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1D Ph

Group 5


Fracture - medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity of the bone.
- can be the result of high force impact or stress, or trivial injury as a result of
certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, bone cancer,
or osteogenesis imperfecta, where the fracture is then properly termed a pathologic

By cause
1 Traumatic fracture - This is a fracture due to sustained trauma
2 Pathological fracture - A fracture through a bone which has been made weak by
some underlying disease is called pathological fracture.
In orthopedic medicine, fractures are classified in various ways. Historically they are
named after the doctor who first described the fracture conditions. However, there are
more systematic classifications in place currently.
All fractures can be broadly described as:

Closed (simple) fractures: are those in which the skin is intact

Open (compound) fractures: involve wounds that communicate with the fracture,
or where fracture hematoma is exposed, and may thus expose bone to
contamination. Open injuries carry a higher risk of infection.

Compression fractures: usually occurs in the vertebrae, for example when the
front portion of a vertebra in the spine collapses due to osteoporosis (a medical
condition which causes bones to become brittle and susceptible to fracture, with
or without trauma).

Other types of fracture are:

Complete fracture: A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely.

Incomplete fracture: A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially
joined. In such cases, there is a crack in the osseous tissue that does not
completely traverse the width of the bone.

Linear fracture: A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis.

Transverse fracture: A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis.

Oblique fracture: A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis.

Spiral fracture: A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted.

Comminuted fracture: A fracture in which the bone has broken into several

Impacted fracture: A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each

Avulsion fracture: A fracture where a fragment of bone is separated from the

main mass.

Anatomical location
An anatomical classification may begin with specifying the involved body part, such as
the head or arm, followed with more specific localization. Fractures that have additional
definition criteria than merely localization can often be classified as subtypes of
fractures that merely are, such as a Holstein-Lewis fracture being a subtype of a
humerus fracture. However, most typical examples in an orthopedic classification given
in previous section cannot appropriately be classified into any specific part of an
anatomical classification, as they may apply to multiple anatomical fracture sites.

Skull fracture
o Basilar skull fracture
o Blowout fracture - a fracture of the walls or floor of the orbit
o Mandibular fracture
o Nasal fracture
o Le Fort fracture of skull - facial fractures involving the maxillary bone and
surrounding structures in a usually bilateral and either horizontal,
pyramidal or transverse way.

Spinal fracture
o Cervical fracture

Fracture of C1, including Jefferson fracture

Fracture of C2, including Hangman's fracture

Flexion teardrop fracture - a fracture of the anteroinferior aspect of

a cervical vertebral

Clay-shoveler fracture - fracture through the spinous process of a

vertebra occurring at any of the lower cervical or upper thoracic

Burst fracture - in which a vertebra breaks from a high-energy axial


Compression fracture - a collapse of a vertebra, often in the form of

wedge fractures due to larger compression anteriorly.

Chance fracture - compression injury to the anterior portion of a

vertebral body with concomitant distraction injury to posterior

Holdsworth fracture - an unstable fracture dislocation of the

thoracolumbar junction of the spine

Rib fracture

Sternal fracture

Shoulder fracture
o Clavicle fracture
o Scapular fracture

Arm fracture
o Humerus fracture (fracture of upper arm)

Supracondylar fracture

Holstein-Lewis fracture - a fracture of the distal third of the humerus

resulting in entrapment of the radial nerve.

o Forearm fracture

Ulnar fracture

Monteggia fracture - a fracture of the proximal third of the

ulna with the dislocation of the head of the radius

Hume fracture - a fracture of the olecranon with an

associated anterior dislocation of the radial head

Radius fracture

Essex-Lopresti fracture - a fracture of the radial head with

concomitant dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint with
disruption of the interosseous membrane.

Distal radius fracture

Galeazzi fracture - a fracture of the radius with

dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint

Colles' fracture - a distal fracture of the radius with

dorsal (posterior) displacement of the wrist and hand

Smith's fracture - a distal fracture of the radius with

volar (ventral) displacement of the wrist and hand

Barton's fracture - an intra-articular fracture of the

distal radius with dislocation of the radiocarpal joint.

Hand fracture
o Scaphoid fracture
o Rolando fracture - a comminuted intra-articular fracture through the base
of the first metacarpal bone
o Bennett's fracture - a fracture of the base of the first metacarpal bone
which extends into the carpometacarpal (CMC) joint.
o Boxer's fracture - a fracture at the neck of a metacarpal

Pelvic fracture
o Fracture of the hip bone
o Duverney fracture - an isolated pelvic fracture involving only the iliac wing.

Femoral fracture
o Hip fracture (anatomically a fracture of the femur bone and not the hip

Patella fracture

Crus fracture
o Tibia fracture

Bumper fracture - a fracture of the lateral tibial plateau caused by a

forced valgus applied to the knee

Segond fracture - an avulsion fracture of the lateral tibial condyle

Gosselin fracture - a fractures of the tibial plafond into anterior and

posterior fragments

Toddler's fracture - an undisplaced and spiral fracture of the distal

third to distal half of the tibia

o Fibular fracture

Maisonneuve fracture - a spiral fracture of the proximal third of the

fibula associated with a tear of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis
and the interosseous membrane.

