid: These Pongida grew up in human society, with all the problems that entailed with their Pongida nature. They can talk
and know the ways of humans. Some were taken as teenagers, a few others were of the 'lost variety' just turning up, unknown to
other Pongida.

Metis: Children of two Pongida parents. They often have deformities, but are not reviled as Garou Metis are. They are valued
members, although perhaps a little bit prejudiced against when it comes to certain areas, like leadership.

"Monkey see and monkey do

Making babies, eating food
Smelly things, pubic hair
Words of love in the air"
-- Talking Heads, Facts of Life

Simus: Raised as apes, often smarter than their family, hence rising to leadership positions in the hierarchy. Have some
problems relating to man and with speech of the human variety. However, they will be able to communicate with apes of their
own kind. i.e. a Troglo Simus could communicate with chimpanzees.

"The girls and boys combine
like monkeys in the zoo"
-- Talking Heads, Facts of Life
Much like Garou Caerns, Pongida families guard and gather around Nests, their own magical sites. Nests can be really bizarre,
especially if in cities, and not what you might expect. The Pongida share similar dominance patterns with the Garou, as well, but
tend a little less to bloody violence to settle things, with more ritualistic displays of aggression. The Pongida do have their own
special language, as well. Also, they can communicate over long distances by special cries, screeches, and grunts, much like
apes. Pongida are not as hung up on lineage and standing, other than dominance. There is no set Pongida Litany.

In a Pongida Family there will often be dominant leader who are usually older, but of either gender. The hierarchy of a Family will
be known, but not often a cause for violence. The Pongida know their numbers are small, and try to avoid killing or fighting each
other. The Troglo are often an exception to this.

The Pongida do have their own language, invented by the Borpygma in the distant past. Simus form Pongida may communicate
with other apes, too. Humans can actually learn to communicate with apes to a certain degree, and Pongida will naturally have
some skill at this in other forms.

Pongida, being gregarious creatures, form family groups that may or may not be made up of related individuals. They become
both kin and develop deep friendships a well -- a doubly strong bond. Families will stay together for life, adopting new members
on deaths. They will all defend each other to their utmost.
Families have elaborate grooming rituals; even in human form hair-brushing, nail-clipping or other such activities will be
performed. These are often related to dominance status in the pack, but also serve to enhance the ties between all members of
the Family, even with as little time for pleasant activites like these that they have in these times.

The Tribes
"I'm absolutely free
Living in the trees
The birdies and the bees
'Cause I'm a nature boy"
-- Talking Heads, Totally Nude
Beringa: The Mountain Gorilla is what they most resemble. Male Beringa will have a silver back when they are in Simus form,
and in Homid form will often have white or grey streaks in their black hair. They are peaceful creatures, and Gaia's staunchest
defender. However, very few of the Beringa remain, unfortunately. Beringa rarely become angry or violent. All Rage rolls are

performed at a +3 difficulty. Many of the Beringa will appear as African mountain tribespeople in Homid form.

Gora: The lowland gorilla is their kind; they will appear as dark or black apes, and likewise with human appearance will be dark
or black haired. They are very strong, and can be fearsome warriors. They are often hirsute in homid form.
They have the quickest tempers of the Gorillai, but they too do not anger easily. But if they do... Their Rage rolls are performed at
a +1 difficulty. The Homid appearance will generally be that of natives of Western Africa.

Graua: Plains dwellers of the east, they like to travel and scout, often mating with any gorillas they find in their travels. They are
adept at scouting and hiding and travel. They tend to have little to do with humans, other than observation or spying. They are the
hardiest of the Pongida. Their Rage rolls have a +2 difficulty. The human form will often look like a native Eastern African.

Troglo: The African chimpanzee is the most plentiful ape alive, giving the Troglo a certain advantage. They are the smallest in
Simus or Crinos form of all the Pongida. Often they will be brunette as homid, and will be brown-furred as Simus, and tend
toward the shorter end of the human height specturem. Troglo are the tribe that seek most to influence the humans, or work with
them. They are by far the most common of the Pongida and are usuall African in appearance.

Borpygma: Originating in Borneo, they like to keep to themselves whenever possible, and are deep thinkers, contemplating the
ways of the world and the Pongida and other Bete. Other tribes will often come to them for advice. (and often get impatient with
the seeming endless philosophical lecture that will inevitably follow). They too are exceedingly peaceful, and hard to anger. Their
Rage rolls are performed at a +3 difficulty. Borpygma will look like Borneans, quite frequently, but others are common, too.

Sumpyga: The Sumatran orang is their flock, and they have a decided mystical bent, which some Pongida are in awe of, and
some are a little distrustful of. Both varieties of Pygma will be orange or red-furred in Simus form, and red/auburn/ginger/haired
as homid. A balding appearance is even not uncommon. While not as contemplative as their cousins, they are still peaceful.
Rage rolls are at a +2 difficulty. Their homid appearance will generally be Sumatran.

The Pongida have both ape and human kinfolk, and again, the problem is that the Pongida gene is recessive, and very few
orangs or gorillas remain to breed with, so they are forced to turn to humans.

Wyrm Corruption
"Come down for a minute
touch the grass on the other side
meet the devil who is your host
Strike down what you believe in"
-- Entombed, Rotten Soil
Nean Ravagers: Lots of the mythology and cosmology is similar to the Garou, and, of course, there is the ever-present Wyrm.
The Garou's greatest evil, the Black Spiral Dancers, has unfortunately affected the Pongida, as well, but in far fewer numbers.
The Troglo are most likely to fall prey to this. To become Nean Ravagers, (the Pongida equivalent of the Black Spiral Dancers)
Pongida are taken to abandoned mines by Nean Ravager packs (a term taken from the Garou, to echo their destruction of other
Bete) , where pits of corruption are found, and immersed in all manner of foulness. When they come out of this Wyrm-spawned
horror they are insane, more brutish, more human looking, and out to cause the downfall of the Pongida. Pentex and the Fomori
of course affect the Pongida as well. Mines and other such sites from particularly environmentally noxious industries will be the
most common sites to become Nean Ravager pits.
The Ravagers will look like an evil echo of what they were before, a nasty glint to their eyes, often drooling or foaming, and
becoming more brutish, hairier. Chins and teeth will be a little more pronounced, and heads more sloping.
An even more insidious ability of the Ravagers, if they manage to take control of a Pongida Nest, is their ability to turn it into a
Pit, and twist all the Pongida, magic, energy and strength of Gaia to the Wyrm and multiply it.

Vampires: The Pongida are more likely to encounter the undead as they enter more cities. Few of the vampires were likely to
venture into areas that had strong Pongida rumours, as one or two strangely crushed corpses in their histories were enough of a
deterrent. Even the Gangrel were unable to make peaceful contact, for the Pongida did not appreciate their affiliations with the

Hunters: Pongida hunters are few, but do exist. Legends of the Great White Ape are enough to ensure this. They are likely to be
about as successful as Garou hunters, i.e. not very. However, there is no Delirium affecting humans where the Pongida are
concerned, so that can be an advantage for a hunter. They will meet more as they venture into cities, and the humans become
aware. The Yowie and Bigfoot sightings, along with the Yeti, could well be the result of careless Pongida.

Mages: Very dangerous creatures, except perhaps for some of the more naturist types, but avoiding them is a good idea. The
Borpygma are often tempted by the knowledge these beings bear.

Wraiths: The Restless are often on surprisingly good terms with the Pongida, being sympathetic to their plight. Some ancient

legends hold that high Ranking Pygma have even walked the lands of the dead. A dangerous feat, because even the Wraiths
that you visit would have enemies.

Changelings: The Eshu tell stories of the Pongida. There is definitely a relationship between the African Fae and these Bete.
Many of these Fae are not well known, being African in origin.

Bete: The relationship between the Pongida and the Garou can often be called uneasy at best, but it depends on the tribe. They
do not like the Mokole, or Anasasi. The Corax are known to them, and the Apres. The Rokea are unknown, and would not be
popular if they were. The Bastet and Nuwisha and Pongida tend to encounter each other infrequently, and the carnivores and
omnivores can be suspicious of each other, but they too, were victims of the War of Rage, and come under the province of the
Pongida. The Apres are seen occasionally, but Delphi and Lutrans are only stories.

Character Creation
"Well I told you about the forest and trees and the chlorophyll green. Yes I told you the birds will endure flutter wings dance on
leaves Hold onto dreams, hold onto dreams tonight"
-- Midnight Oil, Renaissance Man

The usual Storyteller process is followed, with the same point distribution as the Garou. Concept/Attributes/Talents etc. The
same number of freebie points.

Breed Gifts
Initial Breed gifts are same as the Garou, substituting Pongida for Garou where appropriate of course. Simus characters
may not have abilities that could only be learned by humans, except anything that involves very simple tool use, etc.
Assimilation becomes a Level Four gift for the Pongida homid.
Heightened Senses, Scent of Sight, and Gnaw are all taught by an Ape-spirit.

Auspice Gifts
Breed Initial Gnosis
Homid 1
Metis 3
Simus 5
Initial Rage
Auspice Troglo Beringa Gora Graua Sumpygma Borpygma
Ragabash 2
Theurge 3
Philodox 4
Galliard 5
Ahroun 6
Initial Auspice gifts are the same, except Ahroun get Iron Hands, instead of Razor Claws. Sense of the Prey is limited to Troglo
only, and taught by a chimpanzee spirit.
Call of the Wyld is taught by an ape spirit, and involves the calls of the particular tribe, screeching, etc.
Heart of Fury will be taught by a Lion spirit.
Clenched Jaw will be taught by an Ape spirit.
Iron Hands (Level One).

Character Creation by Tribe


Initial Willpower

Sumpygma 5
Borpygma 6
Beginning Gifts
Glib Tongue, Persusasion.
Resist Pain, Iron Hands.
Camouflage, Speed of Thought. Owl
Sense Wyrm, Mother's Touch. Ngagi
Sumpygma Sense Wyrm, Resist Pain
Borpygma Sense Wyrm, Sense Magic

Troglo Gifts
Glib Tongue
Snarl of the Predator
Merciful Blow
Speed Beyond Thought
Stoking Fury's Furnace
Trees in the Air

Beringa Gifts
Mother's Touch
Sense Wyrm
Luna's Armor
Spirit Friend
Beast Life
The Living Wood
Summon Ngagi

Gora Gifts
Resist Pain
Iron Hands
Howl of the Banshee
Clap of Thunder
Might of Thor
Wrath of Gaia
Open Wounds
Hero's Stand
Luna's Avenger
Shake the Earth

Graua Gifts
Speed of Thought
Blissful Ignorance
Messenger's Fortitude
The Great Leap
Speed beyond Thought
Gate of the Moon
Maze of Doom

Sumpygma Gifts
Sense Wyrm

Resist Pain
Luna's Armor
Icy Chill of Despair
Silver Hands
Strength of the Dominator
Circular Attack
Paws of the Newborn

Borpygma Gifts
Sense Magic
Sense Wyrm
Spirit of the Bird
Spirit of the Fish
Call Flame
Call Elemental
Ultimate Argument of Logic
Wisdom of the Seer
Gaia's Divine Insight

Rites and Renown

Very similar to the Garou. The rites differ among the tribes. The Troglo will have aggressive, physical challenges. The Gora will
deal with some aspect of warriorhood, perhaps. The Beringa in peaceful games, the Borpygma in puzzles, logic, or philosophy.
The Sumpygma may deal with entirely mystical rites.

Pongida do not have the Pure Breed background.

The Many Forms

"There are times when not being human would be a source of inner pride"
-- Entombed, Full of Hell
Homid: The Human
No adjustments, shift difficulty 5. May carry silver items without harm. Homids look as described above.
Shift Difficulty
Sumpygma 7
Borpygma 8

Glabro: The Near Man, shift difficulty 6.

Shift Difficulty
Sumpygma 8
Borpygma 9
In Glabro form, chests will get deeper, bodies hairier, jaws more prominent and heads more beetle-browed. The Glabro will gain
100-200% of their own weight, and grow several inches taller. Teeth get bigger and bodies more muscular.
Str Sta Dex Man App

Sumpygma 5
Borpygma 5





Crinos: The Ape-Man, shift difficulty 6.

The Crinos form will be at least one and a half times taller than the homid form. The body will be completely hairy, hands bigger.
Teeth will be even more pronounced than an ape's, with large canines. Movement on all fours will now be undertaken. Another
100-200% weight will be added. The head will become very apelike. Oh, and will be really mad and not good at talking (think the
Hulk for speech patterns, in the less-intelligent incarnations)
Shift Difficulty
Sumpygma 8
Borpygma 9
Str Sta Dex Man App
5 2 1 -3 0
6 3 0 -4 0
7 2 0 -4 0
8 1 0 -4 0
Sumpygma 7 1 0 -3 0
Borpygma 6 2 0 -3 0

Hispo: The Near-Ape

Basically, a giant ape, almost as big as the Crinos form, and will be able to charge on all fours like an ape. Big, hairy, and scary.
Shift Difficulty
Sumpygma 8
Borpygma 9
Str Sta Dex Man App
4 2 2 -3 0
5 3 0 -3 0
6 2 0 -3 0
7 1 0 -3 0
Sumpygma 6 1 1 -3 0
Borpygma 5 2 1 -3 0

Simus: Ape
Smaller than the Hispo form, and looking almost exactly like an ape of the same variety (although quite a bit larger) the Simus
form will be less aggressive, as well. All the sensory advantages and ape-communications will be available.
Shift Difficulty
Sumpygma 7
Borpygma 8
Str Sta Dex Man App

Sumpygma 3
Borpygma 2






By Honorah O'Neill (

The Prancers were once Black Spirals but have turned to spreading corruption through the Cuteness Conspiracy. They serve
the Urge Wyrm of Cuteness and consider their BSD cousins to be deluded fools for following the other Urge Wyrms. They see
violent means of corruption as a good way to end up dead very quickly. Rather than outright combat they prefer to warp people's
minds so as to get their own way. They are aided in this by the Cuteness Conspiracy who provide many of the revoltingly
adorable children's shows sown every weekday afternoon. Many of these shows are actually filmed in the Umbra, hence the
complete disconnection with reality. The ultimate goal of every Prancer is to be on Barney and Friends where they can serve the
Urge Wyrm of Cuteness in the most direct fashion. To achieve this goal, they cultivate their cute image, clipping their fur in
bizarre patterns and dying it various "happy" colors. This makes them appealing to children, their main target for corruption.
Many young Glass walkers and Bonegnawers have been seduced to the Black Spiral through excessive watching of children's
shows and the purchase of Pentex's line of cuddly stuffed Prancers. Who knew that cute could be so evil? The Prancer's derived
their name from their popularity as the evil mutant monster in current Hollywood films and as an evil pun on the Black Spiral

Lupus and Metis are the preferred breeds for television and film since they are inherently cuter due to their furriness. Homid have
to work harder at getting good roles since they aren't as comfortable in the furry forms. Metis are particularly favored since their
appearance is weakening the Veil and making the other tribes far more visible.

Ragabash and Galliard are the most favored since they are the most inherently entertaining. Theurges are most favored for any
show that needs some one who is "differently abled" due to their great skill with perceiving things differently via spirits. Philodox
are generally assigned to the backdrop so as to utilize their skills with judgement to make executive decisions. Ahrouns
generally end as working as security for publicity tours or as villains on corny action shows such as Mighty Morphing Power

Prancers generally take cute names or at least ones that inspire trust and sharing and other such "noble" qualities. example:
Fluffy, Muffin, Snookums, Trust-Me, Plays-Well-With-Others, Does-What-I'm-Told, Doesn't-Play-With-Matches, Name of Any
Good Disney character (no, Scar from the Lion King would be a bad choice)

Prancers are most often seen on daytime children's shows. To actually encounter one in person, one would have to travel to one
of the Umbral recording studios or attend one of the Prancers publicity tours. Lately they can sometimes be found entertaining at
children's parties.

Anything that appears cute, innocent, or harmless but is in fact harmful. This generally equates to them protecting children that
are in the process of being corrupted. Other children are fair game however.

Bane Totem
The Beast Of Caerbannog

Homid: Prancers can be of any race but generally appear as being of slightly less than average height and tend to have big
brown eyes. The hair may be dyed but is generally left alone.

Crinos: Prancers lavish attention on their crinos appearance so as to make it as cute as possible and so generally clip the fur
and dye it all sorts of bright colors. Properly done they appear very cute and cuddly. They may use this as a weapon against
other Garou who may hesitate at the sheer cuteness of their opponent.

Lupus: The fur in Lupus is generally a pale grey to medium grey. Many Prancers also dye their fur in this form so as to have
distinctive marking such as cute black masks, white paws, a white tail tip, etc.

Initial Willpower: 4
Initial Rage: as auspice
Initial Gnosis: as breed
Backgrounds: No Pure Breed

Level 1
Persuasion: As the Homid Gift.
Sense Wyrm: As the Metis Gift.
Shroud: As the Uktena Gift.

Level 2
Grovel: As the Metis Gift.
Alter Scent: As the Ragabash Gift.
Inner Strength: As the Stargazer gift.
Animal Friend

Level 3
Song of the Siren: As the Galliard Gift.
Chant of Morpheus: As the Children of Gaia Gift.
Touch of the Eel: As the Black Spiral Ragabash Gift.
Sheep's Clothing: As the Nuwisha Gift.

Level 4
Camera Eye: As the Glass walker Gift.
Phone Travel: As the Glass walker Gift.
Doppleganger: As the Glass Walker Gift.
Decrease Age

Level 5
Shadowplay: As the Theurge Gift.
Calm the Flock: As the Glass walker Gift.
Totem form: As the BlacK Spiral Gift.


Teddy Bear
Remote Control

A Sample Prancer
Breed: Metis
Auspice: Philodox
Pack: Aliens of the Week
Pack totem: The Beast of Caerbannog
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Empathy 1, Expression 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 2, Mimicry 2, Animal Ken 2, Drive 1,
Performance 4, repair 2, Stealth 2, Disguise 3, Kailindo 2, Linguistics 4, Rituals 2, Science 1
Backgrounds: Totem 3, Resources 2, Allies 2, Contacts 2
Gifts: Resist pain, Create Element, Persuation, Cute, Inner Strength
Rank: 2
Rites: Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite of Summoning
Fetishes: Death rattler, Umbra phone, and a very mundane red rubber herring.
Image: Snarf appears as a very cute wolf. The fur is generally dyed to be reddish though at times he has been known to dye it
other colors depending his mood. He appears rather slight in this form but is actually quite sturdy. In Homid, Snarf generally
wears whatever is currently in vogue that he can afford. He has sky blue eyes in Homid but he tends to wear sunglasses so no
one really sees them much. He has a nice tan and nice muscle definition but other that, doesn't seem terribly memorable.
(generally billed as Boy number three or Klingon number four or something along those lines)
Roleplaying Notes: You very much wish to make a name for yourself and are willing to do it the hard way, from the bottom up.
You often look somewhat harried and are almost constantly on the phone talking to your contacts and agent. When not trying to
clamber your way to the top of the heap you devote yourself to watching old movies, especially ones relevant to your current
History: Snarf was born to two Prancers. His father starred as the monster in many B- movies while his mother was more
concerned with the technical end of things and so never actually appeared in anything. Snarf wants to be just like his father and
make a name for himself, even if it is a bad name. He managed to get his start when he was fairly young by providing the voices
for some cartoons, particualry low budget bad ones. Currently he is running with a pack known as the Aliens of the Week, a
group of fairly young Prancers who are trying to move out of the children's area and into adult entertainment. Mostly they just end
up in Sci-fi shows as the spare aliens or on movies as random extras. The pack is dedicated to the Beast of Caerbannog and
so are starting to get themselves for hired for kung-fu style action flicks, particuarly Snarf who can act and kick ninja butt at the
same time.

By Alfred Marin (

Author's Notes
When I first began playing Werewolf, I had trouble finding a character that fit me. Nothing worked. Then, I surfed up to B.J.
Zanzibar's site and I found what I had been looking for: the Were-Chihuahua. In actuality, I found 2 listings. The Diablo by Steven
Markley and the Werechihuahua by By Ryan Silverman and Gavin Warren. There were small things that I didn't like with both
ideas, but nothing I couldn't work with. Then I showed it to my Storyteller, and she almost killed me. She hated them. So,
determined I would play a Were-Chihuahua, I set out to create one. I used the best of both template ideas (special recognition to
the creators of the Diablo and the Werechihuahua), and mixed in a little researched history and came up with the Quetechi. My
Storyteller not only loved it, the character played extremely well. So, for all those out there want to play a Were-Chihuahua and
can't seem to work with the Diablo or the Werechihuahua, then this one is, I hope, a good substitute.

During the 11th Century, the Toltec Empire was under attack by the nomadic peoples known as the Chichimec. Though the
Toltec were a race of warrior kings, they seemed to be no match for the barbarian hoards from the northwest. They were losing,
and the Chichimec were on the verge of taking over their capital city, Tula. The leader of the Toltec peoples prayed to
Quetazlcoatl, the god of civilization for their salvation. Quetazlcoatl heard his prayers, and took in his hands one of the Techichi
an early ancestor of the modern day Chihuahua. He transformed the dog into the first of a breed of shape-shifters that would
come to be known as the Quetechi. He then presented it to the leader of the Toltecs to act as their protector.
The Quetechi fought against the Chichimec, driving them back towards the northwest where they had come from. The
barbarians were powerless to defend themselves against such a powerful foe, and were ready to admit defeat. But
Quetazlcoatl's brother Tezcatipoca, who shared dominion over humanity with Quetazlcoatl and who was also in league with the
Wyrm, saw this as an opportunity to drive his brother from Tula. He went to the Chichimec nomads and gave them the
assistance of other minions of the Wyrm, the Black Spiral Dancers. The Chichimec returned to Tula with their new allies, and the
Quetechi was quickly killed by the overwhelming odds. They then attacked Tula and drove out the Toltec's, as well as
But even though the Quetechi was killed, he had a mate. His mate, a Techichi, escaped and later gave birth to a litter for
Techichi that had the same shifting ability as their father. As time passed, the Techichi gave way to the next evolutionary step in
their breed, the Chihuahua. Some of these new breed of dog carry within them the same abilities as that of their ancestors,
allowing them to carry on the Quetechi tribe name.

Character Creation
Beginning Gnosis
Homid 2
Metis 4
Canine 6

The Five Forms

Homid Resembles that of a person of Mexican or American Indian origin.
Glabro: Ears and eyes become slightly larger and more pronounced, head becomes rounder, hair becomes shorter.
Crinos: Full blown half and half.
Hispo: Large version of a Chihuahua, and is said to resemble that of its ancestor, the Techichi.
Lupus: "Toy Dog" Chihuahua
Form Homid Glabro Crinos Hispo Lupus
Str --+2
Dex -+1
Sta -+2







Initial Willpower


Though the Quetechi can follow any totem, this is a list comprised of those totems that have specifically sought out the Quetechi:
Badger (by Colin Chapman)
Jaguar (by Colin Chapman)
Snake (by Colin Chapman)
Scorpion (by Colin Chapman)
Quetzalcoatl (by Alejandro Melchor)
Kali (by Colin Chapman)
Elder Serpent (by Jaryn Dauss)
Cernunnos (by Colin Chapman)

Bonuses and Weaknesses

Quetechi's start with an automatic 2 dots in Dexterity, Stamina, and Perseption. Quetechi must take the Flaws: Over-Confident,
Short Fuse, Short, and the Merit: Daredevil. However, they do not receive or deduct freebie points for them. Also, the Quetechi
gain a +1 die bonus when making any Perception and/or Alertness rolls.

Level One
Foaming: See Foaming by Steven Markley. Roll Stamina + Primal Urge instead.

Level Two
Eyes of Fear: As the Ahroun gift True Fear.

Level Three
Nip: See Nip by Steven Markley.

Level Four
Thunderous Yap: This loud yapping terrifies all who hear it, including vampires, mages, and werewolves. The Quetechi may use
Rage or Willpower to add to his yap. The difficulty is the hearer's Willpower; if the roll is successful, then the hearer suffers as
affected by the Delirium Reaction Chart in Werewolf, using Willpower minus the number of successes. This Gift can only be
used in Lupus or Hispo.
Bad Dog: See Bad Dog by Steven Markley. Roll Wits + Primal Urge instead.

Level Five
Shake, Rattle and Rage: See Shake, Rattle and Rage by Steven Markley.

Rite of the Calling: (Level 1) This is used to call to any Quetechi in the area together for the purpose of fighting an enemy or

If born of the Canine breed, the Quetechi are prone to developing a condition called "Weak Knees". This condition can occur as
they get older.

By Timothy Toner (

Of all the Garou tribes and sub-tribes, none are more looked down upon more than the Rakkon. Thieves by nature, they simply
cannot resist the shining glint of something valuable, and will do anything within their (considerable) power to retrieve the objects
of their desire. It does not neccessarily have to be a thing of man, or something that the homids prize, like diamonds. But usually,
the more another prizes an object, the more the Rakkon desire it, whether it be an objet d'art, a shiny sword, a briefcase full of
bearer bonds, or the fetish of a sept leader.
Most would think that the Rakkon wouldn't give a damn about the struggle with the Wyrm, but this is not entirely true. They have
adopted an alien philosophy that confuses most who hear it, though the Rakkon say it makes perfect sense to them. They hold
that these objects of desire are so alluring because they are saturated with the power of the Weaver. There is some truth to this,
since something like a diamond, or a valuable painting, or a powerful fetish would take a great deal of work to create, and thus
would be saturated with order. Since the Wyrm seeks to undermine the Weaver, it must be stopped, lest all they prize fade into
Like I said. Many take it with a grain of salt, and think it only lip service to get them out of a bind when they do have to rely on
other Garou.
Their desires also give them unparalleled contact with homids, since 80% of what they want must be gotten through them.
However, they are less interested in culling populations than anyone else. This closeness allows them contacts and resources
most Garou would shun, but secretly envy when they run into problems.
Strangely, only about 65% of Rakkon stock are homid. It would seem that this desire stems not from the homid side, but all
breeds manifest this upon birth. Although it is more difficult for a Lupus to establish the contacts, the tribe holds those who
succeed in higher regard than Homid who do. Thus, the desire to climb up the ranks is almost as potent as the desire to garner
an object.
One problem with the Rakkon is that the ability to side step in order to thieve is considered "cheating" by most in the tribe. Thus,
when a cub is being trained, the ability is glossed over, and not stressed as most tribes do. The result is that any Gauntlet is +2
to difficulty, due to their inexperience and their subconscious desire not to run away but rather to deal with the problem with their
own skills.
Often the Rakkon will come head to head with the Toreador clan, as they tend to desire much that the clan does. This creates a
grand animosity, since they see this as the Wyrm in action, destroying the objects they covet so. They will seek out the private
caches of Toreador, hoping to run into such a creature, and put an end to the evil.
After an object is grabbed, if it is of sufficient value, it will be returned, usually to the place it was stolen from, or to a private
dealer, so that at a later date, another Rakkon may try to pierce the more elaborate security established to protect it. Thus it is
the mere act of stealing that motivates this desire, and not the intrinsic value of an object, kept in some room to collect dust.
Often, the auspice of a particular Rakkon will decide what he seeks. Thus, an Ahroun would value martial items, from 15th
century katanas to the latest Pentagon hardware. Galliards seek out objets d'art. Theurge prefer objects of philosophical value
that can be savored (and thus are seldom returned) such as books and rare tracts. Ragabash usually go for the glitziest item that
catches their eyes. Sadly, the Philodox are often the most deranged of the tribe as they try to balance out what they thieve
amongst the four auspices. Often they will lock into a compulsive habit, such as being compelled to steal in a specific order,
(Ragabash, Theurge, Galliard, Ahroun) or they may have to steal enough from each group so that the weights are identical.

The Crow

Initial willpower

Players start with 5 background points, and may spend them on anything but Allies (they tend not to make friends), Rites, and
Pure Breed.

Beginning Gifts
See below.

Wolf Form
Brown, with grey rings around the eyes.

The Rakkon have intricate webs of favors and contacts, but lack any true hierarchy. They seldom get together for moots, and
when they do, simply tell stories about capers that succeeded and failed, since sometimes the failures are just as important as
successes in the learning process.

Rakkon dwell virtually anywhere where items can be obtained. They are nomadic by nature, often fleeing an area after making
quite a pest of themselves, often chased out by other Garou.

The Rakkon often protect those like themselves, such as the gypsies, and other nomadic people, who flee because of "unjust"
persecution. Also, the Rakkon are well known for their desire to protect convicts who were good at their trade, and got
unfortunately caught.

The Wyrm? Ha! That thing is nothing compared to the Citibank job I pulled off last month. Why, you shoulda seen the...what?
What fetish? I haven't seen any... Oh, this fetish! Hm...I must have found it lying your pocket...Bye!

Rakkon Gifts
Blur of Milky Eye (Level 1): Same as Ragabash Gift
Balance (Level 1): As the Stargazer power
Cybersenses (Level 2): Same as Glasswalker
Appraisal (Level 2)
Catfeet (Level 3): As the Lupus power
Make the Mind Forget (Level 3)
Phantasm (Level 4): As the Fianna power
Doppleganger (Level 4): As the ??? power
Thieving Talons of the Magpie (Level 5): As the Ragabash power
Assimilation (Level 5): As the Homid power
Note: The level four and five Gifts of the Rakkon are taken from the best of other tribes. Most were stolen, and the Rakkon seem
to have no desire to develop their own, concerned more with using their own natural abilities, choosing gifts that will get them out
of a tight squeeze, or saves them time in casing a site.

The Rakkon, much despised by other tribes, have a slightly different system of gaining Renown. First, "besting" vampires only
have to do with Toreador, or other art collecting vampires. Besting a normal vampire is worth half the total. Glory renown is
rewarded for pulling off a mission, as per the following table:
Minor Theft (picking a vampire's pocket):
Major Theft (Breaking into medium security museum):
Greater Theft (Breaking into a maximum security museum): 1000
Greatest Theft (Breaking into a Kindred Controlled museum): 2000
Getting caught (and escaping) is worth half the total. Merely attempting such a feat is worthwhile in the eyes of a Rakkon.
Also, telling stories of a successful mission is worth 100 Glory, and listening to one is worth 50 Wisdom (whether it was
successful or not).

Minds Eye Theatre: Ratkin

By Joe Harworth (

Ratkin have Aspects, equivalent to Garou Aupices

Soldiers bred for the armies of the Apocalypse; blade slaves

Initial Rage: 3
Bonus Rite: Rite of the Pain Dagger
Shadow Seer
Mystics devoted to studying the mysteries of the spirit world and the madness of human society

Initial Rage: 2
Bonus Rite: Dedication Rite
Tunnel Runner
The mavericks, messengers, scouts and spies of the Ratkin

Initial Rite: Rite of the Bolthole

Initial Rage: 1
Knife Skulker
Enforcers and assassins who mete out justice in all its forms.

Initial Rage: 3
Bonus Rite: Contract Rite
Lab rats scrounging amidst the offal and wreckage of human cities.

Initial Rage: 2
Bonus Rite: Rite of the Shopping Cart
Plague Lords
Hideous metis skulkers who master the dark arts of disease, the mysteries of the underworld and the rituals of plague.

Initial Rage: 3
Bonus Rite: Rite of the Birthing Plague
Conspirators, anarchists and revolutionaries who reflect the world's rage

Initial Rage: 5
Bonus Rite: Rite of the Cardboard Palace

Ratkin have three breeds. Like the Garou, they are Homid, Metis and Rodens

You began life as a human, not knowing you were the cursed offspring of a human and a wererate. Before you were infected, you
were human kinfolk.

Initial Gnosis: 1
You were the incestuous offspring of two Ratkin, raised in a Ratkin colony. All metis have a deformity visible in all three forms.

Initial Gnosis: 2
You were born as a rodent and raised by rats. One of your parents was an ordinary rodent; the other was a slumming Ratkin.
Before you were infected, you were rat kinfolk.

Initial Gnosis: 3

Other Traits
Immunity to Disease: All Ratkin are immune to disease, a legacy of the Birthing Plague that enables them to change form.
Maze Memory: All wererats have a highly developed "tunnel sense," a feel for absolute direction that prevents a Ratkin from
getting lost underground.

Acute senses: Hearing and scent become more acute, especially near the whiskers
Stepping sideways Same as the Garou.
Silver Vulnerability: Same as the Garou
Regeneration: Same as the Garou
Teeth and Claws Cause aggravated damage; both do 1 aggravated
Keening: The ability to warn other wererats of danger as long as they are in hearing distance
Speaks in Squeaks: All Ratkin can speak and understand the rodent language.
Backgrounds: Ratkin may not buy the Backgrounds: Pure Breed or Past Life.
Shape Changing: Ratkin have only two alternate forms: Crinos and Rodens (Rat). Common Traits exist in both non Homid
forms. Traits in italics are Negative Traits.
Common: Wiry, Quick, Rugged; Vigilant, Bestial x2, Obnoxious
Crinos: Ferocious, Tough
Rodens: Small

General Ratkin Gifts

Cloak of Shadows: As The Ragabash gift "Blissful Ignorance," except that the Ratkin is hidden in shadows. By spending a
Gnosis Trait, the Ratkin may enter into an Extended Static Mental Challenge. Each success allows the Ratkin to cloak one
additional individual (or object of equivalent size).

Darksight: All wererats possess a low level "night vision" that allows them to peer into the shadowy corners of the world. This
gift magnifies that ability. Highly perceptive Ratkin may pick up heat signatures, see sound waves, or possibly see through
various methods of supernatural obfuscation. Static change against 7 traits, they can add 4 perceptive traits to the total for a
scene. Vs. A supernatural obfuscation the Ratkin must beat the defender in an extended mental challenge (depending on the
difference in gift, sphere, discipline level) the difference in level is the amount they have to win. 1 loss and the challenge is over.

Resist Toxin: As per the Fianna Gift

Shadow Throw: The Ratkin can focus his Rage into a shadowy field of power around a dagger or other sharp object balanced
for throwing. When the Ratkin hurls his dagger at a foe, the blade is propelled by the darkness around it and strikes with
supernatural force. Spend a Rage point and perform a physical challenge. If hit the item does 1 agg. If the item already does agg
damage it does 2 agg when thrown.

Smell Poison: By passing a Static Mental Test, the Ratkin can detect the presence of any poison or disease in the immediate

Crawling Chaos: As per the Ragabash gift Fly feet

Deep pockets: Can't carry enough stuff? The gifts allows you to store lots of little goodies in your pockets, far more than normal.
Each Gnosis spent lets you hide an extra item (no larger than your hand). If searched these items cannot be found, but if you lose
the pocket or the clothes the items cannot be retrieved.

Back Bite: Similar to the Galliard Gift "Bridge Walker," except that the Ratkin spends a Rage Trait rather than a Gnosis Trait.
Use of this Gift does allow for a surprise attack.

Bolt!: A wererat with this gift can call fair escape. Spend 1 Gnosis can get you up to fifty feet away. Once done you cannot rejoin
the fight.

Call Kinfolk: Similar to the Lupus Gift "Beast Life," except that only rats (initially 5) are called. The Ratkin enters into an
Extended Static Social Test, with each success doubling the number of rats called (10, 20, 40, etc).

Gnaw: As the Lupus Gift

Squeeze: By spending a Gnosis Trait, the Ratkin may bypass any door, wall or other obstacle by squeezing through the Umbra.
For each success on an Extended Static Physical Test, the Ratkin may bring one other person along.

Perfect Poison: As Lupus Gift "Venom," except that the victim suffers one Health Level of damage per minute and the wounds
are aggravated. In addition, the Ratkin may lick a blade to coat the weapon in this toxin, to the same effect. A weapon thus
treated retains the toxin for up to an hour.

Plague Bite: As Lupus Gift the "Venom," except that the disease inflicted causes aggravated wounds.
Mind of the Tunnels: With this gift a wererat can link mentally with other wererats he knows. The mind sharing is complete:
emotional, intellectual and spiritual understanding can be exchanged. Spend one Willpower and win a static mental challenge
per Ratkin involved in this gift, not all the participants need to know the gift.

Riot: As the Bonegnawer gift of the same name.

Homid Gifts
Cooking: As the Bonegnawer gift.
Persuasion: As the Homid Garou gift.
Instinct: Spend 1 Rage and perform a social challenge vs the victim's Willpower. A victim overwhelmed by instinct will follow his
basest impulse for a brief moment (1 scene).

Sticky Fingers: Any Ratkin with this gift finds it easier to snatch little objects (items smaller than a humans hand) from the
unaware. It is a physical challenge and 1 Willpower to snag what you need. If the item is in someone's hand the difficulty is vs 6

traits, in a wallet or on a wrist it is vs the mental traits of the victim.

Reshape Object: As the Homid Garou gift

Of Rat and Man: With this gift a Ratkin can assume a form between Homid and Crinos, rather like the Glabro Garou. Spend
one Rage and one turn shifting. You receive +2 lithe, +1 charismatic (to rats only), and the negative trait beastly to humans.

Attunement: As the Bonegnawer gift
Body Wreck: As the Black Furies gift

Metis Gifts
Cloak of Shadows: As the General gift.
Rat Mother's Touch: As per Mother's Touch
Sense Wyrm: As the Metis Garou gift
Stink: Th Ratkin can emit a horrific odor dense enough to saturate a 10 by 10 area. Spend 1 Gnosis. Anyone wanting to stay in
the area must win a static Willpower challenge vs 6 traits.

Rat Thing: With this gift a Ratkin can assume a form between rodent and Crinos form. Spend 1 Gnosis and 1 turn to assume
the form, a Ratkin receives +4 brawny, +1 lithe and +1 tough.

Sliver tooth: After a successful bite attack spend one Rage. The incisors splinter and are imbedded deep within the flesh,
preventing healing until all pieces are removed.

Ratkin Lullaby: Through a combination of spiritual calmness, a raspy singing voice, and weird-ass Ratkin lyrics, a metis can
make his enemies drowsy or even force them into unconsciousness. Spend 1 Gnosis and perform a static challenge against the
victim's Rage +3 or the victim's Willpower (for those without Rage). This can even bring a werecreature or vampire from a frenzy,
or calm a human from the Delirium.

Whelp Body: As the Ragabash Gift.

War of Vengeance: As per the Gift: Song of the Great Beast, but it can only summon the spirit of a beast slain by a Garou or
Magi. Spend 1 Gnosis and perform a mental challenge vs 7 traits to summon the spirit, which can give long forgotten betrayals
and attack Garou and Magi.

Rodens Gifts
Absolute Balance: Rats have great balance; with this gift the Ratkin can walk on just about any type of solid surface (including
ice, a greased surface, a clothesline etc.) Even in Homid and Crinos forms. Perform a simple challenge against a difficulty set
by the ST, this gift lasts for one scene.

Leap of the kangaroo rat: As per Leap of the Kangaroo, but can be used for "long running."
Perform a physical challenge against 8 traits. For "long running" do a physical challenge and spend 1 Rage per hour. This allows
a Ratkin to travel at 10 miles per hour.

Survival: With this gift a Ratkin does not need food or water for a full day per Gnosis spent.
Devour the Dead: Spend on Gnosis and a swarm of Rat-spirits appears from nowhere to devour the body of the dead within
three turns.

Scamper: This gift makes a Ratkin much harder to hit. By spending a Rage it gives a wererat the ability to "dodge" all attacks
thrown at him. This ability gives the character one free retest per attack to him per turn. He cannot use this action to attack back,
spending Rage for extra actions can only be used to dodge also.

Itchy: This gift allows a Ratkin to shapechange into a form that can employ many of the Cat and-Mouse tactics used in classic
cartoons. This gift can only be used in the Umbra, the fur of the Ratkin become much brighter than reality can normally manage,
the Ratkin begins to move like a cartoon mouse and any creature that he decides to stalk will hear an macabre parody of
cartoon music. Spend one Gnosis and perform a mental challenge vs 6 traits. This form has the same stats as rodens form but 3
times the health levels as normal (these health levels are for non-aggravated damage only). By spending a Rage, you can also
form a cartoon weapon that inflicts as much damage as you have Rage.

Silver Tooth: As the intermediate Metis gift.

Command Metis: Ratkin metis act as lackeys for the rodens who dominate colony politics. By spending a Gnosis and
performing a mental challenge. This cannot be used on a Metis of higher rank, nor can it override a metis' natural survival

Furtive Gathering: By spending 1 Gnosis and winning a mental challenge vs the level of the local Gauntlet. The Ratkin are
sealed off from all interruptions. Anyone who wanders into the area cannot sense any aspect of the furtive gathering. The
wererats, one and all, are invisible to all senses.

Mind of the Swarm: Once a swarm of rats is summoned, or if you encounter them in the wild, you can control them through
sheer force of will. With this you can direct their movements but not motivate them to attack. Spend 1 Gnosis per dozen of rats.

Tunnel Runner Gifts

Danger Sense: With this gift a Ratkin can sense imminent danger. The ST performs a static challenge vs the player. If the
player wins then he know that there is danger but not what the danger is.

Scent of the True Form: As the Philodox gift of the same name.
Hotwire: By spending a Gnosis and performing a static challenge you can circumvent the electrical system of any vehicle.
Sigil: By spending a Gnosis, a Ratkin can encode a message into the graffiti on a walk. This can be up to two sentences per

Urban Camouflage: Experienced Tunnelers do not like to look like beggars; instead they blend in. By spending 1 Gnosis and
performing a mental challenge against anyone who is trying to look through the disguise, you become inconspicuous.

Evasion: Trapping a rat is difficult. During combat you can spend a Gnosis and get three automatic retests. A Ratkin cannot
attack while using this gift.

Second Sight: By spending 1 Gnosis per the "temporary allies" rank, you can see through the eyes of another Ratkin. This
effect lasts 1 day per effect. For each rank above 3 you can see through another wererat per Gnosis. This cannot be used on a
higher ranking wererat.

Speak in Tongues: The Ratkin in can understand any human language for one scene per Willpower spent.
Cheese It!: With this gift, the Tunnel Runner can help his entire pack bolt from danger, although it tends to be risky. Everyone
participating spends a Rage and performs a simple challenge against the Storyteller. If you win you can call fair escape.; if not
the gift didn't work for you and your spent Rage point is gone.

Shadow Seer Gifts

Rat Mother's Touch: Same as the Metis gift
Sense Weaver: This gift aids Ratkin in finding nearby weaver-spirits. Perform a mental challenge against the spirit (if any are

Sense Wyrm: Same as the Garou gift

Touch the Spirits: With this gift a Shadow Seer can speak to the spirits of inanimate objects. Spending a Gnosis allows the
Ratkin to see back one day; each additional Gnosis allows the Ratkin to see back another day into the past to see, where the
item was and who had it. This gift is very like "psychometry."

Protect the Swarm: Once this gift is learned, you can sense if a rat is being controlled by a supernatural creature by spending a
Gnosis. With a mental challenge vs a ST you can try to overthrow the power controlling the rat, if more powerful than the

Command Spirit: As the Theurge Gift of the same name.
Exorcism: As the Theurge Gift.
Pulse of the Invisible: As the Theurge Gift of the same name.
Feast of the Dead: It's said that some primitive tribes devour parts of their enemies to gain their strength. By eating the heart
and brain of the victim you can temporarily gain three of his powers. Make three static challenges against the ST; if you win you
get three of the beings power for the rest of the day. This gift cannot be used in conjunction with the Elegy gift or Devour the

Elegy: By speaking the last rites over a dying Ratkin you can guarantee his spirit will survive to serve Rat's cause. At the
moment of death, he will be reborn as a rat-spirit, losing his gifts and goes scampering off into the Umbra as a rat jaggling. You
can only proceed if the Ratkin fails a final Rage test to see if he can regain a health level. By expending a permanent Gnosis and
making a Gnosis test you can do this.

Knife-Skulker Gifts
Basic gifts
Death Mark: This Gift is not invoked lightly. The Skulker spends a Gnosis and makes a static challenge to create the death
mark and store it in a black cloth. The Skulker can only maintain one at a time, which he can pass off to an emissary who will
carry it to the intended victim. Once brushed over the forehead, the Skulker can tell the direction and how far away the victim is.
Any Ratkin with this gift can tell the that creature is marked for death by the Skulkers (can also be seen with other magical
means, e.g., Auspex etc.)

Sticky paws: The Skulker can grab a weapon out of his enemy's hands (or claws or paws) and use it against his enemy the
same turn. By spending a Rage and winning a physical challenge you can grab the weapon and use it, without expending a

Truth of Gaia: As the Philodox gift.

Chitter: As the Get of Fenris gift Snarl of the Predator.
Stalk: As the Ragabash gift Sense of the Prey.
Doppelganger: As the Glasswalker gift.
Paralyzing Stare: As the Shadowlord gift.
Open Wounds: As the Shadowlord gift.
Wither Limb: As the Metis Garou gift.

Geas: As the Philodox gift.
Warrior Gifts
Resist Pain: As the Philodox gift.
Slicing teeth: As the Ahroun gift Razor Claws but used with the Ratkin's bite attack.
Sticky Paws: As the Knife Skulker gift.
Curse of Hatred: As the Garou Metis gift.
Bolt!: As the Intermediate Ratkin gift.
Improvisation: With this gift anything can become a lethal weapon. By spending a Gnosis and naming the type of object that
would be near the character in combat. This item can be used during the scene but each attack must be different. The damage
is equal to your permanent Rage.

Persecution Complex: As the Stargazer gift Preternatural Awareness.

Treppelganger: By winning a mental challenge each turn you may split into three 9' tall Crinos Ratkin. You may attack with each,
they each have +1 brawny and +2 lithe added to the Homid stats.

Pack Attack: With this gift a high-ranking Ratkin can coordinate entire Rat packs in attacks. Winning a Social challenge against
another Ratkin in the pack makes that character automatically attack the next turn.

Engineers Gifts
Control Simple Machine: Same as the Glass Walker gift.
Open Seal: Same as the Ragabash gift.
Scrounge: Ratkin Engineers have a talent for finding useable junk. By spending a Gnosis and winning a mental challenge you
can find a specific item that would normally nut in the area. By winning 3 mental challenges you can name a general type of
harder to find item (at ST's approval).

Hotwire: As the Tunnel Runner Gift.

Summon Electricity: Spend 1 Gnosis and you can summon an electricity elemental that will be bound to an electrical device for
a short period of time. Even broken devices will be able to operate will a little judicious jury-rigging. Binding it to an item
demands a mental challenge binding it to the device for one week.

Control Complex Machine: Same as the Glass Walker gift.

Battery: With this gift a Ratkin can "energize" himself or another Ratkin, temporarily adding physical traits. By spending 1
Gnosis and winning a mental challenge against 8 traits, you can add 2 brawny, 2 lithe or 2 tough to your physical traits for the
rest of the scene per Gnosis and win, you cannot add more than 6 traits to any Ratkin.

Death Ray: You can discharge energy from your fingertips. By spending at least and hour "meditating" while attached to a
power supply and spending an Gnosis and winning a mental challenge you gain a new trait called "Electricity." For each Gnosis
you spend you may gain another "electricity" trait. To attack with the Death Ray perform a physical challenge, you must be
touching or up to 20 feet away, you can inflict one aggravated wound per attack. Each attack removes one level of the
"electricity" trait until recharged.

Plague Lord Gifts

Poison Food: With this gift the Plague Lord can cause food poisoning under the right circumstances. By spending 1 Gnosis
and winning a mental challenge you can cause two non-aggravated wounds. Multiple bites of contaminated food does not inflict
damage multiple times.)

Sniffle: Having trouble with seeing an invisible enemy? To use this gift a Plague Lord places a pinch of dust on his palm and
blows. By spending a Gnosis and winning a mental challenge against your victim, per turn that you wish to use it, will cause your
victim to sneeze, cough and wheeze unless she spends a Willpower point per turn that the gift is in effect. This will help the
Ratkin find and invisible enemy.

Virulent Curse of Hatred: As the Warrior gift Curse of Hatred, but it causes the effects of the Plague Lords favorite disease.
This is an Epidemic Contagion.

Dredge the Spirit World: By spending a Gnosis point and winning a static challenge the Plague Lord can call a few select
spirits of misery: those of Pain, Disease and Night. If the gift involves an appropriate sacrifice, it may also call up a wraith -- or
Call a Spirit of Pain vs 6 traits
Call a Spirit of Disease vs 7 traits
Call a Spirit of Night vs 8 traits
Call a Wraith/ghost vs 9 traits

Catgut: By carefully curing the skin or internal organs of other Changing Breeds, the Lord can weave a highly durable skein.
Catgut armor, unfortunately, really pisses off other shapechangers. Preparing the catgut armor requires an hour of work and the
expenditure of Gnosis. By winning a mental challenge vs 9 traits bestows 3 durable traits for retesting vs damage.
Shapechangers of the same Changing Breed as the armor must make a frenzy check or attack the Ratkin.

Lesions: Like the Garou gift Halt the Coward's flight. By spending one turn focusing the disease within you and winning a static
challenge. If this succeeds your opponent will move at have speed for the rest of the scene. This is a Epidemic Contagion

Epidemic Contagion: With this gift a Plague Lord can make an Epidemic Gift highly contagious. If the victim of an Epidemic
gift comes within touching distance of another person (one yard or so), there's a chance that the ailment will spread to that poor
soul as well. The victim must make a physical challenge against 10 traits and must win to not become infected. Plague Lords
and also inflict this on other Ratkin with this gift. They must win or tie to not be effected.

Twitcher Gifts
Firebug: By focusing anger and destructive emotions, the Twitcher can ignite flammable materials with ten feet. By spending a
Rage and winning a static challenge you can "light things up." This can only light wood, paper or cloth.

Sense Angst: You know anger and bitterness so well you can smell it on others. By winning a static challenge you can tell if a
human is calm or enraged. If calm you can tell what would most upset him at that moment. With winning a mental challenge
against another shapechanger you can tell the relative Rage it possesses. Against a vampire you can tell how "human" it is.

Sense Weaver: As per the Shadow Seer gift.

Holdout: With this gift you can create a "pocket" in your flesh. You can smuggle a small weapon or package. By spending 1
Gnosis you create the pocket. Winning a mental static challenge determines if it is well hidden.

Self-Destruct: While students of the Weaver can control simple machines to stop functioning, a student of the Wyld can make
the machine self-destruct in spectacular fashion. Spend one Rage and make a physical challenge against everyone around. If
you win they take the amount of your Rage in damage. If they win they take no damage.

Pyrotechnics: While cowards cloak themselves in shadows; you a warrior of the Apocalypse walk in flames. By spending a
Rage and winning a physical challenge, you can cause 2 aggravated wounds.

Sanctify: This gift is used in conjunction with the Rite of the Pain-Dagger; if you know this Gift you may also learn the Rite of the
Pain-Dagger from a Warrior. This gift allows you to bind a spirit temporarily to any pointed or jagged object. First you must find
an object to dedicate as your new Pain Dagger, then you must whisper your greatest crime that you intend to commit with this
spirit and spend one Rage. This new weapon will inflict 1 aggravated wound and the spirit can whisper to the Ratkin and it must
draw blood at least once a day, or it will turn on the "owner."

Keening of Swarm Panic: Expend a Gnosis and win a social challenge. If won a crowd will begin to force its way towards the
nearest exit. With the expenditure of another Gnosis you can make the crowd panic and surge towards the nearest door,
sweeping any non humans off their feet and causing two non-aggravated wounds.

ALL HELL: By summoning a swarm of Wyldlings and Rat-spirits, you can invoke sheer pandemonium. Spend one Gnosis and
everyone must win a static challenge. If they fail they are affected by a state just like the Delirium.

In addition to some of the common Rites used by Garou, Ratkin have access to a few rituals unique to them. These are all Basic

Birthing Plague (Accord): This Rite allows a prospective Ratkin Kinfolk to attempt her First Change by summoning the Rat
Totem to bite the subject. It is entirely up to the Storyteller whether this Rite will be successful, or if the victim will die of the

Purified Body (Accord): By spending a Gnosis Trait, the Ratkin may cleanse a target of all toxins. A variant of this Rite is
thought to exist which instead cures all normal diseases (though the Birthing Plague is unaffected).

Bolt-Hole (Mystical): As the Glass Walker (Advanced) Gift "Long Running," except that the amount of reduction is determined
by an Extended Static Mental Test. The Ratkin (and other others who travel with her) pass through secret Umbral tunnels and
thus avoid all other Umbral traffic.

Contract Rite: With this Rite a Knife-Skulker can sell his skills to other supernatural creatures. At the end of negotiations, the
ritemaster spends one Gnosis and makes a social challenge. The spirits will acknowledge your pact by giving a vision to the
Ratkin if was performed for. If the contract is broken the Knife-Skulker may pay retribution to the contract breaker.

Pain Dagger (Mystical): This enables the Ratkin to enchant a specially prepared bladed weapon (sword, dagger, etc). Once
enchanted the weapon oozes minute amounts of poison at all times, inflicting aggravated wounds. This Rite costs two Gnosis
Trait to perform: one to enchant the blade and another to attune it to a particular Ratkin, who is thereafter not affected by the
poison on that weapon.

Rite of Artifice Dedication: Same as the Rite of Dedication for Garou.

Rite of the Cardboard Palace: Same as the Bone Gnawer rite.
Rite of the Shopping Cart: As the Bone Gnawer Rite.

By Kirk Brobson (

Once before the blood moon of Chicago (see Under a Blood Red Moon) a powerful Child of Gaia had a vision. She saw the
tribe full of rage killing one another over small pieces of the Wyrm while vast collections of Wyrm beast watched amused. In the
midst of the fighting appeared a strange new tribe sign, a simple blooded paw print. No claw or teeth marks. No sign of anger or
hate. The new tribe set the others at peace and it was made up many tribes not just one. All who wanted to join were welcome.
They would heal Gaia and serve only her. Others had the vision too but most chose to interpret it in other ways. She was sure
she was right she also saw a great battle in New York were the tribe would first be formed.
This came to pass that upon the blood moon week a battle between the corpses and Gaia's defenders erupted in New York.
Many a corpse was laid to rest and many of Gaia's own went to their next lives. But in the end the Red Paw and their selfappointed leader, "the Prophet" had killed the Bishop of the city and had completed they rites that would forever change them in
to the messengers and spokesmen of Gaia among the garou tribes.
They now travel in small numbers from sept to sept spreading the call to arms. Not for hate but out of love. The restless undead
must find rest. The Wyrm must be put back in to its proper place so that Gaia may be healed. Garou need to stop fighting the
small nest and start attacking the strongholds of the Wyrm: the cities and the true dangers to Gaia. "Gaia's love is the love of
nature. The weak are called in to their next lives. The strong have their day in Gaia's service. The Garou need to turn away from
what make them different from each other --. Tribe, Totem, Breed -- and embrace the higher love Gaia's."

The whole camp/tribe is run by the Prophet and a select core member which consist of a Black Spiral that had been turn back in
to a White Howler and then in to a Red Paw, a Child of Gaia, a Silver Fang, a Stargazer, and a Silent Strider. They travel in sets
of two and have no Sept of their own. They tend to go to the sept nearest to the larger cities. They will accept converts but make
no bones about what is called for of the Red Paw and do not seek them. They have a range of success in their effort more often
with the war-like tribe than with the peaceful one. But surprisingly they get most of there converts from the peaceful tribes.
Although they call themselves a Tribe they are more like a camp in number. They most likely will never become more then that
due to their strict codes and wondering natures.

The Red Paw start out in other tribes. They very often abandon their old names when they join the Red Paw. Often they choose
names like Mouth of Gaia or Servant of Gaia. But some do keep their old names. The changing of ones name is not a
requirement, only the changing of ones nature.

Mother's Touch: (Level 1) Same as the level ones Theurge Gift (see main book pg 119)
Lambent Flames: (Level 1) Same as the level ones Silver Fangs Gift (see main book pg 133)
Luna's Armor: (Level 2) Same as the level two Child of Gaia Gift. (see main book pg 127)
Inner Strength: (Level 2) Same as the level two Stargazers Gift. (see main book pg 134)
Banish Wyrm: (Level 3)
Dazzle: (Level 3) Same as the level three Child of Gaia gift. (see main book pg 127)
Gaia's Love: (Level 4)
Serenity: (Level 4) Same as the level four Child of Gaia gift. (see main book pg 127)
Paws of the Newborn Cub: (Level 5) Same as the level 5 Silver Fang gift. (see main book pg 134)
Gaias final Judgement: (Level 5 )

Tribe Bans
1) Rage can never be used except for defending others, never to defend yourself or out of anger.
2) They can never frenzy.
3) They can never serve a Totem. They only call upon Gaia herself.

The rite you go thorough when joining the Red Paw changes ones colors. The fur of your wolf side becomes a vanilla or light
tannish color. The eyes become sky blue. All Red Paw wear only natural fabrics and never furs. They prefer lighter colors
normally matching the tones of there new wolf fur. They also always wear a necklace of some other piece of simple jewelry that
consists of a leather or fabric band or chain with a piece of wood with a Red Paw mark on it. Often it is their mentor's paw print
or the mentor's own blood.


(Version 2.0)
By Andrew Cram ( (14 November 1995)

The Bastet (Werecats) were introduced in White Wolf Game Studio's Werewolf Players Guide. That work gave a brief outline of
these beings, who simply call themselves 'The Folk.'
Bastet are divided into tribes based upon their feline breeds rather than any political or moral cause. Eight tribes were
described there, they are; Bagherra (Panther), Balam (Jaguar), Bubasti (Abyssinian), Qualmi (Lynx), Khan (Tiger), Pumonca
(Cougar), Simba (Lion), and Swara (Cheetah). The Caecilian(Wild Cat) of Europe were lost as a result of the War of Rage.

Given here is one possible system for dealing with Bastet Gifts.
Bastet do not have Auspices as do the Garou; instead they all share Racial Gifts (provided by the member of the Triat that they
serve). Bastet do have breed gifts -- Homid, Metis, and Feline (same as Lupus) -- in the same manner as Garou; they also have
Tribal gifts. Tribal gifts are found with each tribes description. The experience cost for learning gifts changes depending upon
the tribe of the user and the gifts tribe of origin. Gifts from ones own tribe cost 3 (multiplied by the gifts level) experience points
each. Those of other Bastet tribes cost 5 (multiplied by the gift's level) experience points. Breed gifts operate under the same
system (own = 3x, other = 5x). There are several exceptions however. Because of their close link to both the Caecilian and
Bubasti the Tiberii (see later) can learn gifts from these two groups for and experience cost of 4 (multiplied by the gifts level).
This applies to Bubasti or Caecilian learning Tiberii gifts as well but does not aid Bubasti in learning the gifts of the Caecilian (or
Because of their long separation, the Bastet find it very hard to learn the gifts of the Ancients (see later) or of the Dasyan tribe
(see later). Experience cost for members of other tribes to learn their gifts is 7x. They, however, may learn the gifts of their lost
relatives at the standard 5x value. In addition the close connection between these two tribes allows them to learn each others
gifts at the rate of 4x.
The racial gifts of the Bastet are granted by individual members of the Triat. This means that there is in fact three different sets of
racial gifts: one of the Wyld, one of the Weaver, and one of the Wyrm. Individual Bastet must dedicate themselves to one of
these sets (and hence a Triat member). Almost all Bastet are loyal to the Wyld and hence many believe that the Wyld-Bastet
gifts are the 'true' racial gifts of the folk. They are wrong. In the earliest times the Bastet received gifts from all three members of
the Triat (just as they produced Gaia together). When the Weaver went mad, these racial gifts split. Now most Bastet (with the
notable exception of the Smilodon) receive gifts from the Wyld, while the Smilodon (and other corrupted Bastet) gain power from
Wyrm-gifts. Finally a few individuals (although no whole tribes) receive power from the Weaver. Below are these Wyld, Wyrm,
and Weaver racial gifts.

Wyld Gifts
Catfeet (Level One) - As the Lupus Gift
Razor Claws (Level One) - As the Ahroun Gift
Blur of the Milky Eyes (Level One) - As the Ragabash Gift
Lick Wound's (Level One) - As the Theurge Gift: Mother's Touch
Sense Wyrm (Level One) - As the Metis Gift
Eyes of the Cat (Level Two) - As the Metis Gift
Eerie Eyes (Level Two) - As the Homid Gift: Staredown
Sense of the Prey (Level Two) - As the Ragabash Gift
Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) - As the Ragabash Gift
Night Terror (Level Two) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Shriek (Level Two) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Touch the Mind (Level Two) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Purr (Level Three) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Cat Fear (Level Three) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Call the Pride (Level Three) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Fortuna (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Spirit Claws (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Spitfire (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Attunement (Level Four) - As the Silent Strider Gift. Requires a wilderness Den-Realm.
Walking Between the Worlds (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.

Jumping to the Moon (Level Five) - See Werewolf Players Guide.

Wyrm Gifts
Catfeet (Level One) - As the Lupus Gift
Cloak of Shadows (Level One) - As the Ratkin Gift
Razor Claws (Level One) - As the Ahroun Gift
Sense Wyrm (Level One) - As the Metis Gift
Shadow Throw (Level One) - As the Ratkin Gift
A Thousand Voices (Level Two) - As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift
Eyes of the Cat (Level Two) - As the Metis Gift
Horns of the Impaler (Level Two) - As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift
Insect Eyes (Level Two) - As the Ananasi Gift
Sense of the Prey (Level Two) - As the Ragabash Gift
Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) - As the Ragabash Gift
Night Terror (Level Two) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Cat Fear (Level Three) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Dragon's Breath (Level Three) - As the Mokole Gift
Hear the Corpse Whisper (Level Three) - As the Corax Gift
Patagia (Level Three) - As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift
Attunement (Level Four) - As the Silent Strider Gift. Requires a Wyrm-Blighted Den-Realm.
Infest (Level Four) - As the Bone Gnawer Gift
Spirit Claws (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Walking Between the Worlds (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Jumping to the Moon (Level Five) - As the Bastet (Wyld) gift however the moon bridge opens on the Dark Side of the moon, a
realm of fell beings.

Weaver Gifts
Blur of the Milky Eyes (Level One) - As the Ragabash Gift
Catfeet (Level One) - As the Lupus Gift
Control Simple Machines (Level One) - As the Glass Walker Gift
Razor Claws (Level One) - As the Ahroun Gift
Resist Toxins (Level One) - As the Fianna Gift
Cyber Senses (Level Two) - As the Glass Walker Gift
Eerie Eyes (Level Two) - As the Homid Gift: Staredown
Sense of the Prey (Level Two) - As the Ragabash Gift
Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) - As the Ragabash Gift
Night Terror (Level Two) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Power Surge (Level Two) - As the Glass Walker Gift
Touch the Mind (Level Two) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Cat Fear (Level Three) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Call the Pride (Level Three) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Spinnerets (Level Three) - As the Ananasi Gift
Fortuna (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Spitfire (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Travel the Web (Level Four) - As the Ananasi Gift
Attunement (Level Four) - As the Silent Strider Gift. Requires an urban Den-Realm.
Walking Between the Worlds (Level Four) - See Werewolf Players Guide.
Gorgon's Gaze (Level Five) - As the Black Fury Gift
No Bastet may learn a gift of a Triat member they are not aligned too. There are three exceptions to this rule. 1) An individual
defecting to one of the other Triat members retains her gifts (she cannot, however be passed on to others of the incorrect
alignment). 2) A gift can be obtained if it can be learned from another source (eg. tribal, breed, etc.). 3) Use of the Sixth Level
gift, Firebringer, can allow the transfer of one of these gifts (in this case it is considered 'others gift', ie. 5x to learn).
Under no circumstance can a Bastet learn a gift that does not belong to one of the Tribes, Breeds, or Racial sets. The gifts of the
other shapechangers (Garou, Nuwisha, Corax, etc.) can only be obtained through the use of the Firebringer Gift.

Bastet know many rites, although they have originated only a few. Many of these rites were learned from the Garou or other
shapechangers (although the form has changed considerably). All Bastet share knowledge of the following rites.
Gathering for the Departed (Level One) - as the Garou Rite
Rite of Binding (Level One) - as the Garou Rite
Rite of Birth Time (Level One) - as the Garou Rite
Rite of Claiming (Level One) - see The Werewolf Players Guide
Rite of the Hunting Grounds (Level One) - as the Garou Rite

Rite of Talisman Dedication (Level One) - as the Garou Rite

Taghairm Rite (Level One) - as Moot Rite
Rite of Fealty (Level Two) - see The Werewolf Players Guide
Rite of Passage (Level Two) - as the Garou Rite
Rite of the Purified Body (Level Two) - as the Ratkin Rite
Rite of the Fetish (Level Three) - as the Garou Rite
Rite of the Totem (Level Three) - as the Garou Rite. Used very rarely outside of the Bubasti and Dasyan tribes.
The Badger's Burrow (Level Three) - as the Garou Rite
Rite of the Opened Bridge (Level Four) - as the Garou Rite except that the moon bridges formed connect the 'hearts' of two DenRealms, not Caerns.

Bastet differ from the Garou in several ways, but none more noticeably than in breeding or more specifically interbreeding. Metis
are more common amongst the Bastet than the Garou. Part of the reason for this is that many Metis Bastet are fertile. A Metis
whose parents come from the same tribe (two Pumonca for example) has a 90% chance of being fertile and being able to
produce viable offspring (both Bastet and Kinfolk). This drops off if the parents come from different tribes. If the parents are from
similar tribes (genetically) then the Metis has about a 50% chance of being fertile. These similar groups are Panthera
(Bagheera, Balam, Grand Simba, Khan, Simba, and Smilodon), Felis (Bubasti, Caecilian, Pumonca, Qualmi, and Tiberii), and
Marsupial (Ancients, and Dasyan). It is important to note that the Swara have no close relatives amongst the Bastet. Metis
descended from two different groups (Balam and Pumonca for example) have less than 10% chance of fertility.
Metis of mixed blood tend to have their mothers' body shape and size but their fathers' patterning. Successive generations of
Metis breeding will often lead to the loss of one of these factors, although it will occasionally re-appear. (As in the so called King
Cheetah -- the result of ancient interbreeding with Khan).
Metis have varying status amongst the Tribes ranging from ostracised (Simba) to fully integrated (Swara). They are treated in all
cases in a far better manner than Garou Metis. This acceptance however does not mean that the Bastet approve of creating
Metis. The disfigurements suffered by the Bastet Metis' are a constant warning against inbreeding, still accidents occur and in
this day and age, every claw is needed.
Another quirk of the Bastet concerns their breeding with feline species. A Bastet may freely breed with Felines of any species
(and certain non-felines). The chances of a true Bastet being born from such an interracial mating are reduced (approximately
10%), but such occurrences are not unknown. Curiously, any Bastet born is always fully of the tribe of its feline (non-Bastet)
parent rather than of the Bastet parent's tribe. The only exception to this rule is when the feline race has no corresponding Bastet
tribe (such as Ocelots etc.) in this case the kits exhibit powers different from their parents (in effect they form a proto-tribe). For
example, any offspring of a Simba and a Tiger has a 10% chance of being Khan (and not Simba), the offspring of a Tiberii and
an Ocelot is considered a Tiberii for simplicity but has powers unlike that (or any other) tribes.

Bastet History (in brief)

Once the Bastet were more prevalent. The Werecats roamed the world as they wished. Then came the wars, and the tribes were
reduced. Several of the Ancient tribes no longer exist; they include the Caecilian and Grand Simba. Also among the Lost Tribes
(for that is how the Bastet refer to them collectively) are the Smilodon, the ancient Sabre-tooth tiger tribe that exists still near the
heart of the Wyrm, the Ancients (who are all but forgotten), and the Dasyan, who have avoided all contact with the other tribes for
thousands of years.
Two great events compose the history of the Bastet. The first is known as the War of Sorrow, also known as the Bastet Civil
War. One of the Ancient tribes, the Smilodon (Sabre-Tooth Tigers), rose up against the Grand Simba (Cave Lions) in an attempt
to gain lordship over all Bastet. Most of the other tribes stayed out of the conflict, which ultimately lead to the destruction of the
Grand Simba, and the corruption of the Smilodon to the Wyrm.
The War of Sorrow had several major consequences. The Simba became the rulers of cat-kind by default, but were not as
respected (or competent) as their predecessors. The totems that had formerly aided the Bastet withdrew in disgust at the way
the folk had refused to aid their betters. The totems have ever since refused contact with the Bastet, with the exception of the
Bubasti, who were in Arcadia when the war broke out, and came to the Grand Simba's aid. Unfortunately they arrived too late to
save them, but did manage to drive off the Smilodon. This seeming betrayal by the totems deeply hurt the Bastet, and drove a
wedge between the Bubasti and the other tribes that has not to this day fully healed. Two other tribes, the Ancients (although they
once had another name), and the Dasyan withdrew in horror from the society of the Bastet. These two tribes travelled to
Australia, arriving thousands of years before the Garou of the Bunyip tribe entered the Dreamtime under similar circumstances.
The Second great event in the history of the Bastet was the War of Betrayal (War of Rage) when the Garou rose against the
other changing folk. The Caecilian of Europe were one of the first tribes to rise to the defense of the Gurahl, and were the first to
be destroyed.
The loss of the Caecilian almost destroyed the Bastet. The Caecilian had been central to the storytelling, and lore keeping of the
folk, and were loved by all. The Bastet however survived their sorrow, although it has left three lasting effects. No Bastet has
sung since the death of the last Caecilian (Bastet are therefore incapable of using any gift or rite requiring song). The Tribes

have a strong alliance with the Gurahl (who they have not seen in decades), and an equally strong dislike of Garou (although they
have recently had to rethink this last policy). In the Ancient days all the Tribes had roles, that were sacred trusts given them by
Gaia. These are mostly forgotten, having faded with time and changing circumstance.
The Bastet are governed through 'The Sultanate'. The throne of the Sultan is reserved for the Grand Simba and as such has
been vacant since the War of Sorrow. The Simba rule under the title of Grand Vizier.
Each continent is ruled by one of the tribes, who rule under the title of Emir. The Simba are Emir of Africa, the Khan hold the title
of Emir of Asia, The Qualmi are Emir of North America, while their brothers, the Balam, are Emir of South America. The Emirate
of Europe was ruled by the Caecilian; the Tiberii (see New Tribes) now serve as regents to that throne. The Emirate of Australia
existed in ancient times. The tribe that once ruled there (The Ancients) vanished ages before the War of Sorrow, and so the
throne has been left vacant.
These titles are largely ceremonial, used only to decide ties in favour of the traditional rulers. They are rarely invoked in the
modern age.

The Nine Tribes

The Bastet once called themselves the Thirteen tribes (which may confuse the Garou -- who must remember that at the time
there were sixteen tribes among the wolves). After the War of Sorrow, this number was reduced to nine due to the death of the
Grand Simba, the corruption of the Smilodon, and the disappearance of the Ancients and Dasyan. Traditionally the 'Nine' tribes
included the Caecilian who died during the War of Betrayal (Rage). Recently, younger Bastet have begun to include the Tiberii in
place of the lost musical tribe.

The Ancients (Lost)

Bastet have long memories but even they have forgotten most of the past. One of the things they have almost forgotten is the
tribe known only as the Ancients. This tribe existed in the Northern Hemisphere in the distant past. Strong yet gentle, they would
not fight, even to save the Grand Simba. The suffering resulting from the War of Sorrow caused them to retreat to the far off land
of Australia. Over long years they became one with the ancient land, breeding with the Marsupial Lion (a species unrelated to
cats, despite its name). They lived in harmony. However their numbers began to decline; they did not try to fight this gradual
move towards extinction. The Wyld was a force of change, and nature had to obey. By the time of the War of Rage, there were
fewer than twenty of this gentle race left alive. They greeted the Bunyip as they arrived in the Ancient land. They showed them the
ways of the land, helped them befriend the spirits, and then the last few Ancients passed on from Gaia's reality, content that the
Bunyip would guard the Dreamtime well.
For most of this time the Ancients had contact with only one other tribe, the Dasyan who had accompanied them to Australia.
The Dasyan have sworn to remember the Ancients, but not reveal any information about them to outsiders. The Gumagen
(Australian Mokole), Bunyip, and Australian Corax have all sworn similar oaths.

Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 6
Background: 4 points
Traditional Location: Australia
Current Location: None, the tribe is extinct.
Glabro+2 +2 +2 -2 -2 7
Crinos+5 +5 +5 0 -5 6
Hispo +4 +5 +5
-5 7
Feline +2 +5 +4
-6 6

Breakdown: None, formerly - 5% Monkeychild, 5% Halfbreed, 90% Wildcat

Totem: The Ancients worshipped Ngalyod the Rainbow Serpent. Ngalyod became the Bunyip Totem upon the death of the final
Ancient. He has been lost since the death of the Bunyip.

Gifts: Chosen from Breed, Bastet (Always Wyld), and Tribe (Ancient).
Tribal Gifts
Aura of Confidence (Level One) - as the Shadow Lord power
Call the Breeze (Level One) - as the Wendigo power
Dreamwalk (Level One) - as the Bunyip power
Resist Pain (Level One) - as the Philodox power
Inner Strength (Level Two) - as the Stargazer power
Spirit of the Bird (Level Two) - as the Uktena power
Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) - as the Uktena power

Surface Attunement (Level Two) - as the Stargazer power

Bunyip's Boom (Level Three) - as the Bunyip power
Control Dreamtime (Level Three) - as the Ghost Bunyip charm
Landspeak (Level Three) - as the Bunyip power
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) - as the Philodox power
Guardians of the Dreamtime (Level Four) - as the Bunyip power
Questioning (Level Four) - as the Stargazer power
Shape Moon Path (Level Four) - as the Ghost Bunyip charm (cost = 1 gnosis per 10 minutes)
Billabong Stride (Level Five) - as the Bunyip power
Bloody-Mindedness (Level Five) - as the Bunyip power
Break the Bonds (Level Six) - as the Philodox power

Rites: As well as the more common rites, the Ancients had knowledge of the Gurahl rites of Rending the Gauntlet, Healing
Winds, Pure Earth, and Long Sleep.

The Were-Panthers are the sole surviving lore-keepers and sages of the Bastet. They tell the stories of the past including those
of the wars of Rage and Sorrow (Although the story of the War of Rage is always told through Mind Speech).

Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 4 points, no Totem or Fetish
Traditional Location: India and North Africa
Current Location: Still largely confined to this area but members of this tribe (primarily Monkeychildren) are found worldwide,
residing with the other tribes.

Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)

Breakdown: 70% Monkeychild, 10% Halfbreed, 20% Wildcat
Species: Panthera pardus (Leopard). avg length: 2.1m (7ft) . avg weight: 45kg (100lb). Gestation 90-95 days. Litter: 2-3.
Lifespan 12-15years (Wild), 23 years (captivity).

Totem: Panther (Lost) - the Bagheera have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Typically Wyld), and Tribe (Bagheera).
Tribal Gifts
Enemy Ways (Level One) - As the Corax power
Lambent Flame (Level One) - As the Silver Fang power
Scent of the True Form (Level One) - As the Philodox power
Truth of Gaia (Level One) - As the Philodox power
Calm (Level Two) - As the Children of Gaia power
Name the Spirit (Level Two) - As the Theurge power
Sense Guilt (Level Two) - As the Get of Fenris power
Sight from Beyond (Level Two) - As the Theurge power
Detect Spirits (Level Three) - As the Lupus power
Mental Speech (Level Three) - As the Metis power
Scrying (Level Three) - As the Uktena power
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) - As the Philodox power
Preternatural Awareness (Level Four) - As the Stargazers power
Take the True Form (Level Four) - As the Philodox power
Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level Four) - As the Theurge power
Portents (Level Five) - As the Corax power
Wisdom of the Seer (Level Five) - As the Stargazer power

The Were-Jaguar are the Guardians of South America. They protect this realm from Pentex and Garou alike (See Rage
Accross the Amazon). Recently Bastet of other Tribes have been traveling to the Amazon to aid their fellows.

Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 4
Background: 3 points, no Totem, Resources, Allies or Contacts
Traditional Location: Central and South America
Current Location: Only a few Balam are presently found outside the Amazon, as the tribe is in a state of full-scale war.
Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)

Breakdown: 14% Monkeychild, 1% Halfbreed, 85% Wildcat

Species: Panthera onca (Jaguar). avg length: 1.7-2.7m (5.5-9ft) . weight: 56.7-113.4kg (125-250lb). Gestation 95-105 days.
Litter: 2.

Totem: Jaguar (Lost) - the Balam have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Always Wyld), and Tribe (Balam).
Tribal Gifts
Balance (Level One) - As the Stargazer power
Heightened Senses (Level One) - As the Lupus power
Leap of the Kangaroo (Level One) - As the Lupus power
Resist Pain (Level One) - As the Philodox power
Beast Mind (Level Two) - As the Red Talon power
Distractions (Level Two) - As the Galliard power
Sense of the Prey (Level Two) - As the Ragabash power
Sense the Unnatural (Level Two) - As the Lupus power
Combat Healing (Level Three) - As the Ahroun power
Coup de Grace (Level Three) - As the Black Fury power
Silver Claws (Level Three) - As the Ahroun power
Trackless Waste (Level Three) - As the Red Talon power
Beast Life (Level Four) - As the Lupus power
Open Wounds (Level Four) - As the Shadow Lord power
Quicksand (Level Four) - As the Red Talon power
Circular Attack (Level Five) - As the Stargazers power
Gaia's Vengence (Level Five) - As the Red Talon power

The Bubasti are an ancient tribe decended from the Abyssinnian Wild Cat (extinct). They were the ancient wizards of the Bastet,
a role they now share with the Qualmi. The Bubasti still receive aid from the Feline Totem spirits, and are mistrusted by the other
tribes. More Bubasti have crossed to the Wyrm than any other tribe (Except the Smilodon). The most interesting thing about
Bubasti is that they never use their real names when dealing with others, rather they use nicknames and aliases exclusively. This
may seem rather odd until you remember that many are masters of Hekau and realize the power that lies in a True Name. More
than one hundred years ago, the few remaining Bubasti gathered together and disappeared from the view of 'the folk'. Many
among the other tribes thought them dead or corrupted to the Wyrm -- they were wrong. The Bubasti had retreated to the
Australian Penumbra (Dreamtime). Here on the shores of the spirit sea they set up a network of great den-realms, dominated by
pyramid temples and linked permanently together via moonbridge. Offshore, in the central realm the greatest pyramid ever
constructed rises from the waves. Inside, a vast library containing the collected knowledge of the Bubasti is guarded. Here too is
the great meeting hall of the tribe. Since their withdrawal the Bubasti have regained a good portion of their once-lost strength.
They have had very little contact with the rest of 'the folk' -- their only information having come from Tiberii whose den-realms
border the western edge of the Bubasti holdings. The Tiberii have promised not too speak of the Bubasti until they choose to
return to the world. The recent events in the Amazon may provide the backdrop for their return to the fight to defend Gaia.

Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 2
Gnosis Bonus: +1
Backgrounds: 2 points, no Allies, Contacts or Pride
Traditional Location: North Africa
Current Location: The Bubasti have established a network of den-realms surrounding the great penumbral sea, located in the
centre of the Australian dreamtime. They have not contacted the other Tribes in the last hundred years (with the exception of the
Tiberii). They are preparing to return to Bastet society as they sense the comming of a great time of need.

Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)

Breakdown: 80% Monkeychild, 20% Halfbreed, 0% Wildcat
Totem: Mother of Cats, King of Cats, and (occasionally) Lion
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Typically Wyld, 15% Weaver or Wyrm), and Tribe (Bubasti).
Tribal Gifts
Control Simple Machine (Level One) - As the Glass Walker power
Fatal Flaw (Level One) - As the Shadow Lord power
Mindspeak (Level One) - As the Galliard power
Scent of the True Form (Level One) - As the Philodox power
Clap of Thunder (Level Two) - As the Shadow Lord power
Curse of Hatred (Level Two) - As the Metis power

Heat Metal (Level Two) - As the Glass Walker power

Sight from Beyond (Level Two) - As the Theurge power
Chill of Early Frost (Level Three) - As the Wendigo power
Detect Spirits (Level Three) - As the Lupus power
Gift of the Termite (Level Three) - As the Bone Gnawer power
Invisibility (Level Three) - As the Uktena power
Balor's Gaze (Level Four) - As the Fianna power
The Crawling Hand (Level Four) - As the Ragabash power
Hand of the Earth Lords (Level Four) - As the Uktena power
Geas (Level Five) - As the Philodox power
Totem Gift (Level Five) - As the Metis power
Renew the Cycle (Level Six) - As the Silver Fang power
The Bubasti are among the most ancient and most mystical of the Bastet. This is exemplified nowhere so clearly than by their
use of ancient Egyptian spellcasting. All Bubasti learn something of the arts of their ancient homeland. The only other
practicioners are the Immortal mummies (see World of Darkness: Mummy). Because of their extensive study of Egyptian magic
all Bubasti have certain unique (for Bastet) requirements during character creation. Bubasti must purchase an occupation (see
Mummy). This occupation will determine the Bubasti's Magic Spell Points. Sekhem is equal to Magic Spell Points x 10. Ba may
be rolled but is usually between 9 and 6 for new Bubasti. Ka, as for mummies, starts with a rating of 5. Once all freebie points
have been spent, starting spells are determined for the new Bubasti. The Bubasti may begin with an amount of spells whose
combined difficulty level is equal to (10 - Ba) x Magic Spell Points. Spells can only be of Magic Skills that the Bubasti has
access and then only if an appropriate level of mastery is obtained. (Note: unlike Mummies, Bubasti do not receive a free level in

The Caecilian (Lost)

The Caecilian were charged with entertaining the other tribes, as well as assisting the Bagheera in recording the lore of the folk.
No Caecilian has been born since the War of Rage. The last member of the Tribe (an Abomination) was destroyed by the forces
of the Inquisition. Now the only Bastet to bear there legacy are the Tiberii (see New Tribes).

Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: 4 points
Traditional Location: Europe
Current Location: None, the tribe is extinct.
+1 +1 +1
Crinos+1 +1 +3 -1 +1
+1 +4
Feline -2 +2 +4
-3 6

Breakdown: None. Formerly - 60% Monkeychild, 5% Halfbreed, 35% Wildcat

Species: Felis sylvestra (European Wildcat).
Totem: Sylvestra (Lost) - the totem has not been seen since the death of the Caecilian
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Typically Wyld, 15% Weaver), and Tribe (Caecilian).
Tribal Gifts
Call of the Wyld (Level One) - as the Galliard power
Call the Breeze (Level One) - as the Wendigo power
Mindspeak (Level One) - as the Galliard power
Spirit Speach (Level One) - as the Theurge power
Call of the Wyrm (Level Two) - as the Galliard power
Call to Duty (Level Two) - as the Philodox power
Howl of the Banshee (Level Two) - as the Fianna power
Spirit of the Bird (Level Two) - as the Uktena power
Chant of Morpeus (Level Three) - as the Children of Gaia power
Faerie Kin (Level Three) - as the Fianna power
Song of the Siren (Level Three) - as the Galliard power
Song of Rage (Level Three) - as the Galliard power
Harano (Level Four) - as the Wendigo power
Scream of Gaia (Level Four) - as the Get of Fenris power
Song of the Dire (Level Four) - as the Fianna power
Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) - as the Galliard power
Song of the Great Beast (Level Five) - as the Lupus power
Rebirthing (Level Six) - as the Theurge power

When the Ancients travelled to Australia the Dasyan 'came along for the ride'. They are a tribe of tricksters, similar in many
respects to the Nuwisha. When they came to Australia they interbred with the Native Cat, a Marsupial (related to the Marsupial
Lion, but not to true cats). They have existed in Australia since that time, and have not contacted any other tribes since the death
of the last Ancient more than 10,000 years ago. Occasionally they do spy on the other tribes but this is always done in disguise.
They have been so good at hiding that the few Bastet who have heard of them believe them a myth or long dead. Still the
tricksters support Gaia, and realize that the time has come to re-open communications with the other tribes. Younger members
are eager to travel to the Amazon (South American Marsupials deserve protection too).

Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 2 points, no Resources
Traditional (and Current) Location: Australia.
+1 +1 +1
Crinos+1 +1 +3 -1 +1
+1 +4
Feline -2, +2 +4
-3 6

Breakdown: 10% Monkeychild, 1% Halfbreed, 89% Wildcat

Species: Dasyurus quoll (Native (Marsupial) Cat).
Totem: The Dasyan are allied with Tulu the Kookaburra
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Typically Wyld, ), and Tribe (Dasyran)
Tribal Gifts
Camouflage (Level One) - as the Wendigo power
Open Seal (Level One) - as the Ragabash power
Scent of Running Water (Level One) - as the Ragabash power
Speed of Thought (Level One) - as the Silent Strider power
Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) - as the Ragabash power
Burrow (Level Two) - as the Metis power
Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) - as the Uktena power
Taking the Forgotten (Level Two) - as the Ragabash power
Adaptation (Level Three) - as the Silent Strider power
Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) - as the Theurge power
Sheep's Clothing (Level Three) - as the Nuwisha power
Visceral Agony (Level Three) - as the Black Fury power
Doppelganger (Level Four) - as the Glass Walker power
Hidey Hole (Level Four) - as the Nuwisha power
Trickster's Skin (Level Four) - as the Nuwisha power
Billabong Stride (Level Five) - as the Bunyip power
Wyld Throw (Level Five) - as the Nuwisha power
Firebringer (Level Six) - as the Ragabash power

The Grand Simba (Lost)

The ancient lords of the Bastet, the Grand Simba were the ancient Sultans of the Folk. They were destroyed by the Smilodon
during the War of Sorrow. All Bastet now regret the inaction that lead to their loss, and on the anniversary of the Death of the last
of the Tribe all Bastet have a high tendency to burst into tears although most no longer remember why. The Cave Lions that were
the Feline progenitors of the tribe were also destroyed during the war.

Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 4
Background: 4 points
Traditional Location: Africa and Europe
Current Location: None, the tribe is extinct.
Glabro+2 +2 +2 -2 -2 7
Crinos+5 +5 +5 0 -5 6
Hispo +4 +5 +5
-5 7
Feline +2 +4 +5
-6 6

Breakdown: None, formerley - 20% Monkeychild, 0% Halfbreed, 80% Wildcat

Totem: Grand Simba (Lost) - the Mighty Cave Lion vanished with his people
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Always Wyld), and Tribe (Grand Simba).
Tribal Gifts
Aura of Confidence (Level One) - as the Shadow Lord power
Lambent Flame (Level One) - as the Silver Fang power
Resist Pain (Level One) - as the Philodox power
Resist Toxin (Level One) - as the Fianna power
Awe (Level Two) - as the Silver Fang power
Call to Duty (Level Two) - as the Philodox power
King of the Beasts (Level Two) - as the Philodox power
Luna's Armor (Level Two) - as the Children of Gaia power
Call Flame Spirit (Level Three) - as the Uktena power
Princely Bearing (Level Three) - as the Silver Fang power
Silver Claws (Level Three) - as the Ahroun power
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) - as the Philodox power
Mindblock (Level Four) - as the Silver Fang power
Spirit Drain (Level Four) - as the Theurge power
Troll's Bridge (Level Four) - as the Fianna power
Luna's Avenger (Level Five) - as the Silver Fang power
Obedience (Level Five) - as the Shadow Lord power
Break the Bonds (Level Six) - as the Philodox power

The Were-Tigers are the largest of the surviving Bastet, and are their greatest warriors. They fought bravely in the War of Rage,
managing to repulse to Garou from India. Now they have turned their attention to the great war in the Emirate of the Balam.

Initial Rage: 5
Initial Willpower: 3
Background: 5 points, no Totem
Traditional Location: India and parts of Asia
Current Location: While the majority of the Tribe still reside in India and Asia, almost 30% of the Tribe has traveled to South
America in the last 5 years.

Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)

Breakdown: 60% Monkeychild, 15% Halfbreed, 25% Wildcat
Species: Panthera tigris (Tiger). Gestation 105-115 days. Litter: 2-6.
Totem: Tiger (Lost) - the Khan have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Always Wyld), and Tribe (Khan).
Tribal Gifts
Inspiration (Level One) - As the Ahroun power
Resist Pain (Level One) - As the Philodox power
Resist Toxin (Level One) - As the Fianna power
Sense Prey (Level One) - As the Lupus power
Alter Scent (Level Two) - As the Ragabash power
Curse of Hatred (Level Two) - As the Metis power
Luna's Armor (Level Two) - As the Children of Gaia power
Spirit of the Fray (Level Two) - As the Ahroun power
Heart of Fury (Level Three) - As the Ahroun power
Silver Claws (Level Three) - As the Ahroun power
Venom Blood (Level Three) - As the Get of Fenris power
Visceral Agony (Level Three) - As the Black Fury power
Hero's Stand (Level Four) - As the Get of Fenris power
Open Wounds (Level Four) - As the Shadow Lord power
Stoking Fury's Furnace (Level Four) - As the Ahroun power
Gift of the Spriggan (Level Five) - As the Fianna power
Shadow Pack (Level Five) - As the Shadow Lord power
Unstoppable Warrior (Level Six) - as the Ahroun power


The Were-Cougars are also warriors, although their skill is not as great as the Khan or Balam. They attempt to guard North
America, and have formed alliances with the Wendigo, Uktena, and (now-extinct) Croatan, as well as the Mokole of the Florida
swamps. They are losing the war, and know it. Some among them hope that after the war in the Amazon is won the Bastet will
unite to purify North America. Others in the Tribe prepare to leave the North for the Amazon, abandoning the north to their Garou

Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 4
Background: 3 points, no Totem, Resources, or Allies
Traditional Location: Southern United States
Current Location: The few surviving members of this tribe are split evenly between the Southern US and the Amazon.
Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)
Breakdown: 75% Monkeychild, 25% Halfbreed, 5% Wildcat
Species: Felis concolor (Puma). length: 31.2-3m (4-9.5ft) .weight: 21-120kg (46-260lb). Gestation 90-96 days. Litter: 1-6.
Totem: Puma (Lost) - the Pumonca have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Typically Wyld. Approximately 10% follow Weaver), and Tribe (Pumonca).
Tribal Gifts
The Falling Touch (Level One) - As the Ahroun power
Resist Pain (Level One) - As the Ahroun power
Scent of Running Water (Level One) - As the Ragabash power
Sense Prey (Level One) - As the Lupus power
Alter Scent (Level Two) - As the Ragabash power
Luna's Armor (Level Two) - As the Children of Gaia power
Snarl of the Predator (Level Two) - As the Get of Fenris power
Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) - As the Uktena power
Adaptation (Level Three) - As the Silent Strider power
Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) - As the Galliard power
Fly Feet (Level Three) - As the Ragabash power
Visceral Agony (Level Three) - As the Black Fury power
Avalanche (Level Four) - As the Red Talon power
Clenched Jaw (Level Four) - As the Ahroun power
Ignore Wound (Level Four) - As the Silver Fang power
Gaia's Vengence (Level Five) - As the Red Talon power
The Living Wood (Level Five) - As the Children of Gaia power

The Were-Lynx's comprise the majority of the Bastet's mages, and are every bit as powerful as the Bubasti. They have close
contact with the Pumonca and a good amount of Metis's in each tribe are of mixed blood.

Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 2
Backgrounds: 3 points, no Totem, Resources, or Allies
Traditional Location: North America
Current Location: Split between North and South America, with some members found among the European Lynx population.
Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)
Breakdown: 60% Monkeychild, 10% Halfbreed, 30% Wildcat
Species: Felis lynx (Lynx). avg length: 0.9-1.2m (3-4ft) . avg weight: 9kg (20lb).
Totem: Lynx (Lost) - the Qualmi have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Almost always Wyld), and Tribe (Qualmi).
Tribal Gifts
Beast Speach (Level One) - As the Galliard power
Camouflage (Level One) - As the Wendigo power
Shroud (Level One) - As the Uktena power
Sense Magic (Level One) - As the Uktena power
Command Spirit (Level Two) - As the Theurge power

Curse of Aeolus (Level Two) - As the Black Furies power

Cutting Wind (Level Two) - As the Wendigo power
Dreamspeak (Level Two) - As the Galliard power
Eye of the Cobra (Level Three) - As the Galliard power
Invisibility (Level Three) - As the Uktena power
Mark the Enemy (Level Three) - As the Get of Fenris power although it is visible to all Bastet (and no others) Reshape Object
(Level Three) - As the Homid power
Pointing the Bone (Level Four) - As the Uktena power
Rot Weavertech (Level Four) - As the Red Talon power
Strange Rain (Level Four) - As the Uktena power
Elemental Gift (Level Five) - As the Lupus power
Fetish Doll (Level Five) - As the Uktena power

The Were-Lions have ruled the Bastet since the War of Sorrow. Their rule has neither been particularly wise, strong, or popular.
They are finally getting a grip on their position (officially the Simba act as Grand Viziers for the empty throne of the Grand Simba
Sultan) and have begun gathering the Bastet together to defend the Balam's Amazonian Realm.

Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 3
Background: 4 points, no Totem
Traditional Location: Africa
Current Location: This tribe is spread evenly accross the world, being present in small numbers werever the Bastet are found.
Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)
Breakdown: 94% Monkeychild, 1% Halfbreed, 5% Wildcat
Species: Panthera leo (Lion). avg length: 2.8m (9-10ft) . max weight: 204kg (450lb). Gestation 105 days. Litter: 2-3.
Totem: Lion - the Simba have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Wyld), and Tribe (Simba)

Tribal Gifts
Aura of Confidence (Level One) - As the Shadow Lord power
Inspiration (Level One) - As the Ahroun power
Persuasion (Level One) - As the Homid power
Sense Prey (Level One) - As the Lupus power
Awe (Level Two) - As the Silver Fang power
Halt the Cowards Flight (Level Two) - As the Get of Fenris power
King of the Beasts (Level Two) - as the Philodox power
Strength of purpose (Level Two) - as the Philodox power
Heart of Fury (Level Three) - as the Ahroun power
Princely Bearing (Level Three) - as the Silver Fang power
Silver Claws (Level Three) - As the Ahroun power
Tongues (Level Three) - As the Homid power
Bridge Walker (Level Four) - As the Galliard power
Mastery (Level Four) - As the Silver Fang power although target is Bastet
Roll Over (Level Four) - As the Philodox power
Obedience (Level Five) - As the Shadow Lord power
Wyld Warp (Level Five) - As the Black Fury power

The Smilodon
Once the Generals of the Bastet army, the Smilodon have served the Wyrm since the first days of the War of Sorrow. In the
ancient times, the Smilodon roamed the Northern hemisphere, and were second only to the Grand Simba in the Bastet
When the Smilodon launched the War of Sorrow, they forever turned from the folk. The arrival of the Bubasti in the war drove off
the surviving Smilodon, who had barely managed to destroy the Grand Simba, and they fled into the Umbra, eventually taking
refuge in Malfeas.
The Were-Sabre Tooth Tigers were the first mammalian shapeshifters to dance the Black Spiral, and gained much power (and
madness) from it. Their corruption was a precursor to the corruption of the White Howler Garou centuries later. Many of the Gifts
common among the Black Spiral Dancers originated amongst the Smilodons.
The Modern Smilodon compose not only the Sabre-Tooths but also members of the other tribes who serve the wyrm. These
'converts' share the powers and gifts of the Smilodon but not their imposing physical presence.

There have not been any feline Smilodon since the War of Sorrow, as the Sabre-Toothed Tigers were all destroyed by the
Bastet. This situation may change soon however. Smilodon spies have become aware of living Sabre-Tooth tigers, created by
the Progenitor Technomancers. They are planning to obtain some of these beasts (and the Cyber-Toothed Tigers created by
Iteration X) in hopes of restoring the breed.

Initial Rage: 6
Initial Willpower: 2
Backgrounds: 5 points, no Pride
Traditional Location: North America and parts of Asia
Current Location: Smilodon are scattered worldwide as allies of Pentex or the Black Spiral Dancers. Most still reside in the
Umbra, although the tribe has been traveling to the Amazon to aid Pentex against the other Bastet.

Glabro+2 +2 +2 -2 -2 7
Crinos+5 +5 +5 0 -5 6
Hispo +4 +5 +5
-5 7
Feline +2 +4 +5
-6 6

Breakdown: 20% Monkeychild, 80% Halfbreed, 0% Wildcat (no Wildcats have been born for ages, but that may change

Totem: Smilodon (a Totem of Strength), some also worship Kirijama, Hakaken, and G'louogh
Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (typically Wyrm), and Tribe (Smilodon).
Tribal Gifts
Bane Protector (Level One) - as the Black Spiral power
Smell Fear (Level One) - as the Black Spiral power
Smell Poison (Level One) - as the Rat-kin power
Shroud (Level One) - as the Uktena power
Blood Omen (Level Two) - as the Black Spiral power
Brew (Level Two) - As the Fianna power
Ears of the Bat (Level Two) - as the Black Spiral power
Wyrm Hide (Level Two) - as the Black Spiral power
Allies Below (Level Three) - as the Black Spiral power
Blue Breath (Level Three) - as the Black Spiral power (See: Rage Across Australia)
Foaming Fury (Level Three) - As the Black Spiral power
Touch of the Eel (Level Three) - as the Black Spiral power
Airt Sense (Level Four) - as the Corax power
Crawling Poison (Level Four) - as the Black Spiral power
Doppleganger (Level Four) - as the Glass Walker power
Balefire (Level Five) - as the Black Spiral power
Rend Reality (Level Five) - as the Black Spiral power

Rites: The Smilodon share many rites with the Bastet and Garou. They value the Rite of Dormant Wisdom above all others
though. They also all known the Rite of the Pain-Dagger (as the Ratkin rite). The pain Daggers the Smilodon craft are created
from their own canine teeth (which they must then re-grow).

The Were-Cheetah's are the messangers of the Bastet, a role they still take very seriously. They serve the Simba faithfully, and
treat all other bastet (including Bubasti) with respect.
The War of Rage hit the Swara especially hard. Few members of the tribe survived, leading to severe inbreeding. All members
of this tribe now possess Metis disfigurements regardless of breed (1 for Homid or Feline, 2 for Metis). More than 50% of
disfigurements amongst the Swara are related to their claws (either weak or Locked - permanently visable in all forms including
Homid). Swara also all learn Metis gifts regardless of their true breed.

Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 3 points, no Totem or Resources
Traditional Location: Africa
Current Location: Anywere a message needs to go.
Forms: (See Werewolf Players Guide p155)
Breakdown: 40% Monkeychild, 50% Halfbreed, 10% Wildcat

Species: Acinonyx jubatus (Cheetah). avg length: 2.1m (7ft) . avg weight: 59kg (130lb).
Totem: Cheetah (Lost) - the Swara have not been able to ally with totems since the War of Sorrow
Gifts: Choosen from Metis, Bastet (Typically Wyld), and Tribe (Swara)

Tribal Gifts
Balance (Level One) - As the Stargazer power
Leap of the Kangaroo (Level One) - As the Lupus power
Scent of Running Water (Level One) - As the Ragabash power
Speed of Thought (Level One) - As the Silent Strider power
Axis Mundi (Level Two) - As the Lupus power
Distractions (Level Two) - As the Galliard power
Messengers Fortitude (Level Two) - As the Silent Strider power
Speak with the Wind Spirits (Level Two) - As the Wendigo power
The Great Leap (Level Three) - As the Silent Strider power
Fly Feet (Level Three) - As the Ragabash power
Message Glance (Level Three) - As the Silent Strider power
Sky Running (Level Three) - As the Wendigo power
Bridge Walker (Level Four) - As the Galliard power
Grasp of the Beyond (Level Four) - As the Theurge power
Speed Beyond Thought (Level Four) - As the Silent Strider power
Gate of the Moon (Level Five) - As the Silent Strider power
Reach the Umbra (Level Five) - As the Silent Strider power

The Tiberii are a modern tribe whose feline cousins are the Feral Cats who were once domesticated. The Tiberii came into
existence at the end of the War of Betrayal (Rage). At that time a Metis, by the name of Tiberius, was born to a Bubasti female
and (posthumously) a Caecilian male. The Bubasti supported Tiberius but he was never part of that tribe; instead his
descendants became the Tiberii. They spread with the expansion of humanity during the age of discovery, often serving as ship
mascots. The Tiberii have only recently begun to be recognized as a full tribe among the folk. They are still looked down upon
due to their 'poor' breeding, but have grudgingly earned the respect of Bastet from Australia and the Amazon.
The Tiberii are somewhat carefree in their breeding, as a result there are a lot of differences exhibited between its members.
Recently, Tiberii in the Amazon have begun interbreeding with the native Ocelot (Panthera pardalis) population. Some
observers (mostlty Bagherra) believe that this will eventually result in a new tribe, as the Ocelot-Tiberii already show signs of
internal uniformity, but marked difference to their Tiberii parents. The Ocelot-Tiberii seem particularly inclined towards the Gifts
of the lost Caecilian Tribe.

Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 2
Backgrounds: 2 points, no Resources
Traditional Location: None.
Current Location: primarily Australia (were they are found with the Bubasti). Some have travelled to Europe and many are now
emigrating to South America to help the Balam.

Glabro+0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +0 7
Crinos+1 +1 +3 -1 +1 +0 6
Hispo +0 +1 +4 0 +1 +0 7
Feline -2 +2 +4 0 +0 -3 6

Breakdown: 20% Monkeychild, 1% Halfbreed, 79% Wildcat

Species: Felis catus (Cat). avg length: 0.76m (2.5ft) . max weight: 9kg (21lb). Gestation 56-68 days. Litter: 2-13. Lifespan 8

Totem: Wildcat (a Totem of Cunning), some also receive power from King of Cats and Lion. Wildcat is a new totem, thought to
have once been Tiberius, the tribe's founder.

Gifts: Choosen from Breed, Bastet (Typically Wyld, although some 25% align with the Weaver), and Tribe (Tiberii)
Tribal Gifts
Camouflage (Level One) - as the Wendigo power
Cooking (Level One) - as the Bone Gnawer power
Scent of Sweet Honey (Level One) - as the Bone Gnawer power
Shed (Level One) - as the Metis power

Blissful Ignorance (Level Two) - as the Ragabash power

Burrow (Level Two) - as the Metis power
Grovel (Level Two) - as the Metis power
Spirit of the Fish (Level Two) - as the Uktena power
Adaptation (Level Three) - as the Silent Strider power
Combat Healing (Level Three) - as the Ahroun power
Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) - as the Theurge power
Visceral Agony (Level Three) - as the Black Fury power
Beast Life (Level Four) - as the Lupus power
Gift of the Porcupine (Level Four) - as the Metis power
Infest (Level Four) - as the Bone Gnawer power
Gift of the Spriggan (Level Five) - as the Fianna power
Kiss of Helios (Level Five) - as the Ahroun power
Firebringer (Level Six) - as the Ragabash power

A Sample Bastet of Renown (Infamy)

Tribe: Smilodon
Age: 35
Breed: Metis
Affinity: Wyrm (leaning towards Weaver)
Physical: Strength 5 (7/10/9/7), Dexterity 3 (5/8/8/8), Stamina 4 (6/9/9/8)
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4 (2/0/0/0), Appearance 3
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 1, Intimidation 5, Primal-Urge 5, Subterfuge 5
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Leadership 4, Performance 3, Repair 4, Stealth 5
Knowledges: Enigmas 4, Linguistics 3, Medicine 3, Occult 3, Rituals 5, Weaver Lore 2, Wyrm Lore 5
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Allies 3
Gifts: (1) Bane Protector, Lick Wounds, Sense Wyrm, Create Element (2) Blood Omen, Ears of the Bat (3) Awaken Beast, Blue
Breath, Invisibility, Touch of the Eel (4) Doppelganger, Walking Between the Worlds (5) Balefire
Rank: 4
Rage: 8
Gnosis: 8
Willpower: 8
Rites: Rite of the Pain-Dagger, Rite of Dormant Wisdom, Rite of Claiming, Rite of Talisman Dedication Fetishes: Pain-Dagger,
Black Kopesh, Umbra Phone, Warshirt of the Wyrm, Wyrm Fang Dagger (Real)
Totem: Smilodon

Image: In Homid form, Mr. Night (as he prefers to be known) is a tall, good looking man with blond hair, blue eyes, and an
unsettling gaze. He almost always appears dressed in expensive black suits. In Feline form Destroyer-of-Light is a fearsome
sight. A large well muscled Sabre-Toothed tiger of perfect dimensions with iradescent blue-green fur. His fangs in Feline form
are replaced by his two fetish daggers, giving his bite some extra effect. His Crinos form is terrible to behold: poison and toxic
waste drips from his form, and a sickly green plume rises from his body.

Background: Destroyer-of-Darkness is the model Smilodon. Born of two Metis' he learned much about his tribe and their
natural superiority to all others and rose quickly in there ranks. Finding his path blocked after awhile, he decided to join Pentex in
order to garner more personal power. His first posting was in Mexico. Here he came into contact with Black Spiral Dancers, and
corrupted Technocracy mages. DoD enjoyed his time in Mexico and was a bit sad when he received his current posting. For the
past 5 months, DoD has been head of Pentex's east Amazonian operations. He has claimed a small Den-Realm centred
around the headquarters building and shares it with the Black Spiral Pit constructed by his underlings. Fomori (both human and
animal) guard the realms perimeter. All is going swimmingly, almost...
DoD has been having very strange visions lately. He has just heard of the clone Sabre-Toothed Tigers possessed by the
Technocracy and has decided to obtain some. His superiors have denied his requests concerning the matter however and he
now toys with leaving. Not just Pentex mind you, but the Wyrm itself. Instead he thinks about joining the Weaver or perhaps the
Wyld. Maybe the other Bastet would help him? The moment of decision approaches; what will it be Wyrm, Weaver, or Wyld?
Perhaps light can shine out of the Darkness of the Smilodon.

View Bastet Fetishes.

View Bastet totems.


By Dennis Payne ( (14 Oct 1993)
Much of the material presented here is taken directly from the Werewolf Player's Guide.
Character Creation for the Mokole remains the same except for chosing gifts. The Aspects have allow been expanded upon.
Gifts are chosen for the Breed of the Character and the Aspect. One Level one gift is chosen for the Breed and one gift is chosen from
the list given for each Aspect. Freebie points may be spent to gain more level one gifts from either the Breed or Aspect.

Children of the Sun: Aspects

The Mokole are sun creatures. They revere the sun as the giver of life and source of heat for their bodies.
The attitudes of the Sun determine the identity of a Mokole much as the moon auspices do for the Garou. The Mokole recognize seven
attitudes the Sun can take.

The Rising Sun - "Strike"

The Rising Sun have much in common with the Garou of the Full Moon. They prefer to act rather than wait. In battle they are the front
The Strike are more physical than other Mokole except for those of the Setting Sun. Their bravery during combat is legendary but they
lack patience needed for planning.
Sun Dice: Throughout their lives such creatures gain a +1 dice when taking initiative.
Beginning Gifts: Bellow, Razor Claws, Resist Pain
Initial Willpower: 3

The Noonday Sun - "Shadowless"

The Noonday Sun are the police and the judges. They mediate disputes and dispence justice to those who disregard the litany. They
enforce the power of the Crowned.
The Shadowless are held in great respect. To go against the Shadowless would result in excution or being exiled. They represent the
pure qualities of the Sun and are commited to their duty.
Sun Dice: These Mokole may subtract one die from the dice pool of attacking Wyrm or Kindred, or by any foe attacking from living in,
or related to the dark. This may be used against vampiric disciplines, lessening the effect of Domination or Obfuscate.
Beginning Gifts: Bellow, Scent of True Form, Resist Pain
Initial Willpower: 2

The Setting Sun - "Ward"

The Setting Sun protect the Mokole family from outside threats. During times of trouble they have been known to work with the
Noonday Sun.
Wards are similar to the Strike, but defend the tribe rather than wage war. They will do everything in their power to protect the Mokole,
including sacrificing themselves. Legends tell of how one Ward defeated 10 enemies of the tribe by himself.
Sun Dice: Wards add an extra die to their dice pools when they defend or retreat.
Beginning Gifts: Bellow, Razor Claws, Resist Pain
Initial Willpower: 1

The Shrouded Sun - "Concealed"

The Shrouded Sun are the mystics of the Mokole. They preside over rituals. Thaumaturgy is commonly studied by them.
Unlike most Mokole, the Concealed are occasionly encountered in the Umbra. Because of their ability to travel the Umbra they convey
information amoung the Mokole.
Sun Dice: The Concealed gain an extra die on their Stealth and when they camouflage anything anytime, for any reason.
Beginning Gifts: Walking Between Worlds
Initial Willpower: 3

The Midnight Sun - "Shining"

The Mokole born at night are called the Shining. They are the makers of myth and arbiters of the afterlife. The Shining perform burial
rituals. At the coming of night they tell stories of great heroes of days past. After the death of a Mokole, he is lead to the realm of the
Dead by the spirits of dead Shining. Those who disgrace the Mignight Sun are doomed to eternally wander the Umbra.
Sun Dice: They can draw on three extra Willpower points when they are damned, doomed, or up against hopeless odds.
Beginning Gifts: Darksight, Mindspeak, Cloak of Shadows
Initial Willpower: 4

The Decorated Sun - "Followed"

The Decorated Sun are the workers of the Mokole. The Crowned may reign, but the Followed get things done as Mokole say. They
can do anything except lead.
The Followed are known for following orders but lack initiative to give orders.
Sun Dice: The Followed receive an extra die when following orders or working with a group.
Beginning Gifts: Talk, Cooking, Mother's Touch
Initial Willpower: 2

Solar Eclipse - "Crowned"

The Crowned are the rarest of all the Mokole. All other Mokole defer to them. Their rule is supreme and finale outweighing all other
The Solar Eclipse are rare normally and the War of Rage reduced their number even greater.
Sun Dice: The Crowned get one extra die to apply anywhere they want when the sun shines.
Beginning Gifts: Bellow, Lambent Flame, Razor Claws
Initial Willpower: 5

Breed Gifts
Name of Gift


Name of Gift


Smell of Man
Jam Technology
Reshape Object


Spirit Ward
Reduce Delirium



Tail of the Monkey

Beast Life
Elemental Gift
Song of the Great Beast


Heightened Senses
Leap of the Kangarou
Scent of Sight
Sense the Unnatural
Detect Spirit

Aspect Gifts
Name of Gift


Name of Gift


Razor Claws
Resist Pain
Armor of Tortoise
Clap of Thunder
Combat Healing


Might of Thor
Hot Ichor
Scream of Gaia
Sleep of the Dragon
Wall of Granite


Eyes of the Cobra


Resist Pain
Scent of True Form
Strength of Purpose
Tame Sunbeam
Clear Mind



-- Same as "Strike"

Mother's Touch
Sense Wyrm
Spirit Speech
Become Log
Command Spirit
Clear Mind


Balor's Gaze
Strength of Dominator
Return to True Form
Sleep of the Dragon


Grasp the Beyond
Strange Rain
Sleep of the Dragon
Spirit Vessel
Walking Between Worlds


Cloak of Shadows
Become Log
Hear the Corpse Whisper 3

Song of Rage
Shadows by the Fire Light 4
Shadow Pack
Sleep of the Dragon

Mother's Touch
Become Log
Long Running3


Tail of the Monkey

Body Shift
Calm the Flock
Sleep of the Dragon



Silvery Claws
Hot Ichor
Sleep of the Dragon
Walking Between Worlds


Lambent Flame
Razor Claws
Tame Sunbeam
Eye of the Cobra

All gifts may be found in either Werewolf or the Player's Guide, except for Return to True Form.

Return to True Form (Level Five): This Gift acts similar to Take the True Form but lasts for the entire scene. This power also works
on shapechanged Kindred but the difficulty is nine.

By Steven Markley (

Author's Notes
I've always felt the Rokea didn't get a fair shake in the WoD. Storyteller could have done a lot more with them. They gave some
decent background on them, but almost no systems or real information for those who might want to play them. Perhaps they
were meant to be NPCs only, but if that's the case they shouldn't have put them in the PLAYERS Guide. =)
I've done a lot of work to make them sane, sensible Player Character material, and at least this will hopefully give more depth to
any Rokea NPCs a Storyteller might run. It's hard enough running or playing a Rokea because you have to stay near the sea all
the time; you shouldn't have next to no Gift information, no ability to increase in Rank during play and sketchy form information to
make the job that much harder.

Grumahn Bitch-of-Set ran along the shore, her wolf feet carrying her with supernatural speed across the water-laden sand. Being
a former Silent Strider had its perks. But she had been running for nearly half an hour and her Gift was starting to expire, and she
slowly trotted to a stop. Grumahn shifted from a sleek, jet black canine with huge pointed ears to her Homid form, and stared
back the way she came. The sounds of the omnipresent sea gulls and surf cleared her mind, and allowed her to calmly reflect on
the events of that night.
Her ward-pack, the Laughing Violators, had successfully stalked and ambushed a pack consisting of a Stargazer, a Fianna and
two Children of Gaia. Predictably, the Fianna was the only one to put up a real fight. All involved except for Grumahn were of low
Renown and power, and it was supposed to be a simple Rite of Passage for her ward-pack. Then that other Gaia-lover came
from out of nowhere -- a Get or Talon, probably -- and single-handedly slew half the Laughing Violators before any of them
realized what was happening. The remainder of the pack scattered to the four winds; Grumahn imagined that the rest were
hunted down, or would be eventually, not having her experience or knack for quick running. Damn it all . . .
Grumahn hoped at least some of the Laughing Violators survived. She lifted her head and called upon her Galliard heritage,
howling a summons to her fellow servants of the Wyrm. The howl would travel no further than a mile or so, too far for any of the
non-Wyrm Garou to hear. If she got lucky, one of her fellow Spirals would hear her and come. If nothing else, at least a bane or
two was sure to show up. She lit a cigarette, sat on a rock, and waited.
As she was finishing her smoke, she heard something in the water behind her. She spun around.
Some monstrosity was rising out of the brine, no further than ten feet from Grumahn. It was about ten feet tall, and had a shark's
head with a humanoid body. Masses of writhing tentacles sprouted from each shoulder. It stank of rotting fish and seaweed. "A
fomor, probably" she thought. "Whatever it is I called up, it's a creature of the Wyrm if I ever saw one." Invoking the Speech of the
Wyrm, Grumahn greeted it.
Suddenly the thing's tentacles shot out. She tried to move out of the way, but the monster grabbed her and pulled her toward its
gaping maw.
Gulls took flight at the screams; then there was silence except for the crashing waves.

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3. Most Rokea are Physical Primary and Social Tertiary, though a very few exceptions exist.
Abilities: 13/9/5. Most Rokea are Talent Primary and have few Knowledges.
Backgrounds: Rokea start with no Background Points, but they can purchase Backgrounds with Freebies. No Rokea can take
Past Life, Rites, Fetish or Mentor.

Rage: Based on tribe (Ixya 5, Karkha 7, Spynha 6)

Willpower: 4
Gnosis: Based on breed (Homid 1, Squamus 3)
Gifts: One Level One Gift from Breed, two Level One Gifts from General.
Freebie: 15

Renown and Rank: Rokea start with 1 point of Savagery, their only Renown category.

Homid: Gnosis 1
There are homid breed Rokea, though they are damned rare and number probably no more than two dozen in the entire world.
They tend to be more empathic and "civilized" than other Rokea, but this really isn't saying very much. Squamus weresharks
tolerate their homids but see them for the most part as inferior and weak until they prove otherwise. It is hard for a homid to
advance in Rokea society, but their understanding of humans and their culture gives them a valuable advantage other Rokea
don't have.

Squamus: Gnosis 3
The shark breed, or squamus, are the Rokea everyone is most familiar with. They dominate Rokea society, feeling those only of
shark outlook and instincts are worthy of leading. Many never shift into any form except Crinos, and even then only on rare
occasions, never seeing the need to use the weak man-form.
There are no Rokea metis. The Crinos form of a wereshark is designed for short, bloody combats; it does not swim and hunt as
well as a shark and it dries out on land. The few metis that are not eaten at birth slowly starve to death. Thus, none survive into

Rokea "tribes" are merely classifications of the main species of wereshark, as they have no artificially imposed social or
political divisions.

Ixya: Rage 5
Breeding primarily with mako and tiger sharks, the Ixya are the fastest predators in the sea. They gain a bonus point of Dexterity
in their Crinos and Squamus forms, and swim at 35 plus Dexterity in miles per hour (45 + Dex mph for short bursts).

Karkha: Rage 7
Among the deadliest of all the earth's creatures, the Kharka are of great white stock and can attain lengths of up to twenty feet
long in shark form. They gain an extra point of Strength in their Crinos and Squamus forms.

Spynha: Rage 6
Little escapes the keen senses of the werehammerheads as they probe the endless depths of the sea for prey. When in shark or
sharkman forms, the Spynha gain an extra point of Perception, and one is subtracted from their difficulties to sense electrical
activity (see Shark Senses, below.)

The Forms
Homid (human)
No adjustments. The Homid form tends to be large and primitive-looking, with prominent jaws and feral eyes. Obviously, most
Rokea are scary and aren't pleasing to the eye, but a few are passably attractive. This form can only breathe air.

Crinos (sharkman)
Str +4, Dex +1, Sta +4, all Socials 0, +4 to Intimidation-based rolls. A Bite is diff 5 to hit and does Str +3 Agg; a Fin Slash or
Claw Rake is diff to hit 6 and does Str +1 Agg.
A true monster, towering from eight to twelve feet tall. This semi-humanoid form can move about on land and breathe air as well
as water, but will dry out and will take a level of unsoakable non-Aggravated damage each minute after fifteen minutes out of the
water unless it can wet its skin again. The Rokea's scales are serrated and very sharp; any who hit a Crinos Rokea with bare
flesh (such as a punch) does his own Strength to himself in non-Agg damage, and any using a Bite or Claw Rake against the
wereshark suffers this damage unless she scores 2 or more successes to hit. Any attack involving flesh-to-flesh contact (such as
Body Slam or Punch) does an extra die of damage (non-Agg).

Squamus (shark)
Str +3, Dex +3, Stamina +3, 0 Socials, +3 Intimidation. Bite attack and damage from skin as in Crinos.
Helpless on land but deadly without par in the water, the Squamus form can swim up to 25 plus Dexterity in miles per hour; Ixya
can exceed even this. This form can only breathe water, and its cartilaginous skeleton collapses outside of a liquid environment.

Use the rules for Drowning in the Werewolf source book for Squamus form Rokea trapped on land.

Shark Senses
Sharks have very sharp senses, especially smell. Reduce the difficulty for Perception rolls for all senses but smell by 1 in Crinos
and Squamus forms; reduce Perception roll difficulties by 2 for scenting.
Rokea can detect the electrical activity in the nervous systems of their prey, as do natural sharks; roll Perception + Primal-Urge,
difficulty based on the size of the prey-- diff 4 for a killer whale, diff 6 for a human or dolphin, diff 9 for a small fish. This sense can
only be used in Squamus form. Spynah have more acute senses, so the listed difficulties are reduced by one for them.

The Rokea place little importance on political clout and social posturing; age and killing prowess determine status among the
savage weresharks. Generally, for every ten years a wereshark has survived since the first change, she gains one Rank.
However, there is a quicker (and more dangerous) way to gain status: accumulating Savagery Renown.
Savagery more or less translates into Garou Glory, and the Renown chart in Werewolf can be used as a rough guide for
awarding Savagery. There are some differences between the two, however. Ignore any extra Renown bonuses for defeating or
killing "servants of the Wyrm"; the Rokea for the most part do not know of or recognize the Wyrm, Weaver, Wyld or even Gaia for
that matter, and thus do not attach any special significance to destroying any servant thereof.
They do respect power, however, and they place a lot of importance on the ability to kill powerful foes -- especially strong
supernatural creatures. Basically, a wereshark will gain more status for defeating a Rank Five Get of Fenris Ahroun Jarl than
slapping around an old fisherman. All manner of changing breeds, Kindred and mages have fallen prey to ravening, Renownhungry Rokea roaming the coastlines.
Anything that is a threat to the Rokea is given special priority for destruction. Black Spiral Dancers, Pentex operatives, or
Technocrats who pollute the oceans are dealt with mercilessly by weresharks; they may not know or care that these entities
serve the Wyrm's interests, but they do not tolerate desecration of their hunting grounds and homes.
Also, Rokea who win the Gorge may be awarded a point or two of Savagery.
Rokea start with one point of permanent Savagery, and every ten points' worth of temporary Renown converts to one permanent
point, just as with other changers. Rites of Recognition tend to be bloody and informal among the sharks, and involve yet more
killing, hunting elusive prey, or challange by combat.
Ran Rank
Title Savagery Needed
1 Minnow
2 Barracuda 5
3 Whale Killer 10
4 Sea Serpent 15
5 Megalodon 20
Optionally, the Storyteller may allow players to begin with older characters, allowing them to learn higher-level Gifts, but
characters should be no more than twenty years old or so. Perhaps age can be taken as a Background or Merit, with every five
Freebie equating to ten years of age. Magical aging, such as through Gifts, Sphere magic or similar effects, has no effect on

The Gorge
A Rokea can eat ten pounds of meat for each point of Stamina she has without a second thought; each ten pounds over this
requires a Stamina roll verses a increasing difficulty: diff 6 for the first roll, diff 7 for the second and so on, to a maximum difficulty
of 10. A failed roll indicates the Rokea can hold no more, although a Willpower point can be spent to ignore a failure and roll
again; two failed rolls in a row indicates the Rokea can eat no more and is out of the Gorge. A botch on the Stamina roll
indicates the Rokea vomits up her food (and is probably very angry and/or embarrassed.) The last Rokea left rolling is the
winner; in the case of a tie combat decides the winner.
No Gifts can be used during the Gorge (such as Gluttony), and any caught violating this rule loses a great deal of status and is
open to attack by her peers.

A Rokea needs only two successes or more on a Rage roll to Frenzy. However, Rokea are very in-sync with their inner beasts,

and have more control over their Frenzies than other changers. The degree of control is dependent on the successes rolled; the
fewer successes on the Rage roll, the more control the Rokea has (not that most weresharks care, anyway). Because of their
insatiable appetites, a Rage roll should be enforced whenever the Rokea catches a strong scent of blood.
Successes Degree of control
Darn! You don't Frenzy after all. Maybe next time.
You are visibly upset, but you can choose to get away from the source of frustration rather than attacking it outright.
You have no problem maintaining Homid form.
You can still maintain the man-shape, but you must immediately attack or flee from what triggered the Rage roll. You
can use strategic attacks (such as Brawl maneuvers).
You must shift to Crinos or Squamus (if you are not already in one of these forms) and immediately attack, although
you can use some simple strategies (such as Hamstringing or Punching your opponent).
You are in full, all-out Frenzy; you can do little but bite and slash your opponent into ribbons. You can maintain no
form but Crinos.
You have been overcome by the Thrall of Blood; you must assume Crinos and devour every living thing in sight. It
takes a permanent Willpower point to pull yourself out of this Frenzy. Needless to say, most Rokea save themselves
the mental exertion and ride the wave...

Little was given in the way of Gifts the Rokea possess in the Werewolf Players Guide, but a bit of research and creativity on my
part yielded this selection. Most Rokea learn Gifts from one another or teach themselves Gifts, as they do not truck with spirits

Breed Gifts
Homid: Use the homid Garou Gifts from Werewolf
Squamus: As lupus unless stated otherwise
Level 1: Heightened Senses, Beast Speech (as Galliard)
Level 2: Scent of Sight, Sense the Unnatural
Level 3: Blessings of the Seas (as Red Talons: Elemental Favor, but affects only water), Gnaw (as lupus L4 )
Level 4: Beast Life, No Mind (as Silver Fangs: Mindblock )
Level 5: Neptune's Power (as the lupus: Elemental Gift, but affects only water), Song of the Great Beasts (used to summon
megaladon sharks or prehistoric sea monsters)

Rokea Gifts
Level 1: Fatal Flaw (as Shadow Lords), Find Water (as lupus), Barracuda' Speed (as Silent Striders: Speed of Thought, but
functions in water), Sense Prey (as lupus), Camouflage (as Wendigo), Inkcloud (as Uktena: Shroud, but the Gift only functions
underwater), Breath of Life, Dolphin's Leap
Level 2: Curse of Aeolus (as Black Furies), Sense of the Prey (as Ragabash), Spirit of the Fray (as Ahroun), True Fear (as
Ahroun), Diamond Scales, Touch of the Eel (as Black Spiral Dancer Ragabash; water is considered a conductive material for
20 feet), Surface Attunement (as Stargazers), Echolocation
Level 3: Clarity (as Stargazers), Combat Healing (as Ahroun), Paralyzing Stare (as Shadow Lords), Trackless Waste (as Red
Talons), Weak Arm (as Philodox), Gluttony (as Bone Gnawers L5), Embrace of the Kraken, Adaptation (as Silent Striders), Kiss
of the Lamprey
Level 4: Attunement (as Silent Striders); Whirlpool, Open Wound (as Shadow Lords), Rot Weavertech (as Red Talons), Venom
(as lupus), Stoking Fury's Furnace (as Ahroun), Wound of Rage (as Black Furies: Bacchante's Rage), Aura of the Sea, Sense
Weakness (as Ajaba: Culling the Flock; see the Bastet breed book)
Level 5: Terrible Bite (as Get of Fenris: Fenris' Bite), Survivor (as Bone Gnawers), Totem Gift (as Metis), Megaladon Form (as
Fianna: Gift of the Spriggan), Swimming the Great Abyss (as Mokole: Walking Between Worlds), Earth Swim
Level 6: Monsoon


Common totems: Kraken, Crab, Dolphin, Old Man Sea and Splash
Rokea don't have a wide variety of totem spirits. Rokea society is dominated by those who follow Kraken and there is not a lot of
room for other totems to have influence over the weresharks. There are a few others, however. Rokea totems are not classified
into type: the Rokea know no honor, and they are as wise as they need to be: thus all totems listed here are considered to be
Totems of War, as there is no higher purpose for the Rokea. Even gentle Dolphin's talents are often turned towards hunting and
combat. There is only so much one can expect of a wereshark.

Rokea and the Triat

As mentioned before, most weresharks do not even know of the Triat, much less venerate one aspect or another. Knowingly or
not, however, the Rokea are the merciless enforcers of balance, the predators that cull the weak, the primordial killers. Thus,
Rokea are tied to the Wyrm more than any other member of the Triat (although the Wyld ranks a close second in their affinities).
One using the Gift: Sense Wyrm would notice a bit of entropic spirit-energy when a Rokea uses her Gifts, and the superficially
judgemental might see the very semblance of the Wyrm when the Crinos Rokea rises from the sea in a blood Frenzy.
It should be pointed out that the Rokea do not advocate corruption, the death of Gaia, or any of the goals Garou usually
associate with the Wyrm. Weresharks are unsophisticated and simple. They do little but hunt and kill, and thus they do the work
of the Wyrm of Balance; whether or not the actual Wyrm or any of its aspects still serve Balance is debated among many. The
weresharks themselves care little for such abstract theories and discussions. They follow their primal purpose instinctively,
efficiently and without ceremony.
The future of the Rokea and their place in the Triat is uncertain. There have been reports of the odd Wyrm-corrupted wereshark
serving Beast-of-War or the Eater-of-Souls, but these cases are extremely rare. It is an interesting note that nearly all known
corrupt weresharks were homid. Wyrm-serving Rokea tend to be pariahs among their people, and are often hunted down and
killed by their fellows when they attempt to bring the Wyrm's influence to the oceans. Weresharks are not known for their sense of
morality, but they make no allowances for those who would despoil their homes and hunting grounds.
The totem Kraken is the primary totem of the Rokea, but he was also reportedly the totem of the Hive of the Glowing Sea, a sept
of Black Spiral Dancers off the coast of Russia. It is not known if this was a doppleganger Bane-spirit or an actual avatar of
Kraken, but the sunken submarine that serves as the hive's pit was recently subjected to several attacks attack by schools of
frenzied weresharks, outraged at the pollution of the sea and apparently serving the interests of Kraken as well. All the hive
members were either killed or driven onto land, and the submarine pit was destroyed by the weresharks. How this all fits in with
the Rokea, Kraken and the Wyrm remains to be seen.

The Xaklah (Wererays)

As Fur-Like-Oil-Slicks retrieved parts of Grumahn's body out of the surf, he wondered what in the hell could have done this to
her. It looked like a shark attack, but whatever devoured her came onto the beach to do it. Maybe the legends of weresharks
were true after all. As he recovered various parts of her, throwing them onto the beach, he scanned the water carefully for shark
fins. He saw part of her torso floating about fifty feet out, and Fur-Like-Oil-Slicks decided that after he got this part he would give
it up. He waded towards it, refelecting on what a shame all this was. He had fully intended to screw Grumahn someday, to show
her who was boss.
He stepped on something soft, and then a sharp pain shot up his leg. He felt venom coursing through his blood. He cursed and
looked down to see a stingray swimming away slowly. He concentrated and activated Touch of the Eel. He grinned as the ray
started floating up slowly. That would teach the little bastard. He reached for the bloated torso.
Then Fur-Like-Oil-Slicks watched in horror as the ray grew, stood up on two legs, and lashed out with a now much bigger tail . . .

The rare and reclusive Xaklah are not true Rokea, but are included here for their close relation and for the sake of brevity. Most
of what is printed here on Rokea will apply nicely to the wererays, including senses, Renown and Gifts. However, there are some
important distinctions.
Wererays are far more level-headed than the weresharks and require four or more successes on a Rage roll to Frenzy. They are
as primitive as the weresharks, but not nearly as savage. They are loners by nature, do not swim in packs and have little contact
with one another; they apparently have no social Rituals or culture. Among totems, they most commonly serve Crab, Slash and
Old Man Sea. They will on rare occasions have dealings with Rokea, but this is out of neccesity than a desire to chit-chat. For
the most part they leave the sharks alone, and the same favor is returned to Xaklah.

Xaklah do not seem to play any role in the Triat or the war for Gaia, and are happy to be left alone (this does not mean they are
unwilling or unable to defend themselves when pressed, however.) They have little interest in the surface world, but Tzakti might
have some contact with it as they live in the shallow waters along coastlines.

As Rokea. There are a few metis Xaklah, but homids are nearly unheard of.

There are two tribe divisions of wererays, and like the Rokea tribes they are species distinctions rather than political ones.

Skhorr: Rage 3
These huge Xaklah are of manta stock and are rather calm and placid in comparison to the other changers with whom they
share the sea. They gain an additional Health Level in Crinos and Ray forms. They also have +2 Str in both ray and Crinos
forms, and gain a one die bonus to Stealth rolls involving moving silently.

Tzakti: Rage 5
The werestingrays are not terribly strong or intelligent, but are deadly nonetheless. They can inject venom into a foe with a Tail
Lash (diff 5, Str +2 Agg, used in Ray or Crinos form) by spending a point of Rage if any damage gets past the soak; the venom
does 3 dice of non-Agg damage which can be soaked at difficulty 8, plus it doubles any wound penalties (or -1 die if victim is
Bruised or isn't damaged) unless the victim spends a Willpower point; this penalty is not cumulative. Tzakti are masters of
camouflage and stealth in the sea, and gain a one die bonus to any roll involving silence or concealment. They are quick to react,
and gain a bonus point of Wits in their Crinos and Ray forms.

Xaklah Forms and Adjustments

Crinos: Str +3, Dex +2, Sta +3, 0 Socials, +3 Intimidation, Per +1. Str +1 Agg Bite, Diff 5; Claw Rake/ Fin Slash as Crinos
More horrifying to behold than even the Rokea Crinos, this form stands upright on two legs, has arms and claws merged with its
wing-fins, and a razor-toothed maw. Its coloration is sickly pale, revealing purple veins and bizarre organs. Skhorr can be as tall
as fifteen ft in this form, while Tzacti range between six and nine ft.

Ray: Dex +3, Sta +1, 0 Socials, +1 Intimidation, +2 Per. Bite as Crinos form; swims at 20 mph.
Pretty much a typical ray, but the eyes are intelligent and alert. Skhorr can be 12 ft long with a 15 ft wingspan, but most are
smaller than this. Tzacti never get any larger than a 6 ft span.

By J.D. Simmons (

Author's Notes
This idea was spawned in my poor tormented mind by two important works; the first was the old movie Creature from the Black
Lagoon. The second, and perhaps more important, was all of H.P. Lovecraft's works on the Deep Ones, Dunwich, etc. You see, I
was really into the old monster movies when I was little, and I always thought of the "creature" as more of a frog than a fish
because in my young mind I saw him come out of the water, and fish can't do that. Then I liked military stuff and I heard about
frogmen, and I knew they were just divers and SEALS, but still an interesting concept. Then I started reading Lovecraft, one of
the greatest horror/sci-fi writers ever, and read about an ancient race of frog people. Then I played Rage, and saw Bete cards,
and my friends and I made our own character cards; some were were-frogs. Now that I play in the world of Darkness, I give them
to you.

I apologize; first, that I cannot start this as I intended. You see I hoped if I presented a quotation from Lovecraft's works, perhaps
you could understand better, but alas I cannot, so I shall tell my own sad tale.
You see we Salientians -- actually we prefer to simply be called the Anura, it has more style, rolls off of the tongue -- we are an
interesting group. We believe our true origins may have been French, but we cannot be entirely sure. However the tale is told like
Long ago in a primitive France, a very strong fomor ruled with an army of Black Spiral Dancers and other less savory creatures.
The fomor kept his people in a state of constant need and used their need to fuel darker things. His true intent was a kingdom
entirely made of the Wyrm's legions who would then conquer all of France, then the world. The fomor allowed his horrors to grow
more and more powerful and he became quite the tyrant, and quite the warlord. He had but one weakness; he was a ghastly
creature, hideous to look upon, but he still needed love. He did not understand why but began a quest for the perfect bride, and
he succeeded. She, however, was terrified of him, and rejected him. He grew so enraged that he killed her family and took her
by force. She became his unwilling queen, and soon grew full with child.
Around this time a powerful pack of Silver Fangs and, ironically enough, Stargazers and Silent Striders, took notice of the
strange happenings of this province. In a great battle that is theirs to tell they defeated the fomor and his army and stopped the
Wyrm's plans for France. In their onslaught they came across the queen and her new born child. She begged them to take the
child and keep it safe, and then without waiting for a response drove a dagger into her heart. Her blood fell onto the child in
strange ways, leaving bizarre markings on its body. A Stargazer scooped up the child and from that moment on cared for it as
its own.
The child grew strong and wise, like a Stargazer should, and as he neared adulthood the signs began to appear that he may just
undergo a change. The Stargazer saw this as a sign of great luck, and began asking spirits of the boy. The only spirit who would
answer was Frog, and this worried the Stargazer, because normally he had no difficulties with spirits.
Time passed and indeed the boy changed; however as his body stretched, and changed, he took on a form that was
unexpected: that of a large frog. From his body wafted a stench of the Wyrm, a reminiscence of his father's evil. The sept leaders
saw this as a very bad sign, but could not kill something they did not understand, so instead they banished it from France.
The boy wandered the earth and learned all he could. He became adept at magics, at spirit talking, and at even stranger powers
which mimicked creatures he found as he traveled. Eventually he came upon the Congo of Africa; here he learned of a strange
rite of travel and used it to reach the new world, the Americas. He befriended the Pure Ones and learned to live in the Amazon.
Finally after joining and recreating a native tribe, he lived happily. He married and mated and some of his children became like
him, and some did not. Some possessed the taint and he purified them, but all could change shape amongst many of their frog
and human spectrum.
Now an old man, the first frog chose to return to France. He took with him three of his sons. They arrived and were immediately
met with resistance; their very appearance made the French Bete believe them of the Wyrm, and they were rejected. The old
one demanded a penance and left his three sons there to pass the blood of their kind amongst the French. Since then we have
had equal numbers of both French and Amazonian Anurans.
Nowadays most people assume we are simply small and weak Mokol, a strange offshoot perhaps, and perhaps we were, but I
think not. However, based on what we have endured from the truth of the past, perhaps we should allow them to continue to think
that we are simply cousins of the dinosaurs. In modern times we live only in four places: the Amazon, France, the Cajun regions
of Southeastern America, and strangely enough, New England. We have learned of Gaia and now worship her as do all other
shape changers, and we commune with the spirits, and we traverse the Umbra, though with some difficulty at times. Perhaps our
greatest advantage is our ease at so called "hedge magic." Perhaps our line is simply descended from sorcerers, and perhaps
we are blessed, but we don't get as many gifts as the other shifters, and ours seem harder to learn.

We possess five forms like the Garou, though why we have five when so many others have only three is a mystery. Also we have
never had a metis, even when two Anurans have mated. It is born whichever form the mother is in when she births it. It is an
interesting fact that the baby shapeshifts along with the mother when most breeds don't. This effect ends at birth. As far as birth
rates go humans are about 1 in 10, but Aquus are about 1 in every set of eggs, though twins, triplets, etc. aren't unheard of.
There is an interesting note, apparently it is not beyond our power to become immortal. Though I don't know how it can be
attained, apparently it can.

Homid: our homid is indistinguishable from anyone else's, though we sometimes have slightly longer legs (though this is usually
just a benefit for our women).

Glabro: We grow about a foot taller, and that's all in leg height, and our legs tend to like stay bent at the knee; though they don't
have to, it's more natural. Our fingers and toes become webbed; we develop very large air sacs so that we can hold our breaths
for much longer than normal. This form is ideal for swimming. Also our tongues are a bit longer, which slurs speech a bit.
i Crinos: We tend to be kind of scary in this form. We are slightly hunched over, because our necks have all but disappeared;
we have about three foot long tongues, though by concentrating we can make them longer or shorter by almost two feet. Our
forearms are about as long as in homid, slightly more muscled. Our legs much longer, and much stronger. Our eyes grow on the
sides/tops of our heads, allowing us to see in a much larger strata. We are fully amphibious in this form, and we have lost all our
teeth. Size wise, we are only about two feet taller than homid, but with our legs fully extended, I've seen Crinos up to twelve feet
tall. We can and still fit in loose cloaks in this form, and though our hands are webbed, we can usually use guns and melee
weapons in this form.

Nema: As the name implies, we are large frogs (though actually the name is for a toad). We tend to be about the size of dogs,
otherwise though, normal frogs. In this form we can accomplish many different jumping feats, and can often carry people, that's
about it.

Aquus: I hear we are the smallest of the changers in our other breed form. In this form we are simply big frogs, and I mean big
for a frog, not big for a person. We are rarely larger than a breadbox, and usually not even close to that.
Form Str
Dex Sta
App Man Kick bonus Difficulty
Glabro Crinos Nema Aquus
* Fully amphibious, fully usable tongue (Dex + Brawl, dif 6, Str -1 damage, +2 for grapples)
+ Fully prehensile tongue (like in this new frogger game or Chameleon Twist for the n64)

Deep Ones
Earlier I mentioned a group of us that live in New England. We don't know if they are truly related to us, but they seem to be. We
once received this letter from them:

"We are from a time much earlier than you; we are what you fear, and we know what you do not. We know of the old gods; we
know of their power, their plans, and their magic. We possess knowledge that would make the boldest of Nephandi quake in
terror, and the most vile Baali hide behind their infernal masters. We are beyond good or evil; we are those who live in the
"We all live in the New England area; we have and we will as did our ancestors and as our ancestors still do. In particular we
live below the towns of Innsmouth, Arkham, and Dunwich, though we have spread throughout the area in great numbers, stay
away. We will destroy you for your worship of this false god "Gaia." We do not know how you could possibly have strayed this
far from the path. Prepare, we have many powerful allies, those who dance the Black Spiral and even greater ones, and this
world shall be ours.
"Apendi, the Deep"
Apparently we are not popular with our cousins, and apparently they have already been claimed by the Wyrm. However, we did
meet one once. He was a nice boy and clean of taint, but perhaps he was too young.

Character Creation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Backgrounds: 5
Aspects: 3 (Warrior) or 1 (Mystick)
Hedge Magic: 0 (Warrior) or 3 (Mystick)
Rage: 1 (Warrior) or 3 (Mystick)
Gnosis: 3
Willpower: 4
The Mysticks and Warriors are analogous to Garou Auspices.

Aspects are equivalent to gifts. To learn them, the salientian must seek out the spirit the aspect was named for. An aspect's full
name is "Aspect of the [Aspect name] (e.g., Aspect of the Tree Frog).

Level 1
Leap Frog: As the Lupus gift, Leap of the Kangaroo
Tree Frog

Level 2
Horny Toad

Level 3
Tortoise: As the gift in WW:PG on page 163.
Deadly Tongue

By Mike Showel

They know who they are and they are out there, somewhere. For over fifty years, they were thought to be totally extinct. Even their
normal counterpart, the flying wooly squirrel, was said to be finished. With them all gone, and the Sciuriy all gone, it left one less
enemy the Garou might have to face. It's common knowledge that there were once many, many, creatures of Gaia. The Sciuriy
are but one of them, and like the rest, they are not happy.
They lived hidden in isolation from the garou onslaught so many millenia ago, in the Himalayan mountains, near Pakistan. Now
they have been rediscovered. Without knowing it, zoologists have rediscovered them and not the they aren't Giant wooly flying
squirrel they would like to believe they have found. Gaia had grown tired of their hiding from the Garou, and she grew wary of the
battle she faces from the Wyrm, and now is when all of her protectors should be most active, and thus, she has began breaking
their shroud to the other creatures she created. Now that they have gotten the hint, they have decided that they no longer have
reason to fear the garou. The garou have beaten down their own numbers, and are not the great warriors they once were. They
lost much of their ways, and skills, to the coming of the technological waste. Any Sciuriy matching blades with these newer oafs
would win with ease.
The Sciuriy have now begun taking up their scimitars and have also began to learn how to use the modern weapons for back up,
as they prepare to strike out at the Wyrm for all their worth. They ally with the Wyld, and thus they have a three front battle: The
Garou, the Wyrm, and the Weaver. They re not afraid though. Once they were great swordsmen and powerful as a race. Their
own arrogance was their downfall. Now they no longer underestimate their enemies, and the war is on
The Sciuriy have begun breeding rapidly now in an attempt to catch up with the other species. They have sent agents to the
states, as well as many other countries to breed with the human and squirrel populations. They have also been working to
convince the others to do the same, just in case the garou try to attack them again, they will all be ready. Those who are born
away from Pakistan, may not learn the language of their origins, but they understand the ways of the blade well. When they can
hold a scimitar, the lessons will begin. This means that sciuridae, in a year, will reach puberty, and have their first change. When
they go homid, they will be taught immediately to hold a sword. The Sciuriy are still not used to the cities, and do not like their
ways. They immediately take their city born out into the country side for their training. There are no Metis Sciuriy by both law, and
rites. All Sciuriy are consecrated with a ritual preventing them from being able to create metis bominations. They also seek to
destroy the Wyrm in all places, and the Weaver as well, who to them is the mastermind behind the Wyrm.
The Sciuriy society has a few simple rules to go by. All Sciuriy must learn to use a scimitar, or tai chi sword as soon as they can
hold up a blade. This has resulted in many child kidnappings from human parents before the Sciuriy reaches puberty or can even
ride a bike, so they can learn to hold a sword. There is no rank among the Sciurid in the sense that all must bow to the higher
rank. Those within two ranks of another share similar status and respect. All Sciuriy must share with each other. They must
harvest, plant, and do whatever they need for food, but it must be done for everyone to benefit from. There are no rules for
respecting other creatures of Gaia, for they are the only ones who are truly important in the first place. No one person can be in
charge of a group. They must have a group of leaders that must come to a consensus before acting on serious matters, unlike
the foolish garou. During wartime, they take no prisoners, and spare none who have shown no mercy. They do not participate in
the politics of the mundane, with exception to the Titkten. The Sciuriy are one of the only two tribes of flying squirrel to exist, and
the latter tribe was small to begin with, and no longer exists. They are mourned for as they were the gentle ones, of peace, slain
by the wolves.
Each individual Sciuriy has a totem of its own. The totem comes to it at the day of its birth and leaves a birthmark shaped in its
image on the Sciuriy's forearms. The totem then makes itself known during the First Change. The common totems that adopt a
Sciuriy are the rat, the bear, the falcon, and the unicorn, though any totem may adopt a newborn and take him under its wing. The
Sciuriy form bands which are similar to the packs of the werewolves, with the exception that they do not fall into such a strict
hierarchy. One member is usually respected more than the rest, out of accomplishments, but he can not force his will on those in
his band. This leader is picked the leader usually because of a strategic skill for combat that would be the most likely to get his
band to survive.

There are only two possible breeds for the Sciuriy: The homid, or (Naked Ones), and the Sciuridae, or (Air Taught). The Homids
are only a new thing for the Sciuriy. They have begun breeding them to infiltrate the cities of man. The homids always are aware
that something about them is not quite right. In truth, many of them are born with a unique fondness of sword fighting movies, and
a desire to wield such a weapon. Many have actually been able to convince their mundane parents to buy them such a weapon. If
this is not the case then they are kidnapped, which usually happens as not too many seven year olds can convince their parents
to buy them a scimitar. Those kidnapped are taught to do battle with the scimitar, or ancient japanese Samurai swords, and fight
with great skill. No Sciuriy is considered an adult, or even allowed to enter real combat, until it can match its trainer in combat for
three minutes. (All sciury must spend four initial points in melee, taking the scimitar as their weapon in other words.) Those who
break this rule of their own free will, and are not fighting to defend themselves, are put to death as they have shamed the Sciuriy
with such poor demonstration of fighting prowess.

The initial Gnosis of a Homid is 2, and the beginning Gift is Smell of Man.
Sciuridae are the wild children. They are the ones who take to the forest life the best, and they are raised always by their Sciuriy
parent from birth. They are taught the proper ways to glide from tree to tree on the day of their birth, and are given a deeper
respect for creation. However, they adjust poorly to the mundane cities, as they do not know the language of humans and must
be taught. Their initial Gnosis is 6, and their beginning gifts are heightened senses, and razor claws.

The Gitors, or what the garou would call auspices, are the moon sign they are born under. This is usually a birthmark on their left
forearms placed by their totems on their birthdays. The totems usually then use the right arm to leave their marks. These usually
look like well done tattoos, and they can not be removed by any means short of multiple rituals and acid burns.
As with the Garou, there are five stages of the moon:
The night warrior. Of the full moon.
Torkti: The riddler of the Gibbous moon.
The Minded ones of the half moon.
Titkten: The wise keepers of peace of the crescent moon.
Gideous: The spiritualists of the new moon.
There is no initial renown to choose from; the pool can vary in anyway, such as the garou Tagabash.
The Zieet are the trainers of the scimitar and Tai Chi swords. They are the ones who kidnap the Homids who are not given a
weapon when they can hold one, and they are the ones who put to death those who fight untrained offensively. They are the one
of the most emotions and battle with a ferocity of every predator in existence, even though their race is not a predatorial species.
They lead the front of the battle line, and are usually second in command of small bands as their fighting prowess matches well
with the tactition. They have an initial rage of 5 and their gifts are Luna's Avenger, Gift of the Porcupine , and Razor Claws.
The Torki are the riddlers of the Sciuriy. They thrive on mind games and riddles. They seek to build character in other squiriy,
and invoke a stronger understanding of all things by all Squiriy who listen to them. They are not the heaviest of combatants, and
in truth do not opt to fight much, but as with any Scuiriy if fighting is the only option, they will do so with lethal mastery. Their
riddles always have a deeper meaning that causes enlightenment. Solving one of their riddles is grounds for granting
experience points, like a bonus one or two extra. As a rule, these riddles should always be extremely complicated and hard to
solve. It is preferred to have more than one storyteller come up with the riddle as it may be an extremely difficult task. If a player
makes a riddle, he should do so with the help of the storyteller, if he can't come up with one that is extremely difficult, and unique.
They have an initial Rage of 4, and their gifts are: Sense Wyrm, Inner Strength, Blissful ignorance.
The Ago are the sciuriy who follow the paths of thought. They are the greatest thinkers and writers, poets, artists, musicians, and
philosophers of the day. They dress uniquely, different from the other sciuriy and unusual by anyone else's standards as well.
They are the musician in grunge, the poet who dresses in all black, the starving writer who dresses so plainly it hurts. They are
also the tactitions of the sciuriy. Their plans of battle are by far the greatest. A high ranking Ago could lead a small band of
twenty against an army of a thousand, and win, with enough time to prepare and plan. They have an initial Rage of 3 and have
the Gifts The Great Leap, Heightened senses and Constant lift.
The Titkten, are the wisest of the Sciuriy. They are the ones who try to create peace between all, including the enemy, if possible.
They are not foolish enough to lose sight of danger, but they are wise enough to know when to stop trying and retreat for battle if
necessary. They always give an alternative to combat to their enemy, and if the enemy still advances on them, they defend
themselves, and then attack in return. If the enemy attempts retreat, they will not give chase, unless the enemy is heavy with
Wyrm taint. In these cases there are no bonds of peace to be made. Many of these sciuriy have opted to become politicians in
the countries they inhabit, to promote peace and global unity. They also use this political power to fight for the environment. They
have an Initial rage of 2 and have the Gifts: Sense Wyrm, Gaia's Vengeance, Mothers touch, and Trackless waste.
The Gideous are the most feared among the sciuriy people. Not for their fighting prowess like the Zieet, but for their power. The
are third in command, under the Zieet, and are thus kept from combat most often to prepare other things. The Gideous are great
in spiritual and intellectual power. Their intelligence is the primary attribute always, and they have an extra gnosis point. They
have an Initial rage:1 and have the Gifts: Call Breeze, Cutting Wind, Chill of Early Frost, Invoke the Spirits of the Storm,
Avalanche, Wyld Warp,and Heightened Senses. They also have two extra background points to dispense in rites.

Like the other shapeshifters, the Sciuriy regenerate back a health level per round. They are affected by silver, fire and toxins as
are the other shapeshifting races. However they are not as susceptible to silver as the others. When wielding a silver weapon
they lose no Gnosis. When being attacked by silver they can attempt to soak its damage as a normal attack. If they don't soak it,
then it becomes aggravated damage that must be healed normally without regeneration. Sciuriy climb with a 2 modifier
deduction from their difficulty. Squiridiy climb with a -2 modifier deduction from their difficulty

Movement Table
Hispo Sciuridae
Walk 7
Jog 12+dex 12+dex+1 12(14)+dex+3 x2
Run 20+dex x3 20+dex x3+2 20(22)+dex x3+4 x2.5 x3
Numbers in parenthesis is for quadrupedal.
x = multiplier to Homid movement rating.
Jump table
Homid Glabro Crinos Hispo Sciuridae
Type of jump: Amount of feet per success
5.5 4.5
Horizontal 4
6.5 7.5
Sciuriy step sideways the same as the garou with the exception that they do not get caught in between when they botch, but
rather they take a point of aggravated damage. Their bites and claws do the same amount of damage as garou, with the
exception of landing. When they land from a glide they use all four libs, each are clawed. They latch on to their target, be it a tree
or person. When this happens the target if a person, takes twice as much damage from each of the claws that strikes and
latches on, due to the speed of the glide and descent, and momentum built force. In Crinos, some Sciuriy have severed trees to
land themselves correctly.

Final note
Sciuriy are general friends to all the shape shifting races except the garou, and those heavily tainted with Wyrm. They hold no
natural animosity towards vampires except those heavily tainted in Wyrm (tenth or better gen.) They do however hate the Black
Spiral Dancers. The Black Spiral Dancers look too much like them with their ability to glide. It has caused recently a lot of
confusion between who did what, and the sciuriy have taken this personally. Never call a sciuriy a Black Spiral Dancer, because
it is immediate grounds for Rage roll.
7 New
6 Crescent
6 Half
5 Gibbous
5 Full

By Scott Agnew (
All the pigs are all lined up
I give you all that I want
take the skin and peel it back
now doesn't that make you feel better?
shove it up inside surprise! lies
stains like the blood on your teeth
bite chew suck away the tender parts
-- NIN

The wild boar (sus scrofa) is one of nine species of animals which belong to the SUIDAE or pig family. The wild boar is the
ancestor of the domestic pig.
The Scrofak (pronounced scraw-fek) are wild boar "skinchangers" and warriors of Gaia. They are fewer in number than the
Garou and militantly opposed to the Garou dominance of the Bete. During the War of Rage the Scrofak, like the other Bete,
were hunted by the Garou in their attempt at domination. The Scrofak however were fierce warriors and fought the Garou with all
their might. Their downfall came, ironically due to their warlike nature. In one on one combat the Garou and Scrofak are evenly
matched but when it comes to the spirit world the Scrofak know nothing. Their concentration on the art of combat left little time to
study the Umbra. Thus did the Garou's knowledge of "stepping sideways" give them an advantage in their fight. The Scrofak
were decimated, almost more so than any of the other Bete. Because of their nature the Scrofak took the Garou head on.
Today there are few Scrofak left -- maybe a few hundred worldwide. To the Garou they are all but a myth now. They tend to live in
isolated wilderness in Russia, Southeast Asia and some of the remoter parts of Europe. Recently, a number of Scrofak have
become more visible, travelling to the New World as some of their suida kinfolk were captured and taken to wild game ranches.
A number of Wild Boar have escaped from these ranches in Texas, California, and the Carolinas and now live wild in those

Physical Characteristics
Maximum weight for a wildboar is around 300 pounds. Females weigh slightly less. Boar are 3 1/2 - 5 feet long and stand 2 - 3
feet at the shoulder. Both sexes have 44 teeth including a well developed set of canine teeth. The upper tusks act as
"whetstones" to keep sharp edges on the lower ones. Coat color varies from gray to black and most piglets have longitudinal
stripes until they are about four months old. Boars have poor eyesight, but a keen sense of smell and hearing.
In homid form Scrofak are normally either Caucasian or Asian depending on geography. They tend to be large and natuarlly
muscular with coarse body hair.
Scrofak, like their Wild Boar kin, are mostly nocturnal but do have some daytime activities.

Life History
Wild boar piglets weigh about two pounds at birth. After three or four months, the piglets are weaned and independent of the
sow. Family groups usually break up once the young reach sexual maturity, which is usually within a year of birth for both males
and females. Gestation is approximately 100 - 125 days, and most litters have 3 - 8 piglets.
Male Scrofak are mostly solitary, except during the breeding season, while females and piglets gather in groups of two to three.
Scrofak are almost entirely of the Suida breed. Some few Homids are born every year, mostly in North America, but these are
abandoned and usually go mad. Scrofak normally undergo their first "change" in their first year. They are taught Scrofak customs
and laws and then abandoned to find their own path in the world. It should not be surprising then to learn that a growing number
are becoming corrupted by the Wyrm. Homid Scrofak normally undergo their first "change" during puberty.

The original range of the wild boar was Eurasia and North Africa. Native populations of wild boar exist from Ireland in the West
to Japan in the East, and from Egypt to Southern Scandinavia and Siberia.There are many diverse sub-species of wild boar
which occur across this wide geographic distribution. This has led to theories that the European and Asian wild boar belong to

different species. However, at present, it is generally agreed that all European and Asian wild boar are members of the same
species, sus scrofa. Because Scrofak (and Wild Boar) have no sweat glands, they move into cooler climate during the spring
and summer to help regulate their body temperature. The understory growth of both the beech and northern hardwood forest
provide an abundance of bulbs, tubers, and wildflowers. At the end of summer, the Scrofak move into the southern areas. Where
Scrofak occur in tropical areas, they tend to migrate to higher elevations during the spring and summer. Male hogs are mostly
solitary, except during the breeding season, while females and piglets gather in groups of two to three.

Hey pig piggy pig pig pig

all my fears came true
black and blue and broken bones you left me here I'm all alone
-- NIN

Character Creation
Scrofak Totem: Griffin
Auspices: Ahroun only.
Breeds: Same as Garou with twice the starting gnosis
Backgrounds: 4 - no pure breed, resources, rites or allies
Initial Willpower: 2
Initial Rage: 4
Advantages: Frenzy
Disadvantages: No knowledge of the Umbra, may not enter the Umbra.

Tribal Gifts
Basic: Beast Speech, Heightened Senses, Resist Pain,Razor Claws
Intermediate: Spirit of the Fray, Clenched Jaw, True Fear, Sense of Prey
Advanced: Silver Claws, Song of Rage, Luna's Blessing
Please note that Scrofak induce the delirium in humans just as do the Garou.

Strength Stamina Dexterity Manipulation

Homid +0
Glabro +1
Crinos +2
Hispo +2
Suida +0




Black Furies & Get of Fenris: They are largely the reason for our loss but we must respect these tribes above the others for
their prowess in battle.

Glass Walkers & Bone Gnawers: The worst scum short of Wyrmspawn.
Uktena: The most dangerous of all the Garou. Beware and avoid them if you can; gore them viciously if you can't!
All other Garou: They are our hated enemies. The killers of our grandfathers. One day they wil pay for their crimes.
Bastet: Cocky and arrogant. Avoid them where possible.
Corax: Useless in battle but an excellent source of information from the settled areas.
Mokole: Don't know much about them but they must be formidable warriors.
Gurahl: Strong but to slow to act.
Ratkin: Never heard of 'em. Rats! You must be kidding.
Nuwisha: Thieves and cowards all of them.
Simo & Rokea: We have no dealings with either.

Lutran: We know little of them but they obviously cannot be warriors.

Chiroptera: Rats with wings!
Pongida: Human lovers! Do not trust them; they probably value their humans over Gaia.
the pigs have won tonight
now they can all sleep soundly
and everything is all right
-- NIN

By Jason Tice (
"You've got the power, little one. Don't be afraid to use it, but don't use it too much. You've gained quite a reputation, and keeping
that reputation may save your life. We don't need to kill, when we can make our enemies' lives miserable. We are worthy of respect
and we know it."
-- Alice Munroe, Homid, Philodox, Tribe Conepatus Second of the Strange Attractors

The Seganku believe that they were created with a purpose. They are not the fighters, nor even the protectors of anything. They
are the teachers of respect. All creatures are of Gaia. All Bete were created with a purpose. Sadly, many of the changing breeds
have forgotten their purpose in the last few centuries. It is the Seganku who remind them. It also the Seganku to remind them that
respect for each other, and respect for themselves helps everyone do their jobs.
The Seganku were teachers of respect, self-respect and the healthiness of a good reputation. They sought, for the most part, to
co-exist with humans, but only if there was a bond of mutual respect. If ever that respect was trampled, the human was marked in
such a way that all who lacked respect were quickly recognized by all -- Bete and humans alike.
Most of the Seganku are very sociable creatures -- attracting a wide range of allies and contacts. There are some however, who
repel others, choosing instead to walk within themselves. A number of Seganku who followed this solitary path met with the
Wyrm. They were defeated, and in a malicious twist, were marked themselves. These are the few lines of Seganku who carry
the rabies virus.
Centered in the Americas, the Seganku had good relations with the Croatan, Wendigo and Uktena. However, when the
Europeans came to the new world, they were quickly hounded. The Garou saw the rabies virus as a touch of Wyrm. This coupled
with the fact that the Seganku are night creatures, allowed the Garou to give themselves permission to remove the blight, seeing
them as Seganku black spiral dancers.
But the Seganku survived, due primarily to those who walked within in solitude. And they have returned. They were angry for
years, but recently, that anger has turned to sadness and resolve. They pity their Garou cousins who have forgotten what their job
was. In trying to be the Bete's keeper, they forgot their own role.
Seganku live both in cities and the wilderness, though they prefer the wilderness. The Seganku have established themselves
across the Americas, their native homeland. There are few left, but their numbers are growing, due to the increased mating
among skunk kinfolk. (As a rough estimate, expect 5-10 Seganku in a city area for every 50 Garou.)
All Seganku, even the Mustildae, must spend one experience point in Allies.

Ways of the Seganku

The Seganku do have claws like the Garou, but they are smaller, lighter, and not quite as ferocious. The main difference, is that
the Seganku have a distance weapon. Spraying their musk up to 60 feet (in Crinos), the Seganku does not seek to kill his
opponent with the spray, only to blind, humiliate, frustrate, or mark his foe.
The Seganku musk glands are located underneath his tail, above his anus. He has enough in storage for up to 6 sprays, after
which he must regenerate the musk stores. One day will adequately refuel his stores. The Seganku can, alternately, spend a
rage point to squeeze out another spray from his empty glands, though he will have one less spray in his stores the following day.
The victims of the Seganku spray will suffer the temporary loss of two charisma ranks, and two manipulation ranks. This lasts
until they bathe in Tomato juice, or until the scent wears out regularly (in about 4 or 5 days). If blinded, they may take damage as

All of Gaia's creatures were created with a purpose. Only somewhere along the way, a lot have lost sight of that purpose.
We're the ones who bring it back to them. When we mark one of the Bete, it's usually cause they forgot why they're here. Now
they get pissed because we made 'em stink. Now they try to kill us, because to understand their plight, we sacrificed some of
our own to the Wyrm. It was a willing sacrifice. And now we understand them. So we can teach 'em what they need to know. If
they still won't learn after we've marked them... Well, if their own tribes don't kill them to get rid of the stench of stupidity, guess
we got to do it."
-- Crispin, Mustilidae, Ahroun, Tribe Mephitis Third of the Strange Attractors

There are two distinct castes in the Seganku: the teachers and walkers within. The teachers tend to hold regular meetings of all
Seganku in the area, to decide who should be targeted for teachings, both positive and negative. The Walkers within tend
towards extreme solitude. It is not unusual for Seganku from either caste to change their caste.
There are a couple groups that work together:

The Inheritors
This is a small group of teachers, who function as a last-resort offensive gesture to those people who have not learnt the lessons
of the Skunk. Those who grow too powerful, with no sense of balance often find themselves suddenly defaced in public, so that
their reputation is ruined. Those that need to learn self-confidence and self-respect are also taken under the Inheritors tutelage,
and taught the rites of Self-respect.

Strange Attractors
This is a group of three Seganku -- one from each tribe. They facilitate connections between people that wouldn't normally come
about. The group is composed of a mustelid theurge, a homid philodox, and an ahroun. Skunk herself often directs the Strange
Attractors actions, for purposes well beyond their ken.

The Umbra
Many Seganku spend more time in the Umbra than in the "real" world. The Umbra offers many Walkers Within the chance to
explore realms within themselves. To most of the Seganku, the Umbra represents a reflection of their internal selves. The
Weaver in the Umbra represents areas of both stability and stagnancy. The Wyld represents areas of instability and change. All
things have their place, and balance is something to always be strived for.

Stepping Sideways
Seganku can step sideways fairly easily. They find they can also concentrate on a specific odor to bring them across to the other
side. However, they must spend rage to cross into the Umbra no matter how they do so.

Most Seganku live near cities, but not usually in them. They are not fond of cities, but have found that those who need to be
taught often reside within. The general locations of each tribe is listed below, under character creation. Many Seganku will have
a small sanctuary, if not a whole network of tunnels underground, where it stores supplies for a future crisis.

Were-skunks breed much like werewolves. However, the Seganku go into heat only once a year. The children are raised by
surrogate families and taught the ways of the folk. If they show signs of the change, the surrogate families will contact the
Seganku parent to tutor her in the ways of the Seganku. It is important to note that Seganku kinfolk and Seganku are taught
equally from birth. This is because the Seganku tend to have the ability to attract and repel (though not through scents) from a
very young age.
The shapeshifter strain runs strong in the Seganku. Though, for some reason, the likelihood of bearing a shape-shifter is higher
among mustelid/Seganku pairings, than any other combination.
Many Seganku (particularly among the Conepatus Tribe) have such ties with the Uktena and Wendigo tribes, that they often
leave their young to be raised by these tribes kinfolk. Only a few families of each Garou kinfolk now this -- and it's usually a

heavily guarded secret.

Seganku tend to be somewhat level-headed. To a point. They can become quite easily frustrated. The difficulties to frenzy is
higher by one for all Seganku. However, the Seganku rarely ever fox frenzy. The Seganku fear such things as fire, being
cornered or facing overwhelming odds (this last is a subjective response).

Character Creation
Seganku, in their human guise range all across the spectrum of appearances. They are noted for their self-assured, confident
manner, and their sensuality. Many Seganku in homid form have stripes of grey, white or silver in their hair. Almost all Seganku
go grey early in their life.

All Seganku need at least 1 level in the background, Allies.
Seganku are forbidden to take the merits or flaws: Low Self-confidence, Low Self-image, Over-confidant, Pack Mentality,
Pitiable, Lack of Scent, Wolf Years.
Most Seganku characters, with the exception of the ahroun/enforcers, are social dominant, and skill or talent dominant.

Seganku breeds correspond in most ways to Garou breeds.

Nicknames: Finders
Initial Gnosis: 3
Description: A were-skunk born of a human parent, similar to Garou homids.
Gifts: As per werewolf Homid gifts

Nicknames: Directors
Initial Gnosis: 4
Description: Unlike Garou, the Seganku metis are not outcasts. In fact, despite their sterility, the metis children are welcomed.
Metis Seganku tend to live shorter life-spans than the average Seganku, but tend to have a higher ability to balance both the
Skunk instincts and the humans social structures. Seganku/Seganku pairings are not frowned upon, but since the metis are
sterile, the Seganku do not encourage these pairings. These metis will also have a metis deformity.

Gifts: As per Werewolf Metis Gifts

Nicknames: Watchers
Initial Gnosis: 6

Description: A large lustrous skunk. The race of which depends upon which tribe the skunk is born into.
Gifts: Mark Foe, Scent of Running Water (As the Ragabash Gift)

The Seganku have five forms, from homid to mustelid. Unlike the Garou, the Crinos form is not a raging monster, but a balanced,
graceful combination of the skunk and the human.

Mephitis and Conepatus tribes

Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Diff. Range
Homid: +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 6 N/A
Glabro: +1 +2 +1 +1 -1 -1 +0 7 25'
Crinos: +2 +3 +3 +2 -1 -2 +1 6 60'
Hispo: +2 +3 +2 +2 -1 -1 +1 7 30'
Mustelid: +1 +2 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 6 15'

Spilogale Tribe
Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Diff. Range
Homid: +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 6 N/A
Glabro: +1 +2 +1 +1 -1 -1 +0 7 25'
Crinos: +2 +4 +3 +1 -1 -2 +1 6 60'
Hispo: +2 +3 +3 +1 -1 -1 +1 7 30'
Mustelid: +1 +2 +2 +1 +0 +0 +2 6 15'

The Three Tribes of the Seganku

Each of the three tribes is related to the type of skunk with which they breed. As a rule, most Seganku prefer to set-up house
near their breeding grounds, or at the very least, return regularly to that area.

Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: 5 points any background except Totem and Pure Breed 1 background point must be spent on Allies
Habitat: US, Canada, N. Mexico
Mustelid Appearance: Striped, one or two stripes from head to tail, bushy white.
Description: The Mephitis intermix with numerous strains of homid and skunks. They find it easier to gain gifts from others. The
Mephitis tend to be strong and adaptable. Their self-assurance in their own survival tend to swing things in their favor many
This tribe, more than any other bears the weight of the touch of the Wyrm. The rabies virus plagues both the homid and the
mustelid. Though, curiously, the metis Mephitis seem to be born most often without the rabies. Mephitis metis may not take
"Rabies" as a metis deformity.

Tribal Gifts: Unseen Target, Persuasion (as the Glasswalker gift)

Initial Willpower: 4
Background: 5 points, any background except Totem. 1 background point must be spent on Allies

Habitat: S. America, Central America, SW US

Mustelid Appearance: Hog-nosed skunk, similar to Striped, but the fur stops short of the snout. The entire head and/or tail may
be all white.

Description: The Conepatus have for centuries intermixed with primarily native kinfolk (sometimes even those among the
kinfolk of the Wendigo and Uktena Garou tribes -- though this is usually unknown.) They consider the Wendigo and the Uktena
as allies. This alliance is unknown to all the other Garou tribes, with the possible exception of the silent striders.

Tribal Gifts: Spirit Speech (As the Stargazers Gift), Inspiration (as the Ahroun Gift)

Initial Willpower: 3
Background: 5 points, any backgrounds except Resources and Contacts 1 background point must be spent on Allies
Habitat: US, C. America, can climb (hollow trees dens)
Mustelid Appearance: Spotted with white on black fur.
Description: The Spilogale are born of almost strictly skunk kinfolk. Though, once every blue moon, the Spilogale elders will
bless a union with a homid. There is a rite among the Spilogale for breeding with a homid -- while maintaining their special gifts.
Gaia looked upon the Spilogale, and gifted them with the ability to climb. Their dexterity is higher than other Seganku. Though
rarely seen, the Spilogale tends to be the wise men of the Seganku -- as much as there can be one.

Tribal Gift: Sense Ally, Balance (As the Stargazers Gift)

Ragabash: The Pusher
The ragabash Seganku tend to be almost vicious in their retractions of those who need negative reinforcements. They enjoy
turning peoples lives upside down. 'cause after all, who knows which way you'll land?

Gifts: As the Werewolf Ragabash Gifts

Theurge: The Priest

The Theurge Seganku has a strong sense of duty, not only to his tribe and his people, but to the Bete in general. It is his lot in life
to direct the growth and education of the other Bete. Too many changing breeds have lost respect for themselves and for the
others. The Theurge Seganku can lead them back to the right path.

Gifts: Mind Speak (as the Werewolf Galliard Gift), Others as the Werewolf Theurge Gifts

Philodox: The Law-Giver

The Philodox Seganku has a hard load to bear. Not only does he need to know the litany as it pertains to his people and his
tribe, but also he needs to know as much as he can about the litany as it pertains to their Bete, and other tribes within them. The
better the understanding, the better the aid.
Gifts: Sense Inbalance, As the Werewolf Philodox Gifts

Galliard: The Illustrator

For the Seganku, the stories of the past, the legends are all truths that illustrate a point. Knowing the stories allows you to know
the truths, and knowing the truths allows you to guide others to those same truths. The Seganku Galliard often learns the stories
of another Bete or tribe, and then uses those same stories to point out unseen lessons to his chosen people. The Seganku

Galliard often comes across as a kind of missionary -- though what he's pointing at may not be clear at all.

Gifts: Sense Bete (instead of Call of the Wyld), the rest as the Werewolf Galliard Gifts

Ahroun: The Enforcer

The Ahroun Seganku is the only auspice that differs substantially from the aims of their Seganku. The ahroun is the auspice for
disposals. The others will try to teach you the lessons you need to learn. The others will guide and direct you to your proper
place. If you fail, the ahroun will destroy as much of your life as possible, forcing you to change, to grow, to adapt. Usually, the
ahroun will not kill Bete, but if you are stupid enough not to learn the lessons you really really need to learn, your own tribe may do
it for you.

Gifts: Spray Acid (instead of Falling Touch), the rest as the Werewolf ahroun gifts.

Special combat maneuvers

Taunt Enemy
Seganku usually warn their opponents before they fire off a spray of musk. By rolling a manipulation+Intimidation roll against the
targets Willpower, they jump up and down, hurl curses and stamp their feet. If successful, the target will lose one dice for each
success from his next action. If the opponent is familiar with the Seganku, she will probably recognize this as a precursor to
being sprayed.

Blind Spray
Seganku have the ability to spray their opponents with a non-lethal, but noxious smelling musk. If the opponent gets the musk in
their eyes, they will be blinded for the next turn. The difficulty for them is seven for a called shot (rather than eight) to the eyes, and
the maneuver does only STR damage, but blinds the opponent for at least one round, if at least one dice get past a soak roll. For
every two successes that get through the soak roll, it will take an extra round for the opponent to regain his sight. If blinded, the
opponent will be in intense pain, and unable to act during the following round.

Wide Spray
Seganku have the ability to spray a wide area. This can be done without lining up the shot beforehand. The Seganku must spend
a rage point for an extra action, and then spray. The spray can hit multiple targets.

Roleplaying Notes
Merits and Flaws
Rabies (Flaw -3)
You, and your family line are the carriers of rabies. Someone in your distant past confronted the Wyrm directly, and was marked
by the Wyrm in much the same way you mark your foes. Other Bete may avoid you, or feel uneasy around you. When others
sense you, they sense your humanity to be two less than it truly is.

Strange Attractor (Merit +5)

You are one of the Strange Attractors (There are only three). You gain two dice on any roll dealing with contacts or allies. If you
don't have contacts or allies as a background, you may use these dice to create the dice pool. As well, you will occasionally be
given quests or missions from the theurges of any tribe, including other Bete. You will be recognized throughout the world by all

other Seganku. You immediately gain two extra permanent ranks of either honor (if the philodox), glory (if the ahroun), or wisdom
(if the theurge). Seganku with this merit may not take the flaw "Rabies."

Inheritors (Merit +2)

You are a part of the group known as the Inheritors. This means that you've seen a fair bit of combat, and know how the other bet
fight. You gain two dice to any roll involving figuring out other Bete. Also, you may recharge your musk stores with the
expenditure of three Gnosis points (this takes five rounds).

Ineffective Spray (Flaw -2)

Your spray is ineffective or weak, and as a result, you only do STR-2 damage when spraying as a weapon. When trying to blind
your opponent, you need 3 successes to get through the soak roll to blind him.

Pleasant smelling spray (Flaw -2)

Your spray is effective for blinding, and for tracking, but rather than a noxious odor (to them, of course) it's a pleasant cologne (if
a little heavy).

Homid Musk (Merit +4)

Even in Homid form, your musk glands are active. You can spray up to twice in homid form.

Burning Mark of Wyrm (Flaw -5)

There are times when the rabies streak within you burns hotly. It is not like some of the rabies your brethren carry. You will be
unable to swallow, and will find yourself overwhelmed with black rage at everyone and everything. You may spend a Willpower
point to avoid hurting someone dear to you, but this only lasts one scene. There is nothing you can do to avoid these brief
periods. You can sometimes feel when they will come on -- and your family may try to help you as best they can, but they are at
risk too. You know that somehow, someday, this will be the death of you.

Banned Transformation - Skunk Cabbage (Flaw -1)

As Banned Transformation for Garou and Wolfsbane.

Sizing Up (Merit +2)

You are better at reading other people and other Bete than most would guess. You get two extra dice to any rolls where you are
trying to figure people out. Others get a +2 to their difficulties to figure you out.

Mark Foe (Level One Mustiledae)
Unseen Target (Level One Mephitis)
Sense Inbalance (Level One Philodox)
Sense Ally (Level One Spilogale)
Sense Bete (Level One Galliard)
Spray Acid (Level One Ahroun)
Mark Friend (Level Two Mustilidae)
Learn Personal History (Level Three Homid)


All rites are as those in Werewolf, plus the following:

Rite of Peace (level 2)
Rite of Gaia's Eyes (level 2)
Rite of Bartering Tutelage (level 3)
Rite of Purpose (Level 4)

Sample Character
Alieran Trist
Auspice/Aspect: Galliard: The Illustrator
Mephitis: Striped Skunk
Str 3, Dex 3, Sta 2, Cha 3 Man 3, App 4, Per 2, Int 2, Wit 2
Str 4, Dex 5, Sta 3, Cha 4 Man 2, App 3, Per 2, Int 2, Wit 2
Str 5, Dex 6, Sta 5, Cha 5 Man 2, App 2, Per 3, Int 2, Wit 2
Str 5, Dex 6, Sta 4, Cha 5 Man 2, App 3, Per 3, Int 2, Wit 2
Str 4, Dex 5, Sta 4, Cha 4 Man 3, App 4, Per 4, Int 2, Wit 2
Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 1, Empathy 2, Expression 3, Primal-Urge 2, Animal Ken 3, Etiquette 1,
Firearms 1, Leadership 2, Performance 3, Enigmas 1, Occult 1, Rituals 2, Herbalism 2
Backgrounds: Allies 1, Resources 2, Kinfolk 2, Rites 5
Mark Foe (Mustelidae), Sense Bete (Galliard), Persuasion (Mephitis)
Rite of Talisman Dedication (level one), Rite of Peace (level two), Rite of Gaia's Eyes (level two)
2 Glory, 1 Wisdom
Merits & Flaws: Homid Musk (Seganku +4), Soft-hearted (-1), Color-Blind (-1)
A pair of biking shorts, sunglasses, a set of nose-plugs.
Alieran is five and a half feet tall. He has close cropped hair that is already greying, despite his youthful
looks. He is slow and precise when he walks. He does not move out of anyone's way. He carries himself with
a sense of power and respect. He treats other in a like manner.
Role-Playing: You have a mission, yeah, but when it comes down to it -- you like hearing the stories. A lot of stuff has gone
on, and it's like playing family counsellor. You trust most people instinctively, ecxept the Bastet. Everyone is
worthy of respect, until they prove otherwise. Then, they are worthy of rehabilitation.
Background: Alieron is a young Galliard. He was raised among Seganku kinfolk in Banff, Alberta. He always knew what he
was, and was unsurprised when his first change took him. If he hadn't changed, well he would have gone into
the entertainment business, and tried to heal the world.
As it was, when his change happened, he went with the flow, confident that he would master his new abilities.
The idea of a spray weapon wasn't that bad, once you got over the jokes about bad gas, and brown beans.
But he was also given a purpose.
After his requisite two years of tutelage in the litany and diplomacy, Alieran moved to Whistler, another resort
Town in Canada. He settled in, and got a job working the hotels. He had no idea that the Garou were so
He had a run in with a Get of Fenris during his Rite of Passage, and learned that the Garou in inland British
Columbia have some twisted views about who and what should be allowed on the earth. Isn't that Gaia's
choice? Gaia created them to destroy the minions of the Wyrm. Not all the other Bete.
Luckily, Alieran also met up with an aged Wendigo who recognized him for what he is. They spent many days
talking about the Garou, and how they see things. The Wendigo has told him that the Get of Fenris are
becoming stronger in the Whistle/Blackombe area, and that the Wendigo influence is weakening. There had
been blood spilled between the two tribes.
Alieran promised to attempt to rehabilitate the Get of Fenris in the Whistler/Blackombe area. But he truly had

no idea of the uncontrolled rage and ignorance within the tribe.

He spent many nights following and watching the Get, until they captured him. He walked unarmed into their
camp, and thankfully, the Rite of Peace worked. He has been with the Get of Fenris ever since.
Recently, he has become an acquaintance of Reads-In-Sky, an elder Galliard, and he has learned much
about why the Get is so uncontrolled and ignorant of their true role. But there is still so much to do, so much to
teach. His journey has only just begun...

The Setop Missive


Part One: Introduction
Part Two: Bete
Part Three: Soulstealers
Part Four: Powers
Part Five: ST's information


To Inauhaten,
Enoch, Shadowlands
C.O. the council of the Tal'mahe'Ra, the
Manus Nigrum
From Setop a.k.a David Hashillian
I hope this letter finds you well, and that it
finds only you. To those who do not go
by the name Inhuahaten and read this,
know that the wrath of the curse in this
paper is great, and only Inhauhaten or
myself can read this.
There, now that unpleasentary is over
with, let me get done to my report. I
apologize about the lateness of my this
paper, but the adventures I had to go
through to obtain this information were
lengthy and grueling.
Below is the list of the Anteduliveans to
represented clans and their dominant

powers. I do not know if this is correct or

not, but these were the best answers I
could cook up:
Veddartha (May also be known as Nergal)
Thaumaturgy Tremere
Dementation Malkav
Gangrel (or Ennoia, or Lilith)
Obtenebration Lasombra
Vicissitude Andeleon
Corruption serpents
Necromancy Augustus
Assasination Quietus
Daimoinon Shaitan
Cappadocians Death
True Brujah
Knowledge Temporis
Old Tzimisce Manipulations Dominate

This was the best I could do, hope it is

any help in your research.

The Bete

The Nuwisha
First, it should be noted, that there are far
more Nuwisha, or were-coyotes, than
anyone, even themselves, thought.
There are by no means only a hundred
Nuwisha left. The only problem with the
numbers is that about half of them do not
know they are Nuwisha or have turned to
the wyrm.
Now as far as I understand it, the
Nuwisha are divided into three major
sects, the Nuwisha Proper (what
everyone thinks of the Nuwisha,
runaways to the Umbra), the Lartans
(Nuwisha who have stayed on this
Realm, did not flee to the Umbra, and
masquerade as Garou) and the Others
(Nuwisha Lartans who truly think they are
garou, or have turned to the wyrm). In
each sect, there are smaller cultures.
Cultures mean nothing as far as tribe

gifts and the like, and most Nuwisha do

not care one way or another what culture
they are classified into.
The history of the Nuwisha sects and
cultures goes as follows. During the War
of Rage, the Garou badly reduced the
Nuwisha population. The Nuwisha held a
Council of the Coyotes and had a vote.
Some thought that they should flee into
the Umbra to try to find a new home.
Others wished to stay, and use their gifts
to hide from the Garou. And so they
divided. The Nuwisha who stayed
became known as Lartans. Cultures of
Nuwisha have been around forever,
except for the Umbral Dancers and the
Ennoya. Asking a Nuwisha what culture
she belongs to is just as pointless as
asking a high schooler if she is a "jock"
or a "nerd" or a "prep" etc. They have no
real meaning other than most Nuwisha of
the same sect have the same
mannerisms. Only the Acropoli take any

sort of meaning in cultures, and they are

the ones who named and classified most
of them. Here is a basic list of the
Nuwisha cultures, along with what
actions to expect from them as well as
what sect.

These are the Nuwisha who have taken
to the cities as their homes. They are
found in the suburbs, playing tricks and
fighting the Wyrm there. Acropoli are the
one of the only cultures who give
meaning to Culture. Lartan Acropoli are
most often seen as a Glass Walker or a
Bone Gnawer garou, though Proper
Nuwisha Acropoli exist. They often
appear with molted grey fur, though it is
sometimes dyed an odd color

Cogs (Peace Puppies)

Acropoli derive the Cog's name from the
Children of Gaia, because of both
territorial and action similarities. Peace
Puppies mediate the tricks from other
Nuwisha, and only trick to lighten a
serious atmosphere. They are often
found in the forests, Lartan Cogs with
other Children of Gaias and Nuwisha
Proper Cogs in an Umbral realm
resembling a forest.

The common of the Nuwisha, these
tricksters roam the high desert, mourning
their loss of Luna and pranking any wyrm
that happens to pass by. There are few
Lartan Cotol, while many Nuwisha

Proper are of the Cotol.

Scarlet Thorns
A relatively new culture, of both the
Lartans and the Nuwisha, this group has
taken to heart the Red Talons ideals, kill
all the weaver scum (humans) first.
However, the Scarlet Thorns have taken
it a step further. "Kill the garou, then kill
the humans, then you are free," is their
Lartan Scarlet Thorns are rare, but
usually hide amongst the Red Talons
until they turn on them. There are a few
more Scarlet Thorns with the Proper
Nuwisha, but the sum of all Scarlet
Thorns is small.

Umbral Dancers
Policemen and guides to the Umbral
realms. I have not been able to learn
much of this tight-nit organization, other
than the hopeful Umbral Dancer-to-be
must be judged by the other Dancers
and undergo a rite. I do know that the
Dancers hold a high place of respect
amongst all Nuwisha, even if there are
no Lartan Umbral Dancers. I do know
that in order to be considered a Dancer,
one must undergo some sort of rite, but
the exact nature is still unknown.

A very open Lartan group, but the one
with the most mysterious past. So the
rumors go, after the council of the
coyote, a small group of Nuwisha left

both the Nuwisha and the Lartans to

seek help from the Wyrm. They all came
back to the Wyld, but few had retained
their sanity. Those who did, though,
possessed magic powers resembling
those hedge magician's possess, as well
as disciplines of vampires. The Ennoya
refuse to tell how they acquired these
powers, and I believe that they may be
incapable of telling what happened. The
Ennoya returned to fight the Wyrm
instead of aiding it, and have taught
some other Nuwisha their magics. There
are only Lartan Ennoya, no Proper
Nuwisha Ennoya. Ennoya also seem
incapable of Umbral Travel.

There is a rather amusing, yet sad story
behind them. The major disadvantage of

the Lartans is that sometimes a Nuwisha

will be born, use the gift that allows them
to move freely amongst the garou, and
forget who they are. Lartans call these
unfortunates Tailless puppies, and
occasionally help them. Most Nuwisha do
not care enough to though. Sadly, fully
30% of the Nuwisha Lartan population do
not have tails.

The Ennoya have noticed a horrible
change over the Nuwisha who practices
too much magic; they undergo a horrible
physical transformation, lose their sanity,
and devote themselves to the wyrm. I
have not seen a Coy-hound yet, but my
Nuwisha contacts tell me to pray I never

The Crocuta
I also must report an my findings of other
Bete, for you did not just send me to
learn only about the Nuwisha. I know
there are other bete, but I have only
been able to dig up information on a few
of these bete : Bastet were-cats, Corax
were-ravens and Gurahl were-bears. I
have also heard the term Mokole, which I
believe means were-crocodile, but I am
unsure of this. There are other bete, but I
could find little information about them. I
have also heard the term Mokole, which I
think to mean.
I have uncovered information on a race
of shape shifters that became extinct
long ago. These sad cases are called the
Crocuta, or were-hyena. I wouldn't have
discovered their existence if I hadn't
attack and steal all the information out of

a certain Arcanum Chantry. I am sure,

however, that the records in that Chantry
were the only records of the Crocuta.
Like the other bete, Gaia supposedly
gave the Crocuta a certain job when they
were first conceived. The Garou were the
protector/warriors, the Bastet were the
watchers, the Corax were the
messengers, Gurahl the healers,
Nuwisha entertainers. And the Crocuta
made sure the job was done. After the
warriors destroyed a Wyrm in some sort
of battle, the Crocuta came by and
finished it, if it needed to be. They were
the scavengers of the Bete, and
perhaps, the least liked. The Garou were
too proud to admit that they made
mistakes, and felt that the Crocuta didn't
have a reason to exist.
However, it wasn't the Garou who first
initiated the decline of the Crocuta, it was
the Wyrm. The Wyrm had a small

dilemma. During a confrontation with

Gaia's chosen, the Wyrm had two
choices in its best defense. One was to
attack, which would result in its surely
being killed. The other was to pretend to
be dead, to play possum. This was offset
by the Crocuta, who made sure
something was dead if it looked dead. So
the Wyrm quietly and slowly began killing
off the Crocuta, one by one. The Wyrm
also then realized that none of the other
bete would come to the Crocuta's aid, so
it started a full-scale war on the Crocuta.
At about that time the Garou did
something that even startled the Wyrm;
they began the War of Rage. The Wyrm
hissed with delight.
The Wyrm was not idle during the War of
Rage; it passed itself even into the garou
packs, and bade the Galliards and other
tale-keepers to forget about the other
bete, especially the Crocuta. The Garou
did so. The Wyrm did the same with the

other bete, and soon the Crocuta were

nearly forgotten. Few Crocuta were left to
remembered about anyway. Those who
were still alive were mistaken for Black
Spiral Dancers, with their slaver-jawed
maws and hooping laughs. They were
killed on sight. No Crocuta presence has
been recorded ever since.

The Lumberjacks
Apparently, fate has decreed that Bete
created by Gaia is not enough; it had to
come out with man-made Bete. DNA
labs knows more about Shape-shifting
than shifters themselves. They have
managed to create their own breed, an
appalling thought, but true none the less.
Contacts of mine who work for DNA
claim that, about two years ago, DNA
managed to create it's first Bete, whom

they named Lumberjacks, version 1. 0.

A short history. After the first Garou was
captured by DNA about four years ago,
the labs immediately began research on
two aspects of a Bete's nature: shapeshifting and fast healing. Fortunately,
they have not managed to uncover the
secrets of the rapid healing of the Bete,
but they have learned about shapeshifting. They combined the genes of a
bear and a human using the rudimentary
techniques that they know, and came up
with a short-lived, mentally retarded but
physically powerful were-bear. From what
my contact tells me, the Lumberjacks
have a life-span of about three months,
maturing in two weeks. They have
created a total of thirty-five of these
monstrosities, but only seven are alive
currently. They are used primarily for
manual labor, but make fine guards and
warriors when DNA is hunting more

Another man made creation has been
showing up at farm sites all around the
world, especially at the rain forest farms,
and in central America. I plead you, do
not laugh when I reveal what these
things are, for they are abominations,
horrors, and utterly revolting creations.
Let me tell you a short story of how I
learned of them.
I was on a road in northern Wisconsin,
with my friends and allies Darverlio (an
Ennoya Nuwisha, the first Nuwisha I had
met), Jim Scout (a human researcher),
and Robert (a vampire with a unique
story that I will tell you later in this report).
We were following a lead about odd
occurrences in the area, and I believing

them to be supernatural. The farms we

passed were abandoned, or destroyed.
Everywhere we looked dead cattle and
farmers littered the area.
That is, all but this one herd of cattle on
the side of the highway. They looked like
strays, and we wondered how they'd
survived and the other herds hadn't. We
stopped and got out of the car to
investigate. Great Ra how I wish we
didn't. One of the cows stood up. Yes,
stood up, on hind legs and began
walking to us, like a human would. We all
stopped in our tracks. As it got closer, we
could see that it looked much like a
garou would in crinos form, only as a cow
instead of a wolf. It had the head, hair,
hands and feet of a cow, but it moved
like a man. As it got closer, we could see
sharp teeth glaring out of its mouth, and
the hooves at the ends of it's
appendages were razor sharp. It grinned
at us, and we could see madness in its

eyes. The cows behind it also underwent

some kind of change. Some stayed as
cows, others transformed into something
more human looking than the one
approaching us. It stopped about ten
yards away, and looked back at the herd.
With a startling shout of "for the Great
Grass Man," the entire herd rushed us.
We ran back to the car for safety, locking
the doors and rolling up the windows.
The herd surrounding us began pushing
at the car, trying to squeeze us inside.
Jim pulled out his shot gun and fired out
of the closed windows. It should be noted
that the shots were not silver, but they
did the normal amount of damage a shot
gun would, and the cow-people did not
seem to heal it. Finally, after fully half the
herd was killed, the fled. We got out of
the car, Jim still shooting and Darverlio,
in Manbazahoo form (coyote crinos),
chased after them. When they had finally
gotten out of site, Robert fainted and Jim

got sick on the ground. I didn't blame

Later I discovered that similar sightings
had occurred, centered around Pentex
farms and DNA laboratories. The
researchers at DNA believe that a
renegade scientist from their ranks
created them, using them to exact
revenge on the two companies. What I
learned about their biology and culture is
this: they do not heal at the rapid rate
that other bete do, but they do not take
aggravated damage from silver; they are
all hopelessly insane, and are used by
the "great grass man" to attack farms
that are owned by servants of the Wyrm;
they are planted in various herds in
farms, and then left to destroy
everything. Note that I said that they are
used to attack the Wyrm, this does not
mean that they attack only the Wyrm.
They will attack and kill anything. I have
named them Angi and their forms

Glabro, Crinos, and Angus. Breeds that I

have identified are the Stud and the
Steer. Studs are the Angi created in the
labs, and breed with normal cattle.
Steers are an Angi born to a Stud and a
cow. I have not found any metis Angi. I
would assume that they have a life span
of about a year, being killed far before
then. I am basing this off the fact that I
have not found any immature Angi, and
they have only showed themselves in the
past three years. I am unsure what to do
about the Angi. They are servants of a
warrior against the Wyrm, but they only
hate the wyrm second-handedly. I think I
will not take any direct action against
them as long as they serve this "Great
Grass Man," but after they lose
allegiance to him. . .


