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16Th JuLy 2014

Delhi Police info 01

For the Sake Of Truth.....

rS. 10/WWW.neWSeXPLAnATIon.Com

Articles 02

others 03

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

PAGeS : 16

education 04
The question is this:
ukraine received timely
evidence that the volunteers have this technology,
through the fault of russia.
It not only did nothing to
protect security, but provoked the use of this type
of weapon against a plane
that was flying with peaceful civilians, he said.



A powerful Ukrainian rebel leader has confirmed that pro-Russian separatists had an anti-aircraft missile of the type Washington
says was used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 and it could have originated in Russia.
In an interview with Reuters, Alexander Khodakovsky, commander of the Vostok Battalion, acknowledged for the first time since the
airliner was brought down in eastern Ukraine on Thursday that the rebels did possess the Buk missile system and said it could have
been sent back subsequently to remove proof of its presence.
Before the Malaysian plane was shot government military. (Mikhail Metzel/Assodown, rebels had boasted of obtaining ciated Press)
I knew that a Buk came from Luhansk. At
the Buk missiles, which can shoot down
airliners at cruising height. But since the time I was told that a Buk from Luhansk
the disaster the separatists main group, was coming under the flag of the LNR, he
the self-proclaimed Peoples Republic said, referring to the Luhansk Peoples
of Donetsk, has repeatedly denied ever Republic, the main rebel group operating
in Luhansk, one of two rebel provinces
having possessed such weapons.
Since the airliner crashed with the loss along with Donetsk, the province where
of all 298 on board, the most contentious the crash took place.
issue has been who fired the missile that
That Buk I know about. I heard about it. I
brought the jet down in an area where think they sent it back. Because I found out
government forces are fighting pro-Rus- about it at exactly the moment that I found
out that this tragedy had taken place. They
sian rebels.
Khodakovsky accused the Kyiv authori- probably sent it back in order to remove
ties for provoking what may have been
the missile strike that destroyed the
doomed airliner, saying Kyiv had delibeducationalists with an aim to offer
erately launched air strikes in the area,
quality education to deserving students
knowing the missiles were in place.
from various backgrounds. VIMT consider

Welcome to Vedic Institute

There are several models of Buk Missile Systems used by multiple countries,
including both the Russian and Ukrainian

July 2014

the evaluated ability and desire of the

applicant to learn and grow. VIMT does not
discriminate on the basis of gender, race,
physical disability, financial background,etc.
On the other hand, Tribune Universe offers

a range of scholarships to deserving

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Non-profit Company- The creation of Article 19(1)(c) of the Constitution

An association can be formed under Article 19 (1)(c) of the Constitution of India. A Non Profit Organization can 2013be registered in India
as a Society, under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or as a Trust, by
making a Trust deed. A third option is registration as a section 8 of the
Companies Act, 2013 w.e.f. FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013( old section-25 of
the Companies Act, 1956 ).

2. To open an office and employ people, the NGO should be registered

under the Shop and Establishment Act.

Whether a trust, society or section-8

company, the Income Tax Act, 1961
gives all categories equal treatment, in terms of exempting their
income and granting 80G certificates, whereby donors to
non-profit organizations may
claim a rebate against donations made. Foreign contributions to non-profits are
governed by FC(R)A regulations and the Home
Ministry. For an organization to be termed
as Charity it requires
Income tax clearances
under 12 A Clause of Income Tax Act. Section 2(15) of the
Income Tax Act defines charitable purpose to includerelief of
the poor, education, medical relief and the advancement of any other
object of general public utility. A purpose that relates exclusively to religious teaching or worship is not considered as charitable.

4. A foreign not-for-profit may be registered as a branch,

liaison or project office [and not necessarily as an Indian
entity] after the requisite permission has been granted
by the RBI. Upon receipt of approval from the
RBI, the foreign office must within 30 days
seek registration under the Companies
Act, 1956. Alongside of these permissions, the office must acquire tax registrations.

