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Difference based on features of C++ which are

excluded from JAVA

1) Pointers are strength of C++ language

2) In C++ structure and union are used.

1) But in java pointers are omitted
because of security reasons . With the
help of pointers we are able to access
the address outside the program code
and data area thats why pointers are
not included in java
2) In java there is no concept of
structure and union because all can
be done with the help of classes

3)Operator overloading is included in C++

to provide flexibility of using expressions
with the user defined data types.

3) Operator overloading concept is

omitted in java because java
designers thought that it is used to
produce ambiguous conditions.

4) In C++ pre processor directories are

used like include, define etc.

4) In Java no preprocessor are used.

There are only packages and
interfaces are used.

5) In C++ global variable and global

functions are used which are defined
outside the class.

5) In Java everything is contained with

one or more classes so there is no
concept of global variable or global

6) In C++ we can derive one sub class from

more than one super class. (multiple

6) In Java in order to avoid complexities

we cant derive one subclass from
more that one super class.

7) In C++ there is a keyword typedef

7) There is no such keyword like

typedef in java.

8) In C++ goto statements are used to

transfer the control from one part of
program to the other.

8) In java no goto statement is used.

9)In C++ unsigned int are used

9) In java int cant be unsigned.

Differences based on features which are

unique to java
1 ) There is no scope for multithreading

2) In C++ there is no concept of packages.

3) In C++ there is no concept of interface

But the concept of abstract classes is the
close similarity to that of interfaces in java
4) In C++ standard library are used to
define the commonly used functions.
5) In C++ break and continue statements
are used to put the control outside the loop
in which these statements are used.

1) But in java 2 or more programs can
be executed concurrently which is
unique to java and java runtime
system provides the thread class to
implement the concept of
2) Package is the main feature of java
which are used to store the files
under one directly.
3) In java interfaces are used to
declare and define the related class
which can be implemented by the
other classes.
4) But in java there is no concept of
standard libraries only the classes
define in the interfaces are used.
5) In java break and continue
statements are extended in levels
that can be used as targets . It is use
to transfer the control back with in
the loop

Differences based on features that are

common to C++ and JAVA but different in use


1) In C++ the Boolean data type is used but

any non zero value is considered to be true
and 0 is false.

1) But in Java the true and false value are

pre defined literals

2) In C++ the access specifiers are applied

to a group of statements.

2) But in java these access specifiers are

applied only to a single statement.

3) In C++ exceptional handling is used to

3) But in Java the thrown exception must

avoid the run time errors and it is not

necessary that the thrown exception must
be caught.

be caught.

4) In C++ modulus operator can find out

the remainder of integer values only

4) In Java modulus operator is more

intelligent to accept the real values as well
as integer values as operand.

5) In C++ by default the data and functions

are private.

5) By default the data members and

functions of class are public.

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