My next research involves the
vicissitude, banes, fomori, and the
Souleaters. I am surprised the Black
Hand told you as little as they did, for it
was they who first started the battle
against them.
The Souleaters are probably the Wyrm's
most effective tool. Both the Garou and
the Black hand are warriors against
them, and the Nephandi, Pentex, and the
Tzimsice are their pawns. In short,
Souleaters are the Wyrm. The Wyrm
represents corruption and decay; original
job was to destroy excess Law or Chaos,
and at first I thought that this meant
simple annihilation. This was not so. The
Wyrm did not destroy the excess
existence; it changed it to some of its
own. It slowly gathered up an army of
matter, all of it corrupted creation. For
this reason I think the Wyrm was always

against Gaia; it was just biding its time for

it to release its creations/corruptions.
Wyrm destroys excess creation, but what
exactly is excess, it thought. So, destroy
everything. Another thought, if creation
turned to him, it would no longer be
creation, hence it would be destroyed.
The Wyrm is not mad as the Garou think;
it is only doing what it was told to do. I am
not defending it mind you, I am only
presenting its side of the story. What I
just said does not mean to stop the
Shadow Crusade or the Apocalypse war.
The Souleaters were first brought to
Earth from the Umbra by a Tzimisce
named Andeleon. I think that this was not
a random occurrence, but intervention by
the Wyrm loving bastard mages, the
Nephandi (ever notice the resemblance
in names between the Nephandi and a
certain organ in a worm's body involved
in the excretion of liquid waste?). The

disease spread to almost all of the

Tzimisce, except those in the Black
Hand. From there it spread to all
creatures, and was eventually harnessed
by Pentex. Pentex mages and scientists
have learned the ritual required to call a
Souleater spirit from the Umbra, and
began infecting their own workers.
I am still unsure how this disease is
spread. I know it is transmitted through
blood, and possibly by air. Vicissitude
can infect anything, Vampire, human,
Garou, insect, tree, stone, anything.
However, it only has the abilities and
powers of whatever it's current host is. A
Souleater tree would still resemble a
tree, albeit mutated and deranged.
Souleaters in their purest forms are
called Banes. When one first starts to
infect a host, the host develops the
discipline vicissitude, which needless to
say isn't a discipline. When the

transformation is complete, the original

creature is long tortured and dead, and
the Souleater has full power and control
over the host's identity. It has access to
the host's powers, her thoughts, her
memories, and personality. In short, the
bane is the host, with the exception that
now its heart and soul belongs to the
Wyrm. The Souleater has a choice; stay
in the form it is in and wreak havoc, or
mutate into a fleshy blob (called fomori)
and wreak havoc. Pentex created
Souleaters usually assume fomori form.
The Shadow Crusade fought by the
Black Hand and the Garou is a hard
battle, especially when the two warriors in
it are not allies. I ask you, try to get the
Black Hand to make some sort of an
alliance with the Garou, and I will do the
same with my garou contacts. If we could
fight together against the Souleaters, the
battle might not be so hard. I have
instructed all of my followers to destroy

anything that shows any resemblance to

Vicissitude, and I hope you do the same.

My most current project is a study on
various powers of supernatural: Magic,
Quickening, Gifts, and Disciplines. I think
I understand the first three, but not
enough to be positive. Magic of the Magi
is fueled by Quickening. Yes, Quickening
and Quintessence are the same thing;
the only difference is in names. I am sure
that if an Immortal would be able to fuel
his Quickening and concentrate, he
would be able to utilize the same powers
a Magi would. However, Magic stems
from ones belief on reality, while
Quickening is raw life force. Gifts are
simply asking an Umbral spirit to do its

bidding. Simple. Our magic, I have

discovered, is basically the same as
Garou Gifts, only we force spirits to do
what our spells demand. After learning
this, somehow I always feel a little guilty
when casting a ritual. . .
Disciplines I have learned more than
enough about. No vampire that I have
contacted seems to know the true nature
of disciplines, and obviously even the
Black Hand elders do not know, else you
wouldn't have asked me to investigate
the subject. Vampires do seem to know
this though; disciplines do derive from
blood. They are correct for what I know.
Vampiric blood does not seem to be a
curse, as some believe. Rather it is just
blood fueled with a minor variety of
Quintessence. A vampire is given mental
control over her blood. Caine supposedly
had the most Quintessence in his blood,
and the amount seems to have
decreased through the generations of

vampires. It is the variety of Quickening

in the blood that prevents true Magic
from being cast, as the Tremere
regrettably (in their mind) learned.
Disciplines are highly misunderstood.
They do not come in different forms,
such as Dominate or Thaumaturgy.
Those aspects are only derived from the
vampires mind. If one could open one's
mind to the powers of blood, they would
have full mastery of disciplines,
regardless of Clan or Generation. I
learned this from Robert. After he had
mistakenly tried to gain sustenance from
me when I first met him, he agreed to be
my research tool, my guinea pig.
I had been working on a
hekau/necromancy spell for some time,
one that allowed the recipient to open
his/her mind to full awareness of the
body. I did not expect it to have the
results it did; it did not turn out to what I

expected. I cast it on two subjects, a

vampire (Robert) and a human. The
human was killed. Robert, on the other
hand, was. . . words fail me. After my
casting of the ritual was complete, both
glowed instantly with a blinding light.
When it cleared, my human assistant
was dead, and Robert was about fifty
feet up in the air. His body was limp, and
a look of raw power was on his face. He
stayed in the air for about five minutes,
then fell to the ground and fell asleep. He
didn't awake until seven nights later.
Fortunately, my researchers and I were
out of the building when it exploded upon
his awakening. He came to us
immediately. He did not take his time to
physically come to us; he just appeared
the moment of the explosion. I could see
that he was changed. He started
showing off his new powers, and he
would have probably killed me (yes, I do
think that I was in mortal danger as

impossible as it may seem for a mummy)

and destroyed my laboratories.
Fortunately, he didn't. He did seem to
have full control over his blood though,
and had access to almost all known
disciplines and a few that I had never
seen before. Some of the disciplines that
did not show were Vicissitude,
Chimestry, Daimoinon, and a few others.
I would guess that this means that those
disciplines are not true Vampiric powers,
and derive from something else. He
bade me to destroy my notes on the
ritual, which I did. He then left me. Where
he went, I don't know, the Umbra or back
in time, as far as I know. I only had a
moment to contemplate it, for Robert
returned about a minute later.
Centuries had passed for him, seconds
for me. He told me of his travels, of the
times he had seen and then told me
almost all I now know of the Umbra (I am
sure you know more about the Umbra

than I do, so I will not speak of it now).

He then proceeded to instruct some of
my other vampire helpers new
disciplines. I managed to write the affects
down. I am sure you know of Fortitude,
Celerity, and Potence. They are all just
supernatural physical attributes. He told
of how to do the same to ones mental,
social, and spiritual powers. He also
seemed to have gained Garou gifts, and
Magics, but he would not say how he
acquired these. He then left us again,
never to be seen again. Even though he
is my close friend, I sincerely hope he is
killed or stopped, or at least never shows
up in this dimension. He is far too
powerful for this world to handle, I think
he can take the lords of hell, all the
mummies in the world, and even Caine
on in battle at the same time and win. I
regret ever creating this ritual.
I guess that is all I have to say. I await
your next assignment, as I am bored

without research. I hope to have more

information about Bete and the Umbra by
the time you give me more jobs, and I will
send you what I learn when I learn it. For
now, I bid you fare well

ST Information
Note, this section is for the storytellers
eyes only. It provided stats and other
information about the above mentioned
items. Unless you wish to spoil your
games, do not read these if you do not
plan to story tell it.

Nuwisha Magic
Nuwisha of the Lartan sect and

especially of the Ennoya culture may

take magic and other powers in stead of
gifts. For the following, one might wish to
own the Players Handbook to
Werewolves, the Inquisition, and the
Vampire rules.
If a Nuwisha wishes to learn magic, he
must first look for a master who already
knows the secrets. Once doing so, he
begins his tutelage. At rank one, a
Nuwisha can learn level one disciplines
of Chimestry, Thuamaturgy, Auspex, and
Obteneration. He can also learn Hedge
magics described in the Inquisition: Via
Ignis, Via Medicamenti, and Via Oraculi.
All other paths are of the Wyrm, and are
banned from Nuwisha. Rituals are the
same. A Nuwisha who learns Magic
instead of Gifts cannot practice the
normal rituals. Instead, these are
replaced by Thaumaurgical Rituals.
Though some of these powers may not
be of much use to a Nuwisha, it is what

they have.
There is a penalty to using magic. Every
time a discipline or a Magic is cast, it
costs one Gnosis, no matter what rank or
level the power is. Gnosis can be
regained in the normal way. However,
should the Gnosis of a spell-casting
Nuwisha be dropped to zero, it can never
be regained. Magic is then drawn from
willpower, which is also regained
normally. Should both Gnosis and
Willpower be dropped to zero for any
reason, the Nuwisha is no longer a
Nuwisha. He loses his sanity and
memories, and turns to the wyrm. Such a
being is called a Coy-hounds by
Nuwisha. Coy-hounds are solitary and
murderous, and tend to be killed by
frightened victims before long, albeit with
difficulty. Stats for a Coy-hound are the
same for a normal Nuwisha, except they
have no Gnosis or Willpower, and
practice any kind of hedge magic, even

the devil-dealing ones. They are forever

trapped in Crinos form.

Lumberjack Stats
Homid Glabro Crinos Hispo Ursine
Appearance 2
Manipulation 0
Charisma 0
Intelligence 0
Perception 3

Abilities: Brawl:4, Dodge:1, Athletics:1,

Survival:2 Primal-urge:1
Gnosis: 0
Lumberjacks have no Gifts and follow
orders of DNA technicians without
question. They do not have rapid

healing, nor are they affected by silver.

They cannot enter the Umbra.

Angi (were-cow) stats

Beginning willpower:0
Backgrounds: 0

Studs: Born in the labs of a madman
Beginning rage: 10, beginning Gnosis: 0

Steers: Born to an Angi and a normal

Cow Beginning rage: 8, beginning
Gnosis: 2

Homid: There is no true homid form
among the Angi.
Glabro (near human): They are hairier,
fatter, and have small horns. str: +2, sta
+2, app 1, dex -1, manip 1
Crinos: (cow-man): Appears as a large
cow standing upright. Carnivorous teeth
(2 dice dmg), razor-sharp hooves (str+3
dmg), and large horns (str +2 dmg). str
+5, sta +3, app 0, dex -1, manip 0.
Cow: Normal cow in all respects, mental
and physical.
str 4, dex 1, stam 4, app: 2, manip 0, cha
0, int 0, obs 2, wits 0
Angi are at constant rage in Glabro and
Crinos forms. They cannot enter the
umbra, are not affected by silver, and do

not heal at rapid rate. They have a totem

of sorts, the Great Grass Man, though he
gives no special powers. Angi have no
gifts per se.

Discipline of Attributes
Must be bought separately per attribute.
A vampire can raise one's attributes by
one blood per dot. This can only be used
for Strength (called Potence), Dexterity
(Celerity), stamina (Fortitude),
appearance, wits, and willpower.

Discipline of Vampirism
This is the ability to steal a power from a
creature upon sucking its blood. For
example, should a vampire suck the

blood of a ecstasy cult mage, the

vampire has a chance to steal a dot in
the time sphere of magic. In order to
steal the power, one most roll dice for as
many dots one has in this discipline vs.
as many dots as one has in the
requested power. One needs only three
successes to steal the power. If a
vampire should steal the power, then the
victim will never be able to use that
power again.
Note, this discipline should not be utilized
by Player Characters. It is only an excuse
should the ST wish to bring in a super
powerful Cainite antagonist with nonevampiric powers.

Discipline of Health
Do not let the name deceive you, this is

not a new version of Obeah. It destroys

health, not heal it. For one blood spent, a
vampire may cause that much damage
to a victim that the vampire is touching.
No roll is necessary. A vampire can only
spend as much blood on this as he has
dots in this discipline.

By Paul Harris (

Author's Notes
All of Gaia's children have been given the boon of her powers such as shapechanging and the use of gifts. There are however
those bte who just aren't content. Certain members of various tribes and breeds have sought to learn the powers that "mere
mortals" possess and are apparently able to use their innate magical powers to reach high affinities in this field. This is Hedge
Magic. As you know, the shapechangers cannot Awaken. However multiple rule books state that they can learn hedge magic
extremely well and to a degree that no mortal could but no real rules have been released to date. So here goes.

Shadow Magic is a mysterious and enigmatic power that few understand. The lack of understanding is why shadow magic is
shunned by nearly all of the bte. The use of these powers draws suspicion and fear from most of the bte. However the fears
rarely turn into physical harm. Even the Get of Fenris are loath to attack a known witch. Perhaps the biggest reason for the
consensus of distrust is that no one knows where the powers are drawn from.
Vampires, Wraiths, changelings and even Mages are unable to learn shadow magic yet mortals and werewolves can. Why? It is
clear that the bte have a spiritual inner "core" that is unique only to them and no other entity on the planet which could explain it.
But even mages have a similar, albeit different spritual "core," which should allow the use of primitive magic. Daemons and such
are able to teach and use these powers yet no "divine beings" have ever been seen using this magic.
To understand why and how hedge magic works it is first necessary to understand the Gaian soul.
Picture a glass. Picture a deep dark ocean full of such glasses. Some quarter full of clean water with no cracks or imperfections
at all. This is similar to the way a soul of a normal child would look. As it grows imperfections would appear the level of the water
may rise and fall along with its level of purity until one day the glass would just fall apart for some reason or another. The inner
water can be likened to the individual's spirit, the imperfections the darker aspects of their character and the glasses strength
would be based on their willpower. The ocean is like the constant outer threat from evil spirits and the like trying to corrupt the
water within the glasses. The more cracks the more chance of the dark water getting in and dirtying the water.
Got it? Okay time for Bte souls 101.
A bte's "glass" would be filled with lots of clear water (Gnosis) although it isn't pure. It may have lots of imperfections
(dependrnt on Rage levels) and generally quite strong (Willpower). Unlike a mortal, the bte's soul has a greater threat of
breaking. Lots of water means lots of pressure being exerted on the glass, increasing the chances of breaking. A mortal has
little water and so if any big cracks occur the water will slowly trickle out. If the same scenario happened to a bte the large
volume of water would trickle to a point and would then simply would pour out breaking the glass in the process.
Bte utilise the water to power their gifts and such and can harness the cracks to give them Rage by leaking in small amounts of
darkness to give them strength, speed and their bad tempers. If too much leaks in their souls will be corrupted. However, they
aren't stupid and so only rarely will the soul be completely damaged by Rage. It will usually be Harano or expressed through
Frenzies. Frenzies, although bad, do give bte a form of cathartic relief. This is the reason why when a bte turns over to the
Wyrm it is doomed to die eventually. Dark rites such as the Black Spirals dance of passage help fortify the glass by using the
darkness itself to keep it together for a time.
When a member of the changing breeds learns certain paths they may leak in small amounts of darkness which forever taints
the water but can be utilised to the users wishes and ability. Too much and a lot of Rage will mean that the powers cannnot be
used for long; their souls just can't handle it. If the glass is strong, the water fairly clean and not too many cracks then the
introduction of the shadow magic will have little effect except make the person stronger. Get it?
Earlier on I said sometimes. Like all things in the World of Darkness the dark ocean isnt actually black, it's more grey and in
shades. Some powers come from the clean parts of the ocean and come into the top of the proverbial glass. These clean parts
represent the Gaian influence in the world (the good parts). Learning powers from these parts is easier but in general less
practical then the darker ones.
The Reason that the Bte are more adapt at this then mortals should be apparent. The bte utilise their existing abilities almost
without effort and so they can adapt and comprehend easier then a mortal simply because its like their existing powers.
Now . . . to put all this into rules


Note: This rules are modified from "World of Darkness: Sorcerer" which I recommend you buy.
Shadow magic falls into three categories; Light, Grey and Dark.
The Light ones are: Divination, Enchantment, Ephemera, Herbalism/Brewing, Healing and Shapeshifting. These represent the
purer magical paths that bte tend to learn first and to which they have a higher affinity.
The Grey paths are: Alchemy, Conjuration, Conveyance, Weathercraft and Summoning (Material). These paths are neither dark
nor pure.
The Dark paths are: Cursing, Hellfire, Fascination, Shadows and Summoning (Daimonic). These represent all of the darker
powers available.
The term Shadow Folk includes any/all bte involved in the occult world of Shadow magic no matter where their allegiances lie,
be it Gaia, The Wyrm, the Weaver or none. All distrusted. Even BSD's distrust those who walk the dark path of shadow magic.
The different path aspects (Light, Dark, Grey) can be learnt by any Bte and are by no means exclusive to breeds, species,
tribes or ethnic origin. In fact a bte can learn whatever paths he/she wants to. The aspects will be explained later.
Paths "work" by rolling dice applicable to the path. The actual paths represent the level of ability rather then representing the
dice you roll. Each spell requires a separate ritual that must be enacted to make it work.
The Bte largely created most of the rituals that exist today and it's no wonder that they are the masters of rituals.

Dice rolls: All Bte roll Intelligence + Rituals for all paths except Alchemy and Herbalism. These two use applicable abilities
(i.e., Science (Chemistry) etc).

Difficulty: Basically the higher the level, the bigger the effect, the higher the difficulty.
Effect: Buy the book
Experience: (Here's the good bit) All paths cost 3/4 the normal experience cost!! Why? Read the intro. (I haven't reduced it from
the costs below so work out the total then find out 3/4 and spend it).
The costs are:
New path: 7
Addtional path points: Level x7
New Ritual: 3

Rituals: Each ritual requires specific events. Players should write down all their rituals, including effect, difficulty (storyteller),
ingredients, time (usually based on level), gestures, path, level and anything else crucial to the ritual. They must be adhered to
each time the spell is being cast. Each Ritual has a single specific effect based upon its related level of path.

Additional Bonuses: No Bte need spend a Willpower point at all in the spell casting. They may spend one for a success but
they don't have to. Bte may spend a Gnosis point for another success and may spend additional points for additional
successes. If they have no Gnosis left then they may not gain any bonuses from being a bte.

Negative effects: All Bte must sacrifice one experience point every time they are issued points. If they don't then they may not
use their powers until they pay up. If this happens more then five times each additional time afterwards a path point will be lost.
If a Gaian Bte spends a Gnosis point on one of the Dark paths she receive a taint point. If she has Seven taint points she will
register as Wyrm to any gifts and powers associated. Every time a point is received a dice must be rolled. If under the no. of
taint points a derangement will be given. Likewise if a Black Spiral Dancer (or corrupted Bte) spends one of its Gnosis points
on a light path he receives the equivalent of a Gaian taint. However he will not register as Gaian . . . ever (unless through magical
means). Likewise he will receive derangements for rolling under his taint points.
Botching a Dark power will result in the issuing of a taint point. Reversed for Black spiral dancers and other corrupted bte.

All bte receive the 3 point flaw "Taint of Suspicion". The character is not Wyrm-tainted but everyone she meets will get an eerie
feeling about her (See Uktena Tribebook).

New traits: Bte who walk the Shadow path may spend experience points on the following backgrounds upon first gaining
knowledge of a path: (1 for 1)
The backgrounds details should be plausible and must link to the new insights into Shadow magic (e.g.,. meeting a mentor,

finding some occult books, meeting fellow Shadow Folk etc).

New Powers: These level six powers are available only to Bte. Rank is irrelevant although elders are loathe to give away
powers it took them years to learn. They do cost a lot and will be hard to pull off.)
N.B. I really would like to give out all the rules but I dont want my arse sued for breaking copyright laws. Sorry.
Level Six Enchantment: As per the level five powers, only the objects are more predictable, and do not require a ritual to use
(only in creation). They are also capable of bigger effects.
Level Six Ephemera: The bte may enter the Shadowlands but not at will. Their astral projection is also not blocked by any
spiritual boundaries.
I have not included daemonic powers and such. Go buy the books.

Character Creation
Basically use the normal rules. The Shadow Folk is a term, not a tribe/group/society whatever. Just use normal rules.
Characters shouldn't really begin with points in Shadow Magic. It's best to learn as you go. It's just too expensive at character
creation. But I'm not one to stop people doing what they want.
Paths cost 7 XP irrelevant of level and don't have the typical reduction (only XP costs do). Rituals cost a point. You must have
three rituals in a path level before you proceed onto the next level.
You can only have as many paths as your Willpower score.
The level six powers can be learnt by all bte.

New Gifts:
Stealing the Wind
Sense Shadow Folk/Magic
Embrace the Darkness

Members: The most likely candidates for Shadow Folk membership:

Uktena (see tribebook)
Bubasti (See Bastet book)
Silent Striders
Inapropriate candidates include:
Get Of Fenris

By Jim Bohiem (

History of the Shen-entu

Their primary design is controlling the Tellurian and the Umbra when Gaia cannot herself; that is why their gifts focus on
controlling nature and the Umbra.
The Shen-entu are a very ancient breed of shape shifters and they were the first to realize that the Wyrm had strayed from its
path. They, being no warriors, first contacted the Gurahl to heal the Wyrm . When that didn't work they met the Garou to Kill the
Wyrm; they have been trying for millennia. Then they contacted the Ratkin, to keep the ways of the Balancer Wyrm alive. Then
they contacted Nuwisha to act like the Wyrm was still a Balancer and to laugh like nothing was wrong. Later, they contacted
Corax and Bastet to watch the Wyrm. Eventually, they contacted Mokole to remember the fate of the Wyrm. There are legends of
other shifters contacted for other purposes, but only elder Burden-bearers know of that. Thus it was not Gaia who assigned the
roles but Shen-entu working in her stead.
The Shen-entu did not participate in the Impergium because they knew what the likely outcome would be. Instead, they
supported the Ratkin version of the Impergium and they tried to do the same in Polynesia, where turtles where accepted pets.
The Shen-entu took no part in the War of Rage and the angry garou that killed one was immediately cut off from gifts, Gnosis
,and rituals directly by Gaia and also that Garou became irredeemably of the Wyrm.
The Shen-entu acted in the area of the Pacific Ocean and used their powerful gifts to create the Ring of Fire (and an Umbra
realm of the same name).

Recent History
The Shen-entu have recently been mating with tortoises, so they have moved further inland. The turtles are not as powerful as
they once were because of the overfishing and decimation of their turtle kin by fishing nets. A recent alliance between them and
the Children of Gaia has helped stave off the destruction of their turtle kin.

Shen-entu are very solitary creatures and usually are mistaken for the "ghost on that small island" that the villagers stay away
from. In homid form most are rather slow and clumsy.
The Shen-entu live near the Pacific Ocean and they breed from the tribal natives and the sea turtles. Recently, Shen-entu have
been breeding with tortoises and those Shen-entu have infiltrated government environmental agencies and Washington based
The Shen-entu are the most at home in the Umbra of all the changing breeds and their gifts reflect that. Their home realm is a
vast ocean with an island about the size of Michigan. It is said that anyone who swims to the end of the ocean in their homeland
comes back with great gifts and you must swim the length of the ocean to rise to rank 5.

Shen-entu , being of Gaia, have no allergies to silver or gold. Instead all Wyrm toxins do aggravated damage.
Rage is different for the Shen-entu. By spending one point of Fage in Glabro, Crinos, Eshespus or Shellus form, the Shen-entu
may double his effective Stamina. This may be done only once. Due to their lack of speed Shen-entu may not use rage for extra
actions; instead they can raise their strength by one.

The Shen-entu have a very structured society, but tolerate many outsiders. In their society Stewardship replaces Glory . Shenentu have less Rage than their Garou cousins but its effects are more deadly. All Shen-entu meet once a year on the great island
in their umbral realm on the summer solstice, and they stay for three days.
Shen-entu never learn gifts from elders,only spirits. Shen-entu regain all Gnosis if they sleep for three days straight.

Shen-entu are creatures of Gaia, not Helios or Luna. Therefore they have three auspices: Long Swimmers (born at night), Far
Swimmers (born at day), and Burden Bearers (born at dawn or dusk).

Far Swimmers
Far Swimmers fill the role of the shaman in Shen-entu society and their gifts are roughly analogous to those of the Thuerge and
Stargazers but have more control over the Umbra.

Willpower: 4
Gifts: Sense Wyrm, Alter Gauntlet
Long Swimmers
Long Swimmers are the bards of the Shen-entu and travel far and wide in search of knowledge. Their gifts resemble those of the
Galliard, Silent Striders and the Uktenka.

Rage: 2
Willpower: 3
Gifts: Scholar's Friend, Mindspeak
Burden Bearers
Burden Bearers are the warriors and leaders of the Shen-entu. They have many powers given to them and they are very strongwilled. Their gifts resemble Silver Fangs, Philodox, and Ahroun.

Rage: 3
Willpower: 5
Gifts: Falling Touch, Truth of Gaia

Homids are a minority and account for 35% of all Shen-entu. They tend to live in coastal areas and are very tolerant (usually the
first to smoke the peace-pipe with the invaders).

Gnosis: 4
Gifts: Persuasion, Tongues

Metis account for 10% of all Shen-entu and are treated with disrespect, They may never rise to Rank 5.

Gifts: Odious Aroma, Mask Flaws
Entrus account for 55% of all Shen-entu but are slowly dying out. They are the most in tune with Gaia and are frequently the
Shen-entu leaders.

Gnosis: 6
Gifts: Landwalker, Create Element

Glabro: In the Glabro form, the Shen-entu gains a 100% increase in muscle mass and develops a small, shell-like carapace on

his back.The Glabro loses 3 inches of height.

Crinos: In Crinos the shell is extremely apparent and muscle mass doubles again from Glabro. The Crinos gains 25% in height
from the homid form. Delirium is incited as if Willpower was +3.

Eshespus: Huge turtle. The turtle gains 150% in weight from homid. It looks like a really big turtle.
Entrus: Entrus is Turtle form. It is no different from a turtle.
Shellus: Shellus is as if the turtle's shell covered the entire body with no holes at all. The turtle cannot see but all other senses
are unmodified.

Common Gifts
Mother's Touch (1), Truth of Gaia (1), Legacy of Gaia(1) (as Lawgiver's Legacy), Gauntlet Runner (2), Gaia's Revenge (3)
(as Jungle's Vengeance)

Tribe gifts
Tortoise: Armour of Tortoise (1), Contemplation (4)
Sea Turtle: Speed of Thought (1), Breathe (2)

Breed Gifts
Homid: As Garou homid, Tongues(1)
Metis: As Garou metis, Mask Flaws(1), Fury of the Tormented (3)
Entrus: Landwalker (1), Sense Evil (2), Alter Land (3), Qyrl's Shell (4), Alter Realm (6)
Auspice Gifts
Far Swimmer: Change Umbra (3) (as Control Dreamtime, but costing 1 Gnosis), Umbra Walker (5)
Long Swimmer: Alter Land (3), Cataclysm (5)
Burden Bearer: Command (3) (as Dominate level 1), Invoke Gaia (5), Drop Burden (6)

Opinions of Others
Garou: They were foolish when they killed their cousins. Look at them now.
-- Swimmer of Worlds, Rank 3 Far Swimmer

"We respect then; they are pure."

-- Joey Farstrider, Uktenka Theurge

Rokea: They hate us for our opinion of the landwellers so the war must continue.
-- Shi-yazu, Sharp Katana, Rank 2 Burden Bearer

Ratkin: They do not bother us so we will not bother them.
"Who the hell are you talking about?"
-- Ratkin chief

Bastet: We help them from anonymity.

-- Arther No-name, Rank 3 Metis Burden Bearer

"I have heard only legends."

-- Sezan-tu Simba elder

Str Dex Sta Man App Per
Glabro +1 -1 +3 -1 -1 -1
+3 -2 +6 0 0 -1
Eshespus +2 -2 +5 0 0 -1
+0 -2 +4 -3 -2 -1
Shellus +0 0 +7 0 0 -2


By Diane Keating Sciacca (
"They create a sacred sacrament in a sick world. Through a passionate orgy of fire, mud, wine, sweat, and dancing in which
everyone takes part, they tear away your preconceptions and modern arrogance, and then bring you back to yourself. The
experience is more powerful than anything I've encountered before: attend at your own risk."
-- Mark Rein*Hagen (about Crash Worship)

"An' I'll say it agin/ This ain't Supernatural/ This is Super, Natural."
-- Crash Worship, "TCB"

Writer's Note
My friends and I are in the process of playtesting this Tribe, its totems, Rites and Gifts. I've written up a "tribebook" for the
Keepers which is too extensive to reprint here; if you're interested in playing a Keeper ov the Silver Flame, e-mail me and I'll
send the text off to you. The Tribebook includes Keeper pictograms, lexicon, new Camps and Villagios, Abilities, Gifts, Rites,
Totems, illustrations, packs, personalities, first-person IC narratives, Storytelling hints -- everything you'd find in a canon TB.
We're also currently working on getting an online version of the Tribebook going and setting up a role-play chatroom.
Enough o' that nonsense! Let the Wyld Rumpus Start!

The Keepers of the Silver Flame arose as a bloodline of Glass Walker Urban Primitives, Black Furies, Silent Strider
Dispossessed and Children of Gaia Aethera Inamorata. Technically, they are viewed by the Garou Nation as nothing more than
lotus-eating, semi-organized Ronin but the Keepers don't care: they know what they are and they feel they have nothing to prove.
The Tribe started back in 1992 when a pack of Garou noticed a particularly powerful and ancient avatar of Gaia -- the Silver
Flame -- hanging about ADRV performances. They also noticed that the social/cultural phenomenon was spawning scores of
new spirits. They decided that this needed protecting and asked their Sept Elders if they could adopt this "new tribe" as their
protectorate. At first the Elders agreed but they reneged when the pack took off, following the band on tour. They appeared to
get deeper and deeper into ADRV and their ravings that this was the key to saving Gaia were passed off as obsession and
fanaticism. They told the pack to break off contact, abandon their wards and come home to protect the caern. The pack refused
vigourously, the opposition escalated and the Elders performed the Rite of the Lone Wolf on them. The pack called themselves
Team ADRV, adopted the humans that were drawn to the ADRV performances as their Flock, and declared themselves a new
Garou Tribe -- the Tribe, Keepers of the Silver Flame.
Team ADRV is still around, and leading the whole Tribe.

Ixstasia (Tribal totem)
Burning Man
Assassin Bird

Initial Willpower


Silver Flames cannot take Pure Breed. All tribal members must spend at least one dot each in Kinfolk and Rites.

Beginning Gifts
Primal Beat, Create Element, Sense Wyrm, Lambent Flame, Quicksilver

Tribal Drawback: Fatal Attraction

Keepers are fascinated by silver, both the colour and the metal.

Since this is the tribe's Generation 1 (though a few have started breeding), the vast majority of the tribe are young, thirty and
dropping, and of all morphotypes and races. However, their initiatory Rite Ours is the Language of Catastrophe (q.v.)
transforms their coats. Their wolf forms have dark or black basecoat with silver-tipped manes and splashy, fire-coloured coat
markings on the rest of their bodies. Their Crinos form is savage-looking but carries an air of capricious playfulness and can at
times even look strangely gentle. Many Keepers pierce and tattoo themselves, harkening back to their Urban Primitive roots.

Many Keepers are nomadic, especially in the summer when the festivals, raves and bands they follow are out on the road. They
can be found anywhere these events are happening: on abandoned bridges, desolate wastelands, junkyards, inner city
nightclubs. During the rest of the year they disperse and keep in touch until the next gathering through electronic or other means.

The tribe protects itself, the humans drawn to the shows, and the performers of ADRV. Many of these are befriended and
occasionally adopted as Kinfolk by the Tribe. The Keepers of the Silver Flame respect their Kinfolk and do not exclude them
from their packs and activities: more than any other tribe, Kinfolk hold crucial positions, join packs, and have a say in tribal

Young Silver Flames typically adopt a persona for the Crash Worship and online, and their taken names often reflect that image.
Waxing moon Keepers generally have a playful slant to their names, while waning moons are more cynical. Ahrouns typically
take aggressive handles such as "Terror," "Catastrophe," "Nightmare," "Big Monster" and suchlike; Philodoxen often take
ritualistic names like "Eyes-of-Fire," "Walker-of-the-Razor-Edge," and "Tunnel-of-Ixstasis." Ragabash will often choose twisted
wordplays such as Liquorice or Supercaligroovaliciouspsychedelicatessen ("No, really, it's easy to say, you just gotta get that
rhythm going!"). A Silver Flame always chooses her own name: it is not assigned to them by a panel of Elders.

Keeper Packs are necessarily large because they have only themselves and their pack totems to rely upon, and they allow their
Kinfolk to join them. For a Keeper pack to number upwards of ten is not uncommon. The Tribe makes strong use of Camps and
has a dizzying array of them; some Camps have gathered into multi-Camp "Villagios" (after the Burning Man tradition of several
theme camps to pool their resources and establish Villages).
Occasionally, when several packs converge at the same event they will gather into what they call a "tribe" (with a small t -- when
they refer to the Keepers as a whole, they say the Tribe). And very rarely, some tribes will gather in what is called a "Horde"
which often travels across the land together. These are always vast, leaderless, anarchic masses of Changers and Kinfolk.
A few packs, most notably Ephemerocracy, have taken the Tribal directive of "Keep Moving" to heart and their hierarchy is in
constant flux: everyone in the pack has an equal chance of becoming an autocratic Alpha who serves as leader for a transitory
interval (but never long) and enjoys the total cooperation, support and loyalty of the pack. Surprisingly, this system of
ephemerocracy seems to be working out well and keeps ambition and backstabbing to a minimum while satisfying the Garou's
natural instincts to dominate.

The Tribe has only two permanent caerns, the Firegrounds in the Red River Valley of Texas, and Fly Geysers on the Hualapai
Playa of Nevada. The Keepers raise scores of temporary caerns in their travels every summer, but after a day or so these
invariably fall and lie fallow and hidden until the Keepers return and raise it again. Perforce, the Keepers do not have Septs as
such; "tribes" and Hordes take the place of Septs in their society.
The Keepers hold their Tribal Concolation every year at the Burning Man Festival, where they initiate new members, conceive
cubs and Kinfolk, masquerade as Villages and theme camps, conduct rituals (disguised as performance art, of course), and
hold challenges for various Tribal offices (the Prank War to designate the Ragabash Elder is the most famous). Team ADRV's
members serve as Tribal Alpha, Asesinos Brujos Camp Elder/Founder, Theurge Elder, and Motivator Camp Elder/Founder; all
other auspice, breed, Camp and Villagio Elders and Totem Cult High Priest/ess are up for grabs.

The Keepers are on an active quest to boost their numbers and establish themselves as a bonafide Tribe. Every member -Changer and non-changer alike -- is expected to attach herself to a human and bring them into the family. While this may seem
like a shotgun wedding, Kinfolk of the Keepers enjoy freedom and respect seen nowhere else among the Garou. Kinfolk can join
packs, quest for Renown (which, by the way, doesn't get docked if they happen to say "Not tonight, honey..."), challenge for,
attain and hold Rank and serve in official positions. Keepers packs are unusually large because of the Kinfolk members that fill
out their rosters; to find a pack numbering eight or more is not uncommon and one "pack" has in its membership fifty Kinfolk and
one Changer. Furthermore, the Keepers believe that turnabout is fair play and very often new Shifter members of the Tribe get
jumped by groups of unattached non-changers and "adopted."

Auspice Titles
Rascal (Ragabash), Mystick (Theurge), Firekeeper (Philodox), Firedancer (Galliard), Firebringer (Ahroun), Creep (Eclipsed

The Gifts of the Keepers of the Silver Flame are powerful tools for passion, primal revelation and vehemence.
Primal Beat (Level 1)
Create Element (Level 1): As the Metis Gift.
Lambent Flame (Level 1): As the Silver Fang Gift. Flames appear as red and silver. This Gift is taught by a Jaggling of Pyru.
Quicksilver (Level 1): As the Silent Strider Gift: Speed of Thought.
Dazzle (Level 2): As the Children of Gaia Gift. Taught by the Wanderwolf and the visions are heavily psychotropic events. The
target behaves as an Enraptured Toreador does.
Rhythm of the Spheres (Level Three)
Riot (Level 5): As the Bone Gnawer Gift.
Calm the Flock (Level 5): As the Homid Gift.

Salamander Camp Gifts: The Sacred Fire Hierarchy

These Gifts must be learnt in order and are a path of study and mastery.
Firescape (level 2)
Firedance (level 3)
Bhairava (level 4)
Wyldfire (level 5)
Carnal Bonfire (level 6)


Rite of Painting (Minor Rite)

Rite of the Juggled Flame (Level 1 Rite of Accord)
Rite of Spooge (Level 1)
Asesinos Brujos Initiatory Rites (Level 1-3 Rites of Accord)
Ours is the Language of Catastrophe (level 3 Mystic Rite)
Rite of the TAZ (Level 3 Rite of Accord)
Rite of the Flesh (Level 4 Rite of Accord)
Rite of the Silver Flame (Level 4 Mystic Rite)

Cantaras and Mantras

The Keepers had Stargazers in their midst when they started up: mostly followers of Shiva and some of the more wrathful
Dravidian Incarnas, who felt right at home in the fiery, tempestuous, chaotic environs of the Crash Worship and Burning Man.
The following are cantaras and mantras given to the Keepers: they use them in ritual to boost the energies present:
Av (Level 2)
Om Namai Rudra (Level 3)
Om Rudra Baru (level 3)

Assassin Bird Klaive, Conch LaHonta

The Wanderwolf, The Almighty Drum God and Playastorm

The Camps
There are two camps -- the Old School, and the Asesinos Brujos -- and two "Villagios" -- the Motivators and the Bemen -- in the
tribe. The Old School has a closed membership: it is composed of Garou who were part of the genesis of the Keepers of the
Silver Flame and the ADRV movement. "Prodigals" are welcomed if they can prove they were there "when it all started:" the
tests are rigourous and exacting.
The Motivators have a semi-open membership; they can include Old School members but the division is more or less on
practitional standards. They hand-pick their members from the fan force by subjecting them to a quick initiatory Rite: grabbing
them and putting them to work doing something for the show.
The Bemen are radicals, the progressive voice of the tribe. They take their name in respect to the Burning Man, the central
symbol of the Black Rock Festival. A large number of Bemen have infiltrated the Elder Council of the tribe and set much of tribal
policy: they are responsible for the "keep moving" ethic that has become this tribe's motto and introduced the concept of multicamp "Villagios."
Though it's tough to join the Asesinos Brujos and almost impossible to come in on the Old Schoolers, the Camps and Villages of
the Keepers of the Silver Flame are fluid and generally open to its memberships. A Baccha can pick up a torch and become a
Salamander for the night, a burnt Salamander might slum with the Tantrika until he heals, and an Old Schooler might jump in and
temporarily fill his vacancy, and all Silver Flames, at one time or another, attends the Tribal Concolation at Black Rock or one of
the other Temporary Autonomous Zone moots. This is cheerfully accepted and even occasionally counseled in keeping with the
tribal ethic of "keep moving."

The Old School

Nickname: Elitists
Description: Simply put, this elite corps of the tribe are the tribal founders. They go 'way back with the bands and the Festivals
and can tell you some great stories. There are precious few tribes that give its youngest members the chance to hobknob with

their originators in the flesh and we're well aware of that: so are the Old Schoolers. Many of them take promising young Silver
Flames on as apprentices and often lead the Festival and roadtrip efforts.

The Founder Discourses: "The first Worships were held on the beach. It was terrific, I tell ya: drums pounding, surf
pounding, flesh the '95 Lammas night show we got chased off campus and the fucking campus police trailed us
all over town until finally, I and Jase and a few others got sick of a pack of rent-a-cops giving us endless grief and turned at
bay. The rest of the tribe just took off while we slapped the campus cops around a little. Heh. Little hard to shoot a taser with
your arm off..."
The Motivators
Nicknames: Instigators, Shit-kickers, Noids
Description: These are the movers and shakers of our tribe. Sirens, pranksters and lovers, they constantly forge new paths,
shake up spinal columns and generally stir the waters. Implacable foes of Lethargy, the Motivators wage all-out war on antipathy,
ennui, moderation and reluctance: they'll resort to all manner of mischief, from physical threats to cunning seduction, to get us
involved. The Villagio is split into three Camps: the Bacchae, the Amrita, and the Tantrikari.

The Motivator Rails: "Hey! This ain't a spectator sport! You think you're safe up there in that balcony -- well, ya ain't! I can get
a pretty good arc on this old fire extinguisher! Then I'm gonna come up there, grab you by the scruff and drag you right into
the middle of this pit!"
The Bacchae
Nickname: Wine People
Description: High priests and priestesses of Dionysus. The most orgiastically playful of the Motivator sub-camps, the Bacchae
are a lower-intensity version of the Black Fury Maenads that joined us. Minus their hatred of males, they became more nurturing.
They pride themselves on carrying the winesacks around to everyone at the shows and dispensing the blood of Bacchus, and
are often homebrewers and vintners themselves when they aren't touring with the bands. A lot of the time they get mobbed at the
shows but they enjoy it anyway. Most of the Camp are Theurges; they often awaken the wine and bless it before distribution. The
results are often extraordinary....
The Bacchae also distribute foodstuffs before serving the wine.

The Wine Person Purrs: "Close your eyes -- this does sting! You're not here to rub stinging eyes, you're here for pleasure!
There, isn't that better? What? Oh, some few. Things like firelight, mandragora, the amrita and explosiveness . . . good
heavens, you really react fast! Come here, honey..."
The Amrita
Nicknames: Fire People and Spoogers
Description: This "sub-village" is divided into two demi-camps: the Salamanders and the Ondines. The collective is named
because of their tendency to play with fire and water, considered by them to be elemental expressions of the male and female
forces: the Salamanders are the ones who set fires, spew flames, ignite fireworks, firedance and light things up; the Ondines just
squirt everyone with liquid, according to what they loaded the sprayers with. The Fire People literally surround themselves with
fire at all times, even if it's just a cigarette or a bunch of candles; the Waterworks guys don't consider the Rite over until they get
home and take a good, long shower. I've heard some say that fire is the friendliest, sexiest, funniest and best of the four classical
elements. There is never a time during their rites when the Salamanders and the Ondines aren't performing together: no fireball,
blown from a mouth, goes unaccompanied by a spray of water arcing over it. A lot of the time, an Ondine will take a winesack
from the Bacchae and squirt its contents around in a shower of fermented liquid; the more pranksterish Ondines are not above
bait-and-switch games, luring someone with a promise of wine and dousing them with oil, sour milk or cold water when they
come and open wide... The founder of the camp was Silenus, a Metis Ragabash who used a firebreathing act to cover up his
use of Create Element.

The Salamander Expostulates: "Fire is friendly! Fire is funny! Let's face it, if we didn't harness fire we wouldn't be here. Even
electricity is just super-intensified fire in a finite space. Sure, we can do without electricity -- how long would a wiring setup
survive under constant vibration and air displacement? -- but can you imagine Crash Worship without a big bonfire in the
middle of the floor and torches all over the stage and throughout the crowd? Fire is sexy -- especially when it's spun around a
naked body...."
...and the Ondine Purrs: "The reason we spray fluids is because this is an initiation. We are celebrating our own rebirth in
the Crash -- the multi-fluidous baptismal spray of the Spooge. The victim of a Gooing gets his pain, poison, hate, rage and
despair leached out of him by our awakened Spooge and when he goes home, he showers it off. Our Rite of the Spooge
cleanses -- gently, sometimes through trickery, sometimes harshly, but the feeling is inescapable. The supplicant comes in,
flesh and clothing clean and insides filthy, and when it's over he leaves with his body filthy and soul as clean as freshlyground flour."

The Tantrikari
Nickname: Flesh-hound
"Wild eyes and crazy hair. Fire a feu de joie. Dark charm luring. Captivating the phantoms. Explosion."
-- tStAtS

Description: The Tantrika are the Motivators that cruise the crowd, stimulating them to dance, rub flesh, lull them into a carnal
trance and lure them away from their egos. Primarily composed to expatriate Silent Striders and Stargazer specialists, they
were first attracted to the events for the shamanistic and active-meditational opportunities the ADRV experience provided. This
is the most mystical sect of the Motivator camp and they are typically silent, letting their bodies and mind-touches convey
everything that needs be communicated.
Tantrikari needn't conform to the standard Western idea of beauty, but they must carry themselves well and understand their role
as sirens and houris in the whole of the tribe.
Often they will lure someone into the embrace of the experience (theirs) and two, three or more of them may converge to pull a
crowd of Worshippers into an orgy right there on the floor. Invariably, after seducing a Worshipper, they will walk away and never
contact her again.

The Kinfolk Reminisces: "Wolf fur is the silkiest, lushest fur around. And when there's a heartbeat and a deck of warm
muscle under it, so much the better.
"I never thought of werewolves as the beautiful creatures they are, probably because I never guessed a wolf could laugh, kiss,
drink wine and seek out the tickly, sensitive and tender parts of my body with a tongue longer than my forearm. The night I
entered your Tribe was a major life event for me. The road of my existence totally turned around and went off on a tack that I
never guessed it would.
"My lover lifted me in arms the girth of which could contain my torso and lowered me gently down into his lap; it didn't
hurt...and after we came together, he took off and I never saw him again. Doesn't matter: there were plenty more of the Tribe
around ready to show me more and tell me what exactly happened.
"I was at the tail end of my period when it happened so I didn't get pregnant but I have my new friends and family. They took
me away with them and that night, we slept under the stars. The crowd of huge, powerful, warm bodies that wrapped me round
kept me warm. They promised to protect and love me. Not even the woman who gave birth to me gave me so much...."
The Asesinos Brujos
Nickname: Assassin Witches
"Penchant for Pure Evil Acknowledged. Sworn by the raven for it. Spellbound by the aching for it. Unremitting in and
executing no flight from it I tempted. It tortured. I worshipped. It exonerated. I am true in forced isolation from the blessed.
Crash. Crash. Crashing."
-- The Snake that Ate the Snake

Description: Assassin Bird used to be a Verbena's familiar but he split from her and joined our Umbrood years ago. He set
himself up immediately and gathered together our warriors, teaching them how to strike fast, sharp and unseen and blow out
These guys are the exact opposite of the Ixstasians. They're arrogant, honourable and unfailingly civil but you'll never run into a
scarier bunch of fleshrippers. It's said that they borrowed a few ideas from the Sabbat and the Tal'mahe'Ra. A lot of them have
created klaives and rituals are a major part of their lives. They never discourage anyone from attending their rites but if you're not
one of them, you get uncomfortable real fast and split of your own accord. They regularly gather to spar and practice together
and whenever they go on the warpath they always hold a big throwdown before and after. In between "hits" and their rites, they
play a big ongoing, escalated game of "can you top this" and sometimes the stakes can run pretty high -- for equally desireable

The Assassin Witch Dares You: "Alright, here's what -- I'll relent and let you take out this Pentex exec if you can do the
following: you did alright waxing that Elder that got us in trouble at the Samhain Terror Rite last year and you did it with only
one arm. Nail that environazi wench that's talking about sabbing the Burning Man Concolation -- with your eyes sewn shut.
You up for that? Hey, hermana, this'll get you up and over into Adren with a headstart on Rank Four! Sweet deal either way
and I'll bet Pillar-of-Fire himself'll brand you if you can pull it off!"
The Bemen
Nickname: Straw Dogs
Description: This is another Villagio, like the Motivators: there is the main body of the Bemen, and two spinoffs called the

Hakimickal Bey and the Prank Warriors. They are the radicals of the Tribe, and at least half of us are members of their coalition.
When our Tribe started up we had a lot of Maenads join, and they split in two directions: the gentle, playful Bacchae and the
Bemen (rhymes with semen). They're not so much personally violent as their antecedents were, but they're still a capricious, wild
and anarchistic bunch. Simply, they want the whole of the planet to be populated with nomadic tribes moving from one
Temporary Autonomous Zone -- like Black Rock City -- to another, leaving no trace in their wake; they want see the cities thrown
down, borders and governments abolished and countries a thing of the past. Silver Fang protectorates and caerns come under
their definition of "Cities;" thus, they totally downplay and disregard the commonly-accepted interpretation of "Respect the
Territory of Another." What few erstwhile Red Talons we attract usually join this camp.
They're not anti-Weaver Luddites, though. There's too many old Glass Walker Urban Primitives in their midst to let them go that
far. But the future they wish to wright is gonna be hard for a lotta, lotta people to swallow....

The Straw Dog Raves: "The Wyld escapes the stagnation of the Weaver and the corruption of the Wyrm by staying mobile,
by taking His show on the road, by hitting and running. We throw up Temporary Caerns: raise the spirit, whip the people into a
resounding frenzy of cleansing and deadwood burning, draw all the Banes and BSDs so the local caerns get a quiet night or
two to relax and do something constructive instead of staring squint-eyed at every ant that crawls up out of the ground within a
twenty-mile radius. What thanks do we get? Their Elders snarling about us breaking the Litany! Do me a favour!
"Permanent caerns get desecrated. Inescapably. It's just a matter of time. Meanwhile they suck the life out of every cub who
toddles in with 'the Apocalypse is here! Betray us and we'll skin you alive!' That's not what life is about. We say to them,
'Come, dance, be joyous, let Assassin Bird cut through your illusions, let Pyru burn your scars away and let Ixstasia whip you
into a Tarantella so you can sweat out your poisons!' and is it any wonder the cubs come with us? Caerns are supposed to
recharge, renew. Gaia is meant to be celebrated. I don't see any celebration or renewal here! I see only permanent paranoia
and open-ended spiritual probation!
"The bloody establishment is trying to shut our Temporary Autonomous Zones down because they know how right we got it!
Even the Sierra People -- the hikers, the tree-huggers, the enviros -- are trying to undercut us because we're actually gaining
ground on them and showing them to be the weak-kneed poseurs they are. Go picket and monkeywrench San Francisco and
leave us alone, why don'tcha?! Purge the Cities! The Wyrm and the Weaver can't get you if you aren't there for longer than a
few days! Leave No Trace!"
The Prank Warriors
Nickname: Desert Rats
Description: This Camp in the Bemen Villagio used to be two rival packs but owing to the popularity and escalated complexity
of the Prank War is rapidly swelling into an autonomous Camp of its own. Handfuls of Rascals, Firedancers, Firekeepers and
Firebringers have jumped into the fray and involved themselves in what has become a Tribal contest for the position of
Ragabash Elder.
This Camp goes to Burning Man and rarely anything else: most of their time is spent planning Prank War sorties and
maneuvers, setting up stunts and executing them at the annual Black Rock Arts Festival (aka "Burning Man"). They have
necessarily broken with the Bemen ethic of razing the scabs, mainly because most of them have jobs and houses in cities and
maintain warehouses for the production of camp and village accoutrements throughout the year.

The Desert Rat Smirks: "Hey, listen, the Stargazers have their Glass Bead Game, we got the Prank War! This is just as legit
a pastime as anything else the Garou do as a diversion, if not more so. Beats the pants off the War of Rage!
"Sure, you can join if you can hack it -- not everybody can. Tell you what, I'm going to put you on woodworking detail. They're
scribing together a catapault right now . . . here's the location . . . ."
The Hakimickal Bey
Nickname: Poet Terrorists
Description: These guys have read "Temporary Autonomous Zones," the book by the philosopher Hakim Bey. Most of the
Stargazers we attract go here. They put into practice what Bey suggested: Poetic Terrorism. They believe that this is the only
way to liberate Gaia, is to gently, amiably break through the Weaver's webs and playfully upend the establishment.
They're a serious threat to the Veil but I'm not sure whether or not this is intentional on their part. It's just their behaviour. They
make little fetishes and talens and just leave them for whoever to find. They kidnap normals, Kinfolk 'em, Awaken them or just
take them for the ride of their lives. Kinda like Brazil? Straight-laced, powerful establishment jerk gets siren-songed by a
benevolent sociopath and comes out with his whole perceptions and paradigm turned 180 degrees: the Beyists love doing shit
like that.
Our Tribe's hierarchy understands where they're coming from and it's as legitimate, invasive and disruptive a form of terrorism
as a pound of C4 plastered around the doors of a Pentex office tower, but they're the main reason we're not really well-liked by
the urban Septs of the Nationals. The Beyists blow into town, do their shit and blow out again, and invariably whatever
repercussions arise gets pinned on the townies.

The Beyist Terrorizes: "Oh, come on, admit it - this is the most fun you've had in your entire life! Look at all the great things
I've shown you -- I'll bet you've forgotten the last time you ate a smoked venison loin with chanterelles on the side and washed
down with cabernet, and better yet it all came at the price of a little sweat.
"Alright, fine. I'll take you home, if you want. You'll probably forget the colour of my eyes by this time tomorrow...."

Black Furies: They were instrumental in our genesis but we grew apart from their divisive politics. How can anyone see men as
second-class citizens? Sure, women are knocked around and screwed over a lot, but are we going to swing the pendulum back
the other way or prove ourselves better than that?

"There is much to say for their passion and they clearly serve the Wyld, but they're just setting themselves up to get burned
by the very fires they dance with."
-- Deianeira Sekhmet

Bone Gnawers: They ought to come to one of the shows. The Ondines will cut loose with the fire extinguishers and they'll get a
bath better than they've had in years.

"Man, those guys sure look scary. I remember when they were just this motley gang of Urban Primitives crashing junkyards
and warehouses. I don't know where they get the bucks for it but they sure as spit lay a good spread, though...."
-- Sooty Sam

Children of Gaia: The (so-called) Children of Gaia could have made it but they're going about unifying the tribes of the Garou
Nation the wrong way. They're ramming it down peoples' throats instead of just letting the spirit speak for itself and leading by
example. If a spirit is strong enough, that's all you need. They're busting their humps to move a mountain.

"The Tribe of the Crash Worship, sadly, betray their true nature in their own name. The band they follow is composed of
mortal humans -- fallible, manipulative by definition, and incredibly violent with a hairtrigger. Someday they will come to grief
and the honeymoon will be over. Until that day comes, we will watch and wait and be there to heal their wounds."
-- Kira Sees-the-Truth

Fianna: Have you ever heard those guys get going with their drums and bagpipes? Who says they ain't primal?! Man, when we
scope one of them in the crowd we kill the fatted calf and they can hardly breathe for all the hugs they get from us!

"Who says these guys don't have their priorities straight?! A bunch of 'em showed up at Eisteddfodd and blew everyone away
with their drumming -- we're the National Talesingers but I'll go on record right here and now as sayin' any Keeper of the
Silver Flame can trip into my lodgehouse and she's can have me best bodhran!"
-- Moireann Black-Woulfe

Get of Fenris: We've had a few come around. They hear about the firedances and heavy drums and they've of course heard
how well we kick ass. The ones who take it all less seriously invariably laugh and jump in; the skinhead ones invariably get their
asses handed to them on a silver platter; and the scar-stitched old warlords wind up snorting down their noses at us and call us
children at play. Heh. Funny bunch.

"This rootless pack of cublings should decide what they're going to do! How can they hope to save Gaia when they're drunk,
strung out and breaking the first precept of the Litany shamelessly? Admittedly their fighters are worthy of their fiery totem
and every bit as destructive, but Loki is a dangerous god!"
-- Snorri Frost-on-the-Anvil

Glass Walkers: We came as much from this tribe as we did the Black Furies, the Striders and the Stargazers. Computers are
good for spreading the word and keeping in touch with each other, and if we didn't have the Weaver we wouldn't have drums and
wine. But except for a couple camps in the tribe, they're completely out of touch with the Wyld. Haven't they figured out that their
own brains and bodies can do the work of a thousand thousand computers?

"I'd almost jump ship. Really I would. Maybe someday I will -- I'm pretty sure they'd welcome me. Evolution is about
continuing on, keep ahead of the rest: the Glass Walkers can't see the forest for the trees, they hoard traceable credit cards,
take over banks and clubs from the vamps and tell themselves how clever they are but all it takes is a ghoul to replace the
water with silver nitrite in the sprinkler system and it's Goodnight Gracie. These guys move too fast and hide too well for the
Leeches to get a handle on them."
-- Amrita Ge Rouge "Worships-the-Crash."

Red Talons: I . . . don't know about them. You'd think they'd love us, as much as we get into the Wyld and what with the Bemen
going around, talking about razing the Cities. But the fires scare them, the drums and fireworks piss them off; Wanderwolf gets
their hackles up for some reason. We go out into the wilderness to hold our Worships but they don't take long to bust us up, even

if we do give the Howl of Introduction. We love wolves, we really do, but the Fianna aren't the Irish Cops of the Garou -- these
guys are.

"Hmph. Fire is the plaything of the monkeys, drums loud, wine tastes good but I always feel bad when I wake up. These cubs
pretending to be wolves know the Wyld but they are unwise to play with fire..."
-- Blackcrest-Breaking-Brush

Shadow Lords: We don't even deal with them. We don't play in the same courts and their little plots and plans don't come close
to touching us. Ignore 'em, just ignore 'em and they go away soon enough.

"Lotus-eating charachs and cubs! We'd be more concerned with their pathetic existence but they seem to be hypnotized by
their own so-called 'Ixstasia.' Soon enough, they will realize that the world cannot be saved by dancing around a fire and
howling to a chorus of drums."
-- Gyorgy Blodescu

Silent Striders: Poor guys. They run and run and run and there's so much they miss out on. Hey, man, stop for a night and dance
with us. We got a big fire and lots of wine and fruit and chocolate here, let your hair down.... Hey, I knew you were right for our
group! Yeah, we're actually headed that way, let's travel together....

"At last, a group of runners who've found something to run for instead of away from. The Worshippers of Violent Spinning
move too much for the Wyrm to catch and they know their place in the universe. It's a rare creature that is born knowing its
purpose. Forget the Dispossessed, forget the Seekers, I found what I was looking for...."
-- Sekheeta Ruakhet

Silver Fangs: Silver. I like anything silver. Call it a fatal attraction. We've seen a couple come round to investigate and we love
having them but they're doing their own trip. But maybe we can learn from each other....

"The Tribe of the Silver Flame are young but they already show great spirit. We've always been wary of lending much
credence to the many 'new' tribes that spring up from malcontents but there's not an impure heart among them. Overlyfocused -- certainly. Cultures change. But it will be interesting to see what they become..."
-- Lord Solomon Quatremain

Stargazers: Would you believe one of our founders was a Stargazer? His motivation schtick involved performing Shiva Dances
right in the middle of the fires! Everyone thought he was too crazy and over-the-edge but there was a method to his madness.
What was even funnier was when his mentor -- a werepanther! -- came and danced with us, too....

"The zealousy of youth must not be bound. Fire burns but it also sheds light: their stars are here on Gaia. They needn't look
to the heavens for their bliss."
-- Joseph Wolf-of-the-Steppes

Uktena: They keep trying to wheedle, cajole and pry our rites and totems out of us but they just don't get it. Sure, we showed 'em
Pyru and the Wanderwolf but they really should share the wealth. We asked for a cut of the talens and fetishes they made from
the Gafflings and Jagglings but they snubbed us. Heard Pyru took a couple chunks outta them when they tried to fetish him.
That's okay, we learned enough about making the goodies from them when the honeymoon was still on....

"New spirits? New Rites? We must learn more of these younglings. They obviously have a different angle on the spirit world if
they cause spirit-births without number just by their existence...."
-- Loa Walks-in-the-Shadows

Wendigo: While there's life, there's hope. The last buffalo hasn't fallen, they're alive, their Kinfolk are alive, and don't gimme no
bullshit about 'drunken Injuns' neither! A couple came round with the Uktena and they got their noses all outta joint when we
offered them a wineskin. Shit, people, it's called 'the shared meal' and it's the oldest ritual on the face of Gaia . . . ain't nobody
got anything but happily buzzed when they shared a sack of Franzia with about twenty-five or thirty friends and chased it with a
bushel of oranges, pineapples, pomegranates, grapes, bread, roasted game hens. Thought Thanksgiving was your idea....

"The Silver Fire Dancers are the second generation of Wyrmcomers but the Wyrm doesn't come from them. They seem to
have thrown off the corruption that plagues the white-eyed Garou and in that there is hope. But they are young yet. We will
-- Ten Crows

Bastet: The Khan used to come to the Crash Worships -- one of our packs, Rag Taggle, have a white tiger changer called
Vajrasambhava in as their big kick-ass fighter; the Pumonca have turned up at Burning Man, and the Shaivites have of course
worked with the Bagheera through their totem, but that's pretty much the extent of it. Essentially what it's boiled down to is mutual
respect and benign neutrality with those three and general avoidance with everyone else.

"The Silver Flame tribe of the Garou walk their paths alone. It's good that the Lone Wolves have found a focal point and a

society, but they are still Wolves, and just as easy to fall as the Nation they've split off from. We will watch...."
-- Thunder's-road

Nuwisha: You know, when we were in the Nation, these guys snuck into our packs and pulled tricks on us. They often met with
very poor humour, but out here in the world you learn to get a sense of humour fast and more often than not when they come
around and do something they'll get a regular chorus of laughter and not a few of us taking notes.

"I don't even have to pull any tricks on these guys to get them to laugh, dance, love, whoop it up and celebrate being alive -they do it quite handily on their own! But, they're still Big Cousin Wolf and the trick isn't so much in getting them to see the
good things in life as it is in getting them to watch where they're going."
-- Into-the-Frying Pan

Mokole: Hey -- no problem! I ain't fighting with fucking Godzilla and truth be known, I'd rather have them on my side later on down
the line. There's been a few that came to the Crash and as far as I'm concerned, all are equal and welcome there.

"H'm. They're just more Garou. But -- a short time ago, I saw one in the depths of Mnesis and she was seeing and
experiencing things that I would love to check out but I can't seem to get the trick of it. Could it be that these wolf-changers
have found the key to Remembering?"
-- Anaharta Sunriver

Corax: Did I mention Rag Taggle has one of these, too? She came in with her cousin, an ex-Strider, and it's always fun to watch
'em do the back-and-forth, chasing each other and figuring out who's in charge....

"Hey, this is a prime opportunity to check out an all-new Garou Tribe and I've gotten a boatload o' Renown reporting what
they're up to and where they're going to the rest of the gang! Lotsa new spirits, powers, rites, a culture in its infancy and a
brand new hierarchical system! My God, this is a veritable FEAST!"
-- Contessa dell'a Vieux-Carre

Mages: ADRV attracts all kinds of Supernaturals and a lot of the time that means Dreamspeakers, Cult of Ecstasy and
sometimes Verbena. They're full of arrogance and hubris but we get on with the Dreamspeakers famously. One of Megalyura's
Kinfolk is a Dreamspeaker. A lot of the time, the Worships Awaken Sleeping Sheep and they gotta go somewhere if we're not to
their taste. So we have this sort of symbiotic relationship going on with them: the Dreamspeakers, CofE and Verbena are
thankful to us and we send 'em Orphans and newly-Awakened. The Asesinos Brujos have made some tentative approaches to
the Euthanatos but so far they're each operating in their own ends of the field. As far as the rest, we don't know 'em and we
prefer to keep it that way because, invariably, in any dealing with the Willworkers they'll wind up as the ones who run the show
and walk all over us.

"Simply put, if it weren't for the Silver Flame Garou I wouldn't be where I am today. It just floors me that a werewolf could be as
cool as they are and they're at least a cut above the other so-called 'tribes,' in my opinion. I've run into a lot of other
Dreamspeakers and as a general rule, we get along well with the Bete and the Garou, but the Keepers are the only ones I've
met that were worthy of our respect. Just -- hey! How can you argue with a big, beautiful Garou that can walk through fire
-- Mark-of-the-Wolf Fantham

Vampires: Ahem...yeah, we're supposed to be mortal enemies and all, but like I said, the Worships have been declared neutral
ground. And heck, if it comes to that we're rubbing elbows with Mages and Mokole there, and they could so easily romp all over
us. We're not fight-specialists and even the Get and the Red Talons -- who are! -- don't always come back from sorties against
those guys. So it's just easier to say, 'Alright, fine, let's all just check our guns at the door because we didn't come here to fight'
and go dance, writhe, catch the Ixstasis, drink, laugh, play and get cleaned out for a few hours.
And the Crash affects the cadavers too, in much the same way it hits us. The Silver Flame touches them and turns their head
around and they just want to escape from their own inside bullshit, the extent of which I don't even want to guess at. Not that I
entirely blame them; in fact, it's pretty laudable that they want to follow the Silver Flame and create a better world for themselves.
The problems arise when their sires and elders and such come looking for them. A couple have gotten smart and either saw
things our way or decided we weren't something to be messed with and left us alone but whenever we see a kid with sharp teeth
and unnaturally glowing eyes in the crowd we get on our guard -- not because of him but because of his big brother.
Not to mention how hard it is to transport something human-sized in the back of a car. They always squeak and squirm too much
when you take the trouble to clear out a trunk or a duffel bag and tell them to get in....

"The Keepers are just another Lupine tribe, with all the attendant accoutrements - except one. They're only defending their
flocks, which they cannot be blamed for. Nonetheless, I didn't miss the fact that some of them seem to have some sort of
power over fire. That knowledge was the key to my continued existence when a Tremere Enforcer, using Path of Fire, showed
up one night..."
-- Javier "XPost" deJesus

A Silver Fangs Camp
By Darius Hopkins (

A Brief History
It is interesting to note that the idea for the Silver Knights camp started not with the Silver Fangs, but with a pair of Bone
Gnawers (this is a source of some practical jokes played on the Fangs by certain Gnawers). It was around 980 A.D.; a Bone
Knawer named Bastard (There's a story there, but it's not really relevant) was tired of the Silver Fang lord who ruled the area in
which Bastard lived. The Silver Fang, named Gabriel, was rather harsh on the human and Bone Gnawers in his land. When he
personally flogged Bastard's Kinfolk son, things got out of hand. First off, Bastard killed one of Gabriel's knights and took his
gear. He loaded himself up with provisions and left the area. He met an elder Garou who's name and tribe were lost and yet
forever held in honor by the tribes. She was a expert silversmith and it was she who convinced Bastard not to just flee, but to
rage. He began forming plans to attack the lord's territory. Bastard quickly realized he would need help. For nine long months he
traveled the countryside, recruiting those Garou and Kinfolk who were fed up. Actually, he only had three other pure Garou. One
was a White Howler, a very impressive warrior. The small army, not much more than fifty men, returned to the elder silversmith.
She laid out weapons and arms made from pure silver. A powerful grand klaive was put in the hands of Bastard, signifing him as
leader. The army returned to Gabriel's territory and began massive raids on his lavish homes and his caravans. He sent out his
knights and soldiers and the battle raged for six months, the army of Bastard began gaining ground. Finally, Gabriel called to his
elders for help. An army of Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords swept through the country, hunting down and eliminating the brave
warriors. Their light was eventually extinquished, but not before Bastard had exacted his own revenge. Gabriel had been killed.
The Silver Fangs, impressed by the small army's courage and skill, started the camp known as the Silver Knights. It was not to
honor the original warriors, however, just to enhance their grip on the other tribes. Fifteen of the best warriors were chosen and
equipped with weapons and silver. Trained by weapons masters and the most powerful elders, they became a force to be
reckoned with. Today their numbers, up to several hundred during the 1600's, has dwindled to around 150, scattered across the

Joining the Silver Knights

First of all, the character must be a Silver Fang. There's no way around that one. Second, he must be male. It seems the Fangs
have a real problem recognizing women as equals, though some are trying to rectify this. Only Fangs of Rank 2 or better will
even be considered (it doesn't hurt to be sponsored by the elders either). After those basic considerations are over, the Garou
will then be tested. He must either defeat another Silver Knight in armed combat or personally slay a Nexus Crawler (this last
part was added by Adrian Wyrm-Slasher, the only Knight to ever do it alone). Most prefer to fight the Garou.

When you join you will be labeled by the Knights as a "squire" until you do something to deserve their respect. This could be
years. After that, you will be a "knight." Most members of this camp are knights. Some very few Silver Knights are awarded the
title of "Lord." This pretty much makes you only answerable to other Lords and the highest ranking elders of the Silver Fang tribe.
So far, there have been three lords.

The Silver Knights battle the incarnations of the Wyrm. Period. They are not involved in domestic squabbles. In fact, many
Knights consider that "beneath them". They have only once been released on another tribe; everyone knows what happened to
the Bunyip.

The official Totem of the Silver Knights is Grandfather Thunder, but most Knights don't care what Totem you choose.

Summoning of the Silver (level 3)

Any Garou who successfully joins the Silver Knights gains one permanent Glory and three temporary honor. If he fails, he loses a
permanent Glory.

Fetishes and Talens

This is a listing of comman fetishes, aside from the normal and Grand klaives, that the Silver Knights use. When you become a
Knight, if you do not already have a silver fetish, you will be awarded one. None of these have the rich history of the Grand
Klaive's except one, the Bastard Klaive.

Bastard Klaive
Silver Claw
Star of Luna
Silver Bumper
Eye of Luna
Garou of the Moon

Bullet of Luna
Luna's Tear

By Erik Robbins (arsenal@holly.ACNS.ColoState.EDU) (29 September 1995)
'My boy, my boy! Have you never seen a dolphin transformed into a human being?'
'No, I never have seen it; I know it happens, but only from hearsay.'
'Ah! my boy, then you haven't seen anything!'
-"The Dolphins"
Herberto Sales

The Werewolf and other Tales

Long ago, as Gaia was making her children, she was being attacked by the Wyrm. Thus to protect herself and her children, she made
the various tribes of the Bete. On her earth, she made the Bastet, the Kitsune, the Mokole, the Nuwisha, the Gurahl, and to lead them,
the Garou. She left the areas under her earth and in the hidden places to the protection of the Ratkin and the Ananasi. In the air, the
Corax and the noble Throndor flew, watching all. Then, she turned to her seas, which covered much more of her surface than the land.
There, she chose the most bloodthirsty of her creatures, the shark, and made the Rokea to protect her waters. But she was
unsatisfied. The Rokea, though loyal and vicious warriors, were disorganized and solitary, and none too subtle in their workings. So as
an additional protection to her seas, she turned to the dolphins and gave some of them the intelligence of a human and the
shapechanging ability of her protectors, and she thus created the Simo.
The Simo loved the arts of humanity, almost as much as they loved humanity itself, for they were renowned for being great seducers.
They also often saved men from drowning after having been thrown off a ship, whether by disaster or by foul play. In fact, of all the
Bete, the Simo best loved man, which led to there being no love lost between them and the Red Talons. For centuries, the Simo had
tried to convince the Garou that the Impergium was wrong. When the War of Rage came, the Simo were one of the first targets of the
Talons, while the Silver Fangs concentrated more on the Gurahl and the Throndor. But the Simo and Rokea suffered less than the
other Bete, for they could retreat where others couldn't follow -- the wide open waters of Gaia's oceans. But even today, a Simo would
be foolish to walk among Red Talons alone.
The Simo, unbound by the restrictions of land, also never lost contact with the Pure Lands and the Dreamtime -- with the Croatan,
Wendigo, Uktena, and the Bunyip. But they understood the need for these Tribes' seclusion, and were good friends with these tribes,
so the secret of these lost tribes never emerged from the mouth of any Simo. As for the Rokea...usually the only thing that passed
through their mouths was food.
In addition to the above mentioned tribes, the Simo were great friends of the Fianna, the Black Furies, the Children of Gaia, the Silent
Striders, and the faerie Selkies. Their relationship with the Rokea, however, was not so great. Dolphins and sharks have long been
enemies, and before the War of Rage, so were the Rokea and Simo. In fact, they often attacked each other on sight. When the War of
Rage came, the Simo and Rokea found themselves with common enemies. Though these two tribes both escaped relatively
unscathed in the War, they realized the great danger the Garou could present to them (at least the Simo did, and managed to
persuade the Rokea), so an uneasy truce was attained. As man's sojourns into the oceans became more widespread, the two tribes
found yet another reason to keep their truce. After all, both their missions was to protect the oceans for the Mother, and man was more
than a handful for either of them. There still are the occasional skirmishes, but these are relatively rare, and are often excused as the
attacker thinking that the other was a normal dolphin or shark.
Now, as the Apocalypse draws nearer, the Simo's job grows harder. Man pours more and more waste into the ocean, dolphins are
caught in tuna nets, whaling ships scour the seas, and oils spills are more and more frequent. The third sign of the Apocalypse
included "the agony of the Sea as She keened, for some drunken fool had poured a lake of black death out upon her." For millennia,
the Simo had believed that that part of the Pheonix Prophecy would never come true. Now they must deal with the horrible truth. In fact,
there is even a small portion of the Simo who advocate the renewing of the Impergium, though most still find the idea disgusting. They
believe that humanity has just been a tool, and they just need to reclaim them from the Wyrm's grip.

Organization: Like the Garou and the Simba, the Simo are highly social creatures, and are highly organized. Where the Garou have
packs and the Simba have prides, the Simo have pods. They have caerns, usually on islands and along the coastline, and there is a
rumor among themselves that they even have a small caern in the Amazon, carefully hidden from the Garou and Pentex. Septs,
however, are very transient in membership. The important positions in the caern are filled, and any others come and go. They have a
wanderlust almost as great as that of the Silent Striders.

Totem: The tribal totem of the Simo is of course, Dolphin, protector of the seas and patron of the arts. However, Simo have been
known to ally with almost any totem of marine origin. Old Man Sea, Porpoise, Tin Hau, Manatee, Siren, Mermaid, Triton, Whale. Fog
and Wind are also occasionally followed by a pod of Simo. There have even been rumors of one or two Simo allying with Kraken
throughout the millennia, though no Simo or Rokea would admit it.

Habitat: When they aren't travelling the oceans in Delphis form, the Simo love to take the Homid form and walk among the humans.
Usually, however, they like to stay along the coastal cities, or cities along wide rivers. This does not produce much of a problem
however, since man has seen fit to make most of its major cities along the coast. New York, Los Angeles, Rio Dejinero, Hong Kong,
Sidney, Darwin (no SeaQuest jokes), Venice, Tokyo, New Orleans. . . And the Simo can move inland just as readily as any human,
and when they do, they generally take up residence next to large lakes. Perhaps a pod of Simo have been maintaining a caern in Loch

Language: The Simo speak a language of clicks and squeaks. As with the Corax language, it is tough for a non-Simo to learn. Even
Simo don't try to produce it in Homid form often. They don't have any form of marks or writing of their own, for they have not the digits in

animal form, and they have no place to leave any marks. They have developed their own glyph using the Garou glyph system however.
(Its better than letting the Garou design one on their own).

Character Creation
Beginning Willpower: 5
Beginning Rage: 2
In Delphis, Simo have good eyesight and excellent hearing, with a form of echo-location similar to a bat's, but their sense of smell is a
bit underdeveloped. They are swift, agile creatures who move gracefully through the water. They can keep moving for long periods of

Breeds: As the Garou, except Metis are not deformed and not outcast, but Simo often find more than enough humans to suffer their
carnal pleasures. Love is a fleeting thing for most Simo, and they are not often exceptionally attracted to each other. Metis are rare
compared to Homids and Delphis. As the Bastet, each Breed starts with one additional point of Gnosis beyond the Garou breeds.

Homid: same as Werewolf
Simo tend to be slender, athletic individuals with little to no body hair, and they have trouble growing their head hair exceptionally long.

Glabro (Near Man): Str +1, Dex +2, Sta +2, App -1, Man -0, Diff 7
In this form, the Simo are taller and a little more muscular. Their skin is unnaturally smooth, but they don't look very bestial. The hair
tends to stick close to the scalp, as if oiled.

Crinos (Half-Dolphin): Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +3, App 0, Man -2, Diff 6
This form is sleek and muscular, and stands about nine feet tall. The Simo still has arms and legs, but its hands are unclawed. Its snout
is filled with many sharp, pointy teeth. The hands are slender, however, and are more capable of fitting its fingers over a gun's trigger
than any other Bete in this form (aside from the Ratkin). They have echo-location in this form, but it is useless in air.

Hispo (Near Dolphin): Str +1, Dex +3, Sta +3, App 0, Man -2, Diff 7
This impressive form, about fifteen feet long, can make an orca turn tail.

Delphis (Dolphin): Str +0, Dex +3, Sta +3, App 0, Man -2, Diff 6
A normal dolphin of whatever type that particular Simo is.

Sign of the Dolphin: (2 pt Flaw) Legend holds it that dolphins turned into men retain their blowholes on the top of their heads. You
don't have a full hole, but you do have a strange depression, sort of like a belly button. Plus, you have absolutely no hair at all anywhere
on your body. Hats are recommended.

Bio-Luminescence (Level One): As the Silver Fang Gift: Lambent Flame.
Call the Breeze (Level One): As the Wendigo Gift; The Simo use this Gift to help or hinder sailing ships.
Mother's Touch (Level One): As the Theurge Gift.
Persuasion (Level One): As the Homid Gift.
Seduction (Level One): As the Kojin Jyu-ho. For those without Caerns: "The Nine-Tail can cause humans to fall in love with him to
varying degrees. In fact, many Nine-Tails use this Jyu-ho unintentionally. The Storyteller may wish to create an interesting situation by
arbitrarily rolling this Jyu-ho. Roll Charisma + Subterfuge, difficulty 6, versus the target's Willpower. The number of success is the
degree to which a target is enamored of the Kitsune."

Sense Wyrm (Level One): As the Theurge Gift.

Spirit Speech (Level One): As the Theurge Gift.
Thousand League Breath (Level One)
Axis Mundi (Level Two): As the Lupus Gift.
Echo-Location (Level Two): As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift: Ears of the Bat. The Simo can now use its echo-location in its human
forms, and out of water.

Fish Breath (Level Two): As the Level Two Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Fish. Like Thousand League Breath, the Simo use this power to
remain underwater for longer periods of time; in this case, indefinitely (as long as they continue to spend Gnosis). Being creatures of
the water, they get one day per success in Crinos, Hispo and Delphis forms, instead of one hour per success.

Portents of the Waves (Level Two): As the Level Two Corax Gift: Omens & Signs.
The Thousand Tongues (Level Two)
Echoes of the Sea (Level Three)
Song of the Siren (Level Three): As the Galliard Gift.
Touch of the Eel (Level Three): As the Black Spiral Dancer Ragabash Gift.
Attunement (Level Four): As the Silent Strider Gift.
Doppleganger (Level Four): As the Glass Walker Gift.
Leviathan (Level Four)
Assimilation (Level Five): - As the Homid Gift.
Curse of Dionysis (Level Five): Legends say that DiLegends say that Dionysis changed a boatload of pirates into dolphins. The
Simo claim that the Red Talons stole this Gift from them and twisted it into transforming humans into wolves, instead of dolphins.
Operates as the Red Talon Gift, except that it transforms its victims into dolphins, and the Simo can reverse the effect if he wants
to.onysis changed a boatload of pirates into dolphins.

Invoke the Spirits of the Storm (Level Five): As the Wendigo Gift. The Simo use this power to generate hurricanes, waterspouts,
and tsunamis. They have difficulties using more land-bound effects.

Other potential Gifts: Convert some of the various levels of the vampiric disciplines Presence and Dominate into Gifts.

Bastet: They tend to stay away from the water.
Black Furies: The beauty of the Greek goddesses, with the matching anger. Don't try to seduce them, they don't take kindly to being
used. Good allies, though.

Bone Gnawers: The ugly folk. We don't interact with them much, though they seem nice enough.
Bunyip: I don't think any of the tribes of Garou are forgivable for what happened to them.
Children of Gaia: They love humanity almost as much as we do, though some seem to think we love a tad too freely. Oh, well, more
the loss for them.

Corax: They get around. Watchers above, they're good for information.
Fianna: Lovely bunch. Great wine, great music, great art, and great loving. Party with them if at all possible.
Get of Fenris: The Scandinavians have a long sea-going tradition; so do the Get. Aside from that, we don't have much in common
with them, but that's enough to be non-hostile.

Glass Walkers: You'd think we'd get along better with the 'homid tribe.' They're just weird.
Kitsune: I like them, as far as I can tell. That's not very far, however, cause they're so damned mysterious.
Mokole: Sea crocodiles are nasty. Other than that, I don't know what to say about them.
Nuwisha: Hey, this bunch is fun. Too bad they get such a bum rap from the Garou. Of course, I think they sould be considered Garou. I
mean, Bone Gnawers breed with dogs and hyenas, the Silent Striders are mostly jackals, and lets not even talk about the Bunyip, and
yet coyotes are a separate Bete? Garou are strange.

Ratkin: Who? Sorry, don't do sewers.

Red Talons: I don't know who's worse, them or the Rokea. No, I do know. The Talons are worse, at least we can work with the Rokea.
Rokea: Vicious monsters. Lets not talk about them.
Shadow Lords: *shiver*
Silent Striders: They get around as much as we do. Get together with them and compare notes.
Silver Fangs: The self-proclaimed leaders of Gaia's children. Look where their leadership has brought Gaia.
Stargazers: Listen to them when you meet them. If you understand, you're a better man than me.
Uktena: I'm concerned about this bunch. Awful things are being said about them by everybody else. Can we say 'Bunyip'?

Wendigo: We used to have good relations with them, but now they look at us as 'Wyrm-comers.' I mean, we were coming to the 'New
World' before they did! True, we didn't set up house, but we shouldn't be looked at as just another group of European Bete.
(The Throndor are a Bete I have in my game that I have yet to work out any details on.)

By Thom Scott (
Erin had tracked the strange garou for close to three hours and was sure she was within close proximity to them. She was on a dock in
northern Scotland, an area oddly not known for Dancer activity. One of the few in Scotland since the fall of the howlers.
She got the scent again. Good. She was having a bitch of a time tracking in the pea soup mist in the dark. Soon she was at another
dock about a mile away from before. There were three of them, Garou she didn't know, in Homid form. They were talking to her caern's
"I know not why I was invited. We've ne'er been on verra good relations wi' yuir tribe, Jimmy. What's so big that the alliance wants a
Fianna present?". Michael Limerickspell had been a loyal friend since Erin was a cub. She couldn't believe he'd conspire with these
unknowns without a reason. She switched to ape form and snuck in closer to listen.
"THEY've returned Mike. And they're willing to forgive. Think of it Mike, a four way strikeforce to clean out our ancestral lands of both
Wyrm and 'Mancers.", the stranger said.
"Aye, it'd be wondrous, but the Fianna council'll never go for it."
"We've got to try, Mike. This late in the game it could be our only shot as a race."
Erin had snuck up close enough that she could see the three garou with Mike. The leader, Jimmy, was in his late forties and all muscle.
He had a kind, good face and was dressed in an S.A.S. uniform with officers' gear, with one exception. There was a whacking great
sword in a jeweled scabbard across his back. The two with him were dressed like local roustabouts but also were carrying swords.
One of them was of oriental features and armed with a katana and the other looked like a classic celtic warrior crossed with a pubcrawler.
Erin couldn't help but think that the leader looked just like that actor in the Bond movies, Timothy Dalton, but older. The four were
preparing to board a trawler. She had to move and confront Mike now.
"And where are you off to with these strangers Michael?" She walked forward confidently, not betraying her unease. "What plots are
you planning to unleash? Who's returned? Tell me, Mike."
The two Guards looked at their leader for any signal. Jimmy signaled them to stay cool and look to Mike. "The aforementioned
stubborn lass who'd be perfect for me, Mike?" He drew his sword but stood pat. Mike put his hand to his forehead and shook his
"Aye. Lass, I told you to stay at the caern. Now you'll have to come with me or you'll have the entire tribe in arms over nothing. In answer
to your question girl, we're of to the Isle of Skye to try and expand the alliance. I'll explain on the way. Come on."
She knew that if they wanted to kill her they wouldn't have waited. Erin was curious as well. She figured that she might as well go and if
there was any attack she'd take as many with her as possible.
Once the girl was onboard Jimmy cut the mooring rope with his sword and they were off to the caern on the Isle.
"Erin, haven't ye e'er wondered why we ne'er get any Dancers in this wee bit of Scotland?" She shook her head. "It's'cause of Jimmy
and his, 'at's why.
A long time ago, 'fore the Impergium, Scot land was under the White Howlers protection. When the Impergium came not all the
Howlers supported it. Some thought it was as bad as turning to the Wyrm. They left the tribe and chose the Isles of Skye and Man as
their strongholds. These are their descendents,the Skye Manes. They are fewer than most tribes, but stronger too. They've spent these
centuries as guardians and protectors, fighting evil wherever they find it. They be kind of like the Knights of old or Robin Hood's Merry
men but secretive. We try to keep it that way as well. Since nobody but a few theurges and the council knows they exist, they have
more freedom tae get the job done and not have to deal with politics or that shite. The swords are their symbol, their mark that they
fight more than just the Wyrm, that they can do real good in this world.
"We've a secret alliance, the Fianna and them and the old Blacksmiths on the Island.."
Erin's eyes lit up. She was a Scots Fianna and knew well the legendary Blacksmiths, touched by Scatha herself. Warrior-mages as
well as craftsmen, it was told. "The 'Smiths! They're real?"
"Aye, lass. As real as you are. And why they're so few scabs in the High-lands. They keep the Damned technomancers the hell out. A's
why magic is easier in the highlands, the people still have their belief. The 'Mancers haven't taken it from them yet. The whole area's a
haven for Traditionalists and pagans.
I remember when I first saw a Smith in action, against the Dancers, they were blown to bits by that damned mattock of 'is. They still
train on Skye and still hold Scatha's favor."
Erin was suddenly filled with a new respect for her elder and friend.
"But you had said someone was returning. Who?" she asked.

Mike sighed. "Have you any knowledge of where our tribe get's it's name, Erin-girl? No? I'll tell you.
"Wayyy back when, legend has it, back when Eireland was still home and kingdom to the Tuatha, man came to the Island. The humans
had two classes of warriors. One were the clan warriors, who lived alongside the people. The others were the spirit warriors, clanless
warriors who dwelled between the worlds, the Fianna Eirinn.
Our tribe thoUght they were only legend, and took the name out of reverence for the legend. We didn't realize they were real until after
the Impergium was over.
When they saw what we had done in their name, they were enraged and swore that there that there would ne'er be peace 'tween our
peoples. Now though, things have gotten so bad that they may be willing to ally with us. To give us a chance to make it up in their eyes.
I only pray that we can make the alliance work.
Erin was struck speechless by the revelations. She had always been told that apocalypse was here. That despair was to always be
with her. Yet now, in the ashes of presumed betrayal, was a a precious fragile glimmer... of hope.

The Skye Manes

The Manes are the last true vestige of the White Howlers. A splinter tribe that split from the howlers just before the Impergium, the
Manes believed the Impergium to be the height of evil, limited genocide.
Since then the manes have dedicated themselves to covertly fighting all evil in this world. They seek few tribal connections with the rest
of the Garou race save the Fianna and the occasional Howler lost cub, prefering to be able to operate without the inter-tribal politics
that parylyze other tribes efforts to make a difference.
The Manes are marked by the swords they all use as both weapon and badge, prefering to fight with sword rather than claw when it is
an option. The vast majority of Manes are Celtic or Japanese as the tribe's kinfolk are typically from former warrior races, heavily
favoring the Picts and Samurai in the past. Manes are taught to be honorable warriors to honorable foes and merciless to those
without honor. This code has led to a shadow war against the Shadow Lords that the Lords are largely unaware of since assasination
is considered a viable action against the honorless.
The Manes typically masquerade as Silver fang lost cubs when they must operate in other lands and maintain the secrecy of their
existence almost fanatically.
The number of garou of other tribes who know of thier existence is less than 100, all carefully chosen for trustwortiness.
They respect the Children of Gaia and Stargazers for their efforts to avoid or lessen the Impergium and despise the Red Talons and
Shadowlords. They have a tentative alliance with the Fianna council but are otherwise neutral on the other tribes. They also have a
solid alliance with the north Scotland Mage community, including the Wika, the Fianna Eirinn, the Verbena, the Runecasters, and the

Totem: Mist Wolf

Initial Willpower: 5
Backgounds: 3
Wolf form: Silver, almost metallic or a dark stormcloud grey with black markings in both cases.
Organization: loose clan structure, although most Manes operate autonomosly when off the Isle of Skye.
Habitat: Based on Isle of Skye and Isle of Mann. Operate worldwide as solitary agents however.
Protectorate: Traditionally, any who strive against evil or injustice. Ie: Knights, Robin Hood types,Good cops,rebels,peasants.

Resist Pain (level one): As Children of Gaia power
Empower Sword (Level one)
Curse of Aeolus (Level two): As Black fury power
Luna's Armor (Level two): As Children of Gaia power
Razor sword (Level two)
Faerie kin (Level three): As Fianna power
Invisibility (Level three):As Uktena power.
Scatha's Fury (Level three)
Cry of the Direach (Level four)

Silver Sword (Level four)

Invoke Spirits of the Storm (Level five): As Wendigo power
Horizon sword (Level five)

View Mist Wolf totem

By J. McGeary ( (4 Apr 93)
As the Garou know, the lands of South America are full of shapechangers of all kinds. Driven there by the Garou who viewed them as
Wyrm spawn, the other lycanthropes that still exist have little reason to love the Garou, and the land itself is said to be hostile. The
Wyrm spreads its coils even now over the Amazon jungles, threatening to bring its unholy creations into the daylight, and the Garou
can do nothing... almost.
Almost, indeed, for hidden in South America is a tribe of Garou heretofore unknown. And with good reason- what Garou might enter
those lands, and penetrate far enough to see their kindred, or pass through the Umbra guarded so jealously by the other
shapechangers? The other tribe, indeed, has been secluded for so long that some would argue them to be other than Garou. They
know little of the other werewolves, and only now are starting to come to the light. The tribe's true name is unknown, but among the
other Garou they are called the Stilts.
Stilts are werewolves that, like the extinct Bunyip, carry the blood of a different wolf-creature. The Bunyip bred with Tasmanian wolves,
marsupial predators now believed extinct (though none are quite certain; rumors tell of unconfirmed sightings, every so often). The
Stilts have a much easier time of it. They are born of a creature called the maned wolf, which, according to the homids, is a canid
related to timber wolves but of a different genus and species. Nevertheless, they are, indeed, were_wolves_, and are accepted by the
other Garou, albeit grudgingly in most cases. Their numbers are few, but they represent, perhaps, the best hope of the Garou in South
America. The other lycanthropes have no reason to fear them; indeed, in many cases, the other weres accept them as brothers and
sisters. And in this lies a slim chance for Gaia's warriors to meet the Wyrm with full force...

Totem: Flying Fox- yes, a bat.

Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 3 points, but they may not be spent on Resources, Allies, or Pure Breed. (These Garou are too different, too odd, for
the rest of the Garou to be able to perceive the subtle cues that go into recognizing whether or not an individual is pure bred.)

Beginning Gifts: Beast Speech (as per Galliards), Size of Surprise (okay, it's a stupid name. Sorry. By spending one Rage point, the
character not only raises its mane- or in Homid or Glabro form, pull a version of goose- pimples that makes their hair stand on end to a
degree that they actually appear a good deal larger- but also uses this occurrence to take on an aura of threat and danger that adds
one die to rolls involving intimidation.)

Wolf Form: The South American maned wolf. This creature has been described as looking like "a giant fox on stilts", hence its name.
It is the same height as an ordinary wolf, though markedly lighter in build. Its legs appear longer than they should in proportion to the
body. The head is shaped very much like a fox's head, though the ears are slightly different. All maned wolves have a fairly long mane
of hair on their necks, which they raise when angry or threatened. They are, for the most part, russet- colored, though not nearly as dark
as red foxes. Their legs are generally black from the knees on down, and their tails are slightly longer than ordinary wolves.
Homid form- Generally that of whatever South American tribe their homid blood comes from, though taller, slenderer, and with limbs in
longer proportion to the body than usual. A few are of White stock, and resemble Whites instead, though most often Whites with a
good blend of native.

Organization: Most of the Stilts have South American natives as their source of homid blood (though a few have
Spanish/Portuguese-descended homid ancestors, and a few have managed to breed with field researchers). They hold their moots
most often at times when the local natives are having some kind of sacred festival or ceremony. The Philodoxes and Theurges provide
most of the leadership to this tribe.
A bit needs to be said here about this tribe's treatment of Metis pups and/or children. This tribe is only slightly larger than the
Stargazers; it is not often that the homid members of the tribe are in the same region long enough to breed. The tribe has fairly strong
Lupus blood- something like twenty-seven percent of its members are Lupus. However, since their numbers are few as well, they seek
to spread their genes as much as they can- this is done mainly by instinct. It takes a great deal to make Stilt Lupus mate with each
other. The homids, for their part, know how few their people are, and consequently have fewer Metis births than any other tribe.
However, from time to time, some kind of Garou or homid ritual will involve powerful forces that sway the Garou; whether it is mindaltering chemicals, or spirit influences, or something else, it happens. The vast majority (90%) of this tribe's Metis young are
conceived under these circumstances. They are viewed as being crippled and twisted by the spirits in sympathy with what is
happening to the lands they live in. Such children are almost invariably Theurges, or if they are not, still have strong ties to the spirit
world. Metis are some of this tribe's most powerful Theurges.

Habitat: The Stilts may be found throughout the Amazon basin and parts of Argentina, having been scattered about through their
history as their original habitats were destroyed or ruined.

Protectorate: The native peoples of South America; the Lupus members of the tribe, however, protect the remaining maned wolves
exclusively. Maned wolves, by this time, are so rare that roughly half of those left alive are Stilt kinfolk. Most Stilts hold views similar to
the Wendigos regarding treatment of the Whites, but they realize that right now, it is far more important to protect their homelands
(from Whites and other weres) and fight off the encroachment into the wild places than it is to launch a homicidal war against the
Most Garou view the Stilts with a degree of suspicion, considering their land of origin. The Silver Fangs are least likely to trust them,
but at least concede that they are Garou. The Get of Fenris, on the other hand, claim that they don't even qualify as Garou, and should

but at least concede that they are Garou. The Get of Fenris, on the other hand, claim that they don't even qualify as Garou, and should
be treated as all other lycanthropes have been. The Shadow Lords have tried, on a few occasions, to make overtures to this tribe, but
have met with little success. Overall, their best relations are with the Black Furies and the Children of Gaia, with the Wendigos very
close behind.
This tribe has had a number of Philodoxes and Galliards enter the homid science fields- specifically, anthropology, zoology, and
botany. These members believe that they must make their preparations, NOW, to try and convey the value of the lands they know so
well to the homids- and if not, then at least something of their people, and the homids they guard, will be remembered.

View Flying Fox totem

By Tim Layne (


The tribe of Storm Riders is seen as a splinter group of the Shadow Lords with lesser ambition. Any Garou who believes this is
wrong. The Storm Riders are really a band of Werewolves who follow the ways of the storm. They are in many ways, like a
thunrstorm: unpredictable, beautiful, and dangerous. They serve Gaia loyally, and see their ancestors as a vital part of their
future. A stereotypical Storm Rider is the underestimated warrior, the one who only goes as far as he does because he has no
The tribe is usually very close, except in times of war, when meetings are too difficult to stage. They are divided into two main
groups. The Claps, and the Bolts. The Claps make up the ruling section of the Storm Rider;, they are the Theurges, and the
Philodox of the tribe. The Bolts are the warriors and defenders of the Storm Rider;, they are the Ahroun. The Galliard and the
Ragabash can be found in either group, although the Ragabash are more commonly found in the Claps, the Galliard in the Bolts.
Hailing from North America, there are many diffrent Ethnic and Racial people found in the tribe. Many are Native American,
however they are nowhere near equal in number to the Uktena and the Wendigo. Lately, they have begun a bit more selective
breeding, but this is only because they are trying to fix a wrong from the past. Many generations ago, the Storm Riders traveled
extensively with the Fianna, Get of Fenris, and White Howlers. During wartime, they allied themselves with the Get, and adopted
many wartime traditions of the vikings. One of which was the pillaging of villages, and the raping of the women within. This
severly diluted the bloodline, as they were once conquerers of high caliber. They were among the British people to travel to
Africa and India, and they again practised their traditions. This also helped to dilute the blood.
It was not until the late 1700's that they discovered their mistake, and they have now begun to do their best to clean the blood.
They learned a great deal from the Stargazers, and also the Silver Fangs. They began taking corrective measures then, and
fast. Now, they are returning to their former glory.

Tribal Totem
The Stormfather.

Inital Willpower

They must have at least a 2 in Past Life, and they can never increase their Pure Breed beyond 3.

Beginning Gifts
Sense Wyrm, Static.

In wolf form, they are average size, resembling Timber Wolves. In Crinos, they are large, imposing, scary, and pure grey, or
shades of grey.


Storm Riders once used to dwell in area of high precipitation, but due to urban expansion, they are moving into cities. A good
deal can be found in Portland Oregon, and Seattle Washington.

All are of Gaia, so all deserve protection.

"Behold, a pale wolf, and the man who he is, is death, and the Apocalypse follows with him."

Level 1
Sense Wyrm

Level 2
Clap of Thunder

Level 3
Wrath of Gaia
Summon the Storm

Level 4
Rage of the Storm

Level 5
Invoke the Spirit of the Storm

By Jason C Marshall (

The Maltese shapechangers were a strange lot, capable of many forms, most bizarre if not downright unbelievable. The majority
of these Maltese changers were killed or chased into the Umbra during the Rage War, but a few survived. Swimming deep into
the ocean, these Symbrani hide from the Rage War and have continued to hide to this day.

The Symbrani have existed since the times of the Mythic age. After the end of that era, the Maltese shapechangers went into
hiding, their shape, that of a large eel-like fish, was too strange to be truly shared with anyone. The Maltans hid until the War of
Rage came, and then they learned what fear really was. Garou struck at the Symbrani with a unholy fury, cursing their form and
calling them Wyrm-spawn.
The remaining Symbrani dove deep, finding caves deep in the depths to hide in. Soon only the Eel breed remained, those of the
Homid long since dead. The only Kinfolk long since disappeared into communities, their genes no longer producing Homid
Symbrani. Legends soon became the only evidence of the Symbrani on the Maltan coast.
It wasn't till the mid 1900s that the Symbrani finally came active again. New human kinfolk had been cultivated and soon the
Symbrani retook some of the territory they once had.

Symbrani have a family based culture. Family means everything.

The Umbra
Symbrani need a reflective surface to cross over. They tend to only use the Umbra as a hiding place.

Dolphin and Eel. These two totems impose no ban on the Symbrani.

Maltan coastal town and similar towns worldwide.

Character Creation
Nickname: Landwalker
Initial Gnosis: 1
A Symbrani of human birth.

Nickname: Waterwalker
Initial Gnosis: 2
A large eel-like fish.


Homid: Same as Garou. Most of the Symbrani tend to be short and lean, with pale skin and slightly bulging eyes.
Crinos (Eel-man): Str. +2, Dex. +3, Sta. +1, Cha. -2, Man. -2, App. 0, Per. +1. This is a nightmare cross of the Eel form and
homid form. Clawed, webbed hands and feet, with scaly skin and an eel-like face.

Eel: Str. -1, Dex. +4, Sta. -1, Cha. -3, Man. -4, App. 0, Per. +1. This a very large version of the standard eel.

The Symbrani are broken into three 'tribes'. The Morays tend to associate with the Electric Eels as a normal thing but the Wolffish tend to be loners and powerful combatants.

Electric Eel:
Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 4 points.
Habitat: Coastal areas.
Specials: Shock Attack. The Electric Eel can charge its body with and electrical field that will do three health levels of damage
(diff 7 for soak) to anyone touching them.

Moray Eel:
Initial Rage: 1
Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 5 points.
Habitat: Shoals and coastal areas.
Specials: Lightning Strike. The Moray can strike at prey at blinding speed. With a Dex + Stealth roll (diff 7) and two successes
the symbrani can gain a surprise bite attack on its opponent.

Initial Rage: 4
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 3 points.
Habitat: Deep waters and harbour areas.
Specials: Crush.The Wolf-fish, also known as the Atlantic Cat-Fish, can use it's powerful jaw to crush objects, such as cans,
lures, bones, etc. It gains a +2 Str to all bite attacks.

Racial Abilities
Constriction Attack: Any of the Symbrani can preform a constriction attack if in Eel-form. This is a Str. + Brawl attack (diff 8)
that will do aggravated damage (due to broken bones and such) to an victim.

Sense Prey: (Level 1) As the Lupus gift.
Call the Current: (Level 1) As the Wendigo gift.
Inner Strength: (Level 2) As the Stargazer gift.
Surface Attunement: (Level 2) As the Stargazer gift.
Invisibility: (Level 3) As the Uktena gift.
The Great Leap: (Level 3) As the Silent Strider gift.
Whirlpool: (Level 4) As the Red Talon 'Avalanche' gift.
Clenched Jaw: (Level 4) As the Ahroun gift.
The Living Sea-Weed: (Level 5) As the Children of Gaia 'The Living Wood' gift.
Elemental Gift: (Level 5) As the Lupus gift.

By Kevin Winger (

Recently Gaia looked down at the vast expanse of her lands to see what was happening. She looked to the left and saw the
Weaver's cities slowly paving over the Wyld. She looked to the right and saw the Wyrm spilling oil all over her oceans, then she
looked in the middle. What she saw there was her chosen breeds, the shapeshifters, doing nothing but fighting amongst
themselves. Few were still following the charges she gave them. The Gurahl were healing as best they could, but their minds
were too busy preparing for the next War of Rage. The Corax were still passing the word but they chose more and more whom
they passed it on to. And the Nuwisha were off hiding in the Umbra. None were doing what they were told to do and there were
so few that they did little good even when they tried.
She had to do something. She needed a final card to play. She needed a new child to do as the others could not. So she sat
and thought. Who should she give the gift of changing skins to? She looked to the Boar, powerful but not the brightest. She
looked at Wolverine; no it already had too much rage of its own. She looked out at all the animal folk and could see none worthy.
Mother Gaia drooped her head in despair. When she opened her eyes she saw the smallest of pebbles at her feet and an idea
came to her. Why give the gift to an animal? The only thing that had never let her down was the earth itself. She would give the
new gift to the very rocks themselves. But how? She looked out once again and what she saw surprised her. She saw churches
and old castles everywhere with rock shaped in the forms of men and beasts all about their facades. She made up her mind, the
Talla were born.

When Gaia made the Talla she took the spirits of stone and wove them into the bodies of newly conceived children. She altered
them spiritually, not physically, so when the first few were born, they seemed normal children. However, they all had the inborn
knowledge they needed to know what they were. These few Talla all still live, for they were birthed less than a hundred years ago.
The breed is very new though these elders were born as rank 5's because all the wisdom they needed Gaia instilled when she
gave them the gift. Newborn Talla though are not as lucky. They remain hidden for now with the innate ability to hide in their Still
forms and the fact that they give off no smell that marks them as unusual. They hide to build their numbers so they may pick up
where the others left off.

By nature, Talla are bright individuals; many are professionals like Doctors and Lawyers. Most can be described as pleasant,
down to earth types. They are extremely centered people, old beyond their years. They often surprise their parents by stating
they wish to be something when they grow up at a very early age. And even more surprising, through hard, honest work they
become what they wish. Also because of this, many are mistaken as child prodigies. They will often express an intelligence and
maturity that surpasses their age.
Because they were made in the cities, they generally stay there. Very few are comfortable in the forests and wild places their
cousins prefer. A Talla's appearance in its human form differs little from other humans and though most appear to be of
European descent they can come from all backgrounds. In fact what the Talla are in the simplest terms are weregargoyles.
There were 4 to start born in the year 1900 and have done little but breed and teach their young. To this day their numbers range
almost as large as the garou and they span the globe. They are born with an almost adult's perception and intelligence, which is
called the "Wisdom of the earth" by other Talla and because of this are taught quickly and easily what they are and why they are.
They have no need for a Rite of Passage.
The Talla are Gaia's rescuers and for this they need brains and brawn. The Brawn comes in 3 other forms the Talla can assume.
First is the homid form all Talla are born in. They refer to this form as the Normal. It resembles a normal human in all respects.
There is no set body type to this form; the talla are as individual as any normal human though most are of average height and
weight (Note: The Talla's "normalness" is one of its methods of hiding; no Talla can be above Appearance 2 in this form.) All
difficulties are at 6 just as the other shifters. All characters start with Willpower of 6.
The second form is called the Motion form. This form is the equivalent to the Crinos war form. In this form a Talla looks most like
a Gargoyle given flesh. They grow to between 8 and 9 feet tall no matter what their size in Normal and can weigh in excess of
900 pounds. Now in this form is where the Talla split into breeds. There are two breeds, the Daemon, which takes the form of the
basic medieval Gargoyle resembling a demon or other monster with a basic human form. The second is the Animis, which is the
equivalent of a lupus. These Talla become animal-like creatures, anything from giant serpents or devil hounds to legendary
creatures like the Griffin and the dragon. There are no two Talla alike in this form; each takes on the qualities of the traditional
gargoyles or monsters of the culture they live in. An English Daemon may look like something out of a Disney cartoon (that will
remain nameless) where a Chinese Animus will become a coiled dragon out of myth. There are little else different between the

forms, Animis retain their human personalities and intelligence in all forms. (note: when creating these forms the Archid form
characteristics from the Mokole must be used in the same way to the Storyteller's discretion, and remember not all gargoyles
have wings, use your imagination). Difficulty 6 in this form. Daemon and Animis characters both start with an Earth Gnosis of 4
though Animis start with a Fire Gnosis (Rage) of 5 and Daemons with 4. Strength +4 (to a max of 10) Dexterity +2 Stamina +3,
Manipulation -3 (+2 in intimidation rolls). Appearance differs; it can go up or down depending on the individual form. The
Storyteller assigns the plus or negative. Damage is the same as a crinos Garou. Because of cultural fears this form does insight
the Delirium though in a reduced form much like the Bastet.
The third form is called the Golem. It is just that: the creature out of Jewish myth. The Golem appears to be a man or beastshaped moving statue and little else. Though the Talla retains all its personality and intelligence in this form it is next to
impossible to express it. Where the first two forms are referred to as the flesh forms this is the first of the stone forms. The
Golem is basically a rock form of the Motion form though it grows to between 13-14 feet high and can weigh in excess of 1800
pounds. All things like wings and horns disappear in this form and it takes on a smooth abstract look. Speech of any form is
impossible. The benefits of this form are its strength and its stamina. In Golem a Talla is as hard as a rock and just as strong,
though it is also slow moving (all dexterity drops to 1 no mater what it was before). Needless to say it is quite easy to out
maneuver in this form but should you ever get in it's clutches you are as good as dead. Strength +6, Stamina +5 all social drop to
0. The only real attack this form can make is a grab and squeeze or grab and bite; all punches and melee attacks would be too
slow, anyone in a mauled or better state would be able to avoid them. Grab and squeeze/bite attack is at an 8 difficulty if the
target is in wounded or better state 6 at mauled and 3 at crippled or incapacitated. Damage is strength +4. Once the hold has
been successfully attained, breaking free is nearly impossible and with every turn the victim takes another level of damage but
only at Strength this time. The form has a natural difficulty of 8. It can also withstand any attack made with anything like fists or
claws. To cause damage you must chip and crack the Golem like rock (they are immune to fire cooler than a chemical fire) so
things like sledge hammers and high powered machine guns are advised. What does and doesn't cause damage is up to the
storyteller. In this form the Talla insights no Delirium with the exception of many eastern Europeans and most orthodox Jews. In
these cases it is the same Delirium as in the Motion form.
The last form is the Still form. In this form the Talla is in its purest stone form. It becomes what inspired Gaia, a statue. The Talla
becomes solid stone and enters a stasis state. Its size is limited to its weight in Normal form, so in Still the Talla will often be
small. Its appearance is that of a miniature of its Motion form to the last detail. Because no movement is possible all physical
and social traits are 0 though all mental stays the same. The Talla can remain awake if it chooses; all senses are the same as
Normal. In this it can be the perfect spy. Who would think the quaint gargoyle you bought at the bazaar was listening. As well in
this form the Talla is indestructible. It can not suffer any damage at all and does not age. So it is possible for a Talla to live
thousands of years if it remains for most of that time in Still. Othe wise it ages at the same rate as garou. Difficulty 11 on
everything but perception which is 5.
Now on to reproduction. There are no Metis or lupus (other than animis) breeds of Talla; all are born human. When Gaia created
them she took into account all the mistakes she made with the others, so the Talla do not share the Garou's curse. They are free
to breed together though the chance of a Talla being born is the same as a Talla human couple. Talla are born at the odds of 1 in
4; any without the shifter gene between two Talla are stillborn. If delicate care is taken to carve a gargoyle and the spirit of the
rock is awakened a Talla may enact a level 5 rite to awaken the statue as a Talla; this has never been successful though. All
gargoyles created in this fashion have gone into a rage and a non stop frenzy. All of these Talla soon died from injuries caused
in the frenzy.
Talla have no connection at all to Luna so like the Nuwisha they have no Rage. And since they have very little connection to the
Umbra because they did not exist in a time when there was no Gauntlet they get all their gnosis directly from the mother herself.
All a Talla needs to regain Earth Gnosis is to sit and meditate on a open spot of earth or rock embedded in earth. Earth Gnosis
is identical to normal Gnosis in all ways. Instead of Rage the Talla get their anger and will to fight directly from the mother as well.
Called Fire Gnosis it works in the same fashion as normal Rage though to regain it a Talla must burn himself in some way so
that he may more acutely feel the mother's pain. (note: because of the Talla's more direct link to the mother she naturally regains
2 points of Fire Gnosis in a night's sleep)
The Talla's one true weakness is Obsidian. Gaia did not wish her newest children to become too powerful. She needed
something as a safe guard if they ever fell to the Wyrm. What she came up with was the first true weapon ever created by the
humans. The black volcanic glass she herself creates in the depths of the furnace of the earth, obsidian has the same effect as
silver to garou though in Still form the Talla still takes no damage from it.

Talla can live in two ways, depending on preference and numbers in the community. A Talla when alone has no difficulties in
being alone; many actually choose to live in solitude from the others of their kind, though when called they will never deny their
brothers and sisters. The other way many Talla live is in a pack-like family called a Ledge. These "packs" are often comprised of
both "breeds" and usually have no discernible leader. But when Talla are called on to battle a leader, most often a Daemon, will
emerge and the Ledge will act like a well-trained military unit even if they have never fought together before.
Talla at this stage are hiding; even with numbers to rival any of the other shifters they do not yet wish to show their hand. When
they become stronger, with real armies their plans are to attack the Weaver full on. They are sound in the belief that if the Wyrm
is freed from the Weavers webs that the Wyrm will balance back out and become the benign figure of entropy it used to be. Their
plans do not include any of the other shifting breeds. To the Talla all the Bete are just the Beta versions of Gaia's chosen, and
they are the bug free editions. If any of them get in the way then the Talla will not be held responsible for the loss of an obsolete

Talla Gain renown in much the same way as Garou do. Though they take personal honor among their own kind to great heights
and it is easily the most important to them. Their honor systems though only concern their own kind. If a Talla is less than
honorable to another shifter he is no less in his peers eyes. To raise rank half or more of a Talla's renown must be in honor;
otherwise treat him as a Raggabash. Glory is just the same as a Garou's, with the exception that it is centered on the Weaver
rather than the Wyrm. They still accord glory for killing tainted Wyrm beasts but not so much as something like a Technocrat or a
net spider. Wisdom and the spirit realm have little to do with each other until the 5th rank. Wisdom in the early ranks is calculated
by how well a Talla can hide.
Rites are things the Talla have little use for. They have learned and used punishment rites on occasion, but have created few
rites of their own and use them even less. The same can be said of Talens and Fetishes; their weak link to the spirits makes
such things very hard for them to make so they worry little about them.
Talla have an absolute minimal connection to the Umbra because of the time that they were born in. To reach the Umbra takes a
Gift called Promised Land, which is identical to the Bastet gift Walking between the Worlds, with the exception that it is a rank 5
gift. Talla otherwise learn gifts much in the same way as Garou and use most of the Garou gifts. All homid gifts are available to
Daemon and all lupus to Animis. Tribe gifts can be learned by all Talla native to the region that the tribe is from. For example, all
British Talla are capable of learning Fianna gifts and all Egyptian Talla can learn Silent Strider gifts. All Auspice gifts are
attached to rank. Rank 1 Talla can learn Raggabash gifts but only of that rank. Rank 2 Talla can learn Galliard gifts and
Raggabash gifts up to rank 2 and so on. Rank 3 is Philodox; rank 4 is Ahroun and rank 5 is Theurge. At the 5th rank Talla are
capable of learning all Auspice gifts. After so many gifts learned the difficulty for learning new gifts gets higher. The limit is
roughly 10 Auspice gifts, so choose wisely what gifts you wish to learn. Talla are not able to learn Metis gifts because there are
no Metis; such impure old world gifts are below them as they believe. As well because of the Talla's weak link to the Spirit realm
all gifts are taught by other shifters, other Talla or by a spirit if it can cross the Gauntlet into the material world. This weakened
link also keeps Talla from gaining a Totem until the fifth Rank; totems work in the same geographical way that tribal gifts work.
Fianna totems to British Talla, etc.

Talla-specific Gifts
Fists of the Golem (Rank 1 Daemon)
Dragon's Tongue (Rank 3 Animis) Like the Bastet gift, Spitfire, but rank 3 and it can only be used in the Motion form. It is
taught by a fire spirit

Legend's Wing (Rank 2 common) Same as the Strider gift Speed of thought, but it can only be learned by those with the
capability of flight. It only applies to flight, not ground movement and is restricted to Motion form.

Blend (Rank 1 common)

Garou: You failed. Step aside so we can do the job right.
Bastet: Little kitty with eyes so bright, how did you miss the fall of the light?
Corax: Birds can see much but who cares when none understand their squawking?
Gurahl: You sleep as the world passes you by. Stay safe big brother; we will need you to heal Gaia when we make her safe.
Ananasi: Squish.
Mokole: Gentle giants that remember it all. Too bad the memory is so foul of late.
Nagah: Why did you fail? You waited too long to strike brother snake.
Nuwisha: Laugh off in your secret spaces and come home when all is done. We don't need your help.
Ratkin: SqueeeeK!! Squish
Rokea: Just what was your job anyhow?

By Andrew Cram (
Initial Rage: 2
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 3 points, no Totem, Resources, or Pure Breed.
Habitat: Anywhere
The Tiberii are a mixed tribe decendant from the Bubasti and Ceilician. They are small in stature, and there feline form resembles that
of the domestic cat. They are found all over the world, mainly as decendants of so-called feral cats.
The Tiberii are looked down upon slightly by the other Bastet but otherwise get on fine with there larger brothers. They can be of any
decent although most are of European origin.
The Tiberii have declared themselves the Bastet protectors of Europe and Australia, and have fought several battles with wyrm
creatures in the past few years.
There grief at the loss of there brothers the Ceilicians has led to the tribes greatest peculiarity - they never sing or make music except
for mornful dirges held for the death of a Tiberii, or to mark the loss of the Ceilicians.

Tribal Gifts: Cooking, Odius Aroma (as the Bone Gnawer Gifts)
Glabro: Dex.+1, App.+1, Per+1; Diff. 7.
Crinos: Str.+1, Sta.+1, Dex.+3, App.-2, Per. +1; Diff.6.
Hispo: Sta. +1, Dex. +4, App.-1, Per.+1; Diff.7.
Feline: Str.-1, Dex.+4, Per.+2; Diff.6.
View Coin of Luck fetish.
{The Tiberii are dedicated to my cat Tiberius who died 3/11/94 aged 18.}

By Alejandro Melchor
Long ago, a pack of Uktena wandered south into toltecan lands, and were confronted by the Celestine Tlaloc in homid guise. Tlaloc
was disguised as a sorcerer and immediatly picked the young Uktenas' interest. They became his apprentices and learned the value
of all life, and learned that magic has its uses other than power itself. They became healers.
When Tlaloc revealed himself, they embraced him as their totem, and named themselves Tlaloque, after the god's jagglings. From that
day onward they roamed the country healing the people and the land, never denying anyone their care, establishing caerns of healing
and tending them lovingly.
They remained carefuly outside of all politics, be them Garou or homid, and tended the wounded after every battle. The Aztec Empire
treated them kindly; they befriended the Wyld Runners and the Ehecatl, and gained the respect of the Nahual. When the Spaniards
came, they retired quietly to the countryside, and thrived as town doctors, using white man medicine to conceal the use of their Gifts,
never as replacement.
They know a great deal about herbs and the use of crystals for healing, and they are included in every rite they perform. Their moots
are quiet affairs, an exchange of experiences around a campfire.
They delight with all of Gaia's small wonders and are the ones that suffer most when wanton pollution is brought by civilization, trying
desperatly to heal their homelands.
All their quietness and kindness disappears when confronted with the Wyrm and It's manifestations; they will attempt to save anyone
corrupted, but if all hope of recovery is lost, they will destroy, shedding tears for the victim. The Black Spiral Dancers are the epythome
of corruption in the eyes of the Tlaloque, and their attempts at healing them of the Wyrm's influence will be only halfhearted.

Totem: Tlaloc
Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: 3.
Wolf form: Black with short fur, they irradiate peace as much as the Children of Gaia.
Organization: The eldest hold a loose rein on the younger, but their authority is unquestionable.
Habitat: All of Mexico and a little of Central America, prefering forests and jungles.
Protectorate: All the sick and wounded, mainly farmers, their lands and stock.
Quote: "Life is sacred, all life".
Black Furies: Violence never achieved anything, they should reconsider their methods.
-"They are too good to be true". Hippolita-Black Fury Ahroun

Bone Gnawers: They are the ones most in need of healing.

-"Man, give me a Tlaloque over a dry bone anytime". Pedro-Bone Gnawer Ragabash

Children of Gaia: They fight for life in fronts we don't dare approach.
-"Admirable the way they can give themselves". Eva-Children of Gaia Galliard.

Fianna: Their healers take a back seat to their singers and fighters, but they are there still.
-"Lugh was a healer too, but also a bard and a warrior." Ciaran- Fianna Galliard

Glass Walkers: Homid medicine is close to blasphemy of Life, they better stay as clear as posible.
-"They are so caring they are as scary as the Uktena" Miguel- Glass Walker Philodox.

Get of Fenris: We prefer not to speak of them, but we will still treat their wounded.
-"They have their use". Jurgan-Get of Fenris Ahroun.

Red Talons: They care for the Land in ways too violent. The Homid's life is as sacred to Gaia as theirs.
-"Healers of body and land, they hold a place close to our hearts". TornEar- Red Talon Philodox

Shadow Lords: Nothing can keep us from our task, not even they.

-"Argh! Ignorant do-gooders!". Gonzalo-Shadow Lord Ragabash.

Silent Striders: They are like wayward children. -"Oasis in the middle of a desert.". Kahleb-Silent Strider Theurge
Silver Fangs: Their minds are sick, but they refuse to be healed.
-"How dare you call me sick!". Corin- Silver Fang Philodox

Stargazers: The secrets of Gaia and Life lie in the earth, not in the stars.
-"Though the form differs, our love for Gaia is as strong"- SingingStar- Stargazer Galliard

Uktena: Tlaloc showed us that Magic is meant for the good of all, not just the self.
-"Weak magic they practice, but magic nonetheless"- Claw-that- Runs-Uktena Theurge

Wendigo: The answer to healing the land is not by murdering or expelling it's cancer, it's better to make the cancer heal itself.
-"They are too tolerant, they are either cowards or saints" Cutterwind-Wendigo Ahroun

Wyld Runners: They move too much to make an impression on anyone's life; once settled, that's a whole new story.
-"Noble men; tending the suffering, they never hesitate to help us, nor our enemies.". Tohui- Wyld Runner Philodox

Ehecatl: Too much theory, too little practice; but someone has to keep records
-"Their knowledge is that of the earth and life, they use it with good measure.". Xilacatzin-Ehecatl Philodox

Nahual: They have embraced the darkness, but in darkness lies wisdom also.
-"The only Garou worth talking to". Patricio-Nahual

Kindred: They are beyond healing. Walking death is a torture we will not allow to spread.
-"Pitiful Red Cross wannabes"- Michelle, 9th.Gen. Ventrue
-"Their useless magic is nothing compared to ours" Julian, 7th.Gen. Tremere.
-"They are the only weres I know that actually protect life" - Hugo, 12th.Gen Gangrel.
-"Their fight is already lost". "Navajas". 7th Gen. Huitzilopochtli.

Mages: They are too egotist, few care about healing.

-"Don't talk to me; talk to a Verbena". Martin, Virtual Adept
-"They are much in contact with Gaia and her spirits", Don Luis, Dreamspeaker.
-"All life leads to Death, they try to make it as kind as possible, they deserve to live", Mondragon, Euthanatos.

Sense Magic (Level 1): As the Uktena Gift.
Mother's Touch (Level 1). As the Theurge Gift.
Spirit of the Fish (Level 2): As the Uktena Gift.
Hands of Health (Level 2)
Call Water Spirit (Level 3)
Charm of Axolotl (Level 3)
Beast Life (Level 4): As the Lupus Gift.
Casting to Tlalocan (Level 4)
Invoke the Spirit of the Storm (Level 5): As the Wendigo Gift, but it only works for rainstorms.
Tlaloc's Blessing (Level 5)
View Tlaloc totem

By Mariana M. P. Albuquerque (

The Tseti are a really widespread kind of bete. They were almost untouched by the War of Rage, when Tseti's tactics of "if you
can't win, bore your enemies to Death" proved to be of great value. The Tseti claim themselves to be the lore teachers of Gaia.
They will teach, equally, other bete, humans, creatures of the Wyrm and even other Tseti. As no one can actually learn anything
from Tseti lessons, that doesn't actually matter.
It's known that the Tseti can cause a kind of Delerium, even when they aren't in Crinos form. The apparent trigger of that strange
form of Delerium is Tseti speech (which is always a monologue, as no Tseti will ever, voluntarily, allow another creature to talk),
and the effects of that Delerium seem to be not fear, but sleep. Some Tseti cause the Delerium even when they aren't talking.
Also, Tseti seem to cause some sort of "Fox Frenzy" in the Nuwisha, in those born as Ragabash, in Malkavian vampires and in

The Tseti have five forms. Human is . . . human. As a Glabro, they get shorter, become wide-eyed and dumb faced, and
sometimes needing glasses. As a Crinos, they are man-flies that have four arms and two legs and a pair of wings (that don't
enable them to flight, but the wings make a "really beautiful" figure), and strength proportional to that of a fly (if Spiderman can,
so do they), and are no bigger than 1.50 meters high. In Hispo they seem like real big flies -- remember that irritating insect that
no one is able to catch and that is always buzzing in your ear? As a Tsetse fly, they are Tsetse flies (what else?).

The human breed is dominant, but there are lots of flies born in Africa. There are, also, lots of Metis, as sometimes only a Tseti
is able to bear another. Metis tend to be bald.
They don't have much of a culture, as none of their elders seems able to teach their children their ways. Their Litany tells
something about combating ignorance, always teach no matter who or what, never to allow anyone else to speak, that the
students are there to listen, not to be listened to and that no student shall ever cough in the classroom. And they are really mixed
with human society. Most Tseti are teachers, documentary narrators and European film directors. They will follow any other
career that enables them to have a large audience and bore it to Death.

Tseti gifts are always learned from spirits, for obvious reasons. Some of their known gifts are:
Cause Sleep (Level One)
I'm the Teacher (Level Two)
Heavy Conscience (Level Three)
Brain Wash (Level Four)
Sorry, they have some other gifts, but I've fallen asleep while the Tseti was telling me this. Hey, I don't have Iron Will!

Anyhow, I was awake for time enough to learn about the Tseti totem:

Expanded Rules for the Uktena

BY Paul Harris (

New Camps
The Watchers
The watchers are a group of Uktena whose task is to monitor and find ways to defeat the Vampiric threat. The camp most
appeals to Ragabashes and Ahrouns of the tribe and it has had some success of locating a lot of the major vampiric threats
including one that is rumoured to be older than any others and possibly the father of all of the leeches.

The Hoarders
This camp's primary concern is the cataloguing all the fetishes currently in the world and redistributing them to more worthy
Garou. This camp is open to Ragabashes and Theurges of both the Uktena and Bone Gnawer tribes. The camp's aim is to
make sure that all the powerful fetishes of Gaia are kept safe by "borrowing" them from "unnecessary threats to Gaia's safety."
They basically go around stealing fetishes for the Uktena and Bone Gnawer tribes in the hope of helping out their tribes unify all
the garou as a whole by restricting fetishes. The tribes' main efforts are in trying to break into the vault of fetishes that the Black
Furies supposedly have.

The Searchers
This camp searches the Umbra looking for any signs of their long lost brothers the Croatan with some taking up a challenge in
finding the other lost tribes and trying to convert the Black Spiral Dancers.

New Gifts
Riddler's Wisdom (level one) gift
Attracting the Guppy (level two)

Addtional gifts
These are gifts from other books that I think fit in with the Uktena tribe.

* Scholars Friend: As the level one Bubasti Gift.

* Banish Sickness: - As the level one common gift.
** Blood Omen: As the Black Spiral gift.
*** Summon Water: As the level two common gift.

New Rites

New Hedge Magic: Weather Magic

This power is descended from the rituals of the Native American Indians and has been passed down from generation to
generation and developed into this form. Note: this is treated as a hedge magic and can be used by anyone who wants it (must
be Indian) not just Garou. The freebie and experience points are treated the same as all hedge magic costs. This applies to
even the supernatural. This power is a modified version of the celestial Hekau path used by Mummies (so you need to have
Mummy second edition) with the following changes: Instead of having different spells available at different levels there is a preset
power for each level (each power is the same as the mummy spell that is named) note: instead of spending Sekhem the user
must spend the equivalent power that they own. So, Werewolves spend Gnosis, changelings spend Glamour, Vampires spend

blood, Mages spend Quintessence and Mortals must spend willpower. If the spell requires the use of Ba then they must spend
health levels instead. All costs remain the same.
Weather Magic
** Read the Stars
*** Weather Magic
**** Read the Tree of Life
***** Weather Magic
All rolls remain the same but the rating in weather magic is used instead of the rating in Celestial. It is possible for mummies to
learn this power.

By The Goddess (

We are the Forgotten Ones, those who were left behind during the great War. But we have not forgotten. We walk the spiritpaths still, waiting for the time our kin need us again. Until then, we keep ourselves to ourselves.
Unlike the other children of Seline, we make no pretense to a 'human' origin, or 'human' ties. We rose from the stone of our
mountain homes, and the show-filled winds breathed life into us. Seline smiled on our forms, and blessed us with her gifts of
shifting and moon-magic. We always were, and we shall remain.
Should you ever get wanderlust -- and I both recommend and speak against it -- do your best to conceal your identity. The Garou
and Asuras must not know of our existance, and even some of our cousins are best kept in the dark.
For you see, the Garou believed us a dead people, and we were not included in their curse against our kind. Even now we still
have access to our spirit-home, and we cultivate our relationships with the chaya. We work our snow-magic against dogs and
Asuras alike, and laugh quietly in our mountains as they Rage in helpless frustration.
Wait a moment, kit. Be not so hasty -- you must learn patience. Remember we are few, and each one of our kind lost is a bit of
the future lost. We endure like stone, but we can melt like snow. Bide your time, and think through your actions before you make
Ah, I see. You wish to see the rest of the world. Go see what there is to see, kit, but be sure to watch your back. Keep company
with the chaya, and remember your calm. Patience is all..

Tribal Background
The Uncia are a special breed indeed. Introverted and insular, the snow leopards have retained the ability to step sideways into
the Umbra.
The Bastet's finest spirit-walkers before the War of Rage, the Uncia were quickly and savagely attacked by the Garou. Gathering
the remnants of their shattered tribe, they fled into the Umbra and quickly covered their tracks. Both the garou and the other
Bastet tribes believed the snow leopards dead and gone, and they were subsequently excluded from the Garou's Umbral ban on
the other Bastet.
Unfortunately, the Uncia are few indeed. Perhaps no more than a few dozen snow leopards survive in modern times, and many
of these are metis. The Uncia are besieged, but they are too patient -- and too stubborn -- to give themselves up now.
Lodged in their mountain fortresses, the Uncia rarely leave except to make forays into the Umbra -- or, more rarely, to other
locales in order to gather knowledge or even just to see "what's there" (this is more common in the younger Uncia).
The Uncia value patience and quiet above all else, save the collecting of knowledge. And in these fields they are almost without
equal, even among the Bastet.

Tribal Home
The Uncia make their homes and Den-Realms in the high, craggy peaks of Nepal and southeast Asia. It is a very rare thing for
one of the snow leopards to leave his mountain home, let alone take up residence in a city, but nvertheless it is known to happen
-- particularly in more recent times.

Culture and Kinfolk

Uncia have few Kinfolk, human or feline. Occasionally one of the natives may be taken as a mate; even more rarely a foreign
explorer may "disappear" into the mountains, perhaps to never be seen again. Having relied for so long on their feline Kin, the
decimation of the ounces (snow leopards) has placed the tribe on very unsteady footing indeed. As Kinfolk twindle, more and
more metis Uncia are concieved. Some elements of native culture may be borrowed by the Uncia on occasion, but by-and-large
the snow leopards are a "culture" unto themselves.


The Uncia have a very close-knit tribal structure, out of tradition and out of necessity. All Uncia keep in contact with each other,
and if this is not possible physically they will meet in the Umbra, or send spirit-messengers.

Secrets Sought
The snow leopards desire many secrets, but most of all they desire to increase their spiritual and Umbral knowledge. In addition,
they search for the means to end the slaughter of their Kin and avenge their cousins by undermining the Garou. Some very few
Uncia turn to looking for the secrets of the Kindred.

Cut off an ounce's whiskers and he will be blinded.
Salt is a barrier to Uncia; they cannot pass over a line of salt.
A bright flame, flared in the snow leopard's face, will make him die of terror.

In Homid form Uncia are of medium height, well-muscled, and lithe. They tend to go grey very early in life. Most are southeast
Asian, but there are a number of Uncia of other racial types as well. In Feline form an Uncia is much like a heavyset puma,
covered in thick fur which varies from pale grey-white to deep smoke, with blurry black rosettes and white underfur. Uncia have
huge paws for navigating show and cliffs, and a long thick tail for balance.

Form Satistics
Sokto Crinos Chatro Feline
Str+1 Str+3 Str+3 Str+2
Dex+3 Dex+4 Dex+4 Dex+4
Sta+2 Sta+4 Sta+3 Sta+3
Man-1 Man-2 Man-3 Man+0
App+0 App-3 App-3 --

Character Creation
Initial Rage: 3
Initial Willpower: 4
Beginning Gifts: Ibex's Footing, Spirit Speech

Listen to the wind and the stone, and learn from them. Patience is its own reward.

Bagheera: They mean well, but they are too flighty.
Balam: They move too fast and too furiously, and they will rue it in the end.
Bubasti: Dark, dangerous and desperate. Beware, lest you become like them.
Ceilican: They've learned tricks we would love to share...
Khan: Savage things, the tigers have lost their honor long ago.
Ocelotl: Foolish and flighty, yet there is wisdom is some of their words.

Pumonca: Do they learn anything in their wanderings? I would think not...

Qualmi: Little brothers of our hearts, though they may lose themselves in their own games.
Simba: These brutes make the Khan look civilized. They might as well be dogs in cat-skins.
Swara: They have no knack for waiting, but they are wise in their own ways. We understand each other well.

The Uncia, though their spirit contacts, have access to many Garou Gifts (and possibly those of the Nuwisha). When swiping
Gifts, they tend to choose those associated with spirits, the Umbra, or the chill of winter.
Ibex's Footing (1)
Spirit Speech (1): As the Level 1 Theurge (Garou) Gift.
Chill Of Frost (2)
Fur Of Granite (2)
Centre Self (3)
Heart Of Stone (3)
Blizzard's Shards (4)
Spirit Vessel (5): As the Level 5 Theurge (Garou) Gift.
The Malleable Spirit (5): As the Level 5 Theurge (Garou) Gift.

By Honorah O'Neill (

This is sect of Garou composed of those who believe the Apocalypse is inevitable. They also believe that the way things are
going now, the Garou will lose miserably and the only Garou left will be Black Spiral Dancers. This view would seem to make
these Garou prone to Harano and Wyrm corruption, yet it seems to have made them stronger.
Rather than sacrificing their lives in a gargantuan and currently hopeless struggle with the Wyrm, members of the Vanguard are
content to tread softly and wait for opportunities to present themselves. They believe that the only way any of them will survive the
Apocalypse is to rely on their wits and to build a solid powerbase.
Consequently, the Vaguard knows the location of many inactive Caerns but does not reactivate them so as not to bring them to
the attention of the Wyrm. These caerns tend to have several members of the Vanguard guarding them and securing the territory
around them in ever widening circles. The purpose of this is to create hidden strongholds for the coming Apocalypse.
Also on the Vanguard's agenda is establishing good relations with the other supernaturals. They believe that the Garou, despite
what some would like to believe, are doomed to failure if they try to stand alone. Consequently, areas under Vanguard control
have few if any outbreaks of fighting between the supernaturals. They have a tendency to ignore the Kindred and leave them be
so long as they do not interfere. The Mages are sometimes sought as allies but the Vanguard is rather leery of the Technocracy.
Their best relations are with the Bete whom they actively seek as allies and accept as equals. Often these Bete, after they have
been contacted, may become members of the Vanguard themselves. The Vanguard also seeks alliances with Changelings but
often has trouble dealing with them.
What attracts many Garou to the Vanguard is the disregard of custom. Most of the Litany is thrown out as being too confining
and outdated. It is believed that every helper is needed if the world is to be kept from the Wyrm. Metis and Ronin are freely
accepted as equals to other members and so it much appeals to them. Kinfolk are also accepted as equal members but are
generally given noncombat positions since there are better fighters to be had. Also in many noncombat positions, but where
great wisdom is required, are Elders who have either lost the wolf or have grown too frail to take active part in the war anymore.
In order to increase its ranks the Vanguard searches out Lost Cubs and Lunatics and initiates them into its philosophies. Even
some Skindancers are known to be associated with the Vanguard, though they are carefully watched to make sure they keep
their eyes on the right prey, Black Spirals, not other Vanguard members.
Also, once the Vanguard controls an area it will slowly start to break down the Veil in that area in an attempt to bring normal
humans into its ranks. There are some few places where the Vanguard is in complete control of the town and these places often
seem to be Utopian paradises where the humans live in harmony with themselves and nature. This in turn attracts other Garou
who are then either converted to members of the Vanguard or slowly driven away by the inhabitants.
The purpose behind this is to create pockets that the Wyrm cannot touch. If the war is lost, at least there will be some untainted
places left from which the Garou and their allies can try to retake the world. It is for this that are called the Vanguard, since they
will be the ones left as the rear guard to try and rebuild the world after the end.
This movement is open to all tribes, auspices, and breeds but is most favored by Theurges, Ragabashes, Metis, Lunatics, Lost
Cubs, Ronin, and the elderly. The Children of Gaia, Silent Striders and Stargazers are the most likely tribes to be found in it, as
are their Kinfolk.

WEREWOLF: The Van Helsing Family

By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko

"Just because there are things in this world you cannot explain, does not mean that they aren't real."
-- Professor Abraham Van Helsing, Dracula
"Talk about me, laugh about me, cry about me, nail me to the cross, I'll be the martyr for the hated, the weak the ugly, the
--The Misfits, "Resurrection"
After the Second World War the famed Van Helsing family was on its last leg. It seemed the once mighty vampire hunters were
doomed to fade into the past. The bloodline was growing weaker with each child. After a time, drastic measures had to be
taken; the fight against hell and those that worshipped its had to go on.

The Werewolves Van Helsing

"Weird is Relative"
-- Addams Family Movie Ad
A strange disease had stricken the once great family of Van Helsing. For years they had battled the forces of darkness,
defeated monsters in the night armed only with a cross and an iron will. Now it seemed the Van Helsing would be struck down by
a monster too small to see. Measures had to be taken, and they had to be taken fast! The disease you see, was generation, and
each new child born was sicker than the last. A family member was sent to travel abroad in search of a cure while the relatives
stayed and home and prayed. This was Gustav Van Helsing, a reckoned traveler and detective. He chanced upon a dying pack
of "Get of Fenris" in South Texas. It appeared they were dealing with a plague that he knew quite a bit about: vampires The
vampires (members of the Sabbat) were stealing the werewolf cubs in their sleep and draining them dry. An agreement was
made, the two clans deciding that while apart they were weak and together they were strong. The Van Helsings crushed the
vampires and in return children were set to be married. After the blending of the two clans the bloodline was strong yet again.
However there were sour sides of the deal for both groups. As many of the homid and metis cubs as possible were rounded up
and raised as Christians and trained to be vampire hunters. However, each child seemed to have a special link with the old
ways of the Garou as well. What has resulted is a strange mix of beliefs. However, it does seem that God has smiled on the Van
Helsings again.

Home on the Strange: The Quincy Morris Ranch

"Gonna roll away on an old steele dray it's gonna be my life
And the roadmaps I've been reading I never came to figure out
All I know is I'm going to explode by any other route
I'm rollin' on
I'm rollin' on
I've made my bed, so here I lay, I'm rolling West Texas tear drops in my eye"
--Old 97s, "W. Texas Teardrops"
Most members of the Van Helsing family never really know a proper home so the speak. For many of them, until they are very
old, their lives are the hunt! There is however a place where a Van Helsing will always have fond memories of: a place where
they are always welcome. A place that they might even be able to call home. That is the Quincy Morris Ranch.
The Ranch was given to the Van Helsing family after the last member of Morris family died out. Its a large place out in the rolling
planes of West Texas, which seems normal enough to the outsider. The Ranch is anything but what it seems though. Here is
where a lone werewolf hunter can come back from battle to lick its wound, where the young are trained to be hunters, and where
the old come to live out the rest of their lives. Once a year a family "reunion" is held here to discuss upcoming battles and to plot
the next move.
The ranch itself is never under question of anything out of the ordinary. It is far away from human contact and does not look like
anything other than a ranch. The Van Helsings go to great lengths to keep that appearance up. So far no one has bothered them
and no one has caught on.

"It's armor. So he's human after all."

--Generic thug about to get his fanny tossed around in Batman

Kinfolk: The Human Element

As with all groups of werewolves, the Van Helsings have human kinfolk. The difference here is that they don't view this as a
handicap in battle. They will send a human family member off to battle vampires just as readily as any werewolf. The kinfolk use
the standard numina rules and equip themselves with the tools of vampire slaying.

Enemies: The Deadly Foes of the Van Helsings

"Blood is like chewing gum to these creatures."
--Peter Fonda as Dr. Van Helsing in Nadja
"I remember the old days, when monsters didn't need make-up. They came as they were."
-- Vincent Price, Madhouse
In the days of Ol' Bram Van Helsing things where simple: vampires=bad, human=good. In the modern times of the gothic-punk
world however, things aren't that simple. In this world the Van Helsings have it coming at them from all sides. Their enemies are
supernatural as well as those they once called friends. The Van Helsings are greatly outnumbered in their quest for goodness
and enemies come in all shapes and sizes. Some even come in the form of mankind.

The Wyrm: Although not viewed as the source of all evil as with most werewolves, the Wyrm is still a factor in the war between
good and evil. The Van Helsings view the Wyrm as a powerful demon corrupting God's pure earth with toxins.

Evil Immortals: There is a hidden war going on all around us. Human beings just like you and I battle each other with sword in
hand trying to win a sacred prize. Human beings just like us, with one exception: they will only die if their heads are removed
from their bodies. Some of these Immortals are good, some evil. One thing is for sure, in the end; there can be only one. Evil
Immortals can be powerful foes swaying the world towards Evil and Satan. If one such Immortal were to win the prize, Evil would
walk the Earth and the Van Helsings will not allow that.

The Midnight Circus: One of the major concerns on the Van Helsing clan is the mythic Midnight Circus. Its legend has grown
with each year as it crosses nations, consuming souls wherever it goes. Many Van Helsings have been sent after this Carnival of
Evil, but few have returned.

Pentex Inc.: Pentex is one of the largest corporations in the gothic-punk world. If you have bought gas for your car, plastic
products, or anything right down to a canned soda you've probably dealt with Pentex. Although at first glance it would appear to
be a normal company, Pentex Inc. really only has one goal: to create more holy places for the Wyrm! Most of the higher level
workers are tainted with Wyrm spirit in some way and they use their power to spread its curse across this planet. This puts them
at odds with the Garou, and with that it puts them at odds with the Van Helsings.

The Inquisition: The Society of Leopold views these shapeshifters as traitors of the faith! They will hunt them down if one of
them is in the city were they operate. In return, the Van Helsing Family views the Society as demonic pretenders corrupting
God's holy church. If the two meet a clash is certain.

The Abraham Circle: A group of 13 men and women bent on destroying vampires, werewolves, and one other thing: anyone
with the last name Van Helsing! They claim to be followers of the greatest vampire killer of them all, Professor Abraham Van
Helsing, and want to get even with his relatives for tainting his name with Garou blood. Most people view them as a pathetic
annoyance; members of the Van Helsing family are deeply wounded that someone would use their most proud family hero's
name against them.

The U.S. Government: While the U.S. Government does not publicly promote the belief in vampires, much less vampire hunting
or werewolves, they have kept their eyes on the Van Helsings. They view them as cultish and wild and such fringe elements
should not be allowed in America. Their battle with them however is not a public one, but the law has been known to lean on
people with the last name Van Helsing.

The Sabbat: The most vile of all vampires and the most hated enemy of the Van Helsings. They seek to destroy them all. Known
to the family as "the Devil's Fingers," the Sabbat are the worst kind of vampire: vampires who loves what they are, true
monsters. The two are locked in combat a good deal of the time. The Van Helsings will gather as many forces in the area to
destroy local Sabbat.

The Camarilla: Under a lot less pressure than other groups of vampire, even at times enjoying somewhat friendly relations, the
Camarilla is over all not leaned on by the Van Helsings. However the Camarilla is known to use mortals as pawns; this is
something that the Van Helsing clan will not tolerate. After all the, Camarilla are still vampires even if they try not to act like them.

Ghouls: The Van Helsings look upon ghouls with a mix of distaste and pity. They see them for what they are: junkies high on
blood. Though they have more trouble with certain ghouls than others, vassals are the most annoying type there is, and many
Van Helsings have developed life long grudges with these pathetic mockeries of humanity. Independents however often play the
role of vampire hunters. Some members of the Van Helsing family have even tried to cure these creatures, but to no avail.
However the most hated are the Revenants. Revenants are treated with no pity, no mercy, for they are beyond the point of help
and beyond humanity. In any case, ghouls can be deadly foes in the right number or power level.

Rogue Vampires: Caitiff vampires are dealt with very harshly, for not only have they abandoned human law, they have
abandoned vampire law as well. They belong to no clan, and though this is often not by choice, try to tell that to an enraged
Garou vampire hunter.

The Infernal: Demons are the natural enemies of those who worship the powers of heaven! When dealing with these creatures
a hunter will do anything and everything to stop them.

The Brotherhood of the Master Race: A Neo-Nazi group headed by vampires who are out to stamp out anything that is not
"normal" in their minds. The leader of this group is a vampire nazi super soldier in the mold of the Red Skull. The group itself is
run like something out of a comic book, with Nazi mad doctors trying to create atomic robots and other such things. The
Brotherhood is growing and soon will be able to show its face as more than just a group of angry skinheads!

The Frankensteins: Baron Victor Von Frankenstein, like Professor Van Helsing, was more than just a character in a book. He,
and his experiment, were very real. While the whereabouts of the Frankenstein Monster are unknown, Frankenstein's family
remains very active in the war between the living and the restless dead. They have continued their forefather's research in life
and death and have aligned themselves with certain groups of Kindred. Though most of their experiments have failed, they are
known attempting an experiment too horrible to fathom. With the aid of Kindred blood magic and Victor's notes, they hope to
resurrect his lordship Vlad Count Dracula!

Black Spiral Dancers: Wyrm-tainted werewolves are slaps in the face to the Van Helsings. These creatures, while not sought
out, will be destroyed if encountered. The Van Helsings view them as lost souls and do not take any form of joy in destroying
them; it is merely what must be done.

The Good Guys: Allies of the family Van Helsing

"Suck in the guts boys, we're the Ghostbusters!"
--Bill Murray as Peter Veinkman in Ghostbusters 2
While the Van Helsings are far outnumbered in their war against the Undead and other evil forces, they do have a few friends to
help them get through the night. These allies are as varied as the foes. Some come from places you wouldn't expect the light of
goodness to shine, and some come from the other side of reality itself. It just goes to show that even vampire hunters and
werewolves need a few friends sometimes.

Yesteryear Punx: This group of snot-nosed punk rockers started killing vampires for the kick of it all. They got the idea from
reading an old "Tomb of Dracula" issue and a chapter out of "Rotten: the biography of John Lydon" about vampire hunting in
urban England. They thought it would be fun to sneak into a graveyard and hold a fake vampire hunt, maybe even dig up a few
cadavers. However, little did they expect that when they dug up the body it would really get up and attack them. After the beast
was killed by a quick thinking punk a promise was made: "destroy all vampires!" Since then their numbers have grown and
spread nation wide. The general public looks at them as a gang, not knowing the true nature of their mission. The Van Helsings
look upon these kids as "junior vampire hunters" and have allies among their ranks. While totally American, these kids are
known by two things, one of which is that fact that they have the hair cuts of 1970s style English punks. The other is the fact that
they all dress like and go by the name of comic book super heroes and are led by a faux "Captain America". While most aren't
even old enough to drive, they are wanted by the CIA for questioning and by Marvel comics for trademark infringement.

Good Immortals: Immortals and their fight against Evil are respected by the Van Helsings. They have enjoyed relations with the
family for hundreds of year. The two groups have a "you scratch our back, will scratch yours" relationship. The Van Helsings help
them fight when needed and so do the Immortals.

Sons of Ether: These crazed Technomancers create science out of imagination. They have long respected the Van Helsings,
because both groups have a slightly Victorian way of operating. While the Sons of Ether have never personally gotten involved
with the Van Helsing's war, they will offer them aid and bed in any given city or wilderness. Its a longstanding relationship made
from a bargain that few remember what contained, but all honor. Needless to say, the Van Helsings have a home in every city
they go to with the Sons of Ether.

The Celestial Chorus: The Van Helsings may understand these religiocentric mages better than other mages do. Both have
very zealous religious beliefs and both are often misunderstood by others of their kind. Because of this empathy Choristers and
Van Helsings often find it easy to get along with one another.

The Arcanum: While the Arcanum only study vampires, they are willing to trade knowledge and they two groups do so. They
meet once a year to trade stories and tales of the undead.

The Men in Black: Our last best hope against Evil from the stars. These ungoverned, secret super agents have since learned of
the Kindred and the Garou. MIB quickly set up a division to deal with such things and has helped the Van Helsings destroy more
than a fair share of Sabbat nests.

Mokole: Though the Van Helsings have an alliance with almost all werecreatures, they have a bizarre, interesting and uneasy
one with the Mokole or werealligators. Because most other werecreatures hate the Mokole, saying that the image of the
"dragon" is also that of the "Wyrm," the Van Helsing's trust of them is uncommon among werewolves. The Van Helsings see that
the Mokole have a long memory, or as they Mokole put it, they are the memory of Gaia herself. The relationship is strained, but it

Werewolves: "Christian garou?!? You've got to be joking man there's no such fucking thing!"
-- Braineater Get of Fenris Ahroun

Vampires: "Um...yes...the Van Helsing family (looks over his shoulder) I guess they could exist. (Whispers) personally I don't like
to think about it, I've always felt that talking about them too much is like asking for it."
-- Lord Ottomar Kreslo, Ventrue Elder

Ghouls: "The enemy of my master is my enemy. I will feast on their bones and (snaps at a fly) lick their eyeballs. There
aren't any of them around here are there?"
-- Peter, Nosferatu Vassal.

Changeling: "Cute aren't they, I've always found them to be delightful and entertaining."
-- Harpo, Pooka toymaker.

Mages: "Annoying, but they serve their purpose. I don't think all vampires are bad and that Christian thing is very dated.
They can be a bit self-righteous. For the most part though they are intelligent. They always seem to look at me funny when I
say my name."
-- Quincy of the Washington Woods, Verbena Warlock

Wraiths: "I really don't ever deal with them, but I guess they sound like a alright group of fellows"
-- Rabbi Charles Schwab dead for four years

Risen: "Nasty, unfriendly blokes to deal with. Large family too. First I thought I was dealing a normal wolfman; boy was I
wrong. I never read anything about that Van Helsing guy being a werewolf though?"
-- Pinky Woodsly, zombie and London cab driver

Immortals: "They are good souls and a good family. Brave warriors, they are kin to us in spirit!"
-- Sir Ricktor of Scotland, Immortal Swordsman

MIB: "Just what are you doing with this sort of information? Stare into the light please."
-- Agent X, MIB

Character Creation: The Hows and the Why and the Ways
"Next time I try, for the first time in my life. It won't pass me by. Procrastinate. It can't wait. LET'S START TODAY!"
-- Gorilla Biscuits, "Start Today"

Tribal totem: Cross and other Christian symbols.

Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: Members of the Family may not buy Past Life.
Physical: In their human forms the men tend be stocky and well built, the women are shapely but not unfit. They all have flaming
red hair, which is the standard bearer of the family. Their Crinos forms are tad bit shorter (about a foot shorter) than other Garou.
The famed red Van Helsing hair then covers the whole body and they look much like a Fenris Get would. In wolf form they look
like terribly large red wolves with red eyes. However Van Helsings tend to not shift into wolf form very often, unless in need of a
quick getaway.

Territory: As stated, the Van Helsings tend to be nomadic. However they have a home at the Quincy Morris Ranch in Texas.
Protectorate: The Van Helsings are very protective of their family and Kinfolk. They become almost irrationally violent when
family is in danger and will do anything to protect them. However, they protect all creatures blessed by God. They feel it is their
duty to protect humanity from the creatures of shadow that lurk all around them. Though humanity hasn't always been grateful, the
Van Helsings fight on.

Quote: "If you want to live come with me. I know I have the look of a monster, but believe me there are far worse things in this
darkness than me. God willing, we shall both overcome them on this night."

"It is war, we must prepare" Roddy Macdowell as Peter Vincent in "Fright Night 2" "Yo She Bitch come get some!"
--Ash Army of Darkness

Like the Glasswalkers, the Van Helsings tend to take modern items as fetishes. Items like shotguns and chainsaws have been
used. Also powerful combinations of relic and fetish can be found; here are a few examples:
Chainsaw Fetish
Crusader's Sword

Faith: The Unseen Weapon

"Are you a faithless preacher or a mean mother fucking servant of God?"
-- George Clooney as Seth Gecko in From Dusk Till Dawn
Faith can be the most powerful weapon a vampire hunter of any type can have. In the case of the werewolves Van Helsing it is
also combined with garou gifts for some deadly combos. But True Faith is not just a way to fight the bad guys, so to speak; it's
also for healing the sick, inspiring the best in others, and respecting other forms of life. All Van Helsing characters start out with a
faith rating of 3 but this can grow or deplete as time goes on. Their Faith rating gives them certain powers and tricks that others
may not have.

Scent of Garlic: At a level 3 faith rating, the Van Helsings have a rather stubborn, undying belief in the old ways of vampire
hunting and monster tracking in general. In this they have total faith in the usage of garlic, no matter what anyone tells them.
Because of this a Van Helsing werewolf can weld garlic against a vampire as surely as any character in any horror film. This
causes confusion and even fear in the vampires who come in contact with the smelly vegetable.

Number of the Beast: Night hunters who have a faith level of two can produce this effect on the undead. When in a tight spot, a
Van Helsing can cause a vampire to count everything in sight. This is only good for quick escapes and will more than likely leave
the vampire wanting revenge later.

Confess your Sins: At 8 or higher Van Helsings can place their hands on a vampire or evil person and cause them to fall to the
ground and confess the foul deeds.

Peace on Earth: Same as "confess" but only in reverse, the Van Helsing person can put her foe at ease with himself
sometimes making him into a ally.
Other than these differences, all other Faith rules apply.

Gifts: New Twists on Old Weapons

"We got to put it out
The sky is burning
We got to put it out
The water's burning
We got to put it out
The earth is burning"
-- Fugazi, "Burning Too"

Level One
Razor Claws: As the Level One Ahroun Gift
Sense Evil: As Sense Wyrm

Level Two
Die Hellspawn: As Halt the Coward's Flight

Level Three
Might of Samson: As Might of Thor
Hell Knight

Level Four
Hero's Stand: As level four Get gift
Wraith of the Saints

Level Five
Honorable Death: As level Five Get Gift
Armor of God

The Great and Eternal Hunt: Far Beyond Driven

"The moon is full, the stars are bright and the sky is a poisonous garden tonight."
-- Concrete Blonde "The Sky is a Poisonous Garden"
On a full moon in West Texas, the night is filled with blood chilling howls. Every vampire in the area knows what causes it. The
Van Helsings are on the prowl. In the life of the Van Helsing few things are more important than the "good hunt" as they call it,
that is to say the hunt for vampires. Now most people would think that family heritage is simply enough to drive a young cub to
hunt the Devil's Undead, and in some cases that is so. However, this might lead to some stale role-playing. What we are looking
for is what drives your characters to feel the way they do about vampires. Why do they hunt? Were they inspired by a great family
ancestor? Is it their faith alone that drives them? Did a vampire kill someone close to them? What makes your Van Helsing
werewolves tick?

Fight the Good Fight: The Battle Within

"While disguised as Clark Kent, Superman continues to fight for truth justice and the American way."
-- Opening to the Adventures of Superman TV series
First and foremost playing a Van Helsing is about playing a hero. The majority of people may look upon you as a monster, but in
the end, you are a hero. This involves holding up to moral standards and having faith in a higher power. This does not mean
however that you are a "goody goody." Just because you believe in something strongly doesn't mean you don't come across
moral dilemmas and crises of identity. Along the hunt these elements should be should be important to any good game.
However don't go too far the other way and become as decadent as any vampire. Remember: You are a hero.

Hero or Zero: Being a Hero in the Gothic Horror World

"Why do I always get stuck with these spook details?"
--Paul Marco as Kelton the Cop from Plan 9 From Outer Space
In the old Hammer films, Peter Cushing always played an intrepid, energetic and saintly Professor Van Helsing. In the end he
always beat out Count Dracula, but during those times he had to go through some pretty grim stuff. He dealt with it by clinging
even more so to faith. How does your character handle it? Does he become a cynical searcher for the truth like Fox Mulder of
the X-files, a borderline psycho like Ash from the Evil Dead series, a gumshoe like Carl Kolchak, the one and only NightStalker,
a victim like Lawrence Talbot in the Universal Wolfman and other monster films or simply a bumbling ball of nerves like our dear
friend Kelton the Cop from Ed Wood's horror trilogy Bride of the Atom, Plan 9 From Outer Space and Night of the Ghouls? It's
up to you, but once again, remember you are the hero of this tale.

Storytellers Notes: Important Items of Interest that a Storyteller Might Want to Keep in Mind
"And it feels like I'm losing control, when chaos has taken it's toll and I'm going And I'm losing my
--Blanks 77, "Losing my Brain"
I'm sure every Storyteller out there has been running a game that suddenly erupted into annoying chaos. Here are a few ideas
that might keep the players hooked and keep the game in check. Though chaos is an important element to this game's feel, it
must have some order or things never get done. I hope I can keep everyone out there from going crazy. I know these hints help

Mood: The Feel of the Game

"Midnight-I know where I am Thats right I know where I'm going Shutdown-Vacant City Ghost town-Tensions rising"
-- Rancid, "Midnight"

The key to keeping players lost in the made-up World of Darkness is to make certain you have the proper game mood. Though
playing styles differ from player to player, the mood has to make all players fit into the whole thing together. That means if one of
your characters is a ballerina, the other a superhero, and the other a transsexual cowboy you have to still have make the mood
work. Keeping in mind that this is the gothic-punk setting, a world of fantastic options, we can have almost any mood we want
within the horror/science fiction genre. For a Van Helsing game, your characters are the heroes. This means they are just a
group of people (whatever is in the group) on the sides of Angels. How do you make this work? Well here are a few suggestions.

Utter darkness: All is bleak, your heroes feel like they are going to lose, but for some reason still rage on. Its a gothic horror
world all right, but even that is going stale. Things are just down hill all around.

Film noir: The whole game has a hint of mystery and suspense to it. The world is foggy and men in trench coats are at every

Classic horror: This is the feel of old fashion monster tales of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft. The world is full of spooky
houses and thunder and lightning. Things seem sort of weird and other worldly. Isn't that Bela Lugosi lurking over there?

High camp: Things are silly, over-the-top and even clich. In a high camp game you use archetypes and card board characters.
Violence should be dished out with a gory glee. Oh and one thing: chainsaws, chainsaws, chainsaws.

Ed Wood/B-horror: Campy, but in a dream-like, almost surreal sort of way. Things are gloomy, but in an over-the-top way. Cars
suddenly change color for no reason and wooden, almost brain dead supporting characters give out more absurd dialogue.

Eccentric: Creepy, spooky, ooky: This would be a game set around the family ideal of the Van Helsings. It would be
character driven instead of action. Black humor is the number one reason for it being here. This would be better for people
playing younger or retired hunters still on the Ranch.

Hammer Horror: Done in the style of those great Hammer classics of the 60'sand 70's. Good ss. Evil is a major theme and
busty women are everywhere. Your hero is modeled after Captain Kronos or Dr. Van Helsing and the villain, Dracula himself.

Pulp/Comic: Play up the sci-fi elements; things are sunny and the hero is almost always on top. This world is filled with giant
robots and evil supervillains! Lots of pop culture references.

Southwestern Gothic: The world is dusty and grainy. It's gothic, but with a drawl. Rusty cars filled with vampires and Van
Helsings battle each other across the deserts of the Southwest.

Punk Rock: This game is angry. Its all about your rage towards the vampires and other creatures of the night. Use loud angry
colors and wacky punk hairstyles.

Religious: This game is very spiritual and deals with how the vampires, demons and other monsters have wronged good. Use
lots of churches and crosses. Holy figures should be important in the supporting cast.
"We are all characters in this play of life. Dracula is dead, but he will live on forever in our memories. As we will live on as
characters in other people's memories"- -Dr. Van Helsing from "Dracula: The Play"

Non-player Characters: The Supporting Cast

"Captain America," leader of the Yesteryear Punx
Nature: Idealist
Demeanor: Punk
Concept: Street Warrior
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Talents: Brawl 4, Streetwise 4, Leadership 5
Skills: Melee 5 (Shield), Survival 2 Music 3
Knowledges: Occult 2, Law 3, Politics: 1
Other Traits: Comics 5, Record Geek 4
Background: The punk rocker known only under the name "Captain America" is one of the first Yesteryear Punx. He was there
the fateful night they dig up that dead body for kicks. Pretending it was a vampire they were about to drive a stake into its heart
when it suddenly sprang to life and attacked many of the kids around him. He attacked quickly and jumped onto the nightcreature plunging a stake into its heart. The creature then fell to the ground. The other punks just stood around as he looked at
them with a blank expression. He just stood there. Digging up that body was his idea. He had gotten them all into trouble, now he
had to make up for it. Besides, it was lots of fun. So he spoke. He remembered a speech from "Fantastic Four 1" and modified

it for the occasion.

"Boys, we have knowledge that no one else has, more knowledge than most folk have we gotta use to better mankind by icing all
the vampires we find." With that he held out his hand just like in the first issue of "Fantastic Four."
"What about you Ben There? You with me?" Cap said.
"I ain't Ben anymore, I'm the Thing!" Ben said catching.
"And I'll be Wonder Woman" a voice said.
"And you Jay?" Cap said, trying to sound stoic.
"Just call me Wolverine!" Jay yelled.
All the hands were soon lying on top of the Captains. He just smiled.
"Good and I'll be "Captain America." We'll call ourselves the Yesteryear Punx. Sort of a mix between the Quincy Punx and the
Tomorrow Syndicate." Captain said.
"I pity the vampire that messes with us." One last voice said. And so it was. And the World of Darkness was never the same

Captain America Today: He grew into the role of a leader and in his growth in fame, he has become a unlikely figure of
politics. The Captain is a wanted man; the CIA knows he knows something and they want his info. This false Captain America
has grown into somewhat of a hero of the people like a modern day Robin Hood.

Role-Playing Tips: You are starting to buy into the idealism that your costume represents and this makes you uneasy. You only
wanted to do the right thing, but you didn't want all this trouble, so you are a man torn with who you were and who you are now.

Appearance: The Captain is an attractive young man in a motley mock-up of the "Captain America" costume. Without his mask
on he has a red white and blue mohawk. The tattoo "Anger is Energy" is on one arm, and a "U.S Bombs" logo adorns the other.
His eyes are a piercing blue.

Equipment: As with his comic book counterpart he has but one weapon: a shield. This shield looks very much like the one in the
comics, only it is made of a silver/titanium mix and the sides are sharp so he can cut vampires head off if he throws it. The shield
does damage as a broadsword.

Baron Conrad Von Frankenstein

"You think I'm mad? Well maybe I am."
- Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein in Frankenstein

Nature: Opportunist
Demeanor: Visionary
Concept: Mad scientist
Age: 45
Sex: Male
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
Talents: Intimidation 3
Skills: Repair 3, Etiquette 4, Music 2
Knowledges: Medicine 4, Occult 3, Science 5, Linguistic 5
Background: The mad Baron Conrad Von Frankenstein actually began life away of his famed family. He was sent off to a
private school at a very young age where he was teased often about his last name. Called "Boris" by his classmates, young
Conrad became a loner very quickly. He was, however, a brilliant student. His prowess at science bordered the magical. Only
one word could describe it: prodigy. Perhaps it was the teasing by the students, perhaps it was his family curse, or perhaps it
was fate, but when Conrad got older he became interested in life and death. He studied dead animals, keeping them all over his
room in jars and on tables. He wanted to know what made life! Before he could complete his studies however, he was sent
home to tend to his sick mother. Angered, he poisoned her slowly. It made it look like she was getting sicker, but in fact it was
the poison at work. Perhaps the greatest irony was yet to come, because on her deathbed Conrad was given what he had
always hoped for. His answers. His mother, dying of the poisons he had put in her system because she had taken him away
from science, handed him the journal of Victor Frankenstein.

Conrad Frankenstein Today: Conrad has failed many times to create his own creatures. His fortune was spent on the
equipment he needed, but he always failed. He worked with many people trying to get aid with his experiments. Supporters as
varied as the Society of Leopold to Developmental Neogenetics Amalgamated came and went. Finally he had no money to
spend on his experiments. Until one day a new benefactor came to into his life, a mysterious vampire lady named only Lillian.

She was beautiful, intelligent, and most of all, she was rich. She would give him the money he needed to study and work, but
under one condition. His experiment would take a new direction. He had been trying to bring dead tissue back, but not Undead.
She had brought him the ashes that she claimed belonged to Count Dracula. Since then he has worked on his own experiments
on the side, while trying to bring back the Count.

Role-Playing Tips: You are mad. In every sense of the word you are the mad scientist. You have manners, but they are warped
beyond reason. You also have a nervous twitch just in the corner of your right eye. It just goes to show, some people are just plain
nuts. Speaks with a lisp.

Appearance: Looks a lot like the actor Ralph Bates but is aged. He is well-groomed and looks somewhat dashing in a mad
sort of way.

Sandra Van Helsing

Age: 17
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Philodox
Concept: Amateur Vampire Hunter
Sex: Female
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Dodge 2, Primal Urge 4
Skills: Crafts 2, Firearms 3, Drive 4, Melee 3
Knowledges: Culture 4, Occult 3, Rituals 4
Background: Sandra, or "Sadie" as she is called, was born at the ranch and grew up hearing tales about heroic battles with
Evil. She was trained but alas didn't show much talent at it. But for what she lacked in skill she more than made for in chutzpah.

Sandra Van Helsing Today: She is now out on her own stalking vampires. She thinks she knows everything but that is far from
the truth.

Role-Playing Tips: You are sass defined, a bit of a tomboy and you speak with a strong Texas accent. You can kick any
vampire's ass with ease and no one can push you around.

Appearance: She looks like a cross between Tank Girl and a hillbilly. Very cute in a tomboyish sort of way.
Gifts: Detect Evil, Razor Claws
Faith: 3
Willpower: 4
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 4
Motive: Family Tradition
Method: Heavy Firepower/Religious
Equipment: Shotgun Cross/knife, Garlic squirt guns filled with holy water, 5 Hand Grenades, Bow, 8 Arrows with explosive tips
Ole Bubba Van Helsing
"Everybody must smile, cause Jokers are wild. I am, I am, I am the Joker in the Pack!"
-- The Addicts, "Joker in the Pack"

Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ahroun
Family: Van Helsing
Concept: Trainer/ Aged warrior /Wiseacre
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 4, Intimidation 4, Brawl 3
Skills: Leadership 5, Stealth 4, Melee 2, Performance 3, Etiquette 5
Knowledges: Rituals 3, Linguistics 2, Occult 4
Background: Growing up, Bubba was always teased about being "girlish." Despite the name Bubba, the fact is he was

anything but. "Not the warrior type" they would say to him. Well, this made young Bubba develop two things: a quick tongue and
the desire to prove them wrong. While never the strongest, fastest, or best with a stack, Bubba was always the sneakiest of the
lot. Soon, teasing Bubba about being "girlish" was like asking to get beat up. Still, no one felt he could make anything of himself.
So Bubba took the road to prove them otherwise. He soon began to send letters of his adventures and became a hero to the
family. He was killing more vampires than any of his brothers and doing it with style.

Ole Bubba Today: Bubba returned to his home, after a life of experience and action, a living legend. His tongue was as sharp
as ever, though his sneak attacks had slowed somewhat. Soon he was spreading his wisdom all over the Ranch, even if they
didn't want to hear it. He was the Oscar Wilde of the Van Helsings, but with enough dead vampires under his belt to also be a
battle hero. The elders decided to keep the spirited old warrior in check by having him train the young. He does so now with

Role-Playing Tips: You're Quentin Crisp meets the Batman. You are always one to sneak up behind one of your students from
the shadows, knock them over, and then give them a good lashing with the tongue. All this is done lovingly however. Youre
creepy, yet effeminate. Speak in an over-the-top southern drawl and display a Victorian manner. You're a "gentlemen" warrior.
Also never let anyone treat you like you're old.

Appearance: An aged thin man, with a womanly face and unnerving silver eyes. You have wild silver hair and a constant smirk
on your face.

Equipment: A Bo staff and anything used to teach.

Dr. Andre Van Helsing
"And I feel like heaven's so far away."
-- The Offspring, "Gone Away"

Age: 37
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ahroun
Concept: Dark Paladin
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 3
Talents: Brawl 4, Alertness 3, Dodge 4, Intimidation 5
Skills: Melee 4, Firearms 5, Leadership 3, Stealth 3
Knowledges: Occult 5, Science 3, Medicine 4
Faith: 8
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 3
Motive: Lost Love
Method: Religious/Occult/Heavy Fire Power
Background: Andre was the one who was going to be different. He wanted to be a doctor, not a hunter. He left the ranch after a
large fight over his choice and went to medical school in Austin. It was there were he met Kate, a lovely creature with long black
hair. She was center of his world, he loved her more than life itself. Soon after he completed school they moved to a small town
where they lived with her childlike younger sister Maggie. He practiced medicine in peace, Kate need ever know of what he
really was. All she knew was that he was somehow related to a character in Dracula and that was left with that. Then a strange
blood illness came upon the women in the town. They were losing blood every night. Andre knew, but he wouldn't ruin his normal
life. Then one night while they lay in their beds, the monsters came. They raped and killed his lovely wife before him forcing him
down and making him watch. Then lastly they destroyed his handsome face with a sliver blade, gutting the left half. Leaving him
and Maggie there he roared, the rage entered his body. Soon after Maggie enter an insane asylum and Andre became the most
feared vampire hunter of all time: the second Doctor Van Helsing.

Andre Van Helsing Today: He wanders from city to killing as many vampires as he can. He has since destroyed every
vampire in Dallas, Texas. While he takes no joy in his bloodbath, it is the only thing that takes away the pain in his heart. In his
eye they will all pay for the life of one, the one thing that should have never been taken from him.

Role-Playing Tips: Driven but not cold. Will do anything to protect innocents and you see well beyond the revenge part of you
work. Over the years you have become more heroic and you always try to do the right thing. You are a noble soul. Think of a
cross between the Shadow and Peter Fonda in Nadja. You have your eccentric qualities and are prone to flights of fancy.
Sardonic jokes are coming with you, as you like to create what you call "toys." These are really death machines hidden under a
teddy bear or a toy soldier. There is a twinkle in your eye when it can be seen, but they also look very sad.

Appearance: A black wide brimmed hat and red scarf covers most of his face, which is so ugly that no one need look at it. A
black duster and torn Misfits shirt are worn with this. Long red hair climbs out of his hat and he wears mirror-lensed glasses at all

Gifts: Armor of God, Razor Claws, Sense Evil, Honorable Death, Might of Samson, Wraith of the Saints, Die Hellspawn, Song
of Rage

Equipment: Fang Rippers, Chainsaw (fetish), Holy Water, Doctor's Bag, Bike, Whip, Tommy Gun, Flame Thrower, Gas
Bombs, Garlic, Spike Gun, Nail Gun, Bombs, Mirror, Razor Blades, Stakes, Hammer, Cross, Bible

That Which Inspires: Movies, Comics, Music and Films which Might Add to the Mood
"Catch catch, the Horror Taxi. I feel in love with a video Nasty"
-- The Damned, "Nasty"

Brides of Dracula: Peter Cushing at his best. Dracula isn't really in the movie, but Professorx Van Helsing is and he is kicking
vampire rear end all over the place!

From Dusk Till Dawn: It's an all out vampire action movie. The one liners fly as the gore goes everywhere.
House of Frankenstein and House of Dracula: Not great movies by any means but you get a lot of monsters. Also, these
movies have some of the better fight scenes between werewolves and vampires.

Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter: A dashing vampire hunter with a magic sword makes love to beautiful women and lays waste
to vampires.

Vampire Hunter D: It's manga baby! This animated film features a vampire hunter who is also a monster. This gives him a
confused feeling. It might give the characters or the Storyteller ideas.

Wolf: Great werewolf battle scenes. These more human-looking werewolves might give you an idea of how a werewolf could
fight a vampire.

Howling: The Freaks: A noble werewolf is put on display by an evil vampire in a freakish carnival.
Nadja: The best modern vampire movie ever made. Great for mood.
Ghostbusters: Okay, so there are no vampires, but its great to see a team dynamic that works.
Comics and Books
Tomb of Dracula and Werewolf by Night: The classic seventies horror comics deal with an evil vampire (Dracula) and a
softhearted werewolf (Wolfie by Night).

The Vampire Hunter's Casebook: A big book of vampire hunting adventures.

Dracula: Duh!
Zombie World: Champion of Worms: A great comic that features a brave team of humans battling hordes of the Undead. This
Comic is also good for mood and teamwork.

Carmilla: The classic gothic novel with a beautiful female vampire.

Midnight Mass: A story that deals with the religious aspect. A priest and a rabbi take on lots of vampires.
"Music soothes the savage breast."
-- old maxim
The Misfits: the classic horror punk band. Any of their albums lend mood to the scene, and give you lyrics that are so funny you'll
just die.
Alien Sex Fiend: Try their version of the Batman theme for a kick. These gothic goofballs create gloomy music with a twist.
Always different, always fun, always Fiendish.
Minor Threat: The classic D.C. hardcore band. It would be great for fight scenes and working up anger.
The Addicts: Hardgore forerunners of goth. These punks bring a little of the circus with them wherever they go.
Roy Oberson: The original rockabilly might shock you with some of his spooky ballads.

The Residents: Nothing is quite like the Residents, but many have tried. For pure chaotic choice weirdness, nothing beats them.
The Rolling Stones: "Time is on My Side", "Paint it Black" and "Sympathy for the Devil." All good spooky song that seem to find
there ways on many a horror soundtrack.
AC/DC: Wacky and raunchy, this metal/garage band will add a little kick to your fight scenes.
Annie Lennox: Beloved by all! Try out "Missionary man."

By Kenneth Carlson (
"The Rats, they created us. Then they kicked us out. Let them hide underneath the cities. We will return to Wyld as was intended."

The Vermin are perhaps the newest of all the Bete. They do not have all the history and tales as the other shifters do. They did
not suffer the War of Rage, nor do they share much of the prejudice because of this. They only know what is true, and what will
always be true. It's been almost 50 years since their creation down in Louisiana. The Rats had almost chased their kin out of the
cities, and they took to the woods for the most part. Then there was the day when old Grandpa Chester was found. He was just a
normal mouse, like many of our family were before. It is told that a Ratkin Shadow Seer had fallen in love with this mouse, and
she wanted him to live with her. Be it Gaia and Rat both teamed up, or perhaps it's really that Mouse guided the Rite of Birthing
plague this time. Who knows, but it happened. Chester became the first of our kind, and he went to live with the Ratkin in the
There they taught him some, and he loved to learn. The Rats tried to tell him what their place in the world was, but Chester wasn't
as interested. It was all fascinating to him, until he realized he was the only one of his kind. Alone in this world, he took a trip off to
be by himself in the woods. There he looked up to the sky and called upon Mouse to aid him in finding company.
He sat out there for a while. Some say it was only a few minutes, and some tell it as being a few weeks. Hell, does it matter?
Soon came forth five mice in front of him. They stood there, just looking at him. Then and there he realized it was a gift from his
own parent, Mouse.
He enacted the Rite of Birthing Plague on them as it had been done on him a few years earlier. Each was reborn, different
slightly than the other. Unlike the Ratkin cousins, these mice completed the five duties originally set down by Gaia. Chester knew
he now could take his children to the wilderness, and live as many of them had all their lives. He returned to the rat nest to tell
them he was leaving, to follow the Wyld instead of the Weaver. When the Ratkin tried to keep them from it, one of the mice
stepped forward. He was the one who took on the duty of the warrior. He challenged the Ratkin, and was slaughtered. The mice
learned then and there that they could not fight their enemies, but could run away to tell the story.
Run they did, leaving the entire city and heading into the woods way up north. Grandpa Chester decided to head off into the
Umbra instead, to be guide his children in the spirit. There they were taken in by a Gurahl for a while, taught the ways of the Wyld
and sent on their way.

The Vermin are tightly knit, and everyone keeps in contact with the other. Their members have grown fast. They amount to close
to 200 in the United States alone, but are still young in the ways. They also hold family reunions in the woods where no one can
find them.
They only care about one thing, and that's the Wyld. They often times take jobs as park rangers, or informants because of their
ability to always know what's going on and get away from the danger. The only grudge they hold is against the Ratkin, for killing
their proud warrior and making themselves have to live separately once more.

The Umbra
Vermin cannot step sideways into the Umbra. Instead they must use a Rite, which was taught to them by the Gurahl many years

All Vermin follow Mouse as their totem. Occasionally though a few will also follow a totem of the Wyld.

The Vermin can understand the Ratkin language due to the time they spent with them, and it having been passed down. Their
own language is very similar, though the pitches are different.

The Vermin live underneath the forests or inside hollowed out trees. They have also learned the ability to make their homes in
the Umbra and occasionally the entire family in the city will live in one due to the size of it.

Character Creation
Beginning Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 4 points, No Pure Breed, and no resources over 2

Homid: A Vermin born of a human parent. Beginning Gnosis: 2
Metis: There are no metis Vermin. They figure there are plenty to breed with; we don't need the deformities weakening us even

Rodens: A Vermin born of a mouse parent. Beginning Gnosis: 4.

The Vermin have three basic forms: Homid, A Crinos Half form, and a Rodens Shape.

Homid: Their human body. Basic Stats for a human as according to Werewolf: The Apocalypse. They look similar to the Ratkin,
except they are even shorter.

Crinos: The Vermin Crinos form is very lithe, and appears as a half-mouse half-man. Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +2, Cha -1, App. 0,
Per +1, Diff 6. The bite of the Crinos form causes aggravated wounds (Str+1), but the claws cause normal damage. The
Vermin's pink tail becomes totally prehensile, like the Ratkin's.

Rodens: This form resembled a mouse. What it looks like exactly depends on the breed of mouse. Str -2, Sta +3, Dex +1, Cha 2, Per +2, Diff 6 Claws and teeth do aggravated damage.

Vermin choose their careers as do the Ratkin. Although, theirs are a bit different and the ones that are the same were named
different, out of spite.

Path Finder: Vermin pathfinders are the tricksters, scouts, and spies of their people. Beginning Rage: 2
Tree Hugger: These are the mystics among the Vermins. Beginning Rage: 1.
Gavel Slammer: This name was chosen because they are the judges and ritualists of their people. Often times if there is
trouble, the people listen to the Gavel slammers first before anyone else. Beginning Rage: 4.

Fire Speakers: These are the ones known to sit around the fires and tell the scary ghost stories at night. They are the
messengers and go-betweens. It is rumored they were the first to make contact with the Gurahl, and get him to aid them.
Beginning Rage: 3

Racial Aspects
All Vermin have poor vision. They receive +1 to all sight difficulties. All Vermin, on the other hand, receive a -2 difficulty to any
other Perception rolls. Vermin possess the same healing abilities as the werewolves and are immune to all forms of disease as
per the Rite of Birthing Plague.

The Vermin have three types of Renown: Honor, Cunning, and Cowardice. Honor of course is self-explanatory. Cunning similar
to Wisdom, and Cowardice takes the place of their Glory.

Rite of the Steel Toed Boot (level 1)
Rite of Rending the Gauntlet (level 1) Same as Gurahl Rite. The Mouse must take on his Rodens form though.
Rite of Birthing Plague (level 1) Same as Ratkin rite.
Rite of Tunnel Finding (level 2)
Rite of Nest Making (level 3)

Level One
Speed of Light
Draw the Weeds

Level Two
Burrow: Same as Metis gift

Level Three
Masked Scent

Level Four
Call Kinfolk: Same as Ratkin gift, but works on non-umbral mice instead.

Level Five
Aid the Glade Children

WEREBATS: The Redemption

By Derek Marcoux (

Werebats or Cyan, the term they call each other, were once ages ago creatures of Gaia. The Cyan were seduced to the side of
the Wyrm, millennia ago. Their sacred galleries and grottos were spoiled and defiled, all in the name of the Wyrm. Centuries
upon centuries did they serve it. Silent spies, vile hunters, horrors of the night. Once, they all sang the song of the Earth Mother
deep in their mystical galleries far underground. Then, It came. With sweet whispers and seductive promises it lured them. Why
were they made to fear the light of day? Why did her light hurt them? Its light soothed their eyes. Its light cooled their dens. Its
love, was the smothering of darkness, the cool blanket that nurtured them when they slept.
The choice was easy.
Their warriors turned into horrors as they preyed on innocent mortals. The lore keepers, turned to insane kennings. Their judges
turned their laws into perversions. The mystics turned loose the horrors of the deep, as the simple fools turned into deadly
deviants. Last, their songs of Gaia, became croaks and squeaks of the vileness that is the Wyrm.
Ages pass....
One day, one of the insane Galliards has a brief moment of pure rational thought. Maybe, the Earth Mother created them not to
fear the day and her light, but to guard her from the night, from Its light. This one pure rational thought, spreads through the Cyan,
like a lightning bolt. A warm glow enters their nests and back into their hearts. An instant later, every crystal in their grottos,
shines a light of pure love. Even though they had turned their backs on the Mother, She had never turned from them. Her children.
Her protectors of the night.

The Forms
Homid: The Whelp
Stat. Adjustment: None
Shift Difficulty: 6
Change description: This is the natural state for human characters. Does not regenerate damage, but may carry silver without

Glabro: The Watcher

Stat. Adjustment: Str +2 Sta +1, Dex +2, Man -1, App -1
Shift Difficulty: 7
Change Description: Relatively human, the ears are more curved, like Mr. Spock. The Cyan gains 50% of weight, all of it tight
muscle. Agility is greatly enhanced with muscle gain. Eyes become narrow and piercing. Teeth and nails are more pronounced.
Height increases by six inches.

Crinos: The Warrior

Stat. Adjustment: Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +3, Man -2, App 0
Shift Difficulty: 6
Change Description: The Werebat gains an additional 50% height and and additional 100%-200% weight. The body
becomes hairy and wings sprout from broad shoulder blades, giving the werebat a gargoyle-like appearance. A prehensile
flanged tail, compliments the form while also steadying flight. Fangs and wicked claws deal aggravated damage. The head is of
a snarling bat.

Hispo: The Giant bat

Stat. Adjustment: Str +1, Dex +2, Man -3, App 0
Shift Difficulty: 7

Change Description: The giant bat's wingspan is at least 7'. This bat looks like the kind in Fright Night. Weight is that of their
homid form.

Chirioptera: The Warden

Stat. Adjustment: Dex +4, Dtr -2, Man 0, App 0, Per +3, Wit +2
Shift Difficulty: 6
Change Description: The teeth of the bat still cause aggravated damage. One can fly 3x normal running speed. Sonar is also
capable in this form and also is in Crinos and Hispo too. Sonar is 100' x 50' at the end of the cone. Anything in the cone is
detected as moving objects of varying pitches. This form is that of an average bat. Species are picked by brood.

The Uushaela are the cyan of the Americas. These werebats saw the approaching white man as a stain on the pure unmolested
lands of the American plains. These cyan took their human mates from the nomadic Indians. Their warriors counseled and
helped train Indian braves. The judges gave counsel to the chiefs. Their mystics taught the tribal shamans powerful spirit magick.
The Galliards taught them art and music. Their fools taught them how to frighten the enemy.

Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: No Resources
Beginning gifts: Camouflage, Sense Magic
Physical: All Uushaela are Native American. Their bat forms resemble grey or white bats of the northern climates. Some South
American Uushaela have brown pelts spotted with red.

Quote: "Once the eagle flew for days on end. Then your kind came and captured or killed it. Worse, you turned its once
majestic form into your own twisted ideal of your existence. I will see the eagle fly majestic and free once again."
This brood of Cyan hails from Eastern Germany. Most, if not all the "Gothic" architecture was influenced by the Cyan of that area.
In fact, most winged gargoyles, were modeled from Cyan in Crinos form. Also, this brood has the most number of kinfolk. It was
said in ages passed, that a Strogoth could fly around an Ostrogoth city and never incite the Delirium among the flock. There
were that many kinfolk.

Initial Willpower: 3
Backgrounds: any
Beginning gifts: Razor Claws, Sense Wyrm
Physical: These Cyan have black fur with eyes of red. In homid form, they prefer to dress in black, but what they wear is from a
few eras back. A favored expression of Strogoths in Crinos is a leering tongue, just like all the gargoyles that are seen.

Quote: Are you lost little one? You are? Then take hold of my hand, dear. I shall safely guide you through the night.
These bats call the dark craggy mountains and gloomy forests of the Carpathians home. These Cyan saw the coming of lord
Dracul. When they were thralls of the Wyrm, they aided Dracul by acting as his spies and assassins. Now however, they are
fighting a war with his unholy servants for their homeland. An alliance was drawn with the Shadowlords, but it quickly
deteriorated. Now they fight on both fronts, the minions of the Wyrm on one front and the greedy Shadowlords on the other. This
brood has the closest ties to the Vampire clan known as the Gangrel. Indeed they both share the same kinfolk, The Gypsy.

Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: any
Beginning gifts: Shroud, Aura of Confidence
Physical: The Volsaga have the blackest of pelts. In Crinos, they are huge and monstrous. Try and picture a Tzimisce covered

in fur. Monstrous.

Quote: Once, our cliffs and mountains sang to the mother. Then the Devil came. He drowned their songs in blood. We shall get
them to sing again, with the blood of Dracul!

The Nightwings call the British Isles home. In ancient days, they allied themselves with the human magi known as Verbena. This
alliance has lasted for ages. These Cyan make most of their nests in primordial forests. Some take to the dark caves. When the
Inquisition came, these Cyan took the Verbena into hiding in these same caves. The Verbena were eternally grateful. The
Nightwings and Verbena share their Caerns and Nodes. Many Verbena nodes have a couple of Nightwings perching in the
trees, keeping a watchful eye. One other thing of note, many kinfolk of these Cyan have the ability to Awaken. In fact, about 5%10% of Verbena are Kinfolk of the Nightwings. This mixing of blood makes the alliance all the more stronger.

Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: Any
Beginning gifts: Beast Speech, Sense Magic
Physical: As their name depicts, these Cyan have black fur, black as night. In homid, they prefer to were cloaks or capes. They
are also very fond of silver.

Quote: Hello father. What? Lost are ye? Well c'mon, I'll show ye the way to the mission. The moon's comin' up and it's best if we
stay out of the Moors. Werewolves ya know....

These strange Cyan hail from Scandanavia. Their Theurge's once taught the Norse Vitki magick. In the myths of the Norse, it
was said that the Vaettr sprang from the body of Ymir when Odhinn slew him. It's said that their warriors gave their rabid gift of
Berserk to the norsemen. Their Caerns are hidden from mortal sight, beyond the Bifrost bridge. Past Asgard, and into the realm
of the Jotuns. They were cast there after their fall into the embrace of the Wyrm. Now, they are trying to reclaim their ancestral
homes in the golden lands of Asgard.

Initial Willpower: 5
Backgrounds: Any
Beginning gifts: Razor Claws, Resist Pain
Physical: These Cyan are big. In homid form, they have massive shoulders. In Crinos, they are about the same size as a Get of
Fenris. Their fur is Red to black. They are the largest of the Cyan and probably the most barbaric.

Quote: Hailsa! You are a worthy foe giant. What did you say? No you can't leave. It's too late for that.

Auspice and Breed Gifts

All Cyan have the Auspice gifts of werewolves. Their breed gifts also come from the werewolves. Just make the gifts suited to
bats. For example, Silver Claws is changed to Silver Wings. Damage is Str + 3 aggravated.

Brood Gifts
Uushaela: Whether from North America, or South America, choose their gifts from either the Wendigo or the Uktena.
Strogoths: Take their gifts from the Black Furies.
Volsaga: Their gifts come from the Shadowlords.
Nightwings: They take their gifts from the Fianna.
Vaettr: They take their gifts from the Get of Fenris.

By Tanner D. Welch ( (20 May 1996)

The werechameleions are a rare, all but extinct offshoot of the Mokole. They are similar to the Mokole in that they only have three
forms: Homid, Archid, and Suchid. They are all of the Concealed auspice, and have the use of several already existing gifts,
such as Walking Between Worlds, Doppleganger, Camouflage, Venom, Blur of the Milky Eye, and Alter Scent. Naturally, these
aren't beginning gifts, but they are the most useful to this type of character. These are not powerhouse creatures. They stand
about four feet tall in Archid, with bonuses of Strength +1, Dex +4, and Stamina +3. In Suchid, they are about two feet long with
strength -2, dex +1, and Stamina +2. For the Archid form, think Reptile from the Mortal Kombat Movie: small, agile, and one
quick little bastard! Some werechameleons have developed their own version of Kailindo.

Sample character
Name: Gabe Jacobs Breed: Homid
Height: 5'8"
Auspice: Concealed Tribe: Werechameleon Weight: 160
Strength 3 Charisma 4 Perception 3
Dexterity 4 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 2
Stamina 2 Appearance 3 Wits 2

Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Kailindo 4, Dodge 4, Primal urge 1, Subterfuge 1, streetsmarts 1, Drive 2, Melee 1, Firearms
1, Mimicry 3, stealth 5, occult 1, enigmas 1, computers 2, law 1

Gifts: Blur of the Milky Eye, Persuasion, Venom, Doppleganger, Alter Scent
Backgrounds: Rites 2, Resources 4, Allies 1
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 3
Willpower: 5
Merits & Flaws: Jack of all Trades, Compulsion for Gummi bears, Hatred of Polka (hey, I couldn't make him all serious!)
Description: Gabe is obviously not a first level character. He is an artsy, beatnik, poetry reading, coffee house frequenting kind
of guy. Gabe affects an air of arrogance, but is a nice guy under it all. He claims to not care one way or the other about being a
good guy or protecting Gaia, but deep down he'll do whatever it takes to save an innocent or help a worthy cause. He has rather
unruly black hair, long (and spiky) on top and shaved on the sides, a black goatee, and is rarely (if ever) seen without his
trademark black rectangular shades. He typically dresses in black, with the exception of his white "I am the lizard king. I can do
anything." T-shirt worn under a black suit jacket. He wears baggy black pants as well, usually tucked into worn, (surprise) black
combat boots.

By Ryan Silverman ( and Gavin Warren

"Eh amigo, you scared? Well don't be. You are one of da tough ones. You be a nacho. So what if you small, you quick!! And you
no gots those pesky heat problems tha fur got!!! Yeah, besides, we not so bad in Crinos man!! So pass the tequila and tacos
and lets all get some fiesta going on here!!!"
The nachos are a new tribe of Bete. They are very hyperactive, and absolutely love Taco Bell.

"You Quiero Taco Bell."

Poco was out playing in the fields eating his Taco Bell when his pet chihuahua hopped onto his leg. The dog fell down and hit her
head, and lost a lot of blood. Gaia took pity on the dog and so she placed some taco sauce and blood from the boy into his dog.
Poco's dog started yapping at his feet and suddenly, formed into a teenage girl. She was, of course, naked due to not having
any clothes. Poco, being the teenage boy he was, took advantage of this moment. About a month later, Chi-Chi, the girl, gave
birth to two small chihuahua's and about half a year later they turned into human kids. The taco sauce in their blood left them with
two things: a spicy, hyperactive attitude and a hunger for Taco Bell. Also, strangely, due to some strange chemical reaction
between their bete body and the Mexican water, they have the ability to shift from male to female in any of the 5 forms after the
first change.

The 5 Forms
Homid: You look like you're average human. However, you are very short, probably about 5'3".
Salsa: You are now closer to 5'6". You're ears are a bit pointier; all your hair is missing.
Crinos: You're now the same size as an average human. You have short hair, like a chihuahua. While fighting is not you're
strong suit, speed is.

