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Behaviour Based Safety

Which of the given options is an example of the simple ethics

described in this module that should be followed when doing an

Be well prepared be enquiring in your approach, build on the relationship,

provide immediate feedback.

Which one of the given options best explains why safety

communication is important?

Ongoing verbal and visible safety communication is an effective way to

develop a good safety culture and to communicate that safety is top priority
of the company.

Which of the given options identifies a factor that should be

observed when observing safety behavior?

Working conditions should also be observed, since poor working conditions

can have a strong influence on peoples behavior.

Which one of the given options identifies behavior patterns so strive

for in creating a strong safety culture?

Proactiveness, assertiveness, involving, visibility, knowledge based actions.

Because identification of barriers to safety makes it possible to start actions

to remove those barriers and thereby make safe behavior more likely and

Which of the options given below best describes why it is important

to track barriers to safe behavior?

Which of the given options best describes the value of a formal and
structured safety condition and behavior observation?

It allows you to reflect, select and priorities key areas to be observe to

prepare and structure your observation and write down important findings to
be addressed.

Which one of the statements given in the options best describes

what you need to do in preparation for giving corrective feedback?

In order to prepare for corrective feedback you need a clear idea of the
desired result.

Which one of the given options best describes the mindset that
must be in place on the highest level of a safety maturity ladder?

Safety is a way of thinking, working and running the business and the safety
aspect is part of every work related consideration.

Consider a situation where you are working in a team. Who is

responsible for the situational awareness of the team?

Everyone involve in the job is responsible for the situational awareness

relevant to their duties and responsibilities.

Which of the given options best describes the characteristics of an

intervention culture?

It relies on peer to peer influence.

Which one of the following statements best describes why it is

important to observe and modify safety behavior?

Good safety behavior at workplace creates a strong overall safety culture.

The first step to reach the desire result is to act quickly.

Which one of the given options is the first of the 7 principles of

corrective feedback necessary to reach the desired result?
Which of the given options best describes the main difference
between situational awareness and risk assessment?

The difference between situational awareness and risk assessment is that

situational awareness is informal.

Which one of the given options best describes why personal

responsibility cannot be eliminated by procedures, equipment and
generic risk assessments?

Because equipment, written generic procedures and risk assessments cannot

capture all the relevant details of the current situation.

Which one of the given options best describes who has

responsibility for the safety onboard?

Everybody holds the responsibility for the safety onboard. Everybody should
react upon poor and unsafe behavior and condition whether it involves a
subordinate, a colleague or a superior.

The risk management process can be divided into three levels;

organizational level, risk management and individual level. Which
one of the given options best describes the level typically
overlooked and the mindset that should be adopted?

The individual level is typically overlooked. The mindset to adopt is that

every individual is responsible for safety and should not only rely on
procedures but should make their own risk assessment of the present
situation prior to any work task.

Which one of the given option has been identified in the module as
one of the key elements of safety communication?

Feedback is an essential tool in safety communication and safety should be

addressed daily and integrated into every operational activity.

Which one of the given options is the true main reason why it is
always important to follow up on safety behavior modification

Because changing behavior is like developing new habits it requires

continuous follow up.

Which one of the given options describes the arrangement for

feedback that most likely to drive performance?

It should be informal, daily and constructive.

Define and specify what to observe, prepare the observation, intervene and
provide corrective feedback and follow up on actions.

The process of observing safety conditions and behavior (SCBO) is

split into a number of sequential steps. Which of the given options
fully identifies these steps?
Which one of the given options correctly completes the following
statement? Situational awareness is ___________.

The responsibility of all crew members.

It consists of the fundamental beliefs expressed through our actions, our

behavior and how we interact with others.

The concept of culture is often illustrated as an onion of three

layers. What does the innermost layer consist of?
Which of the options below best describes what should be observed
when it comes to safety condition and behavior?

Incorrect use of tools and equipment, violations of procedures, incorrect body

use and poor housekeeping.

Which one of the actions in the options given is most likely to reveal
why the feedback advice given to an employee was not followed by
the employee?

Asking the employee questions and being enquiring in the approach.

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