Registering a Non Profit association in India can be done in a total of
four ways:
Trust ( both Central and State Acts like the Bombay Public Trusts
Act, 1950 )
Society ( both Central and State Acts )
Company under Section-8 of the Companies Act, 2013 ( old section-25 of the Companies Act, 1956 )
Special Licensing Society: Charitable societies, military orphan
funds or societies established at the several presidencies of India,
societies established for the promotion of science, literature, or
the fine arts, for instruction, the diffusion of useful knowledge, the
diffusion of political education, the foundation or maintenance of
libraries or reading rooms for general use among the members or
open to the public, or public museums and galleries of paintings
and other works of art, collection of natural history, mechanical
and philosophical inventions, instruments or designs
In addition to registration, a non-profit engaged in certain activities
might also require special license/permission.
Some of these include (but are not limited to):
1. A place of work in a restricted area (like a tribal area or a border area
requires a special permit the Inner Line
Permit usually issues either by the Ministry of Home Affairs or by the
relevant local authority (i.e., district magistrate).

3. To employ foreign staff, an Indian non-profit needs to be registered

as a trust/society/company, have FCRA registration and also obtain a No
Objection Certificate. The intended employee also needs a work visa.

The Doctrine of basic structure:

Non-profit Company is
unique creature of the
Companies Act but the
Constitution of India
has the over riding effect
upon it. The salient feature of the
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company comprising
TWO ORGANS such as Managing Committee ( Governing body ) and
Board of Directors ( ornamental body ) or vice versa, being basic structure cannot abolish each other by any special resolution, nor Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, nor Parliament can abolish it.
The Doctrine of ultra vires to Company:
Any amendment made in the Memorandum and Articles of Association
without the prior sanction of the Government or without obtaining the
fresh incorporation certificate from the Registrar of Companies is ultra
vires to the Company, hence, null and void. The Companies Act, 2013
Section 8(4) (i) A company registered under this section shall not alter
the provisions of its memorandum or articles except with the previous
approval of the Central Government.
Penal Provision:
The Companies Act, 2013 section 8 (11) If a company makes any default
in complying with any of the requirements laid down in this section, the
company shall, without prejudice to any other action under the provisions of this section, be punishable with fine which shall not be less
than ten lakh rupees but which may extend to one crore rupees and
the directors and every officer of the company who is in default shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
years or with fine which shall not be less than twenty-five thousand rupees but which may extend to twenty-five lakh rupees, or with both:
Provided that when it is proved that the affairs of the company were
conducted fraudulently, every officer in default shall be liable for action
under section 447.
The incorporation certificate granted by the Registrar of Companies is
birth certificate of the Company and the Company is always the Dominus Litis, juristic person with perpetual succession and common seal.

CA (Chartered Accountancy)

Careers in finance and accounts have gained tremendous popularity in the last decade. In accountancy the most prestigious career
option is that of a Chartered Accountant. Chartered Accountants
hold key position in firms. Moreover under the Companys Act,
only CAs are entitled to be appointed as auditors in companies.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body that was set up to regulate the profession of chartered

The Route to CA - Step-by-Step

Under the existing chartered accountancy scheme of education,

training and examination, the requirements for becoming a chartered accountant are as follows:

FAQ CPT (Common Proficiency Test)

No Blues...No Reds..Delhi Is
Always Green For You
Clean Delhi, Green Delhi is the slogan that is promoted by the Delhi government
on a big level to make the city more greener and a great tourist attraction.
Infact the capital city of Delhi is quoted as Green Delhi for its lush greenery
scattered around the whole city that Delhi got from its colonial empire. The
rows of green trees on the road side, well maintained green lawns and parks,
beautiful green natural surroundings gave the capital the title of Green Delhi.
Also making it the greenest city of India, and a great place to spend holidays
with nature.
Since time immemorial, Delhi has been a favoured place for green lovers and
a haven for solitude lovers. Even today, when the whole city pulsates with