TacBur You are slightly smaller than a cocker spaniel; same hair as Crinos.
ChiChi: You are a chihuahua.

Since you are not very strong, you make up for it in speed. Take an automatic 3 dots in Dex and Stamina.
The stats for the other forms is as follows:
Forms Str. Sta. Dex. App. Per. Man. Diff.
Salsa +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +0 7
Crinos +1 +1 +3 -1 +1 +0 6
TacBur +0 +1 +4 0
+1 +0 7
ChiChi -2 +2 +4 0
+0 -3 6

The Nachos have the same gifts as the Bone Gnawers.
Nacho Metis are impossible because the whole race is formed from Gaia's pity. If two Nacho mate, the child will be kinfolk of
whatever breed the mother is. However, the child will also be blind or deaf, but never both.

No totems due to the fact that they are not connected to spirits.

WereCow: The Mooing

By Red Raptor (



The Bovina live with herds of normal cows on cattle ranges, dairy farms and feedlots. They often run these establishments as
homid farmers. They are close to their kinfolk and very secretive of their existence. It is only recently that stories of the Bovina
have spread.

Bovina take aggravated damage from rusty barb wire instead of silver.

Bovina measure renown as: Chewing cud (Wisdom) and Fence Breaking (Glory).

Gnosis, Willpower and Rage

Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Betsy(metis) 3
The Bovina do not use auspice, but Rage is determined by gender:
Sex Starting Rage
Bull 5
Cow 2

Bovid: A cow. They come in many colors, but most are a typically Black and White. -1 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Sta, -1 App, -5 Man
Udder (crinos): This has to be one of the silliest sights one has ever seen. The typical Udder form Bovina is a 10 ft tall muscular
Cow-man. They have huge Brown eyes on their giant cow heads. The horns lenghthen and curl inward. Two huge tusks protrude
from the lower jaw in question mark shapes. This causes them to perpetually drool. In cows the udders stick out from the belly
and the nipples become sharp spikes. In this form all non-Bovina characters (including supernaturals) must roll willpower (diff 6)
or become immobilized with hysterical laughter. If they fail they will continue to laugh and will be unable to do anything but defend
themselves for 10 rounds minus their willpower. +1 Str +1 Dex +5 Sta 0 App -5 Man.

Homid: Homid form Bovina generally dress as cow hands or dairy farmers. They favor dedicated leather clothing,overalls or
dresses with yellow flowers on them.


The Bovina live in tight herds and aggressively dending themselves and their kin from any intruders.

Bovid: 25-35 yrs.
Homid/metis: 60-80 yrs


Past Lives
Buttercup, the great cow that burned Chicago: Buttercup manifests in one heifer every 8 generations. Shes gets +4 intell.
+1 Dex +3 Str and must wear a bell at all times or cannot move. She will have pyromaniac tendencies and will constantly talk
about burning hay...

Fermentation (level 1)
Mooing (level 2)

Bring the Cows Home (level 1)
Jargon (level 2)

Moo of Doom (level 1)
Knocking over the Bucket (level 2)

Crossing the Yard (level 1)
Bullseye (level 2)

Milk (level 1)
Command Homid (level 2)

Bovina have no claws, and can not make slashing attacks. They can make kicking attacks for Strength+2 or horn attacks at


Bastet: We have met a few. As long as they leave us alone we do not mind their presence.
"They have to be one of the strangest and funniest peoples I have ever met. Very secretive though, do not cross them if you
are not prepared to fight."
-- Catches-Fish-Fast, Pumonca

Other Bete: We don't want to know them and don't want them to know of us.
"You can't be serious? HOHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
-- Bjorn Blood-Jaws, Get of Fenris Ahroun

WereDove: The Cooing

By Red Raptor (



The Cherubs, as they call themselves, are evil, corrupt minions of the Wyrm. They are a rare race, but where they exist their
influence is great. They are masters of mind control and manipulation. The Cherubs often take high positions in Pentex
organizations or create cultist groups dedicated to the Wyrm.
The Cherubic are a loathsome race. All bete who know of them work to destroy them. Black Spiral Dancers will not associate
with them under any circumstances. Kindred (including Sabbat) avoid them at all costs. Banes will never work with or possess
them. Other supernaturals who learn of them soon will not have anything to do with these creatures. The Cherubic detest other
supernaturals, but use them when they can. They see them as pawns to be used in their conquest for corruption and power of the
All Cherubic start with the negative trait: Over-confident. They may never buy this off.
Breeds: Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Metis do not exist. They spoil the purity the Cherubs consider imperative above all else.
The Cherubic follow Eater of Souls. They start with 3 Rage. They are unaffected by silver, but take aggravated damage from
True Faith and items associated with it. The Rite of Cleansing will cause them 4 aggravated damage and the loss of 5
permanent physical traits.

Aves: A dove of the purest white color. -4 Str, +2 Dex, -3 Sta, -2 App,-4 Man.
Crinos: The Crinos form resembles the classic Angel of religous paintings. They are very tall, have great expansive white
feathered wings and are beautiful beyond most mortal comprehension. This form causes a Delirium effect. All mortals who view
the character will be dumbfounded and can not move until the character is out of sight. +3 Str, +3 Dex, +3 Sta, +3 App.

Homid: A very impressive person. They never have fewer than 5 dots of Appearance or 3 dots of Charisma. Cherubic may have
up to 7 dots of Appearence. They prefer white clothing and often will wear a silver sword or rapier at their belts.

The Cherubic use their Crinos appearence to influence human actions and society. They are rumored to have caused crusades,
witch hunts and other atrocities by appearing to humans and commanding them to do so in the name of God. Cherubic take
great pains to encourage jealousy, hatred, and other negative emotions in the humans around them. Each Cherubic works by
itself and detests the prescence of others of its kind. They would kill their own kind, but realize they need others to continue their
line and keep control of the world as they see it.


Cooing (level 1)

Iron Will (level 1)

Eater of Souls
Suggestion: (level 1) As the vampiric discipline Dominate 1.
Awe (level 2)
Majesty: (level 3) As the vampiric discipline.
Alteration (level 4)
Flaming Sword (level 5)
Holy Armor (level 6)

WereDucks: The Dabbling

By Red Raptor (


The WereDucks live in Centrol Park of New York City. They are a bumbling race that likes to swim and eat bread crumbs all day.
They do not associate themselves with the serious affairs of the rest of the world. Instead they frolic and try to bring laughter and
happiness to the world.


Breeds Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Anasa 3
Homid 1
Metis 2
Gaia made the Anas to be clowns in the world. For this reason all Anas are Ragabash.

As with all Ragabashes, Anas start with a Rage score of 1. They may never possess more than a 5 in Rage.

Anas: A Mallard duck. They may be slightly larger than normal mallards, though it is not easily noticeable. -3 Str +1 Dex 0 App -4
Man +2 Sta

Donald: (Crinos) A absolutely goofy looking creature. The body is covered with fluffy feathers. The bill becomes large and
orange. The feet are webbed duck feet with big knees. The creatures resembles a giant stuffed animal duck more than anything
else. -1 Str +4 Sta +2 Dex +1 App -2 Man

Homid: All homid form Anas have flattened noses that resemble duckbills.

The Anas live on an island in Central Park. The few homids keep apartments in the surrounding city. These serve as refuge for
hatchlings and the occasional metis. The Anas do eveything in their power to disassociate themselves from all other
supernaturals to the point that they may attack any supernatural who discovers their existence.

Life span
Anasa: 5-30 yrs
Metis: 5-30 yrs
Homid: 30-70 yrs

Quack (level 1)
Create Crumbs (level 2)
Duck (level 3)

Tickle (level 1)
Rubber Ducky (level 2)
Acceptance (level 3)

Push the Button (level 1)
Water off a Duck's Back (level 2)
Sanitation (level 3)

All Anas may use the Fagabash gift, Blur of the Milky Eye

The Anas do not want to be know to any other races.

"Feed them crumbs; watch them frolic. Otherwise, leave them alone. They are useless."
-- Simon CyberClaw, Glass Walker

WereFlea: The Biting

By Red Raptor (


The Nosops are an old and widespread race of the Wyrm. They are the ultimate survivors and parasites in the Wyrm's army
against Gaia. They live for nothing more than to spread disease and corruption. They will infest any and all creatures with fur, hair
or feathers. Nosops may not infest or attack creatures wearing cedar, redwood, hemlock and eucalyptis on their persons.
The Nosops gene passes to 1 in 3 offspring of the nosops. Metis and homids are very rare. They are considered inferior, but
necessary to the race. Nosops are not effected by silver. Instead they take aggravated damage from pesticides. Nosops are not
effected by any blood-related magic, poisons, disciplines or effects. They may not be ghouled or embraced.

Ow! What the hell was that?

Gnosis, Willpower and Rage

Starting Starting
Breeds Gnosis Willpower
Nosopso 1
Homid 2
Nosops follow the Defiler Wyrm. They start with 2 Rage and may never have more than 9 rage.

Nosopso: A flea. A very small flea. In Nosops form the character has 1 health level. They are immune to cutting, stomping, biting
and all weapons attacks. They are affected by crushing (catch 'em and squeeze 'em between your fingers; they gain +3 Dex to
escape from this attack), fire and pesticide attacks. +6 Dex, -5 Str, -1 Sta, 0 App, 1 Man

Raid! (crinos): A most disgusting sight. In this form the Charact is 3 ft tall and has 5 health levels. It has huge legs and is better
at jumping than walking. It will have 4 arms ending in long claws. The body is covered with black armor plates and has small
hairs protruding from many parts of its body.. The head has a giant sharp proboscis. While in this form the character may jump
up to 100 ft from any location it is standing at. The character is unaffected by cutting/clawing attacks, takes half damage from
biting attacks. +5 Dex, +1 Str, +1 Sta, 0 App, -3 Man

Homid: All homid form Nosops have long legs. They Willpower avoid solid foods in preference to blood and chocolate shakes.
+1 Dex

Nosops live in loose groups that work together to find new feeding grounds and to spread disease.

Homid: 40-70 years
Metis: 3-5 years

Nosopso: 6 months - 1 year


General Gifts
Bottomless Stomach (Level 1)
Storing the Defiler (Level 2)
Biting the Veil (Level 3)
Spirit Possession (Level 4)
Bane Injection (Level 5)

Exaggeration (Level 1)
Move to Host (level 2)

Plague (Level 1)
Blight (Level 2)

Sense Prey (Level 1)
Convert Blood (Level 2)

New Abilities
1 You can get off your prey without hurting yourself most of the time.
2 You can usually get on your prey the first time..
3 You can jump from one prey to another while they are sitting still..
4 You can can move to new prey while it's moving..
5 Your prey can be running past your new prey and you don't even worry about missing....

How well you can bite your prey to get to blood. Attacks with this ability can never be dodged. Armor and gifts give no soak die.
Attacks using this ability may never do more than 1 damage.
1 You bother cats.
2 Large dogs are not a problem for you.
3 Horses hate your presence.
4 Garou are not a problem to feed from.
5 Rhinos are driven to madness by you.

The ability to move out of range of the claw trying to scratch you off:
1 You can get away sometimes.
2 It takes a lot to get rid of you.
3 Even gnawing can't make you leave.
4 Shaving is the only way to remove you.
5 Even baldness can't stop you.

WereGiraffe: The Peering

By Red Raptor (


The Giraffi are an akward race. They avoid confrontation with danger itself when they can. Instead, they work to find the Wyrm
and warn others as to its presence. The Giraffi live on the open savanna and in the cities of the native peoples. They usually put
themselves into important postions that do not draw alot of attention.


Breeds and Auspice

Breeds Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Giraffea 4
Homid 2
Metis 3
Metis are exceedingly rare. Two are currently known to exist. The Giraffi look down of the creation of metis, but let their few metis
live in case they may need them.
The giraffi gene passes to 1 in 8 offspring.
The Giraffi follow Sol for power instead of Luna.
Auspice Starting Rage
Sunrise 1
Noonday 3
Sunset 2

Giraffea: An average Giraffe. They range from 15-18 ft in height. +1 Str. +1 Dex +2 Dta -4 Man
Crinos: A immensely tall creature. The crinos Giraffi is 25-30 feet tall. It weighs several tonnes and has huge bulging muscles.
The legs thicken to accomodate fast running and quick movments. The arms are lon,g with huge long-fingered hands. The
fingers end in long sharp hooves. The head of this creature is 6 feet long and has 6 inch long tusks jutting from its jaws. +3 Str +4
Dex +4 Sta 0 App -1 Man

Homid: All homids are extremely tall, often reaching 7-7.5 ft tall. They favor native garb.

The giraffi are a social group. They prefer to live in small herds with kinfolk or in family units in the cities. They can work alone in
human cities to stay unnoticed so they can gather information.

Life span

Giraffea: 10-40 years

Metis: 5-50
Homid: 40-80 years

Farsight (level 1)
Warning (level 2)

Flexibility (level 1)
Lashing Tongue (level 2)

Manager (level 1)
Assimilate (level 2)

Glare (level 1)
Evaporation (level 2)

Blaze (level 1)
All Under Sol's Gaze (level 2)

Breaking the Shadows (level 1)
Ignite (version 2) (level 2)

Bastet: We do not like lion, but do not argue with him. He is quick to anger and seeks revenge for the slightest offense.
"The tall ones are useful. They watch the world while others miss what is important. They warn us of danger before it is to late."
-- Unknown Swara

Garou: I have met a few of these that called themselves Silent Striders. Distant fellows, but not offensive.
Corax: We share much in common with crow. He also watches the world.
Mokole: We do not call dragon our friend, but neither do we call him foe . . . .
Ratkin: I have seen them. They are to close to the ground and can not see the world around them. This may hurt them eventually.
Gurahl: I have never met bear. It would be an interesting event . . . .
Rokea: I have been to the ocean once. I did not like it. If the rokea are there then I do not like them either.
Anasasi: Spider is a confusing creature. It is best to leave her alone.
Kindred: We have little contact with these ones. What we do see of them we do not like . . . .

Special Maneuver
The giraffi have used their vast height as a advantage for those times they have to fight. Any opponent less than 15 ft tall can be
affected by this manuever.

Drop: The user can, by successfully grabbing an opponent and making a Str roll, lift and drop a opponent in a arc over his
shoulder. The victim is slamed into the ground with great force. This does Str + the users Stamina in damage.

By Thomas Fransworth ( (23 May 1996)

I use in this many ideas and gifts straight out of White Wolf's World Of Darkness Game World. I in no way intend this to infringe
on copyright laws, and I hold the copyright for the material that is origional. Feel free to use as storyteller, but use for profit is
illegal. Thomas Farnsworth ( during the schoolyear)

In the early part of the 1900's the tropics of South America were just beginning to be explored, and fascinating beautiful fish that
were easy to keep in aquariums were discovered. They were all part of the Molly family of fish, and the most common was the
Guppy. As in all Bete tribes there were also some Were-guppies among them, and when they found their schools being fished
out and exported they went along for the ride. Soon Were-guppies were in every continent, and they began to integrate into

There are three breeds of the Were-Guppy: the common Platys, which is born under the auspice of the rainy season, and the
rarer, flashier Swordtail, born under the auspice of the dry season. (Sorry, can't correspond these with a time of year, because it
varies above or below the equator.) Along for the ride as a scientific curiosity was their cousin the Amazon Molly. The Amazon
Molly breed consists entirely of females.*
* See storytellers note at end

The Were-guppies have three forms: Homid, Crinos, and Poecil (fish form for the stupid).
Homid forms are always short (varies from breed to breed). Males are always socially oriented, with vivacious personalities and
convincing mannerisms. Females are more staid and controlled, and tend to blend in to crowds well.
Poecil forms are easy, with the Were-Guppy taking on the form of fish corresponding to his breed, with size being only slightly
larger than regular, females about 3", males about 2".
Crinos forms are where the Were-guppy differs widely from their other Changer cousins, Bete or Garou.
The Crinos form for Platys is the same size as the normal form; the only difference is that it appears more intense, more
powerful and commanding or more average and self-deprecating (M/F). Male Crinos get bonuses to their Social skills while
females get Mental and Physical boosts.
The Crinos for Swordtails is the same, but they have an optional tail that can be grown in. It is about three feet long, and razor
edged (can be poisoned with the venom gift). It must be grown during the transformation into Crinos, not after. Male crinos get
major boosts to Social, but very little physical boost, while the females get a large physical boost and a minor intelligence boost.
The Amazon Molly is the exception to the trend among her cousins. She actually bulks out 120%, gets extremely ugly, and grows
a two foot tail like the Swordtails as well as fins on the arms like the Rokea, also razor edged and able to hold the Venom gift.
The tail and fins are not an option; they are part of the Amazon Molly Crinos form. She will also get a major physical boost but
nothing in social or mental.
The Drawback is that none of these forms incite Delirium, but who's going to believe you saw a six foot guppy walking around
slashing the hell out of everything (Amazon Mollies) or that you were conned into buying that lemon of an oldsmobile by a fishout-of-water? (Platys and Swordtail)

Originally the Were-guppies were all Poecil but as they expanded they began to breed with humans while in Homid form. But the
young are always born as fish, so long term relationships tended to be awkward.

All female Were-guppies give birth to about fifty live young at a time. But only one in one-hundred of these are Changers, the rest
are normal guppies. (In a way every Were-guppy is a Metis, but no deformity encrues since Were-guppies cannot breed among
themselves) Gestation time is six months, so most Guppy females can birth one Changer a year.
The exception is the Amazon Mollies, who birth one Changer in every birthing. Since there are no male Amazon Mollies they
breed with any other willing Changer, bete or garou, in Homid form preferably, but Crinos gives a little more spice...
Male Were-Guppies can only successfully breed with true, non-Changer guppies. Any impregnation of a Homid female by a
Were-guppy will result in an miscarriage within the first two weeks. (Needless to say this hasn't helped the Were-guppies morals
any, sex with no consequences...)
There is no specific social structure among Were-guppies, usually they are alone unless it's females with their children, then they
form small schools. Occasionally siblings will work together for the course of their lives. (an all Male Platys Public Relations
firm... scary...)

In the wild, tropical ponds, swamps, and shallow streams. In civilization...AQUARIUMS! Duh, you could've guessed that much. (A
swordtail Tropical fish shop owner..."Hey mister, wanna buy a fish?" <uses Mastery gift>)

Homid: English, Hispanic, or Portuguese
Crinos: Same as above, with a slight bubble to the speech
Poecil: None, communicate through body language or the Message Glance gift.

Guppy (suh-PRISE!)

Rage, Gnosis, Renown

Rage: Platys start with 2, Swordtails with 3, and Amazon Mollys with 4 (5 if a totem other than Guppy is used).
Gnosis: Platys start with 5, Swordtails with 4, and Amazon Mollys with 3.
Renown: Not really applicable to loners, if part of a family/school can gain status over siblings but not parents, aunts, uncles,
etc... Glory would be won through good usage of Social attributes, Honor through not getting hurt, and Wisdom through whatever
the storyteller wants; of course the Amazon Mollys could use the regular Garou charts.

All Were-guppies can enter the Umbra, but they must use the surface of an expanse of water (puddle or stream, doesn't matter).
They can enter from the top down, or the bottom up.

Character Creation - Male Platys

Concept: the male platys is a social manipulator. He uses his good social skills to convince others his way is best, whether or
not this is true....(Salesmen, Con Men, Etc...)

Description:; Under 5'7" tall, with bright red, yellow or stark black hair. Skin color runs from swarthy to ruddy.
Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Int Wit
Homid +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Crinos +1 +3 +3 +2 +2 +3 -2 +0 +1
Poecil 0 2 +2 0 0 3 -2 -1 -2

Gifts: ('*' indicates starting gifts.)

Find Water*
Spirit of the Fish*
Scent of Running Water
Aura of Confidence
Grovel (no penalty)
Message Glance
Ultimate Argument of Logic

Character Creation - Female Platys

Concept: She is a social chameleon, trying to blend in and carry out her goal in secret. Most have a motherly demeanor if not
nature, and try their best to keep others in line; if this means convincing them telepathically.... (Mothers, Deskclerks, Preschool

Description: Under 5'9" tall, with muddy brown or yellow hair, brown eyes, and dark complexion.
Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Int Wit
Homid: +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Crinos: +2 +3 +3 +1 +1 +0 +1 +2 +0
Poecil 0 2 +2 0 0 3 -2 -1 -2

Gifts: ('*' indicates starting gifts)

Find Water*
Spirit of the Fish*
Scent of Running Water
Resist Toxin
Blissful Ignorance
Strength of Purpose
Surface Attunement
Guilty Mind
Mental Speech
Message Glance
Strength of Dominator
Take the True Form
Directing the Soul
Halo of the Sun
Reach the Umbra

Character Creation - Male Swordtails

Concept: He is a consummate smooger who can twist nearly anyone to his will given a little time, but is morally decrepit, with
not much he won't do. (Toy Boys, Collection Agents, Etc...)

Description: He is under 5'8" tall, and has bright colored hair, usually slicked back and shiny. His eyes glow with energy and
enthusiasm, and his mannerisms make him popular around the women, but men may get jealous.
Stats are as follows. Homid: Same as WOD stats... need I repeat this every time?
Crinos: S:+0 C:+3 P:-2 D:+1 M:+3 I:+0 S:+2 A:+2 W:-1 Note, in Crinos the optional razortail he uses to protect his precious
backside as he runs away lowers all modified social stats by a -2. Homid Appearance of 2, +2 for Crinos, -2 for Tail, total...
Appearance of 2).

Gifts: ('*' indicates starting gifts)

Spirit of the Fish*
Find Water*
Scent of Running Water
Razor Tail
Glib Tongue
Grovel (no penalty)
Princely Bearing
Message Glance
Ultimate Argument of Logic

Character Creation - Female Swordtails

Concept: She has a motherly or caregiver nature, although she may hide it with her demeanor. She likes keeping the
peace, and making things flow smoothly. (Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Mothers, Etc..)

Description: She stands 6' tall or less, and is drab/normal, but not as bad as the Platys females. She is nearer normal
than any other guppy in outlook on life so won't be doing weird things every time you turn your back on her.

Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Int Wit
Homid: +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Poecil 0 2 +2 0 0 3 -2 -1 -2

Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Int Wit
Homid: +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Crinos: +3 +3 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0 +2 +1
Poecil 0 2 +2 0 0 3 -2 -1 -2
Note in Crinos, same modifier for tail applies to females as well.

Gifts: ('*' indicates starting gifts)

Spirit of the Fish*
Find Water*
Scent of Running Water
Razor Tail
Mothers Touch
Strength of Purpose

Message Glance
Guilty Mind
Take the True Form
Calm the Flock
Head Games
Reach the Umbra

Character Creation - Amazon Mollies

Concept: Can have any tough nature or demeanor, since she looks at life like a challenge. "I mean, why should boys have all the
fun; we women can do it better anyway." She is large, intimidating, and short tempered. (Construction woman, Bouncer,
Wrestler, Etc...)

Description: She stands between 6' and 6'3" tall, and has a hefty build. She is graceful and coordinated, making her a whiz at
athletics and martial arts. She looks as drab as the Platys females and doesn't really care, but any comments about her looks
aren't appreciated.

Gifts: ('*' indicates starting gifts)

Spirit of the Fish*
Find Water*
Scent of Running Water
Speed of Thought
Razor Tail and Fins
Curse of Hatred
Luna's Armor
Message Glance
Paralyzing Stare
Icy Chill of Despair
Wasp Spines (In tail and fin trailing edges)
Balor's Gaze
The Thousand forms
Pician Lobotomy (makes victim like a fish out of water)

Storytellers Note
One in every 100,000 Amazon Mollies is a male but he contributes nothing to the gene pool. I figure the storyteller can
make him an amazing changer whose Crinos form is truly intimidating (triple all stats?). Would make a great NPC for a
game including Amazon Mollies. I wouldn't recommend having more than one exist at a time though...

Str Dex Sta Cha Man App Per Int Wit
Homid: +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Crinos: +4 +5 +4 +0 +0 0 +0 +0 +1
Poecil 0 2 +2 0 0 3 -2 -1 -2

WereKangaroo: The Jumping

By Red Raptor (


Smacks-the-Rabbits sat at the top of the hill munching on a handful of grass. It was good grass. Smacks leaned forward off his
tail, and chewed his grass some more. Once he finished he swallowed and took another bite. He slowly chewed and watched
the horizon. He was waiting, waiting for the Wyrm-Bunnies to show themselves. Soon he would stop eating grass and would
jump off to find the nasty little buggers. "Aye mate, we'll kill 'em all, we will", Smacks said to himself. He finished his mouthful of
grass and bounced down the hill.


The Karanga are a neurotic and fast-paced race. They love to run and have a great fondness for grass, any kind of grass. They
work against the Wyrm, but often see the Wyrm in anything they do not like. Karanga hate rabbits with a passion and view all
rabbits as Wyrm-tainted.

Breed Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Bhora 4
Homid 2
Metis 3

Karanga have 3 Auspices.
Season Starting Rage
Molocho (Whompers) Summer 3
Digararoo (Thompers) Dry winter 2
Kookooba (Rompers) Wet Winter 1

Bhora: A typical Grey Kangaroo. -1 Str. +2 Dex. +1 Sta. -2 App. -2 Man
Crinos: A 12-ft. tall Kangaroo-man with 9-inch long talons on its fingers and toes. The head is covered in long blood red fur, the
eyes blaze pale yellow and the mouth is full of long sharp teeth. In this form the Karanga can bound across land at 55 mph and
jump 45 ft. high. +4 Str. +6 Sta. +4 Dex. 0 App. -3 Man

Homid: All homid Karanga have grey hair, long noses and overlarge ears.

Negative Traits

Negative Traits
All Karanga automatically take one of the following negative traits at creation. This does not give points for character creation:

Nervous: the Karanga has difficulty paying attention. He often will fiddle with his belongings if he is not moving around. -1

Bouncy: The Karanga bounces all the time. She cannot stop bouncing. In homid form she rocks on her feet at all time. Stamina
checks every hour. If she fails she will fall asleep within 5 minutes.

Lazy: The Karanga wants nothing more than to sleep, bounce around and eat grass. To do anything else requires a Willpower

Whack 'em Smack 'em: The Karanga has difficulty controlling himself and must make a Willpower roll whenever he is in a
stressful situation. If he fails he will frenzy and attack everything around him blindly.

Ornery: The Karanga has a permanent attitude problem. She is displeased with everything and everyone. She lets everyone
know it. -3 Charisma.

Paranoia: The Karanga sees everything around him (except other Karanga) as Wyrm-tainted unless proved otherwise. If the
target cannot prove it is of Gaia the Karanga will attack it in a blind fury.

Firefear: A common trait. The Karanga hates fire. She avoid people with cigarettes, will not sit near camp fires and flees in
terror from anything larger than a bonfire.

The Karanga have a loose pack structure. They usually will have one dominant character that leads. Everyone else is in beta
status to this individual, though they will pretty much do what every they want anyway. Homids generally live in the outback and
avoid cites in favor of wide open spaces.

Life span
Bhora: 25-45 years. They mature in 5 years.
Metis/Homid: 56-95 years


Past Lives
Bushwhacker Bill: Bushwhacker Bill was a great Karanga bushmaster. Any Karanga he manifests in gains +5 Dex. versus
snakes and crocodiles, +3 Dex. when using a whip or knife in the outback and +4 Sta. for soaking poison from any reptile. He
will say cool things like "Peace o' Cake" after killing a 20-ft. crocodile barehanded in homid. Human women in the bush will see
him at +3 App. and +1 Charisma. All males see him at -5 App. and -1 Cha.

The Karanga gene passes to 35% of Karanga offspring.

The Karanga have an ancient fighting style call Kickaboom similar to garou Kailindo. Kickaboom allows Karanga to use the
following maneuvers:

Throw 'em away: Dex + Brawl. This maneuver allows the user to kick his opponent away from him. The distance is 10 ft. per

JawBreaker: Dex + Brawl (difficulty 9) This maneuver allows the user to ram his fist under his opponents chin and throw him into
the air. This attack does Str.+3 damage. The victim will be stunned for 1 turn if he is damaged by this attack.

Gutripper: Dex + Brawl (difficulty 8) This attack allows the user to grasp his opponent and disembowel him with his rear claws.
The user needs at least 4 successes for this to work. If he does this damage is Str. +5. Otherwise the attack does Str. -1

The Umbra
Karanga may only enter the Umbra by painting a doorway for themselves in the Aboriginal style of Australia.


Bounce (level 1)
Sheep's Clothing (level 2)

Call of the Digeradoo (level 1)
Skin of the Moloch (level 2)

Beady Eye of Doom (level 1)
Drink 'em Under the Table (level 2)

Blazing Sun (level 1)
Knockout (level 2)

Body of Sand (level 1)
Pouch of the Newborn (level 2)

Grin of Innocence (level 1)
Save the Sun's Rays (level 2)

On the Wyrm
Karanga have a great hatred for the Wyrm, especially the Kindred. They are fast to judge opponents and will attack anything
suspected of Wyrm taint with no hesitation.


Garou: They do not bother us often. This is good work against the Wyrm as we do, but have it in their eyes. If they come to near
we will have to destroy them.

"They always have the most annoying smiles on their faces like they know something we don't. It bothers me much"
-- Silentwind Stargazer

Bastet: Ho Ha Ha Ha Ha. Hehehehe. Oh stop, you make me laugh too much.

"Giant rats I tell you. If only they would sit still long enough to be caught!"
Ratkin: They are Wyrm. Kill them when you see them.
"Crazy ones, I have never seen one that wasn't."
Rokea: Death in the water. Stay on the land where hoppers are supposed to be.
Gurahl: I met a Sunbear once he was a nice fellow -- a little slow on the uptake if you know what I mean.
"Kangaroo is much like Wolf."
Corax: They are good, but we watch them. They know too much about the Wyrm to not be in its clutches."
Kindred: The kindred are controlled by the rabbits. Kill the Rabbits! Kill the Rabbits!
"Never have I seen a more confused creature. Stay away from the outback where they roam. To pass through their lands is
asking for doom."

Bunnythumper: You hate bunnies with a passion and their minions, the kindred. Kill 'em all. Hunt the buggers down and rip
them to shreds. Then tell everybody about it for fun, but kill 'em. Yeah!

By Red Raptor (



The Spenisca are one of the few bete races that did not suffer greatly from the War of Rage. It's just to damn cold for any Garou
to go down there and fight well. The werepenguins are suffering in their own way. The ozone hole over the south pole is causing
damage to them and their land. Some of them are now venturing north to find help and look for a new home for their people.
spenisca can only enter the Umbra if they are submerged in frigid water. A favored tactic for them to use is to dive into the ocean
and cross to the Umbra to escape from attackers.
The Spenisca are a fun-loving, happy race that does not like to fight, but can if need be. They prefer to be left alone to live and
eat fish all day.

Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Speniscan 5

Spenisca measure Auspice by the tide they were born under:
Starting Rage
Incoming high: Hunters 4
Incoming low: Protectors 3
Outgoing high: Learners 2
Outgoing low: Splashers 1

Speniscan: A normal looking Emperor penguin. -2 Str, +3 Dex (in water), +1 App, -4 Man, +1 Sta
Walrumo: The walrumo Spenisca is 6 ft tall, doubling its 3 ft tall speniscan height. It resembles a huge penguin with long human
like legs and arms. It has three white claws on the ends of its arms and a massive beak filled with recurved teeth adorns its
monstrous face. The combination is both frightening and hysterical. Humans viewing a crinos Spenisca will have 2 reaction: 1)
utter terror where they flee for their lives 2) hysterical laughter which immobilizes them. Even after the Spenisca is out of sight
they will continue to laugh for 5 minutes minus a round for every Willpower they have. +3 Str, +2 Dex, 0 App -3 Man, +4 Sta

Homid: Rusty looking European persons. All are under 6 ft tall. There are 4 in existence.


The Spenisca live with and around normal penguins. They are social and feel out of sorts if they are not in a group. Homids are
extremely rare; 4 are know to exist. Metis, though seen infrequently are kept and closely guarded as they are the best warriors. In
times of great need metis will be bred in some numbers to help defend the Speniscan.

Speniscan: 10-40 years
Metis 10-20 years
Spenisca grow to maturity in 4-20 years depending on breed.

Water Breathing (level 1)
Waddle (level 2)

Freezing Claws of Ice (level 1)
Ice Meld (level 2)

Big Fish (level 1)
Fury of Ice (level 2)

Here Fishy (level 1)
Speed of Current (level 2)

Skin of Ice (level 1)
Beak of Ice (level 2)

Calling the Storm (level 1)
Circle of Ice (level 2)

Awwwww! (level 1)
Wearing the Tuxedo (level 2)


Garou: Funny doggies. They shiver when they come here. They walk funny too.
"Stupid little birds. They are so frivolous they must be of the Wyrm!"
Bastet: Bass what? Are they fishies? Yes? Yummy!
"Birds that can not fly are easy prey. I will have to try some one day."
Corax: We know of black bird, but have not seen him in a long time.
"I remember them. Sickening little things. So cute they would make you sick."
Rokea: Rokea is not to be trusted. He eats all around him. If you see him go to the ice for protection.
"Growl, rummmble. Crunchy."
Others: We have not heard of Ratkin, Gurahl, Nuwisha or Anasasi. Are they fishes?

Explorer: The explorer is leaving the native lands to find another place for his kind. He will most likely travel to a human city to
learn, then go on to the north.

On the Wyrm
The Spenisca are not brought into contact with the Wyrm as often as the Garou. The Antarctic is just too cold for many creatures.
What Wyrm creatures that are brave enough to venture to the south are swarmed and slaughtered by the many metis sSenisca
who live there.

Chance of passing the Spenisca Gene

Spenisca have offspring every 2 years. 25% will be spenisca.

Past Lives
Once every 4th generation a spenisca will take on the past life of Petey the Penguin. The user will rant about anchovies, play on
the ice constantly and demand to be given big red balls to play with. After a time it will leave and go off to find its destiny in a
circus that appreciates it. Shortly after the famous penguin will pop up in the world to delight and entertain audiences again. He
will automatically have access to the gifts: Water Breathing, Waddle, Big Fish, Speed of Current, Here Fishy, and Awwww!

WerePony: The Canter

By Red Raptor (


The Equenasi are a truly rare breed. There are few left in the world. They live with some of the last remaining wild pony groups.
They are a peaceful people who do not like war, but instead prefer to enjoy their lives and protect the ponies they live with.

Gnosis, Willpower and Rage

Starting Starting
Breeds* Gnosis Willpower
Eques 3
Metis 1
*There are no Homid.

Auspice Rage
Ahroun 4
Galliard 3
Philodox 2
Theurge 2
Ragabash 1

One in four Equenasi children carries the shape changer gene.

Eques: A pony, generally very hairy. -1 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Sta, -1 App, -5 Man
Pegasus (crinos): The pegasus Equenasi triples in size, grows a spiral horn from its forehead and large feathered wings
sprout from its back. The Equenasi's hair becomes pure white and the eyes become the darkest black. In this form Equenasi
create a Delerium effect. All mortals who view the crinos character will want to ride the character more than anything else in the
world. +3 Str, +3 Dex, +4 Sta, +1 App, -5 Man

Homid: In homid form Equenasi all have pale grey hair, large eyes and will not eat meat under any circumstances.

The Equenasi live in small groups of ponies. They generally will lead these groups, and will defend them if needed.

Eques: 17-30 years
Metis: 8-12 years


Prancing the Moon's Path (level 1)
Serene Pasture (level 2)
Moonfire (level 3)

Hobble (level 1)
Open the Gate (level 2)
Power of the Mule (level 3)

Full Moon's Blessing (level 1)
Crossing the Silver Veil (level 2)
Gaia's Lance (level 3)

Pebble (level 1)
Moon Dancer (level 2)
Gaia's Steed (level 3)

Sense Wyrm: As the level one garou gift.
Weathering (level 2)
Gaia's Shield (level 3)

Call Spirit (level 1)
Force of Nature (level 2)
Hands of Gaia (level 3)

Colt's Foot (level 1)
Form of Mist (level 2)
Gaia's Horn (level 3)

Metis Disfigurements
Metis Equenasi have one of the following negative traits:

Black: The character's hair is blackest black, making the metis appear evil. This causes a negative Delirium effect. All mortals
who view the metis will want to attack the character instead of ride it.

No horn: The user may not user any horn related gift or make horn attacks.
No wings: The user appears as a unicorn

No horn or wings: The user appears a normal white horse.

Toes: The user has wolf feet. They may make clawing attacks, but get a -3 App with hooved creatures.
Two heads: The metis has 2 heads. This gives -5 to Appearance and -1 Dex due to having 2 heads in the way. The metis gains
+2 Perception.


On the Wyrm
The Equenasi have a greater hatred for the wyrm than almost any other bete. They destroy anything of Wyrm taint as soon as
they detect it in their realm.

The Equenasi have a private realm in the Umbra: Meadow. Equenasi may directly open a gateway to the realm during their
auspice once per season. The Meadow is free of predators and offers haven for infant and metis Equenasi.

Highlander: One of the few Scottish wild ponies left. You ridgedly defend your kinfolk and land. Wyrm tainted creatures are
invading. Can you keep your family and yourself safe?

Garou: We get along well with the Children of Gaia and Black Furies and consider them friends. We will have nothing to do with
Shadow Lords, Get of Fenris, Red Talons and Glasswalkers. The rest we take on a individual basis.

"A more noble warrior of Gaia I have yet to meet. They are strong, but just."
-- Amari Heals the Wounds, Child of Gaia Philodox

Bastet: We do not wish ill on Cat, but neither do we wish him good.
"Fast are horses. They gleam in the light, what happens when they step in the prairie dog hole?
-- "Whiskers of wonder, Qualami elder

Gurahl, Ratkin, Corax, Kitsune: We see them occasionally, though it has been long since bear has been sighted. We do not
bother with their affairs and they do not bother with ours.

"I see the ponies and stay out of their pastures. They trample those they are not pleased with."
-- Stars in Bushes, Kitsune

Rokea, Anasasi, Mokole: We have heard legends from the others but have never seen them. From what we have heard we do
not want to.

WereRhino: The Horny

By Red Raptor (


There is but one Cerathermo left. His tribe has been decimated along with the rhino populations of the world. The Cerathermo
were a powerful and brave tribe, but lost before the guns of man. The lone Cerathermo has fled Africa and lives on a wildlife
preserve with his kinfolk in North America.


Gnosis, Willpower and Rage

The Cerathermo do not have Auspices, but instead gain Rage with Rank. They begin with a Rage of 5, which increases one per
rank thereafter.

Ceratherm: A typical two horned White Rhino. +3 Str, +3 Sta, -2 Dex, -3 App, -5 Man
Ceratan (crinos): The crinos Ceratherm is an impressive sight. It stands 10 ft. tall and 4 ft wide. Its arms and legs are long
and built for fast running. The hands are articulate and can use weapons. The head is of a great rhino with horns 6 ft long.
+6 Str, +5 Sta, +1 Dex, 0 App, -1 Man

Homid: The Ceratherm homid form is a rough bulky looking person of African decent. They genearally are of moderate
height and excessive weight.

The Ceratherm weere a solitary race, each a battle engine against the Wyrm.

Ceratherm: 30-50 yrs
Homid: 50-75 yrs.
The Ceratherm gene passes to 1 in 3 offspring.



Dry Spell (level 1)
Call Thunder (level 2)

Remove Snare (level 1)
Impale (level 2)

Stamina (level 1)
Armor (level 2)
Burning Blood (level 3)
Shake (level 4)
Target Foe (level 5)
Charge of Rhinos (level 6)

Bastet: I do not like the lion. He believes he is more powerful than he is. If he is not careful, the hunters will come for him

Garou: I have met wolf once. He was strong, and brave to face me. For this I respect him.
"A sorry soul was he, funny looking too."
-- Sings to Sunsets, Fiana Ragabash

Others: I have not heard of rat, bear, spider, shark or crow. Perhaps I will meet them someday.
"A cerawhat? This sounds interesting, tell me more."
-- Elizabeth sun Shadow, Corax
Starting Starting
Gnosis Willpower
Ceratherm 4

WereSloth: The Climbing

By Red Raptor (



The Choleopa are a gentle, slow race that likes its privacy and guards it well. They spend most of their time in the trees and high
places, disliking the ground. They are soft-spoken people slow to anger. Once they have been roused they become dire foes.
The Choleopa roam the jungles of South and Central America.

Starting Gnosis Starting Will
Choleopae 6
There are no metis.
Homids are very rare. They generally live with kinfolk groups of native peoples in the jungle.

Starting Rage
High in the Tree 2
Low in the Tree 1
On the ground 1

Choleopae: A typical three-toed sloth. -2 Str +1 Sta -3 App -3 Dex +1 Man.
Crinos: 4-ft. tall with short legs and exaggerated 4-ft. long arms. The hands end in 18-inch long serrated claws. +3 Str +3 Sta -2
Dex -3 Man 0 App

Homid: All homid Choleopa are short (4 ft.) and short legged. They will always have wide set eyes and a pouty mouth that will
separate them from the native peoples they live with. -1 Dex

Choleopae live solitary lives. When 2 meet they will talk and exchange news, then move on their way. Young are raised for a
short time with the mother and then left with kinfolk.

Life span
Choleopae: 20-30 yrs.

Homid: 40-60 yrs.

Cockroach (By

Breeding True
The Choleopa gene passes infrequently. Only 1 in 50 choleopa offspring become Choleopa.

Skin of Bark (level 1)
Slowing the Speedy (level 2)

Poison of the Tree (level 1)
Closing the Path (level 2)

High in the Tree

Felling the Tree (level 1)
Branches of Air (level 2)

Low in the Tree

Sticky Sap (level 1)
Stick 'em Where it Hurts (level 2)

On the Ground
Pick Me Up (level 1)
Kneecapper (level 2)

Garou: They are brutal and quick. They kill the Wyrm for us on the ground so that we do not have to go there. We are grateful for

"I have never seen one, but once heard a Bastet tell a tale of the slow ones"
Bastet: We know the Balam well. They often help us when we are in danger. We do what we can to help them when we can.
"The slow ones are weak, but have much spirit and fury when need be."
Mokol: Crocodile is of the water. He bothers us little and we do the same.
"The slow ones are wise and respect wisdom. We have no ill feeling for them."
Others: I have heard stories of coyotes, rats, and spiders. I have yet to met any though "I have seen the sloths. We are quick;

they are slow. Otherwise we care not about them"

-- Gered Weaves-the-truth, Anasasi

WereSparrow: The Cheeping

By Red Raptor (


The weresparrows are vicious evil beings that infest human cities and strive to eliminate all other bete so they can take over the
world. They are social, but fight amongst themselves for dominance.


Breeds Starting Gnosis Starting Willpower
Spirinan 3
Homid 1
There are no metis.
Spirina are Wyrm-tainted beyond even the worst Black Spiral Dancer. They follow the Eater of Souls when they are born and
have Rage 1. Once they have proven themselves they then follow Defiler Worm and have Rage 3. Once they have become
powerful they are taken in by Beast of War and have Rage 7. Spirina do not take aggravated damage from silver. Moonlight will
kill their eggs out right and does 1 point of agg per hour they are exposed. For this reason Spirina are diurnal by nature.
Spirina may not enter the umbra unless brought there by another being.
Spirina have a deep a hatred for all shape changers. They will not work with Black Spiral Dancers and will attempt to kill them
and any other bete on sight. All other shapechanger opinions can be summarized as: "Nasty evil little things. Not even worthy of
the Wyrm. Kill them as fast as you can."

Spirinan: A 4 inch tall sparrow. They are generally very cute. They cheep and beg for food around human habitations. -5 Str, -1
Sta, +5 Dex, +3 App

Crinos: A slavering 4 ft tall Sparrow man. It's covered with brown festering feathers. The arms end in scaled large clawed
hands. The head is a huge red eyed sparrow with tusks jutting from the bottom jaw. In this form it shows its tainted nature. +4 Str,
+4 Sta, +2 Dex, -2 Man

Homid: Generally short(5'), but very attractive. All spirina have a 4 or higher Appearance in homid

Life Span
Spirinan: 25 yrs
Homid: 75 yrs
Spirinan reach adulthood in 1 year. 10% of all Spirina offspring become Spirina.


The Spirina either live in small groups with other sparrows or as upper middle class humans in the heart of cities. They
constantly fight for position in Spirina society.

Red Baron: A daredevil. Out for glory and gore. He searches out and fights every bete he can find. His main aspiration: to finally
finish off the Gurahl!

Puff of Feathers (level 1)
Acidic Goo (level 2)

Dazzle (level 1)
Finger Gun (level 2)

Eater of Souls
Wyrm Taint (level 1)
Umbral Call (level 2)

Doubt (level 1)
Corrupting Touch (level 2)

Beast of War
Talons of Fire (level 1)
Thunder Cheep (level 2)

Werewolf Revisited
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

I've been playing Werewolf for several years now, and one of the things that I find strange is the fact that Garou seem to be very
vulnerable to their enemies: Wyrm, Mages, Vampires, etc. When put them against the Garou, the latter appear rather weak and
vulnerable. How did that happen? If Garou were really that vulnerable, then all of their caerns would of been taken over by mages
long ago, and it would be possible to kill a Garou with a slingshot using a silver projectile. Yet, Mages, Vampires almost never
go looking for a fight with Garou. Those who do, die rather fast. If Garou were that weak and vulnerable, it would be as simple as
sending a bunch of MIBs or Ghouls with AK-47s loaded with silver rounds and kill every Garou on Earth. Yet it doesn't happen. In
my opinion, Garou's vulnerability to silver is overstated in the rules. Some can object to me saying that; Vampires can't soak
sunlight after all. Well, where do you get sunlight in the middle of the night or underground, huh? Anyway, here are several
optional rules that I saw used in several chronicles, including my own.
Silver does soakable aggravated damage to Garou. With a 5 pt merit, silver does non aggravated damage. (Note: in
every legend I've read, you have to shoot a werewolf in the heart, or in the head with a silver bullet to kill him. Noone ever
mentioned shooting a werewolf in the pinky toe with a silver bullet and killing him)
In the very same legends, werewolf healing abilities are nothing short of phenomenal; it is understated in the game. My
suggestion is that Garou heal 2 non-agg wound level per turn, even in combat and without a Stamina check. As for
aggravated damage, Garou heal 1 agg/day. If a Stamina check diff 8 is successful, then 1/hour. With combat rarely lasting
for more than 5 rounds, this really won't matter that much.
Gnosis is a Garou's inner energy. While Vampires and Mages can regain Blood or Quintessence rather quickly, it is a
diferent matter with Gnosis. Once again, the game is unbalanced. Let a Garou make a Gnosis roll diff 7. The successes
indicate how many Gnosis points a Garou can use during that day without spending a temporary Gnosis point. Gnosis is
regain during sleep. Roll Gnosis vs Gauntlet. This temporary Gnosis is regained every 6 hours of sleep.
Garou are not human; Garou are not wolf; Garou are not spirit. They are all of these things combined. This is their blessing
and curse. Thus, Presence, Obfuscate (which makes you think that you saw nothing) and Dominate, the disciplines that
can't be used on spirits and animals are less effective on them (their difficulty is increased by Garou's Primal-Urge
Rating). Animalism can be used on Garou, but at +2 difficulty.
Bete are special children of Gaia while mages are just evolved monkeys. Thus it would be really shortsighted to assume
that Magics have full effect on Garou. Garou roll their Gnosis as Countermagic.
Bete are capable of soaking any type of aggravated damage. Now the difficulty is another matter entirely. Radiation is very
hard to soak, while toxins may be easier (not by much though).
It is also worth noting that all these changes are of a little help when fighting fomori, Black Spiral Dancers, Pentex rr when fighting
against an enemy who is really hard to find and even harder to kill (e.g. a Defiler Wyrm).
Examples: A fomori wielding an M-16 fires a short burst of silver bullets at a Garou in Crinos. Lets say he makes his hit roll by 2.
Thus, the fomori would roll 11 dice for an aggravated damage, averaging 5-6 Health levels. Let us say that his target is an
average Garou with Stamina rating of 3 in Homid (6 in Crinos) Now in Crinos this Garou will soak an average of 3 Health levels,
meaning that 2--3 Health levels of damage gets through. Thus, our Garou is Wounded. Next example: the very same poor Garou
gets bitten by a fomori with Poision Bite (Wyrm Toxin, non-soakable). If the fomori's strength is 5, the bite will do on average 6
dice of damage, 3 Health levels, on the average, of aggravated Damage. Thus, a silver bullet firing M-16 in the hands of a
human is as nasty as a Fomor. This rule of silver resistance doesn't change the issue that much. Remember, Garou usually fight
outnumbered. Kicking butt is not what Werewolf is all about. It is about fighting against overwhelming evil and it is about facing
and understanding humanity's place in nature.

Bete and Others

It is worth noting that all bete are at least part human. Thus, why shouldn't they have human capabilities to at least a certain
extent? Why not let them learn Hedge Magick/Thaumaturgy? Bete of more mystically inclined tribes as well as the theurges are
capable of learning Hedge Magick. Examples are Uktena, Stargazers, Silent Striders, Hakken, Get of Fenris, as well as all other
Bete and Theurges.
It is possible for a Bete to be a Highlander-style Immortal. The problems that arise are numerous. Not only is the Wyrm after you,
but other Bete sense that you are somehow different. Now, not only do you have Wyrm flunkies after you, but also other
Immortals come after you. (For something really scary think Immortal Fomori or Black Spiral Dancer).
A Bete with patience and desire to learn may become a Streetfighter. This especially suits Khan, Bagheera, Hakken, Uktena,

Wendigo, Stargazers and Pumonca.

Bete can not be mages!!!!

As far as Bete being vampires, use current rules. There is no way to make a Bete botch that roll. They are a creation of Gaia,
and thus, hold immunity to undeath.
Bete make scary revenants; they are powerful and versatile. Yet, their resistance to Vampiric powers is halved. They must
always protect their secret (as Dark Secret Flaw but no points are gained). They also have traits of their revenant family.

WHITE HOWLERS (version one)

By Mark Fournier ( (10 April 1995)
This is an unofficial design for the White Howler Garou, which we will be using for our own chronicle. Feel free to change what you like,
but if you're planning to link up with the shared universe, we should coordinate any changes. This is done primarily for Mind's Eye, but I
have included a set of tabletop gifts as well.

Level One: Sense Wyrm, Resist Pain
Level Two: Luna's Armor, Howl of the Banshee
Level Three: Icy Chill of Despair, Dazzle
Level Four: Wasp Talons, Balor's Gaze
Level Five: Halo of the Sun, Gift of the Spriggan

Mind's Eye
Basic: Sense Wyrm, Resist Pain, Mother's Touch
Intermediate: Howl of the Banshee, Icy Chill of Despair, Luna's Armour, Wasp Talons
Advanced: Balor's Gaze, Halo of the Sun, Gift of the Spriggan

Explanation for the Selection of Gifts

These gifts are based partly on the White Howlers original heritage and partly on their more recent circumstances. The overlap
between White Howler and Fianna gifts is due to a common place of origin. Wasp Talons is included because of the Picts uncommon
skill with darts. The rest are either vague translations of Black Spiral gifts, or the gifts needed to survive and escape their tribe mates
who have walked the Spiral.

Initial Willpower: Two Traits

Tribal Advantage: Wyrm Knowledge
White Howlers have the ability to Sense Wyrm at all times without even making a test. Furthermore, their perception in this area is so
acute that they may judge the nature and extent of the Wyrm taint. They may make a simple test to determine the generation or beast
traits of a vampire, the strength of a bane possessing a person, or to determine whether a suspicious person is a formori or a Black
Spiral Dancer.

Tribal Drawback: Notoriety White Howlers have the history of the Black Spiral Dancers to live down. As a result, they may only bid
half of their current renown in any social challenge. It is also far less likely that anyone who ignores the renown of a White Howler will be
punished for doing so.

Totem: The original White Howler Totem was a casualty of the White Howlers last stand against the Wyrm. This was the Lion, hunted
to extinction in England by the Romans. Yes, England did have lions; remember that England's climate, up to the 13th century, was far
warmer than it is today. Southern England even had vineyards and was able to produce its own wine, until the climate cooled
dramatically in the 13th century. No other tribes took up association with the Lion, considering it more appropriate to Bastet. The
totem waned, and was destroyed by banes in the Umbra.
The White Howlers must find a new totem, and given the extreme dangers which they must survive, this is likely to be a totem of war.
Scattered as they are, there is no particular reason that they should choose a totem from their original homeland.
One likely candidate is the Wolverine, once a totem of the Croatan Tribe. Wolverine is appropriate because of it's talent for singlehandedly taking on and defeating much larger opponents--Woverines have been know to win against Grizzly bears. Wolverine gives
his children the additional physical trait Quick, and can teach them the gifts Speed of Thought and [???]

WHITE HOWLERS (version 2)

By Bruce MacKay

While the White Howlers were thought to be either utterly destroyed or completely converted into Black Spiral Dancers long ago;
a small number managed to survive, unnoticed.
Having being caught unawares centuries of years ago, the White Howlers of today have a more complete understanding of the
tactics and powers of the Wyrm. It is with this grim experience, that the Howlers understand that they must work quickly to save
their tribe and more importantly Gaia herself. Through the years, they managed to save what tribal lore they had and also to find
new ways to combat the Wyrm. It is with this combination of old and new, that the White Howlers plan to restore their Tribe to
what it was, and to save Gaia from the destruction of the Wyrm.
As for most other Garou, they are at best totally unaware of the Howlers' existence. A few mages and fae know of them but only
because the Howlers wish it; they have kept their knowledge to themselves. However certain Garou are starting to suspect that
the Howlers may not be a Tribe of the past.


Initial Willpower

Players have 3 backgroud points to spend.

Beginning Gifts
Bite of the Lion, Resist Toxin, Sense Wyrm

Wolf Form
Large timber wolves, generally with white fur and blue eyes.

A tight knit tribe, however the Howlers have discarded the rigid Garou system for a more lax version, concentrating on more
important issues. Intra-tribal fighting is frowned upon heavily. Also Kinfolk are far more appreciated and are held almost equally.

The Howlers are mainly found in Scotland, however some Howlers go elsewhere in search of uncorrupted lost cubs.

The Highlands of Scotland.

"You have embraced the Wyrm as a Black Spiral Dancer. Now it is time for you to embrace your true heritage, as a White

Tribal Gifts
Bite of the Lion (level one)
Resist Toxin (level one): See Werewolf: The Apocalypse for details.
Sense Wyrm (level one): See Werewolf: The Apocalypse for details.
Call of the Wyrm (level two): See Werewolf: The Apocalypse for details
Curse of Aeolus (level two): See Werewolf: The Apocalypse for details.
Wyrm Facade (level two)
Artful Dodger (level three)
Eyes of the Cat (level three): See Werewolf: The Apocalypse for details
Ley Lines (level three): See Werewolf: The Player's Guide for details
Courage of the Lion (level four)
Roar (level four)
Roll Over (level four): See Werewolf: The Apocalypse for details
Howl of War (level five)
Resist Corruption (level five)
Howl of Gaia's Vengeance (level six)

Tribal Rite
Rite of The Dance Reversed (level five)


Ages ago, several garou of the Stargazer, Silent Strider and Children of Gaia tribes came to the realization that using rage in the fight
against the Wyrm only makes it stronger. They all forswore using rage, and went through a grueling ritual to purge themselves of the
rage that they possesed. They all voluntarily gave up the Wolf. The loss was terrible at first, for they were unable to change shapes,
and they were all but defenseless. They had only themselves and a dream of a glorious future to keep them company. Gaia was silent
for a while as well, for she did not know what to make of these "Renegades" who seemed to be abandoning her to her fate. She gave
them no visions and no gifts. This loss was the greatest of all the sufferances endured by the new hopefuls, but they still endured. The
Mother would see their hearts, and embrace them once more. They knew this to be true.
They went on great spirit journeys to the deepest realms of the Umbra. The Atrocity Realm was the first stop, as all had to face what
they had done in the past. They had to re-live their crimes against all the creatures they had raged against. This alone drove most of
them mad, for without the rage to comfort them and steel their hearts against their own crimes, how could they endure? Many torturous
years passed in the Umbra, as each of the new hopefuls endured pennance after pennance. And they gained knowledge as well. They
spoke with all spirits; Wyrm, Weaver and Wyld alike. They learned what it meant to be a spirit, and how the spirits existed. They were
even granted the opportunity to become jagglings, but they declined. They had a purpose to accomplish.
They courted the Totems and served them all on many quests, all without the benefit of their rage. Remarkably, all that had made it this
far with their minds intact had survived. And they all had something new within themselves. Gnosis. Pure, sweet gnosis, fresh and
strong. Free of all Wyrm taint. They made one final journey: to Gaia. There, they threw themselves at her feet and pleaded their case.
They begged her to accept them once more into her bosom. And Gaia saw into their souls. She saw the years spent in attonement
and learning. She saw the suffering endured in the cause of pursuing another way. And Gaia smiled upon them. She gave them a new
name, and declared the henceforth, they and their children shall be known as the White Spirit Dancers.

Willpower: 6
Gnosis: 7
Rage: 3
Cost of Increasing Willpower and Gnosis: 1/2 normal cost.
Bans: Any ability used to kill another creature out of anger. If the player finds a way to kill something using a previously harmless skill,
they will be banned from using that skill ever again. The only exceptions are Brawl in Kalindo, subdual combat or spirit combat; Melee
in using non-damaging weapons (nets, ropes, saps..) and firearms (dart-guns, net guns, rubber-bullet guns, tasers...).
When a WSD is first created, they are going to be pups. Their Rite Of Passage will be to go on a quest and eliminate the rage that
they have inherited from their Garou lineage. This will entail completing the quest without using any rage, and this is not as easy as it
sounds. The Garou are still creatures of instinct. The cub must override this instinct and control themselves. The cub must undergo
three quests in the Rite of Passage. Each successful quest will reduce their rage score by one. They get no experience for the quest
either. Only one gnosis point is granted. When all three quests have been completed, then they are indoctrinated into the tribe. If they
fail in any of the quests, their rage is increased by 1 and gnosis dropped by 1. This loss can continue until the cub reaches Rage-7
and Gnosis-3. This means that if they blow all three quests, they still have one last chance. If they make that last chance, they can try
again. If they blow it again, then they will not be allowed into the Tribe, and will be sent to another tribe for adoption.

Using Gnosis:
When a WSD has achieved Tribe status, their Gnosis is at level 10. This means that they are at peace with themselves and the spirit
world. Spirits willingly serve the WSD's, if they are asked politely. A WSD will NEVER bind a spirit into a fetish! (More on this later...)
They exist in the physical and spirit-world simultaneously. Emotions now become visible, and auras are easily seen and understood.
Many gifts that allow other garou to percieve spiritual anomalies are now inherently imbued, such as Sense the Unnatural, Sense
Wrym, Sense Spirit, etc...
Gnosis is also used in combat. Since the forefathers of the tribe included the Stargazers, Kalindo is taught as a method of combat,
and is primarily bloodless. Most attacks consist of diverting the energy of an opponent against themselves, much in the same way as
Tai-Chi. Using gnosis in combat is similar to using rage, but not as violent. The expediture of a gnosis point gives the WSD an extra
action, but this action must be used to defuse the situation or the opponent. Locking the opponent in a "appendage"- lock and using a
nerve-strike is a good example. Gnosis can also be used to calm an opponent. The WSD grapples with the opponent and expends as
many gnosis as they have willpower. The "victim" must make a resisted willpower roll or suffer the effects of the Gift: Rollover. (i.e.
surrender) For each point spent, the difficulty of the "victim";s roll increases by one, even if it goes beyond 10!
| In the event that an opponent gets tens in the willpower |
| roll, roll the tens over and add the result. This could |
| feasibly override the attempts of the WSD to calm the foe.|

In spirit combat, such as with banes or worse, each expenditure of a gnosis point will drain the spirit's power rating by *FIVE*!!!!
YOWZA!!! With other garou, the battle would go on a point-for-point basis. The expenditure also gives the garou the extra action!! Rap
em' on the head and sap em' dead! When fighting hostile spirits, the WSD are allowed to use deadly and violent force. They regret
such actions, of course, but it is sometimes necessary.

Gnosis Ratings Higher Than Ten:

It is posible for a WSD to get a gnosis rating higher than 10, and lots of strange things begin to happen around those WSD's who do.

11-12: The WSD exists more in the Umbra than the the Terrulian. They are noticeable by mundanes as being "very peaceful people".
Mundanes will tend to like the person right away unless they are corrupted or possesed by a spirit. Spirits now talk to the character
routinely, and Mundanes witnessing the event will get the feeling that "this weirdo really *is* talking to spirits!!!" Wyrm creatures are
annoyed by the presence of the WSD and will usually try to leave the area.

13-14: The WSD is now acting like a spirit magnet. Spirits of all kinds are flocking to the character and asking them to "channel" or let
them into the terrulian. This can get rather hairy when the WSD finds themselves in a hell-hole or Wyrm-Caern. Wraiths in particular will
be drawn to the character, demanding help in completing their quests. Wyrm creatures are very uncomfortable around the WSD and
will try to leave or kill them. The WSD will also gain a visible aura, or "halo", just like in the Bible paintings. Mundanes will flock to the
character like bees to honey and bask in their aura, worshipping the character as a "Second Coming".

15-16: We're talking "Living Spirit" here, now. The WSD will have a glow that is visible in full daylight. Mundanes will fall at the feet of
the character and worship them as a deity. Atheists will have to make a willpower roll to resist the pull of the character's Spirit Force.
They are also going to attract a *LOT* of attention, namely Mages ("Ooo! A walking, talking, furry ball of Tass! Yum!), Wyrm-spawn
("Bright light! Bright light!") and other garou ("No, *you* go and tell him that he's a Wyrm-Spawn...I'll watch!").

17+: The WSD has trancended a physical existence and now exists only as spirit energy. See below.
Transcendence: When the WSD aquires a Gnosis of 17 or higher, they have trancended the realm of the physical and entered the
realm of the spirit. They must now designate a purpose for themselves that will further the cause of Gaia in the best possible sense.
This goal cannot include the destruction of anyone or anything. Destruction is the domain of the Wyrm. The goal must be creative in
some way. Perhaps the spirit will strive to remove the hatred between the garou tribes, or something in a similar light. It must further
the cause of peace and co-existance.
When the WSD is ready to "leave", the tribe holds a glorious moot that lasts for a week. At the end of the moot, the "Guest of Honor"
will transform their body into pure spirit energy. All points in attributes become Gnosis points, as do skills, knowledges and talents.
Upon the completion of the goal, to the best of their ability, the WSD will then join with their totem and become one with them.
If this transcendance pushes the WSD up to 70 gnosis or higher, they can offer themselves up to their totem and become a level 1
caern of healing, love, enigmas, peace or fertility. This will essentially "kill" the character, but they will have some sentience and will
also be aware of the goings on in the caern. If they dedicate themselves on an existing caern, that cearn will have it's level raised by
one permanently. This caern can also be raised in power if a combined total of fifty gnosis points are dedicated each year for ten
years in a row by the tribe.

WSD caerns are still very rare. There are only two in the world, and they are under constant attack from the Wyrm, overzealous garou
(Shadowlords and Silver Fangs, to name a few.) and Mages. Dreamspeakers, Akasiatic Brotherhood and Celestial Chorus mages
are drawn to these places like moths to a flame. The DS's and AB's are welcomed with open arms, but the CC's are kicked out on
their butts with due haste. Verbena are also forbidden, since they need to use lots of blood in their magic. Strangely enough, the
Euthanatos are allowed to visit, but are forbidden from killing anyone. They are often visited by their former victims who usually have
some "choice words" for their "benefactors". All of the other mages are either forbidden or they don't care to visit.
The Technocracy is *very* interested in finding WSD's and disposing of them as quickly as possible. However, this is not easy. The
caerns are well hidden from the Technos, and whenever a hitmark is sent after them, the damn thing either becomes spiritually active
and leaves them alone, or is whisked away into the Umbra by spirits friendly to the WSD. They are currently developing HM's that are
resistant to these types of attack.
The Wyrm and the Weaver are starting to take notice of these annoying little upstarts, and are beginning to delegate some of their
resources to the elimination of this new tribe.

Masters of the Hunt: The Summoning

By Derek Marcoux (

Wiping the tears from your eyes, you stare at her. Your sister, the one you've teased since birth. Her coffin is pretty, with pink
lace inside, and a deep mahogany finish. You rember the feeling you got, right before the police phoned your parents. Anxiety,
something was dreadfully wrong. She was killed by some loser. When the cops found her, she had traces of semen inside her.
You vomited when the coronor told you she had been raped after she was murdered. Reaching down, you kiss her cheek, then
lightly touch her painted lips. Fighting back the tears and losing, you rush past your family. Your mother and wife reach out to you,
but you brush them aside. "I gotta go ." You say hoarsely to your them. Walking as fast as you can, you leave the funeral home,
and your sister.
Outside, you start walking, with your head down. It's dark, with only the moon and the streetlights to guide you. As you're mulling
over your thoughts, a scream pierces the night. Turning to look at the direction it is coming from, you see an alley. You quietly
walk over to the corner, and peer inside. You see two shapes, both deep in the surrounding shadows. One shape is on the
You hear,"Stop fussin' bitch. ooh! your a lively one!" You slump down on the ground, as another wave of headaches hits. Closing
your eyes from the pain, you see in your head your sister. She's lying there, clothes all torn off. Blood, everywhere. " John," She
says." You must make sure whatever happened to me doesn't happen to another. Call the Hunt, john, call the..." The image is
gone, in its stead are the two in front of you. The headaches which you've had since your sister's death suddenly disappear.
They're replaced by an unnatural calm. Suddenly you know exactly what you must do...
"Hey, loser!" You yell.
The man, startled looks up. "What the...What the fuck are you?"
"I am the Master."You say, sprouting stag antlers and growing seven feet tall. "The Huntsman, and you? you are the hunt!"

Character Generation
Attributes: 7/5/3
Abilities: 13/9/5
Background: 5
Rage: As Auspice
Gnosis: 5
Willpower: 5
Gifts: Homid/Auspice/Wildhunt
Rank: As Auspice renown chart
Sin: The Huntsmen need an evil to hunt. Pick one sin(murder, rape, adultery (haha),suicide, etc. He can sense the greatest
amount of that particular sin in a 10 mile rad. If he tries to avoid hunting it down, he suffers -1 on all rolls per day until he persues
his enemy once again.

Freebie Points: 15
Totem: The Wild Hunt (see Werewolf: The Apocolypse for game mechanics)
Hounds summoned per rank: 2 hounds per rank, hounds are identical to hispo dire wolves.

The Forms
Homid: No change.
Huntsman: Str. +3, Dex. +2, Sta. +4, Man. = 0, App. = 0, Diff: 7. In this form, the master grows stag antlers, and grows to a
height of 7'

Hound: Str. +2, Dex. +3, Sta. +4, Man. = 0, App. = 0, Diff: 7. In this form, the master becomes a huge black hound. His eyes and
tongue become licks of green flame. The flames do no damage, but are unnerving.

Wild Hunt Gifts

Track the Hunted.html (Level 1)
Solid Path (Level 2)
Silver Antlers of the Stag (Level 3)
Spear of CuChulain (Level 4)
Avatar of the Huntsman (Level 5)

By Alejandro Melchor
When the american continent was still being populated, along with the Uktena and the Wendigo came a small pack of Silent Striders
who kept traveling when the other Garou had settled. This pack suddenly disappeared, breaking contact with their fellow Garou, and
also with their Totem.
Centuries later, the mexica people left from the fabled Aztlan, and began traveling south; with them, came the Wyld Runners, the
descendants of those vanished Silent Striders that had found a Gate to another world and returned.
The Wyld Runners are now very different from the Silent Striders, they love the roads, but not for the sake of travel alone; they consider
that every journey must have a destination, and toward that destination all effort must lean.
Once a Wyld Runner takes the road, there's little in the world that can keep him from reaching his goal; for this, they became the
perfect messengers and guides; they cannot get lost, and rather die than fail in their tasks. For this, they are allies of the Templar
As the journey south continued, many packs claimed several territories along the way, until they reached the Texcoco Lake, where the
Aztec founded their capital city.
Once their Kinfolk reached their destination, some Wyld Runners dispersed, looking for more goals, but many stayed, serving later as
couriers for the Aztec emperors. Their uncanny speed and relentless march served well.
Today, most Wyld Runners live in the wilderness among their Kinfolk and, even as dispersed as they are, can summon and reach
each other with astounding swiftness. Once settled, the Wyld Runners like to be undisturbed, and are very zealous of their Kinfolk, as
they are their responsbility. As they believe that they have achieved a Goal by settling, they are extremely territorial; if found as a sept,
their Goal will be the protection of the caern and they will protect it fiercely.
They favor the Wyld, but see the Weaver as just part of the scenery; the Wyrm, though, is attacked fiercely, as It seeks to destroy all
goals and journeys. They believe that everyone has a Goal, and the right to pursue it. For example; the Wyrm has the right to pursue
the goal of destruction; but the Garou have the right to set their Goal as to stop it. They are broad minded, and judge the individual by
his own merits.
Their Totem is Teonanacatl, the Divine Flesh, as they call the peyote mushroom. They also call it Mezcalito with fondness, and it allows
them to travel spiritually as well as physically.

Initial Willpower: 4
Backgrounds: 4, but they can't spend them on Resources and Allies.
Wolf form: Brownish or grey, as they have mated with the mexican wolf.
Organization: Loose, they respect very much their elders and those human shamans that show a great understanding of the spirit.
Habitat: The Sierra Madre Occidental, mostly; though many can be found in the deserts of northern Mexico as well as the Valley of

Protectorate: The Tarahumara and Huichol indians; all travelers on pilgrimage, regardless of race; the lost and disoriented.
Quote: "There may be just One Goal, but many Paths lead to it. You can't stop the message by stoping the messenger for we have
arrived already".

Black Furies: All that rage wasted! They can't see their destination as their anger cloud their eyes.
-"Hmph. Vagabonds". Hippolita-Black Fury Ahroun

Bone Gnawers: They are lost to themselves, they think they are where they want to be, yet they suffer.
-"Why travel so much, all I could wish for is in this nice, damp alley". Pedro-Bone Gnawer Ragabash

Children of Gaia: They seek to lead the Garou toward peace with the Homids, that is a worthy and difficult Goal and we must respect
them for trying.
-"If only they could stay...". Eva-Children of Gaia Galliard.

Fianna: They may be fine bards and warriors, but are too full of self to truly embrace their goals.
-"Dinna we fought them at El Alamo?" Ciaran-Fianna Galliard

Glass Walkers: The roads they travel are unknown to us, as they are artificial. However, they are too attached to their homes.

-"They certainly know how to move, but they can't beat a plane, a fax or my trusty Net-Spider" Miguel-Glass Walker Philodox.

Get of Fenris: Savage, bloodthirsty, their travels mean death to those they encounter; they have corrupted the meaning of Journey.
-"Cowardly runners, we could shred them apart anytime". Jurgan- Get of Fenris Ahroun.

Red Talons: Too centered to be free, theirs is a goal we cannot approve.

-"Masters of the Wolf Run, we respect them, but they protect the Apes too much for my taste". TornEar-Red Talon Philodox

Shadow Lords: They stagnate the journeys and want to keep everyone from traveling free. They are against us; be wary of them.
-"Rebellious pups; they are anarchistic and unreliable". Gonzalo-Shadow Lord Ragabash.

Silent Striders: They run, but they never reach.

-"They constrain themselves with an objective; by their destination they limit their freedom". Kahleb-Silent Strider Theurge

Silver Fangs: Poor leadership is like a blind guide.

-"Hmmm". Corin-Silver Fang Philodox

Stargazers: They take the inner paths; we wish them to find what they seek.
-"Too much time traveling can be hard for the spirit, they are strong"- SingingStar-Stargazer Galliard

Uktena: No one knows what their Goal is, the Wyrm stalks them. -"Perfect explorers of the Umbra; they could gather us much
knowledge"- Claw-that-Runs-Uktena Theurge

Wendigo: Their Goal is to drive out the white men, but now the white men are also part of the land.
-"It's a surprise that they tolerate the white Homids violating their lands, they should fight!" Cutterwind-Wendigo Ahroun

Ehectal: Wise men; their goal is knowing and teaching.

-"Good fighters, good guides. Their only fault is that they don't teach all they know". Xilacatzin-Ehecatl Philodox

Tlaloque: Noble men; tending the suffering, they never hesitate to help us, nor our enemies.
-"They move too much to make an impression on anyone's life; once settled, that's a whole new story". Maria-Tlaloque Theurge

Nahual: They are dark and foreboding. It's better to avoid them.
-"Just another bunch of ignorant wolf-get". Patricio-Nahual

Kindred: They are individuals with individual goals, should they endanger ours, they die.
-"The only difference is that these furries speak spanish"- Michelle, 9th.Gen. Ventrue
-"We could learn much from their secrets". Julian, 7th.Gen. Tremere.
-"They are closer to us than the other Garou". Sergio. 13th.Gen. Gangrel.
-"My Sire tells me they served us once; they will again". "Navajas". 7th Gen. Huitzilopochtli.

Mages: Same as the leeches, but much more dangerous.

-"The what...?". Martin, Virtual Adept
-"Noble creatures, wise in the ways of the spirit", Don Luis, Dreamspeaker.
-"Strange heretics, but at least they respect us", padre Manuel, Celestial Chorist.

Sense of Place (Level One)
Balance (Level One): As the Stargazer gift.
No Obstacle (Level Two)
The Shortest Way (Level Two)
Power Walk (Level Three)

Open Moonbridge (Level Three): As the Ragabash Gift

Pass the Cargo (Level Four)
Fist of the Spirit (Level Four)
Grab the Wylding Lines (Level Five)
Reach the Umbra (Level Five): As the Silent Strider Gift

View Teonanacatl totem

Spirit Whistle.

Rite of Calling (Level 1)

Ambush Axe
By Ben Ellerby (

Level 2 Fetish


The Ambush Axe is a favorite weapon of many Shadow Lords. By making a successful activation roll, the weapon can become
virtually invisible, which obviously comes in handy in a fight.
Similar fetishes can be created using other weapons (swords, guns, clubs, etc.)

System: The number of successes on the activation roll is the number of successes someone else must beat on a Perception +
Alertness roll (difficulty of 11 minus their Gnosis) to notice the Axe. However, the difficulty should be adjusted for how much the
weapon is affecting the world; if it is simply hanging in the user's grip, no adjustment. If it is pressed against fabric, -2 Difficulty. If
it is marking the terrain or objects, -3. If it is being used to forcibly shatter or slice something, -4. If it is being used to attack -5
Difficulty, and when/if it hits it's mark, the victim will definitely be able to see it.

Animal Track
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level 2 Fetish


This fetish takes the form of a plaster cast of an animal track. It can be used to summon all the animals of that sort within howling
distance. This gives you no direct control over the animals once they arrive. You can however communicate with them through
the fetish and try to get them to do your bidding. Obviously being able to summon wolves is very impressive, but there is
something to be said for being able to summon an army of a thousand or so squirrels. An animal spirit that matches the track
must be bound into the fetish.

The Answerer
By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.



The Lutran do not use klaives. They regard the creation of weapon for duelling among themselves as the product of a mind
driven mad by power and honour. However, the Lutran realise there are times when a weapon of great power may be needed,
and for this they have a trio of swords, each called the Answerer. The Answerer is named after Manannan Mac Lir's great sword.
These weapons were forged long, long ago. The stories tell that they were joint efforts: that the Lutran alone could not have
created them, and that there were Mages and the Fae involved in the forging.
In any event, the swords are of a curious metal: not iron, or silver, or anything else that is easily described. To a Mage, the metal
reeks or raw Prime energy -- not stealable, merely deadly. The swords emit an eerie radiance that can be seen using Aura
Perception and similar powers. To servants of the Wyrm, other enemies of Gaia, or foes of the Lutran, this radiance is chilling.
To an enemy, The Answerer is fear embodied. Each Answerer has a Spirit of Justice bound into it. This allows the wielder to call
upon considerable power in the service of truth or justice, and it also forbids the use of The Answerers for base purposes.
The weapons resemble Celtic longswords: weapons intended to be used in great slashing strokes, to cleave limbs and skulls.
To activate, a Gnosis roll, diff 7 is required. The weapon is then diff 6 to use, and does STR+5 damage. If a Gnosis point is
spent, damage from a single attack is aggravated. If the sword is used for base purposes, it rolls its Gnosis versus a target of
the wielder's Wits + Subterfuge. If the sword succeeds, the difficulty to use it rises to nine, and if the user continues to attempt
evil acts, the sword will attack its wielder, using its Gnosis dice for attack and damage.
Of the three Answerers left, one is kept at the Caern of Manannan, and used to defend the Caern, one is held by a Lutran Sept in
the North of Scotland, while the third is in the hands of the Mannin Chantry, placed with the Mages as a sign of good faith.

Aphrodite's Belt
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level Four Fetish


This fine belt of gold chain links sits about the hips or can be actually threaded through the loops of a pair of trousers or jeans. It
bears a symbol of love as its buckle, and once the buckle is done up it takes the expenditure of a Gnosis point to remove it. Its
function is simple -- when it is worn and activated (a roll of Wits + Primal-Urge to activate) it enhances the Garou's natural
attractiveness and makes her supernaturally appealing, allowing the Garou to attempt to 'woo' anyone, of either sex. This is done
by rolling Appearance + Performance (alternatively Appearance + Expression), the difficulty being the target's Willpower. Rolls
made against a target of the opposite sex are lowered by one. The belt must be visible for this fetish to work, and the difficulty is
further lowered by 2 if the Garou wears nothing -- despite what form she wears. This fetish does not nullify the Delirium, but
allows the victim a +5 bonus on the Delirium effect chart. Dedicated clothing -- but not fetish clothing -- has a particularly
hampering effect on this fetish, raising the difficulty by 3 (to a maximum of 9). If successful the target is completely enamoured by
the Garou, incapable of doing them harm or making them sad. Any Manipulation rolls made on the target by that Garou are then
set at an effective 4, with no modifiers.

Notes: More than one person may be 'wooed' in this manner, but the 'wooing' must be done separately and the targets will
become very hostile towards each other. Much leniency is given by a 'wooed' individual, but it should be noted that when this
fetish's effect wears off (twenty-four hours or when the belt is next removed, whichever is sooner), an abused 'lover' will become
very frustrated and will probably seek to take revenge on the heartbreaking Garou. The difficulty in 're-wooing' an aggravated 'exlover' is raised by 3 (to a maximum of 9). Black Furies are very wary of overusing this fetish, as it can occasionally backfire, a
botch causing the acting Garou to fall deeply in love with the next sentient being (Storyteller defines what 'sentient' covers) she
sees for forty-eight hours, during which she can do nothing but pursue her love heedless of anything else. This fetish is ineffective
on creatures incapable of love -- Banes fall under this description, Vampires and Wraiths (and other Garou) do not. This fetish
is, obviously, inhabited by a spirit of Love.

Argent Claw
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This particularly dangerous fetish takes form of a miniature Garou claw cast in silver and bound in copper wire. It is most
commonly worn as a pendant. They are very rare and make very poor weapons.

System: The Argent Claw is a useful little fetish which, when activated, allows a Garou to use the Gift: Lambent Flame without
the expenditure of a Willpower point. It also allows the resulting light around the Garou's body to be extended from 100 feet to
150 feet in radius. This fetish also allows the Gift: Silver Claws to be used upon activation, without the additional Gnosis roll. The
Garou in question must actually know the Gift to receive the bonus to it -- the Argent Claw does not instil knowledge of these
Gifts. This fetish, contrary to popular belief, is not a miniature form of Klaive. It is simply too small to do anything more than the
most superficial of damage but will cause a very nasty burn on Garou flesh, lowering Rage roll difficulties by 1. The normal
Gnosis penalties apply in regards to carrying this fetish. In very desperate times the fetish can be used as a weapon, being
difficulty 5 to hit and doing Strength-3 damage.

Spirit: A spirit of war or a Falcon-spirit is bound into this fetish.

Armor of Fenris
By Shawn Arbuckle (

Level One Fetish


This fetish is a normal looking black leather jacket. It has many studs, chains and straps all over. The Get of Fenris Ahroun, Bane
Killer, in need of a kind of armor created the jacket. He added the chains and studs as too appear more intimidating.
Intimidation rolls made while wearing the jacket gain an extra die. When activated the jacket adds to soak rolls.

Assassin Bird Klaive

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Five Fetish


To make this fetish, an Assassin Bird Jaggling must be bound into a specially-created knife with a feather- or flame-shaped,
diamond-profiled blade. The Asesinos Brujos jealously guard the training regimen and creation of these fetishes. Assassin Bird
Klaives do damage as a regular Klaive but the wounds take a very long time to heal, assuming the victim survives an attack: one
wound level per week.

Assassin's Grip
By Harlan E. Rosen (

Level Seven Ratkin Fetish


This gauntlet, appearing like a cestus with knobs (refer to WoD:Combat) is for the greatest and heroic Ratkin only. Its honor is
that of a Grand Klaive. With a successful gnosis roll the Ratkin can clench his fist with it on. This causes the cessation of all brain
function to stop in the victim, resulting in immediate brain death. Conscious targets only can resist, rolling Willpower. This is
prepared like the Grand Klaive with two spirits of any kind related to assassination.

Axe of Geronimo
By Diogo Antunes Broner (

Level 5 fetish


This axe belonged to the famous Wendigo Ahroun called Geronimo. Geronimo was a man renowned for bringing courage to his
subjects, in addition to being one of the Wendigo's greatest fighters. Also, it struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. When the
fetish is activated, it gives everyone who follows the wielder +2 to all combat rolls, and all enemies who fail in a Willpower roll,
diff. 9 will run in the opposite direction. It also gives Strength +3 aggravated damage.

Bag of Finn Mac Cool

By Diogo Antunes Broner (

Level 3 Fetish


It is rumored that Finn Mac Cool, great leader of the Fianna, carried a purse that appeared empty when the tides were low, and
appeared full when the tides were high. In addition, once a day the carrier will find a share of war rations. When the tides are low,
a Gnosis roll with diff. 5 is necessary to make the contents come back.

Bandage of the Mother

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This bandage-like fetish is made of many bands of cloth woven together into a broad, colourful band.

System: When wrapped around a wound and activated, the Garou may spend a Gnosis point to heal the wound. This will heal a
single Health Level from the injured character and will even heal a Battle Scar but this costs an extra Gnosis point, will heal two
Health Levels, and must be done in the same scene is the Scar was obtained. The Bandage must be washed in pure water
before it will work again.

Spirit: A Unicorn-spirit is the most common to be bound into this fetish.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This stone appears to be a small irregular rock tied to a leather strap several inches to a foot long. It has many mystic runes
carved into it and is about half the size of a man's fist.

System: When activated, this fetish swings in the direction of the closest Bane with a power of 15 or more. This effect only
works on materialised Banes if used in the physical world and only on non-Materialised Banes if used in the Umbra. It will not
detect Banes bound into fetishes, talens or fomori.

Spirit: A spirit of detection is bound into this stone.

Bark Coin
By Awake-To-Much (

Level 2 Fetish


This small coin, about the size of a quarter, is fashioned from a tree no less than 100 years of age. To use it the Garou places it
on his tongue and activates it. When activated the Garou can walk inside any tree that could hold him. He will immediately fall
asleep. He sleeps for three hours, at which point it is equivalent to a full nights rest. Any garou suffering Nightmares are given
peacefull sleep, as the tree's spirit protects him. The garou will not fall out of the tree while sleeping. The Garou can not leave the
tree until three hours is up.

Bastard Klaive
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Three Fetish


The bastard klaive is the symbol of ultimate authority among the Silver Knights, being the original weapon given to their first
leader. Interestingly enough, they don't recognize the original leader as anybody special, but the sword is a legend. The silver
subtracts two Gnosis from the effective rating of its wielder and inflicts aggravated, non-soakable damage on Garou (Difficulty to
attack is 7 and it inflicts Strength + 4 damage). A powerful war-spirit is bound into the weapon along with an Ancestor spirit. The
wielder can contact the spirit and witness the past experiences of its previous holders (Gnosis + Ritual, Diffculty is the Gnosis
rating of the klaive). The sword resembles an English broad sword.

By Andrew Cram, for his Bastet revision.

Golden Kopesh
Level 4
Gnosis 4
These ancient golden swords are the Bastet equivalent of the Garou constructed Silver Swords. These swords inflict aggravated
damage on all oponents. In addition, Materialized spirits are thrown back into the Umbra. The spirit must then use its materialize
charm (at its normal power cost) to reform.

Heart's Desire
Level 3
Gnosis 5
This piece of jewelry (usually a braclet) improves the owner's Empathy and Appearance by two points each. It also makes its
owner sexually desirable to anyone she find attractive.

Black Kopesh
Level 6
Gnosis 7
The Smilodon produce Bane Swords identical in all respects to those of the Black Spiral Dancers except that they take the form
of a Golden Kopesh.

Coin of Luck
Level: 4
Gnosis: 7
The Bastet who carries this coin (virtually all are Roman coins depicting the goddess Fortuna) receives good luck. This fetish
negates two botches per activation success.
These fetishes tend to ally with Bastet -- others must roll at +2 difficulty to ally themselves with the fetish. In addition, most of
these fetishes were created by the Caecilians, who could bond especially easily to these items (-2 difficulty) and their halfchildren, the Tiberii (-1 difficulty). It is considered a symbol of high status amongst the Tiberii to possess one of these rare items.

Beggar's Bowl
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This looks like a bowl, usually beaten and worn, of metal or ceramic or whatever the Bone Gnawer can scrape up at the time. It
must be hardy -- the spirit will not enter a flimsy bowl.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point spent, this bowl assists in the detection of people likely to give the Garou money,
food or other assistance. It does not give any roll bonuses, but those it targets are a great deal more likely to donate something.
This fetish will home in on people with the Flaw: Soft-Hearted like a bloodhound on the scent of a fox.

Spirit: A spirit of supplication or generosity will do, as will a pigeon, rat or other scavenging urban spirit.

Bejewelled Collar
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level Two Fetish


This is a hand-crafted black leather collar, decorated with several small diamant stones, along with three large, predominantly
set pieces of jade. When worn and activated, this collar can be used as a battery to 'store' points of Willpower. The Bastet rolls
her Gnosis (target of the collar's Gnosis), and is permitted to imbue the collar with as many points of Willpower as she gains
successes. This roll can only be made once a moon cycle and imbued Willpower points are considered spent. Over time the
Bastet will recover her Willpower, and in a tight spot this collar can be very useful. A second Gnosis roll is made in order to use
the Willpower in the collar -- once again, only as much Willpower may be used as successes gained. If the collar is removed, any
Willpower points contained therein dissipate.

Notes: The Bejeweled Collar was worn by one of my first Bastet characters -- a Pumonca feline who had been raised by a
millionaire as basically a huge housecat. His owner's brother-in-law, however, just happened to be a wise-to-the-groove Kinfolk.
This Trinket is entirely compatible with Garou usage, but much ridicule will be directed at the Garou who puts this Cats' Trinket

Belt of Invisibility
By John Donoghue (

Level Three Fetish


Spirit Affinity
Illusion, Ghost, Hiding

The Belt of Invisibility is a fetish created by the Uktena tribe, though other tribes have been known have their own variations. In
most cases, the belt is made of leather and decorated by colored beads. The belt was created to allow the Uktena to do covert
surveillance on various groups with more protection. The belt works much the same way as the Gift Invisible. To activate the belt,
the user need only to buckle it. Once it is buckled, the user fades out. He doesn't have to be out of sight to engage the belt
(though it is usually a good idea), but anyone who watches a person fade out gets a bonus to discover him. The user will remain
phased until the belt is unbuckled by the character or some one else. Once buckled and faded, the character is invisible. In
addition, the sounds and scent of the belted individual gives off are dulled. The smell is unnoticeable by to a normal sense of
smell and sounds such as breathing and walking are dulled to an inaudible level. Talking is not dulled and can be heard quite
clearly. If a person does speak, the invisibility is not broken, but any one around has a good reason to make a detection (and a
good Idea of were the user is). If the belt's invisibility is penetrated, then only the individual who succeeds can see the person
(though a person who has penetrated the invisibility can point out the spot where the belt's user is and they get a bonus to see
him). If the successful character looks away for some reason or stops looking at the belt's user, then the user is invisible to her
again. If a combat action is taken (only things that are intended to cause damage are combat actions; flicking pennies, tripping
and other pranks are not combat actions), the victim can then see the belt's user (only the victim) and is surprised. Also, if a
character runs into the user, not just brushing shoulders, the user becomes visible to the person(s) he bumped into. In addition,
The player may extend his invisibility to others. With the expenditure of one Gnosis, the user may make another invisible, though
they must remain in contact (holding hands or whatever). This will last until contact is broken. A second person will cost two
Gnosis and is the limit. The invisibility cannot be extended to non-living object unless done as noted below.
Note: Any item worn or carried by the user is also rendered invisible. If the belt is place around an object other than its owner,
say a tree, it becomes invisible according to the same rules as above.

Belt of Strength
By John Donoghue (

Level Two Fetish


Belts of Strength are among the oldest and most common fetishes. They are found throughout the world in the hands of
countless persons. Simply put, these belt increase the physical prowess of the user, but they do have a drawback. The more
they are worn, the weaker the user is once it is removed. These belts can created by a wide variety of residents of the WoD. For
the most part they are made by various bete but Mages can also make them. The creation process involves the binding of a
spirit associated with strength to a belt. With each belt come a varied strength bonus but for the most part, they are as listed

Game Mechanics
Table top: The belt of strength will double the strength of the user. If he shifts to Crinos, the belt will double that strength as well.
On the down side, the user's strength will be halved (rounded up) for an equal time that it was worn once it is removed. In the
event that the belt is put back on, the new halved strength is doubled and then that halved strength is halved again. Then the user
must wait for the time on the halved half strength to run out before the half-strength can begin regenerating.
Example: Reginald the Great has a strength of 8. If he dons the belt, his strength is 16 for the two hours he wears it. Then once it
is taken off, his strength would be 4. An hour later, he needs a bit more strength so he dons the belt again and goes up to an 8.
After 10 minutes he takes it off and his strength is down to 2. After 10 minutes it goes back up to 4 then an hour after that his
strength is back at 8.

MET: When the belt is worn, the user's physical traits are doubled. If the user shifts to Crinos form, the belt will adjust itself by
doubling the Crinos traits. These doubled traits are not real, but rather reflections of the user's physical traits. So if a trait is
risked and lost, its double is lost as well. After the belt is removed the user's physical traits are halved (rounding up) for an equal
amount of time as it was worn. If the belt is worn again before the time has elapsed, then the user's new halved physical traits
are doubled. After it is taken off, the user's traits are halved once more. The user must first wait out the time for the halved half
physical traits to regenerate before the halved physical traits can regenerate.
Example: Bob has 10 physical traits. When he puts on the belt, it doubles to 20. In a combat, Bob loses a Brutal trait and
therefore its double, so his total is now 18. After two hours bBob takes off the belt and his 9 traits (he lost that brutal trait) are
reduced to 5 (4 rounded up). He must know wait two hours to regenerate the traits. Unfortunately, bob needs to don the belt
again twenty minutes before his traits are back and does so for twenty minutes. Upon taking it off, Bob is reduced to 3 traits and
must now wait twenty minutes to get back up to five traits. Then he may finish his twenty minutes to get back up to 9.

General Notes: If the belt is worn for more than 12 hours, the user's strength is brought back down to normal, yet this is
dependent on the belt. If it is removed, the user's base strength is halved for twelve hours. This will continue for every twelve
hours following.

Berserker's Girdle
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a girdle of wolf-skin, and thus somewhat unpopular amongst lupus. Most Garou will refuse to use or create such a fetish
unless the wolf died of natural causes or gave willingly of its life.

System: When activated, the Garou may Frenzy at will. This can only be done once a fortnight, and only in combat. The Frenzy
will always be a Berserk Frenzy and cannot be countered by a Willpower point. In all other respects it resembles a normal
Frenzy. Despite its low level this fetish is rarely given to young Garou, never to untried cubs and never to Garou who have not
proven themselves in combat.

Spirit: A spirit of war or wolf is bound into this fetish.

Black Cloak
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a plain black cloak with no markings whatsoever.

System: When worn and activated, this cloak allows the Garou wearing it to add a +1 die bonus to her Stealth pool. It is similar
in nature to the level 2 Cloak of Darkness (Shadow Lords Tribebook) but is far less flexible and has a much higher Gnosis.

Spirit: A spirit of Darkness is bound into this cloak.

Black Fury Chakram

By Kheldar (

Level 4 Fetish


This fetish was created by the Black Furies for the purpose of attacking multiple opponents at a distance. Because chakram
were created by and for the Black Furies, Garou of all other tribes have a much more difficult time attuning themselves to one
(+2 to the difficulty). A chakram is made of a silver alloy, and the damage it causes is therefore unsoakable by creatures that are
affected by silver (ie. most werewolves). To give a chakram its abilities, two spirits need to be bound into it: a spirit of war and a
spirit of the wind.

System: The owner of a chakram loses one Gnosis point because of the silver content. The use of a chakram requires that the
wielder be in Homid, Glabro, or Crinos form. To use a chakram to its fullest abilities, the Garou rolls Gnosis to activate (difficulty
7). Then, she picks her targets and rolls Dexterity+Athletics (difficulty 6). The number of successes rolled is the number of targets
that can be attacked. Each target can roll to dodge the attack (if they have dice left in their dodge pools), and is handled
separately. Chakram damage is Strength+3, is unsoakable, and aggravated. After hitting (or attempting to hit) all chosen
targets, the chakram ricochets off of as many hard surfaces as is necessary to return to the wielder's hand. When the chakram is
successfully activated and returns to the wielder, she automatically catches it unless neither of her hands are free. This process
can be halted by someone in its path by rolling Strength+ Athletics (difficulty 9) to grab it. If no successed are rolled to activate,
then only one target can be hit and it will not return on its own. If the roll to activate is a botch, then the chakram will go off course,
ricochet off of something and fly back at the unfortunate Garou. If the wielder is not successful in dodging or catching the
chakram, then she rolls damage as normal. This damage is aggravated and unsoakable (unless she possesses the 7 point
merit silver tolerance).She has the option of dodging or trying to catch it. Both rolls will be at +1 difficulty. The chakram will then
be unusable until the spirits bound to it are appeased.

Blood Poppet
By Sean Vincent Wolf (

Level Five Fetish


The blood poppet is a small doll that represents a target individual. The target is under your command for as long as the poppet
is in one piece. This is stronger than any Blood Bond or Gift of Command . Use it reasonably, or otherwise you are at the mercy
of the Storyteller's whim.

Creating one of these fetishes requires the casting of an extensive, level 5 rite. The first step is to construct a doll of leather and
dirt along the lines of a voodoo doll. Leaving a tiny open fold near where the heart should be, sew it up with the target's hair (or
fur). Take a smooth stone, purified during the rite, and with a ceremonial knife, carve the target's rune into it. Prick your finger
and spread blood on the stone. Place the stone in the unsewn area and sew it up. Bury the doll in Gaia, underneath a fire ring.
Let the fire burn for a full moon and then, before dawn, douse the fire with cold water. Bring the fetish out of the mud and let it dry
in the sun and wind.

Blood Vengeance
By Tai'Chara StarGazer (

Level 5 Fetish


Blood Vengeance is a wakizashi (Japanese shortsword, diff. 5, Str+3 damage). The blade is of moonsilver, with an intricate
symbol etched into either side of the blade near the hilt, and the grip is wrapped in black leather over black lacquer and
bindings. The blade itself seems 'shadowed', as if a shifting, smoky film lay just below the blade's surface.
The fetish bears an unusual spirit -- that of a 6th gen Lasombra, the father of the fetish's creator. After killing his sire twice (he
was brought back by a Giovanni), Christopher DiTerlizzi bound him into the blade as a means of ultimate revenge for the
atrocities he and his sibs suffered at their father's hands. He finds it deliciously ironic that after forcing others to serve him, his
father is now the servant. Christopher hopes to create a matching blade, a katana (and perhaps a tanto), in order to "complete
his set". Whether or not these will also contain vampiric spirits is unknown.
Blood Vengeance has the following abilities:
1. Causes aggravated damage to all targets, double aggravated damage to werecreatures and creatures of Cahlash (the
2. Bearer gains a +1 to Gnosis (moonsilver blade), and a +1 to their soak pools.
3. The blade can store 1 Gnosis point, and 4 blood points.
4. The bearer may use Arms Of The Abyss (Obtenebration 3) by spending one Gnosis point and rolling Manipulation+Occult,
diff. 6; the tentacles have a strength of 6.,/li>
5. Richard DiTerlizzi's spirit may be communicated with telepathically; twice a day the bearer may make a
Manipulation+Occult roll at difficulty 8 to force him to answer one question truthfully. (however, Richard is not pleased with
his imprisonment, and is rather caustic when talked to.)

Blurred Clothing
By Strasa Acimovic (

Level 3 Fetish

Gnosis: 8

This seems to be an innocent pair of clothing. There are several powerfull chimeric spirits within it and they power its special
powers. It is able to change (on a succesfull roll) to any clothing you wish. For example you could use it to make a business suit
or a Pentex Guard Uniform. The item however requires that you have gloves, boots and a hood or something similar (sandals ...)
but if you do not, it places a crescent moon made of aquamarine close to the appropriate place. For example if you do not have
a hood, the clothing will place an aquamarine moon on your lapel. If the clothing is ever ripped appart, a gnosis point must be
spent for it to become whole again. Same thing works if you wish to clean it.

Bone Apron
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One or Four Fetish


This fetish resembles the 'apron armor' of the Native American Indians, but made of straight bones bound together rather than
sticks. It is bound together with natural sinew dyed red with a natural plant-dye and often has small glyphs of strength and
protection engraved into the bones.

System: When activated this 'apron' serves as Class 2 armor and protects the entire front torso. It does not cover the back and
only serves as Class 1 armor for the sides. Any silver attacks on this 'apron' are at +1 difficulty to hit. The level 4 version of this
armor exists that serves as Class 4 armor on the front and Class 3 armor on the sides. Note: if this armor is not activated it will
serve as Class 1 armor for front and sides, but will break apart on an impact that does more than 3 damage after soak rolls have
been made.

Spirit: A spirit of protection or war is bound into this fetish.

Bone of Wrath
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

This seemingly ordinary looking bone (Usually the legbone of a horse) can trap an individual in the Penumbra for however long
the user wishes with a single touch. After being used, it will remain inactive until the next new moon.

Bow of the Eagles

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level 5 Fetish


On a succesful activation roll, the user of this bow can shoot truly spectacular distances. Once activated, the difficulty to hit is
reduced by one as the Garou's hands are guided by the resident spirit, and his eye sight sharpened to improve his aim. The
maximum range of the Bow is seventy yards times Strength. To even draw the bow, a minimum strength of six is required. Thus
these are usually only used by Blooded Breakers in Glabro or Crinos. Damage pool is equal to Strength. This fetish is made by
binding the spirit of a bird of prey into a specially made bow.

Bracelet of the Pack

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This bracelet often has short feathers and scraps of fur or bone attached to it.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point spent, this fetish instantly tells the Garou where the remaining members of her pack
are, and how far away they are. A number of pack members equal to the number of successes on the activation roll can be
detected. Directions are 'as the crow flies' (i.e., a straight line which ignores obstacles like cliffs and buildings), and distances
are very rough estimates. The particular pack members are chosen randomly if not all can be sensed. This is a 'flash-sense'
(i.e., it lasts for only an instant) and cannot tell whether the packmates are moving or not. It will, however, indicate if they are in the
Penumbra, but it will not detect them at all if they are further into the Umbra than that. It will not sense dead packmates, but
cannot tell the packmates' physical conditions in any other way.

Spirit: A Wolf-spirit is the most common spirit used for this fetish.

Bracers of the Devouring Hand

By Bejeir D. Brooks (

Level Five Fetish


The effect of these bracers is that a 3 foot radius around the bearer's forearm becomes highly radioactive, nearly disintegrating
everything organic it comes in contact with. This weapon can be used in conjunction with any parry or block maneuvers. Even if
one has an immunity to wyrm emanations this fetish must be soaked at diff. 7 due to the fact that it is a corrupted atomic spirit
within and not a true wyrm spirit. Note that this fetish can only be used by those of the same tribe as the creator (BSD not White
Howlers). This fetish does not protect its owner from its own effects but it does allow the wielder to soak with Rage, where every
success negates a point of damage done, however too many successes cause a frenzy. Additionally, the wielder and everyone
hit by the bracers regains a point of Rage each round from the agony. If the wielder ever uses up all of his or her Gnosis whether
or not the fetish is activated it will explode for a 3 megaton explosion which if soakable is at (9) and the effective damage is
3(users rage* permanent gnosis). This explosion will also affect the local umbral environment on a lesser scale. Unfortunately this is
no good as a suicide fetish since it will only explode at the least opportune time for the wielder. It just won't work until that time
arrives. Finally the user must soak his rage every morning or take that many pts. of aggravated damage.
I included how I added up the levels for this fetish on the side, so that it can be easily changed for other Chronicles:
aspect I A D
P Level
+0 +0
+2* +1
activated +3 Current Rage
un-soakable damage (7)*
+4 Atomic Spirit
only usable by BSD
3 Megaton explosion if users gnosis ever goes down to zero
gain one point of rage per round from the agony

Carroll's Dagger
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This slim, elegant dagger is commonly seven to ten inches long (excluding handle), and often decorated with a picture of a
caterpillar or mushroom. Upon a successful strike, which must inflict at least 2 Health Levels of damage after soaking, Carroll's
Dagger will cause the target to miss his next combat turn due to overwhelming confusion caused by hallucinations involving
height and distance ("Why, I'm opening up like a telescope!"). The target can avoid these effects if he successfully rolls his
Willpower vs. the dagger's Gnosis at a -1 die penalty. The Dagger's combat details are - Dex+Melee (diff 7) to use, Str+1

Notes: The first owner of this trinket was a favorite Swara homid of mine, Sandra Twitch-and-Jump -- so called because of her
habits of twitching with hyperactivity and constantly jumping at any sudden sound or movement. It is named after the famous
children's author Lewis Carroll, and the name refers to its debilitating effects on an opponent.

Celtic Runes
By Awake-To-Much (

Level 3 Fetish


This small bag holds bones of animals and humans. When activated and shaken, the bag grants a number of Gnosis points
equal to half the activation successes. If Fianna, one success equals one Gnosis point. Round down. If the bag is ever opened in
anyway every one in ten feet refill their gnosis, but the bag is then useless.

By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko for the Van Helsing Family

Level Four Fetish


Made out of a lightweight material so it can be wielded like a sword, this chainsaw can be used to cut things in the spirit world. It
has runes engraved in its blade and may not be lifted by anyone other than its owner.

Chameleon's Scales
By The Goddess (



This metal pendant -- worked into the shape of an ornate reptile's scale -- allows the Bastet to take on the appearance of
another for four hours. The "new self" must be of the same general 'make' as the Bastet's current form (i.e. a Bastet in Homid or
Sokto form must choose a humanoid form of roughly the same size, etc.).

Charity's Worth
By Harlan E. Rosen (

Level Four Ratkin Fetish


This ring allows the poor Ratkin to make other humans give him things (Example: money, new clothes, food, etc) Roll willpower,
with a difficulty of the human's Willpower. Dove spirits are to be bound to this (Refer to Axis Mundi).

Clarity Charm
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


The Clarity Charm is almost always some form of crystal, usually a clear quartz crystal, but some urban Garou use glass baubles
instead. It is either left in its natural state or carved to represent something significant to the type of spirit being bound into it.

System: When activated, the fetish gives the Garou a -2 bonus to the difficulty of all rolls involving concentration and to avoid
distraction -- this includes meditation. This can be done twice a day and will last for one scene.

Spirit: Willpower, Bear, Snake and Cat spirits are all appropriate for this fetish; the Croatan used to bound Tortoise and Turtle
spirits into theirs.

Claws of Seline
By The Goddess (

These moonstone gems in the form of cat's claws are very rare and especially prized by the Bastet. Every full moon, the claw
regains Gnosis according to its level:
Level Gnosis
These Gnosis points may be used by the Bastet to fuel Gifts, activate other fetishes, etc.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This appears as a small piece of hard substance; rock, steel, and the like. Its surface is slightly abrasive (glass, for example, is
not appropriate, and metals can only be used if they are slightly pitted or rasped like a file).

System: Upon activation and the expenditure of a Gnosis point, the Garou can scrape her claws along this stone to enhance
Damage in the same manner as the Gift: Razor Claws. Like the Gift this takes a single turn. The effects last one scene and can
only be used once a day.

Spirit: Any spirit with sharp claws can be used, or a spirit of war.

Claymore of Gaia
By Shawn Arbuckle (

Level 6 Fetish


The Claymore of Gaia was wielded by a Get of Fenris Ahroun and has a wind spirit bound into it. When the Claymore is
activated it can be thrown at a chosen target up too 10 ft away with no chance of missing. The damage must be rolled as normal.

Club of Agony
By Bruce Campbell (

Level 2 Fetish


This fetish is a plain, ordinary-looking white club, crafted out of bone, about a foot and a half long. There are very faint glyphs of
pain, carved into the club.
It does Str + 2 damage when used. When activated, all of the glyphs suddenly light up into assorted blues and greens. Whacking
someone with it causes intense pain, increasing all diffs of the target by +2 for the current and next turn (non-cumulative). Even
touching someone with it causes the light to climb up the club and into the person like electricity, giving the person a painful jolt. It
is a favorite toy of tricksters.
It is bound with a spirit of pain, fire or electricity.

Coin of Luck
By Andrew Cram
Level: 4
Gnosis: 7
The Bastet who carries this coin (virtually all are Roman coins depicting the goddess Fortuna) recieves good luck. This fetish negates
two botches per activation success.
These fetishes tend to ally with Bastet - any others must roll at +2 difficulty to ally themselves with the fetish. In addition most of these
fetishes were created by the Caecilians, who could bond especially easily to these items (-2 difficulty) and their half-children, the
Tiberii (-1 difficulty). It is considered a symbol of high status amongst the Tiberii to possess one of these rare items.

Combat Armor
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 4 Fetish


This is a suit that is seemingly made of leather, but gives 3 automatic soak successes.

Communion Stone
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a rounded stone carved with a glyph meaning 'Gaia' and with three feathers -- white for sky, brown for earth and blue for
water -- attached firmly to it. All Garou who own this fetish take very good care of it.

System: This stone, when activated, allows the Garou to commune with Gaia more easily, making sleep deeper and more
restful, making meditation more calming, making the Garou's primal connection stronger (+1 to all Primal Urge rolls), and
making passage into the spirit world less troublesome (-1 to the local Gauntlet for this Garou only, cannot lower the Gauntlet
below 4). All these effects last for one scene. The fetish will only function if all the feathers are in good condition; as such it is well
taken care of, and is a favourite of Black Furies in the city.

Spirit: Any spirit servant of Gaia can be bound into a Communion Stone.

Conch LaHonta
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level 2 Fetish


A large spiral shell (conch or similar) is prepared for blowing. It is painted with highly-reflective silver paint and decorated with
red details, beads and smaller shells, medallions, trinkets, etc. A Sea-Gaffling is bound into it. When activated and blown, the
Conch LaHonta has two effects: it calls the Playastorm and lowers the Gauntlet by 2; the reflective surface of the Conch and/or
the mirror beads on it can be used as a way to Reach.

Crinos Shotgun
By Matthew Hoffman (

Level 8 Fetish


This shotgun was made by a Glass Walker Ahroun, Trigger Happy, who wanted a supreme gun. He spent 10 years perfecting
this fetish and only made one. The Shotgun itself weighs about 215 lbs and is about 5 feet long. and for the player to carry it he
or she needs an effective Strength of 6. To use the weapon you need an effective strength of at least 9. Anything less and it
would cause 4 health levels of non-soakable regular damage. The rounds for this huge gun are equally huge. Each shell weighs
about 15 lbs. They are about 5 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. Instead of pellets you must load the shells with 9 mm.
bullets(10-20). The difficulty to shoot is 8 and damage is 12 dice. All other fire fight rules apply.
For this very powerful weapon to work properly the character must bind a spirit of war to each shell and the gun itself. Regular
rules for this apply also. If the proper spirits are not bound to the gun or the shells its the Storyteller's discretion to the effects.

Croatan's Forearm
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level 6 Fetish


This mighty fetish was made from the forearm of one of the fallen Croatan. On a succesful activation roll, the user may channel
some of the sacrifice of the Croatan through himself. By making a Rage roll, difficulty 8, and pointing the bone at a Wyrmfoe, he
may unleash a bolt of pure destruction. Each success on the Rage roll equals one point of unsoakable aggravated damage
taken by the target. No matter how many successes are rolled on the Rage roll, the Breaker wielder will not frenzy. There are only
believed to be three of these in existance, all of them owned by Breakers of Rank Five or higher. There is a spirit of War and an
spirit of Justice bound into every one. It is rumored that a Turtle spirit was bound into each of these before the last of them went
into Slumber. These fetishes are no longer capable of being made.

Crusader's Sword
By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko for the Van Helsing Family

Level Four Fetish and Level Six Relic


This weapon is both a Relic and fetish that can be quite effective against the undead. The reversed hilt and quillons count as a
holy symbol channeling and suffusing the blade with holy power, adding one die of damage per Faith roll success when used
versus a undead creature. When used against one possessed by a Bane or spirit the blade ignores the physical person, and
instead attacks the evil force within. This blade cannot and will not do damage to a righteous and just person but will force the
wielder to drop the sword. Wounds caused by this sword are aggravated on a supernatural creature. The weapon radiates an
aura of Faith that is visible to vampires who have Auspex (appearing as golden flame surrounding the blade.) At close range,
Kindred sweat blood. To create this weapon a predator spirit must be convinced to join with the Relic. This, in its own right, is
quite a task.

Crystal Catalyst
By Kimberlee Simmons (

Level 3 Fetish

This is a double terminated quartz crystal, wrapped with metal wire Many inclusions can be seen, which reflect minirainbows of
color within the crystal. It is usually worn as a pendant. A Chimerling is bound within. This fetish converts Willpower into Gnosis,
on a one-for-one basis, with each success. The User does not roll her Gnosis to activate this fetish, but her Gnosis plus her
Willpower (as her Gnosis would usually be low when this item is used). If a 10 is scored as a success, it counts as gaining 2
Gnosis points for the single converted Willpower point (quartz is said to amplify magical power). You cannot use this item to
boost your Gnosis over your normal permanent rating unless you roll a 10 and it takes you over that limit. If the user converts her
last Willpower point, the crystal shatters. A botch depletes any remaining Willpower and Gnosis.

Cursed Weapon
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level One Fetish


This could be any sort of weapon from a gun to a knife to a catapult. If anyone other than the rightful owner tries to use this object,
he must make a resisted Gnosis roll against the Cursed Weapon. If the Fetish wins, three dice are added to all his attack dice.
These dice only add botches, not successes. This fetish is made by binding an Ancestor spirit, or a spirit of Truth, or a Trickster

Daghda Harp
By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Level Five Fetish


The Daghda harp is another joint creation. The fae had a hand in its making, and its unearthly tone reflects this. The Daghda
Harp is more than a musical instrument. It allows the user's heartfelt wishes to be transmitted to any who hear its music. A
Performance or Music score of four or better is needed for the Harp to allow itself to be used. Anyone without this level of ability
will simply be unable to tune the Harp. After a Gnosis roll, the player can use the Harp to carry her feelings, wishes or emotions
to an audience. It can inspire people to a task, drive them to anger or despair, or lift the heart of one who feels there is nothing to
go on for. In effect, any social roll or Gift that uses emotion to convey its effect will have a number of automatic successes added
to the roll equal to the activation successes.
The Harp is a small Celtic bard's harp, made apparently of bone, although no-one can tell for sure, and strung with hair. It is
always in tune for a skilled user and is enormously strong. In the event that it is threatened, it has a way of disappearing until it is
safe again. The Daghda Harp is currently in the hands of the Sept of Manannan's Caern, who prize it greatly.

Darts of the True Form

By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Whatever creature is pierced with one of these darts will reveal its true form. This only works on creatures using powers that
affect objective reality, like a vampire using an Obfuscate Discipline or a Garou using Blur of the Milky Eye. Usually launched by
a blowgun, dart rifle, or small crossbow.

Dice of Luna
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level Two Fetish


Developed by the Fianna, this is a pair of simple six-sided dice with the moon-phase pictograms imprinted on each side,
Ahroun corresponding to six and the opposite side (normally a 1) left blank. When activated (spend a Gnosis point) and rolled
(use 2 normal six-sided dice for this), the Garou receives one temporary Willpower point (in the case of a double-Philodox), one
temporary Rage point (in the case of a double-Ahroun) or she will instantly assume her breed form (in the case of a doubleRagabash). A double-Theurge roll will reap the Garou two Gnosis points (one to make up for the Gnosis spent in activating the
dice) and a double-Galliard will result in a +1 die bonus to all Performance rolls, lasting one scene. In addition, should the Garou
roll a double of her Auspice, she will gain a +2 dice bonus to all Mental rolls for twelve hours. There is a down side, however.
Should the Garou roll a double-blank she will be considered to have one automatic fail (the equivalent of a 1 on a ten-sided die)
for all rolls for twelve hours. The Garou will also not be able to spend Willpower points to gain automatic successes for the first
scene after the roll.

Notes: This fetish may only be used once a month. Glass Walkers have been known to use dice with more than six sides for this
fetish, but the results are far from potent, as the spirits bound into them (usually one Lune and one spirit of Chance) seem to
prefer to work in tandem. These dice are, in affect, two minor fetishes that have no effect when used alone, but can make a great
change when used together. Actually obtaining two attractively colored dice and decorating them appropriately can lend to
roleplaying effect.

Donovan's Pen
By Hastur7 (

Level Five Wyrm Fetish


This is not a pen; it is actually a mechanical pencil with a bane inside. Black Spiral Dancers often create them to give to
disturbed artists who are bullied or picked on. Anything that is drawn with the pen actually happens and any creature drawn by
the pen comes to life. At first, the creatures created by the pen serve the drawer. But eventually, the creatures turn on the drawer
and kill him. Once the drawer of the creatures die, the creatures themselves slowly begin to die. However, they always make
sure the pen gets into the hands of another disturbed artist.

Ear of the Rat

By Harlan E. Rosen (

Level Four Ratkin Fetish


This odd-looking hearing aid allows the Ratkin to hear much more than its normal hearing and hearing in Crinos form. With a
sucessful gnosis roll diff:6, it gives the Ratkin +4 Perception and the ability to hear anything as low as whispers far away. Any
spirit related to hearing can be bound for this.

Edge of the Mentor, Mercy of the Master

By Bejeir D. Brooks (



Combat Information
I A D P Notes
+1 +1 +1 +1 Two-handed
Attunement +1 to melee level

Physical Description
This blade is a no dachi made of moonsilver, is 2.19 meters long and weighs 4.3 kilograms.

Spirits of War, Love and Healing

In order ot attune to this Blade one must be of at least fourth rank, or a Master of the Challenge. Allows owner to store up to 4
extra willpower points, 2 Rage & 5 extra blood point. Once attuned there is no need for the owner to ever roll to call it.
It does double unsoakable Stun damage. This is not to say that an arm will not be amputated; it simply will reattach. Of course
the victim does have to heal the stun damage, so a concussion or knock out is possible and is the intent.
Once attuned this weapon will always come to the wielder, somewhat like the Silent Strider gift which allows the wielder to call
an item except this takes 2 gnosis, and the weapon comes by the most direct method, in the same plane as the wielder. It will
knock through walls, cars and small children; fortunately it is incapable of killing anything.
The Level of this weapon has been recorded as being unknown because the spirits when spoken to would not say.
The Edge of the Mentor, Mercy of the Master is a blade of purest Moonsilver so it allows for an extra 2 gnosis points to be
available to the wielder.
The Edge of the Mentor is an oddity. Not only in the fact that the fetishist was somehow able to get a spirit of healing to go into
the weapon as is the fact that it works. Perhaps it is the triaxial nature of the spirits involved that allows it to perform as it does.
The prior wielder related to me:
"In Love there is War, while War knows no Bounds and Love Heals all Wounds yet through Healing we may War again, as I
bequeathe this weapon to ye' Mentor of Kin so my Master bequeathed it to me. So the Circle begins, so it ends, may Balance
have Mercy on our Souls..."
It was not until later that I found that inscription on the blade itself written in Pictish Runes. Incidentally this weapon glows slighty in
the presence of Surake as Surake glows in its presence so the two are believed to be sister weapons. Additionally , they are
both of roughly the same age yet it is hard to discern as to which is the elder from that long ago. Unfortunately, I have found that it
is incredibly difficult to carbon date Moonsilver.
When a Bete is struck by Mercy, it is unable to soak the damage if it has a susceptibility to Moonsilver (silver tolerance won't
help by the way), thus the damage is fairly unabated within the victim. This allows for the Master of the Challenge to quickly and
mercifully stop frenzies as well as perform ritual combat without fear of killing the opponent in this the time of the Apocalypse. It is

believed that there is a companion weapon which is more of a Bo Staff but affects Bete that are not susceptible to Moonsilver.
The mention of the Wyrm in the inscription leaves one to believe that perhaps the creator was allied to the Beast. Unfortuantely,
when taken to its extreme, the only bete that I could imagine would have such powers of healing and ritual knowledge to bind the
myriad of spirits into this fetish would be a Gurahl. Yet, why would a Gurahl create a series weapons of this nature, unless it had
turned to the Wyrm and leeches of old to make a number of blood drinking weapons.
(Excerpts from: Sebek Hawara's Field Guide to Blade Selection & Compendium of Mythic Horrors)

By Bejeir D. Brooks (

Level Five Fetish


Elcarn does not shed any light, except when the air temperature is below 0 F. It grants the wielder immunity to normal fires up to
about bonfire size: -4 soak diff vs. up to lava strength fires -2 soak diff. vs. magical fires. On an odd roll of a d10, extinguishes
any fire in a 10' radius not including blast type fire bolts.

Elemental Guns
By Sbastien Lvesque (

Level Four Fetish


These guns have Elementals inside them. Depending on which type of Elemental bound into it, the gun will fire different matter. It
often takes the appearance of a toy, so it brings no suspicion. For example, a Fire Elemental Gun would fire, well, fire or even
firebolts (with at least 3 successes on the activation). An Electricity Elemental Gun would fire a lightning bolt with enough
successes, though it would at least send little sparks to a target. As a fast rule of thumb, at least 3 successes on the activation
roll are necessary to do great damage. Be very, very careful of a botch, though. An elemental, of course, must be bound in the
gun to create this fetish.

Escape Route
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


Just about any small object can be used for this fetish, but its physical structure must be appropriate to the Garou's tribe and it
must have glyphs of escape and evasion inscribed on it.

System: When activated this fetish provides a small distraction that, hopefully, allows the Ragabash to escape any unpleasant
attention she might be receiving. This will only work if the Ragabash is in need of an escape route and is not physically
restrained from moving by 'mindless' means -- being tied up, for example. The antagonist must, at activation, roll his Perception
+ Subterfuge, difficulty 8 -- the successes on this roll count as ones against the Garou's activation roll. A Gnosis point is not
required to activate this, but counts as one automatic success if it is spent. Only one such point can be used per activation and
must be declared before the opponent makes his roll.

Spirit: A spirit of evasion, such as a Mouse-spirit, is bound into this fetish.

By Vladimir Drakul (


Fetish points

This fetish is a sword (silver or non-) with a rubber spirit bound to it. The hilt is always the same size, and the blade is normally
about ten inches long and five inches wide. When it is swung, however, centrifugal force causes it to extend to its full length.
When the end is pushed in and the fetish triggered, the sword returns to its compact state.

Eye of Luna
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Two Fetish


The Eye of Luna is a pendant shaped in the wearer's Auspice. When activated, it allows the Garou to soak silver damage for
one scene. This ability can only be used once per day.

Eye of Odin
By Preston Bobo (

Level 4

Gnosis 6

A kinfolk wearing this fetish can change forms like a wolf (or appropriate Bete). Any Werewolf gets the form of Super Crinos up
from crinos Sta+2 Str+2 Dex+1 Man 0. Wyrm creatures get bonuses at the ST's discretion.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This object is always a work of cunning craft, and often musical, such as a flute, whistle or harp. Some are small circular mirrors
that spin on golden thread, and small party-favours are also used.

System: An activation roll and a Gnosis point (and a Wits + Performance roll, if applicable) will allow the Garou to entrance any
faerie or Changeling he comes across, making him seem more likeable, fun and less of a threat. As long as the Faerie-Friend
remains in view, whether being played or not, and as long as he takes no aggressive or insulting action, the Garou will not be
attacked and the target will be well-disposed to him. This will have no effect on an initially hostile being, nor one who has been
slighted by the Garou, and cannot be used in combat.

Spirit: A friendship spirit is bound into the Faerie-Friend.

Faery Flute
By Dorian Winter
Dance to your shadow when it's good to be living lad
Dance to your shadow when there's nothing better near ye
-Dolores Keane, "Mouth Music"

Level 4
Gnosis 7
In the mid-eighties, Seamus O'Shaughnessaigh, a Fianna Galliard, at that time known by the name of Winter's Child, but after the time
of his mad rage called Dearg Doom, passed his Rite of Passage. He protected a circle of stones in Connemara, which his sept
believed to be a dancing place of the Tuatha Di Danaan, against destruction.
Critically wounded after his succsesful mission, he was recovered by the People of the Goddess, nursed back to health and
recompensed. This had two consequences: First, he met his true love, Niamh Flamehair of the People, whom he longs to see again
ever since, and secondly, he was presented a gift, a very old flute made of a strange metal and covered all over with beautyful
ornaments and intricate ribbonwork.
He first noticed the powers of this flute in a rehearsal with his band Na Dorchadas by the strange behaviour of his fellow muicians and
packmates: Whenever he played his instrument, everybody who listened was filled by a all-consuming happiness and felt the
compulsion to dance, as long as the music was played. Even Kindred experience the uneasiness of feeling happy. Whoever is under
the spell of the flute will not be able to do anything but dance. To resist the magic of the flute, a listener must hae three successes on a
Intelligence+Alertness Roll (diff 8). If she succeeds this roll, she will feel incredibly sad, but else will be able to act according to her own
will. If she doesn't, she will dance.

Father's Fangs
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level 4 fetish


This fetish is made from either the teeth or claws of a specific ancestor. At least four claws or fangs are needed. On a successful
activation roll, that ancestor can be channeled. (the user still must have Past Life to use it). These are generally worn as part of a
necklace. Some are truly ancient indeed and may have the claws or fangs of several people linked onto one necklace. If it
consists of multiple relics, the user can choose which ancestor to channel. This is obviously made by binding an Ancestor spirit.

Fear Mask
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a mask made from a sturdy wood and carved to look as fearsome as possible. It covers the entire face and is painted

System: When activated this fetish grants a +1 die bonus to all Intimidation rolls -- if used against a Wyrm-tainted creature the
bonus is +3 dice.

Spirit: A spirit of fear or war is bound into this fetish.

Fenris Claw
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is the claw of some great beast, with a single rune of Fenris carved into it.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point expended, this claw enables a sudden, furious burst of energy in combat, allowing
three extra attacks in a single turn. This fetish can only be used once a month and must be bathed a mix of pure water and the
blood of a fallen enemy to recharge it. After the fetish is used the Garou must, in the following round, make a Rage roll at -2
difficulty (this cannot lower the Rage roll difficulty below 3). These fetishes are quite rare.

Spirit: A Wolf-spirit is bound into this fetish.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is usually a pendant of some kind, though some Garou make theirs into bracelets.

System: This fetish, when activated and a Gnosis point spent, will force two arguing targets to stop talking for several seconds,
for the purposes of letting themselves cool down. The targets must be arguing with each other and may attempt to resist the
fetish by rolling their Gnosis against its own, in order to keep arguing. If they fail they lose all power of speech for several
seconds. This fetish, despite its peaceful intentions, does not increase Rage difficulties and does not guarantee an end to the
fight, and cannot stop two opponents who are actually engaged in combat. It can, however, allow someone else to get a word in

Spirit: A spirit of silence, peace or justice can be bound into this fetish.

Fire Blades
By Todd Weaver ( for the Night Rangers camp

Level 4 fetish


Initially created 200 years ago by the Get of Fenris to rival the Silver klaives of the Silver Fangs, these weapons were too
unreliable for common use, but suit the ranger's needs perfectly.
Fire blades are often large Claymore like swords or battle Axes forged of a combination of Iron and Obsidian with a volcano
spirit bound to it. These blades hit for Str+6 damage plus 2 dice of fire damage. By expending 1 gnosis point and making a
sucessful strike the Fire blade does an additional 4 dice as a small burst of fire erupts from the blade on contact. But these
weapons do have a drawback; whenever the firestrike power is used or the weapon strikes for over 8 dice of damage (not
counting fire damage). The wielder rolls 3 dice against a difficulty of 7. If he makes the roll then the weapon suffers no damage; if
he fails the weapon becomes riddled with stress cracks and strikes for -2 dice until repaired (either a fire elemental or a Get that
knows how can repair one). If he botchs or fails 3 rolls before the weapon is fixed it it shatters and a new one must be forged.

Flame Quiver



This is an ornate quiver covered in flame-like runes and symbols. The wielder can spend a Gnosis point to create a Firebarb.
This is a smoldering shaft of varying length that can be thrown (Dex+Athletics Diff: 6) to do Strength+1 Damage, or can be shot
from a bow (Perception+Athletics Diff. *) to do Strength+3 Damage. When a firebarb is imbedded in a foe, the quiver can be
activated to cause the barb to explode in flame, doing 3+(number of successes on activation roll) aggravated health levels of
damage. A flame or war spirit must be bound to create this fetish.

Flute of the Storyteller




This is an extremely rare fetish that may only be used by Galliards of the following tribes: Bone Gnawers, Children of Gaia,
Fianna, Silent Striders, Stargazers, and Uktena. Bunyip and Croatan may also use it, if your chronicle permits. These are the
only tribes that would accept, use, or even create such a fetish. The Galliard using it must sit and have an audience. A group
brawling, so on and so forth, is acceptable, just so long as there is a group present that is within earshot! She makes a Gnosis
roll (variable diff, depends on audience's situation, but never to exceed 9) and begins to play the flute. On a successful roll, all of
the audience will stop doing what they are doing. Mages and Lycanthropes get a willpower roll to resist, diff 9, 2 successes
required. Vampires do not (Toreador curse is in effect). The audience is slowly taken to Dreamtime, where they observe the
story the music makes. If the Gnosis roll is botched, the player still plays, the audience is still mesmerised as before, but the
Galliard is trapped within his own story, unable to get out until he stops playing, which someone else must get his body to do!
Depending on the mood/tone of the music, the story is an epic, ballad, fable, etc. For example, if you play Peter and the Wolf, the
story played out is Peter and the Wolf. To attune this fetish, you must first make a performance + charisma roll to see if you can
play to the spirit's satisfaction (diff 8). Thereafter, the only requirement is that the Galliard holding it must play it at least once a
week, or must re-attune it.

Food Pot
By Brandon Quina (

Level 2 Fetish


You can put pretty much anything in this pot, and add some water. Boil for an hour, and stir as it 'cooks'. Make your Gnosis roll to
try to activate the fetish and you'll end up with a good meal.
This fetish even goes beyond the Bone Gnawer gift, as the food it creates dosn't taste completely horrible. Its hardly gourmet
food, but it does tastes relatively good. No matter what you put into the pot, you get whitish 'grits' out of it.
To create a food pot, you must bound a racoon or rat spirit in the pot.

Gaia's Healing Hands

By Colin Chapman (
Crystals, Rocks, Metals and their powers

Crystals, metals, and stones have long been used by many cultures throughout the world and history, as sources of health, wellbeing, and awareness. As strong and dedictated practitioners of shamanism and spiritual magick, the Garou are still aware of
crystal powers, but their use is dwindling over time. Only the Children of Gaia, and a few Uktena and Silent Striders still keep the
ways going.
Crystals fill the void between talens and fetishes, for although they are never used up (the spirit is always in residence), they do
not have to have spirits bound in them. The spirit is always present, but must be awakened.
Not all crystals are suitable for use, especially in the modern era. Many crystals (including those found in stores) are manmade
and hold no power. Others are treated with radiation to intensify their colour, tainting them in the process. Yet others are strip
mined or cut, losing a great deal of power. Obviously the typical 'New Age' shop has little in the way of usable crystals, although
some may be found. The best crystals are 'found', uncut, untreated, and far from sites of possible corruption. Therefore they are
rarer than one might initially think.
Before effective use, the crystal must be prepared using the following rite:

Cleanse the Shimmering Heart (Mystic - One)

The crystal must be placed in sunlight* or moonlight for a day. Rain used to be favoured, but there is little in the way of pure,
clean rain anymore. Placing the crystal on a plant during this process, or running pure water over it, speeds the process.
(assume the time taken is halved). After this, pass the stone through the smoke of a scented incense, such as sweetgrass, sage
or frankinsence. The crystal is then ready.
To be of use the crystal must then be sanctified (Rite of Awakening)
*Note: some crystals are harmed by over-exposure to sunlight. Obviously they shouldn't receive the sun treatment, and care

should be taken to keep them covered. The power loss isn't too swift but it will happen if exposed for more than an hour or two a
week. They will be marked with a * in the listing.

Crystal Powers
Each crystal listed will have several key words. These are powers found among several/many crystals and are listed below.
Other unique or rare powers are described with the stone. Each separate use of each power requires an activation roll.
99.9% of crystals have some healing power, but they tend to concentrate their healing on certain bodily areas.
Those will be noted as: Heal (areas).
The effects of these minor healing effects are up to the ST, but I assume a localised 'Mother's Touch' effect. Other effects are at
ST discretion, but powerful curing effects may take numerous sessions over time. They may be assigned fetish values at the
ST's desire.

Key Word Powers

Ability (type)
Adds +2 to that abilties dice pool for the scene.
Increases the potency of MindSpeak, adding +2 to the user's dice pool, but increasing the distraction penalty
to -3.
Acts as the gift: Calm.
Communication Acts as the gift: Persuasion.
Use of this power grants +1 WP for the scene.
Cure Disease Removes a minor ailment (such as the common cold) instantly. Stronger ailments take multiple sessions over

Dream Recall
Ease Pain
Heal (areas)
Mental Clarity
Past Lives
Psychic Shield
Spirit World

Acts as the gift: Resist Toxin.

Allows the user to remember the last night's dreams with utter clarity.
Halves wound penalties (lowering -1 to 0).
Adds +2 to the Empathy dice pool.
Increases the chance of conception greatly and raises the chance of Garou blood to 2 in 10.
See above.
Adds +2 to the users Enigmas dice pool for the scene.
Allows the user the chance to reroll any single failed roll in a 24 hr period.
Adds +2 to the Meditation dice pool.
Lowers the diff. of all Per/Int/Wits rolls by 1 for the scene.
Protects against negative emotions, adding +2 to all dice pools to resist emotions such as depression and
fear, including gifts such as: Disquiet, Curse of Hatred, Song of Rage, True Fear etc.
Reduces the diff. of Past Life channeling by 1. If the user possesses no Past Life background he gains 1
temporary dot for the scene.
Stops nightmares
Adds +2 Willpower to resist controlling/mind reading/mind speech effects.
Halves the effects of radiation exposure/attacks including Balefire.
Allows the user to remember one event with complete clarity.
Heals an extra health level (non-aggravated) every hour. Cannot be active.
Helps fight depression and negative emotion. May be used as a long term treatment for Harano.
Reduces the diff. for stepping sideways and interacting with spirits by 1 for the scene.
Acts as the gift: MindSpeak but communication is only one way, and may not exceed a single short sentence
(upto 10 words).
Adds +1 Sta (not higher than 5) for the scene, and removes weariness.
Warms the users body to a comfortable level.

Crystal Listing
Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Red, orange, yellow or brown quartz
Heal (Paralysis, Insanity)
Truth - acts as the gift: Truth of Gaia

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid light blue/turquoise
Ability (Art)
Heal (Throat)

Gnosis: 7

Appearance: Clear yellow/orange petrified resin

Cure Disease
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Translucent purple/lavender quartz
Dream Recall
Heal (Arthritis, Hearing, Bones)
Pleasant Dreams
Psychic Shield
Removes Fleas: If placed in the afflicted's drink, it removes all fleas.

Apache Tears
Gnosis: 3
Appearance: Dark, smoky-translucent, obsidian pebbles

Note: Said to be the tears of grief shed by the Native American women after their loved ones were killed by invading troops.

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Clear light blue/blue-green beryl
Heal (Toothache, Eyes, Phobias)
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 4
Appearance: Translucent dark/light green quartz
Cooling: Removes heat from the body, cooling, and calming fevers etc. Useful against heat dehydration.

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid deep blue/blue-purple
Heal (Skin, Throat, Spine)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid dark green with red flecks
Heal (Blood, Heart, Lungs)

Boji Stone
Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Solid round, gray-brown disc
Communicate with Plants/Animals: Acts as the gift: Beast Speech but effects plants as well.
Ease Pain

Calcite, Blue
Gnosis: 3
Appearance: Milky blue crystal
Ease pain

Calcite, Green
Gnosis: 7
Appearance: Milky green crystal
Heal (Phobias)
Mental Clarity

Calcite, Peach

Gnosis: 3
Appearance: Milky peach crystal

Calcite, Yellow
Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Milky yellow crystal
Heal (Bones)
Visual Acuity: Lowers the users visual Perception diff. by -1 for the scene

Gnosis: 4
Appearance: Translucent chalcedony jasper quartz
Heal (Sores, Fevers, Rheumatism, Asthma, Blood Pressure)

Gnosis: 7
Appearance: White, clear,cool, light blue crystal cluster
Heal (Eyesight, Hearing, Insanity)
Spirit World

Gnosis: 3
Appearance: Translucent gold or green cat's eye (Not to be confused with Tiger's Eye)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Bright transparent green chalcedony

Wits: Adds +1 to the users Wits (not above 5) for the scene.

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Clear yellow quartz
Heal (Digestion, Circulation)
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 5
Appearance: The metal
Amplify Thought
Heal (Arthritis, Rheumatism)

Coral, Black
Gnosis: 3
Ability (Art/Music)

Coral, Pink
Gnosis: 3

Coral, Red/Orange
Gnosis: 8

Coral, White
Gnosis: 5
Olfactory: Lowers the users olfactory (smell) Perception diff. by -1 for the scene

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Deep wine red
Heal (Blood, Skin, Muscle)

Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Clear, shimmering, crystal
Amplify Thought
Inspiration: Acts as the ahroun gift: Inspiration for the scene.

Gnosis: 5
Appearance: Pink, pastel, milky to clear crystal
Strengthens Teeth/Claws: Useful as a treatment for the Metis disfigurement Weak Teeth/Claws. Effects are not permanent
and require application after each strenuous use/day.

Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Clear green crystal
Heal (Epilepsy/Fits, Eyesight)
Pleasant Dreams
Spirit World

Garnet, Red
Gnosis: 7
Heal (Arthritis, Inflammation)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance:Silver - Grey Metallic
Heal (Blood, Bleeding, Spleen)
Mental Clarity

Notes: A stone strongly favoured by the Silent Striders.

Herkimer Diamond
Gnosis: 7
Appearance: Special clear quartz
Dream Recall
Spirit World

Jade, Green
Gnosis: 7
Appearance: Solid to translucent green
Heal (Blood, Heart, Lungs)
Mental Clarity

Notes: A favoured stone of the Stargazers.

Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Solid yellow, orange, brown, green chalcedony
Heal (Internal organs)
Umbral Shield: Add +1 to all soak rolls in the Umbra.

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Clear pink stone

Heal (Addictions)
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 7
Appearance: Light blue splintery crystal
Heal (Glands)
Spirit World

Lapis Lazuli
Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Solid medium to dark blue
Heal (Immune System, Nervous System)
Spirit World

Notes: The 'Stargate' gem of the Silent Striders

Gnosis: 5
Appearance: Solid lavender to soft pink, dull, sparkly
Heal (Fatigue)

Note: Lepidolite's powers fade after contact with saltwater.

Gnosis: 5
Appearance: Metallic black, natural magnet
Ease Pain
Faithfulness: If touched to an unfaithful person and activated he will fall over.
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 6

Appearance: Solid grey-black


Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Translucent with white, pink, yellow sheen
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Greenish to brown-black Tektite. Dull outside, deep clear green inside.
Spirit World

Note: Molvadite's powers fade when exposed to saltwater.

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid/translucent black to smokey
Heal (Circulation, Colon, Stomach, Womb)
Negativity Shield

Onyx, Black
Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid, shiney black
Dream Recall

Gnosis: 6

Appearance: White, black, dark blue, fire

Dream Recall
Fade: Acts as the gift: Blur of the Milky Eye
Heal (Infection, Eyesight)
Passion: Lowers all Willlpower rolls by -1 to resist passionate urges.

Gnosis: 5
Shark Repellent: Sharks will not approach within 1yd per activation success.

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Clear, bright green/green-yellow
Heal (Bloodstream, Heart)
Negativity Shield

Note: Favoured by the Silent Striders, and Mexican tribes.

Pyrite/Fool's Gold
Gnosis: 6
Heal (Blood, Circulation, Intestines, Stomach)
Mental Clarity

Quartz, Clear
Gnosis: 8
Amplify Thought
Detect Poison: Changes clarity in contact with toxins

Quartz, Blue/Grey/Lavender
Gnosis: 9
Ability (Art/Poetry/Music)

Detect Poison

Quartz, Rose
Gnosis: 8
Detect Poison

Quartz, Rutilated
Gnosis: 9
Appearance: Clear with metallic Golden.Copper, or Blue-grey titanium fibres
Detect Poison
Dream Recall

Gnosis: 10
Appearance: Smokey, root beer, chocolate clear crystal. Darker ones have usually been radiation treated
Detect Poison
Past Lives

Gnosis: 3
Appearance: Solid to clear pink

Gnosis: 4
Appearance: Pink with black inclusions

Heal (Heart, Joints, Lungs, Throat)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Red corundum
Passion - see Opal

Sapphire, Blue
Gnosis: 6
Heal (Inflammation, Fevers, Nosebleeds)

Sapphire, Star
Gnosis: 5

Gnosis: 8
Appearance: White/clear striated gypsum crystal
Heal (Spine)
Mental Clarity
Past Lives

Gnosis: 3
Heal (Inflammation, Fever, Stress)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Light blue, pink, lavender fuzzy bubbles
Dream Recall
Mental Clarity

Staurolite/'Fairy Cross'
Gnosis: 4
Appearance: Brown/Grey with crosslike extrusions.

Sugilite (Royal Azele)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid purple
Ease Pain
Heal (Headache, Stress)

Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Solid/clear yellow
Heal (Arthritis, Cysts, Lymph, Rheumatism, Sinus, Skin, Syphilis)
Mental Clarity
Bug Repellent: Bugs will not approach within 1yd

Note: Favoured by the Silent Striders

Gnosis: 3
Appearance: Aventurine feldspar with gold-orange metallic sheen.
Heal (Asthma, Pneumonia)

Tiger's Eye
Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Yellow-gold quartz cat's eye
Amplify Thought
Mental Clarity

Gnosis: 7
Appearance: Golden or pink/champagne crystal
Ability (Art/Music/Poetry)
Mental Clarity

Tourmaline, Black
Appearance: Striated coloured crystal Gnosis: 6
Negativity Shield

Tourmaline, Blue
Gnosis: 3

Tourmaline, Green
Gnosis: 3
Heal (Immune System, Migraine, Stress)

Tourmaline, Pink/Red
Gnosis: 3

Tourmaline, Watermelon
Gnosis: 6
Appearance: Red/Pink and Green
Heal (Migraine, Stress)

Gnosis: 9
Appearance: Light blue/blue-green
Ability (Art/Music/Poetry)
Negativity Shield

Notes: A favoured stone of the Uktena and Wendigo. Turquoise is fragile, losing potency in Sunlight, saltwater, oil and sweat.
Chlorine and bleach effectively destroy it.

Gnosis: 8
Appearance: Clear colourless
Heal (Insomnia)
Pleasant Dreams

Note: Man-made Zircon (Cubic Zirconia) is of very poor quality and is almost useless.

Gaia's Last Stand

By Darcy Bromling (

Level Six Fetish


This double edged obsidian scythe has an earth elemental and a lune bound into it. It does str+4 aggravated damage, but
requires two hands to use. When activated, Gaia's Last Stand imbues Hero's Stand followed by Luna's Armor. However both
spirits must be activated at the same time; you cannot have one without the other. The fetish provides the "power" for the gifts
but not the necessary abilities: the backbone (will) to stay and fight, as well as the stamina and survival skills necessary for the
gifts must come from the bearer.

The Galactic Towel

By Diane Keating (



This is the proverbial Towel as mentioned in the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The character that possesses this fetish need
never again worry about being without the means to get by while traveling on the open road. This fetish will not work within 100
miles of the character's domicile, and for each item (other than the clothes on her back) that the character carries besides the
Galactic Towel, the fetish's Gnosis is reduced by one.
A regular bath towel is cleansed and a spirit of Coolness is bound into it. Upon activation, the fetish makes the next person the
character encounters think the character is so cool, together and smart enough to carry such a useful item as the Towel, is
obviously trustworthy, estimable and generally Cool; said personage will as a result of this overwhelming warm regard shower
said character with whatever she is lacking (cash ($10 per success), a meal, medical attention, personal grooming and hygenic
implements, a bed to sleep in, etc.). This aid/sustenance is free of poisons, danger, and in general will be helpful and/or
salubrious and at least useful to the character. If a botch occurs on the activation roll, the food will be unhealthy, rotten and/or
poisoned, the bed will be a pile of rags in a leaky, draughty, smelly and downright unpleasant "shelter"; the bathing facilities will
be an open sewer; the character will suffer treatment at the hands of a mad, extortive, second-rate or sadistic physician, etc.
Furthermore, if used in combat, the Galactic Towel will act as the Gift: Dazzle if activated and waved in the face of one's
opponent, allowing the character to make a hasty (strategic) retreat. The Towel will also, if wrapped around the character in
adverse environmental conditions, act as the Gift: Adaptation.
This item is most often used by Silent Striders, Swara, Pumonca, Stargazers and Eshu Changelings. You'd be amazed what you
could get out of a Bone Gnawer Elder in exchange for this fetish.

Garou of the Moon

By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Three Fetish


This mysterious fetish is unique; it belonged to one of the first Thurges in the Silver Knights. No one knows where it came from
before that, but they know it has great power. It is a statue carved in the shape of a wolf. Different auspice symbols are carved all
over it and it's eyes are made of actual moonrock. The statue is at least 200 years old, however, long before mankind ever set
foot on the moon. This fetish, when activated (Gnosis of user vs. Gnosis of fetish), will give all Garou born under the moon's
current phase three temporary Rage points, even if it exceeds their maximum.

Gauntlet Carver
By Matt Fruth (

Level Five Fetish


This is a fetish that can only be used by Nuwisha. There are only five known in the world. They are all 6 inch, black-matte survival
knives. They were created by an unknown upper ranking Nuwisha.
Once activated using one point of Gnosis, it is used to create an instant gateway to the Umbra that can only be used by
Nuwisha. The user carves a circle big enough to fit the hand of a Crinos Nuwisha. The knife must be inserted into the surface to
the hilt. The player rolls Gnosis + Rituals with a difficulty (max of 9) of Gauntlet level + the level of the physical material that is
being cut into. With a combination wall, add the values of materials but leave off thickness additions.
1 + thickness in inches.
2 + thickness in inches.
Stone (brick, concrete) 2 + thickness in inches.
Then inside the circle the user carves the glyph of the Umbra. Once this is done the carving melts away and only a Umbral image
that only Nuwisha can see appears. Now any Nuwisha can instantly side-step by placing his hand, in any form, in the circle and
think of any place in the Umbra and he is taken there. The Nuwisha must spend one point of temporary Gnosis to use the glyph.
Any characters in connection with the Nuwisha will be taken with him. The symbol glows and can be seen as soon as the
Nuwisha enters the vicinity of the marking.
The symbol can be used in stories when a scene is not going well and the Storyteller needs to get his characters out fast. The
knife must be attuned to the user and re-attuned every time it is used by another Nuwisha and given back to any previous user.

Gavel of Gaia
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish appears as a small wooden gavel, like that used by judges, with symbols of Gaia and judgement carved into it.

System: Originally thought to be developed by a Ragabash who intended it to be a sly poke at the Garou justice system, these
fetishes are extremely rare (despite their low level). When struck on any wooden object they produce a thunderous booming
which is extremely impressive -- all Garou hearing the following judgement will be less likely to object to it (simple Willpower roll,
difficulty 7, required to object to the ruling). This effect will only function if the Garou is attending a Moot and is using the fetish in
an official capacity; as such, very few Garou tend to use them apart from those working as a Sept official.

Spirit: Either a spirit of thunder or justice must be bound into a suitable gavel.

Ginzu Tail Slicer

By Harlan E. Rosen (

Level Four Ratkin Fetish


this is a metal piece that fits over the Ratkin's tail; with a sucessful Gnosis roll the piece will attach itself onto the Ratkin's tail and
4 silver blades will spring out from it. It does do aggravated damage. It is prepared like the Pain Dagger. After combat is over
the blades will retract into it and will release from the tail. War,pain, etc can be bound into this fetish.

Glyph of Falsehood
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish appears as a flat river stone with a glyph meaning 'Falsehood' carved deeply into it. The stone is usually only a couple
of inches in diameter but rare grand fetishes, several meters wide, exist.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point spent, this fetish will glow in the presence of lies and becomes slightly warm. The
effects last for one scene. The grand Glyphs of Falsehood, of which only three are known to exist, have the same effect but on a
much larger scale -- if a lie is told the stone will blaze with blinding light and become hot enough to badly burn flesh. One of these
fetishes produces a violent electrical shock instead of heat; smaller versions are known to tingle rather than grow warm and a
thought to be similar to this grand fetish. All grand fetish Glyphs of Falsehood range between 4 and 5 in level and require an
expenditure of three Gnosis points to activate. Their Gnosis is 8 rather than 6, and at least one of these stones is known to be
dormant. This one is under Get of Fenris control and rumours have been spoken to the effect of the subjects of interrogations
being tied down to the stone and then questioned. The logic behind this is elegantly simple -- if the subject lied too often he
simply cooked himself. It is said that the spirit in the Glyph is displeased with such inappropriate use of its fetish and must be
appeased. The Get deny these rumours and claim that even if they were true then it would be the fault of the Uktena who wish to
wrest it from their control.

Spirit: A spirit of truth is bound into a Glyph of Falsehood. Glasswalkers call these fetishes 'Lie Detectors' and use little
electronic gadgets rather than river stones.

Graceful Paws of the Lord/Lady

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


These 'Paws' are in fact silk gloves. They are most commonly elbow-length but some more masculine versions exist that only
reach the wrist. They have several very fine runes of grace and majesty embroidered into the 'hems'.

System: When activated, the Garou receives a +1 die bonus to all Soak rolls involving her hands/paws. If a Gnosis point is also
spent, the wearer gains a +1 die to all Charisma and Manipulation rolls; a further Gnosis point also grants a -1 difficulty bonus to
all Leadership and Intimidation rolls.

Spirit: A graceful spirit is bound into this fetish; exactly what sort depends on the culture of the Garou who made them. Bird
spirits of one kind of another are most common.

Grain's Cup
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This appears to be an average drinking vessel of some kind, but is never made of glass, plastic or anything else transparent.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point spent, this cup actually enhances the alcoholic content of any liquid within it. The
liquid must have some alcohol in it (the water-to-wine trick won't work), and the liquid generally doesn't taste very nice, but the
alcohol remains overly-potent for as long as the Garou holds the cup. The increase is not drastic -- beer, for example, will
increase from one standard drink to about one and a half -- but it does make for a cheap night. As long as the Garou holds the
cup anyone can benefit from the effects, making the medicinal dosing of sick Garou an easier task. This is especially useful if
the Garou are caught in the freezing cold, making cheap cask wine about as warming as medium-grade whisky.

Spirit: Any spirit servant of the Incarna Grain can be bound into this cup.

Grand Claymore
By Mickey (

Level 8 Fetish


The Grand Claymore is a huge two-handed sword made from pure silver. It is engraved with runes and ancient symbols that all
but the eldest Fianna have forgotten. There are only 3 known throughout the world, and it is suspected that they were all created
by Finn MacCool himself. Two of the wielders are unknown, but they have been spotted in many European countries, wreaking
their vengance upon the Wyrm.
The other who carries a Grand Claymore is one of New York City's Most prominent Wyrm Killers. He is an ancient Fianna who
defies age and the boundaries of physical abilites. His name is Phalan O'Toole, a Lupus ahroun. Many of the New York Garou
know of him, though many still do not.

System: The Grand Claymore is used two-handed and takes all of the user's strength. The user must have at least 3 strength to
lift the Claymore, and 4 to use it effectively. The Claymore is an incredibly large sword, and those who use it have increadible
skill. They must have Melee skill of 6 to use this sword, and must be specialized. The difficulty to hit with the Claymore is 6,
because it is so large and difficult to dodge. The damage is amazing, as the tremendous weight of the sword comes down on
the enemy. It does Str + 7 damage, and it is most definitely aggravated. If 6 or more successes are achieved on the hit roll, the
claymore can remove a limb. Calculate damage, and then refer to chart:
Damage Limb removed
Arm (1-5 left, 6-10 right)
Leg (1-5 left, 6-10 right)
Shoulder and right arm
Shoulder and left arm
Lower torso
Sliced diagonally in half
You must be Fianna of rank three to get this fetish. The best way is to start with 10 dots in fetish (spend almost all your freebies)
and wait for rank three status.

Players Note
This is my character and his weapon. It is very fun and make sure if you use it your Storyteller is good at describing the battles,
because it really makes the story and battles mean more. You may include Phalan in your Chronicles, as a helper or information
giver if your quests are run in NY. He hates all things Wyrm and hates cats and Gangrel vampires: he kills them on sight, and
Believe me, he doesn't have trouble with vamps. He is very good friends with a Get Of Fenris named Gar, who loves to street
fight. He is also, despite his hatred toward the Wyrm, best friends with a Malkavian vampire. He believes that Malkavians are
cleansed of their taint by their madness and that they are Gaia's friends. Feel free to put him in.

Grand HaKarr
By The Goddess (



This huge, menacing weapon resembles a normal haKarr, being composed of a multiple-bladed haft and fashioned of pure
silver. However, the Grand HaKarr are the size of swords -- and they certainly can't be thrown. A Grand HaKarr is a very highly
prized trinket, and also very rare. A Grand HaKarr inflicts Str+6 damage, aggravated (difficulty 7), plus silver damage to Killi. Any
Bastet attuned to a Grand HaKarr loses two points of Gnosis.

Grandfather Clock
By Matthew Hoffman (

Level Five Fetish


This looks like any other grandfather clock, but as we all know, looks can be deceiving. Bound to this clock are the character's
ancestral spirits. When the clock is activated, by gazing into the face of the clock and rolling your gnosis rating (difficulty 7) (see
chart below). The spirits in the clock will then tell the player about his or her past or future. It can also tell the player about his or
her ancestor's past (Storyteller's discretion). When the future is told it is not always correct, but there is some truth in lies. This
clock can only be activated once a month on the night of the layer's auspice moon. Also this clock will not always tell you what
you want to know and the higher the successes the more clarified the message will be.
Time limit
Successes Past
10 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
6 hours
1 day 10 minutes
1 week 20 minutes
1 month
1 hour
1 year
6 hours
5 years
1 day
x years
1 day

Great Axe of Fenris

By Kenny Grainger ( (6 December 1995)
Level: 5
Gnosis: 8
Rank: 5

This weapon allows you to do a 1 point damage plus immobilization when activated and used. The user attacks a foe and if
activated without the clap it does strength+5 aggravated.

Great Klaive
By John Donoghue (

Level 7 Fetish


The Great klaives are the mightiest weapons of the garou and are possessed by only greatest of the Garou heroes. Like the
Grand Klaive, they are made from large weapons such as axes, swords or the like. The creation of these weapons are shrouded
in great mystery. Legends states that they were all forged at the request of Gaia by Luna herself; whether this is true or not is not
clear. In any event, the art of their creation is beyond that any smithy.
Various spirits can be bound, though war are the most common. Commonly there are a number of potent spirits bound to the
weapon, unless one very powerful spirit is bound in it. Aside from the powers given to Great Klaives, they have a number of
inherent qualities.
First, the spirits cannot be removed from the klaive (this includes any and all rites, gifts, disciplines, spheres, and the rest of the
various supernatural powers). This is due to the incrediblly powerful rites that hold the spirits in. They can be talked to and in
some cases talk on their own.
Second, the blade is physically indestructible. Physically speaking, It cannot be broken by any amount of force exerted upon it.
There is no exception. Mystically speaking, it is still nearly indestructible. Due to the massive mystical forces surrounding the
klaive, nearly all effects are doomed to failure. In the event that a power is potent enough to affect the klaive (mind you, that better
be one very potent power) the user must get enough 10 successes at a +5 diff to beat the klaive's Gnosis rating to affect it. The
weapon then rolls Gnosis to cancel out successes. If it gets through all that, then it must face the bound spirits. If they can beat
them, then and only then can the weapon be affected. Needless to say, it is very difficult to affect the klaives.
Third, the klaive may be place in the Umbra and can be summoned to the hand of a user whom is attuned to it (use the Grasp
the Beyond gift for rules)
Fourth, the Great Klaives can be sheathed in fire with but a thought of an attuned user. The fire will burn all who touch it, except
the klaive's wielder, doing 2 aggravated levels of fire damage per turn of contact. This will not set things on fire and is
considered mystical fire. In addition, the fire does an additional point of aggravated damage when is hits a object.
Finally, none of the above powers or the powers granted by the spirits can be used by the wielder without being attuned to the
Currently, only four Great Klaives are known. Plays Like the Devil, a rank 6 Fianna Galliard who live in Ireland, has Dyrwynd, a
great claymore. Molo, A rank six gurahl of Vermont, has an axe shaped Klaive. The Mentor, a rank 6 Ronin garou who lives in
Australia, has a huge War Hammer called Foe Hammer. Finally, Greggory Lionheart, a rank 5 Silver Fang Theurge from
England, has one in the form of a broad sword called Derimid. One was rumored to be taken by the Wyrm when the Howlers
Fell. Another is said to have disappeared with the Bunyip. Another legend says the Mokole have one in the deepest regions of
the Amazon. The rest are scattered throughout the world and the Umbra, in the hands of vampires, mages or mortals who may or
may not know what they hold.
Note: There are very, very few of these weapons. The few that do exist are in the hands of Great Heros, scattered across the
globe or the caches of the black furies. No Garou who is less than rank four should even touch one of these. If a player character
ever reaches the point where he needs one, he must get one from the above folks or find one deeply hidden somewhere.

Difficulty: 7
Damage: Strength + 6 (not counting fire or spirit bonuses)
Concealable: Variable (swords & axes = Trenchcoat; pikes & spears = not concealable)

Guardian Gargoyle
By Ellerby (

Level 1-5 Fetish


Guardian Gargoyles come in widely varied shapes and sizes, and are created by many different cultures and Garou tribes, so
they are found all over the world, particularly near caern centers. Once the Guardian has been attuned, probably by the sept
leader or Warder, then it will automatically perform its function. However, it will require certain rites (Rite of Contrition, Rite of
Cleansing) performed over it regularly.
Whenever an intruder (what entails an intruder is determined by the person who has been attuned to it) approaches the object or
area the Gargoyle guards, it comes to life. It will make a number of attacks equal to its Gnosis, and it may come in the form of a
supersonic shriek, a blast of flame, freezing breath, or any number of other attacks, but as a rule of thumb, use its Gnosis for
damage. The Gargoyles' aim is near to perfect, so someone who tries to dodge it will have to get 4 successes on a dodge roll.
These are often used to guard fetishes, and it seems the most strategically practical layout is to have a hallway that approaches
the object, lined with these fetishes. Then, as the intruder approaches, he will be attacked after row after row of vengeful spirits.
Bad Ragabash, go lay down in the corner... :)

Gun of Hollywood
By David Satterthwaite (

Level 3 Fetish


When activated, it works for the entire scene. The gun is now able to fire out unlimited number of bullets, but with the following
drawbacks: Difficulty is 10, period, no changes, and you only get 1 shot per action (no dice splits, three round bursts, etc).
However, damage is applied normally as per the gun. So IOW, the gun fires without having a need to reload, but it hardly hits. It's
a Glass Walker Fetish.

Handyman's Companion
By Ellerby (

Level 2 Fetish


This is a heavy metal rod that, when activated, will extend a tool from its core. It can produce any kind of tool used for
construction, repair, or monkeywrenching, and it will be flawless and well-made. Also, a worker using this fetish may add the
number of successes on his activation roll onto his Repair pool.

Heart's Calm
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


A small, polished gemstone, normally in the shape of a heart, is used for this fetish. Jade is often used.

System: When activated, this fetish produces a settling calm in the Garou's soul -- it thus raises all Rage roll difficulties by 1 and
grants a +3 dice bonus to Willpower rolls for the purpose of maintaining concentration, but only for the purposes of meditation.
This effect lasts for (Garou's Willpower minus Garou's Rage) hours.

Spirit: A spirit of Calm or Peace is bound into this fetish.

Heart's Shield
By Steven Markley (

Level Four Fetish


The Heart's Shield is a fetish in the form of an ivory amulet, which is half an inch thick and is as big around as a child's palm. It
sports an intricate depiction of a hideous goddess, done in a style similar to ancient Aztecs or Incans. The amulet is worn
around the neck, normally under a shirt. The fetish was created by a Tremere Spirit Thaumaturgist who used it to counter
Toreador and Ventrue Presence effects. He has since been slain, and the item has passed through the hands of several
owners; the current owner is believed to be be an American Bubasti, who uses it to defend himself against Setite influence.
The heart's shield activates automatically when a Presence effect is used against the wearer, and reduces the vampire's
successes by an amount equal to the successes on a Willpower roll, difficulty 6; Gnosis or Arete can be used instead of
Willpower for lupines or mages. It may protect the wearer somewhat against elder levels of Presence (6+), or other emotionaltering powers, such as Gifts or Mind effects, at higher difficulty (8). This bonus is granted at the Storyteller's discretion. The only
way to prevent the device from activating is to keep it from touching the user, which can be accomplished by putting it in a
pocket or wearing it over a shirt.
This fetish was designed for use by vampires, and requires a Blood Point each time it is activated; non-vampires will take a
Health Level of non-Aggravated damage when it is activated, drawing the required blood through the skin (and thus long-time
users often sport permanent scars the size and shape of a quarter on their chests from repeated use.)
The amulet, which is crafted from ivory, will take on a reddish cast when first used, becoming a coral pink. Each consecutive use
after that will turn it red, then deep crimson, then finally black. If it is used a fifth time in a 24-hour period, while it is black, it will
break in half and can never be used again. However, the color will fade back to bone white after a full day has passed.

Heru's Spear
By The Goddess (



This spear, shafted in ebony and bearing a crescent-shaped head of electrum, deals out Str+3 damage (diffculty 6). When
activated the head is surrounded by an aura of flames, and causes aggravated damage, double damage to creatures of

Hollow Reed
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level 3 Fetish


If successfully activated, the user may make a Stamina+ Occult roll Difficulty six. For each success he receives on this, he may
breathe normally for one hour, regardless of what the actual environment is. This could be under water, in an airless void, or
where there are toxic gases. To make a Hollow Reed requires that a Plant spirit be bound into it.

Hunting Stick
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


A simple stick about two feet long, stripped of bark. One end is noticeably thicker than the other.

System: When activated, a Gnosis point spent and it is thrown in the air, this stick falls with the thicker end pointing towards the
most likely group of prey animals in the surrounding area. This gives a -2 difficulty to any hunting rolls made in the same scene.
This fetish is considered very sacred and is never used more than once a month, unless the Garou are in very significant danger
of starving, because the spirit Incarna of the prey animals will become angry and more their children from the area -occasionally this fetish will break or point in an altogether incorrect direction if it is used too often. The Red Talons never let
Homids use the fetish and only rarely allow a lupus outside their tribe to carry one. This fetish will stop responding (cancels all
successes) if used more than three times a month, and will in these situations sometimes actually break (botch result on the
activation roll).

Spirit: A Wolf-spirit or some other predator-type spirit is normally used to power this fetish, but rare (and surprisingly effective, if
touchy) ones contain a Deer-spirit or some other spirit of prey animals.

Imaging Crystals
By Timothy Toner (

Level 1 Fetish

These lumps of quartz seem rather innocuous when found. However, they are specially prepared Fetishes which can trap the
image of any event. For instance, if the user wishes to save a memorable moment, he merely holds up the crystal, and feeds it a
point of gnosis. Everything in direct line of sight is preserved from the perspective of the holder. Thus, if used in a desert, with a
Garou in line of sight 2 miles away, when the image is reactivated, the distant Garou will not retain any image quality. It will be as
distinct as can be distinguished 2 miles away (i.e. not at all). The point of the imaging crystals lies in that they can be dedicated
and taken to sites in the Umbra, to record long forgotten scenes, to be used as evidence in Garou trials. For instance, a Garou
wishes to find out if Running Sideways, a Past Life, really ran away from a battle. He must travel to the place in the Umbra where
the image is kept, and record the scene. This can be an adventure in itself, as the Garou must first search the Battlefields, the
Legendary Realm, or even the Atrocity Realm, to discover where the proper memory is kept.
Duration of the image depends on how much Gnosis is initially infused. One will get you a single static image. For every point
thereafter, five seconds of time is added.

By Todd Weaver ( for the Night Rangers camp.

Level 3 Fetish


These are swords capable of Draining blood from kindred targets. They are usually 2 to 3 feet long made of steel or iron. They
are used by Many Rangers to weaken powerful kindred targets before destroying them.
By spending a gnosis point and making a sucsessful hit this weapon will impale the target and begin to drain blood. Roll is
Strength+Medicine Difficulty of the target's willpower. Every sucess drains 2 blood points.

Instrument of Tale-telling
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


Any instrument, from a finger drum to a saxophone to a grand piano, can be used as an Instrument of Tale-telling. They are
normally very portable, and simple wind and percussion instruments are popular.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point spent, this instrument will grant a +2 dice bonus to all Performance rolls involving
the use of instruments. The instrument actually assists in conveying the emotional content of the music, making sad dirges seem
more miserable, joyous melodious more joyous, and so on. Wind instruments such as pipes or flutes are particularly popular for
this form of fetish as they are both very flexible in the range of noises they can produce and are extremely portable.

Spirit: A spirit of music, performance or one of various Bird-spirits is bound into the instrument to create this fetish. Bird-Spirits
will only very reluctantly enter any non-wind instrument.

Intimidation Stone
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


A flat river-stone with a symbol of fear carved into it on one side, and a symbol of strength on the other.

System: When activated, the stone grants a +2 dice bonus to all rolls involving intimidation, as long as the metis is using her
natural deformity as the source of her intimidation. This will also make the Garou seem strong, though repulsive. This lasts one
scene and may only be used once a day. Metis with deformities which are not immediately apparent (such as mental
Derangements) will not get this bonus.

Spirit: A spirit affiliated with the concept of fear is bound into this stone. Black Spiral Dancer versions of this fetish are
particularly potent, and have a Bane spirit bound into the stone.

Iron Rose
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


The Iron Rose is a finely-crafted rose, complete with stem and thorns, made of hard metal. It is life-size and despite its name is
not always made of iron. The actual metal is irrelevant, and there are many Iron Roses made of copper or tin in the world.

System: Despite whatever else can be said about the Shadow Lords, it is well-known that they are both melodramatic and
romantic. This fetish is particularly favoured amongst the more rakish and younger members of the Tribe. When activated and a
Gnosis point expended, the Rose grants a +1 die bonus to any Manipulation roll and a +2 die bonus to Seduction rolls.

Spirit: Any spirit linked to intrigue, romance or melodrama may be bound into this fetish.

Jaw Screw
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes the form of two small metal screws which are driven into the hinge joints of a Garou's jaw.

System: This fetish is shunned outright by Red Talons and regarded with some consternation by all lupus, including those of the
Glasswalker tribe. Ironically, it was developed by the Bone Gnawers and is now occasionally used by the more macho and
aggressive Ahrouns, notably Homid Ahrouns. The screws do not penetrate the other side of the mandible but nonetheless
impede speech slightly, giving a +1 difficulty to all rolls involving extended speech. Very few Garou with this fetish are
accomplished howlers, and for this reason most Galliards shun it also. The only advantage it gives is a boost to jaw power,
allowing +1 damage to all biting attacks and a +1 difficulty to anyone attempting to escape from this Garou's Jaw Lock
manoeuvres. It is always active but 'absorbs' a single point of Gnosis during every full moon -- at this time the Garou must also
make an activation roll to receive the benefits of the fetish. They receive the penalties regardless of whether they make this roll
successfully or not, and the Gnosis point still gets 'absorbed'. Both screws must be present for the fetish to function and, with
very few exceptions, the heads of the screws are visible in all forms. This is likely to draw a great deal of attention, and because
of its nature grants a +2 dice bonus to all Intimidation rolls. This fetish lowers the Appearance of the Garou by 1, but cannot lower
the Appearance below 2.

Spirit: A spirit of technology, strength or war is bound into the screws.

Kamikaze Jacket
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level Three Fetish


When the user makes a successful Gnosis roll and applies the fresh blood of a dead sentient creature to the jacket by wiping it
with two fingers of the right hand onto the left sleeve, the jacket and user become completely invisible for three hours for each
success. The bearer may choose to negate this effect by simply taking the jacket off. Objects can be hidden in the jacket, but
anything carried (a weapon held in a hand, etc.) will be visible. This may be countered by spending a Gnosis point. Only three
Kamikaze Jackets are known to exist.

Note: Animals are not considered sentient for the purposes of activating this fetish. Most Banes have some sort of sentience,
and although it is a completely alien mindset, so are Nexus Crawlers. Note that the creature must be dead - not wounded and
not undead. Vampire blood will not activate this fetish unless the vampire's corpse would still retain some blood (a freshly-made
neonate, for example).

Katana of Claws-shred-Wyrmflesh
By Tim Layne (

Gnosis 3

This silver katana does str +5 damage. On a successful Gnosis roll, the following gifts may be used. There are 2 spirits bound
into it. An ancestor and war spirit.
Lambent Flame (diff 5 for gnosis roll)
Speed of though (diff 7 for gnosis roll)

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 3 fetish


The user can use the Kazoo to attempt to manipulate the emotions of others. For every success on the activation role, one die
can be added to the dice pool for Manipulating the hearers. The extra dice can be used all at once or spread out over several
turns. This Fetish is most favored by Ragabash for humiliating opponents. (Picture a noble Silver Fang appear amidst a fanfare
of kazoos).

Keokotah's Fetishes
By James Murphy (available via William Wilson (

Will's Note
Some of you may wonder how Keokotah (Metis, Theurge, Uktena, Rank 3) got a hold of vampire bones without them
disintegrating. The bones came from a Setite vamp with its heart removed and placed in a sanctuary. The heart of the vampire
still lives on, so the bones remained. The search for the heart goes on.

Necklace of Wyrm and Vampire Protection

Level 3, Gnosis 7
The necklace is a broad array, worn from the neck and shoulders, of small vampire bones and small painted stones. It provides
resistance to Vampire, Infernalist magic and Wyrm emissions. The Fetish contains an ancestor spirit of a Pure One that fell to
Wyrm disease.
System: Roll Gnosis to make active for a scene. It provides a Willpower roll to resist when normally not applicable. It provides
plus two difficulty on damage rolls and a minus two difficulty on soak rolls.

Poisonous Jaw
Level 3, Gnosis 6
Vampire jaw bones tied at the hinge by leather strings. When placed in the mouth it molds with mouth for one scene. It produces
elongated fangs in forms that have a bite attack. The garou then can secrete a deadly poison from her fangs. The fetish contains
a rattlesnake spirit.
System: Roll Gnosis to make it active for a scene. The fetish works for one scene as the third level Metis gift Rattler's Bite.

Lich Wands
Level 4, Gnosis 10
These are vampire radius or ulna bones carved with mystic runes. The garou points the bone at her enemy and focuses her
Gnosis to form a powerful blast of mystic energy. This fetish contains a death's breath spirit.
System: Roll Gnosis to make active for each attack. Roll Rituals + Occult difficulty 7 to hit. The damage is Rituals + Occult +
Number of success on to hit roll, difficulty 6. Lich wands do aggravated damage.

Tattletale's Hand
Level 4, Gnosis 7
This fetish is the mummified hand of a Shadow Lord. The hand hangs by a leather strap. The hand will point an index finger at
any Wyrm presence. The hand gives a thumb up for the truth and a thumb down for untruth. This fetish contains a falcon spirit.
System: Roll Gnosis to make it active for a scene. The hand works for one scene as the first level gifts Sense Wyrm and Truth of
Gaia. The Dice pool for the gifts is Gnosis of the fetish.

Crow's Medicine Bag

Level 5, Gnosis 9
This fetish is a small leather bag containing powdered vampire bone and decorated with crow feathers. The bag provides three
separate powers. First, the fetish reduces all stealth related difficulties by two. Second, it will allow garou to roam among
humans in any form and still appear human. Third, it fools Wyrm minions into perceiving the bearer as a kindred spirit. This fetish
contains a crow spirit.

System: Roll Gnosis to make it active for a scene. The number of powers that are used in a scene is the number of successes
on a Willpower roll. The Willpower roll is difficulty 7.

Keyboard Fetish
By J. McGeary
I got Rage Across New York the other day, and since I'd been listening to 'Invisible Touch' by Genesis just a little too long, an idea I'd
had for a Glass Walker fetish kind of crystallized. Tell me if this is too outrageous or what, okay? Thanks.
I couldn't think of a name for it, I'm afraid...

Level: 5
Gnosis: 8
The fetish is a good-sized TiKorg keyboard, along the lines of the ones seen in Billy Joel's concert at Yankee Stadium. It has the
capability to imitate 99 different instruments/voices, but only four of those voices are associated in any way with spirits of any kind.
Only a Galliard can activate these, and though it's a Glass Walker fetish, any tribe's Galliard can pull it off. However, the rolls to use the
powers are dependent on a few things:

Flute: This is roughly the same as a nice simple Harmony Flute. Performance roll against a difficulty of five.
Trumpet: This, like the remaining two non-flute powers, requires a Performance + Charisma roll, difficulty of 8 (can be lowered by
using a REEEEALLY cool/appropriate tune). Grants a form of the Ahroun Gift of Inspiration. Not only does it act as the Inspiration gift
to the Garou's companions, it moderately influences any non-Wyrm spirits in the area to be charitable towards the Garou and her/his
aims. In certain cases, it will sway nearby spirits to fight for the player or to accept some commands (ST discretion). Botch results in
some truly pissed-off spirits, and the Garou's companions all act as if they were Wyrm spirits affected by a spirit whistle (though only
those of 6 gnosis or less flee the scene).

Steel Drums: Anybody who hears this on the street, in my experience, will drift in to listen, so... Use of the Steel Drums power acts as
a Rite of Summoning. Difficulty is up to the Storyteller. This one requires a Performance + Rituals roll. The spirit summoned depends
upon the song used (I figure the Garou I have who owns this fetish found out what it could do when she was dinking around, trying to
sound silly, and played "Galileo" by the Indigo Girls on Steel Drums... and he actually showed up. Told her what the other voices did,
too.) A botch on this power results in either the wrong type of spirit showing up, or utterly useless spirits that just hang around and kibitz
and get really annoying.

Unlabelled: The last spiritually active voice on this keyboard can only be used with ONE tune- "The Brazilian", by Genesis. Difficulty
for this voice is a 9. It summons a horde of Weaver and Wyld spirits, which charge the area with spiritual power and do any number of
other wonderfully gorgeous things (Storyteller's discretion). A botch on this results in summoning a BUNCH of extremely powerful/nasty
Wyrm spirits, and the possible destruction of the keyboard, plus three levels aggravated damage automatically done to the one
playing the keyboard.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This appears as a plain metal thimble; very rarely it is some other small trinket, such as an ornate button.

System: Named after the gift given to Peter Pan by Wendy, this object actually makes the Garou appear more charming, in an
innocent and sweet-hearted way. Any Manipulation rolls involving innocence or child-like guile are enhanced with a -3 difficulty
bonus and any Seduction roll difficulties are reduced by -1. Should the subject of this Seduction be inclined towards child-like
people (though this includes paedophiles it is not limited to them), this Seduction bonus can be ruled as up to -3 difficulty. This
fetish must be activated with a normal roll and a Gnosis point.

Spirit: A spirit of romance or innocence is bound into this fetish.

Klaive of the Lawbringer

By Ellerby (

Level 5 fetish


This weapon was forged by a powerful Theurge of the Shadow Lord Judges of Doom. After slaying an opponent with this kliave,
make an activation roll and spend 10 minutes ritually desecrating the body with the klaive, carving it and mutilating it. If the
activation roll succeeds, any person viewing the corpse will have fear and respect of the klaive's bearer instilled in them, granting
all intimidation rolls made by the user on the viewer one automatic success. This effect will dissipate after the viewer throats the
klaive's bearer. Each klaive is identified by the glyph of its owner, and all Garou who recognize this glyph will recognize the mark
of the user on his victims corpse. This means that at lower Rank, it is much less effective.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


These are usually brass knuckles, but can be anything that serves that function (a roll of quarters, etc).

System: This fetish, when activated, provides extra hitting power, allowing a +1 damage bonus to the attack. Rare models
actually include blades and as such do cutting damage, but most Knuckledusters do only punching damage. This damage is not

Spirit: A spirit of war is bound into this fetish.

Left Arm of a Dead Woman

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
Level: 2
Gnosis: 4
This is indeed the skeletal remains of a woman's arm addorned with feathers and carved with intrincate designs. When activated, it
will paralyze any creature for as long as the owner concentrates and points the fetish at its target.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This straight staff is made from a sturdy sapling, its wood hardened and its branches stripped, and it topped off by a full rootsystem. Most of the bark remains and has symbols of light and guidance carved into it.

System: When activated, this staff glows with an eerie green light which lights up a 25-foot radius. It can be swung like a staff
(difficulty 5, Strength+2 damage) but is likely to break (roll fetish's Gnosis against a difficulty of 4 + (damage successes before
soak roll); failure results in the breaking of the fetish).

Spirit: A spirit of light is bound into this fetish.

Lipton Mug o' Wyrm

By Jason Morton (

Level 2 Fetish


The Mug o' Wyrm is a Bone Gnawer fetish that consists of a small plastic cup formerly used for soup, coffee or other tasty
microwaveable treats. By sticking your nose into the Mug o' Wyrm, you can measure the exact degree of Wyrm taint in the
general area by the amount of whiplash you get from jerking your head way from the foul smelling substance within.
Note: When the mug of Wyrm Decapitates or causes massive Asthma attacks in the critter that uses it, you know you're in

Lullaby Violin
By Mark (

Level Two Fetish


This appears as a regular violin with a few glyphs marked into it. When played, roll Performance + Expression, diff target's rage.
If three successes are made, the target cannot make any aggressive actions whatsoever. If six or more successes are scored
the target falls into a deep slumber that will last five minutes per success over six. A spirit of harmony or peace must be bound
into the fetish.

Lupus Crowbar
By T.J. Freeland (

Level Four Fetish


This fetish appears to be just a normal iron crowbar. However, it deals Str + 3 agg, and when activated, the user may destroy
any machine simply by tapping it lightly. It's called the Lupus Crowbar because it is a favored method for the destruction of "Ape"

Magpie Bag
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level 2

Gnosis 8

This fetish is a small leather bag adorned with two magpie feathers. It is a "bottomless bag," and can hold a total of 10 cubic feet
(a cube 5' x 5' x 5') of material. It can contain a maximum of 100 pounds of material, bringing the weight of the bag to a single
pound. Sharp objects and/or acids, etc. do not damage the bag itself, but may injure the other objects inside, or hurt the Corax
when she reaches inside (Storyteller's discretion). The Corax can retrieve any object inside the bag by spending a Gnosis point.
If the bag is ever ripped or punctured from the outside, all the objects inside will instantly burst through the hole, surrounding the
Corax in a shower of items. The bag has no special resistance to attacks; from the outside, it's as tough as a normal leather
bag, and can easily be damaged. The maximum size of a held object is limited to the size of the bag's mouth, typically about 5"
in diameter. Living creatures will suffocate if placed inside.

Malachite Wolfsbane Necklace

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level Two Fetish


As its name suggests, this fetish is a small piece of the green stone malachite, shaped like a leaf and bound in pewter or gold. It
is most potent when worn on a leather thong around the neck. When activated, this fetish causes extreme fear in all wolf and
wolf-like creatures. No wolf or Garou in lupus form can approach, and must immediately make a Willpower roll against the
fetish's Gnosis or suffer a Fox Frenzy. Garou in Hispo form may approach, but must make a similar Willpower roll to do so. Even
Crinos Garou must spend a Willpower point to take any action which may put themselves within touching distance to the wielder
(combat, etc.). Changing into any of these forms while wearing this fetish is possible, but the wearer must spend two Willpower
points and make a Gnosis roll against the fetish in order to keep from Fox Frenzying (which, if induced, will continue until the
Garou drops from exhaustion or the activation wears off -- twelve hours). Notes: Red Talons consider this fetish and others like it
to be cursed, and will not allow anyone known to possess one within their caerns.

By Alexandro Melchor (

Level 1-5 Fetish


The McGuffin is probably the most powerful fetish ever to be created; the legend of its creator range from Rasputin to Barney.
It has two main powers: it can change shape and assume any form: a book, a klaive, a necklace, a ring; you name it, the
McGuffin can assume it; this has caused confusion about its name and has received many (Holy Grail, Excalibur, File #44271,
the One Ring, etc.), however, it remains the mighty McGuffin.
The other power is that it remains lost. There's always someone looking for it somewhere, and its power is such that it can filter
clues as to his whereabouts; it has many spirit servants that aid him in directing those that search for it; some of their
manifestations include the Old Man in the Forest, Drunk in the Bar, Deep Throat and the infamous Dark Tall Stranger in a
As to what it actually does is anybody's guess; no one has been able to find the McGuffin, for as soon as an object claiming to
be it is found, the McGuffin's essence is transferred into another driving goal of a story.

Metis Klaive
By John Donoghue (

Basic: 3
Grand: 4
Great: 6

Basic: 6
Grand: 7
Great: 10

"Metis Klaive" is a nickname given to non-silver klaives due to the fact that metis rarely gain silver weapons. They are commonly
made of steel, though Glass walkers use titanium alloys and are designed in the various styles of the different tribes. For the
most part these klaives function in the same way as regular klaives but are not made of silver. The disadvantages are obvious
but they are far cheaper and easier to produce than their silver brothers (not to mention easier to explain if you get busted).
Therefore they are more numerous. Otherwise, they are identical to silver klaives.
Note: Just because they are not silver doesn't mean they do not cause aggravated damage; they just don't do unsoakable
damage to garou.

The Milkbone Biscuit of Ecstasy

By Reynard Fox (

Level One Fetish

This is an A-O Fetish and is useful against other shapeshifters. It will make the target looe all thought of anything he was doing
and proceed to beg and whine as you comand the biscuit. It can also be used to make the other shifter jump to their doom as
you toss the biscuit into a hazard, such as an open well or a handy cliff.

Adamantine (Mithril) Blade

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 4 Fetish


This is a normal sword that does aggravated damage, yet the difficulty to soak this damage is 9!!! Furthermore, the target loses
1 die of soak/activation success. Khan and Hakken have similar weapons known as Tiger blades and Dragon Blades.

Mole Paws
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


These are gloves, and most commonly fingerless. The leather used to make these gloves are often obtained from moles who
have died from natural causes.

System: A Gnosis point is required to activate this fetish in addition to the normal activation roll. Rather appropriately, these
gloves will grant a +2 dice bonus to all rolls involving digging, and are a favourite of Metis who use the Gift: Burrow. If used in
conjunction with this Gift the bonus is doubled. The effects last until the Garou stops digging for more than one hour, and the
fetish can only be used twice before they must be recharged. To do this they must be buried in untainted earth for three days; the
spirit inside the gloves will not allow them to decay in this time and digging never harms the gloves or the Garou's exposed

Spirit: While many creatures dig, the only spirit bound into these gloves are Mole spirits; some variations in different physical
objects are rumoured to exist.

Moon Circlet
By Kimberlee Simmons (

Leve 2 Fetish


This precious object is made of rainbow (heat treated) titanium braided wire for the head band. The moons on the front, showing
the 5 moon-phase Auspices, are made of rare and powerful MoonSilver. The Circlet, when worn by a Garou, makes the center
(and therefore slightly larger) Auspice symbol the Garou's own (New Moons are "antiqued", or blackened to a transparent
smoke). When attuned to her, it etches her Tribe pictograph on the center Auspice moon. A Lune resides within the Moon
This fetish can decrease the difficulty of Rites when worn during the Rite (each activation success reduces the Rite's difficulty by
1). It also can allow the User to use the Gift "Lunas Armor" without spending a Gnosis point (the Stamina + Survival, diff 6, roll
must still be made). Yes, the knowledge of the Gift is a power of the Circlet. The Circlet adds one to the user's Permanent
Gnosis rating while carried, due to the MoonSilver content.

Level: 3
Similar to SunGlasses, the MoonGlasses allow any area to seem to be illuminated as if there was a full moon in the sky. This
effectively protects the viewer from sudden bursts of light, a boon for a vampire. Note that simply viewing such a sight will cause
Ahroun to gain a point of Rage. This is only avaliable once per night, and only on nights not ruled by the full moon. By spending a Point
of Gnosis and rolling Wits+Enigmas, Diff 6, the wearer can perceive a snapshot of any area illuminated by that light. For instance, the
Garou can catch a glimpse of Picadilly Circus regardless of where he is standing on the planet, as long as there is a full moon hanging
over it.

Moonsilver Grand Klaive

By Travis Bethke (

Level 7
Gnosis 7
This is like a normal Grand Klaive in every way except that it is made of Moonsilver. This precious metal does double Aggravated
damage on any Garou or Wyrm creature. Also unlike silver, the weapon gives the wielder one extra Gnosis point. Moonsilver can be
found in the Aetherial Realm, but you have to make the weapon yourself for only one is currently known to exist, and a Stargazer metis
who works under Phoebe has it. His metal never dulls or breaks. Phoebe has an unlimited supply, but she will make you go on a quest
for it.
The difficulty for a Moonsilver Grand Klaive is 7, the damage is strength +6 in double aggravated damge (takes twice as long to
If you want to make a normal klaive, it does strength + 5 in double aggravated damage.
For more information on Moonsilver, or Phoebe see Umbra: the Velvet Shadow.


This sword is the biproduct of a battle between a Bastet playing with the infernal and a minor demon. Toward the end of the
battle the Bastet activated a pre-set binding ritual to trap his opponent (his original intent) for crimes against his Kith and Kin.
The demon was severely weakend as it was being beaten in its own realm. It did not have the willpower to resist the binding.
MournBlade is the result.
The Sword is an elaborate broad sword forged from silver taken from the silver lake in the realm of Summer Home. Two
dragons rise from the hilt as hand guards. The handle is steel wrapped with bronze twine. The blade itself is an ebon black as a
result of the binding. Celtic runes are engraved along the blade that glow with a soft blue light when drawn. On the bottom of the
handle is a butt spike.
The Blade does not need a sheaf. Once attuned to the users spirit, a process done by meditating with the blade at one's feet for
24 hours the sword can be summoned by mental command from an Umbral pocket and dismissed in the same manner.

Live Action: +5 traits, does 2 aggravated wounds. Expend one Willpower and the sword bursts into black flames, capable of
dealing another Aggravated damage. With a mental challenge against the victim it may steal a blood trait. One additional
aggravated is inflicted to Garou from the silver blade.

Table-top: Str +5, damage is Strength + Potence + 2. A Willpower expenditure results in the Black flames described above. A
second soak roll must be made to prevent the flames from spreading, causing another aggravated each round until
extinguished. One addition aggravated level is inflicted to Garou from the silver blade.
The sword must be fed with a single blood trait each day otherwise the binding is expelled and the Demon is free once again.

Optional rule: There is a minor ritual that allows the demon to perform minor acts for the wielder; it takes 30 minutes to perform.
There's a catch, though! Every time the demon is set free it requires two addition traits of blood for a month.

Mr. Snuggles
By Ellerby (

Level 1 Fetish


Mr. snuggles is an adorable, if a bit worn, clown doll. Children instinctively flock to it, and one with a Mr. Snuggles in their
possession will quickly become very attached to it. A Garou can make an activation roll, opposed by a difficulty 8 Wits +
Subterfuge roll by the child, to make the doll come to life. It will talk to the child, and he/she will be perfectly willing to confide in it
in any way, or do anything the doll asks. This will only function when there are no adults around, or any adults in the area must be
retarded and infantile.

Mystic: The Grouping

By Deirdre Brooks (

Author's Notes
Game information in this file is copyright White Wolf Game Studio and used with permission. This file may be reproduced so
long as this statement remains within it.
Wizards of the Coast does not sanction this file (but some of them think it's funny :-)

Coming this Summer from Black Dog Game Studio:

Mystic: The Grouping

This is the collectible trading card game you've all been waiting for! You and your opponent are Mystics in the Realms of Dineria,
where you will use spells to summon monsters, siphon territories for power, and use fireballs to burn the other guy to a crisp.
The Starter Packs, at $8.50 each, come with 55 cards each, sufficient for a player to begin playing. The boosters, at $3 each,
have 12 cards in each package. Expansions designed around a theme will follow every few months.
And so it started. Black Dog hit the gaming market just right with this game, and its popular expansions: 1001 Nights, Reliquary
and Ancients. The projected sales for the upcoming expansions, The Shadows and Necropli, are well beyond anything ever sold
on the gaming market. The cards are drawn and colored by well-known artists in the gaming and fantasy fields.
The cards were produced on contract with Global Graphics, a printer specializing in cardstock products. It is, alas, another
Pentex subsidiary.
Black Dog and Global Graphics have placed more than a few surprises in these decks:
The first and simplest trap are the colored paints used on the cards. They are actually highly addictive, euphoric, wyrm-tainted
chemicals which remain inactive until they contact human sweat. A small bit from each card touched is then absorbed through
the skin. One Starter pack will create a dependency in a normal person within three or four days of handling the cards. The more
the cards are handled, the less effective they become. Within a few weeks, new cards must be purchased or withdrawal will set
in. This has encouraged the suggested strategy of building multiple decks, which gives players reason to switch to a "fresh"
deck between games.
The next level is a bit more insidious. At least one card in every pack is a Wyrm Fetish of some sort (Gnosis of 4). These
Fetishes induce feelings such as greed, envy, covetousness, etc. They encourage the players to buy more cards, and most
especially encourage more Fetish-cards. The Fetishes can be identified in a fairly simple manner: They are the Rare cards.
Some Uncommons have been spotted to be Fetishes as well.
With a few cards, the effects are not obvious. With more than ten, the personality changes a bit, with more than fifty, the change
is marked and obvious. The more they have, the more they want. A curious purchaser can become a greedy collector within
days due to the snowball effect.
In the expansion sets, different sorts of Fetishes have been added. This practice was not so obvious until the recent release of
Ancients. One of the most popular is a Fetish that calls to those who do not own it, and gives them the feeling that they'd be so
much happier with the card--that their decks, and their lives (in that order) will not be complete without it. That they must stop at
nothing to get that card. The other person must make contact with the card for it to take full effect, but even with proximity a small
attractive glamour is operating.
In addition to widespread use of that, many of the boxes were also Fetishes. These would activate around a lot of people, and
exert a strong attractive pull to obtain as many of the cards as possible--via purchasing, or even worse methods. Black Dog also
produced far less supply than they expected the demand to reach, thus increasing the resentment of those who got few or no
cards. Those who did get enough, sold them for usurious prices.
The side effect of this was that orders for the next expansion, The Shadows, exceeded those for Ancients by several multiples.
After taking the orders, Black Dog announced they were reducing the production to 25% of original orders. This would create an
even leaner market for the next expansion, although the smaller run was nearly twice that of Ancients.
The boxes will be the same sort of Fetishes as the previous release. The card Fetishes, on the other hand, will be heterodyne
with the effects of the previous cards, in effect behaving as amplifiers. This should drive the players into orgies of all kinds of
nasty, corrupting acts--they hope for a high murder rate among players of the game.
They're planning worse for Necropoli. The various chemicals used in the cards should combine with the special chemicals on the

Necropoli cards to transform the most enthusiastic players into Fomori of a very special type, nicknamed "Card Sharks" by
Magadon Industries.
Card Sharks will possess odd illusionary powers not unlike those of the Seducers. They will disguise themselves as normal
people, although their true appearance will be of a powerfully-built, grey-skinned humanoid creature with vicious claws and teeth,
and incredibly heightened senses. Their illusionary powers allow them to cause the pictures on the cards themselves to come to
life, although each use of this power costs a point of Willpower. The illusion behaves independently until somehow dispelled or
The creator of the game, Charles Heathcliffe, is actually a Syndicate barrabi, master of the Spheres of Mind and Spirit. (In
Werewolf terms, he has several gifts which enable him to summon, control, and dispel spirits. He may also step sideways. In
addition, he is can mentally control others, read their thoughts, and travel astrally outside of his body.)
Charles worked for Pentex before he was recruited by the Syndicate, who taught him about all kinds of neat things. At Pentex, he
was a highly successful--and extremely predatory-- businessman. After spending several years working for the Syndicate,
Pentex requested his return. At the same time, Corruption--The Defiler Wyrm seduced him to become a Nephandi. Shortly
thereafter, he approached Black Dog Game Factory with the proposal for his first game in Heathcliffe Hobbies' CardLords
series of games. They accepted his proposal and this is the result.
There are more HH games scheduled in the future. The next will be released shortly, and will be based on the best-selling Black
Dog TaleSpinner game, Vampire: The Hidden. It will be called Dark Wars, and will have an entirely different set of imperatives
built into it.

