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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level HISTORY 2171/2 (FOR CANDIDATES IN BRUNE!) PAPER 2 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SESSION 2002 ‘2 hours 15 minutes: Additional materials: ‘Answer paper TIME — 2 hours 15 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES * Write your name, Centre number and candidate number in the spaces provided on the answer paper/ answer booklet. ‘Answer four questions. You must answer Question 1 and one other question from Section A, one question from Section B and one question from Section C. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. fyou use more than one sheet of paper, fasten the sheets together. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES: ‘All questions in this paper carry equal marks. This question paper consists of 5 printed pages and 3 blank pages. (nny 3138602 © cle 2002 over 3G Univesiryy Camaaince SEF Local Examinations Syndicate v (a) (b) (c) (¢) (e) 2 Section A History of Brunei 1800-1967 Answer Question 1 and one other question from this section. 4 Read the extracts and then answer the questions which follow. Increased Western Interest in Brunei Extract A: The Arrival of James Brooke Over many centuries, Europeans came to Brunei. In the period 1800 to 1900 there were many examples of adventurers, traders and government representatives arriving. What they did affected the Sultanate of Brunei, often badly. James Brooke was an adventurer who visited Sarawak in 1839. His influence upon Brunei was great, especially after he was recognised as Raja of Sarawak in 1846. 5 British interests increased when Britain signed a Treaty with Brunei in 1847. A chance for Brunei to counter British influence came in 1850 when a Treaty of Friendship and Commerce was signed with the United States. Extract B: Activities of thé British North Borneo Company James Brooke's successor, Charles Brooke, continued to expand the boundaries of Sarawak at the expense of Brunei: 10 In addition, in 1865, Charles Lee Moses was granted leases on almost all of North Borneo by Sultan Abdul Momin. Later the leases were bought by Alfred Dent and his friends. Dent formed a company which, in 1881, was granted a royal charter by the British Queen. The Company tried to extend its territory further. The area of the state of 15 Brunei was being greatly reduced by the company’s activities and those of Charles Brooke. Sultan Abdul Momin realised that Brunei would cease to exist as a sovereign Muslim state if these activities were not stopped. Give the names of three European countries which were interested in Brunei between 1800 and 1900. (Extract A, line 1) [3] Why did James Brooke go to Sarawak in 1839? (Extract A, line 4) (4] Why was a treaty made between Brunei and the United States in 1850? (Extract A, lines 7-8) 4} Describe the activities of the British Norh Borneo Company. (Extract B, lines 14-17) {6} Explain the local reactions to Western expansion after 1800. (Both extracts) ‘s] A 3 Residential System and its aftermath 1906-41. {a) Name the three traditional ways of owning land ended by the Land Enactment (1907). [3] (b) Describe th provement in social and welfare services under the Residential System. [4] (ec) How was the state revenue increased in the period 1906-1941? [4] (a) What were the duties of the British resident in Brunei after 1906? 6] (e) Describe the working of the State Council. Post War Conditions 1945-50. (a) Identify three health problems which required special attention after the Japanese occupation. (3) (b)_Inwhat ways did the Japanese occupation affect the development of nationalism? [4] (c)_ Describe the work of the British Military Administration 1945-6, (6) (d) How was Brunei affected by the formation of the British Bomeo Federation of 1948? [4] {e) What was the importance of Sarisan Pemuda (BARIP) as a nationalist movement? 8] l [ I [ I I I f I I ee TO OT Te TI EE EE 4 Section B History of Malaya 1800-1963 Answer either Question 4 or Question 5. 4 Economic and Social Developments to 1941 @) te) © Ja) (e) Name three methods of mining tin. Why cid tin mining expand after 18487 How were rubber plants first brought to Malaya? How did H.N. Ridley help in developing the rubber industry? Why did the Malayan tin and rubber industries have difficulties in the 1930s? 5 The formation of Malaysia 1963. (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) {3] 4] [4] [6] [8] Name three men who supported the idea of forming Malaysia when it was first proposed (1961-2). (3) Why cid the government of Malaya think it was a good idea for Singapore to join Malaysia? {4} How were the people of Singapore persuaded to join Malaysia? Why was Britain in favour of the formation of Malaysia? Explain how Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak decided on whether to join Malaysia or not. (4] (6) (8) 6 7 8 5 Section C History of Southeast Asia 1800-1950 Answer Question 6, or Question 7, or Question 8. Indonesia: Indonesian Nationalism. (a) Give the names of three leading Indonesian nationalists. 43] (b) What changes took place in the aims of Sarekat Islam in 19172 4] (c) Why did the Dutch oppose Communism in the 1920s? 14] (a) Describe the activities of the Partai Nasional indonesia (PNI) between 1927 and 1929. [6] {e) How did the Dutch respond to the activities of Indonesian nationalists in the 1930s? (8] Thailand: The 1932 Revolution and its Consequences. C (a) Name three leaders of the 1932 Revolution in Siam. {3] (b) How did some of the changes made by earlier rulers of Siam since 1851 help to cause the Revolution? (4) (c) Why did some of the reforms of King Prajadhipok cause him to be unpopular? [4] @) How were the king's powers changed:in 1932? [6] (@) What were the problems of the government of Siam between 1939 and 1935? (8) Philippines: The Philippines in the nineteenth century. (a) Name three organisations which were critical of Spanish rule in the Philippines. (3) {b) Why was Spanish rule unpopular among Filipinos? {6} {c) Why was the Cavite Mutiny (1872) important in the growth of nationalism? (4) (@) Why did Andres Bonifacio start a rebellion in 18967 (4 (e) Explain the importance of Jose Rizal in the history of the Philippines. 8]

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