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Problem 3.

(Solution by Wieslaw Krawcewicz) The picture below

illustrates the solid P that is the intersection of the unit cube with a
copy that is rotated 30 degrees. This solid can be obtained by cutting off
from the initial cube six identical tetrahedrons, one of which, denoted
by OABC, is indicated in the picture.

Problem 1. Find all functions f : (0, ) (0, ) such that


f x + x) x f (x) + f (x) for all x (0, ).


Problem 2. Find all distinct pairs (x, y) of integers that are

solutions of the equation

x xy + y = x + y.

Problem 3. Find the largest subset A {1, 2, . . . , 2003}

such that for all a, b A, a + b is not divisible by a b.
Problem 4. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , x2004 be positive real numbers
such that
+ +
> 1.
2003 + x1
2003 + x2
2003 + x2004

Prove that x1 x2 x2004 < 1.

Problem 5. Four points are given in the plane.If the distance between any two of them is not less then 2 and not
greater than 2, prove that these points are the vertices of a
Problem 6. Find the maximum value of the area of a triangle
ABC that has vertices
on three circles centered at the same
point with radii 1, 7, and 4, respectively.
Send your solutions to in the Sky: Math Challenges.
Solutions to the Problems Published in the September, 2002 Issue of in the Sky:

Th triangle ABC is right-angled and it has sides x, x, and

the length of the edge of the cube is one, we get

2x + x x =

2x. Since



Therefore the volume of the tetrahedron OABC is 61 x2 , and consequently we find that the volume V of the solid P is given by

5+4 2

V =16

6 (2 + 2)2
6+4 2

Problem 1. Let n be a fixed positive integer and consider the more

general problem of solving
= n,
. In particular, y is
where x and y are positive integers. Then y = xn
a positive integer if and only if x n is a positive integer that divides
nx. But nx = n2 + n(x n), so we see that x n divides nx if and only
if it divides n2 . Consequently, the number of x values yielding positive
integers y is precisely equal to the number of positive divisors of n2 .
Indeed, for each positive divisor d of n2 , we let x = n + d. For example,
when n = 100, we get

n = 100 = 2 5 .

Thus, the positive divisors of 1002 are precisely the numbers of the form
2a 5b with a = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, and b = 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. It follows that
there are 5 5 = 25 divisors and hence there are 25 positive integers x
that yield positive integer y.
Problem 2. If 2003 + n = m(n + 1), then 2002 = m(n + 1) (n + 1) =
(m 1)(n + 1) and n + 1 1 is a divisor of 2002 = 2 7 11 13. In
n + 1 = 2a 7b 11c 13d
with each a, b, c, d being 0 or 1. Since there are 24 = 16 possible choices
for the exponent, there are 16 possible choices for n.
The above solutions of the problems 1 and 2 were presented to
in the Sky by Jeganathan Sriskandarajah from Madison, WI.
These problems were also correctly solved by Robert Bilinski
from Montr
eal and Edward T.H. Wang from Waterloo.

Madison Area Technical College Math

Club Celebrated Day on March 14, 2003

The main event of the

Day celebration was the math
competition featuring teams
from six different two-year colleges in Wisconsin. Among the
other activities, there was also
an informative presentation on
The Calculation of Pi, a
poster competition and a pieeating contest. At an awards
ceremony the winning teams
and individuals were presented
with their prizes. The picture above shows several contestants at the beginning of the math competition.


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