See the Card Shark Fomori.

Necklace of the Wandering Cat

By Strasa Acimovic (

Level 4 Fetish

Gnosis: 8
This fetish was created by old bastet from Africa. There are only a few in existence, most prized dearly. The Simba and some
other tribes created this item to help them carry things and enhance their abilities while they roamed. The necklace is made of
different kinds of cat hair woven into a rope. There are several pieces of Ivory carved like teeth and colored black, grey, brown
and orange to represent the different bastet. There is also a catseye gem amulet.
This item can be activated for two different things. It can hold either 50 lbs of food and clothing (mundane items), a symbol
appearing carved for each item in the ivory. Or you can store either a Rage, Gnosis, or 1 willpower point instead. The final use of
this is to give the bearer the gift "Speed Beyond Thought" (Silent Strider) and while this is in use, the user's eyes seem to glint
like a cat's.

Nyobi's Claws
By Rafael Kaufmann (

For a long time now, the Europeans have told tales of the dreadful killer lions that stalk the savannas of Africa. The European
Garou also have these tales, but in those, the enemy is the werelion, the Simba. This fetish's story is one of those.
The Garou stories tell that once there was a Scottish Silver Fang called Sir Dougal McConnelly, known by his kind as Sir Dougal
Baneslayer. Sir Dougal was an Ahroun and a traveller by nature. He had crossed the globe in search of adventure and of
Wyrmspawn to kill... and now he'd found himself in the darkest jungles of Africa. As he walked through the woods, Sir Dougal
could feel a deep evil in all around him, and as he moved south, this feeling of evil only became stronger. Eventually, the deep
jungle was crossed, and Sir Dougal found a town in the savanna, a village colonized by the British. He had been told of this
place, and he hoped to find someone to talk to, but, when he got to the town, he found but three badly sick African natives. In
their crude English, they told Sir Dougal that they used to work for the British . . . back when they were still here. They told him
that everyone else had fled since Nyobi arrived. Nyobi, he was told, was an immense lion, larger than any other ever seen; it was
also more cunning and bloodthirsty than any other. Sir Dougal figured that was the source of the evil he had felt. He decided to
hunt the Wyrm-creature down.
After a long hunt which exhausted both hunter and hunted, Sir Dougal finally managed to find the beast's lair. Nyobi turned into a
man-lion not unlike the Crinos form of a Black Spiral Dancer, and the Silver Fang knew that a great fight was to come.
After hours of exhausting combat, Nyobi had Sir Dougal down. When the werelion's fangs were about to lay their venomous tips
on him, the brave Ahroun relied on his hope and cried for the spirits of Gaia to help him. It worked, and the mighty Hawk came
and turned the situation around. With one final strike of his Klaive, Sir Dougal killed the horrible beast and took its claws as a
symbol of his victory. This story has been told in Silver Fang moots ever since.
The Bastet, of course, sing a different song! According to them, Sir Dougal was nothing but a bloodthirsty, corrupted trophyhunter, and Nyobi was the protector of the traditions held by the native tribe in that area. After seeing the Europeans massacre
his Kinfolk, he decided to put an end to it, and managed to chase the colonizers away from his home. When Sir Dougal arrived,
he killed the remaining natives, and set out to kill their protector as well.
Luckily to Nyobi, this was his homeland, and the secrets of the earth allowed him to have an advantage against his pursuer.
When the werelion was about to end the corrupted existence of the evil Garou, he relied on his link to the evil spirits, who came
to his rescue in the form of a deformed Hawk. Nyobi's body was destroyed, but, out of revenge, his spirit lingers on, and to this
day, whoever wears his claws around her neck will regret he ever took it!

A black leather necklace with eight lion's claws hanging from it. The claws are obviously quite old, and the fetish, while
impressive to any Garou who sees it, makes any Bastet disgusted.

The spirit of Nyobi is bound to the necklace by its own will. Many Silver Fangs believe its power is to send an aura of majesty
toward those around the user, but, in fact, Nyobi only waits and chooses an appropriate moment, when he will cause a great
disgrace to happen to the user. He will sometimes appear to a Bastet; in such cases, look below for a description.

Willpower 7, Rage 10, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Charms: Blighted Touch, Create Fires, Materialize
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Fanatic
Image: A tall African man, wearing traditional clothing. His head is shaved, but he wears a beard. His dark eyes shine with rage.
Nyobi was a powerful and proud Simba Bastet one century ago, a defender of his people's customs and traditions. He is very
bitter and often irrational, and will never be convinced that any given Garou isn't corrupted by the Wyrm.

Paradox Klaive
By John Duffin (

Level 5 Fetish


A paradox klaive has had a special sort of spirit bound into it, namely a Paradox spirit (those same ones that plague
irresponsible mages). These spirits are not easy to find, and less easy to tame, thus making these fetishes stupifyingly rare.
Regardless of that, the use of one of these weapons can be dangerous.
Against mages that have accumulated any Paradox in their pattern, a successful hit with this weapon requires a Willpower check
by the victim at a difficulty of 8 to avoid releasing all the Paradox at once. Needless to say, this can be extremely distressing for
mages and those in their immediate vicinity.
When wielded in combat against any sort of faerie, each damage success rolled also inflicts a point of Banality. This does not
tend to attract the affection of changelings, either.
Attacking a creature of the Wyld, or any other being that has its roots in primal Chaos, is a Bad Idea. This includes the dread
Nexus Crawlers. The effects of this are left up to the Storyteller, but an automatic Warp Reality effect (as the Nexus Crawler
charm) is recommended.

Pendant of Balance
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This pendant consists of two differently-coloured stones, both circular and smooth, bound together with copper wire, silk ribbon
or something similar. It is worn around the neck.

System: Once attuned to the Garou, she must make an activation roll and spend one Gnosis point. Upon success, this pendant
is constantly active unless removed or destroyed. The Garou then begins experiencing the effects of the Stargazer Gift: Balance,
but the effects are constant while the pendant is worn. This fetish reduces the amount of Gnosis points available to the Garou by
one, in a manner similar to silver, as the spirit within the fetish must constantly 'borrow' Gnosis in order to keep the constant
effect functioning. These fetishes are quite rare.

Spirit: A Balance or Cat-spirit is bound into this fetish.

Pendant of Will
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This pendant is usually carved from some sort of stone of hardwood, and is worn around the neck on a chain or leather thong.

System: Once activated it delivers a boost of will to its owner which can be 'expended' as if it were one single Willpower point.
This can only be done once a day, and only up to four times a lunar cycle. Once the Willpower is expended it must be recharged.
This involves up to four hours of solid meditation on the subject of strength of will, and must remain worn about the owner's neck
throughout. A Willpower point must be spent each hour. This meditation must be uninterrupted, and will transfer the spent
Willpower point into the fetish at a rate no faster than one an hour.

Spirit: A Willpower, Badger or Bear spirit must be bound into the pendant.

Piece of the Deep Wilderness

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


A small bag containing a bundle comprised of various wilderness items -- bones of fresh kills, scraps of fur, twigs from trees,
dried leaves and the like -- makes up this fetish. The bundle is similar in appearance to smudge-sticks used in rites.

System: This is a common fetish taken by Talons who intend to venture into a Scab. When activated, this bundle allows the
Garou better control of her Rage, increasing Rage rolls by +2. Obviously this fetish is only used when subtlety is needed, and is
rarely used by the more genocidal-minded Red Talons. It is rare that a member of another Tribe gets her paws on one of these
fetishes, but some Uktena and Wendigo have been known to carry a very similar fetish which appears to do the same thing.

Spirit: A spirit of the deep wilderness is bound into the bundle of this fetish.

Plasma Gun
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 4 Fetish


This is a gun that fires superheated flames. It does damage as a firearm of the appropriate type, but the range is 60% of the
original and damage is aggravated chemical fire.

By John Donoghue (

9 (for full set, each piece has a Gnosis of 3)

Fetish Level
5 (each piece as a fetish level of two)

The Plastic Silverware of Doom are sets of plastic silverware that have been turned into fetishes. The first set was made by the
Bone Gnawer theurge Mongrul. A full set of the Plastic Silverware of Doom consist of a knife, a spoon, and a fork. Each piece
has its own distinct power and function.

The Knife
The knife works nearly identically to a klaive. The one difference is that a plastic knife lacks the penetration potential of a normal
klaive. To compensate, the user must make a strength roll diff 7 and get two successes. If she wins then the damage is done
(the damage is still agg but garou can soak it because its not silver) MET: To do damage, the wielder must rather make a static
physical challenge against 7 traits. The damage done is equivalent to a klaive, but not silver.

The Spoon
The spoon has a power that is roughly equivalent to the Gift: Inspiration, except the it effects the user as well as his allies. No
Gnosis is necessary to activate it but the user must hold the spoon up on the air and shout "SPOON!" with a great deal of
enthusiasm. It takes a half hour for the spoon to recharge but may then be used again. This works the same in MET.

The Fork
The Fork's power is very similar to the Gift: Wasp Talons. The prongs of the fork will shoot off of the fork and the user may use
the Wasp Talon's rule to hit the target as well as the damage.
MET: Use the wasp talons rules doing two agg.
For Both: The prongs will regrow after twenty-four hours or if a Gnosis is pumped into it.

Plentiful Vessel
By Colin Chapman ( for the Ankuq tribe.



This plain soapstone bowl fills with warm whale, seal or fishmeat broth when activated.

By Elthon S. Maria (

Level 3/5 Fetish


It may sound like a joke, but the Glasswalkers know better. In the trail of the Pokemon Mania, a Ragabash devised this item. A
Pokeball is designed to capture and keep beings confined harmlessly in "stasis mode" until released. A weaver-spirit
empowers the Fetish.

System: To catch a being in the Pokeball, the user must make a successful Throwing attack and hit (Dex + Athletics diff 7 or
Dex + Throwing diff 6). Upon hitting the target, the fetish is activated, and a Gnosis roll is made (diff 6). If the target has no
actions left in the turn, is immediately sucked into the ball and is trapped. The next 3 turns the target may roll Strength (diff 6) to
beat the successes of the Gnosis roll in the activation of the fetish. Successes are not cumulative, but the target may spend
Rage, or activate Celerity, or anything else to try more than once in a turn. If the target fails, it gets trapped for a number of hours
equal to the successes in the activation roll, and the owner of the fetish can spend Gnosis to increase this time in an 1 per 1
basis. While inside the Pokeball, the target can do nothing, trapped in stasis. Beings with some sort of supernatural healing
continue to do so while trapped, but no actions can be taken. Vampires are considered as in torpor. When the time expires, the
Pokeball ejects the trapped target. The level 5 version of this Fetish has a second spirit bonded, normally a Gnosis Spirit, and
holds the target inside for as long as the owner decides to keep it. The Fetish's Gnosis acts, in the two versions, as
"countermagic" and "armor" against all attempts of harming the trapped being inside.

Popcorn-shaped Fetish
By Daniel Ricce (Prince of Malkavian) (



This fetish looks like a piece of popcorn and forces anyone who swallows it to throw up. The fetish then returns to its owner's
hand after having 'acomplished its mission' (yech).
As the fetish is activated, it throws itself into the target's mouth (who must make a Dexterity+Dodge roll to avoid swallowing it).
Once inside the target's stomach, the fierce corn spirit that dwells in the fetish will force the aforementioned target into throwing
up uncontrollably (all actions are peformed at +2 difficulty while in this state). The pukin' frenzy will last a number of rounds equal
to 10 - target's Stamina. The pop-corn will then get out on its own and go back to it's owner's hand (enveloped in blech and all
kinds of disgusting inner body fluids). The fetish is usable twice a day (since the corn spirit is rather small, given the fetish size).

Pot of the Maker

By Ellerby (

Level 3 Fetish

7 (Wyld) / 5 (Weaver)

There are two varieties of this fetish, with a rumored third. One contains a Wyld spirit, and is Level 3, Gnosis 7. The other
contains a Weaver spirit, and is level 3, Gnosis 5.
The first variety, called by some the Vessel of Transmutation, is a large earthen pot or bowl cover in vivid pictograms. When any
small object is placed in it, the user may make an activation roll. Successes will allow to mold the object into almost any shape
as the Wyld spirit in the fetish changes its shape, allowing for new possibilties. The more intricate the changes, the more
successes needed on the activation roll.
The second variety is similar, but is often made of metal, and the pictograms on it are always a single web that spreads from the
center. A similar roll must be made. However, this will only work on raw materials, unchanged significantly from their natural
state. The Weaver spirit will let the raw potential of these materials become achieved. Although it is somewhat limited, the low
Gnosis of the fetish allows for more successes on the activation roll, which gives more intricacy and detail in the creation.
If you believe the Silent Striders, there is a Level 5 version of the fetish which contains both a Weaver and Wyld spirit and is
usable on not only small hand-held objects and materials, but huge boulders, buildings, lakes, and the like. If it does exist, it is
probably in the hands of an wily Uktena Elder who would not be interested in parting with it.

Power Glove
By gothic_dead_man (

Level Six Fetish


This fetish resembles the old Nintendo power glove except when activated a little control panel flips open revealing a keypad
with a set of up and down arrows and 4 buttons (labeled 1: mimic 2: save 3: load 4: activate) and a little screen pops up.

System: The fetish really has only one basic function and that is to copy someone else's powers. To do this you must have the
glove on and be present when a power is used. Then make an activation roll (difficulty 9), 3 successes needed, and hit the
mimic button. This copies the power. The fetish only has 10 points of memory and it takes up a point of memory for each level in
a power copied. If you want to save the power to use again hit the save button. In order to use a power you have saved you must
hit the load button then use the arrow keys to choose the power then hit the activate power. You can also get level 2 fetishes
(Gnosis = 7) called memory cards; these little black disks each hold 10 points of memory.
This fetish has a magpie spirit bound in to it and takes 5 years to make. So far only one of these is known to exist and is owned
by a rank 5 Glass Walker.

Power Tie
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a normal-looking tie of the 'power-tie' variety.

System: When worn and activated, this tie grants a -2 difficulty to all Manipulation and Persuasion rolls, including the Homid Gift
of the same name. This modifier cannot lower a difficulty to below 3. The effects last one scene.

Spirit: A spirit of communication inhabits this fetish.

By Bejeir D. Brooks (

3 (6)

5 (9)

This is a "moonsilvered" reddish-blue crystalline goblet (akin to a leaded glass) with a delicate filigree depiction that changes as
it is viewed, depictng ribald scenes of love and war of beasts and men of epic proportions. The same scene will naturally never
be seen twice, but if the wielder concentrates (3+ successes, diff. 5) a specific tale can be viewed. Additionally, all water placed
within the Goblet is altered via the Brew spell (w/ successful activation, diff. 5). The true power of this goblet though is that when
the blood (about 5 blood points) of a Vampire is placed within and activated it confers an additional year of life at the same age.
Note the Goblet has a capacity for 3 blood points within it, and holds about a gallon of liquid.
The tales in the scene are always legends or excerpts form the legendary realm.
The goblet also increases the effective Gnosis of its wielder by 1 point, One must know the true name of the fetish in order to
attune to the level 6 power and it has a strength close to pure Silica glass...
This is a really fun hidden power type fetish for the Ananasi, simply because it can be given to almost anyone but only ananasi
can use it, well maybe Abominations too.

Protection Medallion
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


Symbols of protection -- pentagrams, peace symbols, medallions of St. Christopher and the like -- are used for this fetish. The
exact symbol depends on the Garou making the fetish and the type of protection the fetish is intended to give.

System: The symbol of protection governs the type of protection given by this medallion. Pentagrams (the right way up!) are
used for protection against magical attacks (True Magick, Cantrips, Gifts, Disciplines, and the like), peace symbols make the
Garou less likely to be chosen as a target in combat, St. Christopher medals guard against being waylaid while travelling, and
so on. The exact nature of this protection is up to the Storyteller to decide. These medallions are often given to cubs by their
mentors as gifts. An activation roll is required to use the fetish, and a Gnosis point must be spent to protect the user for one
scene. If the Garou wishes she may spend two points and then temporarily lend the Medallion to someone else (Garou, human,
animal, or whatever) and it will guard them against whatever type of danger it can for one scene. These temporary 'users' may
not reactivate the Medallion, even if they are Garou, unless they first attune the fetish to themselves, effectively 'stealing' it from
the original owner. Many Medallions have been corrupted in this way, as the spirit is unlikely to want to cooperate.

Spirit: Any protective spirit, occasionally Unicorn-spirits, can be used.

Purity Charm
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This most commonly takes the form of a trinket or charm in the shape of some form of symbol of purity -- a cross or crucifix is
favoured by those brought up in Christian families, though most Garou prefer a symbol of the Earth Mother.

System: This fetish makes it more difficult to be swayed by a suave tongue, increasing by +1 the difficulty of all Seduction and
Fast-Talking rolls when the Garou in question is the target. The fetish is activated with the standard roll and a Gnosis point, and
the effects last an entire day (24 hours). If a supernatural element is being used (Dominate, the Gift: Persuasion, et al.) the
difficulty increases by +3 rather than +1. This fetish gives no 'protection' against romantic advances if they are sincere. Some
Garou call this fetish a Chastity Belt, Chaperone or Virgin-Lock, though all these terms are considered insulting. If the activation
roll is botched the effects are reversed and the Garou feels strong attractions towards everyone included in their sexual
preferences for the night. If the Garou is bisexual this can get very distracting.

Spirit: Any servant of Gaia, but particularly those related to purity, can be bound to create a Purity Charm.

Quicksilver Blade
By Ben Ellerby (

Level 3 Fetish


The form of this weapon is malleable, and the blade itself has a definite intelligence. it will react to new threats in combat,
protecting the user, or slipping past an enemies defenses.

System: Make an activation roll. For the rest of the scene, the number of successes enemies need to parry or dodge strikes
from this weapon are increased by the number of successes achieved on the activation roll, and the user receives a number of
extra parry dice equal to the number of activation successes.

Quill of the Litany

By Diogo Antunes Broner (

Level 5 fetish


When the Litany was first written, among the Shadow Lords and the Silver Fangs, it was written with one of these quills to ensure
that it would be obeyed. Someone who reads a command written with this quill must roll Willpower, with Diff. 9 and needing three
successes to disobey.

Quill Spear
By Cory Seguin ( for the Cristata

Level One Fetish


This weapon of the were-porcupines is an invaluable tool in situations when Crinos form is impractical at best and very very bad
at worst. The creation of this fetish requires that the were-porcupine sacrifice a quill. The quill is dipped in molten silver and then
inserted into the end of a wooden staff (usually about 5 feet long). A spirit of stealth is then bound to the staff.
When "dormant", the staff is just an ordinary-looking walking staff, but, when activated, the quill then grows to a length of
approximately 2 1/2 feet. The staff is now a spear that does Strength +2 damage. It also does silver damage to those so

Raven's Wit
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This small pendant is carved into the shape of a raven and made from black onyx.

System: When activated, the fetish allows the Garou to make her voice hollow and mocking, making all who hear it (and
especially the person to whom she speaks) extremely unnerved and wary. Anyone hearing this voice will feel uneasy, but the
target must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to avoid backing slowly away. Anyone attempting a Facedown challenge with this
Garou suffers a +1 difficulty to all his rolls so long as he has recently heard her altered voice. If he has not heard the voice he is
unaffected until he does. This effect lasts one scene.

Spirit: A spirit of Intimidation or, obviously, a Raven spirit, is used for this fetish.

Reaching Pendant
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes the form of a piece of highly reflective material fastened into a small block of wood; it is most commonly worn
around the neck on a thong.

System: When activated, this fetish lowers the difficulty of crossing the Gauntlet for this Garou only -- others may not be led by
this Garou if this fetish was used this scene. The effects last only one scene.

Spirit: Any spirit can be bound into a Reaching Pendant.

Reforming Grenade
By Ellerby (

Level 3 Fetish


This looks like a standard issue grenade, obtainable from Pentex or the army, but contains a War-spirit. Before the grenade is
hurled, a Garou can make a Gnosis roll. Depending on the number of successes, the grenade may reform in his hand. If the roll
botches, the grenade is lost forever. If it fails, it is somewhere lost in the Umbra, (probably the Abyss) and will require a spirit
quest to recover. These are usually seen being used by Black Spiral Dancers, but have been known to have been used by more
modern members of the Get of Fenris.
Successes Time to reform
1 month
1 week
1 day
1 hour

Remote Control
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 5 fetish


A Garou using the Remote Control can point it at an object or person to slow or speed up the target, efectively putting them in
slow motion or fast forward. The user needs at least two successes and the effect lasts for one turn (roughly 3 seconds) per
successes after the minimum required.

The Rolled-up Newspaper of Doom

By Steven Markley (

Level Three Fetish


Although used primarily by (and on) Diablo, this fetish will work fine on Garou, Nuwisha, Gangrel in wolf form and other dog-like
creatures. It does no physical damage, but on a successful hit the Rolled-Up Newspaper of Doom causes the loss of one
temporary Rage point per success on the activation roll (or in the case of Gangrel, the temporary loss of one point of Courage.)
In addition, the victim must score at least one success on a Willpower roll, difficulty 8, or be forced to retreat from the wielder of
the Rolled-Up Newspaper of Doom.

Rollerblades of the Silver Mists

By John A Antilety
Level: 4
Gnosis: 7
These skates appear to be a standard, well-used set of Rollerblades. They are black, with gold highlights and are a size 9. When worn
by the owner, they fit snugly and comfortably. Whenever the wearer desires, the power of the skates may be activated by spending a
gnosis point and rolling Athletics and Stamina, diff 6. This enables the wearer to travel at a speed of 50 MPH. When combined with
the gift, Speed of Thought, this speed can be doubled to 100 MPH. Also, if there is a mist or fog present (every morning in California),
the wearer can "join" with the mist, becoming intangible and invisible while in the Terrulian. The user can also carry one person with
them, for a limited time. The weight of the person cannot exceed 350 pounds, or the power will be extinguished until activated again.

The Rubber Chicken of Reyn

By Reynard Fox (

Level One Fetish

This is A-O Fetish appears to be just a rubber chicken, but when used correctly, is a dreaded weapon of doom. The offender will
die of embarrassment as he gets pummeled with the mighty chicken.

Saddle of Speed
By Brandon Quina (

Level Three Fetish


When this saddle is used on a horse, and successfully activated, your horse gets a burst of speed and moves at over twice its
normal speed.
You must bind a Wind spirit in the saddle to create this fetish.

Shades of Shady Business

By Ben Ellerby (

Level 3 Fetish


Often used by Glass Walkers and Shadow Lords, these are a pair of dark mirror glasses. They have the power to erase a
person's memory of the user.

System: Make an activation roll. Have all witnesses make Intelligence + Enigmas rolls, difficulty (# of users successes +2).
Consult this chart to see how well they are able to remember the user.
Successes Effect
They remember nothing about the encounter or anything that occurred while the user was present.
They remember everything that happened but cannot emember a single detail about the user.
They can remember a vague detail about him (like he had some kinda speech impediment or something, or there
was something weird about his nose)
They can recall one detail about him and the sound of his voice.
They can recall his voice, and his general characteristics (blonde hair, about 6 feet tall, etc.)
They can remember his voice, build, and face, but these may become confused.
No memory changes.

Shard Dagger
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes form of a long shard of rock with sharp edges. It usually has runes carved into it, but not always.

System: When activated, this weapon causes the cuts it inflicts to bleed profusely and itch maddeningly. The opponent that is
successfully damaged (after soaking) takes a -1 die penalty to all actions in the next turn, and his initiative is lowered by 1 (to no
lower than 1). It is considered very bad form to use this weapon in duels, and the Garou who insists upon it will lose Renown. It is
difficulty 4 to wield and does Strength + 1 damage.

Spirit: A spirit of Pain, War or Rock is bound into this weapon.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


A pair of sturdy boots in good condition are used for this fetish. They are often steel-capped.

System: Often called 'Popekickers' by particularly religious (or anti-religious) Garou, these boots require an activation roll and a
Gnosis point to use. They increase the damage done by kicking manoeuvres by +1, but will only work in a non-human form. As
the Crinos form is not suited for kicks but for raking scratches, the only form these boots are really effective in is Glabro.

Spirit: A war-spirit is bound into these boots to make Shitkickers.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a small piece of black onyx carved into the likeness of a dog, the fiercer the better.

System: When this is activated and a Gnosis point expended, the Shuckstone allows the Garou to enhance the unnerving
qualities of her howl, causing fear amongst the local populace. The sound can be heard for an unusually long way -- several
miles on a still night -- and is very distinctive. It sounds halfway between a dog's baying howl and the long, drawn-out howl of a
mournful wolf. It must be used out of sight and only at night -- otherwise it will remain inert and have no effect. Occasionally used
in the British Isles, the rural populace have been known to bar their doors and shutter their windows, huddling down and
muttering dark tales about 'the Black Shuck', a legendary monster from which the stone gets its name.

Spirit: A dog or wolf-spirit is used for this fetish, or a spirit of fear or intimidation.

Signet of Pride
By Kimberlee Simmons (

Author's Note
My thanks and appriciation go to Sue Armstrong and John C. Johnston for answering my plea on the werewolf-l for ratings this
Fetish (I'm a newbie, and awful at it).



This is a gold signet ring, with a gemstone encrusted with a family crest in it. Prefered by Silver Fangs and passed on from one
generation to the next, this Fetish provides 2 functions, which only work for Silver Fangs (or those whom the spirit within deems
worthy): 1) Whenever a member of the family is wearing the dedicated fetish and is involved in a staredown (or other contest of
wills used to prove ones ability and right to be followed/obeyed), she may ignore a single 1 per roll of the dicepool. 2) When first
dedicated, it raises 1 social attribute by 1 dot for as long as the fetish is worn. If this is for 13 years, it becomes permanent, and
the Fetish may be passed on without loss of this stat change. An Ancestor Spirit lies within the Signet of Pride, and always by

Silver Bumper
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Five Fetish


The Silver Bumper is the first and only fetish created by the Ragabash Gerijold. Basically you attach it to the front of an
automobile and run down Black Spirals. It does, however, have the ability to take the automobile and its occupants into the
Penumbra (Gnosis of the Driver vs. Gnosis of the fetish + Gauntlet strength). All Garou in the vehicle have an effective Gnosis
rating of -1.

Silver Claw
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Three Fetish


The Silver Claw is a gauntlet made of steel. The outside is coated with silver and mystic runes are inscribed in it. When the
owner uses it to damage Black Spiral Dancers, the victim loses a Gnosis point for every level of damage incurred. The silver
subtracts one Gnosis from the effective rating of its wielder and inflicts aggravated damage that Garou cannot soak (Difficulty is
6 and it inflicts Strength + 3 damage).

Silver Whip
By Claudia Hall (

This is a silver whip, approximately 10' in length, and made of moonsilver. This whip deals 1-3 ag. damage when used, and is
collapsible to 3' in length. This whip glows both to the naked eye and the mind's eye. Creatures with Wyrm taint take damage if
exposed to the light, ag. damage if hit with it. The length of the whip is carved with ancient symbols older than language. These
symbols glow different colors at different times, and for different reasons (up to GM, but also according to the player's specs).
There are only 3 of these whips known today, but it is believed that there was once one for each of the tribes. It is believed by
those in the know that these whips today rest in the hands of 1) A Stargazer Mummy, who usually can be found in the Deep
Umbra (if you are dumb enough to go there). 2) A group of Tremere, although unable to get near it, have encased a whip under
lead deep in a dark cellar. The Tremere cannot use it, but they keep it to prevent others from having it. 3) A Child of Gaia,
(myself) this Garou has been prophesied to kill or save everything she touches. (This whip is not available, even through death,
as this Garou cannot be killed).
Another possible way to attain one of these whips is to Quest for Luna, the creator of these whips, but this is limited due to her
specs on who she'll see. (See WW).
This whip does not fit any one category, as it is fetish-like, eats Gnosis, and is empowered by totem spirits (Both Luna and the
tribe's totem). This is a powerful weapon, as it is hinted to be able to cleanse Wyrm taint, as well as having other properties
(assigned by GM based on game). This whip makes a good thing to quest for, and has been used to make wolves out of
puppies, regardless of whether or not they get a whip.

Singing Wardstone
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


A circular, flattened riverstone with a series of patterns carved into it made out of warding symbols and bound with a lightcoloured silk ribbon.

System: When activated and a Gnosis point expended, this fetish will hum faintly when a Wyrm-tainted creature comes within
about 15 metres of the Garou. The stone will not indicate direction or nature of the taint, but will indicate strength by an increased
hum and slight vibration the stronger the taint is. These stones have been known to shriek painfully in the presence of major
Wyrm-beasts such as Nexus Crawlers. The stone is activated at the beginning of a journey and will fall inert at the journey's end.

Spirit: A spirit of warding, song or a Lune is bound into this fetish. Wardstones with resident Lunes also glow faintly.

Skewer of T'paugh



This is a long spear made of ivory. It can be thrown at opponents (Dex+Athletics, Diff: 7) for Strength+3 damage, or used as a
melee weapon (Dex+Melee Diff: 6) for Strength+2 Damage. When activated, the next hit it makes when thrown will make the
spirit within cause it to bury itself within the opponent's flesh and writhe and tunnel through his entrails. Every turn thereafter, it will
do 2 die of unsoakable damage. When it has inflicted a number of health levels in damage equal to victim's Stamina, it bursts
out his side and returns to the user's hand.

Skull Phone
By Greg
Level: 3
Gnosis: 6

Inside this skull is a spirit; you ask it a question and it goes to the spirit net and asks all the other spirits. Then it returns and tells
you what it found.
You can also send the spirit out to make "phone calls" to anyone else with Spirit Speech or in the Umbra. To use, all you have to
do is convince the spirit to put your call through . A calling plan usually involves taking on a permanent geas of some kind -- just a
minor one like only having sex once a year.

Smartgun Link
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 2 Fetish


This is a pair of goggles connected to a minicamera under the gun. It reduces difficulty to hit by 2.

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish appears as a small knife with an ornate hilt. It occasionally has decorative glyphs engraved into the blade itself.

System: This blade does Strength damage and is at difficulty 5 to wield. When activated and successfully does one or more
boxes of damage (after soaking), it emits a shrieking series of notes which add a -1 penalty to the next turn's initiative of those
that hear it. It does not discriminate between opponents and allies and as such effects everyone within earshot except the

Spirit: A spirit of music or war is bound into this blade.

Sound Branch
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes the form of a short, thick piece of wood taken from a branch with notches and designs carved into it; it comes
with a special smooth stick, rather like that from a drum kit, made from the same branch.

System: When activated and struck with the smaller stick, this piece of wood emits a single, short sound. A roll of Wits +
Performance, difficulty 6, is required; the number of successes on this roll indicate how loud the sound is (one is a whisper, five
very loud). The nature of this sound depends on the type of spirit bound into the fetish, but it always emits a sound from nature -a twig being broken, the plop of a stone in a river, and the like. Each sound stick emits only one such sound, and is limited in
time to less than a second (a bark is permissible, for example, whereas a howl is not). Lupus Ragabash, particularly Red
Talons, often employ these fetishes to mislead hunters and the unwary for their own amusement -- or darker purposes.... Another
common use of this fetish is for sound effects at a Moot while storytelling. The Glasswalkers are attempting to fashion a similar
fetish which emits unnatural sounds, such as single gunshots, but so far have met with no success.

Spirit: Virtually any non-urban spirit can be bound into a Sound Branch, but only one sound related to that spirit will be produced.
As always, only one spirit can be bound into a fetish.

Soup Ladle of Plenty

By Matt Griener (

Level 2 Fetish


A Garou can activate this fetish only once per day. When she does so, the fetish will pour out one portion of nourishing stew per
success rolled. The stew requires a container, however, it cannot be eaten from the ladle. To create a Soup Ladle, a Guardian
spirit must be bound into a normal metal ladle.

Speaker's Stone
By The Goddess (



Three times a day, this polished gem (usually an amethyst or lapis) may be activated, allowing the user to speak telepathically to
one person familiar to the user for the duration of the scene. These stones are usually set into jewelry.

Spirit Call
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes the form of a small whistle or ocarina.

System: When activated, a Gnosis point spent, and a successful Wits + Performance roll (difficulty 7) made, this fetish
summons any one spirit that the Theurge has had peaceful dealings with before. The power of the spirit depends on the number
of successes on the Wits + Performance roll -- the more successes the more powerful the spirit. Only Jagglings and Gafflings
can be summoned in this way and may not be pleased when they appear. Spirits can actually resist this summons with their
Gnosis, difficulty of 4 + (Wits + Performance roll successes). The Garou must be concentrating on the spirit in question and must
be within the spirit's natural locality (a forest spirit, for example, cannot be summoned to a city). 'Location' spirits, like rock and
tree spirits, cannot be summoned in this way. If the spirit is affiliated with the pack's Totem the Garou gains a -2 difficulty bonus
on the Wits + Performance roll. Pack totem avatars will only refuse the summons if they are either on more urgent business or if
the Totem is displeased with the pack. This fetish is also popular amongst Galliards.

Spirit: A spirit of song, normally a songbird spirit, is bound into this instrument.

Spirit Masks
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One to Five Fetish


These masks are carved into the likenesses of animals, such as raccoons or ravens, or to represent overall concepts, such as
war or strength. They may also be carved into the likenesses of other beings and elements, such as rock, trees, and other things.
They are always made of wood and normally extremely ornate.

System: The level of these fetishes dictate how powerful they are and how much influence they exact. Their purpose is to
enhance diplomatic relations between the Garou and the spirit the mask she wears represents, and are often used for
summoning rites. They give a bonus of 1 die for each level of the fetish to all rolls involving the spirit type in question, both for
summoning and diplomatic purposes, and most accomplished Theurges own several Spirit Masks. Various cultural influences
have produced talen-paint which does the same job but is more flexible due to the fact that its representation is not fixed; this
paint has a Gnosis of 5 and a fixed level of 2. It is often used in Australia. In either case a Gnosis point must be spent in addition
to the normal activation roll.

Spirit: A spirit affiliated with diplomacy is bound into the talen-paint, but a mask has a spirit bound into it of the same type as it
represents. Banes can be bound into these fetishes but generally produce repulsive results; they have been known to turn on
their owners and slowly corrupt them with Wyrm-taint.

Squeaky Chewtoy of Justice

By Bridge (

Whomever has the squeak toy may, twice during the game, squeak the chew-toy three times and throw it, thus making any
Garou of his choice go running off after it. It requires a Willpower roll (Difficulty 8).

Staff of Lightning
By John Donoghue (

Level Three Fetish


Staves of Lightning are fetishes whose method of creation had been lost until recently. The way of creating these fetishes is a
little different than other fetishes. Not only must the proper spirit be bound into the staff but the staff must be struck by natural
lightning. Once this is done the staff is now charged and ready for use. However once a month the staff must be recharged
through a jolt of electricity (Lightning is the best, but any other big source of electricity will do).
The staves have two major properties. The first property is electric absorption. The staff will absorb any electricity that hits the
staff and the wielder will be protected from the shock. This property is a byproduct of the lightning spirit's need to absorb energy.
The second property is the electric discharge. The staff, once activated, can be directed to give an electric shock to a target that
is hit by the staff. If used on a living thing, the damage is 2 agg (but there must still be a physical challenge must still be made to
actually hit). If it's used on a metal (or other conductive material) object, it will conduct the electricity and deliver a 1 agg shock to
people touching it. If it's used on a electronic device, it will short circuit the device.
A warning, breaking the staff result in an explosion of electricity that will electrocute the one whom broke the staff (The exact
damage is up to the Storyteller).

Star of Luna
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Five Fetish


The Star of Luna is a palm-sized chunk of silver carved into a five-point star. Many times the Auspice of the owner is carved in
the middle. When the Star is thrown into a body of liquid, the substance will be transformed into liquid silver. This effect lasts for
a number of turns equal to the sucesses made by the user (Gnosis of the Garou vs. Gnosis of the fetish). The number of turns is
doubled if the Auspice of the user is in the sky.

Steel Skeleton
By gothic_dead_man (

Level Four Technofetish


This fetish is a metal elemental bound to the werewolf's bones.

System: There is no activation roll needed for this fetish. It grants the owner a +4 to Stamina and a +2 to Grawl damage (not
claws). The down side of the fetish is that the owner gets a +3 difficulty to swimming and other rolls where weight is a
determining factor.

Stonebiter Spear
By John Duffin (

Level 4 Fetish


This nasty little spear (Strength + 2 damage) has been created with a flint-tipped head, and a Void Spirit has been bound into it
to create a fetish that is devastating in combat. This weapon completely ignores armor for purposes of soak rolls. Furthermore, it
can slice through wood, stone, and other materials as if they were butter. It does not cause aggravated damage.

Stonechewer Spear
By John Duffin (

Level 5 Fetish


This fetish is even nastier than the Stonebiter. It requires two separate rolls to activate all of its powers, because it houses two
spirits. When the Void Spirit's power is activated, the Stonechewer acts, in all respects, as if it were a Stonebiter. If the Termite
spirit's power is used, each hit of the spear shreds one point of armor, as if the character were attacking with a Fur Gnarl (see
Werewolf). This weapon does not cause aggravated damage unless both powers are activated.

By Mark (

Level Three Fetish


This appears to be a typical staff, no glyphs, no carvings, nothing. When activated, at the cost of a Gnosis point, the staff
becomes incredibly strong, and is unbreakable. It can be used as a weapon (Diff 8, damage=Str + 2 non-Aggravated) or for
anything else that a staff can be used for. For another Gnosis point the Staff can deal out Aggravated damage. This weapon is
paticularly favored by the Stargazers. A spirit of war, pain or an earth or metal elemental must be bound into this fetish.


Level Five Fetish


Note: This is inspired by Micheal Moorock's Elric of Melnibone.
When vampires ran rampant throughout the Dark Ages, something needed to be done. A mighty Shadow Lord Theurge named
Elric got a great idea and created a mighty fetish using a bastard sword made of black iron. When activated the sword does
Str+4 non-aggravated damage, but for every health level done in damage (after soak) it heals that many of the wielder. If more
than 30 health levels are healed in this fashion in the span of one full moon, the user rolls Willpower (diff 7) or they will be
controlled by the sword. The sword brings upon a curse to the user also: whoever wields it will never want to give it up, and once
drawn, the sword must do 3 health levels of damage before it is placed back in its scabbard, or it will sheath itself in the owner of
the blade.

Stress Band
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This band takes the form of a simple bracelet of braided thread, often with small crystal stones or glass beads woven into it.
They resemble friendship-bands.

System: Upon activation these bands assist the Garou to temporarily overcome her Derangement; the difficulty for the
Willpower roll drops by 1. Although popular amongst their younger members, very few Silver Fangs will admit to owning one of
these fetishes, hence the extremely mundane appearance.

Spirit: A spirit of concentration or Willpower is bound into this fetish.

Stun Hammer
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish resembles a normal claw-hammer, but sometimes has neat little runes and suchlike inscribed on its surface.

System: When the Garou successfully hits an opponent and activates the Hammer, the fetish unleashes a crackling bolt of
energy which does an amount of damage equal to the damage dealt before soaking -- this extra damage cannot be soaked. For
example, if the damage roll on the Hammer shows 3 successes, the opponent will suffer this damage, soaking normally, and
also three extra Health Levels which cannot be soaked -- this damage is never aggravated and will heal at a rate of 1 box an
hour. This damage can obviously render a target unconscious but can never kill an opponent and will never cause a Battle-Scar
(although the normal damage can easily do either). The Stun-Hammer is difficulty 5 to wield and does Strength + 1 damage.

Spirit: A spirit of War or Electricity is used for this fetish.

By gothic_dead_man (

Level Three Fetish


This fetish is a flashlight with a sun spirit bound into it.

System: On a successful activation roll this fetish will do 1 point of aggravated damage to vampires that is unsoakable (without
Fortitude) for each turn it is on them. The damage is sunlight damage and may cause Rtschreck.

By Bejeir D. Brooks (



Surake is a No Dashi two-handed sword of purest moonsilver about 4.6 kg in weight and over 2 meters long. It allows for an
extra 2 gnosis points to be available to the wielder and allows the owner to store up to 8 extra willpower poings and 5 extra
blood points. It does Strength+6 damage soak difficulties against it are 7. In addition, it does double damage to bete and adds
one to the user's melee score.

Swiping Stone
By The Goddess (


These utterly black stones, resembling irregular bits of polished onyx, are of unknown origin but very precious. Each stone allows
the Bastet to swipe a Gift from another Killi; this ability is availible twice. One swiped Gift remains in the stone and may be called
on as if the Bastet possessed the Gift herself; the other must be paid for with experience or be lost after one use. There is no
way of knowing which Gift is the permanent one. An Intelligence+Perception roll must be made at difficulty 8 in order to swipe a

Sword of Greyskull
By Tim Layne (

Level 4 Fetish


This sword is made of a very hard steel, capable of keeping a very sharp edge, and, it is also lighter. The difficulty is 6 and the
damage is strength +7. It is also a mystical weapon. Upon a succesfull activation roll, the Garou recieves all the attribute benefits
of Glabro, while still in homid. He can shift, adding the bonus to his attribues extra. Example, Flows Swift whips out the sword of
Greyskull, and activates it with the proper command words "By the power of Greyskull. I have the power!" and he can add +2 to
both strength and stamina. He also grows an additional 6 inches, and adds on the extra weight, but still appears very much
human. He can shift to any form now, adding the +2's to the already raised attributes. Flows Swift is ready to kick ass.

Sword of Gunze
By Joshua Lee Peryea (

Also Known As...

Slayer of Oni, Executioner of Akuma, Wrath of Kami [Spirits, Gods or Heavens]

In 1310 C.E., the village of Tomakomai, on the island of Hokkaido, suffered a plague of Oni. The Oni wished to make Nippon
into the next and most powerful Hell. The Five Courts native to Tomakomai could not stop the Oni's Evil. Five shen sorcerers
then joined forces, after the Oni destroyed the ruling Courts. Misawa Rai-ki, the Chi'n Ta [Mage]. Nakano Juniko, the Kitsune.
Maedasata Akiko, the Hsien Noble [Changeling]. Okamura Shin-Tai, Wan Kuei [Kuei-jin]. Odakyu Kogyo, Kami [Wraith]. The
Five Sorcerers labored religiously, crafting a powerful blade, using sacred metals and stones as raw materials. Silver, Iron, Jade
and others were used. A kami of Yang and a kami of Yin, were worked into the Sword. Finally, the Sword was finished, but the
Sorcerers were too exhausted by their labors to wield it in battle. Misawa sent Rai-ko, their Nushi, to find a great Warrior. Rai-ko
found Gunze Go, Samurai-no-Hakken, who was left Ronin after his Court was destroyed and his Sentai butchered by Oni. Gunze
was led to Okamura's retreat [Haven? or Dragon Nest?], and was given the weapon. By the next sunrise, all the Oni were slain.

The blade, tsuba and other metal parts are silver in color. The handgrip is wrapped in red lacquered sharkskin[ from a Samebito warrior who fell in battle]. The blade has jade inlay in Kaja and Nihongo. The Tsuba has jade inlay corresponding to the five
Directions and Elements, the 8 trigrams of the I Ching, and symbols of the Five Sorcerers.

Story Ideas
What are the later adventures of Gunze Go, Hakken Samurai? What becomes of the Five Sorcerers Wu/Sentai/Cabal? How
does your Wu/Sentai/Cabal/etc encounter this artifact?

Level five enchanted item, fetish, talisman, artifact and/or treasure
Yang Chi, Glamour and/or Gnosis: 7
Yin Chi, Arete, Rage and/or Pathos: 7
Demon Chi and/or Angst: 7

Sense Yomi [Wyrm], Hellweaving 2, Dragon's Stride [cross Wall and Ride Dragon's Path, using Yang for Yang, Yin for Yin, and
Demon for Yomi], Tracking Prey [pursue anyone-or-thing injured by the Sword of Gunze], Shift [change forms]
Difficulty Damage
Tanto (small) 4
Tanto (large) 4
Wakizashi 5
These are the seven Known forms. Rumors and theories of other forms abound, but none are known for certain. Tales of
Shuriken, may be the Sword of Gunze, a lesser Talisman, or a Talen similar to the Bane Arrow. Notes: Hits Yomi automatically,

only roll to hit non-Yomi. Yomi cannot soak, and damage is aggravated. Non-Yomi may soak as if the damage were normal, but
any damage taken after soaking is aggravated.

Taint-O-Vision Goggles
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


These fetishes can take the shape of any sort of wrap-around eyewear, from Ray-Ban sunglasses to protective eyewear
goggles to old-fashioned flying-goggles.

System: Upon activation and a successful Perception + Occult roll, the Garou is able to 'see' the extent of Wyrm-taint on
individuals. Difficulty varies according to concentration of Wyrm-taint, but is normally 6. Only living or once-living matter in a
natural state can be tested thus -- for example a human or corpse may be proven to contain Wyrm-taint, but items such as rocks,
plastics, chemicals and other unnatural or unliving things will show no Wyrm-taint, even if they are. The detection is limited also to
line-of-sight. This sense is not limited to an instantaneous use -- instead it lasts for one scene. Spirits that are Wyrm-tainted will
show to be such, unless they inhabit a substance which would not normally be testable.

Spirit: Any Gaian spirit can be used for this fetish.

Tambourine Drum
By Colin Chapman ( for the Ankuq tribe.



This is the Ankuq's only musical instrument. Playing it subjects all wounded or sick characters in a 20' radius to the effects of
Mother's Touch.

Tattoo/Ritual Scar Fetishes


Werewolf: For the Werewolf game, creation requires the Rite of Fetish see pg. 192-193 (1st ed) (a Rite of Binding could come in
handy for some spirits, especially hostile ones) It is as simple as finding a spirit, or summoning one that corasponds with the power
you want the fetish to have and performing the rite, after you have wittled it's power down...(as if this were a simple matter!)

Mage: For the Mage game, the maker must have a rating of spirit **** and simply create the "spirit feild" within the tattoo or ritual scar.
(diff 7, quintessence, time taken, and nearness to a node can bring this down to as low as a 3!) The mage has successfuly made a
"house" for the spirit that he is going to bind. (I had posted a rote before for draining a spirit of it's power, this can be used to weaken
the spirit enough to easily bind it into the tattoo/ritual scar fetish.)

Rote: Draining the Spirit (Spirit **** Prime ***)

Basically, this rote allows the spirit adept to drain off some of the spirits Quintessense, thus weakening it enough to either dissipate it,
destroy it, or bind it into a fetish. (game mechanics: diff: 7, as before, quintessence, time taken, or nearness to a node can lower this
to as low as 3!, each success above 2 drains off 2 points of Quintessence from the spirit and channels it into the mage, another mage,
a talisman, or back into the pool of free Quintessence.)

Level of Fetish:
(Werewolf): The level of the fetish is = to the 1/2 the spirit's gnosis.
(Mage): The level of the fetish is = to the Arete of the spirit.

Gnosis Rating:
(Werewolf only): The Gnosis of the spirit that is bound into the fetish is the Gnosis of the fetish itself.

Types of Tattoo Fetishes

Although there are endless possibilities as to the different types of fetishes that can be created, I have listed a few as examples:

Animal Spirit Tattoos

These were created by a famous shaman/Dreamspeaker of the African homelands, named Calls-The-Spirits. He basically bound
animal spirits that were friendly to his totem into ritual scars and tribal tattoos. When activated the Tattoo seemed to flow over his
body, as the "ink" swirled about his body he took the form of the animal spirit that was held within.

Mage: level (3-4) because it mimics the life 5 power of transformation

Werewolf: level (2-3) Gnosis (5-8) because the closeness of the animal spirits to Gaia.

Rage Ritual Scar/Tattoo Fetishes

These are primarily bound to ritual scars and are widely used by the Get of Fenris, Red Talons, and Wendigo tribes of the Garou, as
well as the Mokole(Were-alligators/dinosaurs) and the Rokea(Were-sharks). Basically a spirit of rage is bound into a painfully slow cut
ritual scar that could take hours to complete, while the blood still runs the bound spirit is bound to the flesh.

Effects (Werewolf): 1 rage point per activation succuss, and allows the garou to "store" up to 10 points of rage for him without
affecting his rage rating. (AKA he doesn't get as pissed off as he would if he were toting that much rage)

Effects (Mage): 3 combat die per Arete that the spirit has, for the duration of 1 scene, combat dice can be added to dodge, melee,
brawl, firearms, or athletics rolls these dice make up a pool of dice, once spent, they are gone until the next activation.

Level (Werewolf): 3-5 depending on the gnosis of the spirit

Level (Mage): 4
Gnosis (Werewolf): minimum of 5, note the spirit within will have a rage of 10, at all times, if released it will move to attack the holder
of the fetish, until near dissipation, and then will flee.

Wisdom/Enigma Tattoos
These tattoos usually take the form of eyes on the forehead (in the case of the wisdom fetishes) or visual puzzles (The Uktena favor
Esher's work) for the fetishes of enigmas. These fetishes, when activated impart the wisdom of the spirit inside upon the user. These
tattoos are favored by the Dreamspeakers, and the Uktena and Silent Strider tribes of Garou.

Effects (Werewolf): Each activation success above 2 adds +1 to either perception, alertness, or enigmas score of the user for the
duration of one scene.

Effects (Mage): For each Arete point above 2 that the spirit has, and for each 2 Quintessence points channeled into the fetish, the
user gains +1 die in either perception, enigmas, alertness, awareness, or cosmology for the duration of one scene.

Level (Werewolf): 4-5

Level (Mage): 4-5
Gnosis: 5+

Effects of Many Tattoo/Ritual Scar Fetishes

For every 10 levels of these fetishes a Mage/Werewolf has, her difficulty to enter the Umbra is -1 as they are more attuned to the spirit
world due to the amount of spirit "stuff" they carry in their skin. Also on the same note, the difficulty to shift from the umbra to the "real"
world is +1, as that which helps also must hinder.

Optional Mage Fetish Rules

As I sat down to write this up it became apparent that the mage system is lacking in the info for fetishes, so as a service to all
Dreamspeakers (my favorite tradition) I came up with a fast little system that allows the mages to use and create Garou fetishes.

Rite of the Fetish

Rote: Spirit **** Prime **
This rote lets the Mage do the Rite of the Fetish, as the garou do it. Note: Gnosis = Arete x 2 (in the Mage book in the section of
converting spirits pg. 293-294 they say that Gnosis = Arete, but this to me is a bit bogus, think about it, Wrinkle, the most powerful time
spirit has an Arete of 5 (aka Gnosis of 5 in the author's perspective, a 10 in mine) where as an air elemental has a gnosis of 7 (an
Arete of 7 in the authors perspective, a 4 in mine) now how did that air elemental get more enlightened than the most powerful time
spirit?) so treat the mages Arete x 2 as his gnosis rate.
The mage uses Arete x 2 or his Gnosis rating for activation just as it is in the Werewolf game, pg. 153 Werewolf the Apocalypse tm
This allows the Mage to use Garou fetishes in a Mage game.

Tattoo Weapon
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Basically this is a tattoo with a spirit bound to it. Usually it is a picture of a blade or some type of blunt instrument. The user, at the
expense of 1 Gnosis, can make the weapon real and use it to attack. It be silver or anything else requiring a chemical reaction to
work (Like a gun).

Teddy Bear
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 2 Fetish


A Prancer with a Teddy Bear Fetish can try to regain Willpower once per scene. He will gain one point for every two successes.
Others may view the user as somewhat weak and all Intimidation rolls difficulty are raised by two while he bears his Teddy Bear.
If the Teddy Bear is ever lost or destroyed the owner loses two Willpower points.

Teeth of the Chimpanzee

By Jim Bohiem (

Level One Fetish


The Teeth of the Chimpanzee was discovered by a rather odd Silent Strider Philodox. Once a vampire dominated him and
made him serve drinks at a Bar so he decided that it was right to annoy the vampire for the rest of his life. Five months later, in
Africa, the vampire had had enough. The vampire decided to get the Strider off his case, so he found some teeth in the woods
and told the Garou that they were a powerful Fetish. The strider took them and left for Chicago. It actually was a Fetish, to the
Vampire's Surprise. This Fetish has Many mostly useless effects but it can come in handy the odd time.

Cause cold: The Garou can lower the temperature by five degrees for a one foot radius around his body.
Pardon: The Garou can cause himself not to understand human speech for as long as he wants. This negates all mind control
and persuasion using human speech.

Red/Green: The Garou can cause red/green colour blindness in one person. This lasts for one minute and can only be used
once a day.

The Black Tear

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
Level: 5
Gnosis: 7
This is a pendant made from a black pearl. Upon activation, the owner must roll Manipulation+Empathy against the victim's Willpower.
Even one success will cause the victim to experience all the loss, pain, humilliation and remorse she has experienced in her life in the
same second. This will stun all people with 8-10 Willpower; knock unconscious those with 4-7 and sink in a catatonic state those with
1-3. This drains all recoverable Willpower points. Wyrm creatures are unaffected by this fetish.
NOTE: This fetish was conceived by a player at a convention game I ST'ed; we worked it out together. I forgot his name but credit
goes to him, wherever he is.

The Bow of the Feathered Fathers

By Eric VanDycke (
Level: 4
Gnosis: 7
Appearence: The Bow of the Feathered fathers appears to be a large ceremonial bow made of an odd wood. If it is looked at closely,
the wood has a strange grain that looks like small, multi-colored feathers. The string of the bow is a simple bow string and has no
unusual aspects. Feathers and hand-carved precious stone beads hang from the lower ends of the bow. The bow's powers can only
be used to combat the wyrm in all of it's guises. The bow functions normally for hunting and non-wyrm combat. (for purposes of game
mechanics, fomori, vampires, wyrm tainted creatures, Black spiral dancers, or anything that shows up under sense wyrm are affected
by the bow's powers)

Powers: The bow's powers are three-fold:

-Each activation success over 2 adds +1 to the archers skill level for the duration of that combat.
-The User may call upon the "Scream of the Eagles" The user concentrates on the force of the bird-kings and says "Go forward and let
the wrath of the bird-kings be known" and the arrow flies, emmitting a loud peircing screaming noise, which all wyrm-tainted creatures
must save vs willpower at diff of 7 (3 successes) or they run in terror.
-The arrows fired by the bow do aggravated damage to wyrm-creatures and wyrm spirits.
The user of the bow must meet the following conditions if he/she is going to use the bow or bond it to him or herself.
A. Must be a follower of one of the Bird totems
B. Must never kill a bird on purpose
C. Must give thanks to the bird fathers after each usage, this is up to the players as to how he or she tanks them, My own character
(whom I designed the bow for) sings a song to the bird fathers in a meditation ceremony after each usage that the powers of the bow
are invoked.

Background: The bow was the product of a long-lost amazonian Bird-cult. The ancient cult worshiped the bird fathers, a group of
feathered spirits that protected the amazon from harm caused by the insurgence of the wyrm. Long ago the bird-cult disapperared,
leaving little trace of their existence. The only thing left behind was the bow. It bounced from native owner to native owner, a long string
of noble warriors and hunters alike. The current owner of the bow, Techulli "Son of the Feather" wars in the amazon against the forces
of the wyrm. All would seem well...but within his head he can hear the voices of the shamans of the birds, they guide him, they tell him
the secrets of the forest, the ways of the spirits, the ways of the birds, the way of the amazon. The bird Fathers watch, and wait.

The Cloak of Leaves

By Eric VanDycke (
Level: 1
Gnosis: 6
Appearence: The cloak of leaves is a cape or shirt made of large jungle leaves of various reds, greens, and dark greens. The fetish
holds the spirit of a jungle trickster spirit.

Powers: The fetish allows the user to blend in with the surroundings, and each success on the activation roll = +1 to the difficulty to
spot the user. The leaves never wilt, and always look fresh. Once per week the user must cut one of the leaves off the shirt and plant it
in the ground and sacrifice something to the leaf, so that the plant that gave it's spirit for the cloak will repropagate itself. If the user fails
to do this, the cloak will appear to die, and in one weeks time the cloak will die, becoming useless. The cloak has a secondary aspect
of providing one level of armor to the wearer.

The Coat of Jerry

By Brad

This is a completely normal-looking trenchcoat, but when worn and activated (difficulty 5 for Bone Gnawers and Glasswalkers, 9
for Red Talons and 7 for others), the wearer can pull quite literally anything from within it. The Storyteller sets the difficulty
depending, on what exactly you're trying to grab (e.g., bottle of water is 2 while a nuclear warhead would be 10).
While worn, the user must call everyone, "sir". This is a Bad Thing if you're around a bunch of Black Furies. The coat is also
addictive. The longer its worn, the harder it is to take off. To remove it requires a Willpower roll, base difficulty 5 + 1 for every
consecutive day its worn. A Willpower point can be used each day to negate the addition. After its been worn long enough, it can
only be removed by extreme force, and the ex-wearer will suffer a terrible withdrawal. The ST can be is mean as he wants when
handling this.

The Dreaded NO!

By Reynard Fox, (

Level Two Fetish

This is a A-O Fetish and is useful against other shapeshifters as well as some dragons and humans. The user has to command
loudly "NO!" and is more effective when followed by "BAD!" It will cause the offending person to immediately tuck tail and look
very contrite. It will last for three turns as long as the user keeps glaring at the offender.

The Karish
By Dorian Winter
Level 5
Gnosis 9
The Karish is a fetish in the shape of a large dagger, sharpened on both sides of the blade. It is made of a very hard blackish wood of
unknown origins, and its surface is absolutely smooth with no decoration at all.
The Karish does damage as a Grand Klaive, but in surplus, it is able to home in in the heart of a vampire, not only immobilizing her,
but killing her immediately, even an ancient one. There is no known way for the vampire to avoid being hit. However, the Karish can do
this only three times; The first time, it was used during the second turkish siege of Vienna in the year 1683. In the night of september
12th 1683, it was used by a polish Silver Fang to slay Sabahattin Pasha, a Ventrue antitribu elder of the fifth generation. Dying, the
polish knight presented the Karish to Vienna's Sept in the year 1702. The fetish is not mentioned until about 1750, when it was lost in
a battle against the Dancers.
The Karish came back to the Viennese Sept in the year 1947, when Leopold von Wolfsberg, a young Silver Fang Philodox, killed a
mighty Black Spiral Ahroun and took the fetish from him. Strangely, the dagger showed no trace of the Wyrm at all, so Leopold kept it
until the present day.
Sometimes in the spring of 1973, the Karish was used for the second time, when the "Tyrolean", a Bone Gnawer, killed a leading
Tremere Elder. From that day on, a very labile armistice was respected by both the Tremere and the Viennese Garou.
The Karish is still with Leopold, who is the present king of the protectorate of Cisleithania. In times of need, he will give the dagger to a
pack worthy of it, but will always ask that the weapon will be returned to him, used or not. The Fetish is never given to a specific Garou,
but to the whole pack. It then chooses the bearer itself, but it is not known through what standards, and its bond to Leopold never
disappears. It seems, that Shadow Lords or Get of Fenris are never chosen.
The Theurges of Vienna's Sept have never been able to determine the origin of the Fetish, because the mighty spirit that inhabits the
weapon refuses to communicate in any other way than to choose its bearer. But from a few hints the polish knight dropped, the spirit
was never bound to the dagger, but created it itself for unknown reasons of its own. (The "Tyrolean" reported, that the Karish radiated
a strong feeling of lust, the moment it struck the Tremere elder.).

Thorbolt Ion Pistol

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 4 Fetish


This oversized pistol fires lightning bolts. Each hit causes 3 health levels (not dice) of aggravated damage (soak difficulty 8).
This weapon also shorts electrical technology. Metal armor offers no protection from this weapon. Vampires also lose blood
points (blood is being ionized and thus destroyed) equal to the ammount of damage taken x 2. Enemies are also at +2
difficulties to all actions (their neural systems are fried) for 1 turn/damage taken. Firearm rules apply with successes to hit
adding to the dice of damage. The energy clip which holds a lightning elemental has 20 shots. The clip is a talen and muct be
recharged after each use. The Clip is recharged by binding an electricity or lightning elemental to it. The pistol comes with 3

By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes the form of a series of crow-feathers, strung together at the tips to make a short row. Several layers of these
rows of feathers thicken it out, and it is attached to the shoulder by a clip. An older version of this fetish was laced into the
Garou's fur or hair over the shoulder.

System: When clipped or bound into place and activated, the Garou spends a Gnosis point to receive, for one task only, a -1
difficulty modifier for an action requiring Mental Attributes. This fetish does not affect Willpower. Modelled after the two ravens of
Odin, Hugin and Munin ('Thought' and 'Memory'), these fetishes are rare simply because of their non-combat natures. Some
more fanatical Shadow Lords consider these fetishes an insult against Grandfather Thunder. Garou who constantly use this
fetish often find themselves incapable of thinking clearly without it (+2 difficulty modifier to and action requiring Mental Attributes).
Some Get Theurges wear this fetish, activated or no, to flatter Raven or Crow-spirits when dealing with them.

Spirit: A Crow or Raven-spirit is bound into this fetish to power it.

Tiger Guard
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This is a small pendant, brooch or some other accessory made of tiger's eye.

System: Tiger's eye is a stone that is said to have warding properties and as such the Silent Striders use it for their fetishes
occasionally to keep themselves and their Kinfolk safe on their wanderings. When worn and activated this fetish allows the
Garou to re-roll three rolls of any kind except Gnosis and soaking rolls per story. After the third use this fetish requires a single
night bathed in pure water in moonlight along with a piece of amethyst, which is a cleansing crystal.

Spirit: A Tiger spirit, Rabbit spirit or spirit relating to travel is bound into this fetish.

Tiger's Claws
By Ian Cunningham (

Level Four Fetish


This fetish is actually a pair of fetishes: two gloves. They look like ordinary leather gloves with the fingers cut out. There appears
to be a very faint fuzz over the leather and when seen in a proper light, appears to have tiger stripes.

When activated, these gloves merge with the users hands. The users' arms are covered with tiger fur (about up to the elbows
where they fade back to normal skin.) The gloves also sprout 3 claws (like Wolverine from the X-Men) The gloves bestow a +2
bonus to the user's Dexterity and +3 bonus to stealth. The gloves are a difficulty 6 to hit and inflict Str + 2 damage.

Totem Call
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish takes the form of a small, flat, circular stone with a hole through the middle. The stone must be natural -- the hole need
not be. Many of these fetishes have been prepared from riverstones -- spirits are unlikely to willingly enter one of these stones if
it has been mass-produced.

System: This fetish allows, upon activation, the Garou using it to summon her pack's Totem-spirit avatar anywhere in the
Tellurian instantly. This 'summons' is actually a request -- the avatar may not instantly respond. This fetish can only be used twice
a week, with the exception noted below.

Spirit: A spirit of communication or respect is bound into this fetish -- alternately a particular spirit-servant of any Totem may be
bound into the fetish, but this will limit the fetish's use to summoning the avatar of that spirit's Totem master. An avatar will not
respond if that Totem is not allied to the pack; if it is, this fetish can be used four times a week rather than two.

Tree Cloak
By Vladimir Drakul (

3 Trait Fetish


This cloak is a single twig bound by Garou hair. If activated and worn the wearer becomes, to all senses, a tree. The only
restriction to this is that the wearer must act like a tree (no speaking or extreme movement).

Trickster's Klaive
By Robert Herman (

Level Four Fetish


The Trickster's Klaive appears (to its owner, anyway) as a two-foot-long dagger. In combat (yes, this is where daggers are
usually used) it deals Strength + 2 damage, aggravated; it is made of steel, though, not silver, so Garou can soak it.
The Trickster's Klaive has two powers, both of which are always active. First, the Klaive does not "register" in people's minds as
a weapon. People will see it, and understand that the bearer is wearing a long piece of metal, but will not consider the bearer as
armed. This effect remains in place even if the bearer handles the klaive, but will be nullified if the weapon is actually brandished
threateningly, held to someone's throat, used to attack, etc.
Therefore, the weapon can be worn openly in public -- in a restaurant or even a bank. Although a metal detector will certainly go
off, the bearer can usually explain the weapon as "just a tool I carry around." A possible exception is when security is specifically
checking for blades of a certain length; in this case, the weapon will not be permitted through.
The second function works only in combat. When fighting, the wounds delivered with the klaive go unnoticed. Those struck will
realize they have been hit, but will not know how badly damaged they actually are until they take a full turn (or make a Wits +
Medicine roll, difficulty 7, as part of a split dice pool) to examine their wounds. However, they also don't suffer wound penalties
until this time. Further, the bearer will generally not be considered a "threat" in combat -- she will often be attacked only if she is
the only convenient target.
Those who know about the particular klaive in question will not be affected. Those who have heard of or seen such blades, but
do not know about the klaive in question, are still affected.
If the weapon is out of PC hands, they usually do not get a roll to detect it. Simply casually mention that the NPC is "carrying a
Swiss Army knife on his belt loop," "fiddles with something in his pocket," or whatever. As soon as a PC figures out what is
going on, he is immediately unaffected by the klaive in question.

True Dreamcatcher
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish looks like any other dreamcatcher, except that it must be made from completely natural materials and must, in some
way, represent the spirit bound into it.

System: When activated, the Garou using this fetish meditates for at least one hour before going to sleep. It must be hung
above the sleeper's head in a place where the rising sun will strike it. This fetish allows the Garou a full night's sleep, undisturbed
by bad dreams. Any Banes that may want to infect this Garou while she sleeps under the protection of the Dreamcatcher must
roll its Gnosis against a difficulty of (4+ number of hours the Garou has meditated that night, maximum difficulty of 9) or be
caught in the dreamcatcher's web; this Bane will 'evaporate' (i.e., be forced to Reform) when the sun touches it. Until the sun
touches it in this way it is immune to harm and cannot escape unless the dreamcatcher is destroyed.

Spirit: A spirit of protection or sleep is bound into this fetish.

TV Tells All
By Ellerby (

Level 2 Fetish


This is a large, gleaming TV antenna. When attached to a TV, a Garou may make an activation roll and ask some question of
the spirits in the fetish, and the TV will immediately switch to a mystical channel that is only receivable with the use of this fetish,
or possibly through the Cyberrealm. It will have a hidden message, somehow related to the user's question, but will require an
Intelligence + Enigmas roll, difficulty 8 minus # of successes on activation, to decipher. Adjust this difficulty according to the
secrecy or complexity of the question.

The Ugly Stick

By Erik Bridge (

Level Two Fetish


Invented by a deranged Bone Gnawer Theurge, the Ugly Stick causes the victim's appearance to become, well, ugly. For every
success on the activation roll the difficulty on all social rolls increase on a one for one basis. For the effect to work the character
must hit the intended victim with the Ugly Stick.
The duration is determined by the character's Gnosis.
1 15 seconds (3 turns)
2 30 seconds (6 turns)
3 1 minute (12 turns)
4 2 minutes (24 turns)
5 1 hour (1 scene)
6 2 hours (2 scenes)
7 8 hours (1 night)
8 24 hours (1 day)
9 One week
10 Permanent
For example, Bobby the Bone Gnawer is mad at Sussane the Silver Fang. So, Bobby hits Sussane with his Ugly Stick. He rolls
activation and gets 3 successes, and his Gnosis is 5. So for one hour or scene, whichever comes first, Sussanes Difficultly for
all social roll is at +3)
A Trickster spirit or a Rat spirit must be bound to create this fetish.

By Vladimir Drakul (


Fetish points

This is a net that has an earth spirit bound to it in such a way that it sinks into the ground when laid flat and triggered. When
stepped over, however, the net flies upward to a height of five feet above the ground then drops, encasing its subject. The net will
function until escaped from or triggered to release its subject. It can be cut as normal unless made of a special material. It must,
however, be made of some sort of rope-like material (there's no point in a silver net that cannot encase anything).

Unerring Compass
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This fetish appears as a normal compass, of the red-and-white needle and hardened plastic case variety.

System: When activated this compass, oddly enough, acts as a compass. The needle points to the north in all cases and
cannot be swayed by magnetism, large metal objects, supernatural means or indeed by anything short of destroying the fetish

Spirit: A spirit related to travelling is bound into this fetish.

Vegetable's Bane
By Steven Markley (

Level One Fetish


This fetish is a butter knife with a Herbicide-spirit bound into it, and with it the Diablo can cause Aggravated damage to plants.
This helps them combat the hated Sprouts.

Veil of the Changing Breed

By Kimberlee Simmons (

Author's Note
My thanks and appriciation go to Sue Armstrong and John C. Johnston for answering my plea on the werewolf-l for ratings this
Fetish (I'm a newbie, and awful at it).

Gnosis 8


This is a small moonstone cabachon cut, but cut in the shape of a crescent moon. It is about 1" long and is ringed in white gold
with a white gold chain (suitable for a man or a woman). Within lies both Chimerling and a Lune. This Fetish allows a being of
one Bete to appear to be of another Bete. The form taken must be named properly ("Cat Folk" would not work, but "Bastet"
would; "Garou" is the proper word, not "Werewolf". etc...). This illusion works for all senses, but it is not actual. Roll Manipulation
+ Occult Difficulty 7 for most Bete to assume the desired form, plus the expenditure of a Gnosis point (temporary). If one of the
Bete that is being imitated examines the character closely, looking for "anything odd," the character must roll the Gnosis of the
Fetish to not be discovered. If the examining Bete makes a successful roll when checking the character out, but the character
made the Gnosis roll, he noticed the fetish's presence,.but may not know what it is ("You notice nothing unusual about the man,
but an odd pendant catches your eye..."). If the character fails the Gnosis roll, the examining Bete discovers the charade no
matter what they roll in observance. If the character botches the Gnosis roll, the moonstone cracks and the spirits are released.

Visual Scanner
By gothic_dead_man (

Level Five Fetish


This is a headpiece that has an ear cover and a lens that fits over the eye. This fetish allows the wearer to gauge a person's
relative strength.

System: Make an activation roll (difficulty 8). Three successes are needed and it will give a video and audio read out. It senses
whether the opponent is Wyrm, Weaver, Wyld or other. It tells what kind of supernatural it is and gives a power level of 1-10, 1
being the lowest (neonate vampire, werewolf pup, weak fomori, etc) and 10 being the highest (elder vampire, 5 generation or
lower, rank 6 werewolf, ancient mummy, oracle, Nexus Crawler, etc.). This fetish contains an identification spirit.

Void Pack
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

This recently discovered fetish is resembles a normal purse, backpack, or even a fanny pack on the outside, but on the inside
there is a 10-by-20 meter room for storing things. Hell, you can even live in it. Nicknamed the "TARDIS Satchel."

Warhammer Railgun
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 4 Fetish


This weapon (often a firearm) is enchanted to hold an electricity spirit which accelerates bullets to very high speeds. The Railgun
use stats for normal firearms, but with range and damage increased by 50%. The damage is nonaggravated unless incendiary
rounds are used. Since the gun also has a container to house a lightning spirit, increase the mass of the gun by 50% as well.

Weapons of the Triat

By Claws Of Fire (

History of the Weapons

Before The War of Rage, a time of peace was at hand. When all within the Triat was balanced and good, the Garou nation,
keepers and protectors of Gaia, created the weapons of the Triat. These weapons, created to monitor the health and balance of
the Triat, soon became pawns of power during the War. The Garou Tribes responsible for the creation of them, the Black Furies,
the White Howlers, and the Glass Walkers, decided to separate the sentient artifacts, due to their ability to merge into a weapon
of apocalyptic power. Not much is known of the actual Garou who forged and bound them, except in rumor, that the three Garou
Theurges gave up part of their spirits to capture one part of each member of the Triat. What follows is a brief description of each
of the Weapons.

Weapon of the Wyld

This artifact was the first to be created in the trio. Its wielder has the ability to "feel" when the natural area around him has been
damaged (Perception + Primal Urge, difficulty varies). The wielder also can heal an area of land by using it with his/her blood
(Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty varies). This can also be used as a normal weapon. Against Wyrm-tainted creatures it gets a 2 difficulty to hit and +2 dice to damage. A part of the Wyld is bound to it along with the spirit of She-Who-Flies, a Rank 4 Fury
Theurge. Any Black Fury gains a -1 difficulty to use it. The design on the weapon is an ivy vine in green jade.

Weapon of the Weaver

This was the second created. The wielder is able to command simple machines with but a thought. This requires a Manipulation
+ Repair roll, difficulty varies. Any attempt to Sense Weaver is at -1 difficulty. To rend the step sideways, it is a -2 difficulty. Any
Weaver spirits in the vicinity will treat the wielder as they would the Weaver (Subterfuge + Charisma, difficulty 7). It contains part
of the Weaver and the Spirit of an unknown Glasswalker Theurge. The weapon takes on the appearance of computer hardware,
with a fluorescent glow. Damage is similar to The Weapon of the Wyld.

Weapon of the Wyrm

The Third and final part of the trio. Not much is known of this one. When wielded by Garou, the wielder must roll Willpower
(difficulty 8) to resist the call of the Wyrm. If successful, the wielder can then infiltrate a Black Spiral Hive or walk among banes,
for they would see him/her as a brother/sister. Any BSD wielding this particular weapon, gains a -2 difficulty to hit, a +3 dice to
damage when fighting any creature of Gaia. If it is Garou, add another +1 die for damage. Creatures of Gaia who attempt to use
this weapon take 3 health levels of aggravated damage, unless they are White Howlers. Any W.H. using the weapon, can
contest Willpower with it to control it. Part of the Wyrm and the Spirit of a White Howler Theurge is bound to it. However, the W.H.
Spirit has a split personality. The second personality is BSD. This appears as a twisted black metal thing that absorbs any form
of light. The designs on it are the twisted and tortured faces of Garou created in pure, black onyx.

This is the joined form of the three weapons. If any one weapon is more powerful than the others, it will exercise control over the
others, thus corrupting them. Ultima gets all the abilities of the separate weapons. To hit is -4 difficulty, damage is +5 dice. Any
Garou who are in its presence must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) in order to fight the wielder. If no successes, the affected
Garou cannot act for one turn. If botched, they must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to resist changing sides. There is only one
way to destroy Ultima, but the records have been lost for 3,000 years. Nobody but the descendents of the creators knows the

The White Howler


Level Five Fetish


This ancient blade is more than two thousand years old. Crafted in 344 B.C. by a weaponsmith from the MacPherson clan, this
weapon has withstood the ravages of both time and battle. For some reason, the blade has stayed in near-perfect condition all
these years. It has been handed down from father to eldest son for countless generations. When the Howlers entered the cave to
fight the Wyrm within, not all became tainted. Some fell in combat before the Wyrm had the chance to catch the Howlers in its
malevolent vortex. The fierce and proud spirits of the dead Howler warriors were ashamed of what became of their brethen, and
vowed to do all that they could to stop their evil kins attempts at destruction.
A Fianna Theurge named Jonathan MacPherson decided to imbue his family heirloom with the power of a spirit. His call to the
spirits were answered by thirty former Garou. They encircled Jon, but only one spoke. He told Jon his story, and demanded to be
bound into the sword. Without hesitating, Jon bound thirty spirits into this single blade. Forever after, the sword hungered for the
blood of the Wyrm.
The sword looks of Celtic make. It's about three feet long, with a sharp, slightly chipped blade. The handle is simple, yet elegant.
The hand guard is made of shimmering gold, in a wavy design that flows from one side of the blade to the other. A wrapping of
deerskin encompases the handle, and the bottom of the sword has a round design with a Celtic cross imbedded in the circular
stone design.

Whenever the sword is on a person, that person has a plus two bonus to Strength. This is granted after the first and only
attunement necessary to use this fetish. Any powers the user wishes to use do not need any Gnosis roll to activate. This blade
does damage of Strength plus nine. The last power this sword has is that it makes the user of it uncorruptable to minor taints of
the Wyrm. It is up to the Storyteller to decided what can and can't corrupt the user. The one drawback is that the user must make
a frenzy roll whenever he/she encounters a Black Spiral Dancer in Crinos form.

Storyteller Guidelines
I have a player with White Howler blood in him. He has this sword; he purchased 5 in Fetish Background. I just told him that he
has to try to redeem his lineage. Well, Storytellers feel free to use this wherever it fits in. Adjust it anyway you want to too.

Widow Globe
By Kioma Winterwolf (

Level One Fetish


This spherical bauble is a small spider, the deadly Black Widow, encased in a hard, clear substance like glass, crystal or
thermosetting plastic. It is popular amongst the Gothic-inclined Black Furies. The exact breed of this spider varies from continent
to continent; in Australia the spider used is the Redback. The breed is always extremely venomous and always small.

System: Almost the direct opposite of the Purity Charm, these two fetishes actually work very well when used together. When
activated and a Gnosis point spent, this fetish makes the Garou appear more attractive, in a dark and dangerous kind of way,
giving a -2 difficulty bonus to all rolls involving Seduction. Should the Garou mate with a member of the opposite sex she will feel
extremely homicidal afterwards, and will need to make a Rage roll at -1 difficulty to avoid a Berserk Frenzy. If used against each
other, the Widow Globe and the Purity Charm cancel each other out. If the activation roll for this fetish is botched the Garou
appears to look gaunt and repulsive, and very, very dangerous. The difficulty for all her Seduction rolls increase by +3 in this
case. Males can never use a Widow Globe.

Spirit: A Black Widow spirit, or appropriate spider-spirit, is bound into this fetish.

Winterfang Spear
By Sascha Kalouner

6 or 7

The Winterfang Spear does Strength+2 aggravated damage and unless the victim soaks all the damage it will reduce her
dexterity by one unless she spends a point of Gnosis.

Wyrmfang Dagger

Level 5 fetish


A prize to behold, the Wyrmfang Dagger is a knife made of the tooth of the wyrm that was stalking a group of Fianna. After four
of his brother garou had gotten killed by the creature, Ain MacBraun went on a hunt for vengance. He had matched the
wyrmcreature and both were battered to near death. In a last attempt, the creature flung Ain to the ground. This sent Ain into a
frenzy, violently destroying the wyrmcreature and taking its front fang as a spoil from his victory. When activated, the fetish incites
+3 combat rolls to the enemies who fail to roll a successful willpower, diff. 8.

Abyssmal Ball of Phlegm

By Steven Markley (

Level Three Diablo Gift

Chihuahuas have long been called asthma hounds, and by calling on this noble heritage a Diablo can cough forth loads of lung
gunk to entrap her foes. She spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Stamina + Spit, difficulty 8; lower the difficulty by one if the
Diablo is a heavy smoker or severely asthmatic, or by two if she is a heavily-smoking severe asthmatic. The victim must be
within ten yards or so of the Diablo. Each success reduces the target's Dexterity, Perception and Social die pools by one for a
scene as he is caught in thick, nasty mucus. This sick Gift is taught by a Sickness-spirit.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level Three Metis WereDuck Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, reduce the Delirium of all who view her for 1 hour. During this time the user speaks
with a slurred accent and must wear a sailor's hat. All humans who view the user will see the user as perfectly normal even
though he appears to be a giant duck.

Acidic Goo
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level Two Spirinan WereSparrow Gift

The user may burn holes in objects and opponents with its feces. A favored tactic is to sit on a telphone wire until a target walks
underneath. In battle a Spirinan can use this gift twice per day spraying to a distance of 10 ft.. Victims take 1 agg damage and
roll Stamina to avoid retching for 5 rounds minus their Willpower.

Ageless Wisdom
By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level One Gaalodi Gift

The Gaalodi can use the famed wisdom of his kind to answer any question. This gift is taught by a Tree or Tortoise spirit.

System: The Gaalodi rolls Intelligence + Enigma, difficulty is 8. Each success reduces the difficulty of the roll that required this
gift to be used.

Aid the Glade Children

By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level Five Vermin Gift

By spending 1 Gnosis point and letting out a high pitched squeal, the user can call forth the trees to separate his enemies from
him. The Gift can only be used while in wooded areas though. The wall made, will be vertically impassable by any means other
than climbing over it or burning it down. If the wall is set on fire, the trees will flee. This gift is taught by a Glade spirit.

By The Goddess (

Level Two Bubasti Gift

As the Garou Metis Gift Mental Speech, but range is increased with familiar people to 10 miles per success on th
Gnosis+empathy roll, difficulty 6.

All Under Sol's Gaze

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level Two Noonday WereGiraffe Gift

By expending a 5 Gnosis points, the user may view the world from the position of the sun in the sky. The user may adjust the
height of the view if she likes. This will allow the user to watch a city block, or a whole hemisphere if she likes. While doing this
the user must stand still. If she disturbed the gift is ends.

Alluring Glance
By The Goddess (

Level One Bubasti Gift

With a gaze and a smile, the Bubasti charms his target into being more favorably inclined towards him.

System: By rolling Manipulation+Charisma (difficulty of target's Willpower), the Bubasti gains +3 to Social rolls concerning that
target for the remainer of the scene.

Alter Gauntlet
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level One Far Swimmer Shen-entu gift

The Shen-entu spends 1 Gnosis point to lower the Gauntlet by one and 1 Rage to raise the Gauntlet by one.

System: The user rolls a die; if it comes up a "one" then the effect is reversed. If not, the effect is automatic.

Alter Land
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Three Entrus and Long Swimmer Shen-entu gift

The Shen-entu spends 1 Willpower or 1 Gnosis for every aspect of the land and every acre that he wishes to affect. This may
only be done to uncivilised only (Gauntlet less than 6 ) areas and the ecosysten is replaced by a new one mysteriously. This
takes one day (as amusing as trying this in combat would be).

System: The Etrus rolls Gnosis. For every success he may spend 1 Willpower or 1 Gnosis to alter the land. A botch indicates
that the land can not be altered for 3 years. It requires two successes to succeed.

Example: Hoodwink wants to alter his home island and make the inside two acres mountainous and give it a river from a natural
spring. This change is from the current flatland. Hoodwink wants to change 2 acres and 3 aspects (mountains, river bed, natural
spring). He rolls his Gnosis of 8 and gains 6 successes. Therefore, he can change the land in all 5 ways. Adult Mountain goats
will appear by next week.

Alter Realm
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Six Entrus Shen-entu gift

This gift changes a realm into whatever the user wishes. It takes a full turning of the moon to complete and an eclipse must fall
within that turning. This gift is taught by Gaia directly. So far the users couldn't get into Malfeas for long enough to do this.

System: The user spends all Gnosis and Rage at the end of the process.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDove: The Cooing

Level Four Eater of Souls WereDove Gift

By speaking with a victim, expending 3 Gnosis and winning a resisted Willpower roll the user may alter any 1 memory of the
victim. This can cause a supernatural victim to forget how to use a discipline, gift or sphere, or even to forget who and what he is.
After removing the memory the user may then add a memory of her choice. She may not add abilities. What may be removed is
decided by the ST.

By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Level 1 Children of A-O Gift

The target of this gift emits pheremones that cause both creatures of the target's breed and Bete of the opposite sex within a 50
meter radius want to mate with her. This is mostly used to distract enemies or play the ultimate practical joke.

System: User must spend 1 Gnosis and Willpower and roll Subterfuge+Empathy (Difficulty 5)

Ancestral Memory
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Five Croatan Gift

The Garou may ask his Ancestors a relevant question. For example: "Where did you lose your klaive?" or "How did you perform
this Rite?" Gnosis should be rolled to determine success, with the difficulty matching the weight of the question (finding a lost
klaive should be about 6 or 7, whereas learning a level 5 Rite should be diff. 10). A botch may have unpleasant repercussions
from the spirit world. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor spirit.

Animal Friend
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 2 gift

Spend a Gnosis point and roll Wits+Animal Ken. At least two successes are needed. The user can now change animal's
attitudes toward her. Hostile animals will become neutral; neutral will become friendly, and friendly will become positively

Animal Heart
By Tom Perdoni

Level 3 gift

The Garou is able to take the shape of an animal native to the area she uses the power in. The form taken must can be from a
large dog up to a stag. Belongings will only shift with the Garou if dedicated. The shift must be made from breed form. The
Garou can shift back to breed form at any time, but that ends the Gift, even if more time remains. The Garou spends 1 Gnosis,
and rolls Intelligence + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). Each success is 1 hour she may spend in the new form.

Any Thing
By Timothy Toner (, for the Mumblers camp.

Level 3 Gift

There is a common belief amongst those who accept the concept of magic as fact that names have power, and that to know the
name of an object confers power over that object. By subtly manipulating variations on that name, objects can be varied. Most
magic wielding creatures spend years researching the proper jumble of syllables to gain true mastery over reality.
Gnawers with this Gift effectively cut out the middleman. By babbling out a plethora of disparate dissonant and assonant
syllables, they try to evoke the effect of true name manipulation. There is no rhyme or reason. All they do is speak words, and
observe the effect it has on the target. No attempt is made to record the proper combination for future reference, since most
Gnawers think such actions diminish the flexibility of the Gift.
To use the Gift, the Gnawer must create an image of the object in its changed state in her mind. After this is done, and
described beforehand in as much detail as possible, the Gnawer begins to talk about the object, and talk about changing the
object, and talk about the obstacles to changing the object. As before, this seems to be an audible babbling, but a casual
observer can pick up on the nature of the message (it seems to be about an object in the area. To notice that the object is
changing in accordance to the Gnawers words requires an Intelligence + Alertness roll, diff 8. Otherwise, a viewer notices no
change, and merely assumes the Gnawer is describing the existing object).
One of the more frustrating aspects of this Gift is that humanity has become far too complex in the way it views objects. Cars are
not cars; they are an agglomeration of disparate parts, consisting of tires, glass, a metal bodyframe, consisting of 4 doors,
which consists of...etc. Sometimes this complex outlook infects the Gnawer, and works against successful application of the
power. To avoid taking it all in, a Gnawer, as soon as the image is created, must convince himself that it is wholly one object. To
do this, he rolls Perception + Appropriate skill (diff 5). The appropriate skill depends on the object being changes, and to what
depth the character understands the object. Thus, to change something mechanical would take Mechanics. If the character
possesses no appropriate skill, Alertness is used. In any event, the full dice pool must be rolled. For every success scored, the
Gnawer must spend 1 point of Gnosis to change the object. Thus, ignorance of an object is bliss.
One way of avoiding this is merely to spend a single willpower point, gaining the necessary autosuccess. This indicates the
Gnawer is deeply focussed, and needs only spend one gnosis to create the effect.
Of course, the gnawer can choose to affect a smaller part of an object, in the hopes of simplifying the effect. In that case, the ST
must decide what level the difficulty of the Per+Skill roll should be raised to reflect the more general application. Thus, asking
that only a car engine would change would be a +1 diff, since everybody knows that an engine consists of a block, pistons,
plugs, oil, etc., while a car hood would probably be a +3, since it is such a simple object. Realize, however, that some basic
understanding of the object must be made (one success), or else the power does not function.
Once the gnosis is spent, the object starts changing in reference to the words spoken, and, more importantly, how they are
spoken. The Gnawer rolls Wits + Appropriate skill (see above) diff 7. The more successes gained, the more successful the
effect was.
Success Effect
Simple, minute changes in the overall composition of the object. Enough to make an owner doubt ownership of an
object. Scratches can be made or removed, finishes can be tarnished or buffed. Strictly cosmetic.
Color can be changed, as well as inducement or reduction of decay. The efficiency of the object can be raised or
lowered by 1 diff (gun works better or worse.
Objects can be reshaped at will, taking on new forms and patterns. Shapes will be rough, and someone will tell
immediately the change was not natural. However, a 2 ounce rubber ball remains 2 ounces of rubber, regardless. This
greatly enhances or diminishes the effectiveness of an object (+/- 2 diff to use)
The object becomes putty in the mind of the Gnawer. A block of brass, steel, and gunpowder becomes bullets.
Further, bullets in a gun will reduce to their composite parts in the clip. Objects changed take on a worked finish. Given
enough time to chatter, the Garou can change a mass of raw materials, and turn it into a VCR. An object can be
incredibly ravaged, taking on a +3 difficulty. Improving beyond -2 becomes difficult, unless the object was already
damaged. In that case, the maximum improvement is base diff of new object +2.
At this level, the Garou has tapped into the raw essence of the name, and can completely rename an object. Given
enough time to babble, anything is possible, from creating a loaded gun out of thin air, to turning a door into Big Macs.
However, something cannot be made from nothing. If something is made out of "thin air," there is a noticeable whump,
as air rushes in to replace the air which has become the object. As always, the more complex an object, the longer it
takes to fully describe it, and thus the longer it takes to form.
Living matter can be fashioned by use of this power, but because all thing have an inherent name that binds them to their state,

this first must be divined and defeated before the object can be manipulated. The Garou must first get 3 successes to learn the
name, then must reapply the power to gain control over the object. If the object moves out of line of sight, or drastically changes
state (taking 3 levels of damage counts) enough to warrant a "name" change, the Gnawer must start from scratch. All difficulty
penalties or bonuses are applied to all the rolls the creature makes.
How long does it take? Usually this is left to the storyteller, but a good rule is three minutes for each success. Remember that
this must be uninterrupted talking, and any interruptions halt the object at its current level of change.
The effect lasts until the next time the user's auspice shines in the heavens.

By Timothy Toner (, for the Rakkon tribe.

Level Two Rakkon Gift

By Spending a point of Gnosis and rolling Perception + Empathy, a Rakkon can estimate the value of an object given a specific
individual. For instance, if the Rakkon comes across a painting in a gallery by an unknown artist, and remembers a favor oved
her by her sept leader, she may spend a point of Gnosis, and make the roll to see how much the painting would mean to the
person in question. This is subconscious, meaning the subject does not know the appraisal is being done, but the Rakkon must
have engaged in a conversation with the target before the power can be used. It is also helpful when a Rakkon is confronted with
a hostile creature. A Rakkon can engage in a bit of subconscious 20 questions, to see what would make the hostile go away
(food, an item, etc.) Also, the gift is useful in determining bribes for homids. Difficulty is target's Willpower.

By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Two Gaalodi Gift

This gift is a sort of Partial Transformation. It allows the Gaalodi to assume a shape like that of a man turtle, however, it grants
more benefits than the Hispo or Terrapin forms. It is taught by a Turtle or Frog spirit.

System: The Gaalodi rolls Stamina + Primal Urge, difficulty is 10 minus Gnosis. If successful, the Gaalodi assumes the
aquatically adaptable form. All hair disappears, and the skin exudes a slippery film. (Grappling rolls are at a +2 difficulty) The
Gaalodi can swim at speeds exceeding 500 knots underwater, and 300 above water. Appearance is reduced to 1.

By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Two WereRhino Gift

With the expenditure of 2 Gnosis points, the user's skin becomes incredibly hard. All firearm attacks are at double damage. All
clawing or biting attacks can never do more than 1 damage. This lasts for 1 scene.

Armor of Blood
By Red Raptor ( for the Legion of the Malformed

Level One Philodox Legion of the Malformed Gift

The user may use 1 Gnosis and a blood point to create a skin of blood over his skin. This gives +2 health. Characters with blood
related Beast traits will frenzy at the site of this.

Armor of God
By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko for the Van Helsing Family

Level Five Van Helsing Gift

This gift cause the light of ones soul to show through causing aggravated burn marks to both self and vampires.

System: The character must make a faith roll vs. his enemy's Willpower with a 7 difficulty.

Armor of Seline
By The Goddess (

Level Two Bubasti Gift

As the Children of Gaia Gift Luna's Armor; the Gift manifests as a shimmer of a silvery corslet of scale armor.

Arrow Poison
By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Two Gaalodi Gift

This is one of the gifts that the Wyrm gave to the Gaalodi. It allows them to secrete a highly lethal poison from their skins. This gift
is taught by a Frog or Snake spirit.

System: The Gaalodi rolls Sta + Animal Ken to secrete the poison. the difficulty depends on the form.
Homid 8
Glabro 6
Crinos 4
Hispo 4
Terrapid 3
The poison is only effective for three rounds; after that, it is not deadly. It must be introduced directly into the body. Simple
contact will not suffice.

Artful Dodger
By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Three White Howler Gift

By spending 1 Gnosis and rolling Dexterity + Dodge, difficulty 7, the Garou becomes harder to hit in any type of combat. For
every two successes rolled, the difficulty to hit the Garou increases by 1 (to a maximum difficulty of 9). For example, the Garou
rolls and gets four successes, and his opponent fires a pistol at him at point blank range. The difficulty is now increased from 4
to 6 to hit. This gift is taught by the Weasel spirit.

Aset's Deception
By The Goddess (

Level One Bubasti Gift

Using earth and his own blood, the Bubasti creates a small creature to aid him, usually a cat, snake, large scarab, etc.

System: By expending a Gnosis point and mixing clay with a pint of his own blood, the Bubasti creates a small servant. This
creature is normal in every way (though it requires 1 Gnosis point per week to remain in existence), and can readily understand
its creator's commands. If killed, the Bubasti takes 1 level of unsoakable aggravated damage.

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level Two Homid WereGiraffe Gift

The user may, by watching any person for 1 hour, learn the language and social graces of that person's culture. If the user is
interrupted during this time, he must start over.

Attracting the Guppy

By Paul Harris ( for the Expanded Uktena Rules.

Level Two Gift

This gift is used to summon all the underwater animals nearby. Taught by a Water elemental.

System: The user must submerge any part of her body underwater and spend a Gnosis point. The user then rolls Cha+Animal
Ken dif 7 for still water and 8 for fast moving water including the Ocean. For each success the user attracts all the underwater life
in an area equal to the number of successes times 10. A minimum of three successes are required to attract animals and will
not change animals intentions so a hungry shark will still be hungry.

Aura of Shame
By Steven Markley (, for the McLeoud

Level Three McLeoud Gift

The weresheep can mystically track her father and, when appearing before him, reveal herself to be his child of sin. The
McLeoud spends a point of Willpower, rolls Charisma + Intimidation vs. 6 against the target's Willpower vs. 8; if the McLeoud
succeeds, the Garou will fall to his knees, weeping, knowing he's fallen in the eyes of Gaia and the tribe. The Garou will lose
permanant Renown and even Rank: 2 points of Glory, 3 points of Honor and 1 point of Wisdom. Bone Gnawers are immune to
this Renown loss, and Black Spiral Dancers would probably gain Renown.

Aura of the Sea

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Four Rokea Gift

This gift permanently binds a water elemental to the wereshark. Consequently, she no longer has to worry about drying out while
on land and she can naturally breathe air in all forms. In addition, no water elemental will attack her (except for those that the
Rokea attacks, and Wyrm-tainted ones will attack anything), and she suffers no damage or negative effect from any water-based
source (like whirlpools, severe water pressure, etc.)

Avatar of the Huntsman

By Derek Marcoux ( for the Masters of the Hunt.

Level Five Wild Hunt Gift

This ability allows you to house the spirit of the Huntsman Incarna, gaining all his powers, but losing your own for the duration.

System: Spend 2 gnosis points, then then roll against the Gauntlet rating. The Huntsman needs 5 successes and the effect lasts
24 hours.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDove: The Cooing

Level Two Eater of Souls WereDove Gift

By expending a Gnosis, the user becomes supernaturally beautiful. He gains 2 Appearance traits. All mortal opponents are at -2
against the user. Supernaturals are -1, but may expend a Willpower to ignore these effects. This gift lasts 1 scene.

Awe of the Heavens (Rank 3 Stargazer gift)

By Datawolf (
This gift is somewhat similar to the Children of Gaia Gift: Dazzle. The conditions of its use are somewhat more restricted, however,
and the extent of its effects on others is increased.
The Stargazer using this Gift (and all to be affected by it) must be standing under a clear night sky with at least a few stars visable
(meaning that it may not be useful in some major cities.) When invoked, all sentient beings within sight of the Garou will feel a nearly
irresistable urge to look upon the heavens, and in doing so will be struck with overwhelming awe at the immensity of the universe. This
is somewhat like living for years within a small house and suddenly being taken outside on a clear, starry night. The sky (regardless of
lighting conditions or local smog, so long as at least a handfull of stars are visable) will suddenly appear to be a perfectly clear window
into the universe, containing millions upon millions of stars, falling meteors, and stellar gasses normally only visable at observatories.
The sheer awe of its immensity, in comparason to ones proportionally small and ephemeral existence, will paralyze onlookers (who
will feel an almost physical weight upon then.) This Gift is taught only by Star-Spirits.
System: The Garou spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Cosmology at a difficulty of 8 (7 in wilderness settings where the sky
is extremely clear, 9 in large cities where the sky is masked by much lighting or smog.) Onlookers must succeed in a Willpower roll
(difficulty 7) or be paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to the user's successes. This Gift has no effect on Stargazers (even those
who have turned to the service of the Wyrm.)
This Gift was inspired by the incredible view of the sky from atop Blue Lake Mountain on a clear night four years ago.

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Splasher Werepenguin Gift

The user can, with a successful Manipulation + Appearence roll, cause all viewing him to stop and watch him in a stupified
manner. Victims can do nothing to harm the user and will say "Awww, how cute." often. This can be resisted with Willpower.

Bad Dog
By Steven Markley (

Level Four Diablo Gift

Through this illogical Gift the Diablo can gain the Skinos form's Strength and Stamina and the Pisspo's bite damage while in
Canine form by succeeding on a Wits + Uncivilized Urge roll, difficulty 8. This effect lasts for one scene. Yes, now you can have a
dog smaller than a house cat tip over cars and do obscene amounts of damage to unsuspecting enemies. This is taught by an

By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Five Gaalodi Gift

Same as the Black Spiral Dancer gift Balefire (found in the Werewolf sourcebook) However, it sticks onto the victim, and is even
harder to remove. Contrary to the BSD gift however, this was Gaia's way of corrupting something of the Wyrm's. It is not toxic
waste, but instead, it is very much pure, although incredibly hot. The sludge itself is an incandescent white, thus also marking the
victim as an easier target (-2 difficulty to all missile attacks) Also, if the creature is Wyrm tainted, the sludge deals double

Bambi's Mother
By Bejeir D. Brooks ( for the Deragos

Level 4 Deragos gift

2 Gnosis

This gift instills the feelings associated with watching Bambi's Mother die. It only affects Homid breeds. No Homid may attack
the Deragi unless 2 willpower are spent to stop this effect and a willpower roll is made versus a difficulty of 7. Additionally,
another willpower point must be spent, and a willpower roll is made at a difficulty of 7, in order for homids to stop defending teh
deragi who used teh gift.

Note: This is onle usable in gazelle, stag, or giant stag forms. GW and SF are susceptible to this and have a difficulty of 8. CoG
are incredibly susceptible and have a difficulty of 9. GF have a resistance and therefore a difficulty of 6. Fianna, Ratkin, Kitsune,
Mokole, Rokea and those aligned with Stag are immune.

Bane Injection
By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Five WereFlea Gift

The user can, by consuming a bane and then biting a victim, inject the bane directly into the person's bloodstream. The victim
must then make a Willpower roll to resist the bane's influence at diffculty 9. This is lowered to 8 for supernaturals. The victim will
need at least 3 successes or will be possesed and become a fomor.

Bane of the Road Cattle

By Steven Markley (

Level One Diablo Gift

The Diablo rolls Wits + Drive, difficulty 6. Each success adds one die to attack, dodge, damage and soak pools when dealing
with moving vehicles. Thus she can chase cars and bite tires with impunity. Experienced Diablo have taken on tractor trailers
and survived, albeit with brain damage. This is taught by a Roadkill-spirit ("Okay, this is what not to do...")

Banish the Moon's Bane

By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Five Ocelotl Gift

The Ocelotl may heal silver damage for others as with the level 1 Gift Lick Wounds. In addition, the Ocelotl has become immune
to silver's special damage.

System: As Lick Wounds for the healing aspect of the Gift, and in addition to that silver does only normal aggravated damage
to the Ocelotl, and does not cause Gnosis loss.

Banish Wyrm
By Kirk Brobson ( for the Red Paw tribe/camp

Level Three Red Paw Gift

With a command in the name of Gaia the Red Paw can send a Wyrm creature running in blind fear.

System: Roll Gnosis vs. target's Willpower. Each success will force the target to run blindly in fear. This can be resisted by
spending a number of Willpower equal to the the number of successes rolled.

Barrier of the Ka
By The Goddess (

Level Three Bubasti Gift

A mental shield forms in the Bubasti's mind, warding off foreign influences.

System: By expending a Gnosis point and rolling Intelligence+Stamina (difficulty 6), the Bubasti can shrug off mental attacks or
influences (including vampiric disciplines) for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.

Beady Eye of Doom

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level One Homid WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, by expending 1 Gnosis and rolling Charisma and Manipulation, cause an opponent to see him as a creature he
can not possibly best in combat. The victim will then flee in terror. The difficulty of resisting the effect depends on how many
successes the Karanga rolls.
Successes Roll to resist
Roll Willpower (Difficulty 5)
Roll Willpower (Difficulty 7)
Roll Willpower (Difficulty 9)
Spend a Willpower point and roll Willpower (Difficulty 9)
Spend a Willpower and a Rage point and roll Willpower (Difficulty 9)
Spend a Willpower and Rage point and roll Willpower (Difficulty 10)

Beak of Ice
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Protector Werepenguin Gift

The users beak becomes rigid and cold. The first opponent hit by the user becomes frozen in place. If the user can successfully
cause as many points of damage as the user has points of Stamina, the victim sustains 12 levels of aggravated shatter damage
as he is broken into thousands of fragments. If the victim survives the attack, it cannot be used against him for again for one tide.

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Three White Howler Gift

The Garou may frenzy at will (Berserk frenzy only). This gift is taught by a Wolverine spirit.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Four Salamander Camp Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

As the Garou dances wildly, chants a mantra to Shiva and pulls terrible expressions, a halo of red and silver fire surrounds her
body. She takes on a dark and terribly vengeful aspect and causes all witnessing her dance to flee in terror that can last for days.
Note that the Garou's compatriots are not immune unless they have taken Shiva as their totem! This Gift is taught by a spirit
servant of Shiva.

System: Burn a Gnosis point to activate the flames (sorry, bad pun) and roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 6). Those
gazing upon this tableau must roll Willpower (difficulty 9) or behave as "Panic" on the Delerium chart. Garou will Fox Frenzy. A
botch on this roll will render the victim Catatonic; a botch on the character's part will spark memories of when they learnt this Gift
and she will suffer Catatonic. This Gift works in any form, not just Crinos.

Also see: Firescape (level 2), Firedance (level 3), Wyldfire (level 5), Carnal Bonfire (level 6)

Big Fish
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Homid Werepenguin Gift

For a Willpower point and a successful Manipulation roll, the user can cause all listening to him to believe any one lie he tells.
Successes Magnitude of the Lie
It was 2 ft. long.
It was 5 ft long.
It was the size of a dolphin.
It was a killer whale.
It was a blue whale and I caught it all by myself on a 2 inch hook. I would have brought it home, but I wasn't hungry.
This can be resisted with a Willpower roll.

Bite of the Lion

By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level One White Howler Gift

The Garou spends 1 Rage point and for the rest of the scene his bite attack does Str + 2 damage. This gift is taught by the Lion

Biting the Veil

By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Three WereFlea Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis and biting the air, move to the Umbra.

By Shawn Arbuckle (

Level Five Player's Gift

Blah allows a player to convey an entire conversation in one word.

System: This level five gift will allow a player to to tell an NPC an entire conversation or all the info he got from another NPC.
Most players have this gift depending on DM's and whether or not other players were at the table and need to the info. To use
this gift the player need only say "Blah".

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level One Noonday WereGiraffe Gift

The user, may by expending 1 Gnosis point, raise the air temperature by 10 degrees in a 100 mile radius. This gift is most
effective during the summer when the African savanna is hot to begin with. This gift itself is not damaging, but can cause fires,
heat stroke and other heat-related effects.

Blazing Sun
By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level One Molocho WereKangaroo Gift

The user of this gift may expend 2 Gnosis to focus all of the sun's rays in a 1/4 mile radius on one spot (5' radius). Vampires
must make a Humanity roll to avoid waking in the unlighted area. This may only be used on a sunny cloudless day. Everything
within the circle of the sun's rays will take 5 aggravated fire damage. This gift takes 2 rounds to take effect and once a spot has
been picked it can not be moved. This gift may be used once per day.

By Kevin Winger ( for the Talla

Level One Talla Gift

So they might appear a natural part of the setting, the Talla can shift the type of rock in their Golem and Still forms to resemble
rock surrounding them. For example, all Talla are light gray in Golem and Still forms; this would look out of place a for a Still
sitting on a marble platform. So, the Talla blends his patterns and texture to the platform, making himself seem to be made of
marble. Spend 1 Earth Gnosis and role Wits + Performance (Difficulty 6). It is taught by a chameleon spirit.

Blessing of Lord Tiger

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level 4 Khan Gift

This gift is a 3 hour long ritual that changes a human (including mages) into a tiger, permanently. Mages can resist with Prime.

System: the Khan spends a permanent Gnosis point (can be regained with experience points) and cuts his palm with his own
claw. The blood is collected into a specially consecrated chalice and then poured onto the subject's chest in a shape of Khan
pictogram. The Khan rolls Wits+Primal Urge against a target number of 8.
Successes Effect
The target slowly changes; no additional benefits
The target changes and effectively becomes much younger (a 30 year old woman) will become a 1.5 year old young
tigress. Also, the target is now considered kinfolk with Pure Breed of 1.
As with 2 successes, but the tiger is a kinfolk with a Pure Breed of 2.
As with 2 successes, but the tiger is a kinfolk with a Pure Breed of 3.
As with 2 successes, but the tiger is a kinfolk with a Pure Breed of 4.
The Gift can be used next time when the moon is full.
The Khan is trapped in feline form for a month.
When this gift is used on human kinfolk, it is at -1 difficulty. Additionally, the difficulty decreases by one for each point of Pure
Breed the kinfolk possesses. This gift also clears the Kinfolk of all corruption. Kinfolk also keep their human intelligence when
they submit to this gift voluntarily. Refusal of this gift causes kinfolk to lose 5 honor renown. This gift is used with great care and
only after a potential target has been tested in every way for loyalty and purity.

Note: Khan consider using this gift a blessing and a reward for a target indeed; thus they never use it as punishment and never
use it on the unworthy. If the kinfolk is corrupted at the time, the khan's blood will burn through his body, killing him instantly. This
can be avoided if the kinfolk prays to Lord Tiger for forgiveness and cleansing before the ritual starts. If the kinfolk has
committed a serious transgression against the Khan (killed or helped kill a Khan or a kinfolk, despoiled a den realm, etc.) the gift
kills him slowly.

By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Two Metis WereFlea Gift

The user can, by biting a opponent and expending a Gnosis point, cause the victim to contract a blighting disease. This will
cause the victim to lose 1 point from Dex, Str and Sta each day it has it. This gift may only be cured by 3 rites of cleansing over 3
consecutive days. This gift will affect all supernatural creatures including the undead.

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Three North Wind Gift

The Corax can spend a point of Gnosis and negate her opponent's senses. The roll is Manipulation + Occult, difficulty of the
opponent's Stamina +2. For each success, the Corax can negate one sense. One success is sufficient to blind an opponent,
who loses at least three dice on all his actions. The exact effects are up to the Storyteller, but it should be obvious that many
successes will completely incapacitate her opponent.

Blizzard's Shards
By The Goddess ( for the Uncia.

Level Four Uncia Gift

This cunning Gift enables the Uncia to use his native enviroment against invaders -- the snow itself becomes a weapon.

System: By expending a Gnosis point, the Uncia forms the surrounding snow and ice into razor-sharp shards which inflict Str+2
aggrivated damage. to all caught in the 10' radius cloud around the Uncia.

Blood Lust
By Shawn Arbuckle (

Level 6 Ahroun Gift

A Garou with this gift can inspire other Garou in combat.

System: The Garou must be in the front line of combat for this gift to work. If he/she is not the attempt fails. By expending a
Gnosis point the Garou may attempt to inspire others, if he/she succeeds all Garou gain 2 dice to hit and Damage with firearms
(crossbows included) and 3 dice to melee and hand to hand combat for one scene. The Garou rolls Leadership+Manipulation
(difficulty, the highest willpower of all Garou to be affected) (Example: Three Garou to be affected have willpower 6, 5, and 7. The
difficulty will be 7)

Blood to Dust
By Kevin Harrison (

Level 5 Theurge

Spend 1 Gnosis and make a Gnosis (9) roll and every success turns one Blood Point a vampire has into dust; non-vampires
receive one health level aggravated damage for each success. This power can only br soaked with supernatural or psychic
powers, or possibly certain Thaumaturgical rituals.

Blood Brothers
By Bejeir D. Brooks (

Level 3 Ananasi gift

Bloodbrother is the same as a Vampiric Blod bond except: the victim can learn gifts instead of disciplines at lvl x5 (x7). The
victim lives as long as she has Ananasi Blood within her and victim reverts to natural life span. Ananasi can communicate with
the victim at any distance. The "Love" is not as strong, so there is a -1 to the difficulty to break bondage. The victim must roll
Stamina Vs. Difficulty 7 and soak 7 health levels if Ananasi blood stops running in her veins.

Blood Widows
By Bejeir D. Brooks (

Level Four Ananasi gift

Ananasi can cause blood to become 1 foot diameter Pithus form spiders of the same breed as the Ananasi. The Widows have
1/6 the attributes of the Lord's Pithus form (Note:health level considered an attribute), are Fanatically loyal and can hold up to 3
blood pts. They have one additional Health level per blood point. They automatically burn 1 blood point every day, and can drain
blood from victims. They can use gifts as their Lord and Mistress. Intelligence starts out as that of an animal and increases up to
the master's at a rate ranging from 1 point per month, to 1 point per decade, depending on the amount of time the Master
spends on instruction.

Body Barbs
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Four Lachna Gift

No one knows why the Lachna possess this gift. It doesn't make any sense for a squirrel to do this, but it still happens. The
character grows a pair of long spikes from each forearm (going either forward or backwards) that they can use to slash with. The
barbs appear to be made of bone, but are much sharper and tougher than that.

System: These barbs can be used for slashing attacks at Str +3 aggravated damage, and gifts such as Silver Claws and Razor
Claws effect them. The character spends 2 Rage and 1 Willpower and they become retractable, but available for the next three

Body of Sand
By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level One Digararoo WereKangaroo Gift

The user can expend 2 Gnosis to convert his body to sand for one scene. She can maintain Karanga shape while doing this. In
this form she takes no damage from cutting attacks and gunfire. She will take +2 damage from blunt blows such as punching.
The user may also instantly sink into the ground as long as she is in contact with sand or sandstone. She may move as normal
while doing this.

By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Level 5 Storm Rider gift

The Garou may transform themself into a lightning bolt. She may travel as fast as 300 mph.

System: The Garou spends 2 gnosis and 1 willpower. Then she must roll Stamina+Primal Urge to shift. She may attack this
way, causing 8 dice of aggravated damage. She will have no limbs and is nothing more than a lightning bolt.

Bones of Silver
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Four Bunyip Gift

The Garou may soak damage caused by silver, although it still deals aggravated damage. This gift is taught by a Lune.

By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level One Erinaceus Gift

The Erinaceus rolls his Gnosis diff:5. For each success he may add one dice of bite damage on any subsequent such roll. This
Gift lasts a whole scene.

Bottomless Stomach
By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level One WereFlea Gift

The user may consume as much as 10 blood traits in one meal. This may only be done in nosopso form. Any creature drained of
half its blood must make a Sta check or lose a temporary Sta trait. They will also feel very sick and will try to determine the cause
of their pain.

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level One Bhora WereKangaroo Gift

The user can by expending a temporary Strength point and jump a distance of 200 ft. per turn as many times as he likes until he
stops. This gift may be used twice per day or until the user has only 1 Strength. The user will attain a speed of sound in 6 turns if
this is used for travel.

Bowing Up
By Steven Markley (

Level Two Diablo Gift

You know how Chihuahuas and other small dogs try to threaten bigger dogs because they're too stupid to understand the
concept of relative size? Werechihuahuas are no different. Some have learned a neat little trick, however, that allows them to
share this delusion of grandeur with others. Roll Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty of the target's Willpower; if the roll is
successful the victim sees the Diablo become large, looming and scary, and she must spend a point of Willpower to not flee in
terror. Bowing Up can be used once per scene, and in conjunction with Foaming and Vibrating Eyes of Maddening Hate it can
really put the fear of God into somebody. This is taught by a Blowfish or Fraidy Cat-spirit.

Brain Wash
By Mariana M. P. Albuquerque ( for the Tseti

Level Four Tseti Gift

Ss the level two gift, I'm The Teacher, but in Brain Wash, the listeners need to make a willpower test or they start believing in
whatever the Tseti is saying.

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Five Breakers Kinfolk Gift

This is an extremely rare gift since most Kinfolk never make it to this Rank. The user spends a point of Gnosis and Willpower
and with a successful role of Manipulation+ Medicine, may completely wipe certain subjects from the target's mind by
comanding her to either forget or disbelieve them. "None of what you are about to see ever happened" is a completely valid
command as is "Forget you ever saw me."

Branches of Air
By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level Two High in the Tree WereSloth Gift

By expending a Gnosis point, a falling Choleopa can form the air under him into a branch to the nearest tree. This invisible
branch lasts until the user reaches the tree and then disappears.

Break Worlds
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Bodhivista Baku Gift

The Baku can shatter the strands that tie the layers of reality together, or break them down completely. He must spend 2 points
each of Willpower, Rage and Gnosis, Roll Str + Enigmas vs a 7, and slam his foot onto the area to be affected. He must choose
to either "smash the barrier" or "cleave the walls." Smashing the barrier decreases both the Gauntlet and Shroud in the area by
a number equal to the successes rolled. If either rating is reduced to zero, then travel between the mundane realm and the spirit
world is instantaneous and requires no effort from residents of either; spirits can manifest and wraiths can Embody without
power/ Pathos cost in the affected area. Cleaving the walls increases the Gauntlet and Shroud by one for every success in the
Str + Enigmas roll. If the resulting Gauntlet/ Shroud rating is 10, then all manifested or Embodied wraiths in the area are
immediately forced back into their respective spirit worlds, and all attempts to use spiritual effects (such as Gifts, Spirit Magick,
Spirit Thaumaturgy) have their difficulties increased by one. The Gauntlet and Shroud ratings will slowly return to normal,
recovering/ lowering by a point per hour. Tales go that Walks-Like-the-Mountain, a Shiva-turned-Bodhivista, used this Gift during
the War of Rage to disrupt and even destroy the caerns and den realms of his foes before he fell at the claws of the Simba Bon
Bhat Amuda-the-Sun-That-Scorches (who is supposedly a direct ancestor of Black Tooth.)

Breaking Gaia's Laws

By Ellerby (

Level Five Ragabash Gift

This amazing, and potent Gift makes Mages green with envy: The ability to break the laws of the Universe. Whether it be gravity,
thermodynamics, the action of lift on a pair of furry arms, the Trickster can turn the world helter-skelter.

System: Roll Gnosis, difficulty 10. The more successes, the more control, and the more severe the effects of the Gift are. There
is no set table; there are simply too many possibilities with this Gift.

Breaking the Bonds

By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level Two Erinaceus Gift

The Erinaceus rolls Gnosis diff:6. With each success he can give a rope or chain or any kind of bondage (ooo, kinky!) two
damage levels.

Breaking the Shadows

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level One Sunset WereGiraffe Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point, adjust the shadows around him. He must be standing in or on a shadow to do this.
This gift will allow the user to expand or contract the shadow as he likes. If the shadow is contracted light will fill the space. This
will happen even if light normally could not shine on the area. If the shadow is expanded it may be spread into areas that are
brightly lit as the by sun and will not become lighted.

Breaking Wind (AKA Cutting the Cheese)

By Thomas Jefferys (

Level Two Ragabash/Level Three Bone Gnawer Gift

"No need to raise a big stink over it."
-- Beanie-Weenie, Bone Gnawer Ragabash

The Garou may create a particularly stinky fart, somewhat reminicent of a rotting egg, but worse. This toot can be directed at his
foes and cause them to become violently ill from the smell, even Wyrm creatures. Some of the other Tribes and Auspices halfheartingly accuse possessors of this Gift to be consorting with the Wyrm. This Gift is taught by a Stinkbug spirit.

System: The Garou must eat baked beans (or similiarly gassy food) six to twelve hours before using this ability, and then during
this period, spend a Gnosis point to cut the cheese. To direct the fart, the Garou turns his hind-quarters to the targets and lets
go. He rolls Dexterity + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8; you are doing this ass-backwards!). Anyone hit by the stench loses two dice
from all actions and must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 5 + Garou's Stamina) to resist running as fast as possible away from
the Garou. A botch on this roll causes the poor sap to toss his cookies lose all actions for the rest of the scene. This Gift is
especially lethal (so to speak) within an enclosed space, as the entire volume becomes smelly with funk. Everyone save the
farter must roll to resist retching, but at -2 difficulty (it's diluted). The reek lasts for a scene, and is treated like Cutting Wind in
terms of range.

Breath Everlasting
By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level One Gaalodi Gift

This gift allows the Gaalodi to breathe underwater, and to hold his breath initially Stamina X 2 rounds before the additional rolls
must be made. This gift is taught by a Fish or Toad Spirit.

Breath of Life
By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level One Rokea Gift

Normally, Rokea who breathe fresh water lose two points of Stamina, as their physiology was designed for salt water. But once
this Gift is learned the wereshark can function in fresh water as well as salt water. In addition, he can breathe air in Squamus
form or breathe water in Homid form for a scene if he spends a Willpower point. This Gift does nothing to prevent the Rokea's
skin from drying out, however.

By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Two Sea Turtle Shen-entu gift

The user need not breathe for a day for every Gnosis spent in this way.

By Shane Duffy, for the Croagal tribe.
Level 1 Gift
Roll Manipulation + Enigmas, Diff. 6. If successful, target creature becomes blind for a turn. Each success = 1 turn opponent is blind.
Cost is 1 gnosis point.

Bring the Cows Home

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level One Homid WereCow Gift

The user can, by letting out a simple whistle, call all cows in a 5 mile radius to him. Cows cannot resist this. The whistle also
affects other creatures: oxen, horses, camels, elephants and any other hooved creature must roll Willpower (dif 3) to resist the

Bug Eyes
By Steven Markley ( for the Housefly totem

Level One Housefly Totem Gift

The Black Spiral Dancer can sprout two huge, insectoid eyes that cover most of her head, allowing her to double her Perception
rating for vision-based rolls. She can also gain a +1 to her Intimidation die pool under certain circumstances, as she is extemely
repulsive and scary-looking. The drawback to this Gift is the user becomes Appearance zero while the Gift is in effect; for many
Spiral metis, this isn't much of a problem. This Gift lasts for one scene or until the Garou wishes to end it. This Gift is taught by a

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level Two Bull WereCow Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis, become color blind to all colors except red. For the duration of combat he is -3 to hit
anything not red and +5 to hit anything red in color. While doing this the users eyes glow fire red and steam roles from out the
users mouth and ears. If the user stands still for more than 2 turns a train whistle sound will manifest as the steam builds up in the
bull. The user cannot attack anyone without pawing the ground in warning 3 times, or until a opponent runs in any direction.

Burning Blood
By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Three WereRhino Gift

The user, can by expending 3 Gnosis, cause her blood to boil and become acidic. All attackers who damage the user will take 2
aggravated damage each time they bite or claw the user.

By Tony Frisco for the Bunyip.

Level Four Gift

This is similar to the Lupus gift Gnaw, only the Garou uses both claws. Since the claws are used, the difficulty is one less. If this
power is used in combat, the Garou does an extra three damage dice in a claw attack.

Call Coatl
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Three Ocelotl Gift

Through the use of this Gift, an Ocelotl can petition a servant of Quetzalcoatl for a service.

System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Charisma+Rituals at difficulty 7, the Ocelotl can call a lesser coatl to perform
one service.

Stats: Willpower 7, Rage 3, Gnosis 10, Power 40

Charms: Airt Sense, Healing, Materialize, Break Reality, Create Wind, Lightning Bolts, Open Moon Bridge

Call Manannan
By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Level Five Lutran Gift

This Gift can only be used next to a river, or by the sea. The Lutran must sing a song to Manannan, which takes about twenty
minutes, and spend a point each of Gnosis and Rage. The Lutran then rolls Cha+Occult, diff 8. A single success will bring
Manannan to the Lutran. More successes simply bring him more quickly. He will arrive on his horse, and aid the Lutran as he
sees fit. For the characteristics of the Avatar so summoned, see Manannan Mac Lir totem.

Call of the Digeradoo

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level One Metis WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, by expending 3 Gnosis and chanting for one hour, call a sprit animal to help her. The spirit will do as its told, but
will not fight for the user. Possible animals are: koala, monitor lizard, kookaburra, wallaby, dingo or any Australian animal.

Call Spirit
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level One Theurge WerePony Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point, call a horse spirit to help him. This spirit will help the user in any way it is asked, but
will not fight for the user.

Call Thunder
By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Two Homid WereRhino Gift

The user can, for 5 Gnosis and a Willpower point, call a rainstorm. This will rage for 1 day per Rank of the user.

Call Water Spirit (Level 3)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Tlaloque tribe.
Similar to the Uktena Gift "Call the Flame Spirit," the Tlaloque can summon a water spirit from such small sources as her own spit. The
water elemental will perform a task for the Garou, such as exinguishing small fires (and fuses), shorting out electronic equipment,
soaking a bullet's gunpowder or making the floor slippery.

Calling the Spirit Herd

By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Bodhivista Baku Gift

By spending a point of Gnosis and rolling Cha + Animal Ken, the elder were-elephant can summon forth several a number of
spirit elephants equal the Gnosis in his pool. These spirits don't have to spend power to manifest; this potent Gift provides the
power. In times of war, the elephants will stay until defeated, dispelled or the combat is over. If summoned for a non-combative
purpose, they will stay for one scene. They will obey the summoner to the best of their ability. Each spirit elephant that is
defeated siphons a point of Gnosis from the Baku. Each elephant will have the following stats: Str 8, Dex 1, Sta 8, Per 2, Int 2,
Wit 2, Brawl 3, +2 soak, attacks as Hatii form, Health Levels: OK/ OK/ -1/ -1/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -5/ Dispelled.

Calling the Storm

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Learner Werepenguin Gift

For 3 Gnosis the user can call up a horrible icestorm. This will rage for 1 day per Gnosis of the user. The storm causes no
damage itself but will cut visibility to 10 ft and covers the ground with 5 inches of snow per day.

By Mike Showel, for the Leapus.

Level One Leapus Gift

This gift causes the^ Leapus to blend in with his surroundings. He can even do plaid. Roll^gnosis with a difficulty of 6. The
difficulty is raised to 7 if trying to do complexities such as plaid and argyle.

Carnal Bonfire
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Six Salamander Camp Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

A particularly Gifted Elder Silver Flame can erase the Ego of everyone present and merge them into a hive mind entity via a
primal psychotropic trance. The air thrums with heady rhythms, ambient light lowers and everyone glows with an eerie but
sensual red, gold and silver sheen; participants experience an incredible sense of kinship, awareness and communal bliss as
they dance, rub their bodies together and coalesce into a huge carnal bonfire. This Gift is a powerful ability and its use often
results in mortals Awakening and Kinfolk (and, very occasionally, Metis) being conceived; Ixstasia herself teaches this Gift to
only the worthiest members of her tribe. System: The Garou spends two Gnosis points and rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge,
difficulty 8 (6 if everyone present is willing). Three successes are needed to affect a roomful of people; five will affect everyone in
the building.

Also see: Firescape (level 2), Firedance (level 3), Bhairava (level 4), Wyldfire (level 5)

Casting to Tlalocan (Level 4)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Tlaloque tribe.
Tlalocan is the shard realm inhabited by Tlaloc; according to legend, all who die by drowning go there. By successfully rolling
Wits+Occult against a difficulty of 7, the Tlaloque can cause a level of aggravated damage per success by causing all liquids inside
her victim (saliva, blood, intestinal juices, sweat, tears, etc.) to choke and clog the organism. This attack is specialy dangerous to
Kindred, since they also lose a Blood Point along with the damage, as it's the very Blood that turns against the vampire. A side effect
of this gift is that it frees ghouls from their masters, if they haven't passed their point of death, they continue to live normally; if they
have, they die instantly.

By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Five Long Swimmer Shen-entu gift

The user spends 3 Gnosis and rolls Perception + Empathy (Difficulty 8). For 1 success he may cause a tremor, doing property
damage but killing no one. For 2 he may incite an active volcanoe, cause a flood or a 5 point quake. For 3 he may incite extinct
volcanoes cause, 7 point quakes or major floods. For 5 he could drop California into the ocean, create volcanoes from only a
small hill or cause a 9.9 quake.

Catfish's Whiskers
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Two Metis M'orsi Gift

This gift calls upon the help of brother catfish, to help the M'orsi better see the world around them. This gift increases the dice
pool of all perception based rolls by 1, and lowers the difficulty of all perception based rolls by 2. In homid and compleo forms,
whiskers do not appear, but on all other forms, the whiskers do appear, and do 1 hl of damage if touched.

System: Spend 2 gnosis to activate this gift. It works until it is shut off.

Cause Sleep
By Mariana M. P. Albuquerque ( for the Tseti

Level One Tseti Gift

This gift is stronger even than the Delerium a Tseti naturally causes. The Tseti talks and all his listeners must suceed in a
willpower test (difficult 10) or else fall asleep.

Center Self
By The Goddess ( for the Uncia.

Level Three Uncia Gift

Through meditation, the Uncia can regain lost Willpower, or even Gnosis.

System: By expending a Rage point and rolling Meditation+Empathy (difficulty 7), the Uncia may regain Willpower or Gnosis -but not both. Each success indicates one hour of meditation, and one point received.

By J.D. Simmons ( for the Salientians

Level One Salientian Aspect

The frog innately blends in with the background more easily.

System: Anyone trying to spot Frogs when they don't want to be seen is at +3 difficulty.

Charge of Rhinos
By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Six WereRhino Gift

The user can, by expending 6 Gnosis and 1 Willpower, create 9 copies of himself. These copies act in unison with the user. The
user may then charge any opponent. Opponents must make a Dex roll with 3 or more successes or will be trampled for 12 dice
of damage.

Charm of Axolotl (Level 3)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Tlaloque tribe.
By means of this Gift, the Garou can make herself look so desirable that her victim will come promptly to her and just stand looking. A
succesful Appearance+Empathy roll against the victim's Willpower will render the victim defenseless; all roll against her have -2
difficulty. The number of successes indicate how many turns this lasts. A Willpower point must be spent to maintain this fascination
from thereafter.

Chill of Frost
By The Goddess ( for the Uncia.

Level Two Uncia Gift

The Uncia using this Gift can exhale a spray of freezing mist, dealing fearful damage to his enemies.

System: As Dragonroar (Khan 4). Chill Of Frost doesn't deal out aggravated damage, but does Sta+3 dice of damage and may
freeze limbs (Storyteller's discretion).

Circle of Ice
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Learner Werepenguin Gift

The user can, for 5 Gnosis, summon an Ice spirit. The spirit will server the user in anyway the user asks for 1 month, but will not
kill itself or take any actions that would endanger it.

By Mike Showel, for the Leapus.

Levels One to Six Jones Leapus Gifts

Clairvoyance is the power of seeing a place without physically being there. The higher level gifts allow increasingly greater
Level Maximum Range
20 feet
100 yards
1000 yards
Between states
Everything within the Earth's orbit


By Peloquin ( for the Ghulon tribe

Level One Ghulon Gift

The Ghulon may use a set of foot-long claws in their Homid form. These claws may only be used in Homid, and cannot be used
as "extra" claws in any other form. Due to the nature of the claws, the Ghulon has a +1 difficulty on all Combat related Dexterity
rolls involving these claws.

Claw of the Fire Lords

By Tom Perdoni

Level Four Gift

The Garou summons a claw made of fire. This is treated just like the Garou's hands, in that it is controlled the same way, and
can even pick things up (though many items will melt or burn). The claw hits as a fist in combat, and all damage is aggravated.
Heat produced is similar to that of a bonfire. The ultimate in the fight against the leeches. The Garou must spend 1 Gnosis, and
rolls Stamina + Occult (difficulty 7). The hand lasts 1 turn per success.

Clear Thoughts
By Robert Herman (

Level One Homid, Ragabash, Philodox Gift

This Gift allows the Garou to think incredibly quickly. He can therefore make careful considerations and calculations in only a
second or two.

System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis. For the rest of the scene, he may accelerate his thought processes -- in one
second of real time, he can think for what seems like a minute. He may do this as many times as he wishes -- however, he
usually doesn't keep this constantly active, since he experiences a minute's fatigue in that single second.
Game effects include: he may carefully consider what he says in conversation without seeming to; Wits rolls difficulties are at -2,
and the Garou may substitute Intelligence if he wants to; he gets +1 dice to most Dex rolls.
This Gift is taught by a Fox spirit.

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level One Breakers Gift

The Breaker spends a Willpower point and sinks his claws into anything available. No force can move him until he is persuaded
to let go. He can make no attacks while like this. Only useable in Crinos, Hispo, or Lupus.

Closing the Path

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level Two Homid WereSloth Gift

The user can by, expending a Gnosis point, cause all plants around a trail he is traveling to close over the trail, blocking it off
after he passes.

Cold Rage
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level Two Khan Gift/Level Three Get of Fenris and Shadow Lords Gift
"Your Hatred has made you strong"
The Khan can gain strength and purpose by channeling his Rage and Hatred into a purpose, while maintaining a cool head
about himself. His Rage is focused into perfection of his techniques as well as resistance to pain, possession and mind attacks.

System: The Khan spends 1 Willpower and rolls his Rage (Difficulty: 12-Gnosis). For each success he gains one die to give to
his purpose. The difficulty is increased when used for non-perception mental tasks. The bonus lasts for a scene. Wound
penalties are lessened by one step. The user also gains +2 Soak dice. For the duration of the gift all empathy rolls by the Khan
are at +2 difficulty (as he is overwhelmed by his own rage). All empathy rolls on the Khan read a void absolutely lacking any kind
of emotion, just Rage and Will. All mental attacks against the Khan are at +2 difficulty and then are resisted with Willpower. If the
Khan botches he is sent into a Frenzy.
This gift is taught by Tiger, Smilodon, War, Darkness, Pain Spirits, Fenris or the Avatar of Grandfather Thunder himself. After
each use of the gift, roll Willpower, difficulty 4+ amount of times the gift has been used during the day. Failure adds +1 difficulty
to next uses of gift during this day as well as subsequent willpower roll. A Botch means that Khan becomes addicted to this gift
and the feeling of power it provides. The Khan can't pull his punches, and will always do full damage to the targets. Subdual
techniqes are not usable. (i.e. The Khan can't use an arm lock just to imobilise the foe; he can and will use it to rip ligaments,
muscles and break bones)

Colony Defenders
By for the Cockroach totem

Level Three Cockroach Totem Gift

Roll Gnosis Difficulty 7 and spend one Gnosis. By communicating with the Cockroach hive the WereSloth can summon the army.
The Cockroaches will attack the target getting, in the eyes and ears, biting and generally grossing out the victim. Due to all the
forementioned attacks the victim suffers a -3 to all dice pools for the rest of the scene.

Colt's Foot
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level One Ragabash WerePony Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and touching an opponent, remove a random supernatural power of the victim. This
will last for once scene. This gift may only be used during a new moon.

Command Homid
By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level Two Cow WereCow Gift

The user can, by expending 3 gnosis and winning a resisted Willpower roll, cause any non-Bovina homid to perform any one
farm activity. The victim will continue to do this as long as the user wants, even to the point that the victim collapses in
exhaustion. Typical activites are: milk cows, shovel manure, feed the animals, etc.

Communal of Hydros
By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Four Gaalodi Gift

This gift allows the Gaalodi to command any and all living things living in the water. To enact, the Gaalodi must place his hand
into the water, and concentrate for 1 turn. This gift is taught by an aquatic spirit. System: The Gaalodi spends one Willpower,
and rolls Charisma + Subterfuge. The number of successes is the length of time it takes for the creatures in range to arrive. They
will automatically understand the orders given to them, and carry them out to the best of their abilities. The range is one mile per
rank of the Gaalodi.

Constant Lift
By Mike Showel for the Sciuriy.

Level 3 Gift
This gift provides a constant pocket of flowing air under the gliding sciuriy, giving it constant lift. The sciuriy can thus fly
indefinitely, until it lands.

System: the Sciuriy rolls an occult + intelligence after chanting for an hour for the spirits of wind to come. The difficulty is 5. Two
successes are needed. Once finished the sciuriy can fly indefinitely and at speeds twice its normal glide rate for the particular
form its in.

By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Four Tortoise Shen-entu gift

The user spends two Gnosis and rolls Intelligence (Difficulty 5). For every success gained, the user has 1 extra temporary Rage
to spend only in this scene.

Control the Foe's Iron

By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level 2 Gift

This Gift is the same as the Glasswalker Gift control Simple Machine, but only applies to Firearms or Explosives. It will work on
an area of Metres equal to the Garou's Gnosis.

Control Friction
By Robert Herman (

Level One Glass Walker Gift

By using this gift, the Glass Walker can alter the friction of any surface or surfaces. While he cannot eliminate friction altogether,
he may reduce or increase it by a factor of 1000.

System: The Garou spends one Willpower point. He may then roll either his Intelligence + Science or his Wits + Science -- in
either case, the difficulty is 7. He gets one free success if he chooses the Intelligence roll.
If the Garou doesn't have as many successes as he would like, he may spend another Willpower point and roll again; the
difficulty is 8. Two more rolls may be made, with difficulties 9 and 10 respectively. A botch at any point means the Willpower is
The total area that can be affected is 2(successes) square feet.
The way the Garou must actually affect the area is determined by the roll he chose. If he made the Intelligence roll, he must run
his hands over the area to be affected. If he made the Wits roll, he must only concentrate for a number of turns equal to (1 + the
number of successes used). The surfaces of any number of objects can be affected, but the friction change must be the same for
The Gift ordinarily lasts for one scene. If, however, the Garou spends a point of Gnosis when the Gift is activated, the effect will
not expire -- however, ordinary wear will tend to normalize the friction over time (high-friction areas get smoothed, low-friction
areas may get sticky, get pitted, etc.)
This gift is usually taught by a plastic elemental, who will probably frown on the Gift being overused for sexual purposes.
Here's some examples of the use of this Gift, to get your creative juices flowing:
Fydor needs to climb a sheer brick building, and doesn't have the equipment to do it. He spends a Willpower point and
rolls his Intelligence + Science. He doesn't get any successes, but he still can cover two square feet of area. He rubs his
hands together, then across the soles of his shoes, increasing their friction by a factor of 100. Now able to use the gaps
between the bricks as handholds and footholds, he easily scales the wall.
Fydor is being chased through an office building by some fomori. As he turns a corner, he spends a Willpower point and
rolls his Wits + Science, getting 3 successes. He spends another point and gets 2 more -- enough for 32 square feet total.
Backing away from the corner, but still focusing on it, he minimizes the friction on the floor of the corner. After 6 turns of this
(fortunately, in Lupus form, he got a decent lead), the fomori hit the corner just as he finishes. Their feet shoot out from
under them as they go crashing into the wall. It takes them several minutes before they can recover their breath, become
untangled, and find a way off the section of slippery floor -- plenty of time for Fydor to escape.
Other thoughts: Doorknobs are almost impossible to use when they're slippery. You could give someone a horrible wedgie on a
water slide. You could lay a trap by using the Gift twice, maximizing the friction on your own shoes, then minimizing it on a
section of floor; only you could safely tun over that bit of floor. Weapons can be very difficult to hold or wield effectively. A bullet
might be made better than Teflon-coated -- it's almost completely frictionless! Surely there's many more.

Convert Blood
By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Two Homid WereFlea Gift

The user may, by expending 3 Gnosis points, cause any blood in its system to become any other blood type it has previously
consumed. They may turn garou blood to kindred blood (but not the blood of a specific kindred), etc.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDove: The Cooing

Level One Aves WereDove Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis and a Willpower, cause any target to become temporarily insane. The target immediately
gains the trait: Homicidal and will attempt to kill all around them. The victim may expend a Willpower each turn to resist this. The
insanity will last for 5 turns or until the victim has killed someone.

Corrupting Touch
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level Two Defiler WereSparrow Gift

The user of this gift must expend a permanent Gnosis trait and cut his victim. If successful, the user may steal a permanent
physical trait from the victim and add it to his own. A victim may resist this with a Sta roll (dif 8).

Coup de Grace
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Five White Howler Gift

The Garou may spend a Gnosis and roll Rage (diff. equals the target's current Health level +5). Any amount of successes
instantly kills the target. This Gift is taught by an Ancestor spirit.

Courage of the Lion

By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Four White Howler Gift

By spending a Willpower point and a Gnosis point, the Garou can make himself immune to any Gifts, Disciplines or Mage
Spheres which affect the mind through fear or madness. This is taught by the Lion spirit.

Crack the Egg

Level Five North Wind Corax Gift

By spending a Gnosis point, the Corax can crush an opponent's bones within his living body. A roll of Strength + Occult, difficulty
of the opponent's Stamina, is required. For each success the Corax inflicts one level of Aggravated damage to her opponent.
This damage can be soaked. This Gift is commonly accompanied by the Corax making a crushing motion with her fist, but the
gesture is not required. It can be used against spirits, but the difficulty becomes the spirit's Gnosis, and any damage inflicted
subtracts from the spirit's power.

Crafty Trunk
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level One Baku Gift

Once the Baku learns this Gift, he can use his trunk as dexterously as he could a hand. He can pick locks, paint and even flip

Create Alchemical Elements

By Diane Keating

Level Three Gift

This Gift creates the four Alchemical sub-elements of Ether, Sulphur, Salt and Mercury. Needless to say, all of these elements
are somewhat dangerous to handle, with two being outright poisonous and the other two slightly toxic. Also, Alchemy is more in
the region of Mages and the Garou will have to do some fancy talking if a Mage catches her at this. But, if she's friendly with
Mages (as in the case of Striders, Uktena, Children of Gaia), this Gift could make the wielding Garou a force to be reckoned
with. Mercury can be injected into veins by way of a claw vector, Ether could anesthetize a wounded character, making surgery
easier for a healer-type character, Sulphur is never amiss to a demolitions/pyro expert, and let's face it, popcorn just isn't any
good without a dash of salt...

System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Int+Occult (difficulty 8). One ounce per success owing to the specialized nature of the
element being created (besides, who wants to wrangle 100 cubic feet of Mercury?). This Gift is taught by an Alchemical spirit.

Create Crumbs
By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level Two Anasa WereDuck Gift

By expending a Gnosis point, the user can create enough food crumbs to feed 2 Anasa. This may be done once per day.

Create Oriental Elements

By Diane Keating

Level One Gift

This can be taken as an alternate to the classical Create Element gift by characters from the Far East, such as Hong Kong
Glass Walkers, Hakken Shadow Lords, Ainu Uktena and Stargazers. The elements that can be created are: Metal, Water,
Wood, Fire, Earth. Precious metals cannot be created, but the Garou can pick the metal (zinc, iron, bismuth, magnesium,
mercury, etc.) with two or more success; vocational Kindred hunters will no doubt find the Wood part most invaluable.

System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Int+Occult (difficulty 6). This Gift is taught by an Eastern animal spirit (such as Tiger,
Crane, Ox, Monkey, Dragon, et alia).

Create Periodic Element

By Diane Keating

Level Three Gift

This powerful Gift allows the Garou with a working knowledge of western chemistry to create elements from the Periodic Table
of Elements. Same restrictions apply: no precious metals or poisonous gases, nor Uranium can be created. Glass Walkers
have almost a monopoly on this one.

System: Spend a Gnosis point, and roll Int+Science (difficulty 7). 10ml of the element is created per success. This Gift is taught
by a Techno-elemental or Weaver spirit.

Create Tattvic Element

By Diane Keating

Level Five Gift

This is a rare Gift; generally only mystically-bent Garou from India, Tibet and Indonesia learn it. It is almost identical to the
classical four-element Create...Gift, but with one major exception: the inclusion of Akasha, the Element of Spirit. It is not so much
an autonomous Gift on its own rather than a mystical development of the Level One Gift. Using the Element of Akasha, the Garou
can make ephemera, invest talens, access the Akashic Records, animate inanimate objects and simple machines permanently,
restore health levels, perhaps even revivify the dead and moribund. Only the wisest and most valourous Garou are ever taught
this Gift: only a handful of Garou know it, the bulk of these being Stargazers, Children of Gaia and Silent Striders, in descending

System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Int+Occult (difficulty 8). If Akasha is created, the Garou can (per success):
Heal one health level.
Animate one inanimate object or simple machine for a scene (five successes permanently animates object)
Create one unit of ephemera, Tass or, rarely, Gnosis.
Invest one talen with Gnosis.
Revive the recently dead (no more than one hour old); requires expenditure of one permanent Gnosis; five successes
required and the subject will require healing or Mother's Touch -- all this does is reanimate her.
Awaken a spirit (spirit reaction rules apply). For a Gnosis point and a roll of Int+Meditation, the character can apply
Akasha to herself, and access the Akashic Records for divination purposes, soul-searching, discovery of deeply-buried
knowledge, investigation, etc. One question can be answered/condition investigated per success.
This Gift is taught by an Engling.

By J.D. Simmons ( for the Salientians

Level Two Salientian Aspect

This aspect allows the Frog to grow teeth, thereby allowing his tongue more use against bigger creatures.

System: Roll Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The teeth do Str +2 aggravated damage.

Crossing the Silver Veil

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Ahroun WerePony Gift

The user may, by expending 1 Gnosis, cross to the Umbra. By expending 1 more Gnosis the user can bring one other character
with her. This gift may only be used during the full moon.

Crossing the Yard

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level One Bull WereCow Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis and making a Dex roll, cross any field instantly. If the user fails he trips and falls on his
face, taking 1 damage.

Crossing Ways
Level One Silent Strider Gift

The explanation of how can the Striders meet in their endless travels is in this gift. It allows them to sense another Strider if she
is nearby.

System: The newcomer rolls Per+Enigmas difficulty 9, -1 per mark level (see below) if present. One success indicate to her that
another Strider is in the near area ("near" for a Strider mean several square kilometers, depending of the terrain); two gives her
the aproximate bearing; three the bearing and the distance; four the location of a 500 square meters area where the other
Strider is; five the exact point. Residents of an area or that frequent the same spots usually leave some kind of secret mark, in
the form of a grafitti, a landscape feature or even some architectural feature. Like a hieroglyphic, it will mean nothing to nonStriders (some grafitti are even at display in the NY MOMA museum) but its structure, size and colors will indicate to any
tribemate the name and meeting points of the writer.
The level makes the mark more perceptible to other Garou, but also more obvious to anybody. A two level mark can attract the
attention of other Garou, Gangrel leeches or Dreamspeaker mages, and a three level mark might be detected by werewolf
hunters or human investigators. Nobody has ever heard of four level markings, but a secretive Strider should be in very dire
circunstances to make such a risky move.
If there are no marks present, the gift manifests in a mystic way. The user just "knows" there is someone near, like in
"Highlander" or almost any John Woo movie.

Cry of the Direach (Level 4)

By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
There must be dire evil in the area and this power can only be used once per month. The garou may, by concentrating for an hour and
rolling Charisma+occult (vs TN9), may summon a Direach. A massive Scottish fae eagle. Treat as a power 30, gnosis 10 spirit with
silver claws, str 9 (dam 12 dice)and any four attack/defense gifts. If the summon roll is botched the garou cannot try again for a full

Curse of the First Sun (Level 5)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
Tezcatlipoca grants this Gift only to his priesthood, as it gives the Nahual the power to invoke the Gift that destroyed the First Sun.
With a succesful roll of Charisma+Occult against the Gauntlet and the expenditure of 3 Gnosis points, the Nahual calls a host of
Tezcatlipoca's horde; the roars can be heard in the physical world but they themsleves cannot be seen but from the Umbra, in which
they appear as a hellish mass of attacking jaguars. Any living thing caught in the spirits wake will suffer aggravated damage equal to
the Gnosis of the invoking Nahual in the form of savage slashes of invisible claws.

Curse of the Rabbit (Level 2)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
By rolling Manipulation+Medicine, the Nahual can impose a state of intoxication upon her victim; each success will reduce for the
remainder of the scene a point of Dexterity, Wits or Perception, whatever the Nahual chooses for that individual success. The difficulty
is the victim's Stamina+3.

Cursed Blood
By The Goddess (

Level Three Bubasti Gift

Through using this Gift, the Bubasti's blood becomes black and acidic, inflicting damage to all who come in contact with it.

System: By expending a Gnosis point and rolling Gnosis (difficulty 7), the Bubasti causes his blood to become foul, causing 1
level of aggravated damage per contact.

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 1 Gift

Roll Appearance+Performance diff. of the opponent's Rage. Each success subtracts one success from an opponent's
successes on an initiative roll. If the user attacks, the Gift immediately dissipates.

Dance of the Breeze

By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Five Ocelotl Gift

The Ocelotl gains the ability to teleport himself or other objects/people (weight limit of 200 lbs.) to a known destination.

System: By rolling Gnosis+Enigmas (difficulty 7), the Ocelotl may transport himself, objects, and/or others to any location known
and previously visited by the Ocelotl. An additional 100 lbs. may be carried for each extra Gnosis point spent.

Dance of the Harlequin (Level Two)

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
By spending 1 gnosis point and rolling Manipulation + Performance against difficulty 8, the Garou can cloak itself (forget
this him her stuff) in a cloud of colours. When the Garou moves this cloud swirls and shimmers with bright glittering
colours. When they are absolutely still it takes the colours of its surroundings though not the exact patterns (like the
Predators). This makes the Garou harder to see and harder to hit in combat as all that can be seems is a blurred cloud.
For each success (or possibly each two successes) increase the difficulty to see and attack by one, with a maximum of 9.

Dance of the Hedgepiggies

By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level One Erinaceus Gift

Same system as Hedgehog Song, but for each success the hedgehog may add one success to any roll during the same day.

By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level One Homid WereSparrow Gift

The user can spend a Gnosis and make a resisted Willpower roll against all viewing her. Any who fail are enraptured with her
beauty. They will take no actions towards her and will throw themselves in front of anyone who moves to attack her. The spell if
broken if the gift user makes any attack or is actually damaged by an attack. This gift may only be used in Homid form.

Deadly Tongue
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Salientians

Level Two Salientian Aspect

The Frog's tongue becomes a spiky ball, making it effectively a sentient and prehensile mace.

System: Spend a Rage point and roll Stamina + Medicine (difficulty 7). To use it, roll Dexterity + Brawl (difficulty 6); does
Strength +2 aggravated damage.

Death from Above

By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Three Lachna Gift

This gift can only be used while either Puffy Tail or Patagia is in effect. The character drops onto a target with unerring accuracy
and devastating force.

System: As per fall damage for the character, but fall damage +3 for the target. Creatures don't usually walk away from this.
Then again, many Lachna never walk away from this either. The targeting is automatic; only supernatural effects allow a target to
dodge. Normal humans or unexpecting targets may not dodge because who expects a giant squirrel to drop from the sky at 90

Decrease Age
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 4 gift

Spend Willpower and roll Man+Performance with a difficulty eight. Each success allows the user to decrease her apparent age
by ten years. The illusion can be seen through by rolling Per+Alert difficulty 10.

Defy Mictlan
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Six Ocelotl Gift

This potent and rare Gift allows the Ocelotl to bring someone back from the dead.

System: By rolling Perception+Stamina (difficulty 9) and expending a permanent Gnosis point, the Ocelotl can resurrect one
person; each success allows an additional decade of death to have elapsed.

Derringer's Boon
By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level 4 Gift

This Gift allows the Garou to utilise a form of the Invent Gift. The main difference is that this Gift only applies to firearms and
explosives. Also unlike Invent the creations of this Gift are not ramshackle concoctions but finished permanent Weapons.
Examples: completely silent revolvers, automatic pistols, submachine guns or hand grenades. The actual system, cost &
Difficulty is left to the Storyteller. Note: The Technocratic Union (Technocracy) takes particular interest in such futuristic creations,
which do not (unlike their inventions) cause Paradox (when used by the Garou). Therefore Garou with this gift and its products
can often find themselves receiving a visit from the Black Hats (Men in Black).

Diamond Scales
By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Two Rokea Gift

By spending a Gnosis Point and rolling Stamina + Survival against a difficulty of 7, the wereshark can add to a die to his soak
for each success rolled. Also, the Rokea's skin now causes Aggravated damage. These effects lasts for one scene.

Dolphin's Leap
By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level One Rokea Gift

By rolling Strength + Athletics, Diff 6, the Rokea can leap out of the water 5' for every success rolled. This Gift is immensely
useful for boarding ships.

By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level One Defiler WereSparrow Gift

The user can, by spending a Willpower and winning a resisted Willpower roll, can cause a victim to lose all purpose and fall into
a spiral of depression. The affects will last depending on the number of successes:
Successes Duration
1 hour
1 day
1 week
1 month
1 year
If this is used on bete it has the same effect as Harano.

Draw the Weeds

By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level One Vermin Gift

By spending a Gnosis point while in the woods or uncut areas, the character can draw the light of nearby weeds up to surround
his entire body, making him unseen. The character makes a Manipulation + Survival roll versus any viewers Perception +
Alertness. The success of this gift depends on the success generated by the roll as below. This gift is taught by a Mouse spirit.
Successes Area Hid
Just the Vermin
3 other human sized person
10 other human sized people
20 other human sized people
50 other human sized people

Drink 'em Under the Table

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level Two Homid WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis and a temporary Intelligence point, drink as much as she likes without effect . She will not
suffer effects of drunkenness and will not pass out or lose consciousness no matter how much she drinks.

Drop Burden
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Six Burden Bearer Shen-entu gift

The gift allowes the shen-entu to spend three Rage and drop an island into the sea, with Gaia's permision.

Dry Rot
By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level Five Dust Rider Gift

With this power, the Dust Rider calls the wrath of Salamander down upon an entire town. A day after the curse is muttered,
notable citizens fall ill with rare poisons in their blood. A week later, the wells go dry, and in another week the town begins to
collapse altogether, as wood rapidly rots and buildings crumble for no reason at all.

System: The player spends two Gnosis points and rolls his character's Willpower against a difficulty proportional to the size of
the town to be affected. A small, ramshackle town would be difficulty six, while a big city (as in New York big) would be difficulty
ten. The number of successes the player gets determines the extent of the damage. One success might make a couple
residents ill, while six successes would mean total destruction for the city.

Dry Spell
By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level One Homid WereRhino Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, go without water for 1 month. During this time the user may not drink anything or the
gift is canceled.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level Three Anasa WereDuck Gift

The user can, by expending 3 Gnosis and winning a resisted Willpower roll versus the victim, cause the victim to believe he is a
duck. The victim will quack, play in the water and beg for crumbs for 1 hour per success of the user.

Dust Devil (Level Two)

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.
As the Wendigo Gift of Cutting Wind, but brings up a hot wind laden with stinging sand particles. Make sure & incorporate the sand's
effects on the victim's eyes and suchlike. Causes damage to Metis with the Hairless disadvantage.

Earth Swim
By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Five Rokea Gift

Two Gnosis points and a Stamina + Survival roll verses difficulty 8 will allow the wereshark to swim through loose earth as if it
were water for one scene. The Rokea cannot swim through hard substances such as solid rock or concrete, and speed is halved
in rocky or gravelly soil. Substitute Strength for Dexterity to determine "swimming" speed and for Dexterity-based rolls. A form of
earth-sonar allows the wereshark to navigate the soil, avoiding rocks, buildings and other solid structures. The Rokea cannot
see where he is going while in the earth, but can feel vibrations of moving creatures with a Perception + Primal-Urge roll (prey
can avoid detection by standing completely still). The Rokea must swim close to the surface to navigate or detect prey, so his
dorsal fin will stick out like a sore thumb. Also, the Rokea would be wise to not stray far from the water: this Gift does not protect
him from the effects of drying out once the Gift duration expires.

Ease Pain
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level One East Wind Corax Gift

This Gift allows the Corax to confer the effects of the Gift: Resist Pain on another person. She must spend a Willpower point to
accomplish this, and must touch the victim. This Gift can only be used once per person per scene.

Echoes of the Sea

By Erik Robbins, for the Simo bete tribe.
Level Three Gift
The Simo have learned much from their cousins the whales. A Simo can use this Gift to send messages long distances underwater,
sometimes even across whole oceans! These messages need to be short, generally about a sentence in length. If the recipient is in
the same ocean as the sender, the message seeks him out unerringly. The Simo spends a Willpower point to make this happen.

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Two Rokea Gift

Another trick learned from Dolphin, this Gift functions as the Black Spiral Dancer Gift: Ears of the Bat, allowing the wereshark to
navigate using sonar. This defeats total darkness and the use of Gifts such as Inkcloud and Shroud.

Embrace of the Kraken

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Three Rokea Gift

By spending a Willpower Point and rolling Dexterity + Primal-Urge vs a difficulty of 8, the Rokea's arms or pectoral fins are
replaced by eight ten-foot long tentacles. They can club opponents (diff 5, Str non-Agg), but their main use is to constrict and
hold opponents. The difficulty to Grapple is reduced by two, and the Rokea adds five to his Strength for purposes of maintaining
his hold. Grappled prey take the Rokea's unmodified Strength in damage each turn; this damage can be soaked. Victims can
suffocate if they cannot free themselves, which is the fate of most who fall victim to this power. The tentacles granted by this Gift
remain as long as the Rokea desires.

Embrace the Darkness

By Paul Harris ( for the Shadow Folk

Level Five Black Spiral Dancer Gift

This gift is available only to Shadow folk and is only taught to a handful of Garou per generation. The user is able to tap into a
sort of mystical subconscious library, the very source of the assorted dark powers. The user opens a mental portal which only
she can see and then calls forth an entity at random which she may speak with. The entity answers any questions asked to the
best of its knowledge (which on average is pretty vast). And must carry out any orders given before returning to its "home". Many
powers can be learnt in this way and many jobs done. All questions must be specific and all orders must have a specific goal.
Such as "where does the Antedeluvian named Gangrel lay?" "Kill the President for me." "How can I find out about the path of
weather magic?". The entities are only too willing to obey and will act to the letter but must have locations and personal items of
people/things they must kill/do things to. Each window lasts five minutes. To open the window requires a Willpower roll (difficulty
8) and the calling is automatic. The entities will carry out their orders any way they see fit but will keep to their bond. Upon
learning this gift the user swears that in twelve years time he will teach this gift to a new Dancer and enter the "shadow library"
himself to become one of the entities for Eternity. Twelve years is quite a long time when the world is yours. Overuse of this gift
results in premature cancellation of the contract. On average once every few months is the most. Only someone who knows this
gift may teach it.

Empower Sword (Level 1)

By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
Allows a Skye Manes sword to do aggravated damage if one gnosis is spent.

Encrypt (Level Two)

By Dennis Payne
Encodes or decodes a writen message. Only writen messages are affected, electronic media cannot be encoded. Roll Intelligence +
Science (or Mathematics), difficulty six. The number of successes determines how well it was encrypted or deciphered. A botch
means the message can never be recovered.

Enter Dreamtime
By Tony Frisco for the Bunyip.

Level Five Gift

This is similar to the Silent Striders gift (Reach the Umbra), but it only allows travel to the Dreamtime. The Dreamtime is a fluid,
continuously changing place highly favored by the Wyld. Some believe it is the only place in the Near Umbra the Wyld will visit
and the place its power is greatest. This is why the Wyrm set out to destroy the Bunyip. Once in the Dreamtime, the Garou may
make a Intelligence+Enigmas roll to create anything his/her imagination can conceive. The difficulty is variable depending on
how complicated the object or objects are. The Storyteller may want to increase the difficulty if the character is creating more
than one object at one time.

Essence of the Hunt

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Three White Howler Gift

Once per day, the White Howler may consume part of an animal and run its blood through her hair and fur to gain one
appropriate physical trait (e.g., Dexterity from rabbits, Stamina from turtles, etc.) This effect lasts for 24 hours. This Gift is taught
by an Ancestor spirit.

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level Two Sunrise WereGiraffe Gift

The user may, by expending 2 Gnosis points, cause any liquid to evaporate instantly. This gift can evaporate up to 1000 cubic ft.
of water. This gift may also be used against living things. If used on a person, it causes the person's blood and body tissues to
lose 75% of their water. Mortal effected by this gift will automatically collapse from dehydration. Supernaturals must roll Stamina
or collapse. If they succeed they must drink within 5 minutes or roll again. If this gift is used against a vampire, it condenses the
blood giving it more potence instead of having a negative effect.

By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level One Nosopso WereFlea Gift

The user may by expending a Gnosis quadruple any one of its abilities or skills for one turn. Example: If used with Jumping 4 the
skill becomes 16 for 1 turn.

Eye of Fudd
By SlpStck ( for the Lepus

Level Five Lepus Gift

By spending a Gnosis point, the Lepus may lower the difficulty of any Firearms attack by one. Should the Lepus spend enough
Gnosis to take the difficulty down to 0, he automatically hits.

Eyes of the Breeze (Level Four)

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
By holding an object and marking on it a glyph the Garuo can then see concentrate on it and see what it can "see". The Garou must
concentrate for 10 minutes, spend two Gnosis points and a roll Perception + Occult with a target number dependant on the distance
the object is away from the Garou.
4 - Next room
5 - Next Building
6 - Next Block
7 - Same Neighbourhood
8 - Same City
9 - Same continent
10 - Anywhere
The number of success dictates how long the Garou can look through the object for and how well they can see. Each success is half
an hour.

Fading Light (Level 5)

By Dennis Payne
Metis Gift
This gift may only be used when the metis is about to die. Just before death the metis must bite or claw a kinfolk and activate the gift.
The gift causes the kinfolk to become a Garou. After activating this gift nothing can save the metis. The kinfolk's breed is its natural
form and its auspice is the current moon.

Faerie Allies
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Level 5 Children of A-O gift

If a Child of A-O has befriended Faeries at some point in her life, she can call upon them in times of need.

System The user spends a Gnosis point for each Faerie she wants to transport to the physical world. If the Faerie doesn't wish
to be there, she can just zap herself back to Tyr-Na-Nogth. Sometimes a Faerie doesn't appreciate being zapped into the
physical world (Maybe you caught her on the bog or in the shower) and she wreaks vengance on you. It's up to the storyteller
whether or not this situation will pop up.

False Speech
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level One Ocelotl Gift

The Ocelotl can create a ventriloquism effect, bafflng his opponents.

System: The Gift requires a Perception+Empathy roll at difficulty 5. Each success allows one snippet (30 seconds) of sound or

Fangs of the Winged Serpent (Level 4)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Ehecatl tribe.
By rolling Charisma+Occult against a difficulty equal to the Gauntlet, the Garou can summon a servant of Quetzalcoatl and orders it to
bite the victim's mind. For each success, the spirit reduces a point of all Mental attributes, starting with the lowest. The spirit will
remain coiled and will drain another point per week automatically; it will also prevent the gaining of experience. Only by exorcizing the
spirit or defeating it in Umbral combat can the points be regained ar a rate of 1 point daily.

Lesser Winged Serpent

Rage: 5
Gnosis: 8
Willpower: 6
Power: 40 +10 per die taken.
Charms: Airt Sense, Create Wind effects, Brainbite (5 points for a successful attack, drains one point of Mental attribute), Coil of
Ignorance (prevents learning, 5 points per week)

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level One Giraffea WereGiraffe Gift

With the expenditure of a Gnosis point, the user may watch everything in line of sight for 100 miles in a circle around him and
gain a +2 Perception for detecting movement. The user may not see through mountains, buildings and solid objects, but may
look through thick brush or any object with a hole in it.

Felling the Tree

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level One High in the Tree WereSloth Gift

The user can by, expending a Willpower, cause any branch to break under an opponent. When used from high in a tree the fall
can kill or damage an opponent.

Fence Leaper
By Steven Markley (, for the McLeoud

Level Four McLeoud Gift

The weresheep can spend a point of Gnosis and roll Manipulation + (can't think of an appicable Ability) to put a target to
sleep/torpor for one minute per success rolled. An illusionary bubble will float above the target, with smaller bubbles leading from
the sleeper's head to the bigger bubble; in this bubble, a series of sheep can be seen jumping a fence in single-file, and a
stream of Z's will issue forth from the sleeper's head.

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level One Bovid WereCow Gift

The user can, with the expenditure of 1 Gnosis, shoot a blast of fermented gas at opponents. This can be done from either end.
Opponents hit with the blast take 1 blunt damage and must roll Stamina or gag for 4 turns without taking any actions. This can be
done 3 times per day. The user can, for 3 Gnosis, use all 3 blasts in one hit. This does 3 blunt damage to one target and all
opponents within melee range all roll Sta or gag for 8 turns.

By Shiva (

Level Sixe Metis Gift

Author's Notes
My Bone Gnawer Metis (Galliard) is going on his rank 6 quest. Now before everyone starts moaning and griping about how rare
and or impossible rank 6 is, keep this in mind: I started playing Father George about 3 days after Werewolf was released at the
con. And have been playing the same character for almost 6 years now I think a rank a year is believable don't you? I won't bore
you with the details of his quest, though it involves Black Tooth, the endless storm, a .50 Cal Barret, 2,000 yards and a charmed
silver slug. But hell, who said I had to play fair? Anyway, should George survive this one he'll have enough permanent renown to
be Rank 6, and is going to go in front of his totem Bear (taken for the +3 medicine and not the extra dot of strength) and ask for
one thing . . .

As the name suggests, this gift makes a Metis fertile, granting him the benefit of being able to create children and enjoy his
grandchildren should he live that long. Extra benefits of this gift is that it doubles the likelihood that a Garou will be born with each
birth (making it 1 in 5 instead of 1 in 10). This change is permanent for the children as well, making the Garou's line more likely
to survive than any other.
This gift is only tought by Incarni of Healing, or by Gaia herself.

Fey Circle
By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Three Ban Saide Gift

The Garou can enchant a small patch of earth to create a fairy ring. Such an area captures and weakens those who attempt to
cross it, eventually bringing them into a magickally induced slumber. Some powerful Saide invested a bit of their own souls into
their Fey Circles to make their magick permanent. Such permanent fairy rings often grew strange flowers and toadstools as their
energy interacted with the local plant life. This gift must be learned from that rarest of creatures, a pooka sorcerer.

System: The Garou must trace a circle on the earth and spend two points of Gnosis (no roll is necessary). Any creature crossing
the enchanted ground must immediately make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If she fails she is captured in the circle and
immediately loses a point of temporary Willpower. It is possible to escape by collecting 6 successes in an extended Willpower
contest (difficulty 7), but each turn spent in the circle drains another point of temporary Willpower. At 0 Willpower the victim falls
asleep until the circle is broken with Cold Iron, its duration expires or someone drags her out of the ring. It is difficult to drag an
ally from the circle without entering it as well. A Perception + Occult (or Fairy Lore) roll (difficulty 7) is necessary to locate the
edges of a new circle. The circle remains enchanted until either sunrise or sunset, though it may last indefinitely if two points of
permanent Gnosis are spent when the circle is made. Strange plant life tends to sprout around old fairy rings. Observant
characters might avoid the circle altogether.

Find the Fray

By Amy Luther, for her revision of the Corax.

Level One North Wind Corax Gift

With a roll of Perception + Alertness, diff 6, the Corax can seek out battles with unerring precision, learning the location,
intensity, and participants of any conflicts within a 10 mile radius. A roll against difficulty 8 allows the Corax to pinpoint the site of
a past battle, and overcoming a 10 difficulty may allow the Corax knowledge of conflicts yet to come. The more successes
gained, the more the Corax learns about the fight.

Finger Gun
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level Two Homid WereSparrow Gift

The user can, by expending 1 Gnosis, consuming a penny and forming its hand into the shape of a gun, fire a pellet of copper at
a opponent. This will do 5d+3 damage to any opponent it strikes. This gift may be used twice per day. Other metals can also be
used for ammo.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Three Salamander Camp Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

The Garou can jump into a blazing fire and so long as she keeps moving, will be immune to burning for an amount of turns equal
to her successes. This Gift is taught by a Jaggling of Pyru.

System: The character rolls Willpower according to a variable difficulty and jumps in. The character must keep moving else she
suffers burn damage as normal. This Gift can be used to ward off sunburn and intense heat, but does not protect from shock
blasts, non-pyromantic explosions, etc.
Size of Fire
Torch or smaller
Bed of coals (low-temp burn)
Campfire (3' diameter)
Average mediaeval hearth (intense 6') 5
Crash Worship bonfire (explosive)
Burning house (total immersion, smoke) 7
Forest fire (total surround, smoke)
Blast furnace, nuke (concentrated)
9 (multiple successes needed)

Also see: Firescape (level 2), Bhairava (level 4), Wyldfire (level 5), Carnal Bonfire (level 6)

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Two Salamander Camp Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

The Garou can step sideways by way of the Flame Gate. This Gift is taught by Pyru.

System: The Garou spends a Gnosis point to raise the Flame Gate and attune her motion to it and rolls Gnosis versus a
variable difficulty. The Flame Gate burns the Gauntlet and thus the standard roll for entering the Umbra doesn't apply. Awakened
fire lowers the difficulty by one. A failure will inflict fire damage equivalent to the size of the fire; characters who Botch are burned
and cannot use the Flame Gate to step sideways for the rest of the session. A second person can be brought along for an extra
Gnosis point expenditure and increases the difficulty by 1. Note that the Penumbral reflection of an awakened fire will be
Size of Fire Difficulty
House fire 5
Conflagration 4

Also see: Firedance (level 3), Bhairava (level 4), Wyldfire (level 5), Carnal Bonfire (level 6)

Fist of the Spirit (Level Four)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
A battle gift developed to protect the message or the charges of the Wyld Runner. The Garou rolls Rage against a difficulty of 6 and
spends a Willpower point per attack (this is used to pierce the Gauntlet, as if she was stepping sideways). By using this gift, the Wyld
Runner strikes her enemy with her spirit body in the Umbra, while her physical body remains immobile; she can use all maneuvers
listed in the rulesbook and they make the same damage, but instead of basing it on Strength, its based on the Gnosis rating. To soak
the damage, the victim must make a roll with as many dice as the Gauntlet against a difficulty of the victim's own Willpower,
unconsciousness and fever result if this roll is botched.

Fists of the Golem

By Kevin Winger ( for the Talla

Level One Daemon Talla Gift

With this gift a Talla can turn his fists into clumps of solid rock. He can not hold any kind of weapon when using the gift.
Dammage is the same as if he were using a stone club. This gift can only be used in the Normal and Motion forms. it is taught by
an earth spirit. Spends a Fire Gnosis (Rage) point to enable the gift.

Flaming Sword
By Red Raptor ( for WereDove: The Cooing

Level Five Eater of Souls WereDove Gift

The user may, by expending 5 Gnosis, cause any 1-6 foot long object to become a brilliant flaming sword. This weapon does
str+4 aggravated damage. This gift lasts for one scene.

By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Level Four Lutran Gift

By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Wits + Survival, diff 8, the Lutran can cause a flood to strike in her vicinity. One success
will flood a basement, three will put a river into flood, flood out a street or create a small pond, while five will flood a lake or large

Fledgling's Promise
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Two East Wind Corax Gift

By spending a point of the appropriate type and rolling Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 7, the Corax can restore lost Willpower,
Gnosis, or Rage points to a target. For every two successes the target regains one point of the appropriate ability. The Corax
must touch the target, and this Gift can only be used once on each target per scene.

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level One Metis WereGiraffe Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, make her neck supple and quick. She may draw the neck back and strike at
opponents like a snake for bitting attacks. It takes the user 1 turn to prepare for this attack. Any opponent within 12 ft. of the user
can be attacked. This attack cannot be dodged unless the victim gets 3 more successes than the user.

Fluttering Spy
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Two Ocelotl Gift

The Ocelotl can call a small winged creature (generally a butterfly or small bird) to act as a means of information-gathering.

System: By rolling Empathy+Gnosis (difficulty 6), the Ocelotl may summon a creature. The animal will obey the Bastet's
commands to the best of its ability, and the Ocelotl may see through its eyes with a successful Perception roll (difficulty 5). The
Gift lasts for one scene.

By Steven Markley (

Level One Diablo Gift

With this Gift, the Diablo can slaver and foam at the mouth, and his eyes will become red and gummy. Combined with a Diablo's
ordinary behavior, he makes a convincing rabid animal and thus is even more threatening than usual. He rolls Stamina + Spit,
difficulty 7; each success adds one to the die pools of any Intimidation-based roll. Many a Diablo has been pursued by animal
control officers for reported use of this Gift, which is taught by a Spitbug or Washing Detergent-spirit.

Foe of Apep
By The Goddess (

Level Three Bubasti Gift

When this Gift is invoked, a double-curved blade materializes in the Bubasti's hand, dealing aggrivated damage to creatures of
Cahlash. System: By rolling Rage+Stamina and expending a Rage point, a balde is created which inflicts Str+2 damage, which
is aggravated for Cahlash's creatures. The blade remains for 1 scene.

Fool the Mind's Eye

By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level Two Dust Rider Gift

This power, taught by a rattlesnake spirit, makes the character blend in with the crowd so well that he is scarcely noticed. While
not invisible per se, the werewolf could not be recognized in a crowd as any features seem shrouded in shadow.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point to activate the power, which lasts 24 hours unless the user wishes otherwise.
Anyone trying to look directly at the werewolf must roll his or her Perception against a difficulty of 9.

Force of Nature
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Theurge WerePony Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, cause any one plant the user focuses on to grow to gigantic size. This takes 3 turns.
This gift may only be used during a crescent moon.

Form of Mist
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Ragabash WerePony Gift

By expending a Gnosis point, the user can convert his body to pure mist. The user then can only be damaged by fire attacks. He
may maintain mist form for 1 turn per physical trait he has. This gift may only be used during a new moon.

Fox Paws
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Level 3 Children of A-O Gift

The user of this gift can walk or run through any type terrain (Like a patch of dried leaves) without making a sound.

System: User spends 1 Gnosis, 2 willpower and rolls Subterfuge+Stealth (Difficulty 7).

Freezing Claws of Ice

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Metis Werepenguin Gift

By spending a Gnosis point, the user can cause her claws to become frozen solid. The next successful attack she does will be at
+2 aggravated cold damage. The victim then roles Stamina. If he does not get at least 2 successes he will lose a temporary Str
and Sta point from the cold in his body.

By Tony Grenander ( for Rage Revised

Level Five Ahroun Gift

The Garou can enter frenzy at will. The frenzy is not controlled, but it's not Wyrm tainted either.

System: Instead of making a Rage roll, the Garou can choose to activate this gift. The Garou must at least have 5 Temporary
Rage, and must spend one Willpower. The Garou enters frenzy at maximum level, and starts to decline the turn after, as he
normally would. He is not a "thrall of Wyrm", but is frenzied, and may not activate any more gifts.

Full Moon's Blessing

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level One Ahroun WerePony Gift

While the full moon is out the user of this gift may use gifts and Rage in the same turn.

Fur of Granite
By The Goddess ( for the Uncia.

Level Two Uncia Gift

The use of this Gift causes the Uncia's fur to become as hard as stone, warding off damage.

System: Through the expenditure of a Gnosis point, the Uncia's skin and fur become like granite, adding 3 dice to his soak pool
for the rest of the scene.

Furies' Talons
By Charles Lin (

Level five Black Fury Gift

The Black Furies use their Rage to reach out and strike back at those of the Wyrm, reaching to help those who need it.

System: With expenditure of a Gnosis point and a Willpower roll (diff. 8), the Garou can instantly shift her claws into long,
unbreakable, and twisted spears. For each success, the Garou can extend her claws by one foot in length. For each foot
increase in length, the difficulty of all claw attacks is decreased by 1, and the damage pool is increased by 1. Unfortunately,
these talons are more difficult to manuever, and the Garou must make stamina checks (difficulty 7) before every claw attack after
a number of attacks equal to 10 minus the number of successes on the Willpower roll. If the check fails, the difficulty of any claw
attacks increases by 1, and the difficulty of the next Stamina check is increased by 1. Also, the Storyteller should assign
appropriate penalties to any delicate hand manipulations during this time. Effect lasts for one scene.

Fury of Ice
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Homid Werepenguin Gift

For 4 Gnosis the user can call on the ice itself to smight its foes. The effects are up to the Storyteller.

Fury of the Tormented

By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Three Metis Shen-entu gift

The Metis channels his inner hatred by spending all of his Rage and Willpower to attack a Wyrm creature.

System: The Metis spends all of his Rage and Willpower, making him lose the wolf permanently. This does the number of points
spent times 3 damage to awwyrm creature, not a tainted creature (e.g., a vampire) not a corrupted creature (e.g., a fomor), but a
full blown Wyrm creature. This so far has killed all manner of Wyrm creatures, with the exception of the Friatic aspects of the
Wyrm or the Wyrm itself.

Gaia's Divine Gift

By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Level Five Gift

With a roll of Charisma+Occult difficulty 9 and spending one Gnosis point, the Borpygma may ask Gaia (the Storyteller) one
question for each success.

Gaia's Eye
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level One Bunyip Gift

The Garou may immediately discern the nature of the creature she sees, although this Gift will not detect the supernatural. For
example, if the Garou were to look at a Pooka in squirrel form, she would know it was a squirrel, but would not detect the Fae
nature of it. This Gift will work with just a sound or scent as well. This Gift is taught by the spirit of any predatory animal.

Gaia's Final Judgement

By Kirk Brobson ( for the Red Paw tribe/camp

With this gift the Garou performs a day long rite. At the end of it the target of the rite, normally a corpse, fomori, or Black Spiral is
forced to choose to either completely embrace the wyrm or to reject it. If they reject the wyrm they assume their natural Wyrm free
form. A vampire would become human again. A Black Spiral becomes a White Howler. A fomori a human. etc. If they embrace
the Wyrm the die because Wyrm is death and decay.

System: This rite is taxing on user and target alike. First the user make a stamina roll difficulty 8. Failure means she loses a
permanent stamina point if zero she dies. Then she must roll manipulation + rituals. The target difficulty is set by the strength of
the Wyrm taint, the stronger the easier. Then she must roll Gnosis (diff 7) and add the two amounts of successes. This number
must be higher than the target's willpower or the gift has failed and can never be use on that target again. Once this has worked
the target must roll his humanity. Difficulty is set by GM; the lower the humanity the higher the difficulty since evil is attracted to
Wyrm. If you make the roll you lose the wyrm taint and assume your natural form. (A vampire may still die if he is over 100 year
old). If you fail you have embraced the wyrm and you turn to rotting dust.

Gaia's Horn
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Ragabash WerePony Gift

This gift is only useable in crinos form. The user may, by touching an opponent with her horn, remove Wyrm taint from the
opponent. This will cause 3 aggravated damage to all Wyrm creatures.

Gaia's Howl of Vengeance

By Chris Catchpole ( (6 November 1995)
Level One White Howler Gift
The White Howler throws back her head and lets Gaia's anger surge through her vocal cords. All present must roll stamina (diff 7) or
be stunned for 5 rounds less the number of successes (i.e. 3 successess = 2 rounds stun); if a botch is rolled player is knocked
unconscious and takes the number of 1's rolled as damage. Alternatively if opposing Black spirals, their heads explode as they are
the main target of Gaia and the White howlerss vengeance). This requires the expenditure of 1 rage and 1 gnosis (to represent the
duality of the anger, and not to nbalance the game)

Gaia's Lance
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Ahroun WerePony Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis while the moon is full, gain an automatic success for all attacks against Wyrm creatures.

Gaia's Love
By Kirk Brobson ( for the Red Paw tribe/camp

With this gift no Wyrm powers will work with in 20 feet the Red Paw. The Wyrm spirits are not destroyed or run off. They simple
lay low. So Vampires that are wyrm tainted will lose all their supernatural powers and formori will assume a normal looking
appearance when with in 20 ft the user.

System: This power cost 1 gnosis to turn on and will last a scene. To resist its effect the wyrm must make Humanity or similar
roll versus the Gnosis roll of the Red Paw. This must be a conscious effect on the part of the wyrm tainted thing. If the wyrm has
no humanity it cannot resist this gift.

Gaia's Shield
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Philodox WerePony Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point and protecting any creature of Gaia, gain 10 health levels. The user may not initiate
any attack unless in self-defense or in defense of others. While using this gift, only half of the user will be visible. This gift may
only be used during a half moon.

Gaia's Steed
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Galliard WerePony Gift

The user may, by taking a rider of Gaia and expending a Gnosis point, travel at incedible speed. The user may run so fast he
become airborne if he assumes crinos form. This gift may only be used during a gibbous moon.

Gaia's Truthbond
By Robert Herman (

Level Five Philodox Gift

A Garou with this Gift has an incredible ability: He will always, infallibly, know the veracity of anything told to him. However, this
ability comes at a price; the Garou will himself be incapable of lying.

System: This Gift is always active! When any statement, spoken or written, is directed at the Garou (it may be directed at others
as well -- but the Garou has to be specifically included), he will instinctively and unerringly know if it is true or a lie. He may also,
sometimes, get an "indeterminate" result -- for instance, if the speaker is unsure of himself, or is simply repeating a message
and doesn't know if it is true or not. The statement has to be meant to be believed -- jokes and silly anecdotes, for instance, will
not show up as lies.
The Garou himself, however, becomes incapable of lying. The way this manifests depends on the character. Examples include:
The idea of lying simply never enters the character's mind; the character falls silent; the character inadvertently speaks the literal
truth; the character simply cannot finish his sentence (a la Liar Liar) -- there are other options, of course. Just as fictional stories
related to him do not count as lies, the Garou is still free to make up stories, as long as he's not trying to convince anyone they're
The Gift only applies to the literal truth. Both the Garou and those he listens to are free to tell half-truths, equivocate, or mislead,
so long as what they say is literally true. Of course a simple "Are you trying to mislead me?" question, while it may draw
suspicion, will clear up any doubt.
If the Garou wishes to temporarily be able to lie -- wants a "break" from the Gift -- he must make this decision under the waning
Philodox moon (third quarter). At this time, the truth-detection part of the Gift will not be operative, but the Garou will still be
unable to lie. Further, the Truth of Gaia gift will not function either! In one week -- under the new moon -- the Gift will become fully
"switched off". The Garou is again free to use Truth of Gaia, if he has it. The gift may be "switched on" again at any time (it takes
one minute), even during the time between the third quarter and new moons (the Garou will have to wait until the next third
quarter moon to try to switch off the Gift again).
The Gift may also be completely given up at any time. This must be done under the Garou's own will. This will probably result in a
loss of Wisdom and Honor, except in the most exceptional circumstances, and no spirit will teach the Garou this Gift again.
This gift is taught by a Falcon spirit or an avatar of Gaia.

Gauntlet Breaker
By Jason C. Marshalln (, for the Boyar bete tribe.

Level four gift

A roll of Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8) will crack the gauntlet open for travel through to the other side without need for a roll.

Gaze of Corruption
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Three North Wind Corax Gift

The Corax can negate an opponent's natural healing for the duration of one scene. To activate the gift, the Corax spends a
Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult, difficulty equal to the target's unmodified Stamina. On creatures with accelerated
healing abilities, like Garou, each of the Corax's successes negates the ability to regenerate one level of health damage.
Targets who are uninjured will fail to regenerate whatever damage they take later on in the remainder of the scene. This Gift can
only be used once per scene on any given opponent. If the Gift is used on creatures who do not regenerate (normal humans, for
instance), each success increases the target's healing time to the next level of damage. For example, if it's used on a human
who is Hurt, and the Corax scores three successes, the Storyteller counts three Health Levels down from Hurt and determines
that the human won't heal fully until three months have passed). The target must be held in the Corax's sight for one full turn
before this Gift can be activated.

By J.D. Simmons ( for the Salientians

Level Two Salientian Aspect

While many see this as a silly or pointless aspect, it has its uses. This aspect allows the Frog to grow a tail.

System: Roll Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The tail allows for a Str +1 attack and gives an additional 3 dice to balancerelated rolls.

Gift of Jabberjaw
By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe

Level Two Card Sharks Gift

This Gift was developed so the Rokea can run around on land and participate in all manner of hijinks without invoking the
Delirium. By spending a Willpower and rolling Charisma + Cartoon Lore, difficulty 7, the wereshark gains the benifits of Breath
of Life, plus her tailfin is strengthened enormously so she can run around on land as a shark. Rokea aren't the most coherent or
talkative of creatures, so this Gift allows the Rokea to talk clearly as any human for the purposes of exchanging witty banter. The
drawbacks to this Gift is the Rokea cannot shut up and she loses all her Rage (this is why Jabberjaw runs from enemies he
should be able to defeat). This Gift lasts for one scene, and is taught by a Hanna-Barbara spirit.

Gift of the Nahual (Level 4)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
The Nahual can transfer his soul to his nahual, an animal linked to her (chosen when creating the carachter). The Nahual must defeat
the Gauntlet with a Gnosis roll. When in her nahual, the Bete can use her Gifts with a +3 difficulty and cannot travel to the Umbra; she
assumes the animals Physical Attributes as well as Appearance and Manipulation, but retains Charisma and the Mental Attributes, as
well as all Abilities performable in her current body. Damage done to the nahual animal is damage done to the Nahual, even when she
doesn't inhabits it. 5 successes allow for an actual shapechange; the Nahual thus has no penalties whatsoever.

Gift of the Tailor

By Steven Markley (, for the McLeoud

Level Two McLeoud Gift

The McLeoud can mass produce wool, and use it to fashion simple garments; one point of Gnosis is spent, and the successes
determine the quality of the item. Stuff like buttons, cufflinks and zippers won't be provided by this Gift.
Successes Possible Items
Socks, simple blanket
Pull-over shirt, long johns
Button-up shirt, pants, heirloom blankets
Store-quality stuff
Old NavyTM Performance Fleece!

Gift of the Turtle

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Four Croatan Gift

The Garou receives two extra soak dice.

Gift of the Weeble

By Mike Hagger (

Level Three Ragabash Gift

Your character will never suffer from knockdown. Falling Touch will not work on him. He can still be knocked back, mind you.

System: Make a Willpower roll. Three or more successes will activate the gift the scene. Any extra successes can reduce
damage from falling. This gift can be taught by most toy spirits.

Gift of Tongues
By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Three Ban Saide Gift

A Garou with this Gift may speak the languages of both Garou and humans in any form. Yes, the wolf did talk to Little Red Riding
Hood. This gift is taught by an Ancestor-spirit.

System: The Garou may use any language he knows in any form. Normal humans tend to ignore talking animals whenever
possible, or will rationalize their behavior as caused by rogue ventriloquists or surgically implanted radios, though some cultures
may find this behavior only mildly surprising. This Gift becomes an innate ability to the Garou who learns it. She need not make
rolls or expend points.

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level One Sunrise WereGiraffe Gift

By expending a Gnosis point, the user can make herself glow and emit heat as the morning sun. Opponents are -3 to hit the user
in combat, but +2 for firearm attacks. Everything withing 30 ft. of the user will be heated to 120 degrees.

Glass Claws
By Robert Herman (

Level Two Glass Walker Gift

Using this Gift, the Garou transforms his claws into razor-sharp glass. Unfortunately, this also makes them more brittle.

System: The Garou spends a Willpower point and rolls his Dex + Science (difficulty 7). Claw damage is increased by +1 for
every two successes he rolls (round up). In addition, soak difficulties for the glass claws are increased by 1 no matter how many
successes are rolled. However, if the Garou botches an attack roll (or the roll for the Gift), the claws shatter and cannot be used
for the rest of the scene. Otherwise, the Gift lasts for one scene.
This Gift is taught by a glass elemental.

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Five Ban Saide Gift

The mists come to earth, and the veil between worlds becomes fuzzy at best. Use of The Gloaming reunifies the Spirit and
Material worlds for just a few moments. The two realms are superimposed on one another, each real and each perfectly visible
to both human and Garou (you may want to consult the Delirium tables for a typical Sleeper's reaction to this). Spirits may cross
between the realms, though they are often angry when the Gauntlet reforms behind them. This Gift is taught by Titania herself, to
her most beloved.

System: Roll Stamina + Enigmas (difficulty 9 (a +/- 1 modifier is appropriate in caerns or in strongholds of the Real World -shopping malls and so forth)). The Garou may elect to take aggravated damage to lower the difficulty of the roll by 1 for every two
health levels spent. For every success the duration of the Gift is extended: One success brings the worlds together for a single
turn, three successes for a few minutes, five successes for a full scene. Garou (and any being capable of Stepping Sideways)
may choose on which side of the Gauntlet they will remain when the Gift fades or when they leave the Gloaming's margins. All
other beings must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 8; if they fail the Storyteller may arbitrarily decide their ultimate spiritual
position. The boundaries of this Gift form a circle of roughly 500' radius, modified by natural and unnatural landmarks (a cottage,
city block or natural glen will all limit the Gloaming to a smaller area.)

Grab the Wylding Lines (Level Five)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
By rolling Gnosis against Gauntlet, the Garou is able to see and grab the minor ley lines that criss cross the planet. Willpower is spent
to achieve the following effects:

Hide Behind: the Wyld Runner hides behind a Line, disappearing from physical space, each success on the roll means 1 turn. Note
that she is _not_ in the Umbra either. 1 point.

Dance Around: the Garou can use the lines as support for any physical action: climbing, jumping, walking; each success is handled
as a normal success in the normal actions, the difference being that the Wyld Runner can climb a sheer surface by grabbing the lines,
use line after line to jump across a chasm, walk on the walls, etc. 2 points.

Move About: the Wyld Runner can Hide Behind a Line and come out frome another in the vicinity (around 200 meters.). She can also
use it to translocate only parts of herself, such as hiding her arm and making it come out near the switch of the alarm. Attacks are
possible. 3 points.
It's also possible to use Weaver Lines, such as computer connections and such, but the cost in Willpower is double, and a botch
means that the Garou is trapped in the Pattern Web until freed.

Grin of Innocence
By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level One Kookooba WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, by winning a resisted Willpower roll and grinning dumbly, cause his opponent to become a child for a short time.
The victim will lose all abilities, will not be able to stand and will have the mind of a child. This gift lasts one turn per success of
the user, or until the victim is attacked.

Guano Fire
By J.D. Pilling ( for the Chiropter

Level Three Vespertim Chiropter Gift

This gift works like the level four Bastet gift Spitfire, although it can only be directed at foes beneath or behind the Chiropter. The
Chiropter directs its concentrated and highly flammable excrement at its opponent and then uses its Rage to set it ablaze. This
gift cannot be used in Homid form. Use of this gift is vile to say the least.

Guidance of Gaia
By Tony Frisco for the Bunyip.

Level Two Gift

The Garou, by spending a Gnosis point and making a Gnosis roll against a difficulty of 6 in rural areas and 8 in urban areas. If
the roll succeeds, the Garou is directed, it almost seems by Gaia herself, to food, water, and safe shelter. If the roll is botched,
The Garou misinterprets Gaia's directions and heads to rotten food, poisoned water, and possibly Wyrm-inhabited shelter.

Hands of Gaia
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Theurge WerePony Gift

The user can, by expending 4 Gnosis, heal any damage done to one target by a Wyrm creature. This includes battle scars,
effects from balefire and vampiric disciplines. This gift may only be used during a crescent moon.

Hands of Health (Level 2)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Tlaloque tribe.
The Tlaloque have excelled in healing over the centuries, and the Hands of Health are an excellent proof. By succesfully rolling
Intelligence+Medicine, the Garou is able to heal any kind of wounds to any kind of creature; including vampires and herself, or rather
remove an illness. For wounds, the difficulty is the actual wound level+2, be it normal or aggravated. For illnesses, the difficulty is
judged by the ST ranging from 2 (a common cold) to 10 (AIDS). The numbre of successes determine the wound levels healed; the ST
must determine how many are needed to cure an illness. Note that a terminal disease should require a *lot* of successes, making the
use of this gift seem like a rite. 1 Gnosis point must be spent for every turn this Gift is used.

Hands of Man
By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level Two Erinaceus Gift

The hedgehog (in Erinus form) spends one Gnosis and rolls Stamina diff:6. One success is adequate and if successful his front
paws grow into tiny human arms. These function as well as if they were of normal size, and have a Strength of 1.

Hatred's Venom
By Ellerby ( for his Ananasi Expansion.

Fourth Level Sombar Ananasi Gift

Roll Manipulation + Empathy, difficulty of the target's Intelligence + Willpower. If it succeeds, the target will become withdrawn,
hostile, and unsociable for three days per success. Taught by a Hate-spirit.

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Two Ban Saide Gift

This gift infests a large area with minor magicks: floating lights, barely audible music, children's laughter, ghostly touches, "cold
spots," mysterious creatures at the edge of one's eye, the scent of perfume, and so forth. A fair number of "haunted woods" are
enchanted by the lingering remains of this Gift. This gift is taught by an Ancestor-Spirit or a Sluagh (a member of a dark and
gloomy clan of Changelings).

System: The Saide must spend a point of Gnosis and make three separate rolls, each with a difficulty equal to the local
Gauntlet. The first roll is a Wits + Enigmas roll to establish the borders of the spell (At most, a circle with a radius of 20'/success,
though artificial or natural borders -- the edge of a clearing, a picket fence or a cottage's walls, for example -- will restrict the
Gift's area.). The second check, Charisma + Intimidation, populates the infested area with ghostly little effects, one specific
effect/success. The Garou can define these effects, with the Storyteller's approval. The results of this gift can never cause harm,
but can only scare or distract. The third roll, Manipulation + Enigmas, establishes the Gift's duration (One success = a single
scene, 3 successes = a day. Five successes establishes the Gift permenantly.) If any of these rolls are failed or botched the gift
does not take effect.

Head Shot
By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level 3 Gift

This Gift allows the Garou, while facing off or sighting up, to access an enemy's must vulnerable area. This requires a Per +
Firearms. Diff = Enemy's Stamina. Success manifests in one of two ways: each success will negate a point of an enemy's
Armour (even supernatural armour) or every two successes grants an extra damage die.

Healing the Weaver's Children

By Ellerby (

Level Two Bone Gnawer and Glass Walker Gift

This gives an Urrah the power to repair Weaver objects. Using this Gift can get you in good with an Informational Geomid, or
bring down the wrath of Wyldlings. It has been rumored that it is usable on Weaver Spirits, but this has not yet been proven.

System: Roll Intelligence + Repair. Each success will heal the equivalent of one HL of damage to the object.