July 2014

the rhythms of modernity, you can easily find some serene sectors nestling
under the amiable shades of Neem and Jamun. First the Mughals and then
the British, fell in love with this princely state, and spend millions to beautify
their territory. Sandstone monuments still held their head high amidst lush
green sectors that add to the wonderful landscape. Delhi with its gardens
and green spaces, with its high levels of income and with its avenues for
employment attracts nearby 5 lakh persons by way of in-migration every
year. This rapid growth of Delhi has resulted in enormous pressure on existing
service infrastructure and a significant increase in all types of environmental
pollution. In an attempt to counterveil the intention, Delhi government has
taken many unbeaten initiatives, and today the national capital flaunts of
being one of the greenest places of tourist interest.
A number of intensive protection and rehabilitation measures have been taken
recently that makes for a cleaner and greener change in Delhis outlook. Delhites
have actively participated in eco-care programmes including the anti-littering
and anti-plastic bag campaigns, and as a fruit of their pains, Delhi today enjoys
a true green look. Even school children have eschewed the fun of burning fire
crackers on the event of Diwali, one of the most celebrated national festivals of
India. Hundreds of plants are rooted everyday for a fresher breath. Some of the
serene pockets, as those nestling in Central and South Delhi, are so refreshing
that a stay gives a real enchantment. So much so, you can even feel a sudden
drop in temperature if you move through them. As a mandatory measure, every
residential society is fringed with silent parks and lush manicured gardens, if
possible. It makes for a nice place to jog in the morning and a playground for
children who hem in here with their caretakers in the evening. Interestingly,
some of the modern sectors around India Gate also flaunts of trees and fruit
saplings, a government owned pleasure for enthusiastic Delhites. Enjoy the
charm of picking up raw mangoes and savouring them with a tinch of common
salt. Wow, that tastes amazing! In a nutshell, the whole of Delhi has emerged
as a green and clean park, where you can relax despite the cacophony of

CPT is an entry level test of four subjects i.e. Accounting,

Mercantile Laws, General Economics and Quantitative Aptitude.
Examinations are conducted in June and December.
Enroll with the Institute for Common Proficiency Test (CPT)
after passing class 10th examination conducted by an examining
body constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by
the Central Government as equivalent thereto.
Appear in CPT after appearing in the senior secondary examination (10+2 examination) conducted by an examining body
constituted by law in India or an examination recognized by he
Central Government as equivalent thereto and after completion of
specified period (60 days)from the date of registration for CPT

Intermediate (IPC)

This is first stage of CA curriculum wherein only working

knowledge of core and allied subjects to accountancy profession is
covered. The subjects of IPCC are classified into two groups which


a student can study and appear in the examination group-wise or

both the groups together.
After passing CPT, enrol for Group I or Group II or for both
Group I and Group II of Integrated Professional Competence (
IPC) Course. ( Please note that B.Com/M.Com with 55% marks
and non-commerce Graduates/Post Graduates with 60% marks
will get Direct Entry to IPCC without the need for appearing for
CPT Exam)
Appear and pass Group I as well as Group II of Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE). Group I is composed
of four papers and Group II is composed of three papers.
Register as Articled Assistant for a period of 3 years, on passing
either Group I or both the Groups of IPCE.

CA Final

CA Final covers advanced application knowledge of core subjects

like financial reporting, strategic financial management, advanced
management accounting, advanced auditing and professional
ethics and information systems control and audit
After passing Intermediate (IPC), Register for CA Final Course
and prepare for CA Final Examination.
Complete 3 years period of articled training.
Appear in the Final Examination on completion of the practical
training or while serving last 6 months of articled training on or
before the last day of the month preceding the month in which
the examination is to be held.
Pass final examination and complete GMCS, if not completed
Enroll as a member of ICAI and designate as Chartered Accountant.
For more details visit the official site of ICAI
HELP LINE : 011-22043114

Top 10 Tips on Writing a Good Resume

All of us study for almost half of our lives just with the aim to do
something big in the life ahead. We nurture for ourselves some
dreams and ambitions keeping in mind which we struggle all
our childhood and most of our youth. The success of a person
and caliber of his abilities
is judged on the basis of
the work he does and the
progress he has made. Getting a good job remains the
primary concern for every
graduate be it from any field. Your
job decides your fate from there on.
Most of the people these days are
in through the campus interviews
while some go for walk in interviews after checking vacancies
in the firm they desire. Some
employers even publish ads
in newspapers for recruitments So opportunities are
many it simply depends on
your ability to capture it. Yes it is important to have good quali-