Le Fort fracture of ankle - a vertical fracture of the antero-medial

part of the distal fibula with avulsion of the anterior tibiofibular

Bosworth fracture - a fracture with an associated fixed posterior

dislocation of the proximal fibular fragment which becomes trapped
behind the posterior tibial tubercle. The injury is caused by severe
external rotation of the ankle.

o Combined tibia and fibula fracture

Trimalleolar fracture - involving the lateral malleolus, medial

malleolus and the distal posterior aspect of the tibia

Bimalleolar fracture - involving the lateral malleolus and the medial


Pott's fracture

Foot fracture
o Lisfranc fracture - in which one or all of the metatarsals are displaced from
the tarsus
o Jones fracture - a fracture of the proximal end of the fifth metatarsal
o March fracture - a fracture of the distal third of one of the metatarsals
occurring because of recurrent stress
o Calcaneal fracture

OTA classification
The Orthopaedic Trauma Association, an association for orthopaedic surgeons, adopted
and then extended the classification of Mller and the AO foundation ("The
Comprehensive Classification of the Long Bones") an elaborate classification system to
describe the injury accurately and guide treatment. There are five parts to the code:

Bone: The OTA classification of a fracture starts by coding for the bone involved:

(1) Humerus fracture, (2) Radius fracture/Ulnar fracture, (3) Femoral fracture, (4) Tibial
fracture/Fibular fracture, (5) Spinal fracture, (6) Pelvic fracture, (7) Carpal fracture, (8)
Metacarpal fracture, (9) Phalanx fracture of the hand, (10) Talus fracture, (11)
Calcaneus fracture, (12) Navicular fracture, (13) Cuneiform bone fracture, (14) Cuboid
bone fracture, (15) LisFranc fracture, (16) Metatarsal fracture, (17) Phalanx fracture of
the foot, (18) Patella fracture, (19) Clavicular fracture, (20) Scapular fracture
Other systems
There are other systems used to classify different types of bone fractures:

"Denis classification" for spinal fractures

"Frykman classification" for forearm fractures (fractures of radius and ulna)

"Gustilo open fracture classification"

"Letournel and Judet Classification" for Acetabular fractures

"Neer classification" for humerus fractures

"Seinsheimer's Classification" for femoral fractures


Traumatic event

Fall from a height

Road traffic accidents

Sporting injuries

Direct blow on the bone


Old age



Bone cancer



Congenital bone cysts

Most common sites for bone fracture





Factors increases risk of getting a fracture

As we get older risk increases

Poor nutrition, including lack of calcium in the diet


Previous history of fracture(s)


Nutrition and sunlight

Physical activity

The (female) menopause

Do several short weight-bearing exercise sessions each week.

Do not smoke.

Consume only moderate quantities of alcohol, or don't drink it.

Make sure you get adequate exposure to daylight.

Make sure your diet has plenty of calcium-rich foods. For those who find
this difficult, talk to your doctor about taking calcium supplements.

Possible complications of a bone fracture?

Heals in the wrong position (malunion)

Disruption of bone growth

Persistent bone or bone marrow infection

Signs and Symptoms


DOTS(Deformity Open Wound Tenderness Swelling)


Sound of snapping bones

Protruding broken bone from skin

Treatments of Fractures
First Aid
If you think you have broken a bone, or youre helping someone who has, try and
support the affected area to stop it from moving around. This will help to prevent further

damage and will ease the pain. You can use cushions, clothes or your hand to support
the area.
If you have an open fracture, dont try to close the wound or put the bone back into
place. Cover the wound with a clean dressing or cloth until you can get treatment.
Non-surgical treatment
Many fractures can be treated without surgery. Treatment for these fractures includes
casts or splints that can be applied around a fractured limb after the fracture is reduced
to limit movement and encourage healing. Casts are very commonly used for mild or
moderately severe fractures of the extremities. Once in place, a cast is usually left on
for several weeks.
2. POP
(Plaster Of Paris)
3. POP Slab or Splint
4. Traction
Surgical treatment of fractures
1. Metal plates may be screwed onto your broken bone to prevent it from moving
and to promote healing
2. Metal rod may be placed inside the center of a long bone to help reattach two
ends of a fracture and to maintain alignment. This technique is called
intramedullary fixation.
3. Pins and rods may be placed in your bones and continue
outside your skin,
where they can be attached to a metal cage. This technique is known as external
fixation and allows for slight adjustments to be made to the orientation and
position of a bone as it heals.
Rehabilitation Restoring the patient as close to pre-injury functional level as possible
What you can do to improve your fracture?
1. Apply ice to a fracture to reduce swelling
2. Prevent any movement of a victim if a head, neck, or back fracture is suspected

3. Try to immobilize the broken bone if a person must be moved or carried to safety

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