Health Sight (Level 2)

By John Lamber
Using this gift the Garou is able to see wounds, even if they are not obvious (such as diseases, psychic wounds, etc). The wounds will
appear different depending on the type, eg a psychic wound may appear as a black nothingness whereas a brain clot might appear
as a pulsing blood-red light etc. The garou rolls perception+empathy against a difficuly of 8 to see the wounds. A botch will result in
misleading information or no information at all (ie you no longer can sense those around you, etc). One success results in general
superficial info. being gained, 3 successes enable the garou to differentiate between different types of wounds and will give you a
sense of their true cause, on 5 successes the wounds true cause is known and some knowledge as to how to heal them can be
gleaned (this knowledge should not be too specific and may be able to be blocked by certain wyrm spirits - could also be an idea for a
botch ie the garou recieves misleading info. That might cause the 'patient' to become worse).
This gift costs a gnosis point to activate and lasts for 1 scene.

Heart of Stone
By The Goddess ( for the Uncia.

Level Three Uncia Gift

By using this Gift, the Uncia melds into the stone itself, sometimes for months on end. While melded, the Uncia requires neither
food, water nor warmth, though his mind is still fully awake.

Heavy Conscience
By Mariana M. P. Albuquerque ( for the Tseti

Level Three Tseti Gift

The Tseti makes someone believe that it is his duty to listen to him. If that someone flees from one of the Tseti speeches, he
feels really guilty. The effects of this particular gift tend to last a whole academic year, but it sometimes dissipates earlier.

Hedgehog Song
By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level One Erinaceus Gift

The Hedgehog rolls Performance + Manipulation diff:6, and spends a Gnosis. For each success he may lower the difficulties on
any Social rolls regarding any targets present, minimum difficulty 4.

Hell Knight
By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko for the Van Helsing Family

Level Three Van Helsing Gift

The werewolf can turn its body to rock hard armor for 4 turns, adding 3 points to Stamina.

Hell's Breath
By Dave Kahn ( for the Cerberus tribe.

Level Three Cerberus Gift

Legends tell of the fiery breath of a hell hound. The Black Furies are rumored to associate with hounds which can spout flame.
The Cerberus have been granted this gift by their totem. With this power, the Garou can shoot a gout of flame up to 15 feet

The Garou must spend 1 Rage point. To aim, he must roll Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). The attack inflicts three Health Levels
of aggravated damage, plus one Health Level for every two extra successes.

Heqa Surge
By The Goddess (

Level Two Bubasti Gift

Using this Gift, a Bubasti may convert his Rage into Gnosis.

System: Roll Wits+Enigmas, difficulty 8. Each Rage point becomes 1 Gnosis point.

Heqa Swipe
By The Goddess (

Level Four Bubasti Gift

By using this Gift, the Bubasti may actually steal Gnosis points, or even a vampire's Blood Points, from his target.

Syatem: By rolling Willpower+Manipulation (difficulty of the target's Willpower+2), the Bubasti can steal Gnosis at a rate of 1:1,
or Blood Points at a rate of 2:1 (Blood Points are instantly converted to Gnosis). One point is stolen for each success.

Here Fishy
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Hunter Werepenguin Gift

For 1 Gnosis the user can calm any creature for 1 turn per Willpower she has. Creatures of animal intelligence automatically do
nothing and will not defend themselves. Sentient creatures may resist by making a Willpower roll, difficulty 7.

Hide From Prying Eyes

By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level One Ocelotl Gift

Using this Gift the Ocelotl blends in with his enviroment, making himself nearly undetectable.

System: The expenditure of a Gnosis point allows the Ocelotl to mimic his surroundings like a master chameleon. A
Perception+Intelligence roll must be made at difficulty 8 to detect him. This effect lasts for 4 turns.


By Peloquin ( for the Ghulon tribe

Level Two Ghulon Gift

The wolverine rolls Stealth diff:7 and spends a Gnosis point. Until he moves again, or if someone accidentally or coincidentally
finds him, he is effectively invisible.

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level One Metis WerePony Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and winning a Willpower test, cause any opponent to be hobbled. The user may only
take small steps and may not run, giving a -3 Dex. This gift lasts for 1 scene.

Holy Armor
By Red Raptor ( for WereDove: The Cooing

Level Six Eater of Souls WereDove Gift

By expending a Gnosis, the user is covered in a sparkling layer of light. While this gift is in effect the user gains +1 health level
and +2 Sta traits.

Horizon Sword (Level 5)

By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
Allows the garou to spend 2 gnosis and make an empowered sword attack against all detectable enemies.

Horny Toad
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Salientians

Level Two Salientian Aspect

Spikes grow on the Frog's back and his skin toughens.

System: The Frog get +1 soak and anyone who grabs or attacks with bare hands/feet/whatever from behind must make a Dex
+ Brawl roll (difficulty 8) or take their own Str +1 in aggravated damage.

Howl of Death
By Red Raptor ( for the Legion of the Malformed

Level One Galliard Legion of the Malformed Gift

The user may, for 1 Gnosis, comand any kindred of higher generation to follow any one comand the user gives. This can be
resisted by expending a Willpower point.

Howl of Fury
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level One White Howler Gift

Roll Cha + Int, diff. of target's Willpower. Any net successes cause the target to flee for a number of turns equal to the successes.
This Gift is taught by a Lion spirit.

Howl of Gaia's Vengeance

By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Six White Howler Gift

With this gift, the Garou can bring forth the power of the Gaia to lay low any creatures of the Wyrm. The Garou must spend one
permanent Rage, Gnosis and Willpower point to activate the gift. The Garou then rolls a contested roll of Charisma +
Performance (difficulty 8) against opponents' Willpower (difficulty 8). If the Garou has more successes then the creature is
destroyed, all Wyrm creatures who hear this Howl must roll Willpower and score more or an equal number of successes than the
Garou rolled to survive. This gift is taught by the Avatar of Gaia Herself.

Howl of War
By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Five White Howler Gift

By using this gift, the Garou can aid his friends and allies and hinder his enemies in combat with a powerful howl. The Garou
must spend one Gnosis and one Rage and concentrate on howling. The Garou then rolls Manipulation + Performance difficulty 8.
For every success, the maximum being limited by the Garou's Performance rating, the Garou's friends gain that number of
successes to their dice pools. All enemies who hear the howl, lose that number of dice from their dice pools. The Garou must
spend his full attention on howling and if distracted (ie being hit in combat) he must start the howl over again. This gift is taught
by the Wolf-Spirit.

Ibex's Footing
By The Goddess ( for the Uncia.

Level One Uncia Gift

Through the use of this Gift, the Uncia can navigate the sheerest, slipperiest rock faces with ease.

System: By rolling Dexterity+Athletics (difficulty 6), the ounce can cross the most treacherous mountain crags as if on level
ground. This Gift lasts for one scene.

Ice Meld
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Metis Werepenguin Gift

The user can, for 2 Gnosis, instantly sink into the ice and move at a normal walking speed. The user must be contacting ice at
least 1 ft thick to do this.

Ignite (version 2)
By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level Two Sunset WereGiraffe Gift

By expending 2 Gnosis points, the user may focus the sun's rays to a fine point and cause combustible items to burst into flame.
This takes one turn to take effect. If used against creatures it does 1 point of aggravated fire damage. If the victim is combustible
(covered with hair, kindred, wearing clothing) it will also catch on fire. This will do an additional point of fire damage each turn
until the fire is extinguished.

Ignite (Level One)

By Dennis Payne
Creates a lighter size flame for a couple of seconds. It was used to light lamps, torches, and candles and to start kindling on fire. The
gift is too weak to be effective in combat.

Ill Omens
By Amy Luther, for her revision of the Corax.

Level One Corax Gift

The raven is traditionally considered to be a harbinger of evil. Ill Omens is similar to the Ahroun Gift Inspiration, but has the
opposite effect: by spending a Gnosis point every turn, the Corax can nullify one success on all her opponents' Willpower and
Rage rolls. Note that this can result in botches for her foes.

I'm the Teacher

By Mariana M. P. Albuquerque ( for the Tseti

Level Two Tseti Gift

The Tseti taks and the listeners, even those who disagree with him, feel unable to contest what he says.

By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Two Ceratherm WereRhino Gift

The user can by, scraping its horn on a hard surface and getting at least 2 successes on its next attack, double the damage it
does in one turn. After this is done it may not attack for one turn while it removes its horn from a victim.

Indomitable Will
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Four North Wind Corax Gift

By spending a Willpower point, the Corax makes herself immune to all Gifts which affect the mind through fear, intimidation,
madness, or confusion. This includes, but is not limited to, the Gifts listed under Solace, and also applies to vampiric
Dominations. The Corax must spend a Willpower point each time an opponent makes an attempt to use such a Gift on her, but
her immunity is total.

Internal River of Chi

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level One Khan Gift/Level Two Bagheera Gift

The Khan gains a pool of inner energy, much like a vampiric Bloodpool. The rating of Chi is Stamina x 2 + Wits + Intellegence. It
costs current rating/4 rounded to increase it by 1 point. It is used to boost attributes, add to rolls, etc. This pool is replenished
through meditation (3/success), sleep (3/hour). Meditating in a "chi-rich environment," which the Khan can find with a
Perception+Occult (8) or Preception+Feng Shui (7), adds 1/success on location roll to the amount gained per meditation
success and sleep. The Khan can spend the amount of Chi per round equal to his Stamina in the human form. The gift is taught
by Lord Tiger himself. No player can ever start the game with this gift. It must be learned during the game and only when
character proves himself worthy of Lord Tiger's favor. Those unworthy of this gift will never learn it or will lose it. The Khan's
Gnosis must be higher than his Rage and at least equal to his willpower. His Willpower must be higher than his Rage at least by
two. As one can see the potential of Chi driven powers is great, but it doesn't come easy. Khan start with Rage 5. Thus, to learn
this gift the Khan must not only pay 6 exp (yes it is expensive), but also have Willpower of at least 7 and Gnosis of at least 7. Few
Khan start the game with these stats.

Invoke Gaia
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Five Burden Bearer Shen-entu gift

The user spends all Gnosis and rolls Permanent Gnosis at a difficulty of 9. If she succeeds, Gaia will either Banish the Shenentu's enemy or call every humane supernatural in 10 square miles to help. All of gaia must come; all mages must roll Willpower
at difficulty 9 to escape and all vampires must roll Willpower at a difficulty of their Humanity to escape.

Iron Hands
By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Level One Gift

The Pongida may make their fists iron hard. A Rage Point is spent, and the Pongida must pound something and scream. This
will add one die of damage in combat, and allow the hand to be used as a hammer or other applications.

Iron Will
By Red Raptor ( for WereDove: The Cooing

Level One Homid WereDove Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis, resist any mind altering effect or ability. This includes disciplines, gifts, etc.

Itz Darts
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Two Ocelotl Gift

This Gift allows the Ocelotl to turn a patch of fur or body hair into razor-sharp obsidian spikes which can then be fired at an

System: By expending a Rage point and rolling Rage+Dexterity, the Ocelotl creates one dart per success rolled. Each dart
does Str in aggravated damage, and requires a Dexterity+Athletics roll (difficulty 6) to aim properly.

Jalapeno Breath
By Steven Markley (

Level Three Diablo Gift

The werechihuahua can breathe fire to burn her enemies. She must bite into a very hot Jalapeno pepper, and then spend a point
of Rage while rolling her Strength + Spit, difficulty 6. Each success inflicts a Health Level of fire damage to any one target within
20 ft. She must succeed on a Stamina roll, difficulty 8, or suffer a -1 penalty to any die pools requiring clear sight for a minute or
two as her eyes water up. This is taught by the spirit of a Jalapeno pepper plant.

Jam Piece
By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level One Gift

Virtually the same as Jam Gun (Level 1 Homid: Werewolf: The Wild West), with a slight variation: the Garou can set a time delay
on the jam. The Garou rolls Man + Firearms Diff: 6, per success is the minutes to which the Gun is jammed. This costs 1 Gnosis
and can lead to unpleasant accidents such as Pistols going off in holsters.

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level Two Homid WereCow Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis and talking in a soothing manner, cause any target(s) to want something for no real
reason. This can be resisted by expending a Willpower. It is most often used to help further the Bovina owned dairy farms: "Got

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Two White Howler Gift

The Garou doesn't suffer from wound penalties until Incapacitated. She may spend a Willpower while Incapacitated to act
normally for one turn. This Gift is taught by a War spirit.

By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko for the Van Helsing Family

Level Two Van Helsing Gift

For three turns, the werewolf may move at great speeds (this does not confer extra actions).

Killian's Rage
By Shayne Karlash

Level 6 Ahroun Gift

This Gift was created by a Get of Fenris Ahroun who just got sick and tired of taking crap from anybody at all. With the
expenditure of a Gnosis point, the Garou's Rage seems to become boundless. The werewolf may spend any number of points of
Rage up to the maximum allowed by his Dexterity, as normal. For every success on a Rage roll, however, (that's permanent
Rage, not temporary Rage) one point of temporary Rage goes unspent, leaving it open for use in future rounds. After the scene
is over, the Ahroun is weak as a kitten (all Physical attributes 1, half Willpower) until he can get an hour of rest.

Killing Shot
By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem
Level 2 Gift

This Gift allows the Garou to convert the damage from a normal firearm to Aggravated damage. He does so by enacting a Rite
of Talisman Dedication upon the weapon. To activate the Gift it requires a Str + Firearms Roll: Diff: 8 and a point of Gnosis.

Kiss of the Lamprey

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Three Rokea Gift

The parasitic lamprey have long survived at the expense of other creatures of the sea and it is said their spirits have taught this
Gift to the weresharks as payment. Others say this is a Gift granted by the Eater of Souls itself . . . In any case, the Rokea rolls
Stamina + Primal Urge verses difficulty 8 to transform her mouth (even in Homid form!) into what amounts to a huge suction cup
lined with razor-sharp teeth. It does damage as a normal bite, but once a bite attack hits the Rokea's jaws lock on she can suck
the very lifeblood from the victim; each success on a Strength roll, difficulty 6, causes one Health Level of non-aggravated
damage to anything but Kindred, who lose a Blood Point per success rolled. The jaws remain locked on until the victim rips free
by rolling Strength vs. a difficulty of 8; however, the victim will take a point of Aggravated damage each attempt (successful or
not). These mutated jaws remain until the wereshark wishes otherwise (such as those rare occasions when she wants to interact
with humanity, as the Rokea is Appearance 0 in all forms while the Gift is in effect.)

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level Two On the Ground WereSloth Gift

The user can by expending 3 Gnosis and winning a resisted Willpower test, the user causes his opponent to feel crippling pain
in his knees. This makes it impossible for the victim to move. This gift effects the victim for 2 turns.

Knocking over the Bucket

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level Two Betsy WereCow Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis and rolling Dex + Brawl, trip any opponent. The opponent takes no damage, but falls down.
When he hit the ground all possessions he has, even those tied to the body, (i.e., klaives) will fall 10 ft away from the owner. This
includes clothing and anything not naturally part of the creature.

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level Two Molocho WereKangaroo Gift

With the expenditure of 1 Gnosis the user can bounce up and down on his tail instead of using his legs. While doing this he will
have a huge grin on his face. Any opponent who attacks the user can then be affected by the gift's second effect. The Karanga
can kick the user for no damage (difficulty 5) sending him sprawling. As long as the Karanga and no one else makes any actions
towards the victim he can not get up to attack again. This gift lasts one scene.

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the Morsi.

Level Three Metis M'orsi Gift

Fabled to have been learned from the legendary Bulette, or Landshark, this gift allows the M'orsi to move through any ground as
if it were water.

System: Roll Strength+Athletics (Diff 7), the amount of successes determines how far you can go per turn, 2 yards per success,
per turn.

By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level One Entrus Shen-entu gift

The Entrus spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity. If she succeeds, all penalties for walking or running on a specific land type
are negated for one hour per success.
Difficulty Locale
Treacherous peak

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level One Ban Saide Gift

The Garou calls on the forces of the Wyld to tangle and muddle the thought patterns of her target. The Gift's victim loses her train
of thought, momentarily forgetting tasks at hand and losing information in her short-term memory. A helmet of Cold Iron is proof
against this Saide trick. This Gift is taught by a Wyldling.

System: The Garou must make a Gnosis check against her target's Willpower. If successful, the target suffers as above. Proper
use of this Gift is subtle. If used in combat, Lapse serves only to raise the difficulty of an attack or defense by one ("Why am I
swinging this klaive? Oh, well, I must have had a reason.").

Lare Call
By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Two Ban Saide Gift

The Saide may call on the smallest of the elemental spirits to aid her. These spirits are collectively called Lares. They do not
take well to unkindness, and Garou who abuse this Gift will lose the Lares' favor, and may gain the displeasure of their larger

System: The Garou must spend a point of Willpower and roll Charisma + Occult (Cosmology or Spirit Lore may be substituted),
with a difficulty equal to the local Gauntlet. For every success a single Lare is summoned; it will arrive within seconds if some
sort of source material for the Elemental requested is availible. Otherwise, the caster will have to wait for a few turns. When the
Gift fades (after about fifteen minutes) the Lares will no longer obey orders, but will instead stick around and try to be helpful. It is
a good idea to dismiss them quickly before they become independent in this manner.

Lashing Tongue
By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level Two Metis WereGiraffe Gift

The user may, by expending 3 Gnosis points, cause his tongue to become a lashing weapon. The tongue becomes a 20 ft. long
coil he can shoot out and coil around opponents. The tongue becomes covered with sharp spines and does Str+3 the first turn it
hits. The victim must make a Strength roll vs. the user's Strength or the victim is caught in the tongue's coils. Each turn the victim
automatically takes Str+4 damage. The victim may make a Strength check each round to free herself.

Learn Personal History

By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level Three Seganku Homid Gift

This gift allows the Seganku to learn the personal history of one subject. This can then be used to relate tales of honor for the
purpose of teaching, straight from the subjects life. The Seganku channels a skunk spirit who interprets the subjects history in
context. the Seganku rolls a Manipulation+Primal Urge, against the gauntlet rating, and if successful, will be able to pull events
from the subjects past. One success will sound vaguely like the subject, two successes sounds like the subject, three and you're
definitely talking about him. Four or more, and you know things that others never knew -- like what he had eaten before the grest
battle, and even what words he used to pray to his ancestors for strength. This can be used only with the purpose of teaching the

By Erik Robbins, for the Simo bete tribe.
Level 4 gift
Though a Simo's Hispo form is impressive, it is not nearly as impressive as this Gift. By spending a Gnosis point, a Simo can turn
himself into a blue whale. This comes in handy for fighting sea monsters and large ships. The Storyteller may want to come up with

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level One Ban Saide Gift

The Garou's feet never seem to touch the ground. Twigs and leaves never crack beneath her, and traps rarely spring as she
passes. She becomes more difficult to track, though creatures who hunt by scent may find her quite easily. This gift may be
learned from the Eshu (a clan of far-wandering Fae vagabonds) or a Fox-spirit.

System: The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Stealth. If successful, she may only be tracked by scent. The
Gift's duration ranges from 1 die of turns (one success) to one scene (three successes) to "the end of the journey" (five
successes). The Storyteller and player must decide what constitutes a "journey". The Ban Saide may extend this gift to another
character by spending an additional point of Gnosis, though that character must make his own Dexterity + Stealth roll. If
combined with the Ragabash gift Scent of Running Water the difficulty of all rolls to track the Saide are increased by +4, not +2.

Light's Blessing
By Mitchell Kelly (, for the Lugh of the Long Arm totem.

Level 3 Gift

The Light's Blessing calls upon the wisdom of Lugh, and allows the user to act as a great orator and concilliator, as Lugh was.
The user must spend a point of Gnosis, and rolls Cha+Empathy, diff 7. The more successes gained, the greater the effect, but
the precise effect depends on the circumstances. One success will encourage all within earshot of the user to stop to consider
her words. If the user gets more successes, those that are generally friendly to her will immediately join in any debate, and will
not take any action until all present have reached a consensus. Neutral parties will listen but must be persuaded to join in any
debate. Hostile characters will not attack but will also need to be persuaded to join the debate. The more successes garnered,
the greater these effects be. This is best roleplayed, with the temperament of the target taken fully into account. However, unless
the user botches a roll, no one will attack her until the discussions are complete. The effects of Light's Blessing last until any
debate is over, and a decision is reached.

By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level One Pica Gift

The Pica rolls Intelligence+Linguistics, diff: 6. For each success she gains a temporary extra language; this Gift lasts an entire
scene, and is mainly used when the Pica needs to understand what, for example, those Shadow Lords down on the streets are
talking about. Note that if the language is one the Pica cannot speak, such as Bastet Kheuar, Garou lingo or similar, they may
only understand it, but if it is a spoken human language, it can be spoken as well as understood.

Lion's Might (Level Three)

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.
Spend a Willpower point, make a Rage roll against a 7, and the Garou's fangs and claws do extra aggravated damage (one
automatic level per success). This is true

Lion's Roar
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Five White Howler Gift

The Garou may spend one Gnosis, and roll Rage. Each success lowers the Willpower of each of the Garou's enemies by one;
those whose Willpower is reduced to below zero may not act. This Gift may only be used on any creature once (typically, once is
all it takes). This gift is taught by a Lion spirit.

Lizard Crawl
By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level Three Dust Rider Gift

This Gift allows the Werewolf to crawl up and down walls as if his feet had suction cups. Three guesses what spirit teaches this.

System: The werewolf need only spend a Gnosis point.

Looking Glass Curse

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Two Ban Saide Gift

The victim of the Looking Glass Curse reveals his or her "true nature" in any man-made mirror or electronic medium. Garou
reveal their Breed Forms in such surfaces, while Vampires have no reflections. Cursed wraiths always reflect in these surfaces,
and Changelings reveal their Fairy Seemings. Mages reflect normal images, though some powerful magi may display their
Avatar-forms. Merely reflective surfaces such as a highly-polished car or a store window will not reveal the victim's "true nature";
only items designed to carry a clear image activate the curse. This gift is taught by a jaggling of the Chimera.

System: The Garou must spend a point of Gnosis and make a Manipulation + Enigmas roll while touching his target. The
victim's reflection is altered for one scene/success. While normal humans will still suffer the Delirium from seeing the reflection of
a metis's Breed Form, they receive a +4 on the Delirium Chart (the worst reaction possible is "Terror"). Most humans will react
with confusion, curiosity or disbelief if they see other reflections that differ from the of the "real world."

Lotsa Nuts
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Two Lachna Gift

If the Lachna reaches into a place hidden from view (a pocket, a hole in the wall, whatever) he can pull out food as if it was
always there. Very useful in the wilderness.

System: The Lachna spends a Gnosis point and rolls his Gnosis score against a difficulty set by the ST based on likeliness of
the food being there (hamburgers from an empty hamburger bag would be a 6, whereas hamburgers from a hole in a tree in the
middle of Yellowstone park is a 10). He will get an equivalent handful of a certain type of food (players choice) for each success.
A botch usually results in something other than food in the Lachna's hole, something that was once food, but it has already been
eaten and processed. Needless to say this can be quite disturbing. Also, the spirits who grant this gift don't like it to be used
frivolously, and will revoke the gift if used inappropriately.

Luna's Vitae
By Red Raptor ( for the Legion of the Malformed

Level One Theurge Legion of the Malformed Gift

The Abomination may convert Gnosis into blood points on a one to one basis.

Luna's Wrath
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Four Breakers Kinfolk Gift

By spending a Rage point, the user may call upon the favor of Luna to increase his battle prowess. This power allows him to
sprout sturdy claws for a scene. These do aggarvated damage as Garou's claws. He also gains a temporary point in Brawl so
as to know how to use them and a temporary strength bonus of +2 for clawing only.

Lying Teeth
By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level Two Pica Gift

The Pica rolls Manipulation+Subterfuge, and tells a lie. The more successes, the more outrageous a lie can be told. One
success might be: "Oh, I was at home that night, officer.", while five or more could grant a lie of these proportions: "No, officer,
you may not ask me where I was last night. I happen to be with the NSA, and I have the president's authority to close down this
entire investigation" and the target believes it. Supernaturals may make a resisted Willpoer roll, diff: 9.

Magic Bullet
By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level Two Dust Rider Gift

This power is used to bless a single bullet so that it is attuned to a particular person, whom the character using the Gift must
visualize when casting. When fired, it will home in on the target, until it either hits or connects with a surface, like metal, strong
enough to stop a normal bullet (This is likely only to occur if the target happens to be wearing armor). Note that it will zigzag
around corners and shatter glass to reach its target. A gun powder spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The bullet must be painted with a glyph and the werewolf must spend a Gnosis point to trigger the gift (Bad pun, bad
pun!). Note that the bullet need not be silver and does no additional damage to the target.

Magma's Bricks
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Four Subseco M'orsi Gift

This ability calls magma from beneath the crust of the earth that instantly cools after it is shaped. This gift is taught by an Earth

System: Spend 2 Gnosis points and roll Manipulation+Science (Diff 6) and you can shape the magma into any form you
choose. If you choose a weapon, it will cause aggravated damage.

Make the Mind Forget

By Timothy Toner (, for the Rakkon tribe.

Level Three Rakkon Gift

With a Gnosis point and a successful Manipulation + Alertness, a Garou can make an opponent forget what was on his mind,
and wander away from an area, in a daze for a number of turns equal to the amount of successes on the roll, Difficulty the
target's willpower. If target is attacked, she immediately snaps back to reality, and loses one action. At the end of the time, the
target will shake her head, and wander back to her post, unable to recall what drew her away from her area. This can be used on
animals as well as homids.

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level One Homid WereGiraffe Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and winning a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll versus a victim, cause the victim to
want a manager. The giraffi will be the perfect candidate for this position. The position will have no importance or power and will
not be necessary to the victim, but will let the giraffi have access to information of interest. This gift will last for 1 month per
success of the user or until the giraffi exposes himself as a infiltrator. This gift will not work on supernatural creatures, but will
work on kinfolk, ghouls, etc.

Mantle of Glory
By Jason C. Marshall (, for the Boyar bete tribe.

Level One Gift

This gift allows a Boyar to cause an awe effect on those around him. By spending one Gnosis point and rolling Charisma +
Intimidation (diff. 7), the Boyar can cause an opponent to lose successes.

Mark Foe
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level One Mustiledae Seganku Gift

This gift is taught by a skunk spirit. If within range, the Seganku may mark her foe with her musk spray in such a way that his
scent is forever changed. Even if the opponent bathes in Tomato juice every day for a decade, other Seganku will recognize the
scent of Seganku-foes. It will be unnoticeable to other Bete completely, as it is a Seganku spiritual marking.

Cost: The Seganku must spend a rage point, and spray as per normal.

Mark Friend
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level Two Mustilidae Seganku Gift

This gift is taught by a skunk spirit. If within range, the Seganku may mark a friend with her musk spray in such a way that his
scent is forever changed. The spray will be scent-less, but can be seen spiritually. Other Seganku will recognize the scent of
Seganku-friends, and may aid the bearer of the scent. It will be unnoticeable to other Bete completely, as it is a Seganku
spiritual marking.

Cost: The Seganku must spend a Gnosis point, and spray as per normal.

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Level 5 Gift

Spend one gnosis point and roll Charisma + Subterfuge with a difficulty of the Opponent's Willpower or difficulty 8 if being
broadcast or taped. Viewers will want to be as close to the user as possible and be extremely fervent in their hero worship.
Failing that they will want something that the user uses, touches, or an object that bears the user's likeness. (hence why The
Polka Dotted Double Helix Prancer (tm) line of toys from Pentex are so popular).

Marsupial Pouch
By Tony Frisco, for the Bunyip tribe.

Level Three Gift

Using this gift, the Garou can open a fold in his/her skin that leads to an isolated part of the Umbra. Usually it is in the Dreamtime
and has had the Rite of the Shrouded Glen cast on it. The Garou must spend a Gnosis point to open and close the fold. Once the
fold is opened, the Garou may place any number of objects in the pouch and when reopened, retrieve the object of his/her
choice. Dreamtime servants watch the objects and place the wanted object in the Garou's hand when the fold is reopened.
Fetishes may not be kept in the pouch, because the Dreamtime servants might release the spirit in the object.

Mask Flaws
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level One Metis Shen-entu gift

The Metis spends a Willpower to hide his deformity. Needless to say only metis can learn this gift.

System: The Metis rolls Appearance + Primal Urge. If he succeeds, he gets -1 Appearance but his deformity is temporarily
invisible. If his appearance is one or less he spends 2 Willpower.

Masked Scent
By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level Three Vermin Gift

This gift is automatic. The user must simply state whether or not it's in use. By using this gift, the user can mask his scent with
whatever smell he wishes to use so long as it is of the Wyld. This gift can be taught by any spirit of the Wyld.

Mastery of Rage and Soul

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level One Khan, Stargazer, Hakken gift

This gift allows Khan to use Rage, Willpower and Gnosis in the same round. The gift is always "on". However, Khan must have a
Permanent Gnosis rating at least equal in value to his Permanent Rage rating. Also, his Permanent Willpower Rating must be
higher than his Permanent Rage rating by at least 2. Otherwise, this gift can not be learned.

Maze of Doom
By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Level Five Gift

By spending one Gnosis and rolling Manipulation+Subterfuge difficulty 7 the Graua may cause any group they are tracking,
following, or near, to become hopelessley lost in the terrain they are in (even in the Umbra), allowing them to be harrassed,
escaped (or even being fatal, depending where they were lost)

Meditative Mastery
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level Three Baku Gift

The Baku can instantly enter a meditative trance at will, with no roll required. He can convert Rage into Willpower in this state,
though he cannot convert Willpower to Rage. He can also enter the Umbra without a reflective surface (though he must still roll
against the Gauntlet.)

Metal Ward
By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level 5 Gift

One of Gun Powder's most potent gifts and one which he will only teach himself to his finest Shootists. Essentially this gift is a
more powerful version of Repel The Fiery Rain, except it wards the Garou from all metal based attacks. This requires a Sta +
Dodge Roll. Diff: 8, upon success the Garou takes only one half damage from metal, even silver. This costs 3 points of Gnosis
and Rage and lasts one round per success. The Garou can extend this to protect others near him, by expending a further point of
Gnosis and Rage per Person.

The Mighty Ear Flick

By Reynard Fox (

This is an A-O gift and is one that has been passed down for generations within the A-O clan. It is best used when unexpected
and causes extreme pain and embarrassment.

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level One Cow WereCow Gift

The user can, by spending 2 Gnosis, use her milk as a weapon. She can aim and shoot at any opponent as with a pistol. She
may shoot 4 times per turn. Any opponent hit takes 2d+2 damage. The user can use this attack for 4 turns before she runs

Mind Stealing
By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level Five Pica Gift

The Pica rolls Manipulation+Intimidation diff:8, and spends 3 Gnosis. With each success she may totally eradicate one memory
from the target's mind. This powerful Gift has been known to turn great Get of Fenris warriors into bumbling amateurs, as it can
be used to remove Abilities. Any memory removed is added to the user. If the memory is an Ability or Gift not already owned by
the Pica, he may keep it by spending the appropriate Experience points.

By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level One Buddha Baku Gift

Once this Gift is learned, the Baku gains the Eidetic Memory Merit.

Mokona's Serenity
By Ryan Silverman ( for the Macala

Level Three Macala Gift

By rolling her Gnosis, (difficulty of the target's Rage), a Macala can allow the Peace of Mokona to wash over others and bring
peace to them.

Mokona's Shadow
By Ryan Silverman ( for the Macala

Level Three Macala Gift

By rolling her Rage (difficulty of the target's Gnosis), a Macala can cause pure Wyrm-filled pain to enter the mind of a target,
causing him to frenzy. This effect requires three successes.

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Two North Wind Corax Gift

The Corax can spend a Willpower point and symbolically "shed" a level of damage. The Gift can only be used once per scene,
but any number of Willpower points can be used, with one Health Level healed per point spent. This gift works against
Aggravated damage only, and only works once per scene.

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Six Rokea Gift

By spending 2 points each of Gnosis, Rage and Willpower, an elder Rokea can cause massive devastation to coastline areas.
Small tidal waves will batter the coastline, while hurricane-like winds will whip up, destroying buildings up to 30 miles inland. Rain
will drench the land, providing enough moisture for Crinos Rokea to roam the land without fear of drying out. The storm takes
about two hours of concentration to call up and lasts one hour; each additional point of Gnosis, Willpower, or Rage spent will
extend the duration one hour.

Moo of Doom
By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level One Betsy WereCow Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis and Mooing loudly, cause all opponents to flee in terror. Victims of this gift will flee for 5
turn per Willpower of the Bovina. During this time they may not speak except to say: "Moo-Cowwwwwwwww!" in a very terrified
manner. This can cause major loss of renown, etc. if viewed by unaffected persons. This can be resisted with a willpower roll of 3
or more successes.

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Level Two Bovid WereCow Gift

The user can, by spending 1 Gnosis and making a successful resisted Willpower + Manipulation roll, cause any target to Moo
incessantly. The user will moo every round for one day per Willpower of the Bovina using it. The victim can resist mooing for one
turn by expending a Willpower.

Moon Dancer
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Galliard WerePony Gift

The user can, by dancing and singing a happy tune, cause all who view her to dance as she does. The victims will dance as long
as the user dances or until 1 hour per Sta they have has passed. After this time they will need to make a Sta check or collapse
from exhaustion. If this gift is used during a gibbous moon the user may perform as long as she likes without making Sta check
of her own.

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Eques WerePony Gift

By expending 2 Gnosis, the user can immolate her body with silver fire. The user is not affected by this. All Wyrm creatures will
take 1 aggravated damage each time they touch the user. This gift lasts for 1 scene.

Mouth Full o' Teeth

By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Two Lachna Gift

The Lachna's mouth grows many more very ferocious teeth, looking more like a Garou's mouth.

System: There is no activation. They are always there unless the Lachna wants to hide them (Stamina + Primal Urge, dif 6).
They inflict Str + 3 bite damage.

Move to Host
By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Two Nosopso WereFlea Gift

The user may, by expending 2 Gnosis, move itself instantly within range of jumping on a new host. This gift will work up to 1000 ft
away from the user.

Movement of the Quick Mind

By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Three Gaalodi Gift

Much like the Silent Strider gift Speed of Thought, this is a gift the Wyrm gave them to compensate for their slowness. This gift is
taught by a Cheetah or Roadrunner spirit.

System: Roll Dexterity + Athletics, difficulty 6. Each success adds +100 yards the Gaalodi can move per turn.

My Bark's Worse than my Bite

By Steven Markley (

Level Five Diablo Gift

The Diablo can bite by barking, and can bite any one target he sees if the bark can be heard. The werechihuahua spends a
point each of Rage and Gnosis, then rolls his Rage verses 8; if successful, the victim suffers the Diablo's bite damage. Yes, this
can easily be stacked with Rage Spent for extra Strength or Gifts such as Nip. This is taught by a Hornet spirit.

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Three Breakers Gift

Spend a gnosis points and roll wits+Intimidation, against the target's Willpower. The user may now project a terrible vision of
herself into the target's dreams. If the target encounters the user he must succeed a Willpower roll, difficulty eight, or fly into a fox
frenzy. He needs an additional success for each additional night after the first that the gift was used on him.

By Steven Markley (

Level Four Diablo Gift

The Diablo can spend a point of Rage, and if any bites hit that turn, he does double damage. This is taught by a Beartrap spirit.
The player is encouraged to use this in conjuction with other Gifts to do Godless damage.

No Obstacle (Level Two)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
By spending a Gnosis point and succesfully rolling Wits+Enigma, the Wyld Runner is able to overcome any obstacle by jumping to the
Umbra for mere seconds and spoting the weaknesses of said obstacle. The difficulty is the Gauntlet of the place. Stoping dead in the
tracks is the result of a botch.

No Thing
By Timothy Toner (, for the Mumblers camp.

Level 5 Gift

So few Gnawers ever reach Level 4, since the concept itself (talking something out of existence) is preposterous enough to
create disbelief, that this Gift exists only as legend. It further maintains its secrets behind a veil of confusion; when a Gnawer
learning the Doctrine of Thing asks what level four and five are, she gets the same answer: nothing. No clarification is given, for
putting specifics on powers that revolve around the non-specificity of matter and thought diminishes its effectiveness.
Because of this, no Mentor can ever be found to teach this Gift. If one does possess the Gift, he is usually quiet about it, claiming
that to describe it diminishes it. No Thing must be realized, and it cannot be realized until the student is ready.
Those who possess this Gift are quiet in general, since some unknown aspect of the power warns them that words always have
power, and the less said, the better. When they do speak, it is quite distinct, as if they fear misinterpretation. Whether this is a
necessity after one has achieved No Thing, or a personal choice, is unknown. Those who know...aren't talking.
What is understood is that those with this Gift can call things from the nothingness of thoughts and ideas. Reality itself is twisted
by the words they speak into useful items. With but a smattering of words, an item appears before them, fully formed.
Those who display this power seem to have an uncanny control over it, saying only a fraction of all the things they could say to
describe the object. This has led some to believe that the Gift is not really summoning something from nothing; it merely makes
the Garou aware of items stuck in that other place, and tells them how to bring it back with only a few words.
Others have postulated that the power is only a refinement of Nothing, and that to truly call something back, it must first be sent
away by the Gnawer. Thus, No Thing acts as an incredibly efficient storage and retrieval system. However, if it is stashed away
somewhere, it isn't in the Umbra (suspicious Garou have checked), it isn't tied to a physical point on Earth, since the object can
be summoned anywhere, and the object isn't "floating" around the dismisser, since other Garou have brought back items with
this power miles away from the sender.
The reality is something of a bit between the two. Garou can use No Thing to store items significant to them, by first using
Nothing, and then remembering key signatures that allow them to easily invoke the object. One object, regardless of size, can be
stored per point of Intelligence, merely by following the Nothing Gift. However, an additional point of Gnosis must be spent, which
cannot be gained back from the permanent total until the item is reinvoked. Further, the object must be declared stored before
Nothing is used. The item then can be recalled instantaneously. Although some hellaciously big items have been summoned,
complexity plays a big role.
The more complex an item, the less chance it makes it through intact. When the object is called back, the player rolls Intelligence
+ Enigmas (Diff Varies, see below).
Difficulty Item
Very simple (One component compounds existing in the natural state, such as water, wood, etc.)
Simple (rough produced items, such as paper, steel, etc.)
Medium (worked materials, such as melee weapons, paper with writing on it, books, bullets, etc.)
Complex (Advanced materials with many components, such as a gun, or a simple electrical device, etc).
Very complex ('Hi-tech' item, with many components, such as a car, a living creature, a unique item such as a painting)
Extremely complex (Hi-tech items involving magnetic media, such as computers)
Large, complex objects, such as buildings.
For every success garnered less than 5, a +1 difficulty is imposed with all actions involving that object. Thus a gun (diff 7) got
only 3 successes. It is +2 on all difficulties when using the gun to fire, because it just doesn't fire like it used to. Garou can use
Any Thing to refine the item, but that takes time to get right.
Rather than storing the object, as discussed above, the Gnawer can try to simply call an object into existence. This takes time,
as much time as it takes to dissipate the object in Nothing. The Gnawer spends 3 Gnosis, and rolls Wits + Enigmas (Diff as per
the above chart). The Garou must not be interrupted during the babbling. If she is, the item quickly dissipates.
Unless the Garou has a good template for creation (Appropriate Skill 3), the item seems artificial and generic. It will function, but
as the least effective level. A car summoned may look like a Porsche, but will drive like a Yugo. A gun summoned may look like
a Browning, but will damage like a .22. The item can be refined with Any Thing, and unless it is refined, the object will fade when
the Gnawer's Auspice next shines in the sky.

By Timothy Toner (, for the Mumblers camp.

Level 4 Gift

Where the first three Thing gifts center around manipulation of extant words, those who possess this gift know that the next
logical step is creating your own words. This is not as easy as it seems. Language is a very fluid entity, and to simply
spontaneously add to the flow is very much like spitting into the Mississippi. Before one can create, one must learn to destroy.
Using the river analogy, this isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. However, Language, being so rich and detailed, is very
susceptible to manipulations and variations. Most importantly, it is conceivable to continually generalize an object, removing
distinguishing characteristics, until finally it ceases to exist. To go back to the river, the Gnawer scoops up a cup of water from
the river, isolating it from the rest of the flow. Over time, the collected essence evaporates in the sun, until nothing is left.
It is difficult to envision the power being used, however. As the user applies the Gift, the object slowly becomes more and more
general, less distinct, until finally it fades into nothingness.
The mental effect is perhaps as interesting as the physical effect. One would suppose an object becoming more grey, more
simple in construction before the eyes of all would attract the attention of all observers. On the contrary, the power acts to make
the transition as natural as possible. Those who view it simply slowly lose interest in the item. It cannot completely dissolve the
memory of the item from the minds of viewers, but unless it is direly needed, the majority simply shrug it off as lost.
To use the Gift, the Gnawer spends three Gnosis. She then begins the babble, mentioning anything that comes to mind, without
mentioning the object. This is the Isolation. When this is done, the object seems truly distinct. It casts no shadow, yet every
highlight is exposed and detailed. The entire time, the Gnawer must hold a picture of the object in her mind. Thinking about
something intensely and not mentioning it is a tad difficult. Roll Wits + Expression (Diff 9), 2 successes necessary.
The Gnawer then switches gears, blanking the image from her mind, while talking only about the object. Once again, this is
incredibly difficult. As the Gnawer babbles, she slowly frames the words, detailing it more and more, letting the object become
just a jumble of words and ideas, without thought or substance. The Gnawer rolls Intelligence + Expression (Diff 8). Number of
successes controls how quickly the object is dissembled.
Success Time (Turns)
To affect a living object, the Gnawer must first penetrate its inherent name. This requires successful use of Any Thing, as seen
When an object is dismissed, it merely fades away, leaving no physical evidence that it ever existed. As mentioned before, the
memory of the item lingers, however, but most assume the item has been stolen or lost.
The fact that the item remains in memory creates a curious side effect. No one is quite sure where the dismissed object goes,
but it isn't gone forever. Indeed, if people keep on bringing up the object, and it continues to remain in memory, there is a chance
that the item, now given substance in thought, comes back. This is by no means a sure thing, but it is enough to create hope for
a living creature that has been displaced.
Those who return explain a sensation of "nothingness" (big shocker), a place of greyness, with no sense of change in time or
temperature. They explain that it wasn't painful to be there, but few who come back talk about the experience without a look of
pain etched across their faces.

Odin's Wisdom
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Three Corax Gift

The Corax spends a Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 6. Each success gives her an extra die on subsequent
attempts to figure out any puzzle or riddle during the remainder of the scene. It is recommended that the Storyteller use this Gift
as an opportunity to dispense enigmatic clues, which the players must still unravel. This Gift can work on anything from untying
difficult knots to opening combination locks to solving spoken riddles.

Open That Damned Cage!

By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe

Level One Card Shark Gift

Functions as the Ragabash Gift: Open Seal, but functions on those stupid cages sea biologists lock themselves in to tease
sharks. This is taught by a malevolent spirit servant of Coyote.

Open the Gate

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Metis WerePony Gift

The user can, by expending 2 Gnosis, open any door or gate that bars his path. This gift will not work on electrical locks.

Otter's Eye
By Mitch Kelly ( for the Lutran tribe

Level Two Lutran Gift

Lutran using this Gift can see things far away, or hidden. The Lutran must have a still pool of water, or even a bowl of water, to
look into. She then spends a point of Gnosis and roll Per + Enigmas. The difficulty of this roll is the higher of the Gauntlet at the
Lutran's location, or the observed location.

Pass the Ammo

By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level 5 Gift

This Gift has several powers. First, it allows the Garou to never run out of ammunition. Second, it will allow the Garou to invoke
Luna and change his ammo into silver (certainly not a good way to make friends) which also takes a point of Gnosis. Third, it will
allow a Garou to enchant a Firearm to never run out of ammo (something which can then be gifted to somebody else). Again the
System for this Gift is left to the Storyteller.

Pass the Cargo (Level Four)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
By spending Gnosis and rolling Dextery+Occult, the Garou can "teleport" an object she is carrying to the hands of her relay. The object
must be something she is moving from one place to another, and the relays must be set beforehand. The difficulty is the Gauntlet, as
they throw the cargo into the Umbra, wherein a spirit delivers it to the relay by reforming. The spirits involved must also be foretold. For
this purpose, many Wyld Runners make talens. The amount of Gnosis spent depends on the size/weight of the object; being 1 the
minimum (a small box with a cake) to a maximum of 4 (a Crinos sized coffin full of stones).

Peaceful Melody
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Level 4 Galliard Children of A-O gift

Only a Galliard with skills at singing or a musical instrument can use this gift. The music the user plays will bring calm to all who
hear it and are involved in a stressful situation. This gift can even stop small scale fights.

System: User spends 3 Gnosis rolls Expression+Empathy. It's up to the Storyteller to set a difficulty (if any).

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level One Galliard WerePony Gift

By expending a Gnosis point, the user can cause a pebble to appear directly under an opponent's foot. The victim must then
immeadiately make a Dex check or fall down.

Phase Shift
By Robert Herman (

Level Three Glass Walker Gift

By playing strange tricks with the force of electromagnetism, the Garou can move through solid objects!

System: The Garou spends two points of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Science (difficulty 8). With any successes, he and any
equipment (up to about 60 pounds) become, effectively, immaterial. They are still visible, but the molecules have become
disjoined; nuclei and electrons go right around one another (atoms are mostly empty space, after all), the electromagnetic
repulsions being temporarily suspended. Some small repulsion is maintained between the character and the floor, unless the
character specifically wills this away.
The Garou can end this gift at will, and will probably need to, because he also becomes unable to breathe! To end it, he must be
completely immersed in a fluid (probably air or water. Ethanol would work if there happened to be a vat (keg?) around; molten
metal would, too, but there might be side effects...) If any part of the Garou's body cannot shift back, the Garou cannot shift back.
If the Garou falls unconscious or dies, he shifts back as soon as possible (if the Garou runs out of oxygen in the middle of a cave
wall, this may very well be never). In any case, the gift lasts no longer than one scene (the Garou might carry an oxygen tank or
have a Gift that allows him to not have to breathe).
The obvious uses of this Gift are to bypass obstacles and to avoid combat damage. One other use is as follows: by alternating
on and off the force beneath his feet, the Garou can climb up the inside of any solid as if it were a staircase (falling will still hurt,
though!) The Garou should note that he is still vulnerable to nonphysical attacks; electricity still shocks him; heat and cold not only
still work, but cannot be soaked (at the Garou's molecules aren't held together as they should be); and any mind magic or
whatever still works. Likewise, though, the Garou might use heat or cold sources to do damage. Liquid N2 or an acetylene torch
can be devastating when they cause internal injuries, and even a cigarette lighter can cause horrible internal burns. Specific
effects are left to the Storyteller's sick mind.
This Gift is taught by an electricity or earth elemental.

Pick Me Up
By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level One On the Ground WereSloth Gift

For one Gnosis the user can make any tree nearby to bend down and raise him up into the treetops.

Piercing the Gauntlet's Skin (Level 1)

By Sam Chupp
This allows the Garou, with a Willpower point spent, to roll Gnosis to scan the local Gauntlet for the presence of weaver spirits, Kindred
auspexing, and Psychics oobing (astral projectors). Of course, the user of the Gift must stand stock-still in the Umbra and cannot focus
on her surroundings in the Umbra: this is essentially like Peeking into the Gauntlet.

Pigeon Lady
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Four Lachna Gift

The Lachna summons to her aid all the pigeons in an area determined by her successes.

Sytems: The chararacter spends a Gnosis and rolls Cha + Animal Ken, difficulty 8. For every success, ten pigeons come and
will do anything necessary to protect the character. The character can give them orders, but only if she can somehow
communicate with them (i.e., Beast Speech) but pigeons aren't very smart, so the Lachna must be very careful. Pigeons have
the following Stats: Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 3, Int 1, Per 2, fudge upon all others. they can fly and have a few attacks. Beak 2 dice, Claw
1 dice, flap-madly-trying-to-confuse-target-and-beat-them-senseless-with-your-wings: 2 dice, but this usually accomplishes the
task of fending off the opponent. This may not seem like much, but when there are 50 birds all trying to rip you apart, it can be
quite unfortunate.

By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level One Metis WereFlea Gift

The user can, by biting a victim, cause her to contract a plague virus. The victim will show signs of the disease in 1 day, after
which she will lose 1 point of Sta per day until she reaches zero and dies. This disease can be healed with normal treatment for
plague or by the Rite of Cleansing.

Poison of the Tree

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level One Homid WereSloth Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, cause his blood to become a potent poison. Any opponent who cuts the user must
make a Dex -1 roll or take 2 aggravated acid damage when the blood contacts his flesh.

Poison Spines
By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level Two Erinaceus Gift

The Erinaceus pulls out some of his spines and spends one Rage for each one. These spines then do 10 Health levels of
damage, (soakable) Aggravated. The victims die with a happy grin on their face, whether this is because the poison is
hallucinogenic or simply works as an "Upper", is unknown, as no one poisoned by more than one of these has ever lived to tell.
Also, once the victim has died, he rapidly starts to decay if he is Wyrm-tainted, mouldering into a greenish black skeleton within

Pool Shark
By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe

Level One Card Shark Gift

By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Appearance + Cute, the Rokea can accomplish two effects. First, he can breathe
chlorine-laden water without a hitch. Second, he alters his form to appear as a plastic inflatable shark pool toy. This does not
have any systems effect other than to look hamless, so a cute-looking hammerhead is still dangerous and does Str +3 damage.
This is taught by a Barney-spirit.

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Two White Howler Gift

The Garou has a 90% chance of siring a Garou cub when mating with a wolf or human. Metis with this Gift may breed normal
humans or wolves, but never Garou. This Gift is taught by a Lion spirit and only to males.

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Two Bunyip Gift

The Bunyip grows a pouch large enough to hold an infant cub (or similar sized object). The Pouch protects the cub (use the
mother's soak dice to defend) and will shift to accommodate any form. (Lupus using this Gift subtract one from Dexterity, due to
the awkwardness). This Gift is taught by a Marsupial spirit an only to females.

Pouch of the Newborn

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level Two Digararoo WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, by expending 4 Gnosis and winning a resisted Willpower roll, cause any creature it is facing to lose all
supernatural abilities. This includes regeneration, gifts, powers and aggravated damage. If the user fails he loses all of the
above except the ability to regenerate.

Power of the Corrupter

By Brian Urbanek (

Level Six Black Spiral Dancer Gift

Only one Garou at a time, anywhere in the world, may call upon the power of this gift, and that Garou is the Chosen of Wyrm. The
Chosen of the Wyrm who uses this gift is flooded with an endless wash of entropic power that is fed by conflict, aggression, and
destruction. This not only strengthens the Dancer, but it also subtly tears at the reality of the victim of the Chosen's wrath, as his
own strength is turned against him.

System: The Gift's bearer spends two points of Gnosis and a point of Rage, and makes a Stamina + Primal Urge roll verses
Ten minus the target's permanent Rage. If successful, the gift bearer's strength rises to match the target's after all other
modifiers are applied. So if the target has the active gift "Might of Thor," the Dancer's strength will match the target's doubled
strength score, not his natural score. While under the effect of this gift, the Chosen gains no bonuses to strength from any other
source, including form bonuses -- her strength always matches her opponent's. Further, if the target's strength changes during
the fight, the Chosen's strength changes to match it. In addition, all soak rolls made by the target of this gift are at difficulty eight
instead of the usual six, as entropic forces wear away at his being, making him easier to destroy. The Chosen may only target
this gift onto a being she fully intends to destroy with it.
Obviously, this leaves a great big whole in her power: a resourceful and clever Ragabash could have a nasty effect on Zhy. Of
course, since the players would never ever know how the gift works, they might never realize that sending their big bad Ahroun
against her might not be the wisest move.

Power of the Mule

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Three Metis WerePony Gift

The user can, by expending 4 Gnosis points, quadruple her Strength for pulling objects. If the user botches any roll while using
this gift she loses a permanent Strength point.

Power Walk (Level Three)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
One of the most impressive of the Wyld Runners' gifts is the Power Walk. By rolling Stamina+Occult against a difficulty of 7 and the
expenditure of 1 Gnosis point, the Garou can walk undisturbed at double her running speed. The Garou appears to be walking, but at
incredible speed. Any pursuer must make a Willpower check against the Wyld Runner's Gnosis or believe that she is walking and lose
her trail. In addition, she gets one extra die per success should she wish to use the No Obstacle gift.

Prancing the Moon's Path

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level One Eques WerePony Gift

While the moon is out, the user many run across the air as if he was flying. This gift is useable any night the moon rises, including
during lunar eclipses.

Primal Beat
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level One Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

The Garou can slip this to an un-Awakened human and cause her memories of the evening to coalesce into a slushpile of
unidentified sensations and positive emotions. A sort of benign Veil, this Gift is used to hide the supernaturals working the
crowd. This Gift is taught by a Jaggling of Ixstasia.

System: Roll Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 6) and spend a Gnosis point. The Gift only works on one target in the
Garou's sightline or in physical contact with her. If the Gift is enacted during a Worship where Ixstasia has manifested, the
difficulty is 4.

Protection of Iaret
By The Goddess (

Level One Bubasti Gift

The Bubasti can spit tongues of flame, or 'shoot' them from the eyes.

System: An expenditure of a Gnosis point will create 1 bolt of flame if spit, 2 smaller bolts if fired from the eyes. The larger bolt
does 2 levels of aggravated damage, the smaller ones 1. Dexterity+Melee must be rolled (difficulty of target's Dodge+Dexterity)
in order to aim correctly.

Puff of Feathers
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level One Spirinan WereSparrow Gift

The user can, by spending 3 Gnosis, escape from combat and death. When it receives a mortal wound it instantly reverts to
breed form and disappears into a puff of feathers. In actuality it doesn't disappear, but instead flies at extraordinary speed away
from the battle. This flight is equivalent to Celerity 5 and can be maintained for 3 rounds. After this time the user must stop and
rest. Once it stops flying and lands the user will have 1 health level and can take no actions until it is healed to wounded. Once
this is done it can move to hide itself. The Spirinan may not use gifts for one month after it does this and loses 4 temporary
Dexterity and Strength points during this time.

Puffy Tail
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Two Lachna Gift

The Lachna's tail becomes extra puffy and can catch air flow and thereby lift her and glide along wind currents. The Lachna can't
really decide her destination, she goes where the wind takes her. She only go as fast as the wind is blowing.

System: The Lachna simply concentrates, and spends a Gnosis and then follows the wind, airborne of course. This gift is only
usable in forms with full tails (Crinos, Hispo and Sciurus. However a Stamina +Primal Urge roll difficulty 8, allows them to grow a
tail in any other form).

Purge Toxin
By R. Derek Pattison
Level Two Theurge, Children of Gaia and Fianna Gift
This gift was developed by the Children of Gaia aeons ago, but only recently has returned to common use among the tribe due to the
increase of substance abuse among humans and the Garou themselves. Similar in effect to the level one Fianna gift, Resist Toxin,
Purge Toxin will eradicate any sort of disease, drug or other foreign substance in the body of the affected person. Note that, especially
in the case of drug addicts, the gift quickly eliminates anything in the system, making the target instantly sober. Purge Toxin can even
cure Wyrm-created toxins and diseases. This gift is taught by a Unicorn or Plant-spirit.
System: The Garou must roll Intelligence + Survival with a difficulty of 6. Generally only one success is needed, however the Storyteller
may rule that more successes are needed to remove more virulent substances.

Purity of Spirit
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Five Croatan Gift

The Croatan may spend a Gnosis point to convert all aggravated damage from one attack into non-aggravated damage. This
Gift is taught by a Lune.

Push the Button

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level One Homid WereDuck Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point and saying "You don't press the button, I press the button!" allow herself to take any
non-offensive action first. This works for any action which requires the user to press, pull or push on something.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level One Anasa WereDuck Gift

The user can, by quacking at a victim, cause the him to quack back. This is done on a quack for quack basis and may not be
resisted. Though almost completely useless, it can cause social embarassment for the victim.

By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level Two Shiva Baku Gift

The Baku can cause small earthquakes within a 100 yds of where he stands. He spends a Rage point and rolls Str + Survival; all
within the area of effect must match his successes on a Dex + Athletics roll to remain standing.

Rabid Bite
By Mike Showel, for the Leapus.

Level One Leapus Gift

This a gift is used only when in Bunny form. It is the gift^ of craze. When in rabbit form, this ability is activated by a gnosis roll
(difficulty 7) If it succeeds, then anything bitten that round by the Leapus will go into a frenzy or the equivalent for its species.

Rage of Gaia

Level 6 Ahroun gift

A Garou using this gift feels the holy rage of the mother. By spending two Gnosis points the Garou treats each Rage point as an
additional attack. Garou who have True Faith of five or higher do not need to spend Gnosis as they feel Gaias' pain and rage
automatically. Note that they still may not spend rage while under the effects of this gift. The effects last for one scene but are
instantly negated by frenzy or any use of rage points.

Rage of the Storm

By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Level 4 Storm Rider gift

The Garou calls forth the fury of the storm, making the weather highly volatile, and very strong.

System: The Garou spends 2 gnosis points. After that, the weather becomes very windy, with gusts up to 60 mph; there is heavy
rain, and perhaps other forms of precipitation, and the clouds become thick, black, and abundant. The Garou may use the winds
as the Wendigo gifts Call the breeze, Cutting wind, and Chill of the early frost.

Rain of Manna
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the Morsi.

Level Four Metis M'orsi Gift

This gift is an ancient gift from one of the lost tribes. Apparently the M'orsi took pity on a group of wanderering Hebrews in the
desert and made a strange edible substance rain from the sky for quite a while. The Hebrews thought this was from their God,
and that made the M'orsi laugh, so he continued to make it rain this substance, to keep them alive, for they greatly amused him.
This gift has been adapted to rain different foods.

System: Roll Intelligence+Survival (Diff 7) The amount of successes determines the time that the food rains for, 1 hour per

Rainbow Serpent
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Three Bunyip Gift

If there are any rainbows nearby, the Garou may roll Gnosis to hit an opponent with it (the opponent may still dodge). If the
opponent is hit, roll Rage for damage. If there are no rainbows present, one may be created with one Gnosis. This Gift is taught
by a Rainbow Serpent spirit.


By Peloquin ( for the Ghulon tribe

Level Two Ghulon Gift

The wolverine gets an extra claw swipe without having to split his dicepool on his first Combat roll. This only works once per

Raking Through the Gauntlet (Level 2)

By Sam Chupp
Ahroun/Uktena/Red Talons
This allows the Garou, with a Rage point spent, to attack a spirit/Kindred/other entity directly, as if they were in the Umbra with them.
Roll a normal attack, but unless the user has and is using the gift "Piercing the Gauntlet's Skin", the difficulty for the attack roll is 9.
Note that Kindred moving through the Gauntlet in the Umbra sometimes cast Shadows (especially Sabbat vampires who have high
Vinculum scores and those Kindred who have recently fed on Garou, or who have recently engaged in Diablerie). These shadows can
tip an alert Garou off to the presence of the Kindred in the area.

Raven's Tongue
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Two East Wind Corax Gift

The Corax can tell undetectable lies. With a roll of Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty equal to the Perception of the listeners,
the Corax can fool even the sharpest of ears. Any rolls made by the listeners to detect whether the Corax is lying will probably
fail, as the number of successes made by the Corax adds to the difficulty to detect the lie (normally 6). With a resisted roll, this
Gift can overcome the Level One Philodox Gift: Truth of Gaia.

Razor Sword (Level 2)

By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
As Empower Sword but allows a garou to take 5 minutes before a fight with a sharpening stone to increase the sharpness of her
blade by +2 dice.

Razor Teeth
By Mike Showel, for the Leapus.

Level One Leapus Gift

This gift is same as Razor Claws, with the difference that it is the bunnie's teeth that are sharpened by rubbing against
something hard. It is a really nasty attack, and one bite does the equivalent of two Razor Claw attacks.

Realm Step
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Six Breakers Gift

The user holds in his mind a picture of a specific landmark in one of the Realms and spends a Gnosis and two Willpower to hold
it firmly in his mind (he must have already been there or heard an intricate description of a landmark). He then steps sideways
against a variable difficulty, depending on which Realm he is trying to get to. The Abyss would be a two while Summer Country
would be a ten. He can then step from anywhere in the Umbra or real world into that Realm. It requires three successes to make
it, otherwise he just ends up on the other side of the Gauntlet. If he botches, he ends up somewhere unpleasant such as the
Abyss or Malfeas...

Regal Majesty
By Jason C. Marshall (, for the Boyar bete tribe.

Level Five gift

By rolling Charisma + Intimidation and spending 3 Gnosis points, the Boyar creates an regal aura that rivals the Majesty of the
Kindred Presence power. All within sight will defer to the user as if he was their leader.

Remove Snare
By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level One Ceratherm WereRhino Gift

The user can, by expending 1 Gnosis, remove any snare it becomes caught in. The snare will fail and fall away from the user.

Rend the Gauntlet

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level One Subseco Gift

This gift allows the Subseco to rend the gauntlet in some place, making a temporary doorway to the Umbra.

System: Roll Gnosis (Diff 8). The number of sucesses determines how long the doorway stays open, one half hour per sucess. If
you score 7 or more sucesses, the doorway is permanent.

Repel the Fiery Rain

By Max Trebilcock ( for the Gun Powder totem

Level 3 Gift

This potent power allows the Garou to ward himself against bullets and other missile projectiles. This requires a Sta + Dodge
Roll Diff = Enemies' Firearms Skill, per success grants 1 Soak Dice (against such weapons) and at the Storytellers Discretion
can be used in conjunction with protective gifts such as Luna's Armour, Steel Fur. etc. It will function against silver bullets, but at
half effectiveness. It requires the expenditure of as many Rage as Soak dice gained.

Re's Blessing
By The Goddess (

Level Three Bubasti Gift

The Bubasti creates a 1 foot diameter globe of brilliant light which seems to perch of the crown of the werecat's head. This light
is like sunlight in all respects.

System: By expending a Gnosis point and rolling his current Gnosis score (not his permanent rating) against a difficulty of 7, the
Bubasti determines the range of the light. Each success extends the light 10 feet; no successes confines the light to the
Bubasti's personal space.

Resist Corruption
By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Five White Howler Gift

With the aid of this gift, the Garou is no longer affected by radiation, biohazards, or the corrupting forces of the Wyrm. The Garou
cannot be possessed by Banes either. The Garou rolls Stamina + Survival (difficulty 8), with only one success being needed.
This gift also protects Garou from being converted to the Wyrm by dancing the Spiral. This gift is taught by powerful spirit
servants of Gaia.

Resist Corruption (Level 3 gift)

By Daniel Jalbert
For the White Howlers, Glasswalker, Silent striders, Uktenas tribes.
By spending a point of gnosis and rolling willpower against a difficulty equal to his corruption value (see below) (max. 10), the garou by
meditation, prayers to his totem and/or by dances to the moon (one full day per try) may try to lower his corruption raiting by one per
success roll. This gift is a sort of last ditch for garou who have committed mistakes or have been seduced to some point by the Wyrm.

Corruption table
Corruption points may be assigned by Storytellers when a garou does something, even if it is not voluntary, wrong or when he has
committed a crime against the Litany or human laws. When the garou reaches as many corruption points as the double of his gnosis,
he falls under the path of the Wyrm and becomes EVIL.
1 to 2
Transgressing human law, eating human flesh, lying to (without good reason) the sept, pack leader.
3 to 4
Murder of an innocent, lifting the veil, attempt to live outside garou society.
Mass genocide..., Caern violated by action of garou, being a threat to garou society.
These types of offenses are only general guidelines to help storytellers judge the severity of the offense. Feel free to create new types
of offences.
If the character ever become evils (and the will of the players is not to become good again), the character become Wyrm taint and is
no longer playable by the player.

Call the Cannibal Spirit

Revised by Tony Grenander (

Level Five Wendigo Gift

The Wendigo tribe's darkest allegiance is that with the Wendigo, the cannibal spirit. The spirit is only summoned when no other
way to deal with a situation is available. It is summoned by ritually sacrificing a human heart. This is often taken from a corrupt or
evil person, but any human heart will do. The spirit materializes as a gigantic Native American (7' tall) man. The Garou who
summoned the spirit gives it the heart, and in exchange, it will track down a target, and eat its heart. The spirit must be given a
personal belonging or a description of the target(s). It the spirit is thwarted, it will return for the one that quested it (and eat his
heart). The spirit looks inhuman, with searing crystal blue eyes, and snow-white hair. The fingers ends in barbed claws, and the
mouth is filled with piranha teeth. Its heart and entrails are made of ice. It does not wear any clothes, but people (sleepers) don't
recognize this. In fact they usually don't notice the spirit at all, unless, of course, he's coming for them.

System: The spirit must be given a personal belonging or a good description (name and a trait or a feature). It will stay in its
physical form and track the victim down as fast it can travel. It will ignore people that are not targets, unless they try to stop it. It
doesn't suffer from the Paradox as long its on its quest. If its physical body is destroyed, it will keep materialized until it runs out
of power (normally 2 times). When its reduced to zero power it will instantly reform elsewhere in the Umbra with 20 power. This
time it will return to claim the Garou's heart (who summoned it) .If defeated this time it will leave.

Wendigo Statistics
Spirit Form
Rage 10, Gnosis 8, Power 60 (instantly regains all when eating a target's heart)
Charms: Airt sense, Materialize (20 p), Reform, Possession (it will not possess its target)

Physical Form
Str 10, Dex 6, Sta 6
Claws: 10 dice to hit / 10 dice of aggravated damage
Gifts: Scent of the Prey, (R. lvl2), spirit of the Fray (A. lvl2), Balor's Gaze (F. lvl4), Speed Beyond Thought (SS.lvl4, but requires
no rest), Resist Toxin (F.lvl1), Visceral Agony (BF.lvl3)
Other characteristics:
12 health levels
Regenerates 1 health level/round (not damage from fire/spirit magic)
Only takes aggravated (nonsoakable) damage from fire, and spirit-magic, Thaumaturgy (counts as Lure of Flame)
Growing Fury: Starts with one attack/ round, but gains one additional every turn up to maximum of 10 (5 actions in turn five)
Always counts as starting the round with 10 successes on the initiative roll.
Does not respond to mind magic (including disciplines)
Causes Delirium in Sleepers who have to face it (watching it in action), and counts as having a Veil, similar to the of the
Arcane 5
Only takes half damage from all attacks (after soak), except fire and spirit magic.
Can go unnoticed among banes (as the bane skin fetish).
It never gets tired.

Rhythm of the Spheres

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Three Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

By rhythmically swaying, drumming (body-drumming, click-sticks and beating on any resonant object count) and whispering a
low, mesmerizing chant, the Garou can vibrationally cancel out the local Gauntlet. For a short time, everyone in the room can
"see" into the spirit world just as if she had the Gift: Pulse of the Invisible. This Gift is taught by the Almighty Drum God.

System: Roll Dexterity + Subterfuge (difficulty the local Gauntlet, or 8, whichever is higher), and spend a Gnosis point. For each
success, the Garou will be able to see through the Gauntlet and view whatever spirits are present for one turn. This Gift affects all
beings in a room but they must be within the Garou's sight.

Riddler's Wisdom
By Paul Harris ( for the Expanded Uktena Rules.

Level One Gift

This gift helps the user to solve any riddles that are told to him. This gift is taught by a Chimera spirit.

System: The user rolls Int+Enigmas with the difficulty of the riddle -1. Each success lowers the difficulty by 1, minimum of 6

Righteous Anger
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Three South Wind Corax Gift

By spending a Willpower point, and making a roll of Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty 8, the Corax can increase the damage
she does in hand-to-hand combat by one die for each success. If the Gift is used in Ravenna form, it will increase aggravated
damage in the same fashion. The effect lasts for the duration of the scene, and can only be used once per scene.

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Four Ingeni Gift

This gift makes a vacuum that sucks everything within the radius into it, which is a pocket in the umbra. This gift is taught by a
servant of Charybdis.

System: Spend a Gnosis Point and roll Willpower (Diff 7), every success equals 5 square feet that is sucked in.

By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Four White Howler Gift

By using this gift, the Garou can emit a powerful sonic blast in which to damage his enemy. The Garou spends 1 Rage and rolls
Willpower against difficulty 6. The blast does 1 level of soakable aggravated damage per success. This can also be used to
level doors and other obstacles. This gift is taught by the Lion spirit.

Rubber Ducky
By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level Two Metis WereDuck Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, become a giant yellow rubber ducky. This lasts for 1 turn per Gnosis of the user.
During this time the user is immune to all attacks, but may take no actions.

Ruby Eyes of the Serpent

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level Three Khan Gift

This gift destroys the opponent's resolve and weakens him while strengthening the Khan. This gift is used as a gaze that the
Khan aims at his foes. During the use of this gift, the Khan's eyes dilate, turn snake-like and start glowing red. The Khan spends
1 Rage point and rolls Wits+Intimidation (the difficulty is opponent's Gnosis (or Arete-2)); Kindred are SOL against this Gift. The
target may resist with willpower roll (difficulty the Khan's Willpower). Per each success the target loses 1 die from all of his
dicepools or 1 point/success of Gnosis, Willpower, etc. The Khan then rolls the amount of successes he gained vs difficulty of 7.
The successes on the second roll are added where user desires. This gift has the same penalties as Serpent's Touch.

Rumble in the Tundra

By Bejeir D. Brooks ( for the Deragos

Level 5 Duragos gift

2 Willpower, 3 Rage, 1 Gnosis

This power causes all males under its affect radius to be subject to the Caribou Effect. Gnosis is rolled at a difficulty of 7, and the
number of successes determines the area affected. This is resisted by a willpower roll at Difficulty of 7; all males within area of
effect must roll. As long as the caster has more successes than a victim the victim will be under the "Thrall of the Antelope."
Area of Affect
Number of Successes Modifiers to Difficulty
One Male starts butting a Tree 1
Mating Season (-2)
Same as Caribou Effect
"Alpha" types (-1)
Small Town
Rage of victims higher than their willpowers (-1)
Small City
Rage of victims higher than 6 (-2)
Large City
Female caster (-1)
Rhode Island
Female caster w/ good looks (-1)
Female caster in Heat (-3)

Sakmet's Fury
By The Goddess (

Level Five Bubasti Gift

This potent Gift allows the Bubasti to assume a powerful and deadly sixth form. The Bubasti shifts into Crinos, grows an extra 2-3 feet in height, and sprouts a mane of jet-back hair not unlike a lion's. His claws glow red and are wreathed in flames, dealing
out one additional level of aggravated damage with each strike.

System: With the expenditure of 1 Rage point and 3 Gnosis points, the Bubasti rolls Willpower at a difficulty of 4. The
transformation into Sekhto form occurs if 5 or more successes are rolled. A botch causes a fox frenzy. The stats for the Sekhto
form are as follows: Str +3, Dex +6, Sta +4, Man -2, App -1. Claw damage: Str+3
In addition, the Bubasti gains the option of using Re's Blessing once and Lick Wounds (others only) twice. The Sekhto form lasts
for a number of turns equal to the Bubasti's Willpower; once it is over he shifts into breed form and must sleep or meditate
deeply for 6 hours.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level Three Homid WereDuck Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and squirting liquid from a strange looking bottle, clean any bathroom fixture. This
allows many Anas to become successful plumbers or household products salesmen.

Savannah Scourge (Level Four)

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.
Spend 2 Gnosis points. Roll Manipulation + Animal Ken against a 7. All animals present in the area will act as if a massive fire is
pursuing them (the fire is directed by the Garou on a Dex + Occult roll) and will run from it as fast as possible. They will stampede
towards anything that presents safety, even human habitation, so long as there is no fire burning. They will not obey commands,

Save the Sun's Rays

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level Two Kookooba WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, for one Gnosi,s save all the sunlight he is exposed to for one day. He can then release the light anytime he likes in
the next month. The light will last for the same amount of time the user exposed himself to the sun in one day. It must all be used
at one time or any not used is lost. The light is equal to sunlight and will affect vampires as sunlight. The user can concentrate the
light as a bonfire or spread it in a 1000 ft. radius. This gift is often used to light moots, although it often makes it hard to view the
user. This gift may be used 3 times per year.

Say Hello to my Little Friend

By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level Four Dust Rider Gift

With this gift, the werewolf can fire an imaginary "gun" simply by making a gun shape with his hand and pointing it at his target.

System: In addition to the previously mentioned signal, the werewolf must say "bang!" and spend a Gnosis (or two, if the
werewolf wants to simulate a silver bullet) point. The "gun" acts for all intents and purposes as the Remington Derringer on pg.
241 of the Werewolf: The Wild West Book, but fires a blast of energy that simulates a bullet rather than an actual bullet. It is still
necessary to roll Dex + Firearms.

Scatha's Fury (Level 3)

By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
By rolling willpower vs TN of 9 the Garou can unleash a blast of electricity at an opponent for 4 soakable aggravated levels.

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Three South Wind Gift

The Corax can give the target a tongue-lashing he will never forget. With a roll of Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty of the target's
Willpower, she can not only overwhelm the target with feelings of guilt and remorse, but can also encourage any listeners to take
her side and believe the accusations she has made. Listeners can resist the roll with a Perception + Empathy roll, with the
difficulty equal to the number of successes the Corax made. The target is reduced to an apologetic, groveling whelp for a
number of turns equal to the number of the Corax's successes. He can take no aggressive action toward his accuser and is
largely incapacitated. He can a Willpower roll to recover (diff equalling the Corax's Charisma + Intimidation) after at least one
turn has elapsed. Note that the successful use of this gift can cause the victim to lose Honor.

Scylla's Might
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Five Perculus M'orsi Gift

This Gift Invokes the Spirit of Scylla, the Six headed Man-eating Monster from Homer's Odyssey to inhabit the M'orsi, thereby the
M'orsi becoming Scylla. The M'orsi grows 6 arms, 6 heads with 4 eyes each, with a maw filled with razor sharp teeth..on all six,
with necks fully expanded, the M'orsi is 15 feet tall, the necks are 5 feet long each.

System: Same as Shiva's Might Pretty much.

Second Skin

Level One Bastet and Ragabash Gift

A shapechanger possessing this power has access to a 6th form that he may change to with a 6 difficulty. This sixth form is that
of a domestic cat or dog (depending on whether the shifter is Bastet or Garou). This is useful for shifters who would like to pass
more readily among humans without having to take homid form (a full grown lion does tend to stick out in the city). The stats are
more of a judgement call but in my chronicle the physical adjustments were moved over to social and mental were the same.

See Beyond
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level One Buddha Baku Gift

Using this Gift, a Buddha can part the veil of time and space and peer into cycles that existed before this one. The mysteries
they witnessed this way were known only to them, and can only be guessed at now. The more enlightened a Baku became, the
easier it was to use this Gift; the roll is Per + Enigmas, with the difficulty equal to 10 minus her rank in the Way of Knowledge.
The Baku must also spend 2 Gnosis unless he is an elder (Rank 3), in which case the Gift costs one Gnosis. Possible info
gained from looking into other worlds: the solution to a puzzle, possible consequences of a course of action, insight into other
members of the World of Darkness, revealing hidden influences in this cycle by witnessing its more obvious applications in

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Four Ban Saide Gift

This Gift "parts the shadow," showing the Penumbra beyond the Gauntlet of the affected area. While this is only an illusion, it can
terrify unsuspecting Garou and innocent bystanders. The effect of a Bane suddenly materializing and being immune to all attack
cannot be underestimated. These illusions are only visual: Garou with heightened senses won't be fooled.

System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis and makes a Manipulation + Enigmas roll against a difficulty equal to the local
Gauntlet. An area approximately 20' x 20' per success may be affected by the illusion. The Saide may place markers of any sort
to shape the affected area; unless specified, the Saide is in the illusion's center. This Gift does not function in the Umbra, and
spirits will not see characters in the area of effect.

Sense Ally
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level One Spilogale Seganku Gift

This one is taught by a porcupine spirit. This gift allows the Seganku to sense whether a given target could be considerd an ally
or a foe, and all the degrees between.

Cost: No cost for activation.

Sense Bete
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level One Seganku Galliard Gift

This is taught by an eagle spirit. This gift allows a Seganku to sense any nearby bete -- whether it's Garou or Gurahl, or even
Mokole or Rokea. With greater success, the Seganku may even be able to tell what kind of Bete it is. This generally works over
a 1 kilometre radius. If multiple Bete are in the same area, the most numerous presences will dominate the sensing.

Cost: Roll Perception+Primal Urge target 6.

Successes Effect
You know the general direction of other bete
You can tell the location of other bete
You can tell the location and type of Bete around you.
You can tell location and numbers of different bete.

Sense Character
By Honorah O'Neill (

Level One Theurge, Philodox, Stargazer and Uktena Gift

With this gift, the character may sense the true nature of the other creatures he encounters. This is for the sensing of PLOOKS,
NPCs, PCs, random background people, and all other types. It is useless for determining Wyrm , Weaver, or Wyld alignment or
type of creature.

System: The character rolls perception + Alertness against a variable difficulty. If he succeeds, a big glowing neon sign
declaring "PC, NPC, PLOOK, etc" will appear over the target's head. Sensing PCs is difficulty 4, NPCs 5, PLOOKS 6, and
those random people who are just there as scenery and have absolutely no purpose but you think they do is 10. All the rest are
up to the ST.

Sense Evil
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Two Entrus Shen-entu gift

This gift functions as Sense Wyrm, but reveals non-Wyrm evils as well. It is constantly in effect.

Sense Gaia
By Ryan Silverman ( for the Macala

Level Two Macala Gift

This gift is used like Sense Wyrm, but it is used to tell if there is still any good left in a child of the Wyrm.

Sense Inbalance
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level One Seganku Philodox Gift

This gift is taught by a skunk spirit. This gift allows the Seganku to tell how balanced the target is. The more successes, the more
detailed his knowledge will be -- he may know that his opponent is well balanced, or that he has equal amount of stability due to
a long-term job financing reforestry products in South America, but also has a lot of change given his rather promiscuous lifestyle
-- in fact just last week... you get the point.

Cost: Roll Perception+Occult against a targetof 6. Each success strengthens the knowledge of the opponent's balance.

Sense of Place (Level One)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
With a succesful roll of Perception+Occult versus the Gauntlet, the Wyld Runner is able to locate 'her' place in a given locale. This
means that the spot she saw is attuned to her and, by sitting there for a full night, can recover 1 point of Gnosis per success rolled. Or
she can instead perform a ritual, the difficulty dropping by 1. Travel to the Umbra is also easier (Gauntlet -1). If the result is a botch, it
means that the place is actualy hostile to her, all of the above mentioned effects are reversed (lose Gnosis, Gauntlet and difficulty +1).

Sense Prey
By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level One Homid WereFlea Gift

The user may, by expending 1 Gnosis point, detect if an object or person is a prey source. This gift will tell the user how much
blood the victim contains and what kind of blood it is: kindred, garou, mortal, fae.

Sense Shadow Folk/Magic

By Paul Harris ( for the Shadow Folk

Level One Shadow Folk Gift

Only bte that have learnt a path may learn this gift. It allows the user to sense the presence of a fellow Shadow user as well as
the presence of Shadow Magic. This gift is always in effect and acts as a compass through weird feelings and the like pointing
out local individuals/effects. One mile radius. Only fellow Shadow Folk will teach this gift.

Sense the Sinner

By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level One Dust Rider Gift

With this gift, the Dust Rider can probe a target's mind for his dirtiest little secret or direst dishonor.

System: The player must roll Empathy + Perception against a difficulty equal to half the target's Willpower Subterfuge and
spend a point of Gnosis.

Sense Totem (Level Two)

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
By rolling Perception + Occult against the targets willpower the Garou can see the totem that watches over the target. This is the pack
totem if present or the tribe totem if not.

Sense Wyllie
By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe

Level One Card Sharks Gift

By rolling Strength + Finance (difficulty of the current temperature divided by 20) the Rokea can sense manifestations of the
Wyllie, the fourth aspect of the Triat that serves inanity. This is taught by an Inane-spirit.

Serene Pasture
By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Eques WerePony Gift

The user can, with the expenditure of a Gnosis point, cleanse any 100 ft area of Wyrm taint and cause a meadow to grow at the
site. This takes 14 days minus the Gnosis of the user. This gift will not work at Wyrm caerns.

Serpent's Touch
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level Two Khan Gift

This gift allows user to do damage to the target, while healing himself. Needless to say that this gift is very useful in a fight.

System: The Khan spends 1 Gnosis point and rolls Wits+Occult (7). For the next scene, the Khan adds successes to his
damage rolls. Furthermore for each damage success that Khan achieves (before soaking), Khan gets one die to roll, difficulty 7.
Each success on that second roll heals one level of damage. The damage healed is of the same type that Khan deals out. If the
Khan punches or kicks opponents without using claws, than only non-aggravated damage can be healed. The gift is addictive;
roll Willpower vs diff 4 +1/uses of gifts per day. If this roll is failed, add +1 to the difficulty on the next use of the gift and
subsequent willpower rolls. If the Khan botches, his mind is flooded with thoughts of the target and he is at +2 difficulty to all
nondefensive actions for the duration of a gift. The gift lasts one scene. This gift is taught by a Serpent spirit. It can be also used
to replenish Willpower and Gnosis. Users of the gift glows with intense dark aura for the duration of the gift.

Seshat's Ear
By The Goddess (

Level One Bubasti Gift

The Bubasti gains the ability to understand any spoken languages; this Gift affects the user only.

System: As The Many Tongues Of Ptah, but affects only the user of the Gift.

Shadow Giant

Level 4 Shadow Lord gift

The Shadow Lords are masters of manipulation, even going as far as manipulating their own shadows. The Lord evoking this
gift calls forth his own shadow to do his bidding. This gift is taught by a night spirit.

System: The Lord rolls Manipulation + Occult. The difficulty depends on a ready light source. Bright light sources such as Car
headlights, fires, or street lamps are rolled at difficulty 6. Little light sources such as lights from windows or torches are at
difficulty 8. No ready light source would be a difficulty of 10. Successes allow the garou to manipulate its shadow to do whatever
it wants, but acquires the same stats as the character in whatever form it may be in. However, the shadow only has 3 health
levels. Successes also allow the shadow to take on a height equal to the number of successes x10 feet. For example: If a garou
scores 3 successes, the shadow it controls stands at 30 feet. The effects last for one scene.

Shadow of Disguise
By Kelevor40 for the Lartans. Also see The Setop Missive.

Level One Nuwisha Gift

This gift was devolped (some say refined ) by the Lartan sect of the Nuwisha. It is relatively the same as the Wolf in Sheep s
Clothing third level Nuwisha gift. After the Council of the Coyote held by the Nuwisha at the end of the War of Rage to decide
how to survive it, those wishing to stay on this Realm prayed to the trickster totem, and the chameleon totem for help. It came in
this form. During the first change of a Lartan Nuwisha, one undergoes strange dreams. This is not uncommon to all shape
shifters, but the Lartan have a different one. In their dream, there is a large pack of wolves, all who look and smell and act exactly
the same way. Running with the wolves is a large coyote. How the Lartan pictures the wolves in his dreams is what the alternate
form utilized by this gift will look like. It must be some kind of garou wolf, and the specific breed of wolf is usally usually the same
for each Lartan Culture. This means that most Acropoli Lartans will dream of a garou looking like Garou from the Bone Gnawer
or Glass Walker tribes, for Cogs a Children of Gaia Garou, a Cotol as a Wendigo or Uktena, and Scarlet Thorns appear as Red
Talons. Ennoya usally usually appear as Silent Striders, Silver Fangs, Shadow Lords or Glass Walkers. The basic appearance
is the same for all wolven forms (crinos, hispo and lupis). All Lartan Nuwisha must purchase this gift as one of their starting gifts,
even the Ennoya. It is something they are born with, courtesy of the Coyote and Chameleon totem. Occasionally , a Lartan will
activate the gift and never turn it off, forgetting they are Nuwisha and thinking themselves garou. These are the Tailless Puppies.

Shadow of War
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Two North Wind Corax Gift

By flying over a battlefield, the Corax drops all damage difficulties for all combatants by -2. This applies to everyone on the
ground, whether friend or foe, and lasts for the duration of the scene. It does not affect the Corax, nor does it affect anyone who
enters the fray after the Corax has done her flyby. The Corax must spend a Gnosis point and circle the battlefield at least once
for this Gift to take effect. If she is interrupted in her flight, the Gift does not work and the Gnosis point is lost. It is rumored that
multiple Corax can provide cumulative effects, but such gatherings would be rare, given their solitary nature, and would only
provide a -1 for each additional Corax present, with damage difficulty never dropping below 2.

Shadow Walk
By Kristopher W. Gruner for the Dark Watchers tribe.

Level Four Dark Watcher Gift

The user of this Gift is able to move instantaneously through darkness and shadows. It is taught by a Shadow spirit.

System: Spend one temporary Gnosis point and roll Wits + Stealth (Difficulty 7). The number of successes determines the
maximum distance traversable.
Successes Distance
3 meters
10 meters
50 meters
100 meters
1 kilometer (1000 meters)

By Kristopher W. Gruner for the Dark Watchers tribe.

Level One Dark Watcher Gift

This Gift causes shadows around the wielder to warp and meld at her whim, concealing her from her enemies. In the right
conditions, it is much easier to hide using this Gift than the Ability Stealth. It is taught by a Shadow spirit.

System: Roll Wits + Stealth against the difficulty below. Subtract the successes rolled from observers' successes on their
Perception rolls. (Yes, this takes the place of the normal stealth roll, but it is much more effective in the right conditions)
Total Darkness
New Moon/Cloudy Night
Full Moon/Clear Night
Twilight/Shadows/Dim Lighting 5
Normal Lighting
Bright Lighting

By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Four WereRhino Gift

The user can, by Expending 4 Gnosis and stomping on the ground, cause an Earthquake. The user is unaffected by this. All
opponents withing 1000 ft must make a dex check (Dif 9) or be thrown to the ground. This does 2 damage to each opponent
affected. The user may create 4 of these quakes in one scene.

Shake, Rattle and Rage

By Steven Markley (

Level Five Diablo Gift

The Diablo must be in Pisspo or Canine form to use this Gift. He spends a point each of Rage, Gnosis and Willpower and rolls
Strength + Intimidation verses 8. He begins to shake violently the turn he activates it, and on the next turn the Diablo is but a blur
and the Gift produces an earthquake. Everything within a hundred feet of the Diablo takes his Rage in non-Aggravated damage
each turn they are in the area of effect, and must spend a Willpower to take any action at all (such as to fight or escape). The
Diablo can take no other action nor regain Rage while the Gift is in effect, and burns one point of Rage per turn; when he drops
to zero Rage the Gift's duration ends. After the Gift's duration, the Diablo is at -4 to all his die pools until he can get somewhere
and sleep for at least 24 hrs. This is taught by a Tantrum spirit.

Shake the Earth

By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Level Five Gift

Shake the Earth(Level Five) - Striking both fists on the ground, and spending a rage and gnosis point the Gora may produce a
small earthquake lasting for a number of turns equal to a strength roll at difficulty 7. To escape, Dexterity+Alertness must be
rolled at difficulty 8. A botched roll will mean that the botcher is swallowed up by the earth. Failure will result in damage of some
kind. The Gora may direct this within line of sight.

By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Level Five Dust Rider Gift

With this Gift, the Dust Rider can entice children to follow him anywhere until it is beyond the child's capability to follow or it is
forced away. The child will be hopelessly devoted to the werewolf and will do anything short of suicide for him.

System: The Dust Rider whistles to the child and offers him or her a gift made by the werewolf's own hand, while the player rolls
Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 7) and spends a point of Gnosis. A number of children equal to the character's Charisma +
Willpower can be affected at once.

Shattering the Earth

By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level Three Shiva Baku Gift

The Baku spends 2 Rage and a Gnosis and rolls Str + Survival, diff 7. All within a hundred yards of the Baku (except the Baku
himself) must roll Dex + Athletics, diff 9, to remain standing. If they succeed, the must soak 3 dice of damage; if they fail, they
must soak 3 levels. Buildings can be damaged by this.

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

By Steven Markley (, for the McLeoud

Level Five McLeoud Gift

The McLeoud can awaken the Garou heritage within her, and can assume their form for a scene, gaining their mega-death
combat prowess and the ability to pass among them (though Gifts are still hooves-off). The McLeoud will also gain a +2 Rage
bonus (maximum 10). Each Garou form (Crinos, Glabro, Hispo, or Lupus) taken requires a point each of Gnosis and Rage and
a Willpower roll, and will possess the standard stat adjustments, damage and abilities. The Garou form will physically resemble
a Garou of the McLeoud's father's tribe.

Sheep's Clothing
By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level Two Bhora WereKangaroo Gift

The user can, for 1 Gnosis, take on the appearance of a sheep. Karanga are immune to this deception. There is no test for any
other supernatural to see the hiding being, but Auspex and Scent the True Form will identify the user as Karanga.

Shell of Iron
By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Four Gaalodi Gift

This gift allows a Gaalodi to harden its shell (Crinos-Terrapin) to the density of solid Iron. This is taught by a urban metallic spirit.

System: The Gaalodi spends a Gnosis point and a Willpower point. This power adds +6 dice to soak damage from it's back
half of the shell, and +4 dice to soak damage from it's front half.

Silver Antlers of the Stag

By Derek Marcoux ( for the Masters of the Hunt.

Level Three Wild Hunt Gift

The hunter may change his antlers to that of silver, causing aggravated damage to shapechangers.

System: This power costs 1 Gnosis and lasts 1 scene.

Silver Claws
Revised by Tony Grenander ( for Rage Revised

Level Three Ahroun Gift

The Garou transforms his fangs and claws into silver. This is very painful and calls for extreme self-control and sacrifice, but will
make the Garou a menace to others of his kind.

System: The Garou spends one Willpower, and instantly turns his fangs and claws to silver. The searing pain will almost rip his
mind apart, and he must roll for Rage every turn (permanent rating). This gift takes a tremendous toll on the psyche, and the
Garou must succeed in a Willpower roll (diff 6) to regain the Willpower spent to activate this gift (or lose it permanently). If he
were to botch this roll he gains a derangement (and still loses the Willpower). The Garou can cancel this gift at anytime.

The Silver Passage

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Four Ban Saide Gift

An old travelling trick, one of the earliest Gifts known to the tribe. The Silver Passage opens an extremely short-lived gate
through the Umbra -- some have suggested the gate is through Arcadia itself -- allowing the Garou to step from one mirror to
another without crossing the intervening space. Stories of Saide lost to the Tellurian by wardings of cold iron are probably
exaggerated. This gift is taught by a spirit of Titania. Individuals on the "Other Side" will see the Saide moving towards them in
the image of the mirror, and will have ample time to react. Reflected images are just as solid as the real thing....

System: The Garou must roll Wits + Enigmas at a difficulty equal to the Gauntlet of either her destination or point of departure,
whichever is the higher (alternatively the Banality of the area in question may be used), and spend a point of Gnosis. She may
then "step sideways" through the mirror, and will be transported to her destination. A few conditions are placed on the
destination point: There must be a large reflective surface of some sort for the Saide to step from -- a mirror, still pond, or piece
of tinted glass would all work, but she must have seen this surface in person at some point in the past. If the surface has been
destroyed or blocked by any sort of iron the Saide will be "caught" as if she had botched a roll to Step Sideways into the Umbra.
If she botches the roll to use this Gift she may well be caught in the Mirror Zones....

Silver Sword (Level 4)

By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
As Razor Sword but the garou's sword strikes as a silver weapon for full damage.

The Silver Veil

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Four Ban Saide Gift

The technological world progresses as it will, but has never seen the Fae. With this Gift the Ban Saide may cloak herself from
detection by man's artifice. Her reflection will not "catch" in man-made mirrors,cameras and elaborate security systems will not
note her passage. On the other hand, that guard dog by the front gate is just as wide-awake as ever.

System: The Garou must make a Wits + Subterfuge roll (difficulty eight) to determine the duration of the Gift. One success will
cloak the Saide for a few slow turns, three for a scene, and four for a full day -- though never more than a day. Any form of
electronic surveillance will fail, as will cameras and reflective mirrors (though visual aids such as spectacles and contact lenses
are unaffected). Technomagickal surveillance (for example, an elaborate camera system calling on Correspondence) permits
the caster to make a single Countermagick roll to offset some of the Garou's successes.

Sixth Sense
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Two Breakers Kinfolk Gift

This ability becomes innate in the possessor of this Gift. He becomes extremely sensitive to intangable things, especially the
intentions of others. The straight unmodified Empathy rating of the user may be rolled to see if he can intuitively sense another's
intentions. This only gives a general impression, not detailed plans. Being watched can be automatically sensed.

Skill of Others
By Ryan Silverman ( for the Macala

Level Five Macala Gift

This is the most secretive gift of the Macala -- only a responsible player should be allowed this by a Storyteller. This allows the
Macala to mimic any other gift of the garou tribes for one use. Any number of successes still equal one use; if you roll 1 success
or 3 successes, you still only use the gift once. Beware the Botch of this roll; it causes you to forget this gift and one level 4 gift of
the ST's choosing. You must roll Rage+Gnosis+Willpower, the Diff being the level of the gift times 2. For level 6 gifts, you must
have at least two rolls equal ten, and two tens and a 1 = botch.

Skin of Bark
By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level One Choleopae WereSloth Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, make his skin become moss-covered bark. He gains 2 healthy levels while doing
this. Opponents are -3 to hold onto him while doing this. Fire based attacks do +1 damage.

Skin of Ice
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Protector Werepenguin Gift

For 1 Gnosis and 1 Willpower the user's skin becomes Ice. This adds 4 health levels to the user. All damage dones by the user
is at +1. This gift can only be used when the user is attacked.

Skin of Itzcoatl
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Four Ocelotl Gift

The Ocelotl's fur turns black and sharp as glass, dealing horrific damage through the use of this Gift.

System: The expenditure of a Gnosis point causes the transformation, and any body slams, grapples or pins cause Str+1
aggravated damage. Claws have a +1 to damage, and any bare-skinned attackers with less than six successes take damage
based on their Strength when attacking (the Ocelotl still takes normal damage). The effect lasts for a scene, or until the Ocelotl
cancels it.

Skin of the Moloch

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Level Two Metis WereKangaroo Gift

The user can by expending 1 Gnosis cause his skin to become scaly and covered in sharp horns. He will be bright yellow while
doing this and all Stealth rolls are at -3. While in combat anyone who strikes the user without a weapon takes 2 aggravated
damage as werewolf claws. The gift lasts for 1 scene.

Slowing the Speedy

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level Two Choleopae WereSloth Gift

The user can, by looking into an opponent's eyes and winning a resisted Willpower roll, cause his opponent to slow to a half the
user's walking speed. This effect will last for 1 hour per success of the user.

Smell of Vengeance
By Red Raptor ( for the Legion of the Malformed

Level One Ragabash Legion of the Malformed Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point and touching an opponent, cause the opponent to smell as the mortal enemy of any
group. Werewolves will smell Wyrm taint on the victim, while kindred will find the victim smells feral as a wolf.


By Peloquin ( for the Ghulon tribe

Level One Ghulon Gift

The Ghulon can track a single set of scent through any terrain, with the roll Perception + Primal Urge, Diff:6.

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Four East Wind Corax Gift

With a touch and a Willpower point, the Corax can soothe and provide comfort to a target, negating the effects of Gifts which
affect the mind, like Staredown (Level Two Homid), Disquiet (Level Two Homid), Roll Over (Level Four Philodox), True Fear
(Level Two Ahroun), Snarl of the Predator (Level Two Get of Fenris), Icy Chill of Despair (Level Three Shadow Lord), or
Paralyzing Stare (Level Three Shadow Lord). As a general rule, this Gift works against Gifts which cause fear, depression,
anger, or despair. Targets who have been aided by Solace are protected by it for the duration of the scene, and get an extra die
to defend against the Gift which cowed them, or any similar Gifts. This Gift can also stop a Fox Frenzy with a successful
Charisma + Empathy roll, difficulty of the target's Willpower. It has no effect when the target is Berserk.

Solid Path
By Derek Marcoux ( for the Masters of the Hunt.

Level Two Wild Hunt Gift

The Master may run over water, quicksand, ice, etc.

System: Roll Dexterity + Survival, diff: 7. The effect lasts 1 scene.

Solitary Company (Level Four)

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.
Solitary Company physically combines all the members of the pack into one being, which is in the base form of the majority of those
coming together, with the attributes of the one employing the gift. Tests must be made regularly (Stamina + Leadership, difficulty 8) to
stay together; injury, combat, or anything requiring a Rage roll will cause the pack to return to separate individuals. Two Gnosis points
must be spent (maybe three).

Some Thing
By Timothy Toner (, for the Mumblers camp.

Level 2 Gift

With subtler application of the power, the Gnawer gains the ability to affect how people react to the babbling. Specifically,
emotions can be invoked by inflections of the babble.
This seems to be the opposite of Thing. Any attempt to understand the babble, or even to hide a coherent message, is fruitless.
What is important is the inflections. Although the target will not understand what the hell is being said, she will be able to infer an
emotional state, and respond accordingly.
After spending a point of Gnosis, the user rolls Wits + Empathy (diff 7) to see to what degree the effect manifested. Most of the
time, this is just empathic projection, useful in controlling reactions, especially animals. However, the more successes scored,
the greater control the user has over the target.
Successes Effect
Simple emotions (Fear, anger, hunger) are passed and understood.
More complex emotions, or combinations of emotions are passed and understood. Connections can be made
between objects. Rather than target feeling anger at whatever she is looking at, user can direct anger from or to any
object in sight.
Complete thoughts composed of images, but not words, can be conveyed, laced with emotional triggers. Thus, out
of sight objects can be influenced, as the target has an image of the object in her mind.
Most of the previous effects have to do with passive control of emotions. At this level, the user takes an active,
albeit minor, level of control over the target. Before, the target had irrational thoughts enter her mind. Now the
thoughts, although new, seem to become a rational part of the thought processes, almost as if a "brain storm" came
across the target. This merely implies that the target wants to act on the feeling. She still has free will.
The user gains active control over the target. The new emotions and thoughts will seem completely natural, and, if
asked, the target's mind will make every attempt to rationalize the implanted action.
Keep in mind, however, that the user must decide to what extent the power is to manifest beforehand, and must describe
precisely beforehand how he wants the target to react. Thus, if a user wants the target just to be happy, it only requires 1
success. If he wants the target to be happy with a gun, that requires 3 successes. However, if he needs three successes to
manifest the effect, and only gets one, then the target will just be happy, which might not be the effect desired. Extra successes
have no effect.

Song of the Dramatically Damned

By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe

Level One Card Shark Gift

By rolling Charisma + Music, the Rokea can recreate the "duh-nuh-nuh-nut" music from jaws while hunting. This adds 2 to any
Intimidation-based rolls when used on movie buffs. This is taught by a Dramatic Arts Major-spirit.

Soothing Touch
By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Two Ocelotl Gift

As Lick Wounds, but heals 2 levels of damage per Gnosis point.

Southern Stars
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Five Bunyip Gift

Once per month, the Garou may roll Gnosis. Each success completely inhibits travel to Australia or New Zealand through the
Umbra for one day. A botch directs the Garou to the Umbra. The Gift works regardless of where the Garou is; the difficulty should
be assigned by the reason for closing off the Umbra (impending mage attacks would make the diff. 4 or 5, whereas a Garou
doing it for fun would have a diff. of 9). This Gift is taught by a Marsupial spirit.

By Shane Duffy, for the Croagal tribe.
Level 2 gift
You can control sparks (like Jubilee from the X-Men) at no cost

Speaking Spirit
By Ellerby (

Level Three Galliard Gift

This calls a special spirit to the service of a Galliard. It is temporarily bound into an object. When a certain event, specified by the
user, occurs, it will deliver a message. It takes its orders very seriously, but also very literally, so beware of false wording.

System: Roll Charisma + Rituals difficulty 8. This determines the length of the message that can be delivered and the length of
time the spirit will wait for the chosen "trigger event" to occur.
Successes Effects
None. Spirit does not come.
Spirit will wait for one day. Message must be no longer than 10 words.
Spirit will wait for week. Message must be no longer than 25 words.
Spirit will wait for a month. Message must be no longer than 50 words.
Spirit will wait for a year. Message must be no longer than 100 words
Spirit will wait indefinitely. Message can be of any length.

Spear of CuChulain
By Derek Marcoux ( for the Masters of the Hunt.

Level Four Wild Hunt Gift

The hunter may cause his spear to glow with the light of the sun, inflicting the Rotschreck in the undead.

System: The Huntsman speends a Gnosis point, then rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. Each success adds to the Rotschreck rolls for all
kindred in the area.

Spears of the Porcupine

By Peloquin ( for the Cristata

Leve 2 Cristata gift

Roll Brawl+Dexterity+Athletics diff:7, and you may fire your spines like spears at ranges of 30 feet. They do damage Str +4, and
may be used in both Crinos and Cristata form.

Speech of the Fool

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.
Level Two East Wind Corax Gift

The Corax can empower herself and her chosen companions with the ability to speak a secret language, incomprehensible to
others. With a roll of Subterfuge + Linguistics, difficulty 6, the Corax can give a number of others equal to the number of her
successes the power to speak this unrecognizable, untranslatable language. It is a spoken language only, and written messages
between characters are not affected. The effects last for one scene. This Gift can overcome Linguistic Gifts, like Split Tongue,
with a resisted roll.

Speed of Current
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Hunter Werepenguin Gift

The user can for 1 Gnosis quadruple her swimming speed for 1 turn per Gnosis she has.

Speed of Light
By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level One Vermin Gift

This gift allows the character to travel at high speeds. It can be performed a any speed, and the character is seen as no more
than a blur. The character rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 8 for Rodens, 6 for Crinos, and 7 for Homid forms). The successes
x 100 equals the amount of distance that can be made. Also, the time it takes is equal to 1 second per every 100 yards. One
point of Rage must be spent per use and it can only be used once per turn. It is taught by a Time spirit.. In actuality, it appears
that the character is moving faster but he is really moving the same speed but from his perspective, has slowed down the rest of
the world. That is it's effects.

Speed of the Sea

By Beth Bartley, for the Moon Circle Dancer tribe.

Level Two Moon Circle Dancer Gift

The character's swimming speed is doubled. The character can spend a Gnosis point to double the speed of a boat he/she is
on for a number of hours equal to the successes on a Boat Handling + Manipulation roll, the difficulty depending on the size of
the boat (Kayak 2, Small canoe 3, Large canoe/small rowboat/tiny sailboat 4, ...). This Gift only speeds the boat as long as the
character using the Gift is the primary person responsible for the boat's movement (one of the most responsible if there is no
single person), or the captain/mate in charge of this shift; if the character stops functioning as such, the speed drops until he/she
resumes that duty (and the time off does count towards the number of hours).

By Peloquin ( for the Erinaceus tribe.

Level One Erinaceus Gift

The Erinaceus spends 1 Rage, and turns into a compact ball of razorsharp spines. He gains a +2 Stamina and +2 soak dice on
any soak roll. This Gift only works in Crinos, Migro or Erinus form. The Gift is in operation until the Erinaceus turns it off, no cost.

Spin of the Calendar (Level 5)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Ehecatl tribe.
As Quetzalcoatl gave mankind the calendar, He can take it away; so the Ehecatl elders say as this Gift allows the Garou to change the
conditions of the day to those of any other; night can become day, spring can become winter, the full moon become new, etc. This only
affects the immediate area and lasts for a scene. The Garou must spend 3 Willpower points abd roll Gnosis, the base difficulty is 6, 8
if the change is to an opposite in the Cycle of time (dawn-dusk, spring-fall) and 4 if to an adjacent (summer-fall, dusk-night).

Spines of Silver
By Peloquin ( for the Cristata

Level 3 Cristata gift

Well, you turn your spines into silver, just like a Garou may do with his claws or fur, but they do the first damage and the damage
of silver. Sacrifice 1 Gnosis to switch on.

Spirit of Courtship
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Four White Howler Gift

As Essence of the Hunt, except the Garou may change into the consumed animal (no half-forms, though). The Garou must have
Essence of the Hunt to gain this Gift.

Spirit Possession
By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Four WereFlea Gift

The user can, while in the Umbra, bite and consume the essence of a spirit. The spirit may be eaten or stored as blood traits.
The user may hold up to 30 power points of spirit. This works on banes, gafflings and jagglings.

Split Tongue
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level One Corax Gift

This Gift allows the Corax to speak intelligibly in all forms. By spending a Willpower Point, she can speak and understand any
one language for the duration of a scene. This language must be decided upon before the Willpower Point is spent. Switching to
another language requires the expenditure of another point of WP. If the Corax is totally unfamiliar with a given language, she
must either make a successful Intelligence + Linguistics roll (difficulty varies according to the obscurity of the language) or listen
to a conversation in that language for a turn before activating her Gift. For example, if she wants to use the Mokole tongue, but
has never been exposed to it, she must succeed on an Int + Linguistics roll (probably a diff of 10) or overhear a couple of werealligators gossiping in the swamps. The Gift does not grant the user the ability to read or write in the specified language, and any
information she gains from the Gift will be remembered and reiterated in her native language.

Spray Acid
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level One Seganku Ahroun Gift

This is taught by a Skunk-spirit. This gift allows the Seganku to spray a corrosive enzyme (similar to stomach acid, but a fair bit
more powerful), instead of the standard musk. The Seganku must spend a rage point, and roll rage against a target of 8. The
number of successes indicate how many sprays are transformed into corrosive acid. The Seganku may choose which sprays
are corrosive when he fires them off. The Corrosive acid does aggravated damage.
The Seganku must spray all of the corrosive sprays before sleeping. Otherwise, the acid will start to eat at him from within.

Spurs of Pain
By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level Three Khan Gift/Level Four Get of Fenris and Shadow Lord Gift

Cold Rage must be mastered before this Gift is learned. The Weretiger channels his pain to his advantage.

System: Spend 1 Willpower. Roll Gnosis difficulty 8. For 2 turns per success the weretiger is not slowed down by injuries and
pain. In fact he channels his pain to assist him. The Khan adds his wound penalties to his dice pool instead of subtracting them.
The gift is addictive as Serpent's Touch and creates the same aura for the duration as Serpent's Touch.

St. Elmo's Boon

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level One Breakers Kinfolk Gift

By spending a Gnosis point, and rolling Manipulation + Occult, the user may cause St. Elmo's fire to flicker across a area of 100
feet square per success for an entire evening. Use of this Gift is often used to scare people off sites.

By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level One WereRhino Gift

The user may, by expending a Gnosis point, ignore all effects that would slow or stop the him. This gift will last for 1 scene.

By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Level 1 Storm Rider gift

The garou may cause an area of static to form all around her. This will disrupt any kind of tracking done by radio, etc. It may also
be used as a sort of shield.

System: This power is much like an innate ability. It can be turned on and off at will. If it is used as a shield, then any projectile
attacks get a +2 to difficulty to hit. It should be known that while this is in effect, the Garou is immune to all forms of electricity.

Static World
By Ellerby ( for his Ananasi Expansion.

Fifth Level Spinderling Ananasi Gift

Spend 2 Gnosis. for the remainder of the scene, the entire world is caught in a time sheath. All other creatures and objects move
at half the normal speed, and others can act only every other turn. Taught by a time-spirit.

Stealing the Moon

By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level Six Pica Gift

This Gift has been passed down from the very first Pica to every Level 6 ancestor and is basically the power used by Magpie
himself once.
The Pica spends two days meditating, making accumulated Willpower and Gnosis rolls. Fifty successes each are needed. The
Pica then spends her entire temporary Gnosis and Willpower rating, and snatches the small silver disk that comes falling through
the air towards her.
And the moon is gone.
The Pica must perform the ritual every month to keep the moon, and her eyes will inevitably shine with a white glow. For each
month the moon is kept captive, there is no moon, a phenomenon no one has so far seen. Bear in mind that this is no lunar
eclipse, but the disappearance of the very piece of grey rock orbiting our planet, so tides would be messed up, the Earth's spin
would be affected, and most importantly of all, in these days, the Shapeshifters would see this as Apocalypse come too soon.
The Gift has only been used once, many tens of thousands of years ago, and the disastrous effects caused an entire city to
disappear. Maybe you've heard of it. The natives called it Poseidonis, and the citystate it governed was called Atlantis.

Stealing the Wind

By Paul Harris ( for the Shadow Folk

Level Four Ragabash, Caelican, Bubasti Gift

This gift is available only to Shadow Folk
The user may attempt to steal any hedge magic powers he witnesses. He must copy it word for word, action for action, move for
move then make a Manipulation + Performance roll (dif. 8). If three successes are scored he will gain the power irrelevant of his
current rating in paths. Afterwards he can modify the ritual to his own standards. The user must be within relevant sensory
distance of the victim. Failure to gain the power (through failing the roll/failing to carry out the same action) will result in the user
losing one of his own rituals. This gift is taught by a monkey spirit.

Steel Wool
By Steven Markley (, for the McLeoud

Level One McLeoud Gift

By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Stamina + Primal Purge (diff 7), the weresheep hardens his wool into a metal-like
substance, and gains a number of bonus dice to his soak pool equal to the successes rolled. This only works for forms that have
wool. By rubbing against things, the McLeoud under the effects of this Gift can polish them to a clean shine.

Stench of Death
By Kevin Harrison (

Level 3 Black Spiral Dancer gift

Spend 1 Willpower point and all nearby characters must make a Stamina (8) roll.Failure means a reduction to all dice pools by 2
and on a botch, the character flees the area, trying to escape the reeking smell of rotting corpses.

Stick 'em Where it Hurts

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level Two Low in the Tree WereSloth Gift

The user can, by expending 2 Gnosis and rolling Dex + Brawl, cause a 9 ft. long lance of wood to shoot from any tree nearby. If
this hits it does 3rd+4 damage to any opponent.

Sticky Sap
By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Level One Low in the Tree WereSloth Gift

By expending a Gnosis, the user can cause any tree to exude a sticky substance under an opponent. If caught in this sap the
opponent must make a Strength -1 roll with 2 successes to free himself.

Sting of the Dragonfish

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Four Comus M'orsi Gift

This gift was taught long ago by brother Dragonfish. This gift causes three rows of poisonous spines to appear down the back of
the M'orsi. These can be used as a Melee weapons, or you can spend a rage point and shoot them at your opponent.

System: Roll Dexterity+Melee (Diff 6) to use them as a melee weapons, the barbs stick into the victim, and do 3 aggravated
damage, then do 1 agg damage per turn until all are pulled out, it takes two turns of concentrations to pull them out. Spend a
rage point and roll Dexterity+Firearms (Diff 7) to shoot them at the victim. Usable only in Dimidum, Paene, and Comus forms.

Stoking Fury's Furnace

Revised by Tony Grenander ( for Rage Revised

Level Four Ahroun Gift

The Rage of the Garou knows no bonds, and will seem to be never-ending. The Rage increases at double rate, and declines at

System: For example, a Garou with this gift would make his initiate Rage roll as normal. Say he scored 2 successes, his Rage
would then, in the following turn, grow to 4 extra actions, instead of 3 (it will stop at the maximum level). When his Rage starts to
decline, it will only decrease one step every other turn.

Storing the Defiler

By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Level Two WereFlea Gift

The user may, instead of injesting a liquid, move it to a special sack in its body. This sack may hold 2 blood traits of liquid. At
any time the user can, after biting a victim, inject part or all of the traits stored. Alternatively the user may squirt the liquid in one
attack at any opponent as a firearm attack. This does no damage unless the liquid is toxic.

Storyteller's Whim
By Honorah O'Neill (

Level Four Gift

With this gift, the user may choose to ignore one game mechanic nomrally in operation in the particular game he is in. This could
be anything from initiative, to the can't soak silver rule, to the rule that Rage and Gnosis can't be spent in the same round. This
gift may only be possessed by NPCs. NPCs who are converted to PCs have the knowledge of this gift stolen away from them by
the Game Balance Wyrm.

System: The NPC spends a Rage, Gnosis or Willpower, whichever pool currently has the most in it. The ST grabs as many dice
as are currently sitting in front of him and rolls them against a difficulty of six. For every success on this the NPC can ignore one
rule for as many turns as he had successes.

Strange Blood
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Five Bunyip Gift

Any gift that specifically affects Garou does not work on the Garou with this Gift. This immunity also extends to use of Pure
Breed, Renown, and any other Garou-specific effects.

Strange Seasons
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Four Bunyip Gift

Spend one Gnosis and for the rest of the day (until sunrise the next morning), the season in the area is changed to its opposite
(winter becomes summer, etc.) The area should be determined by Storyteller. This Gift is taught by a spirit of the Southern Wind.

Strength of Bear
By Colin Chapman ( for the Ankuq tribe.

Level 4 gift

The garou spends 2 Gnosis and rolls Willpower. Each success increases the garou's strength by 1 dot for the scene. This gift is
taught by a Bear spirit.

Strength of One
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Two South Wind Corax Gift

This Gift can be used in two ways, both of which require the expenditure of a Gnosis point. First, it can grant the Corax with a
Strength equal to that of the strongest creature in the area with a successful Stamina + Primal-Urge roll, difficulty 8. The
opponent loses no Strength dice. Second, it can give her companions one extra, temporary Strength die at the cost of one of her
own Strength dice. This does not require a roll, but the Corax must spend a Gnosis point per companion she wishes to gift with
her Strength. The effects last for one scene. The number of Strength dice she donates can be increased to the limits of her
Strength, but she must spend another Gnosis point per each extra die.

Strengthen Forge (Level Five)

By Dennis Payne
This gift causes a melee weapon to inflict aggravated damage for the scene. It requires expending one rage point and one success
on Dexterity + Melee vs. a difficulty of the weapon's to-hit plus one.

By Kevin Harrison (

Level 4 Shadow Lord gift

At the cost of 1 Gnosis, the target's lungs cannot process oxygen while the power is in effect. The victim must make Stamina (8)
roll to avoid blacking out (botch = brain damage or death). The user must concentrate (-2 all dice pools) while using this power
and spend 1 Willpower point for every turn (beyond the first) that the power is active.

Summon Greater Dreamtime Servants

By Tony Frisco for the Bunyip.

Level Five Gift

This is the same as Summon Lesser Dreamtime Servants, except that it summons jagglings and the difficulty of the
Manipulation+Occult roll is one higher.

Summon Lesser Dreamtime Servants

By Tony Frisco for the Bunyip.

Level Four Gift

The Garou must first try to break the Gauntlet with a Gnosis roll. Then spend two Gnosis and make a Manipulation+Occult roll
with a difficulty of 6. This brings a number of gafflings equal to the number of successes. A failure summoning no spirits and a
botch summoning hostile ones.

Summon Mount (Level Three)

By Dennis Payne
Calls the nearest domesticated riding animal. The summons only lasts for a number of minutes equal to the successes on Charisma +
Animal Ken, difficulty 6. If no animal can reach him by then the call fails. A botch means the summons may not be attempted for
another day, otherwise it may only be used once per scene.

Summon Ngagi
By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe. (See also Ngagi totem).

Level Five Gift

The Beringa may summon a representation of the Great White Gorilla to aid him in one task. Roll Charisma and Primal-Urge,
difficulty 8, the number of successes = the numbers of turns that the Ngagi-mirror will exist to aid the summoner. 5 or more
successes may allow the Ngagi to stay longer than the usual (at the Storyteller's discretion, or until the task is completed.)

Summon Spirit Form

By Jason C. Marshall (, for the Mantidae tribe.

Level Five Gift

The Mantidae rolls Cha + Primal Urge and summons forth a Giant Spirit Form to aide its endeavour.

Summon the Night Wind

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.

Level 3 Nahual Gift

This gift creates a howling wind that only exists in the victims' mind. The Nahual spends a Gnosis point and rolls Willpower
against the Gauntlet. The victim suffers both physical and mental effects, all cumulative:
Successes Physical
Cold breeze.
Biting cold wind.
Strong and cold wind. Roll Per+2 to avoid
dropping paper items.
Wind so cold it hurts (no damage)
Icy gale. Roll Dex or fall.
Biting hurricane. Victim is blown back.


Nagging sensation; very distracting: +1 difficulty to all rolls.
Head throbbing: -1 die to all rolls.
Headache. -1 die and +1 more difficulty.
Lose coordination. -1 additional die to Physical rolls.
Lose concentration. -1 additional die to Mental rolls.
The soul freezes and the mind screams. Lose 1 point of temporary
Gnosis and fall unconscious.

Summon the Servant

By The Goddess (

Level Four Bubasti Gift

Through the use of the Gift, the Bubasti may summon a minor spirit (a Gaffling or lesser Jaggling) to perform one service.

System: By expending 2 Gnosis points and rolling Rituals+Manipulation or Charisma (difficulty of the spirit's Gnosis), the
Bubasti may call a spirit to perform one service (which may not be fatal to the spirit). The service may not last for more than one

Summon the Storm

By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Level 3 Storm Rider gift

The Garou can control the weather to an extent. He may amplify the weather at the present, though he may not outright change it.
Thus, one could make it rain harder or lighter, but they could not make it quit and go away.

System: The Garou spends 1 gnosis and rolls Manipulation+Survival. Each success allows him to alter one aspect of the

Summoning of the Silver

By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Three Silver Knights Gift

This gift turns any object the Garou hold in his hands, up to two meters in height, into an object of pure silver. This mystical silver
doesn't harm the Garou creating it, but will harm others.

System: The Garou concentrates for one turn and spends one Gnosis point. He then rolls Gnosis + Science (Difficulty 6). The
object becomes silver for a number of turns equal to the number of successes he rolls. This gift is taught by a Lune Spirit.

Surveillance Camera
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Three Subseco Gift

This gift allows the Subseco to have a Water Jaggling find whomever or wherever you want to watch by Looking into some

System: Spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation+Enigmas (Diff 7); the number of sucesses determines how long they may
observe. (2 mins per Sucess)

Tail of Death
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Lachna

Level Three Lachna Gift

The Lachna's tail becomes incredibly hard, allowing the Lachna to inflict grievous wounds with it.

System: The Lachna spends a point of Rage and rolls Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). If successful, the character now can
(for the rest of the scene) use her tale for a Strength +4 attack. In essence the tail has become a giant chunk of concrete, but this
does not affect the character's movement. However, she cannot use her tale for gifts such as Puffy Tail.

Tail of the Ixitxachitl

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Four Comus M'orsi Gift

This gift was taught by a Legendary Vampiric Bane that looked like a ray. This resemblance has earned the hatred of M'orsi by
many garou.

System: Spend a rage point and roll Dexterity + Melee (diff 7) Your tail becomes barbed and razor sharp, inflicting Str+5 agg
damage. If the successes of the Dex+Melee roll equals over 3 sucesses, the tail can dig itself into the victim, draining 1 HL per
round, and adding a dot of stamina per HL drained that wears off after 3 hours. Usable only in Dimidum, Paene, and Comus

Take the Wolf Form

By Cybersurfer (

Level four Homid gift

Allows the homid to assume the statistics of the Crinos form while still appearing human. The PC spends three Gnosis points
and rolls Gnosis against a difficulty of the character's Rage. The effects last for one scene. Note that, unless the character
metamorphs his hands or teeth, he will have no way to inflict aggravated wounds naturally.

Talons of Fire
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level One Beast of War WereSparrow Gift

This gift is only useable in Crinos. The user may expend a Gnosis to cause its talons to become immolated in balefire. The user
takes no ill effects from balefire while doing this. For the remainder of the scene the user's attacks gain +2 damage and will
affect those who are exposed to it as balefire.

Tap the Wyld

By Dave Kahn ( for the Cerberus tribe.

Level Two Cerberus Gift

The intense ties of the Cerberus to the Wyld allow them to draw on its strength. In areas where the Wyld is strong, such as the
deep wilderness and caerns, the Garou may replenish his gnosis.

The Garou must concentrate, oblivious to events around her, tuning into the Wyld. The Garou then makes a Wits + Rituals roll
(diff 7). Each two successes restores one point of Gnosis up to her maximum.

Target Foe
By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Level Five WereRhino Gift

By expending 5 Gnosis and staring at an opponent for 3 turns, the user may gain 4 automatic successes for attacking the victim
at any time while the the user is in combat with the victim.

Taste of Fresh Meat (Level One)

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
By spending a gnosis point and rolling Wits + Expression against the quality of the food, the Garou can improve the taste and
nutritiousness of food. The base food can be anything edible, even if slightly poisonous. The difficulty numbers range from 1 (a stake
dinner) to 10 (Mouldy vegetables). The number of successes determines how much better the food tastes and how much better it is.
This generally means the food tastes and becomes more like red meat as this is what most Garou want to eat. Successes also
remove things such as minor disease and poison, depending on the number of successes. The target number would however be
higher for such foodstuffs.

Tell Lies
By J.D. Pilling ( for the Chiropter

Level One Chiropter Judge Gift

Chiropter judges quickly become adept at hiding their own lack of knowledge (or morals for the most part). Judges with this gift
appear to be telling the truth. Regardless of whether hooked up to a lie detector machine or subjected to the Truth of Gaia gift,
the Judge appears to be telling the truth. Others may disagree with what the Judge is saying and they may also appear to be
telling the truth. This gift does not mean the Judge says what the listener wants to hear, just that the Judge somehow believes
what he is saying. After all, truth is just a matter of perspective.

The Caribou Effect

By Bejeir D. Brooks ( for the Deragos

Level 2 Caribou gift

1 Willpower, 1 Rage

This gift is how Deragi express dominance, but all are susceptible to its effects. This gift forces 2 male opponents to butt heads
until "the cows like the pasture..." It restricts the usage of any other form of combat save headbutting and antler slicing. Even the
meekest male will head butt a frenzied Get of Fenris. This gift does in fact override the effects of frenzy in that the frenzying
creature can only headbutt. This gift may only be used within 30 feet of a female or 100 feet of an ovulating female. The Caribou
effect is also known as the "Thrall of the Antelope." If you come from a matriarchy you are immune to this gift: i.e. Black Furies
(the metis males) and all Mokole. This is a resisted Willpower roll made by each side as long as the caster has one success the
victims will Butt heads.

The Dance Reversed (Level 5)

By Andrew Cram, for the Ghost Howlers tribe.
This gift is only effective on black spiral dancers (or others of the changing breed corrupted by the Wyrm), it forces them to dance the
spiral backwards: away from the wyrm. The Howler must be in physical contact with the dancer to use this gift. When initiated the
Howler and Dancer are transported to a pocket realm were the Howler must defeat a powerful bane whilst the dancer can do nothing
but dance on the spot. If the Howler is successful the Dancer is removed from the Wyrm, all wyrm taint is removed and its sanity is
restored: it looses all gifts of the wyrm and its connection to any bane totem. From then on it is a Ghost Howler (or which ever clan it
was originally from).

The Flow
By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Three Gaalodi Gift

This gift was taught to the Gaalodi by Gaia. It is the exact opposite of Timeless. All information regarding effect are reversed.
Again, a Temporiasis teaches it.

System: Same as Timeless.

The Many Faces

By Ellerby (

Level Two Ragabash Gift

This Gift allows the Trickster to take on the visage of another. The image may be blurry, incorrect, or even downright silly looking
(ever had your face on upside down?).

System: Make a Wits + Subterfuge roll, difficulty 7. The more successes, the better and more accurate the new face is. This
lasts for 6 hours per success, or whenever the user wishes to end it.

The Shortest Way (Level Two)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
By rolling Perception+Enigma versus a difficulty depending of the complexity of the surroundings. The result is that the Wyld Runner
knows the layout of the terrain and can choose the shortest way between two points. The wrong way is chosen in case of a botch.

The Smoking Mirror (Level 3)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
When success is achieved in a Gnosis roll against a difficulty of the victim's Willpower, the Nahual can make all reflections of the vitim
seem like a distorted, Wyrm-corrupted image. The more Rage (or less Humanity) the victim has, the more horrible the reflection is;
each mirror, pond, glass and anything else that casts a reflection exaggerates grossly the darkness within. The duration is a day per
success, during which travel to the Umbra is impossible. The victim must make a Willpower roll against the Nahual's Gnosis to avoid
going insane.

The Thousand Tongues

By Erik Robbins for the Simo bete tribe.
As world travellers, the Simo were often dealing with cultures that they did not know the language of. This Gift is similar to the Third
Level Homid Gift: Tongues, except that it applies only to the spoken word, instead of the written one. The Simo spend a Willpower and
rolls Wits + Linguistics, difficulty determined buy how unrelated the language is to the Simo's native language. For a French Simo,
Latin would be difficulty 4, while ancient Mayan would be difficulty 10. The Simo can speak the chosen language for one hour per

By Timothy Toner (, for the Mumblers camp.

Level 1 Gift

The Bone Gnawer in question starts talking about anything in general. However, rather than specifically naming places and
events, the speaker injects as many pronouns as possible, including using many variations of the word "thing." A sample
dialogue follows:
Gnawer: So I went to the place where him and me went the other day, and we talked about that thing and what she thought about
it, and whether or not he wanted us to go to the park.
It seems confusing, and to a casual observer, it is. However, the inflections transmitted can be picked up by any listener. The
base chance of interpreting just from watching is Wits + Linguistics, (Diff 9), but the watcher must be aware of something going
on. If another Garou is listening, he can spend a point of Gnosis, and automatically understand. However, as above, the Garou
must know there's more to the gibberish than mere gibberish.
Otherwise, it's a simple matter of the Gnawer picking a target, and babbling to him. She spends a point of Gnosis, and babbles
away. The selected target immediately understands what is meant. Multiple targets can be selected, with a 1 pt. Gnosis
expenditure for each.
Of course, message length is controlled by the amount the Gnawer actually speaks. For every five chatter words, one actual
word is conveyed. The basic message must be formed beforehand, and thought throughout. Thus, the Gnawer can't do anything
that requires total concentration, and all other difficulties are increased by one.
Additionally, the chatter is really annoying. The average authority figure will soon lose patience with the babbling. The specific
effect is left up to the ST.
Further, the target must be present in the room with the Gnawer. Part of it is body language, as the Gnawer conveys what is
important, and what is not. Thus, the message cannot be recorded, unless videotaped.

Thousand League Breath

By Erik Robbins, for the Simo bete tribe.
Level One Gift
Believe it or not, dolphins aren't fish. They need to breath air, and thus they have a limited amount of time they can spend underwater.
This Gift extends the amount of time that a Simo can go without breathing. If they are in Homid or Glabro, they can hold their breath for
as long as their Delphis form normally could (Stamina in scenes). If they are in Crinos, Hispo, or Delphis form, they roll Stamina +
Primal-Urge (difficulty 6), and can hold their breath for one hour per success.

Thunder Cheep
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level Two Beast of War WereSparrow Gift

The user can for, 2 Gnosis and a successful Sta roll let our a roaring CHEEP! that will knock all opponents to the ground. This
can be resisted with a Dex roll (dif 10). When used in Spirinan form all opponents must make a Willpower roll or flee in terror
from the tiny creature. Supernaturals have a diff of 4 for this roll.

By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Level 2 Storm Rider gift

The Garou can toss a tennis ball sized ball of electricity, and any kind of complex machine it hits will automatically shut down. It
may cause some systems to overload and explode. It will also stun any living thing it hits.

System: The Garou rolls Stamina+Throwing to hit. If successful, then the number of successes are converted into damage dice.
This is not aggravated damage. Humans will be knocked unconscious for a number of turns equal to the damage rolled,
vampires for half that, and a -2 to dice pool the other half.

By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Level 4 Storm Rider gift

The Garou may cast a lightning bolt; one with such great power that nothing can withstand it.

System: Treat same as Thunderball, but the damage is Aggravated, and just about anything non-living thing is blasted to
pieces. Also, for damage, add the number of successes to 4 to see how many damage dice.

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level One Metis WereDuck Gift

The user may, by spending a Gnosis point and rolling Manipulation, cause the victim to feel like she is being tickled with duck
feathers. The victim must roll Willpower or start giggling and laughing.

By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Three Gaalodi Gift

This gift of the Wyrm allows a Gaalodi to throw a temporal sphere around an inanimate object. Within the sphere, the object is
subject to 100 years of aging in the span of a millisecond. This gift is taught by a Temporiasis, a small spirit that can exist
outside of the flow of time.

System: The Gaalodi spends 2 Gnosis. Only non living things are affected at this level.

Titania's Glory
By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Level Three Ban Saide Gift

This Gift is similer to the Silver Fang Gift, Lambent Flame. The Ban Saide may choose to raise the level of light to a blinding
intensity, dazzling all who look upon it. This gift is taught by a Sun Spirit.

System: If the Saide chooses to blind his onlookers, they must roll Stamina + Alertness (difficulty 7). A failed roll indicates
temporary blindness lasting 1 die of turns. A botched roll may mean that the blindness lasts for a scene or more. Anyone who
passes this roll may attack the Saide by making a Stamina roll (difficulty 5) with every attack. Otherwise this gift is identical to the
Silver Fang Gift, Lambent Flame.

Tlaloc's Blessing (Level 5)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Tlaloque tribe.
If a Gnosis roll succeeds against a difficulty set by the Storyteller, the Tlaloque can bestow Tlaloc's gift of fertility upon a creature or an
area. This automatically cures any illness, removes Blight for some time and banishes any Wyrm creature from the person or area.
The Wyrm spirit resists by rolling Willpower against the Garou's Gnosis. As with Hands of Health,the Stpryteller should determine
difficulty and successes needed (toxic waste should be almost impossible to remove). The cost is 2 Gnosis per turn.

Track the Hunted

By Derek Marcoux ( for the Masters of the Hunt.

Level One Wild Hunt Gift

This gift allows the Huntsman to keep track of his prey.

System: Roll Perception + Survival, diff: 7. The Huntsman can keep track of prey as many turns as successes.

Tree Frog
By J.D. Simmons ( for the Salientians

Level One Salientian Aspect

This gift allows the Frog to grow long claws for both climbing and fighting. Without this aspect, Frogs have no claws.

System: Roll Stamina + Primal Urge (difficulty 8). Only one success is needed and it grants claws on fingers and toes that inflict
Str +1 aggravated damage, and give -2 to climbing difficulties. In addition, for every two successes after the first the claws do an
additional +1 damage. There is no additional bonus to climbing.

Tree Spirit's Gift

By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level One Bunyip Gift

Gain an additional soak die when struck by a Wyrm agent. It is taught by a Glade Child.

Trees in the Air

By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Level Five Gift

The Troglo may actually move through the air as though there were trees there for them to climb and swing between. They may
also take whatever they can carry (including others, with them). They may move at running speed.

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Two South Wind Corax Gift

The Corax can force a target to truthfully answer a question. The Corax rolls Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty of the victim's
Willpower, and the number of successes indicates the number of questions the target must answer truthfully during the course of
the next scene. If the Corax fails to ask the allotted number of questions before the end of the scene, the effect of the Gift ends
and the victim is free to speak as he pleases. The victim can make a Willpower roll, difficulty equal to the number of the
successes the Corax rolled +2, to refuse to answer a given question.

Turtle's Breath
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level Two Croatan Gift

The Garou with this Gift gains an additional 5 Stamina for determining how long his breath may be held. This Gift is taught by a
Turtle Spirit.

Umbra Walker
By Jim Bohiem ( for the Shen-entu

Level Five Far Swimmer Shen-entu gift

Users need no rite to step into the middle Umbra. They may spend one Gnosis to enter the Dark Umbra and 3 Gnosis to enter
the Far Umbra.

Umbral Call
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level Two Eater of Souls WereSparrow Gift

The user of this gift can call Banes in the Umbra. The call is undeniable and will bring all banes within a mile to the location. This
gift is generally used after several uses of Wyrm Taint.

Unending Rage
By Tony Grenander ( for Rage Revised

Level Six Ahroun Gift

A Garou with this gift can control his Rage to such an extent that he doesn't lose any Rage for the remaining combat.

System: The Garou spends one Willpower to activate this gift. It can be done at any point, but once it's activated the Garou's
Rage stays constant (does not increase/decline) for the remaining combat, or until he enters frenzy.

Unholy Terror
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Three Breakers Kinfolk Gift

The user may cause a reaction extremely similar to the Delirium in his target, though the target will likely remember the user and
may even call the police on him. They will not however be able to clearly describe him. The user rolls Manipulation +
Performance against the target's Willpower. If he succeeds, the target is effect by the level of the Delirium equivilent to his

Unseen Target
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level One Mephitis Seganku Gift

This gift is taught by a skunk spirit. If within range, the Seganku with this gift does not need to look over his shoulder to line up his
sights for the spray. He can target individuals while his back is turned.

Cost: N/A

Unstoppable Charge
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level Three Shiva Baku Gift

The Baku can begin charging at a target within his line of sight and continue going, even through walls or other barriers. He
cannot be stopped unless he reaches his target, meets an object he cannot smash, dies en route, or chooses to end the Gift. He
spends a point of Willpower and begins running at full speed toward his intended victim. He will always charge in a straight line
toward his victim as long as he is within visual range (even if the target runs behind a wall or is obscured from sight.) The Baku
can turn on a dime if necessary to maintain a straight charge to the target (assuming the target teleported behind him, the Baku
would do a complete 180' and continue toward the victim; however, if he teleported several miles away, he would be out of the
Baku's visual range and the Baku would stop charging.) He can cancel the Gift at will and come to a complete stop within 5' if
necessary (to keep from falling in a pit or running into a lake), though he will have to activate the Gift again. Any barriers between
him and his target (trees, walls) take double trample damage, which should be enough to blow through most anything; if this isn't
the case, the Baku inflicts his own trample damage on himself and the Gift ends.) Once the Baku reaches his target, he inflicts
normal trample damage and the Gift ends.

By Dave Kahn ( for the Cerberus tribe.

Level Four Cerberus Gift

The Cerberus are the undisputed masters of Umbral pathways and traveling. An old Cerberus trick is to cut through the web of
the Gauntlet, thereby making passage through the velvet curtain a simple task.

The Garou spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas (diff gauntlet). Every two successes drops the Gauntlet in
the area by one for the remainder of the scene.

Vibrating Eyes of Maddening Hatred

By Steven Markley (

Level Two Diablo Gift

This functions like the Ahroun Gift: True Fear, except that if three or more successes are scored the victim wets himself. This is
taught by a Rattlesnake or Pit Bull spirit.

By Tim Layne ( for the Gaalodi tribe.

Level Five Gaalodi Gift

This gift allows the Gaalodi to perceive events and times from any place, during any period of history. This power is, in effect, a
sixth sense. It is not precognition, as the power does not exist into the future. The Gaalodi can use this power to see people
they've never seen, and also to accurately perceive things. They could, in effect see who perpetrated a crime, having no idea
who, how or when. Elder Gaalodi Ragabash with this power are indeed a frightening thing to associate with.

Visit the Grave

By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level Two Buddha Baku Gift

Elephants are often observed going to mass burial sights called "elephant graveyards" to die, and some Serengetti tribes
associate them with death because of this. By going to an elephant graveyard, spending a point of Gnosis, and rolling her
Gnosis against the local Shroud, a were-elephant could visit the Ivory Kingdom of the dead this way.

Visit Tyr-Na-Nogth
By Mutt ( for the Children of A-O.

Level 5 Children of A-O gift

Regardless of location or Gauntlet ratings, the user of this gift can teleport herself and others to Tyr-Na-Nogth.

System: The user simply spends a Gnosis point for herself and each individual she wants to take with her. If the Faeries don't
like the individuals that show up, they have every right to eject any one of them back to the spot they came from.

Vital Strike
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Three North Wind Corax Gift

By spending a Gnosis and rolling against her Willpower (difficulty 7), the Corax can intensify her hand-to-hand damage. If she
makes a successful strike after using this Gift, the victim cannot soak the damage from the blow.

Voice of Command
By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level Five South Wind Corax Gift

By making a Willpower roll, difficulty of the opponent's Willpower, the Corax can command a victim to perform any one action.
This command must be simple, clear, and direct, and it must be an action that the victim is capable of performing (you can't
command a Garou to fly if he has no wings, for instance). The victim must also be able to hear and understand the command,
although it could be transmitted through a mental Gift or translated through a Gift like Split Tongue. Once the action is performed,
the victim is free. Commands which would require more than one action, like, "Pull out your klaive and attack your friend," would
fail--the victim would pull his klaive, but then be free to use it on whomever he pleased (the Corax, for instance). The number of
successes determines exactly what the Corax can command. This Gift can only be used once on each opponent per scene, and
its exact effects are up to the discretion of the Storyteller.

Voice of Reason
By Alan G. Provance ( for Gifts of the Lost Tribes

Level One Croatan Gift

While engaged in negotiation, conference, discussion, or any other peaceful activity mediated by the Garou, all werecreatures
present have one less Rage. This Gift may be taught by any Totem of Respect.

Voice of the Answerer

By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Level Three Gift


The Lutran can use this Gift to ensure the defeat of a single enemy. The Lutran calls upon
Manannan to aid him, spends a Gnosis point and a Willpower point. The next attack made
by the Lutran does double damage, all of which is aggravated. Manannan is cautious in
the provision of this Gift: he allows it to be used against creatures of the Wyrm and those
who threaten his Children. If a Lutran uses Voice of the Answerer to attack a weaker foe,
or to achieve selfish ends, Manannan may come in person to call his Child to account.

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Speniscan Werepenguin Gift

The user can cause anyone watching him to be forced to waddle as a penguin. The victim may not run or move in any manner
except a slow waddle. For 2 Gnosis and a permanent Willpower, the user can attempt to make this permanent. Roll an Enigmas
+ Manipulation challenge.
Successes Duration
1 hour
1 day
1 week
1 month
1 year

Wail of the Banshee

By Stephen K. Robinson, for the Chiroptera tribe.

Level 3 Gift

Similar to the X-man Banshee's mutant power, the Chiroptera learning this gift is able to use sound as a weapon to attack foes.
This can also be used to create hypnotic effects, helping other fly, etc...(Sidenote: I am quite sure that a lot of you guys read XMen comics and you have seen the stuff that Banshee can do, so you and your ST work it out!)

System: Since this is a rather high level gift, it's not necessary to spend Gnosis. Roll Gnosis whenver the Chiroptera wants to
use this power.

Wail of the Black Spiral

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Four Breakers Gift

Roll Manipulation+occult, difficulty eight. The user now howls a terrible whining howl. All Wyrm tainted Garou within hearing will
froth at the mouth and exhibit other signs of madness, resembling the later stages of rabies. (staggering, attacking inanimate
objects, biting themselves...)

By Red Raptor ( for WereGiraffe: The Peering

Level Two Giraffea WereGiraffe Gift

By expending a Gnosis point, the user may call out to any person(s) to warn them of impending danger. This call is not audible to
anyone but the user's target. This call may be used withing 100 miles of the user.

Warrior's Nourishment
By Bejeir D. Brooks (

Level 2 Ananasi Gift

This gift allows the Ananasi to absorb the blood spattered on the body during combat. Subtract one die from all rolls and can
only be accomplished after three turns of combat and after someones has taken damage regardless of soaking. One blood
point is regained for every three health levels of damage. The cost is one blood point and the gifts is active for the rest of the

Water Breathing
By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level One Speniscan Werepenguin Gift

For a Gnosis point, the user can spend 1 day underwater without coming to the surface.

Water off a Duck's Back

By Red Raptor ( for WereDuck: The Quacking

Level Two Homid WereDuck Gift

The user can, by expending a Gnosis point, become immune to any substance or ability for 1 turn. This will affect any physical
object (water, metal, etc) or will negate any one supernatural power that is being used apon the user. The item or power will
meet a wall of resistance and fall upon the ground or closest possible victim.

By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Level Three Gift

The Lutran spends a Gnosis point and he can travel instantaneously between two bodies for fresh water. The two bodies of
water must be within line of sight.

Wearing the Leech Shirt

By Bejeir D. Brooks ( for the Deragos

Level 3 Deragos gift

2 Gnosis, 1 Willpower

This gift allows the Deragi to appear to be dead. This gift is only usable if the Deragi is below crippled and the can't move else
the deception is off. The Deragi rolls its Stamina + Survival) vs. a difficulty of 7 while attackers must roll (wits + survival) vs. a
difficulty of (6+ # of Successes). If the attackers fail this roll they simply "toss the deer on the hood of the car" cause its "obviously

Wearing the Tuxedo

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Level Two Splasher Werepenguin Gift

For one Gnosis, the user can make herself appear as anyone she has previously seen. Anyone viewing the user do this may
make a Enigmas + Intelligence roll to seen through the desception.

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Level Two Philodox WerePony Gift

The user may, by expending 3 Gnosis points and winning a resisted Willpower test, age any person or object by the winds of
Successes Amount aged
1 day
1 week
1 month
1 year
10 years
100 years
1000 years

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited

Level Four Rokea Gift

By spending a point each of Gnosis and Rage and rolling Strength + Survival, diff 7, the wereshark can summon a whirlpool that
is 20' across per success rolled. Large boats are difficult to control in this whirlpool, small craft may capsize, and swimmers will
almost certainly drown unless they can breathe water or somehow escape. Any boats larger than the diameter of the whirlpool
are unaffected by the Gift.

Whisper of Tiny Paws

By The Goddess (

Level One Bubasti Gift

The Bubasti can take the form of an ordinary housecat, resembling an Abyssinian or Oriental Shorthair, though his fur is still
deep black.

System: The Gift requires a Stamina+Primal-Urge roll with a difficulty of 7. It is the considered a natural form for the Bubasti,
available like any other.

By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level One Pica Gift

The Pica spends one Gnosis, and may soar upwards for one turn; the magpie cannot move in any direction but up, but the Gift
can also be used to jump to ludicrous heights. The Pica simply makes a Strength roll, and triples the successes. If the character
doesn't have Acrobatics, Stamina must be rolled on the landing, though.

By StarGazer ( for the Ocelotl Bastet tribe.

Level Four Ocelotl Gift

Through the use of this Gift, the Ocelotl can walk though air as if treading on solid ground.

System: By expending a Gnosis point and rolling Dexterity (difficulty 7), the Ocelotl gains the ability to "walk" through the air.
This effect lasts for 2 hours.

By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level Three Pica Gift

Same systems as Windriding, but now the user may fly in any direction, at speeds up to 50 mph.

Wings of a Magpie
By Peloquin ( for the Pica

Level Four Pica Gift

The Pica rolls Stamina+Primal Urge, diff:7, and suddenly a pair of huge black and white wings grown out of her back. The wings
must be free to use; if not, subtract one die for all Dexterity rolls while the wings are being maintained. That is done by spending
1 Gnosis each Scene. The Pica may fly of her own accord with these; the roll is Str diff:5, and Sta diff:6 to determine how long
she may stay in the air. Complicated aerial maneuvres may be done with Dex+Acrobatics diff: 7.

Wings of Ingenon
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Two Casus and Ingeni M'orsi Gift

This Gift allows users to use their "wings" to glide. This gift is taught by a Servant of Ingenon.

System: Dexterity + Athletics (Diff 5) to glide, number of sucesses determines how long you can fly for, a block per success.

Wings of the Fly

By Steven Markley ( for the Housefly totem

Level One Housefly Totem Gift

This functions as the Gift: Spirit of the Bird, with the following drawbacks: the Spiral sprouts two giant, translucent insect wings
on her back, and the Spiral must be shirtless or wear clothes that account for this. It also is very blatant. An annoying hum
accompanies the Garou as she gains flight with this Gift, thus stealthy use is impossible. The wings last as long as the Spiral
wants them. This Gift is Taught by a Bane in service to Housefly.

Wisdom of All Worlds

By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Bodhivista Baku Gift

As the first level Buddha Gift: See Beyond, but it is constantly active, and the Bodhivista constantly gains insight from other
cycles of the Tellurian. His body may exist in the current cycle, but his mind trancends this limitation and easily observes those
that have passed.

Wisdom of the Wind (Level Five)

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
By standing in a strong wind for an hour concentrating, spending two gnosis points and rolling Perception + Empathy with target 7, the
Garou can answer any one question. The clarity of the information is based on the number of successes and is never very good. (Very
like the Stargazer power Wisdom of the Seer)

Wise Mind
By Steve Markley ( for the Baku

Level Three Indri Baku Gift

Once this Gift is learned, the Baku can make a Perception roll to see through any illusion.

Words of the Teacher (Level 4)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Ehecatl tribe.
The minions of Quetzalcoatl are comitted to the spreading of knowledge, and this Gift is often used to give the pupils a taste of the
knowledge that can be achieved. By successfully rolling Manipulation+the Ability being taught the pupil can use that teaching for a
scene and will afterwards learn that specific knowledge with less difficulty, that is, it will cost less experience points; if a Gift is being
taugh, the roll is Manipulation+(Teacher's Gnosis/2). The pupil can add to his Dice Pool the number of successes in the Ability/Gnosis
roll, and the cost in experience of the Ability or Gift will diminish a number of experience points equal to the successes in the
Manipulation roll (minimum of one). The difficulty number of the roll depends of what is being taugh and how well the teacher knows it:
|* - **|***
| 6 |
Knowledge | 8 |
| 10 |

- ****|*****
| 4
| 6
| 8

*or Talent.
** treat the number of *'s as half the teacher's Gnosis, rounding up.
The Ehecatl can reverse the Gift to learn by rolling Intelligence or Perception instead of Manipulation, whichever is highest.

Wraith of the Saints

By Drew "Comic King" Edwards ( and the Baroness Nadia Blas'ko for the Van Helsing Family

Level Four Van Helsing Gift

This causes a force to attack your foe, knocking him down.

System: The character spends one Willpower point and one Gnosis point. He also must make a faith roll with a difficulty of 6.

Wrath of Charybdis
By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Level Three Perculus M'orsi Gift

This gift is taught by a servant of Charybdis, it causes a whirlpool to appear under the Enemy.

System: Spend a Gnosis Point and roll Dexterity + Enigmas versus the local gauntlet rating. This creates a swirling whirlpool
underneath the target, the number of successes determines the number of Square feet. This can be done anywhere, for
instance, if it was done on a city street, the whirlpool would be made of asphalt. Victim can roll strength+athletics (Diff 8) to try to
escape, and if they do not, they must roll Stamina+Athletics (Diff 7) to stay above "Water". To Escape, the number of sucesses
must be higher than the number of sucesses on the Dex + Enigmas roll. The Whirlpool stays there for 10 mins per sucess, if the
victim does not escape before the time amount is up, they are stuck when the substance returns to normal.

Wrath of Gaia
By Phil Farneti (

Level Six Fianna Gift

With this very special and rare Gift the garou will glow with the radiance of Gaia and transform into a terrifying beast of pure

System: The player must first roll Occult + Primal Urge (difficulty 8) and it will last for one hour per/2 successes. At the time of
the gift's activation the garou in question must truly be in a losing situation with the odds stacked against her or the Gift simply
will not work. The Garou will begin to glow with Gaia's light, exposing all levels of Obfuscate thus exposing hidden vampires and
negating Blissful Ignorance. The radiance will dispel all shadow in a twenty foot radius. After two turns she will transform into pure
silver as if a second skin were growing over her. The gift adds +2 Rage to her Rage pool, raising the chance for frenzy and it
also adds +5 to Stamina for purposes of soaking damage. There are no botches for this gift. If the roll does not succeed then the
gift does not work. This gift is taught by an incarna of Gaia herself; it will only be taught to a garou truly worthy. Attempts to "trick
Gaia" will result in losing the "wolf" for a period of two Moons and the loss of three temporary points of Honor, two of Wisdom
and two in Glory.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Five Salamander Camp Keepers of the Silver Flame Gift

Cutting loose with a ripping snarl, the Garou can create a massive firestorm around herself and her cohorts to demoralize and
injure foes and allow escape into any sizeable fire, including magickal ones. This Gift is taught by Pyru.

System: The Keeper focuses on a sizeable amount of fire (campfire, torch, etc.) and spends Rage. The result is a burst of flame
that can be thrown and explodes with unequalled force and fury; this can be used as per the Gift: Firescape. For every Rage
point spent, the Wyldfire expands ten feet; everyone in this radius who is not supernaturally protected (Kiss of Helios, Path of
Flame, Firedance, Firescape, et alia) takes four Aggravated wound levels; vampires succumb to Rotshreck and flee if they can.

Also see: Firescape (level 2), Firedance (level 3), Bhairava (level 4), Carnal Bonfire (level 6)

Wyrm Facade
By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Two White Howler Gift

By using this gift, the Garou can make himself appear to others as if he is a Black Spiral Dancer. By spending one Gnosis and
rolling Appearance + Subterfuge, the Garou can make the charade last a whole day, in addition more Gnosis points may be
spent to lengthen the duration, at a cost of one Gnosis point for each additional day. The Garou can, at his choosing, end the gift
prematurely and revert to his true appearence. If the Garou is examined closely, (roll Perception + Occult and if the examiner
gains more successes than the Garou rolled), then the examiner is aware of the true nature of the Garou. Gifts such as Sense
Wyrm and such are not affected by this gift. This gift is taught by the Chameleon spirit.

Wyrm Taint
By Red Raptor ( for the WereSparrow

Level One Eater of Souls WereSparrow Gift

The user can taint any creature it touches. This costs 1 Gnosis and 1 Willpower per use. Each use of the gift on a vicitim adds
15% (5% for supernaturals) to the chance of the character being possesed and becoming fomori. A Rite of Cleansing will
remove all taints on a victim.

By John R. Harford (

"That sense of 'something wrong' is shared by all those who bear the monster image -- innocent and evil alike. Monstrous
killers...are examples of..."wrongness," of something gone haywire. Or as Charles Manson liked to put it "Helter Skelter."
-- Vincent Price, Monsters
In traditional werewolf mythology there are as many variations on the legend as can be found in tales of vampires and sorcerers.
Much of this is attributable to the region and period from where the tale comes. By liberally borrowing from these stories, and
adding elements of White Wolf's World of Darkness, a more comprehensive and "gothic" figure than those described in The
Apocalypse and its supplements can be integrated into Vampire chronicles. The creatures described here are only an
adaptation of elements of myths. They may be further folded, spindle and mutilated to fit the chronicle that they are used in.

What is the same, what is different

The werewolves that I have constructed are similar to those found in The Apocalypse only in ways that match with what I have
gleaned from legend and folk-lore. Their differences will be readily apparent to regular players of The Apocalypse.

Similarities to White Wolf Werewolves.

1) Werewolves are affected by the lunar cycle. They are more likely to change into a monster or animal on nights of the full moon.
Scholars and mages believe that lycanthropy originated as a curse or gift from some primordial god of the moon, or that it is a
disease (ability) which was transported to this reality by spirits of the lunar sphere. These answers are lost in the mists of time,
and are about as likely to be uncovered as such ancient treasures as the Book of Nod or the Al Azif.
2) The root of all Lycanthropy, Luna, is tied (according to occult philosophy) to the metal silver. Therefore, silver has a
devastating effect on werewolves. All werewolves take aggravated damage from silver (some can and some can't soak it). Fire
is the great purifier; werewolves also receive aggravated wounds from fire.
3) The fangs and claws of Werewolves deliver horrible, ripping wounds. These count as aggravated damage.

1) These werewolves have no broad social order. There is no such thing as tribes, septs, or auspice, and only loosely is their
such a thing as breed. There are no grand-scale moots, and werewolves are usually loners, not pack creatures.
2) There are no such things as gifts. Most werewolves have some supernatural ability beyond their changing which are called
Enhancements; they function like equivalent vampiric disciplines in basic ways. Many lycanthropes do not even recognize these
as preternatural beyond their wolf-form.
3) The Wyrm and eco-warrior tendencies are non-existent in this werewolf mythology. On an individual level certain werewolves
may be naturalists and suspect a greater corrupting force but the majority of werewolves are either humans who only are vaguely
aware of just how different they are, or are malevolent and wicked beings themselves. There is also no Litany followed by
werewolves. In fact, most True Lycanthrope are only peripherally aware that others of their kind exist.
4) Werewolves do not instinctively hate vampires. If a True Lycanthrope is aware of vampires, they will hate the Kindred
according to their own will.
5) Werewolves only have 3 forms: human, wolf, and a mid-range bipedal wolf-man form resembling the crinos forms.
6) There is no such thing as the veil or the Impergium, though certain aspects of werewolf attacks cause a kind of Delirium.
7) The character point pools of gnosis and rage are not used by these creatures; willpower is the main attribute utilized for
supernatural effects. Unless it fits for the character, the werewolf has no natural affinity to the "umbra," spirits or fairies.

I. True Lycanthropes
"O comfort-killing night, image of hell!
Dim register and notary of shame!
Black stage for tragedies and murders fell!
Vast sin-concealing chaos! Nurse of blame!"

-- Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece

A true lycanthrope is the creature most commonly called a werewolf. It is a human being who has the ability to transform into a
wolf and sometimes into a hulking bipedal creature that is a human and wolf hybrid. Their transformations can be controlled with
much discipline and will; on nights of the full moon, mastery over the change is often non-existent. When the change takes hold, a
beast consumed by a feral bloodlust emerges. There are several ways in which humans become True Lycanthropes:
1) Birthright: Many myths surround those who are born under the sign of the wolf. Some say a wolf-attack on a pregnant woman
will result in a lycanthropic birth. Others say that vexations, rapes, and demonic pacts cause this sort of creature's conception.
Most commonly though, it seems that a lycanthropic "gene" of supernatural origin runs in certain bloodlines and manifests
randomly in various generations. It is said that certain European noble bloodlines inbred to maintain a strain of lycanthropy. The
ferocity and awe imparted by the curse appealed to many dark age warlords. In times past though, a host of court seers, local
witches or even elder shapechangers in the family could lead a young lycanthrope through the first pubescent shifts. 2) Magic:
Many human mystics desire the power of the transformation. They go through extensive lengths to procure spells, potions,
artifacts or learn of mystic place which harbor the primal forces to infuse a human with the power of the wolf. Some myth-based
suggestions are: Hidden grottos and streams, deep in old-world forests which are infused with ancient power. Drinking water
from these places can infuse the person with Lycanthropy.
A specially crafted cape of wolf's fur, enchanted by powerful sorcery can grant the changing ability while worn.
Infernal pacts are sometimes the root of true lycanthropy.
Possible methods of gaining lycanthropy are endless depending on the flavor of the chronicle and ingenuity of the storyteller.
In today's society the born lycanthropes usually know that in some way they are unique but often gain no guidance through their
changes. A few mystic cults harbor and raise children who are lycanthropes -- worshiping them as avatars of their deities. In
some rural parts of the world small clans of werewolf families exist, and they largely stay on the fringe of industrialized society. It
is even rumored that a few international powers are aware of werewolves and rear them at an early age to be assassins and
Even without these guides, the beast within young werewolves delivers a strange instinct. As if by some call, when the change
(especially the first few changes) is about to occur, the werewolf flees...usually "running away" from family and friends. When
alone, the transformation occurs, and the beast emerges for its hunt. In the morning the young werewolf usually knows something
odd has happened (waking naked, marred from the night's running, and sometimes smeared with blood is a big tip-off), but is
unsure what... It is sometimes only after years of black-outs coinciding with wolf-sightings plus vague memories of the night's
running that some werewolves realize what they truly are.
Naturally, werewolves tend to be loners, often social misfits and drifters on the edge of society. Sometimes though they integrate
well, and those of strong will can control their changes to one degree or another.
Werewolves (though rare) can be found in all social strata. Despite myth there is no way to tell them from normal humans save
that herding and game animals always feel uneasy around them and children often react negatively to their presence. They are
usually moody and anti-social but this is not a rule. Some go through life hiding their state, making themselves scarce around the
times of the full moon, never sure when they will again lose control...

Character Creation
True Lycanthrope characters are built with the same point allotments as for neonate vampires. They include all aspects of PC
generation down to humanity, virtues, and "discipline" points used to buy Enhancements. Concept, nature and demeanor are
important as they define the role of the creature in the story and accent the fact the a Lycanthrope is primarily a person who is atodds with their own unknown forces.
At this writing, only a few Enhancements are detailed; assume that they function like the Vampiric Discipline or Discipline level
listed next to them.
Resilience Enhancement (Fortitude: levels 1-5 available)
Speed Enhancement (Celerity: levels 1-5 available. Extra actions occur with no point expenditure once activated)
Might Enhancement (Potence: levels 1-5 available)
Stalker's Veil (Obfuscate 1: Cloak of Shadows)
Bestial Wrath (Presence 2: Dread Gaze)
All of these powers are instinctual and pop-up as the need arises (Beast's Wrath kicks in to scare off a group of thugs in an alley
etc...) in wolf form. Some werewolves have been known to keep company with normal wolves; this also is evidence of some sort
of Animalism. Certain powers may even be used in human form as governed by the Link Shape background trait (see below).
The manifestation of discipline like powers gives credence to the theory that werewolves and vampires have some distant
common root (some say the demon Lillith)..
Each True Lycanthrope also possesses a dice pool called the "Control Pool." The Control Pool is equal to the Werewolf's
current Willpower score. Also added to the pool is a number of dice equal to the character's level in Linkshape.
Linkshape is a new background which has been developed for Lycanthropes.

Linkshape represents how in tune the human and animal nature of a lycanthrope are with each other. The background governs
the ability of the werewolf to control its change, remember activities while transformed, and use certain supernatural powers.
Possessing this background must be explained as having a learned agent who (another werewolf, a cult, a relative) guided the
werewolf through its changes or else as massive expenditures of willpower. Player Character werewolves should consult with the
storyteller on how high of a rating they may take and how they got it in the first place.
After initial generation this trait may be purchased or raised depending on how the chronicle progresses. Doing so always costs
massive amount of willpower and experience spent over periods of time and sometimes (at judge's option) seeking out one
skilled in the ways of Lycanthropy to impart their knowledge. Magical methods of becoming a true lycanthrope often impart some
level in this background (but sometimes not...).
Werewolves with no Linkshape background cannot remember anything they do while transformed and in wolf state act purely
like ravening beasts. They rarely more than suspect what they truly are and what happens during those mysterious blackouts.

The werewolf senses that she is different. She knows after her changes that something dreadfully supernatural has
occurred and may remember general emotions and disjointed sensory impressions of her activities while in wolf-form. At
this level, the lycanthrope can curb animal instincts while in wolf-form by succeeding in a self-control roll against difficulty 7
or spending 2 points of Willpower. A werewolf with one dot in Linkshape is not able to use her discipline powers in human
form. To buy the first level of Linkshape beyond character creation costs 8 experience points and 15 willpower spent over
a period of time towards affecting changes and actions while in wolf-form.
** At this level bits and snatches of actual sights, sounds and smells may be recalled from a change period. At this level a
wits + perception roll of difficulty 8 may be made to recall specific events from the change period. The werewolf is usually
pretty aware of his condition at this level of Linkshape and may control his killing tendencies while in wolf-form by scoring a
6 or higher on a self-control roll or spending a point of Willpower. It costs 3 Willpower for discipline use in human form at
this level of Linkshape. To buy level 2 of Linkshape after initial character creation costs 10 experience points and requires
the cumulative expenditure of 12 Willpower points. Most player character werewolves will start with no higher Linkshape
score than this.
*** Now whole individual scenes can be recalled after reverting to human form, but time and sequence are still disjointed.
Details are hazy but may be recalled with a wits + perception roll of 7 or higher. Also now, the werewolf retains some of her
human reasoning facilities while transformed and can react on more than an animal level when overtaken by nightmarish
compulsions; the judge should allow self-control rolls of difficulty 6 or higher or the expenditure of a willpower point for the
werewolf player to control his character's actions. Enhancements cost 2 willpower to use while in human form. To gain level
3 in Linkshape after character generation costs 15 experience points and 15 willpower points. Note that this is usually the
highest level of Linkshape a lycanthrope attains during their natural lifespan without extensive occult or mental training.
**** While transformed a self-control roll of 5 or higher is necessary for a werewolf to manipulate his actions and when returning
to human form he can remember scenes and activities in detail. Enhancements only require one willpower point to be
used in human form. To rise to level 4 in Linkshape costs 20 experience points and 15 willpower points.
***** Now the lycanthrope is fully aware of her animal side. It seems nearly as natural to be in wolf form as it does in human form
yet the overall desire of the transformed werewolf is to hunt and kill. Memories pass freely between the states and control
over actions comes more readily (self-control roll difficulty 4 or willpower expenditure). The werewolf can use her
Enhancements while in human form simply by making a willpower roll of 5 or greater. Attaining this level of mastery over
the beast is arduous and long, often taking years of mental discipline and conditioning; 30 experience points and 15 more
willpower points are required to do so.
Willpower, as the judge sees fit, may be cheaper to buy for a true Lycanthrope or initially be equal to Self Control X2. This may
allow a more mature or balanced werewolf a bit more freedom, as almost the whole supernatural aspect of the character is
controlled by willpower.

The Change
"You know the feeling when adrenaline takes control,
can't beat the rush that leaves a suicidal hole.
Instincts spare no one -- destroys the human heart,
The taste of blood can rip your soul apart."
-- Slayer

Involuntary Transformation
When the beast comes to the surface it manifests itself as the most savage incarnation of predation imaginable. Rational and
abstract thinking are virtually non-existent (and are only vestigial even at very high levels of Linkshape). The sole purpose that the
wolf takes over the human is to spill and taste blood.

The Full Moon

Though the full moon is hazardous to a werewolf's social life, change during this time does not always happen. It is
recommended that the character be allowed a roll from his Control Pool when the full moon rises (whether or not she can see it).
The difficulty for this roll and all other rolls where the lycanthrope is fighting against transformation is equal to the following

Involuntary Transformation Difficulty #: 10 - (werewolf's humanity score); minimum of 2.
Depending on stressful circumstances, substance abuse, derangements etc. Up to 3 successes could be required for control
over the change. During crucial human life cycle events (puberty, menopause etc...) the number of successes required could be
increased as well. If the werewolf scores the requisite successes, then the person does not change into a wolf (her natural will
and humanity has won out over the beast inside of her). If this roll fails, the wolf takes over and waves of racking pain (effectively
reducing the werewolf to mauled for one round) as the change begins...
What happens once the change occurs should be played out as extensively as possible. But one thing must be clear: in wolf
form the werewolf is a hunter. Its beast nature manifests itself to satiate its need for flesh and blood. Once transformed, the
werewolf roams the country side searching for victims. When running, the werewolf will attack those it comes across unless it
succeeds a self-control roll according to its Linkshape score (difficulty 8 if no Linkshape is to be had). Should it fail this roll the
werewolf will attack and to the best of its ability kill those encountered. In a gory feast the beast will lap up as much blood and eat
as much of the victim as it can. Once this is done its lust will be sated for this month and it will slink off and revert to human form.
If the initial self-control roll is passed, then the werewolf may continue along its way until the moon goes down, it runs across
another target (and repeat the self-control check), or accumulates 5 successes on an extended self-control roll (Note if it botches
this at any point it will immediately enter frenzy and kill all it finds). Should it rack up these successes or remain in wolf-form until
the moon sets, it will then revert to human form and be freed of the curse for that night. Until a kill is made, a Control Pool roll
against change must be made for each night of the full moon during that month. Once the lycanthrope has feasted under the full
moon it does not need fear the moon until the next month's Full Moon phase. The beast can still be brought out in other ways...
During the transformation, unless the Werewolf's Linkshape is high enough, situations will be reacted to largely on an animal
level. Threats, desires and fears will be acted upon bestially. Should it botch any self control rolls while in wolf-form it enters a
state similar to a Kindred's frenzy. This involves rampaging about, destroying and killing as much as possible. In frenzy though,
werewolves do not suffer dice penalties due to a wounds; this is often a meager exchange for the toll Frenzy can take on a
shapeshifter's humanity...

Quick alternate system: To simulate the hunt and transformation without extensive role-playing, the storyteller may wish to
make a hunt roll for the werewolf as if it was a vampire looking for blood. Failure means that no target is found that night and the
werewolf safely reverts to human form in the morning. Success means that the werewolf has found and killed a victim (by the
way, werewolves do not cover their kills like a vampire...). A botch means that the werewolf encounters a hazard or problem in its
nightly forays (which should be role-played). Also, if desired, the storyteller can simply determine whether or not a change occurs
during a specific lunar cycle by offering an extended Control Pool roll requiring five successes on the first full moon night of the
lunar cycle.
If a werewolf kills during its running, then a conscience roll is in order. The difficulty should be in the 4-6 range unless the
werewolf did something really heinous in wolf-form (ate a bus-full of nuns or slaughtered his own ailing grandmother). A botch on
this roll earns the werewolf a derangement.
Ironically, once a werewolf subdues the beast on the night of the full moon it is lost until the next moon-rise. Voluntary change
cannot be utilized. The person will seem to be depressed and moody. Only if provoked (see Provocation) by wounds or torture
will the shift occur.

"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry..."
-- Dr. Bruce Banner, The Incredible Hulk
Werewolves are sometimes pushed to transformation when the beast inside them feels threatened (especially on nights of the
full moon). Being severely emotionally tested or physically assaulted could force a shapeshift. The storyteller may decide that
taunting, non-lethal assault, humiliation and the like is enough to draw the beast to the surface. It is the storyteller's choice as to
whether or not the beast will surface. To fight the transformation a check on the Control Pool against involuntary change must be
passed otherwise the werewolf transforms and attacks its abuser. The storyteller should use provocation sparingly as it could
lead to excessive humanity loss for the werewolf. On days during the full moon cycle, picking a fist fight with a lycanthrope can be
a fatal mistake...

On The Edge...
When a player's werewolf character reaches 0 Humanity two options are available: the character is taken over by the storyteller
as a non-player character or the character can still be played. If the character remains under player control it falls under the 0
humanity rules for mortals (pp 34 Vampire 2nd Edition Player's Guide). As derangements keep building up, the beast becomes
harder to control. Eventually the werewolf will begin to rampage; the attention of mortal or supernatural authorities will be
attracted and the werewolf will be put down.

Voluntary Change
From the perspective of these rules Lycanthropy is a curse more than it is a blessing and transformation should be avoided.

Sometimes though, circumstances may be dire and the werewolf may wish to voluntarily transform. Remember that the clothes
of the werewolf do not change with him or her, and that onlookers will remember what they saw. A voluntary change usually only
lasts a short period of time and is assumed to deal with a particular problem. The exact duration of a voluntary change is
subjective and largely up to Storyteller discretion. Upon "coming down" from wolf-form the person will be exhausted, any strength
or endurance based tests will be at a plus one to the difficulty number.
To see if the werewolf can make a voluntary change a Control Pool check is made against a difficulty determined by the
storyteller. Outside the full moon phase the difficulty should be at the lowest a 7 - higher if there is no immediate danger or
enticement. During the days of the full moon the difficulty can be as low as 5.
Even if change is voluntary, when blood is first tasted, the werewolf must make the self-control roll against frenzy. The storyteller
can also decide that the now loose beast will pursue its own agenda if targets present themselves or its bloodlust is not sated.

The Forms
When a true lycanthrope transforms it will become a large, menacing wolf with feral red eyes and great slavering jaws. It gains
+4 to its Dexterity, +3 to their Stamina and a +1 to its Strength. Its mental facilities remain the same but are largely over-ridden
by animal instinct. The heightened senses of a wolf are also gained in this form.
If a werewolf has at least a 3 in Linkshape then it may have access to another form. During a voluntary change, the werewolf is
allowed to make a wits roll (difficulty 6) or spend a willpower point to assume a hulking man-wolf shape known as the hybrid. This
towering beast walks on two legs and bears the snarling visage and senses of a wolf. In this form a +4 to Strength, +3 to
Stamina and a +1 to Dexterity is gained. It also earn a +3 to any intimidation based rolls and any normal human who witnesses
its use of Dread Gaze while in this form must pass a wits roll of 7 or greater. Failure sends the victim into a spiral of delirium and
insanity, clouding his memory of the incident and judgement regarding what has happened. Botching this roll leads to a
derangement for the hapless mundane. The Hybrid form can also utilize the feat of strength rule (pp213 V:TM 2nd. Ed.).
The chosen shape remains the same for the duration of the change and cannot be shifted further until returning to human form.
As either a wolf or the hybrid the use of weapons, equipment or devices is not possible.

II. Metathropes
Walls trapped within - yellow eyes the cutters
Drooling face rips apart - cuts to the heart
Disease shown let it out movement crosses
Crimson light washes darkened corners
Gently forces open wide and lingering awhile...
--Skinny Puppy, Tormentor
Human survivors of a werewolf attack are rare. The claws of the beasts are caustic razors; the great wolf's maw is dripping
death. On occasion though a person is skilled, stalwart or simply lucky enough to survive such an ordeal. In some cases once
recovery is attained the survivor finds herself to be not so lucky...
When a human suffers wounds from the bite of a werewolf there is a chance that the hapless victim will become infected with a
lesser form of lycanthropy. It is unclear what agent is responsible for the passing on of the curse (it is assumed to be the saliva
sinking into the target's wounds). If the human's health monitor dropped below Hurt due to bites or he was bitten while lower than
this level, then it must check for infection upon healing the wounds.
The procedure for this is similar to a True Lycanthrope resisting transformation. The formula for this check is: (Victim's
Willpower> rolled against <10 - their humanity)
One Success: The person is infected with moon madness. Though his soul has somewhat resisted the infusion of bestial power
he has been tainted by the attack; on nights of the full moon the human loses control of reason. Unless a self-control roll against
difficulty 7 is made (a botch results in a derangement), or a point of willpower is spent the person will begin barking, howling,
frothing at the mouth and capering about on all fours. He will gain a strength and stamina bonus of +1 for the night and may
attempt to bite or claw those who interfere with his antics. Sprouting a bit extra body and facial hair is not unknown; neither is the
elongation of canine teeth and a hardening of the nails (these effects produce a wild appearance but afford no true damagecausing enhancements). Any acts on these nights will be totally forgotten in the morning and often lead to institutionalization. The
person will be constantly plagued by nightmares of murders, the moon, and the howling of wolves.
Two Successes: The will of the human has fought off any physical infection of lycanthropy but the malady has attacked her brain.
One to three derangements will develop over the next several months. These will always be manias, delusions, compulsions or
obsessions dealing with wolves, the moon, or violence. They may be fought and controlled as normal derangements but can only
be mutated into lesser maladies -- never be gotten rid of.
Three Successes (or more): Luckily for the victim of the attack he had the will to overcome the infestation of the Beast. He will
not be plagued by any ill effects. He may however have the intuition that the incident was not the attack of a normal animal and
feel compelled to check up on the details (if any are to be found). It is thought that survivors of werewolf attacks often make the
most fanatical and dangerous monster hunters.

Should the attack victim fail this roll then she become a Metathrope. The metathrope carries the curse of lycanthropy but cannot
further pass it on, and cannot normally tap much of the power that lays in the condition. Upon first becoming a wolf the
metathrope does gain a Resilience, Speed and Might Enhancement which can be used in wolf-form. Later these may be
increased through experience (detailed later).
The advantage that the metathropes have over true lycanthropes is that they really only have to worry about transformation during
the full moon. At this time they will change into a wolf and can resist it with the Control Pool roll against involuntary change. Once
in wolf form they will act as does a true Lycanthrope except that they must score a self-control roll against difficulty 8 to affect any
actions while transformed, and the storyteller may even severely limit this.
Like True Lycanthropes they will be relieved of the Curse on any given month after making a kill under the full moon. The
metathrope can not utilize voluntary change and transformation through provocation is much more difficult. When angered or
abused the metathrope must make a self-control roll from 6-8 depending on the severity of the agitation. If they fail this they will
act like a vampire in frenzy and gain a +2 to their strength and a +1 to their stamina for the duration of the outburst. Only if they
are injured by a potentially life-threatening source will a change occur (follow the guidelines under Combat and damage).
Often metathropes are killed, go insane or commit suicide as a result of their condition. A few though learn to cope with their
new malady or are helped by True Lycanthropes, mystics, or the like. The only way to gain any control over their disease is to be
taught the ways of Linkshape. If no tutors are present the storyteller may allow the charactesr to develop this on their own, but
only if role-playing, the character concept, and the story truly warrants it. In game mechanics it costs 25 experience points plus
the expenditure of a total of 40 willpower points used to control the change and actions during the change over a period of many
months. Once the storyteller is satisfied with the progression then the first level of Linkshape may be purchased. This allows the
metathrope the benefits of the background plus the ability to expand its Enhancements through experience. The background
may be bought up additionally beyond the first level as normal but the storyteller should be strict as to how often this can be done
even with the requisite willpower and experience point expenditure.

It is thought that certain curses and spells occasionally turn their targets into metathropes (sometimes even for short periods of
time). Also possible is that certain magic items or rituals normally used to harness the power of lycanthropy actually induce
Metathropy when improperly used. Once again this is subject to the storyteller and the flavor of their chronicle.
Should a player wish to start a character as a metathrope follow the guidelines for mortal creation in The Player's Guide. She
may declare herself a Metathrope and spend 7 freebie points to represent this. Should the storyteller allow her any Linkshape
then she must pay 7 more freebie points for the first level of the background. The Linkshape of a Metathrope can start no higher
than this and advancement beyond the first level should be more difficult than spending points.
It is not out of the question for metathrope characters to possess Numina as a normal human and even rare True Lycanthropes
have access to these abilities. This should be strictly regulated by the storyteller.

Damage and Combat

Werewolves are naturally resilient creatures. While in human form they can take damage normally. However, once damaged it is
assumed that the werewolf will wish to transform to prevent further harm
On occasions it is more detrimental to change into a wolf (such as in front a large group of witnesses) than take the damage. In
this case the beast inside will attempt to protect itself and come to the surface. If the werewolf wishes to resist the transformation
it must make a Control Pool roll against involuntary change. However, once the werewolf reaches Injured on the Health monitor it
will have to make a second check minus two dice from its control pool. At Mauled they must make yet another check subtracting
four dice. If the condition monitor should hit Crippled and the werewolf is still functional then a check must be passed but without
six dice from its Control Pool. If at any time there are no dice left in the Control Pool then the beast takes over and the werewolf
Once assuming wolf form the werewolf will heal itself while attempting to slay or escape from the injurious source. If the werewolf
was below Wounded when it shifted then it will be in frenzy unless a self-control roll at 1 plus the difficulty indicated by their
Linkshape is passed (9 without Linkshape).
On one hand, if the werewolf is in human form, it can soak silver and take non-aggravated damage from the metal. On the other
hand, human form isn't much good for healing what damage it does take. Once the werewolf transforms the tides of combat
usually turn.
In lycanthropic form the werewolf can heal non-aggravated damage quickly. When resting the werewolf regenerates at the rate of
one level of damage per round. On any round when physically exerting itself (running, in combat) the werewolf must score at least
one success on a Stamina + Survival roll at difficulty 8 to heal. One point of willpower may be spent a round to automatically heal
a level of damage in addition to or instead of making the roll. The roll may only be attempted once per round and if botched
causes that one level of damage to become unable to be healed until after combat.
Aggravated damage (werewolves take aggravated damage from fire, silver, the claws and fangs of supernatural beings, and
certain rare enchanted weapons) can only be healed through time but werewolves heal much more rapidly than do normal

humans. In lycanthropic form one level of damage may be healed a night (or eight hour period) by spending a willpower point. If
not attaining wolf-form or spending the willpower, the werewolf heals aggravated damage at the rate that a normal human heals
damage (pp 191 V:TM 2nd. Ed rulebook); the werewolf does not suffer the loss of a point of a physical attribute upon reaching
Incapacitated as does a normal human. Lost limbs cannot be regrown but even the most severe scars will eventually be
mended. Aggravated damage taken in any form will carry over to other forms until healed.
Metathropes take damage like True Lycanthropes but do not heal it as readily. While in wolf form one level of damage will heal
an hour unless willpower is spent to do so more quickly (a maximum of one level per round). Aggravated damage is healed as a
True Lycanthrope would do so.
Werewolves can not soak any wounds caused by silver weapons while transformed. All other forms of damage are soaked
Only aggravated wounds can kill a true lycanthrope while it is not in human form. This occurs when additional aggravated
wounds are taken while Incapacitated with aggravated damage. Healing up from Incapacitated is accomplished normally
through time or willpower.
When a werewolf fights it uses its claws or its great jaws. A claw attack is at difficulty 5 and is made with a dexterity + brawl roll.
Damage is Strength +1.
A bite attack is also performed with dexterity + brawl and is at difficulty 6. Damage is Strength + 2.
Either maneuver can be performed or a combination may be attempted by splitting the character's die pool. In frenzy or when
feeding a rake with the claws followed by a bite on the following round is a common werewolf attack sequence.
Any werewolf killed while in wolf-form returns to its human identity upon the instant of death.

A Note on Drugs
It is possible for a lycanthrope in human form to be drugged, tranquilized etc... Once the lycanthrope changes however, the wolf's
surfacing attempts to rid the body of the toxin. A stamina roll is allowed against a base difficulty of 5 which may be altered
according to the strength of the drug. Passing this causes to werewolf to shrug off the effects of the intoxication at least until the
duration of its change is up.
If the werewolf fails or botches this roll then the toxin takes effect as normal with appropriate results. Consequently if the werewolf
is Incapacitated then it reverts to human form.
The change is a powerful tool for resisting poisoning but relying on it could have an end result of overconfidence or the loss of

Continued Character Development

The expansion of the linkshape background has already been detailed but as with any other character the player will wish to
expand his werewolf in a variety of ways.
For the increase of Willpower, attributes, skills and virtues use the experience point cost for Vampires. The raising of
Enhancements follows the guide below:
New Enhancement:
True Lycanthrope: 7xp
Metathrope: 10xp
New levels of already existing Enhancement:
True Lycanthrope: Current level X 5
Metathrope: Current level X 7
* New levels of Linkshape cost 5 more experience and willpower per level for a Metathrope than for a true Lycanthrope.
Once again it is the final decision of the storyteller as to what kind of Enhancements the wolf-form affords and how accessible
they are while the werewolf is in human form. Metathropes should be limited to mostly physical Enhancements even at high
levels of Linkshape; it is possible that certain Lycanthropes will develop unique enhancements above and beyond the discipline
like effects.

A Cure?
It becomes the aim of many Metathropes and some Lycanthropes to rid themselves of their infection. Being of supernatural
origin the disease is incurable via scientific methods and is at best difficult to control even via magic.

As with a vampire regaining mortality, whether or not the curse can be lifted, and how it can be accomplished is up to the
storyteller. Traditionally, death is the only sure release from Lycanthropy but a Metathrope struggling against and overcoming its
affliction makes for an interesting story.
Some ideas for this could be the acquisition of an item or spell (and someone who can cast it) that offers control over the
change. It is also a common belief that devotion to a life of purity and martyrdom allows freedom from the curse. Legends also
relate that if a Metathrope hunts down and slays the Lycanthrope who infected him before his first change, then he will be cured
of the affliction.
In the case of True Lycanthropes, casting off the curse should be perilous to both mind, body and spirit if it is possible at all.

Other Lycanthropes
Though "lycanthropy" specifically means the ability to change into a wolf, and the wolf is the most common form assumed by
shapeshifters in European folklore the ability to turn into other animal forms has been reported.
In India, Asia, and South America tales of humans (usually nobles or warriors) who transform into great cats occasionally
"Rat-people" are not uncommon myth figures from cities with extensive sewer systems and ancient catacombs.
No one versed in Nordic mythology has not heard stories of Viking warriors (Berserkers) assuming the form of savage bears in
the heat of battle.
From every corner of the globe humans who can transform into a native animal (usually at night or by moonlight) have been
woven into the local superstitions. A creative storyteller can work these creatures into a chronicle using the True Lycanthrope
and accompanying Metathrope rules, simply adjusting the statistics and abilities of the creature to meet their tastes. It is also
possible that other forms of shape-shifting creatures are abroad, being mistaken for Lycanthropes.

Werewolves and Vampires: What If?

Much has been speculated upon regarding the relationship between
werewolves and vampires. The question will inevitably arise as these rules
have been designed as an alternate system for introducing werewolves into
a vampire chronicle.
Whether werewolves are PCs or strictly NPCs the storyteller must carefully
consider their role in the chronicle. How they will meet up with and interact
with the vampires in the chronicle can be pivotal points of interaction and
conflict. For best effect, these elements should not be based purely on their
differences as supernatural creatures but on their personal motives and
goals. Naturally their differences can lead to interesting situations (based on
suspicion, fear and misconception) especially when such things are
considered as:
Do the vampires know anything about werewolves?
Does the werewolf know anything about vampires or even other
Are the reasons for their meeting social, political, occult?
Who is more afraid of who; is either party afraid of the other?
Not only will role-playing situations and problems occur as a result of
werewolf/vampire interaction but some system questions and stumbling
blocks are sure to arise. These are questions for the WHAT IF? file.

What If a Werewolf drinks Vampire Blood?

Most vampires (wisely) avoid battles with a werewolf and interact with them as little as possible. It is not unheard of for an
exceptionally curious cainite to seek out a shapechanger and either experiment on them or become entangled in a situation
which leads to the werewolf consuming a sizable quantity of vampiric blood. The bestial depths of the werewolf will find the
supernatural vitae a strong lure. This will inevitably lead to even more interesting situations...
Furthermore, if a werewolf which is blood-bound transforms and enters frenzy, the vampire will have to make a Charisma +
Subterfuge Roll (Difficulty 7) to at all influence the beast.
Werewolves can be bloodbound like a normal mortal. Most however will not relish drinking vampire blood while human as they
may detect that it stirs their beast inside. Unless mystically or conventionally secured, attempting to establish the bond while the
lycanthrope is transformed is usually a fatal idea.
If a werewolf (True or Metathrope) drinks kindred vitae in wolf-form the beast will find it the most exquisite elixir it has ever tasted.
Though there will be no immediate effect, the next time that the werewolf smells vampiric blood while changed, it must make a
self-control roll of difficulty 7 or higher to avoid attacking solely the vampire in an attempt to devour them. This addiction only
occurs if the werewolf is actually is able to drink a quantity of the blood such as after a kill is made (a number of blood points
equal to the lycanthrope's humanity is good estimate). Mauling and shredding a vampire does not usually leave enough blood to
entice all but the most feral werewolves.

WHAT IF a Vampire feeds off of Werewolf Blood?

A few rare ferocious (or some say insane) vampires actually hunt and kill werewolves for a thrill. This is usually in search of the
bestially rich vitae coursing through werewolf veins. The blood of a True Lycanthrope is extra rich: every point of blood taken
actually equals two points. More so, this blood is so potent as it allows the Kindred five temporary points of vitae above and
beyond their normal pool. These are spent before any other points but remain until burned by the vampire.
Metathropes do not carry such strength in their blood. Feeding from a Metathrope may give a substantial adrenaline rush but
afford no extra benefits. A metathrope bitten by a vampire however will still undergo transformation involuntarily.
Complications arise in the fact that once a werewolf is bitten by a vampire it immediately begins to transform or will frenzy
(difficulty 8 to resist) if already in lycanthropic form. Few vampires successfully hunt and kill Lycanthropes without extensive injury
to themselves.

Transposition of Vexation: The Kiss and The Curse.

WHAT IF a Vampire is mauled by a True Lycanthrope yet Survives?
Lycanthropy is a disease. It is a malady which infects living tissue encasing a living soul which is guided by a living mind.
Vampires are not alive; they can not be infected with Lycanthropy.
The bite of the Werewolf however is also a curse of some supernatural origin. If a vampire is knocked below the Hurt health level,
the Curse will infest its blood and excite the beast inside of a vampiric soul, attempting to draw the vampire closer to itself. Once
bitten the vampire will find himself more easily agitated -- all difficulties to resist Frenzy are two higher until it burns every drop of
blood that was in its body at the time of the werewolf attack. Also during this time, the vampire will be Hungry at 5 or less blood
points instead of 3 or less, and react accordingly to the sight and smell of blood.
Any new blood taken in by the vampire will be saturated with the lycanthropic essence. For example, if a vampire has four blood
points in its body after a werewolf attack, burns all but one of those points, but then fills up to seven points -- all seven of those
points must be spent for the curse to be gone from its body. If at any time more blood was to be taken in before all seven of
those points were gone, the new blood will also be so infected. The curse will only be gone when no infected blood is in the
vampire's body for a period of 24 hours.

WHAT IF a Vampire Embraces a Werewolf?

Rarely does a werewolf undergo the embrace. Usually only if intentionally captured and given the Kiss will the problem of a
lycanthropic undead even need be addressed. With certain sects, clans and individuals who would seek to experiment in such a
ghastly way it does occasionally happen.
When a werewolf is embraced it (like anything else) technically dies and is then brought to unlike by an unearthly fuel (the blood).
In doing so, even for an instant, the lycanthrope reverts to human form and to one degree or another becomes trapped there
during the process (as the vampiric blood captures the state of the body at the moment of its death).

What exactly happens at this time is that the beast within the lycanthrope is overcome by the new sentient monster in the
vampiric blood (though the two "demons" are closely related if not originally from the same source). The wolf attempts to
internalize this new presence: integrating with it or dominating it. In short the wolf will try to destroy or become one with the
vampiric blood. Upon the embrace the lycanthrope must make a Willpower roll against a difficulty of 7. This represents how well
its natural beast fends off the curse of undeath.
Should the werewolf score one success on the willpower roll it dies. In an attempt to resist the embrace the beast explodes
outward -- causing a series of random transformations which mutate, contort, warp, and split the flesh and bones of the werewolf.
The hapless creature perishes in an agonized fashion.
If two successes are scored then the werewolf survives the process but is not entirely undead. The lycanthrope is now a ghoul of
sorts. It retains its shape-changing ability and supernatural powers. It can now also learn additional vampiric disciplines and
have a blood pool (equal to 10) but there are two major drawbacks. First off it must drink vampiric blood as a ghoul - monthly,
weekly or daily depending on how long it exists in this state. The vitae will afford extended life as in the case of a normal ghoul
but the werewolf will crumble to dust if not given vampire blood. Wounds no longer heal automatically (as the body is no longer
truly alive); blood must be spent to do so. It also continues to suffer involuntary change when the moon is full.
Three or more successes means that the werewolf fends off the intrusion of vampiric blood. The beast metabolizes it and utilizes
it. It becomes a ghoul as above but is not physically addicted to Kindred blood unless it begins to consume it regularly. Its
lifespan is not altered unless it become a full-fledged ghoul. Should no additional Kindred blood be consumed, then in one
month the werewolf's blood will detoxify and revert to normal. During this time the werewolf will feel sluggish and lethargic but
suffer no real ill-effects. In the month right after the attempted embrace or should it continue to feed off of vampire blood the
lycanthrope will maintain a blood-pool. Voluntary transformation can be achieved simply by spending a blood point and
foregoing the Control Pool check. This transformation will only last half an hour (as the beast is fueled by the blood) unless
another blood point is spent or the Control Pool check is then made. If taught, the werewolf can learn vampiric disciplines and
use them in any form. Their bodies can still heal normally without blood expenditure. Werewolves who survive the embrace to
this extent often develop a psychological addiction to vampiric blood as if they had tasted it (see above).
If the werewolf scores no successes on the willpower roll then the beast has been subdued. The creature will die, and then rise
as a vampire as if it were a normal human. It will be of the appropriate generation and clan. The lycanthrope will be stuck in
human form and can not transform. This, and the embrace process will inflict two derangements upon the hapless creature.
Frenzy rolls will always be at +1 due to the beast's lurking close to the surface -- searching for release. Also, on nights of the full
moon the beast will still attempt to take control. The vampire will suffer moon madness, as a human surviving a werewolf attack.
Even if the madness is fended off on a particular full moon night, all frenzy rolls to be at +3. The Enhancements had by the
werewolf will translate to the appropriate discipline but higher levels will be unlearnable unless it is taught by another vampire.
In rare cases something goes horribly wrong with the Embrace. If a botch is rolled on the initial willpower roll then the primal
energy of the werewolf will fuse with, corrupt and be totally transformed by the infusion of vitae. It's body will burst into flux; an
state is assumed by the creatures's flesh. The lycanthrope is now undead -- of the same generation and clan as the vampire -but most kindred will not wish to stay to follow up on their new childer. The creature will have the claws, jaws, and hulking stature
of the hybrid form, but its flesh flows, shifts and oozes. It's features constantly drip, slide and meld like molten wax. In its visage is
every face of horror, agony and rage imaginable. The Kindred who are aware of these creatures call them Golems (originally
meaning "shapeless or faceless mass" in ancient Hebrew). It is mostly the clans Nosferatu, Gangrel and Tremere who encounter
Golems -- the first two due to the nature of their wanderings and the latter due to their interest in the occult. Any one with a
willpower lower than 5 glimpsing a Golem for the first time must make a courage roll of difficulty 5. Failing this the viewer will flee
hysterically as he seems to see the faces of all he knows -- contorted, grotesque, and demonic -- reflected in the bubbling flesh.
Botching this will cause a derangement in the victim.
The Golem feeds on, uses and stores blood as a vampire. Any enhancements are converted to disciplines. The creature has a 0
appearance. It is susceptible to fire, sunlight and takes aggravated damage from silver (which it can soak with Fortitude).
Stakes will not affect it though. The creature can not normally shape-shift; it is physically equivalent to it's former hybrid form.
Though physically mutated, Golems retain all of their mental facilities. It is horribly aware of its state and most of these creatures
have no knowledge of how to rectify their condition. It will almost always earn one derangement upon its unfortunate embrace.
The creature is also very prone to frenzy: all of its difficulties to avoid it are at +2.
Both vampires and werewolves (as well as most other creatures) shun these monsters. They usually end up in the most deserted
woodlands, sewers, and urban waste-lands. Around their lairs there is no natural animal life. Normally victims are wayfarers who
stray into their domain or humans whom these beasts stalk. Victims do not usually survive their attacks -- the bodies are
promptly disposed of. They can neither pass on the curse of lycanthropy or undeath. Areas inhabited by Golems develop a
reputation of being cursed or haunted.
Should a Golem find a Kindred who can tolerate its visage then the creature may learn vampiric disciplines. With obfuscate it
can to some degree mask it's horrid shape. If a Golem is taught vicissitude (if it knows enough to seek this discipline) then it can
learn to alter its form and cohere its flesh. Of course, it is susceptible to the derangements associated with this discipline.
The only sure way for the monster to regain its form is to seek a return to mortality. This must be handled accordingly to the
chronicle it is presented in. But it can be assumed that if the creature can shed its vampirism then it will return to life as a


All of this must seem like a staggering amount of new ideas to digest, especially if it smashes your preconceptions of how
werewolves should be in the World of Darkness. Even as I re-read it some of it looks foreign and I hesitate in judging as to how it
will be received. It would wreak havoc in an established chronicle based on stereotypes and preconceived notions. I have found
that by introducing these werewolves into a fresh setting and by warning players to forget what they think they know about
werewolves, it affords many interesting role-playing opportunities.
Vampire: The Masquerade is one of the most comprehensive studies in role-playing the darkness in the human soul that I have
seen. It is this darkness and all the stories of the lycanthrope that have fueled my dreams and nightmares and possessed me to
create this system. I hope some of you enjoy using it as much as I did writing it.
The ideas and systems regarding Lycanthropes, Metathropes, Golems, Control Pool are the copyrighted property of John R.
Harford and have been distributed for non-profit gaming enjoyment.
The Masquerade, The Apocalypse, World of Darkness, Nosferatu, Tremere, Gangrel, Gifts, Tribes, Septs, Moots, Kindred, and
Garou are all copyrighted property solely of White Wolf Game Studios.