fications but it is also equally important to know how to present

and portray your potential. The first step on your quest to bag a
job is the CV or Resume. The CV sets your first impression on the
interviewer way before than you can actually see him or her. Thus
having a great CV and understanding the needs
of the job profile you are
applying for is important.
Thus you need to know
what kind of resume you
should make so as to bag an interview and make
interviewer consider you. The
resume must be elaborate , up to
the point , crisp and comprehensive. It must give
the piece of information that is needed by the employer for that job. So no matter how well you can
speak what determines
your fate is how well you
write your CV. There are
a few guidelines that you
should keep in mind. The
following are 10 tips that can help you make a concrete CV and


3. Over writing

hen you write your CV make sure you have a properly

A pro is a professional. Since CVs are so important in the com- W
planned format and the matter to be included ready with you.

petitive world there is a whole new department where in there

are people who are professionals in CV writing. These experts
know how to write and what to write depending upon your
need. When you not sure about how to go about with your CV
seek their help. They will charge you of course but it is worth an
investment if it can assure your entry into your dream company.

2. Highlight

This is a very important practice because as I mentioned ear-

lier your employers are very busy and do not have whole day
to read the CVs. So you need some way to get their attention.
Highlight certain area of your CV that is most important. Use
bullets or underline them. For example if you were promoted
in your last job so mention that and underline that or use a
slightly bigger font there or use some bullet there that directly
takes his attention there. Use such tricks to make them see
what you want them to see.

Do not be into practice that your are thinking and writing your
CV like some essay. Keep a note ready that has all the points to
be included mentioned on it. After you have included all the
details go ahead and cross check that all the points on the note
are covered in the CV. Read your CV at least 3 times in detail to
check any possible error. Check your personal info and make
sure your e mail and phone number are mentioned correctly.
Only then finalize the CV and get it printed. Never over write
the CV. Any error go ahead and correct the hard copy and get a
new print out.

4. Condition

t is not only the lay out of your CV and its presentation that
is important but also the state or condition in which it reaches
the interviewer is important. If you are sending your application
by post then make sure the CV reaches in a crisp condition. Use
A4 envelopes to post your CV. Do not fold your CV. If you going

5. Choose wisely

interviewer the same is applicable to your resume. The look of

the resume sets your impression. It shows how well you plan
you plan things and can take care of. Always have a printed resume. Make sure that the font is even and big enough to be
read without any burden on the eye. Do not use colours on the
resume nor use a colored paper. Do not add your picture unless
and until specified. Try to keep it as professional as possible. If
you want to add to the presentation use a font that you think
adds to the style. Make a great
looking yet formal resume.

6. Be honest

Just presenting a piece of paper

that has your information is not
enough. You need to know how
to present the information. The
pattern in which you write the
CV is very important. The first
thing that any employer would
want to know is your name and
probably the age etc. Include
your personal info followed by
your qualifications and then
your work experiences. Write in
ascending order with the latest
work experience in the last and more elaborated than the rest
as it is what interests them the most- your current status. Have
a crisp format which makes going through your information

There are hundreds of vacancies out there. It also depends how

you choose an employer. When you planning to apply check
very well what are the requirements of that position and do
you have all that is required. Once you sure than apply there.
While adding descriptions on the CV choose wisely which
experience or skill of yours is suitable for that position and
emphasis on that. Like if you applying for marketing job emphasis on your communication
skill and influencing ability. Give
your past sale experiences.
Always try to give a detailed in
sight of your qualification. But
do not randomly go on stating
anything to set an impression.
Remember you are required to
present all the documents to
the company if you get hired.
So never write any lie in the resume. If you do not have a particular qualification then just
forget about it. Do not give
wrong details nor go for forged
documents. The employers are way smarter than you think. Be
honest and if you do not have some required qualification on
certificate then use some of your past experience relative to it
as a substitute.

7. Job experience

This is definitely the most important part on your resume. The

employer is the most interested in finding out what have you
done earlier and how well were you in your job. When you write
about your job experience mention the profile very well. The
status of your work there. Use positive and assertive language
and mention your achievements throughout your stay there. If
you were involved with some other activities in the company
than state that. Mention your recent experience with most detailing as it determines a lot about the offer that you might get.