By Adam Solis (

Abominations keep their Rage, Gnosis, and transformation abilities. They mostly lose their regenerative abilities, but they should
be able to supercharge their healing (you know, avoid death at the expense of a battle scar) because that is Rage based, and of
course they keep their Rage. They could probably use the Werewolf aggravated damage healing rules as well as the vampire
aggravated damage rules which means they are slightly less intimidated by aggravated damage. Aggravated damage is even
less of a threat because they can use stamina to soak most aggravated attacks, with the exceptions of silver, toxic waste,
sunlight , and other aggravated attacks that are either vampire specific or exceptions to a Garou's soaking abilities. If the
Abomination has Fortitude as well, then he rolls stamina and fortitude to soak. Exceptions to their soaking abilities can only be
soaked with a fortitude roll if the Abomination has fortitude.
Rage is rolled normally to determine frenzies, and normal virtues would not help the Abomination to prevent them. However, the
Sabbat virtues which control the frenzy instead of preventing it would be quite useful. Ego is equal to Gnosis at the time of the
Embrace. For a hierarchy of sins consult the corruption chart from Outcasts, Ronin section. Note that the evil eye power of spirit
thaumaturgy can guarantee that botch required for a Garou to survive the embrace. Also keep in mind that nothing prevents an
Abomination from having a Path of Enlightenment instead of Ego (which is a path of enlightenment when you think about it).
Certain optional/unofficial rules can also be applied to Abominations. If using the Humanity/bestiality rules, then bestiality would
equal Rage and Ego would still equal Gnosis. Unless you want every Abomination to be a mindless animal, I would suggest
allowing Abominations to ignore the rule of the sum of bestiality and humanity cannot exceed ten. The rank discipline which
works like normal rank except that renown has nothing to do with advancement and the upper limit is tied to generation like
everything else is also appropriate for Abominations. After all, in their state they are unlikely to gain renown. Simply convert the
new Abomination's old rank into the Rank discipline. I would suggest that in the case of super-elders (rank 6 or above), in the
they are turned into Abominations, would become the minimum generation at which such a high statistic is possible. That is only
appropriate when you think about such being a powerful character to begin with, not to mention the huge blood pool of any
Garou. For example, a 6th rank Garou is embraced by an eighth generation Cainite. The Garou is now a seventh generation
Abomination! His sire had better be pretty lucky to survive this one. Also, the rank discipline counts off from the Abomination's
starting disciplines. An Abomination would have to be second rank or below to start off with any disciplines from a camarilla
Embrace; an Abomination would have to be third rank or less to gain any disciplines from a Sabbat Embrace, and an
Abomination would not be limited to any rank to start off with disciplines from a Black Hand embrace. Of course, an
Abomination could spend experience points to learn disciplines just as any vampire can.

Tribal Pictograms
By Eric Bertish (

Black Furies
Luna hangs low in the sky, tearing the cover of darkness from the Wyrm's minions. We Black Furies are the arrow, shot from
Artemis' bow, that splits the earth and slays Gaia's defilers, striking as quickly as lightning. We settle for nothing less than the
utter destruction of the Wyrm-spawn.

Bone Gnawers
Well, there's a bone, see? And that's our teeth there, see? So we're gnawin' on a bone. Geez, some people...

Children of Gaia
Luna and Gaia are intertwined. Does Luna hold Gaia in the sky? Or does Gaia anchor Luna to the ground?
Neither. They simply are that way, as are we. We are creatures of both Luna and Gaia, and we cannot separate our two sides.
We all gather under the same moon, and rest on the earth. We are all one people in the eyes of Luna and Gaia. Once we can
recognize that fact, all our differences can be reconciled.

Well, it's quite simple, lassie. The Galliard moon represents our bardic nature. And from the moon -- from Arcadia -- comes a
bridge, touching the earth. We Fianna are descended from the Faerie, after all. The magic of the Fae touches the earth, wraps
around it, makes it more real. Always remember that, lassie. We may serve Gaia, but Arcadia is our true home.

Get of Fenris
A foolish question! It is the symbol of the wolf, drawn twice. One for Fenris, from which we sprang, and one for us, his get from
his loins. If you cannot grasp this simple truth you are indeed a fool!

Glass Walkers
The city is our home, but we have tamed it, not it us. For while the high-rises have replaced the trees, we are still the ultimate
predator which hunts our territory, marking it as ours.

Red Talons
[Red Talon looks at you funny, then slashes at the ground, leaving the tribal mark. It shows you its claws, then walks off.]

Shadow Lords
Grandfather Thunder watches us from above. When we displease him, he strikes with all his fury, until those who displeased him
are dead, and only his favored still stand. Of course, only we know what pleases Grandfather Thunder...

Silent Striders
A lone Strider, moving faster than thought itself, can travel to places none have ever seen or even imagined. That which we have
seen, that where we have been, is completed and no longer matters. Only that which lies ahead of us is of interest, incomplete
and holding much knowledge.

Silver Fangs
Our fangs and our claws, symbols of our righteous rulership, granted to us by Gaia herself. As humans have crowns and
scepters, we have our lineage and our gifts.

Look within the star for enlightenment, as Klaital did.

It is very much like the symbol for the Umbra, but we have made it our own, yes? With bindings here and oracles there, very
much like in life, yes? As within, so without....

The cold north wind, the chinook, blows across the face of the moon. That is where and when we hunt. It is also why.

Abominations Revised
By Steven Markley (

Author's Notes
I finally flipped through a Chicago Chronicles book recently, and saw the Abomination rules. And to quote the horse on Ren &
Stimpy after he fell 10 stories and shattered all of his legs: "Hmm... no sir, I don't like it." I like the rules for them in the 2nd ed
Werewolf Players Guide, but I still find them lacking. So this is my take on them (like anyone cares what I think, but here goes...) I
look forward to responses.

No one likes Abominations. That rule I will keep.
All Abominations take sunlight and fire damage as vampires, and silver and toxin damage as garou. This can be soaked with
Dark Gifts (see below) and Fortitude rolled by itself.
Abominations no longer regenerate, and must burn blood to heal.
Abominations must spend a blood point to shift to any form but their breed form. They can assume breed form with no blood
Abominations, without exception, lose all their Gnosis upon Embrace. However, they are innately spiritual creatures, and thus
maintain ties to the spirit world. However, their affinity shifts to the Shadowlands (Dark Umbra) rather than the Living Umbra. This
is represented by their Thanatos rating.
What the hell is Thanatos, you say?
1. When the werecreature is embraced, roll her Gnosis rating against difficulty 6. The successes on this roll is her Thanatos
rating. If no successes are rolled, it defaults to 1 Thanatos rating. If a botch is rolled, then the Abomination starts with no
Thanatos, but can buy her first dot by spending 10 experience. For those with an affinity for death (Silent Striders, Black
Spiral Dancers, Bubasti) the Storyteller my opt to add an additional success to the roll, or allow the roll to be made verses
difficulty 5.
2. Thanatos can be spent to activate Dark Gifts (explained later.) It is also rolled against the Shroud to "descend" into the
Shadowlands. While they are cavorting there, they roll their Thanatos to soak damage from wraithly attacks and powers.
3. Thanatos is regained from eating wraith plasm; for each five Corpus levels eaten, they regain a point of Thanatos. Though
this does not neccesarily "kill" the wraith, this does not make Abominations very popular among the Restless either.
4. Thanatos can be raised at current x 2.
5. Abominations cannot learn Gifts from living shifters or spirits anymore. They can learn Dark Gifts from one another,
however. Dark Gifts are dark reflections of the Gifts they had in life, instead turned toward affecting the Shadowlands and
toward entropic effects. Examples:
Mother's Touch becomes Death's Caress. It can heal the dead (vampires, wraiths and Abominations) but now it
causes harm to living creatures.
Parting the Velvet Curtain becomes Parting the Shroud. It brings others into the Shadowlands.
Create Element could create plasmic objects or barrow flame.
Some Gifts would remain unchanged: Sense Wyrm, Truth of Gaia, Might of Thor, Speed of Thought and others.
6. Dark Gifts have the Thanatos cost of the corresponding Gift's Gnosis cost. Dark Gifts are learned from other
Abominations at a cost of level x 5. Abominations are considered Ronin, and no longer have Rank (unless they are very
good at keeping their natures hidden.) They learn all Dark Gifts from other Abominations at level x 5, regardless of their
rank before Embrace. Some Death-spirits and Banes may also teack Dark Gifts, as well as some wraiths (a wraith with
high Argos might teach Speed of Thought or Leap of the Kangaroo by exchanging knowledge with the werecritter. This will
have to be closely monitored by the Storyteller to keep players freom learning Gifts whenever they want; Dark Gifts are
rare and treasured.
Abominations can learn and use Disciplines, but not as easily as vamps. They do not have clan Disciplines that can be learned
at current x 5, but have instead several Discipline Affinities (Disciplines that can be learned at current x 6) The Abomination has
Affinities for the following Disciplines: the three clan Disciplines of the Abomination's sire, Necromancy (because of the Abom's
spiritual ties), Protean (for obvious reasons; Abominations with Protean 4 no longer have to blow blood to shapeshift), Potence,

Celerity (cannot be used in conjunction with Rage!), Fortitude and Animalism. Abominations don't start out with an initial
Discipline point spread, they must purchace Disciplines at 10 exp per Discipline. Abominations are considered the lowest form
of Caitiff, and it is hard for them to find those willing to teach them new disciplines. However, the potential for learning their
Affinity Disciplines is already there; all they have to to do is spend the experience. They don't have to be taught these.
Abominations keep their Rage and Willpower. They also have Virtues, (5 points' worth at point of Embrace) and this is how
Frenzy works: they roll the appropriate Virtue against the difficulty of the Abomination's Rage rating. If it is the night of the full
moon or the the Abomination is in Crinos form, an additional success on the Virtue roll is needed to prevent Frenzy (this is
cumulative, so an Abomination in Crinos during the full moon needs three successes on the roll to maintain control. A Willpower
can be used to avoid going apeshit (or wolfshit, or whatever). In fact, Abominations gain Rage from the Embrace by being torn
away from their connection to the Spirit world: add a point, up to 10, to a werecritter's Rage rating when she is Embraced.
Abominations have a path rating as normal, and most follow Harmony. Other popular paths include Humanity, Inner Focus and
Power and the Inner Voice. An option for this is to use the Ronin Wyrm corruption chart in Outcasts as a path rating for
Abominations may or may not show up as Wyrm-tainted; this is up to the Storyteller, though some factors include path and rating
in said path; connection with the Shadowlands and other factors.
Bastet abominations can only only cross the shroud in the areas corresponding to their den realms, but can do so at difficulty 3
and gain all the benefits of having a den realm in that area; this assumes the Bastet has the Den Realm background before the
Embrace, as they can't be established after.
Storytellers should seriously consider what they allow to become Abominations: Garou are an obvious choice, as well as Bastet.
Do we really need vampiric werespiders, weresharks and werecrocs? My answer would be no, but that's your choice. Whatever
you allow, make the rules for each breed consistant for simplicity's sake.
Where the rules are lacking, or some rule I listed can be interpreted in more than one way, apply common sense and use the
interpretation that seems to make the most sense. This is a difficult thing to ask in a world of rules lawyers and twinkers, but the
real role-players will understand and apply this.

Rage Revised
By Tony Grenander (

The Garou are known to get more furious and vicious the angrier they get. Interesting enough the rules found in Werewolf do not
reflect this in a good way. Therefore, I decided to make my own Rage rules. The Rage rating is a measure of how angry a Garou
(or any being with Rage) can get. Whenever the Garou gets frustrated, or is under a great amount of stress (good or bad), he
must make a Rage roll (Temporary Rage). A Willpower can be spent to stop anything from happening, and to keep him calm, so
long as the Willpower is spent instead of rolling the dice. The difficulties for Rage rolls are covered in Werewolf, and therefore
not mentioned here. These rules have both strengths and weaknesses, but are overall more powerful than the old, so I suggest
all STs to consider these rules carefully before using them. Personally, I have only used them in a Garou vs. Wyrm campaign,
and have no idea how they would work in a crossover setting. Mail me if you have any thoughts about the changes I've done, or
tell me how they work in a cross-over.

Extra Actions
For every success gained on the Rage (Temporary Rage) roll, the Garou may use that amount of extra actions the first turn (of
combat). For every following turn, the Garou adds one to this value, up to his Permanent Rage rating. When the maximum
(Permanent Rage rating) level of Rage is reached, the anger starts to fade. Every following turn the Rage level, and number of
extra actions decreases by one. When a Garou is at zero Rage, he is no longer furious, and counts as if he was out of Rage
(zero Rage). If he was frenzied, the frenzy ends, but he can still regain Rage (see below).

Gain and Regaining Rage During Combat

Certain things might fuel the anger, or keep it from declining. The following situations call for a new Rage roll, this time using
one's Permanent Rage rating. If the successes are more than the current Rage level, they replace it, if not, the current rating
stays. Four successes means the Garou frenzies, and six successes means he enters "rabid" frenzy.
Example 1. Trash, an elder Bonegnawer Ragabash, is down to one Rage (and declining) after a long and brutal fight. Suddenly
a Sabbat vampire stabs him with a silver dagger. Trash instantly rolls for Rage, using his permanent dice pool. He scores three
successes and regains two Rage, leaving him on a Rage level of 3. He can use the extra actions immediately if he wish. The
next turn his Rage will decline down to 2.
Example 2. Trash's loyal companion, Blood-eye, gets into trouble, and has to roll for Rageback. He scores seven successes
and flies to his feet angry as all hell, with seven extra Rage. Blood-eye had a Rage level of 7 (and growing), and gained seven
extra, but as his Permanent Rage is 9, the seven extra only raises him to 9. He can use the gained Rage immediately. The next
turn his Rage declines to 8, and will keep declining one level per turn until it reaches zero, when he will come out of the frenzy.
Situations where Rage can be regained:
1. A successful Rageback makes the Garou gain/regain one Rage per success.
2. When a close friend takes severe damage, roll for Rage (permanent rating) again. The ST may restrict a player to only
"have" one or two close (loved) friends.
3. If the enemy is getting reinforcements, or the situation is really starting to look ugly, roll for Rage (permanent rating) again
(see above). This only applies to extreme situations, i.e., an ambush , premeditated slaughter of innocents, or a glorious
last stand against hordes of Wyrm spawn.
4. Botching an important roll in combat adds one to the Rage level (not past the maximum). The extra action is immediately
5. If the Garou suffers damage from silver, make a Rage roll (see above). This rule might make the use of silver weapons
against Garou less attractive.
6. Encountering the real enemy, after fighting all its minions. Roll Rage again (see above). This should be "the monster at the
end of the story" kind of thing, not a mere tough guy.
Four successes (or a botch) on any Rage roll means the Garou enters frenzy, and that he is not allowed to employ any more gifts
until the frenzy ends. Six successes indicate that the Garou enters rabid frenzy, and becomes a "thrall of Wyrm." If a Garou has
zero Temporary Rage in the beginning of a combat, and is asked to make a Rage roll, he is assumed to get zero successes
(what else?). This means he won't be able to spend any extra actions the first turn, but will gain one Rage level every turn, up to
the maximum.

The ability to supercharge one's regenerative powers with Rage. Only Garou possesses this ability, not, Abominations, Fomori,
or other beings with Rage. The Rage is what made the Garou "the guilty" in the war of Rage, and it's what makes them so
dangerous to combat. The other changing breeds might be tough, but when it comes to cheating death, the Garou are second to
none. Their connection with Gaia is unique, and unchallenged. When a Garou sufferd wounds that would kill it, Gaia channels
raw Rage through her children. It is a Rage so powerful it might bring them back from death. The Garou rolls his Rage
(Permanent) against a difficulty of 8. Every Success instantly heals one health level (even aggravated), but leaves a permanent
scar behind. The roll is also a frenzy roll which adds one/success to the Rage level, and sends the Garou into frenzy (see above).
A Garou will never enter "rabid" frenzy because of Rageback. Due to the nature of this instant healing, the Garou does not lose
any time/actions. Broken bones meld together, gaping wounds close, scattered body parts fly through the air to merge with the
body, and even a "destroyed" Garou will heal in an instant. The only way to destroy a Garou is to kill it repeatedly, until it stays
dead. There are ways to halt, or remove a Garou's regenerative abilities, and these ways will make Rageback attempts futile
(certain Wyrm toxins, gifts, charms).

Other Rage Benefits

Benefits not mentioned here, but mentioned in the WoD rulebooks, apply if the ST wants them to.

Stockpiling Rage (in everyday life)

When the Garou is provoked, thwarted, or concentrating hard (uses Willpower or suppressing the beast), he gains one
Temporary Rage, up to his maximum rating. This Rage gain does not call for a Rage roll, but will make him more prone to frenzy
in the future. If players start to burn Willpower just to gain Rage, kick their heads in. This rule only applies in everyday life, and is
meant to reflect a social handicap of the Garou.

Rage Drawbacks
All creatures (including other Garou) will feel uneasy around someone with a higher (temporary) Rage rating than the creature's
own Willpower. Raise the difficulty for all social rolls by one per every Rage-point that exceeds the target's Willpower. This is
mutually exclusive with the pure breed background (i.e., one takes out the other) when dealing with Garou or kinfolk.
If a Rage roll is succeeded (zero successes) a creature with Rage will still respond in a very aggressive way, possibly scare
people in his surroundings. In normal society, the Garou temperament is abnormal; even a "small" outburst of anger will classify
him/her as a maniac, and make people very afraid of him (they feel the beast).

Some gifts became less effective, so I modified them. I also added a couple of new ones (just to make the already mighty, even
Silver Claws (Level 3 Ahroun)
Stoking Fury's Furnace (Level 4 Ahroun)
Frenzy (Level 5 Ahroun)
Unending Rage (Level 6 Ahroun)

Totem Generation
By J.D. Pilling (

I was alarmed when a player I Storytell for came to me with a Totem that he was interested in purchasing. For four Background
points, he would be able to fly, shoot laser beams from his eyes and be impervious to bullets (well, maybe this is a bit of an
exaggeration, but not by much). Regardless, I sat the player down and showed him how, although it would be amusing, it would
also unbalance any type of serious game play. When asked for my recommendation of how to develop a Totem he was
interested in, I began consulting the various Totems presented in the Werewolf: The Apocalypse source books. From the
Totems listed (almost 100 in all), I created my own system.
In my own campaign, Totems are also characters, not some mindless animal that wanders on stage, farts, then grants the
player-characters' pack mystic powers to take over the world. As characters, Totems have personalities and a profile (described
below). However, it is important to note that a Totem is only a single aspect of a greater being or Incarna which can have
numerous aspects. Thus, the death of a Totem (yes, it can happen, to the chagrin of many players) does not represent the death
of the thing it represents (although this could lead to numerous philosophic discussions). The more in tune (the greater the
number of Background and experience points invested) the pack becomes with a Totem, the stronger it becomes. However, the
Totem is also bound to the strength of the pack so that the death of pack mates and the breaking of other connections weaken
the Totem. In my campaign, the Totem loses the number of points the deceased member had invested in the Totem. What the
starting strength of a Totem should be is a major concern for many Storytellers. The cost is a single indicator, but without a
system to generate a cost it is difficult to determine how good an indicator cost is. The system below allows for the generating of
Totems along the same lines that other characters are produced. Some of the material is taken directly from Werewolf: The
Apocalypse (2nd Edition) "Totem" on pg. 113 which I highly recommend reading.

The Totem
Totem Name: What animal, concept, incarnation, etc. does the Totem represent?
Concept: Is the Totem a Totem of Cunning, Renown, Respect, War or Wisdom?
Background Cost: Determined by the strength of the Totem itself and the Traits it gives to the players.
Points Spent: Determined by the number of experience points spent by players to increase the strength of the Totem.
Rage, Gnosis and Willpower: All Totems have seven points to divide among the following three stats.
Power: All Totems begin with a base Power of 20.
Charms: All Totems begin with the Charms of Airt Sense and Reform.
At this point, you have developed a Totem that virtually any player can have for free. It does not do much, does not say a whole
lot, will not show up very often (if ever) and could easily represent the Totem spirit of each tribe that shows up to welcome the
player to the tribe and is rarely seen again.
However, players tend to be a little more demanding and want gifts and attention from the Totems their characters choose so
they spend Background and experience points on them. These points can represent a stronger aspect of the spirit (one with
more Rage, Gnosis, Willpower, Power or Charms, such as Materialize) or they can represent gifts from the Totem to the
characters. To reward them for their efforts in gaining its attention, Totems award characters a wide range of Traits. Costs for
these Traits are included as part of the Background Cost for the Totem. It is up to the Storyteller to determine if later experience
points can be used to buy more Traits and at what cost. In my campaign, later experience can only be used to increase the
strength of the Totem or to increase its influence with other spirits as per pg. 113 in the rule book.
For existing Totems, that do not seem to match up with the Background cost outlined below, simply augment their profiles or
award them some of the advantages listed in the rule book. For example, being able to communicate with characters without
forcing them to purchase the Gift: Spirit Speech will help players interact with their characters' Totem and will make life easier on
the Storyteller. It is also important to realize that this should not be a system for players to abuse. If a character develops a Totem
that threatens to unbalance the game, simply do not allow it.

Traits are Charms given by the Totem to the pack they have adopted or chosen to favor These Charms take the forms listed

Attributes: +3 per dot in Physical and +2 per dot in Social or Mental (+1 to cost if Attribute can exceed Homid maximums)
Abilities: +2 per 3 points worth of Abilities
Gifts: + (2 x the Gift's level)
Backgrounds: +1 per +1 Background point (The Totem Background is obviously off-limits), Rage, Gnosis or Willpower: +2
per 3 points of Rage, Gnosis or Willpower available per story. (This can only be taken once, and the type must be selected). +3
per 5 point of Rage, Gnosis or Willpower available per story (with the same restrictions as above). +3 per 3 points of Rage,
Gnosis or Willpower that may be taken in any combination.

Renown: +1 per additional point of temporary Glory, Honor, or Wisdom the pack receives when Renown is awarded.
Miscellaneous: +3 per +1 Dice Pool(s) for wide categories of actions (such as combat). +1 per group that favors the pack. +1
per - 1 Difficulty modifier for given actions. +2+ Miscellaneous (Storytellers can incorporate other Traits, such as hibernation, at
their own discretion, although such traits should be examined first to see if they correspond with existing Gifts).

Note: These cannot reduce the cost of any Trait below 1).
Exclusions: -1. Restrictions on who can be chosen (Exclusion of certain tribes, auspices, or breed types). This can only be
taken once per Totem.

Mantle: -1. Traits under the mantle may only be used by a single pack member at a time. The member must pass the mantle on
before another can make use of the Traits incorporated in it. The limitation can be applied for each Trait under the mantle. There
can only be one mantle for the Totem unless the pack buys the ability for more than one pack member to make use of the Traits.

Geographic: -2. Traits limited by geography will not work in certain locations. These locations should be fairly large and
frequently encountered. As a rule, Malfeas and outer space do not make suitable geographic locations, although the Umbra, the
Northern Hemisphere, and cities do. (This can only be taken once per Totem and affects all Traits granted.)

Time: Traits limited by time can only be used once in a given time frame. -1 for daily, -2 for weekly, -3 for once per moon cycle
and -4 for yearly. (This can be applied to each Trait, but cannot be used in conjunction with Traits usable only once per story.)

Most Totems have at least one Ban to represent the price of their patronage. The more dangerous the Ban, the less characters
will have to pay to follow the Totem.

Minor Bans: -0. The pack must never hunt, harm or eat totem animal or must provide minor gifts for such animals.
Average Bans: -1. The pack must provide aid to certain groups or Pack suffers Social or Renown penalties (-1 per + 1
Difficulty or -1 temporary Renown (Glory, Honor, or Wisdom) loss).

Major Bans: -2. The pack is forced to perform potentially dangerous actions (battling other Garou, preventing the actions of
large human organizations, etc.).

Suicidal Bans: -3. The pack is forced to make sacrifices of self and possibly life (seeking out and doing battle with Nexus
Crawlers, Wyrm Incarnas, or other nasties; the permanent sacrifice of a point of Willpower, Gnosis, Physical Attribute, or two
Social or Mental Attributes).

Asesinos Brujos Initiatory Rites

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level 1-3 Asesinos Brujos Keepers of the Silver Flame Rites of Accord

Of all the Camps of the Keepers, the Asesinos Brujos rely on most heavily and make the most use of rituals. Their Rage is
honed and tempered by the highly-regimented, disciplined and honourable life of the Assassin Witch. The result is a crackerjack
killer and accomplished occultist.
The Asesinos Brujos are an elite and semi-secret society and candidates they consider worthy are approached and invited to
join, instead of the other way around. Their Rites Cycle is very reminiscent of august, secret societies throughout history and
have a decided Masonic flavour.
For an Asesino to advance to any given Rank -- or indeed, to join the Camp -- she must undergo this cycle of Rites. Each is
different and tailor-made for the Initiate, but the common thread is the initiate is blindfolded and guided through a series of tests
by her mentor, facing adversaries, strafings, hazings and uncertainty at every turn.
At Rank One, she is approached by an Initiator who asks her to accompany him. More than likely this Initiator will become her
Mentor. She is manhandled into an empty room where she is surrounded by the local chapter of the Camp. They question her
before handing her a specific talen in the shape of the Assassin Bird; this talen will, if activated in the next 24 hours, summon the
nearest Asesino Brujo upon which time the candidate lets the Camp know she wishes to join them. An initiatory ordeal or test
Further Rites of Rank are based upon and test the prior performance, character and achievements of the Assassin Witch. At
Rank 5, a panel of Elders convenes to initiate the Candidate and puts her through a ritual test that closely follows the Hero's
Journey and uses a Camp legend as its blueprint.

Arousal Ceremony (Level 2)

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.
Don't be rude; this is the name for a behavior shown by the wild dogs. Before hunting, the leader of the hunt paces back and forth in
front of the pack, making assorted howl-type noises, and they do a lot of nipping and yelping and stuff. Everyone gets in the same
mood to go hunting, and the dogs then go and pull down their prey. For the People, the rite is much the same in Lycaon form; they use
Call of the Wyld a lot, and the pack shares the Gift: Sense of the Prey. In Homid form it's much the same but theres a bit of singing and
general mood-whipping chanting involved. Gift is still the same.

As the Crow Flies

Level One Knowledge Rite

With a roll of Perception + Streetwise (or Survival), the Corax learns the shortest and safest route to her chosen destination. It
effectively halves her travel time to that destination, provided no unexpected obstacles arise and the route is not changed
drastically while she travels (via shifting walls, earthquakes, rivers rising, etc). Even if she has no familiarity with the destination,
this Rite provides knowledge of how to get there. It can also lead her out of mazes, forests, and other confusing locations.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Two Keepers of the Silver Flame Cantara

This cantara, shouted in groups at the beginning of the ritual, pumps crowds of ritualists, followers and worshippers up and
prepares them for Ixstasis. Roll Wits + Rituals (difficulty 6) and spend a Gnosis point. For the scene, the Joy Frenzy difficulty is
lowered by 1.
Av is chanted, often accompanied by the Keepers' hackneyed, jury-rigged Latinate patois (example: "Av Crashus!").

Bind Paradox (Level 3)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
This rite allows the binding of Paradox Spirits to the Talens.

Born of the Moon (Level Two)

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
This allows the garou to "see" the phase of the moon under which another was born, and so finding their Auspice. It requires the
expenditure of 1 gnosis point and a roll of Intelligence + Empathy with target number 7.

Gift of Blood (Level 1)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
This is a gruesome ritual performed mostly on Kindred; by drinking the blood of a person, the Nahual learns a fraction of the "doner"'s
knowledge and powers for a day. Use the total Blood Points to get the percentage. The Nahual can then transcribe or practice the
knowledge gained so that he might replicate it later. This was how the Nahual learned Necromancy and Thaumaturgy.

Greet the Hope-Star

By Ellen Brundige (
A rarely-known Egyptian Rite preserved by the Striders. Wait and watch for Sirius' rising each night. Observed faithfully, she will grant
you renewed hope and strength [Gnosis or willpower, perhaps. To hell with numbers, though; better just to let it show through RP]. She
is missing from the sky from approximately May 21, when she sets with the sun, to August 1, when she rises just before the sunrise, so
the Rite cannot be enacted during those times. However, sighting her at her first reappearance will brighten the spirit sevenfold.

Healing Trance
By John Lambert
This rite enables the garou to enter a trance during which their natural regenerative powers are enhanced. Whilst in the trance the
garou must remain stationary, however the garou does usually have some sense of what occurs around him. The trance will
automatically end once all wounds are healed or will terminate should the garou sustain a wound (even non-aggravated). The garou
also has the choice of ending the trance prematurely by making a willpower check against a diff. of 6.
The trance enables the garou to heal all wounds (even aggravated and sometimes battle scars) in a matter of minutes. Apon entering
the trance the garou rolls intelligence+meditation against a diff. of 6 (the difficulty may be modified due to circumstances ie increase to
an 8 or 9 during combat or decrease to a 4 in a peaceful glade, healing caern etc). A botch means that the garou can't attain the
peace of mind to enter the trance and thus can't try again for at least 1 day. On a failure the garou can try again almost immediately.
Should the garou succeed then the healing rate is as follows.
# of successes healing rate
1 aggr. wound / 10 mins
no battle scars healed.
1 aggr. wound / 5 mins
no battle scars healed.
1 aggr. wound / 3 mins
battle scars healed 1 / day
(longer if they are severe).
1 aggr. wound / 2 mins
battle scars healed 3 / 2 days.
(see above)
1 aggr. wound / min
2 battle scars healed / day.
(again longer if severe)

This trance will also work to remove toxins, etc. Treat severe cases as battle scars (mutations may also be healed as battle scars).
Note also that the meditation skill is required to learn this ritual and can not be used to place another into the trance.
Optionally : Rage may also affect the difficulty of entering the trance eg. diff. is rage or 6 whichever is higher.

Holy Holt
By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Level Three Lutran Rite

Holy Holt can only be performed once per Lutran. It creates a Holt (an otter's den), that connects directly to the Umbra. A Lutran,
entering the Holy Holt, will pass directly into the Umbra. Anyone else entering simply finds a hole in the ground. The Rite takes
several hours to perform, requires a total of ten Gnosis points from the participants, and fifteen successes on a Wits + Rites roll.

Rite of the Juggled Flame

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level One Keepers of the Silver Flame Rite of Accord

This is a common Rite that packs use to entertain themselves and at the same time reaffirm their dedication to each other.
Standard roll. A member of the pack -- typically the alpha -- manifests in her hand a small silver flame that is actually a bit of the
Pyru Jaggling summoned for the pack's initiation, and the rest of the pack play with the Gaffling. What usually follows is a game
of "hot potato" as the pack throw the flame from one to another.
This Rite is performed as a greeting ceremony, a challenge, or to ease intra- and inter-pack conflicts but occasionally several
packs will gather, merge their Pyru Gafflings and engage in the gameplay. If the game/ritual gets crazy enough Joy Frenzies can

Khonsu's Protection
By The Goddess (

Level Five Moon Rite

This rite calls upon Khonsu, a servant of Seline. By singing and offering to Khonsu, the Bubasti gains a powerful, albeit
temporary, gift; immunity to silver. As long as the effects of the rite last, silver does only normal damage.

System: Normal roll, with an additional +2 difficulty. In addition, an offering of falcon feathers, moonstone, and silver must be
prepared. Each success gives one day of protection.

Ours is the Language of Catastrophe

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Three Keepers of the Silver Flame Mystic Rite

At least one member of every pack knows and can perform this surreally-named rite; it is the Silver Flames' tribal initiation. Pyru
is summoned and a massive silver and red bonfire is created. The tribe gathers on one side of the fire, the initiates on the other;
the Keepers chant and drum, cajole, coax and goad their tribesmates-to-be to join them, and when the drumming and chanting
reach a critical pitch the initiates dive into the fire and cross through.
En route through the Flames of Transformation, their body types and auspices do not change but their tribal affiliation and coat
markings do. It is said that the black parts of their coats reflect the sins of the Impergium and both Wars of Rage burnt away by
the cleansing power of Pyru; Pyru marks each one of his spirit-siblings with a unique flame pattern and the coat patterns on their
fur reflect the fires they walk through. The silver tips of their dark manes represents the burden on their back and serve to remind
each Silver Flame of their weakness, their inner soul, and their siren song.
After the Rite, each werewolf is thereafter, for better or worse, a Keeper of the Silver Flame. The Tribe thereafter revels away the
night in a thunderous, wildly orgiastic celebration to welcome their new kin and Kinfolk with aplomb.

Om Namai Rudra
(or Shiva, Kali, Riga, Nandi, etc.)
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Three Keepers of the Silver Flame Mantra

This powerful mantra ("Praise the Name of [deity]") can be chanted for long periods of time and temper the passions raised by
the chanting of Om Rudra Baru (q.v.). For every turn the mantra is chanted, the participants of the Ritual will never have a lower
Willpower than Rage rating. Rage can still be spent up to the character's limit but he is more centered and focused.

Om Rudra Baru
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Three Keepers of the Silver Flame Mantra

This mantra, harkening back to Shiva's original Dravidian incarnation as the Lord of the Storm and the Forest, expresses the
primal passions and the Rage of the Keepers. When this mantra is chanted, the Storm rises and the Beast comes forth in full
flower: participants regain their full Rage pools and explode into Crinos or Hispo. Full Moons who are not members of the
Asesinos use this as a war anthem.

Rite of the Flesh

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Four Keepers of the Silver Flame Rite of Accord

This easy, profound but powerful and especially sacred Rite creates a bond between Garou and potential Kinfolk; sort of a
combined adoption/wedding ceremony. Very often, among the Keepers, it is the non-changing partner that possesses the Rite
and approaches the Garou; also, in the Tribe, a group of Kinfolk can get together and mass-adopt the Changer into their
extended family. At the same time, a group of Non-Changers can get together, perform this Rite and declare themselves a
Kinfolk family, even if they aren't related by blood.

System: Rolle Perception + Rituals (difficulty 6). There must be at least one Kinfolk and one Changer in order to perform this
Rite, but there is no upper limit to how many can participate.

Rite of the Fractured Soul

By Red Raptor ( for the Legion of the Malformed

Level Five Legion of the Malformed Rite

This rite will temporarily bring back to life a metis werewolf. The rite must be enacted within 3 hours of the metis's death. Once
brought back to life the garou will have one health level and will live for 1 hour before it dies again. This rite is used by the
Malfeans to embrace metis that are killed at birth or die in battle.

Rite of Nest Making

By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level Three Vermin Rite

This rite creates a nest for the Vermin in the Umbra, separating it off from the rest of it, as with the Bastet's Den Realms. The
size of the nest is dependent upon the number of successes. It is an Intelligence + Survival roll vs the Gauntlet. 3 Points of
Gnosis must be deposited to use this Rite.
Successes Size of Nest
10 foot by 10 foot
30 foot by 30 foot
50 foot by 50 foot
100 foot by 100 foot
One block by One block

Rite of Bartering Tutelage

By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level Three Seganku Rite

This rite allows the seganku to barter with any spirit of another's totem. The rite of summoning may need ot be performed. Then,
the seganku talks with the spirit, learning of the litany as the other views it. The seganku will work on the other person, if the spirit
views this as a beneficial change. The Seganku must spend a Gnosis point, and roll a Charisma+Enigmas against a target of
the spirit's Gnosis rating. The number of successes indicate how much information the spirit imparts to the seganku.

Rite of Bonding
By Alex Tallon (

Level 3 Mystic Rite

In many ways the Garou are removed from the ways of civilized man and do not always follow the laws of the city. Most garou
who are honorably mated do not do so by man's laws but rather participate in the Rite of Bonding which creates a spiritual bond
between them and their mate. The rite is most often performed in the Umbra. Sometimes multiple Rites of Summoning are
performed prior to this rite to have spirits present to witness this bonding of the souls and give their blessing. Couples that
undergo the rite for a length of time are capable of great insights into their partners' souls. They can sense the mental and
physical strains the others goes through: their every emotion, their hopes and fears, successes and failures, strengths and
weaknesses, their highest joys and their deepest and most private sorrows. They see into the innermost spirit, to the depths of
their hearts, to the very core of their beings. This is not a telepathic ability (meaning that you cannot read their thoughts), but
rather an empathic one. They will know their loves' past, their history and how that has shaped their lives and made them into the
people that they have become. To gain this sensory input, so to speak, a couple must be touching. However, generally for
dramatic purposes, couples may be allowed to sense when something is wrong, or when something has happened to their
mates. Many couples find this intimidating and choose to let this bond fade with time, but some "renew their vows" as often as
possible so as to maintain this ultimate level of intimacy. The other thing is that for normal humans, after the connection has
faded they will have only hazy recollections of the experience, as a weak form of the Veil helps to block this experience from their

System: The Ritemaster rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty 7) and each success maintains the bond for one month.

Rite of Bonding (Level 2)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
This rite is performed as a baptism of a child Nahual, binding a nahual animal to her. Another use of this rite is to bond a person to the
enacting Nahual; it might be a bond of friendship, in which the bond works both ways, or a bond of slavery; similar to a vampiric Blood

Rite of Calling (Level 1)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runners tribe.
This call will reach the ears of all Wyld Runners, much more stronger then the Call of the Wyld gift, as this reaches no matter distance,
and no matter location.

Rite of Divestiture (Level Five)

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.
This rite is generally led by several Theurges, and always includes at least one Galliard. The Rite is cast upon a metis Garou, and long
ago in the early days was tested upon a few metises who had followed the Pack south at a distance. Halakha was MAD when she
found out about this, and severely punished them for what they did, as they had not asked the metises for permission nor had they told
her of their plans. (This instance warranted the use of the Gift: Violation on the guilty parties.) However, after the punishment was over,
the Rite's potential value was acknowledged, and it was incorporated into their lore. The Rite involves elements of the Rending of the
Veil, and incorporates the Galliard powers of creation and reshaping reality; it invokes spirits of the Deep Umbra. It removes their
ability to change shape and renders them a human or wolf (Galliard's choice; must be stated at the beginning of the Rite), though still
sterile and deformed. I don't know what the rolls involved would be; one of you come up with it. Often the metis falls down afterwards
unconscious for upwards of an hour. There have been some incidents where they've been left for wild dogs or something else - in one
case a Black Spiral Dancer was caught and stripped of the Change, then left to be found by something the homid members of the
tribe thought useful.... a CNN camera crew.

Rite of Favour
By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe

Level Two Rite

The Rite of Favour calls an Elemental Spirit to the Rite. The Ritemaster then requests the help of the Spirit in a single task by
rolling Man + Occult, diff 7. Those performing the rite must offer the spirit Gnosis in return for its aid.

Rite of Gaia's Eyes

By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level Two Seganku Rite

This rite allows the Seganku to examine a person, bete, mage, or kindred, and learn what role she is playing in Gaia's eyes, and
what role she should be playing. If the two are different, the Seganku is likely to try to help the target fulfill the role she should be

Rite of Hunger
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Five Rite

This Rite is used to reach back into ancestral memory and remember the loss of their Kin, the coming of the Wyrm and the
sacrifice of the Croatan. This is used to renew the purpose behind their struggles and to restore the desire and drive to do their
sacred duties. This Rite is only taught to the Ritemaster of a Caern and it is wiped from his memory by spirits if he should ever
lose his position. Also, this Rite is performed only once every ten years unless there is extreme need for it.

System: All participants must fast for three days and undergo a Rite of Cleansing. All participants must then travel to the
homeland of the Croatan so as to better remember those who sacrificed themselves against the Wyrm. The Ritemaster must
sing tales of the past of the Breakers and then spend a Gnosis and a Willpower point and make a Wits+Rituals roll difficulty 10
to take the listeners back into their deepest ancestral memories. Each participant must then make a Intelligence + Occult roll
difficulty 11-his Past Life rating, to see how far back they are drawn. If they fail, they sink into a state of depression for all that has
been lost. Botch and they sink into Harano. To see how far back they go and the effects, consult the chart below:
Successes Result
Can remember back to the death of the Croatan. Regain all Rage.
Remember back to the beginning of the coming of the Wyrm and see why to fight. Regain all Rage and Willpower.
Go back to the Impergium and see the harm that was wrought by this. Regain all Rage and Willpower and gain a
permanent Willpower point so as to better resist the Wyrm.
Go back to before the War of Rage. Regain all Rage and Willpower, gain a permanent Willpower point, and gain a
Permanent Rage point so as to strike back at your foes for your slain ancestors and gain a point of Wyrm Lore for
seeing how its tricks drove your kin to their death.
Go back to the Sundering. Regain all Rage and Willpower, Gain a Permanent point of Rage and Willpower, and
Gain two points of Wyrm Lore from seeing how it was the cause of all your suffering, and regain all Gnosis from
briefly touching the worlds when it was still whole.
Storyteller's discretion.

Rite of Long Life

By Shane Duffy, for the Croagal tribe.
Level 7 Rite
A very powerful and important rite, The Rite of Long Life is used to slow the aging process of a Garou. It takes an entire week to
perform and adds 30 years to a Garou's life.

Rite of Null Time

By Bejeir D. Brooks ( for the Deragos

Level Four Reindeer form Deragos rite

Allows ritualist and all participants to be immune to the effects of time for as long as they are in motion, and pulling around a
quarter ton sleigh. The effects of this rite last for an entire night, and can only be used or taken advantage of once a month for
each creature affected.

Rite of Ownership
By Kelly Corfaun (

Level 5 Garou Mystic Rite and Level 7 Thaumaturgy Ritual

This rite can only be cast by an Abomination. What this rite does is enable the Abomination to literally steal gifts from another
lycanthrope or Abomination. The gifts are not lost by the lycanthrope, merely shared to the caster of this rite. The caster can not
receive any gifts of a higher level than he or she is allowed.

System: The Abomination must spend 3 gGnosis points and make an Intelligence + Rituals roll (difficulty of the target's
Willpower plus three). For every success the Abomination steals one gift; however the Abomination does not get to choose
which ones. If the abomination spends a Willpower point and succeeds in a Rage roll he or she can steal gifts from a fomor. The
Abomination will have to make a Rage roll every night for the next five days. If at any time he or she doesn't succeed then the
Abomination loses his or her sanity and will most likely be hunted down and killed.

Rite of Painting
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Minor Keepers of the Silver Flames Rite

This gentle, playful rite is conducted whenever a group of Silver Flames get together before a performance, holiday or other
festive activity. They gather in a mutually-agreed upon place, whip out body paints of all types and paint each other; horseplay
and general banter, tomfoolery and merry-making is a frequent indulgence. If this is done three nights in a row, the Garou gets an
extra die to roll in any Social Challenge during the event in question.
Almost every Silver Flame knows this very common Rite.

Rite of Peace
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level Two Seganku Rite

This rite is the first step on the path to rehabilitating another bete. It requires the Seganku to walk, unarmed, into the light, of plain
sight, of the people he wishes to work with. His hands must be open, and his eyes closed. During this time, the Seganku must
recite the litany of the people he is approaching. One Gnosis point is spent per day at the end of this rite, allowing the Seganku
to stay among these people without being harmed, as long as the Seganku remains unarmed.

Rite of Purpose
By Jason Tice for the Seganku tribe.

Level Four Seganku Rite

This rite may only be performed with three or more Seganku present. This rite instills a driving goal (add the flaw to the
character) into a specific individual. The subject must lie still, while the seganku hold hands above him. They will chant, and
through their chanting, they will contact the subject's totem. The totems, or spirit servant, and the seganku will, together, imbue
the sense of purpose into the subject. The seganku rolls a Manipulation+Primal Urge to get past the blocks in the subject. They
need at least 2 successes. They must each spend a Gnosis point to imbue the driving goal.
If the subject is there willingly, a Gnosis roll is performed gainst the subject's willpower. Each success takes away one from the
subject's willpower (for the duration of the ritual).
If the subject is there against her will, a Gnosis roll is performed against the subject's willpower in a resisted roll (her Willpower is
rolled against your groups average Gnosis rating). The group needs to overcome her willpower before you may continue.
Each Gnosis roll counts for one hour of game time. When the subject's willpower is overcome, the number of continued
successes indicate the intensity of the driving goal.
(i.e. Three Stranger Attractors are trying to imbue Samantha Red-Talon with a driving goal to seek out and destroy all wildlife
poachers. They are doing this against her will. Samantha has a Willpower of 5, the combined Gnosis of the group is 16.
Samamtha rolls 2 successes against an average Gnosis rating of 5. The Strange attractors rolled 4 successes. Samantha loses
2 Willpower point (for the ritual). she rolls again (three dice this time) getting 1 success. The S.A. roll a phenomenal 4
successes. This allows them to imbue a driving goal (flaw level -2) into her, after two hours of ritual.)
If the totem spirit does not approve of the driving goal, the totem's gnosis is added to the subject's Willpower dice pool.

Rite of Running Water

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Four Rite

This Rite is used to track someone, no matter where she may go. Wherever she was most recently in contact with water, the
user will be able to locate it.

System: The user goes down to a body of pure water. It must be running. She plunges her head beneath the water and must
hold it there for at least five minutes with her eyes and mouth open. She then rolls Perception+ Alertness Difficulty 10. The
number of successes indicates how far away she can sense her target. One would be only if he had crossed upstream while five
would be anywhere in the world. The information is conveyed through the subtle murmurs and caresses of water spirits, hence
needing to use all five senses to perceive it.

Rite of Silent Rage

By J.D. Pilling ( for the Chiropter

Level Four Mystic Rite

This rite is cast upon a colony during a gathering of several Chiropter on urgent business. All Chiropter present have their Rage
roll difficulties set to 9 during the gathering. However, slights during the meeting are likely to be remembered and brought up at
later encounters.

Rite of Spooge
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level 1 Ondine Keeper of the Silver Flames Rite

A mixture of various fluids (usually pleasant, sensual and/or edible, but occasionally something weird like an awakened
entheogen or spoiled milk is mixed in if the Ondines performing the Rite feel the group needs to be shocked out of their mindset)
is made in a large quantity and Awakened before a Worship or other major group ritual. As the assembled dance, drum, trance
and whirl about in the main Rite, the Spooge is sprayed on everyone, sluicing them down. The group proceeds to lick the
Spooge off each other while the Ondines converge and spray them with water. The effects of this Rite is a low-level Cleansing of
Wyrm and Weaver taint.
The Rite of the Spooge exists as a Punishment Rite as well. Typically the victims of this Rite have done something like disrupt
the energy or antagonized the ritualists. In this case, urine is collected and dumped on a person or persons present who need to
be publicly shamed. The victim is then ejected from the gathering, sometimes forcefully, and not allowed back in until he has
made reparations.

Rite of the Broken Circle

By Honorah O'Neill (

Level 5 Garou Mystic Rite, and Level 3 Thaumaturgy Ritual

In these final days, the number of Abominations seems to skyrocketing beyond all reason. This Rite would be why. Originally
developed by a Silver Fang Abomination, this Rite combines the Garou's mystic rites with the powers of vampiric Thaumaturgy.
Thus, it can only be performed by an Abomination. The purpose of this Rite is to circumvent the Garou's natural defense
mechanism against the Embrace.

System: To enact this Rite, the Abomination needs a Garou to perform it on, a vampire (usually Dominated or otherwise
coerced into participating), a klaive, some silver wire, and the tooth from a Silver Fang. Some sort of Gnosis or Willpower
draining device such as a d'siah, a Banesword, or pain daggers are also commonly used, but are not absolutely necessary.
First off, the Abomination must soak the Silver Fang's tooth in a container of his own blood for three nights. Once prepared, the
tooth will keep for up to a year. Once this is done, the Abomination must select his victim. Once he has managed to subdue the
hapless Garou, he pries open the jaw of his victim and removes whatever tooth corresponds to the Fangs' tooth (obviously he
has to rip out a molar if he has a molar, not a canine). He rolls Wits+Medicine (difficulty 10) to get the Fangs' tooth into the old
socket and wired in so that it stays there, permanently. Once this is done, he takes a klaive and carves the glyph for Abomination
over the Garou's heart. Into the wound he rubs some of his own blood. Roll Wits+Rituals difficulty 10, only one success needed. If
he succeeded in doing all this, he usually takes this opportunity to drain off as much Gnosis and Willpower from the Garou as
possible before the final step. In the final step, a vampire performs the Embrace as he would for a human. The Abomination may
not perform the Embrace himself. If the Garou participant was unwilling(as the almost always are), he may still make a saving
Gnosis roll, assuming he has any Gnosis left. The difficulty is 10 but the Garou merely needs to fail to become an Abomination. If
he succeeds, he dies in horrible agony. If he botches, he heals the scar left from the klaive. If he merely fails, the scar is
permanent. In either case, any Abomination that sees him with be able to see a faint glowing version of the glyph on the new
Abomination's chest even if it is covered or the scar healed. So long as the Fangs' tooth is still bound into his jaw, the Garou is
Blood Bound to the Abomination who enacted the Rite. If the tooth is ever removed, the Garou makes a roll per the normal
Abomination rules to see if he remains an Abomination or crumbles into dust.
Oh, and as to the little bit about this being created by a Fang, it made sense since the Fangs are supposed to hold the powers
over life and death. (also where the name came from)

Rite of the Chapel

By Diane Keating (

Level 3 Caern rite

In times of old, building a caern was a dangerous and difficult business. But in these times when we need as many places as
possible sanctified, the Rite was too hard to enact and was invariably fraught with danger.
So, I propose a Rite that would create a place-holder and a stepstone to creating a Caern. This Rite will create a Chapel, which
can be expanded into a Caern with less difficulty.
First, the location of the Chapel must be watched for. Since the Rite is fairly short to enact, it could be performed "on the fly" by
whatever Bete were present.
A lesser quantity of Gnosis Traits are used (floor of 10). Once engaged in the Rite, the Inceptor would still be essentially
helpless, so she'd need protection. Since the Rite only lasts an hour, though, and since it's not as intense a Rite, the chance that
Wyrm minions coming to disrupt the ritual would be negligible. I estimate we'd only suffer harassment by whatever fomori and
stray Banes were wandering by, and not wave after wave of BSDs, Nexus Crawlers, Bane Spiders, and etc.
A number of Simple Tests after every five minutes of chanting, i.e.: 10 Simple Tests (the minutes in which the Tests are done do
not count). Traits may be bid to Retest, or Willpower spent to gain successes. This is a less potent Rite and thus Retests should
be allowed to reflect that.
Successes Level
3, and an Elder Bete can cast a Rite of Caern Building with a cost of 25 Gnosis Traits and create a Level One
A Pathstone need not be instated in the Chapel, but it should have a physical focus. It will have a Totem, probably along the
same power of a Pack Totem or a Totem Avatar.
If fewer than 10 successes are scored, the Rite fails and the Inceptor loses a permanent Gnosis Trait.
ST: If this Rite is roleplayed/performed well, consider giving the player character a break or two. Don't disrupt the performance
with a Simple Test every five minutes if they're really into it.
The Rite of the Chapel was first developed and tested in the Krewe Thanatos Caper of Mardi Gras '94. The floats of the parade
themselves were chapels and together had enough power to be an unqualified Level One Caern of Humour; the chapels were
used to enchant the parade throws into talens of various kinds.

Rite of the Cold Heart

By Charles Lin (

Level 4 Punishment Rite

Rage is both the blessing and the curse of the Garou. Every so often, there are those Garou who cannot control the rage that
burns within them and thus become a danger to those around them. This rare rite is reserved for those whose frenzies have
become all too common, uncontrolled, of the Wyrm, or have become a significant danger to themselves, others, and the Veil.
This rite is most commonly found in Children of Gaia and Stargazers, and frowned upon by Black Furies, Get of Fenris, and Red
Talons. This rite must be performed by several Garou, preferably at a moot. The ritemaster lays his hands on the kneeling
offender as the sept incites his Rage through denunciations, etc. The ritemaster must dissipate the Rage as it rises. However,
this rite is very dangerous for the ritemaster should he fail. Rage is a powerful beast when unleashed...

System: Each round, the offender makes a Rage roll. The ritemaster rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 7), each success drains
a permanent Rage point, but not more than the number of successes on the Rage roll. A botch by the ritemaster mean the
subject gains a permanent Rage point and the difficulty of the next Rage roll is decreased by 1 per botch.

Alternate System: The ritemaster rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty 8), each two successes drains a permanent Rage point.
Botches result in the gain of a permanent Rage point and an instant Rage roll at minus 1 difficulty.

Rite of the Dance Reversed

By Bruce MacKay for the White Howlers tribe.

Level Five White Howler Rite

This powerful rite can only be used on Black Spiral Dancers. The rite totally transforms the Black Spiral Dancer into either a
White Howler or whichever Tribe he was before he became a Black Spiral Dancer. This rite removes all Wyrm taint, Wyrm gifts,
Wyrm knowledge and derangements from the Dancer. The reformed Dancer has at best an extremely vague memory of what he
was before the rite, however he gets to keep any breed or auspice gifts that he had before the rite. This rite also has a strange
effect on Metis Dancers. After this rite any deformity they had is gone and they are also found to be fertile. They are still
considered Metis to any Spirit or Garou, but to humans or wolves they pass as normal.
The Ritemaster and Black Spiral Dancer roll a contested roll of the Ritemaster's Gnosis against the Black Spiral's Willpower
(difficulty 6). If the Ritemaster has an equal amount or more successes than the Black Spiral, the transformation occurs. If the
Black Spiral has more successes then the rite fails, and the ritemaster takes the difference in success in unsoakable
aggravated damage. Only one attempt can ever be made on one Black Spiral, however if the rite fails, life expectancy for the
Spiral Dancer is unpleasantly short.

Rite of the End of the First World (Level 5)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
Only used in the direst of circumstances and only known to a handful of Archpriests, this Rite can pierce the Umbra directly to
Tezcatlipoca's Realm and call his horde of jaguars. The damage done is similar to that of a tornado. The Nahuals must convince
Tezcatlipoca that his aid is indispensable and the mean justifiable. The enacting Nahual performs his Curse of the First Sun Gift with a
dice pool made up of all his assistants' Gnosis. 15 successes must be achieved on the first roll.

Rite of the Fledgling

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level One Mystic Rite

The Corax becomes mystically tied to one person, and can keep mental tabs on that person's location. She is instantly alerted if
that person is in danger, regardless of the distance between them. The person must carry one of the Corax's feathers, and if the
feather is lost, so is the connection. The Corax use a variation on this Rite to keep track of an unborn Corax; in this case, the
Corax carries a lock of hair or a feather from the Corax-to-be with her wherever she goes. This is not the same lock or feather
donated by the potential parent in the Rite of the Fetish Egg; those are consumed in the making of the Egg.

Rite of the Long Arm

By Mitchell Kelly, for the Lugh of the Long Arm totem.

Level Four Rite

This allows the enactors of the Rite to produce a weapon of great power against Awakened foes. The Ritemaster must gather
together the following: ground chalk, the brain of an Awakened enemy, and some items from the body of the enemy who is to be
the target. This includes hairs, nail parings, scraps of flesh caught under fingernails etc. Then, the Ritemaster, along with at least
three others, including the person who will use the weapon, must mix together the ingredients, form them into a ball, and leave
them to harden in the sun. The participants must call upon Lugh and give voice to their hatred of the target whilst making the ball,
and two points each of Rage, Gnosis and Willpower must be spent.
The ball is a lethal weapon. Launched from a two-handed sling at the target, who must be within visual range, it will strike
unerringly. The target can use Disciplines, Gifts, Arts or even Magick to hide or avoid the ball. This is a waste of time: the user
can launch the ball successfully provided that she knows the target is within her range of vision. She does not have to see the
target. The ball does not miss, and even Correspondence magick won't help. The ball will simply follow the target, but it can be
dodged: this only requires five successes on the Dodge roll, diff 9. If five successes are not achieved, the successes gained
each negate one die of damage. The ball inflicts fifteen dice of aggravated damage, as it crushes internal organs and splinters
bones... The brains of a victim of the ball are said to be especially potent in the production of new missiles.

Rite of the Smoking Mirror (Level 3)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
This is a more powerful version of the Smoking Mirror Gift; it's used as a Rite of Passage for all new Nahual and for those who wish to
join them. The Rite will open a Moongate to Tezcatlipoca's Realm: the Ursa Major constellation. The traveler will gaze into a pool of
silvery liquid, steaming from a magical heat, and the gate will open. Tezcatlipoca will show the traveler her own darkness, which is
nothing compared to the image shown by the homologous Gift, for that is illusion; this is real. All that is horrible of herself is shown to
the traveler and she must accept it. This most be roleplayed. She must roll Perception+Enigmas against her Rage; each success
drains a Gnosis point and the traveler must roll Willpower against 7, failure meaning madness (curable); a botch means death. When
all Gnosis has been drained, Tezcatlipoca replaces it to its former level; but the Gnosis now carries his taint. After the Rite; the traveler
is a full Nahual, or a most trusted ally.

Rite of the Triat

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Five Rite

This Rite is only known among the Breakers. They would rather die in agony than ever reveal it to another tribe or even their
cousins, the Nuwisha. This Rite is used to take over a Wyrm Caern. Obviously, first the occupants of that caern must be
destroyed. Once that is done, the participants cleanse themselves and the area as best they can. When the New Moon is
waxing, the Ritemaster leads his people is building a Caern dedicated to the Weaver atop the old Wyrm Caern. When the Full
Moon is waxing, and within two months of when the Weaver caern was built, they build a third Caern a top the other two,
dedicating this one to the Wyld. The Caern Spirits fight with one another for a full year until finally it settles out into balance. (note:
being at the Caern center during that year is a bad idea)

System: As Rite of Caern Building, but the difficulty for the roll is only seven since the connection to the spirit world has already
been made, even if it is Wyrm tainted. A roll of Wits+Rituals difficulty ten must be suceeded to make sure that three caerns do in
fact overlap and join into one.
Notes: When tapped, the three caerns will now all function as one. Points may be channeled into any Trait as a Wyld Caern.
Spirits that are summoned to the Caern are far easier to summon and by tapping the Caern can be manipulated as if the
Ritemaster had the Theurge Gift: The Malleable Spirit. All difficulties for doing that are one less than those listed on the chart.
After the Rite has been performed and the caern has come into balance, it will automatically shift up one Level from what the
underlying Wyrm Caern had been. ie if performed on a Level one Wyrm Caern, it becomes a Level Two Triat Caern.

Rite of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego

By Gwendolyn Piper (

Level 4 Ratkin Rite

This Rite, combining Mind of the Tunnels with Rite of the Bolthole, as well as a popular children's game show, is used as a
Sacred game to strengthen the Ratkin's community ties as well as enabling them to keep their boltholing, geography, and
stalking skills finely honed. One Ratkin, who gains four temporary Honor for the role, dons a fetish blood red fedora and
trenchcoat takes the role of Carmen Sandiego, and spirit "accomplices" are chosen, each having given consent to be hunted for
its Gnosis, as "punishment" for "ratting out" Carmen Sandiego in the course of the game/rite, during which all the Ratkin involved
get free Bolthole maneuvers throughout the world: and no roll is required: the precision of the arrival point is based upon who can
answer the most geography questions about their relative destinations. (yes, they play Carmen Sandiego with real geography,
not a map :) )
At these destinations, the players must gather and assemble the magic Lute and the words to the War Rant, and when these are
sung and played together, one of the spirit snitches is cornered and defeated in ritual combat, brought home to the caern (often
new Caerns of Streetwise are created in this way), where it is ritually interrogated in a dark room, giving up its Gnosis and
information necessary to capture Carmen Sandiego in exchange for its freedom.
The other Ratkin then play a game of worldwide Hide and Seek, roughly based upon the TV game show. This Rite is taught by
Rat spirits as well as the game show of the same name, and is often a magnet for urban Fae, who are traditionally welcomed
into the fun.
Those who perform well in the game gain Wisdom renown, and to a lesser extent, Glory: whereas those who take the prescribed
roles win Honor.
This Ritual is thought to be a resurrection of a long-lost Rite, and occasionally tantalizing fragments of the lost Galliard traditions
appear in barbershop harmony as they

Rite of Rending the Gauntlet

By Dmitry Kaminsky (

Level One Bastet Rite

Bastet (especially Khan) entered the War of Rage to protect Gurahl, the Werebears. The wise Gurahl appreciated the Bastet's
sacrifice and taught them this ritual as a token of gratitude. The Khan roll Wits+ Occult vs the Gauntlet. The Khan must extend his
claws and slash through the air making a hole in the Gauntlet, and then stepping through it. Bastet with this ritual may gain a flaw:
Slip sideways. For them it works differently. Any time they are in a stressful situation that they make fast motion with their hands,
they must roll Willpower (5) or begin shifting over. On another hand, the difficulty to breach the guntlet is 1 less for them. NOTE:
Only Bastet from Russia, Canada, India, China and Japan may have this rite initially, as these are the only places where Gurahl
used to live in recent history.

Rite of the Silver Flame

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Four Keepers of the Silver Flame Mystic Rite

This Rite requires at least fifty participants; there is no upper limit to the number of Garou and Kinfolk that can enact it, and in fact
the more bodies present the better.
Simply, the Rite of the Silver Flame raises a temporary caern. A location is scouted out and prepared for the rite. Through use of
fire, drums, dancing, communal feasting, group sex, vigourous play, and celebration, Gaian energy is forcefully awakened and
raised in the area and for the space of one or two nights a caern is created. Taint is purged from the area and Sleepers do not
suffer the Delerium while inside the perimeter of the Temporary Autonomous Caern. Very often, Gifts are used and minor and
lower level Rites accompany the casting of this wild group ritual.
Roll Wits+Rituals difficulty 7; ten successes are needed to punch through the Gauntlet and cleanse the immediate area. The
ritualist then needs to roll every turn, gaining as many successes as she can while the Rite is in progress. Multiple inceptors can
work together and pool their successes. The main ritual group is helpless during the Rite and this, like any other Caern Raising,
attracts Wyrm and Weaver agents and spirits; typically there is an Umbral "away team" patrolling during the Rite: whatever
Asesinos Brujos present will invariably be among this group if not primarily composing it.
The Temporary Caern will stay up for one or two nights, depending on the number of successes. If more than 100 successes are
scored, it will stay up two nights; less than that and the caern fades and falls back into Gaia after 24 hours. The ritualists stay in
the general vicinity for the duration, fueling their Gnosis and picking off any straggling Wyrm spirits or creatures that come
around. At the Keepers' inception, this Rite used to be a midnight-to-dawn affair but as the Tribe and ADRV's reputation
snowballs they are having a harder time finding towns and locations where they can enact this Rite with the minimum of
disturbance from outside forces. Obviously a Rite of the Silver Flame done on a desert mesa or lonely headland will attract fewer
fomori, snipers, Black Spirals, HIT Marks and police than one done in the warehouse district....

Rite of the Steel Toed Boot

By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level One Vermin Rite

This rite involves a pair of steel toed boots. The rite requires 2 points of Gnosis be spent; 1 point is spent to prepare the boots
and another point spent to bond them to the user. After being bonded, anyone wishing to remove them must make a Willpower
roll vs 8 and get at least 3 success along with spending 1 Willpower. When the boots are used to kick an opponent, they do Str
+1 damage. Also the boots double the distance the character could normally run before tiring or slowing down.

Rite of the TAZ

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Level Three Keepers of the Silver Flame Rite of Accord

This Rite, cast in a nomadic structure such as a tent, yurt, or dome, creates a small Temporary Autonomous Zone that behaves
like a low-level caern. Once consecrated, the TAZ becomes the focal point for any group ritual, but is usually used for Tribal
initiations, Summerland activities and Festival home bases. Such TAZs are never permanent structures: they stay up a week at
the most, and typically only stand for a few hours before being broken down and carried off by the inceptors and participants of
this Rite.

System: Roll Wits + Rituals (difficulty 7). A suitable locale must be found and a TAZ structure must be erected before the Rite
can be performed.

Rite of Tunnel Finding

By Kenneth Carlson ( for the Vermin

Level Two Vermin Rite

A rite that allows the mouse to find, through mystical guidance, a way into any building if possible. The way must already be there
(e.g., a hole in wall, broken window, etc.) Roll Wits + Primal Urge roll vs 7.

By The Goddess (

Level Five Bubasti Moon Gift

This potent rite allows the Bubasti to steal another's soul, capturing it in a scarab-like form. As long as the scarab is separated
from the body, the body is an automaton under the control of the rite's caster.

System: Roll Manipulation+Rituals against the target's Willpower+1. For each success, the soul is gone for one day. In order to
perform this rite, the target must be within sight of the Bubasti, who must also have in her possession an object of personal value
to the target (which is destroyed during the rite).

By The Goddess (

Level Three Bubasti Moon Rite

This rite creates a temporary Moon-Bridge, allowing a Bubasti (and her companions, if applicable) to travel from one Star to
another, or to the Bubasti's Den-Realm. Once all have crossed, the Bridge discorporates once again.

System: Normal roll.

Stars on Nut's Coat

By The Goddess (

Level 2 Bubasti Moon Rite

Much like a lesser version of the Rite of Claiming, this rite creates a miniature Den-Realm, no larger than a typical room in a
building. Like a Den-Realm, the area to be claimed must be marked by scratching, spraying, etc.; the area created is 15 cubic
feet, plus 5 cubic feet for every success rolled.
A Bubasti cannot create more "mini-Realms", known as "Stars," than one third of her permanent Gnosis score, rounded down.
Stars may be anchored to a mobile object, but if so it exists only in the Umbra.

System: Normal roll, plus 2 Gnosis points if mobile.

The Children's Rite

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Three Rite

All Breaker children learn the first half of this Rite as a child, though they think it merely a game. They call the game "Father's
Footsteps" and it's designed to lead them off to some great adventure, just like their ancestors. This involves the children taking
an old skull, any animal's will do, and setting it cranium down on the ground. One of the children then calls out over it:

"My father was Free Folk,

His father a Bastet,
His grandfather a Nuwisha,
His great-grandfather a Garou.
I am my father's child,
and so my blood runs true!"
The child then spins the skull and calls over it:

"And so they guide me, And I follow in their steps,

As I follow their voice,
Now see my ancestor's choice!"
Whatever direction the skull ends up pointing in, the children run off in that direction until they find a source of amusement.
Surprisingly enough, they nearly always find something special, be it an unusual butterfly, some old coins, an arrowhead, or a
small friendly spirit. Older Garou cease to play this game, but it is not forgotten. The second half of this Rite is taught to a female
by her mother. It is unknown to the males. To enact this, the Breaker recites the first verse about the father and then a second
verse which is as follows:

"My mother was Free Folk,

Her mother a Bastet,
Her grandmother a Nuwisha,
Her great-grandmother a Garou.
And mother to us all, Gaia,
Who makes my blood run true!"
These verses are recited over a talisman obtained from her mother. This could be anything easily wearable, a braid of her
mother's hair, a claw, or something else similar. Often if the mother is aging, she will give her talisman to her daughter, so many
of these are hundreds of years old.
Once this is done, she carries this talisman at all times. This ensures that she will breed true. Depending on how successful the
invocation was, any Metis born to her will be fertile or possibly all her blooded children will inherit the gene. If she should remove
the talisman at all while carrying a child however, the child's chances plummet to the normal probabilities for blooded children. If
the talisman is ever permanently lost or is destroyed, her chances of passing on the gene at all become extremely slim, only one
in twenty.

System: To create the token, the Breaker rolls Wits+Rituals, Difficulty 11-her Past Life. If she is blooded herself, the difficulty is
12-her Past Life rating. If she botches the roll, her chances for passing on the gene become one in twenty with a Homid and one
in 25 for a Lupus. Metis will be sterile. If she merely fails, the chances are as those listed above for blooded Breakers. How well
the talisman works is dependent on how many success she gets.
Successes Result
A 75% chance Metis pups will be fertile. 1 in 4 chance that Homids will inherit the gene, 1 in 6 chance for Lupus
A 90% chance Metis pups will be fertile. a 50/50 chance that Homids will inherit the gene, 1 in 4 for Lupus.
Metis pups are fertile. 9/10 Homids will inherit the gene. 1 in 3 chance for Lupus.
Metis may learn Level one Gifts of their father's tribe at normal cost. All Homids inherit the gene. 50/50 chance for
Metis may learn the Gifts of their father's tribe up to level three at normal cost. Homids may learn up to level three
Breaker Breed gifts at normal cost. All Lupus inherit the gene.
If the Breaker female's mother has died before she was taught this Rite, one of her mother's sisters may teach her, or one of her
older sisters, but her difficulty will be one higher on the roll. Additionally, this Rite may only be performed once in a Breaker's life.

If she fails or loses her talisman, she may not try again.

The Den Has Eyes

By Ellerby (

Level Four Rite

This rite creates a strong bond between a warrior and his protectorate. This bond is permanent, although possibly aside from
Wyrm-corruption. He will know everything that goes on within it, both on Gaia and in the Umbra. He will immediately sense
intruders, thieves, etc. However, this gift does not grant him knowledge of the nature of the intruder unless it is something that the
Ahroun would be able to notice normally. (If an invisible intruder sneaked into his Den, the Ahroun would sense it, but not be able
to see it.)

System: It requires the spending of two Gnosis for every 50 feet to be bonded. After this, the Ritemaster must make an
Intelligence + Rituals roll, difficulty 9. After this, the bond is almost unbreakable.

The Living Land

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Five Rite

Those who know this Rite can shape the very earth to their will. Hills can be moved, earthquake faults steadied or created, or
coastal areas may suddenly fall into the sea. It often takes years to achieve the desired effects but it is literally possible to move
mountains with this Rite.

System: In order to even learn this Rite, the Breaker must ask a boon of Gaia herself. To do this, this Breaker must travel to
Pangea and fast for three days and then in a single night at Table Rock, recite all that he has done to save Gaia. At the end of
the night, if his plea is accepted, he will find that the ancient marks on Table Rock from the claws of all the Garou that have gone
before have left the answer written into the very stone. If it is rejected, he slips into Harano. To perform the Rite, the Breaker must
find a patch of stone at least six feet square near the area the Rite is to be performed on. He then carves three circles into the
stone with his claws so that they link, forming a rough pyramid. There should be a section in the center of the diagram that is part
of all three circles at once. Into one of the three sections that are part of two circles at once, he must carve the glyph for Wyrm,
Weaver, and Wyld, one into each of the sections. He then uses his own claws to carve the glyphs for Earth, Air, Fire, Water, the
Umbra, and Gaia, into his flesh, letting the blood fall onto the ground. He then rolls Stamina+Rituals Difficulty 11-Past Life as he
bonds with the most primal substances of the earth. If he succeeds this roll, he literally bonds with the earth; nothing may move
him for a full twenty four hours. He may not defend himself, but due to his bond with the earth itself, he gains a health level for
every point of Stamina he possesses, and gains five extra dice for the purpose of soaking damage, including silver. While like
this, he rolls Gnosis against a variable difficulty. Changing the course of a small stream would be a two, raising a mountain out of
a hill an 8, and sinking an entire continent into an ocean, a twenty. In the twenty four hour period, he may make three rolls in an
attempt to change the layout of the land. The time that it takes for the land to reshape itself is 50 years- number of successes if
the difficulty started below ten, 100 years-successes if the difficulty started above ten. To increase the speed at which the effect
takes place and to accomplish truly great effects, an additional row of linked circles may be added to the pyramid. Each
additional area that falls within three circles at once needs to be filled with someone else who knows the Rite. Once going from
the single participant, the next level needs four, the next nine, then 16, and so on. Every participant needs to succeed his roll to
bond, but once it is made, the difficulty for manipulating the land falls by 1 for every additional participant beyond the first. If the
difficulty for the attempt action was originally above ten, it may never fall below difficulty 7 no matter how many participants. All of
the successes on all of the particpants Gnosis rolls are added together. Thus with enough people performing this Rite
simultaneously, water tables can be raised to flood an entire area in a few minutes, mountains can be raised in a matter of days,
an entire city dropped into the sea in a year, or any number of other spectacular effects. The danger in shaping the earth to his
will is, that should he botch his roll to bond with the earth, he is caught in a reality backlash and is swallowed up by the earth,
never to be seen again.

The Pack's Heart

By Honorah O'Neill (

Level 4 Mystic Rite

This Rite is used to reforge the ties that bind a pack together. It is used when a member of the pack wishes to leave, either for
personal reasons or to join a new pack. This can leave a deep spiritual scar upon the members of the pack. This is used to
reaffirm the pack ties of the remaining members and see the departing members off safely. More rarely it is used to completely
break all pack ties but still see former pack members off. This rite is used most often by the Silent Striders and Stargazers, as
they are the most likely to leave packs.

System: The Ritemaster may not be part of the pack that this rite is performed upon. The pack gathers all its members who are
staying with the pack. The members who are departing need not be present. Once gathered, the Ritemaster calls the pack's
totem to him. With a quick motion he traces the glyph for each of members of the Triat around the pack totem. With that done, he
strikes the spirit, literally shattering it. It breaks into as many pieces as there are pack members. These reform into a smaller
version of the Totem. Each somehow reflects the personality of the pack member it "belongs" to. The ones belonging to pack
members leaving will scamper off to follow the one they belong to, acting as a one point Familiar until the Garou joins a new
pack, when it will disappear. The reflection can be summoned by the remaining pack members to check on the wellbeing of
pack members. If the rite was used to completely sever pack ties, everyone's reflection will follow him off.
For the pack members who choose to remain with the pack, all but one of the reflections will disappear. This one will "tag" the
Garou it belongs to, then lead them off on a quest to recapture it. The quest will be reflective of the person it tagged. The
reflection of a Get Ahroun might defy them to catch it by making the pack pursue it across The Battleground while the reflection
of Uktena Theurge might lead them through a mirror maze. The solution for each problem is reflective of the pack member the
reflection belonged to. Catching the Get's reflection might require the laying of a clever ambush while the Uktena's might require
using their other senses besides sight to catch her reflection. After the first reflection is caught, it will vanish and the next pack
member's reflection will tag its caster. It will however be greater in size and power. This continues on until all the remaining pack
members have caught their reflections, once again forming their pack totem. However, it may be even more powerful than when
they started due to their dedication. The Storyteller may see fit to give each member of the pack an additional dot in the Totem

Travel to Mictlan (Level 4)

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
This Rite sends a person on a travel to the Mictlan, the Realm of the Dead. The soul is departed from the body for a number of days
equal to the successes achieved in the Rite. This way, the traveler can learn from the dead or, if he is very lucky, talk to Mictlantecuhtli,
Lord of this realm, himself. Those who (will) own Wraith adapt this Rite accordingly.

By Paul Harris ( for the Expanded Uktena Rules.

Level Five Rite

The Garou must carve out the glyphs for the different wards and then chant and dance with the difficulty depending on what the
wards are against.
Wards against: Difficulty
7 (User sustains an automatic point of aggravated damage).
When these wards are active any who pass the ward that is warded against their type will automatically sustain non-soakable
aggravated damage equal to the number of successes the user scored and will be thrown back a number of feet also equal to
the number of successes. Also they will have to spend a willpower point to attempt to pass it again. The Storyteller should give
the players and enemies a chance to spot the glyphs (per + occult dif:8).

Water Truce
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Level Three Rite

This rite is used to seal a bargain between rivals so that neither may renege.

System: The Ritemaster takes a vessel full of pure water and summons a spirit of Pain and a spirit of Truth. These are then
bound into the water, roll Manipulation+Rituals difficulty 8. The ones making the deal must take a sip of the water and then recite
the exact terms of the deal and then take another sip. If they should try and break their word they will be wracked by crippling
pains for a week after they break it, or until they make the effort to actually do as promised.

By Amy Luther for her revision of the Corax.

Level One Knowledge Rite

In folklore, the appearance of crows heralds rain, storms, or fair weather, depending on their number and behavior. The Corax
can reliably predict the weather with a roll of Perception + Survival, difficulty 6. She can also predict the exact times for sunrise,
sunset, moonrise, moon-set, and all other applicable weather conditions over a 24-hour period.

Anole's Scale
By The Goddess (


This talen functions like the Chameleon's Scale, but will work only once. Unlike a Chameleon's Scale, the Anole's Scale is a
pendant made of wood or ceramic.

DC Collins' Talens
Compiled by DC Collins (
The following is just a brief list of the many Talens that I know of created outside the WW books, and just a miniscule fraction of the
possibilities. This is from a list created for LARP, but for you tabletoppers out there, it won't take much effort to convert them.

Dollar Bill of Creation Talen (L) U139

It always seems to take money, even to create something from nothing. A Color Cloud is bound to a Dollar Bill. Any non-tech item of
mass up to the mass of a Garou can be created with the loss of the Dollar. Charm: Create object.

Card of Information Talen (L) U139

This is a blank 3"X5" card. An Informational Geomid is bound to this card. Upon activation, any one question the owner speaks will be
almost instantly filled in on the card. It doesn't matter how secret something is. With the Charm; Information Link, the Geomid has
access to the entire Pattern Web, and Everything is connected to the Pattern Web. Vampire Havens, Garou Havens, Black Spiral
Hives, Mage Nodes, a person's True Name, the source of an attack, a Chantry Location, etc. can all be discovered by use of this

$100 Bill of Life Drain Talen (L) U139

Taking someone's life-force is even more expensive. This bill has a Strand Spider bound to it. Using the Charm: Gnosis Drain, the
Spirit drains three Gnosis from the Target. If the Target has no Gnosis, it drains health levels instead (Aggravated).

Rope of Strangling Talen (L) W:tA134

A City Spirit is bound to the rope. Upon contact with the Target, and activation, the rope automatically wraps around the Target's neck
and chest. In a contest of the Spirit's Mental vs. the Target's Physical, each win by the Rope does one level of damage. Ties are
resolved normally. Each win by the Target prevents one level of damage. When the Target reaches 0 Health, she will be unconscious,
and the rope will stop the attack. Three consecutive wins by the Target lets her escape the rope completely. Mob Rule applies for the
Target. If the Rope is cut, any pieces large enough will continue the attack.

Coin of Loss Talen (L) W:tA134

Any coin can have any of the following spirits bound to it: Dream Bane Phragment (U144), Mind Spider (U139). If activated, the
possessor or the coin may lose Willpower, Rage or Gnosis. This is a contest between the Spirit's Mental (8) and either the
Target=92s Social or Mental, whichever is higher. The typical Spirit has 8 Power. Therefore it may make 8 attempts. One Target only.

String of Intangibility Talen (L) U139

A Color String has been bound to this piece of string. When activated, the user becomes completely intangible for 3 turns, plus 3 turns
per Gnosis spent. During this time, the user is completely immune to Charms, Disciplines, Spheres, Gifts, etc. of any sort, and may
pass through anything. The user is also completely unable to affect the world around her, physically or with Charms, Gifts, etc. Charm:

Armor Coin Talen (L) PG134

This metal coin has a Metal Elemental Bound to it. The Talen provides the Charm: Armored Sheath. When activated, this Talen
effectively provides invisible armor for the scene. The armor is worth +5 traits of Rugged.

Coin Tool Talen (L) PG134

This is a coin with a Metal Elemental bound to it. Once, it will turn the coin into anything made of metal: From a weapon, (gun with no
bullets, sword, etc.) to a tool, (wrench, screwdriver, lockpick) to a toy (bicycle, wagon) with all metal parts. This item may not exceed
the mass of an average Garou. The Spirit can then control the item to attack, repair, or even play with the item. The Spirit has 8 of the
traits appropriate for the type of control needed. Charm: materialize Tool.

Eye of the Snake Talen (L) W:tA264

This is any eye, whether real or not (of any creature) with a snake Spirit = bound to it. It provides the Shadowlord Gift Paralyzing Stare.

Majestic Feather Talen (T) W:tA264

This feather has a Falcon, Hawk, or Eagle Spirit bound to it. When activated, it provides the Silver Fang Gift Awe.

Cleansing Leaf Talen (L) W:tA264

This is a leaf with a Glade Child bound to it. The Glade Child provides one use of the Charm: Cleanse the Blight.

Lightning Claws Talen (L) W:tA264

An Electricity Elemental is bound into the Garou's claws. His claws do one additional wound level for the duration of a combat. The

Garou may also completely scramble any electrical equipment, frying the more delicate ones, and burning out fuses in the rest. There
is enough 'juice' to jump weaker fuses, such as in a car, and fry the equipment that the fuse protects. Charm: Lightning Bolts

Thought Phone Talen (L)

A Weaver Spider is bound into any kind of phone. When activated, the phone will transmit and read thoughts with any willing subject
anywhere. Charm: Mindspeak.

Spirit Coin Talen (L)

Whatever spirit is bound to this coin (the spirit must have the Charm: Materialize), when activated, that spirit will materialize and do the
user's bidding (including defending the user according to the spirit's abilities), for one scene. Charm: Materialize

ATM Card Talen (L) PG125

See Loon's Refund - A Net Spider is bound into an ATM card. Upon activation, the Net Spider finds an account through the ATM with
enough cash, and withdraws $100 until the user loses two Simple Tests in a row.

Credit Card of Teleportation Talen (L)

Credit Cards are rumored to be able to 'take you anywhere'. Any spirit with the Charm: Reform is bound to the card. When activated,
the Talen transports the user to any Predetermined location. This is usually a place of power/safety for the character. The location must
be visited by the character, and that location written on this card before the Talen may be used.

Boundary Key Talen (L)

A Net Spider is bound to a key. The key will get the character safely by any boundary, be it a lock, bypassing a security feature, a
computer password, an Umbral wall, etc., in the most logical fashion. For example, a door will unlock, the Guard will not notice the
character, the Camera will not work, the password will be entered, a door will appear in an Umbral wall, etc. This works against only
ONE boundary, not for a scene. Charm: Break Boundary

Popcorn Talen (L)

A fire spirit is bound to a popcorn kernel. Upon activation, (target must either hold the kernel or be hit by it), the kernel bursts into flame
for 2 levels of aggravated damage. Charm: Affinity Attack

Luna's Armor Talen (L)

A Lune is bound into an article of clothing. This clothing must have a moon on it; painted, sewn, drawn, etc. The clothing will provide
two additional health levels. Charm: Gift of Luna's Armor as an Affinity Defense.

Waters of Life Talen (L)

A Water Spirit is bound into a small vial of, you guessed it, water. The user must drink the entire bottle at once, or pour the entire
contents over a wo und. When activated, the Talen will heal four levels of damage, or two aggravated wounds. Charm: Healing.

Vial of Fog Talen (L)

A water spirit is bound into a container. Upon opening and activation, a fog so dense you can't see your own hand in front of your face
fills a 30 yd. ra dius in one turn. Charm: Obscure

Leaf of Tranquillity Talen (L) STHB

A Tree Spirit or Water Spirit (from a peaceful brook or the like) is bound into this Leaf Talen. When activated, all participating in the
scene become calm. None may expend rage, or do violence. All players must Roleplay being calm. A WP point may be spent to
overcome this effect for one turn. Duration, one scene.

Quicksand Talen (L) STHB

An Earth Elemental is bound is bound into a small pouch of sand. This Tale n allows the bearer to command earth. She may form
quicksand, pits, tremors, landslides, and other phenomena. The Sand must be used on natural earth. The user spreads her fingers
and lets the Sand sift through her fingers while she concentrates on the desired effect and location. The Location must be in s ight and
covers an area up to about 40 yds wide. The effects may spread beyond the 40 yds naturally, such as in the case of a landslide.
Tremors will knock targets down, as the Elemental is cooperating with the user.

Ring of Invisibility Talen (L)

A light spirit is bound into the ring with any kind of gemstone. The stone shines at all times, and even provides a small amount of light,
like candlelight.. When activated, the spirit bends all frequencies of radio waves around the wearer. This includes audible frequencies
(including sonar), inaudible frequencies (radar, etc.), and lightwaves. For up to one hour, the user is completely invisible and silent to
any machine or being. The only way to detect this person is by scent.

Energy Coin Talen (L)

An Engling is bound into this coin. When activated, the User's Gnosis is returned to full; no more, no less.

Umbral Coin Talen (L)

A nature spirit is bound to this coin. This allows the user to see into the Penumbra and communicate with any spirits there within visual
range. Lasts for one scene.

Universal Translator Talen (L) STHB

An Informational Geomid is bound to any speaker. It will translate any conversation it hears.

Memory Ribbon Talen (L) U50

Any Spirit from the Atrocity Realm is bound to a ribbon. This ribbon is tied to the wearer in some way. This ribbon prevents any one
possession. This Talen must be created in the Atrocity Realm.

Wyld Stone Talen (L) U38

Any Spirit with Break Reality is bound to any gemstone. The stone appears to have shifting colors. This allows one use of the Charm:
Break Reality.

Trenchcoat of Holding Talen (L) U138

A Weaver Construct is bound to the coat. The coat can actually be any size . Any mundane, non-specific item that can be concealed in
the coat can be dra wn out from the coat, one time. This could be today's newspaper, a standard weapon (no military specific
hardware), a laptop, scissors, a hatchet, etc.

Phreak Box Talen (L) U63

A Net Spider or other Computer Spirit is bound to a small TV/Video Game type switch box. This allows the user to open a doorway
into and out of data clusters in the Computer Web. Or, it gives the user the power to shift directly from the Penumbra to the Computer

ID Card Talen (L) U62

This card Identifies the user as an emanation from 'Downtown' to other Spirits.

Steel Fur Talen (L) U62

A Metal Elemental is bound to the coat of the Garou. One Form Only. This gives that form a completely chromed look. This soaks one
level of damage, three times. Each time, the chrome look dissipates by 1/3 of the original until gone.

Feather of Hearing Talen (L)

A wind Spirit is bound to the feather. Like the Wendigo Gift: 'Speak With Wind Spirits', any conversation within approximately 50'
radius may be overh eard clearly, as the Wind Spirits carry the sound back to the user.. This lasts for one scene, as long as the user
pays attention.

Universal Screwdriver Talen (L)

A Weaver Spirit is bound to this screwdriver. Touch this screwdriver to any Tech Item, and the Spirit will 'possess' it and operate it as
a human might. Charm: Possess Tech

Merciful Bullet Talen (L)

The Spirit of a Peace Officer's bullet is awakened. The bullet will do no damage when it strikes its target. However, the target is
stunned and can only defend herself for one full minute. From the Gift: Merciful Blow.

Battery Bolt Talen (L) W:tA264

An Electrical Elemental is bound to a battery. Upon use, the battery sends a bolt of electricity at the target for 2 levels of damage. The
usual test must be made to hit the target. Also, if the intended target touches the Talen, and the user activates it, the target is
automatically hit for the 2 levels of damage.

Gremlin Key Talen (L) W:tA115

A Gremlin is bound to the key. All Tech Devices within 50' cease functioning for 5 turns, effectively "Turning Off". Gift: Jam Technology.

Silk of Cocooning Talen (L) W:tA115

A piece of silk contains any Insect of any Weaver Spirit. When activated, a thick opaque epidermis surrounds the user. The user is
immune to fire, starvation, gas, aging, etc. While in the cocoon, attacks must do three or more levels of damage in one blow to affect
the user, the cocoon soaking the first two. The cocoon is not damaged by the attack. The cocoon lasts for one scene, but if the user
puts in extra gnosis, extra time is gained. 1 Gnosis 3D three hours, and each Gnosis thereafter doubles the time. Gift: Cocoon

Cat Eyes Talen (L) W:tA116

Anything with a cat symbol on it has a Cat Spirit bound to it. The user may see clearly in pitch darkness when activated. The user's
eyes glow a lambent green. This lasts until the user wills the effect to stop.

Porcupine Quill Talen (L) W:tA117

A Porcupine Spirit is bound to the Garou. Upon activation, the Garou's FUR becomes bristly and sharp like quills. Crinos or Lupus
forms only. Hard contact with the Garou will cause one level of damage to the attacker. In addition, all physical attacks by the user will
cause one level of aggravated damage. Duration: Until the user ends it or shifts form.

Withering Bone Talen (L) W:tA117

Any venomous animal spirit is bound to the bone. Upon activation, if the target is touched by bone, the limb touched (must be an arm
or leg) will wither and become totally useless. Those with regenerative abilities can heal the limb by 'healing' three levels of damage.

Coin of Madness Talen (L) W:tA117

Any Spirit of Madness or Trickery is bound to the coin. The coin must be in possession of the target. When activated, the target makes
a simple test. If he loses, he gains one derangement (chosen by the Narrator or any acceptable third party) for one full week. If he ties,
there is no effect, but another test must take place. If he wins, there is no effect and the challenge is over. For each loss, an additional
derangement is gained for the duration.

Air Lord's Stone Talen (L) W:tA137

A Gemstone (semi-precious or better-what egotistic Elemental would accept less) has both an Earth and Air Elemental bound to it.
Upon activiation, the user may telekinetically move substances up to 500 lbs. The substance moves no faster than a walk, but may be
dropped at normal speeds. This affects one item only, once only (no on and off use - the user must concentrate), and lasts for one
scene. The Gem turns to air as it is used.

Eternal Lighter Talen (L)

A Fire Elemental is bound to the lighter. Until fully activated, the light er uses no fuel. Once activated, the lighter consumes all
remaining fuel. Activation summons a Fire Elemental to do the user's bidding. Elemental has the Traits: Brutal X2 Ferocious Quick
Energetic. It also has the Charm: Burn. When an opponent (or anything else) is touched, the opponent takes one level of aggravated
fire damage. 3 health levels - No wound penalties - Is mindless and does not engage in Social or Mental Challenges.

Breezy Feather Talen (L)

Until fully activated, this feather, when fanned will create a small, cooling breeze in the direction fanned, bringing comfort in hot
weather. When activated, an Air Elemental is released, and will do the user's bidding. It has the Traits: Energetic Lithe Vigorous
Graceful Quick. It has the Charm: Windstorm. It surrounds the user deflecting arrows and thrown objects. It also gives the user the
Traits: Deflection X3 against bullets and the like. The summoner's foes must win a Physical Challenge with the the Elemental before
they can close with the user. Thereafter, the Elemental may participate in a mob scene in defense of the summoner. 3 health levels No wound penalties - Is mindless and does not engage in Social or Mental Challenges.

Earth Stone Talen (L)

This is a gemstone with a bound Earth Elemental. To a trained observer, the stone seems to weigh about five times normal. Upon
activation, the Earth Elemental is summoned. It has the Traits: Brawny Enduring Stalwart Tough Rugged (Lethargic). It has the Charm:
Entomb. Once the Elemental wins a Physical Challenge against a foe, that foe is trapped, and may not flee or engage others. It can
only fight the Elemental from within. 3 health level s - No wound penalties - Is mindless and does not engage in Social or Mental

Vial of Water Talen (L)

A Water Elemental is bound to this container. Until activated fully, this container will never run out of water. Each half hour, it will refill
one cup of water until full. Once activated, the Elemental will do the summoner's bidding. It has the Traits: Enduring Resilient
Tenacious Vigorous Lithe Slow. It has the Charm: Engulf. If the Elemental wins a Physical Challenge, a breathing foe will suffer one
wound level from suffocation. Any foe so engulfed, breathing or not, will be down three traits on all challenges as the Elemental is
interfering with their activities and senses.

Flying Feather Talen (L) W:tA135

A Bird Spirit is bound to a feather. Once activated, the user may hover and float in the air. She may move in any direction up to 10
MPH. This lasts for one hour, or until the user cancels it.

Truth Candle Talen (L)

Mix an amout of Sodium Pentathol with wax during the candle makeing process. Awaken the Spirit of the candle. As it burns and the
scent is enhaled, all breathing the scent must tell the truth. Willpower must be spent to either lie, or even avoid answering truthfully.

Mirror Light Talen (L)

A Lune is bound to a small mirror. When the Garou breaks themirror, the silvery light of the moon reflects from the Garou. See the
Silver Fang Gift: Lambent Flame.

Magnetic Water Talen (L)

An Electricity Elemental is bound to water containing iron oxide power (rust). The water becomes magnetic. When any object, orgainic
or inorganic, is covered with the water, the object becomes electro-magnetic. Non-ferrous objects become non-magnetic when
washed off well with clean water. Ferrous items become permanently magnetized. Stadard computers and other electrical/electronic
equipment is screwed.

Floating Eye Talen (L)

This is a toystore fake eye. Built in is a microcamera/transceiver. A wind spirit is bound to the Talen. When activated, it will float along
at up to Lupus running speeds, under mental control of the user. It sends audio/visual back to whatever receiving device it was attuned
to when bound.

Super Rubber Suit Talen (L)

This is a full body suit made from the rubber of super balls. The Rubber Elemental is Awakened during the melting process. As the
rubber cools, the owner is dipped up to her shoulders in the rubber. The Elemental protects the dippee from the heat as the suit cools.
Once activated, the suit will bounce back most attacks to the wearer's body by giving the traits: Rebound X5 for one full combat
challenge. The suit may be worn as long as desired, as it 'breathes', and small holes may be cut for waste release. Once used, the
Elemental may be reawakened as often as desired. However, once the suit is peeled off, the original process must be recreated.

Holographic Projector Talen (L)

Any Spirit of Illusion or Trickery is bound into a hat, headband, or something similar. Once activated, a photograph or picture of the
subject must be run across the Talen. This will quickly project an image of the picture around the owner of the Talen. Treat as the
GlassWalker Gift: Doppleganger. Or, for the slow method, stand in front of a mirror and describe the appearance and mak e
adjustments as you go. The effect will last up to one hour.

Air Purification Mask Talen (L)

This is a doctor's mask with a bound Wind Spirit bound to it. For up to an hour, it will completely cleanse the air that the wearer
breathes, cleansing even Wyrm Tainted air as if using the Charm: Cleanse the Blight.

Clean Air Bomb Talen (L)

Water and Wind Spirits are bound to any sort of sealed container. Activate the Talen and throw it. Upon contact, it will break apart with
a great WHOOSH. A great rush of humid wind will blow outwards (not enought to knock anyone over, but smaller loose items will blow
away), coating everything in its path with its dampness. This coating works just as if the bound spirits are working together Cleansing
the Blight in the area.

Rope of Climbing Talen (L)

A Gravity Spirit is summoned and bound to a rope. Upon activation, the spirit will reverse the gravity of the rope. One end will start to
rise, at about 5 m.p.h., carrying up to 300 lbs, for up to 1 hour. If you want to hold it in place, you need to tie the other end to something
very secure. After the one hour, it will fall like any other item.

Talking Parrot Talen (L)

This is one of those toy store parrots that repeats what you say. However, an Informational Geomid is bound to it. When activated, it
will translate any language it can see (through the parrots eyes) or hear into any chosen language. It will speak the words softly. This
lasts through one scene (one reading of any amount as long as the user is participating or any one conversation). If a conversation, it
will also translate the user's spoken words back into the other language.

Silent Sponge Talen (L)

A Sound Spirit is bound to a sponge. Soak the sponge in any water-based liquid and activate the Talen. As the sponge dries out over
a period of about an hour. The Spirit of Sound will collect all the sound waves within a 30 yd radius and deposit them in the sponge.
This has two uses. First, nothing at all can be heard within the range, and no sounds within the range will escape the area. Second,
those sounds are stored in the sponge. As the sponge is again soaked in water, it will reply the sounds originally trapped in it.

Black Spiral Daggers

By WolFX67574 (



These talens are throwing knives carved from the purified bones of a Black Spiral Dancer (a rite of cleansing has been
performed upon the bone). When thrown, they will accelerate themselves towards any Black Spiral Dancer in the area, whether
visible or not. The knives do strength +1 aggravated damage. Usually found in sets of 5, these knives were invented by the
Wendigo named Trimain-Slays-the-Spiral, a Black Spiral hunter. To create a Black Spiral Dagger, one of the following spirits
must be bound into it: war, air, or tracking.

Bread of Healing
By Devin Moss
Gnosis: 5
Take a piece of Wonder (tm) Bread, and bind a Gaffling of healing to it. Carry it in a leather pouch, and eat when necessary. Restores
one aggravated health level.

Bullet of Luna
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Five Talen


The Bullet of Luna is a bullet -- any caliber or type will do -- which is carved with various symbols. When it hits a Garou, that
Garou must roll his Gnosis against the Bullet's. If he fails, his bones becomes silver for ten turns and he cannot do anything. He
takes a health level of aggravated damage each turn. It is quite possible he will frenzy or die. The bullet does the same amount
of damage, but it is aggravated and cannot be soaked by Garou.

Draught of Soothing
By Kimberlee Simmons (


A Butterfly spirit lies within this potion. Made of spring water, or sometimes mead (most use spring water), when imbibed this
elixer transforms aggravated damage into normal damage at the rate of 1 activation success transforming 1 level of aggravated
damage into normal damage; it does not heal damage. It can only be used after damage has been taken, not as a preventative.
Consumer must roll her Gnosis, difficulty the Gnosis of the Talen.

Entry Ticket
By Emilio Martin (



The ticket takes the form of an antique and slightly oversized movie ticket. Any usher will accept it and let the user enter (no roll
required), breaking it in two. The user, with his ticket half in hand, can use the screen to "step sideways" into an umbral domain
wich contains the movie reality (any movie's reality!). The characters and creatures are ephemera, of course, but as any
ephemera of the Umbra they firmly believe to be whoever they are, and their characteristics and powers are real enough to kill. If
the PCs are in the location where the main action takes place (and in line of sight of the camera) they will appear on screen. The
public is not affected by the Delirium this way. No camera, lights or filming equipment can be found inside the movie; it's a
consistent reality (though events can be illogical, if the screenplay says so).
The possiblity of entering and exiting lasts while the movie is being projected, though time inside it passes as real time, with no
meltings in black nor "10 years after" label. If someone gets trapped in the movie, she will have to wait until it is projected again
(only theatrical exhibitions work), or a sequel is released. Meanwhile she will live inside the movie's domain. But she will be able
to exit only after spending the time the sequel takes place after the previous story (i.e., between "Alien" and "Aliens" have
passed 57 years, although in the real world only passed 7 years, though luck).
At ST's discretion, a movie object or character taken out may or may not remain after projection is finished. Do what is more
interesting for the story (and don't allow PCs to steal a Hunter Killer from The Terminator!).

The activation roll works as an step sideways roll for entering the Umbra (look the time chart), but using the screen of a movie
being projected as a mirror and entering directly into the movie's domain. If a character gets the ticket, she can try to use it to
escape, but the less human looking she is, the harder it will be to pass through the screen.

Film of Warm Fuzzies

By Kimberlee Simmons (


A Unicorn spirit gives this Talen its juice. It's a normal looking roll of 35mm film (or any other kind of film) is the object in which it
is bound. Upon activation, the target must make a Gnosis roll (or, if a Vampire, a Humanity roll; the more Humanity the leech has,
the less the effects will shock him), difficulty the Talen's Gnosis (in this case, 8). Failure means the target relives the best,
sweetest, most "warm-fuzzy" memories he ever felt (this can go back to the cradle; it is rarely sexual, unless the target is
emotionally reached via that avenue). He is helpless until the effect wears off. Each minute a roll versus his Willpower must be
made (diff 8) to break out of the reverie, unless the target doesn't want to break free, in which case it could replay over and over
for a long, long time.
If, after use, the film is developed, photos of whatever it was that enraptured (or failed to enrapture) the target will be depicted;
the film is usually left by Children of Gaia near the target before they leave, so that the target will have a reminder of a small
piece of Gaia's Love.

By Caleb00420 (


Fury is the newest, hottest, most addictive and harmful designer drug on the Black Market today. Fury is a potent cocktail of
common street drugs (especially PCP) mixed with Fomorol. The high makes the user angry, giving any user Rage, even normal
humans and Nuwisha. Roll the dose's Gnosis, diff 6; each success gives one Rage to a max of 10.
The first time a person uses Fury, he must first roll Willpower, diff. 10 to see if he becomes addicted. Even one success will
prevent addiction, but each success removes one die the next time he rolls to resist.
The user must then roll Stamina (Difficulty is the Gnosis rating of the dose). With even one success, the user experiences an
extreme rush and dulling of senses (-2 frenzy diff, no dice penalties for health levels). Falure means the user falls unconcious,
while a botch is an "Hot Load" (take Gnosis rating of dose in aggravated damage). The high lasts for (10 - Stamina) x 10
The most frightening part of Fury is the side effects. Each time fury is taken, the user gains (dose's Gnosis) Power Points, used
for purchasing Fomori Powers (as in Freak Legions). The user also gains an equal number of Taint Points, which must be used
at the same time as the Power Points. The user now Wyrm Tainted.
Fury works on Mortals, Vampires, Mages, Shapeshifters, and the Fae, but cannot stand up to Resist Toxin or other similar
powers, spells, or Rites.
A dose of Fury costs $10 multiplied by its Gnosis rating.

By Todd Weaver ( for the Night Rangers camp.


This is a sword or knife made of wood; if this weapon strikes with 4 or more successes over what was needed then it impales its
target in the heart and breaks off. Knives are only one-use; swords can be used 2-3 times. (example, the target rolls 6 sucesses
to dodge, the attacker must roll 10 successes or better to impale. These weapons also work if the attack was targeted directly at
the heart; in this case the talen works on any successful hit)

Ilya Muromyets
By Colin Chapman (

The Myth
Ilya, the son of poor parents in Southern Russia, was born paralysed; even crying was beyond him. As he grew older, he could
do nothing but breathe, and for thirty-three years he lay, stricken but alive, tended by his parents. Their death would spell his
It then happened that two wandering minstrels called at their cottage for food, and the parents responded with generosity.
Seeing the stricken man, they fed Ilya a beverage made from wild honey, curing his curse. For the first time in his life Ilya stood
and moved.
Life seized him greatly and he quickly became a hero of the Russian people. Having captured a flying steed, equipped with
arrows that could sunder a mighty oak, he led them to victory over the infidels and built the great cathedral of Kiev. Having done
so he turned himself to stone as a perpetual sentinel, and even until recently his stone figure could be seen at the cathedral.

The 'Reality'
Ilya was the fated grandson of a Silver Fang Lord that had renounced his nobility for the love of a peasant girl. Destined even
before birth to battle and defeat great Wyrm forces, a conspiracy was hatched by the Corrupt One to destroy his destiny.
His Kin-fetch was banished, rendering him hard to trace, and his pregnant mother was deceived into taking hidden Wyrm toxins.
But fate smiled on Ilya, and the toxins did not end his life before it had begun. Nonetheless, he was born paralysed and
languished in that state for thirty-three years...
Fortune was indeed with Ilya, for two galliards who were travelling the area detected his presence. Visiting his family in the guise
of minstrels they noted the still present Wyrm toxins and fed him a draught of healing mead. With the ecstacy of being able to
finally move all the years of pent up frustration were released and he underwent his First Change.
Taken into the fold, he rose to fame swiftly as a great Silver Fang Ahroun, embodying true heroism and fighting for Russia.
Favouring the bow, and riding an avatar of Pegasus (his totem) he led both people and Silver Fang alike on many glorious
battles, defending the Motherland from Wyrm and invader. However, age came swiftly, for he was late to flower and rather than
die old and withered he fell into the Sleep of Heroes, ready to return when the need is greatest.

Talen -- Ilya's Honey

Gnosis 4
This mead of pure honey and rich, warm spices, has a spirit of Healing bound in it. If drank it neutralises any toxin.

Talen -- Ilya's Arrows

Gnosis 5
These steel-headed arrows feature runes on the head, and etched black-lacquered shafts. They strike with great force, inflicting
6 dice of Aggravated damage. They do not automatically hit. They have War spirits bound in them.

Jumping Bean
By Steven Markley (


These talens are usually hidden in food by pranksterish Diablo. When ingested, the victim begins bouncing around
uncontrollably, taking one Level of non-Aggravated damage per turn from hitting the floor and other objects (this can be soaked.)
This lasts for five turns, after which the surroundings are usually demolished, the victim is covered with bruises and abrasions
and, if Diablo, Frenzying madly.

Labyrinth Arrows
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.


These arrows are used by Breakers hunting Black Spiral Dancers. These are obsidian headed arrows similar to Bane Arrows.
They do aggravated damage to Wyrm-tainted Garou and Dancers. If the person firing the Labyrinth Arrows gets five or more
attack successes, they explode on impact with their target, doing an additional five dice of aggravated damage as obsidian
splinters are sent shooting throughout the Dancer's innards. A spirit of Strength needs to be bound into the arrows to keep the
heads from chipping or prematurely shattering and a Pain or War spirit for them to do aggravated damage.

Luna's Tear
By Darius Hopkins ( for the Silver Knights camp

Level Four Talen


The Tear is a raindrop-shaped piece of silver. It is small, but powerful. When activated (user's Gnosis vs. the Talen's Gnosis) it
creates a rain of liquid silver in a two-meter area. The rain lasts for a number of turns equal to the successes made.

Mother's Milk
By The Goddess (


This creamy-white liquid (created from milk), usually carried in a bottle or flask, restores 2 Health Levels of damage when

By Dan Reynolds (


Created mainly by Ragabash, these poorly made knives break on a successful attack, releasing the bound pain spirit into the
They leave a dark red scar that fades with time. The nasty effect of these Talens is that the pain of the initial attack stays with the
victim for Gnosis roll weeks. In game terms the affected character suffers virtual damage equal to the damage scored on the
attack, giving him a constant difficulty modifier. Note, this is not real damage (beyond the initial, which heals normally) and will
not kill the character, just incapacitate him.

Paradox Talens
By Alejandro Melchor, for the Nahual tribe.
Gnosis: Sphere level+3
The Nahual ocasionally go in hunts for Paradox Spirits; the most daring go to Paradox Realms, the most opportunistic save the
ocassional mage by trapping the Spirits aimed at him; otherwise, they search the land for stray Paradox (and believe me, in Mexico
there is plenty; the French call Mexico the most surrealistic country in the world). These talens are used then when the Nahual face a
Mage of any kind. Activation means freeing the Spirit and directing it to its target, usually breaking the vessel, which is appropriate to
the Sphere the Spirit belongs to (e.g. a battery for Forces, a watch for Time, a compass for Correspondence, a plant for Life, a stone
for Matter, a feather for Spirit, dice for Entropy, a holy simbol for Prime, a calculator for Mind, etc.). No matter how successful the
Mage is, Paradox from the talens always gets at her. These talens automatically protect the Nahual if she's victim of Sphere Magick,
but break and don't attack the Mage. The talens only works against magick of the same Sphere as the Spirit that inhabits them, and
only for effects of equal or less levels of the trapped Spirit's level.

By Timothy Toner (

Resembling normal tobacco cigarettes, a Garou who smokes them can form images within the smoke that all can see. First,
those viewing must smell the smoke. Next, the Garou must think of an image, and roll Wits+Artistic Expression (diff 5) to create
the shapes. The more complex the image, the greater the difficulty. Trying to show a generic Garou in Crinos is Diff 5, while
trying to emulate the Sistine Chapel in toto is at least a level 9. Finally, the size of the image is limited to the amount of smoke in
the air. A whole Garou can be depicted, but in a reduced state only.
Note first that there is no actual peyote in the sticks; it is a weird mixture of dried four leaf clovers, tobacco, and animal dung.
Next, there are about 4 images in each stick. The name is derived from the belief of some sleepers that the smoke made them
see the future, the spirit world, etc.

By Devin Moss
Gnosis: 3-4?
Essentally, the other Theurge and I are trying to bind some Fire Gafflings to kernals of dried corn. When thrown, they would explode for
a couple of levels of fire damage.
Useful against Vampires.....Will scare the bejeesus out of them.

By Christopher Hayes (



"New from Penta-Pharm!!! It's fast!!! It's ferocious!!! It's not yet banned in Mexico!!! Better than a speedball, its a RAGEBALL!!!
"A potent mix of crank, PCP and vampire vitae with a bane spirit thrown in just for kicks, RAGEBALLS add just the right zip to
your homocidal mania. Who needs to relax? Who needs to sleep? Who needs rationality? Let these concepts become things of
the past with RAGEBALLS! Shoot one up and kill somebody today!"

Upon shooting up a rageball, the character gets str +1 and sta +2 for six hours. The character also gets +2 to rage, even if this
means going over the maximum for rage. Non-garou characters who do not have rage will temporarilly get rage after doing a
rageball. For the six hour duration of the drug the character will have a -2 difficulty on rage rolls and a +3 difficulty on any social
rolls except for intimidation.
By succesfully activating the bane, the character will be able to rage and still maintain some measure of control. The character
will ignore wounds but will be able to choose his targets. The character must continue to kill until all perceived enemies are killed
or the rage is overcome.

Red Acorns
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe.

Gnosis 5

When dropped into a cup or pitcher, these acorns release a mild toxin into the drink. If drank, this causes the ingester to become
nauseous and lose some motor control. The difficulty for any action is raised by one for 7 days-his Stamina. These effects can
be negated by Resist Toxin or if someone uses Mother's Touch on him. One acorn will poison a cup, three a pitcher, 100 a well.
These are made by binding a spirit of Pain.

Spirit Whistle
By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
Gnosis: 5
Blowing this whistle will summon a spirit that will carry an object to a designated person. This talen must be used along with the Gift,
Pass the Cargo.

Starburst Rounds
By Todd Weaver ( for the Night Rangers camp.


These special bullets have fire spirits bound to them; on a sucessful hit they burn for 3 rounds inflicting 1 health level of
aggravated damage. These bullets add +2 dice to the normal damage of that caliber of bullet but can only be used in pistols,
rifles and as solid-slug shotgun rounds.

Sunlight Flares
By Todd Weaver ( for the Night Rangers camp.


These are road flares with a helios spirit bound to them. When activated, they create an aura of sunlight in a 10ft radius of the
flare. These flares burn for one rounds per success on a gnosis roll diff 8.

Tears of Emphain
By Thomas Frank
This was originally a gift given by a Worshipper of the Whispering Blade to a Silent Strider Ragabash with a Toreador elder foe. This
Talen is created from the tears of a vampire's true love, a rare thing indeed. At a moment of great emotion, the tears must be caught
on the fingers and placed in a silver vial for 3 nights under a full moon. The Rite of Binding must then be done, and on the 4th day, the
tears turn into glass beads, that when crushed in the presence of the vampire, cause the leech to lose one generation per tear for ONE
scene. This deadly Talen is especially useful, because so few leeches know of it, even the Tremere doubt its power. But beware:
overuse of this Talen and the methods of its gathering will put your loved ones at mortal risk as well. Who said love never dies, forgot
its price. (Note: Wraiths have been known to be strongly drawn to the use of the Tears, as it is said that it is they who are bound till the
beads are crushed).

The "Acme Warranty" Sticker

By S. A. Young (


This talen, when activated, will cause any 'mechanical object' to malfunction. (ie. A gun will fall apart in a persons hand when he
tries to fire it.)
Almost any sticker can be used. But the sticker has to show some form of a funny character, stituation, or funny saying.
To create the sticker, one must bind a trickster spirit to it.

By Dorian Winter (
These talens were created by a roving Stargazer Ragabash, who gave ten of them to the Garou of the Viennese Caern as a token of
his friendship. They are made of an amorphous gray mass, that changes colours in an unpredictable way, when someone touches and
activates them. These talens are used to confuse an adversary. To do so, they are activated and thrown among a group or in front of a
single individual. They will instantly draw the interest of its victims onto itself. The victim will start start thinking intensely what this item
might be, and discuss it fervently, if in group. This will bind the victim'' concentration, but only to a certain point. The victim will for
example not take notice of the Garou, who are using the talen, sneaking away, but she will certainly notice if she is attacked by the
players. If the activation of the talen is botched, the packmates of the talen's user will see The-Thing-No-One-Knows, take great
interest in it and start pestering the user with questions of the things nature for the remainder of the story.

Thought Pennies
By Kimberlee Simmons (


A Chimerling is bound into ordinary pennies. When tossed towards a target, the target must make a Willpower roll with a
difficulty of the Thought Penny's Gnosis (in this case, 8). Failure enables the User to know what surface thoughts are running
through the targets head. Note that this does not mean mind reading! It only reveals casual thoughts; it could be used in battle to
read an opponent's battle moves, or subsequent immediate planned actions. Duration is one scene.

The Almighty Drum God

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame





Airt Sense, Armor, Reform, Call For Aid, Quake.

Mighty Drum God appears as a big anthropomorphic drum with arms and legs. He carries big drumsticks in his hands with
which he pounds his belly; the air around him tangibly vibrates with the force of his beating and thunder of his voice.

There have always been spirits of music and drumming. Most often drum spirits have been found in tribal cultures of the
American West, Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Rim. Almighty Drum God is Ixstasia's oldest companion -- some say they
are twins -- and he is the latest incarnation of these ancient spirits of music.

Almighty Drum God can be found wherever there are drums being created or played.

Spiritual Correspondence
Rhythms of all sorts, especially heartbeats and dancing feet.

Material Correspondences
Drums, hearts, clicksticks, sex, bullroarers, bells, wood, vibrations.

Gift Lore

Almighty Drum God doesn't teach Gifts per se. He will happily teach drumming (and to a lesser degree, other rhythmic sounding
techniques) to anyone who approaches him with respect.

Nowadays drummers are dissed by other musicians. Almighty Drum God flies into a rage when one of his "children" are treated
badly by their musical colleagues; however, he saves a special fury for drummers who deserve it.

Beneficent, prideful but cantankerous.

Oddly enough, Almighty Drum God likes coins, especially gold ones.

By Axle Steele (


To mourn over lost civilizations, and peoples.

Even the Wyrm had a conscience; the behemoths, originally from before the Wyrm's imprisonment and subsequent madness,
some still exist roaming the ruins of lost civilizations. There are few left, and like many of the minions of balance the Wyrm once
possessed, they have been forgotten and abandoned by their patron. They suffer from the Wyrm's madness to a limited degree,
and will occasionally, if angered fly into a rage, attacking anything in sight.
In the Umbra, resting Behemoths disguise themselves as hills, sand dunes, or some other natural terrain feature in order to
avoid being roused from their contemplation. Behemoths are loath to reveal their presence; however persistent questioners or
summoners will force them to drop their illusion. This reveals their true form, an immense fleshy, vaguely humanoid form, easily
over 20ft tall. If necessary, they can materialize on Gaia in a similar manifestation. Garou, and other spirits seek them out, for a
behemoth that mourns for a civilization will possess much of the knowledge of that civilization which otherwise may be gone
forever. They are often more than willing to share without price this knowledge to those who contact them, but they are very hard
to convince to do more.

They are created when a civilization is destroyed, from only a few when Pompeii was buried to dozens at the fall of the Mayan

Material Correspondence
Anything from the civilization that particular behemoth mourns.

Spiritual Correspondence
Remorse over past deeds or mourning for the lost.

They can only be summoned at their place of habitat, but the difficulty is only 5. They are difficult to convince to be bound
although they are powerful enough to fuel all but the greatest fetishes. If bound, the fetish must be taken to the location of that
behemoth's domain, for one week of the year, or it will forever lose it's power. They will only agree to be bound in a item from
their civilization.

Rage: 4
Gnosis: 8
Willpower: 7
Power: 60

Charms: Camouflage 1 (as gift) , Armor 1, Materialize (cost 20)

Materialized stats: Strength 11, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6
Combat Maneuvers: Behemoths can body slam, grapple, or punch with their fists for Str+2 damage. Unlike most spirits, in the
umbra they have the option of fighting in their material form or using their rage to combat enemies.


Quiet, but friendly.

Black Annis
By Colin Chapman (

'Hamish pulled his collar tight against the biting air, the vapour of his breath melding into the tendrils of mist. The light began
to fade. Dusk.
"Damn car," he muttered, glancing back at the dim silhouette of his predicament. Only a mile across the highlands to home.
The moist grass and heather a blanket beneath leather shoes, the light a soulless grey, the mist devouring sound.
He crested the hillock, glancing down towards the warm lights of habitation, and sighing with relief began a cautious decent
down the slippery slope.
A dull crack. "Ow!" He looked down beneath his feet at the cause of his discomfort; a thick white branch. Cursing, he carried
forward. 'Crack! Rattle!' he almost fell, his foot entangled.
"Bloody hell!!", he made to kick the round white rock; he stopped. Eye sockets!? His heart stopped in time, numb and cold,
he felt limbless. for eternal moments he stood transfixed. His legs began to run...
Fingers clutched him like a vice, the scream racing to tear from his throat, cold talons entered his mouth and he gurgled a
pathetic sob. gazing into that one malevolent eye, his heart shredded.'
Black Annis is the nightmare of the Scottish Highlands. For centuries tales have been told, but the Highlanders of yore knew
better than to dismiss such stories. She roams the wildlands and glens seeking the flesh of the living, the warmth of life in fresh
blood, and she is ever hungry.
Unique and solitary, terrible and cunning, and fond of human flesh. As men have fled the wilds to live in the cities, her thirst has
grown, and she uses sheep to sustain her. Many are the farmers who lose sheep or find their broken bones, but woe betide the
incautious traveller.
She is a hideous hag, blue of hide with a single piercing eye. Thin, but filled with unholy strength, her flesh is cold, her hair long,
black and lank. Breath of fetid decay, her long dirty claws seek purchase.

Willpower: 7
Rage: 6
Gnosis: 7
Power: 45
Charms: Materialise (Power cost:22; Str 5, Dex 3, Sta 4, Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidate 3, Stealth 4, Claws Str + 1,
diff.6; health 7), Reform

Black Sun
By Diane Keating (

The Sept had been nervous for a long time. The Rite of Caern Building would be performed the next day and the crescent
moons had been sequestered in the pro-tem Sept Shrine for many hours. Twenty minutes ago, Thierry, the hideous but wrenvoiced Galliard from the dark Pack, the Hollow Sun, went into the Shrine at the request of the Seers. He hadn't come out yet.
The embryonic Sept looked at each other grimly. They only numbered a handful and the secret of their gathering and the unborn
Caern location had been heavy on them. We must be crazy, they thought: this is New Orleans; the Kindred rule here. They
always have. And the Rite of Caern building is lethal -- who will die? Which of us? All of us? I mean...isn't there a Black Spiral
Hive right next door in Jefferson?
Just then, the lights went out and the Sept could smell the sacred Kyphi incense. Deep Crinos voices chanted, and the horrible,
horned, ridged and spiked body of Theirry Beausoleil, Galliard of the Hollow Sun, stood before them limned in weird blue-silver
light. No details of his monstrous countenance could be discerned in the backlighting, but the Sept caught their breath as one as
surely as they did when the Louisiana sun fell on him full.
'Listen to me!' Thierry thrummed in the darkness. 'The Seers have had a vision. There is a house in New Orleans, but it will not
be called "The Rising Sun." It will be called the Black Sun.
'The Celestines are pleased with us, our vision and courage, and have promised us a boon. Tomorrow, to see us through our
rite, Luna and Helios themselves will join in embrace and give to us a great new Sept Totem, the Black Sun! They know our
need -- they know we have no warriors -- they know that we need a never-before-seen totem to protect, aid and empower us as
we hold our caern.'
And the next day, on the Winter Solstice, the newborn Sept of the Black Sun watched the skies for their cue. The skies gradually
blackened as Helios and Luna ran across the heavens to embrace. The Seers gave the signal, began the ritual, and for many
hours the mighty Theurges that had come together for this great work struggled and chanted. The Sept were helped by some
Kindred who made friends with them, mostly Gangrel; a pack of Red Talons came out of the Bayou and fought for them; and the
whole of New Orleans and Jefferson Parish were thrown into chaos as the total eclipse of the sun made them all remember that
Gaia Herself was capable of a greater darkness than any oil slick, boardroom underbelly or cloacocumulus could ever pretend
The Black Sun Celestine was born at the same time as the Temple of the Amentet and the clutch of Crowned Mokole that were
to be the new Caern's defenders. The caern was the first of its kind, and showed the Garou that night wasn't the only time the
Rite of Caern Building could be performed. The Black Sun reigned supreme in the sky as the triumphant Sept continued the
ritual and carried it through by sheer dint of spiritual elation, wrighting a Level 5 caern that was as rare and powerful as the total
eclipse of the sun.

The Black Sun

The Black Sun is a Lesser Celestine that serves under Helios. He grants that caerns created while His face shines upon Gaia
stay hidden until He shines on them again, wherein they blaze with the power of Helios crystalized. This young god is known to
have only one Incarna thus far, the Diamond Sun. Certain Eastern Garou believe that the chant "Om ma ne padme hum," which
means "Hail the Jewel in the Lotus" refers to a total solar eclipse and the totem Dorje Phamo, the Diamond Sow, may be
connected with Him.

Caerns created during a total Solar Eclipse will blaze with the effects of the Gift: Halo of the Sun with an intensity equal to the
infliction of ten dice of damage to any Kindred within a mile of the caern. The only way to avoid this damage is to Earthmeld.
This effect continues for 24 hours after the creation of the caern, when it turns to effects similar to the Gift: Blissful Ignorance until
the next solar eclipse, total or partial. During a partial eclipse the caern will blaze with regular-strength Halo of the Sun until the
eclipse is over.
In regular (non-occluded) sunlight, the eyes of everyone except the tending Sept and whatever allies will skip over the caern and
ignore its existence.


The Black Sun can power fetishes and talens with Jagglings and Gafflings. These are fairly rare, though, as they must always
include a diamond of any colour (preferred), or any black stone (jet, obsidian, onyx, hematite, black diamonds, etc.).

Gift Lore
Gifts that have in their effect a huge, spectacular, last-ditch effort to throw back darkness and evil, such as Coup de Grace,
Blissful Ignorance, Halo of the Sun, etc.; Gifts of Enigmas, Willpower traits, and Honour are also connected with Him.

Material correspondences
Black, brilliant stones, diamonds, blue flames, pale light and dark light.

The Black Sun is always willing to help His followers but more often than not He simply isn't there. He automatically falls asleep
until Helios and Luna come close and/or embrace.
Followers and servants of the Black Sun have learned very quickly to develop their own powers and shift for themselves, never
relying on their patron until they see His face. When He does He makes up for not heeding the prayers and pleas of His children
during their isolation. The Black Sun doesn't charge spiritual Chiminage: He knows that His Children have enough imposed on

"What does the interior of the sun look like? All dark, I should imagine: and that is why He is so bright on the outside."
-- Nebt Unshetek Horapollo, Theurge of the Sept of the Black Sun.

By Colin Chapman (

'Tree Healer, kin of the Wendigo, made her way through the ancient woodland, a warm and gentle midday sun, cascading in
shafts of light through the canopy overhead and he soil, rich, dark and aromatic beneath her moccasined feet. She opened her
beaded pouch, reaching into the dark recess, feeling it writhing beneath her touch, clammy and slightly sticky. Sunlight danced
golden off the pristine river ahead of her, fish leaping at clouds of flies. Undefiled nature. But not if Tree Healer had her way...
The Dancers on the Black Spiral had shown her the 'truth' of reality, the 'lie' of Gaia. This river fed the Wendigo sped downriver,
a simple matter to pollute and defile both water and Gaia's garou. She reachd the waters edge, kneeling slowly on a smooth
cool rock, and grinning insanely withdrew the fleshy and ichorous phial from her pouch... A flurry of movement. Half twisting to
scream she hit the water. It fills her lungs, floods her eyes. Her last sight, a grim aquiline face, scrolled with totemic warpaint, and
powerful arms holding her under...'

Rage: 8
Willpower: 8
Gnosis: 6
Power: 40
Charms: Cleanse the Blight, Disorient, Forest Sense, Hide, Hold, Materialise (Cost: 26; Str 5, Dx 5, Sta 6, Brawl 5, Dodge 5,
Stealth 5, 8 Health Levels), Reform.

Bokwus are ancient members of Wendigo's brood, serving him when he was Sasquatch, and now as Wendigo. Guardians of
northern forests, each woodland has a single Bokwus protector. Grim, determined and stoic, they never speak, going about their
task with singular purpose. Bokwus appear as wirey and aquiline Native Americans, covered with totemic warpaint, but
otherwise naked and unarmed.

The woodlands and forests of Northern America.

Spiritual Correspondences
The single-minded protection of natural reserves and woodland.

Material Correspondences
Bokwus can only manifest in the woodland they protect. Items of larch, spruce or fir are favoured for summons. Bokwus will only
allow themselves to be bound into fetishes made of such woods, and only if the forest they were defending has been destroyed
or utterly corrupted. In these cases they will allow themselves to be bound, but the fetish owner must swear an oath to punish
those responsible for the destruction and attempt to rejuvenate and heal the woodland if such is possible.

Gift Lore
Any gifts associated with woodland or trees.


Bokwus can never engage in any act that would harm their protectorate or any other natural area. They are the mortal enemies of
those who do.

Aloof, silent and determined with friends. Aloof, silent and violent to enemies.

The supplicant must aid the Bokwus in its caretaking and guardian task for a variable length of time depending on the request,
disdaining civilised trappings and living off the land with only the tools nature provides.

By Deirdre Brooks (
Refer to Mystic: the Grouping for background.


Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4

Charisma 2, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0 (3)
Perception 6, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Subterfuge 5
Gaming 3
Knowledges: Gaming Lore 2, CardLord Lore 5


Claws and bite do Strength +2.

"You don't think my Mangy Mutt is a fair trade for your Winter Storm? Eat a Forked Fireball!"

The Card Sharks can disguise themselves to appear as their former selves, although they will tend to be at Appearance 3,
regardless of former appearance. Auspex 2 will penetrate it, but most good Mystic players are indoors at night. Their other
ability is worse -- they can cause the images on the cards to come to a semblance of life, spending one Willpower to do so. This
requires a Wits + Subterfuge roll, with each success causing one level of damage to the target. This is illusory damage, and will
vanish if the target can be convinced of it -- or if the Card Shark uses a healing card -- such as Creek of Vitality.

Cenobites and Leviathan from a Werewolf Perspective

By Chris Bova ( (16 September 1995)

Author's Notes
What follows are game ideas for incorporating Leviathan and the Cenobites into a WoD chronicle. This is not the first time the
topic has been addressed over the Internet, but I found other articles unsuitable due to their complexity, and the fact that they
added yet another independent power to the WoD, which has more than enough cosmic horrors already.
Since, in practice, you will probably be forced to extensively modify the statistics I used in my game, I have decided to save
bandwidth and restricted myself to a simple paragraph or two on each separate entity composing the grand labyrinth. What
follows is not quite true to the Pinhead of fiction, but I hope it will be a useful guide to the Storyteller who wants to add the High
Priest of Pain and his servants as another facet of the monstrous glob of absolute corruption and decay made whole that is the

The Umbral entity known as Leviathan is the legacy of an ancient sorcerous experiment of the most malignant kind carried out in
Malfeas, the lair of the Wyrm.
Long before the reign of Aliara, another Maeljin known as Count Theed sat on the throne of pleasure, serving Karnala, UrgeWyrm of Desire, with unswerving loyalty and boundless creativity. As the eons passed, he expanded his foul wisdom as far as
he was able, ever seeking new ways to please his depraved master.
It was in the ascendant season of the eleven-seventieth moon of the fifth month before the beigenning, when Theed's seers
came to him with a master plan, a gift beyond all compare that would mark him forever as the grandest Count of Desire ever to
His minions had discovered the "Rune of the Flesh", a mystic pattern that had the property of amplifying and conducting the
baser emotions of living creatures. The potential for this application was immense, but Theed had a simple and focused use for
it. Using the power of the Rune, he planned to allow Karnala to eventually feel all the pain and pleasure in the Tellurian.
When the Rune was worked into the pattern of certain Fomori, they gained the ability to transmit their emotions and experiences
into the labyrinth, a stone construction in the Umbra designed in exact replica of the rune.
This energy would be transferred to Leviathan, a spirit created at the site to oversee the network, and then transmitted to an
enormous gothic tower in Malfeas; a literal cathedral of sensation, where the various servants of the Wyrm or even Karnala itself
could come to enjoy the endless rapture.
These special fomori, known as Cenobites, would be sent forth into the Tellurian to collect victims and inflict suffering, thereby
feeding the labyrinth. Mortals who desired the gift of pain could be taken directly into to the Umbra and delivered to Leviathan.
There, embraced by one of the Gilded Pillars, their exquisite agony would continue to feed the Malfean court. Finally, what
remained, shaped in the image of the Wyrm, could walk the world as yet another Cenobite, which in turn would collect more fresh
bodies for Leviathan.
The most attractive part of the plan was it's self perpetuating nature. All that was required to get things started was a few portalboxes scattered around the Tellurian, along with the (true, by the standards of Karnala) promise that infinite pleasure awaited
those who solved the puzzle box and opened the portal. If a mortal's desires was strong, he would inevitably complete the puzzle,
and then the fomori would come.
Pleased beyond all words by the gift, Karnala allowed Theed the rare ecstasy of being devoured alive. And so passed the
greatest Count of Desire ever to reign into the comforting coils of the Wyrm.

Leviathan is a spirit entity created in the distant past by Theed as an overseer of the labyrinth and a living focus for the pain
energy that flows from all the pillars in the system.
Leviathan's spiritual body manifests as a great steel diamond, floating suspended above the center of the labyrinth. From each
of its poles flows the concentrated power of corrupting evil. Everything it touches is subtly debased. Living creatures relive their
most unpleasant memories and vilest deeds, while inanimate objects will become tainted after sufficient exposure.
Leviathan has no mind as it were; it is more a great computer than a thinking being and is completely consumed with focusing
pain and transmitting it to Malfeas. It cannot attack or defend itself, but is capable of summoning all the Cenobites in the

Labyrinth to come to its aid -- more than enough defense to ward off any but the greatest threats. If this proves insufficient,
Leviathan can summon the very armies of Malfeas itself to protect it within hours.
Damage to Leviathan's physically form is largely irrelevant, not to mention impossible in the Labyrinth, which it never leaves.

The fist Cenobites were a few lucky slaves in Malfeas who were tossed into the Gilded Pillars simply to test the system, but
since that far-off time their ranks have swelled with the lustful and depraved, as well as more than enough of the foolish and
Most Cenobites look relatively human for fomor -- Theed decided that a human-like Cenobite would inspire more terror in the
potential victims than a completely alien form. All of them bear the marks of their horrible transformations: mutilation, scarring,
unhealing wounds that constantly drip gore or some fouler substance. Most of them are pale blue, a side effect of the Wyrmtainted ichor that replaces their blood.
What once passed for their minds has been systematically destroyed. They now manifest only a cold, mechanical cunning and a
few nervous habits left in their ravaged subconscious.
All Cenobites have only one desire: to cause suffering and pain to living creatures, not out of cruelty, but to help those creatures
see the truth that Leviathan has helped the Cenobites to see: that suffering is the purest and most potent form of pleasure that
can be experienced.
Of course no human being could possibly understand this with their limited mortal perspective on the situation; that is why the
Cenobites must "initiate" them into unending pleasure. After a few centuries, they too will understand...
Cenobites are immune to normal (non disrupting) damage. The Storyteller should use his discression when deciding what will
and will not harm a Cenobite. As a rule of thumb, if something actually destroys the fabric of the body, is magical, is holy or silver
or whatever, it does regular damage. (Flamethrowers count, handguns without explosive shells do not) Cenobites heal five times
as rapidly as humans do. A Cenobite killed in the labyrinth is truly destroyed and must be replaced with a captive being from the
pillars. Such a replacement arrives immediately. Destruction of a Cenobite on earth will not destroy the spirit of the creature,
which may plan elaborate revenge on its tormentor or his or her loved ones.
In my game, the Cenobites were not only relatively powerful in hand to hand combat, but masters of diabolic Lust and Pain

The "Gilded Pillars"

Within the heart of the labyrinth, the bodies and souls of Cenobite prisoners are trapped within obelisk-like pillars almost seven
feet in height, covered with blades, flayed skins, scenes of torture and depravity, and eerie gold-inlaid runes that allow the
suffering of the unfortunate creature within to be transmitted into the network and eventually to Malfeas. The edges of these
pillars fold open like some kind of demented flower, and the Cenobites, once they have sated their desire to torment a victim,
hurl the near lifeless body into the center of the pillar, which promptly closes up around it and descends into the labyrinth
What occurs within is largely unknown, and likely so horrific as to boggle the imagination of any non-diabolic being. Recalling
their experiences later, a new Cenobite's ravaged mind will only be able to recall centuries of the most intense pleasure
imaginable. No other creature has ever been retrieved from a pillar before the transformation is complete.
Within the pillars, which may be much larger on the inside than out, time slows to nothingness, and the physical body of the
tormented creature never dies or ages. Some creatures have yet to emerge from their pillars; if the creature does emerge, it
does so as a Cenobite under Leviathan's power.

The Box
There are one hundred of these boxes in existence, one for each Cenobite. Each box is a gold-encrusted onyx construction,
etched with a tiny fragment of the Rune's hideous totality. The boxes each open differently, through pressure on their panels or
along certain seams that become apparent as the puzzle comes closer and closer to being solved.
Solving the puzzle is extremely difficult, but those who truly desire to know the dark secrets of the other side, or have been
seduced by the legend of the box will always seem to discover the way to open it. Once the puzzle is complete, the box opens,
and the Cenobite assigned to it jumps into static reality. A vital element is the desire of the creature opening the box or one in
the immediate area, without which the Cenobite cannot penetrate the Gauntlet.
Once within reality, the Cenobite only has a few minutes to act before Paradox and lack of magical energy conspire to banish it.
Therefore a Cenobite does its best to grab the victim (a touch is all that is necessary) and carry him back to the labyrinth to be
tormented at leisure.

The Labyrinth
Inside the labyrinth itself, perceptions constantly change, often summoning up grotesque images from the minds of the victim.
Those entering the place for the first time will wander down seemingly endless corridors leading to nowhere, filled with horrible
scenes of torture and whirling pillars. The air is completely still and dead, even the horrible shrieks of the damned do not carry
more than thirty feet, a deceptive statistic, since the labyrinth has different correspondence laws than mortal travelers are used
to. All roads lead eveantually to the labyrinth's heart -- an infinite plain, with only Leviathan hanging in the center of the sky like a
black diamond. The travelers stand on the top of a series of incredibly complicated walkways, which seem to reach down an
infinite distance.
When visitors appear, Leviathan closely examines the intruders, and experimentaly bombards them with horrific memories and
visions from their own subconsious, just to see how they will react. In the meanwhile, it summons horrible guardian Cenobites,
who will attempt to place travelers forcibly into a gilded pillar which will conveniently rise from the ground for the occasion.
Leaving the realm, if one is not a prisoner of one of the Pillars, is no more difficult than leaving any other shard realm. There is no
paradox there, although altering reality immediately summons forth Cenobites, and Leviathan's attention. Leviathan in theory
completely controls static reality in the labyrinth, but its programing will allow it to do nothing but maintain the status quo.
The Boxes will continue to collect victims until the end of eternity, making it relatively easy for the players to stumble on one of the
Boxes, their victims, or perhaps a Cenobite foolishly overstaying its welcome on Gaia, looking for other creatures to torment The
Cenobites are loyal only to Leviathan and Theed (Who is long dead) and therefore do not usually work with Pentex, The Black
Spiral Dancers, or any of the Wyrm's other servants. The herculean task of destroying the Cathedral of Pleasure in Malfeas,
therefore overloading and destroying the labyrinth, might be a worthy goal for the greatest of heroes.

(version 1, revised)
By Ian Sheridan and revised by Andrew Lucas ( based on the works of Clive Barker.

The Cenobites of the Order of the Gash are servants of Leviathan, a mysterious and horrible entity which maintains a "Hell" in
which willing victims suffer the most extreme forms of pain and pleasure possible. Their existence a dark and occult secret, the
cenobites can be contacted by those who are sufficiently dedicated to hunt down the means by which to do so. The most famous
of these means (i.e. the one shown in the Excellent films Hellraiser and Hellbound (Hellraiser 2), as well as the dire Hell on Earth
(hellraiser 3) ) involves solving one of the series of intricate oriental puzzle boxes designed and constructed by Lemarchand.
When the box is manipulated into the pattern of the Lament Configuration, Leviathan is reached and the Cenobites can reach
the caller, who will then be granted every secret desire, writ large and horrible. Their bodies utterly destroyed, callers descend
into Hell where they suffer and enjoy for all eternity. Other methods of calling also exist, whereby the caller is lead to imagine or
model the Lament Configuration. These might include word puzzles, incredibly complex mystical exercises, meticulously plotted
serial murders, horrific and bizarre cosmetic surgery and amputation, sadistic sexual practices and intricate tortures. It is
possible that the Marquis de Sade's intention in writing "The 120 Days of Sodom," the unfinished masterpiece he concealed in
his cell, and "The days of Florbelle" (sp?) , written after the former work was thought lost and which was itself burned by Sade's
family, was to imagine and describe the ritual required to call the Order of the Gash. Perhaps, had the "120 Days" been
completed, the very act of describing every imaginable perversion and encompassing them within a single narrative,
imaginative and authoritarian hierarchy would have summoned them to take the "divine Marquis" to Hell. As it is, he died an old
man in Charenton asylum, and received a Christian burial, contrary to his wishes.

Mechanics of the Lament Configuration

Anyone who comes into contact with a Lament Configuration artifact or exercise opens a one way gate. The Cenobites may
make Manipulation + Empathy rolls (difficulty of contacter's Willpower), as they whisper in their victim's head, planting thoughts
indistinguishable from the victim's own, in which the victim becomes aware of his most horrific and awesome subconscious
After three successes by the Cenobites, the victim becomes subconsciously aware of what is going on, as a two way gate is
established. The victim may comply, in which case a full doorway is opened. If not, the victim may make a Willpower roll to resist
(difficulty eight, at least!), with each success being deducted from the successes of the Cenobites. If, during this struggle, the
Cenobites' successes reach zero, the victim is freed and the gate closed. If the Cenobites achieve a further four successes (for
a total of seven), however, a doorway opens, and the victim goes to Hell.
When the doorway opens between Earth and Hell, the Cenobites may choose to come through, as the victim's immediate
surroundings temporarily become part of Hell. The victim may also, if unmolested by them, wander into Hell proper through the
gate. The Cenobites, when they appear, will, as Mr. Sheridan puts it, "grant the wish..[of the victim]..or commit their worst
nightmare upon..[them].., whichever is worse." After the victim's body has been destroyed, her soul is dragged into Hell to suffer
and enjoy further. At this point, the Cenobites close the gate, and the connection is broken.
It is possible to realise the Lament Configuration even further, in truly exceptional cases. In such a case, the Cenobites would
forebear to act until the gateway is open, which allows them to bring Leviathan into our world, effectively swallowing Earth within

Cenobite Mechanics
Cenobites are theoretically immortal "Daemons," exceptional callers who have become the Leviathan's servitors. Their bodies
are entropically inert, due to its power, thus they cannot die from the incredible tortures they undergo, although their nerves are
sharpened to an incredible degree. The bizarre and horrific mutilations they display impart to them the most extreme pain and
pleasure possible, each set of mutilations being a realisation of a version of the Lament Configuration, which allows them to
channel Leviathan's power. "Chatterer," for example, has had his ears, eyes, tongue and nose destroyed, thus leaving him only
with an immensely heightened sense of touch. Leviathan gradually strips away the memories of its servants as they lose their
Humanity, until they finally lose all hope of redemption and are trapped forever in Hell. Outside it, and deprived of Leviathan's
power, they would of course die of their wounds.
Cenobites are, in game terms, analogous to vampires. Obviously, blood, Generation, sunlight and frenzy are irrelevant to them.
They automatically regenerate one health level per turn when injured, due to the power of Leviathan, even if "killed." Aggravated
wounds from supernatural attack can only be healed in Hell, in the presence of Leviathan. They possess the equivalents of the
Disciplines of Fortitude, Daimoinon and Presence. They all possess the equivalent of Heightened Senses, and in addition, all
Cenobites can employ various supernatural powers relating to torture, which Mr. Sheridan defines as a Discipline called

"Poenaplaceunque". Cenobites have an additional characteristic called Horror, representing the degree to which they are
mutilated. Amongst "normal" people, this characteristic is effectively subtracted from their Appearance and added to their
Intimidation dice pool. Horror is ranked from one to five, with one representing the most superficial mutilation and five
representing injuries that make the Cenobite appear totally inhuman. Horror is ignored amongst those who share the Leviathan's
frame of mind, such as willing victims of the Lament Configuration gate. When initially generated, one half (rounding down) of the
Cenobite's Humanity is immediately removed, and added to their willpower. Cenobites have no initial Background points, twenty
freebee points, and five points worth of Disciplines (plus the free point of Auspex). However, most Cenobites encountered will
be older and more experienced. The only Disciplines permitted are those listed above, plus Potence, Celerity, Dominate and
possibly others if the ST thinks them appropriate. Auspex may rise as high as three, other disciplines may reach level five.
Poenaplaceunque is a special case. Backgrounds may be bought with freebee points, and, in a game with PC Cenobites,
would represent soething analogous to a wraith's fetters, in providing connections to the real world. The allowable Backgrounds
are Status (within the hierachy of Hell (the only background possessed by the older Cenobites)), Resources (on Earth), Fame
(On Earth), Family (On Earth) and Love (On Earth). The last two represent attachments to people left behind, their numerical
rating indicating a combination of the intensity of the memory and the degree of the attachment. Other Backgrounds can readily
be invented.

By Colin Chapman (

'...the twisting and insane call of the Whippoorwhill hounded Thoughtful Gaze of the Wendigo as the rocky ground blurred with
motion beneath his paws. The Black Spirals were gaining... The crescent moon, the moon of his birth, sliced through the velvet
dark of the night sky illuminating the silhouette of a rocky mound ahead. He smiled inwardly... Reaching the mound he turned to
face his twisted and baleful pursuers. Growling with pleasure he uttered a single word: 'Chenoo' The light of Luna was suddenly
blackened as 3 giant humanoids rose behind Thoughtful Gaze. The Black Spirals knew they were doomed...'

Rage: 10
Willpower: 5
Gnosis: 5
Power: 40
Charms: Armor, Hide, Materialise (Cost: 35; Str 10, Dx 2, Sta 10, Brawl 3, Melee 3, Club+4, 12 Health Levels).

Chenoo are unusual earth elementals, prone to constant conflict among themselves, making the areas they inhabit rumble and
crash as they uproot trees for clubs and fling boulders at each other. Despite this they rarely hurt each other and put all
differences aside (at least for the meantime) to help Gaia's garou. They appear as vast (15' tall and nearly as broad) crude
humanoids of mossy rock, lumbering, with rumbling voices. They only ever take action at the request of, and in the presence of,
Gaia's defenders, remaining hidden and unconcerned otherwise.

They inhabit rocky outcrops, natural piles and rocks and boulders, and rocky hills throughout the northern states.

Material Correspondences
Stones and soil. They refuse to be bound.

Gift Lore
They can teach all gifts associated with their element.

Chenoo must always touch the earth. If they leave the ground, they lose 10 Power per turn.

Quarrelsome among themselves, but neutral to others. They will aid Gaia's garou if asked and given chiminage, but only really
enjoy the chance to beat up enemies.


Siding with a Chenoo in a quarrel gains its respect but also earns the dislike of the Chenoo you argued against. Keeping their
habitat clear is always appreciated, as is promising to leave them alone and not bother them in the future.


By Jim Kinney ( (29 December 1995)
"Have you found the Yellow Sign?"
--Robert W. Chambers

Powers: (Required) Corrupted Visions (4), Immunity to Delirium (1), Cause Insanity (2 dice, 4), Nightmare Command (3)
Taints: (Required) Derangement (Hallucinations, 3), The Fading (5), Breed Prejudice (4)

The Children of the Yellow Sign are a particularly single-minded group of Fomori, having a single system which unites them, the
dreaded Yellow Sign.
Occasionally someone, usually a researcher into the occult, will find the Yellow Sign, an extremely complicated golden rune, in a
rare book, such as a first edition of the play "The King in Yellow." When the researcher studies the rune carefully he makes
himself susceptible to possession by a certain type of Bane. As the possession begins, the researcher will begin to see the sign
everywhere: on buildings, buses, magazines and tattoos. Soon the Sign will become a kind of religious icon for the fomor,
allowing the Bane to take full control.
Now the fomor will attempt to share its "blessing" by showing the Sign to as may people as possible, and if people refuse to
look, then the fomor will use its powers to project the sign into the minds and dreams of its victims. Usually these visions are not
enough to allow the victim to become possessed, but it may drive them to the nearest "expert" on such matters, usually the
fomor. The fomor will torment its victims, driving them away from family and friends and slowly eating away at their sanity.
Few people in the World of Darkness know of the Children of the Yellow Sign, but Pentex is aware of them and is curious about
their methods, as the idea of a printed symbol facilitating possession is very attractive to a company that owns as many
publishing companies as Pentex. They are very careful though, as the Children have shown a great willingness to share their
"gift" with Pentex operatives too...

By Jay Turner ( (30 January 1996)

A True Story
The four Motherlovers we was s'posed to follow had disappeared. The other guys in my Team, they was getting discouraged,
and so was I. Ain't never been in a situation where the damn Wolves just up and disappeared; like they blinked out into thin
air or somethin'. The damn psychic to my left, she was feeling through the air for them, but she ain't find nothin'. Ain' never
seen a girl who could hunt a Wolf before, anyhow.
Won't till midnight when we finally spotted 'em. They thought it was safe. I chuckled. "Damn," I said. "You out in the Amazon,
ain't shit safe out here!" Well, Charlie, I musta said it out loud, cuz here come them damn Wolves up to try and snuff me. All's
I could do was go into my battle shape and slap 'em with my damn wings. Ain't shit a bat can do if it can't fly, 's what I say. But I
held him down. Since they made me so I could speak normal, I ain't get that screechin' voice that the rest of 'em have. That'd
have been damn keen. But the Father, he got other plans for me, and he saved me that day. That's why, I'm tellin' you, I'm in
this chair, waitin' for my promotional injection. I deserve everything I get. See you, you're a fomor, yeah, you're a mean
bastard. But me, I'm a Chiropterix. I was made to rule your ass. And the company, she just makin' me better.
-- Lt. Dan Wilson, Chiropterix First Teamer, days before his execution.
Mostly silent but hardly subtle, severed completely from Gaia's womb, born from humanity but totally inhumane. The Chiropterix
werebats are one of Pentex's most proud achievements. The company could produce a nearly infinite number of these
monsters, and why shouldn't they? They're more loyal than Black Spiral Dancers. They are more suited to First Team life than a
lot of the other fomori. And they're cheap to produce, as just about any human with their right mind would jump at the chance to
be more than human. But there's a downside. Most Chiropterix will never again interact with mortals as they used to, as their
voices are often taken by the initial injection. Most Chiropterix find themselves disabled by horribly scarring nightmares,
whispers in the dark from their parasitic Bane, from which they draw their power. Others find themselves with an incurable blood
addiction, feeling an intense need to bite into the humans they once called colleagues. And all Chiropterix at present are
completely sterile, perhaps a measure from Gaia to keep these crack soldiers from reproducing. The damned Mother works in
mysterious ways.
The brighter Chiropterix realize that their hope lies with Pentex. The Father's company has the means to give them power. The
Banes inside them fester and argue, until the Chiropterix has done enough that the company offers her a "promotional" injection,
one that will increase the Chiropterix's power, in effect giving her a new "gift." As their "gifts" stem from the Bane within them,
Chiropterix do not necessarily depend on spiritual ties as much as they depend on a harmonious relationship with their symbiote
Banes. Fulfilling a Bane's goals brings Promotional injections, which make the Bane happy and in turn gives the Chiropterix
more power. And who doesn't want power?
Being Chiropterix is not all swine and roses, as many of those who've become werebats could attest. But to imagine the power it
gives, and the prestige over other fomori, will often overcome any fears or doubts a candidate might feel. Finally, after a
childhood full of dreams, the Chiropterix can turn into a bat and fly on its own two wings. The sound of their new voices, when
pushed, can shatter glass (and people's ears). And they can become beasts, more powerful than the world, and crush and tear
and cause havoc, and fly away. Many candidates would gladly give up their true voices, fertility, and nights of sweet dreams for
this. And Pentex promises more, in the form of the promotional injections. These beings are well-cared for, and finally, for some,
the chance of gaining prestige, even among the deranged ranks of the Fomori, is well worth the sacrifice.

The History of the Chiropterix

By Cullen Bryant, Ph.D.
Welcome to what we here at Pentex call our most exciting project ever. By accepting the terms and taken your initial injection,
you have taken a step up on the evolutionary scale. You will be pleased to know that you are joining a family that includes some
of Pentex's finest employees, as well as Yours Truly. I can understand that you may have questions, for I had questions of my own
when the project started. And since I had no one to write a document such as this for me, I thought it would be helpful to those of
a newer iteration to answer some questions right off, and help you avoid the pitfalls that I fell into in my first Changing Days. This
particular document will deal mostly with the history of our breed. Please, take this data and commit it to memory, as it will surely
be of use in the future. And take pride in yourself. You are now a god.
[Ed.-- Dr. Bryant's words will be interrupted by my own, in order to separate propaganda from fact. The notes thusly written do
not appear on the actual document that Chiropterix initiates receive.]
The operations of our company in this region [Ed.-- The Amazon] are impeded by subhuman monsters who wish all forward
progress to halt, and who wish to replace our progress with a revival of Stone-Age mysticism. It might seem to many that such
relics of the past would have little effect on our progress, but, unfortunately, they have truly become a thorn in our company's side.
Our forces have begun to shrink, and we have been forced against our will to resort to violence. Our answer to these monsters is

to commission a breed of super-soldiers, well-equipped to face this menace. You, my friend, were chosen to become one of this
The Chiropterix project, codenamed Project WAYNE (after Bruce Wayne, the alter ego of Batman), has not always been this
successful. The new abilities you find yourself in possession of are the result of much research and labor on the part of Pentex
scientists. The project went through a couple of less successful iterations before it reached the perfection that resulted in the
power that we both share.
The various versions of Project Wayne are as follows:

Version 1: A genetic experiment at first, our scientists toyed with the idea of mixing the genes of our shifting associates
with those of our natural bat-kin. The experiment ended in failure, but much was learned, and the project continued. [Ed.-Version 1 was an attempt at mixing Black Spiral Dancer genes with those of natural fruit bats. The results were
slavering beasts of about animal intelligence. More information on this version follows Dr. Bryant's document.]
Version 2: Again our scientists attempted genetic engineering, and came up with a higher degree of success than before;
however, a cowardly raid on our facilities destroyed all results and data from the experiment, and thus Version 2 was
scrapped. [Ed.-- Version 2 was an attempt to combine Ratkin and fruit bat genes, and produced viable results. A
midnight attack by a group of Ratkin resulted in the destruction of all embryos, results, and experimental data.]

Version 3: At the risk of sounding vain, the base idea for Version 3 was my own. The idea was to simply improve on an
ordinary human, adding via a serum the power that the human would need to become Chiropterix. This idea, as you may
know, was a resounding success. There were a few bugs to work out, but this Version got the go-ahead for official
production. [Ed.-- Version 3 was in fact, quite buggy, though the bugs have proven difficult to fix. Dr. Bryant suffered

from debilitating nightmares for two weeks before his first Change, and was completely stripped of his natural voice, as
well as his fertility. This was deemed acceptible. The "Brainwashed" and "Walking Bomb" procedures were
implemented after Dr. Bryant, but were not separated as a seperate Version.]
Version 3.1: This was an attempt to fix a few things in the earlier version 3. The scientists used vampire bat genes in the
serum, rather than fruit bat genes. As a result, those who took this serum are a bit more aggressive and are smaller and
more maneuverable in Chiroptera form. This revision fixed a few things in the earlier revision, but there are still a few bugs
to work out. All in all a favorable result. [Ed.-- Those Chiropterix of Version 3.1 find themselves to be a bit quicker but not

quite as strong as those from Version 3. They are also victim to an incurable bloodlust, i.e. they must have warm blood
once per week or so in order to continue this existence. Those of this revision are still infertile. Also, it is observed that
Dr. Bryant's prejudices are against members of this revision, as they are seen by many as better potential soldiers, and
may soon make Version 3 Chiropterix obsolete.]
[Ed.--Though it is omitted from Dr. Bryant's document, there are plans for a Version 3.2 serum, which should protect the

candidate's voice and perhaps fertility, destroy the nightmares and bloodthirst, and perhaps introduce flight in Crinos
form to the initial injection. There are supposedly Beta-test versions of this serum out, though no one knows for sure
except our scientists.]
The Chiropterix as a group are not so much cohesive as they are civil. Those you meet may or may not have adjusted to their
new lives as members of the new evolution. Please, take the opportunity, when allowed, to take time and speak with our
colleagues. Learn what it is to be Chiropterix, and find out how the others feel. Once you have undergone training, you may find
yourself ready to face the monstrous beasts who threaten our goals. At that time, you may seek a promotional injection and a
meeting with myself and a few board members, and we will discuss your readiness. Until then, have some fun, enjoy your new
self. Welcome to the next step on the evolutionary ladder.
Cullen Bryant, Ph.D.

Ed.-- That ends Dr. Bryant's document of welcome to new initiates of the Chiropterix. He left out a few things that would not
have helped his position but are somewhat important to my report. The most important of these omissions is the fate of the
Chiropterix of Version 1. It has come to my attention that the beasts of this category have not all been extinguished as
planned. It appears that perhaps one or two, maybe more, have escaped into the Amazon rain forest and now live there. They
can be seen as an extensive threat to our progress, as they are of perhaps (at most) animal intelligence, and yet they are
extremely powerful. These creatures have five forms as the Black Spiral Dancers do, however they are all gnarled and horrid
except their human forms. They have a human form, a gnarled Near-man form, a horrific Half-man form (that is capable of
flight), a nightmare near-bat form, that appears as a wolf with gnarled and useless bat wings; and a repulsive Chiropterix form,
which is dragonlike and has a wingspan of perhaps seven feet. It would be to our advantage to destroy these creatures before
they are noticed. The consensus is that we should test the Chiropterix in battle against their older cousins. The merit of this
has yet to be seen.

Character Generation
The Chiropterix are basically fomori made to simulate the powers of normal shifters. Therefore they are made up completely with
fomori rules from the Freak Legion book. The powers that are required for them to shapeshift, regenerate, etc. are all modified
fomori powers and are given to all Chiropterix in the standard initial injection. These powers are as follows:

Size (to increase size when in Crinos form and decrease when in Chiroptera form)
Claws and Fangs (self-explanatory)
Immunity to the Delirium
Mega-Attribute (to alter physical attributes when shifting)
The above powers are free of charge to a beginning Chiropterix, and require no Willpower expenditure.

Serum Version: Beginning Chiropterix can choose to be either version 3.0 or version 3.1. Beta Version Merit allows a
Chiropterix to be a test version of the version 3.2 serum. The Chiropterix's serum version basically determines her social
standing and the set of Taints the werebat has.

Attributes: 6/4/3. Chiropterix tend to have Physical as their Primary, Mental as their Secondary, and Social as their Tertiary.
Abilities: 11/7/4. The type of abilities a Chiropterix possesses depends on why that particular candidate was chosen. Some are
chosen for brute strength, while others are chosen for their silence or their knowledges. Talents are usually Primary, Skills
Secondary, and Knowledges Tertiary, but there is a wide variance within the breed.

Backgrounds: 5 points, they may buy any backgrounds that fomori are allowed, and are assumed to have at least Rank 1
within Pentex and Resources 1 (as Pentex employees). Chiropterix with the Spirit Ties power may take Bat as a Totem.

Willpower: Starts at 3.
Powers: Beginning Chiropterix are given 9 points with which to buy fomori Powers from the list below, choosing from the
powers that cost 3 points or less. These are in addition to the powers granted simply because the fomor is a Chiropterix. The
powers that Chiropterix can take as "Gifts" are as follows (costs in parentheses):
Cause Insanity (2/die) Hell's Hide (2/die)
Animal Control (2)
Darksight-Sonar (2) Nimbleness (2)
Sense Gaia (2)
Berserker (3)
Eyes of the Wyrm (3) Nightmare Command (3)
Spirit Ties (3)
Corrupted Visions (4) Shadowplay (4)
Invisibility (5)
Phoenix Fire (5)
Umbral Passage (5)
Wings (3/5)
Extra Speed (3/6)
Deception (7)

Taints: Chiropterix take different sets of Taints depending on the version of the Chiropterix serum they were given in their initial
Version 3.0 Chiropterix receive:
Screeching Voice
Walking Bomb
Scarring Nightmares
Version 3.1 Chiropterix receive:
Screeching Voice
Walking Bomb
Addiction: Warm Blood (weekly cycle)

Freebie Points: Chiropterix receive 21 Freebie Points to spend however they wish. The Freebies are to be spent according to
the table on p. 20 of the Freak Legion sourcebook. The only difference is that the Chiropterix may purchase additional "gifts" at
7 points/two dots in the power. For example, Sense Gaia would cost 7 Freebie Points. Beginning Chiropterix may buy powers
that cost more than three points with their Freebie Pool.

Chiropterix Forms
Chiropterix have 3 forms: Homid, Crinos, and Chiropterix. The werebats Often have pet-names for their Crinos forms, such as
Phoenix, BatMan, Dracula, etc. The Homid form is exactly what the Chiropterix looked like before the initial injection, with the
simple difference that the Chiropterix in Homid form cannot vocalize in a normal frequency and cannot be heard unless she is
using her Screeching Voice power. Chiropterix tend to be chosen from among beaten-down Pentex employees, and thus often
have blue collar styles.
The Crinos form is an odd amalgamation of bat and man. The Chiropterix's arms become wings, and the average wingspan of
this form is around 12 feet. If the Chiropterix has the Power: Wings, the wingspan increases to about 18 feet and the Crinos form
gains an extra point of Strength. A Chiropterix in Crinos form may not hold objects in its hands. The feet of the Crinos form are
capable of grasping, and can carry anything the character can lift. The toes are tipped with large grasping claws, and thus do
Str+2 damage. The Crinos' body is that of a wiry, athletic human, more powerful and athletic than a mortal could ever be, and the
head is that of a large bat. The extremely developed sense of hearing in the Crinos gives the werebat an extra die to his
Perception pools when dealing with location and hearing. Version 3.1 Chiropterix are slightly smaller in Crinos form than the

earlier Version 3s.

The Chiropterix form depends on the version of the serum that the Chiropterix was injected with. Those of Version 3 become
large "flying-fox" fruit bats with wingspans of perhaps 4 feet and small foxlike heads. Those of version 3.1 become much smaller
vampire bats, with wingspans of perhaps a foot.
The modifiers for each form are as follows:
Version 3:
Homid: None.
Crinos: Str +2, Dex +3, Sta +2, Manip -3, App 0.
Chiropterix: Str -1, Dex +2, Sta +2, Manip -3.
Version 3.1:
Homid: None.
Crinos: Str +1, Dex +4, Sta +2, Manip -3, App 0.
Chiropterix: Str -1, Dex +3, Sta +1, Manip -3.
NOTE: The Crinos form of both versions gain a point of strength (on top of the modifier listed) if the Chiropterix gains the power:

Basic Chiropterix Rules

Werebats walk the line somewhat between shifters and fomori. As fomori, they have little or no connection to the spirit world, and
thus have to purchase first a Gnosis pool, then the Umbral Passage power in order to reach into the Umbra. The Chiropterix may
then attempt to talk a spirit into teaching him normal Gifts; however, most if not all spirits will be extremely hesitant to even think
about teaching a fomor a Gift. Chiropterix do not depend on the moon or on Primal-Urge to shapeshift. They roll Stamina +
Athletics (difficulty 7) as per the Shapechange Power in Freak Legion. Werebats do not need to spend the Willpower point,
however, unless they have the Flaw: Painful Transformation. Chiropterix with Rage pools may spend Rage to shift instantly to the
desired form.
Chiropterix cannot fly in Crinos form unless they have the Power: Wings. A Chiropterix may not use echolocation in Homid or
Crinos form unless she possesses the Power: Darksight-Sonar.
The voice of a werebat becomes such a high frequency that even in Homid form, no one who is not a Chiropterix or a natural bat
can hear it. The only way a Chiropterix may be audible to human ears is if the Chiropterix spends a Willpower point and screams
at the top of his lungs. Some werebats have harnessed this into a Power; others see it as a Taint. See Screeching Voice below.
Those Chiropterix with the Merit: Beta Version may be able to reproduce. There is a 1-in-20 chance that a fertile werebat will
produce a werebat offspring with either a bat or a human, and a 1-in-5 chance of that child being born healthy. Most children
would be stillborn, born in a dead Crinos form, or simply born as a blob of gelatinous goo. The child, if born healthy, is treated
more or less as a Ferectoi, as far as knowing instinctively things that most fomori take years to learn, and so on. The child knows
what it is instinctively, and thus her First Change would be no surprise to her. The child may or may not be able to speak, or she
may or may not be sterile, etc.; however, the child will not be affected by the Taints: Brainwashed or Walking Bomb. Thus, a
natural-born Chiropterix child may be seen as a security risk by Pentex.

New Taints and Powers

Scarring Nightmares: Chiropterix of Version 3 find themselves the victims of horrible nightmares, of the sort that could possibly
disable even the toughest among them during times of duress. The nightmares are of a horrible, personal, and vivid fashion, as
they are whispers from the Bane which festers inside the werebat. A Chiropterix with this Taint must make a Willpower roll
(difficulty 6) when under duress, e.g. losing combat, witnessing a sight of horror, disembowelling an enemy, etc. A failure means
that the werebat is frozen by the trauma of a nightmare that has resurfaced and cannot complete an action for 5 turns minus her
Wits rating. A Willpower or Rage point (if applicable) can be spent to counter the Taint.

Screeching Voice: This can be both a Power and a Taint, depending on the user. This Taint removes the true voice of the
Chiropterix and replaces it with a high-frequency voice that only other Chiropterix may hear. This effectively mutes the character
in dealings with non-Chiropterix. If the werebat spends a point of Willpower (or Rage, if applicable), however, his voice can
become a weapon. All werebats can shatter glass by concentrating and screeching at the top of their lungs. The werebat must
spend a point of Willpower or Rage and scream. Most glass within a 20-foot radius will shatter, and non-Chiropterix who hear
the sound must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) or be disabled by the noise. Sensitive animals such as dogs, as well as
characters using Heightened Senses or any such power, are put into serious pain. This power does no damage to living beings
unless the Chiropterix spends points on it; for two points, the Screech will do one health level of damage to witnesses, and every
point spent after the first two adds an additional health level to the damage. The damage manifests as ear damage, and at high
levels can cause bleeding ears, torn eardrums, etc., leading to disrupted balance and deafness.

New Merits and Flaws

Normal Voice (2 pt. Merit): The Chiropterix somehow evaded the Screeching Voice Taint. She may speak as normal, but she
may never purchase Darksight-Sonar or use Screeching Voice as a power. Chiropterix with this Merit will have two
disadvantages: He will be watched closely by Pentex scientists, since this Merit is something that they wish to work into the next
revision of the serum, and they will be regarded with suspicion by the werebats who have the Screeching Voice, who may be
jealous of the character's voice.

Beta Version (4 pt. Merit): The character is a beta-test version of the next generation of the Chiropterix serum. As such, he or
she may have some properties of that generation, such as the Normal Voice Merit, lack of a blood addiction, and a lack of
nightmares. For an extra 2 points, the character may also have a slim chance of being able to reproduce, with a 1-in-20 chance
of producing a werebat. Being a Beta Version is not without its problems, however. The new serum may have a few bugs to
work out. The Beta must take either of the following Taints: Mental De-evolution or Physical Wasting, assigning the points as
desired. The resulting Taint points may be used to purchase Powers as normal. Other fomori Powers than than those listed
above may be taken at character generation, to reflect the experiments of the Pentex scientists. It is important to remember that
while the Beta may have the attention of Pentex, he may also carry the animosity of the earlier Chiropterix. Betas often must
tread carefully around the earlier revisions.

Painful Transformation (3 pt. Flaw): The Power that allows the werebat to shapechange is poorly developed; therefore, the
character is not always able to shift as desired. Chiropterix with this Flaw find it difficult and painful to change their shapes, and
must spend a Willpower point to do so, as if they were trying to talk themselves into it. Under situations of duress, those
werebats with Rage pools may spend a point of Rage to instantly and painlessly shift into the desired form.

Cu Sith
By Colin Chapman (

On lonely nights across the Highlands runs Cu Sith. His haunting howl echoing through the glen. Lone dog of the Fae, he has no
pack and treads without sound. The glorious past is dead to Cu Sith, the days when he would take mortals to Arcadia, long
Yet he remains, and roams still, a reminder of ancient times to both Changeling and Garou. Cu Sith is a hound as large as a
bullock, with a dark and glaucous coat of fur, his tail long and braided.
Neither evil or social, unfathomable and cunning, he keeps his own council. He speaks with no-one.
He should be played as mysterious and evasive, but has been known to appear and aid Garou and Changelings in dire need,
only to slip away again and vanish.

Statistics (Spirit)
Willpower: 9
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 8
Power: 50
Charms: Materialise (Power Cost:32; Str 6, Dex 6, Sta 6, Alertness 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Stealth 5, Bite: Str + 1, Diff. 5, Health:
10), Airt Sense, Reform, Grasp the Beyond (as the gift), Blissful Ignorance (as the gift).
Cu Sith can always enter the Arcadia Gateway.

Statistics (Chimera)
Glamour: 8
Willpower: 9
Health: OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -5, -5
Attributes: Str 6, Dex 6, Sta 6, Per 3, Int 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Stealth 5
Passage to Arcadia: Cu Sith can always enter Arcadia and the Arcadia Gateway. He may take one being with him if he so
desires for the cost of 1 Glamour point).
Unseen Presence: By spending 1 Glamour point he can move completely unseen and unheard for a scene.

By Kevin Kerr ( (25 February 1996)

Developmental Neogenetics Amalgamated

D.N.A. Inc., wants to experiment on the Garou to exploit their regenerative powers and other abilities. It has attempted more than
once to recreate these powers through its own techniques, but harsh side effects have held off their release. The experimental
subjects are kept on hand as effective Garou hunters, and for further study of course.



Biotech adrenalin/steroids
Biotech skin
Claw/Fang/Horn:(3/5/7) Animal DNA
Animal DNA
Crustacean DNA
Extra Speed:(3/6)
Amphetamines and other drugs
Hide of the Wyrm:(2 per) Thick skinned
Mega Attribute:(3 per) Steroids, 'smart' drugs, etc
Prolonged Life:(4)
High metabolism
Succubi's veil:(6)

Cyber-Tech Industries
Cyber-Tech Industries has made amazing strides in cybernetic research in the past 5 years, placing it decades ahead of any
competition. If only they could reverse the process. Subjects are paid huge fees to get the implants (although some have paid for
the privilege) and are then employed in Cyber-Tech's growing army of secret mercenaries and its own private army. They are
fighting on two fronts; with Pentex in violent corporate competition for the top of the heap in corporate power, and with the Garou.
The Garou are involved because of Cyber-Tech's policy of buying up and developing vast sections of prime forest in North and
South America, for use as factory sights or mercenary training grounds. It does this not out of ties to the Wyrm, but simple
corporate ruthlessness. The Weaver does seem to smile on them though.



Body Barbs:(2-10)
Cybernetic implants
Claw/Fang/Horn:(3/5/7) Cybernetic implants
Cyber eyes/ears (level 2 glass walker)
Cyber eyes
Cyber implant
Extra Limbs:(3)
Extra Speed:(3/6)
Cyborg speed (wheels, etc)
Hazardous Breath:
Cyber weapons
Hide of the Wyrm:(2 per) Armor
Jam Technology:(3)
Electrical interference (level 2 homid)
Lashing Tail:(3)
Cyber implant
Mega Attribute:(3 per) Cyber limbs/implants
Nano tech repair systems
Cyber eye drone
Wall walking:(4)
Cyber fingers and toes
Water Breathing:(2/5) Cybernetic gill or air tank
Jet pack


Addicted to drugs (steroids, metabolism boosters)


Loss of Dex from cyber limbs, etc.

Very common
Any botched activation roll renders the power nonfunctional. The power will not function again until
Derangement:(3/2/1) Drug related or cyber shock
Power is harmful to system
Metabolism too fast/transplant incompatible
Inner Volcano:(5)
Metabolism too fast/Power plant heats up
Mental De-evolution: Drug hampers thought processes
Physical Wasting: Power drains the body's reserves
Special Diet:(3)
Special cyber supplements available only from maker
Ugly As Sin:(1)
Hideous or cyborg looks
#Walking Bomb:(5) Very common for cybernetics
*D.N.A. Fomor only
#Cyber-Tech Fomor only

D.N.A. Cyber-Fomor examples

Speed Freak
Description: Pumped full of artificial adrenaline and amphetamine compounds. Body metabolism increased to an inhuman level.
Powers and Taints: 2 levels extra speed (+6), Regeneration (+5), Numbing (+3), Addiction: daily drug dosage (-4), Inner
Volcano (-5), Doomed: 3 years (-2), Phagomania: Always hungry (-3)

Super Guy
Description: Very Heavy Doses of experimental steroids.
Powers and Taints: Mega Strength: 3 levels (+9), Hide of the Wyrm: 4 soak dice (+4), Addiction: daily drug dosage (-4), Mental
De-evolution, Intelligence: Mega Strength based (-3), Derangement: Delusions of Grandeur (-3), Atrophied Wits (-2), Ugly as
Sin: thick, pock-marked skin (-1)

Cyber-Tech Fomor examples

Full Body Cyborg
Description: Most of the body has been replaced, including arms, legs, cranium, and the torso has been armored.
Power and Taints: Exoskeleton (+2), Hide of the Wyrm: 3 soak dice (+3), Mega Strength: 1 level (+3), Numbing (+3), Cyber
Claw (+3), Walking Bomb (-5), Atrophied Perception: No taste or smell (-2), Ugly as Sin (-1), Special Diet: cyborg supplements
(-3), Brainwashed (-3)

Wire Head
Description: Cybernetic Eyes, Micro-computer, and thin subdermal armor.
Powers and Taints: Cyber Senses (+3), Dark Sight (+3), Skittersight (+2), Mega Intelligence: 1 level (+3), Hide of the Wyrm: 1
soak die (+1), Walking Bomb (-5), Brainwashed (-3), Breakdown: Skittersight (-4)

THE DRACUL: Chronicles of Depravity

By C. Spencer Roberts (

The Dracul were originally a revenant family of the Old Clan Tzimisce, and were once known by a different name, forgotten since
their change. They were a family of nobles in the early Dark Ages charged by the lord of the land with worship of the devil, and
involvement in the black arts. Pinning a string of grisly homicides on them, they were stoned to death in the Town Square. Their
bodies were denied last rites, and burial, and were dumped into the pools of excrement beneath their former castle, which was
destroyed and left in ruins.
Their souls had departed for the afterlife, born as mortwights, shades, and striplings on the other side of the Shroud. These
twisted spectres were wrought back into their mortal (and now quasi-immortal) shells, woken from the slumber of death by warm
blood filling their mouths. This immortal blood mixed with their cold, human blood, bonding them as ghouls. Their saviors, a
group of Tzimisce who'd had their eyes on them for some time, embraced the family heads. Theirs souls all had the taint of
Oblivion to them, and those who had been devoured by Oblivion were replaced by banes such as Kupala, <some sort of death
bane>, and Seeders (the three of which would later determine the social caste/standing of members of the "Family").
Aside from a few children who could not be found (and actually were possessed by meat puppets early after their deaths), the
Tzimisce took the new ghouls and kindred from that place that would become a major wyrmhole of northern Romania, and drew
them into their homes and their clan. Over centuries and decades, the ghouls bred with nobility, sorcerers and quiet sociopaths,
becoming a Tzimisce revenant family, their taint of oblivion passed down the line, along with their semi-immortal abilities. The
fomori of the breed interbred with (and later, executed) the "cleaner" of the family, and now there are few who are not baneinhabited, as it passes along with their madness and depravity.
Named the Dracul (the Dragons) by the serfs they lorded over, they forgot their original name and accepted this, and wore it like
a badge. It inspired fear and hate, giving them an advantage (they saw) over their enemies.
The ones who were embraced became a bloodline of the Tzimisce, remaining outwardly to them. The Minunat now keep a strict
practice of embracing from the Dracul, voting to "keep it in the family" (as few not of the family would comprehend the obscene
practices and behavior of these...unique...individuals). In modern times, the same behavior continues, although it is much more
The Dracul are ruthless businessmen (many who hold positions in Pentex), efficient soldiers-for-hire and, occasionally,
deformed and insane freaks.


Through centuries of practice, the Dracul have honed their insanity to a razor's edge, and can conceal it just as well. Those who
cannot, and resort to blatant acts of violence and sickness, are often disowned from the family (at least, superficially they are)
and are exiles -- or are the elders. A Dracul may be your next-door neighbor, who you see drive their children to soccer, but their
private lives are a different story all together, and it isn't rated G.

Family Estates
The Estates of the Dracul are numerous indeed, with the main estate in northern Romania and numerous others throughout the
western world.

Vicissitude, Dominate, and Maleficia


All Dracul are born mad, and all have a Derangement. They also, for unknown reasons, must bathe themselves in the blood of a
being they have just slain once a month, or all of their die pools are decreased by one for each week they go without.

Preferred Roads
Via Diabolis, Via Typhonis

Family Organization
The hierarchy of the Dracul is based on which kind of bane inhabits them, from least to greatest, Seeders, <some sort of death
bane>, Kupala.

(Suggested) Favors, Rank

(Required) Revised Procreation (5), Wings (3/5), Hide of the Wyrm (1-5); (Suggested) Cause Insanity (2 per die), Deception
(7), Voice of the Wyrm (4), Roar of the Wyrm (4), Eyes of the Wyrm (3)

(Required) Breed Prejudice (5), Derangement (3), Severe Allergy (3; Ashes); (Suggested) Worms (3), The Fading (5),
Brainwashed (3), Mutoid Cancer (4)

(Required) Hidden Power (2 point merit), Scary Presence (2 point flaw); (Suggested) Stigmata of the Wyrm (4 point merit),
Banespeak (3 point merit), Unpossessed (5 point merit)

"This will not work. The others are aware. We must change the attack."

Dreamtime Gafflings and Jagglings

By Tony Frisco for the Bunyip.

Dreamtime Gafflings and Jagglings are natural shape-shifters, able to take any form they wish. Some believe they are
specialized Wyldings created to maintain the Dreamtime. Others hold that they are only pale imitations of Wyldings. Either way,
they are powerful, especially when they combine their efforts.
They have the power of Dreamtime Reality; when summoned they may cause the Dreamtime to inhabit their general area and
anyone who realizes this may make an Intelligence+Enigmas roll to create anything his/her imagination can conceive, just like if
the person was in the Dreamtime. This lasts as long as the spirit who caused it stays in that area and once it leaves, things go
back to normal.

Rage: 3
Willpower: 3
Gnosis: 3
Power: 20
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Shapeshift, Dreamtime Reality (see above; Power Cost 15)

Rage: 5
Willpower: 5
Gnosis: 5
Power: 40
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Shapeshift, Dreamtime Reality (see above; Power Cost 15)

Drug Lord
By Emilio Martin (

The Drug Lord is a spirit created in Malfeas injecting heavy addictive drugs like Heroine and crak into Psychomachiae-like
banes. The result is something humorously dubbed by some as a "drug elemental." Several of these have been given as
presents to powerful Tremere antitribu from the Sabbat of N.Y. to be used in their Kindred-controlled dealers organizations. As
long as their agendas don't collide, the deal is working quite well, but is a matter of time before the Bone Gnawers react to the
sudden and brutal increase of adicts that these creatures will cause among their kinfolk (and the Glass Walkers too).

Attributes: It only exist in the Penumbra.
Rage: 7
Willpower: 8
Gnosis: 7
Power: 25
Charms: Airt sense, Create element (only drugs, favoring heroine and crack), Create Slaver (20 power, see below), Steal
willpower (special, see below).

Drug Lords dwell in basements. In the room theres only a dealer seated in front of a desk from whose drawers she gets the
drugs for the customer, surrounded by several armed hitmen. In the umbra the Drug Lord can be sees as a green oval shaped
sponge-like mass, full of pulsating veins and blisters. Several tentacles protude from his lower side, one going dirctly to the
desk's drawer to provide the drugs, others following the consumers (see below) and others just revolting. Several Slavers can be
seen orbiting it waiting for their chance. If attacked in the umbra it will fight, but the Slavers will flee.
Whenever someone consumes any drug created by the Drug Lord, it makes a gnosis roll against a difficulty equal to the
consumer's willpower. Each two sucesses allow the bane to steal one permanent willpower point from the victim and convert it
into a power point. While this is happening, in the umbra can be seen a tentacle that comes from the bane (it can be traced to its
source) and enters the victim by the point on drug entry (i.e., the arm if she is injecting it there, the nostril if she is inhaling, etc).
The victim's willpower continues dropping each time, and when it reaches zero the consumer will die from a overdose the next
time she ingest drugs. If the consumer wasn't an addict she must roll willpower diff. 7 (bane's gnosis) or become instantly
addicted. Any addict that consumes Drug Lord-created drugs will find them purer tha any other dealer's drugs (they are) and will
not consume drugs from other sources.
By Spenging 20 power points the Drug Lord can create a Slave Seeder: (Rage:7 Willpower:6 Gnosis:6 Power:5 Charms:
possess addict). Sometimes, when an addict with zero willpower comes for the final dose, the Drug Lord converts her into a
servant. The Slaver in the umbra looks like a Face Hugger from the movie "Alien". It grasps the victim's face (in the umbra) and
rolls for possession (against zero willpower...). The victim becomes a new dealer or hitman for the Drug Lord, without memories
or thoughts, save for the ones of the Slaver, which uses her attributes and its willpower.

By Adam Solis ( (23 May 1996)

EctoWolves are based upon the Ghost Bunyip from Rage Across Australia, the failed pups from Rites of Passage, the Ancestor
Spirits of Garou, the "Avenging Angels" created from the Hunt Rite, and the Phantasmi Fomori of The Book of the Wyrm.

Bete can and do become Wraiths. They retain their regenerative powers, Gifts, Rites, Gnosis, Rage, Regencies, and
shapeshifting abilities just like any Bete of their type. Like any Wraith, they have Angst, Pathos, Corpos, and Arcanos. Angst is
rolled from Rage instead of Willpower, so it is possible for an EctoWolf to start off with more Angst than Willpower. Phantasm,
Embody, Keening, and Argos are popular Arcanos but all are available to EctoWolves.
Ironically, Ectowolves find that without a doubt that Rage is a taint of the Wyrm. The reason they know this is that Rage and Angst
are so complementary. A wyrm frenzy results in the EctoWolf's Shadow taking over for the duration of the Frenzy. Combined with
the nature of an EctoWolf's starting Angst, Ectowolves are more vulnerable to their Shadow than to Final Death. Rage, however,
is also tied to Pathos. Anytime that a Rage related emotion is experienced by those around an Ectowolf the EctoWolf can roll
Rage as a passion to gain pathos.
EctoWolves use most of the normal Wraith rules-they can become Risen or a Spectre, they have 10 Corpus, they can spend
pathos to heal, etc. EctoWolves rarely fear Final Death thanks to thier regeneration and pathos healing.

Relations with the Umbrae

All EctoWolves have the Umbral ties flaw, meaning that they can be turned into a Fetish or Talen. To enter the Middle Umbra, the
EctoWolf need merely roll their Gnosis against the difficulty of the shroud or gauntlet rating, whichever is higher. Reentering the
Skinlands requires Embody, Inhabit, or other Dictum Mortem breaking Arcanos.

Being half animal, Garou are unlikely to become Wraiths for just any reason. Therefore I will list some common reasons for
becoming EctoWolves:
Deciding to power a Fetish as one's dying wish, such EctoWolves are often surprised to regain consciousness after the
Fetish is destroyed.
Dying in a particularly brutal rite of passage. Feeling betrayed by their own tribes, these ectowolves often seek to torment
living Garou
Becoming a fomor and consequently dying at the hands of Garou; these are usually MortWrights
Being sacrificed in the Hunt Rite, these EctoWolves dedicate themselves to fighting for Gaia from beyond the Grave
Refusing to die while the Apocalypse War is still not over, such EctoWolves are called Ancestor spirits and teach Gifts to
their successors. They will even possess their descendants in times of need through the cover of "Past Lives."
Botching the Silent Strider Seasonal rite. This results in an EctoWolf who never technically died but is still trapped in the
Betrayal, a good example of this origin is the Ghost Bunyip tribe.
Dedication. The Croatans became EctoWolves to stop the Wyrm from manifesting directly upon the earth ever again. If
they did not, then their sacrifice would have been in vain...
The most likely tribes to become EctoWolves are the Black Spiral Dancers due to their Wyrm taint, the Skindancers due to their
human origins and Wyrm taint, and Silent Striders because of their innate connection to the Shadowlands.

Minds Eye Theatre Fomori

By Daniel Utecht, Darin Terwilliger and Robert Vierra

Fomori Types
Delta Class Fomor (Common)
Max traits :
Maximum Taints: 5
Taints required: 2
Max power class: Basic
Power points:
*In one category and before gifts.

Storytellers should use a power level equivalent as needed no more than 10 leader points to boost its powers. Remember it is
up to you as the storyteller to keep the game balanced.

Charley Class Fomor (Uncommon)

Attributes: 8/6/4
Max traits*: 11
Maximum taints: 7
taints required: 3
Abilities: 7
Powers: 5
Max power class: Intermediate
Backgrounds: +2
Power points: +2
Willpower: +1
*In one category and before gifts

As before, the storyteller can adjust as he sees fit but I don't see the use of more than 15 extra points.

Beta Class Fomor (Rare)

Attributes: 10/8/6
Max traits*: 12
Max taints: 9
Taints required: 6
Abilities: 10
Powers: 7
Max power class: Advanced
Backgrounds: + 4
Power points: +3
Willpower: +2
*In one category and before gifts

These are rare and hard for Pentex to make. I have never used more than 2 at any one time and I've never boosted them with
anymore than 20 extra points but then again you are the Judge.

Alpha Class Fomor (Super Rare)

Attributes: 12/10/8
Max traits*: 14
Max taints: 10
Taints required: 8
Abilities: 15
Powers: 10
Max power class: Expert
Backgrounds: +8
Power points: +5
Willpower: +3
*In one category and before gifts

Hey folks, these guys are powerful and should be extremely rare. each one cost Pentex a fortune.
Ultra class Fomor are only rumors if there are some out there ask The MST because they will have to go through him. These bad
boys are Methuselah class and I don't think they should exist.

Fomori Powers
Berserker: This power gives the Fomor Rage that can be used the same as garou rage. The Fomor starts with 3 rage and can
get more with negative traits. The Fomor is susceptible to frenzy with this power.

Body Barbs: This power gives the Fomor barbs that do aggravated damage. They must be stated where they are, and only
work when they are called during Physical Combat. They also add 3 Physical traits (sharp,x3)

Nimbleness: The Fomor is especially nimble and can walk on any surface that is solid and keep her balance.
Noxious breath: The fomor releases a noxious gas into the air and all with in twenty yards of her must make a simple test or
crave a cigarette. Those who fail must get a cigarette with in 1 minute or take 1 aggravated wound. This only effects things that
breath, so kindred are not effected but animals are. This cost a power point to use.

Sense Gaia: This works the same as sense wyrm but is used to find garou.
Spirit Ties: This power allows the fomor to have gnosis. He starts with 2 and can get more at character creation with negative

Regeneration: This allows the fomor to regenerate just like a garou.

Poison Tumors: When a fomor that has this power is hit, the person hitting him takes 1 aggravated wound. If the person is
using a melee weapon he gets a static physical vs. 7 traits to dodge the spray.

Numbing: This power allows the fomor to ignore all wound penalties until it dies. This costs a power point to activate.
Claws/Fangs/Horns: These are self explanatory. They do aggravated damage.
Exo Skeleton: This power adds the physical traits of resilient and tough. It also adds 1 health level.
Basic-Advance: Extra speed: This works the same way as celerity See Fomor creation.
Eyes of the Wyrm: By looking in to the eyes of it victim, the Fomor can cause a victim to become frozen. By winning a mental
challenge the Fomor can make a victim remain frozen in place for 30 minutes or until attacked. This gift cost a power point.

Hell's Hide: This power protects the Fomor completely from fire, heat, and radiation damage.
Wyrm's Hide: By using this power fomori can add two "tough" traits to its physical stats, and call for one retest of a physical
challenge in which it takes damage per scene.

Frog's Tongue: The Fomor has a 2 yard long tongue that has the physical traits of Lithe x2 and does Normal damage.

Fungus Touch: This gift allows the Fomor to have fungus cover a victim upon a successful physical challenge. The Fomor does
its normal damage and puts fungus on the victim. This fungus can only be healed by supernatural means and for every round (5
Seconds) it permanently lowers the victims physical traits by 1. This does not effect kindred. Garou Gifts: Basic gifts become
intermediate etc...

Hands From Beyond: The Fomor to use this power must have the gift umbra passage. This gift allows the fomor to pull people
and items into the umbra. This cost a gnosis point to use.

Rat's Head: A fomor with this power is able to squeeze through holes as small as a quarter. This cost a power point to use.
Shadow Play: With this gift the fomor is able to manipulate the shadows around him so that he can hide in them with no chance
of being seen. Heightened senses get a chance to see the fomor. This power cost a power point to use.

Slobber Snot: This power works identical to the Metis gift of Shed. It cost a power point to use.
Tar Baby: Any item or person attacking the fomor must win a simple test or be come stuck fast to the fomor. This power only
effects items used to harm the fomor. This is on constantly.

Body Expansion: This power allows the Fomor to grow to 2x its normal size, gaining one extra bruised level, 6 Physical traits
and the negative traits of clumsy x2. Also the Fomor takes 1 aggravated wound when it returns to normal. It costs a willpower
point to use this power.

Brain Eating: By winning a physical challenge the Fomor can instead spend up to 3 power points and permanently "eat" 1
mental trait per power point spent. This power cost a power point to use.

Hazardous Breath: The Fomor can use a breath weapon buy expending a power point. This breath weapon can be any type
(chosen at creation) and does aggravated damage. This is a mental vs their physical Challenge The range is 30 paces.

Gaseous Form: With this form the Fomor becomes gaseous and cannot be harmed by kinetic attacks but fire, lightning, and
radiation does harm to them. This cost a willpower to use.

Infectious Touch: The Fomor is able to cause fever and sickness by expending a power point. All damage caused can only be
healed naturally. This doesn't affect kindred.

Molecular Weakening: With this power the Fomor is able to cause an extra wound level in any attack. (melee or ranged). This
power cost a power point to use.

Phoenix Fire: The fomor explodes in flames that do him no harm but can catch items he is carrying on fire. This power costs a
willpower and anyone hitting him takes 1 aggravated wound and those he hits takes 2 extra aggravated wounds and can catch
their items on fire. This power last for 1 minute.

Procreation: With this power the fomor is able to put a bane in any of his body fluids that will try to possess an individual. This
cost a willpower to use. Fomori can only carry one extra bane at a time.

Umbra Passage: This power allows a fomor to enter the umbra and leave it just as if he was a garou.
Mega-attribute: This is a power chosen at creation. It resemble the disciplines of Potence, and fortitude.

Homogeneity: This potent gift will cancel out all Supernatural powers with in 10 paces of the Fomor. All those within 10 paces
of the Fomor must win a static mental test to keep their powers. They can spend a willpower to win the test. This cancels
vampiric powers and Garou gifts, but not mage related powers.

Mind blast: By winning a mental challenge the Fomor can immobilize a victim for 1 minute and do 2 aggravated damage that is
not visible (your brain just got fried). This cost a power point to use.

Addiction: For each point in this the Fomor is addicted to something. Choose the points break down as shown.
1 The fomor needs it once a month

2 The fomor needs it once a week

3 The fomor needs it once a day
4 The fomor need it once an hour.
If they do not get there fix they lose the points they have in the addiction in all traits.

Derangements: Each derangement is worth 2 taint points. The fomor can use existing ones or use your imagination.
Disintegration: This is a nasty taint that is tied to one of the fomors powers. Each time he uses the power he takes 1 wound. If
he goes to incapacitated he dies. This is worth 5 taints.

Doomed: They only last so long.

1 5 years
2 3 years
3 1 year
4 6 months
5 1 month. Inner Volcano: This taint causes the fomor to take a wound level every 3 round of hard exertion (combat, lifting,
etc..) This is a 3 point taint.

Mental De-Evolution: This taint is connected to one or more of the fomors powers. Whenever the power is used the fomor
does a simple test. On a win nothing happens, tie it losses a mental trait temporarily (for the session), and on a loss it loses a
mental trait permanently. This is worth 4 points in taints.

Physical Wasting: This is identical to mental de-evolution except that it effects the fomors physically.
Second Head: This annoying taint is just that. It's always doing what you don't want it to do . The head can be located
anywhere one the fomor's body and any damage done to it effects both heads. This is a 3 point taint.

Severe Allergy: The fomor is allergic to some common substance, like a garou hates silver. If it is hit with this substance it
takes aggravated damage. This is a 2 point taint.

The Forgotten
By Todd Weaver (

Mother-of-the-Lost ran swiftly through the streets of the Penumbra. The fear in her heart was pounding in her brain as she fled,
terrified of what lay behind her. She stopped as she rounded a corner and leaned against the wall, certain that she'd lost the
monstrousity. It had been hideous! The oozing crawling mass . . . it's wailing voices . . . so many lost . . . and why? Why did they
return as . . . as this!? She felt something warm wrap around her leg and looked down to see the fleshy tendril entwined at her
knees, an umbilical cord . . . .
When the voices slammed into her mind, all she could do was scream.

A recent arrival from Malfeas has been a creature only known as the Forgotten. Thankfully, only a few of these creatures are
known to exist. The Forgotten is a crawling mass of aborted Fetuses brought to spiritual life by the pain and suffering caused by
the abortion, both physical and mental. What these creatures want is a mystery; all that is known is they wander the Penumbra
near the clinics and hospitals that spawned them, seeking to destroy any living them that crosses their paths.
The Forgotten has a variety of powers that, until now, were unknown by Theurges. One of these is the ability to strike pity into
their targets, reminding them of why they exist and making them too sorry to attack. Of course, the Forgotten has no problem
destroying a foe so disarmed. Another is a wailing cry of the hundreds of voices that make up the Forgotten. Named the Cry of
the Unborn by Garou Theurges, this power has the ability to inflict madness on anyone hearing it.

Rage: 6
Gnosis: 10
Willpower: 10
Power: 80
Aura of Pity: (15) Must roll Willpower (diff 7) to take any action against the Forgotten except run.
Cry of the Unborn: (20) The Forgotten and the victim roll a resisted Willpower test. Each time the Forgotten wins, the target
gains a temporary Derangement. If the target receives 5 derangements, he becomes completely insane.

The House that Jack Built

By Todd Weaver (

"This used to be a good neighborhood," Alley-Walker grumbled to himself as he stalked the dark streets of what, in a matter of
weeks, had become one of the area's most corrupt dens of drugs and crime. The transformation just didn't seem natural; that's
why he was here, to see what happened to turn this once proud area into a string of crack houses and brothels. As he neared
the largest building he could practically feel the corruption oozing from the very bricks themselves. As he ventured closer he
could almost make out facial features on the building itself, almost as if it were alive. The pale yellow eyes glared at him from the
dirty windows and the boarded up doorway yawned like a massive maw of crooked teeth.
Then the sounds started.
From every doorway people glared at him, their features misshapen and corrupt. Clubs, knives, and firearms of all types were
clutched in their hands as they emerged. As Alley-Walker turned to face this new problem he could practically hear the building
laughing at him.
It was going to be a long night.

The House that Jack Built has only recently emerged from the depths of Malfeas, but in its short time it has gained a reputation
as a truly problematic force of corruption. The House is a spirit that inhabits businesses, homes, even parks or apartment
complexes. Any area within the weaver web is fair game. Once in place the House begins its process of corruption; this can
take weeks or even months, making it difficult to tell that there really is a problem until it's too late.
The First stage is the Beckoning; using this power the House attracts banes and other wyrm creatures to the area. Since the
house cannot defend itself it uses these as its sentries and guardians. The Beckoning also spreads to the physical world, calling
gang members, drug lords, cults or any other undesirable group to further spread its influence. As the corruption grows so does
the spirit's power. The second stage is the Infestation; once it's gained enough power the house actually creates its own banes
and begins to make fomori of the inhabitants of the area it has inhabited. Once the house has performed enough corruption, it
will move on to another area. These Spirits are very hard to remove because short of destroying the umbral building it takes a
rite of cleansing to remove them, and should it sense that rite being performed it will try to use its transit power to move to
another location.

Willpower: 8
Gnosis: 10
Power: 100*
*For every successful use of the Beckoning power, the Spirit gains 20 Points of Power.

Charms: Inhabit (costs 25), Beckoning (no cost), Infestation (50 per fomori created), Transit (20 per mile).

Insect Totems and Spirits

By Jason C Marshall (

The idea for these totems, spirits, and bete come from reading way to many Shadowrun books and RPG material. I've tried to
keep the material as much my own idea as possible so as to not infringe on any of FASA's rights. Some of the material and
history is from Whitewolf and I've reprinted it here, usually verbatim.
These entities are supposed to be played with a detached, alien look at life and the way everything is. They aren't mindless
killers and destroyers, but they can be deadly enemies. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did coming up with all this stuff.

Of all the totems, the Insect Totems are perhaps the strangest and least understood. Of all the bete, in our world only a few follow
the words of Insect and these are far and few between.
The Glass Walker Tribe of the Garou are said to hold Cockroach in reverence, but it has been considered the least strange of all
the totems. There are even rumours of banes derived from cockroach spirits appearing in places.
In the ancient past, when the Triat was one and the world was at peace, each creature had a spirit totem to guide its race
through the cycle of life and death. As time passed the various factions of the Triat were gifted by Gaia with protectors for their
beloved children.
The Wyld was given the Garou, Gurahl, Nuwisha and Bastet to watch out over the forests and plains, the Lutran and Mokole, to
watch the rivers, streams and lakes, the Corax to watch the skies, the Rokea, Selkies, Simo and Symbrani to watch the seas,
and the Pongida and Scrofak to watch over the jungles.
The Weaver was gifted Ratkin, who would watch from within the towns of man.
The Wyrm was gifted with the silent and deadly Arkaroo, who would watch the scrubland and deserts and the Chiroptera, who
would fly at night protecting the sky, as the Corax did during the day.
An entire society evolved around these bete, of the Triat, each serving his or her duty with passion and love.
Gaia looked down and was pleased with her efforts, and so she rested.
Now among the various celestines and incarna of power that served as guides, teachers and mentors for the various bete, there
arose a celestine unlike any other.
This celestine was alien in its thinking, different from the Triat and its ways. Its children had lived on the earth for thousands of
years, even before the coming of those Gaia had created. Why were its children not rewarded with such protectors? The
celestine ascended the skies and travelled to Gaia herself.
"Why, Mother? Why do you gift the children of the Triat with these protectors and yet ignore us? Are we not your children too?"
Gaia turned and looked at the celestine that knelt before her.
"My child, I did not know that you were in need of such protection. Your children are small and can easily hide from harms way,
adapting to the world as it slowly changes. I did not see the need."
The celestine grew restless.
"The need? Are we not as loved as your the other children? Are we merely 'things' to be regarded and then ignored?"
Gaia smiled, reached out and touched the Celestine and it felt a warmth surge through its being.
"No my child, you are as beloved as the rest and are right. Please, accept my forgiveness and this gift."
The Celestine turned and saw Spider's children, the Ananasi, join with the Weaver, Ant's children, the Doryli, join with the Wyrm,
and Mantis's children, the Mantidae join with the Wyld.
"My child, Spider will watch and weave, binding together that which is apart. Ant will clean and remove that which has died and is
dying. Mantis will avenge, when the need arises."
The celestine wept in joy and returned to the Earth, Gaia held high in its heart.
Soon it grew tired and drifted into a deep sleep.

Time passed once more, then the Triat went mad and the world succumbed to chaos.
The Weaver spun out of control, taking from the Wyld. The Wyrm desperately tried to compete but soon lost its mind, becoming
convinced that in order to save it must destroy all. The Wyld tried to fight off the attacks of both and would have died if Gaia
hadn't reached out and gifted the Wyld's protectors with powers to aid in the cause.
The Weaver and Wyrm saw these powers and similarly gifted their children's protectors with powers and so the wars for control
Through all this the insect bete, seemed to suffer the most. The Ananasi were betrayed by their very lord, the Weaver, and 'sold'
to the Wyrm. The Doryli were taken from the Wyrm by mad agents of the Wyld, and the Mantidae seemed to vanish, as the
Garou began their War of Rage against the other bete.
It has only been in the last 500 years that Insect has emerged from his long sleep. What he saw both angered and saddened
him. His children were dying. The agents of the Weaver, Man, sought to destroy them with chemicals. Agents of the Wyrm were
corrupting them and transforming them with magics and poisons. This would stop.
Insect reached out and touched its last free child. Mantis.
"My child. We are undone. We must fight now in order to survive. Of all my children, only Cockroach has found a place in this new
world. You must carry out my wishes. The corrupted must perish and the confused brought back into the fold. You will my
Mantis bowed before it's lord and nodded.
"Your will, Father."
Insect looked once more into the world.
"The others of the bete have waged war upon us. They have destroyed us. We must seek revenge."
Mantis nodded its head once again. "This we understand all too well. We were the hunters of the Wyld, now we are your hunters.
Your will is ours."
Insect turned back to its child. "So let it be." Insect left its servant and travelled the world, looking and watching. It saw others of
it's children suffering and it wept. "This will also stop." Insect sent out a cry for help and waited. Wasp was the first to answer,
appearing before its lord. Fly, Flea and Termite came second, followed by Beetle and Roach. Finally Spider, Dragonfly and Ant
Insect looked out at the assembled Totems and was saddened. Of all the Totems of the insects only nine had answered his call,
and of those that were here, two were of those he could no longer trust.
"Why have you summoned us, Insect?" Came the words of Ant.
Insect open his arms. "The world is dying. The Wyrm is moving into its apex and the time known as the Apocalypse will soon
arrive. Of all of the spirits, only our children are likely to survive. We must bond together to ready ourselves for the approaching
Ant shook his head, joined by Roach and Spider. "Our children have futures, Insect. We need not the help of one who
abandoned us so long ago. We will have nothing to do with this."
Ant left.
Spider looked at Insect and smiled a sad smile.
"I will help you, my lord, but first I must free my sister and her children from the Wyrm. Only then can I freely help, but you have
what support I can lend."
Spider bowed, then vanished.
Roach looked upon his creator and stepped forward.
"I will serve you, oh Father. I will tell my children and my students of you ways and to help us when possible. The Garou Glass
Walkers have taken me for their own and I will see about bringing them into the fold as well."
"Trust not the Garou, my child. It is their kin that destroy us."
Roach nodded and left.
Insect turned to the few who remained.
"Will you also turn your back upon me?"
Fly shook its head. "Not us, Father. We are with you."

Insect smiled.

15 point Celestine
Insect is the embodiment of all that is of the insect world. It is a powerful force within the spirit world, acting as Lord over all of the
insects and their totems. It is because of Insect that the three insect bete were created by Gaia.
Followers of Insect are few, with the majority of people unaware of its existence.
Bonuses: Insect grants a one time bonus of Survival +3. Also, the followers of Insect are never bothered by insects. No mosquito
or black fly bites. No spiders building webs in their houses. No cockroach infestations. In fact, the followers will find that they
slowly gain an understanding of the insects and find the insects willing to help them. A new Skill is learned, Insect Ken at 1.
Also, Insect grants its followers three of the following Gifts; Resist Pesticide (as Resist Toxin Gift), Blissful Ignorance, Fly Feet,
Gift of the Termite, Infest, Venom, and/or Summon Net-Spider. Ban: No subject of Insect will kill an insect unless its part of the
cycle of life. This does not included whacking them with a newspaper.

3 point Totem of Cunning
Spider is the 'sister' of Queen Ananasa and unlike its big sister is considered a Totem of Cunning, for the art of trap laying
(webs) and ambushes (jumping and trap-door type spiders). Spider is a harsh mistress, expecting undying loyalty from its
Spider is considered the patron totem of the Weaver's Pattern Spiders. Some say that the Pattern Spiders secretly worship
Spider, one day hoping to become its servants openly.
Bonuses: Followers of Spider receive the Survival 1 and Traps 1.
Ban: No follower of Spider may kill a Spider and miss an opportunity to entrap her prey instead of killing them outright.

Queen Ananasa
5 point Totem of Wisdom
Ananasa remains in the dark opal prison built by the Weaver and the Wyrm. However, through a small fracture in the gem, she
has been able to leak her wisdom to her subjects.
Bonuses: All followers of Ananasa (the Ananasi are the only known ones), receive Occult +3 and Enigmas +2 from their Queen.
She can do little less for her subjects while in prison. Her plan for escape may take years, decades, or even centuries to reach
fruition, but eventually she will be free to rule her subjects once more.
Ban: Followers of Ananasa must seek to save other followers of the totem from the Wyrm, though they may defend themselves
from the Hatars, or fight among themselves. Additionally, most shapechangers do not trust Ananasa or her followers, and make
it difficult for her subjects to attract new allies.

3 point Totem of Courage
Fly is a strange sort. Many scoff at the fact that it is a totem of courage but none-the-less Fly represents courage. Fly will enter
into areas of danger without thinking, seeking food. It is of a single mind.
Bonuses: Followers of Fly receive the Merit Concentration and the one time skill of Survival 2.
Ban: Fly has no bans, but he unfortunately inflicts his followers with the Flaw Over-Confident.

3 point Totem of War
Wasps are fearsome critters. They buzz close to people and will risk their lives to defend their nests.
Wasp is fanatical warrior, willing to die protecting his family.
Bonuses: All followers of Wasp gain Brawl 1 and Survival 1.
Ban: Wasp will always protect his family and followers must protect their family and kin even if it means their own lives.

5 Point Totem of Respect.
Mantis is a hunter without peer in the insect world. A clever warrior that is one of nature's deadliest killers. Mantis derives
respect from its calmness and its direct nature.
Bonuses: Mantis's children get a 2 Brawl and 2 Meditation.
Ban: Female of Mantis will kill and eat their mates after mating.

3 Point Totem of Respect
Ant is a hunter/gatherer, who believes in the values of the family and hive society. The followers of Ant tend to have a sort of busy
body attitude, always wanting to do something or other with the group.
Ant is almost totally loyal to the Wyld and finds it hard to work for both The Wyld and Insect.
Bonuses: Ant's children get a 2 Athletics. Ant's followers, though somewhat annoying cause they're always on the "move," are
generally viewed with good a nature.
Ban: Females of Ant aren't allowed to stay around each other for longer then 1 year.

4 point Totem of Secrets
The Dragonfly is a creature of speed and beauty. Its wing colourings form incredible iridescent patters when the light is upon
Dragonfly is a creature of plots and cunning. He enjoys listening to people then speeding off to find more secrets and
Followers of Dragonfly often find themselves acting as the spies of Insect.
Bonuses: Dragonfly offers its followers the gifts of Athletics +3 (running skills), Stealth +1 and Enigmas +1.
Ban: Followers of Dragonfly love speed and secrets, the more of either the better. All must make Willpower roles at s, 3
successes needed, to resist the temptation to speed (be it driving a car, running, pedalling a bike) or to listen in on secrets.

See Werewolf main rules. Cockroach is fully with the Garou and has abandoned Insect's cause.

6 point Totem of War
Flea smites her enemy with small frustrating blows that hinder his ability to perform. She also defies her opponent to catch or kill
her, using her leaping ability to avoid capture and her armoured body to absorb even the worst damage.
Bonuses: To help her followers, Flea offers the Gifts of Luna's Armor and Leap of the Kangaroo. Because of her fighting style,
the Garou unfortunately see Flea as a coward. As a result, followers of Flea lose 5 temporary Glory every time they gain Glory.
Only Bone Gnawers and Ragabash have followed Flea until now.
Ban: Flea asks that her followers let her people live in peace.

2 point Totem of Work
Termite wasn't able to offer much to Insect but offer it did, what services it could muster. Termite is a builder, constructing
massive homes to live in and provide food for the community.
Bonuses: Followers of Termite receive Athletics +1 and Repair +2.
Ban: Followers of Termite must never destroy constructed works. Sounds weird but Termite respects what others have laboured
to build and doesn't wish to see those works destroyed.

4 point Totem of Peace
Stoic Beetle, an ever moving, hard-shelled creature. Beetle is a being of peace, wishing nothing more than to live at one with

nature and the world.

Bonuses: Beetle grants the gifts of Negotiation +2 and Expression +1, so that its followers may preach peace.
Ban: Beetle's followers must never kill, and may only fight in self-defense.

Mantidae (Mantis)
Once the agents of the Wyld, these silent hunters are now the followers of Insect.

Doryli (Ant)
Ex-Wyrm custodians now turned to the Wyld.

Ananasi (Spider)
Tormented race, with their existence threatened by both the Weaver and the Wyrm. See Werewolf's Players Guide for full details
on the Ananasi.

Spirit Forms
Spirit Forms are agents of the various totems made real. They usually appear as either normal sized insects of the totem or
giant sized versions of the insect, easily capable of carrying off a grown man. Greater Spirit Forms are utilized rarely, as they are
a severe break of the shroud and delirium. When they are implemented, the Greater Spirit Forms are usually used as shock
troops in raids against both Wyrm and sometimes Weaver holdouts.

Rarely used except in normal size and then as an annoying attack tactic. Imagine hoards of flies of various types swarming you.
Flies can cause disease with their bites; imagine a swarm of tsetse flies.
Rage 4, Willpower 5, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Suffocation (swarms only), Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 18, Str 1, Dex 5, Sta 1, Brawl 2, Dodge 5,
Flight 4. Greater Form: Cost= 22, Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 5, Flight 4.)

Normally the Dragonfly is merely a messenger and a spy, but occasionally a Greater Spirit Form is used as a steed by an agent
of Insect.
Rage 2, Willpower 7, Gnosis 5, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 20, Str 2, Dex 6, Sta 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 5, Flight 5. Greater Form: Cost=
25, Str 3, Dex 6, Sta 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 5, Flight 5)

Termite, as with Fly, is rarely used in giant form. Most of the time Termite finds his spirit forms used to help create strongholds
for Insect.
Worker Termites tend to be the most common of the Greater Spirit Forms, but occasionally a soldier is created. Soldiers have
powerful jaws that can crush bone.
Rage 1, Willpower 4, Gnosis 7, Power 25
Powers: Airt Sense, Solidify Reality, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 11, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Repair 3, Dodge 2.
Greater Form Worker: Cost= 16, Str 5, Dex 2, Sta 4, Repair 3, Dodge 2. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 20, Str 5, Dex 4, Sta 5,
Brawl 3, Dodge 3.)

One of the more common Greater Spirit Forms, Wasp is a solider and aerial attacker. Even in normal sized form, Wasp is
deadly, as he uses the same tactics as Fly.
Rage 5, Willpower 4, Gnosis 2, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4. Greater Form:
Cost= 20, Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4.)

Beetle is rarely used in spirit form, but when he is, Beetle can be a stoic defender. A Greater Spirit Form of Beetle was used by
Insect to defend one its strongholds from Wyrm incursions.
Rage 1, Willpower 7, Gnosis 4, Power 45
Powers: Airt Sense, Spirit Static, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 9, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Brawl 1, Flight 2. Greater Form: Cost=
14, Str 4, Dex 2, Sta 5, Flight 2, Brawl 1. )

Spider is perhaps one of the most enigmatic of Insect's servants. When used it spins traps and barriers for defense.
Occasionally a Greater Spirit Form is used as a hunter, a truly terrifying thought.
Rage 2, Willpower 6, Gnosis 4, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Calcify, Hold, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Athletics
2, Stealth 2. Greater Form: Cost= 19, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 2.)

Silent, deadly and fast, Mantis is the avenger of Insect, destroying the corrupted. Mantis is used only as a Greater Spirit Form
and there is nothing more terrible than to be hunted by one of these creatures.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 45
Powers: Airt Sense, Hold, Intangibility, Materialize (Greater Form: Cost= 26, Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 3, Athletics 3, Flight 3, Brawl 5,
Stealth 4. )

One rarely sees Cockroach anywhere except with its adopted children, the Glass Walkers. Insect is afraid that he has lost
Cockroach to the Garou. No one has seen a materialised Cockroach spirit in ages.

Ant is now fully under the sway of the Wyld and will rarely assist Insect in its plans.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 10, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form
Worker: Cost= 13, Str 4, Dex 2, Sta 3, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 22, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 4, Brawl 4,
Athletics 3, Dodge 3. )

Flea is also believed lost to the Garou and Wyld and hasn't been seen assisting Insect for years.

Bane Totems and Spirits

Insect looked out at its children and was pleased. All its plans were slowly coming to fruition. It journeyed across the Umbra,
seeking more of its children to bring into the cause.
It was deep in the wastes of a blight that Insect encountered Earwig. A nocturnal insect common to the land Insect had come to,
Earwig was feeding on the astral energy of the blight. Insect noted that aspects of its form had been corrupted and so he
approached carefully.
"My child. Let me help you. Let me bring you out of this evil."
Earwig turned and faced Insect, bile dripping from its mandibles and toxic goo sheathing the massive claws on it's posterior.
"Go away, old spirit. You are not wanted. We have a new master now."
Insect frowned.
"And who would this master be?" It asked, dreading an answer it already could guess.

"The Wyrm provides for us now. It was there when we were dying, when you were sleeping and ignored us. Go away. We are no
longer yours."
"We? Who is this we that you speak of?"
Earwig chittered in glee.
"That you will find out only to soon."
Earwig shifted away into another part of the Umbra, leaving a saddened Insect.
Insect's children and grandchildren aren't immune to the ways of the Wyrm. Indeed, many of his grandchildren have succumbed
to the temptations of the Wyrm, either because of building a nest too close to toxic site or because of direct interference of the
Wyrm's agents.
These banes have slowly spread out into the world, seeking new victims and food sources. Some of them discovered the art of
possession and founded small breeds of fomori. A rare few of these banes ascended to totem status, guiding their brethren
along the ways of corruption.
Insect has seen the signs of the corruption, and he has taken steps to deal with them. All insect banes and fomori breeds are to
be destroyed on sight. Though this sounds pretty easy due to the affinity that Insect has with his children, because of the bane
nature of the corrupted spirits, Insect's connection is no longer there.

Bane Insect Totems

Three of the corrupted spirits have become Totems for the insect banes and fomori breeds.

7 point Totem of Destruction
Locust believes in pure destruction. He embodies the voracious appetites of its children and the mindless destruction of the
Bonuses: Locust gifts its children with the ability to eat and digest anything. They're also capable of withstanding most diseases
of the world as per the Resist Toxin gift. Locust also imparts a Survival +2 to all it's followers.
Ban: Followers of Locust have an almost unsatiable hunger. They can be found to be eating all the time. Followers of Locust do
not gain weight from this eating, as they burn it off in bursts of furious activity.

5 point Totem of War
Earwig is a fearsome hunter; it wanders the night looking for prey and stalks the smaller insects. Earwigs major defense is its
fearsome jaws on the rear of the body.
Bonuses: Earwig imparts the merit of Night Vision and the Black Spiral Gift Crawling Poison, which covers the rear jaws.
Ban: Earwig requires that all opponents suffer in their death.

3 point Totem of Cunning
Bee is a stealthy foe and a fearsome protector. Within the Wyrm it has become a cunning and secretive beings.
Bonuses: Bee gifts its followers with Stealth +2 and Survival +2. Bee also grants the Gift of Secrets.
Ban: Followers of Bee must always seek out the mysteries in order to better put them to use for the Wyrm's benefit. Many of Bee
will act as spies for the Wyrm.

Bane Insect Bete

Hatars (Were-spiders)
These are the children of Ananasi and Spider who have embraced the Wyrm. They are also known as Goblin Spiders.

Bane Doryli

These are the few Doryli who returned to the Wyrm and now carry out its instructions.

Insect Banes Forms

The following spirits have become banes. They no longer follow Insect, instead they follow the Wyrm.

Locust is a destroyer of the crops of man. It brings disease, famine, and blight. Greater Spirit Forms have been seen
occasionally, when major damage was needed.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 40
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Disorient, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 14, Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Flight
3. Greater Form: Cost= 17, Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Flight 3.)

Earwig will kill all that attack it or threaten its hive.
Rage 6, Willpower 5, Gnosis 3, Power 45
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 10, Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2. Greater
Form: Cost= 15, Str 4, Dex 3, Sta 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 2.)

Bee is fast and deadly. Many are allergic to its sting.
Rage 4, Willpower 4, Gnosis 3, Power 35
Powers: Airt Sense, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 15, Str 1, Dex 5, Sta 1, Flight 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3. Greater Form:
Cost= 19, Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 3, Flight 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3.)
The following spirits of Insect have been known to be corrupted by the Wyrm from time to time. Any bane created of these spirit
families are to be eradicated on sight.

Termite banes are slaves to the hive where they were corrupted. They are used to construct the walls and chambers within.
Worker Bane Termites tend to be the most common of the Greater Spirit Forms, but occasionally a soldier is created. Soldiers
have powerful jaws that can crush bone.
Rage 1, Willpower 4, Gnosis 7, Power 25
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Solidify Reality, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 11, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Repair 3,
Dodge 2. Greater Form Worker: Cost= 16, Str 5, Dex 2, Sta 4, Repair 3, Dodge 2. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 20, Str 5, Dex
4, Sta 5, Brawl 3, Dodge 3.)

Bane Wasps are one of the more deadly of the Bane Insects. The Wyrm is known to want to corrupt Wasp itself to the ways of
the Wyrm in order to add these spirits to its collection.
Rage 5, Willpower 4, Gnosis 2, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4.
Greater Form: Cost= 20, Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4.)

Bane Spiders delight in torment of their prey. The hunt and subsequent prolonged feeding is all they care about.
Rage 2, Willpower 6, Gnosis 4, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Calcify, Hold, Venom, Possession, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 2, Brawl 2,
Dodge 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 2. Greater Form: Cost= 19, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 2.)

Sadly, even the spirits of the Glass Walker's famed Cockroach Totem have succumb to the Wyrm. Bane Cockroaches are

usually seen infesting a place in order to bring contamination to it. The Glass Walkers have yet to realize the extent of the
corruption of their totem's children.
Rage 2, Willpower 8, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 11, Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 3, Dodge 1, Brawl 1, Flight 2. Greater Form: Cost=
13, Str 3, Dex 3, Sta 3, Dodge 1, Brawl 1, Flight 2. )

Bane Ants are also slaves to the hives that corrupted them. In some ways it is said that they are merely preforming the task laid
out for them.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 10, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form
Worker: Cost= 13, Str 4, Dex 2, Sta 3, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 22, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 4, Brawl 4,
Athletics 3, Dodge 3. )

Insect Fomori Breeds

The following banes have discovered that when they posses a host totally they create a horribly amalgamation of both the spirit
and the host. These Fomori are of an alien nature, not quite human and not quite insect.
Only a few of the bane Insects are aware of this effect.

Children of the Web

Abilities: Insect Ken 1 (Required)
Backgrounds: Kinfolk 2 (Required)
Powers: Webbing (5), 2 Extra Limbs (6), Venomous Bite (3), Immunity to Delirium (1)
Taints: Addiction (Blood 1/day) (4), Brainwashed (3), Doomed (3 years) (3), Ugly as Sin (1), Special Diet (Body Fluids) (3)
Flaws: Deformity ('Bug Look')
Image: Children of the Web resemble the Lilian form of the Ananasi, but in a more insectoid way. They are far from human and it
Genesis: Spider Banes were the first to discover the possession trick. An accidental possession caused the host to warp into a
strange version of the lilian form of the Ananasi. The Spider Banes tried possession a second time, then a third and a forth, until
they had possessed some 12 humans.
The Spiders Banes grew pleased with their work and soon cultivated a small family in order to breed new humans for their hosts.
The Children of the Web were born out of the families of the Spider Banes.

Backgrounds: Kinfolk 2 (Required) Powers: 2 Extra Limbs (6), Venomous Bite (3), Immunity to Delirium (1)
Taints: Addiction (Blood 1/day) (4), Doomed (3 years) (3), Special Diet (Body Fluids) (3)
Flaws: Deformity ('Bug Look')
Image: Buzzers resemble humanoid wasps.
Genesis: The Buzzers came about after the Wasp Banes saw the Children of the Web. Intrigued by the possibility of creating
their own fomori, they took hold of a human and forcibly possessed her. The Result was much the same as that what happened
with the Spider Banes, a hybrid thing of wasp and human.
Buzzers now operate in small groups protecting Wyrm-holes and assisting Banes.

Big Jaws
Abilities: Brawl 2 (Required)
Powers: 2 Extra Limbs (6), Immunity to Delirium (1), Claws (3)
Taints: Addiction (Blood 1/day) (4), Doomed (3 years) (3), Special Diet (Body Fluids) (3)

Flaws: Deformity ('Bug Look')

Image: Big Jaws are truly awesome to behold. Massive insectoid-like humans with huge mandibles.
Genesis: Big Jaws are the result of a possession of a human and a Termite Soldier Bane. These deadly soldiers are used by
the Bane insects for offensives upon the Garou. They are a rare breed of fomori, created by the Wyrm and Pentex when

New Stuff
Insect Ken: This Skill deals with the ability to get along with insects, and in all regards functions exactly like Animal Ken.
Specialties: Spiders, Beetles, Flies, etc.

Flight: This skill deals with the insects natural ability to fly. Specialties: Dodge, acrobatics.

Spirit Charms
Venom Cost: 2
Roll -Diff -Effect: A venom attack is usually poison or some such similar thing, injected by the Spider or Wasp. The venom is sometimes

Well, there you go. It's different and strange, but then that's insects for you. Remember that Insect itself is a Celestine and is to
be treated as such. It is not as powerful as the Triat but it is one of the primal forces out there. Insect, Mammal, Reptile, Bird,
Fish, Mollusk, etc, each being a Celestine type embodiment of that species.

By Colin Chapman (

'Tired from the revel, Cullyn Murdoch strolled in the light of Luna. Steam rose from his fur in the cool night air as his form
twisted to that of man. Naked, he rejoiced in the cool caress of the eve's breeze and brushed his thick black mane back from
his sweating brow. He let out a howl of jubilant joy, torn from his lungs at the beauty of Luna's shimmering reflection in the
loch's black waters. Surely no Galliard had felt such joy?! Parched with thirst, he knelt to sip of the waters. He barely had time
to scream...
The terrifying Kelpie (Ech-Ushkya in Gaelic) is an ages old horror of Scotland, the evil and twisted water-horse, render of flesh.
They live in the bogs and fens, lochs and rivers, waiting for likely prey. Devious shape-shifters, they favour two ploys:
Appearing as a splendid young horse they can lure the curious near, allowing them to mount, and springing the trap. The hapless
victim will be firmly held, unable to dismount as the victorious kelpie dashes into the water, drowning the poor soul and tearing
her flesh.
Sometimes the form of a human suits their needs, and they lurk in cover or fein distress. They pounce when the prey is near,
crushing them in a deadly grip and dragging them underwater...
Territorial and aggressive, only one kelpie is present in any single stretch of water or loch. Kelpies revel in storms, wailing loudly
and galloping across the waters surface.

Statistics (Spirit)
Willpower: 7
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 7
Power: 30
Charms: Materialise (Power Cost: 20; Str 6, Dex 3, Sta 5, Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Stealth 5) Reform, Shapeshift, Surface
Attunement (as the gift), Hold

Statistics (Chimera)
Glamour: 7
Willpower: 5
Attributes: Str 6, Dex 3, Sta 5, Int 2, Per 3, Wits 3
Health: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, -5
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Stealth 5
Shapechange: Can assume the form of a hairy human for 1 Glamour point.
Water Walk: Can run across the surface of water, and is equally capable underwater as above.

By Paul Strack (

"You should have seen the dog run," Gut Wrencher belched out in his hearty Glabro voice. "That damn Shadow Lord never stood
up to a fair challenge in his miserable life". Wyrm Slasher howled with laughter, knocking his flagon of ale to the floor in the
process. Behind them, Gertrude picked up the mug, and slipped quietly back into the kitchen. She prayed that this latest war
amongst her Garou cousins would not spill over once more into her small village.
Garou, mighty protectors of Gaia, on the front lines in the battle against the Wyrm. And who stands behind them, to receive the
fallout? The often forgotten kinfolk. Though the nature of Garou breeding ensures that there are nearly 10 kinfolk for every one
Garou, the kinfolk are often marginalized and ignored in Garou society by their more powerful cousins. This article intends to
shed some light onto this important part of Garou life.

Garou Breeding and Child Rearing

It is often said that 10% of all children born to a Garou breed true. The fuller details of the situation are a bit more complex. In a
union between a Garou and a pure human (with no Garou blood at all), there is a 10% chance of Garou, 10% chance of pure
human, and 80% chance of Kinfolk. For matings between a pair of kinfolk, the ratios are the same.
For matings between Garou and kinfolk, the chance of getting Garou children is higher; there is a 25% chance of Garou, and
75% chance of kinfolk. Between kinfolk and human, there is a 49% chance of pure human, 49% chance of kinfolk, and only 2%
chance of a Garou. The percentages are the same for matings with pure and kinfolk wolves as well. As a final note, a union
between two Garou has a 100% chance of producing a metis.
In areas where Garou are strong, there is perhaps 1 Garou per 10,000 humans. In areas where they are weak, and in most
urban settings, the number is 1 per 100,000, or even less. There are about 10 times as many kinfolk as there are Garou, partly
because of their higher incidence of birth, and partly because of higher mortality rates amongst Garou. Nearly a tenth of the
world's reduced wolf population is kinfolk, and in many areas it is approaching 100%.
Something like 80% of all Garou are born to kinfolk parents. For the remaining 20%, a Garou father will leave the child to be
raised by its kinfolk mother, who often has a different kinfolk or human husband. Even Garou mothers often do not to rear their
children; they have more important duties to perform. Once the child is born, they give it to kinfolk of their tribe to be raised. This
is almost always done for kinfolk children born to a Garou mother, and done about half the time with Garou children as well.
Lupus mothers are more likely to keep the child than homid mothers. Thus, about 95% of all Garou are raised by kinfolk parents,
until their firsting. The one exception to this is the metis, who is almost always either raised by Garou or killed at birth.

Kinfolk Culture
Despite the crucial symbiotic relationship with kinfolk, the average Garou tends to look down on his weaker cousins. Every
Garou child born is considered a victory, and by reflection, every kinfolk born is a defeat. This is a view held to some extent by
even the most enlightened tribes, and some tribes can be quite vocal about their disappointment in kinfolk children. Kinfolk living
in close association with Garou will be at best patronized as not-quite Garou. At worst, they are little more than protected
breeding stock.
On the other side of the social equation, kinfolk tend to be separated from the rest of humanity. Their association with the feared
Garou sets them apart. They may be reviled along with the Garou, revered in the hopes that they can hold back the vengeful
spirits, or simply considered odd and clannish by those who do not know their secret. The kinfolk themselves always recognize
their difference. Whether they enjoy or resent it depends mostly on personal temperament.
Traditionally, kinfolk have lived in small villages near Garou strongholds where they could be better protected. During the
Impergium, it is said these villages were little more than breeding pens. Afterwards, the Garou tended to treat their kinfolk with a
bit more respect, as their only safe connections with human society. But relations have always been rocky, as the kinfolk were
torn between their human and Garou natures.
Status in kinfolk society is measured both by human and Garou standards. Kinfolk can gain some small amount of Renown, and
this measures their standing with Garou. The standards of importance in human society are often very different. This double
standard makes social life between kinfolk very complex, where one individual may have the respect of Garou but little standing
among humans, while the reverse is true for another kinfolk.
Romantic relations between kinfolk and Garou have always been complex. For Garou, kinfolk are the only socially acceptable
romantic outlet. Unfortunately, the Garou's battle with the Wyrm, their strong attachment to their packs and the fact that their
kinfolk lovers can never truly be their equals, makes it difficult for them to form permanent commitments. Garou romance is rocky

at best. For their part, kinfolk view matings with Garou to be something between a rare honor and an onerous duty. From their
point of view, kinfolk rarely mate with Garou (since kinfolk are so much more numerous), and thus it can be something very
special. However, the instability and hardships of such a relationship can make it very traumatic.
Because of the difficulties of romance, Garou often form transitory relationship for the purposes of breeding only. Kinfolk make
the best partners for such relationships, since there is some hope they will understand such a relationship. Some tribes go so far
as to demand breeding rights, regardless of whether or not the kinfolk are married. These unstable relationships cause the most
tension between Garou and kinfolk.
Kinfolk often act as the Garou's intermediaries with human society. What little control over modern human society the Garou
have is usually through their kinfolk. In these days of waning Garou numbers, kinfolk are becoming more important in the fight
against the Wyrm as well. Kinfolk can be the eyes and ears of the Garou in human society, and can infiltrate organizations where
a Garou would be immediately detected. Kinfolk can be useful as warriors as well, though many Garou feel that it is too
important to protect them to allow them to be used this way.
Because of their vulnerability, however, Garou rarely trust kinfolk with many of their secrets. Kinfolk are taught only the lowest
level of Gifts and Rituals, if they are taught any at all. Kinfolk are rarely gifted with Fetishes and Talens, and are taught only
enough about the Umbra and the spirit world to protect themselves. In most Garou septs, only the most trusted and powerful
kinfolk are allowed to know the location of the caern.

Lost Kinfolk
A sad fact of modern Garou life is the large number of lost pups, but behind this fact lies something else: the lost kinfolk. Due to
mass migrations in recent times both in Europe and the Americas, the locations of many kinfolk has been forgotten; such kinfolk
are known as lost kinfolk. A few kinfolk find the tensions of life with Garou too extreme, and leave by choice. All lost pups have at
least one lost kinfolk parent.
Lost kinfolk are usually assimilated in human society. Many of them have some feeling they are different from those around them,
their spiritual ties to Gaia calling out to them, but few learn the truth. While Garou are happy to rescue a lost pup, they generally
don't consider lost kinfolk worth the effort. The only encounter many lost kinfolk will have with werewolves is when their Garou
children are kidnapped with no explanation.
Oddly enough, many Werewolf hunters have some Garou blood in them. Kinfolk often have good reason to hate Garou, as family
members are taken from them, and they witness the worst of Garou depredations because of their immunity to the delirium.
Kinfolk hunters are often unaware of their connection to their prey, but a few know full well the connection they have to the Garou.
These individuals tend to be driven by jealousy or personal vendettas, and make the worst of Werewolf hunters because of their
knowledge of what they hunt.

Kinfolk amongst the Tribes

Black Furies: Most of the Fury kinfolk are of Greek, Italian and Turkish descent. The Black Furies pride themselves in knowing
where most of their kinfolk are; the Furies encourage their kinfolk not to wander. The few lost Fury kinfolk that exist come from
the breeding of Fury males that left the tribe. The Furies low numbers mean they place a high value on their kinfolk, and Fury
kinfolk are often assigned important duties, up to guarding the caern itself. Note that while male Garou cannot be members of
the tribe (unless they are metis), this is not true of kinfolk, and the Furies have as many male kin as female.

Bone Gnawers: Because of the poverty of the Bone Gnawer tribe, they are unable to provide for their kinfolk in the traditional
way. Bone Gnawers tend to a "love them and leave them" attitude toward relationships. Thus, there are few Bone Gnawer kinfolk
communities, and most of the Gnawer kinfolk would be classified as lost. The few kinfolk who regularly associate with Gnawers
tend to be those closely related to a member of the tribe: brother, sisters, parents and cousins, etc.

Children of Gaia: The Children of Gaia tend to value their kinfolk highly, in line with their attitudes of peaceful coexistence with
mankind. The kinfolk communities the Children have strong ties and perform many important duties. They tend to be well
advised of Garou activities; the Children tell more to their kinfolk than any other tribe. Unfortunately, the Children are spread thin
over the world, and many of their kinfolk communities have been lost in their wanderings. The Children of Gaia cherish lost
kinfolk nearly as much as they cherish lost pups.

Fianna: Fianna kinfolk often held an honored place in celtic society as healers and magicians. There are myths of connections
between Fianna kinfolk and the ancient druids. Fianna villages also tend to be on friendly terms with the Fey. There are some
who believe that the strong connection between the Fianna and the Fey came through their kinfolk rather than the Fianna Garou
In the US, Fianna kinfolk still tend to live in close communities, and with the Fianna's aid, have reached positions of some
importance in the local governments. But disruptions of both Irish and English society in the last two centuries have scattered
Fianna kinfolk in many of the old English colonies, and many are now lost.

Get of Fenris: Get of Fenris kinfolk communities tend to be a reflection of the Get themselves: violent and unruly with a lust for
life. Get kinfolk are warriors in much the same way as the Get are. The Get are more likely to allow their kinfolk to participate in
battle against the Wyrm than other tribes. In Germany however, things are beginning to change. Some kinfolk wish to move

forward and join the modern German state, and are growing in sophistication faster than the Get would like.
The Get also have many lost kinfolk, spread all over the world. Not only have many of their kinfolk migrated, but the Get have
always considered rape to be one of the spoils of war, and many Get kinfolk result from this. This activity was particularly
prevalent during the viking raids of late middle ages, and occurs on occasion even now.

Glass Walkers: Glass Walker kinfolk are urban like the Walkers themselves. The Glass Walkers keep tabs on their kinfolk, but
make little effort to keep them together in communities. Thus, while many Walker kinfolk are known to the tribe, they act in many
ways like lost kinfolk. The Walkers use their kinfolk to help them control human society, and Walker kinfolk often hold important
positions in government, corporations and organized crime. Many Walker kinfolk live simple lives, however, and are just another
ordinary citizens of the city. No system of tracking people is perfect, and some Walker kinfolk are lost, though not as many as
you might expect.

Red Talons: The Red Talons have no human kinfolk. They tend to be protective of their lupus kinfolk, and generally live in close
proximity to them. Despite what it says in the rules, Red Talons may take kinfolk as a background, but the kinfolk must be

Shadow Lords: In the past, Shadow Lord kinfolk acted as the serfs of under the protection of the Lords. More recently, as they
migrated, Shadow Lord kinfolk have set themselves up at all levels of society. Modern Shadow Lords are of two minds about
their kinfolk: some of them wish to use them as tools to control society, while others want to keep them in their traditional
communities where they are easier to control.
One of the secret shames of the Shadow Lords is their struggle with their kinfolk in their traditional homelands of Eastern
Europe. While the Shadow Lords fought against communism (and its hidden vampiric overlords), some of their kinfolk
welcomed it as a way of breaking free of Shadow Lord control. Many Shadow Lord kinfolk became important members of the
communist party. Now that communism has fallen in Eastern Europe, this conflict threatens to break into open warfare as the
Lords try to regain control.

Silent Striders: While the Striders associate themselves with Egypt, most of their kinfolk are Arabic. There has long been a
close connection between Strider kinfolk and Islam. Some of them go so far as to believe the Prophet himself was kinfolk.
Strider kinfolk were once as nomadic, but now tend to live in close knit communities. They tend to tasks that traveling Garou
cousins are unable to do. In all but the greatest of Strider caerns, most of the guardians are kinfolk and spirits.

Silver Fangs: Silver Fang kinfolk tend to hold positions of wealth and importance in human society, but are as inbred as the
Fangs themselves; the Russian royal family was an inbred community of Silver Fang Garou and kinfolk. Silver Fang kinfolk are
prideful of their position, considering themselves nearly the social equals of Garou outside the tribe. They have not escaped the
madness that plagues the Silver Fangs, however, and their lives and communities slowly unravel. Some Russian kinfolk have
migrated to America, and become lost in the process. These kinfolk have broken the cycle of inbreeding. Perhaps in them lies
the greatest hope of revitalizing the tribe.

Stargazers: Stargazers are aloof from both human and Garou society; as such they have little contact with their kinfolk
community. Many of their kinfolk are unaware of their special natures. The kinfolk that associate with Stargazers tend to be
immediate relatives of a member of the tribe, such as siblings, cousins and parents. Stargazers rarely breed, and thus nearly all
their Garou are born of kinfolk. As Eastern society is becoming more open and urban, the Stargazer kinfolk are becoming more
scattered. As their kinfolk breed with more humans, the Lupus trait is being lost, and the tribe is slowly dying.

Uktena: The mysterious Uktena have long sought humans with magical power as their kinfolk. Many of their kinfolk have magical
talents in their own right; a few of them are even true mages. Uktena kin often help their Garou cousins in their magical workings,
especially those who are more "Magely" and less spiritual in nature. Unfortunately, the Uktena occasionally get into conflict with
their own kin over limited magical resources. A particularly sore spot is access to the energy of caerns. With the displacement of
native tribes, some of the older groups of Uktena kinfolk have become lost, especially in Central America and Mexico. Thus,
Uktena lost kinfolk are often Native American or Hispanic.

Wendigo: Wendigo kinfolk are exclusively Native American, and often share the Wendigo's hatred of the white man. Wendigo
kinfolk have been some of the strongest advocates of American Indian independence movements. They tend to live on
reservations and struggle to preserve their traditional ways. So strong is this national identification that Wendigo kinfolk see
themselves as Indians first and kinfolk second. If anything, their hatred of non-native Garou is more extreme then the Wendigo
Wendigo lost kinfolk tend to be natives that live in the cities of the white man, or have bred with the Wyrm Bringers. Pups of
these lost kinfolk tend to accepted somewhat reluctantly, as somehow tainted with European ways. Note that some urban
Wendigo kinfolk have since become Uktena kinfolk, while Uktena kinfolk herded into reservations, have since become
Wendigo. Both tribes would dearly love to find some lost Croatan kinfolk, but this has yet to happen.

Kinfolk Characters
Kinfolk are essentially normal human with a few additional traits. Kinfolk are immune to the delirium. They are more robust than
most humans, and heal twice as fast. Because their ties to Luna are weaker, kinfolk have no Auspice, but they do have a Tribe
and Breed. Kinfolk can gain Gnosis, but they start with 0 points. They never gain Rage.
Kinfolk can earn Rank and Renown just as normal Garou, but rarely have as many opportunities. They start with no renown, and

must earn at least 1000 points (in the 2nd Ed rules, they must earn at least three permanent renown) before Garou are willing to
take them seriously. It is rare for a kinfolk to reach rank 1, and nearly unheard of for them to advance further. Kinfolk can learn
Gifts and Rituals, but this is limited by their Rank; thus they rarely learn more than level 1 Gifts.
Kinfolk cannot sidestep unless the Umbra is very weak; raise all the difficulties to cross the gauntlet by 6. Kinfolk can "ride in" to
the Umbra if they are carried along by a Garou pack; this cannot be done with normal humans. Kinfolk are harder to detect than
pure Garou; use the same abilities, but raise the difficulty by 2, or use a difficulty of 6 if the power is normally automatic. Kinfolk
never frenzy, and are unaffected by silver.
Kinfolk are weaker than Werewolves, but stronger than normal humans. They get fewer points in Attributes (6/4/3) and Abilities
(11/7/4), and no Renown, Rage or Gnosis. Their beginning Willpower and Background are determined by their tribe. Kinfolk
cannot buy Pure Breed, Past Life or Kinfolk as Backgrounds. They can spend freebie points on everything but Rage, which they
can never purchase. Like other mortal characters, they can purchase Numina.

By Colin Chapman (

'Tso Silent Fist of the Stargazers rose from his meditation. Something had disturbed the flow of pure Chi around him. Moving
cautiously towards the wooden and paper panel of his domocile, he paused. The faint stench of death and coruption tingled his
senses...Wyrm taint.
With the barest of thoughts his form twisted instantly, pulsing with muscle and sinew. Crinos. The wise are prepared. His ears
prickled at the sound of movement outside, and cautiously sliding the panel back he glanced outside. Seeing his garden clear
he leapt in a swift and fluid motion to it's centre. More room to maneuver. Calmly he surveyed the landscape around him,
assessing possible tactics, and taking a defensive stance he waited... They appeared from the copse of trees at the end of the
garden, advancing directly towards him. Tso gazed calmly upon the twisted demonic faces and skeletal bodies. This would be a
fight indeed...'

Rage: 9
Willpower: 6
Gnosis: 5
Power: 25
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialise (cost: 22, Str 5, Dx 3, Sta 4, Brawl 4, Tracking 4, Claws+2, Health Levels 10).

K'uei are evil demonic banes of China, serving the Wyrm by tracking down and attacking those garou who displease it. They
operate in small groups of 2-10, and appear as skeletons with leering, twisted, demonic faces, and curving claws. A good rule is
2 per rank of the garou. They have been known to track garou beyond the confines of China.

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Lares are considered Materialized at all times, and posess the Charm: Reform, which is triggered only if their power drops
below zero through use of their other Charms. The spirit will vanish when it tries to use a Charm when it lacks Power -- this
happens frequently as these little elemental spirits are rather dim. Lares are not officially part of the spirit-hierarchy, being even
weaker than Gafflings. Spirit Speech may be used to communicate with these creatures, though it is doubtful that they can give
much more than basic information. As they Reform when they use their Power Pool, Lares are not worried about using their
Charms at the request of their masters.
While Lares are being "helpful," operating under their own power and volition, the Storyteller should feel free to ignore the cost of
their Charms.

(Singular form Asrai)
Affinity: Water
Willpower 2, Rage 1, Gnosis 2, Power 4
Charms: Extinguish Fire (up to the size of a bonfire), Damp (renders an object up to the size of a normal human soggy) (Cost of
all Charms: 1)
Asrae are almost invisible in water, and may swim at a speed of roughly 4 miles per hour or crawl on the ground at about two
miles per hour. They appear as semispherical globs of water about three inches wide, and leave damp trails when they move.
They are peaceful and lethargic spirits, and will only rarely act against their summoners.

Affinity: Earth
Willpower 2, Rage 1, Gnosis 2, Power 4
Charms: Telekinesis (move items of two pounds or less. Item must touch solid surface connected, at least indirectly, to the
ground: a keyring on a cinder-block carried by a Bone Gnawer standing on the Empire State Building, for example, but not a
wineglass on an airplane. Object must be within sight of the spirit. Charm lasts five minutes, and can only affect one object per
use). Sink (Yarth becomes a part of the earth, and may travel at roughly one foot every five seconds. Stone, brickwork, masonry,
pavement and suchlike slow speed to one foot per minute). (Cost of all Charms: 1)
Yarth are slow and stupid, and appear as rather pretty rocks, roughly an inch wide (feldspar, flint, or low-grade garnet are typical
building materials for Yarth physical forms). They roll about at three miles per hour.

Affinity: Air
Willpower 1, Rage 1, Gnosis 4, Power 4
Charms: Gust (A brisk wind, as strong as a summer breeze. May move lightweight objects such as papers and feathers. Cost: 1
per minute). Obscure (usable on others. Cost: 1 per minute.)
Chlis are all-but-invisible distortions of air, one foot wide. They are hyperactive, cheerful spirits. Unlike most Lares Chlis may
speak to any individual in a faint, airy voice. Chlis fly at a speed of 50 miles per hour, but may be blocked by any sort of
barricade or very strong wind.

Affinity: Fire

Willpower 1, Rage 4, Gnosis 2, Power 4

Charms: Ignite (by resting on an object, the Wisp may cause it to burst into flame. Paper will ignite after about ten seconds,
wood after a minute, and highly incendiary chemicals will go off almost instantaneously! Imagine holding a candle-flame to the
target object to visualize the effects. Cost: 1) Kaboom! (Wisp detonates in a flash of light and a thunderclap. This is dazzling in
combat, giving unprepared onlookers a +2 penalty during the next turn, but cannot inflict damage. Also useful as a signal, visible
over several miles if used high in the air. Cost: 1, but the spirit dissipates and reforms elsewhere.) Flame Burst (Wisp emits a jet
of flame, inflicting one level of aggravated damage. Cost: 2)
Wisps appear as candle-flames hovering in the air. They are impatient and easily-upset creatures, and may very well attack their
controller if they feel mistreated.

Lycanthrope: The Changing

By Charles W. Plemons III (
This is my brain. This is you on my brain. Any questions?
-- Detective Adam Garou, Full Eclipse

Author's Note
This work is based loosely on the film Full Eclipse. There are differences between this and the film, so please keep that in mind
if you watch the movie. Werewolf: The Apocalypse is needed to use this expansion.

A lycanthrope is not a naturally occurring creature, instead being created by artificial means. The brain of the werewolf contains
a special fluid that can be extracted and used to alter normal human beings. This fluid is taken intravenously and acts much like
a super steroid. However, like a steroid, there are side effects.
The fluid is taken from a gland in the brain. This can be extracted forcefully or a werewolf can extract it himself. To do this, he
must insert a syringe into his temple. This requires a Willpower roll to succeed. Only two syringes full of the fluid may be
extracted per day. It can, however, be stored. To create a lycanthrope, a human must be injected with the fluid. Once taken,
some changes begin to take effect. The human begins developing heightened senses, increased physical traits, and physical
The transformation is agonizing and takes only a few minutes. However, the results are astounding. At the end of the process, all
wounds the human has suffered are healed. In the film, people who were mortally wounded were saved in this manner.
After the transformation, an injection must be taken every week, or all abilities begin to fade. Taking more than one dose per
week is possible, but it is dangerous. Each dose after the first adds 1 to the lycanthrope's Rage pool and increases the difficulty
of resisting all Frenzy rolls by 2. These Frenzies are always Berserker Frenzies, never Fox. When a lycanthrope Frenzies, he
instantly begins the transformation into glabro form if not there already.

Abilities and Characteristics

Heightened Senses: The lycanthrope develops the merits Acute Vision, Acute Hearing, and Acute Sense of Smell.
Rage Pool: The lycanthrope, like his Garou parent, has a Rage pool. This is handled just like the Rage for a werewolf. Also, this
means the lycanthrope is susceptible to Frenzy. This is handled as per a werewolf as well.

Physical Changes: The blessing and the curse of the lycanthrope condition, the physical alterations. Lycanthropes have two
forms: human and glabro. However, unlike the true Garou, the lycanthrope has very limited control over his changes. Emotional
and high stress situations cause the change from human to glabro. To keep from changing, the lycanthrope must succeed on a
Rage roll (just like a roll for Frenzy). Note that this is not a Frenzy. However, many of the situations that cause transformations
can also cause Frenzies. In such situations, the lycanthrope must roll for both change and Frenzy. Of course, the lycanthrope can
choose not to resist. Examples: lycanthropes will change in combat situations, when scared, and during sexual intercourse (as
seen in the film). A lycanthrope can attempt to change to glabro form at a difficulty of 7 (Stamina + Primal Urge). Changing back
requires a similar roll with a difficulty of 6.
The glabro form of the lycanthrope is somewhat different than that of a true garou. Fangs and claws are prominent and may be
used in combat. The statistical adjustments for the glabro form are: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Appearance -1, Manipulation -1. In
glabro form, a lycanthrope can be bite for Strength +1 damage and rake with his claws for Brawl +2 damage.

Gifts: Lycanthropes can be taught Gifts, however, as they have no Gnosis pools, they are limited in what they can use. Also,
most spirits will not teach the lycanthropes. They must find a Garou, spirit, Bane, or Black Spiral Dancer willing to teach him. No
lycanthrope knows any Gifts when first "born."

Regeneration and Damage: The lycanthropes regenerate like Garou while in glabro form. Human form heals like normal.
Silver inflicts aggravated wounds, as does fire and the attacks of other supernatural beings.

The Curse
Many would jump at the chance to gain great physical powers. However, lycanthropy has many drawbacks. The first is the

requirement of the brain fluid every week. If a lycanthrope has no donor, he must find a Garou to take the fluid from. The fluid is
very addictive. Going without the fluid for a week causes the lycanthrope to begin searching for the fluid. All rolls to resist Frenzy
are reduced by 3.
The drug strips the human glands, replacing them with the new Garou traits. Without a weekly dose of the drug, these traits begin
to fail. After missing the dose for one week, the lycanthrope loses the advanced healing ability in glabro form. After two weeks,
the lycanthrope can only transform into glabro form under stress, never by will. After three weeks, all special abilities and powers
are lost (including Heightened Senses and Gifts learned). By the time a lycanthrope has missed four injections, he has
deteriorated into a pathetic being. His appearance has been permanently reduced by 2 and he has residual fangs in homid form
(no combat value).
After four missed injections, there is nothing that can be done for the poor fool. He can never again become a lycanthrope.
However, any time up until that point, resuming the injections will bring back all powers and abilities.
Lycanthropes were not ever meant to be, they are a corruption of the warriors of Gaia. Thus, all lycanthropes reek with the stench
of the Wyrm. Most Garou will try to destroy these monstrosities on sight.

Can I Play Too, Daddy?

Who creates lycanthropes? Rogue Garou mostly, including the Skin Dancer tribe. Kinfolk will sometimes try to become
lycanthropes in hopes of gaining some measure of their heritage. In fact, 1 in 100 kinfolk who take the injection will instead
become a true Garou. However, like a Skin Dancer, the resulting werewolf is Wyrm tainted.
No one in Heaven or Hell can help the poor sot who becomes a lycanthrope from a Black Spiral Dancer. No one in his right mind
would inject something from a member of the Lost Tribe's brain into his body. For some reason, the transformation takes twice
as long and is much more painful. The result is the same. Those made by the Dancers are forced to dance the Black Spiral. A
permanent derangement is the result, and if that isn't bad enough, life with a Black Spiral Dancer pack is not to be envied.

Use in the World of Darkness

Kindred: The lycanthropes are much like a vampire's ghoul: reflections of a more powerful being. Vampires can feed off of a
lycanthrope without any problems. A vampire cannot become a lycanthrope, and a lycanthrope who becomes a vampire loses all
lycanthrope abilities and flaws.

Changing Breeds: The majority of the Garou nation has intense hatred for the lycanthropes. The Skin Dancers and Black
Spiral Dancers do make lycanthropes on a regular basis, however. Usually, a lycanthrope is made and used for a specific
reason and then either killed or abandoned. A garou taking the injection has no effect.

Mages: In general, mages have no quarrel with the lycanthropes. An occasional mage will try to experiment with a lycanthrope,
especially the Technocracy. In fact, many lycanthropes are made by the Progenitors.

Wraiths: The dead have few interactions with the lycanthropes.

Changelings: Many of the fae see the lycanthropes as tragic and noble beings, especially the pooka and satyr kiths. If a
changeling attempts to become a lycanthrope, she can, but with the same effects as becoming fomori.

Mummies: No lycanthrope has received the Spell of Life, and a mummy cannot become a lycanthrope. The two species have
no formal interactions.

Gypsies: The change causes the lycanthropes to become nomadic beings to hide their bestial natures. Thus, they have a
number of run-ins with the gypsies. As long as the lycanthropes behave, the gypsies have no quarrel with them.

Fomori: The fomori are very often encountered along with the Black Spiral born lycanthropes. It is very common for a
lycanthrope to be one of the bane-ridden themselves. Thus, they have the powers and limitations of both.

Immortals: An immortal cannot become a lycanthrope. Other than that, there are no formal relations.

Ideas and Considerations

A lycanthrope can very easily be ghouled like most any other living thing. This results in an addiction to the fluid as well as the
vitae. Such a being is probably pretty pathetic. They must have a vampire donor as well as a garou one.
A vampiric garou (an Abomination) cannot create a lycanthrope as their brains do not produce the living enzymes necessary to
bring about the change. An Abomination is more likely to accept a lycanthrope than a normal garou, as they are an outcast as

Exotic Lycanthropes
The garou are not the only Changing Breed capable of producing lycanthropes. Other bete have the enzyme as well. Creation
rules are identical as above, but each breed has some special traits. As rare as lycanthropes are, the non-garou breeds are
even more so. Note that a lycanthrope cannot mix the fluids of various shapeshifters. Doing so causes a reaction with the
previous fluids and the result is always fatal, with no exceptions.

Ananasi (Werespider): The lycanthropes of the werespiders are the most bizarre of all. When a human is injected with the fluid,
vast physiological changes sweep through the body. They lose the ability to consume solid food, instead being forced to live on
blood as a true Ananasi would. Instead of Rage, they have a Blood Pool. This pool can reach a maximum of 10. They expend
one blood point per day to live. The new creature has to feed on blood and take the weekly injections from its parent. The
second form is a hideous cross between man and spider. The eyes become large and segmented and the skin is dark and
chitinous. Course hair sprouts from the body and the mouth develops mandibles making their speech very hard to comprehend.
Sharp claws extend from the fingers and limbs become double-jointed. Physical stats are Strength +1, Dexterity +2, Stamina +2,
Appearance 0, Manipulation 0. Ananasi lycanthropes do not take aggravated damage from silver, instead taking such damage
from pesticides.

Bastet (Werecat): The second most common type of lycanthrope is this breed. However, there are numerous variations within
this group. One for each of the existing tribes. Like their parent species, the lycanthropes are generally more level-headed. All
except those created from the Khan and Balam have their difficulty to Frenzy increased by one. Their sokto form statistics are as
Bagheera: Strength +1, Stamina +2, Dexterity +1, Appearance -1, Manipulation -1
Balam: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Dexterity +1, Appearance -1, Manipulation -1
Bubasti: Dexterity +1, Appearance +1
Ceilican: Dexterity +2, Stamina +1, Appearance +1
Khan: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Dexterity +1, Appearance -1, Manipulation -1
Pumonca: Strength +1, Stamina +2, Dexterity +2, Manipulation -1
Qualmi: Dexterity +2, Appearance +1
Simba: Strength +2, Stamina +2, Dexterity +1, Appearance +1, Manipulation -1
Swara: Strength +1, Stamina +1, Dexterity +2, Manipulation -1

Corax (Wereraven): The Corax cannot produce lycanthropes.

Gurahl (Werebear): The lycanthropes of the Gurahl are among the rarest of the breeds. Finding a Gurahl to get the fluid from is
next to impossible. Finding enough of the fluid to maintain the lycanthrope state is a major undertaking. If such a being did exist,
it would have a larger glabro form (Strength +3, Stamina +3, Appearance -2, Manipulation -1; Difficulty 7). Also, like a true
Gurahl, these lycanthropes cannot gain extra actions with Rage. Instead, they gain extra Strength.

Mokole (Werealligator): The lycanthropes of this breed look much like reptile men. They grow claws and teeth and fine green
scales on their bodies. As the mokole have no glabro form, there is no other creature that they resemble. Their second form is
larger and more powerful than the human (Strength +3, Stamina +2, Dexterity -1, Appearance -1, Manipulation -1; Difficulty 7).

Nuwisha (Werecoyote) The lycanthropes of this breed have no Rage pool. They cannot Frenzy naturally. Like a true Nuwisha,
they can be forced to Frenzy by Gifts and the like. Like a garou lycanthrope, they do have to roll for changes in stress situations.
They use their Willpower instead of Rage. Also, silver does not inflict aggravated damage. They do not have a glabro form; it is
instead the tsitsu form (Strength +1, Stamina +2, Dexterity +1, Manipulation -1; Difficulty 7).

Ratkin (Wererats): The wererats are created by a disease, not being born naturally. If any of their brain fluids are injected into a
human, death is the result. There are no ratkin lycanthropes.

Rokea (Weresharks): The hideous lycanthropes of this tribe are much to be feared. They gain the mass of a shark while
maintaining human shape. They do not have any claws or fins, but they do have a wicked bite that can inflict Strength +2
damage. These lycanthropes also grow gills in this second form, so they may swim and breathe underwater. Their new statistics
are Strength +3, Stamina +3, Appearance 0, Manipulation 0.

Nu'atha Morghanna
By Mark Ormerod (

"I Believe in the was of an older law,
When we used to dasnce to a different drum,
And we are changing are ways,
Yes we are taking on different roads,
Tell me about the forest,
You once called home."
-- Dead Can Dance, Tell Me More About the Forest (You Once Called Home)

Fury-With-No-Retreat smiled grimly at the crash from somewhere ahead of him and shifted into Crinos, motioning for the rest of
the Sept's remaining Ahrouns to follow him. Whatever Wyrm spawn waited in the forest's heart, it had killed too many of his
brothers and its fate was now sealed.
As quickly as the noise started, it stopped. An acrid smell of ozone permeated through the air, and with a slight crackle it was there
in front of them, trees splintering apart to accomodate it's huge size. As the Galliards let forth the howl inspiring the warriors to
battle, Walks-With-Spirits brow wrinkled, all his mystical senses screaming with the warning that his gifts endowed upon him. This
was no creature of the Wyrm... Calling out he realised his warning was both too late and futile. There would be blood today.
The Great Zmei, called forth by the foul hag Baba Yaga are not the only remaining survivors of the Dragons of old, nor is their nature
indicitive of their species as a whole.
Nu'atha Morghanna roamed the ancient forest of Morgaine in the time of Arutha Pendragon, a creature both of the Wyld of of Gaia,
defending the great Oak woodlands from the encroaching Wyrm tainted foreign Christian knights. As the Wotan worshipping Saxons
fell, so did the forested hills in which they roamed. Eventually even the magic held within Morgaine's forest could not stem the tide of
the foresters and their axes.
The Great Black Dragon of Morgaine's forest, Nu'atha Morghanna, who had sent so many foolish knights to their graves, retreated into
the deep umbra to the realms of pure Wyld.
Nu'atha Morghanna can be found anywhere in the UK where deep, ancient, forest still remains. Now a creature of pure Wyld, Nu'atha
will first attempt to persuade any supernatural creatures to leave such areas, killing on sight any who are Wyrm tainted, or erasing all
memory from their minds. If attacked or tricked, Nu'atha will unleash his full fury upon the individual(s) responsible.

Human form: Tall, slender and athletic blue/grey eyes, pale skin, long straight jet black hair. Clothed in a boar's hide. No
apparent age.

Dragon form: A huge black dragon with eyes constantly shifting through all the coulors of the rainbow. Massive wings.

Attributes: Strength:10 Dexterity: 6 Stamina: 8 Charisma: 8 Manipulation: 7 Appearance: 6 (Dragon) / 8 (Human) Perception: 7
Intelligence: 10 Wits: 9

Abilities: Alertness: 6 Brawl: 8 Dodge: 7 Empathy: 8 Intimidation: 10 Animal Ken: 10 Survival: 8 Enigmas: 10 Occult: 4
Rage: 10
Gnosis: 10
Willpower: 10
Health Levels: ok ok ok ok -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 -4 -5 -5 -5 -6 -6 -6 Inc Inc Inc

Sense Nature: Can determine Wyrm/Wyld/Gaia

Scales: Provide 5 points of magical armour

Automatically gains 2 points of Rage per turn
Resist pain (as Philodox gift)
Natural Flight
Mystical Flight 3 Gnosis 1 turn, shifts through tears in umbra and can effectively 'teleport' to any ancient forest site in Britain
Purge the Wyrm - 1 Gnosis can remove any Wyrm 'taint' or toxin by releasing Wyld spirits into the creature/person afflicted, this
causes 2 levels of non-soakable aggravated damage as the Wyld battles the Wyrm inside the afflicted body.

Nyobi's Claws
By Rafael Kaufmann (

For a long time now, the Europeans have told tales of the dreadful killer lions that stalk the savannas of Africa. The European
Garou also have these tales, but in those, the enemy is the werelion, the Simba. This fetish's story is one of those.
The Garou stories tell that once there was a Scottish Silver Fang called Sir Dougal McConnelly, known by his kind as Sir Dougal
Baneslayer. Sir Dougal was an Ahroun and a traveller by nature. He had crossed the globe in search of adventure and of
Wyrmspawn to kill... and now he'd found himself in the darkest jungles of Africa. As he walked through the woods, Sir Dougal
could feel a deep evil in all around him, and as he moved south, this feeling of evil only became stronger. Eventually, the deep
jungle was crossed, and Sir Dougal found a town in the savanna, a village colonized by the British. He had been told of this
place, and he hoped to find someone to talk to, but, when he got to the town, he found but three badly sick African natives. In
their crude English, they told Sir Dougal that they used to work for the British . . . back when they were still here. They told him
that everyone else had fled since Nyobi arrived. Nyobi, he was told, was an immense lion, larger than any other ever seen; it was
also more cunning and bloodthirsty than any other. Sir Dougal figured that was the source of the evil he had felt. He decided to
hunt the Wyrm-creature down.
After a long hunt which exhausted both hunter and hunted, Sir Dougal finally managed to find the beast's lair. Nyobi turned into a
man-lion not unlike the Crinos form of a Black Spiral Dancer, and the Silver Fang knew that a great fight was to come.
After hours of exhausting combat, Nyobi had Sir Dougal down. When the werelion's fangs were about to lay their venomous tips
on him, the brave Ahroun relied on his hope and cried for the spirits of Gaia to help him. It worked, and the mighty Hawk came
and turned the situation around. With one final strike of his Klaive, Sir Dougal killed the horrible beast and took its claws as a
symbol of his victory. This story has been told in Silver Fang moots ever since.
The Bastet, of course, sing a different song! According to them, Sir Dougal was nothing but a bloodthirsty, corrupted trophyhunter, and Nyobi was the protector of the traditions held by the native tribe in that area. After seeing the Europeans massacre
his Kinfolk, he decided to put an end to it, and managed to chase the colonizers away from his home. When Sir Dougal arrived,
he killed the remaining natives, and set out to kill their protector as well.
Luckily to Nyobi, this was his homeland, and the secrets of the earth allowed him to have an advantage against his pursuer.
When the werelion was about to end the corrupted existence of the evil Garou, he relied on his link to the evil spirits, who came
to his rescue in the form of a deformed Hawk. Nyobi's body was destroyed, but, out of revenge, his spirit lingers on, and to this
day, whoever wears his claws around her neck will regret he ever took it!

A black leather necklace with eight lion's claws hanging from it. The claws are obviously quite old, and the fetish, while
impressive to any Garou who sees it, makes any Bastet disgusted.

The spirit of Nyobi is bound to the necklace by its own will. Many Silver Fangs believe its power is to send an aura of majesty
toward those around the user, but, in fact, Nyobi only waits and chooses an appropriate moment, when he will cause a great
disgrace to happen to the user. He will sometimes appear to a Bastet; in such cases, look below for a description.

Willpower 7, Rage 10, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Charms: Blighted Touch, Create Fires, Materialize
Nature: Fanatic
Demeanor: Fanatic
Image: A tall African man, wearing traditional clothing. His head is shaved, but he wears a beard. His dark eyes shine with rage.
Nyobi was a powerful and proud Simba Bastet one century ago, a defender of his people's customs and traditions. He is very
bitter and often irrational, and will never be convinced that any given Garou isn't corrupted by the Wyrm.

By Hastur the 7th (

Paligon is the new rave video game on the market. In the game, the players seek too catch all 600 paligons and beat 7 "camp
leaders" and become a "Paligon champ."
What the public doesnt know is that this game is the latest thing from Tellus enterprises to spread the will of the Wyrm. This
Pentex-spawned game is designed to create new fomori too assist the Wyrm in its battle against the garou. As the children play
the game, they become more and more obsessed with "catching them all," dropping out of school, running away from home,
even locking themselves into their rooms if need be. Eventually, after several days of playing, the child undergoes a bizarre
transformation, slowly changing into one of the creatures from the game. After the transformation, they go out, and begin to act
out the game, attacking and killing anything they can get there hands on and destroying Gaia.

Example Paligons
Dragogon: This is a dragon-like Paligon. It looks like a tiny blue T-rex with a barbed tail.
Polydrak: This Paligon looks like an armadillo with sharp spikes on its back.
Blumpador: This Paligon is a fat fish with a single unicorn-like horn.
Buzzagim: This Paligon looks like a bumblebee and is the most popular Paligon.

The statistics are the same for all the Paligons. The main differences are their fomor gifts.

Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3, Perception 5, Wits 5, Intelligence 1, all others zero
Abilities: Brawl 5, Melee 4
Willpower: 6
Backgrounds: None
Equipment: None

Dragogon: Fire breath (diff. 7, 4 dice damage, aggravated), Claws and Teeth, Immunity too Delirium
Polydrak: Hide of the Wyrm, Claws and Teeth, Immunity to Delirium
Blumpador: Gills (can breathe under water and on land), Horn (can ram for Strength +1 damage), Immunity too Delirium
Buzzagim: Electricity (diff. 7, 5 agg. Damage), Wings (flight at speed dex. +3), Claws and Teeth, Exoskeleton, Immunity to

Dragagon: Appears as a tiny, gaunt blue tyrannosaurus.
Polydrak: Looks like a red armadillo with long claws.
Blumpador: Looks like a green fish with a white belly, and a unicorn horn.
Buzzagim: Looks like a large, bee-like animal.

Roleplaying Notes
Youre a Paligon. You have to serve your "trainer" (i.e., Black Spiral Dancer or another Fomor) and defeat enemy Paligon
(garou, mages, changelings, vampires, etc.), Screech your name instead of talking.

Storyteller Notes
Storytellers should feel free too make new types of Paligon by using the guidelines above. They are a good example of what
type of resources Pentex has and shows how low they can really sink (most of these fomori are children). They also make
excellent shock troops and are usually underestimated by their opponents.

By Ricky Marin (

Clan History
The history of the Pestilencarians is a strange and eerie one, as this bloodline is descended from the Wyrm itself. However, it all
began in the mid-1800s in London, England. During this time, Queen Victoria ruled, and the Elephant Man was in local
newspapers. In the dark alleys, though, there was a different story . . .
"Hey, Mitch!" Joe shouted, "I found something!"
From where Mitch could see, he saw Joe lift up a delicious-looking rat of a large size, ready to cook and consume. "That's
"Yeah!" Joe responded. "Let me see if there's anything else in here worth taking."
Mitch ran to check out the garbage bag with Joe, who was already lost inside looking for food.
"Hey, there's something down here and it's really big!" Joe shouted from the depths of the bag. "It's real fresh, too!"
"Pull it out!"
Joe nodded and with all the strength he could muster pulled out the large, meaty animal. But in a moment he stopped, frozen in
terror. He tried to scream but could not, and just stared at the corpse which he had uncovered.
"What is it?"
Joe finally found a way out of his trance and pulled it up, skull and all. Mitch screamed, and darted off down the alley into the
midnight streets of London. Joe was left alone, his mouth gaping wide, when in an instance he saw that the skeleton had
feathered wings, and that it was not dead. It was clearly breathing, and the eye that it still had opened, a green swirling orb
inside, staring at Joe. He screamed, and ran off as Mitch had done. He looked back and saw that it had lifted itself out of the
bag and was soaring behind him, flesh dangling from its body.
"Help me, somebody please help me!" Joe cried, and at once lights began turning on in the houses above him. "Please, help
At once a man darted out of his door with a shotgun in his hands and held Joe, asking him what was wrong. Joe pointed back,
and the man saw what was persuing him.
"Dear Lord!" he shouted, aiming his shotgun and firing four rounds into its chest, wings, and head.
The thing screeched, and fell to the ground. Joe and the man ran towards it and looked down. It was completely inhuman; its
flesh dangled off certain areas, but it was mostly a skeleton, black as night, with wings protruding from its shoulders. It twitched
slightly, tossing around, and they could see that the flesh was entirely gone from its face except on the area around its eye with a
little flesh dangling off the place where its ear should be. Its good eye was open, the green orb still inside, staring back. The
socket of its left eye was similar, but a faint, blood-red light shone through this one.
"What in God's name is this thing?!?" the man shouted, looking down at Joe.
"I don't know."
They walked away and for a second all was quiet. It seemed suspicious, but they ignored it. Then came a smell, like blood on
metal, and a flapping noise was behind them as well. They turned and saw that the thing was floating there, its wings flapping,
grinning madly. Its palm opened wide and a swirling form could be seen, resembling a human.
"Oh my God, Mitch!" Joe shouted, recognizing its face as his friend.
It remained there for a second, Mitch moaning, and then disappeared inside the skeleton's hand. A pale-green light coursed
through the skeleton's body and it grinned once more.
"Shoot it, shoot it!" Joe shouted, and the man obliged.
He emptied his shotgun with shell upon shell, striking it everywhere imaginable. He panted, gasping for breath, and at last the
thing spoke.
"Unwise decision, Robert!" it whispered, mustering a red light in its palm and projected it towards the Robert, paralyzing him in

mid-air. A swirling form resembling himself flew from his body and into the creature's waiting hand. It entered, and Robert was
"What have you done, you monster!" Joe shouted, tears running down his face.

"That which is necessary to serve the Wyrm. It will undoubtedly reward me for these two strong spirits, and maybe more if I
return with three!"
"No!" Joe shouted, as the same occurred to him, his soul taken into the hand of the skeleton. It began to leave then, entering
through a portal to Malfeas, but was suddenly interrupted.
"Unhand their souls, vile Unaka!" Victor, a Bone Gnawer Lupine shouted at him. "My Sept is waiting for an attack!"

"Ah, another scuffle! But really, you expect a few dozen of Gaia's children to stop me? I am no Unaka, for they are only useful
as soldiers to combat you. If I were to fight you -- which I will -- I would only be wasting my time as this could be done by
Unakas, the lowest of the Wyrm's servants. However, a few dozen souls of Gaia's children would certainly rank me high so I
must oblige, Bone Gnawer, to kill your pack and Sept for it is the only way that you will discover the true meaning of Eternal
"Eternal death, is more like, as a creature such as yourself is obviously dead and decaying rapidly," Victor said. "And another
thing. If you are no Unaka, what are you then?"

"I have many names, but they mean nothing to me as all who have given me names are dead and are currently serving the
Wyrm. Needless to say, you may call me as you wish, as you will die before you can mutter this to anyone!"
"If that is what you wish, ATTACK!" Victor shouted, and at once hundreds of Garou emerged from the sewers, shifted into
Crinos, ready for battle. "If this is what you wish, then it is my pleasure to rid this world of another of the Wyrm's monsters!"
The Bone Gnawers fired then, leaping into the air and clawing at the creature. It merely laughed, and elevated itself to a rooftop.
"Coward, come down so you may fight and die in at least some honor!"

"Honor means nothing to me, only victory. You are the cowards, not I, for you are merely taunting me and not trying to end
my wrath. Is this all that Gaia can provide in battle? If you, 236 as I have counted, can not defeat me, then how can you hope
to eliminate the Wyrm who is infinitely superior?!? It now seems clear why the Wyrm is winning. If you cannot handle even a
few small hordes of Black Spiral Dancers, then you will all perish horribly when the final battles commence! Come up here
and finish me! It would do the Wyrm good to see that Gaia can achieve something for once! Otherwise the world will be A very
boring place and the Apocalypse won't be any fun at all."
"Annihilation is your idea of fun? What horrid creation would allow that to be seen as entertainment?!?"

"Your lies are polluting this world with horrors and I shall see that my work in ending your reign of terror will be finished before this
day is done!"

"Then come at me, Lupine, for the night is fading and I must return."
At this, the Sept climbed the wall, leaped onto the roof, and escalated the stairs to reach the skeleton. When they first did so the
creature rose up and knocked them off the rooftop, ending their lives as a splat upon the ground. The Gnawers unanimously
decided to attack it all at once for it could be the only way to end it effectively. They did, and soon they were fighting in frenzies
as well as they possibly could. The creature did not defend itself but merely laughed.

"Enough of this! I will destroy you all and leave but one of you alive for that way you may be prepared when I next come. You,
elder, will be spared, for I have no intention of having the senile and nearly deceased serve the Wyrm."
At this, the elder dove back for he knew that a creature so close to the Wyrm's influence was at least honest in the midst of
battle. In a grin the creature rose above them all, hundreds of yards high and spread its wings. At that moment, all of London
grew silent and Gaia itself let tears fall as a beam of darkness swept downwards into the building, knocking away all that was
material inside. Hundreds of screams were heard as the Lupines and denizens around the building alike were pierced with the
beam and mutilated, or else buried and killed by the collapse of the buildings. However, the creature was far from done.

"As I said, you, elder, will be spared, but because of this attempt upon me all of London must suffer. A plague on all the
Tribes of Gaia!"
The elder stood, floating above the city where he could see the shockwave of the beam leveling buildings in a radius of over a
hundred miles, killing those in its path and leaving all of the remaining people injured and wounded, their homes brought down to
"Monster! why is it that the innocent peoples of London must suffer?!?" the elder shouted.

"They must all perish. If this is a massacre to you then I am glad that you won't live to see the Apocalypse."
"But I have. The Prophecy of the Phoenix foretells it."

"Oh? You believe that? The one who saw the vision was far too shocked to explain the true devastation, or the centuries that
followed. Another example of Gaia softening down everything so that her precious cubs wouldn't cry."
"You speak as if it occurred in the past! Why is this?!?"

"It is the past and so is this. It happened millennia ago. Gaia simply altered the fabric of time because she didn't find it fair
and began civilizations anew, though darker and more corrupt as the Wyrm had placed its mark upon all the lands of the
"Are you saying that the 19th century already passed? How long into the future was it then until Gaia decided to begin the world

"I have been here since a few seconds after the Wyrm's entanglement in the Weaver's web. If you really want an answer then I
will give it to you. The year that the Death ended was 9,634 years after the Apocalypse."
"And Gaia allowed the death to continue until then? When was the Apocalypse then?"

"A.D. 2064."
"Then you must give us longer if you want this Apocalypse to be fought with more resistance!"

"Incorrect. There was no resistance the previous time. Gaia did nothing to prevent it. Mankind tried to save itself but it could
not. And besides, I think 217 years is enough time to prepare."
"Then will you let me go now, so that I may tell the Council of the Tribes?"

"The Council of the Tribes is non-existent as they were weak and when I told them they killed themselves. And no, I will not let
you go until I am finished."
"But you are! During these few minutes of conversation you did nothing!"

"You think that the Wyrm's minions are so weak that they cannot perform multiple tasks at once?!? At this present time I am
instructing a Sept of 200 Black Spiral Dancers to destroy four Caerns in London. And at this time they have finished. I am
glad to say that these lowly minions of the Wyrm were successful. Is it not humorous that 200 Black Spiral Dancers were able
to destroy 800 Lupines and all of the spirits and residents within that Caern? Ha! Gaia will lose once again, and this time she
will die for there will be no third chances!"
"So what will you do now?"

"Disease London for eternity."


"Because I can. It is an example that Gaia will have to follow or else all of the Earth will succumb to Pestilence."
At that moment the creatures wings spread once again and as its palms spread beams of a white light. Screams could be heard
below and people ran out of their houses with Smallpox, Bubonic Plague, and others.

"Farewell, elder, and rest happily, knowing that London is dying. Ha ha ha!"
The creature then made a portal to the Shadowlands where it would travel to the Hell of the Far Shores and from there go to
Malfeas. It left, but it was abruptly closed.

"This is Gaia! Remove this Pestilence that you have taken upon the peoples of London!"
"Never! The Wyrm is my commander, not some lowly enemy! A child has more power than you!"
"The Wyrm accepts no interruptions, as was agreed to in the War Treaty, and I am the Wyrm!"

"Oh, Father, how Gaia has wronged me so! It is all legal to the contract!"
"Do not worry, my child, for this will be brought to Justice!"

"To what Justice is that? To a betrayal of the Contract?"

"You are the one who has betrayed it, not I, so leave this be or you will be chastised by the Spirits that you yourself


"You will perish now, Wyrm, for this is the first assault upon the agreement!"
"To what end? I am everlasting, and you know this, for as long as the Weaver weaves so I live!"

"As you wish! Your trusty servant will be the first to die!"
"No! Avoid this now, my child!"

"But how? Gaia is superior to my power, however much I wish it not to be!"
"True, but she cannot attack her children! Possess someone and she cannot hurt you! Ha ha ha! Such a hearty spirit
you are, Gaia!"
At that moment, the creature possessed one that he felt was the best choice -- a sufferer at his hand of Pneumonic, Bubonic,
and Septicemic plague.
"Ha ha! Until we meet again, Gaia!"
The Wyrm left then and Gaia stood in sadness at what the Weaver had made the Wyrm become. She, too, then left, back to her
own Umbral Realm, forgetting the plague that the creature had beset upon London.

"Ha! So it is that I triumph! Now, the souls I will collect!"

This the creature did, and took the soul from everything in London.

"My wrath will continue so long as the Wyrm allows it!"

However, in its new form, the creature could not go directly to Malfeas as its body was not spiritually able. Instead it went to a
nearby Wyrmhole where it decided it was best to keep a mortal form. It still could see the disadvantages of a human form and so
found a Silver Fang Lupine, whom it favored a lot. It left its human host and slew it, thereafter possessing the Lupine and making
it devour the human for then it could retain the deathly aura that its human form possessed. Afterward it ventured deeper into the
Wyrmhole where it found a few neonates performing a Diablerie ceremony on an Antediluvian. It spoke suddenly, saying:

"If you sire me then you shall be rewarded with me saving you from these treacherous anarchs, as I seek more power in this
form. Otherwise, you will die."
The Antediluvian nodded and immediately the creature slew them all.

"Now, proceed."
The Antediluvian took the creature through the process, but was surprised to see that the creature which he had just embraced
had not screamed or pained throughout.
"How is it that you did not feel pain during the ceremony?" he asked, seriously baffled.

"I have lived since the seventh dawn of time when the Wyrm created me. Pain has no meaning unless in death, which I have
suffered many times before. Because of that, I feel no pain even in death and such is why I did not cry out."
"But if you are such a highly-respected servant of the Wyrm, then why do you feel inclined to have the body of a Lupine?"

"It is simply because Gaia cannot harm one of her own kind."
"So all Kindred could die at any moment?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now come. I thank you for the embrace so I will reward you even more by allowing you to see your true master."
They travelled then to Hell and through to Malfeas, where the Wyrm waited.
"Do you have the souls which I requested?"

"Yes. Where should I place them?"

"Within me."
The creature did so, and the Wyrm was pleased.
"Who is this that you bring to my lair?"

"An Antediluvian that granted me power through the embrace in this form."
"Good, my son. Of what gneration are you?"

"Yes. No wonder those petty anarchs were after you. I thank you for this gift that you have granted my child and so
you will be rewarded fully."
"Of course you knew that you cannot be superior to my child so instead of third generation you will become fifth,
after my child."
"But why?"
"By embracing him you have begun a new Clan, one of such immense power that you would be a fool not to give up
your Tremere heritage and third generation as in this clan you are superior even to Caine!"
"I would be?"
"Oh yes."

"So let me embrace you now, so that you may be my successor."

"Gladly. Anything to serve the Wyrm."
A Clan then began, descended from the Wyrm itself and with none below fourth generation. Therefore, if a vampire of Clan
Pestilencarian desired progeny, then a strange ceremony would be undertaken where the creature that was the first bestows its
generation to the vampire so that it may sire progeny but then return it through embrace and re-embrace. Needless to say that
the Pestilencarians are extremely powerful, even more so since any mortal that walks near them is inflicted with a fatal disease.
Mua ha ha.

Clan Founder
(The following are the statistics for the creature that began the clan -- keep in mind that it is nearly second to the Wyrm and
favored by it)

Host Form
Name: Fang-Dagger
Nature/Demeanor: Ignorance/Cruel Tyrant
Tribe: Silver Fang/Black Spiral Dancer
Auspice: Unknown
Generation: Fourth
Haven: Unrequired
Concept: Eater-of-Souls
Physical: Strength 10, Dexterity 10, Stamina 10
Social: Charisma 0, Manipulation 5, Appearance (negative numbers)
Mental: Perception 10, Intelligence 10, Wits 10
Talents: Acting 5, Alertness 10, Athletics 10, Brawl 10, Dodge 10, Empathy (negative numbers), Intimidation 6, Leadership 5,
Streetwise 10, Subterfuge 9

Skills: Animal Ken 5, Drive 1, Etiquette (negative numbers), Firearms 5, Melee 10, Music 0, Repair 2, Security 10, Stealth 10,
Survival 10

Knowledge: Bureaucracy (negative numbers), Computer 1, Finance 0, Investigation 10, Law (negative numbers), Linguistics 5,
Medicine 0, Occult 10, Politics 2, Science 4

Disciplines: Animalism 5, Auspex 5, Celerity 10, Dominate 5, Fortitude 10, Obfuscate 5, Potence 10, Presence 5, Protean 5,
Thaumaturgy 5, All Paths

Gifts: (Garou)

(Level One) Persuasion, Smell of Man, Create Element, Heightened Senses, Blur of the Milky Eye, Beast Speech, Razor Claws,
The Falling Touch
(Level Two) Staredown, Burrow, Curse of Hatred, Scent of Sight, Blissful Ignorance, Sense of the Prey, Command Spirit, Sight
From Beyond, King of Beasts, Call of the Wyrm, Dreamspeak, True Fear
(Level Three) Disquiet, Reshape Object, Eyes of the Cat, Catfeet, Open Moon Bridge, Excorcism, Eyes of the Cobra, Song of
(Level Four) Cocoon, Spirit Ward, Mental Speech, Gift of the Porcupine, Wither Limb, Beast Life, Gnaw, Whelp Body, Spirit
Drain, Bridge Walker, Clenched Jaw, Mastery, Mindblock
(Level Five) Assimilation, Madness, Song of the Great Beast, thieving Talons of the Magpie, Feral Lobotomy, Wall of Granite,
Fabric of the Mind, Head Games, Paws of the Newborn Cub

Gifts: (Black Spiral Dancers)

(Level Two) Ears of the Bat
(Level Three) Patagia, Foaming Fury
(Level Four) Crawling Poison
(Level Five) Balefire

Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Fame 1, Generation 9, Herd 5, Influence 1, Resources 5, Retainers 10

Virtues: Conscience (negative numbers), Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Humanity: (negative numbers)
Willpower: 10
Blood Pool: 40
Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2 , -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -5, -5, -5, Incapacitated, Materialize
Appearance: In its host form, the creature appears to be a grandiose Silver Fang Garou, capable of shape-shifting, but
grandiose with one exception -- Fang-Dagger now suffers Bubonic Plague.

Name: None, although nicknamed Death, Virus, and Pestilence by some
Nature/Demeanor: Ignorance/Cruel Tyrant
Concept: Eater-of-Souls
Physical: Strength 30, Dexterity 20, Stamina 50
Social: Charisma 0, Manipulation 5, Appearance (negative numbers)
Mental: Perception 10, Intelligence 20, Wits 30
Talents: Acting 5, Alertness 10, Athletics 10, Brawl 10, Dodge 20, Empathy (negative numbers), Intimidation 6, Leadership 5,
Streetwise 10, Subterfuge 9

Skills: Animal Ken 5, Drive 1, Etiquette (negative numbers), Firearms 5, Melee 10, Music 0, Repair 2, Security 10, Stealth 15,
Survival 50

Knowledge: Bureaucracy (negative numbers), Computer 1, Finance 0, Investigation 10, Law (negative numbers), Linguistics 5,
Medicine 0, Occult 10, Politics 2, Science 4

Charms: (Regular) Blast Flame, Break Reality, Create Fires, Create Wind, Disorient, Flood, Freeze, Frozen Breath, Ice
Shards, Lightning Bolts, Open Moon Bridge, Shapeshift, Shatter Glass, Tracking, Umbraquake, Updraft
(Bane Charms) Blighted Touch, Corruption, Incite Frenzy, Possession
(Nexus Crawler) Airt Sense, Materialize, Reform, Warp Reality
(Special - Rules Below) Resist Pain 5, Soul-Steal 5, Devastation 5, Pestilence 5

Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, -1,-1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -3, -3, -3, -4, -4, -4, -5, -5, -5,
Incapacitated, Malfean Return*

Rage: 4
Willpower: 10
Power: 963
Special: The Special Charms are rather like disciplines except that they are possessed only by such close minions of the Wyrm.
These may also be possessed by Methuselah or Antediluvian Kindred, replacing Power Points with Blood Points. The rules

Resist Pain

Character is able to soak ten levels of damge in exchange for three Power Points.
Character is able to do the above with aggravated wounds as well in addition to any other move during that turn for a cost
of five Power Points.
*** Character is able to do all of the above whilst being able to perform two other moves during that turn for the cost of eight
Power Points and a successful Willpower roll (Difficulty 5).
**** Character is able not to take any damage for three turns in addition to all of the above for twelve Power Points.
***** Character is able to do all of the above for a whole scene for the cost of eighteen Power Points.

Soul Steal

Character is able to steal the soul of someone, killing that person off, for the price of ten Power Points, whilst gaining
Power Points from it.
A child/Small animal: 1 Power Point
A teenager/Moderately-sized animal: 2 Power Points
An adult/Large-Sized animal: 3 Power Points
A neonate vampire: 7 Power Points
Ancilla vampire: 13 Power Points
A Lupine: 17 Power Points
An Elder vampire: 23 Power Points
An Elder Lupine: 27 Power Points
A Methuselah vampire: 38 Power Points

An Antediluvian vampire: Complete refill and remaining full for three scenes
Character is able to steal the souls of two people, killing those people off, for the price of 15 Power Points, gaining Power
Points from that soul (see chart above).
*** Character is able to steal the soul of a person, gaining both Power Points and the Health Levels that that person had in
his/her Health Levels, killing that person off, for 15 Power Points.
**** Character is able to do the above with two people, for the cost of 20 Power Points.
***** Character is able to do all of the above with any number of people, keeping in mind that the cost increases by 5 Power
Points with the amount (e.g., for one person, 15, for two people, 20).

Minor damage. 1-3 for the cost of one Power Point, varying on a successful Dodge roll (difficulty 4).
** Serious damage. 3-7 for the cost of three Power Points, varying on a successful Dodge roll (difficulty 6).
*** Very serious damage. 7-20 for the cost of five Power Points on two targets, varying on a successful Dodge roll (difficulty
**** Exceedingly serious damage. 40 damage on over ten targets, capable of knocking down buildings, for a cost of ten Power
Points, varying on a successful Dodge roll (difficulty 10).
***** Spectacularly serious damage. Destroy a district or large area (e.g., Picadilly, London x4), for a cost of 30 Power Points
and a succesful Willpower roll (difficulty 10).


Inflicts a minor, un-spreadable disease upon one subject, aggravated damage of one per turn for the remaining scene, for
a cost of one Power Point.
** Inflicts a minor, un-spreadable disease upon a group of subjects (e.g., size a brood of vampires), aggravated damage of
one per turn for the remaining scene, for the cost of two Power Points.
*** Inflicts a minor, communicable disease upon a group of subjects, aggravated damage of one per turn for the remaining

scene and automatically spread to anyone the target(s) come into contact with, for the cost of three Power Points.
**** Inflicts a serious, communicatable disease (e.g., scurvy) upon any group of subjects, aggravated damage of three per turn
for the remaining scene and automatically spreads permanently to anyone the target(s) come into contact with, for the cost
of five Power Points Points.
***** Inflicts an extremely serious, biohazardous disease (e.g., bubonic plague) upon any-sized group of subjects, instant death
over twelve scenes on mortals and aggravated damage of six per scene, spreading to anyone the target(s) come into
contact with, for the cost of ten Power Points Points.
*Malfean Return: Once this creature surpasses the Incapacitated level, it will then be resurrected in Malfeas by the Wyrm itself,

and within seven turns it will find its way back to the place where it died.

Appearance: The creature appears as a large, male corpse, with various wounds on all parts of the body and pieces of flesh
dangling off of certain places. The rest is a pitch-black skeleton, stained in blood, with tar-colored feathered wings coming out of
its back. Also, in the place where its right eye should be is a swirling, green orb. If it is persuing mortals then it will carry a scythe,
but if it encounters Lupines or Vampires then it will resort to brute strength or its various charms.

Clan Statistics
(The following are Sample Statistics for the clan)

Generation: Fifth
Origin of Name: Pestilence, meaning disease
Nickname: Hell-bringers, Pests
Preferred Progeny: Thse high in society or those with some elegance and power. They are not desperate for Progeny and so
will only stick to these kinds.

Haven: Anything old, elegant, and abandoned is a place for a Pestilencarian. No coffins, though, although some lurk within
hollow statues of angels within the Vatican. . .

Suggested Attributes: Mental primary, Physical secondary, and Social tertiary, although there are some exceptions.
Suggested Abilities: Talents, Knowledge, Skills -- in that order and never otherwise.
Suggested Disciplines: Any/all, including the special charms above, but Thaumaturgy is a requirement as the Pestilencarians
are actually a branch of the Tremere.

Suggested Backgrounds: Allies, Contacts, Resources, Retainers, Status

Suggested Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 5, Courage 5
Humanity: 0
Blood Pool: 18
Initial Willpower: 7
Health Levels: OK, OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -3, -3, -4, -4, -5, Incapacitated
Brujah: Weak and outcasts. They can never be our allies.

Far too much like the Camarilla, even though they are enemies.
Gangrel: Strong and loyal, but also outcasts. They could be our allies, if they don't kill us first.

Like us, they are powerful, and indeed have saved our lives many times as they share the same hatred we have for the
Lupines. It is rumored that their founder is a close minion of the Wyrm and that he killed scores of Lupines with one blow. Ah,
they are only rumors. . .
Malkavian: Truly insane. Absolutely not capable of being allies as they have no place in society.

Boring and untrustworthy. Their attacks upon the Camarilla make them complete idiots, regardless of any safety.
Nosferatu: Nice, and well-organized. Their appearance is the only thing keeping them from being part of us.

Like us they are outcasts because of their little Bubonic problem, but invaluable allies in the heat of battle and in peace-time.
Toreador: Extremely sociable, but very arguing. If they didn't pay so much attention to mortals, they would be invaluable allies.

Highly sociable and powerful. We could mess with them but their link to their founder prevents us from manipulating them as
he is far too strong. However, they are invaluable allies, though they do not appreciate art. Tremere: What do you think?
Though they are descended from us (or we from them?), they still seem hostile to us. However, during battle they will
endanger their own lives to save ours. How stupid of them.
Ventrue: Well-organized but far too picky. Like the ToreadOr they pay too much attention to humans, and thus would be
distracted if they were our allies.

Though they are trusted by the clans but not by the Camarilla as a whle, we must stop them or else we will die as we are the
heads of the Camarilla.
Views: The Pestilencarians hold the Camarilla in contempt above all of their enemies, hating them with every impulse they have.
This is due to their idea that as the Camarilla is corrupted and so has corrupted the Tremere, causing all of the clans to despise
it. Though this is not necessaraly true, no Pestilencarian has been known to sway away from his belief.
The Sabbat, however, is seen in a different light, for they respect elegance and darkness, like them. They ally with them
frequently and have been rumored to be in the process of becoming a Sabbat clan. Although the Sabbat manipulate many clans,
they respect the power of the Pestilencarians and so THEY WILL NOT HARM THEM AT ALL (forgive my enphasism). They
are in too much fear of the Wyrm, and so will keep their sect from fighting them and will Blood Hunt those who do. Though it is
strict, the Sabbat believe that it is the only way to prevent their demise. The Pestilencarians have also attempted to turn the
Tremere into a Sabbat clan, but they have been unsuccessful so far in their Venician talks (that's Venice, Italy, not the planet).
They are quite ignorant of the Inconnu though, as they do not harm them and do not corrupt the Tremere. They even regard it as
an "Old Folks Organization" for the Tremere, though they do not believe in the protection that the Inconnu could offer the older
Pestilencarians as they all take part in clan actions and have many Antediluvians in their clan anyway.

Weaknesses: One of the Pestilencarians' weaknesses is their Tremere heritage, even though they are descended from the
creature that began the clan as it assisted their creation. Regardless of this, during a battle where they are on the side of the
Tremere, if a Tremere vampire is being attacked then they will automatically cease whatever they are doing and assist or even
sacrifice their lives for them. But during peace-time, they couldn't care less.
Another of the Pestilencarians' weaknesses is the fact that they are all afflicted with Bubonic Plague. The later ones in this clan
can change this manually or may not even have it at all, but as for the rest they will have it forever and so take one automatic
point of damage per scene as a result. Also, all of the Pestilencarians are Blood Bound to their leader.

Advantages: The Pestilencarians have the distinct advantage of being able to rely on their leader at all times. Because of the
clan's small number of Progeny (150 at most), there is no problem with the availability of their leader. To do this, assume it as
the Ritual Communicate with Kindred Sire, but only taking five seconds to begin communication and the appearance of the
leader within ten seconds of the time after the ritual is over.
Their closeness to the Wyrm is another advantage, as they can therefore summon the Wyrm's minions to their own command for
a brief period of time (Three days at most). They cannot be counted as retainers for it is not assured that they will be trustworthy,
but will do their master's bidding when they have the power to kill them. Use the chart below for specifics on types of minions that
can be summoned.
Kalus: Five Blood Pointa
Psycomachie: Eight Blood Points
Scrag: 13 Blood Points
Nexus Crawler: 20 Blood Points

Clan's Future Plans: As a little wake-up call for the new millennium, the Pestilencarians plan to burn down the Vatican and kill
the Pope as a reminder that the Apocalypse begins there. Though ignorant Lupines believe that the Apocalypse is imminent and
is on its way out, the Wyrm merely leaves its Black Spiral Dancers and Banes to their own bidding until after the Pestilencarians
take out the Vatican in the dawn of the year 2000, at which point there presence will be required to design and create new,
almighty creatures and plot attacks. That is when the real battle begins. Little do the Lupines know, however, that history is like a
river -- it will repeat itself. Keeping that in mind, the Wyrm has its sights set to perform what he did to cause the First
Apocalypse, with a few alterations. Once the Lupines are out of the way, Pentex Inc. will diminish the Amazon and then the world,
leaving it a barren plain which will be the final battlefield where Gaia will at last die; little does she know. . .

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame





Airt Sense, Reform, Cut, Cleanse the Blight, Create Wind, Materialize, Open Sky Bridge, Umbrastorm, Updraft.

The Playastorm is the spirit of the desert wind, hot, dry and ferocious. It dessicates and drives a scouring blast of sand and dust
into everything in its path. The Playastorm has always existed, blasting across the face of Gaia and cleansing Her of deadwood,
rot, disease and corruption.

A great white wall of windblown sand and heralded by dust devils, miles wide and often hundreds of feet high. There may or may
not be thunderheads riding on its crest. The winds of the Playastorm can reach hurricane power; dust suspended in the Storm
can cause total whiteout conditions.

The Playastorm can be found in the desert or any barren, wide-open place.

Spiritual Correspondences
The sirocco; Key 13; Geburah.

Material Correspondences
Wind, dust, sand, kites, electricity.

Gift Lore
The Playastorm can teach any Gift dealing with swift terror and healing, albeit its healing knowledge will be harsh and draconian
in the extreme.

The Playastorm cannot be stopped once it's started moving. Klaxons and other warnings anger it: it likes to surprise those in its

Inexorable, violent and impersonal, but with a playful streak.

The Playastorm can be placated by the flying of bright-coloured kites, dancing ribbons, banners and flags on his crest. This
exuberant spirit will direct most of its fury at them, batting them about like a cat and howling with glee. Characters who harness
the power of the Playastorm with kite buggies, landsailers, parasails and sometimes even trampolines will find themselves
transported on fabulous, ferociously high-speed adventures as the Playastorm gives them a ride.


Fenris Lorsai (

Author's Notes
Okay, you wanted to bring a ROUS into your game? (Probably not, but let's just pretend) Here's some guidelines for creating
your own demented ROUS allies or characters if you wish. (And why did I do this with my spare time? Because one of my
characters has an ROUS as an ally and he keeps popping up to make a nuisance of himself. Wouldn't be long before some
rules monger was asking for the justification.)
Honorah O'Neill

When the Sundering of the Realm and the Umbra occurred, spirit and matter were torn apart. Of course, there are always
exceptions to this rule. The Garou would be one. The ROUS would be another. ROUS are Rodents Of Unusual Size, as the
Garou refer to them.

When the Sundering came, most creatures were torn apart trapping matter in the Realm and spirit in the Umbra. A few were not,
but the thin Gauntlet between the world was more than they could handle and so became trapped on one side. So it was with the
ROUS. Some became trapped in the Umbra while others became trapped in the Realm. As time went by, the two groups forgot
each other but not the worlds they had been denied. Finally, the ROUS of the Umbra discovered the trick of stepping sideways
and banded together for their first excursion into the Realm in millennia. They picked nearly the worst time and place. They
stepped out on the East Coast of North America to come nose to nose with their own worst nightmares. It was the time in which
Eater-Of-Souls had been cut loose to manifest in the Realm itself. Accompanying it were many servants of the Wyrm including
much to the Umbral ROUS horror, their long thought lost cousins who had become trapped in the Realm. These cousins had
grown filled with Rage and bitterness at being denied the Umbra and so had thrown their lot in with the Wyrm who promised to
destroy the world. To their thinking, the world had been destroyed once during the Sundering. Do it again and it would rejoin the
Realm and the Umbra. The Umbral ROUS believed no such thing and would be happy to teach their cousins the trick of stepping
sideways if they did not think that they would be giving the gift to violent and unpredictable children. Since then, the Umbral
ROUS has taken to a very scholarly bent and have been trying to reform their cousins. Of course, they don't mind finding
WILLING pupils among other folks.

The Present Day

The Umbral ROUS are much fond of knowledge in any of its forms unlike their cousins who would most likely eat the book rather
than read it. So, the Umbral ones like to keep them well sorted out so other folks don't go confusing them with their cousins. They
refer to themselves (using Linean classification) as Rattus fictus and their insane cousins as Rattus perditus. The Realm bound
ROUS refer to the two groups as "Them" and "Us."

Rattus fictus
All of this group know the trick of stepping sideways and so can be found in either world. Of course, considering that they are
giant rodents they tend to stay in the Umbra most of the day and are usually only operating in the Realm at night when humans
are far less likely to see them. There are two basic divisions in here, mostly a difference in the opinion of how to go about things.

These ROUS believe in teaching just about anything and anything regardless of whether or not it has any practical application.
They do not consider violence a good way to convince anyone of anything. They are quite capable of fighting if attacked but will
rarely if ever start the fight. These ROUS are most likely to take students from species other than their own. They most often will
take Garou as pupils but Mages of the Traditions are not that uncommon either. They do not like the Technomancers however
and will not take them as students. Teachers tend to give good advice and often have arcane bits of knowledge that prove

useful. The main advantage is that they can teach Garou Gifts. Mages can generally manage to learn useful knowledge
pertaining about the Spirit sphere, but the teaching just generally gives them a better understanding of what they can already do.
The other spheres are completely foreign concepts to the ROUS, so they're little if any help at all. Of course, having a giant
magic throwing rat does have its advantages outside of the teaching aspect.

These ROUS are far more concerned with the practical end of knowledge. They also see no problem with letting people learn
the hard way or to giving their students a few lumps so they'll learn their lesson that much better. They take a far more active role
in trying to re-educate their cousins than the Teachers do since they have a far better chance of actually surviving the encounter.
They don't take students as often as the Teachers. Those who manage to convince one to take them as students gain a powerful
ally. Not only are these ROUS knowledgeable in the magical end of things, they also tend to be very good fighters. They are
found most often in the cities or in corrupted areas than the Teachers are. They also tend to be more nomadic and often arm
themselves with modern weaponry. Some Warriors are actually quite capable of using firearms and almost all are capable of
using a knife though it is always somewhat awkward.

ROUS of the Fictus variety appear as large rather slim rats. They walk on all fours and are generally about three feet at the
shoulder. Standing up on the rear legs they stand just under six feet. This is rather awkward and they can only take a dozen or so
steps while upright. Warriors are far better at walking upright then Teachers though. Generally the fur is very well groomed and is
some shade of brown or grey and is soft to the touch. Only their teeth do aggravated damage. Because of their physical
structure, most of the Fictus find it very difficult to use weapons effectively since they are designed for someone with free hands.
Upping Melee or Firearms skills costs twice normal and they still can use no melee weapons bigger than a short sword. (yes,
Claymores are right out) Since Firearms require the ability to balance well upright (without falling over) they are restricted to light,
single shot, weaponry such as pistols and revolvers.

Stepping Sideways
As before mentioned, ROUS of the Fictus persuation are capable of stepping sideways. The Gauntlet is halved for them
stepping into the Umbra but doubled for stepping out due to their strong ties to the Umbra.

ROUS possess Gifts similar to the ones Garou use and can easily teach them to Garou. Teachers have access to Theurge,
Philodox, Galliard, Stargazer, Children of Gaia, and Uktena Gifts. Warriors have access to Ragabash, Philodox, Ahroun,
Bonegnawer, Glass Walker, and Silent Strider Gifts.
In addition to these, ROUS may possess spirit Charms. These are not teachable to Garou though they may be able to give
Mages the basic idea of how to do the same thing. Charms cost Power just as with spirits and ROUS have to either spend
Gnosis points or spend Power to use them. (They have a Power pool somewhat similar to a vampiric Blood Pool) They can use
Charms in the Realm by spending Gnosis but have no access to their Power pool while in the Realm. When in the Umbra, they
become far more attuned to their spirit side than their material side. They far prefer using Charms while Umbral and so raise the
difficulty for Gift usage by two. (If it goes above ten, they just plain can't concentrate enough to do it at all)
Unfortunately for a ROUS if his Power goes to zero he starts burning Health Levels or goes into Slumber as spirits do. To wake
one from Slumber, 5 points of Power or Gnosis must be spent. If he burns all his Power and Health levels, he dies.

Starting Rage Teacher: 1
Starting Rage Warrior: 3
Starting Gnosis: 6
Starting Willpower: 6
Starting Power: 10

Level 1
Airt Sense
Cleanse the Blight
Ease Pain

Level 2
Control Electrical System
Open Moon Bridges
Short Out
Assess Character

Level 3
Scent of Safety
Dream Journey
Iron Will
Create Wind

Level 4
Ice Shards
Lightning Bolts
Throw Glass
Inner Pain
Open Sky Bridge
Frozen Breath

Level 5
Blood Sucking
Break Reality
Blast Flame
Create Fires

Rattus perditus
These are the Realm bound ROUS. They are unable to step sideways unless they manage to acquire a Gift that allows them to
do so. They are filled with Rage and are all Wyrm-corrupt. From their associations with Black Spirals they have learned to ally
themselves with the Bane Totems. Every one of these ROUS is dedicated to one of the Bane Totems. Through making
sacrifices to these Totems and going on quests of destruction and corruption in their names, these ROUS may be granted Gifts
from their Totems. Through this they have access to Ahroun, Philodox, Glass Walker, and Black Spiral Dancer Gifts. They are
incapable of teaching these Gifts to others and must petition their totem to learn any new Gifts. As with Black Spirals, they
choose a specific Urge-Wyrm to follow. Also as Black Spirals, they must take a Derangement.


Physically, these fellows are dirty and unkempt. Their teeth are often out of alignment and their claws are often chipped but still
razor sharp. Both their teeth and claws do aggravated damage. They typically have blackish, grey, or dirty brown coat often
patchy. The fur is harsh and irritating to the touch. Anyone who bites them will take one die of damage from the irritating glop and
roughness of it. They are bigger than their Umbral counterparts and start with two dots in Strength and Stamina but receive no
starting dots in Intelligence or Perception. Perditus have been warped by the Wyrm to make them better fighters and are much
better at standing up and walking on two legs. The cost for increasing Melee and Firearms is only one more point than normal.
They are far more steady on their feet and are capable of using far heavier weaponry. Machetes and rapiers are particularly
favorite melee weapons. In the firearms area they are capable of using things up to the size of a small caliber rifle or shotgun but
are still not capable of using an automatic weapon.

Starting Rage: 6
Starting Gnosis: 1
Starting Willpower: 4

ROUS can spend Rage somewhat similar to a Garou but not in nearly the same quantities. Fictus can spend a maximum of one
Rage per turn either for using a Gift, for an extra action. Perditus can spend a maximum of two per turn. ROUS can regain Rage
the same way as Garou, but do not receive any from the phase of the moon and find it far harder to regain at all. ROUS can
frenzy, but raise the difficulty by three for Fictus and by one for Perditus.

Fictus generally take fairly normal names or ones from literature. Teachers favor names of great figures in history while Warriors
prefer the names of either fighters or very common names (such as Joe or Bob). Perditus take any name they damn well please,
be it an actual name or a random string of sylables.

Character Creation
Choose Species
Rattus fictus or Rattus perditus

If Rattus fictus:
Choose Alignment: Teacher or Warrior
Pick Attributes: 6/4/2
Pick Abilities: 13/9/5 Teachers may not take points in Firearms or Melee and no more than two in Brawl, Warriors may take no
more than one dot in Melee and none in Firearms
Pick Backgrounds: 3 points any Background except Kinfolk or Totem
Take 2 Starting Gifts and 1 Charm
Fill in starting Rage, Gnosis, Willpower, and Power
Freebie cost: 15 freebie points
Attribute 5
Abilities 2
Backgrounds 2
Gnosis 2
Willpower 2

Rage 2
Power 3
Gifts 6
Charms 8

Rattus Perditus
Pick a Totem
Pick an Urge Wyrm
Pick Attributes: 6/4/2
Pick Abilities: 12/9/4
Pick Backgrounds: 5 points, cannot take Kinfolk, Pure Breed, Familiar Spirit
Take 3 Gifts
Record Staring Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower
Freebie points: 15 points, as above but cannot take Power or Charms

Gaining Rank
For Fictus, they gain Rank as Theurge, if they're Teachers as Ragabash if Warriors. For Perditus, as Ahroun, with Renown
being like the Black Spirals. (Infamy, etc.)

Experience Points
Should these be run as PCs, they gain experience points as normal. Point cost for Attributes, Abilities, Rage, Gnosis, and
Willpower are the same. Gifts are 5 X Level. Charms are 8 X Level and Power is half the current rating (round up).

A Sample ROUS
Name: Henry
Species: Fictus
Alignment: Teacher
Concept: Meddler
Stength 2 Charisma 3 Perception 3
Dexterity 2 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 3
Stamina 2 Appearance 2 Wits 3
Alertness 1 Animal Ken 3 Enigmas 2
Empathy 2 Etiquette 2 Investigation 2
Expression 2 Performance 2 Linguistics 1
Subterfuge 2 Stealth 2 Occult 2
Survival 3 Rituals 2
Fetish 3, Spirit Magnet Level 3, Gnosis 7 When activated, attracts small spirits (of less than 20 Power).

Scent of the True Form

Airt Sense

Rage: 1

Gnosis: 6
Willpower: 6
Power: 10
Equipment: The spirit Magnet, a pouch with some cookies and granola bars in it, and a Swiss army knife with a can opener
Image: A big brown rodent. Henry tends to grin a lot when pleased with himself or just when he's meddling. This shows off his
nice big teeth to great advantage. For some reason some people find that intimidating. Henry tends to play up the charm usually
and sometimes affects a British accent. Of course it's a bad British accent, but it's still amusing.

History: Henry used to live in the Umbral reflection of Vanderbuilt Chemical's property. It was the perfect hiding place
considering the weirdness of most of the other spirits in the area. Who'd notice one ROUS among the Giant Three Headed
Purple Paisley Bunnies? Well, someone finally noticed. A Lunatic Garou that lived up the street took to wandering through the
grounds as a short cut. Most of the critters got used to seeing her around so paid her no mind. Henry eventually ended up
coming face to face with her one evening. Most Theurges would have left or tried bargaining off some Gnosis to make this big
thing go away. Not this one, she bribed him with Girl Scout Cookies. Henry has found this most amusing and has been meddling
in Fenris' life ever since. Fenris only seems to find this annoying when he tries setting up dates for her; that's just going too far.
Not that that's going to slow him down any.

The Setop Missive


Part One: Introduction
Part Two: Bete
Part Three: Soulstealers
Part Four: Powers
Part Five: ST's information


To Inauhaten,
Enoch, Shadowlands
C.O. the council of the Tal'mahe'Ra, the
Manus Nigrum
From Setop a.k.a David Hashillian
I hope this letter finds you well, and that it
finds only you. To those who do not go
by the name Inhuahaten and read this,
know that the wrath of the curse in this
paper is great, and only Inhauhaten or
myself can read this.
There, now that unpleasentary is over
with, let me get done to my report. I
apologize about the lateness of my this
paper, but the adventures I had to go
through to obtain this information were
lengthy and grueling.
Below is the list of the Anteduliveans to
represented clans and their dominant

powers. I do not know if this is correct or

not, but these were the best answers I
could cook up:
Veddartha (May also be known as Nergal)
Thaumaturgy Tremere
Dementation Malkav
Gangrel (or Ennoia, or Lilith)
Obtenebration Lasombra
Vicissitude Andeleon
Corruption serpents
Necromancy Augustus
Assasination Quietus
Daimoinon Shaitan
Cappadocians Death
True Brujah
Knowledge Temporis
Old Tzimisce Manipulations Dominate

This was the best I could do, hope it is

any help in your research.

The Bete

The Nuwisha
First, it should be noted, that there are far
more Nuwisha, or were-coyotes, than
anyone, even themselves, thought.
There are by no means only a hundred
Nuwisha left. The only problem with the
numbers is that about half of them do not
know they are Nuwisha or have turned to
the wyrm.
Now as far as I understand it, the
Nuwisha are divided into three major
sects, the Nuwisha Proper (what
everyone thinks of the Nuwisha,
runaways to the Umbra), the Lartans
(Nuwisha who have stayed on this
Realm, did not flee to the Umbra, and
masquerade as Garou) and the Others
(Nuwisha Lartans who truly think they are
garou, or have turned to the wyrm). In
each sect, there are smaller cultures.
Cultures mean nothing as far as tribe

gifts and the like, and most Nuwisha do

not care one way or another what culture
they are classified into.
The history of the Nuwisha sects and
cultures goes as follows. During the War
of Rage, the Garou badly reduced the
Nuwisha population. The Nuwisha held a
Council of the Coyotes and had a vote.
Some thought that they should flee into
the Umbra to try to find a new home.
Others wished to stay, and use their gifts
to hide from the Garou. And so they
divided. The Nuwisha who stayed
became known as Lartans. Cultures of
Nuwisha have been around forever,
except for the Umbral Dancers and the
Ennoya. Asking a Nuwisha what culture
she belongs to is just as pointless as
asking a high schooler if she is a "jock"
or a "nerd" or a "prep" etc. They have no
real meaning other than most Nuwisha of
the same sect have the same
mannerisms. Only the Acropoli take any

sort of meaning in cultures, and they are

the ones who named and classified most
of them. Here is a basic list of the
Nuwisha cultures, along with what
actions to expect from them as well as
what sect.

These are the Nuwisha who have taken
to the cities as their homes. They are
found in the suburbs, playing tricks and
fighting the Wyrm there. Acropoli are the
one of the only cultures who give
meaning to Culture. Lartan Acropoli are
most often seen as a Glass Walker or a
Bone Gnawer garou, though Proper
Nuwisha Acropoli exist. They often
appear with molted grey fur, though it is
sometimes dyed an odd color

Cogs (Peace Puppies)

Acropoli derive the Cog's name from the
Children of Gaia, because of both
territorial and action similarities. Peace
Puppies mediate the tricks from other
Nuwisha, and only trick to lighten a
serious atmosphere. They are often
found in the forests, Lartan Cogs with
other Children of Gaias and Nuwisha
Proper Cogs in an Umbral realm
resembling a forest.

The common of the Nuwisha, these
tricksters roam the high desert, mourning
their loss of Luna and pranking any wyrm
that happens to pass by. There are few
Lartan Cotol, while many Nuwisha

Proper are of the Cotol.

Scarlet Thorns
A relatively new culture, of both the
Lartans and the Nuwisha, this group has
taken to heart the Red Talons ideals, kill
all the weaver scum (humans) first.
However, the Scarlet Thorns have taken
it a step further. "Kill the garou, then kill
the humans, then you are free," is their
Lartan Scarlet Thorns are rare, but
usually hide amongst the Red Talons
until they turn on them. There are a few
more Scarlet Thorns with the Proper
Nuwisha, but the sum of all Scarlet
Thorns is small.

Umbral Dancers
Policemen and guides to the Umbral
realms. I have not been able to learn
much of this tight-nit organization, other
than the hopeful Umbral Dancer-to-be
must be judged by the other Dancers
and undergo a rite. I do know that the
Dancers hold a high place of respect
amongst all Nuwisha, even if there are
no Lartan Umbral Dancers. I do know
that in order to be considered a Dancer,
one must undergo some sort of rite, but
the exact nature is still unknown.

A very open Lartan group, but the one
with the most mysterious past. So the
rumors go, after the council of the
coyote, a small group of Nuwisha left

both the Nuwisha and the Lartans to

seek help from the Wyrm. They all came
back to the Wyld, but few had retained
their sanity. Those who did, though,
possessed magic powers resembling
those hedge magician's possess, as well
as disciplines of vampires. The Ennoya
refuse to tell how they acquired these
powers, and I believe that they may be
incapable of telling what happened. The
Ennoya returned to fight the Wyrm
instead of aiding it, and have taught
some other Nuwisha their magics. There
are only Lartan Ennoya, no Proper
Nuwisha Ennoya. Ennoya also seem
incapable of Umbral Travel.

There is a rather amusing, yet sad story
behind them. The major disadvantage of

the Lartans is that sometimes a Nuwisha

will be born, use the gift that allows them
to move freely amongst the garou, and
forget who they are. Lartans call these
unfortunates Tailless puppies, and
occasionally help them. Most Nuwisha do
not care enough to though. Sadly, fully
30% of the Nuwisha Lartan population do
not have tails.

The Ennoya have noticed a horrible
change over the Nuwisha who practices
too much magic; they undergo a horrible
physical transformation, lose their sanity,
and devote themselves to the wyrm. I
have not seen a Coy-hound yet, but my
Nuwisha contacts tell me to pray I never

The Crocuta
I also must report an my findings of other
Bete, for you did not just send me to
learn only about the Nuwisha. I know
there are other bete, but I have only
been able to dig up information on a few
of these bete : Bastet were-cats, Corax
were-ravens and Gurahl were-bears. I
have also heard the term Mokole, which I
believe means were-crocodile, but I am
unsure of this. There are other bete, but I
could find little information about them. I
have also heard the term Mokole, which I
think to mean.
I have uncovered information on a race
of shape shifters that became extinct
long ago. These sad cases are called the
Crocuta, or were-hyena. I wouldn't have
discovered their existence if I hadn't
attack and steal all the information out of

a certain Arcanum Chantry. I am sure,

however, that the records in that Chantry
were the only records of the Crocuta.
Like the other bete, Gaia supposedly
gave the Crocuta a certain job when they
were first conceived. The Garou were the
protector/warriors, the Bastet were the
watchers, the Corax were the
messengers, Gurahl the healers,
Nuwisha entertainers. And the Crocuta
made sure the job was done. After the
warriors destroyed a Wyrm in some sort
of battle, the Crocuta came by and
finished it, if it needed to be. They were
the scavengers of the Bete, and
perhaps, the least liked. The Garou were
too proud to admit that they made
mistakes, and felt that the Crocuta didn't
have a reason to exist.
However, it wasn't the Garou who first
initiated the decline of the Crocuta, it was
the Wyrm. The Wyrm had a small

dilemma. During a confrontation with

Gaia's chosen, the Wyrm had two
choices in its best defense. One was to
attack, which would result in its surely
being killed. The other was to pretend to
be dead, to play possum. This was offset
by the Crocuta, who made sure
something was dead if it looked dead. So
the Wyrm quietly and slowly began killing
off the Crocuta, one by one. The Wyrm
also then realized that none of the other
bete would come to the Crocuta's aid, so
it started a full-scale war on the Crocuta.
At about that time the Garou did
something that even startled the Wyrm;
they began the War of Rage. The Wyrm
hissed with delight.
The Wyrm was not idle during the War of
Rage; it passed itself even into the garou
packs, and bade the Galliards and other
tale-keepers to forget about the other
bete, especially the Crocuta. The Garou
did so. The Wyrm did the same with the

other bete, and soon the Crocuta were

nearly forgotten. Few Crocuta were left to
remembered about anyway. Those who
were still alive were mistaken for Black
Spiral Dancers, with their slaver-jawed
maws and hooping laughs. They were
killed on sight. No Crocuta presence has
been recorded ever since.

The Lumberjacks
Apparently, fate has decreed that Bete
created by Gaia is not enough; it had to
come out with man-made Bete. DNA
labs knows more about Shape-shifting
than shifters themselves. They have
managed to create their own breed, an
appalling thought, but true none the less.
Contacts of mine who work for DNA
claim that, about two years ago, DNA
managed to create it's first Bete, whom

they named Lumberjacks, version 1. 0.

A short history. After the first Garou was
captured by DNA about four years ago,
the labs immediately began research on
two aspects of a Bete's nature: shapeshifting and fast healing. Fortunately,
they have not managed to uncover the
secrets of the rapid healing of the Bete,
but they have learned about shapeshifting. They combined the genes of a
bear and a human using the rudimentary
techniques that they know, and came up
with a short-lived, mentally retarded but
physically powerful were-bear. From what
my contact tells me, the Lumberjacks
have a life-span of about three months,
maturing in two weeks. They have
created a total of thirty-five of these
monstrosities, but only seven are alive
currently. They are used primarily for
manual labor, but make fine guards and
warriors when DNA is hunting more

Another man made creation has been
showing up at farm sites all around the
world, especially at the rain forest farms,
and in central America. I plead you, do
not laugh when I reveal what these
things are, for they are abominations,
horrors, and utterly revolting creations.
Let me tell you a short story of how I
learned of them.
I was on a road in northern Wisconsin,
with my friends and allies Darverlio (an
Ennoya Nuwisha, the first Nuwisha I had
met), Jim Scout (a human researcher),
and Robert (a vampire with a unique
story that I will tell you later in this report).
We were following a lead about odd
occurrences in the area, and I believing

them to be supernatural. The farms we

passed were abandoned, or destroyed.
Everywhere we looked dead cattle and
farmers littered the area.
That is, all but this one herd of cattle on
the side of the highway. They looked like
strays, and we wondered how they'd
survived and the other herds hadn't. We
stopped and got out of the car to
investigate. Great Ra how I wish we
didn't. One of the cows stood up. Yes,
stood up, on hind legs and began
walking to us, like a human would. We all
stopped in our tracks. As it got closer, we
could see that it looked much like a
garou would in crinos form, only as a cow
instead of a wolf. It had the head, hair,
hands and feet of a cow, but it moved
like a man. As it got closer, we could see
sharp teeth glaring out of its mouth, and
the hooves at the ends of it's
appendages were razor sharp. It grinned
at us, and we could see madness in its

eyes. The cows behind it also underwent

some kind of change. Some stayed as
cows, others transformed into something
more human looking than the one
approaching us. It stopped about ten
yards away, and looked back at the herd.
With a startling shout of "for the Great
Grass Man," the entire herd rushed us.
We ran back to the car for safety, locking
the doors and rolling up the windows.
The herd surrounding us began pushing
at the car, trying to squeeze us inside.
Jim pulled out his shot gun and fired out
of the closed windows. It should be noted
that the shots were not silver, but they
did the normal amount of damage a shot
gun would, and the cow-people did not
seem to heal it. Finally, after fully half the
herd was killed, the fled. We got out of
the car, Jim still shooting and Darverlio,
in Manbazahoo form (coyote crinos),
chased after them. When they had finally
gotten out of site, Robert fainted and Jim

got sick on the ground. I didn't blame

Later I discovered that similar sightings
had occurred, centered around Pentex
farms and DNA laboratories. The
researchers at DNA believe that a
renegade scientist from their ranks
created them, using them to exact
revenge on the two companies. What I
learned about their biology and culture is
this: they do not heal at the rapid rate
that other bete do, but they do not take
aggravated damage from silver; they are
all hopelessly insane, and are used by
the "great grass man" to attack farms
that are owned by servants of the Wyrm;
they are planted in various herds in
farms, and then left to destroy
everything. Note that I said that they are
used to attack the Wyrm, this does not
mean that they attack only the Wyrm.
They will attack and kill anything. I have
named them Angi and their forms

Glabro, Crinos, and Angus. Breeds that I

have identified are the Stud and the
Steer. Studs are the Angi created in the
labs, and breed with normal cattle.
Steers are an Angi born to a Stud and a
cow. I have not found any metis Angi. I
would assume that they have a life span
of about a year, being killed far before
then. I am basing this off the fact that I
have not found any immature Angi, and
they have only showed themselves in the
past three years. I am unsure what to do
about the Angi. They are servants of a
warrior against the Wyrm, but they only
hate the wyrm second-handedly. I think I
will not take any direct action against
them as long as they serve this "Great
Grass Man," but after they lose
allegiance to him. . .


My next research involves the
vicissitude, banes, fomori, and the
Souleaters. I am surprised the Black
Hand told you as little as they did, for it
was they who first started the battle
against them.
The Souleaters are probably the Wyrm's
most effective tool. Both the Garou and
the Black hand are warriors against
them, and the Nephandi, Pentex, and the
Tzimsice are their pawns. In short,
Souleaters are the Wyrm. The Wyrm
represents corruption and decay; original
job was to destroy excess Law or Chaos,
and at first I thought that this meant
simple annihilation. This was not so. The
Wyrm did not destroy the excess
existence; it changed it to some of its
own. It slowly gathered up an army of
matter, all of it corrupted creation. For
this reason I think the Wyrm was always

against Gaia; it was just biding its time for

it to release its creations/corruptions.
Wyrm destroys excess creation, but what
exactly is excess, it thought. So, destroy
everything. Another thought, if creation
turned to him, it would no longer be
creation, hence it would be destroyed.
The Wyrm is not mad as the Garou think;
it is only doing what it was told to do. I am
not defending it mind you, I am only
presenting its side of the story. What I
just said does not mean to stop the
Shadow Crusade or the Apocalypse war.
The Souleaters were first brought to
Earth from the Umbra by a Tzimisce
named Andeleon. I think that this was not
a random occurrence, but intervention by
the Wyrm loving bastard mages, the
Nephandi (ever notice the resemblance
in names between the Nephandi and a
certain organ in a worm's body involved
in the excretion of liquid waste?). The

disease spread to almost all of the

Tzimisce, except those in the Black
Hand. From there it spread to all
creatures, and was eventually harnessed
by Pentex. Pentex mages and scientists
have learned the ritual required to call a
Souleater spirit from the Umbra, and
began infecting their own workers.
I am still unsure how this disease is
spread. I know it is transmitted through
blood, and possibly by air. Vicissitude
can infect anything, Vampire, human,
Garou, insect, tree, stone, anything.
However, it only has the abilities and
powers of whatever it's current host is. A
Souleater tree would still resemble a
tree, albeit mutated and deranged.
Souleaters in their purest forms are
called Banes. When one first starts to
infect a host, the host develops the
discipline vicissitude, which needless to
say isn't a discipline. When the

transformation is complete, the original

creature is long tortured and dead, and
the Souleater has full power and control
over the host's identity. It has access to
the host's powers, her thoughts, her
memories, and personality. In short, the
bane is the host, with the exception that
now its heart and soul belongs to the
Wyrm. The Souleater has a choice; stay
in the form it is in and wreak havoc, or
mutate into a fleshy blob (called fomori)
and wreak havoc. Pentex created
Souleaters usually assume fomori form.
The Shadow Crusade fought by the
Black Hand and the Garou is a hard
battle, especially when the two warriors in
it are not allies. I ask you, try to get the
Black Hand to make some sort of an
alliance with the Garou, and I will do the
same with my garou contacts. If we could
fight together against the Souleaters, the
battle might not be so hard. I have
instructed all of my followers to destroy

anything that shows any resemblance to

Vicissitude, and I hope you do the same.

My most current project is a study on
various powers of supernatural: Magic,
Quickening, Gifts, and Disciplines. I think
I understand the first three, but not
enough to be positive. Magic of the Magi
is fueled by Quickening. Yes, Quickening
and Quintessence are the same thing;
the only difference is in names. I am sure
that if an Immortal would be able to fuel
his Quickening and concentrate, he
would be able to utilize the same powers
a Magi would. However, Magic stems
from ones belief on reality, while
Quickening is raw life force. Gifts are
simply asking an Umbral spirit to do its

bidding. Simple. Our magic, I have

discovered, is basically the same as
Garou Gifts, only we force spirits to do
what our spells demand. After learning
this, somehow I always feel a little guilty
when casting a ritual. . .
Disciplines I have learned more than
enough about. No vampire that I have
contacted seems to know the true nature
of disciplines, and obviously even the
Black Hand elders do not know, else you
wouldn't have asked me to investigate
the subject. Vampires do seem to know
this though; disciplines do derive from
blood. They are correct for what I know.
Vampiric blood does not seem to be a
curse, as some believe. Rather it is just
blood fueled with a minor variety of
Quintessence. A vampire is given mental
control over her blood. Caine supposedly
had the most Quintessence in his blood,
and the amount seems to have
decreased through the generations of

vampires. It is the variety of Quickening

in the blood that prevents true Magic
from being cast, as the Tremere
regrettably (in their mind) learned.
Disciplines are highly misunderstood.
They do not come in different forms,
such as Dominate or Thaumaturgy.
Those aspects are only derived from the
vampires mind. If one could open one's
mind to the powers of blood, they would
have full mastery of disciplines,
regardless of Clan or Generation. I
learned this from Robert. After he had
mistakenly tried to gain sustenance from
me when I first met him, he agreed to be
my research tool, my guinea pig.
I had been working on a
hekau/necromancy spell for some time,
one that allowed the recipient to open
his/her mind to full awareness of the
body. I did not expect it to have the
results it did; it did not turn out to what I

expected. I cast it on two subjects, a

vampire (Robert) and a human. The
human was killed. Robert, on the other
hand, was. . . words fail me. After my
casting of the ritual was complete, both
glowed instantly with a blinding light.
When it cleared, my human assistant
was dead, and Robert was about fifty
feet up in the air. His body was limp, and
a look of raw power was on his face. He
stayed in the air for about five minutes,
then fell to the ground and fell asleep. He
didn't awake until seven nights later.
Fortunately, my researchers and I were
out of the building when it exploded upon
his awakening. He came to us
immediately. He did not take his time to
physically come to us; he just appeared
the moment of the explosion. I could see
that he was changed. He started
showing off his new powers, and he
would have probably killed me (yes, I do
think that I was in mortal danger as

impossible as it may seem for a mummy)

and destroyed my laboratories.
Fortunately, he didn't. He did seem to
have full control over his blood though,
and had access to almost all known
disciplines and a few that I had never
seen before. Some of the disciplines that
did not show were Vicissitude,
Chimestry, Daimoinon, and a few others.
I would guess that this means that those
disciplines are not true Vampiric powers,
and derive from something else. He
bade me to destroy my notes on the
ritual, which I did. He then left me. Where
he went, I don't know, the Umbra or back
in time, as far as I know. I only had a
moment to contemplate it, for Robert
returned about a minute later.
Centuries had passed for him, seconds
for me. He told me of his travels, of the
times he had seen and then told me
almost all I now know of the Umbra (I am
sure you know more about the Umbra

than I do, so I will not speak of it now).

He then proceeded to instruct some of
my other vampire helpers new
disciplines. I managed to write the affects
down. I am sure you know of Fortitude,
Celerity, and Potence. They are all just
supernatural physical attributes. He told
of how to do the same to ones mental,
social, and spiritual powers. He also
seemed to have gained Garou gifts, and
Magics, but he would not say how he
acquired these. He then left us again,
never to be seen again. Even though he
is my close friend, I sincerely hope he is
killed or stopped, or at least never shows
up in this dimension. He is far too
powerful for this world to handle, I think
he can take the lords of hell, all the
mummies in the world, and even Caine
on in battle at the same time and win. I
regret ever creating this ritual.
I guess that is all I have to say. I await
your next assignment, as I am bored

without research. I hope to have more

information about Bete and the Umbra by
the time you give me more jobs, and I will
send you what I learn when I learn it. For
now, I bid you fare well

ST Information
Note, this section is for the storytellers
eyes only. It provided stats and other
information about the above mentioned
items. Unless you wish to spoil your
games, do not read these if you do not
plan to story tell it.

Nuwisha Magic
Nuwisha of the Lartan sect and

especially of the Ennoya culture may

take magic and other powers in stead of
gifts. For the following, one might wish to
own the Players Handbook to
Werewolves, the Inquisition, and the
Vampire rules.
If a Nuwisha wishes to learn magic, he
must first look for a master who already
knows the secrets. Once doing so, he
begins his tutelage. At rank one, a
Nuwisha can learn level one disciplines
of Chimestry, Thuamaturgy, Auspex, and
Obteneration. He can also learn Hedge
magics described in the Inquisition: Via
Ignis, Via Medicamenti, and Via Oraculi.
All other paths are of the Wyrm, and are
banned from Nuwisha. Rituals are the
same. A Nuwisha who learns Magic
instead of Gifts cannot practice the
normal rituals. Instead, these are
replaced by Thaumaurgical Rituals.
Though some of these powers may not
be of much use to a Nuwisha, it is what

they have.
There is a penalty to using magic. Every
time a discipline or a Magic is cast, it
costs one Gnosis, no matter what rank or
level the power is. Gnosis can be
regained in the normal way. However,
should the Gnosis of a spell-casting
Nuwisha be dropped to zero, it can never
be regained. Magic is then drawn from
willpower, which is also regained
normally. Should both Gnosis and
Willpower be dropped to zero for any
reason, the Nuwisha is no longer a
Nuwisha. He loses his sanity and
memories, and turns to the wyrm. Such a
being is called a Coy-hounds by
Nuwisha. Coy-hounds are solitary and
murderous, and tend to be killed by
frightened victims before long, albeit with
difficulty. Stats for a Coy-hound are the
same for a normal Nuwisha, except they
have no Gnosis or Willpower, and
practice any kind of hedge magic, even

the devil-dealing ones. They are forever

trapped in Crinos form.

Lumberjack Stats
Homid Glabro Crinos Hispo Ursine
Appearance 2
Manipulation 0
Charisma 0
Intelligence 0
Perception 3

Abilities: Brawl:4, Dodge:1, Athletics:1,

Survival:2 Primal-urge:1
Gnosis: 0
Lumberjacks have no Gifts and follow
orders of DNA technicians without
question. They do not have rapid

healing, nor are they affected by silver.

They cannot enter the Umbra.

Angi (were-cow) stats

Beginning willpower:0
Backgrounds: 0

Studs: Born in the labs of a madman
Beginning rage: 10, beginning Gnosis: 0

Steers: Born to an Angi and a normal

Cow Beginning rage: 8, beginning
Gnosis: 2

Homid: There is no true homid form
among the Angi.
Glabro (near human): They are hairier,
fatter, and have small horns. str: +2, sta
+2, app 1, dex -1, manip 1
Crinos: (cow-man): Appears as a large
cow standing upright. Carnivorous teeth
(2 dice dmg), razor-sharp hooves (str+3
dmg), and large horns (str +2 dmg). str
+5, sta +3, app 0, dex -1, manip 0.
Cow: Normal cow in all respects, mental
and physical.
str 4, dex 1, stam 4, app: 2, manip 0, cha
0, int 0, obs 2, wits 0
Angi are at constant rage in Glabro and
Crinos forms. They cannot enter the
umbra, are not affected by silver, and do

not heal at rapid rate. They have a totem

of sorts, the Great Grass Man, though he
gives no special powers. Angi have no
gifts per se.

Discipline of Attributes
Must be bought separately per attribute.
A vampire can raise one's attributes by
one blood per dot. This can only be used
for Strength (called Potence), Dexterity
(Celerity), stamina (Fortitude),
appearance, wits, and willpower.

Discipline of Vampirism
This is the ability to steal a power from a
creature upon sucking its blood. For
example, should a vampire suck the

blood of a ecstasy cult mage, the

vampire has a chance to steal a dot in
the time sphere of magic. In order to
steal the power, one most roll dice for as
many dots one has in this discipline vs.
as many dots as one has in the
requested power. One needs only three
successes to steal the power. If a
vampire should steal the power, then the
victim will never be able to use that
power again.
Note, this discipline should not be utilized
by Player Characters. It is only an excuse
should the ST wish to bring in a super
powerful Cainite antagonist with nonevampiric powers.

Discipline of Health
Do not let the name deceive you, this is

not a new version of Obeah. It destroys

health, not heal it. For one blood spent, a
vampire may cause that much damage
to a victim that the vampire is touching.
No roll is necessary. A vampire can only
spend as much blood on this as he has
dots in this discipline.

Shadows and Vorlons

By Malcus Dorroga (

From the dawn of time, intelligent beings have speculated on the concepts of "good" and "evil." In time, these terms came to be
synonymous with law and chaos. This confusion has extended itself to every known species of animal, including the
shapechangers. Denizens of the Umbra tend to know better, for Law and Chaos have existed long before even the Triat. Two
breeds of spirits embody the universal ideals of Law and Chaos: The Vorlons and the Shadows. With the rise of the Triat, each
spirit allied itself with an appropriate aspect, and now work to bring their allies to power.

The Shadows: Spirits of Chaos, Creators of Strife and Discord

"When this (perfect) state is achieved, mankind would have become too feeble to produce great genius any longer. Should
we not wish, therefore, that life retain its violent character, and that wild strength and energies be called forth over and over
-- Fredereich Nietzche

"A little rebellion is a good thing . . ."

-- Thomas Jefferson
The Shadows advocate the Wyld life of strength and evolution. These embodiments of pure societal chaos believe firmly in the
theory that might makes right and that only the strong should survive. Evolution is their clarion call, and they work feverishly
toward that goal. They encourage combat on all levels, from simple street gang violence to full-fledged wars, as a way of culling
the weakest from the "herds" of all species and advancing the strength of the rest.
The Shadows are allied, albeit loosely, with the Wyld. Many Garou believe the Shadows to be Wyrm spirits; in actuallity, the
Banes known as psychomachiae are corrupted Shadows, and are hunted down by their former brethren for their de-evolution.
Shadow views tend to border on what modern humans call "evil" but they only look toward the care of living beings in a different
manner. For a Shadow, societal stagnancy breeds weakness, stupidity, and complacency. There must be societal upheaval in
order for society to exist and reach its most perfect state. Once the perfect society is reached, the Shadows believe they will
withdraw; knowing the Shadows, however, they will always find some imperfection that must be removed, and will always strike
out at an ordered society. Whether a being lives or dies is not a Shadow's concern. Rather, it wants to see Gaia evolve in its
possible strongest direction, and that means a cold, uncaring death for the weak.
Shadows come in all strengths, from Gafflings to a few Incarna. The Celestine of Chaos has been known by many names, but its
real name remains a mystery even to the other Shadows.

Typical Shadow (Jaggling)

Willpower: 6
Rage: 3
Gnosis: 6
Power: 35-45
Charms: Airt Sense, Assess Character, Influence, Insight, Materialize, Suggestion
Typical Materialized Form: Shadows, when materialized, look like huge demonic spiders. Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6.
Brawl 5, Stealth 4, Alertness 2, Subterfuge 4. Attacks: Two front pedipalps, wickedly barbed (Strength +2 damage)

The Vorlons: Spirits of Law, Dreamers of the Unified Order

"I am glad, therefore, that the Utopians have achieved their social organization, which I wish all men would imitate. Their
institutions give their commonwealth a moral and social foundation for living happy lives, and as far as man can predict,
these institutions will last forever."
-- Sir Thomas Moore, Utopia
The Vorlons advocate a society of totally ordered reason. Each being, in the perfect world, would have a certain role and would
follow that role without hesitation or deviation. A properly led life, one of total order and peace, will create strength and
intelligence in the species, and advance Gaia to her highest state. It is not the body that makes one strong, it is the ability to use

intelligence in the species, and advance Gaia to her highest state. It is not the body that makes one strong, it is the ability to use
it properly. The creation of laws and strong social orders, the advocacy of peace, and the implanting of rigid societal order is
their goal.
The Vorlons have allied themselves with the Weaver, though they remain somewhat separate from it. The Weaver wishes to spin
the world into a new age of stasis, and the Vorlons see this as a good thing. If the world is rigidly placed, then everyone will have
a specific place in the societal order, and Gaia will gorw in strength. Vorlons do not take into account that stasis in Gaia means
the end of growth; they only see that stasis brings order.
A perfect Vorlon society would have all living beings, from the lowest worm to the highest human, set in a perfect pattern of
activity. Each caste would have its chores, which it would carry out wthout question. Rebellion would not be tolerated, and free
thought not an option. The Vorlons believe that, by creating the perfectly rigid society, they prevent death, hatred, and discord,
thus bringing all of Gaia into a new and glorious age.
Vorlons come in all strengths, from gafflings to a few Incarna. The Celestine of Order has gone by many names throughout
history, mostly sun gods, and a few members of the Celestial Chorus believe it to be "the right hand of the One." Its real name is
clouded in mystery and spiritual red tape, and even the Vorlon incarna do not know it.

Typical Vorlon (Jaggling)

Willpower: 6
Rage: 2
Gnosis: 7
Power: 35-45
Charms: Airt Sense, Ease Pain, Influence, Lightning Bolts, Materialize, Purify
Typical Materialized Form: Vorlons' prefered form is of an angelic human with huge featherd wings, tremendous beauty, amd
a glowing aura. Lately, it has begun to manifest in a Veiled form, hiding its angelic self underneath a dark shroud and helmet that
looks more menacing than beautiful. Glass Walkers theurges call this form the "encounter suit." Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina
6. Brawl 2, Stealth 2, Alertness 5, Dodge 6, Leadership 2. Attacks: In Angelic form - fists (Str +1). In Veiled Form: no physical
attacks, uses lightning (consider lightning firing as an extra skill of 2)

By Robert Kelly (3 Mar 93)

Shapeshifting, Bodystealing Vampires with Gnosis!
Skinwalkers are Native American vampires located in the southwestern U.S. They operate like normal vampires -- possessing
generation, thaumaturgic-like rituals and able to make strong Wyrm fetishes.
As the Uktena and Wendigo purified the American contenents, they encountered the Skinwalkers: very clever and resourceful
Wyrm spirits who would move across the plains, from pueblo to pueblo and slowly, systematically consume all of the people.
Because of their unique abilities to assume the shapes of those they kill, the American tribes more often than not assumed that
the Garou and the Skinwalkers were one in the same --- and not without cause for the Garou continually prevented tribes and
pueblos from getting too large.
Skinwalkers are believed to be completely destroyed: the truth is that the few which are left have clandestinely merged into the
Camarilla and the Sabbat, assuming high positions within each group and totally hiding from others.

Creation (Minimum)
Attributes 8/6/4* (mental primary)
Abilities 15/11/7 (knowledges primary)
Backgrounds 8
Disciplines 4
Gnosis 7
Willpower 5
Blood: 15 pt pool
Freebie 21
Skinwalkers must have Thaumaturgy 2 and many are much, much more campable at Thaumaturgy, equal to the elder Tremere.
Some are even masquerading as elder Tremere. Many also possess high levels of Auspex and Obtenebration.

Skinwalkers are naturally able to talk to spirits: some wise shamans and Uktena even believe that they are actually malevolent
spirits inhabiting physical bodies. No one knows for sure.
Skinwalkers are able to step sideways as Garou and can learn rituals and gifts as do Garou. In the Umbra, however, they
appear as horrible and malignant creatures, with long talons and spindly bodies.
For Disciplines, Rituals and Gifts, Skinwalkers can use either Blood or Gnosis.

Wyrmskins are fetishes made from the skins of the victims the vampire has killed. At any time, a skinwalker can assume the
visage of another person or creature (even if the creature is an animal). The number of forms a wyrmskin can retain is equal to
the Skinwalker's Gnosis -- thus a Skinwalker with Gnosis 4 can memorize four "skins."
When a Skinwalker consumes its victim's blood, it can assume that victim's identity -- aura perception, sense wyrm and smell
will not work with less than five successes. If one kills a victim via blood drinking, until the next moon rise it will be able venture
into the sunlight, provided that victim wasn't a vampire.
Some extremely capable Skinwalkers can assume other peoples' forms without killing them. To do so requires five successes
on a Stamina + Subterfuge vs. their Willpower. A botch means the Skinwalker can never assume that creatures form.


Skinwalkers are thoroughly inhuman and the GM should not allow players to create Skinwalkers as characters.
Skinwalkers are unlimited at improving their attributes to any level, and retain their physical attributes except Appearance. They
cannot pump their physical attributes the way other vampries can, but can use it to heal themselves from non-aggravated
damage. Their natural form is akin to Nosferatu with an Appearance of zero.
Skinwalkers take aggravated damage from sunlight, fire and silver.
Once every hundred years a Skinwalkers must return to its homeland in the Southwest and kill ten creatures, preferably human,
in a ritual to prolong its life. Should it not do this, every year past one hundred, it loses an extra blood per evening. If the
skinwalker runs out of blood, it will enter torpor.

Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko
Mad Love and War, poems of Joy Harjo
Navajo Mythos
Tony Hillerman (GAK)

Spirit of Halloween
By Drew Lee (

Rage: 2
Gnosis: 5
Willpower: 7
Power: 30

Airt Sense, Materialize, Create Wind, Disorient, Shapeshift, Bloodsucking (from Axis Mundi) Dark Journey (see below)

Halloween has never appeared the same way to one person. For everyone it is slightly different based on their perceptions of
the holiday. Most of the time there is a Jack-o-lantern involved however.

The Spirit of Halloween has been around ever since humans first began to fear things. It went by different names over time but
finally was permanently named by the Celts.
The spirit was part of all three of the Triat. The Weaver because every human has celebrated at one time, the Wyld because of
the energy that the humans create, and part Wyrm that the humans always bring with them.
The ancients celebrated Halloween or Samhain as a way to chase the evil spirits away. Then Christianity came through and put
down the holiday heavy-handedly. But somehow it managed to survive even the corruption of the White Howlers.

Halloween goes to its own Realm during the days out of Halloween. However on Halloween night The Spirit can materialize
anywhere and everywhere.

Material Correspondence
Pumpkins, Jack-o-lanterns, Halloween Candy, masks, or anything a person associates with that holiday.

Gift Lore
The Spirit of Halloween can teach most Black Spiral Dancer gifts as well as Ragabash Gifts as well as Gifts that allow
interaction with the dead.

Creepy ;)


To gain Halloween's favor you must truly enjoy the holiday to its fullest. Halloween can summon wraiths and bind them into
fetishes for a garou that asks nicely. Corax, Silent Striders, Ragabash, Nuwisha, and Bone gnawers are favored.

Side Note
Halloween keeps its own accord. Somehow it has avoided the usual banes, the uptight Gaian Incarna, and the ever so boring
Weaver spirits.

Dark Journey
The Spirit may make one Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to go immediately to Halloween's pocket realm in the Dark Umbra.
The Halloween realm is an extremely odd place. A yellow moon is out constantly. The trees are withered and leafless (though
strangely not blighted by a Wyrm spirit of any sort), the undead walk around, ghosts flit about, werewolves of an entire other sort
than Garou roam constantly in Crinos. This is the only umbral realm that any sort of supernatural (except hunters -- because I
don't like em :P -- can enter without badly effecting the environment or its denizens.

The Host
By Adam Solis (

Face it guys, Banes are just stupid. They trade their individuality, powers, and immortality for a short trip as a fleshly creature.
Not all Spirits are that stupid though. So be careful, that "fomor" you may be confronting may be Host.
Tell me, do you happen to know any spirit mages? If you do, they make great friends and worse enemies. One of their tricks is
guesting a spirit, so that they can channel the Spirit's power through themselves. Well, The Host are a lot like that trick, except it
is the Spirit's idea to begin with. These guys are just bad news; to begin with they are a better breed of spirit to begin with. The
end product is something more along the lines of a Kami than a fomor, usually.
You kids are probably not interested too much in their cultural values or political opinions, so I'll start off with their powers.

Powers of the Hosts

First of all, the Host retain their innate spiritual nature unlike those fomori types. So Host retain their charms, power, gnosis, and
Rage. Oh yeah, they can definitely use those powers too. Now think about it pup, The Host by definition already has a body. They
also already have rage, but it is their charms which are the killer. Take the Charm Manifestation for example; that is definitely
one of their faves. The Host retains all the abilities and characteristics of the "meatbod," their pet name for the fleshly part of their
little union. With the expenditure of a little power, The Host could increase its dexterity, stamina, strength, health levels to any
amount it wanted. It could also heal its body, or give itself any kind of ability (talent, knowledge, or skill) to levels that leave Dream
or Past lives in the dust. In other words, think of any manifested spirit you have ever fought with a free base of a human or animal
meatbod to begin with. Scary thought, eh? Also, Host with the Shapeshift Charm can still shapeshift, and pretty much use any
other charm in its repertoire with the obvious exception of Possession, which is already in use. Mental and social aspects of the
Host depend apon the meatbod's social and mental characteristics as well as the Spirit's Gnosis. (I have not quite decided on
the rules for this yet. Any thoughts?)
Host regain power, gnosis, and rage like every other other spirit. Since Host do not tie themselves to the meatbod as tightly as
Banes do, they may leave the meatbod at any time and are also vulnerable to exorcism as well. Furthermore, if the meatbod
dies, well the Spirit can always find a new meatbod to possess.

Magick: Just as certain Spirits can use magick, so can certain Host. Such Host have Arete, spheres, and suffer from paradox
like any other magic worker. Host can even belong to a specific paradigm, although most can be safely considered Orphans.

Host Fomor: Although Host invariably consider themselves superior to fomori, host can have fomori characteristics. Create the
fomor as usual according to Freak Legion, but such fomor always have the Banespeak and Unpossessed merits and the
Dispersal power. These aberrations are looked down apon by The Host.

The Spirits Themselves

The Host are not so much a race as a state of being. The only requirement for becoming Host is that the spirit have the Charms
Possession and Materialization, or their equivalents.

Middle and High Umbra: Spirits of any of the Triat can become Host. There are rumors that the dreaded WyldThings are really
Wyld Host. There are several Bane Host, as in Warriors of the Apocalypse. The most famous fomor host is Malfeaxis, the Wyrm
Bear. Weaver Host are unusual, but possible.

Low Umbra: It may be possible for there to be Host of a meatbod and Wraith/plasmal/spectre. It would require Puppetry 5, and
Embody at the very least. These are essentially living Risen.

Maya: A Chimera Host? Anything is possible...

By Igor S. Pereti (

The ThunderWorm is a Dune-like worm, used by Wyrm itself to combat the garou. When a Garou is mounts a particularly
dangerous threat against the Wyrm or tries to improve Gaia (like opening a caern, destroying a powerful Wyrm-place, exploding
a Pentex highquarters), the Wyrm sends its daughter to slash some heads.

Attributes: Str 20, Dex 7, Sta 13, Per 5, Int 1, Wit 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 3
Rage: 6
Willpower: 10
Gnosis: 8
Health: OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -5 -5 Inc

Special Maneuvers
Engulf: (Dex + Brawl, dif 7) Damage: none ThunderWorm can engulf a number of character's equal the number of successes.
Three successes are required to dodge this maneuver. Inside ThunderWorm - see Description.

Slash: (Dex + Brawl, dif 8) Damage: Str+2+successes (aggravated) While in movement, Thunderworm can inflict damage by
scraping her scales against the caracters. This attack affects everybody that logically is in her way when moving.

Poisoned Slash: (Dex + Brawl, dif 8) Damage: see below Same as Slash, but if ThunderWorm spends one point of Willpower,
she can inflict +7 to the damage to a single target.

ThunderWorm is an all-black Dune-like worm, with very sharp scales with a mortal poison. She is about the heigth of a 23-floor
building. When she's coming, she makes an earthquake that can be perceived in a 1000-miles radius. The earthquake takes
five rounds before she shows up. Her "mouth" is like an "Y" and she eats everything in her way.
She is commanded by Wyrm itself, so there's really a few situations that she comes to the Earth surface. Once here, she will only
leave if defeated (she's immortal, so if she drops to Incapacitated, she only goes back to the center of the Earth) or all
opponents are dead. The last time she showed off was in the destruction of Pompeii (Vesuvius exploded because of her
earthquake). Some elders say that she's resting near San Franscisco, but it's not really true...
Once inside the ThunderWorm, the characters can only pray or think quick. A successfull roll of Per+Medicine (dif. 10, it's an
alien organism!) can show the flaws in the neural system. The gift "Fatal Flaw" of the Shadow Lords can do the same. The
characters begins to take one aggraveted damage per turn inside the Worm, not soakable. If the neural system is the target of
the attacks, ThunderWorm can not soak this kind of damage.

Special Note
Use this ThunderWorm only against packs that are powerful enough to fight with this beast. Think carefully before make a
ThunderWorm shows off in your chronicle! I made this in my chronicle after a Theurge Rank 5 player opened a level 5 caern, and
I almost killed the pack (Thanks to "Mother's Touch"!!).

The Wanderwolf
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame





Airt Sense, Appear, Break Reality, Shapeshift, Dream Journey, Scent of Safety.

The Wanderwolf is the Wolf of Dreams: he never appears the same way twice but usually favours the form of a wolf's head -sometimes a ferocious three-faced wolf, sometimes a thylacine (thought to be his original form), sometimes as a wolf image
from popular culture -- against a wildly psychedelic, fractalized background.

The Wanderwolf was not a spirit arising from the Crash Worship, but attracted to it. It used to be an ancestral spirit connected
with the Bunyip and wandered through the Umbra and Dreamtime, looking for another tribe to call its own. When a group of Feral
Neo-Primitives took over Bunyip ancestral lands and invoked the spirits of the Dreamtime, Wanderwolf heard one of them
mention the Crash Worship, how they were going to be "the next Tribe," and decided to check it out. It found a warm welcome
and joined the Brood of Ixstasia; it is her constant companion.
In spite of its sometimes redoubtable image, Wanderwolf is a gentle, helpful spirit and a favourite among Mysticks and other
Crescent Moons.

Wanderwolf is the companion of Ixstasia and appears in dreams, visions and psychospiritual events. It can be found wherever a
sizeable group of people are trancedancing; Changelings have reported finding its lair in the Dreaming and it can sometimes be
found hunting in Chimeres.

Spiritual Correspondence
Questing, survival, dreams and visions.

Material Correspondence
Light, fractals, thylacines, psychedelic substances.

Gift Lore
The Wanderwolf can teach Gifts related to finding one's way and meditation.

Wanderwolf goes into slumber when someone gives up on her dreams. It can be awakened only by Ixstasia.


Wanderwolf kept going in spite of what everyone else said. It respects those who set high goals for themselves and strive to
attain them: it will sometimes aid those who call on it towards this end.

By Emil Signs, for the Ghoti tribe.
Ambria is an incarnation of the Umbra. It has no set form, but often appears as an androgynous, but handsome, homid with long silver
hair. He is said to reside deep, deep in the Umbra, accessible only by a long lost Anchorhead.

Background cost: 10
-3 Glory, +2 Wisdom

Gain Gift: Serenity

Ban: Children of Ambria must spend at least 75% of their time in the Umbra. They view the Realm as most Garou view the Umbra -- a

By Colin Chapman (

Corrupted Totem of Wisdom/Corruption

Background Cost

The Egyptian 'Eater of the Dead,' Ammut is a beast of horrifying mien, part Crocodile, part Lion, part Hippo. Savage and
possessing terribly cunning, Ammut has made himself easy to contact, and is the totem of the Silent Striders cult: the Eaters of
the Dead. Corrupted long ago by Foebok, he maintains the facade of a normal totem, luring in the unwary with promises and
wisdom and knowledge.

+3 Enigmas and access to the Gift: Blood Omen (see Book of the Wyrm).

Followers of Ammut must preserve the secrecy of the cult and seek council with the dead whenever possible.

Ana Ng
By Vladimir Drakul (

Totem of Wisdom

Ana Ng (pronounced AA-nuh ENGH) is more so a concept than an actual entity -- sort of like how some Christians envision God.
Ana Ng's typical "manifestation" is of a young, attractive, Korean girl. She is a mysterious totem, representing all the things that
you never quite see out of the corner of your eye. Ana Ng gives her followers the following traits: Magnetic and Alluring. She will
also remove one Repugnant trait (if the Garou has none, she attains one Gorgeous trait). Also, Ana Ng's wise followers gain the
use of the Gift: Calm. Ana Ng's reclusive nature, however, gives her followers the Negative Social Trait: Shy. Ana Ng also
requires her children to try using their words before they use their claws.

By Diane Keating (

Totem of (varies)

Background cost

Like his brother Wind, Antelope has different aspects that packs can take. The two totems are said to proceed from the same
source and Packs of the Antelope will find great allies in the Children of the Winds. All aspects will bring their children's Stamina
up one dot (max of 5) and impart the Silent Strider Gifts: The Great Leap and Speed of Thought.

Chamois (Totem of Cunning)

Dancing ever on the edge, Chamois will add one dot to his children's Dexterity (if this takes them over 4, the specialty is "SureFooted"), the Merit: Daredevil, and increase their Willpower by 1. It is said that he was the first aspect to emerge from
Pronghorn. Chamois's brother Wind aspect is the North Wind.

Alchemical (Totem of Wisdom)

This bizarre and mystical creature looks almost demonic with his serrated horns, goatlike beard, hawk's beak instead of a
muzzle and fangs. He is said to be an amalgam of the other four Antelopes. His children lose one dot in Appearance but gain
knowledge of the Metis Gift: Create Alchemical Element, and 3 dots in Enigmas (specialty is Visual). The Alchemical Antelope's
brother Wind aspect is the Umbral Wind.

Pronghorn (Totem of Respect) (7 points)

Pronghorn is respected by all the other aspects of Antelope, for his wisdom and courage are beyond question. It is said that he
was the original Antelope and the others are reflections of him. He keeps running, never stopping for anything. He fears not
death, for he is one of the oldest of the totems, and he is wise enough to know that the relationship between predator and prey is
a sacred one, no one greater than the other. Pronghorn breeds prolifically, females conceiving litters and miscarrying all but one
or two: his children have a 4 in 10 chance of breeding true. He imparts the Philodox Gift: Wisdom of the Ancient Ways and one
dot in Past Lives. He teaches the Minor Rite: Prayer for the Prey. Pronghorn's brother Wind aspect is the West Wind.

Kudu (Totem of Wisdom)

Honoured by the Silent Striders as Khnemu, graceful, gentle Kudu gives his children one dot each in Appearance and Dexterity
(Deft), and the Gifts: Invent, and Reshape Object. Khnemu sculpts our bodies: if his children conceive a Metis, they will have
lighter deformities or, (Storyteller's option) will be deformed but fertile (the deformity will carry over). His children also gain the
Flaw: Shy. Kudu's brother Wind aspect is the East Wind.

Sable (Totem of War)

Sable stands for no nonsense. Tough, combative and lusty, Sable only runs a short distance before he turns at bay and starts
swinging his sharp, sabre-like horns around. He teaches his children Melee with specialties in swords and lances, and the
Weapon technique Fencing. Sable's brother Wind Aspect is the South Wind.


Children of Antelope are not barred from hunting the physical embodiment of their totem, but if they ever forget to be thankful for
his sacrifice Antelope will abandon them.

Anteros, He Who Heals

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Respect
Anteros in his Healing aspect, is beloved by many Garou, especially Black Furies and Children of Gaia. He promotes growth
through pain. His Children attempt to learn from every mistake and help others heal old wounds. His Children were almost
always scorned by lovers and have sought solace in Anteros, who actually comforts his Children individually after they get hurt.
He is benevolent and kind and is also a totem of Peace, Suffering and Healing.

Background Cost

Children of Anteros must never try to lose their temper when wronged; they must always accept mistakes peacefully and kindly.
They must heal others whenever possible and apologize for any pain caused.

Children of Anteros get an additional point of Stamina, Intelligence and three points of Healing and Medicine upon choosing
Anteros. Each Garou gets an additional four points of Healing, Herbalism and Medicine every four lunar cycles, and two of
Stamina, cumulative.

Anteros, the Vengeful Beauty

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Wyrm Totem of Love

Anteros has two different aspects; in his aspect as the Vengeful Beauty, he is a Wyrm Totem of Corruption. Anteros is, to a
minor degree, a totem of love, though his is unrequited, unacknowledged and scorned. The Vengeful Beauty is known as He
Who Comforts the Rejected. He is comforting, yes, but he brings those who have been scorned to the Wyrm. His Children are
often champions of the rejects and hate the popular.

Background Cost

The Children of Anteros must always revenge any slight dealing with love or lust, even if it was not directed to themselves.

Children of Anteros get an extra dot in Perception, Strength, Brawl and Stealth and an additional point in each for every Sept or
Hive each month.

By Anthony Michael Sramek (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Apollo is the twin brother to Artemis. He was the Greek god of light, intelligence, healing, prophecy and the arts. He was the
master of the lyre and song and seducer of many. Yet he could also be deadly as he shot his terrible arrows and created

Apollo grants his sons the ability to think clearly (+1 to Intelligence). The knowledge of healing (+2 to Medicine dice pools and
the Gift "Hands of the Healer"* for those already competent in Medicine) and the art of music through the lyre (+3 Music for the
lyre only) are also granted. Apollo was as adept at Archery as his sister and teaches his sons the value of the bow (+2 to Archery
dice pools) as well. He will in times of great need also grant prophetic dreams (per the Gift "Sight from Beyond") to his sons and
because of his many amorous persuits he gives all of his sons the Merit of Animal Magnetism.
* The gift "Hands of the Healer" is identical to the L1 Theurge gift "Mother's Touch."

Apollo will only accept male Black Furies of either the Homid or Lupus breeds. He insists that his sons live their lives as Black
Furies. To further this he brands them with the symbol of the Black Fury tribe, so that they may never hide nor forget their lineage.
His sons must have more than one mate and must have as many male children as they can . He also asks that his sons treat
women with the respect that they deserve and protect the Wyld in the name of his sister.

Ariel the Little Mermaid

By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe


Grants the Gift: Pool Shark and adds 2 to the social die pools of the Rokea for befriending little girls who like Disney.

Rokea who serve this totem tend to get eaten.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

The Hunter. Goddess of Wild Animals and Hunting, Artemis is a powerful totem of favour to the Black Furies. Proud and
aggressive, clad in hunter's garb, bearing a golden bow and silver arrows she is nonetheless beautiful.
Accompanied by a retinue of 20 nymphs and a pack of savage hounds, she is the archer without peer, the hunter beyond
reproach. A chaste virgin, disdainful of men, she represents the beauty and bounty of nature and its ruthlessness to those who
break its laws.

Her chosen learn the value of the bow (+2 to any Archery Dice Pool). They learn the wild ways, and strength of will (+3 to any
Survival Dice Pool, and they have access to 3 Willpower per story). They all gain 2 points of Honour.

Artemis will only accept female followers, and requires that they remain chaste.

Assassin Bird
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Patron of the tribe's warriors, stealth pranksters and many Old Schoolers, Assassin Bird is a sullen, arrogant spirit who believes
in the adage "sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth." Though melancholy, he is unfailingly civil and focused and can have a rather
biting wit. Silver Flame warriors often bind his Jagglings into their klaives; the wielders of these weapons have gathered
together in a semi-secret society called the "Asesinos Brujos."

Children of Assassin Bird must be silver-tongued and deadly: they gain Etiquette 3, Melee 2 and Stealth 2.

Assassin Bird's children socialize with each other by necessity: their patron makes them so brutally forthright that nobody else
would put up with them.

Axis Mundi information

Assassin Bird Jaggling
Rage 5, Gnosis 5, Willpower 7, Power 40

Charms: Airt Sense, Reform, Cut, Blast Flame

Image: A blackish-silver, slender predator-bird that looks disturbingly like a knife.
History: Assassin Bird was the familiar of a Verbena mage from New Orleans that joined the Silver Flames' Lundi Gras
procession one year. She took off but the bird stayed on with the tribe for some reason. Before Lundi Gras, next to nothing is
known of the spirit's history, though some ex-Shadow Lords in the tribe say he reminds them a little of the Stormcrows. Assassin
Bird answers these observations with a coldly angry stare.

Habitat: Assassin Birds can be found in the darkness surrounding Pyru; they are the shadow cast, the knifepoint glittering in the
darkness, the brutality of scathing truth and the freedom from Illusion's tyranny.

Spiritual Correspondence: The Tarot cards Death and the Tower.

Material Correspondences: Silver, knives, ripped flesh.
Gift Lore: Assassin Birds teach Gifts of veracity, the stripping of illusions, virtuous stealth.
Taboos: Assassin Birds cannot stand prevarication and untruths. They slumber when someone they're associating with fails to
act decisively. Klaives with Assassin Bird Jagglings in them must drink of blood before they can be resheathed.

Attitude: Arrogant but civil.

Chiminage: No less than cutting wit and the bitter truth is required when dealing with these spirits. Anything less and they'll turn
their back on you.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Greek goddess of War and Wisdom, Athene was 'born' fully armed and armoured. Chaste and controlled, she enjoyed more
victory than the impulsive Mars. However, war was not her main forte, as she won with wisdom. A symbol of protection, she
caries the aegis shield, and gifted to man the plough, loom and flute. She is associated with Owl and held well by the Black

She teaches her chosen the benefits of Wisdom and the control of will and rage (they gain 2 Wisdom, and have access to the
gift: Inner Strength).

Her followers must remain chaste while under her banner.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect/War

Background Cost

Powerful and stoic, Badger is a doughty warrior, a symbol of stubborn determination and strength. A friend of Coyote he still
works with him on occasion today, and is held in regard as the saviour of Dove. Defense is his forte, disdaining ferocious attack.

Badger grants his chosen his strength of will and body (they gain +1 Strength, even if above 5, and have access to 3 Willpower
per story). The earth welcomes them (they have access to the gift: Burrow) and they gain 1 Honour and 1 Glory.

The chosen of Badger must defend their cause, home, and the earth with their lives.

Baldur the Brave and Valiant

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Beauty, Respect, and Honour

Background Cost

Baldur (or Balder, depending on the spelling) was the most handsome of the Aesir (the gods of the Norse mythos). His only true
rival (by way of appearance) was Loki, the youthful God of Fire (and the Trickster God of the Norse). He was the "shining star" of
the Aesir, being a friend to all and always showing respect to those who deserved it. He was the half-brother of Thor, Hodr, and
Brage (the god of poetry). Baldur was famed throughout Asgard for his prowess in swordsmanship. When Loki, jealous over
Baldur's fame, used Hodr (who was blind from birth) to slay him using mistletoe, it started the series of events that would lead to
Ragnarok (the end of the world).
Baldur's children have never forgiven Loki for his callous and craven actions, but they will still fight beside his followers when the
Wyrm attacks. Baldur teaches his children that the greater good must always come before personal differences, and that the
true worth of a person will show itself in their actions.

Merits and Gifts

Baldur, being a humble individual, is loathe to extend the abilities of his followers. Instead, the youthful Baldur prefers to make life
easier for his children. All those who follow Baldur and his ways get a (-2) to the difficulty on the following activities: Acting,
Athletics, Performance, Empathy, Seduction, Melee, Brawl, Dodge, Etiquette, Animal Ken, and Medicine. The followers of
Baldur also receive Charmed Existence as a Merit. (Note: this does not counteract their flaws in any way.)

Flaws and Bans

All those who follow Baldur are doomed to die. Therefore, the followers of this totem automatically receive the 5 point flaw: Dark
Fate. Furthermore, Baldur was a nave young man, and his followers suffer a +2 difficulty when trying to outsmart an enemy. This
penalty doubles when dealing with those who follow Trickster totems, including Loki. Wooden weapons are forbidden to them,
and all of Baldur's followers gain the flaw "Allergy: Mistletoe(Severe)". Finally, anything involving Manipulation (other than the
items mentioned above) are all at a +2 difficulty, because of Baldur's loathe to manipulate and twist people to his will.

By Andrew Cram, for his revision of the Bastet
Long ago the Bastet were supported by many Totems, although never as many as the Garou. The War of Sorrow caused most of
these Totems to withdraw their aid, and the Bastet have been too proud to try and restore their connection with these spirits.

Panther (Lost)
Totem of Wisdom
Background Cost: 5
Children of Panther gain a bonus level in both Enigmas and Occult. The Bastet also gains the Gift: Scent of Sight.
Ban: Children of Panther must protect all knowledge, regardless of its value.
Special Note: Panther has withdrawn from contact with the Bastet as a result of the Bagherra's lack of action during the War of

Totem of War
Jaguar has not allied with Bastet since the War of Sorrow. Rumors among the Balam suggest Jaguar may be preparing to return
his favours to his children due to their courage in the fight against Pentex.

Totem of Respect
Once the patron of the Simba, Lion will only ally with the Bubasti, Dasyan, and Tiberii in the modern age.

Mother of Cats
Totem of Wisdom
The totem Dana is known as Mother of Cats among the Bastet; she is in all other ways identical. She will currently only ally with
Bubasti, Dasyan, and Tiberii.

King of Cats
Totem of Wisdom
King of Cats is an aspect of Old Man Sea, who like Mother of Cats (Dana) will only ally with Bubasti, Dasyan, and Tiberii.

Sylvestra (Lost)
Totem of Wisdom
Background Cost: 5
Sylvestra was an ancient Totem of music and sound connected to the Caecilian.
Children of Sylvestra gained Expression 2 and Subterfuge 2. They also learn the Skill: Mimic allowing them to duplicate sounds.
Ban: Children of Sylvestra must create music, and must pass along legends and stories whenever the opportunity arrises.
Special Note: Sylvestra died with her people. Her death is an example of the evil that comes from intolerance (eg. The War of

Cave Lion (lost)

Totem of Respect
Background Cost: 7
Cave Lion was the patron of the Grand Simba. A being of great strength and wisdom, he embodied his people.
Children of Cave Lion gained the Gifts: King of the Beasts and Wisdom of the Ancient Ways.
Ban: Children of Cave Lion must always lead by example, never showing cowardess, or disrespect to those in authority.
Special Note: Cave Lion vanished with his people. It appears that he is truly dead rather than merely withdrawn.

Tiger (Lost)
Totem of War
Background Cost: 6
Tiger is a great warrior, who never shies away from battle. He expects his children to do the same. Children of Tiger gain a
bonus point of strength. They also gain 50 points of Glory, and Brawl 2.
Ban: Children of Tiger find it hard to avoid battle (-1 to difficulty to frenzy).
Special Note: Tiger has not allied with any Bastet since the War of Sorrow (after all his children had refused to fight a just battle).

Cougar (Lost)
Totem of Cunning
Background Cost: 3
Cougar is neither particularly strong, nor wise. Still he grants his children one extra die in Primal-Urge. He also grants his
children the Gift: Scent of Running Water.
Ban: Children of Cougar have no bans.
Special Note: Cougar withdrew power from the Bastet as a result of the War of Sorrow.

Lynx (Lost)
Totem of Wisdom
Background Cost: 7
Lynx is actually an aspect of Uktena. He refuses contact with the Bastet until they atone for there lack of action in the War of

Totem of Strength
Background Cost: 9
Once an ancient Totem of War. Smilodon was corrupted along with his people and now serves amongst the Bane-Totems of the
Wyrm. Bastards of Smilodon gain an extra Strength point, Brawl 3, and are tought the Gift: Crawling Poison.
Ban: Bastards must never back out of a fight with other Bastet.

Cheetah (Lost)

Totem of War
Background Cost: 6
Cheetah is an ancient totem largely vanished from the world. He still manifests on a small scale as the Australian Garou totem
Piggi-Billa, and the powers he once granted to the Swara are the same as those of the Echidna.
Special Note: Cheetah has not allied with Bastet since the War of Sorrow.

Totem of War
Background Cost: 7
A young and energetic totem, Wildcat allows much free will amongst his children. He grants them the Gift: Leap of the Kangaroo,
as well as Survival 3 and Empathy 4.
Ban: Children of Wildcat must always protect any wild feline and seek to free those in captivity.

Ngalyod the Rainbow Serpent (Lost)

Totem of Respect
The Totem of the Ancients, Ngalyod allied with the Bunyip on their passing. Since the death of the Bunyip in the War of Tears
none have seen or heard the Rainbow Serpent.

Tulu The Kookaburra

Totem of Cunning
Tulu is the main Totem of the Dasyan. He is the same for them as for the Garou (see Rage Accross Australia)

The Beast of Caerbannog

By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Slightly Less Than Rainbow Colored Polka Dotted Double Helix

Bane Totem

Background cost

The Beast of Caerbannog is the only totem known to have appeared in a film (Monty Python's The Holy Grail). It appears as an
adorable white rabbit but hides the vicious spirit within. Despite the image presented by the movie, The Beast is still quite hail
and hearty. The Beast grants his followers the Merit: Eidetic Memory so as to allow them to memorize their new lines quickly. He
also grants his Bastards extra skill in making spectacularly unlikely combat maneuvers as befits an action movie. All blows
aimed for a specific area on the opponent are at -1 difficulty. Any spectacularly outrageous combat maneuvers such as firing two
arrows at once and hitting the target or throwing a scimitar across a room to impale a charging witch are at -2 difficulty.

The Beast is rather vain and asks that his Bastards watch the Holy Grail at least once a year and attempt to addict as many
people to the movie as possible.

The Black Knight

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of War and Respect

Background Cost

Every country has at least one legend of the "mysterious warrior". In Britain, their most famous hero of the genre is "The Black
Knight". The ominous figure of the Arthurian legends, he stood for honour, justice, and the code of the Round Table. None could
face him and defeat him until Arthur's knights, and even then they were soundly beaten. Those who follow this looming figure
walk in darkness and in light with no fear, for none willingly cross their path. The people who follow the Black Knight are called
his squires and prefer to live by themselves, keeping in contact with their fellow pack members through common meeting places
and telecommunication.

Merits and Gifts

The squires of the Black Knight gain the following merits: Iron Will (as per the Vampire Merit) or Self-Confident, Danger Sense,
Acute Sense of Hearing, Acute Vision, Code of Honour, and either Higher Purpose or Berserker. The Black Knight also gives
his squires a -2 difficulty to the following rolls: Intimidation, Melee, Brawl (or any other fighting style), Dodge. All of his followers
(both Kinfolk and Changing Breed) have access to the Vampire Discipline "Presence - Dread Gaze". All physical traits gain a
temporary +2 bonus while in battle for purposes of combat only (including absorbing damage). These go away after all the
enemies are defeated.

All those who follow the totem of the Black Knight must follow the Arthurian Code of Chivalry, listed below. As well, they can
never turn down a challenge of honour, no matter the odds against them. The Black Knight's squires also lose one Honour or one
Glory (whichever is highest, to a minimum of one) whenever they gain Wisdom, for they are meant for battle, not plotting
complicated advances. All battles must be met with hand-to-hand combat unless that is completely impossible. As well, the
squires of the Black Knight must never use firearms in combat (unless saving the life of a companion). If they must use firearms,
the squires will lose one Reknown in each category for resorting to such "dishonourable" methods of combat. The squires of the
Black Knight automatically receive the flaws: "Intolerance: cowardice", "Phobia: magic", and "Magic Susceptibility". Having little
to no sense of humour is also allowed, as the squires of the Balck Knight also gain the flaw "Ill at Ease/Disconcerting" whenever
they are dealing with anyone not following a totem of war.

Arthur's Code of Chivalry

Always keep one's word. Avoid lies.
Never kill or attack an unarmed foe.
Never harm an innocent.
Never torture, for any reason whatsoever.
Never kill for pleasure.
Always help those in need.
Respect authority, the Law, and honor.
Never betray a friend.

Brage, Norse God of Poetry

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Respect and Wisdom

Background Cost

Brage prefers that his students have a strong sense of art. All of those whom wish to gain the favour of Brage must have 2+ in
the following categories: Perception, Wits, Charisma, Empathy, Expression, and Performance. The students of Brage should
also be well-educated, so they must have at least one dot in three of the following Abilites: Politics, Sciences, Computers,
Linguistics, Repair, and Law. Brage is not known for selecting weak-minded fools, so a minimum of 3 Willpower is also required
before Brage graces the student's head with his knowledge.

Brage is one of the many gods of the Norse. Not a well-known deity, Brage was the god of poetry in the Norse mythos. He was
born Aesir, being the half-brother of Thor, Baldur, and Hodr. A very intelligent totem, he prefers to teach those who have a thirst
for knowledge, rather than a hunger for power. Many of his students come from poor backgrounds, but have fought their way
through life in order to further their education. He smiles upon those who strive to improve themselves mentally as well as
physically, and rewards those who deserve praise.

Merits and Gifts

Brage does not extend the abilities of his students. He prefers to grace their hard work with the gift of ease. All rolls made by the
students of Brage involving Perception or Wits have their difficulties reduced by 2 (e.g., from 9 to 7). Brage further encourages
his students to reach higher ground, by giving them an extra Wisdom each time they gain Renown (+1 Wisdom each time they
gain Renown; if more than one kind of Renown is gained,the reward remains at +1 Wisdom). Thanks to Brage's affinity with the
spoken and the written word, all rolls concerning Acting, Performance, Seduction, Subterfuge, Linguistics, and Etiquette have
their difficulties reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 2).

Flaws and Bans

The students of Brage must always support the arts wherever they may go. Whether it be in the defense of a museum, to the
destruction of a conglomerate who supports a government holding political prisoners, they must be there. As well, the students of
Brage must write an original piece of work every month, and sacrifice it on an altar of wood. (Burning is the typical way the work
is sacrificed.

Brunhilde the Valkyrie

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of War, Honour, and Respect

Background Cost
6 (for most tribes), 8 (for Get of Fenris and Black Furies)

As beautiful as she is deadly, the warrior-maiden Brunhilde rode through the skies, taking only the most valiant of the warriors on
the battlefield to Valhalla, the final resting place for those souls who were deemed worthy to fight in the final battle. As the
warriors trained for Ragnarok -- the end of the world -- Brunhilde and the other valkyries would search the fields of war for more
brave and powerful warriors to bring back to Valhalla.

Traits Bestowed
As a warrior maiden, she ensures that all of her followers are knowledgeable in the ways of war. She gives all her followers the
Merits: Danger Sense, Acute Sense of Smell, Acute Vision and Acute Hearing. All of the warhost of Brunhilde also gain the
following traits while in battle: +2 dice to Melee, +2 dice to Dodge, +2 dice to Brawl, and +1 die in all the physical attributes.
These may go above five, but will go away immediately after the battle is over. Whenever Glory, Honour, or Wisdom is gained,
one extra Reknown is gained in any of the three.

Only women are allowed to claim this totem as their own, for men do not have either the will, the strength of purpose, or the
proper balance of fierceness and wisdom needed. On top of that, the women may only use archaic wepons in combat.
Modernized version of said weapons are possible, but using guns and other modern-day inventions are almost impossible for
them. (+6 difficulty anything involving such weapons)

Sexual relations are typically frowned on by the warhost of Brunhilde, who believes that chaste living makes for successful
valkyries. There is no official punishment for those who commit themselves to such actions, but many followers of Brunhilde will
shun or disparage the person. All of the followers must subject themselves to a rigid code of honour, one which does not allow
mercy to be shown to their foes -- or their allies. Brunhilde was never one to blindly follow the commands of Odin, and all
Brunhilde's followers suffer a +2 difficulty when trying to deal with male authority figures or those who follow totems of male
authority figures. Brunhilde demands that her followers never give up a hunt for the unfit (read: guilty or evil) until all available
avenues have been exhausted, despite its physical and mental cost. The warhost of Brunhilde is not a tolerant group, and all of
them suffer from at least one Intolerance or Hatred, and are either very vengeful (Flaw: Vengeance) or hot tempered (Flaw: Short

Burning Man
By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

The Burning Man is the Keepers' analog of Phoenix: he burns to cinders every year, and reincarnates in a slightly different (some
would say evolved) form the next year. Everyone knows that he is destined to die and in fact usually know the exact moment he
will -- 9 pm the night before Labor Day. He is the supreme totem presiding over the Burning Man Moot and Concolation.

Children of Burning Man receive Survival 2 (Desert), Repair 2 and Artistic Expression 3, plus the Gift: Invent (referred to as
"McGuyver" by the Bemen Villagio).

Burning Man requires his children to not be Spectators and to Leave No Trace of their passage.

Axis Mundi information

Burning Man
Rage 6, Gnosis 8, Willpower 10, Power 100

Charms: Airt Sense, Reform, Call for Aid, Create Fire, Assess Character, Cleanse Blight, Desert Sense, Insight, Umbrastorm.
Image: A huge (50') skeletal, humanoid figure appeared to be made of wood, rice paper, ropes and neon. He typically appears
with his arms upraised but sometimes they hang limp at his sides. The term is generic; Burning Man has no discernible sexual
features and no face. He never speaks and rarely moves.

History: Burning Man is a timeless, primal figure of endurance, omniscience, nihilism and survival. No one knows whether he
had his genesis in the Burning Man Festival or whether he is a post-modern incarnation of the Dying God Reborn. Silver Flame
Mysticks claim he was created by the intersection of Dionysus, Shiva and the Silver Flame. Pyru disputes and claims the Man
was in his brood before growing in power and striking out on his own.
The Burning Man Festival began as the private solstice celebration of a small group of friends that attracted the attention of
proto-Keepers involved with the Cacophonists. As the Festival grew, moved and was elaborated upon, the Spirit of the Man
grew with it until he became the Post-modern Incarna he is today, with tens of thousands of worshippers.
The Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawers dispute with the Keepers that they discovered the spirit first but the Keepers argue that
while they weren't the first, they've made Burning Man their own totem because the Nationals were too stratified: they contend
that their rigid hierarchy and Weaverish ways displeased Burning Man.

Habitat: Burning Man can be found on the playa of Lake Lahontan during the late summer, or in any barren, blasted area devoid
of life.

Spiritual Correspondence: The Burning Man is a spirit of Rebirth, Entropy, Anarchy, Nihilism, Survival, Freedom.
Material Correspondences: Images of the Man, fire, campiness, neon, blue, red.
Gift Lore: Burning Man teaches Gifts that encompass survival, self-sufficiency and creativity.

Taboos: Burning Man challenges the status quo and despises "business as usual." He also thrives on emptiness.
Attitude: Benevolent.
Chiminage: Burning Man has no need of trinkets or favours. All he asks is that those who pass within his sight leave no trace of
their passing and take an active role in their own lives and destinies once they've gone.
Burning Man can often be found in the company of Wind, Dust, Storm, Sun Jagglings and Incarna, and Art and Survival

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Relaxation

Background Cost

Hash and Grass, Cannabis has many names. It brings relaxation and peace, and through these, amiability of spirit. Many
Children of Gaia are fond of this totem, as are some Uktena.

Followers of Cannabis have a relaxed and mellowing effect (access to the gift: Calm). They find it easier to resist rage and are
much less likely to fly into frenzy (+1 to all Frenzy diffs. and they need 6 successes to Frenzy).

The chosen must participate in the use of cannabis (in any of it's forms) on a regular basis, and seek to promote it's legalisation.
Being a plant spirit, Cannibis falls under the optional rules noted in 'Rage Across Appalachia.' No Garou may ally with Cannibis
if his Rage Trait is higher than the totem's cost. If his Rage becomes higher after alliance, the totem will break the alliance until
the Garou loses the extra Rage.

Cat (Version 2)
By Brandon Quina (

Totem of Cunning


Cat is a stealthy, cunning, creature. He trails after his prey, killing them swiftly and with little ado. Cat is also curious, often going
to extreme lengths to find out 'what the hells going on.' Children of Cat get +3 to their stealth ability. They get +1 to their Dexterity
(even if this takes them above 5). They also get the Bastet gift 'Silent Stalking.'

Children of Cat are deftly curious, and must try to solve any mystery they come across. They also lose 1 honor everytime they
gain or lose honor (ie. if they gain 3 honor, they only gain 2 of it. If they lose 1 honor, they actually lose 2)

The Cat in the Hat

By Alex Rudnick (

Totem of Wisdom


The Cat in the Hat is a totem that has popped up in recent history and is mostly followed only by Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers,
Nuwisha, Lotoris, Ragabash, and the occasional Bastet. The Cat in the Hat is a totem of Wisdom because he teaches his
children about all of the interesting and wonderful things that they can do with their lives. His Gafflings appear as Little Cats (with
their relative power displayed as a letter on their hat, with A being the strongest) and his Jagglings appear as Things 1 and 2.
The Cat himself appears as, well, a six foot tall, upright standing greyish cat with a white belly, a long tail, a red bow tie and a red
and white striped top hat. As soon as the totem is bound to someone, her Banality (oh boy, will they become a changeling
magnet now!) drops by 2 and she gains Banality at 1/2 the normal rate. Also, she gets the Lupus gift Tail of the Monkey and
Enigmas 2. Also, Weird Stuff seems to happen to her at an alarming frequency, but it will all seem perfectly normal to her. The
Storyteller gets to decide just what this means. (It's kinda like she has the disadvantage Weirdness Magnet and the advantage
Unfazable for all you GURPS players...)
Most Garou see followers of the Cat as at least rather eccentric, but most often as very, very odd. For this reason, they lose 1/2
of the honor that they get whenever they get honor renown.

The Cat in the Hat asks that his followers wear odd (preferably Cat-in-the-Hat) hats and have fun at all times regardless of what
the Authority Figure has to say about it. ("You should not be in while our mother is out!") However, followers of the Cat must
always clean up their messes and fix any harm that they might cause in their fun. This does not apply to harm caused to Wyrm
stuff, so feel free to slay Wyrmspawn and blow up Pentex buildings. In addition to all this stuff here, followers of the Cat regain
willpower and gnosis whenever they speak in rhymes for a full hour.

Cat (Version 1)
By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

Cat is crafty, running through the City, dancing on the tiles. Self-sufficient and often self-centred, Cat takes what it needs by guile
and claw. Graceful and silent, it is a predator of the night.

The chosen receive the cat's grace and agility (+1 to Dex even if it goes above 5). The darkness is open to them (they have
access to the gift: Eyes of the Cat) and they learn the ways of cats success (they add +3 to all dice pools involving Stealth and
+2 to all dice pools involving Survival).

Cat is looked upon with disgust by many Garou (-1 Honour, and they lose 1 Honour everytime they gain Honour). Also, the
chosen must keep themselves clean and well groomed. y

By Dave Kahn ( for the Cerberus tribe.

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Cerberus is the legendary guardian of the gates of the underworld, Hades. He is ever alert, fearsome and powerful. He is aware
of much that occurs in the lands of the dead and on the spirit paths.

Packs of the three headed wolf receive +3 to an Alertness Dice Pool and +1 to an Enigmas Dice Pool. Each pack member also
gains a point of honor and a point of wisdom. Packs of Cerberus will be treated as family by members of the tribe. They will
stand by the pack in all ways so long as it brings honor their totem's name.

Cerberus demands that his children never surrender anything or anyone they are guarding.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

The Horned god of the Celts, Lord of Animals, Hunting and Fertility. Fond of wild revels, he embodies the abundance of nature
and appears as a naked man with stag's antlers and a torc, and occasionally as a ram-headed serpent. An ancient diety,
perhaps even predating the Celts, he fell in power as Christianity identified him with Satan. A totem of the Fianna, he still holds
their respect and is thought to be an aspect of Stag, or vice versa.

His chosen learn the nature of beasts and the wilds (+3 to Animal Ken and Survival dice pools). The chosen become fertile
indeed, the beast breeding truer (3 in 10 chance of Garou offspring). Being chosen by him is a great honour (gain 2 Honour).

Followers of Cernunnos are forbidden the use of 'non-natural' birth control, and may only eat the flesh of beasts they have
captured and slain themselves.

By Kimberlee Simmons (

Totem of Wisdom

Background cost

Cerridwen is a Celtic goddess of death, magic, and the earth.

Due to Cerridwen's knowledge, her children get an additional Dot in Occult, Herbalism, and Cooking. Cerridwen gifts her
children with the ease of shapeshifting, as she is a master of shapeshifting herself; she gives the background Metamorph and
Mixed-Morph, as well as the ability to use the Gift "The Thousand Forms" (BF5) once a day.

Cerridwen's children must do anything for their families, especially their children, to the point of sacrificing their own lives. This
need not be blood family, but usually is. It is whoever the pack members think of as family (besides each other), usually nonGarou. She also asks that her children procreate, and take care of their progeny, whatever their heritage (human or Garou).

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

The master of patience and stealth, Chameleon is ever vigilant, watching all around him with his revolving eyes, and waiting for
the precise moment in which to strike.
He teaches garou that patience brings results, and stealth and guerilla tactics are the real victors. Unsurprisingly, many garou
see him as dishonourable, but few can deny that he achieves results.