8. Presentation

Like your appearance and personality makes an impact on the

July 2014

9. Correct order

10. Not lengthy

Remember this thing that the people you are forwarding your
resume to are really busy people and the position you are aiming for is the target for many. So there will be many resumes
reaching your employer along with yours. He or she obviously
does not have the time to go through the entire lot reading
each and every detail. So they already are in need of reasons
to reject CVs. When you present a CV that is 4 pages long it is a
perfect reason for them to avoid it. Include all your information
but make sure your CV is not more than 2 pages. Try to shortlist
your qualifications and include only those that are required for
that particular job.

Brief summery in next edition

Education Zone & Students Information:

Substantively comes into effect on
12th October 2005 .
Covers the whole of India except the
State of J&K.
Covers entire Central / State Government / Public Sector. (Including Government funded organizations / institutions, Schools, hospitals, NGOs.)
Why right to information?
Right to Information is a Fundamental
Right and guaranteed as per Article
19 and 21 of the Constitution of India.
It is part of the Fundamental Right to
Freedom of Speech and Expression
recognized by the Constitution and
various Supreme Court decisions.
Spirit of Disclosure
To generally provide all information
to the public.
Information which cannot be denied
to Parliament will not be refused to a
Even the decisions of the Cabinet and
basis thereof are to be made public.
Even exempted information to be disclosed if in public interest or if public
interest outweighs loss to private interest.
Preparation Manuals
i The particulars of its organizations
functions and duties.
ii The powers and duties of its officers
and employees.
iii The procedure followed in its decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability.
iv The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions.
v The rules, regulations, instructions,
manuals and records used by its employees for discharging its functions.
vi A statement of the categories of
the documents held by it or under its
vii The particulars of any arrangement
that exists for consultation with or
representation by the members of
the public, in relation to the formulation of policy or implementation
there of.
viii A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies
consisting of two or more persons
constitute by it. Additionally, information as to whether the meetings
of these are open to the public or the
minutes of such meeting are accessible to the public.
ix A directory of its officers and employees.
x The monthly remuneration received
by each of its officers and employees,
including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations.
xi The budget allocated to each of its
agency indicating the particulars of

all plans, proposed expenditure and

reports on disbursements made.
xii The manner of execution of subsidy
programmes, including the amounts
allocated and the details and beneficiaries of such programmes.
xiii Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations
granted by it.
xiv Details of the information available to, or held by it reduced in an
electronic form.
xv The particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information, including the working hours of a
library or reading room, if maintained
for public use.
The names, designation
and other particulars of the Public Information Officers.
Salient Features of the Act
As per Sec.2(i) the Public can get
information on the following which
includes records, documents, memos,
e mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, log books,
contracts, reports, samples, models,
data/material in electronic form.
As per Sec.3 of the Act the citizens
shall have the right to information.
Appointment of Public Information
Officer/Assistant Public Information
As per Section 5(i) every Public authority shall designate PIO in all administrative Unit / Offices as may be
necessary with the following.
a Set up their Front Offices
b Give them Facilities
c Computer, Net-working, Staff to afford assistance to Public.
Sec.5(2) provides powers to AIPOs to
receive application from the public
and to forward it to PIO. Senior-most
Officer shall be appointed as AIPO.
Sec.5(3) 1 To receive applications
from Public for information or appeals under this Act.
2 To deal with requests of persons
seeking information and render reasonable assistance to the persons
seeking information.
3 Forward the same to PIO/Appellate Authority / Commission (Central/
State), as the case may be.
4 Applications pertaining to other
Public Authority shall also have to be
accepted vide Sec.6(3).
5 To dispose off requests by written
orders (Sec.7).
6 To render reasonable assistance to
persons seeking information.






Quick Jobs :


Printed ,Published & Edited By Santosh Kumar on behalf Of M/s. IASAM Pvt. Ltd. Published From A-123,Street No-02,Shakarpur,Delhi-110092 & Printed at M/s.
Bharat Graphics,C-83,Okhla Industrial Area ,Phase-I,New Delhi-110020,Editor Santosh Kumar

July 2014

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