His children learn his shadowy ways (they have access to the gift: Blur of the Milky Eye, and add +2 to any dice pool involving
stealth) They learn patience and vigilance, being careful to watch their environment (they can call upon an extra 2 Willpower per
story and add +2 to any 'visual' Alertness dice pools).

Chameleon asks that his children use stealth and patience in all their dealings, striving to avoid Frenzy. His followers lose 1
honour every time they gain Honour.

Charlie the Tuna

By Steven Markley ( for the Card Sharks tribe


Charlie the Tuna gives the Gift: Gift of Jabberjaw, which allows his followers to make sales pitches coherently. Tuna will really
like the Rokea, and will hang out with them until eaten.

Those who serve the Charlie the Tuna totem must eat lots of tuna, but only Star-Kist. They will take Aggravating damage from
any other brand of tuna. Eating wild-caught tuna is okay, as long as a Rite of Thank You Charlie! is performed. Also, followers of
Charlie must do all they can to thwart the plots of Morris the Cat (Charlie's enemy totem) and his Bastet followers.

By Dave Kahn ( for the Cerberus tribe.

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

The boatman of the River Styx knows many routes and ways to travel around the spirit world. He also transports souls across the
barrier to the realm of the dead.

Charon grants his packs +2 to an Enigmas Dice Pool, he also teaches them the spirit paths, providing each pack member the
equivalent of the spirit charm: Airt Sense. It costs a Gnosis point to power the charm, allowing the Garou to unerringly find her
way to any one destination. Any pack members with Past Lives find it easier to reach their ancestors on the other side (-1

Children of Charon are expected to help the dead to rest. Spirits of the dead will seek them out for this reason. Also, the
boatman asks that they not hinder anyone on their voyage to the next realm unnecessarily.

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Background Cost

Charybdis is the famed whirlpool from the Odyssey. She is a totem of war.

Charybdis gives her children an additional point of any physical attribute, even if it brings the attribute over 5. They also gain 2
points of permanent Glory.

Charybdis asks that her children protect the ocean at all costs.

By Colin Chapman (

Background Cost

Cheetah is speed incarnate, the ground a blur as she pursues her prey across the Umbra. Sadly, she is no great warrior and
Hyena and Lion dominate her all too easily.

Cheetah's children have access to the gift: Speed of Thought

Cheetah doesn't limit her children.

By Chrisie Mitchell (

Totem of Respect

Background cost

Every 17 years in the Hudson Valley, the 2nd brood of the 17 year cicada emerges to breed and die. These insects coat the
trees in some areas, and make a loud droning noise, enough to drown out any other sounds. Children of this totem gain the gift:
Messenger's Fortitude, due to the cicadas' great stamina and single mindedness to their task. During the cicada's natural
breeding time, children also gain the gift: infest, and can use it to call up a horde of these 2 inch long black bugs. Also see the
bans, below.

Children of this totem can live only in the areas these insects naturally live (Northeastern US). Children of this totem are also tied
to the cycle of the insects death and rebirth. During the period in between active cycles, the Garou does not lose any signifigant
traits, but may be very slightly lethargic (roleplaying is helpful). During the active cycle (aproximated at about 1 and a half months
for game's sake), the Garou gain 2 temporary dots in stamina, and during the 2 weeks directly after the active cycle, the Garou
lose one dot in stamina and one dot in strength, due to the totem's.. ahem, activities. Then the cycle begins again.

By for WereSloth: The Climbing

Author's Notes
The author of WereSloths forgot one things: sloths sometimes (actually often) have colonies of Cockroaches that live on their
backs. So appropriately I decided to make a totem for the nice little Rugs...

Cockroach grants his children the Gift Colony Defenders

Cockroach's children are forbidden from harming any type of common pest (mites, ticks, mosquitoes, etc.). They have to grin
and take the pest like a Sloth.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Strength

Background Cost

Slow and deliberate, controlled and utterly patient, Constrictor is a fearsome predator. Using stealth and cunning he catches his
prey in their sleep, engulfing them in his coils, crushing their life, before swallowing them whole...
Strogly reviled by the Garou, the Black Spirals recognise and admire his strength.

He grants his Bastards his power (+1 Str even if it goes above 5). Like him they can distend their jaws (they have access to the
Gnawer gift: Gluttony). They prefer to catch their prey unawares and disable them (they add +2 to all Stealth and Wrestling dice

His followers may only eat live prey, swallowing it whole.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Beauty
Coral is an unusual Totem. It is vain and uncaring. Coral has almost no feelings and is very apathetic. It is arrogant and haughty,
always believing that it and its children will eventually rule. Coral cares a great deal for how it looks and seems. However, it is
dedicated to Gaia; it just seems to put her in second. It will sacrifice anything for her, except maybe beauty.

Background Cost
6 (It is not actually worth this but it demands this anyway because of its vanity.)

Children of Coral must never become ugly unless Gaia is helped greatly by doing so.

Coral's Children get an extra dot in a appearance upon choosing Coral.

By Christopher Bova
Totem of Corruption
Background Cost: 7
The corpseworm slithers in the darkness, violating the sanctity of the bodies of the dead and returning all creatures to base earth. This
bane manifests as a human-like form composed of millions of writhing maggots. Bastards of the Corpseworm gain two extra dice to
their survival rolls, and by expending one Gnosis point, they can activate the "blackfire touch", a brackish aura that surrounds the Black
Spiral and causes all organic matter within a few inches of his body to rapidly turn putrid and rot to tatters within seconds. Fetishes,
Talens and other objects of magic are excepted. The aura lasts for one minute per success on a Strength + Primal Urge roll against
difficulty 6, and cannot be deactivated before the time limit is up.
Bastards of the Corpseworm must subsist on a diet of rotten meat, spoiled wine, and other tainted or unwholesome food and drink,
which the Corpseworm gives them the ability to digest without harm.

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited


This great spirit is revered by the Rokea as a strong and durable hunter. He teaches patience to the normally impetuous Rokea
and grants the Gift: Camouflage to reward those who follow his wisdom. Followers also gain an extra point of Stamina for
soaking damage.

Crab for the most part does not limit his children, but he may withhold his boons for a time if his children act too rashly.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Crystal, the dazzling array of form and colour, is calm and healing, the essence from Gaia's womb. Symbol of spirituality, it is
held in esteem by many Children of Gaia and Stargazers.

Crystal awakens the spirit and lends its properties (The chosen gain +1 Gnosis, not above 10, and always have at least 1
Gnosis to spend. They also subtract 1 from all their diffs, to 'awaken' and interact with crystal spirits). They gain 2 Wisdom.

Crystal requires that it be protected from commercial stripping and venture, being available to all. It's chosen must use and carry
crystal talens when possible. They should promote the qualities and use of crystal.
Crystal is a Mineral spirit and falls under the optional rules in 'Rage Across Appalachia.' No Garou may ally with Crystal if his
Rage Trait is higher than the totem's cost. If his Rage becomes higher after alliance, the totem will break the alliance until the
Garou loses the extra Rage.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Totem of Revelry

Background Cost

"The Cities were abandoned
And the Forest echoed song
They danced with their brothers
They knew Love could not be wrong
Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars
The people were contented
And the Gods worked from afar
But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared
Bringing wolves and cold starvation
And the hearts of men despaired..."
-- Rush, "Dionysus: Bringer of Love"
Far from being the fat, jolly old Bacchus who was worshipped in Rome, Dionysus is a temperamental, beautiful, rosy-cheeked
youth who mostly leaves it to his followers to raise a ruckus. Often seen riding a large leopard and wearing the skins of young
deer, leopards, wolves and goats, Dionysus's mood can go from wildly joyous to uncontrollably poisonous in a heartbeat. A god
of the earth, Dionysus' power waxes and wanes with the cycle of the seasons; his followers traverse the land, seducing youths,
hunting and throwing crazy wine and mead orgies during the summer and early autumn; at the Winter Solstice, they hold one
huge send-off Bacchanale, after which the totem dies and goes to lie with Gaia until the Vernal Equinox.

Dionysus grants the Gifts: Agro Culture, Brew, and a modified version of Curse of Dionysus (the victim turns into a dolphin, wolf,
goat or leopard according to the totem's whim). Dionysus is well-renowned for his temper: they gain the Merit(?): Mars Midsky.
Bagheera, Satyrs and Maenads will react to the pack favourably.

Children of Dionysus lose all Gift benefits and suffer a mild form of Harano between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox
(-1 to all dice pools).

During the summer Dionysians may not sleep under anything except the stars.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Loyalty

Background Cost

Man-friend of Wolf blood, Dog is loyal, a fierce defender and loving friend. Running in the shadow of Man, Dog is disdained by
many Garou as a dilution of blood. Only the more liberal tribes see his merit.

Dog is tireless in his duties, and an able survivor (they gain +1 Sta, even above 5, and +2 to all Survival dice pools). Dog
possesses great determination, persevering against great odds when the need is clear (access to the gift: Strength of Purpose).
Dog is not above begging, evoking pity in all but the most cruel (access to the gift:Beg).

Dogs pack must maintain utter loyalty to those they love and call friends, forgiving them many insults and injustices. They must be
prepared to give their lives if necessary to protect their family, loved ones and home. Due to Dogs association with Man, the
chosen all suffer a one-off loss of 1 Honour.

Dolphin (Rokea)
By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited


Rare is the wereshark that makes an alliance with Dolphin, as her children and sharks are natural enemies. But for the odd
Rokea that does serve her, she grants the Gifts: Dolphin's Leap and Echolocation. She also adds two to Rage roll difficulties
(making Frenzy less likely). She also grants two dice to Social dice pools for befriending, comforting or communicating with
other creatures, but not for Intimidation or Subterfuge (granted, this last bonus does not apply to most weresharks often, but
Dolphin hopes they can learn...)

She asks that her Rokea followers not eat her children, and to protect them whenever possible. A tall order for weresharks,
indeed. Those who follow Dolphin also suffer a -1 penalty to any Savagery awards, as she is considered a weak totem by most

The benefits listed for Dolphin are different here than in the Werewolf Players Guide, but this is intentional; the boons she gives
to her Garou children do not apply well to Rokea.

By Beth Bartley, for the Moon Circle Dancers tribe.
Background Cost: 8
Dolphin is joyous and speedy and rules the sea. It is also a totem of art. Its children subtract two from the difficulty of any social
interaction with a creature of the sea, and add two dice to any roll involving water or speed. Unfortunately, Dolphin is associated with
the fall of her former children; the pack who chooses her suffers a one-time penalty of 200 Wisdom and 200 Honor (per member). She
can teach her children the lost Gifts of the Moon Circle Dancers, and they gain an extra Gift once per year which may only be chosen
from these lost Gifts. She also teaches her children of art and the sea; her children gain three extra experience points per story
(several sessions) which can only be applied to appropriate abilities (of the ones in Werewolf, Athetics [unless there is a separate
Swimming skill], and Expression; other appropriate abilities include Music, Acrobatics, Artistic Expression, Poetic Expression
[basically the same as Expression], Singing, Dancing, Fishing, Scuba, Swimming, Boat Handling, and Area Knowledge - seacoast or
seas). Only Moon Circle Dancers and those packs who choose this totem are particularly close to Dolphin's children, but every child of
Dolphin knows of every other child who has chosen Dolphin and can recognize one at the merest glance; this also conveys the ability
to recognize lost cubs of Moon Dancers at any direct contact at any distance (this includes seeing them through lenses but not
electronic equipment). The pack's association with Dolphin causes some mistrust; +1 difficulty to social rolls with other Garou until the
pack has proven well its stand against the Wyrm (*after* it has chosen this totem).

Ban: Dolphin asks that her few children aid each other. In addition, she insists that her fallen children be reclaimed (to Gaia, if not to
Dolphin) or destroyed.

Specific demand: Every child of the Dolphin who does not have Swimming (or Athletics if Swimming is not an ability in use) at 4 must
devote half of their experience to Swimming/Athletics until 4 is reached.

Perk: Children of the Dolphin will never become seasick.

Disadvantage: Black Circle Dancers will hate known Children of the Dolphin passionately, will seek out them to attack, and in combat
will attack them in preference to all others but born Moon Dancers.

By Airin Morningkill (

Totem of Respect


Donna is an angelic spirit representing the power of love. A pack adopting her as a totem will receive both one dot in Charmisa
and one in Strength. In addition they will gain the gift Serenity (CoG Level 4).

Donna's children must take care to preserve those things which they love the most. Failure to protect one's most beloved object
will cause Donna to abandon the Garou.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Peace

Dove is said to sing over a National Park in Germany. When she stops singing something horrible will happen. She did not sing
from 1942-1947. Dove is not violent but she will kill someone in order to benefit the greater good. Dove is kind and hates death.
She occasionally takes form as a beautiful, naive woman. Dove is very peaceful.

Background Cost

Never kill unless it will benefit the greater good.

Children of Dove get an extra point of Charisma upon choosing Dove. They also get an extra die to soak rolls.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totems of Life
Eilithya is a Celestine from Greece that serves Hera. She only accepts Daughters except on very rare occasions. Her Daughters
are usually quite prolific, giving birth to as many children as possible. She is a fertility totem in that her worshipers are usually
quite fertile. They are often employed as midwives.

Background Cost

Daughters of Eilithya must aid any pregnant woman and must take care of any young children they find, even nonhumans.

Daughters of Eilithya are especially likely to get pregnant and get an extra point of Charisma, Medicine and Rituals upon
choosing her. They also get an additional two skill levels from the above list once per moon cycle per Sept.

Elder Serpent
By Jaryn Dauss (

Totem of War

Background Cost

The Elder Serpent resides atop the highest crags in the central mountain ranges of Pangea. The greatest of all dragons, the
Elder Serpent dwarfs almost everything else. Although it appears to be a Celestine of the Wyld, it is actually a Wyrm Celestine, a
representation of the Wyrm's true calling, that of balance.

The Elder Serpent grants his children the power to give and take damage, giving +1 to Strength and +1 to Stamina, as well as
enhancing the connection to the instincts of the ancient world, +1 to Primal Urge. Also, Elder Wyrm Incarna may balk at the
character, sensing in them something that they have lost.

Children of the Elder Serpent must seek the balance. They must fight the Weaver as well as the Wyrm, even occasionally the
Wyld itself. To mark his children, the Elder Serpent places a small marking, similar to those of the Garou, which will unknowable
to all but the greatest of Garou mystics. When in any form other than Homid and Glabro, this tattoo will change into a multicolored scale of the same size.
As the Elder Serpent is a Celestine of the forgotten true Wyrm, it could become disastrous for a pack bearing the Elder
Serpent's mark to be discovered as such. Guard well, for most Garou would not take the time to discover the Elder Serpent's
true intentions.

By Red Raptor ( for WereFlea: The Biting

Flea is a minion of Defiler wyrm. He helps spread corruption into the world. Followers of flea gain +1 Health, +3 Str and +1 Sta
while spreading disease and fighting battles.

Flying Fox
By J. McGeary, for the Stilts tribe.
I haven't worked up much on Flying Fox yet.

Background cost: 5
Grants +1 on Perception rolls in darkness, and teaches Stealth 2, Alertness 2, and Survival 1. Dunno about the rest.
Flying Fox's Children may communicate with bats without a special gift; they cannot, however, perceive radar. Though I'm thinking of
writing up such a gift as a level three or four tribe gift.

Ban: Children of Flying Fox are required to leave small, soft fruits in high places every so often, as flying foxes are fruit-eating bats.

By Dog-Boy Ragabash (


Fortuna is the Roman goddess of luck, and a favored totem of Ragabash, Glass Walkers and Fianna. Bone Gnawers rarely
have success ("unlucky?") in attracting her attentions. Packs or Septs that honor this mercurial Incarna automatically gain benefit
of the Merit Charmed Existence, and and at least once per story, some stroke of good fortune will fall the pack's way. It could be
anything from finding fat rabbits for dinner, or a miraculous victory over a deadly Wyrmling.

Those favored by Fortuna must never question the odds but trust in Fortuna to see them through, whether it's in a poker game or
it's going up against an entire Black Spiral yourself.

Frey, God of the Harvest and Fertility

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Wisdom, Love, and Fertility

Background Cost for Frey


The children of Frey are all male. As Frey's sister -- the goddess Freya -- takes care of the women, Frey prefers to confer his
wisdom to the men. Not as if Frey is really choosy, but he also requires his sons to have a strong constitution (Stamina 3+) and a
shining personality (Charisma 3+). Their general appearance does not need to be outstanding, but they must have some
knowledge of the land, knowledge of the arts of healings,and good bearing. (Etiquette 2+, Medicine 2+, and
Science/Occult/Rituals 2+) None of Frey's sons are Ahroun-born.

Frey was one of the gods of Asgard, but not of the same bloodline as Thor or Odin. Frey, like his twin sister Freya, is of the race
of Gods called the Vanir. Frey is a god of the harvest, a god of passions, a god of good deeds and fertility. He and his sister
were accepted by the Aesir (the line of gods that Odin and Heimdall belong to) and stayed within the realm of Asgard, ruling the
people of the Norselands alongside Baldur, Wotan, and the other Norse gods.
The werewolves of Eastern Europe especially honour Frey, for he gives them the gift of grain and good food. Most of the
followers of Frey tend not to be warrior-bred, but none will shirk their duties to defend the caern if they are called upon. The Get
of Fenris, the Silver Fangs, and the Shadow Lords do not particularly claim exclusive rights to this totem, as all of them realise
that Frey's importance is not local, but regional.

Frey, being a god of fertility, gives all of his children a 50% chance of breeding more Changing Breed. Within the Metis
community, all of their children shall be born normal lupus or homid, depending on the mother. (Lupus children from fellow
wolves, homid children otherwise.) Frey also gives his children the following abilities: +3 dice to all physical attribute-based rolls
while within 1 km of a farm or natural field, access to the gifts given only to the Ahroun, and the merits of Acute Sense of Smell,
Acute Sense of Taste, Acute Vision, and Time Sense.

Frey demands that his sons offer him an offering of grains and vegetables once per month, preferably during the same time as
the moon of the werewolf's birth. Whenever a woman is in trouble, the sons of Frey must come to their aid, even if it means
risking life, limb, and reputation. The children of Frey are not known to rove very far from their homes. (Flaw: Territorial) The sons
of Frey have never known to be quite "all there" either (choose a Compulsion or a Phobia). The children of Frey are also
required once per year to witness the birth of a new life, whether the child shall be of the Changing Breed or otherwise. Frey
likes reminding his children of where they came from, so they may never abuse the gifts they have been given.

Freya, Goddess of Love

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Beauty and Fertility

Note from Author

I would like to thank Peloquin for tipping me off to the corrections that had to be made to this and the other Norse mythologybased totems. Without his help, there would be a lot of people scratching their heads and wondering where a few deities
disappeared to. With good fortune, these revisions should clear up any gray areas that appeared previously.

Background Cost

All the children of Freya are women. As her twin brother Frey takes care of the men, Freya ensures the women know the ways of
passion and love. All of the children of Freya must place their Social Attributes first, or at lesat have a minimum score of eight
points in their Social Attribues by the time Freya chooses them. Freya refuses to teach the arts of love to those she feels are not
ready. And the children of Freya cannot be married at the time she selects them to her service. She doesn't believe in marriage .

It was once written that "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." They might have been writing about Freya, the ill-fortuned
goddess of love in Norse mythology. Freya and her twin brother, Frey, were not of the same race as Thor, Odin, and Heimdall.
Whereas Thor and Baldur were of the Aesir, Freya and Frey were of another race of gods known as the Vanir. Freya once fell in
love with a man by the name of Od. They were very taken with each other, and were to be married. On the night of the marriage,
Od dumped her completely out of his life, leaving her heartbroken and berift. (It was later suspected to be Odin, but none could
prove it was he.) From that point on, Freya vowed never to commit herself to another man (nor woman, for that matter.)
The Black Furies honour her as a woman to be respected. While some Get of Fenris and a good number of Shadow Lords find
her story humourous, very few have ever said as much to a worshipper of Freya or Frey. The few that have said as much are
able to sing any Michael Jackson song they wish now . . . .

Traits Bestowed
Unlike many of the Norse gods, Freya has never been much for combat. She finds it a waste of time, and a complete destruction
of the fields and crops. Freya gives all of her children one dot in each of the following traits, to a maximum of 6: Seduction,
Subterfuge, Empathy, Etiquette, Performance, and Medicine. She also gives her children the choice of the following merits:
Animal Magnetism, Dual Nature, or Iron Will. The followers of Freya also have access to the Charm: Influence. (from the Kindred
of the East book by White Wolf. The character may change the mood of the chosen target by spending a point of Gnosis/Numina
for each degree of change the chosen target's emotion will change. This is a gradual process.) The children of the goddess
Freya have a 30% chance of birthing Garou children.

Bans and Flaws

None of the children of Freya will deal well with the children of Odin (or any other male authority figure). They will be at a +4
penalty when attempting to Manipulate or blocking the Manipulation of such people. All of the followers of Freya have an
incessant need to seduce people (Compulsion: Seduction) when not in a combat situation. As Freya is not a particularly
courageous goddess, her children lose one Glory and one Honour every time the gain Glory or Honour. Freya is also not a very
forgiving or generous goddess in some aspects, and her children show these flaws in their behaviour (Intolerance: Ugliness,
Intolerance: Male Authority). Whenever the children of Freya see a chance to belittle a male authority figure, they are at +4 to
resist giving in tho the urge of doing so, even if it may cost them a minor gain.

Frigga, The Earth Mother, Wife of Odin "The All-Father"

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Wisdom, Respect, and Love

Background Cost for Frigga


She who is the noble consort, friend, and companion to Odin; she who is the mother of Baldur and the foster mother of Loki; she
who rules the Aesir with patience and gentleness. Frigga may be described as many things, but she is always revered by those
who know the trials and tribulations she has faced in her immortal lifetime. Many men discount Frigga as simply the "wife of
Odin", but Frigga was a person of her own merit, and those few of the Changing Breed and their kinfolk who ask of her help
generally receive it. Frigga, like Frey, Njord, and Freya, was of the line of gods known as the Vanir. Very beautiful and very wise,
Odin took her as his wife, and received guidance from her whenever he felt it necessary to review his actions.

Merits and Benefits

Frigga is a goddess of the earth and sky. She does not give much in the way of powers, but what she does give assist those
who follow her nonetheless. Any rolls requiring Willpower checks are reduced in difficulty by 2 (from 9 to 7, for example). Her
children receive one die in the following skills: Medicine, Animal Ken, Empathy, Occult, and Enigmas. As a result of her
connection with the earth, she gives her children the ability to seek out living spirits (Merit: Medium). Finally, she gives +2 dice to
all Stamina rolls involving either endurance or staredowns (remember, she was a mother).

Only those who have been parents or tend children may take Frigga as their totem. She may look upon all those who walk the
earh with kind eyes, but only the caregivers and the defenders of the weak does she give her blessing.

Those who chose Frigga as their totem must have the archtypes Defender or Caregiver as either their Nature of their
Demeanor. None who are under the watchful eyes of Frigga can be domineering or wicked individuals, as she frowns as
brutality and intimidation. She also requests that her children watch over all those who cannot defend themselves.

By Emil Signs, for the Ghoti tribe.
Background cost: 18 pt
Well, we all know what Gaia is...
+5 Honour

Gains Gifts: Combat Healing, Wrath of Gaia

Ban: Children of Gaia must always protect all of her creatures, and must always give aid to any of the Changing Breeds if it is asked.
They also must give more than half of their worldly possessions to the Tribe.

By Katie Bubenik (

Background Cost

A prehistoric turtle spirit, seemingly not affiliated with the Croatan totem Turtle, who's likeness appeared in a series of Japanese
monster movies. Gamera is not well know or respected among the Garou. All packs allying with him lose 250 points of honor
and 50 points of honor each time they gain honor renown. Few Garou are allied with him.

Gamera grants his children the gifts: Spirit of the Bird and Dragon's Breath. They also get one extra die in all social rolls
involving children.

Gamera, known as the friend to all children, will not allow his followers to harm any children.

By Steven Markley (

Background Cost

Gecko is a placid totem among the Diablo. He hangs around, suns, and occasionally eats bugs. He epitomizes calm, laziness
and patience, rare traits among the Diablo. The Diablo who follow him are usually those who have some respect for life and
don't want to kill everything. Most of his followers are Bourgeois.

Gecko gives his followers the Ragabash Gift: Fly Feet and a long sticky tongue that can snatch items that weigh up to a pound
(Dexterity + Brawl, difficulty 7.)

Those who follow Gecko become extremely placid, and lay around and sleep in the sun all day until roused by something
(making things like jobs and spouses almost impossible to keep.) He also reduces his followers' Rage -- a Diablo's purpose for
existing -- by 4, because someone can't really lay around and sleep all day if he is constantly Frenzying. Those who follow Gecko
also eat a lot of insects, which grosses out their friends.

Giza the Sphinx

By FooDog (

Bastet Jamak

Background cost

Giza the Sphinx is the Keeper of the Hidden Word. She is the knower of the greatest secrets, the preserver of the most occulted
lore. Only the most diligent seekers can discover what she has hidden; only the most perilous of crises can move her to reveal
her arcane wisdom; only those touched by Destiny can decipher her riddling ways.

Children of Giza are considered to automatically possess at least One Dot of every type of Lore the Storyteller may call for,
including Kindred, Garou, Umbral, Technocracy, etc. Note that if the Child of Giza has previously acquired a Dot any Lore, she
does not gain an additional extra Dot from Giza; the Sphinx encourages her Children to discover and guard secret knowledges,
not to expect the deepest mysteries to be spoon-fed to them.
Giza also safeguards her Children from any harm, taint, madness or doom, which may stem directly from the study of Forbidden
Knowledge. Giza ensures that her Children can seek all forms of wisdom without fear of consequence from even the most
damned, twisted, ensnaring and unholy of sources. Wyrm Lore may be learnt, Malkav's Skin-scrolls can be read, Son of Ether
brainstorming sessions may be attended, and any other study of That Which We Were Not Meant To Know may be undertaken
without the usual dangers to soul, sanity or Destiny. Children of Giza cannot botch any roll involving Enigmas {or similar
Knowledges, at the Storyteller's discretion}. For such rolls, count all 1's as 10's, re-rolling both for extra successes, just as if
rolling a Specialty.

Any secret wisdom that Giza the Sphinx directly imparts to her Children must never be revealed to another soul unless she
specifically decrees otherwise {a very rare occurrence}. Also, Giza may, at various points, ask her Children to instruct certain
favored individuals, small groups, or even entire villages in arcane Lore, or to teach them some Skill or Talent {or occasionally,
even a Gift or Ritual}. When so directed, the Children of Giza cannot refuse. Giza has also been known to expect her Children to
offer up to her, as tribute or gifts, certain mystical or valuable treasures which depict, or otherwise involve, noses. In fact, Giza is
notably sensitive on the subject of noses in general.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Strength

Background Cost

Goat is sure-footed, and fearless, charging any irritation or challenge. Stubborn, Goat is a survivor, but not renowned for his
wisdom. He is associated with the deity Pan, and is a sign of virility and stubborn determination.

Followers of Goat are stubborn gaining access to 3 Willpower per story, deft and sure-footed they can conquer nearly any terrain
(access to the gift: Balance and +2 to all Athletics pools). They learn to survive in harsh climates (+2 to Survival dice pools).

Monkey King Gokou

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of War and Cunning

Author's Note
I decided to do TWO versions of the Monkey King. Hanuman, the Legendary Monkey King, is based on the stories I've read in
various books and graphic novels. (e.g. Dragon Ball, Orion, Ranma 1/2 - yes! Ranma, as far as I can see, is partially based on
the legends of the Monkey King.) This is based on his true Trickster God nature. If anyone find fault in this, send word to the email address. Thank you.

Background Cost

Only Pongida (wereapes) and followers of Asian faiths may become children of this Trickster God. No Ahroun may follow this
aspect of the Trickster. Monkey King Gokou will only choose those he feels are worthy. In order to be worthy, one must be
talented in the arts of the mind (Occult, Engimas, Wits, and Perception must be 2+). He also values the ability to glide through
the trees (Dexterity, Acrobatic/Athletics, and Dodge must be 3+). Finally, the Monkey King likes his subjects to be able to
perform well in front of the "hairless apes". (Manipulation, Subterfuge & Etiquette must be 2+).

Monkey King Gokou is the aspect of the Trickster God that many North Americans have likened to such characters as
Spiderman [(c) Marvel Comics], Bugs Bunny [(c) Warner Brothers], and many television antiheroes. His curiosity, unlike the cat,
never gets him killed; his enemies never manage to outsmart him, either. Nothing on or off Gaia is beyond his grasp. This is very
true if he finds it interesting. The Monkey King enjoys a good tale or a well-done practical joke. The stories about him are many;
his victims are legion. The Monkey King is an honoured member in the hearts of many Asian children, bringing joy and humour to
their lives.

Merits and Minor Gifts

The Monkey King gives his subjects the ability to gain the following gifts: Cat's Feet, Shriek, Fortuna, Beast Speech,
Assimilation, Scream of Gaia, Persuasion, Blissful Ignorance, Blur of the Milky Eye, The Falling Touch, Awe, Resist Pain, Voice
of the Mimic (Corax gift), Tongues (Corax gift). The chosen subjects of the Monkey King also gain the following merits:
Ambidextrous, Dual Nature, Daredevil, Danger Sense, and Luck.

Bans and Blasphemous Deeds

Subjects of the Monkey King are not the most Honourable of the Changing Breed, and as such suffer a loss of 1 Honour every
time Honour is gained. The subjects of the Monkey King also suffer from kleptomania, and are very overconfident. (Flaw:
Obsession-Kleptomania, Overconfident). The Monkey King was not always known for his perkiness, and his subjects show this
flaw as well (Flaw: Deep Sleeper). Finally, the subjects of the Monkey King must try to bring the gift of understanding to the world,
even if that means creating radical and dangerous pranks in order to accomplish that goal.

Gun Powder
By Max Trebilcock (

Totem of War

Author's Note
I am currently running a Victorian World of Darkness campaign, using Werewolf: The Wild West, in the course of which I have
had to alter some of the Modern elements of the existing World of Darkness. One such Element is the Glasswalker Camp The
Wise Guy's; in the 19th Century I have named them The Shootists. I have also created a Totem for this Camp: Gun Powder. This
submission contains/uses concepts originally created by White Wolf, and in no way challenges their copyright. I have used the
Male 'he' rather than 'she' in this text. Please don't think that this in any way excludes Women; it is just for simplicities sake.

It is thought the Totem Gun Powder formed when the Chinese first used the mixture of saltpetre, sulphur and charcoal to create
explosions, in the form of fireworks. Of course the Weavers children soon realised the destructive potential of this wondrous mix.
However, Gun Powder did not begin to grow into a fully formed Totem Spirit until mankind invented the Gun, first in the shape of
the bombard (cannon) in the 14th Century and then the small arm a century later. Even then Gun Powder remained a relatively
unknown entity, until he was discovered by the Warders (Glass Walkers) in the 17th Century, during the period of Duelling. In
1847 Samuel Colt modernised firearms by inventing the 6 chamber Revolver (A design he would later improve on in the form of
the Colt Peacemaker). By 1865, with the end of the American Civil War, pistols were carried by virtually every capable man and
disputes often ended in a showdown. During the year of 1865, an Iron Rider Theurge called Joseph Craven, a prominent
member of the rapidly forming Shootist Camp (Who were gaining power through force of arms, firearms that is), attempted to
Summon the Spirit of his Colt. Instead the Jaggling 'Gun Powder' replied; the Spirit was keen to start a following and thus
increase its power. It immediately offered a number of new Gifts relating to the power of the Gun. Within a year the majority of the
Shootist Camp had adopted Gun Powder as their Totem, which elevated the Spirit to Totem status.

Modern Day
What happened to Gun Powder is largely unknown. He seemed to vanish from view at the turn of the Century; even present day
Glass Walkers have had little success in finding an explanation. This is due to the massive infighting between the Garou during
the Wild West period (yes, even worse than today), therefore very few of the original Iron Riders surviving to this day and the lack
of any Racial Memory within the Tribe ensures Gun Powder's fate remains a mystery. A common consensus among the
Glasswalkers is that Gun Powder diminished into the Ephemera due to the advent of chemical explosives (Nitro-glycerine was
invented by Alfred Nobel in 1867) and the concept of mechanised warfare, with the turning of the century. Less emphasis was
paid in the power of Gun Powder and more in the concept of how many bullets a gun could fire, Land Clads, Aeroplanes, etc.
Another idea is that in the Final Battle of December 28th, 1890, the for once, united Tribes enacted the Rite of The Clear Skies,
weakening the Powerful Weaver Bane 'The Storm Eater' and attacked it; along with the Garou forces stood Gun Powder, whom
it is thought may have sacrificed himself in order for the Garou to bind this creature back into the Earth. Older Theurge shake
their heads; they say that Gun Powder did not die, but merely needed time to change with the Times. They say he returned as a
she, in the form of Crashing Boom Boom, during the Air Raids of World War II.

Gun Powder is a Totem of War and destruction; therefore he grants his Children greater capacity to cause their Enemies harm.
He adds +1 Damage Dice to any Firearm or Gun Powder based Explosive.

Gun Powder asks that his children never use their natural Weaponry in preference to his Firearms. He will also punish his
Children for Frenzying too often; this usually manifests as an inability to invoke his Gifts, which usually lasts for a day and a night.
Finally Gun Powder asks that his Children commemorate significant Battles (within their native countries), in which his weapons
caused great death tolls. (During the 19th Century many of the battles of the Civil War and Indian Wars were remembered by the

Axis Mundi Information

Gun Powder is a weaker Totem: probably equal to a Totem Avatar or lesser Incarna (at his most powerful). Unlike many Totems
he will answer the call of a Rite of Summoning although the Summoner must be of Rank 3 at the very least. He will also never
answer the Call of a member of the Children of Gaia. For a Totem of War he can be quite cordial. The following information
allows for the Summoning of both himself and his Spirits.

Either a Humanoid made from his base elements (sulphur, charcoal and saltpetre) or the form of a person associated with the
use of guns, typically Gun Fighters, Lawmen or Soldiers. Whichever form he is in, a heavy smell of sulphur lingers around him.
Better pray no members of the Inquisition are around.

His base elements come from within Gaia. However he is found whereever guns or explosives are manufactured or used.

Spiritual Correspondence
Gun Powder represents the destructive power of natural elements mixed.

Material Correspondence
Spirits of Gun Powder will only reply to a Summons involving the use of gun powder, flame and noise. The Gun Powder must be
drawn in a circle, in which the summoner sits, the circle is then lit. The summoning is enacted through chanting and especially
loud noise (typically the discharge of multiple firearms). This must be maintained for the rite's duration.

Gift Lore
Spirits of Gun Powder will reluctantly teach Gifts about the earth and more commonly their own Gifts. (Detailed below).

Gun Powder is especially vulnerable to water, becoming saturated and unable to work. Gun Powder spirits are forced into
Slumber should they come into contact with water. To awaken a Gun Powder spirit the Garou must enact a Rite of Atonement
and set off a large Explosion or a multitude of Gunfire.

Ranges from Neutral to hostile.

To get a spirit of Gun Powder to teach gifts or provide aid, the Garou must agree to the ban above (even if he follows another
Totem). Should a Gun Powder spirit be required for a Fetish, the Garou must continually fire his Gun or set off explosions. (At
least once a day (the first) or once a week (the later) or the Spirit will do it for him).

The Gifts of Gun Powder

The following are a few Gifts that Gun Powder and his Spirits will teach to loyal followers. They will do so in preference to
teaching Gifts of the Earth.

Level 1
Jam Piece
Trick Shot: As the Level 1 Ahroun Gift. (W:tWW).
Level 2

Killing Shot
Control the Foe's Iron
Level 3
Repel The Fiery Rain
Head Shot
Level 4
Derringer's Boon
Corner Shot: As the Level 4 Glasswalker Gift.
Level 5
Pass The Ammo
Metal Ward

By Thomas Farnsworth for the Were-guppies.

Guppy gives his followers the Spirit speech whenever they are in the umbra. He also encourages the line of thought that
`discretion is better part of valor' and so gives his followers the gift Speed Beyond Thought whenever they retreat from a
dangerous situation. Needless to say, some Amazon Molliess take a different totem. Guppy only requires that his followers
remember to feed any fish they own (which most Were-guppies use for breeding stock) on a daily basis.

Gwenhwyvvar (Gwenivere)
By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Beauty, Wisdom, and Knowledge

Background Cost
4 (for men), 8 (for women)

The ill-fated beloved of King Arthur, Gwenhwyvvar was the woman who (in most legends) crushed Arthur's spirit to live by falling
in love with one of his knights. In all the legends of mythic Camelot, hers is the most misunderstood, as many men see her as the
"Eve" of Britain's "Garden of Eden", while many women see her as a lost soul, torn between her duty as a wife, and her passions
as a woman. In any case, Gwenhwyvvar was the true "heart" of Camelot, where Merlin was the "wisdom" behind Arthur's
benevolent rule. Gwenhwyvvar, known throughout the lands as "the most beautiful woman in Britain", is a kind and gentle totem,
who does not wish harm upon anyone.

Traits and Merits

Gwenhwyvvar bestows many a blessing upon her followers, both Kinfolk and Changing Breed. All of her chosen gain +1
bonuses on both Appearance and Charisma. Gwenhwyvvar, being a caring woman, also gives her followers the ability to sense
the evil within those around them, giving them the gifts "Sense Wyrm" and "Sense Lies". Her followers also gain -2 difficulties
(from 6 to 4, for example) on any rolls involving the following: Seduction, Empathy, Enigmas, Occult, Subterfuge, and Etiquette.
This bonus doubles for women whenever dealing with people with other British/Camelot related totems (especially King Arthur).
Women also gain a +2 Wisdom bonus whenever Glory or Honour is gained.

As Gwenhwyvvar was a very gentle soul, so are all of her followers. All of Gwenhwyvvar's followers automatically gain the flaws
"Soft Hearted" and "Shy". As well, all times when either Glory or Honour is gained, one Glory or Honour is lost. This changes for
women, as whenever Glory or Honour is gained, one Wisdom is lost. Followers of Gwenhwyvvar tend to react badly in the
presence of warlike women totems, gaining a +2 social difficulty when dealing with them. (Tends to work against the average
Black Fury.)

Gypsy Moth
By Chrisie Mitchell (

Totem of Corruption

Background Cost

Spinning their distinctive white cocoons, the larva of the Gypsy Moth emerges and destroys all trees and green growth near it.
The Scourge of the Northeast US, a large amount of them can destroy a forest or orchard in a matter of days. Bastards of this
totem gain the gift: Cocoon and gain 1 extra die to use in survival rolls, due to the Gypsy Moth larva's interesting ability to avoid
any means of destroying them.

Bastards of Gypsy moth must not kill it's brethren (no step on caterpillar, Black Spiral) and must subsist on a diet of fresh green
leaves right off the tree.

(Heb. word for Divine Law, but it's her name).

By Jessica McGeary, for the People of the Law tribe.

Background cost: 9
Halakha was, long and long ago, a Garou, but her powers and leadership during her lifetime led her to a different fate from the
common run once she died. Halakha grants Law 3, Investigation 1, and Rituals 3. All Rites and Gifts involving these abilities have two
extra dice added. Halakha is partial to Philodoxes, and all of her Philodox Children have their Gifts' difficulties reduced by one, save
for Wisdom of the Ancient Ways, which Halakha's patronage reduces to a 5 difficulty regardless of Past Life background. (Unless, of
course, the Philodox in question has 5 points in Past Life.) Halakha's Children may also purchase Philodox Gifts at the same price as
Gifts of their own auspice, but only Philodoxes have the difficulty dropped. Halakha WILL NOT adopt a pack that has a metis in it, and
will instantly withdraw her patronage from any Child who is involved in the conception of a metis offspring.

Ban: Halakha's Children must adhere as closely as possible to the Litany, and are bound by her Code as well. The Code was a form
of modified Impergium, designed to keep from breeding in the fear and the Delirium found in other parts of the world, as well as to
form closer ties between the tribe and the homids. In major part, it runs thus:

Any human who attacks and kills another human shall be killed.
Any human who brags of killing another shall be killed.
Any human who kills a wolf or wild dog, or brags of killing a wolf or wild dog, shall be killed.
Any human who fights another in self-defense or in the defense of another shall be spared, or assisted if possible.
Any being who violates another, whether their body or their property or something else, shall be tracked down and made to give
restitution equal in magnitude to the violation. If such restitution is more than they can give, or if those to whom it is owed are
dead, a Court shall convene and determine sentence.
6. Defense of humans present shall be performed in Lycaon or Lupus form. Punishment of humans, or defense of humans not
present or not conscious, shall be performed in Homid form.
There are other portions to the Code, but these are the oldest portions, the very first given by Halakha to her pack. Opportunities to
follow the Code need not be sought out, though some do; however, any of Halakha's children who neglect to follow the Code or the
Litany when presented with the opportunity to do so will be cut off from all her support.

Hanuman, the Legendary Monkey King

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totam of Respect and Cunning

Author's Note
I decided to do TWO versions of the Monkey King. This aspect is based on the stories I've read in various books and graphic
novels. (e.g., Dragon Ball, Orion, Ranma 1/2 - yes! Ranma, as far as I can see, is partially based on the legends of the Monkey
King.) Monkey King Gokou is based on his true Trickster God nature. If anyone find fault in this, send word to the e-mail address.
Thank you.

Background Cost

Only the Pongida (the wereapes) and those Changing Breed of either Asian descent or whom follow one of the faiths from that
continent are allowed to take the Monkey King as their totem. Most parts of the world already have their own version of the
Trickster. Further, this aspect of the Trickster God expects his subjects to be combat ready (all combat-related abilities and
attributes must be 2+, including Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception and Wits). No Ragabash are allowed to take this aspect of the

Hanuman is one of the names given to the Asian legend of the Monkey King. A great aspect of the Trickster, Hanuman is the
warrior aspect of the Monkey King. His talent with the staff and the club is without peer. He defeats all of his opponents with skill
and cleverness, rather than brute force and raw fury.

Merits and Minor Gifts

The children of Hanuman have an easier time of phsyical tasks. Difficulties in all physical rolls are reduced by one. The children
of Hanuman gain access to the gifts: Song of Rage, The Falling Touch, Iron Hands (Pongida gift), Resist Pain, Sense Wyrm, Fly
Feet, Cat's Feet, Preternatural Awareness, and Shake the Earth (Pongida gift). The followers of the Monkey King get the
following merits: Ambidextrous, Daredevil, Light Sleeper, and Double Jointed.

Bans and Blasphemous Deeds

Followers of the Monkey King do not get along with followers of Loki, the Trickster God of the Norse. Somewhere along the way,
the followers of Loki and the Monkey King grew wary of each other. If they ever meet, the chances of a hostile encounter are 3out-of-10. Bladed weapons are forbidden to the followers of Hanuman. The children of Hanuman must protect the native forests
of monkeys, wherever they are living, even if it will cost them later. The followers of Hanuman cannot eat red meat. If they ever do,
they will regurgitate all of the meat consumed and suffer two health levels of damage (to a maximum of Crippled.) All the children
of Hanuman suffer from the following flaws: Overconfident, Short Fuse, Confused, and Hatred (choose one). The followers of
Hanuman also suffer a 1 point loss of Wisdom every time they gain Wisdom.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Hecate is the Greek goddess of the Underworld, Death, Magick and Night Travel. An old crone of dark aspect, she is the patron
of witches, representing the dark mystery of woman. An Occult mistress, the Black Furies respect her.

The arcane arts and knowledge are as gold to her chosen (+1 to Occult, they gain 2 extra Xp per story to learn Occult, Rituals,
gifts and other mystical knowledge). Wisdom is sacrosanct (they gain 2 Wisdom).

Hecate demands that her followers strive to seek and acquire arcane knowledge.

Heimdall the Ever-Alert, the All-Seeing

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Honour and Loyalty

Background Cost
6 (normally), 9 (for blind characters)

Heimdall was known as the "Eagle-eyed God", for he possessed the sharpest eyes in Asgard. In fact, his sight was only
surpassed by Huginn and Muninn, the ravens of Odin. With his great axe and stalwart heart, Heimdall defended the gates of
Asgard from all invaders. A true and loyal companion, Heimdall "the Watcher" is held in great respect by both the Shadow Lords
(who appreciate loyalty more than most people believe) and the Get of Fenris.

Merits and Traits Bestowed

Heimdall gives all of his children the following abilities while either guarding or searching: +2 dice to Wits, Perception, and
Stamina (even if this takes them above 5 dice). He also gives all of his children the following merits while either guarding or
investigating: Acute Sense of Smell, Acute Sense of Taste, Acute Vision, Acute Hearing. For those who are blind and still follow
Heimdall, he gives them the Gift: Echolocation, and the skill Blind-fighting: 2 (as the Sabbat Vampire ability). Heimdall, being a
searcher of the stars and the lands, bestows upon his children a -2 difficulty to any rolls involving Streetwise,Enigmas, Occult, or
Investigation at all times.

He requires that all of his children be very determined individuals, not having less than 3 dice in Stamina, Willpower, or Rage. He
also forbids his children any illegal drugs of any sort, as they disturb the quality of their senses. Alcohol is allowed, but only in
moderation (even at moots). Heimdall, being a stern taskmaster, demands that his children be well-rounded individuals, and
should strive to keep their warrior skills (Melee, Dodge, Brawl, Kalindo) on par with their ability to seek out the truth
(Investigation, Engimas, Streetwise, Occult). If ever they are out of balance by greater than two dice
(Melee+Dodge+Brawl+Kalindo <> Occult+Enigmas+Streetwise+Investigation), Heimdall himself will correct the error by
removing the offending dice from one side and distributing them as he sees fit to the other side.

Hel, Queen of Nifhelm

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Sorcery, Death, and Arcane Wisdom

Background Cost

At once beautiful and terrible, Hel was one oft he three children born to Loki and his frost giant mistress. Along with her two
siblings, Fenrir (also known as Fenris), and Jormundagr -- The Midgard Serpent -- she represents some of the darker and more
sinister sides of the Nordic Gods. She is as ruthless as she is heartless, ruling over Nifhelm without any consort needed, nor a
man required. As the Empress of the Dead, all who must cross through Nifhelm, the Realm of the Dead, must pay her tribute and
due honours, or face her wrath and an eternity of torment.
She is not a totem to be taken lightly. Only those who are merciless dare invoke her name. She gives her daughters powers
which even the most stalwart men fear. Many of her children are considered morbid and power hungry creatures of darkness,
and many packs believe her a little too close to the Wyrm for their tastes. She blesses both the damned of Gaia (e.g., Black
Spiral Dancers) and the blessed with equal impunity. For as long as they follow the path she has laid out for her children, they will
be on her good side. Woe to those who anger her, for none have been known to defy her and not suffer the consequences.

All of her followers must be women. They may come from all walks of life, but she prefers those who have witnessed death in the
making themselves (or have caused death themselves).

Her followers automatically receive the following permanent bonuses where applicable: +2 to Perception and Manipulation (even
if this takes them above 5), Gnosis: +2, Willpower: +2. The children of Hel also receive the following dice pools while in the
service of Hel: Mage Lore: 2, Occult: 2, Enigmas: 2, Wraith Lore: 2, Kindred Lore: 2. Finally, her children automatically gain a
Mage Arcane Pool of 3 dice whenever searching for hidden knowledge, dealing with vampires or wratihs, and slaying the
enemies of Hel.

Hel finds it imperative that more souls be sent to her. In that respect, at least once per year, the children of Hel must kill
someone. Who the person is does not matter, as long as they possess a soul. The children of Hel are often associated with
vampires, and vampires (especially Giovanni, Tremere, Nagaraja, and the Samedi) will actively search out her followers.
Furthermore, wraiths will also actively look for the followers of Hel. (This is assuming they know there is one or more in the city.)
Euthanatos mages are completely out of bounds for the daughters of Hel to slay, as are the Giovanni. Before killing one, the
daughter of Hel will get a "notice" of agonizing pain, preventing her from killing them. When that occurs, that individual can locate
the daughter of Hel despite her natural Arcane at any time. (The person will not lead people consciously to kill the daughter of
Hel, however.)

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Strength
Hera's Children are matriarchal and are almost totally Daughters; they are mostly Homids and Black Furies as well. Hera is a
powerful Celestine that has power over women, marriage and strength. Her Daughters pray to her for strength and support. She
is cruel, dedicated and persistent; her Daughters are likewise. She has great respect for age and many of her Sons, if she has
any, are old.

Background Cost

Children of Hera must always acknowledge the superiority of women and the elderly. They must never admit to being weak or

Upon choosing Hera, her Children gain an additional point of Strength and Manipulation as well as Perception (Ragabash),
Stamina (Theurge), Manipulation (Philodox), Wits (Galliard) and Strength (Ahroun). They also get an additional point of Mythlore,
Leadership, Melee, Brawl, Stealth and Intimidation. Elderly followers get another Perception and 2 Leadership. Each Sept gets
three points of Intimidation, Strength and Manipulation every 3 moon cycles.

Heru Behdety
By Diane Keating-Sciacca, for the Hounds of Abydos Silent Strider Camp.

Totem of War

Background Cost

Heru Behdety is a fairly new totem, wolf-headed but not affiliated with Fenris. Some say that Heru (or Horus) is an avatar of
Falcon but the Kemite God Heru had many forms -- this is but one.
Heru Behdety is the form of Heru who battled and finally conquered Set on the plains of Abydos in revenge for killing his father
Asar. Both took the form of wolves to fight, Set being a red wolf and Heru Behdety being a black one. It is thought that the totem
was once a high-ranking Ahroun of the Silent Striders that led many of the attacks on the Setites during the terrible 100-yearlong war before the Diaspora. His form, when he takes it, is that of a powerfully-built ink-black Crinos with a blue and gold
Egyptian kilt, gold pectoral and armed with a bronze spear and sword. His eyes smoulder with Rage and when he speaks his
deep voice is more felt than heard.
Heru Behdety gives his children Melee 3 (swords and spears), Resources 2 and the Gifts Kiss of Helios, Sense of the Prey and
Princely Bearing. Silent Striders of the Hounds of Abydos camp will do everything in their power to help the characters
accomplish their quests and consider the characters lost brothers and sisters.

Once sworn and invoked, Heru Behdety requires his children to fulfill their oaths of vengeance or die trying.

Hodr the Blind

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Honour and Loyalty

Background Cost for Hodr


All of Hodr's children are either Metis or were born crippled naturally. (Two flaws must be chosen at creation. They must be either
Psychological, Physical, or Perception based). Most of the Garou do not understand how such a totem could exist, but those
who follow Hodr know why he has chosen them as his own legion of warriors against the onslaught of the Wyrm. Needless to
say, many of the more arrogant warriors are quite mortified when the children of Hodr show up at a battle . . . . and proceed to
clean house with the demonic forces of the Wyrm (and other evils).

Hodr is quite possibly one of the most ill-fated gods in the Norse mythos, born blind and crippled, and held partially responsible
for the death of Baldur the Brave. Hodr was a nice and humble god; he lived within the glory of Asgard but never able to enjoy it
fully. Hodr's hand in the demise of noble Baldur was purely by accident: Loki the Trickster caused Hodr to slay Baldur with a
spring of mistletoe, causing Ragnarok (the end of the world) to befall the gods. Hodr (in the legends) died of a broken heart,
when he heard that his was the hand that slew his half-brother Baldur.
When Hodr, still saddened by his role in the coming of the Apocalypse, viewed the plight of the Metis and the crippled
werewolves, his old heart soared. Here, he thought, he could finally make a difference in the war against the evils of the world.
Taking the twisted bodies of the Metis and the other cripped werewolves into his heart, he gave them new hope and a new goal:
to destroy the Wyrm's twisted minions, and eradicate the scourge of the Infernalist vampires and demon-worshipping sorcerers.
While Hodr may not be the most popular totem (especialy amongst those who follow very proud totems), his service to Gaia is
appreciated by those who know the suffering Hodr has borne on his shoulders.

Merits and Traits Bestowed

The followers of Hodr are hunters of the evil that others refuse to see. His children are given the gifts: Sense Wyrm, Assimilation,
Halt the Coward's Flight (as the Rokea gift), Coup de Grace (as the Rokea gift), Blur of the Milky Eye, The Falling Touch, Resist
Pain, Preternatural Awareness (in the Get of Fenris tribebook), Razor Claws (as the Mokol gift) at the appropriate Rank, and
are able to enter the Umbra at 2 levels lower than average. Hodr, not being a god of battle or war, would not be expected to give
his children combat skills. When the children of Hodr engage the agents of the Wyrm, however, Hodr's inner sorrow reveals
itself. All weapons coated with the ashes of mistletoe and some of the child of Hodr's blood will do aggravated damage when
being wielded by the child of Hodr. All of Hodr's followers attacks are lowered by two (from 9 to 7, for example) if the person has
been identified as Wyrmspawn. The damage that his followers do gain another two dice if the victim is filled with the poisons of
the Wyrm. (examples of Wyrmspawn are: vampires, Black Spiral Dancers, and Nephandi mages.)

The followers of Hodr are never allowed to gain the Gifts granted to the Ahroun or the Ragabash, as those are the property of
Baldur and Loki, respectively. (Exceptions are listed above.) Children of of Hodr are always at a +2 difficulty socially when
dealing with Changing Breed who do not follow Hodr. The followers of Hodr are doomed to die in the service of Gaia, almost as
if in sympathy to the children of Baldur. (Flaw: Dark Fate) As Hodr himself was never bold or brash, neither are his followers.
(Flaws: Phobia (mild), Low Self-Image, or Shy) The children of Hodr are always vulnerable to the persuasions of the Trickster, as
they are still trusting of the silver-tongued god; when dealing with followers of the Loki (in any form), the followers of Trickster gain
+2 dice on any social attribute based roll against the children of Hodr.

By Red Raptor ( for WereCow: The Mooing

Holstein gives +1 Sta to all bulls and +1 Dex to all cows.

Holstein asks his children to defend any cow in need.

By Steven Markley (

Background Cost

Hornet is mean, spiteful, and full of venom (literally as well as figuratively.) Thus, she is well-loved among the werechihuahuas.
She encourage her followers to nurture grudges and Rage, and to lash out at those who slight them.

Hornet adds 3 to the Diablo's Rage rating, and gives her followers the Merit: Eidetic Memory for the purposes of remembering
personal wrongs only. She also gives the lupus Gift: Venom and the Uktena Gift: Spirit of the Bird. Finally, those who follow
Hornet gain 2 points of Bitterness Renown, and gain an additional point of Bitterness every time it is awarded.

Those who follow Hornet must never forgive anyone of anything, and must avenge any slight done them. This applies to other
Diablo and even to other followers of Hornet. Also, those who follow Hornet have all Social roll difficulties increased by one, as
hate bleeds out of their pores.

By CyberPuppy ( (29 March 1996)

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Horse has long been of great importance around the globe, and a focal point of many cultures. He was present in nearly all
endeavors of civilisation and tribal life until the recent rise of technology displaced him. Horse is the tireless worker, friend of
Man, and a symbol of freedom as the wild stallion or mustang. Even in the midst of battle, Horse has been there. Although once
highly important, he is now held in greatest esteem by the Uktena and Wendigo, and these tribes may be friendly to the children
of horse. Unfortunately, due to his association with Man, few Lupus, and almost no Red Talons would follow him.

Horse grants his children his tireless endurance (they gain an additional point of Stamina), and they gain his stubborn will (they
can call upon an extra 3 Willpower points per story). Horse is a totem of minor Honour and Respect (each pack member gains 1
point of honour).

Children of Horse must be hard-working and honest, advocating the use of the horse above many modern tools.

Hothead Paisan
By Jude McLaughlin ( with many thanks to Diane DiMassa, from whose imagination Hothead
first sprang

Totem of War


Hothead is a creature grown from women's anger, this sick culture, and a comic book that has captured the imaginations and
catharsis of thousands of women. Were Hothead a woman in the World of Darkness, she would be a Marauder. As it is, she is a
skinny, angular, walking temper. Male rapists and batterers beware! Hothead tracks them down and kills them in the most
spectacularly violent fashions with weapons she pulls out of nowhere. Modern society and television are her enemies.
Children of the Hotness get +2 to their Firearms and Demolitions skills. They also receive 5 points of Mage-like Arcane for any
act where they need to be unnoticed (or even applauded) by onlookers or law enforcement officials.

Children of Hothead must be lesbians. As such, she is a popular totem with Black Furies and few others! Children of Hothead
must also do their utmost to hunt and kill abusers. And they should regularly offer coffee to their totem.

By Steven Markley (

Wyrm Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

Housefly is the feeder on corpses, she who spawns maggots, that which thrives in filth and the corruption of flesh. She survives
despite the best efforts to kill her. Housefly gladly crawls on the faces of starving children, in landfills, and sewage-corrupted
water, to spread disease and cause madness from her presence. She has strong connection to the Mjaelin Incarna Mistress Yul
and others that compliment her unclean aspects. Her Boons are potent and it is difficult to live in her favor, but she is gaining in
popularity with many Black Spiral packs, and is the Totem of two caerns. She will also ally with individual Spirals, especially
Ragabash, and give them her Boons.

For Packs: She adds a permanent point of both Dexterity and Wits, and adds 1 to Dodge ratings. Additionally, she awards the
Gifts: Fly Feet and her special Gifts: Wings of the Fly and Bug Eyes. Finally, by rolling Charisma + Expression against a target's
Willpower, a bastard of Housefly can aggravate his opponent to the point of forcing a Frenzy check; this can be attempted once
per scene.

Though her her blessings are many, the drawbacks to following Housefly are as well. First, A bastard's Social roll difficulties are
increased by 2 except when dealing with other servants of Corruption; this is due in part to how filthy and rank her bastards
usually are from bathing in sewage and rolling around in carrion, which pleases her. Bastards of Housefly will always Fox Frenzy,
and because of their cowardly reputations they will gain one less point of Power whenever this type of Renown is awarded. A
bastard of Housefly can never harm her children (even if they are crawling all over him, which is usually the case) and he must
cultivate them in his home. This is usually accomplished by leaving rotting food, decaying corpses and feces all over. Bastards
of Housefly have little chance for a social life beyond their fellow Black Spiral Dancers, and even most of them find Housefly

Colin Chapman ( (4 April 1996)

Background Cost

Hyena is a survivor. She hunts in packs at night but will scavenge and steal if necessary to survive. She fills the air with a sinister
cackle and few would willingly confront her. Although scruffy, she is social and a diligent parent. Even mighty Lion is loathe to
face her!

Hyena has the most powerful jaws, snapping a horse's femur with one well placed bite, splintering and devouring bone! (Her
packs add +1 to all Bite attack damage). She teaches them to survive (they add +2 to all Survival Dice Pools).
Foes tremble and run at her sinister laugh (her packs can call upon the gift: Hyena's Cackle. treat as the Lvl3 fianna gift 'howl of
the banshee', but it takes the form of a terrible cackle.)
Due to her undeserved reputation, all tribes (except the Bone Gnawers) lose 1 point of Honour whenever they gain Honour.

Hyena makes no demands of her chosen.

Quick facts
Did you know that Lions are greater eaters of carrion than Hyenas?
Hyenas actually hunt and kill their own prey!
Hyena society is matriarchal!
Hyena's have the strongest bite of any mammal!

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

Ice Man gives his followers +6 Stamina for soaking ice related attacks.

Followers of IceMan must sleep on Ice every night or lose his favor. They take +1 agg damage from all fire related attacks.

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Background Cost

Totem of Respect

This totem is the spirit of the first M'orsi, Ingenon.

Packs chosen by Ingenon can call upon an extra 5 Willpower points per story, and gain +3 to an Etiquette Dice Pool. No Casus
will trust them, and Casus cannot take Ingenon as a Totem. Pack members can gain +2 to an Intimidation Dice Pool by invoking
Ingenon. Each member gains 2 points of Honor. All Ingeni will want to know what packs of Ingenon are doing at all times.

Insect Totems and Spirits

By Jason C Marshall (

The idea for these totems, spirits, and bete come from reading way to many Shadowrun books and RPG material. I've tried to
keep the material as much my own idea as possible so as to not infringe on any of FASA's rights. Some of the material and
history is from Whitewolf and I've reprinted it here, usually verbatim.
These entities are supposed to be played with a detached, alien look at life and the way everything is. They aren't mindless
killers and destroyers, but they can be deadly enemies. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did coming up with all this stuff.

Of all the totems, the Insect Totems are perhaps the strangest and least understood. Of all the bete, in our world only a few follow
the words of Insect and these are far and few between.
The Glass Walker Tribe of the Garou are said to hold Cockroach in reverence, but it has been considered the least strange of all
the totems. There are even rumours of banes derived from cockroach spirits appearing in places.
In the ancient past, when the Triat was one and the world was at peace, each creature had a spirit totem to guide its race
through the cycle of life and death. As time passed the various factions of the Triat were gifted by Gaia with protectors for their
beloved children.
The Wyld was given the Garou, Gurahl, Nuwisha and Bastet to watch out over the forests and plains, the Lutran and Mokole, to
watch the rivers, streams and lakes, the Corax to watch the skies, the Rokea, Selkies, Simo and Symbrani to watch the seas,
and the Pongida and Scrofak to watch over the jungles.
The Weaver was gifted Ratkin, who would watch from within the towns of man.
The Wyrm was gifted with the silent and deadly Arkaroo, who would watch the scrubland and deserts and the Chiroptera, who
would fly at night protecting the sky, as the Corax did during the day.
An entire society evolved around these bete, of the Triat, each serving his or her duty with passion and love.
Gaia looked down and was pleased with her efforts, and so she rested.
Now among the various celestines and incarna of power that served as guides, teachers and mentors for the various bete, there
arose a celestine unlike any other.
This celestine was alien in its thinking, different from the Triat and its ways. Its children had lived on the earth for thousands of
years, even before the coming of those Gaia had created. Why were its children not rewarded with such protectors? The
celestine ascended the skies and travelled to Gaia herself.
"Why, Mother? Why do you gift the children of the Triat with these protectors and yet ignore us? Are we not your children too?"
Gaia turned and looked at the celestine that knelt before her.
"My child, I did not know that you were in need of such protection. Your children are small and can easily hide from harms way,
adapting to the world as it slowly changes. I did not see the need."
The celestine grew restless.
"The need? Are we not as loved as your the other children? Are we merely 'things' to be regarded and then ignored?"
Gaia smiled, reached out and touched the Celestine and it felt a warmth surge through its being.
"No my child, you are as beloved as the rest and are right. Please, accept my forgiveness and this gift."
The Celestine turned and saw Spider's children, the Ananasi, join with the Weaver, Ant's children, the Doryli, join with the Wyrm,
and Mantis's children, the Mantidae join with the Wyld.
"My child, Spider will watch and weave, binding together that which is apart. Ant will clean and remove that which has died and is
dying. Mantis will avenge, when the need arises."
The celestine wept in joy and returned to the Earth, Gaia held high in its heart.
Soon it grew tired and drifted into a deep sleep.

Time passed once more, then the Triat went mad and the world succumbed to chaos.
The Weaver spun out of control, taking from the Wyld. The Wyrm desperately tried to compete but soon lost its mind, becoming
convinced that in order to save it must destroy all. The Wyld tried to fight off the attacks of both and would have died if Gaia
hadn't reached out and gifted the Wyld's protectors with powers to aid in the cause.
The Weaver and Wyrm saw these powers and similarly gifted their children's protectors with powers and so the wars for control
Through all this the insect bete, seemed to suffer the most. The Ananasi were betrayed by their very lord, the Weaver, and 'sold'
to the Wyrm. The Doryli were taken from the Wyrm by mad agents of the Wyld, and the Mantidae seemed to vanish, as the
Garou began their War of Rage against the other bete.
It has only been in the last 500 years that Insect has emerged from his long sleep. What he saw both angered and saddened
him. His children were dying. The agents of the Weaver, Man, sought to destroy them with chemicals. Agents of the Wyrm were
corrupting them and transforming them with magics and poisons. This would stop.
Insect reached out and touched its last free child. Mantis.
"My child. We are undone. We must fight now in order to survive. Of all my children, only Cockroach has found a place in this new
world. You must carry out my wishes. The corrupted must perish and the confused brought back into the fold. You will my
Mantis bowed before it's lord and nodded.
"Your will, Father."
Insect looked once more into the world.
"The others of the bete have waged war upon us. They have destroyed us. We must seek revenge."
Mantis nodded its head once again. "This we understand all too well. We were the hunters of the Wyld, now we are your hunters.
Your will is ours."
Insect turned back to its child. "So let it be." Insect left its servant and travelled the world, looking and watching. It saw others of
it's children suffering and it wept. "This will also stop." Insect sent out a cry for help and waited. Wasp was the first to answer,
appearing before its lord. Fly, Flea and Termite came second, followed by Beetle and Roach. Finally Spider, Dragonfly and Ant
Insect looked out at the assembled Totems and was saddened. Of all the Totems of the insects only nine had answered his call,
and of those that were here, two were of those he could no longer trust.
"Why have you summoned us, Insect?" Came the words of Ant.
Insect open his arms. "The world is dying. The Wyrm is moving into its apex and the time known as the Apocalypse will soon
arrive. Of all of the spirits, only our children are likely to survive. We must bond together to ready ourselves for the approaching
Ant shook his head, joined by Roach and Spider. "Our children have futures, Insect. We need not the help of one who
abandoned us so long ago. We will have nothing to do with this."
Ant left.
Spider looked at Insect and smiled a sad smile.
"I will help you, my lord, but first I must free my sister and her children from the Wyrm. Only then can I freely help, but you have
what support I can lend."
Spider bowed, then vanished.
Roach looked upon his creator and stepped forward.
"I will serve you, oh Father. I will tell my children and my students of you ways and to help us when possible. The Garou Glass
Walkers have taken me for their own and I will see about bringing them into the fold as well."
"Trust not the Garou, my child. It is their kin that destroy us."
Roach nodded and left.
Insect turned to the few who remained.
"Will you also turn your back upon me?"
Fly shook its head. "Not us, Father. We are with you."

Insect smiled.

15 point Celestine
Insect is the embodiment of all that is of the insect world. It is a powerful force within the spirit world, acting as Lord over all of the
insects and their totems. It is because of Insect that the three insect bete were created by Gaia.
Followers of Insect are few, with the majority of people unaware of its existence.
Bonuses: Insect grants a one time bonus of Survival +3. Also, the followers of Insect are never bothered by insects. No mosquito
or black fly bites. No spiders building webs in their houses. No cockroach infestations. In fact, the followers will find that they
slowly gain an understanding of the insects and find the insects willing to help them. A new Skill is learned, Insect Ken at 1.
Also, Insect grants its followers three of the following Gifts; Resist Pesticide (as Resist Toxin Gift), Blissful Ignorance, Fly Feet,
Gift of the Termite, Infest, Venom, and/or Summon Net-Spider. Ban: No subject of Insect will kill an insect unless its part of the
cycle of life. This does not included whacking them with a newspaper.

3 point Totem of Cunning
Spider is the 'sister' of Queen Ananasa and unlike its big sister is considered a Totem of Cunning, for the art of trap laying
(webs) and ambushes (jumping and trap-door type spiders). Spider is a harsh mistress, expecting undying loyalty from its
Spider is considered the patron totem of the Weaver's Pattern Spiders. Some say that the Pattern Spiders secretly worship
Spider, one day hoping to become its servants openly.
Bonuses: Followers of Spider receive the Survival 1 and Traps 1.
Ban: No follower of Spider may kill a Spider and miss an opportunity to entrap her prey instead of killing them outright.

Queen Ananasa
5 point Totem of Wisdom
Ananasa remains in the dark opal prison built by the Weaver and the Wyrm. However, through a small fracture in the gem, she
has been able to leak her wisdom to her subjects.
Bonuses: All followers of Ananasa (the Ananasi are the only known ones), receive Occult +3 and Enigmas +2 from their Queen.
She can do little less for her subjects while in prison. Her plan for escape may take years, decades, or even centuries to reach
fruition, but eventually she will be free to rule her subjects once more.
Ban: Followers of Ananasa must seek to save other followers of the totem from the Wyrm, though they may defend themselves
from the Hatars, or fight among themselves. Additionally, most shapechangers do not trust Ananasa or her followers, and make
it difficult for her subjects to attract new allies.

3 point Totem of Courage
Fly is a strange sort. Many scoff at the fact that it is a totem of courage but none-the-less Fly represents courage. Fly will enter
into areas of danger without thinking, seeking food. It is of a single mind.
Bonuses: Followers of Fly receive the Merit Concentration and the one time skill of Survival 2.
Ban: Fly has no bans, but he unfortunately inflicts his followers with the Flaw Over-Confident.

3 point Totem of War
Wasps are fearsome critters. They buzz close to people and will risk their lives to defend their nests.
Wasp is fanatical warrior, willing to die protecting his family.
Bonuses: All followers of Wasp gain Brawl 1 and Survival 1.
Ban: Wasp will always protect his family and followers must protect their family and kin even if it means their own lives.

5 Point Totem of Respect.
Mantis is a hunter without peer in the insect world. A clever warrior that is one of nature's deadliest killers. Mantis derives
respect from its calmness and its direct nature.
Bonuses: Mantis's children get a 2 Brawl and 2 Meditation.
Ban: Female of Mantis will kill and eat their mates after mating.

3 Point Totem of Respect
Ant is a hunter/gatherer, who believes in the values of the family and hive society. The followers of Ant tend to have a sort of busy
body attitude, always wanting to do something or other with the group.
Ant is almost totally loyal to the Wyld and finds it hard to work for both The Wyld and Insect.
Bonuses: Ant's children get a 2 Athletics. Ant's followers, though somewhat annoying cause they're always on the "move," are
generally viewed with good a nature.
Ban: Females of Ant aren't allowed to stay around each other for longer then 1 year.

4 point Totem of Secrets
The Dragonfly is a creature of speed and beauty. Its wing colourings form incredible iridescent patters when the light is upon
Dragonfly is a creature of plots and cunning. He enjoys listening to people then speeding off to find more secrets and
Followers of Dragonfly often find themselves acting as the spies of Insect.
Bonuses: Dragonfly offers its followers the gifts of Athletics +3 (running skills), Stealth +1 and Enigmas +1.
Ban: Followers of Dragonfly love speed and secrets, the more of either the better. All must make Willpower roles at s, 3
successes needed, to resist the temptation to speed (be it driving a car, running, pedalling a bike) or to listen in on secrets.

See Werewolf main rules. Cockroach is fully with the Garou and has abandoned Insect's cause.

6 point Totem of War
Flea smites her enemy with small frustrating blows that hinder his ability to perform. She also defies her opponent to catch or kill
her, using her leaping ability to avoid capture and her armoured body to absorb even the worst damage.
Bonuses: To help her followers, Flea offers the Gifts of Luna's Armor and Leap of the Kangaroo. Because of her fighting style,
the Garou unfortunately see Flea as a coward. As a result, followers of Flea lose 5 temporary Glory every time they gain Glory.
Only Bone Gnawers and Ragabash have followed Flea until now.
Ban: Flea asks that her followers let her people live in peace.

2 point Totem of Work
Termite wasn't able to offer much to Insect but offer it did, what services it could muster. Termite is a builder, constructing
massive homes to live in and provide food for the community.
Bonuses: Followers of Termite receive Athletics +1 and Repair +2.
Ban: Followers of Termite must never destroy constructed works. Sounds weird but Termite respects what others have laboured
to build and doesn't wish to see those works destroyed.

4 point Totem of Peace
Stoic Beetle, an ever moving, hard-shelled creature. Beetle is a being of peace, wishing nothing more than to live at one with

nature and the world.

Bonuses: Beetle grants the gifts of Negotiation +2 and Expression +1, so that its followers may preach peace.
Ban: Beetle's followers must never kill, and may only fight in self-defense.

Mantidae (Mantis)
Once the agents of the Wyld, these silent hunters are now the followers of Insect.

Doryli (Ant)
Ex-Wyrm custodians now turned to the Wyld.

Ananasi (Spider)
Tormented race, with their existence threatened by both the Weaver and the Wyrm. See Werewolf's Players Guide for full details
on the Ananasi.

Spirit Forms
Spirit Forms are agents of the various totems made real. They usually appear as either normal sized insects of the totem or
giant sized versions of the insect, easily capable of carrying off a grown man. Greater Spirit Forms are utilized rarely, as they are
a severe break of the shroud and delirium. When they are implemented, the Greater Spirit Forms are usually used as shock
troops in raids against both Wyrm and sometimes Weaver holdouts.

Rarely used except in normal size and then as an annoying attack tactic. Imagine hoards of flies of various types swarming you.
Flies can cause disease with their bites; imagine a swarm of tsetse flies.
Rage 4, Willpower 5, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Suffocation (swarms only), Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 18, Str 1, Dex 5, Sta 1, Brawl 2, Dodge 5,
Flight 4. Greater Form: Cost= 22, Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 5, Flight 4.)

Normally the Dragonfly is merely a messenger and a spy, but occasionally a Greater Spirit Form is used as a steed by an agent
of Insect.
Rage 2, Willpower 7, Gnosis 5, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 20, Str 2, Dex 6, Sta 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 5, Flight 5. Greater Form: Cost=
25, Str 3, Dex 6, Sta 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 5, Flight 5)

Termite, as with Fly, is rarely used in giant form. Most of the time Termite finds his spirit forms used to help create strongholds
for Insect.
Worker Termites tend to be the most common of the Greater Spirit Forms, but occasionally a soldier is created. Soldiers have
powerful jaws that can crush bone.
Rage 1, Willpower 4, Gnosis 7, Power 25
Powers: Airt Sense, Solidify Reality, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 11, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Repair 3, Dodge 2.
Greater Form Worker: Cost= 16, Str 5, Dex 2, Sta 4, Repair 3, Dodge 2. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 20, Str 5, Dex 4, Sta 5,
Brawl 3, Dodge 3.)

One of the more common Greater Spirit Forms, Wasp is a solider and aerial attacker. Even in normal sized form, Wasp is
deadly, as he uses the same tactics as Fly.
Rage 5, Willpower 4, Gnosis 2, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4. Greater Form:
Cost= 20, Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4.)

Beetle is rarely used in spirit form, but when he is, Beetle can be a stoic defender. A Greater Spirit Form of Beetle was used by
Insect to defend one its strongholds from Wyrm incursions.
Rage 1, Willpower 7, Gnosis 4, Power 45
Powers: Airt Sense, Spirit Static, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 9, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Brawl 1, Flight 2. Greater Form: Cost=
14, Str 4, Dex 2, Sta 5, Flight 2, Brawl 1. )

Spider is perhaps one of the most enigmatic of Insect's servants. When used it spins traps and barriers for defense.
Occasionally a Greater Spirit Form is used as a hunter, a truly terrifying thought.
Rage 2, Willpower 6, Gnosis 4, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Calcify, Hold, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Athletics
2, Stealth 2. Greater Form: Cost= 19, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 2.)

Silent, deadly and fast, Mantis is the avenger of Insect, destroying the corrupted. Mantis is used only as a Greater Spirit Form
and there is nothing more terrible than to be hunted by one of these creatures.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 45
Powers: Airt Sense, Hold, Intangibility, Materialize (Greater Form: Cost= 26, Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 3, Athletics 3, Flight 3, Brawl 5,
Stealth 4. )

One rarely sees Cockroach anywhere except with its adopted children, the Glass Walkers. Insect is afraid that he has lost
Cockroach to the Garou. No one has seen a materialised Cockroach spirit in ages.

Ant is now fully under the sway of the Wyld and will rarely assist Insect in its plans.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 10, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form
Worker: Cost= 13, Str 4, Dex 2, Sta 3, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 22, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 4, Brawl 4,
Athletics 3, Dodge 3. )

Flea is also believed lost to the Garou and Wyld and hasn't been seen assisting Insect for years.

Bane Totems and Spirits

Insect looked out at its children and was pleased. All its plans were slowly coming to fruition. It journeyed across the Umbra,
seeking more of its children to bring into the cause.
It was deep in the wastes of a blight that Insect encountered Earwig. A nocturnal insect common to the land Insect had come to,
Earwig was feeding on the astral energy of the blight. Insect noted that aspects of its form had been corrupted and so he
approached carefully.
"My child. Let me help you. Let me bring you out of this evil."
Earwig turned and faced Insect, bile dripping from its mandibles and toxic goo sheathing the massive claws on it's posterior.
"Go away, old spirit. You are not wanted. We have a new master now."
Insect frowned.
"And who would this master be?" It asked, dreading an answer it already could guess.

"The Wyrm provides for us now. It was there when we were dying, when you were sleeping and ignored us. Go away. We are no
longer yours."
"We? Who is this we that you speak of?"
Earwig chittered in glee.
"That you will find out only to soon."
Earwig shifted away into another part of the Umbra, leaving a saddened Insect.
Insect's children and grandchildren aren't immune to the ways of the Wyrm. Indeed, many of his grandchildren have succumbed
to the temptations of the Wyrm, either because of building a nest too close to toxic site or because of direct interference of the
Wyrm's agents.
These banes have slowly spread out into the world, seeking new victims and food sources. Some of them discovered the art of
possession and founded small breeds of fomori. A rare few of these banes ascended to totem status, guiding their brethren
along the ways of corruption.
Insect has seen the signs of the corruption, and he has taken steps to deal with them. All insect banes and fomori breeds are to
be destroyed on sight. Though this sounds pretty easy due to the affinity that Insect has with his children, because of the bane
nature of the corrupted spirits, Insect's connection is no longer there.

Bane Insect Totems

Three of the corrupted spirits have become Totems for the insect banes and fomori breeds.

7 point Totem of Destruction
Locust believes in pure destruction. He embodies the voracious appetites of its children and the mindless destruction of the
Bonuses: Locust gifts its children with the ability to eat and digest anything. They're also capable of withstanding most diseases
of the world as per the Resist Toxin gift. Locust also imparts a Survival +2 to all it's followers.
Ban: Followers of Locust have an almost unsatiable hunger. They can be found to be eating all the time. Followers of Locust do
not gain weight from this eating, as they burn it off in bursts of furious activity.

5 point Totem of War
Earwig is a fearsome hunter; it wanders the night looking for prey and stalks the smaller insects. Earwigs major defense is its
fearsome jaws on the rear of the body.
Bonuses: Earwig imparts the merit of Night Vision and the Black Spiral Gift Crawling Poison, which covers the rear jaws.
Ban: Earwig requires that all opponents suffer in their death.

3 point Totem of Cunning
Bee is a stealthy foe and a fearsome protector. Within the Wyrm it has become a cunning and secretive beings.
Bonuses: Bee gifts its followers with Stealth +2 and Survival +2. Bee also grants the Gift of Secrets.
Ban: Followers of Bee must always seek out the mysteries in order to better put them to use for the Wyrm's benefit. Many of Bee
will act as spies for the Wyrm.

Bane Insect Bete

Hatars (Were-spiders)
These are the children of Ananasi and Spider who have embraced the Wyrm. They are also known as Goblin Spiders.

Bane Doryli

These are the few Doryli who returned to the Wyrm and now carry out its instructions.

Insect Banes Forms

The following spirits have become banes. They no longer follow Insect, instead they follow the Wyrm.

Locust is a destroyer of the crops of man. It brings disease, famine, and blight. Greater Spirit Forms have been seen
occasionally, when major damage was needed.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 40
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Disorient, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 14, Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Flight
3. Greater Form: Cost= 17, Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Flight 3.)

Earwig will kill all that attack it or threaten its hive.
Rage 6, Willpower 5, Gnosis 3, Power 45
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 10, Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 2. Greater
Form: Cost= 15, Str 4, Dex 3, Sta 4, Brawl 2, Dodge 2.)

Bee is fast and deadly. Many are allergic to its sting.
Rage 4, Willpower 4, Gnosis 3, Power 35
Powers: Airt Sense, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 15, Str 1, Dex 5, Sta 1, Flight 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3. Greater Form:
Cost= 19, Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 3, Flight 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3.)
The following spirits of Insect have been known to be corrupted by the Wyrm from time to time. Any bane created of these spirit
families are to be eradicated on sight.

Termite banes are slaves to the hive where they were corrupted. They are used to construct the walls and chambers within.
Worker Bane Termites tend to be the most common of the Greater Spirit Forms, but occasionally a soldier is created. Soldiers
have powerful jaws that can crush bone.
Rage 1, Willpower 4, Gnosis 7, Power 25
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Solidify Reality, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 11, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Repair 3,
Dodge 2. Greater Form Worker: Cost= 16, Str 5, Dex 2, Sta 4, Repair 3, Dodge 2. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 20, Str 5, Dex
4, Sta 5, Brawl 3, Dodge 3.)

Bane Wasps are one of the more deadly of the Bane Insects. The Wyrm is known to want to corrupt Wasp itself to the ways of
the Wyrm in order to add these spirits to its collection.
Rage 5, Willpower 4, Gnosis 2, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Possession, Venom, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 1, Dex 4, Sta 1, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4.
Greater Form: Cost= 20, Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Flight 4.)

Bane Spiders delight in torment of their prey. The hunt and subsequent prolonged feeding is all they care about.
Rage 2, Willpower 6, Gnosis 4, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Calcify, Hold, Venom, Possession, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 16, Str 2, Dex 4, Sta 2, Brawl 2,
Dodge 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 2. Greater Form: Cost= 19, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Athletics 2, Stealth 2.)

Sadly, even the spirits of the Glass Walker's famed Cockroach Totem have succumb to the Wyrm. Bane Cockroaches are

usually seen infesting a place in order to bring contamination to it. The Glass Walkers have yet to realize the extent of the
corruption of their totem's children.
Rage 2, Willpower 8, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form: Cost= 11, Str 1, Dex 3, Sta 3, Dodge 1, Brawl 1, Flight 2. Greater Form: Cost=
13, Str 3, Dex 3, Sta 3, Dodge 1, Brawl 1, Flight 2. )

Bane Ants are also slaves to the hives that corrupted them. In some ways it is said that they are merely preforming the task laid
out for them.
Rage 3, Willpower 5, Gnosis 5, Power 30
Powers: Airt Sense, Materialize (Normal Form Worker: Cost= 10, Str 2, Dex 2, Sta 2, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form
Worker: Cost= 13, Str 4, Dex 2, Sta 3, Dodge 3, Athletics 1. Greater Form Soldier: Cost= 22, Str 4, Dex 4, Sta 4, Brawl 4,
Athletics 3, Dodge 3. )

Insect Fomori Breeds

The following banes have discovered that when they posses a host totally they create a horribly amalgamation of both the spirit
and the host. These Fomori are of an alien nature, not quite human and not quite insect.
Only a few of the bane Insects are aware of this effect.

Children of the Web

Abilities: Insect Ken 1 (Required)
Backgrounds: Kinfolk 2 (Required)
Powers: Webbing (5), 2 Extra Limbs (6), Venomous Bite (3), Immunity to Delirium (1)
Taints: Addiction (Blood 1/day) (4), Brainwashed (3), Doomed (3 years) (3), Ugly as Sin (1), Special Diet (Body Fluids) (3)
Flaws: Deformity ('Bug Look')
Image: Children of the Web resemble the Lilian form of the Ananasi, but in a more insectoid way. They are far from human and it
Genesis: Spider Banes were the first to discover the possession trick. An accidental possession caused the host to warp into a
strange version of the lilian form of the Ananasi. The Spider Banes tried possession a second time, then a third and a forth, until
they had possessed some 12 humans.
The Spiders Banes grew pleased with their work and soon cultivated a small family in order to breed new humans for their hosts.
The Children of the Web were born out of the families of the Spider Banes.

Backgrounds: Kinfolk 2 (Required) Powers: 2 Extra Limbs (6), Venomous Bite (3), Immunity to Delirium (1)
Taints: Addiction (Blood 1/day) (4), Doomed (3 years) (3), Special Diet (Body Fluids) (3)
Flaws: Deformity ('Bug Look')
Image: Buzzers resemble humanoid wasps.
Genesis: The Buzzers came about after the Wasp Banes saw the Children of the Web. Intrigued by the possibility of creating
their own fomori, they took hold of a human and forcibly possessed her. The Result was much the same as that what happened
with the Spider Banes, a hybrid thing of wasp and human.
Buzzers now operate in small groups protecting Wyrm-holes and assisting Banes.

Big Jaws
Abilities: Brawl 2 (Required)
Powers: 2 Extra Limbs (6), Immunity to Delirium (1), Claws (3)
Taints: Addiction (Blood 1/day) (4), Doomed (3 years) (3), Special Diet (Body Fluids) (3)

Flaws: Deformity ('Bug Look')

Image: Big Jaws are truly awesome to behold. Massive insectoid-like humans with huge mandibles.
Genesis: Big Jaws are the result of a possession of a human and a Termite Soldier Bane. These deadly soldiers are used by
the Bane insects for offensives upon the Garou. They are a rare breed of fomori, created by the Wyrm and Pentex when

New Stuff
Insect Ken: This Skill deals with the ability to get along with insects, and in all regards functions exactly like Animal Ken.
Specialties: Spiders, Beetles, Flies, etc.

Flight: This skill deals with the insects natural ability to fly. Specialties: Dodge, acrobatics.

Spirit Charms
Venom Cost: 2
Roll -Diff -Effect: A venom attack is usually poison or some such similar thing, injected by the Spider or Wasp. The venom is sometimes

Well, there you go. It's different and strange, but then that's insects for you. Remember that Insect itself is a Celestine and is to
be treated as such. It is not as powerful as the Triat but it is one of the primal forces out there. Insect, Mammal, Reptile, Bird,
Fish, Mollusk, etc, each being a Celestine type embodiment of that species.

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

This totem is a vampiric ray spirit.

Ixitxachitl sends dreams and prophecies to those who understand how to be still. In game terms, this lowers the difficulty for rolls
involving Enigmas, Investigation, or Occult. This bonus depends on the successes the M'orsi makes on a Willpower roll (Diff 9)
to remain still and clear her thoughts. Each success lowers the difficulty by one. Such discipline often takes an hour or more, and
cannot be done in combat or hectic circumstances.

Children of Ixitxachitl cannot be hasty or reckless. If they aren't smart enough to be still the spirit leaves them alone.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

"Zenith blinding desolation. Unshackled. She-devil. Hellbound. Clamping down. Disciplined. Orgiastic. Exquisite
impetuosity. Drained of nullifying circumstance."
-- tStAtS
Ixstasia appears as a wildly-dancing, stylized feminine form composed of red and silver flames. Her arms upraised in sheer
exultation, she is a capricious spirit of joy, dancing and primal emotions. Ixstasia is a fickle spirit: sometimes she doesn't
manifest; other times she will manifest inalterably rancorous; but most often when she does appear, eyes glaze over in ecstasy
and everyone dances until they drop.

The children of Ixstasia receive Primal Urge 2, Charisma 2, and Gnosis 1. Packs gain two dots of Glory upon adoption by her.
She grants the Gift: Primal Beat.

Ixstasia asks her children to always smile, even in their most towering Rage. This doesn't necessarily mean they turn into the
Osmonds: a smile can be a caustic smirk, a snarl, a pained grimace. All of these are perfectly acceptable to Ixstasia.

Axis Mundi information

Rage 6, Gnosis 8, Willpower 6, Power 85

Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Disorient, Dream Journey, Cleanse, Shapeshift, Suggest, Umbrastorm.
Image: Ixstasia can appear as anything she wishes, but most often she appears as an extremely sensuous woman with her eyes
glazed over in ecstasy. She often appears in some state of undress, dressed in only a dancing skirt, draped in beads,
bodypainted, wearing a mask or even in Riot Grrrrlish attire.

History: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The Muse of the Crash Worship, Ixstasia is an enigmatic being and it's not
known whether she caused the Crash Worship to come into being or arose as a result of it. When she first rose, she was of
Dionysus's brood but has established enough power to stand and work independent of her patron; the split was amicable and
Dionysus continues to associate Ixstasia and her children.

Habitat: Ixstasia can be found only at the Crash Worship.

Spiritual Correspondence: Wisdom, ecstasy, sensuality.
Material Correspondence: Silver, fire, sweat and dancing.
Gift Lore: Ixstasia can teach any Gift that involves orgiastic effort and intense emotion.
Taboo: Ixstasia will not manifest in the presence of Wyrm or Weaver spirits.
Attitude: Friendly but fickle.
Chiminage: Ixstasia will only seize those who let go of their inhibitions and trust completely. She requires that anyone who would

contact her dance, drink, make love and indulge their senses.

By Steven Markley (

Background Cost

Jackass is known for his strength, stubbornness and his utter disdain of social niceties. Although reasoning is not his strong
point, very few can sway the mind of this totem once he decides on something.

Jackass gives his followers an additional point of Strength, and two additional points of Willpower (maximum 10.) He also gives
the Mule Kick attack maneuver: the Diablo stands on his hands/ forepaws and kicks his opponent with both back feet (difficulty
7, Strength +4 non-aggravated damage.)

Jackass' followers are at +2 difficulty on all Intelligence and Social rolls. They also sound damned silly when they laugh: "Heehaw, hee-haw".

By Colin Chapman ( (9 April 1996)

Totem of War

Background Cost

Jaguar is a powerful hunter, strong in the minds of the Native South Americans. Dark and mysterious, an Icon of Death, Fear and
the Night. A ferocious warrior, warlike packs may find his favour.
Balam will be better disposed towards his chosen.

His children receive +2 to any dice pool involving stealth and athletics. They learn to claw more effectively (-1 to all claw attack
diffs.), and see in the shadowy darkness (they have access to the gift: Eye of the Cat).

Jaguar demands that his children protect the surviving rainforests.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Art
Jessica is not a very common Totem. Most of her Children are Silver Fangs or Children of Gaia. Jessica is kind and benevolent
usually forgiving her Children. Several tribes have excommunicated Jessica's Children from their Packs because Jessica puts
more importance on artistic creativity than on Gaia. Her Children are known for doing nothing but paint or do some other artistic

Background Cost

Jessica's Children must perform artistically in some way at least 4 times every moon cycle.

Children of Jessica get three extra pointa in Expression. They also get another two points one at a time per Sept.

Joey Sullivan
By Amanda Spikol (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

This totem is relatively young, and first appeared at the beginning of World War I. Joey Sullivan is an Incarna who always
appears as an older teenage boy, glowing with youth and innocence. Surprisingly, he is not sought out by Garou, but instead
chooses his own followers. Young cubs going through their Rite of Passage or being sent into battle for the first time often find
themselves being aided by Joey. No one is entirely sure exactly when he first lent his powers to Garou, but many Theurges
theorize that Joey Sullivan is the spiritual representation of the innocent boys who, blinded by patriotism, signed on to fight
during World Wars I and II.

Followers of Joey Sullivan (referred to as his buddies) can call upon him to help them, adding a +1 to Empathy, +3 to Charisma,
and can call upon an extra three Willpower points per story. However, Joey stands for faith in one's beliefs, trust in one's
superior, innocence, and kindness. Therefore, he never takes followers from the Shadow Lords or Get of Fenris.

Joey Sullivan asks that his buddies never kill out of hate or in cold blood (excepting creatures of the Wyrm), and go out of their
way to protect the young and weak, and preserve innocence whenever possible.

Jormungandr, The Midgard Serpent

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of War, Respect, and Strength

Background Cost

Only the Black Spiral Dancers may take this loathesome beast as their totem. As he blesses those who are willing to embrace
the wickedness of the world with their lives, only the Black Spiral Dancers (and a few Kinfolk who are allied with the Serpents of
the Light) will choose Jormungandr as their totem.

Think of a snake. Now, think of a snake large enough to wrap its coils around the entire world. That is the size, and the nature, of
Jormungandr. The Midgard Serpent (named so because he encases the Earth with his foul presence) is the eternal enemy of
the Aesir. Born of a frost giantess and Loki, the Trickster, the Midgard Serpent grew to his enormous size at birth and
immediately fell fast asleep under the seas of the world. He lies in wait for Ragnarok, when his destiny -- to swallow the Thunder
God Thor whole -- can be fulfilled. Although he knows he will perish at the hands of Thor, he knows he will still taste his flesh
before he finally perishes. This alone fills his dank and depraved dreaming. The Black Spiral Dancers worship his presence,
and he answers them with nightmarish powers.

Boons and Blessings

The Bastard sons and daughters of Jormungandr are blessed with many things, but none is as fearsome as their physical
prowess. They receive +1 to each physical trait while outside of combat. This jumps to +2 while in combat, and +4 if they are
facing a follower of one of the Aesir (like Thor or Tyr). (This allows their stats to go above 5.) On top of that, they may receive
various levels of the Vampire Discipline: Serpentis at the corresponding rank. (For example: Rank 1 followers of Jormungandr
may purchase "Eyes of the Serpent", substituting temporary Rage points or temporary Gnosis points for Blood points.)
Jormungandr also gives his bastards Acute Sense of Smell, Ambidextrous (to spite Tyr), and Natural Linguist. They also receive
an extra +2 dice to any rolls involving squeezing or crushing their opponent.

Dangers and Dilemnas

Those who follow Jormungandr are very lazy at times (Flaw: Deep Sleeper), and are slow to enrage (+2 difficulty to all Rage
rolls). Furthermore, the bastards who follow Jormungandr have a deep-seeded loathing for the followers of the Aesir, attacking
them first before all others. (+4 difficulty to do anyhing else other than attack a follower of the Nordic Gods.) The only Nordic god
immune to this is Loki, his father. In times where the bastards of Jormungandr cross paths with The Trickster in any of his forms,
they are at a +4 difficulty to attack or defend against the Trickster's children. Jormungandr demands that his subjects be
satisfied, so offering of food (perferably fresh and living) must be made to snakes or monitor lizards must be made regularly.
(Children are always appreciated...)

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

The 'Black One,' Kali is the goddess of Terrible Slaughter and a rageful killer. A blue-skinned woman with bloodshot eyes and
lolling tongue, she wears a necklace of skulls and girdle of severed arms. With four arms she bears a severed head, sword, holy
book and string of prayer beads. A representation of the wrath of woman, she is thought by many to be too close to the Wyrm.
Nonetheless, a few Black Furies pay her tribute in blood.

Deft and coordinated she grants her chosen +1 Dexterity point (even if this takes it above 5). None can withstand her burning
gaze and her sword is keen and true (she grants them +2 to all Intimidation and Melee dice pools). They feel the red-rage and
gain +1 Rage (not to exceed 10). In addition they always have at least 1 Rage point to spend.

Her chosen may never show mercy, and control is difficult (-1 to all frenzy diffs.). Only wronged women may follow her. They must
keep trophies of their kills.

By Ryan Silverman ( for the Macala tribe

Background cost

Kangaroo was thought to have left when the Bunyip were destroyed, but he has long watched his children, the Macala. However,
some say Kangaroo is just another form of Coyote.

Children of Kangaroo add +2 to their Stamina and +2 to their Appearance.

Kangaroo asks that his children never set foot in Australia due to the fact that he can no longer protect them there, and that they
forgive the other garou for their destruction if the Bunyip. Killing them wouldn't bring back the Bunyip. Macala are also to help
Nuwisha whenever they are in need.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Khonsu the 'Wanderer,' an Egyptian moon god, is associated with healing and travel. He appears as a man with a falcon's head,
wearing a tight-fitting robe and a skull cap topped with the moon disc. The Silent Striders see he has much in common with their

Lunar travel and the gift of healing are taught to those who follow him (they have access to the gifts: Open Moon Bridge and
Mother's Touch). They gain 2 points of Wisdom.

Khonsu asks that his followers bring healing in their travels.

King Arthur
By Kimberlee Simmons (

Totem of Respect & War

Background Cost

All followers (not "children"; his only son betrayed him!) of Arthur the King receive a Dot in melee (sword or klaive), an additional
Die on all Soak rolls, and the ability for a single pack member at a time to use Hero's Stand (GoF4) per battle. Also given are
the abilities to ride a horse, even into battle, appraise bladed weapons, and a Dot in Etiquitte. They also receive a Dot each of
permanent (as long as Arthur is patron of the pack or the character) Renown in Honor and Glory. (all other glory and honor must
be earned the hard way).

All followers of King Arthur must embody the modern romanticisized ideals of Chivalry (listed below). Any transgression of this
"Code of Chivalry" brings on the immediate knowledge of the error, as well as a nagging conscious-spirit gaffling sent by King
Arthur, which will subtly remind the transgressor of his misdeed. No penalties are dispensed, but if the transgressor does not
immediately seek to redress his wrong, or commits another transgression before the original was redressed, Arthur will
withdraw his support from the entire pack, and will refuse to speak or listen to any pack member, or any agent thereof, until
genuine effort is made to right this/these transgression(s). Also, Arthur's followers must treat children of Morgan Le Fey with
disdain, as they constantly try to tempt and sideline the good knights.

Optional (Gaian Knights)

If a group or individual chooses to follow the Olde Code of Chivalry (detailed below), Arthur and his Knights will be mightily
pleased! Whoever decides to seriously follow this strict and difficult path, and succeeds, will gain many benefits (Storytellers
discression). if, however, one breaks any of these codes after deciding on this path, and does not immediately recognize (no
help from Arthur here) and sincerely attempt to redress these errors, the favor of Arthur is forever withdrawn from that individual
or group, and s/he (or they) may lose all benefits gained from previously successfully following the Olde Code!!!
Gaian Knights have a succeptability to Morgan Le Fey's children, though they try to disdain them (Morgan's children are
considered to have an additional Dot in all social attributes, even if this takes them above 5, when dealing with Gaian Knights).

Arthur's Code of Chivalry

Always keep one's word.
Avoid lies.
Never kill or attack an unarmed foe.
Never harm an innocent.
Never torture, for any reason whatsoever.
Never kill for pleasure.
Always help those in need.
Respect authority, the Law, and honor.
Never betray a friend.

Olde Code of Chivalry (Code of the Gaian Knights):

Noble Service, cheerfully rendered.
Defense of any charge unto death.
Courage and enterprise in obedience to authority.

Respect for all peers and equals.

Honor to those above your station.
Obedience and respect from all beneath your station.
Scorn for those who are lowly and ignoble.
Military prowess exercised in service to your liege or cause.
Courtesy to all ladies.
War is the flowering of chivalry.
Battle is the test of Manhood.
Combat is Glory.
Personal Glory above all in Battle.
Death to all who oppose the cause.
Death before dishonor.
Defend lovers, The innocent, and women, and aid them in time of need.
Never retreat from combat until weaker allies have done so first.
Never overstay your welcome at any place.
The arts are the food of the Chivalrous (especially music).
Anger blinds; a cool head will win the day.

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited


The Kraken is as old as the sea itself. It is said there is no part of the ocean he does not know, and that no creature of the sea,
spirit or otherwise, is more powerful or knowledgeable than he. Kraken is a primordial spirit, and is said to know many dark
secrets of the deep and of the origins of the Tellurian. This venerable spirit gifts his children with two extra dice when hunting
prey in the ocean, and those who follow him can never become lost at sea. He also gives his followers the Gift: Inkcloud. Those
who gain enough Savagery and age may be taught how to take Kraken's semblance (via the Gift: Embrace of the Kraken) to
assist in battle.

Those who follow the great Kraken must always hunt in the ocean for their food, trusting in him to provide. Seafaring humans are
fair game, however, and Kraken especially prizes weresharks who hunt and destroy land-dwellers who invade his sea . . .

Lady of the Lake

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Sorcery and Determination

Background Cost
5 (for men), 9 (for women and British werecreatures)

According to some of the very old legends, the Lady of the Lake was the blood sister of Queen Mab, the most powerful
sorceress of her time (before the coming of Morganna Le Fey). She was known for being a benevolent enchantress, casting
spells to assist mankind. In some stories, she was the consort and friend of Merlin the wizard, while in others she was the creator
of the mythic sword Excalibur. In all the legends, however, she is recognized as a beautiful maiden dressed in white silks and
lace, who face was always obscure to those who weren't worthy. Women and British werecreatures of all types revere her as a
lady of mystery and grace, while many men (especially those from the New World) care not give her much thought.

The Traits and Powers Bestowed

The Lady of the Lake is a benevolent lady, granting those who follow her many subtle gifts. All of those who become her children
(Changing Breed or Kinfolk) are given the following bonuses: +1 to Appearance, +1 to Charisma, +1 to Manipulation, and +1 to
Perception. Besides that, all of her children receive a -2 difficulty (from 6 to 4, for example) on difficulties in the following skills:
Occult, Lore: Hidden, Lore: British, Enigmas, Swimming, Boating, Etiquette, and Subterfuge. Women are especially blessed by
The Lady of the Lake, receiving a further -2 difficulty in any social rolls involving the other British totems (including Queen Mab
and Morgan Le Fey). All her followers gain a wonderful bonus of +2 Wisdom every time they gain Wisdom.

Bans cast down by the Lady of the Lake

Followers of the Lady of the Lake must not act directly in any conflict unless there is no other alternative (+4 difficulty to initiate an
attack). As their hearts must be pure and peaceful, their Rage pools act as if they were one less than they actually are (to a limit
of 2). She tends to react badly with the Celtic and Gaelic totems (+2 difficulty), as well as the totems from the "barbaric" New
World (+3 difficulty) and the "heathen" African nations (+4 difficulty). As she is not known for her bravery, the followers of the Lady
of the Lake lose one Glory and/or one Honour every time they gain either Glory or Honour.

Loki of Asgard, the Trickster God

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Cunning and Knowledge

Background Cost

Author's Note
I wish to thank Peloquin for the tip-off concerning Loki. I hope that my revision will match the description given to me. If anyone
finds fault with this revision (or any other works I have created), please write to me at the e-mail address given above. Also, if
people would be interested in seeing other totems developed or any other things created for their campaign, send word to me.
Thanks for taking the time to read my works!

None of the Ahroun from the werewolf tribes may choose Loki as their totem. As it stands, the children of Loki must have a
minimun of three in all of their social attributes at the time Loki chooses them.

Loki, the Trickster God of the Norse myths, was not a true "god". He was not born one of the Aesir (the race of gods that Odin
and Hodr belonged to), nor was he Vanir (like Freya was). Instead, the young Loki was a fire giant, and very talented (not to
mention attractive). The God of Mischief could be charming when he chose to be, but within his heart lay jealousy and harmful
rage against Thor and Baldur. A very greedy and intelligent person, Loki used his sharp mind to convince the other gods into
giving him ranking and status almost equal to Thor.
He would often find himself at the heart of a new failing scheme, but would never be truly punished for his actions. Once, Loki's
mouth and rash actions cost the Aesir a valuable item: the golden apples from Frigga's own garden. Loki's shapeshifting talents
and natural skills were taxed to the limit, but he beat the risks and recovered from his injuries. Any normal being would quell their
destructive urges after being chastied by Odin himself repeatly, but Loki would never listen. One prank he pulled almost cost him
his life, as he cut the glorious locks of Sif off her head while she slept. (She snubbed Loki for Thor, an insult he couldn't bear.)
Thor would have slain him for the "attack", but Loki managed to have gold chains woven so fine as to be almost weightless to
replace her hair.
Finally, Loki's antics grew too much for the gods of Asgard to bear. First, he ran away with a frost giant and bore three children:
Jormungandr - The Midgard Serpent, the wolf Fenris (who cost Tyr his right hand), and the goddess Hel (Hela, who rules
Nifhelm/ Nifflehelm). Then he cost Hodr, the blind god, his innocence, by tricking him into slaying Baldur the Valiant by accident.
That act caused the starting of Ragnarok, and cost Loki his freedom. The gods of Asgard chained Loki up in a cavern on a huge
throne, binding him with magics and allowing the acids of a great and terrible asp to slowly drip on him, driving him mad.
Loki is one of the best known aspects of the Trickster, as well known in Europe as Coyote is known in North America. No
Ahroun in their right mind would choose Loki as a totem, and none of the Get of Fenris nor the Shadow Lords will take the
followers of Loki seriously. The Black Spiral Dancers honour Loki tremendously, as he is the father of Jormungandr.

Loki himself was an expert in the field of social espionage, and he imparts his vast wealth of knowledge onto his children. The
followers of Loki of Asgard receive access to the following gifts: Cat's Feet, Heightened Senses, Assimilation, Persuasion,
Blissful Ignorance, Blur of the Milky Eye, Shadow Pack, The Falling Touch, Awe, Preternatural Awareness, Eyes of the Cobra
(same as Level 1 Serpentis), Doppleganger, and The 1000 Forms when they reach the appropriate Rank. The children of Loki
are also able to use all gifts related to fire. It does not matter where the gifts come from (that includes Corax gifts). The children
of Loki can use gifts related to deception or mimicry from any of the Changing Breed. On top of that, the children of Loki gain +2
dice in any social event. This bonus doubles when in the presence of an individual who could severly hurt, cripple, or kill them.
(Note: the person must intend to severely wound the follower of Loki for the bonus to come into effect. Storyteller has final say.)

Finally, the children of Loki gain the merits: Metamorph, Mixed Morph, and Dual Nature.

Loki has never been known for his valour or his infinite wisdom. In fact, Loki's followers lose 1 Honour whenever Honour is
gained, and 1 Wisdom wherever Wisdom can be gained. All of Loki's followers suffer from some small form of madness (Flaw:
Compulsion- choose two) and are often well-known is some circles (Flaw: Notoriety). The children of Loki are very vain (Flaw:
Arrogant) and often overstep their bounds (Flaw: Over Confident). The children of Loki, because of their link to fire, tend to be
hot-tempered (Flaw: Short Fuse) and are prone to accepting foolhardy challenges. Like their totem, the followers of Loki are
unused to be treated as second-rate citizens in any case, and will sabotage someone else's efforts in order to further their own.
All whom follow Loki must sacrifice something of value to Loki once per month, especially if they received the object from
someome else.... The children of Loki may never gain the gifts of the warrior (except for those mentioned above), and must
constantly seek to undermine the leadership and/or the credibility of the Ahrouns of the local septs and packs. If doing such may
undermine the efforts of another follower of the Trickster, so be it. Loki never said life was fair, it should only be fair to he who
makes it fair....
Followers of Heimdall have a +4 dice bonus to any roll resisting any actions upon their person by Loki (and in fact, any aspect of
the Trickster). Other totems who are reknown for their ability to "see through" mysteries gain a +2 bonus against the actions of
the children of Loki.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

God of Mischief and youngest of the Aesir, Loki was a youthful and attractive god. Charming and cunning, he lived by quick wits
and persuasive manner. Constantly in trouble, and prone to maliciousness, wisdom often eluded him, and Honour was far from
being of interest. A great aspect of the Trickster, he was the father of Hel, and Father/keeper of Fenris, and bringer of fire to
Only a few Ragabash will follow him and the Get hold him in contempt.

Loki grants his children his persuasive manner and glib tongue (+1 point of Manipulation, even if this takes them above 5, and
+3 to any dice pool involving subterfuge, seduction and persuasion). No child of Loki is unattractive (+1 point of App. up to 5).

Loki is distrusted and dishonourable (-1 Honour, and they lose 1 Honour every time they gain Honour). Wisdom eludes him and
his children (they lose 1 wisdom whenever they gain wisdom). His followers must rely on wits and trickery above all else.

Lugh Lamhfada
By Kimberlee Simmons (

Totem of Wisdom

Background cost

Like all Celtic gods, Lugh has his warrior aspects. His children get an extra Dot in melee when using a spear. But Lugh
Lamhfada's main "claim to fame" was he is the jack-of-all-trades among the gods. Therefore, all his children gain the
background Jack-of-All-Trades (even if Lupus). Lugh is also an aspect of the Celestine Helios (to the Celts he was a sun god, or
the sun itself), and thus once a day a single pack member may ask Lugh to bestow the knowledge of the Gifts Kiss of Helios
(Ahroun5), or Halo of the Sun (CoG5). Different pack members can use each Gift, but they may only be used once a day each.

Lugh commands his children to keep his festival, Lughnassadh, which is a harvest festival. It is celebrated on August 1st. He
demands his children never turn down a challenge, never let any innocent suffer, or let an artist or performer of any talent go
without a patron!

Lugh of the Long Arm

By Mitchell Kelly ( (9 October 1995)

Totem of War

Adopting Lugh of the Long Arm costs seven points.

Appearance and Nature

Lugh is a powerful Celtic god. He is often considered to be cognate with the Greek god Apollo. Lugh is the Lord of Light, a
being of radiance and fire. He appears as a beautiful, golden-haired youth with an outstanding physique. He is clothed in white,
and bears two weapons: a spear, and his sling, the great range of which gave him the name Lugh of the Long Arm.
Lugh is a Totem of War. In battle he is a deadly, unstoppable force, who always prevails against his enemies. However, Lugh is
not merely a simple soldier. His is also greatly skilled in all arts and crafts, and is a poet and musician almost without peer. He is
as strong in debate or counsel as he is in battle, and he encourages his Children to be likewise.
Lugh is not a common Totem, but he is popular with many different changing breeds, especially those with strong Celtic
connections, such as the Fianna, the Lutran and the Corax.

Children of Lugh gain Expression 3 and Melee 3. They may also use the Gift: Light's Blessing, and those sufficiently skilled can
also enact the Rite of the Long Arm. Garou of the Fianna Tribe will always be well-disposed toward Children of Lugh

Children of Lugh must be well-rounded in their abilities. A warrior cannot simply be a fighter: she must also be a poetess or
authoress, whilst a magician or artist cannot limit himself to arts: he must also develop the skills of war.
Furthermore, children of Lugh are forbidden to ever tell a lie, regardless of the effects of the truth.

New Gift
Light's Blessing (Level 3)

New Rite
Rite of the Long Arm (Level 4)

Manannan Mac Lir

By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.


Manannan Mac Lir is a Totem of Cunning. The Celtic sea-god, associated with the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, Manannan owns
a horse that runs across the waves as easily as he could across the land, a boat that obeys the thoughts of its pilot, and a great
sword, called The Answerer, that penetrates any armour. He is a powerful sorcerer and an expert shapechanger. Although he
normally appears as a handsome young man, he can change form in the blink of an eye, and few can see through his disguises.
Manannan is a deeply honourable being, who despises those who use their strength against those weaker than themselves. He
abandoned the Garou after the War of Rage: to this day he will not ally himself with any Garou, and has attacked some of those
who attempt to use his Caerns. Although he is more than willing to help his children, Manannan feels slighted if he is called for
petty or personal reasons. It is ill-advised to slight Manannan.
Manannan teaches his children Subterfuge 3, and Survival 3. He also allows them to use the Gift: Voice of the Answerer

Manannan's children cannot harm creatures weaker than themselves, unless they are first attacked. Once a year they must swim
in the ocean, to be at one with their totem. In addition, if a child of Manannan loses the favour of his Totem, the sea-god may
come to extract his own vengeance. The Garou found this, to their cost, after the War of Rage.

Avatar of Manannan
If manannan is summoned using the Gift Call Manannan, the Avatar being summoned has the following characteristics:
Willpower: 9 Gnosis: 8 Rage: 6 Power: 65
Charms: Materialise: (cost 30. All physical attributes at 6, 10 health levels, Melee 6), Airt Sense, Armour, Healing, Cleanse the
Blight, Create Wind, Disorientate, Flood, Shapeshift, Open Moonbridge.
Manannan's sword, The Answerer, is a heavy broadsword (difficulty 5 for Manannan, 8 for anyone else), does STR+5 damage,
and ignores armour.

Manatee, Cow of the Sea

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Respect
Manatee is widely respected by most Garou however; the Get of Fenris and the Red Talons especially think him to be too
pacifistic in nature. He does not fight back even when threatened with certain death. Actually, the only thing that can cause him to
fight is if Gaia is threatened with death and even then only if he is the only defender nearby.

Background Cost

Manatee must never fight unless absolutely necessary.

Children of Manatee gets plus two in leadership. They may also breathe underwater, one Child per Sept at a time.

Mne, goddess of the Moon

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Mne is the Nordic goddess of the moon. Her brother, Sol, is the god of the sun. Between them, they control the progress of the
day's cycle.

Merits and Benefits

All the children of Mne gain access to any gifts that involve the moon at one Rank lower than normal. As well, the children of
Mne also are given the following merits when in her service: Common Sense, Time Sense, Innocent and Magic Resistance.

No person in the service of evil may take her as a totem. She will simply refuse any and all requests they have of her. She will
only choose those born during the night, or during dusk. Those born during the daylight are under her brother's watchful eye.

She requests that every full moon that a sacrifice of silver be made to her. The metal does not need to be destroyed, but it must
be purified with incense and oils. She also requests that her children do not harm any of "night's children" (read: vampires)
unless they are actively harming the Earth or the people on it. All her children suffer from late sleeping, and are very sensitive to
the sun's rays. (Flaws - Deep Sleeper, Light-Sensitive)

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of War

Massacre is a Totem of War. He loves slaughter and death. He is said to bathe in blood in the Eastern portion of Estonia. He
kills people and rubs the blood over his body. Massacre was originally a chieftain named Slaoter. Slaoter had a vision in which
he was told to slaughter his family and the surrounding tribes. After he did push them all off a waterfall, Dove came out from
behind the waterfall where she lived and pushed him off. All in all, he killed 571 people. Slaoter's will kept him alive and now he
can only drink blood. For 571 years the waterfall had a face of one of the victim's faces was projected in perfect detail near the
waterfall. Slaoter became a word meaning slaughter and has spread throughout Europe.

Background Cost

At least four people must be killed a year in order to stay a Child of Massacre.

For every 7 people killed in the current moon cycle, a Child of Massacre gets an extra success to all rolls.

By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Totem of Wisdom
Background cost: 6
The wide old man of the forest, this ancient orangutan will add +3 to rolls involving knowledge, mysteries, or puzzles.

Merlin the Enchanter

By Kimberlee Simmons (

Totem of Wisdom

Background cost

Merlin gives all his children occult knowledge (+1 dot in Occult), as well as giving them their choice of adding one permanent Dot
in any Knowledge skill (up to a maxiumum of 5). Merlin also gives his children the use of the Gifts Sense Magic (Utkena1) or
Cocoon (H4) once a day. Merlin's children all age very slowly, and so they have the Merit Longevity.

Merlin decrees that his children must serve leaders. His children must seek out a worthy leader to serve, just as Merlin himself
served King Arthur. And they also must not engage in romantic relationships at all (Merlin was done in by Nimue, and he wants
his children not to make the same mistake!). Sexual relations are permitted, though frowned upon by most other children of

Mist Wolf
By Thom Scott, for the Skye Manes tribe.
Background cost: 5
Mist wolf demands his children never give in to evil and fight it when they find it. To protect his children he grants them stealth 2 and
melee (swords) 3.

Ban: No child of Mist wolf can ever willingly harm an innocent of any kind.

By Ellerby (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

Mistletoe is devious and subtle. What starts as a small seed, (perhaps a single ill-fated kiss?) grows to consuming proportions.
It grows like a mold, quickly and thinly, and leaves nothing untouched.

System: Mistletoe grants +1 to all Manipulation, an additional +2 to Subterfuge, and has a special secret; those who are near
Children of Mistletoe tend to become more and more attached to them. Although a brief conversation usually has no effects, any
sort of prolonged relationship or affection will begin to grow. (Make up a system for this if you want, I find it more appropriate just
to role-play it.)

Mokkurkalfe, the Champion of Utgrda Loke

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of War

Author's Report
Thanks go out to my gaming groups in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Without their assistance, and the always valued expertise of
Peloquin, these totems would not be possible.

Background Cost

Only the ugliest of the Black Spiral Dancers ever choose this totem. (Flaw: Monstrous) As it stands, only the Black Spirals are
willing to pay this unnatural creature the respect it feels it deserves. Those whom choose this totem tend to be as slow-witted as
it was, and even less patient. (Flaws: Short Fuse, and Confused)

Mokkurkalfe was created by Utgard Loki for a duel between a giant named Hrungner and Thor, the thunder god. The unnatural
creation was to fight in place of Hrungner and destroy Thor in the process. The being was made of baked clay and the courage
of all the giants. (The duel was called Holmgng, which was two men fighting on a small piece of land in the middle of a body of
water. Whomever died first, or was knocked into the water, lost. The winner takes all of the loser's land, his wife, slaves . . .
everything.) Mokkurkalfe clearly overmatched the thunder god, and would have slain him if it weren't for the quick-thinking of
Tjalve, his faithful manservant. He was reputed to be faster than the winds themselves, and confused the dull-witted Mokkurkalfe
by dodging between its legs. Finally, the brave Tjalve managed to have Mokkurkalfe fall into the water, dissolving it completely.
The concept of a golem-like creature managed to burn itself into the minds of enough people to allow Mokkurkalfe to gain power
in the Umbral Realms. Absorbing strength from the Umbra's own chaos and disorder, Mokkurkalfe constructed itself a form, but
stayed where it was in the Umbra, confused and waiting for orders. Utgard-Loki found his creation again, while searching
through the Umbra for others like him. Once again, Mokkurkalfe found purpose, but this time it was in the service of the Wyrm....

Merits and Minor Gifts

Mokkurkalfe grants his Bastards the following Merits and Gifts: Huge Size, Light Sleeper, Higher Purpose: Destruction, Halt the
Coward's Flight (Rokea Gift), Iron Hands (Pongida Gift), Gift of the Kraken (Rokea Gift), and Resist Pain. The Bastards of
Mokkurkalfe also have two other very frightening powers: the chosen of Mokkurkalfe never have less than 2 Rage points to
spend, and they have a bonus of 2 dice to resist all damage. (It pays to be as dumb as stone, occasionally...)

Bans and Blasphemous Deeds

The Bastards under the leadership of Mokkurkalfe suffer greatly in the social aspects. All Black Spiral Dancers who serve this
creature have the difficulty of all rolls concerning Charisma, Manipulation, or Appearance raised by two (e.g. from 5 to 7) if the
rolls does not involve serving another Black Spiral Dancer or inflicting terror and chaos upon Midgard. (Note: Midgard = Gaia)
(This is up to the Storyteller to decide.) Also, the servants of Mokkurkalfe may never have a Leadership of more than 3, as they
were never meant to lead. All those who serve Mokkurkalfe tend to be very submissive to other Black Spiral Dancers (Flaw:
Weak Willed) as Mokkurkalfe was created to serve Utgrd-Loke (Utgard Loki) and nothing to destroy the Aesir and
their allies. And finally, the servants of Mokkurkalfe also suffer from the same affliction as their totem. (Flaw: Absent-Minded)

By Vladimir Drakul (

Totem of Respect

Background cost

Mold is certainly an odd totem. Very passive, this totem represents persistence and toughness in harsh conditions. Mold's
children gain the following Traits: Resilient x3, Steady, and Tireless; also the Negative Trait: Oblivious.

Mold's children must leave a piece of cheese in a moist place as an offering once each month.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

Mongoose is the great snake killer, symbolising the fight against the Wyrm. A small and swift killer, hunting alone or in groups,
and deftly avoiding the venomous fangs of his quarry.

Followers of Mongoose gain an additional point of Dexterity (even if this takes them above 5) and +3 to any Dodge pools.

Followers of Mongoose must kill any snakes they come across.

Morgan Le Fey
By Kimberlee Simmons (

Author's Note
I have used, without permission, Amy Luther's new Gift for her revision of the Corax Bete "Fledgling's Promise," renaming it
"Morgan's Balm." Amy Luther is the creator of that Gift, not I! It (Amy's Corax Gift) actually inspired this totem, so I had to use it.

Totem of Cunning

Background cost

Morgan gives her children ease in using any magic ability (any Gift that calls for a difficulty roll has the difficulty lessened by 1),
and Occult knowledge is learned (add a Dot in Occult). All of her children also gain the Merit Animal Magnetism. She also gives
her children a new Gift! This Gift is accessible as any other Gift given by a totem (that is, 1 pack member may use it at a time),
and it may be learned as a "normal" Gift from Morgan herself, though she is loathe to teach it to any but her own children.

Morgan's Balm (level 2 Gift of Morgan Le Fey)

By spending a point of the appropriate type and rolling Intelligence + Occult, difficulty 7, the Garou can restore lost Willpower,
Gnosis, or Rage points to a target. For every two successes the target regains one point of the appropriate ability. The Garou
must touch the target, and this Gift can only be used once on each target per scene.

Children of Morgan must strive to test others so that they may be valuable assets to Gaia in her fight! This can take any form
(wits, a challenge of wills, gamecraft, trickery, or out-and-out challenges), which will make Morgan's children unpopular with most
Garou. Also, due to most people not understanding Morgan's nature as a challenger, who readies the warriors for their destinies
with many trials, everytime a child of Morgan gains honor they lose 1/4th of it.
Followers of King Arthur will disdain children of Morgan, seeing them as followers of a dishonorable spirit. When the two groups
come into contact, Arthur's followers will try to ignore Morgan's children. When dealing with Gaian Knights, Morgan's children
gain a temporary raise in all social attributes of +1 each (even if this raises a child of Morgan above 5). This is only in regards to
dealing with Arthur's followers, not those who associate with or accompany Arthur's followers.

By C. Spence Roberts ( for the M'orsi.

Totem of War

Background Cost

This is the totem of the famed undersea monster.

Morkoth is a swift hunter and graints +3 to an Alertness Dice Pool. In addition, each pack member can communicate directly
with all Octopi and Squid without need of a special gift. Each pack member gains 2 points of Glory.

By Mariana M. P. Albuquerque ( for the Tseti

Morpheus gives his children extra knowledge. In game's terms, he gives extra ten bonus points to be used in Knowledges (and
Knowledges only). As a ban, his children will always feel the need to be listened to, and will become angry whenever ignored.
Morpheus asks his children to never let go the chance to make someone walk in his realms...

By Emil Signs, for the Ghoti tribe.
Mortuus is the manifestation of Death. He was originally a Wyrm spirit, but he abandoned the Wyrm when it was caught in the Pattern

Background cost: 12
-3 Honour, -3 Wisdom

Gain Gifts: Touch of Death OR Visceral Agony and Venom Blood

Ban: Children of Mortuus may never let their combatants live.

By Chrisie Mitchell (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

Like it's namesake, this totem excels at quick and unobtrusive movements in order to get close enough to its target to suck its
blood. Bastards of Mosquito gain 2 dots in dexterity, and one dot in dodge. Favored bastards of this totem also gain the gift:
Crawling Poison(BotW), due to the diseases the children of this totem are infamous for carrying.

Bastards must subsist on a diet of fresh blood, just as a Vampire. Other Spirals may see this as a sign of weakness, to not be
able to devour your enemies.

Mountain Lion
By Colin Chapman ( (9 April 1996)

Totem of Cunning

Background cost

Mountain lion is known by many names; Puma to the Inca and Southern native tribes, and Cougar to the native North Americans.
A totem of power and mystery, and symbol of Nature. The 'ghost cat,' Mountain lion is stealthy and adaptable, a cautious and
cunning predator.

He grants his chosen +2 to any dice pools involving stealth and athletics, and +3 to any dice pool involving survival.

Mountain lion doesn't limit his children.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

Mouse is small, quick and furtive. Timid, she avoids conflict with swift cunning. Silent and deft, she is a master of filching and
stealth. Garou tend to view her as weak, cowardly, anmd contemptible, for Mouse is ineffective at outright conflict. Rat has
always been Mouse's rival, and Owl see's her as naught but food!
Mouse has very quickly learnt the benefits of alertness and a swift exit.

Packs chosen by Mouse receive +3 to all dice pools involving stealth and concealment, +3 to al Alertness Pools, and +2 to all
Dodge Pools. They also loose 1 Honour every time they gain Honour.

Followers of Mouse only ever suffer Fox frenzies, never Berserk frenzies, and may not learn the gift: Wearing the Bear Shirt.

Neb Anpu (Anubis)

By Diane Keating ( and Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Neb Anpu is an ancient, dark trickster deity who's gradually declined in power from Lesser Celestine to Incarna. His name
means "Corpse Lord" and mystical Garou, particularly Silent Strider Theurges, will tell you that he answers to many other titles,
though not always in the way the speaker wishes.
This occasionally capricious Incarna was once the totem for the Silent Strider camp, Eaters of the Dead, until they were
corrupted by Foebok. His decline in power can be mostly attributed to that event and the Diaspora. He probably hates Set and
Foebok more than any single entity in the Tellurian and never passes up a chance to confusticate, plague and inconvenience
Sadly, the corrupting influence of Foebok that sundered Neb Anpu's link with the Eaters of the Dead, placed a foul and twisted
totem in his place: a totem called Ammut who takes perverse delight in the gradual decay and destruction of this once greatlyrespected camp. Dread enemies, Neb Anpu and Ammut strive for the utter ruination of each other.
Neb Anpu appears as a very tall and powerfully-built (10-foot+) soulful-eyed black Strider Crinos, naked but for an Egyptian kilt
and bracers. His expression ranges wildly from jocular to ferocious and, most often, inscrutable - though nothing definite can be
said of this, very decided emissary of the Wyld.
Despite his fearsome appearance Neb Anpu is quite friendly, as open and generous to his chosen Packs as he can manage.
He likes to directly fraternize with his Children and does so more than any other Incarna; he will try to aid and teach them himself
in preference to sending a Jaggling. Packs of Neb Anpu have even reported him using the term "My friend" in preference to "My
child," which is more common for totems.

Neb Anpu is not known for his power to grant Gifts, but he does grant his Children Blissful Ignorance, Truth of Gaia and Open
Seal. More often he is sought because of a Rite he teaches: that of Mummification, which is the genesis of Mummies. It is said
he is the author and architect of this ancient Rite.
Neb Anpu also grants one dot in Enigmas and three dots in Occult, up to the rating of 5.

Neb Anpu is not popular or well-liked owing to his ancient association with the Eaters of the Dead and his dark demeanour.
Packs aligning with him will lose 1 Honour everytime they gain Honour and also gain the Flaw: Notoriety.
Neb Anpu hates liars and thieves. He forbids his children to lie or steal.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

Nemesis the 'Inevitable,' Greek goddess of Vengeance who punishes those who break the laws of life. A woman of fiery aspect,
she bears the scales of Justice and axe of Retribution, screaming through the sky in a chariot pulled by two black griffins. A
hunter of the Wyrm she is ceaseless in her pursuit. The Black Furies praise her, and surprisingly so do the 'Hand of Tyr' Get.

No secret or guilt can be hidden, none can escape (she grants her followers access to the gifts: Sense Guilt and Sense of the
Prey). Her followers receive 2 Glory.

Never forgive, never forget. Seek justice and retribution, and let the punishment fit the crime. Mercy is weak.

By Richard Scott for the Pongida bete tribe.

Totem of Respect
Background cost: 5
The ancient white Gorilla, Ngagi teaches wisdom, courage and resolve. He will add +3 to rolls against fear, and will allow the use
of one extra Willpower point per day. It is even rumored that some of the ancient surviving Beringa have seen and talked to
Ngagi, an ominous omen.

Njord, God of Waters, God of Winter

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

All those who follow Njord must be sturdy like the ships that sail upon his domain (Strength 3+, Stamina 3+). His followers all
must me capable of sailing the high seas as well as the small rivers. (Swimming 2+, Sailing 2+). He does not brook cowards
lightly, for he expects all of his followers to take up the fight against Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent. After all, the coils of the
Misgard Serpent pass through the domains of both he and his wife, the fire giant Skade (Willpower 3+, Rage 3+).

Njord is a god of the seas, the oceans, the lakes, and the rivers. Njord is also the god of winter. His kingdom, as such, is vast
and beautiful. Njord was the father of Frey and Freya. He, as one of the Vanir, realized that making allies of the Aesir (such as
Odin and Baldur were) would be a wise idea. Not a particularly ambitious god, he was comfortable with his position.
Njord's wife was a fire giant by the name of Skade. She, unlike all the other fire giants (except Loki) was beautiful. Even though
they loved each other, Skade and Njord could never stay together. She missed her mountainous home, while he could not bear
to leave his rivers and lakes. So, they made a compromise. Once each year, they would go to visit each other. When Skade
went to Njord's home in the oceans, the summer would begin. When Njord visited Skade in her mountains, winter would reign.
When Njord saw the war between the Changing Breed and the now-corrupted Wyrm, he knew he had to intervene. He chose
those of the Changing Breed who lived most of their lived near or in his domain, as he wanted to know their hearts were of the
high value he wanted them to be.

Njord gives his followers access to the all the gifts concerning the seas. Whether the gifts were available only to the Rokea, the
weredolphins, or simply not of the Changing Breed's auspice, the follower of Njord may gain that gift at their appropriate Rank.
As well, the followers of Njord are also able to use the Thaumaturgical Disclipline "Neptune's Might" as a Gift, learning each level
from a spirit associated with the seas or the oceans, and substituting "blood points" with points of Rage or Gnosis. Finally, the
children of Njord gain +1 die to all their physical stats while on a major body of water. (Storyteller's call.)

The followers of Njord cannot use any gifts involving fire or heat of any kind. They are also unable to use weapons that involve
major amounts of heat (e.g., missiles, incendiary grenades). If they do use any such weapon, they automatically lose 1
Permanent Honour each major scene they use that kind of weapon. The followers of Njord must build a small boat from wood
each year at any time, place fish and other harvests from the waters of Gaia within the boat, and set it out to float. (Groups of the
followers of Njord have constructed full ships to make this sacrifice to Njord, which pleased him greatly.) Finally, the followers of
Njord must never take unfair advantage of anyone who uses the oceans as well, unless they are of the Wyrm. (e.g., if the Rokea
ask followers of Njord for help, Njord's followers must have a good reason for not working with them before saying "no.")

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

The 'All-Father,' God of War, Skalds, Nobility and Wisdom. A mighty chieftain travelling across sky and sea on the eight-legged
horse Sleipnir, the two great wolves Freki and Geri at his sides, his two great ravens Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory)
scour the world to gather him knowledge. His great spear Gungnir laying his enemies low! He is held in great esteem by the Get.

Odin is all-encompassing, his packs receiving 1 point of Glory, Honour and Wisdom. Although a mighty warrior he teaches the
great importance of wisdom, leadership and arts (+1 to all dice pools involving Leadership, Performance, and Enigmas).

Odin is a god of the noble (all pack members must have at least Pure Breed 3), no one weak in any way gains his favour (no one
with any attribute except Appearance lower than 2). they must aspire to excel at the arts he exemplifies (war and skaldic arts),
and must seek knowledge and wisdom constantly.

Ogmios (Oghma)
By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Ogmios is the Celtic god of Eloquence, Poetry, Charm and Wrestling. He appears as an old man with chains from his tongue to
happy mortals. A joyous and physical god, and patron of Galliards. The Fianna hold him as one of their greatest totems.

His chosen gain charm and aura (+1 Charisma even if it goes above 5), and +2 to all Expression and Etiquette dice pools. He
imparts the sport and skill of wrestling (+2 to Brawl dice pool when wrestling/grappling only). His followers gain 2 Honour.

His chosen must try to raise the spirits of the sad and disheartened.

Old Lady Evergreen

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Cunning
The Old Lady is usually very kind, though she can be cruel if the occasion permits. She teaches survival at all costs. She teaches
that her children should not care about happiness, fun, family or anything else -- survival of the individual is most important. She
helps her children to survive anything at anytime.

Background Cost

Children of Old Lady may never give up or admit defeat; they must always continue trying.

All Children of Old Lady Evergreen can talk to evergreen trees during the winter time. They also gain an extra two points in
Survival each and for each Sept, a Child will get an automatic success on a Survival Roll.

Old Man Sea

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited


Old Man Sea is a placid, wise spirit who has a decent following among the weresharks, especially homids and those living near
the coastlines. He is privy to many secrets, and grants Enigmas 2 and Area Knowledge: World 2 (very general Knowledge). He
also gives the Gift: Breath of Life. For those who bother taking it up, he will grant the Secondary Skill: Boating at a 3.

Old Man Sea asks of his children only what Rokea do out of instinct anyway: to protect the sea from those who would despoil or
pollute it. He also has followers among the Garou, and asks that his Rokea followers do not harm them (he asks the same of his
Garou children.)

By Mitch Kelly (, for the Lutran tribe.

Totem of Wisdom


Wise old Otter sits under the riverbank, unseen by all, but himself missing nothing. Otter has keen senses, is difficult to surprise
and if necessary, he can vanish in an instant. He knows when to strike and when to wait. He watches patiently, and can wear
down a problem, attacking it from all sides until he finds the answer.
Otter teaches his children Stealth 3, Alertness 3 and Enigmas 2. He also allows his children to use the Gift: Otter's Eye.

By Diane Keating (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Papyrus is an incredibly wise plant totem. Ancient, eternal, she stood for the fertile lands of Lower Egypt and the Nile Delta. The
first papers were made of her body which she freely gave, and she absorbed the wisdom and creativity that were inscribed upon
it. Rising high above the waters of consciousness, Papyrus hears everything that is whispered on the winds and repeats them
back to her children.

Children of Papyrus have access to the wisdom of the world. They get to add two dice to any roll involving ancient Linguistics.
The swaying of Papyrus in the Waters of Consciousness can cause an almost hypnotic trance: her Children gain two dots in
Hypnotism. Papyrus holds secrets in her heart: children of Papyrus gain 1 die in Enigmas, even if this takes them above 5.
Papyrus also adds an extra die to the effects of talens made from her body. The Garou must make the papyrus herself, a simple
but slightly time-consuming process, and the talen must be made to size: no cutting. Awakened papyrus (through Rite of Spirit
Awakening) can store one bit of knowledge for retrieval at a later time; knowledge can be retrieved simply by holding the reed in
the paw during meditation.

Children of Papyrus must pour a libation to her whenever they sit down to write something.
Many Children of Papyrus also cover themselves with small tattoos, often heiroglyphs or magickal sigils, signifying what they've
seen and heard in their travels and detailing wisdom they've accumulated during their livess.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Proud and haughty, Peacock is arrogance incarnate. Colourful and vain, pomp and rigid display are paramount, appearances
are everything. Associated with nobility, Peacock affects a superior and condescending manner. Generally disdained by the
Garou he has found some acceptance among the more arrogant and aloof Silver Fang.

Peacock cannot abide 'ugliness' (they add +1 App even if it goes above 5). Ceremony and a rightful conduct are to be treasured
(+2 to all Etiquette dice pools). They gain 1 Honour.

He demands that his followers meet the highest of 'standards' (they must have at least App 3, Pure Breed 3, Etiquette 2) before
he choses them. They must conduct themselves with pomp and decorum, disdaining 'lessers.'

By Red Raptor ( for the WerePony: The Canter

Pegasus gives her children +1 Gnosis during their lunar phase.

Children of Pegasus must fight the Wyrm wherever they encounter it.

By Red Raptor ( for Werepenguin: The Waddling

enguin gives his followers +1 Health and +1 Dex while in penguin form.

Penguins must spend the first day of every month frolicking in the snow or will lose his favor for the month.

By Ellerby (

Totem of Wisdom

Background cost

Pigeon adapted to the urban environment almost as quickly as Rat or Cockroach. Plentiful, hardy, and wise, Pigeon takes the
city lifestyle to all new heights. Gain +3 Streetwise, +2 Survival, the power of flight when in the Umbra (running speed), and you
may learn the gift Adaptation as if it were one of your tribal gifts of one less Level.

Never pass up an opportunity for profit of any kind.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Totem of War

Background Cost

A violent spirit, Pyru began as a Fire Elemental that attained sentience. His form is all shapes of Fire: something as small as
sparks from a firecracker, a fire tornado, crackling flames, fireflowers or a blazing eruption. Though violent, Pyru is insatiably
playful, passionate and vigourous; he loves nothing better than to have a bunch of his children around him, weaving, dancing,
leaping over his body, daring his touch.

Pyru teaches Pyrotechnics 2 and the Sacred Fire Gift Path.

Pyru misses his elemental brethren. He asks his children to keep him company by welcoming him into their homes and carrying
him with them everywhere: this can be a lit cigarette, a candle carried, incense burning, etc.

Axis Mundi information

Pyru, the Pillar of Flame
Rage 10, Gnosis 5, Willpower 5, Power 60

Charms: Airt Sense, Reform, Materialize, Blast Flame, Create Fires, Cleanse the Blight.
Image: A huge, swirling, vibrant pillar of fire. Pretty damn simple, huh?
History: The Crash Worship uses a great deal of fire and fire symbology; Pyru was a fire elemental given more Rage by the
focused passions of the crowds it was called by. The band recorded a song with his name on it and thus was Pyru named.

Habitat: Pyru can be found anywhere a Crash Worship gathers to celebrate or at any gathering around a fire.
Spiritual Correspondence: Pyru serves to burn away mortality and foolishness, ignite passion and illuminate the lost.
Material Correspondence: Fire, flammable substances, volatile materials.
Gift Lore: Pyru can teach any Gift that illuminates or destroys by fire.
Taboos: Pyru does not suffer fools gladly and he will viciously burn anyone who teases or sports with him for too long.
Attitude: Very friendly, but also capricious and impatient. He will not set out to harm anyone who shows him respect.
Chiminage: Pyru desires playmates and likes it when people come to dance with him. He also asks them to burn objects and
symbols of what they want to get rid of in his body.

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Ehecatl tribe.
The Toltecan god of knowledge is the ultimate Totem of Wisdom, but he talks little with his followers, trusting that the teachings he
imparted long ago are not corrupted. If asked directly and in dire need (and it means DIRE, such as the awakening of Cthulhu), he will
appear and invest the caller with his power (Storyteller's discretion). He awards 500+ Renown in Wisdom.

Background cost: 8
Ban: Don't allow the truth to be concealed.

Ra (Re)
By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Ra is the Egyptian Sun god. Associated with rulership he appeared as a falcon-headed man, crowned with the sun disc
encircled with the uraeus (stylised cobra). He sails through the sky in a solar boat, shedding light and giving warmth. At night he
travels through the underworld brining a little light to the condemned. The Silent striders pay him service, but he is lesser than the
aspects of the night.

Commanding and inspiring, he instills these qualities in his chosen (+2 to Leadership dice pools and access to the gift:
Inspiration). They gain 2 Honour.

His chosen must be benevolent and just, helping others and bringing hope.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

The Bridge of Colours, Rainbow brings the different together, for all originate from the one source. Symbol of peace, nature and
understanding, reveling in the variety of life, Rainbow is a favoured totem of the Children of Gaia.

Bringing peace is easier under Rainbow's banner (they have access to the gift: Spellbinding Oration and add +3 to all dice
pools involving persuasion). They also gain 2 Wisdom.

The chosen must work to promote peace and understanding, fighting racism and bigotry, only resorting to violence when all else
has failed.

Rascal Rabbit
By Rick Jones (

Totem of Cunning

A side effect of the modern era is the forms that spirits take these days. The City Fathers and the American Dream are some of
the more famous versions of the power of the collective unconscious. Rumors of Elvis being a totem to a group of Glass Walker
Galliards only brings chuckles around the fire.
But then there's Rascal. A Glass Walker Theurge in California claimed that he had bound a powerful trickster spirit into his
television set. When his pack showed up at his home, they found the Theurge tied to a chair with strange elastic cords and
gagged with a carrot. Around his neck hung a placard bearing the words, "Ain't I a stinker? --R.R."
Since then, Rascal has appeared to a few packs, mostly those consisting mostly of Ragabashes. Followers of Rascal (who
usually call themselves "Rascals") tend to be highly creative monkeywrenchers, ones who get more pleasure in embarrassing
the Wyrm rather than simply fighting it.
Rascal lives in a section of the Televison realm, where he constantly battles his onscreen enemies, "Abner Dud", and "Dopey

Ragabash who follow Rascal get a bonus 100 Wisdom. They get an extra two dice of Subterfuge, and can use the gift "Create
Element" once a day, usually for humorous effect.

Any other Auspice who follow Rascal lose 100 Honor. Rascals must try to use trickery over violence or lose the benefits of
Rascal's blessings (-100 to -500 Wisdom, depending on the offense).

By Steven Markley (

Background Cost

Ren Hoek, the star of the cartoon show Ren and Stimpy, is a popular totem among the Diablo. Dripping angst and various body
fluids, he is renowned for his temper and inner anger, though not for bravery. He resembles the Skinos form of the Diablo, and
prefers that his followers revel in this form.

Those who follow Ren are privy to many boons. They can survive mutilation and severe injury with ease, and have an additional
point of Stamina, as well as reducing wound penalties by one. When they attempt to disgust others, they can add three to their
die pools. They gain two points of both Piss n' Vinegar and Bitterness.

Ren is known for his lack of Cojones, and his followers lose a point of this Renown whenever it is awarded. Ren is ugly and
sickly looking, and his followers lose a point of Appearance. Finally, Frenzy difficulties are reduced by 2 when presented with
Wyllie-corrupted overweight Bastet; the form of the Frenzy against these antagonists will commonly take the form of lots of
shouting and slapping.

By Red Raptor ( for WereRhino: The Horny

Rhino gives his children +1 Sta for resisting damage while fighting the Wyrm.

Rhino imposes no ban.

By JW McCormack ( for the Dust Riders

Background Cost

It is said that this strange and forgotten totem was first discovered by the Dust Riders amidst a hoard of Mayan treasures,
recently liberated from a band of conquistadors. It apparently rested within an idol and has spoken only to the forsaken Dust
Riders since then. Salamander is sly and cunning, and his methods tend to lean towards backstabbing and betrayal. He teaches
isolation and withdrawal to those who walk his path and has a reputation as a whisperer of forbidden secrets. In actuality,
Salamander was long ago claimed by the Wyrm and spreads its taint to all of his followers.

Salamander grants his children the ability to ask it one straight-forward question for the price of a permanent Willpower, the
answer to which is usually given in the form of a riddle. The follower also gains the ability to resist extreme heat and lessen the
damage done by fire by three dice. In addition, Salamanders followers gain +2 to their Wits.

Salamander asks that his children never associate with Garou and always seek to spread his influence.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

Fearless and lethal, Scorpion strikes swiftly, laying low greater foes with venom, warding off blows with armoured skin.

Scorpion grants his children access to the gift: Visceral Agony, and hardens their flesh (+1 to all Soak rolls).

Scorpion demands that his chosen never show fear, facing enemies of all sizes. Unfortunately, he is seen as slightly
dishonourable (they lose -1 from all Honour awards).

By Diane Keating ( and Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

Daughter and Protector of the Sun, Sekhmet is the Ultimate Lioness: powerful, dedicated, hedonistic and earthshakingly lethal.
Majestic, carnal passion and healing power made whole, her foes tremble in her awesome presence. The Silent Striders admire
her greatly because she opposed Set and guarded the sun, but most are loathe to ally with her because, it is whispered, she
initiated the Impergium...
Sekhmet is also a healer and a powerful sexual presence. The Tellurian pulses with her passion. Hedonists should love her:
Sekhmet kicks ass in a fight but when she's done she loves nothing better than a rousing good time. Not regarded as particularly
wise, her children suffer a penalty of -1 every time they gain Wisdom renown.

Sekhmet grants her children the Gifts: Purr (as the Bastet Gift), Kiss of Helios (as the Ahroun Gift), Mother's Touch (as the
Theurge Gift), Stoking Fury's Furnace (as the Ahroun Gift), and The Teasing Mate (yes, the Nuwisha Gift! Used most often at her
Moots). Her children also gain the Merit: Animal Magnetism to reflect her sensuous nature.

Sekhmet's power lies in defense of loved ones and vengeance. Her children cannot initiate hostilities except in the case of loved
ones being wronged or endangered. She also asks her children to aid her by hunting the Setite Cult of Sekhmet that is trying to
corrupt her.
Also, Sekhmet's Rage requires calming so she won't start up the Impergium again. She asks that once a year, her children to
hold a wild Moot in her honour wherein they get rip-roaring drunk and celebrate/purge their own carnal desires. (Sekhmet's
children have a reputation for being a lusty bunch)

By Kristopher W. Gruner for the Dark Watchers tribe.

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost

Dark, secretive, and dangerous, Shadow is alien to all save those she favors. Those who do not fear her, and face the darkness
within as well as without, may receive her blessings. For them, she has a welcoming embrace instead of a fearful, blinding
Shadow hides her children from harm: every pack member gains one extra die of Stealth, 2 in darkness and shadows. She lets
them closer to her secrets: each of them gains an extra die of Enigmas. In addition, her servants will teach them many secrets,
but in her own, mysterious way; the pack gains the Gift: Sight from Beyond (Level Two Theurge Gift), but the dreams and visions
will appear to different members of the pack at different times.
Shadow favors Dark Watcher Garou.

Shadow's children must never let fear overcome them in the face of the unknown.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Luck

Shamrock is a Totem of Luck. Shamrock lives in Dublin, though no one knows where; he is a very lucky Totem. Most of his
followers are Fianna. Shamrock is powerful and bestows great gifts of luck on his followers. He is kind but carries a grudge for a
long time, however he is not overly cruel and is very fond of children.

Background cost

Shamrock requires that his children never admit that Fate exists or that hope is gone.

Shamrock gives an extra die to all his Children for any roll. He can also cancel out a botch for one of his Children at a time.
Children of Shamrock must carry a four-leaf clover in order to gain these benefits.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Shark is a Totem that believes in strength but not war and violence. It is peaceful unless provoked which is widely known to be a
bad idea. Shark is wise, kind and quiet. He is frequently put into the same category as a Totem of War. This is however, untrue
as Shark is neither violent or aggressive.

Background Cost

Children of Shark must be strong and kept in good shape all year, however violence must not be used unless necessary.

Children of Shark get a minus three to the difficulty any meditation roll. Also, whenever violence is called for Children of Shark
are given an extra die in their die pools.

By Diane Keating Sciacca ( for the Keepers of the Silver Flame

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Wheat he gave to rich folk, millet to the poor
Broken scraps for holy men that beg from door to door
Cattle to the tiger, carrion to the kite
And rags and bones to wicked wolves without the gate at night.
-- Rudyard Kipling, Shiv and the Grasshopper
Shiva the Preserver, the Destroyer, is an androgynous spirit of perfect Balance: it is difficult to tell where the feminine leaves off
and the masculine begins in hir athletic, vigourous body. Hir face is always wreathed in a benevolent smile and hir eyes are dark
and kind; hir body gestures are always dynamic and balanced and s/he exudes a serene air of quiet ecstasy.
Shiva dances the dance of Life and Death and tramples Illusion beneath hir feet. S/He is said to possess a third eye: if this eye
ever opens, Mysticks claim, the Apocalypse is at hand and the world will end.
Shiva is also the Destroyer and an avatar of the last remaining shard of the Balance Wyrm. All beings inherently fear hir and
upon first contact, s/he will appear as a dark, terrible and vengeful figure; however, the truly wise and courageous can face hir
and not flee in terror (Wisdom roll, Difficulty 8). S/he will happily accept as hir children those who are strong enough to withstand
the Bhairava.
Followers of Shiva (called "Shaivites") typically keep to themselves and stay quietly on the outer fringes, meditating, studying
and working for balance and harmony. In combat, however, they are some of the most redoubtable, violent and ruthless Garou

Traits and Drawbacks

Shiva is the cosmic and universal expression of free-flowing and correct Karma: s/he grants hir children the Merit: Perfect
Balance. S/he also teaches the Serpent Fire Gifts hierarchy of the Stargazers, as well as Balance and Bhairava. Shiva's dance
keeps the world in tune and running: hir children gain the Ability: Dance 3 with a specialization in trance dance.
Since Shiva is an avatar of the Balance Wyrm, children of Shiva will register on the Gift: Sense Wyrm.

Shiva's children may not eat beef that has been killed by anyone.

Axis Mundi information

Rage 8 Gnosis 8 Willpower 10 Power 120

Charms: Airt Sense, Cleanse the Blight, Healing, Reform, Blast Flame, Kindle, Appear, Cut, Break Reality, Possession.
Appearance: Shiva is an androgynous being with four arms, dark reddish-bronze skin, dark hair and kind eyes. S/he always
smiles serenely and has a closed third eye in the middle of hir forehead. S/he carries a trident in one hand, a flame in another, a
daruma drum in a third and gestures benevolently with the fourth hand. S/he can occasionally be glimpsed riding hir totem
animal, the bull Nandi.

History: Shiva was at one time a servitor Incarna of the Balance Wyrm but was cut loose to make hir own way in the Tellurian
when the Wyrm was caught in the Web and went insane with pain. Nowadays s/he mostly concentrates on dancing and keeping

the world moving, but will help anyone who prays to hir.

Habitat: Shiva can be found in places that need the balance restored. Typically s/he invades Weaver Realms towards the end of
destroying them.

Spiritual Correspondences: Balance, dancing, providence, the Kundalini, entropy, AUM.

Material Correspondences: Copper, tridents, daruma drums, storms, fire, bulls, the amrita (the mixture of male and female
fluids during intercourse), shivalinga and yoni stones, diamonds.

Taboo: Shiva hates the Weaver. S/he exists to destroy the Weaver's work in order to free and heal hir former master, the
Balance Wyrm. S/he also hates illusion: visual enigmas, puzzles and tricks will send hir into a terrible frenzy after which s/he will
fall into slumber. S/he can be awakened with chanting of certain mantras such as AUM , AUM nama shivaya ("I honour the
Divine Within"), AUM mani padme hum ("Behold the Jewel in the Lotus"), AUM namai Rudra, AUM Rudra Baru, and others.

Gift Lore: Any gift relating to balance, fear, recovery of lost items and entropy.
Attitude: Friendly.
Chiminage: Shiva requires a figure of the lingam in the yoni and a trident be placed in hir shrines and altars; offerings of
incense, milk, soma and amrita bring the spirit's beneficence.

Siamese Cat
By Honorah O'Neill ( for the Breakers tribe

Background cost

The Siamese is a fairly recently discovered totem, but has taken the Garou-who-are-not-Garou as her special Children. The
Breakers consider the kinks in their tails to be marks of favor from her. Siamese grants all her Children the Gift: Eyes of the Cat.
Also, pack members gain 3 dice on any roll involving stealth or balance. She also teaches each of her Children how to keep
their claws razor sharp so that they can cause an additional die of damage when clawing an opponent. In return, she asks that
her Children either adopt or find homes for any stray cats they find. Consequently, Breaker caerns typically have many cats in
residence, at least one of which is, of course, a Siamese. The Bastet tend to look upon this practice and smile knowingly.

Skade the Beautiful, Fire Giant of Summer

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Beauty and Honour

Note from Author

I would like to thank Peloquin for tipping me off to this legend. I hope this totem is received well by those who follow some of the
Nordic traditions, or who merely are running a chronicle in Europe and wanted some authentic Norse totems to throw into the

Background Cost

As Skade was beautiful, she expects her followers to be reasonably attractive as well (Appearance 3+, Charisma 3+). As she is
of the mountains, she expects those who follow her to have some knowledge of the mountains. (Storyteller's call here. Some
examples are: Mountain Climbing, Science-Geology, Area Knowledge, and Archaeology-Nordic Ruins). Finally, she expects her
children to be tough, as she is a giant (Stamina 3+).

Skade was the daughter of a fire giant. Her father would always ridicule her on her appearance. She was not ugly, as many of
the fire giants were. Skade was gorgeous, and her mane of red hair was equally attractive.
One day, her father came across Thor and tried to kill him (as many giants did.) He failed, and Thor's hammer Mjnjlir cracked
his evil head wide open. Doing such, however, made Thor owe Skade a blood debt, which she could claim any way she saw fit.
She chose to marry one of the Aesir. Originally, she was going to marry Loki (as he was considered an Aesir by this time), but
Loki -- the attractive fire giant that he was -- was not fit to be tied down. Loki turned the whole affair into a competition, in which
the winner would marry the gorgeous fire giant. As it turns out, the contest was about which of the Aesir available had the best
legs. Njord, the god of seas and winter, won.
Skade and Njord were married, but their marital bliss was not to be. Njord was despondent about his native oceans, while the
bride Skade was unhappy away from her mountains. So they separated from each other, but not permanently. Once each year,
each would go to the other's native lands. When Skade would visit Njord, it became summer. Njord's visits to Skade created the
winter season.
Skade, while visiting Njord, saw how he was helping to fight the sleeping Jormungandr's minions, and thought to assist her noble
husband. She then chose members of the Changing Breed who were like-minded with her, in that the best way to destroy the
Wyrm was to cleanse his immense, scaly body with flames....

Traits Bestowed
Skade, like Loki (not Utgard Loki) gives her children access to all the gifts that are based in fire. No matter who those gifts were
originally meant for, the children of Skade may use those gifts at the appropriate Rank. As she is of the mountains, Skade also
gives her children the right to gain the following gifts: Razor Claws, Resist Pain. She also gives her children the unique ability to
learn the vampiric Thaumaturgical Path Lure of Flames as a Gift. The child of Skade must gain the knowledge from a spirit
associated with fire or stone, and they must substitute "blood points" with either Rage or Gnosis. Finally, the children of Skade
receive +1 Glory ever time they gain Glory.

Bans and Flaws

The children of Skade must protect the mountains from the detrimental activities of the Wyrm at all costs. They may never gain

any gifts associated with water, cold, wind, or subterfuge (Storyteller's call). The children of Skade are also affected in the
following ways: Flaw - Obsession (Fire), Driving Goal (Destroy Wyrm), Short Fuse, Pyromania (minor). She also askes that once
every season, her followers gather in ceremony and have a bonfire, burning objects close to the Wyrm's intentions as sacrifice to
her. (Things like bane-infested computers, mutated fish, fomori, and the limbs of fallen Black Spiral Dancers have been known to
be immolated at these gatherings).

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

Small and surprisingly aggressive, few animals will willingly confront Skunk. Boldly swaggering, Skunk intimidates her foes,
threatening them until they back down, or making them flee with a spray of musk. For all the bravado, Skunk prefers to avoid

Her chosen gain her swaggering, intimidating aptitude (+2 on all Intimidation dice pools) and have access to the gift: Spray of
the Skunk.

Her chosen must avoid unnecessary conflict if at all possible, relying instead on scare tactics, intimidation and bluffing. They may
not show fear to any foe. She is seen as dishonourable (-1 to all Honour awards). She is only followed by Ragabash and Bone

By Red Raptor ( for WereSloth: The Climbing

Sloth: Sloth grants his children a 2 extra healthy levels while in Crinos.

Sloth's children may not enter the cities of man.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Cunning

Background Cost
3 for Garou/8 for Black Spiral Dancers

Snake is mysterious and dark, with a reputation as varied as his skin.
To some cultures he represented death, to others life and creation, to yet others knowledge. Despite this, or perhaps because of
it, he is reviled, and the Garou find it hard to disassociate Snake from the Wyrm, and therin lies the great tragedy, for as the
Garou turn their backs on this powerful totem, the Black Spirals are only too willing to embrace him...

Snake is cunning and mesmerising, whispering with a forked tongue the secrets of life and death (teaches Subterfuge 3, and
Enigmas 3, and hid children have access to the gift: Eyes of the Cobra). Swift and deadly, he strikes like lightning ( his children
also have access to the gift: Spirit of the Fray). Garou who follow Snake lose 1 Permanent Honour and lose 1 Honour every time
they gain it. Snake is distrusted indeed! Neither loss is not applicable to the Black Spirals who actually admire this great totem.

Snake demands that his children leave him sacrifices of fresh eggs and rodents. Obviously, Rat, Mouse and many bird totems
dislike Snake.

Sol, Youthful God of the Sun

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Honour

Background Cost

The chosen of Sol must be born during the day. None of the children of Sol can be evil, so the Black Spiral Dancers cannot
choose Sol as a totem. Sol only selects those who reflect what he believes is a "sunny personality". Therefore, the pack who
wants to gain Sol's favour must make sure that all of their members have both their Charisma and Wits scores at 3 or above.

Sol is the young sun god of the Nordic mythos. His sister, the lady Mne, is the mistress of the moon. Both of them are related to
Thor the Thunderer and Baldur the Brave by way of their mutual father, Odin (there is a reason why he is called "Odin the AllFather"...)

Merits and Traits Bestowed

Sol gives his children a bonus of +1 Honour every time they gain any kind of Renown. Sol also gives his chosen +3 dice in all of
the physical attibutes during the day if the sun is shining upon them. (This allows them to go above 5. Notably, the bonus
disappears as soon as the sun is not touching the follower of Sol's flesh anywhere. Storytellers roll the extra dice behind a
screen where the characters cannot see. This roll is unbotchable).

Sol demands that his children make a major offering to him on the longest day of the year. Sol also wants his children to assist
anyone who follows the other Asgardian totems in any way they possibly can, even if it means risking their lives.

By Diane Keating (

Totem of ? (Wisdom?)

Background Cost

A lot of Metis -- mostly Fianna and especially Whispering Rovers, and surprisingly enough Children of Gaia and Black Furies -are flocking to this dark, enigmatic totem. Once thought to be the first Fianna Metis born under the Crescent Moon -- perhaps
because of a mating between a Fianna and a Gurahl? -- "the Sorcerer" was literally driven underground in shame; the Fianna
were shocked and horrified by his sway back, pot belly, knobby head, dizzyingly-fluid transformations and huge, unnerving eyes.
The network of caves in the Pyrenees and south of Gaul became his home. This was in the far distant past before the betrayal of
the White Howlers and the birth of the Black Spiral Dancers, and the caves were reasonably safe for any Garou to wander, if
somewhat disheartening. Nevertheless, the Metis called "the Sorcerer" learnt to love them.
Away from his warlike cousins, Sorcerer's Rage grew not less, but more focused. He could direct and entrance those who met
his odd gaze. He claims to have taught art to the first humans, not to tame or "improve" nature but to understand it better: art as
meditation. He never took part in the Impergium and in time, the tribes of Sheep grew to honour and, eventually, love him.
Sorcerer lived a long time, some say even thousands of years; the portrait of him in the Cave of the Three Brothers (Les Trois
Freres) is said to mark the place where he finally sat down for one last meditation and never came back.

Children of Le Sorcier receive 3 dots in Enigmas (if this takes them over 4, their specialty is: Ancient Enigmas), 2 dots in
Meditation, 3 dots in Expression (Painting), and the Gifts: Eye of the Cobra, Scent of Sight and Wisdom of the Ancient Ways.
They also gain two dots of Wisdom and the Merits: Mixed- and Metamorph. It is whispered that he might have the Gurahl Gift:
The Long Sleep to teach, but so far he hasn't.
Bear, Stag, Wolf (not Fenris), Dana and Owl claim Kinship with The Sorcerer. It is not known whether he was an ancient Seer
who was allied with these spirits or whether he was a Materialized Jaggling created by a distillation of each of them that grew in
power until he reached Incarna status. These spirits and their Children will honour and aid packs accepted by Le Sorcier.

Le Sorcier will only ally with the deformed, outcasts, misfits and battle-scarred.

By Steven Markley ( for Rokea Revisited


Splash is an odd Wyld-Spirit that delights in turning the power of the sea toward mischief and chaos. He is popular among the
Xaklah and the odd ocean-loving Ragabash. He grants two extra dice to any Gift that directly affects water or the ocean (such as
Whirlpool, Monsoon, Elemental Gift, Blessings of the Sea, and Neptune's Power). He will not harm his children, and grants his
them immunity to the effects of waves, water pressure, and currents. Water Elementals never attack followers of Splash, and will
sometimes assist them out of good will.

Splash's followers must live in the water or on the coast, and are encouraged to destroy man's buildings and boats (via Gifts or
outright vandalism) whenever possible.

For Garou who wish to follow Splash, he is a Totem of War and his Background Cost is 5. An additional benefit for Garou
followers is that they gain the Gift: Spirit of the Fish.

The Stormfather
By Tim Layne ( for the Storm Riders tribe.

Totem of Respect

Background cost

Wise, quiet, but quick to avenge an insult, the Stormfather is the totem of the Storm Riders. He is Grandfather Thunder's brother,
but that is where the similarities end. The Stormfather is honest and forthright, and always keeps his word. He chooses packs
that have a noble or important mission.

The Stormfather's packs may call upon 2 additional Gnosis points per story, and he gives his children access to +1 Stamina, +3
Survival, and an additional point of Honor and Wisdom. The difficulty for all past life rolls are reduced by 2 for children of the
Stormfather. Storm Riders look favorably upon his children, but Wendigo do not. They will avoid and even hamper any attempts
to acheve the goal of The Stormfather's children's goal. `Additionally, any Shadow Lords with this totem lose 1 point of Glory and

The Stormfather will ask that his children will spend at least 4 hours meditating in the rain per month. If it is a dry spell, he will

Surtur, the Demon of Chaos

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of War and Destruction

Background Cost

Note from the Author

This character was taken directly from the Marvel Comics Group serial comic book: "The Might Thor". Using this character does
not in any way represent a challenge to the copyright by the Marvel Comics Group on this or any other characters created by
them. As well, I am not sure if this demon even existed in the original Norse legends, so this shall not be stated as a true
character from said mythology.

Surtur only takes the most violent and destructive bastards under his wing. All of Surtur's "flames" suffer from the following flaws:
Compulsion - Destruction, Short Fuse, Hatred - Order, and Driving Goal - destroy the agents of Gaia. All of the "flames" of Surtur
are suicidal, suffering from the Harano, and possessing the flaw Dark Fate: destroyed by the heroes of Gaia. Unsurprisingly,
neither Surtur nor his "flames" care, for they rest assured that their goal of utter chaos and anihilation shall be achieved....

Surtur is a demon created from the essence of chaos itself. His only goal is to destroy the universe. His battles with the gods of
Asgard are legendary, and his power is equally staggering. Surtur's fury will only be quenched when either he is destroyed, or he
succeed in his diabolical goal of extinguishing the world.
First thought to be only a neat idea by a writer, Surtur gained form and power from the ambient rage and horror that spread
across the world. Those who believed in the power of chaos and total eradication gave Surtur the focus he needed to come into
being. The Black Spiral Dancers caught his eye when a few of them were hunting down Banes in the Umbra. Quickly devouring
the Banes before the Black Spirals were able to catch them, he commanded the pack of Bastards to spread his existence
throughout the world. The Black Spirals were completely enthralled with the concept of absolute chaos personified that they
immediately adopted Surtur as their totem. As from that pact and that pack, the scourge known as Surtur spread his fires of

Surtur, being a siege engine of devastation, makes his chosen Bastards into weapons of death. All of his Bastards gain +2
Glory every time they gain Glory. The "flames" of Surtur gain no bonuses outside of combat or destruction. The demon
encourages his Bastards to stay bloody as often as possible. The "flames" of Surtur, once inside of battle, show their true
allegiances. All attacks by the "flames" of Surtur do an extra separate 2 dice of fire damage (aggravated). While in a combat
situation, the Bastards also gain the merits of Huge Size, Mixed Morph, and Ambidextrous. They also receive access to the
following gifts while fighting: Coup De Grace and Halt the Coward's Flight (Rokea gifts), Song of Rage, Resist Pain,
Preternatural Awareness, and the Scarlet Ribbon (these are all at the appropriate Rank).

All of the "flames" of Surtur are Cursed in some way, shape or form from the moment Surtur chooses them (standard Curses are
inability to find important papers, offensive to animals, unfriendly spirits hound the person, eternally confused, and difficulty
changing forms). The followers of Surtur prefer to destroy their Asgardian foes before anyone else. If there is anyone fighting the
"flames" of Surtur, the children of Asgard will be attacked first; instinctively. The "flames" of Surtur shall be at a +4 difficulty to
attack anything else. As the Bastards chosen by Surtur are closely linked to demons, True Faith may be used to repulse them.
The chosen of Surtur may never have the following merits: Code of Honour, any merits concerning Mental Attributes, True Faith,

or any merits dealing with Social Attributes. All of the "flames" of Surtur undergo physical changes, including red eyes,
sharpened fangs, and runes appearing on their limbs. In effect, they become more frightening versions of their original selves.
(Flaw: Ill at Ease/ Disconcerting) All the "flames" of Surtur also lost one point of Wisdom every time they earn Wisdom.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Cunning
Swallow is a traveler, beloved to Silent Striders especially. Rather vain and cruel, he is, however, still dedicated to Gaia and
would gladly do just about anything to save her. He is somewhat arrogant, and his Children frequently take after him.

Background Cost

Never admit inferiority to any other being that is not above the rank of Jaggling.

Children of Swallow get a point of Perception, Stealth and Navigation upon choosing him. They may also use the Silent Strider
Gift Speed of Thought once per day for the entire Sept.

By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Beauty
Swan is beautiful and kind. He is vain, though not uncaring. The Children of Swan are graceful and elegant, often dressing in
pure white with white feathers and other trimmings. Swan has a soft spot for the underdog, he believes in the importance of
internal beauty as much as external.

Background Cost

Children of Swan must remain beautiful at all times, both inside and out.

Children of Swan get an extra dot in Appearance, Charisma, Expression, Dance, Stealth, Style and Etiquette upon choosing
him. In addition, each Sept gets an additional skill level in each of these to devote upon one of its followers, permanently once
per year. Children of Swan may spend a willpower point to make a botch succeed in any of these areas.

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Wyld Runner tribe.
The living spirit of the peyote mushroom, Teonanacatl helps his followers travel in the physical and the spiritual realms. Once per day,
Teonanacatl will grant the Garou with the highest Gnosis instant travel to the Umbra, and the rest of his pack an extra die in a stepping
sideways roll. Teonanacatl is a Totem of Wisdom, and will be very picky about his followers; those who go into Frenzy too often will
lose face with him, and must prove their worth or be cast away from him. He awards 300+ Renown in Wisdom.

Ban: Those who follow Teonanacatl must be guides to any who asks for it.
Background cost: 6

The Devil
By Steven Markley (

Background Cost

Yes folks, it's that Devil: the red man with pointy ears, a black goatee, little horns, cloven hooves and a barbed tail. Fashion
accessories include a pitchfork and cape. He's always grinning at some dastardly scheme he is cooking up. The Nephandi and
Baali have it all wrong: spread naughtiness, not corruption!

The Devil adds 2 to any dice pool involving Subterfuge, Intimidation through an evil laugh (Mwu-hahahahaha!), and Melee dice
pools when using pitchforks. Followers have no fear of the fires of Hell, for they take no damage from fire. They can be as
naughty as they want!

Always follow the advice of the little devil that appears on your shoulder, and always ignore the little angel on the other shoulder.
You must always cultivate a dark and villainesque image. Tempt and encourage others to do naughty things, like persuade Billy
not to eat his vegetables, or cut a preacher off in traffic so he curses. When you succeed in doing a bad thing, laugh evilly.
Followers of The Devil will resemble their master (sprouting tiny horns on their heads and a long forked tail in all forms, and their
fur will turn solid red.) When confronted with good, selfless acts, you must say things like "Curses! Foiled again!" and then run
away, letting the do-gooders know you will return to have your revenge.

The Lady
By Ryan Tuccinardi (

Totem of Mystery
The Lady is mysterious and silent. She never speaks unless spoken to or if she has something monumental to say. This rarely
happens as she usually doesn't consider very many people to be worthy of her secrets. Her Children are usually daughters and
often have their true appearances masked by beautiful masks of gold and silver. They wear flashy clothes -- often with a lot of

Background Cost

Children of the Lady may never answer a question with an obvious answer unless absolutely necessary.

Children of the Lady get one point of Subterfuge and Stealth pet Sept.

The Morrigan
(Andraste to the Southern English Fianna)
By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

The Morrigan, the 'Phantom Queen'. The red-haired celtic goddess of Death, Sexuality and War. She appears in triple form with
Nemhain (Frenzy) and Badhbh (Raven). A conceiver and destroyer of life; passion and fury follow her wake as she inspires rage
and frenzy. A warrior, the Fianna hold her in high stead, and warlike packs howl her name!

The chosen of The Morrigan gain 2 points of Glory and are filled with the fury and agility of the legendary celtic warp-warriors (+2
Rage points, not to exceed 10, and +1 point of Dexterity, even if it exceeds 5). In addition they never enter Fox frenzy, only

The Morrigan's children must never flee a battle, constantly attacking and using wrath and fury (-1 to all frenzy diffs.). They must
keep the celtic 'head-hunting' tradition, embalming the heads of their greatest foes in cedar oil for display.

Also Donar in Germany and Thunor in Anglo-Saxon
By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

God of War and Thunder, Thor the 'Thunderer,' is the strongest of the Aesir. Travelling in a cart drawn by two mighty goats, he is
awe inspiring. A huge warrior, with a beard of flaming red and terrifying blue eyes, he wields the great hammer Mjolnir 'the
lightning bolt' clenched in iron clad fists! An honourable combatant and gentle lover, not for him are the lofty pretensions of rulers
and noble born for he is the warrior patron of peasants and a symbol of fertility.
He is held in high regard by the Get of Fenris, and his packs will receive admiration and respect.

As the strongest of the Aesir he empowers his chosen (add +1 point to Strength, even if it takes them above 5), and they can
summon his thunder, stunning their foes with power (they have access to the gift: Clap of Thunder). A glorious totem, his chosen
all receive 2 points of Glory.

Packs chosen by Thor must aspire to his heroic ideals being courageous, fearless, fierce and honourable in conflict and gentle
in love.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

Thoth is the Egyptian moon god of Wisdom, Magic and the Arts. A human with the head of an ibis, he wears the crescent moon
crown. Supreme arbiter among the gods, Thoth disdains conflict. To the Silent Striders he is the embodiment of reason and

Cryptic wisdom, the crafting of sculpture, painting, and writing are the gifts he brings (his followers gain +2 on all Enigma and
arts dice polls. they also gain 2 Wisdom). To end the dispute they know the truth from falsehood (they have access to the gift:
Truth of Gaia).

Thoth asks that his children seek and preserve knowledge and promote justice and peace.

By CyberPuppy ( (29 March 1996)

Totem of War

Background Cost

Tiger is the great and terrible warrior, destroying all before him with his wrath! Solitary and recklessly brave, he roars his Rage
and fears no one. Tiger has always been held as an embodiment of strength and prowess, and warlike packs may find his

Tiger's claws are sharp and true, rending his foes. (his packs have access to the Razor Claws gift, and have -1 to all claw attack
difficulties). He is glorious, majestic and powerful (his children gain an additional point of Strength even if this takes them above
5, and they gain 2 points of Glory)

Tiger's chosen are fierce and warlike, combat coming all too easy to them (-1 diff. to all Frenzy rolls), and must endeavor to
protect his few remaining children.

By Jacob Williamson ( for the Ban Saide

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Beauty, Art, Dance, Social Intricacies

Titania's origins are unknown. She may be a powerful Sidhe noble, a spirit, or a manifestation of humanity's belief in the Fae -or all three! She is a symbol of beauty, and as such swings wildly between grace and frivolity.

Children of Titania gain three additional dice in Appearance and Etiquette dice pools, and two extra dice in Intimidation pools.
Further, changelings of the Seelie court will react favorably with a known follower of Titania. Unseelie fae will not be impressed,
and depending on the individual may reguard a child of Titania as stupid, duped or frivolous.

Titania asks that her children protect works of art, preventing its destruction at every turn. "Art" is defined by the individual: garou
tied to the fae courts would not regard street graffiti as art, while a fae-struck Bone Gnawer with ties to the local gangs wouldn't
lay down his life for something as valueless and esoteric as Picasso's "Les Demosielles de'Avignon." While both would find the
destruction of either wasteful, Titania would not hold them in contempt if they failed to protect something they felt was tasteless.

Tjalve, the Fastest Asgardian Alive

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Loyalty and Cunning

Background Cost

Tjalve was known for his speed and his quick-thinking. Any who wish to gain the favour of Tjalve will have to be fairly swift
(Dexterity 3+), rather durable (Stamina 3+), fast on their feet (Wits 3+) and have some athletic ability (2+ in Athletics/Acrobatics,
Dodge and Etiquette). Finally, all the followers of Tjalve must have a Code of Honour.

Tjalve was known as the fastest man in all of Asgard, the native home of the Aesir. Many times in his service to Thor, did Tjalve's
speed and quick thinking save the day. Tjalve was never known to be a gloryhound, and fought faithfully by his lord Thor's side
until the day of Ragnarok.

Boons and Blessings

Tjalve grants his children the ability to learn all the gifts that have to deal with speed. Tjalve also gives his children the following
merits: Time Sense, Common Sense, Acute Vision.

Dangers and Dilemmas

The children of Tjalve are bound to the service of the children of Thor. If there are no followers of the Thunder God around, they
must find a powerful individual to serve. They must find an individual who is trustworthy, honourable, and strong. Note: gender
does not matter, as long as the person matches those requirements.

By Alejandro Melchor, for the Tlaloque tribe.
One of the oldest gods, he is a totem of Wisdom; his care is for all the land and the living, and is brother to Gaia. He supports caerns
of healing, and his followers are very dynamic in their duties: they risk the perils of Weaver and Wyrm ridden areas to bring solace and
healing to those inhabiting there. If chosen, Tlaloc will award renown in the form of 200 Wisdom and will grant the use of a free Tlaloc's
Blessing each day; if the Garou is of too low a rank to perform the gift, Hands of Health or Mother's Touch is granted instead.

Ban: Never deny healing; not even to your enemies.

Background cost: 8

Totem Generation
By J.D. Pilling (

I was alarmed when a player I Storytell for came to me with a Totem that he was interested in purchasing. For four Background
points, he would be able to fly, shoot laser beams from his eyes and be impervious to bullets (well, maybe this is a bit of an
exaggeration, but not by much). Regardless, I sat the player down and showed him how, although it would be amusing, it would
also unbalance any type of serious game play. When asked for my recommendation of how to develop a Totem he was
interested in, I began consulting the various Totems presented in the Werewolf: The Apocalypse source books. From the
Totems listed (almost 100 in all), I created my own system.
In my own campaign, Totems are also characters, not some mindless animal that wanders on stage, farts, then grants the
player-characters' pack mystic powers to take over the world. As characters, Totems have personalities and a profile (described
below). However, it is important to note that a Totem is only a single aspect of a greater being or Incarna which can have
numerous aspects. Thus, the death of a Totem (yes, it can happen, to the chagrin of many players) does not represent the death
of the thing it represents (although this could lead to numerous philosophic discussions). The more in tune (the greater the
number of Background and experience points invested) the pack becomes with a Totem, the stronger it becomes. However, the
Totem is also bound to the strength of the pack so that the death of pack mates and the breaking of other connections weaken
the Totem. In my campaign, the Totem loses the number of points the deceased member had invested in the Totem. What the
starting strength of a Totem should be is a major concern for many Storytellers. The cost is a single indicator, but without a
system to generate a cost it is difficult to determine how good an indicator cost is. The system below allows for the generating of
Totems along the same lines that other characters are produced. Some of the material is taken directly from Werewolf: The
Apocalypse (2nd Edition) "Totem" on pg. 113 which I highly recommend reading.

The Totem
Totem Name: What animal, concept, incarnation, etc. does the Totem represent?
Concept: Is the Totem a Totem of Cunning, Renown, Respect, War or Wisdom?
Background Cost: Determined by the strength of the Totem itself and the Traits it gives to the players.
Points Spent: Determined by the number of experience points spent by players to increase the strength of the Totem.
Rage, Gnosis and Willpower: All Totems have seven points to divide among the following three stats.
Power: All Totems begin with a base Power of 20.
Charms: All Totems begin with the Charms of Airt Sense and Reform.
At this point, you have developed a Totem that virtually any player can have for free. It does not do much, does not say a whole
lot, will not show up very often (if ever) and could easily represent the Totem spirit of each tribe that shows up to welcome the
player to the tribe and is rarely seen again.
However, players tend to be a little more demanding and want gifts and attention from the Totems their characters choose so
they spend Background and experience points on them. These points can represent a stronger aspect of the spirit (one with
more Rage, Gnosis, Willpower, Power or Charms, such as Materialize) or they can represent gifts from the Totem to the
characters. To reward them for their efforts in gaining its attention, Totems award characters a wide range of Traits. Costs for
these Traits are included as part of the Background Cost for the Totem. It is up to the Storyteller to determine if later experience
points can be used to buy more Traits and at what cost. In my campaign, later experience can only be used to increase the
strength of the Totem or to increase its influence with other spirits as per pg. 113 in the rule book.
For existing Totems, that do not seem to match up with the Background cost outlined below, simply augment their profiles or
award them some of the advantages listed in the rule book. For example, being able to communicate with characters without
forcing them to purchase the Gift: Spirit Speech will help players interact with their characters' Totem and will make life easier on
the Storyteller. It is also important to realize that this should not be a system for players to abuse. If a character develops a Totem
that threatens to unbalance the game, simply do not allow it.

Traits are Charms given by the Totem to the pack they have adopted or chosen to favor These Charms take the forms listed

Attributes: +3 per dot in Physical and +2 per dot in Social or Mental (+1 to cost if Attribute can exceed Homid maximums)
Abilities: +2 per 3 points worth of Abilities
Gifts: + (2 x the Gift's level)
Backgrounds: +1 per +1 Background point (The Totem Background is obviously off-limits), Rage, Gnosis or Willpower: +2
per 3 points of Rage, Gnosis or Willpower available per story. (This can only be taken once, and the type must be selected). +3
per 5 point of Rage, Gnosis or Willpower available per story (with the same restrictions as above). +3 per 3 points of Rage,
Gnosis or Willpower that may be taken in any combination.

Renown: +1 per additional point of temporary Glory, Honor, or Wisdom the pack receives when Renown is awarded.
Miscellaneous: +3 per +1 Dice Pool(s) for wide categories of actions (such as combat). +1 per group that favors the pack. +1
per - 1 Difficulty modifier for given actions. +2+ Miscellaneous (Storytellers can incorporate other Traits, such as hibernation, at
their own discretion, although such traits should be examined first to see if they correspond with existing Gifts).

Note: These cannot reduce the cost of any Trait below 1).
Exclusions: -1. Restrictions on who can be chosen (Exclusion of certain tribes, auspices, or breed types). This can only be
taken once per Totem.

Mantle: -1. Traits under the mantle may only be used by a single pack member at a time. The member must pass the mantle on
before another can make use of the Traits incorporated in it. The limitation can be applied for each Trait under the mantle. There
can only be one mantle for the Totem unless the pack buys the ability for more than one pack member to make use of the Traits.

Geographic: -2. Traits limited by geography will not work in certain locations. These locations should be fairly large and
frequently encountered. As a rule, Malfeas and outer space do not make suitable geographic locations, although the Umbra, the
Northern Hemisphere, and cities do. (This can only be taken once per Totem and affects all Traits granted.)

Time: Traits limited by time can only be used once in a given time frame. -1 for daily, -2 for weekly, -3 for once per moon cycle
and -4 for yearly. (This can be applied to each Trait, but cannot be used in conjunction with Traits usable only once per story.)

Most Totems have at least one Ban to represent the price of their patronage. The more dangerous the Ban, the less characters
will have to pay to follow the Totem.

Minor Bans: -0. The pack must never hunt, harm or eat totem animal or must provide minor gifts for such animals.
Average Bans: -1. The pack must provide aid to certain groups or Pack suffers Social or Renown penalties (-1 per + 1
Difficulty or -1 temporary Renown (Glory, Honor, or Wisdom) loss).

Major Bans: -2. The pack is forced to perform potentially dangerous actions (battling other Garou, preventing the actions of
large human organizations, etc.).

Suicidal Bans: -3. The pack is forced to make sacrifices of self and possibly life (seeking out and doing battle with Nexus
Crawlers, Wyrm Incarnas, or other nasties; the permanent sacrifice of a point of Willpower, Gnosis, Physical Attribute, or two
Social or Mental Attributes).

Utgard-Loki the Frost Giant

By Athyra Di Giovanni (

Totem of Respect, Wisdom, and Cunning

Background Cost

Only the most intelligent Bastards can gain the favour of this Asgardian legend (Intelligence 4+, Perception 3+, Wits 3+). Those
who wish for Utgard-Loki to gaze his eyes upon them must also be well-educated in either the mysteries or the ways of the world
(21+ total dots in Knowledges are needed). Finally, the followers of Utgard-Loki must also have a keen mind (Merits: any three
mental ability related merits will do).

What can be said about the smartest giant ever to walk the mountains of Jotunnheim? Utgard-Loki (also known as Utgrda Loke
in some texts and legends) was known as the most intelligent giant in Jotunnheim. Some would go as far to say he was the
smartest being in the Norse mythology. His crafts were the art of illusion, the art of magic, and the science of trickery. UtgardLoki was never the largest giant, nor was he the most powerful giant in terms of physical prowess. He was, however, the
trickiest, sneakist, and most devious bastard whom ever lived, bar none. (Not even Loki of Asgard was as good at being bad as
For sport, he fooled Thor, Loki, and Tjalve into a series of events they could not win. Using his illusions, he convinced Tjalve to
race against Thought itself. He humilated Loki by having him compete against Fire in an "eating contest." Using the guise of an
old woman, he used Old Age to defeat Thor in a wrestling match and when he went out to fish for the dinner of the following night,
what he thought was a trout was really The Midgard Serpent.
Utgard-Loki is honoured immensely by the older members of the Black Spiral Dancers. They know that one as old and as wise
as the frost giant Utgard-Loki must be capable of showing the servants of the Wyrm against their foes....

Merits and Minor Gifts

Utgard-Loki reduces all Mental Attribute related rolls by four, to a minimum of 2 difficulty (e.g., from 9 to 5). The chosen of
Utgard-Loki may also learn any non-combat related gifts they choose. The Bastards of the frost giant are also able to learn
various Vampiric Thaumaturgical paths as gifts, given the resources and the time (Storyteller's call). Finally, the Bastards of
Utgard-Loki gain an extra 2 Wisdom every time they gain Wisdom.

Bans and Blasphemous Deeds

Every time the Bastards of Utgard-Loki gain Honour, they will lose 1 Honour, as Utgard-Loki is a totem of cunning and deceits.
The chosen of Utgard-Loki are also not known for being very valourous, and so they lose 1 Glory every time they gain Glory.
Utgard-Loki's followers must offer prayers of supplication and submission to Utgard-Loki once every week, burning candles
made from natural fats and oils (Humans do so well for this sort of thing). Finally, the chosen of the frost giant are unable to gain
any combat-related gifts at all.

By Eric VanDycke
"Sit down children, and let me tell you the tale of a student of mine, he was Corax, like some of you. His name was Shadow-UnderStars. This story begins with him recieving a dream-quest that sent him on a dangerous mission in the spirit-world. He was searching
for the feathered coat of raven. He searched far and wide for this object, his journey was filled with much danger. He battled lone
banes in distant hellholes and searched the aetherial realm for months at a time, he battled the stone-skinned-ones, and ended up
sending their most powerful shaman back into the wheel of life after a sky-battle that nearly left him dead. As he kneeled next to the
dead body of the shaman he saw several strange scars on the chest of the man. Immediatly he knew that they held powerfull spirits, he
felt it in his heart that they deserved to be free from the shaman's body. For two days he chanted to the totem-fathers of raven and owl
to grant him the power to rip the poor spirits from the body of the shaman. In a rare visitation, owl came to him and granted him the
wisdom to help the spirits that were trapped in the shaman's dead skin. He chanted and burned tabbacco, with a single talon, he tore
the flesh and released the spirits. He was supprised when two small vulture spirits appeared from the wounds. They stared at him for
nearly a day, finaly he got the nerve to speak to them.
"Vulture-fathers, why do you stare at me?" he asked
"We wish to remember the face of the one that let the vultures live on, we are the last two of our kind, for no one speaks praise of our
father, Vulture," they said in unison
"I will speak praise of him, if he deams me worthy"
From behind the kneeling Corax came a voice, and a hand was laid on his shoulder.
"You are worthy, my child, wear this feather with pride, and speak my name with reverence, so that my children may populate the skys
once more," said the man that stood behind Shadow-Under-Stars.
The man was dressed in a black feathered kilt, his red painted bald head was held high with pride and respect.
"Go now, and continue your quest, for another of the feather needs yor help."
"and so he left, here the story ends"
"remember children when you see vulture in the sky, speak a word of praise so that his children will once again soar through the spiritworld's skys.

Totem of Respect
Background cost: 5
Vulture is the caller of the sun, he to which all birds owe their feathers, and he who holds his bald head high as a show of honor and
reverence. He aids his children by teaching them Survival 3 and a point of permanant willpower. Each child of Vulture gains a one time
bonus of +100 honor. One time a Year the children can call on Vulture to aid them in some way, similar to the Metis gift: totem gift (lv5).

Bans: During the new moon phase, the child must do a five-hour ritual ceremony where he gives a gnosis point to father Vulture (Not
permanant). Also, the child must dedicate part of every meal to Vulture by casting the food into the fire, where it travels in the form of
smoke to Vulture.

By Red Raptor ( for WereKangaroo: The Jumping

Wallaby gives his followers +1 Dex. when hopping and +1 Perception.

Followers of Wallaby must never eat rabbit or sheep, or wear anything made from them.

By, for the Children of the Wind tribe.
The wind is a Totem of Wisdom (though it may be argued that it could be any of them).

Background Cost: 7
The wind is a powerful force of nature, always changing and travelling the world. It can be slow and thoughtful, soft and caressing or
powerful and destructive.
Followers of the Wind gain +3 dice on any gift involving air. They gain 1 point of dexterity and 1 point of perception as the Wind is
every watchful and there is nothing more dextrous. The wind watches out for its children and will cushion them so receiving 3 points
less damage from a fall.
The Wind totem is very new and associated with the Children of the Wind (surprise surprise), therefore any pack that follows the wind
are looked upon with distrust by members of any other tribes. They also receiver a one time penalty of 100 honour and 50 glory.

Ban: The wind makes no such demands.

By Colin Chapman (

Totem of Respect

Background Cost

Wolf. A primal totem of the garou. Wolf is intelligent, social and cunning, a master of survival. He is wild and untamed, but not the
berserk and rageful beast that is Fenris. Wolf has watched the slaughter of his children with sorrow. A part of all Garou, he
nonetheless heavily favours those of lupus breed, and many tribes (the Glasswalkers and Bone Gnawers especially) find it
increasingly difficult to contact him. Due to his very nature, children of the wolf will gain at least minimal respect from most garou.

Wolf fills his followers throats with the greatest of Howls (his pack has access to the gift: Call of the Wyld), and learn of
determination and survival (they may call upon an extra 3 Willpower per story and add +2 to any Survival dice pool). Each pack
member gains 3 points of Honour.

His pack must aid and protect his children, and never fully ignore the wolf in their nature.

(Also WUOTAN in germany, GRIM in Britain)
By Colin Chapman (

Totem of War

Background Cost

God of Battle, Master of Fury and leader of the Wild Hunt, Wotan is bloodthirsty, unconcerned with anything save the blood of
battle and the kill of the hunt. He finds followers among the Get and Fianna alike, but only those of the utter extreme will find
common ground.

He grants his warriors +1 Rage point (not to go above 10) and they never have less than 1 rage point to spend. The wilderness
trembles at his passage (+2 to Survival dice pools) and Glory is found in the death of your foe (they gain 2 Glory).

Wotan doesn't suffer cowards or peace-makers. His followers must never pass up the opportunity for a fight. He is not renowned
for his control or wisdom (they lose 1 Wisdom everytime they gain Wisdom, and they lower all their Frenzy difficulties by 1). They
must never show the weak trait of mercy, and must always use Rage in conflict.

The Wyld One

By Timothy Toner (

Totem of Wisdom

Background Cost

The Wyld continued to prance and purge across creation, vomiting forth pure potential. It ambled over the coils of the Wyrm, and
skipped ahead, seconds before the Weaver had her way with its wonderful effluvience.
And then something odd. No clacking of the Weaver's jaws. No sweeping of the Wyrm's tail. For the first moment since creation,
the Wyld wasn't the center of creation, the only pro-active force in the universe. Instead, the other two were off in the corner,
The Wyld was pissed. What was so important that it superseded its own relentless vomiting? It shambled over to look, and
peered over the shoulder of the Weaver....
And in the midst of flowing, living insanity, an idea manifested.
The Wyld was horrified, but it didn't know why. Within its mind, chaos formed into order. Random insanity transformed into cold
methodology. The Wyld was dissolving and resolving into something horrifying, something the Wyld couldn't even contemplate,
but soon would.
With moments to go before complete transformation, the Wyld did what it did best: it vomited. Once it spilled forth hope and the
future. Now it expelled a poison that threatened to destroy everything. It rejected sanity.
Things soon returned to a modicum of normality. Well, actually, no. The Weaver was no longer nipping at the Wyld's heels, and
the Wyrm seemed really preoccupied with what the Weaver was doing. Still, they weren't off in corners, talking about stuff. The
Wyld was once again the center of attention.
And someplace in the Tellurian, a figure rose from a pocket of Wyld nestled in the midst of Web. It was of the Wyld, and it burned
with potential. But more than that, it was Chaos cleverly stacked, aware of its nature, aware of its role in things.
It marched out into the woodlands, and regarded its kin, the unthinking animals which possessed a group intellect that spanned
centuries. It had a lesson to teach the Weaver-Spawn. The sentience the Weaver had gained would come at a price. There were
boundaries that the Weaver should never cross. And when the Spawn tried, It would be there, to teach that final lesson.
Fear the Wyld.

The Wyld One is that sentient bit of the Wyld, who guards the boundaries between the Weaver and the Wyld, and who prevents
the Weaver from going too far. It understands what has happened, and understands that a too aggressive attack on the Weaver
will serve the Wyrm more than the Wyld. Instead, it seeks to educate the minions of the Weaver (the Homids) as to the danger
and futility of pushing too far into the unknown. It reminds them, through acts of fear and terror, that there are some boundaries
which should never be crossed. It sits lurking in dark basements, and at the edge of forests, peering back at the seeker of
unknown things, the implicit danger of knowing too much. The Wyld One is quite insane, seeing all the possibilities the Wyld
stands for at a single glance. At the same time, it is incredibly sane, able to glimpse an infinity of possibilities, and knowing
intuitively which one the Weaver will select as its own.
The Wyld One is a harsh master. It grants knowledge, but at a terrible price. Adherents gain a 2 in Enigmas and a 2 in Primal
Urge. Often, during times of great need, the Wyld One will appear, and perform a service, always in disguise. Finally, the Wyld
One will drop hints toward duties it wants resolved, often in the form of Malkavians and other creatures of madness.


Adherents must know their place. The Garou who follows the Wyld One must keep to its Weaver form in the Weaver-lands
(homid), and its Wyld form in the Wyld-lands (lupus). Crinos, the Wyrm form, is useful whenever the Weaver has intruded in the
Wyld, or visa versa, and especially when the Wyrm has misbehaved. Those who violate the ban will one day meet the Wyld One,
and learn the meaning of Boundaries.

By Red Raptor ( for the Legion of the Malformed

Wyrmhound is a corrupted wolf. He grants his children +1 dex for dodging and +1 damage for all biting attacks.

Wyrmhounds children may never have fewer than 1 Beast Trait.

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